THE ROANOKE NEWS a Democratic THE ROANOKE 'njE.'WS ADVERTISISO RATES,, ffSBKLY NEWSPAPER, 1 PUBLISHED BY 1 i PUBLISHED B V SPACE'" " K6 I ' SIS 1-3 1-0- I h I m ,! t, x. si i .. !.. in HALL & SLEDCE. tnsT'ar. In advance. 2 (H) 1 UO ir. pis' III Minims. , " I f t ' .! fare ADVERTISEMENTS. THE GREAT ' Hturafgid, Sciatica', Lumbago, tackache, Soreness of tho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, "Jtath, San and Headache, Frosted Fcot and tars, and all other Pains , and Aches. , Ho Preparation on earth eouals Si Jsonns On u ws,Mre, itmpleanH cheap KxUrmil Remedy. A trial entalla but the comparatively triliine. outlay af it and every one Fullering with pain eta aav aump ana positive prooi ui iu c.uuna, IHreotioni la Eleven Languages. 0U) B7 AUi DEIJGGI8T3 AHD MALEES IH ' HED1CINE, ' A.VOGELER 4c CO., liaUimorr, lid., V. M. M Jly 7 1 y. r- J1W AND KI.KOANT (T.OTHINll AMI CLOTH HOUHR. OPENED AT 51. E. K U L L 1M SYCAMOKK ST. I'KTKIISIiritO. VA. R03ENSTOCK & (JO'S LATE STAND. Tbi house ntfnrs tn the pulilin lh Inr- lt and mnKt ell m"l x!i'i t'Tiorl n kui p- nr Koy made ol'ithlnir f-r Men anil Boys near, evr exli'lnted In lh SOUTHERN STATES Also tbn largMUatdictmn nl (' I, OTHS ftbe L A T K 8 T Foreign ami Anjrlcn Menu last lire, lur MAKING CLOTHINC tibiaihl by tb I'm tern or Yard from Us thnipmt to thn bivsi hi WHOLESALE & RETAIL Tie Ri'afly kihiIh k')"1h urn nil mutinlnc tur4 In tuts cilv, l.einir jut nnil made b ike laoat akilful avti-t. tnit tailors, hi cost if nana fneUirsvr.' 'Ihurehy von ear all lataraia tiule prnllts askM by tlintio Iinuacs It lie trail wao buy Ihein aottli. Tia Mnrabant Tailoring 'li'tiartinont lie- I lI tally arnanizest m Pin-I u tn point nl' ri T Uil W O K is. Tailor's trimming I arary iliaoriptiKn "M lor ninklim nloib la(. Ucoda cut and alteJ in style at lowaat prlrai. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Urrfra prouiptly fllleil. I all ana den ror vourseir. M. K. KUI-1,, 128 8) f ini'ire stioot, i'ulorttburg, Va. M R . M. K. K U r, L No Hi Syamorn street, PKTERItURO, VA, OFFERS THE FINEST MILLINERY LiKKMS GOODS, ii Till l MINUS, A Bj Fur llic I.nrsost Annori- naral NuiilU ol sew mra, AT WHOLESALE AND KETAIL. AT VERY LOW PRICES. BRIDAL OUTFITS A SPECIALITY. lonoata, flume. Veila, Corsols, Hailus, Caps, OriiMiiieiiU, 'ii Iii, )lnir (ionilSj .Yelvfltoena, ' Silka. IU', V rM ths, Collars, Ji wulrjv IHIIH", t'olluxt'tti Fjrrwcra, liibbuiia, Kucainc. SlntM, I rata, Hoc,,. Infanta Pans. Unrlar Garment Minimi, Draaa Triinmlnus. y Lad I as Dresison mailo to nrdor in tlm liest annar. Auytbinir luriiislifld, Cb'HkH h.hI alraana, Iulants Cloaks, Water 1'roola All ordara prrmptly filled. . Kospeotiiillv, MIW. M. E. KULL, Sjcamore Street, ' l'otersbtiii, Va. kf MOWN 4 U K K A . I W A Y. a.vLiA., i I A L E n S 18 rKUC-s, MEDIi:iSJ.onEMI(;AL!!. ' ' , '- . a . . . ' " FH'U.OIIa, Varulabes, liye-stuffs, Kill" ,J Met V Panry Hair and Tootbllrashea. Per fumery and Fancy Toilet AlHulea. Tr"; saaad Nhouhler Braces, Letter Paper , Pua, luk, Knvelopea.' - : ty, Carbon Oil. Laipa,.'blui'- , ueys. v JJ'Phrslclaiia'a rrescrlptlpttK eeiirotoly 'tool,- ,vx4. . LbBBiua' Celebratm Oaiioes Seki, . fa rurebaae 111,.. l .11 seel, from the Kt 'Snslvu u I L ... .i.- u.,UJn. I ntulreth W 'bey should lint lie elaased with til" Heeds .." "n IViminlul..n It, oil the collllll'V OSS I .. '"'"n- .,,.i.ln ' . x'.:x&i:vSlt,i lHililifc ill If B... THE GREAT -fftt,J EBfMIIOEMEDl RtllilMIgf, VOL. X. .'0.7.'..7;.V9. ' Tlii slmdinvr.l iirk r'l. (.v. r !ic-i .wt,.. ,r,M ,:f,)rt. i1' "'!''' 'lid wi-nr lo gluddon i,m.., is u.-fu uo Ulur(.. Si ennie not when Ikt name an i oak , Nofciw.,,(1f,J rec l mi; ' HYf ""' 1hl-li"'l: Hi" em. wi-'ok Han tuiif awny, and all Isdrinr. Oil, woulrl Ihat'stip nilifht Pome hl-iIii W illi all h..r t.Mi.ler uunN imhI miu.; Mlrll llki- x.iiiu. Mverlaiiil hi -lnl ,ln' iu or lim-iu liranl In vulnhud days. I t Aye! whil.. Hie rturlt elmnU roiiml u lower, w mild Khi- nirimi tu us ui-iv kiwii; 1 IiiiU'Vim v h,.nr nii:;hi i,!,,,,,,, n.lV,.r Anil every dity hu cmwiied mm h. u'v, n. All' vuln tn loiiif: yrf 't,.ri. no ln, T" eeaii I,.k k H , tr n , . ,, Ol Idiv, )!- prc-e.i,'e t-uve h,-n In ur liiarli Uitd Inn .HuelMlliiuier time. CAUCH TIN ASH 0 W E R . Harvey Hrueo a oml at Hie rurnrr of I lie street, down winch he hml walked In ho nncrv Itiooil, and wnlied far ihe on.inhiH; while . waited he twirled Ills cjne, tnlmeil hi inou. tiicbe, and-yes, It mint be eonf.vil-lie t,it bis nails, then he ws in a very bid temper. It was a lovely spring nioriiinir, Ihe sir was fresh and balmy, anil eyen In the luwn there w-aa a fr.ijfraiifu allrrinjr like the lireaUi of flowers. When irvev elaneed nn on Im t,. o.. bis lare enteiini; the oinnilnis he found himself leutwl du'eei In Iront of a pietlv firl. He lookrd in another dl eetion iimue Iminiy one. of Ibciu bad just proved tho buno of his c.xMenee. e was a Slltend'ul tolllll. who bail been broviKht up In Idleness, to c.nsid.T hmiielf ihe proapeclivp heir of a rieh old uncle; hut wlllilu the wick all bis prosp- cis iu lifr. were ch:oi).'ed Ills uncle bail declared