THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC ffRBKLT NEWSPAPER, ' "" l-ll K II KY MALL & SLEDCC, THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING KATES. " r n1 I iT7 rr News Ml 1 OH 75 rt- ADVERTISEMENTS DARBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Household Art tele, tut Universal, , , hamily Use. For Scarlet mi Eradicates ! Typhoid Fevers, Diphtheria, KaU vutlon, Ulcerated UAL AHIA. ' nHor'Thr"'.Snil Poz. Mrmlfia. mi,A til Canlattiou Ill-rases. p!mi, waiting on .k Si. I .h.,.,1,1 ... it f.l S,.l- v V- ..... ..vntiri rcTEl IULB never hern known 10 when; (lie fluid wni u.rd V, II m fever life I ilrtd will, ( afire Mack vomit hud inkan pluto. 'Mm turn cases ol Jiihlliciu yield to it. Fpvcreil.inilSInk r.r. RMAI.I.-POX eon refreshed mid ' ,nd lied Sores piiivciit ; riTTINtt of Small LMrhys' Klulli'" j '"OX -'KEVUNTKU Impure Air mide .. A mfaibernf siy fam. h.lrtaless sntl nnrin -it. ' "f . ...o.,i nun For Horn Throat it u a mrc cure. Contagion destroyed. For Fronted Fret. rhltblniiiB, rile, Chafing. tc.; Khmimfttlnm cured. secured by its use. Bhlp Fevr preventrd, To purity the HroHth. Clean the Tenth, ft can't be surpassed, Catarrh relieved and cured. Krystpelaa cured. Huriwrclieved instantly. Scars prevented. Iiyftcmterjr cuied. WouihU healed rapidly. Hctirvy cured. Small put. 1 used the rltiid ; the patient was not dcliriout, was not pitted, awl va atvout tlie houteaain i three weeks, and no nihert U.-J. W. I'aik inson, Philadelphia. Diphtheria Prevented ! The t- use Darbys Fluid vary sui3cesfullv In l!ie treat merit of Diphtheria. A. ST01.i.KNWIUCU, Greensboro. Ala. An Aniidot!or Animal 1 aiings, etc. ' Tetter dried up. I used the Fli.M AxtrlntP .! Cliolpm m-vrnfr4 ur present afflict. in with Viri-rs purified and -canei pever with de cided advantage It fs iniispetiBalile to the sick, room. Wm. F. Sanu roKD, F.yrie, Ala. healed In crtspsnf Death it should be used about the corpse it will , prevent any uDp-Icas-aut smell The emlnrnl Thy- Stela ll, J. M ARION I.MS, M. V., New York, says: "1 ark convinced Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid it a valuable disinfectant." ln..J.lTl H Vaminrhllt ITnlvni-ultv w , .r , -.. ..naiKiiir, A nnil. I testify to the molt exudlenl qualities of Prof Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it is boil, theoretically and practically auperior to any preparation with which I an ac. quairued. N. T. Lukton, Prof. Cnemistry. Iarbva Fluid It hecommendr-d by ,' Hon. Alhkanuih H. Stifiiuo, of Gcorvia Re. Cum. F. Dbmj, U.D., Church of the Strangers, N. Y.; Ii.. LaCoNTa, Columbia, Prof. , Unlvmlry.S C. Kev. A. J. Baitl., Prof., Merer Uaicfslt) Rev. Cm. t. Piekce, IJishop M. E. Church. INniSl'KNSAnLK TO liVKKY HOME, lerfccily liarmlrM. Used internally or externally lor Man or Beast. The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and ra have abundant evidence that it halt done every thing here claimed. F-ir fuller information tet of your LlritEtist a pamphlet or send the proprietors, J. II. ZKII.I.N CO.. M.tniifictnrini! Chemists, PHILADELPHIA. fell II jrl TUPPEV it S T E E h, r" rv jLif t,-.-j . vj it i Ajt'jintt Tohih'm ll'ty nittl t.'vllon 'vwwk, A MILL', (lltl-T MILL", MILL IRONS, , rinws Iron and Hras Castings, seo'ilv lVtrrlmr " My porcaliln-llned Pumpi ire manufactured tinder llcenie.and buyers ire guirantied against lay and ill claims from the Company holding the patent. Don't fail to tnaAe a stole uf (VIM point. Carefully made of Best SelecUst Timber. ALL the most Valuable Improvement!. Th BLATCHLEV PUMPS irafor Jile b the besthoosM lothetrai. Name of my nearest eeet will be AirttUhed) on application to C. Q. BLATCHLEY, BinufacturK, S0 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. B KOWN et CKKAWAY. Hti.iPix, x. r. stuni IS fiJJUUS, MEDII'INKS, CHEMIC iLrl, . , i alnt. Oils. Yirniahcs, D)'0-U8a, Fine Toilet "oapt, Pancy Hair an t Tooth Bruabel, Per fntnery and Fancy Toilet Arllclua, Trua- aea aad Shouldor Bracea, Lettor Paper, Pen, Ink, Knvelopea, (liana, Put ty, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Chiia neyii. , I -i ' - ' T-Phye1f liua's Prccrliiloiia accurately eom ipouuiled. ti"tlRETH3'CELIIKATl!D(iARnKM8Ei;BS, ....'