rriiS ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC VV BBKLY X K W S P A P E K , PUKUisllJil) I;Y HALL & 3LEDQE. One Y"'tr. In advance, T lir.-- M iinhs. I il 7". eta' ADVERTISEMENTS Tor Iypf Ma, C'ONliTCnfM, Hick Uoailarlic, Chronic Ilar rliifti, Jaundice, Impurity of tho lllootl, Fever and Ague, Mulariit, and all IHhenfiri niUMofi liy Pe CRiigtMWiit of Live llowtilw anil Kldncyr. SYMPTOMS fir A PISF.ASKD 1.1YER. U.u 1 i remit ; l'.i;n in t tie Si-lr, inni-time ?!ie ain ii filt under ilte Mi ul ler-W.i'l', mhutrii Jvhi'unulUm ; grner.il i of n it-; 11 -w U Renrrally cmlivc, s 'tun inn- jiltnnannsx with lax; ihf hc.nl ii tmiililr i with pain, is dull and heavy, with CtmMtlcial'k lo i.f memory, atxump.iim-il with a pal nl ul m m;Ui n 1 1 Ic-n nv undone srnn!itn( w tilt Ii mijii U luvt l r dmc: a slig'it, dry Ctm.h n 1 ftuslu-il lace is Ronmitm-R mi ntn-mUm, oitrn limt..rrn for cimimpiiiin; the ;it!i-iil ntmpljini fcit cwlil ur burii;nK, .imrtinies a piiiUv sr ns.iticii of the f-km exists spit in arc Inw .unl 'ieLjnlrm, ami, alihmitfh MttisrVil that exercise would he l-cne-ul. yet one can h.trilly sumim-n up imutmli: to try it In liict. diMrusift t vrrv nine-ly. Several of the above tympunin .ittrmi idr .iii.-ast, but cv h.ive otctirrcil when hut f w of ilum evilfi, yet ex.iiimutk.n after ilt-.uli h.i-s sliuii the Liver to h.ive been cxiuisivi.ly dualized. It should bo lined by nil portion n, old nnd young, uliL'tirvcr any of the itbvo symptom appear. Troni TrnTHIns or Living In Tn. healthy l.nculilie, by taKnin a il.se c. asun aJly to kccii thr I.ivcr in Ii'm1iIiv ac:i. n, will avoid all Milluria, ililintiH uttHi ko, hiru,-..., ,lU ira, Prowsiness, lercssj.n of Spirit, rtr, h will inviolate like n l.ivs uf wine, but U m lu toiicutiiij bevvragv If You havo eaten Anything bard ot dltfcfltlon, or feel hr.ivy after meals, or Mccp loHft M ngm, we A U'rtC nnd )vu bc,.vi;,, Time und Doctor Hills will bo saved by always keeping tlio Hegulator 111 tbn limine t For, whitevrr the ailment nuy In, a thmuglily safe purKllve, ullrrutivc Mid tnnle can never l; out of plan. Thr mniy j hiirnilfNM nd does uot iuU'ilt'i-u wHU LuhitiL'H or pi ea.su re. IT IS rniFXY VFr.KTAltT.K, And has hII the power .md etlir u y I t'.ttomcl or (Juinine, Without any of the injurious after eifett. A Governor Testimony, Simm-ni l.iver K. unl.itcr h.is ht-rn iti use;n my family for s -me time, and I nm iit!Sticd it is valuable addition to the titcdieal tiion .e. J. tltLt. SituH l uu, (iavtrnor of Ala, TTon. Alexander II. Ktopliriid, of tin., says: Have derive! v hk- benefit I'mu the use of Simmon I.ivcr Regulutur, and wish t give it a further trial. "The only Thin flint never falU U Relieve.' I h.ive used jii.my n-mtiln s fur lys- ffpsia, Livtr Afle-tion ,ind It'lulity, but never i.ive found anythinj; to benefit niu to the extent SunmoiiH l.iver ke;;..l,.tor has. I vent fmni Min nesota to Georgia for ii, iind wonlil ser ! hut he fr aucha iiifidicjne, and would ;ulvUc all u aie sinu il.irly affccied to give u a tri.il as it seems the only thing that never fails to relive. P. M. Jannhy, Minneapolis, Minn. Tr. T. W. AIiiKon Kaysi Kmni arttt.d ex perience in the rise of Simmons I.ivcr K-pn!.,tf.r in my practice I have Un .C a;n sat: sli vl to use and prescribe it as a pmyativc medicine. JjTT'Take only the Genuine, which always has on the Wrapper the red Z Tr,ule-M;u k andSltfiuiture of ,1. 1I,,;1,1N & CO. FOR SALE BY ALL W'TWISTS. U N I' r A r T V B K It It SAW MII.I.J, ClllHT Mil.!.. Mil. I. IKl'N-i I'lawM, Iron un.l HrjiaslY'tnij. . .Sep 19 ly Pi'tiT-tnir ' K OWN Jt U f. K . IV 4 i'. f.fi IMF IX, X. P K A I. K US IN flUU'.lS, MbDIi'lNKS, i liLli' Ik' lalnts, Oil. ViiruWitis. liye-slulla, Hue J'loili'l Koaps, Kanpy Hair an. I Tcmlli Hniln-H, 1'i-r-fumvry and Fancy Toilet ArtU li n, Trun si-s niul ! hoi.M.T Lr;ii ", L.'tli'r I'api'r, Join, Ink. l.tivi-lni-i's, iiIik. Ful ly, I i.rtu ti Oil. l.nini'S. ('lulu l'i-VS. I'liYhiiMans 1 leu r.ili'iwi.iM.irtii ly cvn LiHiir.rTHs' I r.i t:i kati.Ii (i uiil n Si.Ki W'f ui ri'linn.- Hi-'-.. f..'.'.U ilir.'i't. fr-'in 1 1n Kt (Iphmivi- fiiM-.l h'iirin il um Mi'-trs. l.nlhlrM Ii. .Sllll thi'v Klliilll I ii'ill I.ii' 'I Willi III BI'i'.IH iltillon runiiinsii'ii ll.ri'imlmitl thf ctiiiiary. I'm- !.li'lr.'tli' Si cil. ,uli.l ll K"Oil Vi';,'i'l. ile ,OinI"ii It Insure J . ool t ly TW E N T Y D O L L A R U WII.I. Ill Y THK I'KWA. M(.l.lt Krwliie M n oil In . A heller M.t. Mine II. an imii.'.h' liullill f"l' 1 ' 'sL' Y Ii'll '-A US, Afftf WHKHtv. T, U-.. - I. I ,.. ., I,,.,., 1,-.... f.llll'V dimwit I'rop i.ei. ..