him a good fur-nut Ii Intr fellow, and thr ati-ned to dUinheiil him in fdTor of an old friend, vim mid 1ut re turned f:om lioardiiiK-seli.iol a n eity L'irl she was n llarvev was to d -and. nauir'.lv enough, be baled. preity ciilii. ami cvnref seil the cytiical belief s!i i would donlith si n v tier cliariaa on a r rieh old (.'uudl in, and marry him, and so enjoy his iicdth without waiting for his ilciiih. Hut how ever iniieli a youui; fellow tnij bale pretty unU in the ii' - struct, or even in a luii.ii , P Ii more or less dillieult to avoid looking at m.c wheu she l sealed oppo-itu, and is an pretty tiiat not only kIio, but, everything he wi ur-, and Ibe Tery air about liar, 'seems lavely-ustr by fome tnni'iietlsui her nirroumlliiirs tiarlook of her beauty. llarTey, with an Impatl nt. sb b resigned liiuis"lf to lite, and foitiid litiiisr f K.iini; and laklne a inventory of the yomiit lady s ch.;nns. She lo .ked ths etnhodini"rt of Ihe bright spiius; niurniii-; so yoiiiijjaiid fresh and sweet. Kite wa prohalily twenty, but loo. c yo itii'er; sl.e was tail, us he could easily jude, abhoimh she was sciileil; (pipe slender, but; Hon, with a clianiiin illo i y i;" of ll.-nil tin' when she occasional!' inov. il her pretty head or bent it forward it ijave her the muk ol a Hotter In mlinj on its si, in. II-r feat it s t:i detail, larTT (lid i't iinllee, eeej't her eves, wlit-h were la ire, u'riv. frinir, i by dark l.islu s ion! siii roiui.l.-.i by lovely brows, iirehe I and in llealely oili!.i e i. Ilcr ii'.h brown hair w is tied back tilth a ill' bon, fuMi'iiur a cl.isiei in; of cutU, naifhilote a sletuler white i.c ei A stiaw bit of the fasltloii , called i:pM'i au I triiiiined vvitji a wreath of wild-lloweis. was ti d d ovu live lier (iirllntr hair so as to sh ule her faee, mid lend the eyes looking down from it an arch, roguish expression. She was dressed very simply, entirely In white, her eosiiiuie beitii; a sun of w hat ladies call p:que; hut II u voy neither knew or care I what it as the i:,.H' elT-i l was all h per ceived. and he was focetid to aekuvvvieibfi lo himself that he had nev- r seen a I vi ii -I ci: l He Inade the ui'lvtlnwltilecuieiit lllhlel pi'itf' liowevet, ill i rat lllu' lf ioin.-il: l'it: lo' Io'm, pretty tins, and ruipli the ,1 e'.i a i II with a scowl at the hi.-, air v,s.v-vi-, vvntie It tllotlKht, "No doubt U .-e .Ills, hi, in--le'-ward, was Inst sii Ii a ui 1. ' a-'1; -'tii Hii' ; follld scaici-lv be possible, fur he had stij-ina tiZed that unhappy vouiii; fe nule :i Insr minx, capable of vtliin,' utid 1 1, I .mb d and vile. He turned bis aruwllnt coiinlenatiee reso lutely awny, determined to was e mi more t me In the useless employment nl wa'clnm: a .bl'i i so utter! li-cless and treacherous ;' I'"'"' I Kins of necessity must tie. ilaiyey looked owl of the wind .w, and tin ted his utleiition In the state of the we nlier, w Hieli was uddei,h aiv I iu- stalls of a ptovei bial Ii kieu.-ss in it ills p im'Uioii, The sky was already ovei--at, and a few drops of rain were slo.viy ji a-liiiiL; down on Ihe paveuu'llt. He nave a hurried Klanre at ti t pretty Bin, and thought with malicious t.itisfa lion lliat she would irct wet throiitjli all her pretty di ess ami hat, slid sprioi; fiv-b e", an I then where wouid bo her hea l'!1 II o.v Inll nilely preferable If she could clia-ufe eo, u a, s with the vlneir-f.iced lady at le-r aide, who was dr.ped from bead to fool In a watu pru of. The pretty u'rl locked nbo it from si 1- tn aide and out of the w udt.w in ow.lerV p r plex'.'y; Slid 1 bop1 you won't think Hio-vev utterly deprived, dot he uc.uilly enj iyed her dlsrouititura. I'reasi.tly she sin ailed Hie co-tdu.'lor to stop, and got up, slowly uufuilin i pretty Hill met licent siinsliale. The omnibus stopped, he. step a'l fonvud, and at the very in taut the lam d sc nid d In a Bond, all llurry' bad letup r ilisipi and -washed away f -ire ver, lor In wis reilly n it'-'i tleinau, anduK"od fel ow. II sprain; fo wild, atepped out of the uui ili'i assisb-d ' Ii v nnu lady In tha p ivoini-nt. carcfu Iv pr.ilcetiii In r pretty hat with Ihe little ninli-ide, and, ni fortune favored him, hn pb i an awuiin; Ibrowii out by a f ien lly shop keeper, b m aili wliich he hiliri -d bi i mpaiiion. and wl.i.h afforded them nillUient sIkIuc uu'.ii Uie tlmvier was oyer. 1'uihapi it w I tho retia'l ui from his pre vious bid temper-for lln-re lire more as than one of can-hot-..' a heart in Ibe n bounl -or peihsps it was the sw.-e', uppeiilnn; look of bis coiiipauiou face when she ioo,.e.l up at hilll. but w Imtever it inie'l b'. Ilirvey Itiuce nroreede.l then an 1 Iheie to f ill In love, ut Iflle, lll'i'ld s-ly, III til it lo'.' lloaj in inn. r p' i'iil.r to ae voti'ii wli i Ii is n- ..-r bef ire a.ip pe I en that ipib ksaiid . The shoaer coni luui-l about lilteen inleu'es, and Juimi I'laltuue Ilirvey eini-ili ran advancd his aei i iniiaiiee wiiii ino vi" lady, who ia hi euruieed ouipaiii.iii uuiiiik Its duration, lie had a L'oo I deal uf tact .in -and noiliiiiit In' sml or utu was. caleiilated to shock In-r sense of ileliiMi-y, or (nuke her feel in '.lie lea-l fhat Hiev were to. eiitlrefj slrtinu'i-rs f-ir any emvers.Hion li"ve Hie coniuionpiiie. s, topi-s u-nu-vn n iust at lha last, when the lain was ipil ver, ... ,..i . ; I . .... .trt-oor lilt nu a uiicn' i"",n,lc " " J -I tbe pavcnient, U vi v.