THE ROANOKE NEW ADVEHTSINaRATE3, . THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC X R H K L Y NEWSPAPER, PUULtsHRI) IJY HALL. & SLEDCE, me Y"ar. I" advance, si.t l ftths. T'.r .e l infhs. 5 00 I Oil. ? eta ADVERTISEMENTS For lyprpsU, Coitltoneit, Sick Heartache. Chronic IMnr rhaea, Jaundice Impurity of the IMixhI, Fever and Agu, M alarjo, And hU Dtrtritwa canned by De- SYMPTOMS OV A PISKASEn I.IYKIL Urtath : l'aui In the Siic, lomrtiines the tn it It und.T the ulltr-bladc, nrntaktrn for heumitUm; general of appetite; Ho well generally costive, sometime nlieriiiitint; with lax; the ItfaJ is troubled w.u- pain, is tluli and heavy, ,t-uh connulerable loss of meMiory, acci'naijcj with a painful icniati' n of Icmviiiuu w.iirh ought to have b i n dni; l'i;ht, dty t..ii(ti ami ftulicd face ii sometime an aiicmUiit, uiicn ItiULikm ir consumption; the jutitut ctmicLiui of wennms and dcluhiy , .nervous, f.isi'y . n!ed; h-t cold .or bum tig, minctimrii a vriy setu,.tnm of the akin ChiMt; -rn arc l-tw ami .tripon-lent, nd, aIiliou;h satisfinl that est craw WuuH he hetie filial, yet enc can luitlly tAirumim up fortitude to try it In fact, every remedy. Several of the above fcymptotm attend the iltirae. hm ours have occur red wiicn but few of i hern exi.ud, yet r x arm iu turn after death ha shown the Liter to luvc Wen extensively deranged. It should b uned by all peruana, old and young.-' whenever any of the above symptoms appear rernonn Traveling or JMng In l'n- Ii 'ftlthy fiitculitieti, by inking a du.e occasion ally lo keep the I,iver in healthy crtun, will avoid jll Malaria, HI linn a ntlHcU Diziincsi, Nait r., iJr'iwsnirss, !tpres;o n of Spirits, etc. It will invigorate like a ut of wine, but U no in toxicating beverage, Tf You have oiVcn anything hard ot r!l ;f1lon, or feel luavy after incais, or A lee p. InH -t night, Ufiz A dose and you wdl - relieved, Time und Doctora mils will bo aaved by ahvaya keeping lite Regulator In tho Home! Ft, vh.itever the ailment may be, a thoroughly i. i-' iiuiRailvo, alterative &aa turtle can m --er W out of pi arc. The rrrnrr'y js hnrmlcM Htxl dors nut iuteriere wiLii buaiueB or pUftNiirt. tT fSrTOKT.T VFOFTAm.K, Atrl h:w all 1 yo-jcv :-ml efliccy ol Calonel Of y-irune, withuui any of the injurious ifter eilctti. A fioveriiur'n Tontiniony, P;mmou Liver U yni .itnr h- Veniii use in my fanu.y lor sme t'nie, and 1 am saiislied it is a .Viiiuauk addition io tiio tin died si it nee. J. Gill SitmtritK, Governor of Aia. TTon. AIexnn1nr II. Stephens, of Oa.t fas: Have jjcrived some brndi: fmut tlie use or Simmon. Liver Regulator, and wiih to give it it further trial. The only Thing tliat never fulU to Itrlieve." I have used nuny remedies for Dys p'psia, Liver Alierti.-n ait l Debility, but never have found anything to benefit me (j ilie extent hurimon Liver Kegnlatur h.ts. 'i sent from Min ncsota to Georgia for it, and would stnd funhcr fur urh a medicine, and would advise all who are iim- ii. nly affected to give it a tri.d as a seems tlie only that never fails to relieve. , . T. M. jAiiNuy linncap'i, Mfno. Ir. T. V, Mnsnn aayat $nm actual ex perience in the ue of Simmons Liver Regulator in ny p-nctice 1 have been and am satittied to Ul and prescribe it as a purgative nnalictne. f'Take oa!y the Cenninn, which a! way has on the Wrapper the rd X Trmle-MntU and Sigitdture of J. tf, ZbULIN & C'O. fe1 yt T Ul'PKY A H T It Eh, ii 4f u h U n 1 1 v t in or A'jii', Tobacco, JLiy and Votlon Prres, SAW MILL', GlilST MILLS, MILL lltONS, riowa, Iron and Brass Costing. wpMly retorstmr n KOWN & 0 U1U WAY. II IMF IX, X. r. D E A L U H 3 IN ,i ' i ! DROUS, MKDICIXKS, CUEMICiLS. ji?aliitS,'01la,Vurnlelios, Dje-stuIIa, FiUJ Tollot Sol, Fane Ilair and Tooth Uruslica, for fpniKry anil Fancy Toilet AftU'lpa, Tnyi- ira and Slionlilnr Braca, Letter Paper, Ten, Ink, Enveloiwa, (i'.nss, Ta ty, Curl. on Oil, Lamps, Chi&-l-tji flfPhrlclaua' Vn'Mi-rlptinnitartumtnly oom tpillHlet, LitBiiEnib' CBi.KHKTEnGaiti)KN Skkps. W .urohRe tc!t appi llrrt. from ) V.x 4iniv s"i Furm nf l""rs. I.amlri'th, .and they ulioiild u"t tin clawd Willi the aeeda Jefton rnnitnlaHlon tliroiiKhuut the ruiintry. Ue l.andrethi' Secds.aud a K"Pd Vftfolalile .Oanli-ii lr Inaurt'd. out T ly TWENTY DOLLARS WILL BUY TI1H ewins Murlilno. A better M:ichmo thin cau Is bought for Fonrv nt.i.ARn, ANY WHEBE, Ittnua Drop Lcit, two lorc drawer , f.-im'y bin Without WAHBARTF.D I'OB FIVE YEARS. Ksumination oy Maciiisk IlKroiiK Payment. 3nd jour ordora or addreaa. urn if to l r'n 141 N. Seventh St. Pliiludcli'him Pa. Ib H'6m !70 A WEEK. Ill a dny at. home ea-lly 'PI 4 made. tvMly ()ut".t tree. AddroaH 1 m'B 1 '.j ,A:iS'ii!, SUU.C. - ri'ifl.