r "! "' 1 diZ UOANOIli NEWS. ' ' A DTMOCr.ATIC w"i;: It LI N Kf 3 1' A PER, l'UIU.lSllUD 15 Y HAUL 4 SLCDCE, THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATES. Ono Square, The:!;Eoanoke I r, , I ; .Mews . 11 ' .1 7, I. I",ACE I I I I I a I I 5 00 II 00 14 00 6 00 10 00 20 00 ft 00 16 00 SO 00 10 00 1 8 00 SO 00 15 00 20 00 40 00 2o oo so oo eo oo Two Nquaroii, SO 06 40 0 4$ 0 t o eo CO, V M M M M. M. Nf, M. M. M. 3n a ok laltl ,H Sail' anil nun Yil (.' t M. J. VI. 'd". i. VI. Vf . red'' Ply anil vT! One Y"r. lun lvniif", Ix Months. . - : -Tlir'M M oil In. fj Oil. 1 mi. IS eta. ADViniTIrMENT I ) 1 i. LtER REGULATOR, Id NK f..r fe) It M i; ! lyKpr:tii l!r Mhtfhiv.lii-in tli-cCn' i vuc- ( 'amp Jjy"Miiry. S Wi li."i'i'ifln ilrunK l i -tin-a AlV'crtiMiA ol'lhu llt'uhl t im t Mint-, h'wr AlTVOlflP'-S, I llilU. M-i ifrx ..f Uif ,SU1, i-H,' III tv nl'thf Itlutnl, M nnrnulv or in'p-ct.iii ol tlio W"Hi of i h alliin'it'- !.(: i"iiinn'rHiM iivi' tli"lr frliriii In n tl .! .'-I I v r w h Hi l- I in1 m 1 pn--vii lent m!V M iii 1 'i I l.i" hi 1 1 1 1 v. irnl .i Tii m my ra-'i'N ih imtit'in t ii t u iUiin IIm; re u li ( n pin h. tciii n, M ivi'i'in t:.M -ni' rHi.-'-.y Mm. it I l.r pr.i .itril t'uit hi lit .: .t. Id. ir i ,i 'Jin lit" .-..it. Milulti'H. H'hI wi iv iv'tih.i -.if". l !ut h HI he rhiinw' I- nt I'm MM M-N- KK'II'I. P.'K. IIhtv cu i I" iHHh'iiH, tin.' I v- li ill ny uf IiiU lr--iN nth :to-im of a iim:isi:i f'.ril iti tlit' .i'. Sitiui'tilu' . It ' pit III 1". 'I'lt 1 1 1 1 1 - tin IiimiI.I i hi.i.l : i-i .. ii 'tliU '. ui I.lli II tl lirinil.il : -III 111 la' lirill. 1 Ur s ciu n il I-. LIVEn ul" III K1" 1'n ' iir'' ' v. u,rt i lur- i.lk l li.lhir,' with lit : t1i" in'inH- trniih'it'j wmIi puin :tc'vin ?i :i t - t ' Hh S iluU. Ii nvv !-,ii..n TIm i-c is mMi 'Till !y n c 'Jii'lrr ii l . lns. nf nit-iinry, m pun li-l w ith n f i 1 1 it 1 1 s 'Iiv I mii i i,t. v i i ' !-! liniloiie Sollli't iJlllf wllirli oily it lo li;i . ' I nil li ni o. A Miifnt i'i 'ili i- smiiu'I inn's an Mlti-iiitiiMt. Th' pal ;t'ut ('iiiJHi'liiiiii nt wr n in".-- h n. I il bilily ; lie it family -tiir VmI. hi- tVi-l i-f ml i - r h irmn r, aiul !. C 'inpiiijiis uf a pr.rldy wusiii n of tin Hklu; his Nji'riis tt ) . n;i i nil liu. h mu inII 'iI t hut I'Xt'rciM' iVMitlit t If in-1 1 'in i In liiiii.y. i h t-iin H'liri'dy NUimil' ii up f, i ii ml i' toil ' i l i I ry it 1 ii fiii'l If l n rn - Is ' 't y iv in- l . .'. vcrjil t t if atuive rtvupt iiim itl'i t I ihr ill-i' iM. hut t'.i-c-have nci-Mirr- il w Ii n ( u il ihi'iu r f t , ci -x-n:uiniilini itf l ,u ho ly u'l v iicil'.i, Ii i- luiv, n t i.i' Livf-rtn have b en i'ii'nivc y ii r.inwcil It shoillil hi' II-v I t.y Ht I pL'l M'li-, o i a 111 V oil II r. whi'iii'vr im u i if'f.'iVfvnw. - uipluni" ;i i iir It l a pui-i'ly'v- i-ijihU' I'lniiii. uuil, th iimi ii;ju l'lniis In th 'ninxi ildi iit v nfl luiiim. nitil uiH kot'p i he liv'T in h ;ii ih ii 1 1 ii if ti-cil pi up 1 1 y . IVrs.titK hviiijC in itnhrul j-hy l n'iilitu- m y :aviiil nil Jiili'iii. nilHi:kn hy iiilwira l m- occas ionally i.i i ki'i-p Hit' liver iii h'-ailhy iuiinn. itu 1 iiinitm ;n-hi'. tr lx vp h- nt ill ni' r.'iii-f. "HI lil lh uilillN, riu ii: iiiii',,iti;i'.; MmiMim .s in " micii -'ipi whh'h ilc- s n t lit.-i I u )l pn I u i i ) r i &v. hi'iu'tttiini; ii c ml lio-r ...ivc r lu-f. Thi? UJipl t's In pi'rs'ii' nfiiil iisr.'s. Viiny pc 'lis, lr hi i'.iu;i;r too uuu'li, nro n,it-le-snl iii rH.nr m tiny tiiu ni'i lllu'i''y, voil g:it ht'riiitf. fin ii"T mi ir-t.niil whiit Uu'.v n-int, iMiinut ki'i-p lit -ir I in i ;lPs on any um1 Miiiji-.'. so iw to reuM))! w ell, or h imiiim trot fill. Oiu? i r two liihl(Hp(i.iiifuh ui'l irivi' re hf. J irNhicK. T;i!(i' t.nniL.'li hi'tinhii' nftr fiitin? O'H'h lll'-nl, lo prn.l'it' ul; IV-.l ll' ':"'ll fl'OIH tilt' b'iwtMf every ila;,", rr -Ktruit iii lie,- wl'lfi ,t Mire relief f r nil their Jujidaehe, (toKtivi'ii m, winiitiniix in ihe hf-ail. X'ol-c, MHir l iii n il. n'-ti. -Hiif-s, i'fiv It ) inihl ami suits (heiii iv'-rer ih;iit m ire unlive meili. iiP . Iiil'.i un : U l iov. Byi)Opnv lern(M prepu-.'.l SIMONS I.IVKK JlKiil'LA I' K unh'-tH in our n :i nveil wrnpp-r. ita Tr;nie-M:irklaiun rin-1 m ;im!upn iiuhrokcu. J. H. ZEILIN t CO MaeiMi.ua ami I'lnla i. lj.liiu oi.u by .Ul- )M:itif.j' r , fehUly , FOB Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Sorensss of the Chest, Gait, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings ana Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth. Ear and Haadacho, Frosted Foot and Furs; and all other Fains and Aches. a , ir,iM.'';in. I r u in:'-, n in- A trial I'lilnils hul ,lu i'"iiii.i:ri,m . !y trit..i, ..ml u( M t'lilN, nii'l , v.-iy i no mil- ' 1,1 1 ' C have 1'lii'npiui,! ic:u,u inv.,l , i JU, c.m.iS. Directions iu Klcvtli Ijii..' uu,-. 0U) BY AI.Ii DRUGGET? AKD P.CALrnS H MEDICINE. A.VOGELER It, CO., Jitiltimitrr, M-i., V. ft. A Jnlv 7 1 v. 13 XOfIN A C II It A W A Y. KALJ!RS IN -Pftfjla!), M KM-'IN ::. t'HEMirAI.8. ajalets, Oils, Varnishes, Iyc-s! 1, 'Is, Plue .rotl'-l tea--s, Fancy 11-iir an 1 T ) Hit lruhf . Per fumery and Katiey Totl.