- - Hulf (iotlile Cover, (l-l ts. ami vimua I lie Hole iblu wltluutt ritniiini; tin1 Mi'hlne. WAEEAMltD FOE I1VE YEARS. .ExAMlNATlttp Of JAs-HIKK ULlolth MI-'T. ,eSnd your orJ-Ts or ail lre. W 1 1 I.KTS At". Ml X. Seventh St. l'h, l.i.l, Ifloe, Fa. fab Infill A WKI'.K. ill n ii.iv l hone' ,-u-ilv inmln. rllv Out lit trie. A I. ln- I'ttf C., Aumi.la, M,m.v. f:th- fh6l yl jA V V K Y & H T K K i-, l --;-.;)!fs M .t "n fi n IT- VOL XL MEMORY BR1NGSJUR BACK TO ME. TOTIIK limillir (jFMY SkUIKR-UY "CKC1I. AKIVS. 'Tiv when Ih '-eri 'il liiussnnm Mount In Ni Mli't fra'.'i'.'UM'u'niniii! inv way, Ami k.iIi vrs Imlen with ert'iitiic Aiiuni - the ireinlilinj; I. nil, Ms piny, Th I lien 1 wiil'y think nf , no Wil lie tti'Ri'l liiee my Ii, ;irl nui see ; l'l'f III, lU'll silo's fun,'. f.T, V',T hOiie, flill ii.iMunry lirin u.r hmk mi'. When o'er my ,nlli the unminev .sun 1'i'iirs furl I very lininl hs .,, Aii'l till his sl.-ry I'.ilii n:.,ei A m 1.1 ivi!,v,,ii: lurk hU li.':imi, 1 111 l- 1 lie f. .1 in I leve.l mi , A 1 1 , 1 Ui,i;i:;li li,) mure IIIV'n li,;ht 1 s-e, Time 11 llol liren't Hie mill. ,( ( lell. Fur m.'inur..'l,rjiii;sher lute It to me. Wh'ii Anliinm's in an 1 lone y il.i; s I' list fnl,,vv Sumiie'i''s sweet eoo, l. ,e, When ever wiirl'lrr's ii,;i ,,f pt-.i se N hllslH il. ,., l.rnchliii; z. phj f ,11.', 'TIS Hi 'II I lllllse ,,r her ul.-lie. An I ill my ilr. niiH h, r fuee I uf, Alnl llloll-lll In 111 ,lt .It'll eilih -he's f ,1'.', Sllll lueimiiy l,i'in,.s her b.iek to ill". An 1 when the winter' eh II I in hreal'i I'olh hliiit the swe.M un.l eitl,- Ilowers, Ami nil ilrouiiil we see ill" ilruili I if nil we love I in sumn er lienr- , I I hllik of her-lione h iitf h fore To th il t'nr wortil s,, t,, st.so ire ; V,-:. t;l! vvc in -el on il , hri ;ii! shore, W til iiieimiiy Ivlns l erhieU tome. OUR SWEET OLD MOUN TAIN HOME. "1 tell you '.ick the f.irm is ngt y ;itr vnrti thin, I htcouie more un.l more runt inei d o tint f ifl cvety d.iy aril les.s foiittnleil Willi llie lif,' we went Ifiitline." lii eiikfu.st was over timl we slooil mi Hie farm portic i, arm In arm. On t tie sole uf Hie tlonr Mil Imliy, sereiunliif; with ileli-lu, af she f.il a iuir of pet pieuns from her tliuipU il h.ui,l. itir breukf.it Itatl liii-n a (U'lit'ioua one coITee as t'liar as a nber, hie.tj like snow, un.l btottli tloitit 10 a I in ii. i !l a mil us w.ib a L'li'ix tiin.L.le of aweet brk-r ami lioney-cuekh ; lint sun was J t.,1 iis -ln; aboMi the mountain .e.iks, ami the mom Init air Wiis sweet umj fre-li, ami li le.l iih ok qnisile tviiml'aiul tulnrs, and musical tvlilt the stiiiiC of blrtls. W't coul.l cale'i a KiiiitpMt: of Hie I'liru and piiullry yirls fjoiu where we sloud, ami hear t lie plaintive loiviui of Hie Jtlue anil ilreitiuliku tiuklu o( tlieir beiis, I fell a vaeiit poll of foiivietiun tliat .link hail but litlle aj mp.tlliy Willi my spirit of ,is : ntfiil, yet I was ikti'iiniited lo tuny mv. point If m-iib!e. ' Yimiiu ili-s.itisC il iviilt ;,- nr. hit - I .' Ilia' pU;nly, .v ll," ;'.'.l Jm U, a tiiil.s.ullv "(.'Ii, Lot'ti nse ! ' .1 put in. "Not villi my lot, nor wilh you, only i 1 1 1 the farm .,'aeli. I'm liri'd lo denlli wilh lliis pt' my, liiiiiuliuin li.c an 1 I li.ttu ic seo ton ilelvim; and loillii IMm' a slave from one year's en, I to alio' her. You weru bin n for inm. tlf.iiu beller, Jaek, soitiethiiw t;r. iii.ler ami i. I'tler. I'.inry a man of your alnlii es growing i,r.iiu ami dictriiiK liolatoes an, I raiMit',' slmk In his life's end !" "Ktit mv il, ai ," s iL.'i;,'s!i'il Jaek, "one I'.Htsl live, lltid have hu ail and blttlef." " li he Mire, J.tek, hut why not earn it in a hlunr e, .,',(,.,. fashion ''' "llotie-t 1. ih. ii i. uhv.ivs i;. nte ', N"'!.'' "nh, e.ha ! U.n't umli tstaed me, -lai'k. 1 nil'. ill l!:;.l t oll l.uve eip leilies f r loiurll'itiH lieu, r. You 1 1 1 v ciin.' to llieol.l 'si in to please ynur faliur when toy toulil ilo a liumlie I-fold better eis. iHine. And l.e-i.l.s. win re is jour soeiely In litis phn e, -l.u k ? VYh t. t haiiee is there for nil' t'lnl.iii ii a lin y ytotv up .lack !.i i;litd, its 'n' i;l.t;ji't-l i!stn at the liahv, w h i was struiilih f.uioiisly to et a pi i's lita.l Into her uioiiHi. "Ah, ell, that. :s lookluK s far nl'.ea.l." lie said; "ni.il n y d, nr, you n em lo .n;;el thai I lived here all my lif ." "Nj, Ho, I d Hi'l fui(,'t't, And pi'.y what liatc you d me, ,1a k " "i.eil an upright life, and marilitl yourself III 'lie end." .lut )ou did n't piek mi! up a ui on i; the c'o 0 ' bl.soms, , lac don' forewl that. Yo:i found ui't in ton u, and ,latk, d. ar, Tin aiivinas to e;.t Imrk to my nalne elrm. nt. I'm Hied i.f all this. You can Ki t on t vt r m nicely in ,'mvn, Jack; and then we can K t into society." "tl'ui not over Inn. I of society, Nell.'1 "Oil, bl't vo l lu.l:lil be, for my sake, Jack, a'm fond of it. ! hale to li.ie live a hermit. V'hv .lack, if tvt! il. sired t t,ii a litlle parly to-niotr.nv, we c mi l It 't for lark of quests. "V ar ute, J'c'l, I'l.y I coal I mush,:' femes " "(,'f i .'ilaiu sort, y. s; but ! don't wanl thf n, 'i n'k. I'm a I'.tlte pi euliar in my no lions. 