THE ROANOKE NEWS. , A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, ! PUBLISHED BY .3 J HALL h SLEDGE, I tine Year. In advance. Fit Moulin, Three M inths. 0 00. 1 mi n , f ADVEIITISKMEXTS. iohe trm OH THE FACE (I TH2 WiurErn. ESIi I WILL POMITI VELV (I R BAD BHEATH. Vitlilng Is so unpleasant ns Pad Breath, gen 1 Vrally arming from a disordered sluinsiii. and I an be so ,-aslly corrected by taking Simmons J Liver Regulator. J JAUNDICE. I Wmnion Uver ltegulator tumi eradicates this diseas f onl the svsteui. leaving the akin clear S and free from all lniiiirl It's. I EK'K HEADACHE I The Stomach Inipcrfocily dlec-tlng ils con- (em causes Hevre pain 1 ri ih hienl, nccoiiipnii- led by d sigrreabb' unuseu. For the relief nnd I cur of this dint rt'ssinir ulllirtiun, lake fcuuiiiuus I Lifer Kego later. I MALAKU. I Persons lhinr In iiuheallhv localities, may t avoid alt bll lion atf.'iclis liv :iTiisloii:illv tiikliu: it ! dwl Simm ins I, Ivor Kcgulutor to keep tliu j In healthy action. CONSTIPATION j thniild not he rntrnrilc l ai triltlln n ailment. N"n- i turn il ' tln inmost regularity nf Hie j to well, ' nsslst Nat urn hy talc ng Sim mons Liver iicguiaior, it so iii'ini una cucciuul, BILLI0USNE8S. One or two Inblein ...noils will relieve nil the troubles in id -nt tn a bilious such Nuisiu, liuzin ss, Dr ov-ln -si. II stress ufler j ttliiga bll r lit I Ust in tho month. BLlDDEB AND KIDNEYS. Mnstof the diseases of the bladder or'c'nutc f fr ini those of th Kidney restore the action of lh- I.VT only, and b nil the kidneys anil blad i dor will Lie restored. ALCOHOLIC POISONING. I Simmons i.iver ICu rutat r will counteract the S effect nfa c.oh die poisoning Uy It use the tor J pld liver Is aroused t h icrves ini"te I. the Kaririu tiiHiuroauc? correeici aim intemperance prevented. YELLOW FEVER. The Regulator has proven In gr'nt value ana remedial aiieiit during the prevalence1 til that terrble scourge. Simmons l.iver K-'if uluior I never (a. 1 to do all thai is claimed for it. j t,0LIC. s Children suffer ng wii cole no m experience J ral efwlfii blin ii uh l.iver licgiilator in admin- liter -d aircurdiug to diree um. Adults a well t as children derive treat beuetit from this modi- clue. t CHILLS AND FEVER. 1 Theet It no need of siin"."iiig nuv Ion . -er with Chilli and Fever-Simmons l.iver Itoirtilator lo mi breaki the chill nndcarried the fec out of Ihe rtm. i euros when all other remedies fall. DYSPEPSH. Thla medicine will pmitlvelv rir ynn nfthls trrlhle di-ira-e. II Is nu vuiu b ml. but we as ert einp iatically v. hat we know to Im true, Simmons L ver Itevulator will cure you. Tako only the (leuuiiie which always has n the wrapper the red L Trade Mark aud siKiia tareofj. U. Zellln a Co. For sale By All DraKsiNts. i febUly V " AHifc'Z I Anrnlirrl, Nrw itiH tiolhev effrrtit-i J; PI. i Hrmrly for tl.r mJ cimBf t,l tur oi DfimuiAi -tniiBBioni dim jmroionny dv uw umy tTM U., iif. ( AjtlilK'-)'! ' llo p Ni of lUf ti wiw. Tl.a M f ttM Mlwlr tfl'lol " lo )..! lir lleonrlMT1'W. (II I ri,MH hut UMrtnt vtlii Uiv u-dwRif iinuii M life. 1'i.k tu-U 4 itliiifi' hu tn)4 UhMu. vara IU it a roi oun,1 tw Tlirrt Il iDMiuN klMiil tliu wnu-uau'm. rt.' cl yl.i. rvai ,m imiWi ii M fmHiwtf iwrtuM Ihkl H will (k )ifeci uti.f.c m4 hi tht H41lU rrrllait Ul b tl.r mrml rai,-i.l , iWii tet t i llir HtlUfl M&Uf HI irtI tlr finiBTJit Irnti' lr, Hit HtnifUj U I. I . h.t BIMl, HM II JtilCt P1,ti' !'.BtlUl II' " 'H fa. Ik,, iaum t I.K u.- aj if a-.. i.'l... tl'l. HARRIS REMEDY CO. MF'l CHEMIST8, WHEELER & WILSON'S NEW NO. 8. IIUI gp I WITHOUT yJt I THE Z 5 i Llikloit Rt nilnj tua B?ftt Sowing M ielilo IN TIIK WOKr I). TXT IT BEF3EK BUYING ANY OTHEE. AV K K Tl WANTED. ar-taad for Urmiaa 1 prln t WIIK1II.EII a W1I.SOV. Mfr. Co. t Ulilimaud, Va. , mar 11 m tr -r 1 1 r t ? ? n ii ALlj, j fir Mia lantiranre Agent. A. J Oaa b found In the Uoanoke Seas OIBee. WiLBoa, N, C BSPIIIEXTI, Hfw Tor tlnderwrltera. "Arlcultural" of Watertnwn. N. Y. Wntem, f Toronto, Canada. famlicn.of Tarhoni. N.C. t Lynehliiirit, of I.ynehlniPir, Va. ,'HlUblo Life Iuauranoa Co. of N. Y. Will) pi,, f.kiu-Uy food m noanr tl W loferatti, juivWly VOL. XI. DREAMJT IS I. (lohold whit- rosea to lliycheek And twine them In thy huir ; lo cnze Into their luiiri, and seek The ineiu-e hidden there ; And when Hi j Miftly. sweetly tell 1 llelr secrets, pi ny thee listen well, And drum II is I w ho -pcak. (Jo wander where, low murmuring, The brooklet kII les aiieur, And trembling willows droop and cIIiikJ With bended heads to hear ; And wli !! Ihe st ream let rippling by, llep.