-t Artu'lt-a. True dee and aiioultli r Hi-accs, lar-tler l'a.er, I'ons, Ink. hiivt'lojios, (Hass, l'ut ty, Cartiou Oil, l.ami-s, I'hlui-'-s. avPhTniclaiis's Krcserintloiisaceurately vom pounded. I.AMlKKTUS' ( KI.KllkArK0ljAlll.liS SrEDS, ? We purchase (hose seesls direct, from the Kx : lenslvi. Seed Farms of the Mvssrs. I auttis'tli. i and tin'' should Hot bo class, .,1 w ill! the see la (left on Commission throut,iiotit Hi'" country. INe l.andr, 'tits' Seeds, nud a irt ttd Veifetable I siardoii la insured, out 1 ly day at homo. Samples urlh .'i tree. Address M1N- "j I Kf-r rlil'.li-n REOULMOR ( r.,u... h.'ii.i I islllllltl' t, (I i . i tii ii i' will uki' wn Co , Portland, Maine. V0L..X1. MY VAMjUI D past. I will wrIU' nn t!i,' ,, nil, ,,f my v.uilh"t pt I 111. ! 111.1 ' IH'ViM'itinf,- ; U.'lt' li' 111.' Mili.liill" t' liliUt ' U(, l'!il uu tlio u ihtt u mIioi u. Tii 1 wan llif Inn, I utt'io pout's nr . 1 Imh rt at I h,' nn i-t il jvini ; H.-r.- vv,m' Hi,- M-ovr!- hjMI tUvltt ni,iu, 11, Tf iu !lf ' flT (liim.' Till1. V'l IV llra'i'll I' , ,ll.l II ll.l' l,' I I V, I I,, n li.il- I III. fl Il liVi-,1 mi, h u II I,,' ' ,1 ,vn 1 vim!,- ; l.iw, -.r II i Mi.'h u hi' I,' wMI,'. lili.' nn .1h.i,1 iM i :ti(, I mil li,i rl , ii I i oul hi W'tiU Ii o'i .otii" inn1 mu ,i :,d t'ne nii-'lit Hit'' eh uni,', t , a 1 1 1 . -1 1 1 ,i -y . A n,'i y in i iir, ,,i i' ' Ii ii I -ii l!y I In 111 ; l"t ,,lllil,i-'t I a in i l,v pr v I'h.H ll null acli.i, ,1 It I ,- iJol'. will, l iiinl I'.u i. I,, my 1 f,' k mi' ,l:iy. I'.ilt il i oii Hill III Minli ;n, ii, -t f n, !' -ll-'lll I",." ,h in,'i ,'lon ; i v , v.-r l Iir ( IV lll il- :i,. i l u-t ' i, ol Hi,' lull. An. I I'll to. All. I I II r i i iii i.i, r,., iui , ii t' ! -',,!n- ,v I Ii ,i ;r- nil Imti.l, , ,-l II l! W O S I ui', Mli ii 1 ii ,i m' .ti Hint otli r laixl, oil 1 ill III' I t III!' lilt'l' . TH HAUN I EO WELL. I am mi olil f.uir r, living In llii' n'ilct !ioj-t' in O!il,ovn. 'l lii' tree all, nit llii-pln-p arc the tica uf tlio piiniiruil fnfi'tit, I h.v.i- iliMiiy o f,u miiii; l.iu.l Ih')ihi,I llioir di-IUIilfii! Milt, llllil liic milv thili lli'iv up iti tlio pl.lre s my w i ll. U lii.i' mi niH-i.'iit wi-ll witli Hi th-i itiil fslii.iui.,! v, imi liul ii,i o;u cvt r t.it.li' llii; waii'f llii'ii', Ilioiili il Is m ciilil a, ul dear ;ia rislal, ' ' ; I lupp ifc llio plnri ia wM'tii 11 ltgh! il'-;il. Il VtX V.lllh'll .It IM'I'I'II lllltlllll'il pilllll U Wlll'll I boii ;lit it )i' i'.' iiiT'i 'I'll li"Uc Ii n Inn.i- a, nit' r.iiiu ion; llif-oil yf 41 pl.l'ti a t'lit ... tin'ii if nun tiiitn Unlui't usimiiy imyti lu cii.i iiiavlava in, iiinl ijiy ii-ihl) u entiiu lo ai-u it and bit r;,'(ijtt,l., aitl fct-m ti bo iK-liKltlifvl' n, wtii'ii I it'll yn.i li-iil I c duo Iiii.i Ol'linwii i h i' r .ict I v one Inniilti'il nml Iwttilv P"htiili ill putUt'i, iiiul Unit 1 lo il no iili-.l loil 1 1 : n w 1 .J do v. lien that w a. spi'i.t, you will fi... au: I'll.-fd tloil, m nmiHi- af,i- 1 ou,J ih plucit. But I'll toll you nil ii'.uiit it. U was what .'.ilka t'allvd Ii mtiii',1, ami f ir ten yi'.ri it ll 1,1 utini I v it'aiit. I',' 'r.i' I to Ii vf llii'ti', but were ulwuya fnylitani'd uivay. II it Innl bccaonly tin liouso, that coild liavi' lit'i ii tout do'Vii; but nulMi.ly Woii.,1 t'Voii a in ihe land 011 ahartti. J'wclve yfiii'S brtmc ll'i, lint )i'pii,-tnr hail ticiM a jriluin old Lt'titlfman, irlm li.id a youii w..u wutaiii lit' wt.iil,t in ci' pci nut out of Ilia ( ".ll, If lltcullld avoid II. Iliittelt", tliD w ail i-i aly at hi' wiia watL'lifill, nil liu iiitiit'"'d lo tin t sudii'it'iitly to nul.i- lierMdf UUvi'd titioul. IViiij i"V P'P'iy, sli-' iti-t mi" or two yotun c:lona wild ah, nit lit'i and aao usrd to follow li,'i" aiound, ni.iKiiiir un'.tt ryt 8 and aihiii': Ifjpc . ic'y I'.Kf a hii'ir in a p'.iy. 'lint I'tisiur-, rss said In' wrolit to Iht, atnl I htinp iMj 110 iI'l. An I ul. l i-i. iii-iia a ruad llnou; the pl.uu that slo' had 11111 atviy i,li hi, 11. Hi' ws none, tinl w-ii pone; itnl Ihe old m m laino 111111 mornm.; to i,iyir l.in.yy, and sold hi pfopcrfy nt a Ji'i'at hti to 11 mail who had wanl.'d it tor yi-.ir.- - a ririi tn.in who likfl lo havi'it aaid that lie owned tin1 li.i'st al.'i'O in Old n ii.j ' j 't' t j ; It was il.tiu ll'id the poor u'd grillltl'iiiin ilhl not i-j.i' wliat b-'M-nf 11. Iii 11, Bid -alien lit had j;jI tin.' inoni-y l.e wamU'ivd anay, and wai. ni'Vor M'ni ii;, it i. 'llii' 11, w p,oM'it'ior tnovi'-l ti;i lo llii' ;n'.it lloll-p ill t -.1 f. I'll! at d;,',vii ,lo w iin e f iin'ly -roi v.inls and all .irtu ind to int-ir old i-u u ti-.'- . ' .' What ihi'v hud M-jti.ior wt.i't thry hal m it t-i'fti il wi Ii.: 1 .1 to li h, hut thry w.-ii' 11 '.irl.tr a'l ." Ii.i'tii'd lu di-ailt. Ti.r d, us, ir was 11 1 for fur tin.- lad. t', and tin- sp iku uf tho nin.-l awful appaiiiioja. A'o'i' :V i llii' hrad of tho d'nsUl'lt fpi'ul 11 duf undy tii fatnUy and thr ;llt the'.f. 