.. W pnrrh these nied.i direct, from the E tenlv,. Hfed Parma of thn Mwsm. Lnndreth, and they Mhonlil not with the needa Heft on Ootninlptloii tlironiflieilf Hip Pvnntry. Ilp LantlrHihi' Sppda.aud a ooa Vegetable warden le liMu-eii. oelTiVy ne T-r. In advance, wit Y oiilt. f,. .e f .nths, n j toed. J II l ill 1 1 1 1: h t. k ur ci I xm VOL. XI. HE KISSED HER. A YOUNO Or.NTI-F.MAN DMCRlBlU! UIK FREI INliS OH OBTAIMNO KISSILi WHICH Willi AT FlnST IH'XIEU UIM. One little kits, I mnrmurcd low. unci nlj-hod ; Oh, Wt me, drarpHt love, tie i ot denied Tboae rtttiy llpn were trtailr- by Cu)iid, sure, 1 lien let rue tiisU one liny kiss, so purr. -i r , -v' r , r - Thou art M chiMe na DUti, an I aa rold Ai whoii her mnirlet a, nilinir urna otsjiilil W III prci'lou. wnler from Hint ncr t cavil, Wherein the Hucen her itatcly form wenld Inve. Tmnnroriiieil poor AiMipun to an ntlrrM di-rr, lliraiied b. all h In In iiinrml fenr. Ilia ptx.r fie.h, torn, lit Hfr-Mmid flowed away, II. , ilym, f.'ll, thf Virgin avddraa' prry. WmiulH my l onrl ioisffi.rnicli a lintnleabllva A til Ml cin'll Klve by uno ionr lllllii kins? Hllll oli.lurnte? Oh ! prny dwnel mio, b ware, Lft Pnphnia fute a wuriilnu hn, my fnlr. f bun mpan'at It mt, awei I fnlnoliooil; veil I 1 km, ' F,.r thou art amlllnp; soflly now, and aloiy Thy uodoat eye are sstrlvinft to retain The J iy for m,, that cannot jivo ynu pa u. ' ' . (ih! Copld! when thou n.lxcd thy driuii-lrl of hllaa Thuil must have thought of limes and eccneu like this I f (' f . ;f "Thy fliilahi-d work niltrlit envy vainly Manic," And kluen i the prrclmin eoniponnd'a nattic. JEALOUSY PUNISHED. Lilian Whllnry lookta out Into thn natlier init tw lifht her fuir fii.-e, wlih" ibcntit-hioini curl, cllnginp; aijout It, brought sut In aarl ling relief by a background of vivid blush roara. tSlio wna axpocllnjt her lorer-r(ol)lp, band eoiue Frank C' rleton ! Only a 'week aao he hud poured into hereari the itury of Mi IutiS, and hud aaktii ber to 1 lib wife. ' . t And she ainllrd aoftly aud Hushed as utie 'o ki d at Ibe diaimmd rmtf which gli-min-d In the tender liacli t of the Rlurlous June moon, Ju6l prandly riaing; beblnil the fitr-uff purple hil'a. .. "Oh," mannuri-d Lilian, "What hare 1 ever doni that luch a Kiaad, noble man aliould l f me " The Ioto lixbt In licr eyes became brighter, the blufhea on her cheeks deepened, for i-tio heard a footstep wbicb she could never uiia taka. Wllb.a Out'erinu heart I.llirn shrunk bark anioiig the rose-buhe, tblnkluK fondly Unit Frank would soon And ier. But Frank Csrlelun was not alone for t woman, tall and i;riicpful lu form, dirovd In eoraore b ack, was w 11 1 k I n r befitle lnm. Hark ! Frank was speukini;, and Lilian strained lu r ears. What a look of lore and tie voil.m there was on hi an be bent otei' her! Lilian clinched her hands, and Iter lips grew white nod riitld. "Denr Mand," ho said, softly and tenderly, "you can never (jnena how very, very thankful I am th .t til nt mini la dead. Now you uru free, and uoiliiiii( ahull pirt us again " .... "NoMimfr Frank ?" she said, lookinfr up at him; and Lilian could see the paMMOii-tta love ahiiiini! in Ilia ryen. "Not evert your mairiag t with tliia beautiful M i Wbilney ?" ' i Suivlv nut," he aiiwpretl, alinosti rrprnacb- fuMy. 'Wby.liuiil.l ilf And linn Hipy pastetl on. Willi a low no u, L'liun fell prone linionu tllM r.-hr'uh"ft ' B ; Lilian illil no: stop to in on did not slop io ciiii-nl' r ilini I In re milit be a irnslii ke that iliM iiii mid liood had i ver been fi reign lo FtaiiL ('nrli-tini'l natuie, ,' Ai"l u liie neit d.iy Frank reniveda small . a f,-w 'mik, some old lue-ieueis, lot a i.:iiot.i rina. Y'iiere waa no note of i!; but lie well knuw who bad (rut it i;e. and aetniiiided, he linnirtllaii ly ..ui:hi L. t in for an ezp ahatinii; but the sei- ani who answeied his impatient rln said Hint she was "not at home." . A week later, Kiauk Carlilfin sltirtrd fi r Eu- r.ipe; aii'l so tbfsr two lives, that mit;lit hare been all In all to ucb oilier, dulled lunber and (urlli.r apart, Five year- liter. It ill thn e.eni g of Mis. K denck Forrest':, bull, and the best s clety of Mehille wun there. 1 1 lu Whitney lentel hack In the enhrasure I'f'iie ofthe window, aud, hidden by the Howinu drapei-len of the curtainH, watched with dreamy, half closed eyes, the blight, merry ihroiii In the b ill-rooifl ( I Her beatiiy waa mure tpiritnr'tr thnn It hod been H e years ago, and the proud look on tier face bad sulicned Into more tender, more wo manly curves. She waa decidedly thehelleof the evening, and It w is only by .uticb skillful manccuvriiifr, that abe had been able to galu Ibis quiet retreat for a frw moments. 