-. frngcment of Liver, IWmuls and Kidiioyi vol. xr TO S . AnAuswerto in Evrry Kound.' BY X. In every ounil yon think ynn liest n) tcet Ala ! my ia'h Ilea far from your, di ar heart, And distant Is the morrow when we meet Myaoul haih wcII iiIkIi lout the hope so sweet, Thatilava will end that kup n. two anart And you .h ill h. ,ir uiy hwlflly comluir (i ot. I, toi).tau.l watching in the crinvde latreui, And eiiift Rue ii cm rarh "a.i.ii' face," And -ay, '-Pcreliiuieo to-.iay wo tu kli..ll meet, A"d I. n y hive, onoe more wllh run ur. irrcel ' Hin only kliuilnwn )i,de about the plaen, And ntfver the iuiiii i of your dear fe"t. Ik til ie ou enrlh a Joy ri pi-sinn wc t, 'I liul the ' lu.'ked K il" nIihII p ll f-t us I 'e ? 1 h"ii nowmli r'n void nor uiumer' i.e.. I shrill stuy .'ti -in me it my inva l.'iil feel. T..ey w.l. not rc-t uu'.l t in pan. ih ,l.le On that hleu'ii u.ono.v w h. n t,iu m.ail inn t. So one hop ! my hear d iea over b 'at ; 1 ttt II. c but. uuioi'Ke i may b'thegu e, Tbat b ir., me f o:n thy d ', my awurl. Tlin w ll eo:i surely hear my coming r.'. t. An. 1 1 t.h id re.t in full content, thn' lat , 0 i !h it bl iit'd morr .w when w.- nvo ulia'.l m t. All AJTOSISCWAP.jY. To-morrow I am lioiiitf Io be marriej. I, who luvu b. en a t don u na mi o d uuid for an iud'-riiiile n. miner, of ye.ira. The rxpected i Blii vie. ilea q 'lite a roiiuuoi ion in hull rlo q.iiel hoii'-ehi)l.. My uiolh--r saya : MVIiuumii 1 do allln.ut J on " And my dear father, whose dark bir begins ti hi ai.r'nlilf witii sle , lays, moiirtilully, "1 em mot taro my Caioline," tlniiiijli I think he la aei retly pleaM d tlial ln iel "Carry" is In have audi a nol le hua atid after all. My r..i;.iiali brotaor Tom Coeaab.ut the -ini;ii.i;: "i'heic Ii no goose, however gray, but aonu or ia'e, SI.e'll find .i.'mo honest (rainier for her mate." And la!i thin aei'uia very strange to me. I cannot reallac it that tlw bii.lal iliess of auow.v e.iU 'i, with tha co'aumei' veil and wreath of nrun Lloaaoma, can bo fot plain Caroline Hud.on. Gut the rankest of all i, Hint I am to marry John Grant John Orant, whom 1 learned lo love yeara airo, uul all thought of n hum I stro'td to ut far tiom inc. It la ill yeara now eiuee that mornlntr in early" summer, when wu walked loirethir tlirouei Ihe cre.'h wood, tho leavei ilirred by a (refill wind, and the ciimlin; their moruiuj ion.'a. We were a lilllo a art from the re.-t of our p irti , iui.1 when wo had fath ered our hinds full of w ,d ll.. it eis Unit wi re scattered In prof ns-loij at our feet, we sat dowu upon a felled oak to uit for lliem. 1 Wat h. ppy no that J une monilti',', I sal on thai old tree by the aide of John Grant, while he wrettli.'d the buds and IiIiiiSoum ai d Ilia Ki'eeii leaves of Hid trullliiK couvolrulua urtiutiM U'.e br ibis of uiy brown hair. Wo did not talk "inch that mornitn;, nn I we had sat tileiiiu several mi.m.nls, John sudiUuly aid : "Caroline, I want to tell you Mmethini:." Xt.wai uot the won! 4 that laa.le inr heart heat so and Ilio hot b lood in rHh in uiy rheek.i and forehead, for we h id known each other a lout: time, and lie h i. I often made a conlld m:c of ina-but it was tlie low tone, full ul nv ar.d (tranue tendenu'ta, that thiiibd n y whole bciutr. 1 do not kno'.v, but perhaps uiy voii-e trembled a lit.le, aa I i-.ud : "Well, what la it, Joini t" "Carry, Dear," but the senlen e ,vas not fliiifhel Just then the rest of l, . pari) in.i I. tli. Ir appear nee, mid ell 'Clu illy pataneul all confident! il roncraion. k The iiext day John Grant left Tunhihli:" n (,!.nesi. which required his presence for sev eral weeks. 1 did not ace him for some time after his return, an I when he called a: last, there was a iouicthin m.d finable In l;i m in ner, hut yet a chanire, a reatiaint, wliiih tol.l me thai those wordt once tn Ins hps would not bi spoken. Month amp and went, and spun he l ft borne i.slcii.lbiy for l us.uesf, but it nan tu ,rf!prod that a beaullful jounsf, till at r'.-.-uey Cootnben, whose aequaiuunee he had main wat the real cause of his frequent visits to De vonshire. In a little while, it was said, and upon good author ly, Hut John (limit was i niT"lied lobe man led to Mary ('.vuliu,'; and it wua also t i I that ahe was veiy yoiini; and e.y beautiful, fttvel till then, till I kin w be was lo many mi o;:er, was the saeret of my own It earl revial. d to me; but then 1 l.uew how I had luted bun how a,!l tope, all joy, a!) eailh'y happiness was contend in him even now 1 shudder when I llllnk of that lime, whi n ll'c ta nned au h a heavy burden, aud I loin;e. I for a time lo lay it d wu iu the (rave; hut I could no'; a thorny path opened before me, anj I wat lo Wak into It. Job n Giant lelen td to Tunl-ridi!' ion aflo. lilt euiijeuient, and In a f w ive. ka Mary K.