'Ihl'T who Itii-m hf'd the r .fiioiii , I1.1t llioso Hist kllt'W that llu-V h id llfrll ell ft mh't'iifd, and tin', man pill Ihtt plui't) jntn Ihn nun kri at ti.'ut1. lawyer lat.tuy piinttly Itdd p, op u tliat n.rv a taw. ttd would h.at: I .a 11 fii";li I'licii t.y iii.! in mi ih watt, and hi sold il 10 a r;:;ni,m. Miirl; llif a.uif 1 ! 1 i 1 1 -j; happoin'd; toll Una llilli' tin' l nat' W.11 tint Mid llaill Tutt ci'y man a-'tit ulatiwiiurt', nud tritil in vain to )-i't nd his har;-iln. Il a lot (or the Mliliuiri' olltt. 1Ut thi' pi'o,li tiid mil i.ul i net'k. Af,r a it hilf iioliody would faiai lliu i; oiiiid. Soiiif aald tl ttr ii a woniaii with hof th'oat cut. Siiinr lli.it th y him a 111 111 with a wimiitl In his t ivas'. Some holh. Voii-t s wt ,e ht-anl; lianda wen' ft'. I; Hid I lie r, whru I cat.H1 uo ihe idai't' :h " o .l liauai' stood, willi 1110,1, s and sj id'' s for ila only It-.iants. 1 wait up and Inokfl al i., mid ilifii I t.ilk(il 10,' tin.', bht' 44 not I b,t of i,i.col ,u in her, nml t-Lt, a;it,i'd lo wh it 1 propo-a-d. I wi'iil to n',,1 laumy and ollfu'd h"U Irtciity-liii; uouuda a )tit lu; a four yea t' lc-ti of ll(f pla.al, tiit! bundled pounda lo be paid 'il oik' I il 'i I . . "Af.tr Unit," ai'l I, bniijir.l uiui d lir Ur a f u A afi.nd vf fctinj . t Iho ol I l injt r kh'tok ' You t-.iv V'Hl liave "I'll give you four pu'iety. Wji.'e mid ' his In-ad. ' met with loan's jy friend," Said hi', "and li ive just one hundred and twenty Cauldn'l live pounds left ill tliat In 11-0 Keep one t it. reek. 1 ich You 111 H I) Iriod it, I'd m .ke a bit g tin won a Lu; I'm iifti lascal cii"ii,h to lake a pool luuii a all." ' "I'll ri,k It,' f ipers inii-t b. Sill I. "I do It fro. , but Ihe made oci fare and sittlire- four Ltudrvd 1, iiitids 11ier my four -cir: leaie." And so I bad my "a. Ja"0 '" I wfnl "P to the house one day. ' I had nineteen pounds in my poikets snd a "iitclbarrowful of io cerhjs. tshecanled aUrooiii and a new scrub bliii; brush II wa a w omlei fol, grand, dirty old place. Wo sot to wo'k t clean il lo drive oat the insects uud the nils; a-.id wa, j;ot aoute fresh straw to titt y nn, for the b(t). were all iiioujd. ilni.' away.. Thai niuht ul nine wa lay down a Ith Ike lauit) biirii.'iig, and went to sl.ep like two lops, and I think it must have been twelva o'clock or ulnh toll when .lane 'shook mo vlolanllj'. I started up mid hold ing ('frh other's bauds wu both saw what bad .'rijihlencd Inr. A man stood ut ar the bed, a ynuni; man will; fail hair curliti-r ahout his tcmplce; bis breast wss bare and we saw a great bleediiii; wound tliers. 1 had a p'a-tol under my pljlow, and 1 drew It out aud looked at l)iuj. WELDON, ' (in. or 1 lirr," I said; "I'm nat a foul to. tnj Itii ki'd In this way." In-dead nf iibt'vliii; mil ho tlowly moTfit to ward thf betl. Jain- hriokl ami drfw tna coiinti'i pant1 over her head. I covered liiui with my )lsttil. , , t ; ' t "One slop inor a'M 1 lire," I i-ild. 11 f took Ihn atrp. I Bred. A alult-k of laii;h'fi f.illntvi'd, and tlifie tutu no ono then'. I 111. imi ainl.airai ied the 'kief. , Every window w 1-Ii it re.l, t'Vliy d'tni l"t-k -d I unlocked tine rf ihe tl.toi'-i, and entered 'he iidjoluin-. room. .V ., 1 lift, lill 11 te-,1'1' iiiiiopy, blood tin if and nnoti Ihis lav ihe llntire ol a woin.iu, II I 111 while and covered will? Ill, mil I rindicd la-van! it, lamp In Ii and. Aoalu tho.-o hollow aliiiel.s in- liu'li'ei, and uoil-Oii!: but the ataitn-,1 and el!i.v tli kitii" uf all old It .1 her In ,! lav und'-i lite i-ioiopr J "Silas , 1 1 a a ' '.!rt'4in,'d inv wiftt, who had j f i'1'wedtv . elillili.if lo l.iy anil. "It Is all : lit". I. et us l.-uve ll.ia . ice." j " I ill'," to, i,l I , it m ems to lie ti 110 ili it Ihia j , ! n'e is !i a 11 11 ' '-il , toll it,i lnive r-!, d our a'l on i. I he thiol's we Ii ,t t.i"'., have not hu t ! U', null to tpu-e in tliivi' tlifiii nw-.ir. I'll j take you 10 tint vii'.tii', If you like, mi l lean ' y hi thee to bo n,!," bat here I stay uniil 1 , be it tiles, Ulltisla." ' N,t alotie," aald .lnr. And alia did Itat leavu me, II yiin lieliitp- ma. fiien.l, tUv and nielli fur lilt, v weeks we were haunted its people lu ver wete tn-foie fan's, rolo, ii. 111. Is In the hoii-e and in ihe Held; and worse than all, we i;it'W -ie.li. 1 "itt for the tloi'tor, Vfhn Wouldn't come; an 1 w c went to I1I111. ' Ynu arc poisoned," lie n.itd ? ''What have you e.ileiiur what Ii ire you been dr'nk'ni: "" He Ihoulil it nver. mid told h'111 we km w uf uothii.e; li.irii.fiil, and ih it we- coolud and pre i I'etl all of our own food. "I iiowt kneif any one lo tns day at lliat c infoiiuiled lintiar Toll Ihe III without bi'iiii aT rtt'il iu tills Hal','' i-aid he, "evea thuse w lio did tint cat lloT'i. t'un.tiilile tlull'na a ') he ton, he I lioll, but cold ualei, and he came p. -ar d in'";. "ll's the well ht'ii " aaid I. "They us d lo e til it the bett 'e,l lu Um itiii'iiiy," aaid the doctor. "Il h i a uaaiv M-le uaa ," ft il I I. "I 'll li"K uf my in Lhhors tin 11 I've clrancd It out." And that d ty I Inv.an. H'a put boiler 