111 at oure she caught tier breath wl r a auildei gaitp of pain, and, plaelnn her bund on her heart, to slop Ita wild beatmi:, leaned hit Ward and peered out , "T' S, It was surely Fruik T'artelon sliesnw, UiowkIi b" waa inach Vah.ingid Tall mid alral.lit, Jol biuawed, Willi heavy lliurtaelie aud beard, he looked a leant t n years older, aud cailaiu y a (ifeat ileal more It .uJuuna and m iul, than ho hid looked live tursil;o. "How noble he looks !" Lilian lliouitht, Willi a eud lcD thrill. "Ob, hour could 1 nilJiidj;e. blot so by my ink aoaplciutis r Aiidj uow t Itsvia lol biia fsir ever!' ' And IU hot tears of bitter nuuul-U aud re rnnnie trickled between her danitllj-jflofed flllKTS. , Ths rurtahoa parted, and lira. Bederick For est md Frank sjatleton stoed beftiro' irer. "UJIe, ), you (bought you would out wlt Ml this u ins, but y a usee yet bare failed, for I knew wha-e you were all lha time. Allow me lo prescut Why, child, are you III '" For, while aud trcuibllup;, our heroine bad sunk down,- lookiuK like a broken lily. A be hud thouifhl alie fouhl besr the meet l.iK Oruily calmly, bul bjir stttsnlli fuile4 ber at the last nieojeut, )l hen, a few nMr.Bics later, abe oprnrd her eyea, she found Frank C'arletou'l arms wrre at oul ber. aud that be was honjng kisses ou her face, i ft 1 1, : ,4 y I ! 'i For a momcut she fell as if sba tar8 lie'far er U ippiness, "Frauk," alia .wblsporcd, "ulii -.Ftank, cua you forgive ma after 1 liaie wroiigeil you so deeply V "Hush I" he said; "hush, mydarlln(l I bavt nothing to forv;lr !" , , . . , "She has tol l me all," she went on "iyour sis er Maud-bow you loved ber, and bow muc'jyoa ho'ped Iter while tcr miserable, WELD ON, drunken husband was alive I And. oh, Frank, I mljud)red you so cruelly ! I did nut kuow she was your sister 1" "Of course you did not," he aald, tenderly. "H is not your mistake mnd is miserable for five lona; years ! Do not mebllon U aaio, my darllii !" '. t And be stopned her lips with a kill. OTHERS FIRST. Haw levt praelitie this advice, A Tiry lre;o number of men-and some women ptocerd Ml the principle of sell ftrat. 'hey hate acted ou this principle so long that it hits become second uatu p to inrm. They mar read in the llihle that "the !at',ial! bo ll it," but il has no nlfaiinij io Hunt W uttt ver lliey do cen tenia llieinse!ve; thpir property, ibrir ease, Ihrlr pleuaiite. Tliey have no heart for nihil.' troubles. 'I heir pity in never belter than con temp Their gifts titter come from the beiiit. Their arum am alwnya low because, they do not t.ii.o In the welfare of oibera. Per sonal uuln, ibis ia the (ileal o eject of hie. To die orlb so innc I, any (ilM.iHHj or possibly l,IKW,00(, Ibis is the (roil and they press, in to peach It. ' And in ntipy cases they a e m luuritb'y succeselul. For what a m.iu sets Inn heart on ho . likely lotillaitt; uml what lie eeeks to bt iitat lit) isliktly lo become. , And so, to icaiu bis end, he labor liuiii Jojt after yeur. till death calls and bo ban lu obey. A lave to Ills Idea of suet e ! I bU ia true of iiiotc people than one wou d iiutuiully think mull he examines into thu ease. And another class are forever looking out for llielr owu comfort. If Ihey a.e truvtlnie; in the cars, no of them w 111 niciiinpollr.e four seals with no thought of others who are aux louely looking lor seals. Or tl.ey will open a tvmdow to gel a litlle ulr and let Iliu suiolxo and dust and cinders iltivt: lu on tie ocmiwuls of the seats behind theur, perfectly Indiffer ent to their comfort. Or thoy are thinking of their food ; happy if ihuy get ijttst what th y wish, cross and ptrrieli If Ihey do not. Ur they ate taken up wiih dress and make all frieuds uil.eisble till Ihey get what they want. And so we itiUhl continue, for the list uf their wains Is enillos. Now these various classes of people are not only dlauarrecuulc, but tliuy ure making a fail ure ot life. Life should reach lilejicr than self; should be more than attempts, successful or unsuccea-ful, to gratify personal ends. A true life may be tueisured by the giealetl good diinu to the greatest number. To ticcom plirh personal etuis, In St) far as Ihey do not im.flict wl'li lie rllitful lulrreata of inbers. may be iiuole mi l rl.