-alhiif came to Kliu iVoo d, oil a visit In jiiisl-ler. Soon after her arrival f was intlted lo a parly to be given duriin,' her itay 1 iliead. d to t(0, and yat 1 cuild tint stay away hoK plain I looked a J I atoo I before my dressing Klaaa that iuiiii, ni a plain tllk with a few learltt veihenis lii iny hair! Did I wear lln-in becau-e he had tai l ouee lu. y ioiiuauu wen filth my dark lialr ! I aa eaily, tnd of all the Klrls In the room Mary Kcnllug waa the most lorely. I do not wonder lie lovt-d you Mirj: you we-e beautiful, a you came fioaihi Into the room, In a dreit of lu'lit miuiin, your golden curia falling over yeur awepl childish ,face, and joe.r blue lyei runtiinj; over with bappineu, and lie-but I dared not look at h iu lout;, for I ai not ery stroiii;. Io tlie course of the cvenlni; I wat Introduc ed lo her; and atranije aa it wai, tioui that mo ment she leemed to cling to rue. She waa a child Id artlc.tsr.css, and won bcR-in talking of "John," asking If I knew Ul n, t ic. "How strange he never mentioned ycu he told me of to many of hit ( John John," ihe called, aa ho passed us, "why didn't you tell mo about Mist Jludiou r you spoke of to many others." Our eyei met for au instant, and then I laid, pitying hii.enihari'afS'iH'iit : 'He has so many fi lends, it isn't at all lin gular that ho tliould have fonrotien uuu." But 1 knew then, as I do uov, that b had not forgotten me. Just thro, looking up, I law iu a mirror op posite the ri B 'ctlou of our little group, and JAa Uraal! When I saw ihc eou.r-s'. .'.l.K'.o Roanoke WELD ON, N. Mary Keatlm; and myself. I f rjiatc hlin, if 1 lud not before. Not that I was tery plain I do not 1 1 1 1 ii It I was hut she waa to beautiful, a.i rontjdlui and lovlntr, no one could help being charmed with her; ami I could not blame him, for lie had alwavs been a great admirer of the beau' if ul. Mary Kcaliuf came to see me freqnently while -he stayed at hit ulster's sometimes, not oflen, ai comp.iuleil bv John It was an au tumn af 'era. mil, full of clouds and sunshine, when she ct'iie to mak" her farewell call. IJ waa with ll"', Watching her every moment with loving pr id ; ami yet it seemed to me thai he regarded her somewhat as t.eantlful play thing, wiiiduiK her yellow em Is ar nmd his lin gers, an I Hilling her p-t names. We went out Inlo the gir.leu (o irather some flowers, and at she no about, lunching and lalki g puking flovteis, and wreatl.lng Hn-m in In r hair, she te. one I a lovely an I lie wit. lime i lill.l. John had gradually lost his c nuiraim d and' i tuliar r.'viej tiii.: r when tt if Jp uie, ami cM'epi'Ug III 'I w nistrr uppniaclied per oi niiil. a In our couu-i'satloii, nur iulire..uise etis getting to he soan tiiim; ai it once uus. Our laatet in nuny tliiuga were similar. We had re.d and a.inir--d the same aiithtua, and upon in. 'St of Ihe imp.'ttit u''jecis con-; led wnli 1 1 il . an life, our thoughts .re alike. U'i- mie speakini: of some wotk we I h d lately rea l, and were q aiie inti'ie-led In1 ill-eii-siiig its m. tits, when Mary Mul len y die k'd happy play, and itpq a tmve face walked silently j.jr a few n i.iinnLs at John's Lie. At lus: she i.iij : "You lu'vr ta'l; in tint way lo, John, tui1 it's because I doii'i know i-nou .:h ." YnU know enough for me, dear," he an swered; nut. itim went on: 1 ihail he a 'child wife.' Caroline would tint joii mm h v.'efcr." "Allowing y.ja to be Judge," I takl liiugh- Ingly, for I saw J lin could hot au-wer r'aillly. We aald ui) more i n lhat si; 'Ject bit 1 think John aske.l hiuise'f more than ouce that day: ' Is .Vaiy right ?" When Mary bado me "gf od by," thai afler n. inn, shn wi mud lior white anna iinuind inr neck and kissed me, tnylng, In her gentle Voice, "Write to me oi'leu, Caroline, and teach me to be worthy of hlui." Aniline went out of the gale, iliroueU the hop garden, leaning on his arm, Ihe W..IUI autuiuu sunlight falling on her golden hair, making iter look very beautiful, Soon after John Grant li -ft Elm Wood, and look a farm on hli ov.ii neeoiint In ilis wast of Knglatid, adjoiuii g thai uf old Mr. Keiitiug. I f ldoin heard and netr tnentioued his name, Ja-y wro'e ficquently to lile dur ing the winter; her letters were liku llenelf, grateful and cliiivnlitg, full uf love and confl de She spoke n.ui li of Joliii. "i7ow