'IowIt, Htttl I Hied to Idit fttrin bitnda to h 'lp me wilh niv we 1, Not oim Would be hi ed. I w ss wak from tickiicss, and, to tell the It mli, It 11 fined lis if the old boy bilil a 'htj. in the plare. I u uliuti.t. liictl ol Ii ill"; as 1 th, I, and feelini; like u iiian'ac; nud one day I went down lu tho well, and al tlu :c, Wolldcllli;- w llclher it III ic.li t mi', be best to trivt up nml uo s iiiiew heir as farm laborer, vli- ti I felt what neeiucd an icy liuiul on uijr hi iid, and, loakin up mii niv two gnosis, aide by slue. I 'hey were hor'l'de eno.uh I can tell jitl. n ml thry looked nt me and pointed into the well; and then I heard two Tuiees cyini;: "(let na out ! (id us out! liet ila taut, and hiiryita! I l.e w riter Is edd, and our wounds aic deep, liel us out !'" Ami Um It u: li citiie to me, Driven known how. I went over lo my ttcii'libiii ' lioiise, Just able In cr-ml the e, and I aaid to him ; "Mr. .1 trvia will you lend one of your m 11 to the p 'lip'e they iniolit to e;.i t.i :iu,l have the p iii, c el,t lip to my plate? 'flnle's Mime I mu 111 III)' well thai OUht li"t to lie llieic." Well, they can.e, nml I was ily;ht. liny took out i'i that id II two bod.cs, rolled up ill slice: ad. Hy bi i f jeaelry, 1111, 1 Ihitii's nf that so t, they fuund out that they "e tile hollies f Hie yoinn wi'e of the old proprietor and the you. is; man who ii-ed la run af rr her. I he old m ill bad ki'iel ,!i 111 both, but le must hive h.i 1 nelp to tmry theiii In the h-ad'-ii ct II1 tie, .4 ml now people benaii to te nieinbi't how two ro.i'eia, who had a noil deal uf tills alii el lead on band, tr'w and lenly well titT, and w t-iit f 10111 I lit- pU.'ti I'goUt Hid time tlio old man told Ihe ' a at ', nud they tc lirved that l.u bad ni 1 tlieiu fur hi'liliio him di-po-n tt Ihe b nlics. Itiev bui't'd tlieiu III the -.'tivej' ir,I, and Jane and 1 ueici -ntf Ihn j;tiol ai.ilu. h ' futtii laud and Mini nor baitdeis b'otli me tin; juiee I h id n-;'eed upon f ir the place, an.l I've tieeii 11 prospeioiia man ever miii-o And if you want anyone t ' It II you a ;ood genuine gliuat etaiy, come to me. ritLACIIIXO A MULE OUT 01 k 81 AILF, boiuc lime tt;o o tl Nets ,11, who for yea's had been an iiiisiicccsslui politician, Joined the ihurcli. fttu ltc I for the ministry, und lice uie the '.lalor ol a chinch, i he oilier day .Nelson was iiri-stcd us a charge uf stealiiti; u tntilr, an t whs tirtai-jnetl fur riaininution by a jus lieo. of the M ai:u. 1 "1 tsa. said Nllil wipinir his eyes 011 lis lccc, "l's as in, ioee.it ub dis ciimu as Motes In-soll " ' You wore seen in the stable'' "Yas, sill." " 1 hen you confets yout' guilt f" "No, boss. I)e fai l is dat t'olher lili;ht arlir work 111' widout result a', a revival, I was 11 ue homo, when I'.'iln tor git on do ragite I edge oti ilttilr. 'Wh il a do Use,' I HiougLt, ob hsiiierin' auv l inger tin de anvil 0T1 ain ? He sinitera won's Imrkeii tur my rlToiia,' Hen ! tfc.".s .!:. il it I'd :it:l i.:ra.i.iu ia K U ler poil) licks. Just. dn 1 thinubt ob ila 'Junction, '(.o an' pteiich do gospel lo eh'iy libiti' erealuro. )e f .c' dawn, d on n.e la a new ligti'. I had not been preaebln' to cb'ry till ig. I'.V this time I had got I or de stable wh ir a wullu 111 iu keeps his mules. One of du animals cried id a loud Voice, e.iylug' Coine and preach the guapel.' 'Why noil' I lli"ii t, 'do spatrnwa don't fall wid uit lio- lite, an' probly dress mules I1.1U got souls ler aabe.' lien I aetil iiie de sta'jlo, tuck my tort, an' fiuter preach. De moon was shiuiu' an' I coald at e de tenra runtiiu' outeu de eyes ob a big r, d mule. Il-i fairly suoited in his Vciilcncc. 1) 11 I reuleiubrred tint ha was de mule dat hud kicked de atullin nuten a team aler il ui in' do v,uh. Alio, ler mule put his brad 04 la troIT an wop' -p'.liful. A jourig Injck ob a mule whal had bn-uu asleep at de o ler side oli da itaiile come up an' began to poke fnq at du mouiucia. . My pruacbiu' did nal but) iiy 'flib'uee 011 111 111 an' 1 led 111 11) out McitdiV lor to hitch him 1111 afur iln aerrnon was oofer. but wIh ii I got outside a white man iialbitd iso. , Jj tjo tilgtiou aalisfaclory, J'k'r,1 "Perfectly. But I want yon to preach a scrmmt So Ihe grsnd jary, 'Nelson; and for fesr vou iiiinkl fWKel Uw. day. - v UI Just ) vu to Jail uutil Hie cangrcgaUou astcuiblct." N. C, THURSDAY, Cot itatiu in KvttiiT TIav I.iKB. Have the coiir.i'.'c lo dlscharifa a debt while you have tho limn")' In your pocket. Have the courae-u to do without that you do not need, however much your cyea may covet It. ' ' , , Have cnurn're to apeak your mind when It la in s-ary y ui should do ao, an I to hold your tan .'lie when It is prudent to do o. II live Ihe euura-fi! to ipvnk to a friend In ft f 'dy Pout. Ilioiiih yon are lu company with a rich one, and richly attired, H ive lint couiai;-! to make a will ami n just one. Ilnfe the eouraira lo tell a inati why you do not lend him your inotiev . Have the cour lU't lo cut. tint most iiureealilo 11 'iptaint ittee ,tu Inivn wh"ll cntiv illcetl he lacks principle. "A ftirn I sli mid Itear with a il nd':, In'lriniilea," hut 11 it with h l vlct'tr. II ire ihe c. ull age lo altow tint you respet; lionei v In wh nec'i' i-nis" it iip.'