1 want no kiirirty tin! tint best; the tlie- ."oil ,,f society "tie t."'t- In lcn." "I'.l-lltouahle soeiely, Nell!1'' "Well, tin n, ! y not? Yon li.tvc means, Jack, and I f! I'.t.i lej-rif t,;. it we arc lilttd to inn-e in any tiiel.s Wliv sliou'd ttu bniy OUts. lvi'S III IhlS V lid. 'II. s;,. "tiin means .ii,1 not iii'';.h iil-til.lt", o'. II." "I'm awa.e of thai, .lark, hut we Iniif on, null for a s ait, and '.iui iotili ofTeii, jou a pet I laec in Hie ban'.,." ",'.t a lliiiiti"! sa'ary, Nell." "U'l, es, hill you t'.t'l oik V 1 1 1 1 ; elf sy up ,T.lt'k, r l) t t i the toplilosl round i.f tilt, hold. I'. D.i It ' i;i Jack ' I've 1 i v il here to pleise von ever hirer o".r inai il ..'; I think you cull all ml In pi, i: e llle l! I! II !.' mill," Jack siuhe.l as he 'luokul out upon Ills ripen i'lsT tfi.iiti lb Ids, I, tit he tirctv mu I'loae lo Inc h. ai l und Is l s se I me. " Thai's ti m ," he said , 1 jou can't bo petted to care for the farm ai, 1 do Nell. I piotniv J to make jmu happy v hen you proiu-ui-d to be my tt ifc, and I'll try to keep my word. You iball lute !l all your own way. Neil." Thi conti'iunus droppiits of ttate.' wears anitt' Hie solid slime. I had t'oiiiiiricJ my husband a! I.i-t, and the d. si.e of my litart whs about to be iiceouipli.slied. Whi n Jack once mail,! up bin t.illid to do a Ihliie; he did il Willi all his unuht. ' lie unit ler w.i soon settle l. Cheny 1 ' ill. an w e called the f. n in, was sold at a reat sactiih'e, niu! mie Minny moruiiii; wu turned our backs upon the hicfiv uioiititaiii utii:ii!'.i and ;u!deu ;:ia:u lieitls. "A hi,; iinsi.ike," said Jack's father, us he bade us c,oo,!-l.y; "j'mi l.aj bittler liavo s in k in tin! f irm. Ynu remember the cM satin.' lib ml rolinie sloiii s." I don't b, li. vr In old siyins, sir," I nr. iw.'icd, luftlly, "and think I can appreciate my hu-liuid'.s aUiliil. s bit er Ihau any one else." "A I rilil, I hope jou won't tlml jouistU llilstak u, my de.tr. '.I j'jj b); ;j bolb of you -Roanoke WELD ON, N. IHisti ver you do, care for the little one, I'm afrahl aim won't like the cliaiine. If you should happen to tire of town and fashion, don't forget thai a welcome altvuyg awalu you at home." Jack's heart was too full for utterance. "I thank you, sir," I said, but we shall not ltd lln d. Our new home in Vnryth was a stylish resi dence In a fashionable block. We established ourselves in the prlncipil lintel, and set about th" task of fiirnlahlnir Hie house. "My dear child," said Mrs. Vatibnronch, the, inker's wit.; dropping In f ir an catty call, "don't dream of null a Hum "s Juitiatii carpet, (jet Hiussels. You'll lind it much cheaper In the end, and U.iil"S it Is so much nunc s'tlish." We lie tiketieil to inn fin nit s ailtitv, ati.l laid our rooms wilh llru-sels, and the cost run up Intel the hundreds. The furniture was not to milch. Mis. aulioroiwh and several other friends aiding us in our seh ctior,, ai,, all soit of pretty, cosily brie a brae, led lace curl.il is, and a net7 colliii;,, piano. My old ;:slrum, nt was tun plain and cluiu-y lor the elabl th in rut, 7'here Is ctliious sort of excitement in sptoiillMi: iiiiitiev, which seems to diive the most sober und ecnnnui z.ii,' people ,li'.pr.tle, when they onee net at it. Jaek had always b t n one of the ino-t careful of men, count inn the cost, of ctcryiMnu as he wen!, and satlnj; every stray penny. Once it'ti; the vorlcx of clly life, his piu -ileme ,as speedily chained, Inio a strt nf leck lessness. After Hie lirsl retv days, n::d by the lime our new home was ready to receive us, b actually srcuitd to take deliijht in secine, his money j,.i. "We've irot snm; rjnai (era here Nell, by (ieor,'e !" lie said, looking throuuli the es-li-.tv mainly fiirni-hed rooms with adiiiiiini; pihle. "Nooui: in Hie totvu can oulshine us, not even y.iiitioroiuH liiinself. Il hat light ened mil-purse a icrrat deal I'll nil in it, but tvti.it does that signify Wliat eood comes ul lininl nioiiey unless one enjoys It?" "n must try and save up a little ninv, Jack, since we are lixeil so nicely," I paid, frel liX siiiuetvb.tl tet'rilied at l.is grow.' iij; reckiess lless. "r.-hatv, cl.il 1 ! Who ever heard of a haul er's cleik savim; aiiilhlinj? If we nuike l.olh ends t,ii el, it w, II he more Ihau 1 look for." "My diar," sai l .lm. Yanl'iirouuh, tvhen we weie pleasantly setlled In our hindsome house and had a ci,'.!ple of servants, "I suppose you waul lo nive so ne sort of a puty now 1 It Is customary y,.ti know. Sunpu.ie you let II be an informal reception, Willi cauls and coffee f ,r t'ie old p"o Ic, ami Ices, and fruits, and d.uieiiie lor the y,ii'i oni s. T nl would do nieily. Ynu tan throw your pallors Into one, i'iid yoar carpets will not pet ninth Injuicd. I'. I help jou to onlcr tour refii'sliuieiils, and LViJ ia wi 1 ttiite out your liivilalions for you. She is an cAct'lliul Judee as to whi-tu il Is ei -p'dieui to invite." 