proud she waa of him, what letters ho wrote, so much belter than Ii. r, and wasn't it strange lie, tin. ill. 1 love such a child as she waa! ' She went on willing in this way for seveial monlbs; hul a! length there was a eh ini! Iu her mau lirr iif speak'.ni: of J.'l.n; It sieiued at tlinuuti sue nete not a,.il;e aa l.uppy as she ha 1 been; he said she hey; iu to be discouraged about ever kuowtug any more, and hluK-d that John win felling di-sallsllid with her g. m-ri.ll ending her litters itith some aneedotu ut'oiit her fat m ite rat or rainuy. It was not long ufler this, when she begau lo s, e:ik of her cousin "lliiriy S null," ith. was so aretalll,, a .d et he didn't kuo v a hit more tlisli she j di I. A .ii. mill or im after tins, I was not much surprised when she wiote lint her en iacinrot Willi .IoIiii (ir int wat lirok.n by urn tml consent "J'hey were not at. all soiled to en Ii other, and ii douot would It. it Ii be hap iei." she aid; "for l.e linear so mueli and llie in llllle " She rum l. led with it I mg ac eon 1 1. f her new lila. k ki'len Tnpav whl. t se filed then lo Ii iln: one o' Jecl V.tiith fll. grossed alt her attention. Two tear passed. h"ard John Grsui 'a n une metitloii.'il, anj if I thought of hint at ail, I h'-lieied i had con jui red uiy old at'ailiuieiil--uiy lift, flowed mi quleily und s !' uely. I liie I to he u-i fiii to where and in regular eiiipi.iymeiit and recre.i'lo.i J was e.,n. lent. Was Ih nc. a cup icity for higher happi ness uueinploy 'd fA craving of my woman's .nature unMipplicdf One year uij.i how well I renieni'"er the day ! - I was silting q ii t ty rea ling in the fad ing light of an ll. lober sky, when, hearing a ni Me among the lesres that lav limit upon Ihe jrri.i l walk,. I Linked up and saw John Grant approaching the hou.e. W .'ien he was I .si there, she was with him, hut l.e was alone now, und uiy hearl's quick throbbing told me his errand. Wai I weak au I wanting In self ri speet, when, after he had told me all-told me liul although la "i was fascinated with a tr.illl'ful and lot in.' ci.ild, ile -p ito.tu in hit heart had aluays lain a love for me; IuoiikIi In the fir-,' glow ol his passion for M iry he waa hardly c.'liacloiii of it. II .w he had thought, fiom Ihe calm linlitl renc.i of my manner, that I had never cared for him; how since he had been airtln free, he had been afraid to nuke kno.tu his lore for in" f '".In Ih it ha lit I a-ted dis honorably In the i tut. Was I weak mm. e I mi I lacking in womanly tilde, he i, nfi r he ha. I to!. I me this, and ashed In Ireui'dtng timet: "Could I forget the past, and he his ow n Caroline ' II my old love came buck In me, and with more c on li del; 'e th in 1 coul I have felt four years before, i laid in y han Is In hit aud taut : "Juhii Giant, I will be youia And to, as J have laid kgfore, to morrow it fixed for my wcd.I!nj-day. Wo do not give each the wild, unthinking pastion of ciijy youth, but a deep and itmng affection, purified and made elrocg by the experience of years- a love tint we cau ask the blessing ot Heaven upon; and when my lips at the allar alter tlie solemn words, "I, .Margaret Hudson, take thee John (Vra-.l, to love, cherish and to obey. In my Inmost soul thoy will bo Joyfully repeated "to Into, cherish and to nbey." John has sold his farm at Ferny Coombes, and our new home .Is near Athf.ird-tha old house at Elru Wood waa tiketi down to make room for the railw ay. We neither oi ut ex pect to past orer our path ot life without muet- ing with nctatl ml ttormt; but we place our trust In One wild it both willing and ahlu to t-sl-t those to renters Minn who put their hand cheerfully to Ilia work, end with ut It will be both a work (if trust and love. It may not Im good policy to talk much when lryinj lo catch a fish; but il is wi ll known that tin) most noteJ umaieiir tlalieriucu hro iho talkcrd. C., THURSDAY, 3EPTKMI3KU 21, ISS'2. WHAT MAKES AJHHJSE BEAUTIFUL. It It in excellent thing to tare a well kept house and a beautifully appointed table; hut after all, the best rljeef of cve-y home must come from U,e heart and manner of the home mother. If that It cold and thlt ungraeioni, all the wealth of India cannot m ike the borne pleasant and (nflt)nc. Intelligence, too, muet lend lit charm, if wo wou'd have homo an I'den. T he severe style of house under neat -pess ieldoiu learcimuch mi-gln for Intellect ual cult lire. Even gtainil reading Is eojisl.l ered aa out of the question fojr a woman to hurried and so worried with her scrubbing and polishing and miking up 'nueiilt. A iltn plr style of living and Imuse-f .irnithlng would set many a horid.'d ilavo at IJhrty, an. I ad I Viiflly to the comfort of all the house. II spliality rarely prevails In these spntlci line in I leltrr houses. Ci.m...nv dUarrsiig.' the hooks il ll. I dis.niler llie llolisr which hud work enough in It hr'ure. ' he mother can not lliiiiw -IS liar liou- liold caret and all down for a r. ul h 'nil to h"inl converse wPh the old friends of h"i' ehililhoo I. iMlll less ran the e.itet into the Joy and pleaturtt light and dr.' lightful to li.