-UI, and in ilio iilgb'.'t seiiMi v, i. Shi'lwe not iheii keck, u? Yes. S.1.1I1 we not enjoy oi-.r 1 fe Yes. Shall tin i o. I . i . 1 1 1 c ii line '. lo.iem: a ul li.'Slt i ul f Ye'. Do all .li-'e I I )', 'i o, Me. t u. ney oo no. cu i! c. n 0 .a'..' rih s .1'.! in ere s. L'u., ins i a.' n" ;f,k'.ig why not, r!-e lo a ni, i pl.t. hi en I lite .' i, o ne; ..i d I h tutii 1 i e e s in view, lh'gln a. borne. 'g'l en .ae n,l ileil uf u'u'e a,i, moihef. Ii,iatl uf ke. r,i r loeiti I lo will ii;nni yni, t.- to save ihel en. a. id tin w ,ai you inn to iwiT.eii mil 'it ;.ii ni ,'nelr iives. M..l e you ' wife's I lie es.s oi tijiktl linporia irn w. It your o. I. Kn e.' hraflli the iloittibia of join hoys unit u'rls. Ytiu iiate il in you, I nt, in make a lot me; nubai:d and l.iml father: lo be ti real ileal littler linu you ate; to be more like what ou llioin.hi y u would t'O w:i ii inar ,eii 1 .'u wai. a .iVIl e stream. If ,oi, aio a wife a.i.l inve bveit loo ncli wrapp-ii .ip l.i ul.", s op null IlL.k wba, yo.t an do a, ho ur. All gi o.l things otgto, Or ali.iuM ncgl i, at home Fill 1 lit- house Willi sweettie. and liu'lii by ptesi-nee. It risis a in 'it tiiniile'-fuPy o retu .1 lioint' .mil ni'et I it, lill'DV ' III 's 111 'J.- ' fel o IPs c lull. An i Iheil, f.i' e s a nl nio.her, liu-- id, :il- iieil wi is, 'e. yo;r : flee ions and yoje k. t.l.i liiten si take In a w, c.ic.e. Thi li a ', o.l y of e c.i o.i'er, not only of ihe cui u.e I'll in li.u ( toll'' children, tt .Hke l.l.lil. ly l.iter.t ;.i your iielglibor and hi-, wei -beiiof. In bu-iii'sa, l.i stK-iety, i'i .he cliu ch, il4 Is room for 'tlmot'lil and told and act. Yu I vv 1 no: be the loser m tin- hm; run. Cast ymi loea I upon the w ains. Al ways be leaiiy lo lend a lielpinit lut.-il l y the iruth, by a" ilia' m kea fur tllitioiia ness. Wear us iiudly and us iiopefu a face as you can, nil do all Ihe good p sti le. J'lils polity pays. 11 psy a man iu Ills owu soul, rjtit'h a man may sing soma in ti e tilhl and rejoice In the day. He ghrs he'p mid touifort on every side, lie will tie loved. He w II ;rt help when himself In trouble, lie nil' be re meuibereil when lie is thai. Dear read, r, .e can wi-li you no 'j iter thing In this life ihau 1 1 lu'loi'.' to lliis class Lovn I i ml and help make the World better. Honrn Rule, ' Is Hot ln;sfn-Well sir, said t Sonili Cnrglina teliy Ha he t ik his seal on a lop" at trie tnill-btrt'd, apuakin"; 'of poor liorsfs riiiiniii;,', whun I wan in thri army, onu tiny me and Home fuller coint! up on a Yank who wa tidiii; th'i poori'rtt horRe you over fee, lie was going ali.ti in u s.ow, eany way, when liq aeen tin. We tnude for l:iin. An lie looked around at us bo gave tin.' old iiftjf litKt (m Npr, ''and then lii.' iiiiit r. We jjiiiiii'i! on iilin ao f.i-l lliat J tv-jiiHt, givv ibt'tn laiiist ou hard )frkrilrif hull) Hpnta into hi. flunks at oncft,' lilltd hint i leal till' llit. jfi mini, ktriiek him tvvo or thruu (iiaus and lei 1 1 1 in down, and riu! Ltf 1 Jnani how thut lior.o l)uW"-sd J Detroit Free I'rei-i!. , T j. , , H j , ,, . A- - Nisi Widows Wkkpinu at a llus nis'D's Gkavk. A dispatch from New Orleans dated August SHLfl savsTlniK. Smith, a prominent mulatto resilient of this city, who was buried to-day had ten wives at one lime. Nino of tlum Hiirvivo him. Seven ol his widows at Uuded the funeral ni'tviccti,janj wcpl fieely. Four of llieui rode lo the ccui ttery, and Hr tlif Mit'err))tiif Malned to tliu late rositleu'te ot thu dead man, where with lho other widows, thev en g;igt!(l in a froo HItt abbui I thu pro! pa -ty. The luruiuiio wfs djitfiolislcd ami all tlie women morn pt lcM'Uijtiwd. Smith was married by a Baptist niinis ter every time. lie. cljoso a H'iuj, De troit Fufc ,lret, i l j ()! ''. rr - 1 Do you ever look at yourself when you ubusc another itTsou ? N. 0., THURSDAY, BABY IS DEAD. "ll.iby i deatl I" Tlirec little words pnMung along Iho lint', copied Bome wliere anil noon foftoltori. lint after all WiiH quivt again I li-aiii'tl my bead lipnn my hand and ft-ll into a doop I'tvecio of alftliat tltoso word may tni'ait. Sotnowlirro a dainty form, mill aud cold, nnoliiNpi'd ly ni:t)ipr'a arnin ta tiicrlit. Kyca thai yt-Hlerday wito lrlht hihI Iilite m akif til