-als lis wooing melody, Ch, dream 'lis 1 who sing ! Nweei heart, , fa,. b-ss p'runnes thrnhir Kl'"lll l oses long since I I ll-li.-.l . And a, Ihe brooklefs ivud t mug Is never, never hii-h"d, So w ill my heart keep. i'uy and night, lis p ti I 'ss love forever brk-M, Throiieh sorrow and t I roii!;h wmng FAME VERSUS LOVE. "It cannot lie !" As tlirae ivonl. f. 11 from Helen Armstrong1! lips she arose from her -eat, an old ovrt'irned boat, and moved slowly toward tli(, wat r's ed -,''. Kor h moment lir companion, n man of per haps twenty. live, hesitated; then he Joined her, repealing : "It cannot be Helen? Surely you are not In eanii'st. Voti love inn, have you not taid It ? and yet you refuse to become my wife !'' 4 Kdwin. !-" "You did not mean it," quickly Interrnplcd Edwin bViuictt, oddiiiR : "Comn, darling, why should not wr be hji.y?" And lie drew her h ind Mil h in his ami. For nu insta-t, she let It rest there, tln n slowly but llimly she loosened his clasp, us the laid : ' For two years you nnd I hnve been Mends. In that time did you ever know me lo change after I had Mice, d-cld '. upon anything ?" "No, but" answered her companion quickly, while she, uulneding, ;oea with : "You know Ihe one great desire of my life is to win fame aa an artist, C'uulU I do this us your wife ?" "Why not, Helen! Would I not do any thing In the world to help your' c.imo the proud answer, us Edwin Dennett bent his eyes fondly upon tho fair f ice beside him. "No, E Iwm; as a wife I could never hope to oW'iiin fiine. Marriage, brings to women so many cares that th-re is very little time left over for oilier work. I should not make yo,i happy. I Siould be constantly longing foi mv old, fr c life." "If that Is all lam not ufr.dd to risk my hap piness, Helen," answered her lover, a more hopeful look laming up Ills l.ui..lsoine face. "Think how tar five yeats'coiilinoed il -len, "I have worked with the one end In view. My home, yon are, aware, lias not been particularly agreeable I'nrle and mint arc kind In llieir way, and have always let me have my own will about painting;, providing It did not cost them anything. As for love or sympathy, you have seen haw nrieh they have vii l 1 al to me." "Seen ui.d felt for you, Helen, (I d knows. And now Hint 1 will make your life, if love c in do It, one happy dream, you will mil; and yet you do not lie iy your love for inc.1' For a s"eoml Helen V eyes rested longingly upon the face of the m ill who loved her so deurly; then into their duky depllis crept an intense, pastionnte longing, as tliev swept the horizon and noted Hi.- gloiious splendor of the setting sun, while she cii'laiiii '.l : "Oh, E I win ! If I could only reproduce that unset J'lst as il is ! If I only could I" With an impatient sicii he turned nway "Alwavs her art, never me ; perhaps she Is rlg'.t after all. It wou'd ulways stand between ui." She, not noticing, went on with "Il It woiil I only stay long enough forme to catch those colors, but no, Il la fading now."' Turning, Helen found that her companion hid left her sld and it) id a few yunli owav. "Edwin," she cal'ed. In an instant lie was beside her, ever) thing f u-giitleu except Hut she was Hie woman he loved. ' I wanted to tell you how good Mr. Hovey Is. It seems he was nin,iiaiutcd with poor papa ye ns ago, when I was a baby, ond there fore feels quite Interested in me. You i ave heard how lie praises my work, and la't night he proposed " "Propos'd ! ' ox-hiui'd F.lwin Hennef, hotly. "Why, you don't mean lo say that old man actually had the audacity to n.k you lo m irry him '' "How ridiculous! Mow could you th'nk of inch a Ihing !" answered Helen, a ripple of laughter escaping from between her pretty teeth, a she conllnueil : "No; he propose,!, if I were willing, to send me to Italy for two years, he, of course, de fraying the greatest pal t of the expense, lie iid when I became famous I could refund him the little amount if I wished. Was it m t (ren rou of him ? Ju.t think, two years nt woik among the old maste.s. White nil I I not do Iheu ! It would be such a help to nic. My little Income would do, with cmc, i Ihink." "And you would go " As Edwin Ileiinctt iked (Ills qui'iUou a look of pain eroded hi. faca. "Why not " came the reply, na Helen, rul.ed lier etc qnust ion : itl y to her coin pan lou. "You fay you love me; and yet you would put the sea between us. Helen, wait; I wljl work hard and earn money enough to lake us both abroad. Do you think I could deny you anything! You should paint lo your heart's content, from the oi l ina-lers, or anyihiiig else you pleased. 