-r own children, h-eaiise of th tvtri work of cleaning away i will he likely to make, Willi all yc,ur toils 1 1 nuke a hotisu hriintl f il. do not in g, eel the liil eleini'i.t nf all, lo beautify yours df. body and soul. A tweet, loving a or. I and a wann clsi f the hand are far more lo a uu 'fti Uiau the moil elaborately einhroidere I lambrequins ut your window or the most exquisite daui'sk on your tahlo. Ttiere uie h ue cn'on homes that havo tiei u remembered with pleasure, beraiisn of tho beautiful hiving presence there; anj stitlely palaeea it hit h Irat e the luiprcssloii uf au ice berg on the liiiil 1. THE WaCM HAND. It is nut likely tlif lu'ilowitiej iiiifiili tit cxt'i' li ipiuMii'ii, liul il onglil to li:ii ien willi thusi' lovo-siirk ttiniilt'S whn ciiiiiinl ki't p lioiii K)()iiiiing on tlie cm h : A Stru'limy liai'lii'lof larnstt'r n' lull's tliu lolLowing iiK'iilt'iil : Tiifs ilny a wi'rk ao 1m was a panbonj r on tin; .Micliiirin Central, nnJ iiiinit diiilcly in fro ul uf liim were u loving Ciiiiiili'. Al'ii'i' tuiiiili v t'Vii'i'sst'S ami ex liil'ili iiis uf aili'Olioti tliey sctllcil down lo ivailitto- lie a nciini:iier ninl him a bunk Iih aim nlii;li;ly witluliawn from I'lieiivlinig- ber ni'itk ntiil sliuulili i'si iaelii'lor lianihtef, suliiewlial wi-mii-il, li-rtni'il fnrtvanl an. I uueuu seimisly resteil his mi tlie jte il iu li'oiit, nne of his humls I'otnit.i? in near iloximil y to tin' iiiTiile nf llie Lilly's lu rk ami elierk; peri'i iving; w liii li, and tnislakiiit; tint liaml ati lii-loiig'iiij.' I" lie.' new imsliatnl, slio genlly look li dil ul il und Idviii'gly drew il down ll'l 'i f lief e.liin an. I mi lur. .heat in loo ts;, Ihe natiglil y liaurvclor barrister aeeont iiiinlaliiijr bis anu mid band to tlie eii rtiiust.iMi'esi of tlie position. A'ter fondly li'.mine; In r fur come time on llie anu siie t.ud.l.'nly lieeanie si'intn nf llie tit i-st itkt. und In-r stirn'isi' wns marked liy a jump, a srn am. and :i l ; 1 1 1 j t at an iiml"!;v sbe tli t hi -g lit, t'lt' said, it wis tlie band of Iter luting bus and, In sin; Ii it liven mar ri".l 1 1 t in dav-. Our Im'liel'r bai l iter s lid lie It id no doubt H!n li v;i:i I he ease, bill In' newf lia 1 rile I lib.'i I ios itki'it wit ii bin) biToiv, ti'i l (uul. I lint in . i pi tbe :l.nlni'V bi t 1 : ii w. re mueli lint .m l l..s Ii n' sensinilit ut, j;rt' iti jiiii d. 'l'be in eidetil was ii'iserved by most i.f llie paiseiieji'is, and il is in nlli'ss lo say it alT n ded no small it'll milt of nnni-o' men!, in wiiieb the now bitslniti I beailily joined. Sltalbroy Dciijiatco. A TEMPERANCi L'JM?. "Itillo, .Turk ! TTTiU.s ! Won't ymi bate a diu.k ibis fold iiiornino;," iiied a bio l.i ikiii'jj t ivi in keep . r to a jolly .lack tar who wan Miiallly lep pimjf al nig- I be street . .1 n k bit. I f.irniei ly boon a bard iltiiiki'i', and bad up "nl inuiiv :i tlollar in the laverii be tv is noo p isin r, but al'oiit a UMnl'i ii'o be bad sighed the temper iniv pledge, ".So, .landlord, tin ; I't drink; I've g d a It aid lump nl my Mil As the witty sailor said ih.'.si: words lie piessed his ll U' I 111.1111' rsi.l hiding "Oa this .'J I'm nil tbroiioli lea.viiit; nff iliink- repln'd this t.ivera kerpcr; tome jTOoil drink will take your lump away, ll n:i air I ...I enoioli to kerp from laktni; a lntie liiiior, your lump will vM bi'v'er, 6"il iet'V likely you'll 'm bavin ' a hard lump at your oilier M.le." "True! true! old boy," with n In'iriy liiii'b, responded the intrry tar, as be btisklv tlrev.' out a Wi ll filled poikft hook Iron) bis pocket, and held it up lo the tavern keeper's gaz. "This i.s my hard lump, you nro rig;bt iu s iy inn; that if 1 drink my Ittttip wid , away, nml il I Riiek lo tetupermici! 