.irs, 11 nd your eoiileuipl f m dUlinnt'U ilnpl'h'lty, by wliiimso- evet evhlhiieil. II He the. eouiaoe to wear y mr old rlutlira until you pay foryo'ir ii 'tr ones. Have Ihe c ui t'o to uliey your M iker at the ri-k fo b.'ln; ii li. ul, ,1 by nu n. Have the coiitai-e to prefer com fort ami pros perity to fi-hum in all tliliu;.. Ilavo tin) c.iiir.i-;!' to aektiow ledue your lirno- ranee lather Hi 111 to a 'cU credit for knowledge uniler lalse pictenei's, II ave the coiiri--e t, 1 provide for the Ciiter tuiiiiuetit nf your fiieiids within your means, not beyond II . - . . K.MI'l.oyMKM'. 'rill' ft)llilVMt KCII- liiiifitl v:im iitti'i't'.l liy D.iiiiol Well slir in : Kpi'ivli in lliu Uiiitml IStuti.'.s Si'iink : "Sir, I mty it, is cmiliiym('iit ti nt miikt'.s tlio ip.iili! li,i'iy. Sir, the ji'r:it t.iiltli tui'lit In lie plaitfil Oil till' litlf i:lt lifrwry Imnk Oil Jli)liti''.'l! (ouii'iiiiy iiiit'ii lt'il rot- Ainoiii'.i, nutl Ktn'li (Miiiiitics a-t AtnrriiM. U niilit to In" il.u'o I iii t'Vi'iy l ii iiit i's n 1 . a :x -l.ww. If slitnil'l lio inichiiiiu'il cvi'ty whi'i'i', ipitvvitlistan,iii"r whai. wu hoar ul' liic iisil'iiliii'ss aitil I a.ltnit nf I lie lii,'h u-it'l'iiliii'ss ul' rlic.ii futiil iinl iviilistiui, liner ili'it, il,,, .-(.a( tntt.li all ntlil lit' proclaimi-il cvi'iyivlicif i-lio'ilil lie ma lo inlti a jimvci'li if il r Hiltl tliat, wlifii tlti-rc is worktni the Ii imls am! hr.iiu lln t-f will lie work for tin- ii'ivh. Wliont ilit'tc is ('iitiloyiiifiil llit'tv will li ' ln'i'a.l. Aiul in a nmuti'v liko our own, almvi- all I'lllffS, w ill litis trulli lu- -r mil a coiiiiti'V like tiiirs, wlp'i'i', witli a n'l-oal tlt'iil ol njiirit ait'l activity am nio; w niassi'K il tlioy can I'm, I i'MiiUivmclii, lliff.' is always w tiling ni'ss Inr laltof. If they can ulitaiii (air coiiiiciisatititi for llicir lali ir ilu-y will liavn t.iii'l lioiise-;, er,i i,l cloiliinj;, x toil fo ul, ami liic mollis ul p luca'.in x Hi'ir cliil.li'fii from tlit'ir lalmr will lie cheerfully ici-l''ii iiitil, ami thoy will bo a con tt'litcil atl.l li:tiiy icnili'." Look Orr, YoiMi J j-:-,-a man, "lie drinks, " and what store wants biui chinch wants hi 11 f or a .-When it la said of it can be proven, for a cb'ik! What 11 her! Who wol ti'lstbi'ii' W i.it tiring in.cl will appoint him his cvei'titor lie may have been forty years In Inn',, Iii,,' lis reputation- il goes down. LetteiH of lecomniotid itiou, the hacking uf buaim -s lirius, a titillt.ini atiet'slry caililol save. The world shies o,T. Why? It is whispeted all through the ro iiuuinity, "He iliiuks. be iliiuks!" When a youiij 111 in lo-.es his icpu taion for solnit.'iv, ho nil lit as well bo at the bo tnni uf the se.i. ThT" are y ning moil here who h ive ib.'lr g 10 1 ti ono us tln'T only c.'l 'al. Youi fatb'-r has stinted yau out in ciiy lilo. He could only give )tiu sn education. He suited you, however, under Christian in- tliieuiTs. You havu come to Ihe ci v. You H'o now tiehiovli; your own foi.uiif. under (iod, Itv youi -own light arm. Now look out, young man, that there is no doubt nf your f 1- luieiy. Do 1101 create nnv suspn-ion hy going iu and out of liq lor establishments, or li v nnv mlor of your tircch, or by any glare )'ur ej.es, or by any ill natural Diisti nf your cheik. 1 en c iiinot alloril to do it, ,or niir U'i ,d 11 1 no ts ymir 11 ilv c ip,t il, and w hen 1 lj .1 1 is 1I1. i'i wi'h the reputation of taking Siieug uiitiiv, an is roiic. Si avail. Monocus -Ilshop Corrlgan tells iltl anecdote of Saint I'lnltn Neil, which ou ill to have a wide circulation. Il Is thus ; When Saint Phillip Nen, who Is the I'ation Saint uf Koine, w is alive In the Scab time, a certain woman who was vcrr much addicted lollievoiirofscsiid.il telling went to con fession to bi n. She wore a lillle woolen hand kerchief about tier nock, and the good saint told her as a penance for t,cr sin, she should take that handkerchief and part It thread by thread on her way home, and drop the thread? iu the stteel as alio walked, and ou the mor row return to htm fur further Instructions. The streets uf Home hsve no sidewalks except very few, and people have to alk In Hit mill, Ilc of Ihe street; ahey it Is ni.vdtly there il is very muddy, and there is no dodging; It, Tiiu woioau reiarued to Saint Plnltp at the lima appointed and loported that she had per formed the penance, laid upon ber. "Now," sod her confessor, "go back a.,,1 plckuplbo threads again." "But, fathc-," she cxclaitiitd, "that is Impossible. They are all trampled in the mud and I cannot do II." "And yet, my, child," said Hio good n nn. "you bale bi-cu iu the liulilt of picking your lieiiiibon' char.1 ter and reputation lo pieces th.cidby thread. How are you lo nslote thtm wneii you have thrown the threads iu Hie mud and it is impossible to bud them? StosiKiCANr Shins. To call nt a fiic id'i house about dinner time and Hud him absent, la a sign you w ill be disappointed. 