8o 1 nig as you were happy, I should be. Pel hap I might turn painter, too lome day, with you to inspire me," he add d lulling slightly. "I do uol doubt your lova for mn, F.dwln; hut I shall iiover marry, t Intend to devote my life to my art. At a wife II would lie Im possible for me to do so. I should be hin dered an I traiuelcd in a thousand ways, Hr liere me, I have thought Very earnestly of all this, and 1-" "Helen, when I came to speed my vacation here at Little Rock, so as lo he bear you, I laid to myself, Now you can ask the woman you lore to be your wifo, and know that you hnie home to oiler her. For your sake I wish I weio rich; but I am still young, nnd Willi the i;ouJ pro;ect3 1 lure, I do tut ico -Roanoke 7 WELD ON", K C., THURSDAY, JULY 2T, 18S2." why I shall nut be able before many yenr to give my wife all ihe can wish." "Il ii not lint, F.dwln. I (diould not love you one bit Ihe more If you were a million aire," luteri upted Helen, glancine, reproach fully at him. Helen, my holiday Is over to-morrow. I must have my answer tonight" The wolds came somewhat sternly from between Edwin Beimel' lips. Mechanically, with Hie end of her parssol, Helen Armstrong traced on glittering yellow sands, "Fame versai Love." Then, as she became aware of what she had done, sho sought to eftac! them. Too lute. Edwin Beimel's hand slayed hers, as pointing to tho letters which stood out he suid, hoarsely ; "Choose !" For a second she h.'sltatcd, then slowly came the answer ; "I tecepied Mr. Hotcy' offer this morning. I am to sail in a week." Spurning her hand fioin him, Edwin llenni'tl cried out passionately ; "(I nl forgive you! 1 cannot !" "Then with out another word, he turned and left her. A fiiut cry of "Ed a in" escaped her liiw. as her aims were held Mil niiploi ingly toward him, T hen they fell to her side, mid she, loo, turned nnd went slowly across the sands In the opposiie diiivtion, If he had looked back ami seen those otitstrelclied nrias, how different, their lite might have been; but no, he plodded ungiili along the shorn, neilli.'r to the right in. r the left., l.luic by little the wsvca crept up and I.ove was dimmed, while Enme ttood out bold and clear upon tl.oyillow sands. Ten je.irs hive pigied nnd gone since Helen Armstrong and Edwin Henuett parted on Ihe shores, and during (hut time they hnro Di ver met. Helen hud won Hint which she had striven for She had become uu artist of re nown. Even royalty had been pleased lo compliment her upon her urt. For Ihe last mouth one of Helen Armstrong's piiutinga had been on exhibition si Hie Acad cmy of Design, nnd crowds had been drawn thither to see this last work of Ihe cnlehraled artist. The subject was simple, nothing new, )ct Victors returned again and again to gajc it il. It wns the last day of Us exhibition, when a l.uly ui.d gentleman, the gentleman leading a ,y the hand, passed lulo Ihe room where Hie painting hung. "Oh ! l.n't It too had there is such a crowd; I wanted to see il !" exclaimed the lady, to which Ihe gentleman replied : "We will look at the other pictures first nnd come luck again; perhaps there will not be meh n email then." An hour or so Inter the genlleiiian and lady returned; then tie' room was almost deserted, except for a f,-w stiaggleis here and thcie. It w as just nlioiit lime to cloe the gallery. For n few moments tin y stood in silence he fore the painting; (hen K liulo voice said : "H.iby wauls lo see, too, papa." Stooping down Hi'! gentleman raised the pretty, daintily dressed ch.ld in liii urms. Alter gravely reguding the pklmc for a second, the hill onu iked : "Is lay mad pipn ? ' ' I n in afraid one was, pet," cainii the Inw answer, ss Edwin llenneii miftly kissed Iho ' fair cheek ul his little gui. Tlion his K.,M r0. ' turned to the painting. A stivtii of yellow sin I,, dotted here null there by huge liouldeis und piles of snowy' pebbles, against which the ovei hanging cliITi I : : ' ' " 1,0 ""v wnies iipptntg in towir.l the share, while mil- ,,..L ... ..1 1 I. . . est;.