9 I uii'tiliniicd ihe matter 'o Jaek when he cmie hoinr, and he entered into the spirit of the at! ill- v. iih rjre.il excl'rnieut. "I'o In, sure, little wife, have a parlydjy all means. 'When one's in Home one: mutt do a Hum ins do, y"oti know. Don't spare expense ritlo r, iiy drat; we mii-t n; ike lis miod a pliotv as nth, r p op e. And I sh ,11 i, ke ii apon mv -.' II 1. 1 i;t In you costu o. ; 1 u n.l ) ,u to lo.,,. as eiaii.l as a little emprrss." "Hut J.i-k," I stiuested liine.lly, ''y,i! re r.pi il lilii; il t'leal de;:l of n:om-v " "Oil, well, ttevi-r miiin. lluillnll (to uny ii"tv, one day or the other, and we milit us y.-ell enjoy it. You've alttats tt aiitnl lo jre. i ito u'.od soci, ty, Nell, ar.d y. ti nre fairly in it n nv ami it wont do to let pt-m !e r-ee lh.,t tuu are ciampcd (or money, lets make the most c.f il w Mie tt e.'ve (;i t it." M v lie n l acli, d a liU'e, ami In the midst of all tlie Butter of pn i .ration, 1 was conseli.us i.f a v.imi-' f, ,-li.e-of i,--rit w henev. r I re- c.ioed the ipiiet months of my cii'ly ttfrhood, JVcnl at (.'hriiy ilill. Ja,k hail i.eemiu sui it adilf rem pet son in those d.js-so slioiij; and stea.ly, Mid self reliant, mid nutv he srtmeil lo lake us lunch pleasure In life's frivotltics as I did. Willi the fooii-h iiTouslsti ncy tif my S- .V, sal d-itt ii an 1 ciied titer t!ie coiisiiuiA Ii-u i f llie veiy In pas wHi.-L I had cheiishej n lonif. IW despite my li ars, our n r. pti.m tttn' on, and it turned out lo be a prill sueciss. Hie best people in town honored us with the.r r-t-iiee, i.ii.l everything, thanks to Mis. anl'o:ou,'h's foresight, was ruried out In Ihe m -I lavish aiol eh ;atit l. -iii.tr. ' il, C, M"," Sli.i .J "tin si.lt of tl.iiij; is J'-llirr Ihau Ihe old faun. I sre now, little wife. Hut you are rinbl, siitays ilhl." .! woul.l t.-n limes rather he should have up h: aided me for what I had ilomi. 'The t. inter that followed was cvci dingly Kay. We tvrre invilr.l evr. yw here, and our house was constantly llilnl with j;i. sts. Italia seemed to rnei.i-s cvny hour. Jack aid I i'eld mi had a i'ii. t lioiueiit I. . t! er, yet he s, -otic I to enjoy II, all with l.is oun lo art. Wuet- .niiiie; fame on,- last siiiplut dollar had been i-xp. iiilrti, uiiC we were oolcly dc pendent on ,'ai k's leonlhly siilaiy. 7 he warm weiill.er can e on, mid Ihe Inhy soon fell 111. I bopiil (.,y .y ,.,y u.at Jack woatd say Miiiic'.liiiii about nvlug back to bis father's for Ihe summer, but he dij not even lii.i'. at t,ucli a llu-'t;, 'llii'ilals mew li.niri r and warmer, J'he f.uii shown down wilh a pitiless splendor, and Hie paved ctreeis sv-mid like I e.ili-,1 bias.-.. Our f aslilimiible fm nds fiuticnd nl? like luiu uier swallows, and we were left ctir.o.il alone. "Coiililu't you tiianaije to ms'..e (,ttlc tilp lo Iho sea shore, my deal ? Mrs. VanUoriiUsh ha I ,i!,'.'eseii, and Jack had tau-ht at the idea with eagerness. "We ininlit, Nell, f think we can. "I'll try to hot tow a few hundred mmewhere." "Oh, .lark, no, no," J sobbed out In my re morse an I despair. "I wont jo to IhiS sea lu re. You sec how 111 baby Is. :0h Jack ssL your father to let us return home." ' Oh, you tvocldu't be satisfied, Jiell, If wn were buck, u t is dreadfully stupid down there these Summer ilnjs, Willi Urn hay umkiiijc and all tl' tt sort of tiling, We should liwTcr be ae!o lo tn-liire il now. 1 said no more. V lie lonj;, biljrht, burning days wore on, and baby's llttlo breath seemed to ict'oyv weaker ami weaker, and poor Jack Itimsi If be-aii to look dreadfully ill and worn. And una tftcrnooti he was seul homo in a car riage, i u ilo uiieoine.uus, stricken duwu by s sudden 'ever. I put my ride tsido then, and wrote letter to Jack's father. "Jack ud busy ait! bolli III," I eald, "and C, THURSDAY, we are tired of this life. Tray forgive OS and let us come home. 7' lie very next day the dear old gentleman arrived, but the balllUs' and officers of the lair were before him. The rumor that we Intended to leave town got out, and our credlto-i rushed In, anxious U) securo Hie lion's share of oii, effects. The Brussels carpet and the band some furniture, and costly brlc a-biae, all went under bo hammer et (lsitlrouttr l.w fig ures. "Never mlud,'' said my fallipr-ln Taw, not a liiadow of reprosch on his kind old face; "lei 111' in niualible tuer all if they will, 'e must pet oitr lick ones home." So vt not Jai l; Jnto the cftrridicc, and will, his poor hot head upon my knee, and baby In my arms, I tinned my buck open Ihe scene of my short lived triumph. "We ii, c tcuintc buck to Cherry Jllll," said Hie old (jrnilemau, as In the Jrjst of the gold, en day we drove limine!, ,,. ,l, v silliness, of ILs ni nui ta in ravine, "Ihe old home h.s been walilnt; to. Ynu a'l these months. 