1 shall liuYu a bi.i;er lump, (iood-bv lo you, landlord. Hy Goil'n help I'll keep out of your nest, ami try (b g"'t a lump on tho other Bido-" Whatever happens never for.Kjiko p friend. When enemies palliff, wbeii sickness falld oil tho heart, wlittl tho world is darK and clieqrlesR, is tliu .time to try true friendship. They who turn from thn Kccnen of tlislress betray their hypocrisy, and prove .that .intei est only move them. If you havo a friend who loves you, who has studied your interest anil happiness, be urc to sustain him in adversity. Let him fe.ul that his love was not thrown away. Ueal fidelity may ha rare, hut it exists- in the heart. They only deay-iu iprWer who never loved a friend or labored ta mano a friend hippy. News TllKV AllE S'tKANIitllS Now. A Mid'lleiown yountr. lady never tiles of relaliti;' an aninsini oeeunenee of the sh-iffhiit!! season l ist winter. She was . 'i enjoying- a ridu in coii.pauy with two llerllold creiltlemen, and sh.t Was driving. One nf the gentlemen slyly inserted a band in her mod' and In in; ly pressed her liuii;aii;iil band. SI 0 blushed and Withdrew 11 just as tl 0 p'lillrman on the other side slipped his hand in the inufl'. Shu knew l y the action t,f her adorers that lite hand pressures were freiiieut and lot--in;' within the silk lining of the 11111IV, lor fust one a il then the oilier would boh forwiii'il to catch a look; at the sweet fact! and eyes which promoted, i they suppose, thn tender pressure of Ihe hand, The by play lasted ta it 1 it the yotiiiif lady ipiie'ly lenjai ked: "If you iji'iiiieiii.'ii are thronli with my iiiiiH'. 1 will troiiblu you lor it now, as my hands are pelting; cold." Ami ll..e ivvo ejeiilleineii,' who had been comf.if t.ildy warm up to this time, suddenly felt au Are, in chill c rct'piii'' up their spinal columns, and llie mercury of ibeir leehnojs dropped to ISO decrees bi low 7,cro. The t wo ireiilleinen tiro stfaiigcrs hovy. Il irllord Times. - - -.- A 1!oy With a IIkakt. Tim oilier lay a bit td a boy called at tho t-ido door of a cr 1. id looking Cass farm resi dence and told Kilnh a sorrowful P'.i.ry t h.rt the l.idy ot tho house was not stingy iu tbrowiurr provihions iu bis hasket. llappeiiinej to hmk into the lioiii yard a'ler a tew inomenls hu saw tlie sli.iiio,; boy mi.i g up with her three nr lour children, and she liil'ed out : ' l!oy, whN'.t aro yoti tloinos Imro " "l'eiilin' these half-starved chil dren!" he promptly replied. "ltnt those ate my children!" nho indignantly exclaimed. "Makes no ilill'ereiieo to me," ho said, as he broke tho child uiioihcr piece ol cake. "When J find a youn '1111 cry in' for bread and teady to swear he hasn't tasted pie lor over a year, I'm (,'iiin;g; to slop business and brace him up! Have you ,11 n clean white waist which 1 could put on this duty little boy ?" She looked up and down to see if any canvassers for the healhcn were in siht, 1111. 1 then she (grabbed tho hro mi and ran tho sympathetic boy out id' the Not Always Tins Seveiul par ties had slopped to loi;k ul his patent I'huru as he exhibited its workings in front of a grocery store in Jersey City, and one oi' the group finally observed: Have you been Kuijr; in this business; No, sir; I assure you I have teen better Jays. II nl to ciiioe down, eh? Yes, sir; I have seen my palmy d iys us well as ntlier men. Ii intisl have been a bald blow? I' w.i-; it, nearly crushed me, lieg your pardon, bet may I ftsk whi -thery. m were a biuLet' or capital if' i" Neither one my friend, replied the ma if as he wiped a tear from his eye. Cxcise u.y cm ilion, but when a man ha- sold w'lshinir machines at a profit ot ft a pine has to come down to ped lling; churns tit a profit of $11 per d '. 'ii, il rankles an I slinks mi l i!e errades him in his own estimation. I ike home a circular to your wife easy 10 work never jels out ol order certain to irinj the batter, and the children cry for il. - . sfS - Hi; or (loon (';iki;i:. A man vl.o aeiiiiies a ha'dt of i. v iii' way to de pression is on tlif toil to ruin. When t is m I It.' tomes upon him, instead of riiiisin his cni'i'ics lo combat it, he weakens, and birt facilities grow dull, and his jiid'mi nl beeoines obscured, and he sinks i 1 tlie tiiotigh of despair. And if anybody pulls him out by main loice, and i !,it!es him safe on solid gamin 1, he stands then: dejected and discouraged, and is pretty sum to waste tli j nnans of help that have been j'iveii him. Ilotv dillcrent it is with the inati who takes a cheery vie w of life even ut its worst, aud faces every ill with unyielding pluck ! He may be swept away by an overwhelm ing ti le ol misfortune, hut ho bravely Kti iiejo'es Inr the iihoi'i) Hud is ever ready to make tho most of the help that may bo given him. A cheerful, h'lpelid, couratgeous disposition is an invaluable trait of character, and shoul.l be a iKidiiou.sIy cullit atcd. I' Condition.