- piiplehiicd, i.lver edge. I clou I seeui".! fl oiling en masse lowatd Ihe golden, criiuion. bailed sun that Hooded Hie ky an. I water wit!, its warm light. In the eeiilei of Ihe'.ure, wh 're the beieh f"i. nc I a curve icseinhiing a hor-eshoe, was an old boil, tuned bottom upward; some few feet 1 1 IT. Hie ligure of a young man, ipi.aren' ly walking huriiedly away. A II I gii !l(l fir,. was not visible, Ihe gajer felt that the man sufT. red, that the glorious sunset was this day as naught to him. IVrhap it was In tho lightly clapped hand, the vein, of which slo n out like great cords; or in ivbe ihe loan's up parent total disregard of bis -nrrouii li.igs. 7'o the right of tip. pieiuro the fl -4 r. of a young till, trailing a pu is ,1 j., ', sand, as she appeared to mo.e slowly i, the oppo.lte direciioii fro.nhir Companloii. duly a litl. bit of a delicately-shaped car 1111 1 a mass of glossy braid shown I from beneath the shade hat, but one could readily b di, ve that the prct'y girlish iiun belonging lo uu equally at- tiactivc lice. About half way between them, traced upon the s.uids, were the wools, ' Fume versus I.ove." "Is it not lovely, Edwin!" and Mr. Ilmiuc't laid her hand upon her husband' arm us she ud led : ' Yet how s.ul it somehow seems. I cini help feeling sorry for Hi. -in. I wish I could see their faces. I feel us if 1 w nut to turn them round." Clasping Hie litlln ti 111.I that rested so coll lidingly upon hi. arm, Edwin Dennett inwardly thanked foi ihe gift of hi. fair young wife, s he ?aid : "Coine, d 'ar, they an commencing to closo up. Baby's tired, too." "E-s, me's liied. Biby wants to tlsi innmma," lisped the child, holding out her i.ll V ai tun. Husband ninl wife failed to ii'itia - a lady who stood near, gnr.lng at a palming. As the pretty young inoiher stooped down lo receive her baby's kl-s.-s, which the little one lavished on her cheeks, lips and brow a de-p, yearning look gathered In the. strange lady' eye nj she turned hastily nvv.iv. "Oli, Edviu !" exclaimed hit wife as they passe 1 the silent tlgiire In black. "Wouldn't It be nice If baby should grow up lo be grel artist like this Miss Armstrong." "find forbid, Annie," came the earnest reply, followed by "let her grow up to be true, loving wo nan, that It all I a.k." 7 he lady' baud tightened its hold upon the bck of a setlec is Ihe word reached her ers, but she did not move until they were out of tight, 7'hen lifting her veil she went and tood be fore the pulnling that lid won inch fame. Tears gathered in her eyes she gnjed. Slid Willi Ihe words, "I will never look at II again," ic, too, passed out of the building, md In her own handsome carriage wa driven home. ecoru tuonc iu her dark eye at they fell 1 up m tho costly work of art icullered In lavish profusion nbout her luxuriously furuiilnd apartment. lUillly throwing aside tier wraps, tbc croiaed over to a minor. A my handsome face it reflected. Not looking the thirty year it had known. Heln Armstrong for It ws h-hsd herd of Kdwin Bennett' nurrlge heard that he had succeeded In business beyond hi most sanguine expectations; herd tint hit wife wi one of Ihe loveliest and gentlest of women, nnd that E lwiu Bennett Idollr.ed both wife and cilia. This day she had seen them. Then came the thought that sh might have stood In that wife' place; she, loo, might have hid those baby lips pressed a lovingly to hers: but she had put it from her. She had choien Fame versos I.ove. If she could only go back to thai day on the lauds, how differ ently she would now ct. '"urning away fiom tho mirror, she ex claimed, blltcily ; "7'oo late, Helen Armstrong. A you have sown, so much you reap " HE TOLD ABOUT BLIZZARDS. HrooUyn Ka;le. 'Till mi alioul iIidku ilcar, clcliIit ftit, licaiitifiil li!iz.;uil,s you "litivf in your tun ii I iy ?' s.iiil ihe nruoklyn t;irl, lulling Imt h nuts uinl looking iii in liim with a bewiloliiiitrly iltuling "iinco. I know tliry must lit-just too sweet for anything !' H)h, they nro tswectnors !' cjticiilitted the Mont.itia ni;ui, throwing one, loj over ihe other ami vuriniti to his suliji ct, 'Von once get a Wi.ssunl a'ter you ninl you'll wish you't any nkirts o i to bother yuu.' 