7'o drop h,il te-jling- w.( on yoyr flngcrt Is S sign you will be angry. To meet a bolting horse on the pavement lu plies that you are going lo run. To drea.iu of being run over by ( re-tun iu a is ofuu a iii that you liaye bud pork cliupa for Supper. To plea: up money it lucly. If a uiau says: "1 hardly like to ask you, old follow, bul " il It a aigu he wants lo borrow lunacy. . To collide with lime couserullva lamp-posts au I fall over au apple stall, Is a sigu you ats eud jaot a. c iod ,U luiilaj-; j To loc uoucy 01 Jctrclry Is uulucky, APRIL 20, 1882. It wa an Awrri. Tiiimo to no A Tounr farmer of Cllnlonilale, l later county, became deeply ciintnore l of a young lady, a alrauifer In the neiubborliood, who wne temporarily stop ping lu tho tllla-re, and, after courtlra; her aa alduously for aavrral daya, pupped Ihe all Im portant question, rcielvcd "yea for an anawcr, and Insisted nn the marriage, ceremony tirlnii perforoiud the follow lux cfenluif. Accord Initly a large namber ol filemla were Invited, and the couple were made ono by a Juatico of the peace of Ihe uei-jliborhotitl. Immcdlntaly upon the concluilon of the cercniuny the brldo waa iti'prUed by her (fentleman frlenda, all of whom Insisted upon kl-alni; licr, creatly to the dlapleiiaitre of tilt) Jealom granm, wherrupon ahe made Iter escnpii to an afl J ilnlnK room, uud the btldet-room liaa not aeen her aluce, or tit least lias not been able to rec-OKini-e ber. The truth of the mutter is that the bride was a pretty boy, and lb ut when lie .., .1... 1... .1... I l.u ..i......itt ami 11 IL lite u.oiii 11,1 ,1 -., ' ti ,, ........ "nilimled with the the crowd and enjoyed tho fun. The Kiomn Hill never Kt over Hie rather tracllcal j 'ke which Ilia fiicmla p ayed up hi liiin. Woiikixo Hot us SuppoH'lhaU man throw away lu every year lifly-two days far Sundays, lliiileen days for illness, vacation and Inter ruptions; and suppose Hint fur foi ly-llve con secutive years ho works three hundred days a year a very lattfc aveiapn that would give a man in the mature put of lite thirteen thous and live bundled Hay s, he will have one hun dred and thiily-live thousand mature wotkluj; hours. A 111 ui who is forty, however, has but ninety thousand lioics loft; a ill in who Is sixty has so few hours left that I don't want to shock you by uii-ntlonlit'- then' number. Calculate for yourselves bow much (Itilo Is left you. At the end of one hundred ind thirty five- thousand hours (he in.itiiri) workiti.' por Ion of life is ended, and there Is no doubt about this propo tin, 111. l'osilivfly the piHoll knows soinrllilinr mi this p ilot ''nil' moves iu a slrnii;ht line, never lu a circle. We say uesday coinea t, u k to 7'uesilay, Wednesday It) Wednesday, Jaim 1 ry, lo January. T he 11.11111) comes back to liic name, but not the thliij? to Hie tin 111;. In no citclo does li.ua ninni, but in a slraurht line, 1111 mule's llibl, forth and rl-jht on, 'I he trees slay, bul the loaves fall; and you and I are leaves, not Irees. Hum 1:, Wn, ami Sm iuiAV. Il ipl')' l-Jlhe man who hasa lillle bouitf and a ll'lle uii.'el iu It on Silintlay nii;ht-a house, 110 innlter how lillle, provided it will hold two or so no mat ter how huiiilily furnished, provi litis; there Is hope iu it. I, el the w inds blow close the curiums. What if Ihey are plain calico, with out b n.lot', tassel or any stieli lltiin;. l.el the tain come down he ap up the tire. No mailer it you haven't 11 caudle lo bless yourself with, for what 11 beautiful liijht K'owinc; foals make! Itt'iideriui; clou Hess, kbeddini; a sunbeam Ihrou'h the room Just liirlit oiioiinh to talk hy not loud, as In the highway; not rapid, as In tlreiiuriylirr work.; but anftly, softly whls- I'eifn,', with pauses between, for the storm Million! and Hit' thoii'fli'ii within to lili up Willi, 'h' 11 wheel the sofa around by the lit -; mailer if Hie sofa la sencc-iitieushloiictl at that -if so bo it is just. Iiaht enough for two ,ind a half in It How sweetly the music of silver bell- for the tunc lo come falls ou the IMooiiii; bent iieii ! How mournfully swell the chiincs of "the days that are no inote '." Ki'Tir ro YoLiKi.r.--You liaru t'ouble vaur feoliiigs aio InJ (led, jour husband unkind, your wife fie.s, your homit Is not pleasant, your family, thti things lu general move unpleasantly. Hell, what nf il Keep it to youiaelf. A unojildei lug tile can be f mud nud inliicul'li, d; but when Ilia coals are scaticred who can pitk tlieiu up? Duty your sorrow'. The place For sad and disgust ing things Is under the ground. A iittt linger ia not belli tl'cd by pulling till the platter and exptisiti' 11 nml' r sou cbo-ly s eyes; tie it up uud let It alone. It will get well suoner than you cm cure it. Charity rovfrctli a multi tude of silts, ''hliis Hills covered often cure without a sea', but once pu. dished and C011- II, led lo meddliiiir fiieiids there is 110 end uf Hie trouble they cause. Keep it to yourself. Troubles ate tiaiii.iriit. and when souuw la b'-alrtl and . t-n-d what a coiuforl 11 Ir lo say "No tine ever kntiv It until it was all over." 