-When he laid ha lud lived Iu .'s' several jeart a man who look ed toinething I" " 1 churili deacon sleppeJ f.ii ward and . 1 a : 'My fiicuj, it the Bible re'pcgled la that Stater' "Oh, res." "Do they have ch't.vlet " Vrienty of "cm." ."And tue Loid rulet there 11 well at in New Jersey V "Well I dou't know about that," wai Un doubtful reply. Wbea I bought milling stocks for '.'0 per cent, of their faco value and I 'W thion Jump to 5U nl.ore par, I thought llie Lord had firm urip on the Stale; but, again, when I itruck a si Iter mine worth niillloui iu difiilng fish halt 111.! told thu whole for a gallon uf whiskey which burnt the solea nil my boots, I had a ilkin suspicion that Ihe devil and Nevada wire partners in itoeking lln card. I" Wbru 1 msu'a feelings aro so great thlt be cannot eiprrss them, badu l he bettor it id tliriu by fieiglit t" Tho riielit bosver Tho on where you uieui your sweetheart. Tho left bower The 0110 where you met your other swet'tiisurl. NO. 29. Cs'f Itiisisr. WUal is your name? asketl the police jiidj''! of a little obi negro who has been arrested on u charge of siealin a saddle blanket. Honest John, sab. Honest J0I111, eh I es; sab, ije gauje. If you are entitled to tho name of Honest. John, whv did you steal th".. blanket? Stole de blanket, sab, rasn da called me Honest John. An' leminy tell yer rix'ht he.ih, lioss, u nio;er may bo ebei so honest, but jes' as soon as ho is called Honest John or ilonrsi Jim, he can't help from slralin' tan t .1 in. 1'arV a iullueiico in applioution what lie can't uist. t'oti roii t roa Tint ilti.n Ilmnttn. The London I.tnrct, eminent medical authority, co 11 for ll the balded headed man when it says: Abundant hair la not a sign ot bodily or rue 11 ii.l ilteng'h, Ilio tiory of btuisun having given lite to Ihe notion (hit hairy men are strong physically, while the fact it that tha Chinese, who are the most enduring of all races, are nearly bald; and at to the ttippotl Hon that long and thick hair Ii a tlgn and token of llitcll . luallty, a autiijulty, all mad boinet aud all common observation are against ll. Thn easily wheedled F.snu was hairy. Tho mighty Cavar wat buhl. Long bai. ed men are generally weak and fanatical, and mm tt ill) scant hair aro '.he philosopher! and soldiers aud atati a ncn of the wotid. There is this difference, between hap piness and wisdom; he that thinks him iself the li'ippicbt mm really is o, but he that thinks himself the wisest is generally the grcaleat fool. Young lady remember : C'oquclry It uot al ways 0 bait; it la sonietlinea a shield. 7 rankllu oiue remarked ;"IJe wholakes a wife lakes care. Very true; aud he It wiae if after marriage he dots takes rare, otherwise lire might take h Ir. It is il itcd Hi it one of .tho most difficult things to hud, U, a married woman who never said, ."mi tvouder the glrlt dou't get married nowadays; tin yam altogether different from what they were whiu I tvai u girl." "Hut you know, pa," laid tho farmer'! daughter, when he spoke to her abinit tho ad dress of a neigh hor'i ion, "that mt wanti me to marry a 111 11 11 of culture." "So do I, my dear, 10 do I ind thero Ii no better culture iu the country thau agriculture." A I) YK 1!TI S H M KXT'S. I Send to vmini'ti nrsiixKs.H imi 1 rtsiTY la.JBtj 1 or I'lrcnlar. A llvt at lual Bull- Hem S.hool. FiluUuM itWji yiun. nrT om 1 soiMt v Of fnt.ti,n, .. r.'.', "'r.i m..rm ,1.1.1(17(11, nJt a au rtltir A.V(;..'it.v im lltt ir,.i .1 1'er Caiuiiiiiirti aud l'nrt 1 .a. u.... ( . a.ttv Hll.l.s. i.i,, 1 UK tl 1.1 11 i. .d t Ltiit 10- MtniSiM.Ohia. aug ID tit i a we k In yous nivn town. Terms and a it). free. A.l.lrt'ss 11. II alien Is Co- I'.etl .1, Maine. apnily. CREAT OARCAINS. We ae" no v ree.ovtnir our new and beautiful r -e "illy pu chased of 'he inaiiuf.tet urera, and C! y nivil ' .v-'il to call and see I hem. llie largest and Im t aelecled stock of UOI.ll W A1VUMS HUTS Of.l KWRtUY. II W U lilt II'KI I'.TS. lil'lllt AX1 llt'KD l'H,li.IN,S. 1UAMOMI AMI SI' M. IIIMIS. M.hKV K tit IT TONS AMI M'tHlS. siii.ii).in.yi fi spoons. Kuiiits ac Tiio Restt $10 t nstor Hiirl (13 ( lock i- v v. it o 1. 