1 waa pretty sure you'd want lo come buci." I could not ntler one word In answer, i ICi'eat full moon was nsliie; abotn the moun tain peaks as we rraihrd Ihe house. Not Iho smallest thinic was chan.'jrd. The ureal ri d Ms, s hlosMiiiird on the trriace.tlic l ees dinned 1 1 their hives, and the caitle bells tinkled in Hie barn )a:d. The doors stood wide open. We. carried Jaek in and laid him down in the broad breezy r .inm thai had been our Initial chamber. lie iiprtird his e)es, and iltevv a drrn, sgtil v erlna; lu nth, a,i the inoun.ain breezes louchc.J his throhhiiiic head. "Nell, where are y.'U ?'' he said. "Suicly ! this must l.e home ?" "1 am brie, Jack," i auswi red, through nij sears, 'Vnd Hits ia home, clear old Cherry Hill." "TTiinik (,'od, he nmrmiired, and fi ll buck on li s pillow, and I say.' treat tears lurkliii;; slowly from beneath his closed cvrlj.l. Heyond the open window, In the silver jclory cf Ihe ii. intr moon, the old urunilfath'ir sal with huhy at his feet, half h ihlen in the rank, cool crass, and even at, that lute hour the, I'leeonf tlulteied around In-r as nf old, and she screamed with laptaie ar she clutched a', thcui w Hi her I Ii I ii llitle lauds. "I lose tofily and fell t,u i:iy kn.ea beaide Jack's pillniv. "till. Jack" I sobbed, "t have been so wicked. l''oij;ivi! me, Jack, forgive me. 1 am an i'la-1 to bejit houie aL'iiin." A'nl Iheii and there, clasp, .1 lo my hur iiaml's In'. ul, In the safe, sweet shelter of Ihe home he loved, 1 understood nil Ihe past. "You didn't meai: It, Jack," J wlitspried. 1 You only pretendt'd to enjoy it all to please inc.'.' He, smiled at me with his grave fend eyes. "And oh, Jack, our minify lp u'.l k'ontt, silenced me wilh a lsjt. "No matter, li'tie woman, Uie Icioji we have leai ned has ben cheaply bouicht. Wo t.i in not. cue to leave ihe safe old mountain Ui'sl III seaicll of f ah lotilt.h' sor let y H,'.lin. .1 could hot ai'sw i-r. I heatd my buhy coo- Iny to Ihe p'r;. s In ttie glass, and sal there clasped in Jack's arms, the happiest wiman the round wnrl I held. SAVED bTA KISS. "A kiss NlVt '! IIH' !" Iiiiitictlt.tlf! V cvny fiit'i' ln'nl fui wtu.l. Uii'lik, ilaitittly-fl.iil vt'uiiii'ii mill nioii t'Vi'il llli'll lilli'ii lilt' runtii ; but. llitt n . Il'lll't" lll.lt fnl!llVf, fillllt,! 1)1! Ji'lt, t'i t';ii'i-wen' tliry t .i I'l.lcli cvci y wni'il. S nm' ni'i' I, i,l snilii'ii lightly ol' tin' li'il'os tltal mi stiifly tnnki' up tin- siity nf happiness nr wnf. Ti illes tt mtil fur nuiliiiii;, llioy tliuii:,'lit- il is tl.e $rv; i' v v n t H llml, di li'i inini' tin tli'stiiiii s of turn fur o;,ioi nr ill. It wt'.H lliis ll.af, hail dt':i m m fin til tin' slaii'iiii nt u.iu Co i';:pl,iuali.iii tliat ,.gll,itvril. ' I kn itv litilliin," In- C'liilinv-i'il, 'f my jiaii-nls nr o iho i:iivuiiis.lniii'i'H uf mytiiiih, Niii,!iiii'.r in all tin.' liiili'i past flings ttu I'lnso Id iiii'inniy as tho cjiTaiiily thai I lclHLf t" inilimly timl iu)l)i),ly I 'flotis In itio. In nno oj uiir lari' ritics, in a 1 1, t ;i I f y wltrn: tl.t'fi' ai'i1 many lii ilo hi)ini,iis lines, , hiin liasi'iioss is tin; tilling I'lcinciit, I inav nl' inav nut havt' htnl my liirtli at least, that was tho Hist I knew of my -sell. I'uM'lT V isir l m,i ..tiil if we've sunn' lino to l.ivr us; lull till lino i alr.l fur mi', aii'l till iho il.iys wrv tili'.r ami iho nights st'i'int'il an ptfniily nf liuu'. 'l'lirii' is a liiltt'iiicss nf Kui i'iiw in ihe lives uf tin- li.iiiii li'ss, of which ()'ii, iviily can kimw. 'Liu1 hiiuw li.nl fallen ami ihe cul l March wimls wcio liluwiiie;, Is-.i v in uj h i cliuici' cxiTpl tin simnii'st hiilc id the vi'iual stit'i'!, in which wo found plit'lliT, I, with ulh cis whosi! years y.cri' few ami whusi' hiiincs y. ci c any where, liad Kiiio;ht the Hiiiinii'ot siilc when a laily puttsed lie side us, mnotithul Intel; Uie tniioli'd lucks and kissed inc. That was ihe ti if t fiiress 1 had ever known, and it saved inc. It was yells bc.fiii'e J tn w out -of llml life tit a lieUc,)' e,ne; 1ml whether 1 had whei L' to lay my lieait or not, I felt that ttn'scnci) of a lilit foot Lai I and the suli .lunch tf a hand. lilt of ihe pure depths of her pitying vumaiiho.id shu kissed me. It wiis it irillint; tiling, indeed, to kiss a I. ome let's, friendless child; hut because o that kiss, mid with iho Fntl.ui V help, I stand to day upon tho linn lj.M8 of an honorable inuiiLocd." Christian