-v said : I know yutiwtii I'i'i'i feoiiiL' to say, but 1 I must uiana jou for dmnu me a sen ,cc. Mha looked up at i.nn with I er appeallei; ye, that seemed tu utie.tiou bnu without me need ot worus. "iVea," bo went on, "ati 'ti I first saw you Ibis uiornluir, I was In so bad a temper that Hie very sluht af you was qitelul ' un " "Of me?'' sue Interriil'lcl, in surprise, uhy, I reveraaw you before, '1 , "Nor I you. But I iJo-iM bavo fell Ja-t the asuic If you b1 been an iim'.'i I, bid -I T" look. It waa bceattse y ill were so sw el and lovely iiokinir that 1 liateii yoii-no, ilnn mo. nnd i.t ute. make tnv t,'iiifeioit uu i i te. U will do me ffool. I nip, r. ...... .i r ilii.r lijvlui In troth, t ila. havliii it 'V r Ii -et1 CUil, e-." , - . lauiiht to be inivinnn, n ....u..-. i.i. l..k,s ihrea'ciii-d lo illsllilient me tu ..,i,i in be am iblng else, un I beeuuse r,v..r i,r u a.irtaiu y:i.,u:; u'ni- ward of bis, k- lib- I was .,T1.... I in J-na uet"r ti-o "f nA Itnlcsa I til Ua wen u-v , ', ,, , ..,.,. I, niw.l . to bale lln) slrlil "I yno and eveiy tirelty girl in creation. I know Vou bate nie-1 can see It in your face. ii"i r I... I n,h,.,l a ove!v pinlt "11 ..r ber faee to tho very roots f ber hair. Hhe gave a little cotiMruln ! laiig'i. :l llVryevlhoiight ml er blv. - She IM'iks a lary scaiup. UUd ueicsis iuv nv'" VYELD()N,,N. - - - t - - - .' 1 1 Uobistened to add : ' I'imv do not think worse of nn'tl. m I de serye. It wasn't mttli-lv the iwner . I cared for, hntlt seiini-d a little unjust la t-ct (Treat thitiir of ma when I bad never been lauirht to do auyihiiii; " "It was unjust, and not tblnkin btdlr of y.ui il alt. 1 think It was ipnlu natural jou should feel as you itld-for a Mule while." ' (Inly a Uitle while. Ye. 1 vow in yoa It I only a little while: mid n I am cured lorrier. i miow i sunn never leel .ii n.Min You w ill ssr B ood hvo to ni, I k nir I am ai-tliii in a verv unconvi'iilloiml manner; bill perhaps I shall never see you attain, au I 1 i an never foriri t Unit tin Lr"iil e -inrit alibiing nut nf your sweet ey has eou ied a deoion iu mv heart (live me lrav to think of yon for Indeed I HUM " ' I'heii Ii . ni'le.s t,i forbid you." she an awen d. wiih a 'n- sonic, and the rouUk look sic .linn Into her eves. She put out loo s. tide- tincloveil band, sud Haivev clasped It reven nllv - aliiiusl ador Inirly "M iy I n d know your name '" be ak d ' Mv name Is Mni if mil ever Hunk of ine tbiuk of me by thai iiiiue, and one woo will feel proud lis kn .w that y iu hava fallllled the highest expeclilious of your IhI friends." Sire drew her bind iiiiekly from hi and walked rapidlv hahv turned Harvey stood ami witched her out of siiflil, ank t hoiiuli she seemed In t ike the aiitilhttii with her his heart was nut heafy. All that was h st and noblest in bis n ilma ' bad waked to sudd -n, arleiil life; he f., bis had Invn a timeless, worthless exi-iiii'e, and he ilter mined It should he no longer; and if be should Ver si e lii-ine-nln-this lov ly, .Incompiranle. but lie! ft 1 1 1 1 Marv-he must have earned tlm rlulit to look deep Into those euiiesl eyes, snd tell her be was sit, h a in in in dared In aspire to In-r favor ami claim lo r for his own. You see there was a ureal deal of Hie poet about II irvey, or he i-ivild not ao easily have built such unu' ollceiil .Inn lures with sncb ineiiere nod insiilli-icnt mean; nut there was sl'ii a iiood dual of aobd wortli, and hrn Unit exists, whatever b.' ibe motive power ilia sets the ui 'chliiery t; .Int;. it is apt to prolines miud result- llarv y lenl. studied, wrote lie cu'li ate l ee. v tiower of brain; be stored hi mind with knowledge; he beoi to be talked iilenit us ihe ri-inj Iprrati-ur of the d.ii; several of his ioeius wore copied fill t In II nmial j'liiruala with Words of praise most ".r ili fill 1.1 the yoinii; peel'i heart. I. ike a greater biotlo-r iu li-tti-rs, Hie name of M ii v w as a iiis.'ie siiv-ul in him: lie worship. i"il her in pi vitn and In publk'. ' Ilia mine loved 1 1 si i--' ll I c!i irius, and her for youi'i; faee 11 Mted forever before Ins nitiid's eye. Althnuelt now the ilioiielit of her was never absent from bis mind, anrl he longed evesed linrly lo s--e her iilmiii, it did not si, lir.t render never ai;aln met .M ,irv; be revelled In his lovo for her, tin his pa siou nt length became -i devoiirint; flame, and he irrew t i pine far h--r as Ihe one lliinc which could render his life coinp'ete. He went everywhere In tb" Uii "f n'rtlu ber. t ui was constantly ilisappolutc I; lie en teivd tlir ll-li of lll l-tii-e li 'ld. wliu b had Hlway pieiente'l iiMraeltotis for bi-n, and he carried oil hoivrs boib lasting mid vatiiatile 'oil never. thout;li he s -emi d In see every fi uiale face in Ins ainlienei'i, dil ii liehold i y He In e; ni lo think she was bill a V i nui. w