Juno, dioiiiied to-tiilit bi'tit'iil'i white) Itdn that mi voico rant'Vfr raiat' a;ain. Tuo mill liniitU, whoati rost'.lvuf (lit .ToiH were want to wander lovingly around niuthcr'a neck anil face, Inoxu lioldinjr vvhiiu I', (ptiolly I'oltlcd in Willi 111 ll I'I'Ht. Sufi lipt, jTtcrd.iy rippling with litiiliti-r, HWfct n wooiil tnd hro'k I'allK.'ay nuti ill of loroKt liiid, to-night ttnrvMpoiiaivo lo kiss or call of love. A silt'iil, limn ; t J it palter of baby li'et lorever hiislied; a cradlo bed im prettsed. Little Hhni'H haif-woni; H.ii t ly iiannenta; tihoitlilt'r knots oi' blnu to ni'ntvh thoso' eyen of yesterday, fnfiled with ai:liiiig hf-irt ttvv.iy, A liny mound, miuw covered, in some tpiicl ejiave yanl. A inolhei'ii gtopiiiv; tmich U nno.lHy luinlie., lor the fair heatl that kIii.Ii never re, upon her bosom. The low sob, the. billet lour, its Intiken ilreaiiin awake Io Had reality. The iioiiea of luliire yeais wrucked, the fair hltips that mulilcnly o down ia aigut of land. , , : ' I ' , T'm vratuliin'p ofnihpr babiw, dim pletl, l.m;4:iiir'. Scltinv;, and lliin one ! liie p.eneiii ajjuiiy of jrnef; t'ne In. in,' einplincts ut' hea. t, all hrltl in tliiKo thi't'o 1 1 Li lu words: ''Liaby i: ,l,vl !" Iittleed, it is well that wo can o mv i - . iml Mion nir't't Hie woida m nt-iijii eil .'. iiii won id t'ttme who receive .t inl .lie.n. And yet, it cannot liar ti . now and then to pivti a tender ilioi'ii. to (hose for wnom otw rae- le.-s a, i m, okt) is i'i'paiing audi l Wfiljlll O "iP'tl i. OLD FASHIONED MOTHERS. '"Thank (lo'l, siinie of us liave un oh! 'asliioneil mother N"l u woman o( the peiiotl en 'ineletl anil painted, wi II ill her nife!y manti'S's and fa!ioiia ule ilit'SMS wiiose vv hite jeweled li:i n!s never fe't ihe i l.tso oi b.i"y lineje a ; ut a dear nM l.tsiiionetl, bweet oieed notli-r, wil:i eyes in whose It pih tiio love lila shone rvml bi'o.ii h.iir,j ist lliiealt'iit'i vvnli si' ver Ivi.t; sm n.nin hei' iitdeil elieek. T, i se dour hands, w in wi.h (ni1, ;,''itly o;uidt'tl niir I'ljtiuin Monti in elnl' iintnl and J-tin s 1 1 1 1 ec 1 t n,'" pill nv n n'ci . ueps, ever ,e.eiiiiiv; out to ns ill yea '.' ilij: -ii"l tentle. nes. IiIiSmiI is iiie nie ii.'iy of an ol l lalti ne'd mAitier, ll llo. us in ns now like a .. ul i Jul per fume i . Oil) M1IIIO VVorllt'il IllllSMillll". The miisit: ol other voices may le lost, bill the em it titling tneui iry tif h -. s will echo in ottr souls lorever. Olho.' faces iiiuy rule away and be foroollen, bat Iter will shine on. When in 'lie fllfilt iiau-t'K of busy life our left vva.i der bio k lo the old lioint stead, and crossiuir tlio vt.ll-vtoin llr shold, stand oiiee more in the room ho hal lowed by her presence, how I be fee! iiii; t i bil'liii iimoi'tiiiee and tlepeml em e conn's over us, nud we kin el down in the inoben suiihiin' streaming tlirmi.'li ihe npi ti wiii'low just where, lonif years ngo, v. e knell iv our inoth crV knee, listing, (tnr V .. liter." How inaiiy lim s when (he tempter lured us on, lia Ihe memory ot ihoso Hiteied aoui s, : Ii : it lumber' word, b-r faith and n avers, sa veil ns Irom jdunging inio liie t'eep abyss of sin. Yeais l.ave M h'll t.ieal tliifu between her and t's, bnl they have not hidden fiotn our Mght the lory of her pure, ttnsel-fi-n love. . . How Titur i,otm;:ii. On the Jefferson avenue lii e the other day a man with an tim bre ill tin d ;i ivouiuu Willi a ha Lit wore Jba on'y ncrupaou of a rir for several bloc'' I. The loan I D only eijrteif at kef, but realel Ins iimurelU an La ebltt and sunk ' a - long look. Shen .sllrsl nervous, Iheo Vexed, aud bjc and -bye she rrhd out : "VYi.y do j ou itaro it Die In this rude, manner f" ' I a.u not spring at you to ha rude, madam, bu' simple lo study you." "Well, I waul you to atop It." "( e-tui ily, msdaii.e; but I assure you that I wni rrg riilu you hi the light tif a piece uf stafiHiy." Th a's all .Itht, si-, and 1 I ata been re ganll t yet 'n .he la of a ta'iool, btl we'll uiHit tul if ii 't.1 1, g o- one t f us (III wivjk t)ie n it of the Vruv lioii'c-.' ile lu tied Ins load end retarded the l-nk e'd uf Ike ho"e In lire It-In ff a beamlfnl Iwiclaea'je, iu. iluldu'l tauu to really satisfy bis oi .toi.'j longlr g. 1 Fsarsa Yocs Cin.Ditss. Not a few boyi have .illii6lra.ed the prtveib, "Uive a bad untno a'til he will deserve it." The father