'Anil diil you ever boo one?' nlie asked ill) prof mud interest. 'Well, I should lire a grin J' re sponded he jiolili'ly. "I've been around R'lien our neek o' I he woods was toil ing hard to save its county reputation. i-1 .. i t , . . u uy, .m us, t seen il luizuni tip a praiiit; tire right up on end and il blazed away a streak o( tire tliirly miles high ! just lipped it right up.' ' 'tltaeious !' 8ttiealed ihe girl: 'I should have thought it would Lave blown it rlear over !' ' That's when you ketch your be d ! You see, (lie lire struck agin a rail road locomotive that was passing some eighteen miles up, and tin; engine hold il perpendicular,' exclaimed the Mon tana man. 'You can't tool a prairie lite much! A'licn it rame dnwn it kept right on blazing, and the melted ! engine dropped on ihe track and run right to the round house in a liipiid H'.ivain. They had lo pack l in ice so as to frcegc it into shape again ! Oh, we have ice in our school district ! '1 had no idea that, a blizzard was so powerful,' innt muted the girl, i'owtiful! Well you just shout, sister! Only two mouths ago a bliz zard lifted the Powder river straight up in the air and carried il bat k seven miles in the woods ! You jus!, deal your last giblet on the power? That river's up in the trees yet, and we're building saw mills upside down so us to get tin. water privilege ! You read about these tornadoes. They're only glsS. 'My !' exclaimed the girl A bliz- . ml must he soiniiliing 'Well, I sh mid gobble terrible !' diistinrllv!' re- ! tmiio I the Moniau t man, with a mii.-i , , i . , ,- i i .. i, , nine. .1 usi ni'inie- i nm uu nni llt. , bli,,ird struck my town, and whooped ! lis up about cighiv feel. Town :ittl ' , all. We didn't come down lor lour j ; weeks', and wuiil 1 111 have been clown yel, only a Yankee thivw a lariat over j ; thai site ik 1 w in I and slaiied an eh1 ! vator. Why, miss, you don't kn .w no 1 more ab nit it than an old sock. Why, 1 jiisl s.iuih of us. one nf Ym happeneil I , lo hil a patch nf country s nun follows ' ; were hiii veving and blew tlie w hole I i 1 1 1 10 of the road right through ihe stir- I Veyo'-'s 1 i-v 11 -it. You bel. And the j company lost ils lianehise, beeau-ie j the l.i 1 M ig ranted lo it was just roiled I light over, and they had to build ihe ', , str.iiohl up and down, or five il 'I d hi I see how voti matiao-e to live sl'l'll couuliy," said the astonished 'Oh, we peg along,' was tho coura geous response. 'It's the greatest country outdoors. I remember one blizzard, though, that bothered us some. It happened to pop the Crow resen ation plumb center, and just blew the whole business right over on our settlement, Indians, ground, crops, everything.' 'On tup of ymi,' ej lenlated Ihe girl. 'The s.une,' replied the .Molilalia man. Then! wr was right under 'cm. The red slins diiltiT dare go oil' llieir reser vations lor four of war, ninl we didn't climb up through lor fear of violating the treaty.' Toil how did you got oul?' (jneiied jjirl. 'Oh, you can't hold us fillows down long. We're wild, woolly, ami hard to curry, Miss. Then we've got the best soil in the world. Vc just planted a grain crop under that reser vation, and in fourteen days the wheat had hoisted it tip a hundred feet tit id there it stood When the winter froze it into that position we gaiheied the cmps ami moved out from under it. Thru tho thaw came, in the spring, and, Miss, you'd have just luisicd your collar bund to have been them Crow Indians when thoir reservation dropped. ' She. sat and looked nt liim in amaze ment. l!ut it isn't all tragedy, Miss, con tinued tho Montana man, lJb.iriln has a funny side sometimes. 