no ii id d rvn -il up in mm to re-cue mis s; ni it Iron In: term . an I res-inn-Mit, and b.iviuu' ftnli'led hiir mis-ion bid vanished t more ethereal alio b-s than those of caiib, and w !o re she seemed to bi lling. llarvev h ul darliii; this lime recelV'-d ninny eninii itneiitai-y ma-S'ii;es from hi- uncle; hiit. be b nl replied to none. Htlboui;li ha baru no 111 feelui- toward his lela'ive. bul on -be con trary tliaii'ied him is uaviiiK been the Indireel means of h"'piiiK him to a u-cdll uu 1 Inde pendent life. On his return from his Iu turn tour ha ma le up bu mi-it to visit Mr 'euidi-moe, and bavin; invit 1 hnn-elf to dinner one day, he shoo' h ,nds wi'li Itis uncle for the llrst time in thr e yen-- Toe ol I i;entleniiu ll d M ine 1 -i sunio'.tiou-. dnuier, but uu quests were n.v I. .I. ' ! w a' to h ire von all In inyse f. ibis first tiiu -, nir !ioy. After this we can make a di- iiii joiUIi -d eu -t of vou; hut mis time I d" lcroituei v should be al lie evco;i my wr,', and 1 w oiildn I have li il tier, only abe Is iu the house, and I couldn't -fet rid of Ii -r A!) ! h'-iv -in- is -Mm Ko-e Kill., tliii ia my ueih cvv. Mr. Ilariev Itiuce." II try.'y Ii ar I the oueu luted iMine with lu ll If T lice, and ror In III et it. own l; be bowed forms ly, and then ra s .1 liis eves lo bur foe Th seined as If al a d e-im and In nit the rea'tlv. same th" ery same It t'l" y -ais s'nro then bs-l t-e n now opened bis eyes to look ,vbe was -In . fd In while, a knot of Violets lor lilieil their f lieiauee fro-ll 'lie In-eseof that eiieircle-l b-r ' hroai. ami the heavy miss of curling hair was In d lin k wl-h a rino in In I tie savie girlish faslnon that ho always aa ll, sleupli:); or waking. Harvey wa V ry deeply moved too deei for words lb- stepped forwa'd and clasped ber baud, rime unil Ion. "Wliy you two seem in know eie'i ether, II ivn you met before!' .Mr, 7innpenioiu asked. "Jul once, d ur," Ml' Kilis sill, emllin? at ber gtiai.lia'i. iheti wilbdiawing h-r haul very lietrly. even lenderly. J She at down lo dinner oidsisite II ovev. j who dined for the mo-t put by long mid rap- t nias cjatices al her lovi 1 face I Mr l"e-n:de n-ir- fell a-b-ep after dinner, and Ills waul thli vv her lact' ll ilidkercbicf over hi- face. ! Then "invey drew h"rawy lutn a seclu-led cor cr nf tlte r n. j "lUit y it In'J me your name was Mary," ho Mi'!. " i "SI,! It is-lloi' M.irv Kill. " I "H 'S'tnsiy -;!i it's for 'reinembrmce.' Ah! my dirling! not even your name is needed aa a iemeniinince i f you in me. on. Ma y, how J have loved vui iljcse lliree years !" 'I lie r -sder knows 'ni II irvev had fallen In love ui onee, ami n M ii y had hen falling In love ever since she bad tune to Uo it tinifootily. Ilefore Mr. Teniplemore swoko llo'V hid ' e.nupire.l it-des, ami if liny iaiii;)il Iu a shower ugalii, it v as a shower of kisses. '.7.V7 AV.S'' VEX U.S. A or.-st m otv persons ure in ibe tntbit of look ing upon and sp nklug nf pi inters' ileitis iu a manner llnl lell els no criidit on lliemselves. These fame printers' devils. In l ine CiSel ntU of bui, am three Ilia as well posted on thai issues of the day a the peiMin who alights nnd speaks Hi;'i'ly of them. There ll no class of Inns for'wiiiiiii we have a more profound re-spi'-.'t than well -behave I primers' devils. They .now something and are iracllual, which Is nunc than you can say of all classes of Irnvs. In that roped, we place the bova who work iu a printing olllee head ami sliouldera above tne most bois. Yo nig woman, before you on el v.i'e that delie it" nose al the approach nf a ptinters! devil, get some one who knows a.. ni thing nf hlstorv lo tell you a few names nf a few- , li:i.ieii-rs thai w ei e once iirlnters' ii(vlls. Fur (ear ilial you m ill dis Ike to show your Ig ii. i-mice, we w III give vou short list of ei devils of printing olliees. If you have lint b ii'd of any of lln-m, quit your flirting and all nonsense an I go In .tndvin'. Did Jou c'e.r hear of ll' iijiinin Franklin' Hen was mice a printers' devil Ha was also one of the signers of the Heel. ration nf Independence. II. nihil on, in, Vice President under Lincoln, wai once ii printers' pour d-vil. Biihiiybr Cujpn, vv ho was Speaker of Ibe House of Itepnisenla. lues for years, was iio'.hlng but a devil lu a pi luting o !)cc, at nun lime. . Horace lircclfv, who was une of lliu "rsl Journalists on Una continent, was a printers devil vaeuamr Simon Caiuiesnii, of Pennsylvania! i a devil. I Inn lov Weed, one nf the vieiillliU-sl and molt Influential men In New York, and editor of the Cnniiiiei-elal Advertiser, was a. penniless ilev I in a printing olllee. Ex-Senator Uosa, gt San tas, eoiniiieteed Ms successful career ' I a pibi' lera' devil. I wo-t binls of Uu edilora III lo I nit' il Slab s were once puuteia' devlla. Irs 1 mit ns to tell vnu that the men wlm once did ' duly at piln ei -, have lime Hnne. to adi'ain-0 lbe'luieict.1. and sn.-iaiu Hie (jgivj HU410 uf America, lb .u unj' u' ber cl-s. ; HT. 1 . At )'. ("'l i !jL OttrtiStfY.