of Dr. Adaui Clarke, tho Hlullcel commentator, sel dom praised blm, excopl for hie ability lo roll Urgo stones. Ho iboujit bis sou a dunce, aud aaid so. Of course, tbn boy had no fultb lu hlruseli. But one day a teacher called at the boose, whe knew that a llllla Judicious praise wcnl a great way towards making a man of a boy. "That boy," said the father, la very slow at learolng; ! fear yot wllf tot be ' able lo do much with him." Adam's heart sank o t lower depth. But the wise teacher, laying hia luvtifl on file head, f This lad will make a good scholar yet.f' Insjan'.ly the sympathetic tourl and word acgok In the so-called dunce the hope that ho, too, conld learn. The hope stimulated the uuased mlud. He became con scioua of mental power. He learned his lea sons wl'b esse. "I could have doubled lho efforts, be says, "bad It been required.'' That bit of Judicious advice gave Ihe Mutuoeistt their famous Jilblical commcpUtor. OCTOBER 5, 1832 THE YOUNGSTERSOF LONG AGO. I remember when we were lit'lo fel lows, in the early days of Western backwoods life, wo used to peep out from under the covers of the trundle bed, aud watch the old folks, sitting about ll)9 largn, open fire-place, as they conversed in a low tone, and oc casionally cast suspicious glances back into tho shatlows wlicreia we wore snuggled. It did not requiro very cIoho listening to learn that they were tin l'T the delusion that we wuru all asleep, ntid that wo wero tho subject of tho conversation. It was not till wo came to have children and grand children that it all came out how picas sol it was to sit by the tire and con over the cunning pranks, lho mischief and tho prattio of lho babies. f course, you youngfter of filly, or un der, do not know nuylhing about good living you were horn in cities, or iu line country houses of mo lent build ; so you cannot sec in imagination tho tniuillc-hfd in iho shadows of one large room, wiih it back 'og hVo a', t tie other end. You have never graduated from a to a "real bed" in the loft. Yon never woke up in tho morn ing lo find ihe coverlet, where your breath tell upon it, frozen sliiT uml soli I from (lie condensation of tho vapor from your breath; nor did you eve' find two or three inches of snow as an extra wrap, that bad sifted in between the clapboards at night; nor did you j imp out on tho snowy floor with pink toes it nil bundle down stairs, with a whoop, to dress before the fire. No, sir, or madam, yon don't know anvihuig about living. Luxury has robbed lii'e of its zest and sparkle, of it light and shadows, of thu contrasts which constitute the whole sum of huiiun happiness. F.i.Traiso Watich. All wat- r from springs r r sterns should be fl'tcre-i. The exposure to .he c ir of a jell water cannot fail to c fleet It t 'I t germs of various Injurious kinds which nuld he removed by filtering. An excellent for domcsile use to be attached to the user tap can made as follows: Procure a piece of tin pip? three Inches In dtamcter and e'gl.. inches long. Have so'derrd to Ihe bot tom a piece of wire si liner and then cup with an eacapn pip' a quarter or Iwt'f an Inch In tilameter. Flil the tube with alternate layers an Inch h ck of powderrd hard wood c' arc ml and clean washed sand, have a cortr lit. e l ou lUe a box cover, with s o a cut iu It, ,o Hi lu small pins soldered on the lube so aa ,o lioiti iho cover wild) I. Is ti.rnr'l rmund a little. To the cover should be soli'e'ed a fe male re ew in fn a thread tut upon the lap. This wil per'ecly cleanse the waier and ran l.e removed, the co. cr taken oft aud the con terns renewed. I. may save 100 times iti cost In doc ore' bills, auj 1,000 times In comfort, Ktir r to Yot as :lf. You have trouble your fpeiiegs are Injured, your husVtaud is un kl it., your v ife frets, your home is not plcas a t, y mr fr'-uds do nol treat you fntrly and 'hi us Ll g neral do not move pleasantly. Well, what of It? Keep It to yourself. A mold I'ng tire cut) be found and t'ltlngulshrd; bat wbr.i I lie couls are scattered, who ran pick i. einupf Bury your sorrow. The place for aad and dislrustin; things Is under the "round. A cut linger Is never benefited by palling oil the plasipr and exposing ll to somebody's eye. Tie up and let It alone. Charity coveielh a mill. Untie of sins. Things thus rotcred are otter lU'cd wl hout a sear, but once pub