'Tw is V. Kit Till s. ".luniiie, my swetiheatt 1 am g 'tin; lo uivc lou n diauioiid liu,; to show my love I r y. g,.it.d t aii-e your r nid father 10 rolcii'." said he, aud he pro-sod h r hand Willi fond s:dor. Ske ca', d lovingly, tenderly into his eyes and a world of del ght went fiom her own lustrous orbs and she aald : "Oh, do, you are sucli a dm ling, and I um stile father w ill content," and she leaned her check ag mist lils'u nud Ict ber frizJet go nil over his shoulders. 'i'.u', sweetly, do you know what I have, got to tin in order lo ate onplisli this Job? I must give up ends nud smoking nud gum and cock tails, and tl will be vety haul." And she snuggled up a little closer and whis pered ; ' Oh, Ibaalea, you you uiu ao good. And there they sat, and sat, until the a t at siua' boura had lo. 11 creeping oil some time. And 1 1 they ta IherJ rvt iy night ut.UI she got the ring, and tl.uu she Jilted hiul. What i-iiik Itiiji e I.ikk.- ll is like a beau tiful hoe, wb ch b-i.es sweet ftuit for those that are hungry, and tiff itds shelter mid ehude for pilgrims 011 lln.il way to the kingdom of hcnveii. It is like a cabinet uf jewels and precious stones, which are not only to be looked at und aimlreil, bul un d and worn. It is lie a telescope, which Clings distant objects nud far-oil tilings nf tin) world very neai , so tint we can sec somclhiug of thitr beauty mid importance. It is like a treasure house, a store hmiao, for all sorts of win , Mo and useful things, and which w.' W be bad without money and with out piles. Il Is i e a deep, bmad, calm-flowing river, the banks of which are green and flowciy, where birds f ing and lambs play, aud dear Utile cbilJicu aiii loving and happy. Con Hid between sclepcs and wasb-hasln : ' Johnnie, here you arc at the breakfast table, and youi face it unwashed," esid his uioihcr, willi a sharp look. "I kuovy It, ma. I saw the anlin.ilcl.e in pi's microscope last ulght.snd 1 alu't going to bare those Ullage crawling all over my face with their funny lillle legs." 'Hasband, that boy is too full of applied Ioelcnce lo live with." They were unusaslly proud ot him dirty (ifj aud all, HM doid;d." NO. 7. TavY WlTiincT Cuihino To present a peti tion I one thlnu; to prosecute a anil Is another. Most prayer answer lo Ilia former. Hut suc cessful prayer corresponds to llao latter. God's people fa"U?ntly lodge their pmlllun iu the C )iirt of heaven, and tlicro they let it Ila. They don't press their suit. 7'licy do not employ oilier means of fuitliciini it beyond the pre senting of If. 7'Iie whole uf prayer docs not consist In Inklii,' hold uf iod 7" he main tlilnif, is holding on. How ninny ure Induced by the slightest appearance of repulse lo let en, ss Jacob did not I I have ofteii been struck wllh the milliner In which petitions to the Lejjlsla tate are usiially I'Dncludad "And your peti liout'ia will ever ray." So men oujht to piny tj(iod and never faint, rnyson says, "7'he promise of (i.id is nut to Ihe net, but to the habit of prayer. " A llt.Kssisai. M ty the bkasltis; of (lod awult thee; may the ami of glory ever shine around thy bed; mid may the t-ates of plenty, honor and happiness be ever open to thct; inn)' 110 sorrow distress thy days, nor grief dis turb thy nights; may the pillow of peace k.'S thy cheek, and the pleasure of Imagination at tend thy dtcuiiis; and when time makes lbe tired nf earthly joys, and the curtain of death closes mound thy last slop of human existence, nt ly the nuucl nf Hod 111 lend thy bed and take rare that the exulrlni; lamp of life ahall not reciive one rude bl.t.l to hasten on Its cxtlnc tion Ot T on Tin: Si xt I)Et. Hut I p.vis, said a minister recently In dismissing one Ihcine of bis subject lo liiku up another. Then I make il spades, yelled u nun from the nailery, who was dream nit tho happy hours awny in nn Im aginary jrauio of euchre. It is nccdlet-a to say that he went out on the next dial, assisted by one of the deacons. ' Kiln, Is your father 111 home ?" Mid a bush fill lover lo his aweetiniait. "I want lo pro' prose soincthln:; to him," "o, ( larcnee, papa is not nl home, lint I am. Couldn't you propose lo me as well ." And be did, wilh perfect succctts. A Trey lawyer naked a w oman on tho witness stand her iik'e, and ahe promptly replied sold milk for you to drluk when a baby, nn 1 I havcii'l Rot my pay y i." "J11I111," said a tenehoi , "I'm Very sorry to have to punl-li you." " l lien dou't. I'll ict yon 1 IT this I line," responded John, ad kui w;.ii;nts. W- W- HALL t'irc and I. lie laMuratuco Agnt. Can bo found in the ltoauoko News Office. Win Hon. N. C. REPRESENTS, New York I'li'lorwrltem. Au-rieullnral" of W atertown, . Y. Western, .f Torn tilo. cntni, la. I'amlieo. uf l arl'oro, N. I'. I vmiiliiii' .