-DEOEMBBR . . ' 1 i.LL J I ' I 'i A HOLD STROKE: OR THE V.iSUICli S U A VOMER. "No; I refuse." Relleet a moment, Myrlle, I Waeeeh yoa I Toll bold - mv lifa and liannineas la rnsr haiuU;'' ami tte volea of Adeluert Tompkins I tremblefl as he spoka thea worda with an ear j neatness that fornade. even for an Instant any doubt aa Ui their being Hit outpourings uf bis hesrt. Mviila Malnffy was a heanliful c'rl, lust budding lulu sweet womanhood, anrl Adelrt loved her dearly They" had wandered lo irether tbia snmoier aftenoon fniin the ma tlnre tn Hie street car, and ha bad asked her In be IPs wife, t, was in answer to this queallon Hie earnest appeal of a man whoso whole na ture sr wratiped up In a naealon he en old Ueliher com ml nor east aside that Myrtle had spoki-n the words with vvllirh cm- slury opens. She had watched bi n closely during an nequilntanee of nearly twa Tears., and no ticed with pdu how he, rudii'lously avoided e nidy iti res al d lee rream saloons. "I ran never marry a mm." abrl said tn hrr mother one dsy, "aha abiea at the si u lit of a eaudy atore like a c uiiitry horsn at a Hr engine '' And wlnn the expected avowal came ihe It id kepi her word, A iidliert tnrnsil urAiimt In . H,... ..... j.f way af er Myrtle bad rejected him, itd walked awimy lowam ine dry goon store which bad b i so fortunate as to secure Ins aers leea. All tbeaiernooii Adeliiert stood moodily behind the rlnhon counter, thinking of how be should revenge bli'i.elf an tbe n nighty girl who hsd wrecked his hippim-re. Al precisely 41 o'clock a ll'-rcn J.ia lighted iui kis roUnteutnae. and. p itlliii onb s hal, be leltttm store. I 1 I 1 As the hells of !t. Agnes' Chii'ch were striking nine, t young mau sprang lightly up the itep nf il in ignille iiit re ldence, and was soon sthttcd In the siiitiiitiniiKly furnished par lor. The proprietor of the bouse, a benevo lent looking old gentleman, eniored the room. "Do you wish tn see mcT" he said to Adel bert TotiipkliH- for It was he who Ipd sprung ligmiy up tho. (tepa, i lt . ' lie rctillcil, u are Ibe, person, I aeek '' "What would you? man. aid the old gentle "Yon are the erahler In the '-Bank, I be neve r una uie young nun. ,"I soi." . , , . "Yni hart been' a'anlltil Ihe ennecrn'a hioneyi J) i lint sii k, to I ccwe nie. You are a ra-difnr-'its eniiagli. Oive me t.ll.tkm or I will expose you and ruin y. ur life. Having be nil ine twitter, you can choosu your own course." For an Instant Ihe cahler did not more, and then, aoing 1 n ektant.TrUoire which stood In it corner of Hie room be w rote a check lor IMI.nOO, certified It, and handcil the piece of paper, now a fortune, lo the youth. '1 have, hut one favor te a kv" he said, "and Hial is that you will marry my daughter. I wouldn't like to let as sure a thing as you are gn out or lb" 'a nily. 8b b is lino Otm In her own right, and when lam dead and the hank iliree'ors are In Jsll o'i iiccou it i f my book-keepl-ig, It wilt sulflce to keep you in com fort." e a Two month's later Myrtle MalnffT, the easb ler's only child, b.-cama Adelbert's bonny brtd". Ona ehl d. a blue eyed ho with golden I hair, his blessed the union, and as lie sits j on bis grand Tailor's knee In front of tbe lire, i and asks in Ills Innocent, wsy if "pipi ttu la smart man, Uie old gentleman kisses bun fondly and save in aoft, low tones: "You're iliiiiiK ou tho rUbl k-y now, sonny. CARRIED 11 1.1 CASK A lawyer In Cleveland, Ohio, waa defen llnr a very handsome young wounn ac.used nf siraliue li-oin a large uiioceupled daelllug lu Hie nijbt tunc, and Hi is lis sp ik" ill conelu a on : "Uenlleiueii of the Jury, I bare done. When I ease with enraptured eye nn the match less beauty f this peerless maiden, on whose i ri'sif.-idc chnruii suspicion never dared to I breathe -when I lebo I ber radiant In Hits glorious bloom of lu-cloils loveliness, which i-iigejic sweeiiicss might rnvy, bill cou!d not clips- - brfore rt'iich lb" star on Ibe brow of the n-ehl l'Mwi pale,- and tbe illainoiitls of llrarll a edioi and 'hen Ml et iip-ni llie utter in ulness a d folly of supp i-iag that in much I biMlltv and gi-litli-neis wnll'il l Xiose Itself tn the tenuis uf in empty building, tu the cd I, ilsnin uud dead of ih" night, wlo n Innocent c III." hers is bidnu Uself amid I lie sunny pillows of I' pose- gelllli'lllen of Hie Jlpy, tny feelings aie Jin1verpewi'rlii foei apre-alon, ami I I brow her Into your arms lor proticlion scaln-it tins foul charge, which Ibe outrageous mallr of a ilnappohi eo rt: undtel ha lH-nt,it to blistthe fair 'name of tills ' lovely maiden, -uilie slai be tliu reward of the indtui winch I know you wi I give! (,"iilleuieu J vol m.yti'iigibe .eeau on a grapevine U ilrv; au av d iiiehe; bin a napkin to tbe tnoiiib nf i vole mo; -k i ill Ibe clouds from the sky with a teaspoon; throw sail on the tall of our no-.le Vmericaii ea b whose sleepless eye ever vv I't iii-a ..ver ttie of Hie nation; paste For K'i.r upon Hie moon and slurs but i, ver f.n a Slng!l uomeil delude yourselves with tlm 1 1 a Hi it tin. uliariiiuii girl is guilty of the i'h ai i-s hi-ie prel.ri i agnu.l ber " Ibe juri a. quit ed lief alllinnt MaVln Uietaacatl. i . ." J -e..e- i wl . L'lSlJi.iay .U'.YA1". "Pinl on in" for IronliHtiir yon, sir, hut did v uu drop i gold pieee" asHed u man w.tb an vainest look nn Ins fare and a memorandum lei.k in hlsliaid. nsW a'ell.drraactl individual on ihe I'lM-ncrof ilaltsiieuu and Woodward ave. lines. .. . i - . -- I he iiiati aildn-swal tan kis- baud iieivously into i annus i.knu ami ih H1 1 t i ' V ll. now, i oVcUn !. Can- it ba possilile lb. I I aiuaivcaralusaai to ftnp Hist -x'Ulnf Y s, ii's gnttf ' I must Have Ins, It rlijbt hi re; Hear w here we stand." Th" mail npsued his ineinnran lutn hnok, took fro o bis Vest pocket the stub t.f a pencil ami said : "Will ynii favor me with your name au J ad tin sf ! . , , lb y were kltin, and I've ausllouer started Otl, wl'lt'il the well dnsse-l llisn clle-l : "Hi, then-! Where's Ihe nioiicv? Hive nie tnv gold niece." ' Ob, liMda'l tied any aeanvi lAook avion lln. in-minor thai III aellv like tills, wn tliou-aiid. an I .lioiisand-of dollars are handled every hour, there iiiu-l be great losses, and alerted ..ut to liiyeailgale Ilia mailer. Hetwei u here and the river I found seven men (hal bad l.,it tuti-J..lU VmU pieces, a d I Mpect tu run the Hit up t . before I rcacTi (jio City Hall, (iood d.y, sir." nvf ir is iioMKf A liima Is Ibe place where character Is funned, where education goes on, and where feoplc are Impressed for lime and for eternity I Is a nlaee lo be good, honest and earnest liv ing. Very gn alia bur responslbillly who Is queen of this kingdom. To very Important extent she makes or mars Its completeness. A fretful fault tliidnig. narrow, Incapable woman, iu Hie noslllon uf a wife ami mother, can cloud a borne with misery while she still keeps house well and scrubs floois till they are white as anow. Bill tho recording angel, surveying her tirrforinances. win suielv say. " I tnsougui you in have done, and should uot have b fl the other midline." In a home thrro should be lib-rlv wlihuut license. Hine for family Inter course, and spsce for personal solicitude, room for tho entcitainnienl uf Ifiliists, and mainte nance of sociai life, and over all, a lender, trustful daily atmosphere uf true devotion and iioiiiiuunlou with Oud. All tbla not wholly, but largely the hand, et her who ia Hie central thnuabl and Hie wuU spring ot pleasure tn every comfortable, Christian home, tho dear, Mourned, and rrchua niolher' Lt nobody who is a homekeepcr fear lo magnify her olllee. ll Is a yery sacred one, and If she performs Its dutle fslUifullv, iho ll worthy of uo illntei) John V. I., GroeaVck ; Why do edl'ori le so I adlyf John, y.m III ink It smart to ask Hist priii-l queallon, but wa will auaweall, alilKHigU such questiofis da not deserve an answer. Il.iI , Itori lie b-vlly because lliey arc uot 0V' o IK. 22, 1831. A 11 an i ii ! l ' iii ... PRQ VB IT BY HOTUKR. While driving along the street one day Inst winter In my sleigh, a Utile hoy aix or eV' ii years old. asked uie the u-ual question, "I'iease in ? I ride f" I answered blm, "Tea, if you are a good bov." tleellmed Into the sleigh; ami when I again asked, "Are you a good boy"" he looked up pleasantly and said, "Yes, sir." "!an vou prove ll f" "Yca.'slr.'1 "Hv w liiun " "Why, my ma," sal 1 be ''rnmiitlv. I thought to myself, hero la a lesson for bnya and girls When i child feels and k no Unit motlier not only loved but bis contldeneo In ll 1 tn or her, and can prove ihelr nhiilb-nce, tmthlu'liraa nnd honest v by niolher, I hoy are pretty safe. That boy w ill be a Joy tn bis inolli er wiillc she llu1.. tlie can trust blm out of her sight, feeling Hist be will not run Into evil. I do not think ha will go to Hie saloon, or the gambling bouse, ( hiltlr n who have pravlug mothers, and inothrra w ho have children tbey can truat, are blessed indeed. Bny and girls, can you "prove It by mother" th it you are good Try and deserve Ihe con. fiili-nc" of your parents' and every else. ( Ai7- lilVIII itsioi. l.mLiTliiixas. More depeli Is on little Ihlnga than we think. It is said that Voltaire, whin live cara old, learned an lull del poem, and be was never able lo free himself from Itsellccls. rlcott, the com mentaior, wli-u despairing, read a hymn "f Dr. Walls uikI w'ns tinned from a life nf idleness and sin tp one iif mi-f ului-as. Cawper, uliotit lo drnw libimanif was cairlrd tlini wrong way by Ills driver, and went home In wilie'tind moves iu a mysterious way." 'lliu rebuke of tcaelicr ar-tused Dr. Clarke to treat action, ml wlio bad up to that time been slow iu no quiring knowledge. Ole Hull, tbe great violin 1st, rescued from auicole by drowning and taken lo the near r- s d-nce of a wcaltliy lady liec-iine In-r protege, and soon acipilied faiii". Hohert.Mof.t. the ill-ilngul-ln-il mi-si uiary. reudifig h placard nnnoiinctug n mi-sioiuuy niectiug, was led lo devote hbm-flf to woik for the iiculhi ll. Due step downward nfleli leads Inlo Ihe greate-t ulll Ills the I. tile words and actions Hint make or mar our lives. - So 'lore llnril l imes. If yon will stop spending so inin h on tluc elolhes, rieh food nn I stvle, tutv good healthy f aid, I'li'-aji-r tin I b-tt-r elehoi;, ge. m ue real and thing, of bf - ever wii, and especi . 