1 rmuciu ber when a buck blizzard tdammed into Uud Kipp'.u'g funeral. Wo mourners j,,st ':"d right down and hull f 0 II with our toctll, but the defunct hadn't ' OUT energy, and llO was whirled lip I pretty Hear a mile. Wc UeVcl' is if pectcd bo was going that way, and it must havo been something of an as tonisher to Hud. Miss, he hasn't come down yet. And you didn't bury him, ejaculated tho horrified girl. Oh, we planted liim. You don't lind any lamentcds bunting around our parts for the benefits of religion. A funeral is too good a chance for a tight. We just sat to and built a grave right up to him, and hu's sleeping his eternal rest ill the doggondest place you ever saw, right on the top of thai gravel. He hcede'.ll not the blizzard's bowl, iiorcareth he a a a utnl the Molilalia man pulled up suddenly in bis pious n lleelions and rolled his eyes. What a curious idea, muttered the girl- You bet your sweet life, conceded the Montana man. Uy the way, the blizzard that struck Small Pox" l!un was a teaser. The air was so Hack 11 ibotly could see what was going on for an hour, and when they got around there was the prettiest little old ledge you ever stuck your foot in. Pretty; Yum 111 m. 1 reckon not. Twen ty ounces to the pound and all wool The biggest lind in them parts. What was it? asked the bewildered girl. A mine. A bonanzn. And them fellows worked il. Assayed two hun dred dollars to the ounce an I no limit to the game. But thev lost it. How? Some preachers from Miuisola came over and claimed that it had bet 11 blown from their Slate, and the Mon tana men had to give it up. The Min nesota men packed it on 11 wagon ami took it h Hue 1 didn't know thev could carry a mine that way. What kind of a thing was il? It wa a church debt. Tlicin Min nesota fellows had been living oil' it for years, nnd hadn't had to' sink a shall. The placer was as soft as your check, and they hadn't touched" the mam vein, h was a bonanza, and Small Pox Knn has never been the same place since. I never heard a church debt Called mine before, sighed the girl. Then the Molilalia man rose up and looked at her with mingled 1 .it v and .. r .. . 1 . ' ... i-uiiieiui; nir mere are degrees ol in nocence that even a Montana man can't toleiato. A TRAMP'S PHILOSOPHY. In Ihe hip p.vl ct of u !d vagrant was a memorandum book full nf lilt own writing with s pencil, und some of his philosophy Is Rood enough to be preserved. His (list para graph le ij.s : Drinking bad whiskey because It is 1. (lured free is like g, 1 Hng In Hie way of bullet pur chased by an enemy." A sei oinl reads, "Honesty li the best policy, but mine folks ic nalislied with the second best. It is bald to lie hmu st on an cuiply stomach." A third leads, "A diy p ink under a rain proof shed It bel li" than feather bed ill Jail, and one Isn't aiiuovid by the Jiller bunging In sqaiue Im .1" A fourth pais: " 1 'ay ns you go, Ifyon hiveu't anything In pay with, don't go. If you are forced to go, lecoid every Indcbtn -sj and let jour heirs u l tie Hie bills." The li.'ih explain : "We should have diail'y for all. Wlon winter winds blew cold, we vugs 'iuuld pity Ihe poor fellows In India, who are U.ting red hot wealllT." A six recorded : 'Toluenes, cos! nothing, but ills not ex pected Ilia! you will iv .ke a man up ul mid night ton. k pciml-si m In go Ihroiieh hen house. It is iiore courteous to let bun ei,J,,y hit needed response." T he seventh and last we noted down as follows: "When you pick up an apple core do ro: lind fault becmse II Is not apple itself, but b ali-fl d Willi Ihe grade of descent. Do not he ashamed of your occupation. We cannot all be lord, nor ran ae all be vsgranli. Ai I laiinot bo a lord, 1 should not lament at being a vagrant. He truthful ud that Is, tell them you ar a Chicago ftro mlTeicr. Keep reasonable houn, or some other vug will gel your plank li st. IL' hopeful, chu-iful, ud good naliind. tirowllng won't cine a ole heel." His Wm k'r Dicaiii Kiss. About a month ago A. Ii. Camp, aeconipanieil by his wife and child, came from San 1'iancisco for the purpose of taking nut Koapstoue, List iinmih his wile visiled him at his work. Tht y weie about Mailing for their oal a churl distance aw.iv. Mr. I'imi. w'l rtb"!l! to Ciller the tunnel ( ) secure a shovel which he desired to lake wilh him, when his will, remarked : Never mind, I'll pet il; you take the child. As she marled for the tunnel she turned around and said Ki-s inc liist. Tho husband did so, tind she started for the tunnel's mouth again, but just before she reached it she again tumid around and laughingly said: Kiss mo wiice nnuc. ' Her iiu-bnnl eouipli'tl for the turond lime, and then she started for the luini l. She had just reached the entrance when the mass of recks ami dirt above gave way, burying the unfortunate woman in the debris ami causing her instant