lab ed a d roiiildcd to meddling Mends, there Is io end to ihe rouble they may cause. Keep ltt jo'j self. Troubl e are transient and when s . row Is healed and passed, with a com fori it is to ay : "'o one our knew It until the tiuolo was sit over." His IniCA ok Hadks. A little Austin boy oeeiiiue confused, ami got his eianhiini mixed up witlt his lessons, for when bo was asked what the school was ho replied : "'1,'s the place where tho wicked is punished everlastingly by Satin." The teacher thought the reference to Satan was personal in its character, anil tlie boy was soon able, from ac tual experience, to testify to tho cor rectness of thu defiuitou. Tcnas Silt iiii:s. ' ' i Kkvenuk A St. Louis man was arraigned before) an Arkansas mAyor. Just us tho mayor was about to dis miss the case, tho inun remarked that when ho returned to St. Louis ho would send the mayor a wesunt. Si. Lmiis, ex.daimod thu mayor, are you from St. Louis ? .'lis air. Then I am glad to meet you. I took a drink ot whiskey once in St. Loins ami was fined a hundred dol lars. Mr. olliccr take this man to jail. Every one cannot bo beautiful, but .i t I. lliey can uo svveei-ioiutiereti; una u sweet temper gives a loveliness to the face more attractive in tho long run than even beauty. Have a smile and a kind word for all, and you will be mote admired nay, loved than any mere beauty, A sweet temper is to the household what sunshine it to the trees aud flowers. Keep cool, ami you command every body. Conceit may puff a man up, but never prop litin up. -i r To pity distress is but human; to rc lievo it in godlike. Tho smooth speeches of tho wicked are full of treachery. Old age la the night of life, aa nUbt la the old age of tbe day. Stlll.nlght Is fall of mag- nluceuce; and, tor man, ll is more trllliaul tbsn Ibe day. NO. 31. ADVERTISEMENTS. The great sutxriority of DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP over all other cough remedies is attested by the immense popular demand for that old established remedy, For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Bron chitis, Whootiinz Couch, Incipient Consumption and for the relief of consumptive persons in advanced stage of the Disease. For Salo by all Dnirrgiste. Price, 25 cents. asresFvessaBgrrsseaKsaaaaaarsn R H. PAT T IK A. t O 0 H K :o: Oltets to tho public :o: .V .1 SIS 0 It 7' .If KM T Uf Millinery, IS'otloll.t, r'anev Goods, Toll"! Articles, Cheap Lures. Utile Furnishing tJoo.l, Ac. ( II KAI' I' OK CAN II. MRS. M. A. MOOUK, ar.Snilth's Brick Blwk, Weldon, K.r. novSlly Jj 0 It HALE, Two TaylorOins In r,to rt'imir cheap. Alao one Ball Cotton Preaa ready for use. Th'')- can tip seen at tlio Howard Ma chine Shops tit Weldon. C. BnADI.KY. July ST If FREE' rorlllusiiaudr I Send to atiwin rn ill rsl.MMS IMVIR8ITT I t W MDMI rtliniuiea V..r lttn.t.ul.,.l rinnU A II. . a,.lual 11... ""m I'ro.-ssisau cmni ia su wA.r t ia ik, rail.!, I'siiipiil.tsaiid Price I.M Islw. l..r AVV UIII.Hi, ..l,t,i,. TIllE At LTMAJi J. 1 AVLokdO,. Msasl.u. ohl.. aug 10 2ui Of? a wpek In your own town. Terms and il t?Ot) oiitllt free. Atldresa il. Ilitllett k Co i'orUttttu. Uaine, anrtilv. GREAT B ARC A INS. Wtiarpnow rreelvinir our now and Wamlfol KoihIh recently I'loeliaaed ofthe iiiaiiiifaeliirern, and cordially Invito you to call and are them. 1 lie largest and In at aelrelrd stuck of HOLD WATCHES. ' ' ' pKTSt)fJKWPLUV, j , HANI) llllAl'HI.KTS, - Ol'KRA AN I) OltAHP nHAIXM, s HI A MOM) AND SUM. Itl.NoS. HI.KHVK 111! f I tlNS AM) STUDS, HOLIII.SRVKU.sPOO.N8. PtlRKSp. The Beat 10 ( aNlvr autl S ( lork v. v i: it s o 1. 1). ' t; Ynting'a p. p. oieaaes and Imt.rva your I'l'itKllt. VVnieliea and Jewolrv rcssjlred tv thn lieai workmen, KugravliiK neatly done by J. I, lIlli.MI a hup. ortsly PeternlMirv, Va. N OTIt'K TO CuNrRAC'TOltS Proposals will lie reroived tnitll h first Mnn- tiny In tiel , next lor the eicellon of a biilldiun at th" Poor lli'iei', For apt'Cillcaliona apply In any member of tlie lloaidof lotinly t'onittilssiniicra. K.J. l.liWK Clerk. 