ul Work. An Austin colored jireachcr lieine' culled upon to niako a fctv remarks ut the nrii,vc ot a buy, said: "jcnhly be lubbed bredderin and sistcrin, do day air' do hour when each an' cbery one of us inns' yield up our spirits am d ine sot, bttt'if a kind Providence had not made do cpwomnbors rate dis hear season, din hear promisiu' boy would had cluiuti do golden tttair Hcboral weeks :ij;i). l'raiso duLiid for His g'oodu jss and nitissy." Vott can jet the. real respect of tlio boiifsi men in thu world in ono way only Ihai U ly deserving it. N SEPTEMBER 7, 1882. DASHINQ HOPESJTO THE CROUNS. Tho soft., balmy, spice ladcti brcczo blew wilh fitful jjusls iicrosn iho to nianliti clam-shelli'd hhuro of Coney Jsland. The sea otd's apieared to bo whispering tales of luvo to their mates as they, with ejladsnnio crien, Hkinjiuei! over Uie sunlit, tlanciii"; waves ahuyo tho liierry sharks swimming yleeliilly la and ro, on the lookout lor unvyiHy bathers, iny wailors dived hero ant) then) like t!iin;s nf life, laden iih glasses filled with a mysterious, sen like fnatii, as Mirdio Metiiiiness and Harold do MiauohneSsy proiiionaded attii in c;ni) islun the beach, tho very picture of love nnd hti:piiiess. lint llaiold's mind was nut impressed by the bountiful iin'ouiiilins. A shallow was upon bis cniinti'iuiice, and his basoball nine mniisiiiche ttvitched iiervuiisly. U was only ono short week bel ire that, he had detected llit'ilio caniatjo-ridiii wilh his avowed rival, and ho had sworn revenue. "Iiirdie," ho whispers in his chromo ai cents, as a baleful smile, lights up his eoiinlenaiice, "(.'01111', we shall h ivt; ice cream," and as Hiriliu lisps, "Oh, llarol I, ynii are just too tun," he draws her unresist ug form to his side and vvalt.es her oil' lo thu neatest .cream cry. As Hirdie prepare? W seat herself, a haiil, stony erlnce enters the eyes of Harold, as he shrilly whispers "Hir die, I have l ist my pocket-book," and he turns and walks away with a sar donic irrin upon his face, as Birdie, wilh a wild, maniacal shriek that melts till the cream in tho rcfrij'crator, lulls a senseless mass, a woman v.'fCckod for life. UNCLE BUCK'Tc iCKSLIDINC, Vrntu the Atlanta Constitution. Not far from I'owder Sprint's, in an ol 1 orciiiii'il. is an etc, (il.aiiiiai.Oti 1 1 -1 , 1 . 1 srltnol Ijuiise built and used by the eiilood poujile sumo years ago. Not hmej since 1; miuistor had an ap;oii;t ment, to preach there 011 Friday liighl and an old crow, who resided at a urner shnp near by, w ho had loarnod to s,t.al; f.omo Knu'lish, had taken refuse in tho old scliool b orso and perched himself on the joist near where the pastor slooil and seemed to feel nl homo as ho was worshipping with persons uf the name color. After sing ing and praying the congregation got inij.ed . iu great confiisio'j vhon the old crow uttered in a distinct tone, tLo word:', "d 11 ynu," which weru re peated two or throe limes in rapid succession, The preacher, nut vt ilhstaniiliiig ho preached srrue,i tho text : "Stand still ajid see the s ilvation of tho I.)t d," made tpiick his oscapo through the .small window and wont through the old pine lield at a break-neck pace, and without any further ceremonies iho I'oiigreatioii uiado for tl.e d'H.'i's and windows in a ft ;i 11,; le tio uud initio confusion old 1'i.cle Buck, a erii pU'd deai un, wa;t mi his crutches, had been ni',1 over r.tid left lying un his back away from his crutches and was una ble to luako liis escape, tho crow flow down on a bench near whore the old and helpless rheumatic lay and again littered the ominous "damn yon;" wheieupou the old man threw u;t his hands and exi'lai nod : "1 didn't have t'.nytl'iiu' to do wilh this meeling, and ii yon will let on' aiuiie tins lime, Mi. 1 'evil, I'll never go to mooting any more but will go lo dancing and cuss ing just as sniiii as I git home, sho.'' SAVING F0R 0L0 AGE. i'o one d.'itit'S that it is wise to u.ako a provision lor old ng,, but we are nut all agree. I as to the kind it is best to lay in. Ccitainh we shall want a litlle money, fur a destitute old mitti is indeed u sorry siht. Yes, Taw 1: iillb uiciiey, by all all means. But an old man needs just that part 10 ular kind ul strengili which young men tire most npt to waste. Mirny u foolish young follow will throw away on a holiday a certain amount of ner vous c.orgy which ho will i.evor feel the watu ot nil he in lovonty; and then, how much bo will want il. It is curious but true, that a buttle nf cham pagne at twenty may intensify the 1 lieiiinatifiui of the three score. It is a laet, ihc.t uvertaskiiii; Iho eyes at fuur teeu may neti ssit alo ihe rv.d u spec tacles nl fui'ty, instead of eighty. We advise our young leaders to bo saving uf heallh fur their old " for the