1 1 v stop Hie fooll.h of employ ing expensive, qa-ict d ictors or ii-ing so iniieh of the vile hutniitu uii'il cine does yon only hiirni, ami put your trust in III at simple, pure remedy. Hop Hitters thai' cures alw.ijs at alrillinx t, you will see good times and have, g ui.l health. - Cl.r u.-i'--. CorrnR drl ikers should nunl In anoth- r c-'iuoio h. read aden Hid advertise (. lofflfc V V 1' Ii Y i i h E I., ly--'fX.i't;--'' M A N t ' A I T 1" It K K S It f , .' SW .V 1 LI,, liUNT MI1.H, M 1 LI. IKONS, I'Unvs, Iron anl Urn llUllI;,"1 Foil 5 A I K Will l .11 i.-lvrtf-fv. h P iih.liy I Mi fM .N'li'J". Inrilli't.1 a! '"M HI. N I', illl-l kn twii h fli ltnnnl(i Ai'tiiMilfnful Wi rU- Ttn triiM'rly H rry vrilniil'N' niitl will h- -.i! I 'ii'v liTnit mt. I flti'nji f.-r tih'li pri.frtv. I' I Wi"t I !! f I liU'l ll1 h Ija'aT 144 lit ( 4f lMltlrY i virlnfh i tt lt IIm pro liirll-'in. A"'V-4-s.ih!' t" f- iir K iilna-U mi' I Hi-' K .in.k' riv p wIim'! is Im ( !i4 ti.-h' i ii if r1 h ti ll v for fii'-firy W illi in.ll 4 tn ;il i'V'T i.ttiTi'l. Api'llrniiH will (mv pronn't tfiitioii lv f.l-lr'-'hi .'( w i, J v it-mil ll. Wt'i ioii, r. S ' K (J I A l. K 0 T 1 1! It. Krnrir Vlri'diin T'tnii' UltM'rs cirm livniM . ih, i IiiIIh :iinl l-ft.r tiit nil 1'iMinU'rs ut t'u' l,tvi r mul atom. sVh-. mililt. Kn-iirli'ii SuiHrtir Column Ih n fmprmit nnl IftKtiiitr I't rfuiUf Inr the ioilt'l iuul Huiul kv relnet ; J.-i'. a Vial Fn-nt'li' Arinen I.tnttur nt N thr lrt fir lihrii- lllillUlH, N'fllf.llitlH, lltmliu'tlf, I'llllivniN, lltlllM', Ac ; &- r. ltutlli . KrtMti'h, ClioU'in Ititirrhnn Mittur nevs-r full- to ur.' IMmrl) r.i. ( Iil4-iii oi lnt. I'.mn .iiitl u.'uip in MiMiotftatii: US''. n ViAi, i- BINTT TOUK ORDSRI TO WM. E. FRENCH, Wholt-ATc uii-t MniinftM tnrlhjf . 'kept tttn " tMycauiorvSk Petersburg, Va. ::" iQ.'JAKHATT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, fko. 3H fi. NjiHiiiorc Mrf, Strict pcrsoind titteniii.n pivrti to the suly uf torroN", 1'I.ANt T-l InbAtl'O. W ' 11 1: T. miis A Ml I'll i lift -t: (. .'.' t'R.t 1. 1. V. ltcturus made priuiptly. fiirni.lii-d at lowest prt-cs llaeglnir and sepl .-.I TP T Ml K TL.VrE Tu IJl'V VOIR tiooii.M. Groceries! Cheap as they can be sold lu the town of Weldon, Nice NORTH li.UllH.INA HAMS Iss per pound. 4'ourorlloitvrlr ol all lilndt Mcc himI I- rcsili. My PAH Is stocked with the best and Purest Llquora of ev"r- descriptloo. Call and see uie. R F SLEPO'F, I I rat Slrccl. Ui llon, . '. atrJtf GREAT 0 ARCAINS. V'e am uow iweelvlmt nur hew and beautiful goods ri-iu'iiHy pu'chaseit of Hie iiianuiaeiuri rs. and coisllally tuvlte you tu call and see them. The largest and In at selected atuck of fioi.n'wATfiiKS.''' " ' .'. " 1 SKTHoF IKWRf nT." - - HAND HHAi'l.l.KIS. tii'KllA AMI iil Alin CIIHSS. IMAMONII AMI MK I. 1UMH. HI.KKVK lll'TTONH ANI st'rt, " iSOLIDSlbVHKSPOfiMS, r-ORKS e. Tti BnI I0 HNlur nml 93 ( I01U V V. K i 41 I. I. .'s Tonna'i f, P. Oleasa'f and pn rve your ey. slulit. r ; . - - tA atetp.a and Jexvelrv re a'red by Ibe best watrkiilc'U. Kiigrvlbs--tieMlr dene t i- J. T. 1I Ml into. oct ! ly I'eti rsburi:, V. m tj- . n im " NO. 49. ADVERTISEMENTS. Tne creat superiority of DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP over all other cough remedies is attested by the immense popular demand for that old established remedy. For the Cure of Coin-hs, Coldi-, Hoarsones!, Croup, Asthma. Uron chitis, Vhooiiinf' Cotii'h, IncltuVnt Consumption nnd fr the relief of I coniunittive persons in ndvanred stages of the Disease. Tor Sale lio nil T Irnrrrrl.-fc T'eirr epntQ WWf Nov in t) m. GREAT OEBM DESTROTEa. 1. UHY'S 1 II 4 V II Y I. A T I C t' 1. 1' I D! I'iriTTINO OR BM All IIP IX PREVENTED. r leers iitiriOnl aud mm lo a'a'il. Uangri-ne prevented 'Hag r'7:,:h:a,,d'U'!v-";rye,,r...,. m- and vh,u li. ed rapid si.-k n. ina-le t-iea-a-it. IV . : i, fr!: ,:'vy-'redii, i-d by loitti I ii - wlih I'r time. p'lvla.-lle Hill I iiddod to 't'elter dried un. 111" Water, Sold w hlleeoinplrsh.t!! It ts perfeetly hnrtnleNs For sore thl;ollt It Is ll si'i llled liv Us Use ill balll- sure cure, finpure air made harm II i,ieeiirlTl v-!! bss and pu.-i.lcd by 'I , ,V-vi-ri, II M'l lnkluii; l'arby 'H FI'll ! .,' , "' y, ,N1 K.- -J about. To pur'fy the breiib i (...,,r ,,.,i.,,.,i .'aiairl, 'relieved d ,,iJ1',eJ,-of , l-'iyi)i4'liis i JJiu ii-s r. lit- ' III,.. I....a. la 1. 1 ail. 1. il lilimt way tin Hird nl.m! th' tfur. It will prtivo'tt 'I-- pI'-M lll -i K MU'U sullulipliasiint 4,,,',,. rr 1 ..a . .....II mat or vi- rctahlil poi sella, sllim-. A e. Pane-roiis cll ias nf siek risoiis sud hospi tals n-lnnvcd by Ha use. Yellow fever cradlea Ud. In fact It Is Ihe groat DISINFECTANT AND PUKIFIKB i-ui:f .in Kb it v .1. II. .KM. IN A I D Miiutif.ictiii'Iiii! clieial-ls. Sole pr q.rielon. ' JauiTly. (J. .1- MOSUL MY, Ki'i-jH r. iirjtintly on tidiitl c o m r i, v. t v. s r or k of FAMILY CROCERIES. nell is Silira'. r- 'T. e. l'l,.ur. Use -li. 1 ird. Midaases, s.. ruji. Fish. sont". Tobacco, Snuff, and t'U'ars. A l ull l.lnp rf Onlrrl 'onrrlssa. French, and Plain t andles. Cskea, t rakers Jellies, Canneii Hiaiila, ae. Me stoek of Tin ware. Wood and Willow wnre frockery and mass ware Is unexcelled lu tl.e TOWN OF WEIDON. I hnv )uit retnrtn'il from Hnltlnn're ji -.1 my stoeii I. n w-couipb-te, w ith ail ""ds usually lounii ill ii F I KM' tl. ASS il Kl il FRY hlnltH. liolco I'liiiiily lluftrr Tor Tb!r AND SI l.K 'T fill' M ITIKKSl: A specialty diirlne Hie winter season. PRICKS BOUND TO SUIT TOO. la-T-v ni" aMtie corner n.