8e'.. Ith 1st) . aep j 1 1 185r 1857 K s t A B L, I S II E 1) JsMintsry Ut, IS57. RUFE W-DANIEL Hiastork ot LhiuoM, (iroearlna aud Cnfeo tlouories embrace lu pan PBKMTI. APPLE. U1.ACKDKRP.T and WlI.I)CHRRilTBRAlrT. ' WHISKIKS, POHT. HltKUUV, MAPKtKA and ' CnAMPA'fsStfWlNlt. , CTUARS, BACON, PLOUB, MOLASSKS, LAim, (hsuku, rKrrKR, ttPICB, APPLES,' KI.LI KM, IMCKLKS. BRAetDT PKACIIKS and COJiKECTIONKRIKS POKTSICK'S LAUEU UttR OX I C E And many other art Kit s too numerous to mui lion. R. W. DANIEL, 1(1 Wait. Avenue, Wvldou, J(. C. OPt! 1 IBS Ml SPACB I J- M I O H MO One Square, S 00 fl 00 ii 00 ?0 00 TwoHqnsrea, 6 00 10 00 20 00 10 00 Thrxa .sqnarea, 8 00 15 00 SO 00 40 00 ToarSqnarea, 10 00 18 00 88 CO 4S 00 Fourth llol'n,- IS 00 20 00 40 0 f CO Half Column, 20 00 SO 00 60 00 5 00 Whole Column, OoaYear, 76 CO JOFESSIONAL CARDS. TJARNCO a BELL, ATTOKf EYS AT LaW. K.1P1KLD, N. C. , Practleoa In h eounttea ofriallfax, Kaah Rthrpcombe aud Wilson. Collectloua made In sill parts of the Hiatu. )an II tf. ll II. SMITH, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, HOOTLAO NsJCK. Halipax CoontT V. O Prantlnpa In th ronnlv of Halifax ant ad In In. Ins; eouutlea, and In tho Suireuia court "f tbe taie. . IS iy.' r m o r i z j! a it a, TT ATTOKKRT AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. T. Oltlpp In thn Oonrt Hons". Htrlpt attention lllven to all brauchesof thu uroleaalon. Jan II ly pUOMAS ff. U1LL, Attorney t Law, HALIKAX, N. C. " Practlpos In Halifax and sdinlulux toaalls and Ko.lPral an. I SiiirotHH courts. W ill bo at bkiollaad Neok. auee asverv tctrt- nlKht. augiatf TA B. u0, W. II A R T M A H . a' Norieos Dentin, ., ;' Office over W, II. Brown's Dry Uooda Store,, WULDON, N.C. Will visit partloa at their homes when deslrsd Terms Keaaonable. oelllly T V. M A a) O N . f ATTOItJIEY AT LAW, GAUYSUURO, N. fj. . Praetlcn In th" conrtit of Northampton and ad loliilin counties, alao lu the PoderaJ and aa prt'tuuoourta. Junaltf. yALTKll K. DANIHL, Attorney sxntl Connaellor At Law, WELDON, W. C. , Praetlces to tlallfas and adjolnlna; enuntles. HneclaJ attention irlvetl lo nolleetlona la all pans ot (heStalo and prompt retarna made. leu. ill W. HALL, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, ' i WKLDON", N.C. Special attention riven to collections add rptulttaiieca promptly made. - may nr. , It. E. Is U U X T K K , MVRUEON DEKrllT, Can be frfnnil at Ilia ofllce In F.nfiold. Pure) Nitrous OaUio Gas lor tba Pain. leaa Kxtranttng of Teeth always on band. June 'ii it. jiasa m. MIU.I.KS. sobs a. aeoaa tlLL1.1 IMOORS, ATTOItWEYM AT LAW. ""- HALIPAX N.C. , ' .,, Pratllpa In the coitntlps'of Halifax. Northatnul ton, KiU'Woinh.', Put aud Mariln .lu the fas prenm court of the Slate and In the Federal Courts of tlie Kasiern District. Collect loua anads In any part of the Hiata. Jeai 1 ly , Ml ' OI.I.ICOI'KKK. PR. It. I. lOIXK OiTia T"JR. A. 11. ZOLLICOPPKR A BRO., I'llYNK'IAetp) AMD fti'KUEoXS, w k t n o x. k. r. lira. A. It and D. B. ZrilllnoffPr. bavtnsr united aa partner in the prantlra of medicine ut dep the aiyb. nil. I firm ot Dr. A. K. Zolllrofler A Hro. olfer their profrnalonal aervleea to ihe uublla Kcnerally ami solicit a sham ot their patrotisa;, they Kuarantpe careful ami prompt atteullon te patleiita. One of ihe Arm will always ! fonad l their ofllcp In .olllpofler'a Druir More shirs liatleiita will lie treated at all hours and when iieeeasary. both will vhuteiid give their atlea noil to paiipnta without extra charge. liriiii. ARBOROUUU HOUSE. I'ayettevllle Street, Ravlelgh, If. C. Terms' to suit thetltnea. D.W. lll.ArKNALL.pMprletor. : IWI. i'gaaT" locmnn marble wor.Ki, ; (Established In ISra.) Sycamore street, opiKwite nallfai, nonnmrnla. lOIHDS, 4 rase, . .' lleadatonea nsj tsraventane ofevci y description made to ortlor ranging lit ' prle irom Si no. . . T , DealK'iia sent hy mall toaiiy add rtsa, with poat, aa- stnnii enelosi'il for return. sT-VV Itennnleranre rerelvnl, the work fe prsw pared and hrurili-.t; It it do.-s uolitiv, iruKt snllsfuelloll. liurchaaerS arn rswiueaU'd tt alur. at my ealMiwrwl iMrinat trlelit Imllt wave. Lnwrst i.ricoe and eiieap nvtghta f usritilleed. Cvirn.iktu.kiui swlioltDd from ail aes tloas. , . CUA. Al. WAUHn. apr. 13 ly. , , W- W- II ALL, lira and LIU lnaaraaeo Afmt, ' te : ran be found It) the Roanoke Koi 0ffle. ,,v Wildoh, f . C. i , . t j i" i.' ; BXrKIIZKTI, : 1 ., " ' Bow TorV Underwriters!, ' " "AtrrtenlturaP'otWatertown. tf, X. ' .. Weaiern. f Toronto, Canada. , ramllPO.Of Tarbcifo.Tf.C. " Lynebbur, l.visrhbunr. Va. . H'laitable LKe laaaratvce Co. of N. f , , Willi papp rlks lu'any other good eoreran l low ssiferaipa, Jul ii If