maxim holds good with rogard to health as to money yusto iml, waul not. Il is tho greatest mistake to suppose that any violation of the laws nf heallh can escape its penally. Na ture lorgivos no sin, no error. She lets off the offender for lil'ly years some: iliies, hut 1 he catches him at lust, and inllicts the punishment just when, just ho o, just how lie feels it most. Save up for old age, but save inure than money ; save bealih, stive honor, save Know-lodge, save the recollection of good deeds and innocent pleasures. Save rich stoics of that kind of wealth which time cannot diminish, 1:0 r death lake tiwav. A H'.nuley cow has no burns; il ijs din'erent mm a man in this respect; tho more "horns" ho 1L0 liHiber ho bceoiueii. . Wendell I'liilllps lil.se sallritetl our lore Ol money by saying it at it an American saw a silver half dollar 011 the other side of the ever lasting pit he would Jump for it aud run the rl k of falling In. NO. 27. TOO MUCH FOR HER. The modest moon uiemidcred throuih the crulesn blue of heaven's dome, and Iho soft stillness of the nijcht seemed the swcelttat of companionship. Neither the echoing call of thu old owl nor the cheerful chirrup of the Ciickrt vjcffl heard. Tho atmosphere was Somnolent and seniaous slid Ihe calm quiet of Hie night lent fo the captiolug chaimi of f!atno Nature. 41 the fld.o giie (The render will note that this Is no! tho stereotyped front gate) of a splendid cd l.ee, the homo of Hon. 7'iioi. K. Itobliein stood Mignonette Kobbcni and the star uf her destiny, Jacobin N. (!. T1110011. A veiy cl.mi ub.erviir, pnlieiilarly 1 l;o had a lantern, eniil.l delect thai the two young peo -ple wire nntioab'y near to each other. In fact t faithful historian of tint .rent Would haro nn record that young man's sun wss around her Yentii-liku shoulders, her model head wai r.sliiiK where his boutoniiler ordinarily bo lunged, and their lips were glued together wllb thu old fashioned ever silica Adam and Kvc glue. Il was a sight that should have do lighlrd an aili-l'a etc and maddened Mig'a p-ipa, who enteiTaliuid no sued gushing 1 am-yoins-only affection f ir Jae ai .1 g herself. At once, and wlthoHl notice, Hie fair young form divine tore herself madly from Ihe above described double thickness glucose embrace and sank upon her knees, every known ex pression of unutterable agony and deathless distress being vividly di plclcd upon her Mo doiiic fealuies. A;'er head fell upon l.er h iso m, hnr head was hcried In h.r hands, and misery and woe were hers In hngli 11 lautitiea. I.'ke a flash of srt Hi; llghliilug she fprun. to It. feet, and with one, long, lingering, duud piercing servant, threw herself, as well as Ilia Intervening gate would permit, upon Jacobin N. (!. 1 usoon's liecl, ami murmured, lu faint, hollow, Joaiic tibial tone : "Jae, there's a buc down my back." . . He Mkant 711,'; S,a! k TiitNO It had taken him somttt iujo to liriug his tongue in full accord wilh bin mind hill ho finally stammered out ' " will yoil wander down life's path your hand in mine, whilo tho goddess of love sings (seven songs to r.ei. Qh, will you be n;iue my angel." y i' II , wouldn't I look well as f.11 angeiy See Lcfo. If ymi want 1110 to marry you, to mako life happy and home pieasant In yuu,to keep the houso slicked up nice, to rook; junr reliahi b'e meals, to pro; ide at your table nnd at the ptan 1 with cijnal ability, to care fur the children mid bring them up bright ami smart, and help you make the best uf yourself in this world, why I'll jieo hands with ynu." "That's just the (.radical kind ol angel I thought ynu was. iine." AUVKKTlSKMliNTS. FREE' I So ltd to 'lIl SIM iSH IM i:KNITsV Allnnfn. iit. l-.ir lhu-imu i i in ul ir. A II m-liinl luiii iK' I'Mol. -taLltstteit tuxnty uri. W i v 11 Wl' 1,1 )s'iirown town. I rru nitil 4'i OOOiitmii fri'O, AiWrrsM II. llulU-tt .V Cd i'm' inii. I, Miiini', iipnitv. CREAT BARCAINS. W'e are now reeeivin , ,ur new and beam I fill l- oo.t s r- eellt ly OI ' etias-'d of I h- II I a II II f set lirrrs, ami eordiallv invit" v 01 lo rail and see 1 hem. The laryest and le ::t siTerle.l stock ,;f OttI I) W Ti ll r.s .SK I'S ulMKW K.I. 11 Y I1UTI ltlt.i'l;l.MS. Hl'K.ll V AMI Of Utrt OilAI.N.-i, IHAMiiSD AMI SI'.AI, IIINUS. M.KKVK lll'TTUNS M Ml TtiS. snl.ll) Mt.VliKsroo.NS. rultlvS ,xe. Tur ll(U tUO ( HNlur uvud 5 lunU K V K It O I. !. I's" Yoiun's I'. 1'. iilesses ami lni rve your eveuelit. Wat, -lies anil Jewelry rei-alred by the best workmen. Kiittrav 110: tieittlv iloi.e l,v J. T. YlU N'l A lino, orl 'i ly I'etorst'iirr, Va. V IKST l b. sSaii.Mtl) A.N 1, LVDylXy I.eil lie. nn, I by t.pplyiiiu in MKS IIH T W1I.K1NS, A few , looi's tietow Oie I'list ttlhre. opposlle side ofl'ie .tie.'t. iiu I ll. Wi'ldoll, N. C. 1857 KST A 11 I. I S 11 K D 1857 fa 11 part- l57. RVFE W- DANIEL iiissiiv-h or 1. 