dcilh 'Ihe fn'her ami child escaped unhurt. Sj . I'.unito (Cal.) Advance. tleorgs E In.ll laid Hut no man can be wise on on tin ply iloinsrli. Nonsense. If that were to, how would tho tveragn editor be able to Indue nu b ingiclous cdlloriul a we tie eoti'lnually reading In our txchsngos. The moon, like luu.t m-r,, I bilghtct when It J full. NO. 21. A BABY THAT SEES SPIRITS. A family by ihe name of Mack, re- si.ling 111 I lie North side of town, lost a daughter but a slim I time ago. She was between six and seven years of age. A baby over two and a hall years old was the only 1 villaining child. When Myrtle diet, said the mother, I thought the greatest trial would lie when baby should miss her sister, for she was very much attached to ltd. On returning bum the grave I sealed her in the arm chair, and was prepar ing lor my domestic duties, when a clapping of lit lit- hands anesled by attention, and an exclamation from bany, 'There's Myi liel' fell upon my ear, not a day has p iss,.,) but that she has seen an I 1 1 di in of the presence of our il.ii ling. One day she s.iid '.My rlii' and grandma.' She had never seen her grandmother, who is now in spirit hie. One day 1 was out in t! e garden with her, and she said, 'There cullies Myrlie," and ran from mo as though sin- was going ti meet some one, and relunii'il w ith no sign of dis appointment. All her movements were as natural as though she had met her sister, an I accompanied her lo my side. Again she said, holding out, her' little hands 11s it to leceive somelhing, 'My 1 lie brings Mower.' Again she said, '.Johnnie is coming with his baby.' '.Johnnie is a neighh ir,s b iy. No one knew that this lamily had lost a babe, and it wasso si range that, a neigh bor wi in to dohtiiiie's in iiber to in quire if it was so, and receive 1 nu alliniKiiive answer.' l.'eou, I'd. Jour nal . - Svwvi'.i:. One of the stations on the Kliz ibelh City and Norfolk 1 J til mad bears the na,:ie of Sawyer, and one of ihe best jokes nf the season, hinges on the name. A few days ago, as ihe I rain neai ed ihe station, 11 gawky youth whose awkwardness was only eipialed by his happiness, was in a car with one arm around the waist of a young lady froni the rural districts. She smiled responsive to his efforts at pleasing. As the train rolled up to the siali'in li e brakeman opened the door, an I wilh the usual lightning speed stuck his head in the car, took one glance down the aisle and looking as the ardent lover thought, straight at him, veiled 'Siwyer !' at the top of his voice. The passengers in ihe car were moved t 1 a lit of laughter when tin- I all c. ui 1 1 1 iy in 111, withdrawing his arm Ir 'in ils lomloriable position, stooil up, an I .baking his lists, shouted, 'Will, I I .n't care a darn if you did. Me and h" are. going to be married and we don't, mind who knows it.' The poor fellow h id things mixed, and tin1 awkward name of the station caused him to give himself away. 7'ur -r I'.iimn i Amiuoca. damn II. Maildi'ii, garni I 'I, w h 1 dl -d licit the oilier day, had lie' largest brain of any inau In Amer ea. Dr. Mellear. who attended Ihe deci at 'd during hi. illness, -luted 1I1.11 he da 1 a very re niai kab'y foi Hied In a l. I', was nbout the ov er, tge s;e, with an luenen-e nnd hceral d, t-el..p'iicllt. .Itflialhthe doctor cxallliu. d the head, and when tin- t.i.uu w..s lellioled and welg'irl It brought d iwn Hie sr.i'e at K'j o .n.-es. I his is Hi hcavi. s' brain ever f .und l;i Auiei icii. D.iniio Wtb lcr's b 1 a u welghrd o:t oiinies, iouI Profi'Sir Aga-.i:' tj2 ounces.- I.e.ldlllle i'oli .-.,.ii 1. A desperate cliaia ler, who b.i 1 c vnaiit d aiobbcii in Illiii. ,i. in f. eii.g f:..iii Iho t.f!I h i l a p el of his heti ,hol elf. It is not often tilt! Justue follows so liu-ciy on the heel ol CI .11..'