1. t's" Y'linig'i V. V. Ulesaea and" Im) rve your e) ettirlit. Waiehea ninl .Ti-welry rei'nlr- d by the beat iviu kuii it. Kiigravliur neatly done l y J . l. HU,.SIH .V llltu. net S ly IVieralunir. Va. JIUSf I'LASS IIOAHU AM) LOlll.l.Mi Call he had hy applying to ni lit. 1 1 a i . tt 1 1 . k i ,s (s A few doors Ulow llie 1'ust Oilico. npiHssitc aide ol tin. street. r.uu'l it. Vt cMon, . u, 1S57 a k D 1857 i: s t a n n s Janunry HI, IS57. RUTE W- DANIEL tii..i.y n i ;Tsr. flrefcr'.c ti.l Cvi.fsC tloueriea entbraoo In part rUK.VlllI, Al'l'I.K, lUAl'ltfiKftlTYAiid WTi.nciiKiinr dkamy, WlIl.SKIIiS. l'DKT, UTIKIIHY, It A I) Kill A and CHAMl'AllSK WINE. CtUARS, BACON, KLOl'H. Mi)t.A.S.SK.S, la ni, (iim. Kit, rurrrrt, wriCK, AlT'LKSJKLl.IKS, riCKLB-S. BRANDY 4'FACHKSand CtlNKKCTIONKIlIUS I'OKTSi EU'N LAtilt Vi lli OX I G E. And many other articles too numeroui tomt u t ion . R.W PANIKL, 10 Wish. Avenue, Weldon, N. C. net J ly j m i I a SPACE I a M m fino Square, Two S'uaroa, Three Sipmrt a, Tour Square, Fourtli thil'u, Hall Column, Wholo Column, so oa 30 oa 40 Oil 4S -1 ro on fi6 Oil Qua Year, .75 ca P R O F E S S I OIA L C AJRBI JJAKNOIIJIBKLL. ATTOIlEYS AT LAW. EM'IELI ). K. C. Praetlees in th enunllea of Halifax, Kaah Kil.("i .mbe and Wila.iu, ColU'Ctlons made In all pans of thn State. Jan U tf.. r u. sMiru. jii."" ATron.VRV AT LAW, l-'COTLANO NSCK. IULIfAX CotJNTT N. O l'met le..s In ihn entiute of R allfaa and adiotfe-. In r riant let, and In I Im Supreme court "f Ihj) State. M lr- j M. (I H I t. 1. A It I, ATTOItrVRT AT LAW, HALIf AX, N. '. ortlea In the Coiirl tt.nise. lit r let atteitlsa irlvenioall braueheaof tbs profession. au 12 ly - . , plIOMAS . HILL, Attorney mt I.w, HALIFAX, N. C. l'rni'tleitt In II ilifax and a.loluin countl aie I Federal and Supremo courts. Will be, at Scotland fveok, oneo eery forts uUlil. aiuJilf JR. II SO. Y. II A K T M A !f , Nurgeon D e n 1 1 t . Ollleo over W. H. nrowit'a lry Uoodl Stor WKl.DON, N.C. Will visit parti 's at their homes when deaire 'l'.ll,( U.l..l) ll, Alllllt. ' T T W. MASON. ATroiti;v AT LAW, ciAitYsiiuiia, n. c. I'riiell.'e In the courts of Northampton an4 .ln Inula- coiii.tlea, also III the Federal and Sat prcine courts. . uiusiii. A L T li It K. DANIEL, Attorney uutl Connol(or At Law, tVELDO!), N, C. lVactiivi In Halifax and a.ljnlnltnr eoimtlM. Kn.'Clal Attisiitloti .triv.Mi to eaillecl tuna lA all parts of the Mato and prompt ruturua uiatle, ell. it i y W. U ALL, , ATXOUXEY 4T IsAW, WELDOX, N.O. , N rev i at attention irlveii to collection! aul reinittanees promptly made, may 111. It. U. I . HilNTKB, NIKUIIOM l l H T I II T j Can bs found at Lis ofllca in Enfield. Pure NitrouaOxitls Oa for the) I'aln- Insa Kxtrautid i of ToulU al vayi on bauy. JUIID Si ti. JiKWl V. Ul'I.I.KN. joiin a. uooaj I U 1. 1. H N Jt M 0 O H K, ATTOUNKYH AT LAW. n.i.ii.x n. c. 1 " fraetloe In the cmmtlesof Kaltfat, Norlhaitiix ton, K.Ueeoinh.', 1'itt and Marlin In the su. preme court nf Ntate and in thai federal I'ounsof the Kis'cru Diatrict. Collect hma madi Iu any part of Ihn state. Janlly I nu t ii zoia it-oimii. ph. n. i. louLiiorrK Ylt. A. il. ZUI LICOFPKit k UH0 , 1 I'HVSK I IXS AMI) SI IKaJl'QX V, ? u i, n o n. n. r. ' Pis. A. 11 and ll. U.ZnlllroHVr. as partners In Ihe .ra.'t('o of meiliriiie umler the attle and linn oi Itr. A. It. .olilconVr a Hm. oifer their professional aervieea to the publtd tr'iiti rai.y itint aoiieii a stiitre of their patrouatre, iiiev iriiarainee cart'iui ami prompi artriiiinu to I'Stleiits. tine of ihe flrm will alwant ba tonett at their oiuee In .olllei trer a Iiruir Ntors) ali.n patients will be treat.'.! at all hours and w final neresaary, poth win visit and irive their atterir lion to iwitlenu wiiliout eitra ebarge. 1 ' l-i uirlllf. JJl II !L.l! VI irAUUOUOUUU JIOU8B.. tHjctlevlUc Street, ' Italeluh, N. C. ' Terms' to auit the ttines. . tl W IlLAl'KNAI.L.Pntprleto. ISHt. . ISii tOlKADIt n A R It I. R WOIVHS, (Ealabllihed Iul3t) t - . t, i -t':r 14. srttar t sj-.-ti .V-'i.' M'rl a 't " ' f',17l.,sVfIH't Sjcanmrc street, oppvalW ITalli'm, t ' '. I'ETUKSiiunc.vA. ' Mlouunienls, :i loin lift, t'rosiseit, IleatNlDiird unU Umvet,ap . . of every description made lo order rai'tlog in price lr.uu 1 up. . 1, 7, UrsiL-ns sent i.y m ill tunny, with poat-aa-e s niiipa riit'iose,! lor lefurn, - t - li-ii or.h nre reiTlt',.-d, the work I pre par. .1 and fomurilt'd. If 11 diH-a Uiatdve i-erfnrt saiifi.ctn.n . pun'lias.'i s are reiiuesicd lo returu at my etfH'use 1 paylliK boiti vtar. prices and rueitp freights t,'narttulitsH(. Corruspuiideiite aolleued fmm all statli.aa, . M I HAS, M. WAUslI. apr. 13 ly. ... , Is- i I b! t're and Lite Iniiuraace tff Ctui be fouud la th Rouioki Keti Ofiac. .. : v., WlitDOU, N. C. Hi t York Cnderwnfera. "AsTlenlturar'of Watertitwn. N. T. Western, .f Toronto, Canada. I'ainlleo.tif Taj-I'ortt, N t'. ' Lynehburu, of I.ynrnl'urir, Va. Kquititliie Life hisuraiiee Co. otK. X. Willi i.l.. I.W. ll,,'.,.. nil,.. ..a . at low anferalei. IniViSit J of) H 00 H 00 6 00 10 On 20 00 H 00 15 00 30 00 lOilO IS U sstt HO 15 (ill 20 00 40 00 03 30 00 60 00