-. of l yiieiilnirir, Va. H'lllllalilo Idle Inauraliee Co. of M. Y, Willi ids,"' rl-ks In ion utboriroud ao tti'.my at low- . it. rati's. jn I v 13 ly GREAT BARGAINS. W" ar,i now roeoivin : our now and li.'atitifiil K -toils r-'Ceutlv pii,chas''d uf t ho 111.111 111. ict urera, and t' -rdialty nivilo you t" call and -"to Ibeiu. TU't llll'eat and to-st soleotod stoCH ut (l()I nWAT.-IIKst. Mi'SiiK tl w f.l U Y. It VMI Ml! ti- l.l'.rs. (H'KIl N II t.i' tll f'H MNa. Ill VM 'MI Wtl sfill, HINUX, M.KKV K 111' li'lNs AMI .-IT 11. Si H.I I) M t.V Kit Sl'i IONS. fitllKS ae Tlit Ho SIO 4'Hslor nntl 5 4 loi-li V. V K It I. Is. I,"s Youiiif'a P. P. (Uess.'s 111,1 lui rvo your rltt W.llelie mid Jowi-lrv tei atrt-d l-y the best worknieii l'.ngtaviii,r n- ntlv .lone i.y .1. T. Y"t'Nn llKii l'.'torst.ure-. Va o,'t D ly ltOW L A N D'S IMPROVED FERTILIZER is ns good as the bet and is the cheapest fertili. zcr Iku farmers in this ia, tent can uo. Send your naiuc nud addreea lo B. T. SiaaoKS, ilia atenl at this place and ha will send you a catalogue post paid. frh mtl I The preat sinwrloritw cif YP. BULL'S COUCH SYRUl'owr all other cough remedies Is attested by the iranicn.M poimliir dsin-ind for tliat old established re tried y. BlliillB) K if For the Cur of Ctniphs, Colds, Hoarseness. Croup, Asthma. Bron. chitis.Wlioojiing Co'tgh, Incljlent Ctmsmut'tion and for the relief of consumjitive persons in advanced stages of the Disease. For Sale .(vail Untppists. Price, 25 rents. fior 10-4 Iu, I irnmmm 'J'T'T k i Knurth t'ol'n, Hlf Coliunn, ttd Wliolo Column, One Year, 76 ! . ..... 1 jsmm PROFESSIONM JARNt'H a) BKI.U. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. KMPIELtl, N. C. I Vssetleea n the oountlea nfHatlfaa. IfaaH Kilvecnmbnaiid Wilson. Oollretloua made in all partsot Hie siate. Jan II tf. - 11. SMITH, JR, ATTOItofEY AT LAW, iwrt.Axn NnfTK. 1Ilii4X CooMTT It. 0 Practices lu the ennntv of Halifax and adlotn.' bur counties, and In tba Mupniuia court of thai Utate. MW. r m. u it 1 z z a h n, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX. K. 0. OITlce In the Court House. Hlrlet attaaUca -rtvnntoall branches of the profeaslon. Imi 19 ly HiOMA& N. HILL, Attorae-f at Law, HALIFAX, N. 13. Practices In Halifax and adjoining cauntla ami federal and Suitrnuie cotirta. Will hi at Seotliuiu .siticK, onno eTery ioti. IkIiI. aulf J-f- K. (I KO, Y. lUUtMAN, Snrieoti Dentlit, Oltliieover W. H. Brown's Pry Ooofla Store, WELDON, N.C. . Will visit parti a at their homes whaai dsalrssj Tortus Iti'tsoiiahle, octilly T. w. MASON AT roit-VEY AT LAW, O ARYSBUBO, N. C. rrsctlce In tho courts of Nortbampton an 4 A. Coming 0, unities, also til th" Federal aa,1 Hu. preiuu eoiirla. lust H. vY A I. T K 11 . IUSI81, Atlvrury and ('nawelUr AtaLMta IV E I. N, N. C. Praetlooa In Halifax and adjolnlnir enuallts. Special attention riven lo aollneltoiis II) all pins uf the state ami prompt returns mam. fob. 11 1 y vV. U ALL, ATrUHMEY AT LAW, WKLDONT, N.C. flosoial attention oitren to solUiillons and romlttsno-s promptly made. may Iir. Ql. R. I.. II U XTER, HURUEOX DBIf IIT Can he found at hlf offlow ia Bo Held. - Pare Nitrous Ox de Oaa lor the Pain eas Kxtracting of Tooth always) on hand. Ja ie 'SI tl. j mas m . m-i.i.iN. jobs' a. HOOII DLLUM at MOOR B. ATTUKNEYH AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. TTaetlnt In the counties of Halifax, Northamp ln. his- titie. Pitt and Msrlin-ltl me mu i.retne a, out of tho S'ato ami 111 tno reiierai Coarlsof the rimern District. Collections mads) any part of the Stale. )au I ly 1. toi.i.trnii'ra. va . n. a. miucomi If4 K. ZOLl.li'OfFKK a) BBO.. rHYNICIANN ANl NI'RUEt W K L B O H, N. C. Tr A P. and 1) H Zollioorfer. Iiavlntr united an partiiois tn Ihe praotlc uf medicine undev the atvle nud hrm uf Hr. A. K. Zulhruttcr k Urn, olTor their professiuital norTiwa to the put, II i;oiii rally and -oh, 'it a share, of their patronane, thoy a-tiri'niitoo earofnl and prompt attention to patients, lino of 1 bo tlnn will always bo found it their uhlee In .ollieotler'a Uruir Store whom patient s wt l lie treated at all hours and whea necoss ary. I'oth w III visit and Ktve their atteu Hon to patients without eitra tiiargo, mr 17 tf. n. Dir. AY a. c. loi.Licorrxa, ZOLLIOOffUH. I) ATTeitlVEYS AT LAW, l'Et,D0JI, of. C. Praotlee In the eon ft s nf Hall'st aud adjolntn Con nt tos, and tuih'tsiipniiiie and federal eoiirts, I'latuis collected In any part of North Carolina, One ol tho tlrin will always bo found In Ihe aitiee. tune it I 7. 1857 1857 ESTABLISHED JJaiosiary Iat, 1837. RUFE W- DANIEL nisstoek nf Lltinors. Drororlea audCoDiaav tli'iieries embrace In pari KUKXl'tl. APPI.K. pi ii'wriwr-T.'tr .--j Wll.n CHKRBI BRANDT, WHISKIKS. PORT. 8HKRRY. MAI1K1HA and OHAMPAdlNB WINB. sJIOARs). DACOS, KLOR. MOLASSKS, LAUD, O1X0KB, p'kPFM, SPICK. APPLIS JELLIM, IriCli I.Kts, BRAT5DT PKACHBSaud ' ClsNKWCTIOBSRIM PORTS I'.K'S LAVEtt BEEB OJ ICE. Ami many cM ber articles too auraaroiia lo men tmu. R. W. TtANIKL. 1 Wash. Avouue, Wati. N.e, octtty FajettcTlUe tstrfft, BalHglu H. C.1' Terms' to suit lhetlnie. . a.w.sUQU'AUliirlttDy. Sy rWW'rf --pvi

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