. If all II. c f, uls in Ih w-i.. w re 'o put White dps oil Illiii he ids what 11 U IholU.OU tlo -k of gee-e w e should 111 like. ... . '"-IHrTTTT-TITTIimQaT .i)Y i:i;itsi:.mi:nts. i A ITT fci J w, 111 ' 1 l rM U i1 M L 4. l (' V i ' y jr.:' 'A -"v-- ? H THECFEAT mmmi RHEUBIftTISB?, Neuralgia, Scai.'ca. Lumbago, Backacha, Soreness of tho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Foot and Ears, and all othsr Pains and Aches. N i rretssrstlon ' n colli cpiel-s'r bn is On ri t .,,., re, nioiplean I rht tip Kte'T"i; A Irinl culuils but ihe e..iuj nrut.r. trtio " em!, y cf 5rt trails., u:i't every el'.c ml'iriln: wilh puiu enn have heup and p,.l:ie pri.l ul" iu c-:ui4. IMrecllom in Kleven I jiruruaea. BOLD EI ALL LHIIOOISTS AKD SiCALXItS IK jMKDICINC A.VOGELER & CO., JJoifimurr, Md., V. 8. X July 7 I y. THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATIOS. a a a SPACE a O 'inc Square, Two SqnareH, Three Square, Four Squnroa, Fourth ('ol'n, llnlf Column, WlioleColiimn, 3 no ft 00 H 00 Sv OsV 5 0) 10 (Ml 20 00 SO 00 k on s m ,tn eo sje 09 10 (III 18 (W 36 00 45 90 1., or) 'jo 00 40 00 mm 20 00 30 00 60 06 5 0 Ohh Year, 76 11 1 .mm PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TJXKNiit i UK1.L. Af lOHSIKtS AT LAW EJCFIEtn. M.C. Prneib'-s In th countlen oflTarlfat, rTaat K.U nut..' and Wllaon. Colleollon mail Iu all parts. .f the Slate. jwii U If. It II. SMITH, JR. ATroitXGV AT LAW, i'OTI.ANB NucK, llAMKAX CoOITT W. C I'rae! lees In ihe county of Halifax and a.liolrc- Inr counties, ninl In the. Sin. none court "f lhr Stat-. Illy. j M. (I II I A 7. A IV, ATTOItET AT I. A IT, II A UK AX, N. T. Illee In tbi. t'onrl IIoiimi,. Mtple BfCaSlAM, ulveiitoall brnnehes of the profeaalon. Ian i ly rpllo.MAS M. HILL. 1 Attorney t, HALIFAX, ef. ('. Phi 'tii-es Iu lliiifat and a.tjoiutnjr counOo ninl l-'e l Tal an I Supremo courts. will be at Scotland iNock, our.) every fort- nlsiil. tug in If jyt. 11 110. W. II A ft T .MAN, Miirgeoit 1 c ir t i C . Oilles over V ", II. llrown' liry (I cod store,. WKi.nov, N. (!. Will visit parties at their home when detlrnj i erius Kensonnble. olx.11y ATTOltotKT AT MVr It YHHUROh N. C. rpaetiee lii tie courts of Northampton atnS a. I.. tiilu r e.iiitides, also ill the Federal and Ha preme courts. jiiua s U. y a 1. 1 k a k. D'A y 1 u t, Allorney ninl CounsK-IIgr Af Law. 1V K I. I X, ti. V. Practices In 1 Tit 1 fax. an. 1 adjoining enunttoe. Si..-, tat ao-'uiioii tflv.-ii to colleeilooo Ini all parts of the Slate and prompt rutiirua uaado. f.-li. n 1 y yyr w. n ALU ATTOKXKY AT LAW,- WKLDON, N. C. Si.-eiat atl Millon given tie colleotloua audi retultlaui'i's promptly iniiilo. inav 111. It. K. 1 . HUNTER, H t K 0 i: N l K 51 TIVT, Cun lis foiiinl ill liia ollVe in Kn ftnl'r. I'nrn Nitrous Ot olo (J-us lor the) Pain less Kxtriii'tliiu; of Tvotli always on baud. ,hr in '22 tl. .IllIVS S. Mli.l.KV. JOHN a. MOORir U I. I. U N h MO 0 II K, AI KMtM.Ysl AT LAW. HAI.1K.VX N. 0. Vmetlc In the cnuiiies..f Hallfnt. Morthainp loii. K I'eeo'iil"', lltt and Martiulu tbeSu preiuo e mrl i f lli. S'ate nnd In the Federal Courts of I he Ktsiern district, i'olletulolts luador In any part of llm stall). Jan 1 ly ru a n. .in. i it i.ri'Kii. nu . n. a. roLiacenraic jyi. A. It. ZiiI.l.lcoKKKll 1 mil)., I'M YSK I tN AXI Kl'RUKONW, w h i. ii ii ,. . r. Mrs A It ni..l Ii II Illti. If, r. lisvins: uultrj ns partners in ihe practice of medicine under the stile nu. I Dim of lir. A. K. .ollu otter liro. ..Her Ih.-lr professional service, (o Ihe pui.lla jr.-us' rally an. I solicii a slmre of their palroiiago, I hey ginvr.iiitce .-ireful ami prompt atlentlou w t ie of i he linn w ill alwnvs l.o fount st llieir t lllc liiZollic. iter s lirugtiior whr pa'lenl s wii l e Ir. iile.l al all hours ami when i essnry. both win visitand give their atiem- tli ii to pa; ..oca with, llt rstia charKi. lor l; If. ! ' 1 a-oiuuj w . n. n.vv. a. c. iii.i.worrM. I) AY it I O L L I C O K V K R. A r roitNI'.YM AT LAW, WKl.DON. N. C. rrvetlee lii the .'i.tirts of Itallfat anj t.lolnl con ii 1 1. 's. a in I in t ii" supreme nu. I Ke.tral count, tia.lus e..He,'i,., In ttnv pari of North Canitltiar tin.' of the nrni will always be foiin.l In ina t'b"- iunejly. is; ) V. S T A It L I S II E I) 185T Juiiuiir) 1st, IH57. RUFE W- DANIEL llisstoek of I I. cits. (Jroeertes tud Couft Houeries embrace in part KKHMif, AI'I'I.K, Hl.Aiii llflHKTnnd CIIKKIIY ltllANlT, WJIJ-JI.;,t.'o KOHT, SIIMltV, MAHKIHA am! IHAMPAINKWINB. CH.ARS, IIACON. 1'Loril,, I.AKn.(JI.(JKK. PRITEIi, M'b'K. AnT.K.s,JKI.UB., PICKI.KX BRA NOT rKAcnESand C05KKi.'TKHEaiM rOltTMEirs LAdiKK BKI U OS I C E. Ami many other article too norneroai It aiva- tlon. 10 Wash. Avenue, Weldon, K. C. oct I ly Y A K r' 11 ' V U II It O U S E. t-'ajrllexlllo Mrrrt, Knlcish, X. f. TcraiA lo lulf thetin' O N,'. ElArKNAl.L,Prrnir;ior,