1, mors, ureciTli's and Coulee- tloiieiTi-s en- hr.i-'e In pat I ' ITUi.NrU, At I' I K, l'.I.Ai.'Kni.ltHV (tiitl YVIMK'IIKKHY llllANr.Y. V'HISKIKS. l'Olir. t.HKKUY, WADKIHA anil OHAMl'Ati.VK YIJiK. UlOAHS, liAOOX, riaiUIl, MOI.ASSKS, I.AllI).(l,l.N'y4.".. I'KI'PKK, Jsl'li'K. Al'I'l,l;s.,IKI.I.lKS, rifKI.KM. DKARy ,1'KAi'HKS and (;KKt'TI).Nj-.Rlk!s I'OltTM'l .H I.AIK ;Ji:KU fiS 1 C E, And many other articles too numerous to men Hull. n.w. riANiKt,. lu Wash. Avcuuc, Weltlou, S.C. IS ly ia:,j THE ROANOKE NEW ADYEKTISIJJQ KATES. 2 S O I l I GO 8 00 H 00 10 on 20 00 15 00 30 00 18 M 3 (10 20 00 40 00 SO 00 60 00 SPACE a One Square, Two Square, Throe sxjnimta, Vcnir Squares, Ko'fKtli Onl'ii, Hall Olutun, Whole Co 1 11 tun. 3 00 is 00 10 HI) ia no SO po 20 00 30 00 40 00 45 0l (0 5 (Ml 75 Ok) One Year, PROFESSmliMtOI JJAKNOH BKLt. at loiivrysj .r ikvr. ESFIEt.l),N. C. I'rnetlt.'a In the nountlea ot Halifax, Nash Kilirei.tml e ami Wlaou. UiUeelltma niadrlu ai) pans ol tho state. Jau U tf, ' II(S.Mirii, iR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Xootiano Nuck. Halifax Count N. O rraetleea In tho esvitnty of llallfftx and sdlotNr. Iu eom.li, tui'l in tlo Suereuta court ot Hi Slate. Mli. J , tt R I Z Z, A. It I ATT()UKY AT LAW, II A I.I PAX, N. ('. nnte, 11, iho Curl Id, use. strict tUeatl atveii 11 all I raiisJi'iho ll.e profession, iau 1 1 rllOMAS N. HILL, HA Ue' AX, N. C. I'l-aelli'es tn lltltfat mid adloliumr conntl ami I'e ler tl an. I Siierem curls. Will le at ScaaJlaitil Aeck, onee evarv hrri ulstlit augjsif jyt. it hi). W. KUTMaS, S 11 r f e o n 1 o it 1 1 1 . Ollli-a! over V. II. nrown a Dry (Tovila Store-, WW. HON, .C. Will visit parti' at tholr homes when desired '', rins Keasoiiable. net 8,1 1 v ' 'p w, y isuSi ATTOH3KY AT 'LAW, UAHYSItUKU, N. C. I'rai lice In th. rnirls of Northampton suit a,l)oiiilni ciniiitiea, Alan In the sitkral and 81 ereine courts. )ttiaStf. A UT K li t. h Ul tl, Attorney anil C'sjiiutkellor At LaWj W K L I? O HJ, W, C. Praettees In Halifax and S'ljolnlinr itouutlea. S ml attention iriveu to tvlleciloiia 1 alt i.trts of the statu and prompt returns uiitUii-, feb. it I y v7uaxu "'. ATXOUXKY AT LAW, , WKLDOV, N.C. ' Ki t .1 attention airen to cuIlecAla noulttauees pr.nitptly mad't. inav I If. It. t.. I , HUNTER, H'lttiKOS O C V T I 1 T , Tan he found at liis ofDoe id KnfieM, I'lirn Nitrous Una for tli Paint less Kxtraotim; uf Tooth alwayo on baud, Jo in iiJ tl. J tun VI. Mi l. I.K.J. ,'uii.i A. MOOKI J U I, L li fi 4 M O 0 U li, ATIOltM'.YH T LAW. li.M.IKAX S.O. Prai Hi:,' Ii; tl,e eoiiiitlesot llallfav, Nortluinp. ton, K-U'co'iil,,'. l ot an, I Marlin -I'll the Wu? prom ijrt of the S'aie and In the Kederaj rutins of ili Kns'ern Dtsli lel. Colteetieus mvt 111 any pari t,f the Mate. Jan 1 ly nn . t n jioi.i ,11 ,., 1-k i. . nn.n.n jollii qit a jyt. A. II ZulLU'CFfj:". a UliO., I'llfllt I tS AXp Kl IttitQeVI, W h L h O , N. o. lis A. u. mi,! 1) U 4oli,:otter. having unlteif r.s partners In th" pnietlre of medlrlnt, undi'V tli" sit le 1111,1 Hi in of Dr. A. xt liollicoiler a llro. Iter tlielr nrotesslolial servires to the nuhltd ,.rriierally and solicll a share of their patron&tre,, tin y Kiiaraiuee cariotu sun peouipi aneniionio paneiits. vue iv llie Itrul still always he fining it their ottlee III k.,illk otter's DruK btoro whre atlenls i:i ,e treat. ,1 al all houra and wheu necessary, potn will vlll and plve their ttUs lion to 1, salt-ilia without extra charge. nir tr 11. S A It P C; It 0 I1 (I !! llUL'S 1!. I. J'ii;'Fll(sylU Srri, Italrlglt, Jt. C. Terms' lo suit the times. (I.W. H.A('KNAI.L. t'lMrrteUp. l'.tta. 1SSJ. (IKHtllK M ltlll.l-: WORK. Itistabllslnd lulSt-t.) St eiiiio.rL -it . el ,,i'ik iln TTiill fi Cf x.ivajt,nu, V MoniunruU, l o in list, rp, lleaiUloiical autl jiravs)l,Ba f eveiy ileserirdtuii made to order tannins' m prle-i Ironi ii.. 1 isirns s,. nt to mail tnany address, with poat- aa' siioiies nn lose.l tor i-riiirii. sisrvt lien ortier. nte reeeiveil, ttie workia tira pared au.l lorttnrded, II It dm s lint stive ocrlrrt saiisfiielioil . pilrehasera al e rei nested to retUID. at my cunt u.e-1 psyliiK f 1 eieht hoth ways. T l.i.west prices ai tl cheap freuliis K usntiileeil. I orrxspoinleuie solicited from all Mictlnns. , , UlA.s". M. WALSH, apr. l:ly. Y W- HALL, (llro una Ltla luaartor A-enly Can be found lu the Roattoko fews Offln't. 5fj'sxvo(, (f.c, New Y"rk Underwriter. "Agricultural" "f Watertnwri, N, Y. Wi'Miern, at Toronto, Oaiiada, 1'ainlleo.i.f TarLoeo, N. 0. Iviichhiirir, of l.yucMiurir. Va. Knuitablo Llto lusurauce Co. of H..Y. Willi place risks liujuijr otberittiod coinpanr allow aafcratca. JulvlJlf "Sstisasi

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