-t to Mrs. A ilk Im Hoarding lluii.ii. (I J. MiiMT.F.Y april 'J!l Iv. f THE MOST POPULAR 14 - ' " ' w LJ I- aasx i l - V NSEWING MAEHINES- 16 tbe . as -l'-x V Hlfiis.t.aVS.i-a; n at ail". order r.2 TI I I FP.TI M P. ! URPASSESaVOTHEng )o)iSonvIap!&Bo. 30 UNION Sq.NgW Tun It Chicago illm? ' tr) Orange mass. T, J. k.MOAE t'l r Ef AL r.tli.M y.'.tiAyoii, .v. c. net I im Biialia-M'idllllaWiWI I j .-'M.w.i.Ti'r i VIUPTt'tTKIi l!";i j 3 ,wrrr-X,i Ma. Ill t" mm AlvAAVn i aasaw II II tw I M One Hqual-e, S M R 00 14 00 It M Tn Wqaarea, 5 00 10 00 10 IN) mm Three Squarca, ' g 00 15 00 30 00 4 Four Squarea, 10 00 I8 60 It CO 4i M Fourth thH'n, ITTW SO 00 40 00 ft M Half Oolnaan, CO 00 M 00 0 (0 HN W bole Column i OoaTaar,' ., 7( ( PROFESSIONAL CAWDt. ALTRRB. OANIIW Attorne ai ronattlUr Al Im WELDON, I.C. Praetlnee In Haltfat and adfnlnlaif naaMat. Special atteuilou given to eolleeitona 1w all parte nf the Utateawl prompt retarna uata. fel. IT I y JR. UBt). W. HAUTalAS. . Iirftta Betllili OMlco over W, II. Brown's Dry Hoods StOPaa WKI.D0.V, 14. C. Will visit partp.a at their hooaaa when das'ret Terma IteaaoiMlile. oclllly J M. U III 2 2 A K D, ATriKRT AT LAW, HALIFAX. N. ( Office In th- Court Houae. Strict atteoUee) given to all brunches of the profession. Ian 1 ly JJBARNCU a BKIX : -, .. , t. ATTOB ETJ AT LAW. ' KNFIELD, N. C- ' Practices lu the soulvTea nf Halifax, Naah Kilir-'eonibe and Wilson. Colleotloua made in all parta of tbe State. , , Jau U U T 1 V. MibU.Ni ATTOItXKV AT LW, OAKYSHUR'l, N. C. Prietlcn In the courts of Northampton ant a. Hotuiiu eoiiiilics. also lu ths Federal aad preme courts. ,. Junltf. W. II ALL, ATTUKXEY AT LAW, WELDOM, N.C. . Suaeial attentlmi given to collections aaf reinlttatinea proinptry mad. may I If, R II. SMITH, JR. ATroilXRY AT LAW, KOOTLANII NKOK. ITALiKAX CoUNTT V. C Vraiitlees In the county ni Halifax and adlnta linr counties, and Iii the .Supreme ooart of tha State. iiy. rH0MAS. N. HILL, Atlor-ej mt Ler, BVLlc'AX. N. C. j . Pri"llc's in llillfax au I adlolnlnf eountle and Knbiral an I rcourta. . r Will bi at He ii laud Meek, oueo every fnrt nl,rht. airriall aura a. ai i.i.vM. U 1.1. UN M 00 11 K, jouh , aooat -1 ATTOKEY AT LAW. - IJAUIfASN.d. Praetle.. lu tli ml leant Halifax. Northainp. ton, K I t-ve ui"'. Pitt and Murtlil lu th Hn. Iireuin court of the Stale and In the federal (nurtaiif the Kisieni District, Colhiollon mad lu any part of tlm Htnt.i. Jan I ly v. ti. n iv. i.e. loi.iftcorrik, J'J A V k MHIUORCa R.' - AiruumGvs at law, ; ','.fi. o. ' ' " Pr iiitb-i lu .bea.virta nf Hutirax i1 s-Doiplnar co ml tea. and In lb" Supreme and P"d-ral eourta , i-isiins euieei,.a m any parr of riorin i aeniin, on-of tlin Drill will al.vays be fnund la th office. ' ' Innelnlr, It. K. 1 , 1IUNTE It-, .1 f t. - I ' KVRUEOX D B .1 T 1 1 T i Cmi l found at bla olllo in KndalaV Pnra NitruusOx do lias for, tha Paia. to Kxt ranting of Tootli alwayaoa hausl, kta a it. ' i k . xni.t.ipi ivraa. n ll. A. U ZOLUCOrrKIl n.i I) a BHO.. rilYIHK IAXS AXDIl'RtlUH, W H I. 1 O N. N. C. lira A ft and 0 R Z-dlleolTer. havlnsr unl'4 ns partners In tbe peaettmi of m-'dteitie. utid tli- t te ami nrm nt nr. A. II Zniiieotrer llm, oiler iiseir pnifoHMinnal aarvieea n th imiiiII ireiiersiiy ami oiien a siiar. ot tneir pauiara. llu-v s'liarauti-e e ireful are! prompt attention tn patb-nts. un" of the tlrui will always ti-v foqu( -it rhiiimnV" lu . dbcotTor'a Drug Stoe elan patients will Ii tr 'af"d at all hours and when ii-'anssary, ! oh will visit ati-1 give their a,tteiit it-iii i.i oiiii-iiis wiiiiouit.ftira cuarai . lu r I l. mis(ii;llank()U3. M KT-ll.10 BURIAL CASES, AT MA A I'FACTL'RERS PRICES. s-,vt;ii.if"; Wlioo oritnrlni send lanatb and width at eltiow Hiaie wbntlier Jaconet or balf kvalln Ittiltif preferred. & par rant eff llM for IniiiipiliHie caali. Uood ordered bj E preae, .-suni u. u. u, per cmnt I he lUaa jrlrllU It. F. HUTLKR, ArU WBI.I10N, N.C. Order Ailed by ft. T. Hlmtunna. Inn A I r. Tt W- W- II ALL, jal';i'v rtrsj w)it Ml Uurattt Afsmt, i fan uv foiiint In Ilia Roanoke Sews OlDo, "' -. . . . . . . i . . Wkii.pos, N. C. . . . . .. ... . .uriiititi, . NewVuMffiirterVtlrera'.- i !'' - ' ' " Aerleuliural'- of Watertown, If. V, Western, of Toronto, Canada. Painlh'n. of Trbnn, ti. Lyiirhiiara-. "f I.yiiebbue, Va, " tklhillable 4.1ft) lnaaraiuie Us. of if, T. Willi ptaee risks In any other food companv at low aafoaate. , Jul, Illy' Y ARBOROUUU hLTvUbT" ' j KnyftlfTlll strc-fl. Wialfllth, 51. r. Terui.; to snlt tbetlmea. O.TV. BLACKNAll.Proprtctpf, '. ee-rus.ausi a kw" va amerce insured. j ,.,,...

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