frli2 ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC V K B K L Y N K W S 1' A P E R , l'UHLISU 101) BY HALL & SLEDCE. THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING KaVTH.S.' r SI-ACE 110ANOKE 3JEWS. S c I! One Your. In advance, .i M-n'!i. i;ir..,. Vton'lH, 2 mi I (HI ADVERTISEMENTS FnMtjrApepul.'i, C oh t i vc n en a. Hck llrariurlif. Chronic Dljir rhrr.i, Jaunrilrp, linpuiiiy of tlio lllood, IVver ami Akko( Miliaria, and all DurnfM caused bv De rangement of Liver, llmaU and Kidneys. SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED LIVER. itvraih; l'am in the Sid'-, sometimes tfc p.iin is (tit under the Shotildcr-MmV, mistaken f.r KlicumatUm; general los of ;.clitc ; 1W(U generally contive, suiuetunca attci nnting with i;ix ; tlir hJLi i troubled with p.; in, i-, ('.ail and hrm. with considerable lss rf n.cnto-.y, acC'impartinl wtth apainltilsensaii-.iKif b .i iiu; iiiiJi'nesniiK-irui which out; l to have bcn dure; a .I'.t, dry t-'u.h and flushed face ii lometitnt: an atirmlam, . t : n niu!;fn fur Cntismmuion; tin- p iti nt e iimj.l.iiiis ol wcariiirs and dcUliiy ; mrvniis, (vi-i!y st-iticd; feet cyld r Inirtviirf, h mctimrs u of die skin exists, spirits arc .tii-l .!'i nt, ami, i -fied that r - r isc wmiM I".- l nc fi'ial, yet uric can haidly Miinni"ii tip f iiit : t j trv it in fa-l, distiintts vrrv uucly. Social of the ribove r-ymptoms attend the disi-asc, but'S h ive otYiimiil Vitun but f w ni tlicm CKiiIrd, yet cxjiir.n.itioii after di-.ith h. n t!ic ldir u hjvc becu extf-iisivvly Ucrangvd. It oho til d be iimmI ly nil persons old and young, tthrni'vor nny of Die a Ik ut inptonis appear, IVnsniiH Traveling or TJvInr In Tn lii'althy I.oraliilrt, hy uking a i! c ws' n. at. to k'.-fp thr I.ivcr in liratihy ;u :i n. u.ll .w-l ali Miliaria, lilliuii attacks, i tiinc-., im, drowsiness, lJepressii n of Jpu its, cu It will invigorate like a of wine, bill. In n.j in toxicathig beveniK'. If You hnvo eaten nnylhhig hard (! dH:etlnil, or feel hcnvy r.fkr imvts, or Mifp lesi at night, take a dote and yen w 11 he t.t ul. Time and Pm-lors' I'tiHii will he navel by alwaysi Keeplntr the Xtrulutor tu tlio House! Fif, wKitever the ailment may b-, a t!ir--'i!)'.,v safe pui-Kallve, nlteral ivi rm (nic L,t1 never be out of phu:e, 'Hi. remedy is liariiib- and does not Interfere with husim- or pleuHtire. IT IS ri'RlXY T ATil.r. An l has all tlio pnwer ; v. i cru-.w i t ,.! i; , ! (j-.uiuue, with- it any of th- i.ijiir. a;ltr A fiovoi'tiora T's!ituotiy, Simmons Liver Ui ulalr lu, b.r ii'i nr..? in riy family for ?'nie time, an l 1 ;un s-atiiit'l it is a valuable addition to th-? i.n -i'u.A :v'v J. Oili. SiiKi'.u.!!, t". vtn.Mr , f A'a. lion. Alexander II. Steph n, of (.a., savs; Have ilerivc l s.-.m-; bt-r.c i ii.-ia t!w use uf Simmons Livor Kruiator, aiiu wi-li t-i five i: a further trial. "The only ThlnR that never fallH to Iteiieve." I have used manv vi-m'.-fhc; f,ir 1 vs prpsia. Liver AflV-i:ticn ami tu-biiuv, Ui never have found anything to bcn--fit ne t- the cs'-iit Simmons Liver K:i;idator has. 1 f:. m Mhi nesota to (ieovgia fir it, and wmild uJ fuiiL, r lur such a medicine, and would adviw a!i wli i aie i i n - l.irly afferted to Rive it a tti.d as it muiij li. i my thing that never fails to u-Iu-w. P. M. J ANNiiif , Mirutap.iis, M an. Dr. T. W, Mhhoii Riiy : Trt r-.i m ex perience In die use of Simmmis I.ivcr Id tui.u a in my practice I have been ami am r.alirli.jj 10 use and prejcrlbe it as a purgative medicine. IK'Takc i nly the Ormiino. !,!-: .-.l.v.n has i n tlie Wrapper ih? roil 7. TriKlt--.Mii i c anil Sit'iiulure of J. II. ZDII.IN & ci. FOR SALE RV AI T. PRUG01S I S. fell 61 yl ' HP A V V K Y iliT E K I. -"rti'vK'.Ttfl -1 rrTm'vfe- m a r pact t' ii t n f i' Eiitj!itt'at TthiirtH litij ami t'tton J)-c:s't SAW MIU.9, OliHT MILLS, Mil. I. M'.ONV, Plows, Iron anil nins- l a-iiiiK-. icpsoly ViiiT-lMir -' g(-U T II V. il N II O T V. I j, ,. II. IH( KI,S, I'miniHor, HALIFAX, N. 0. Rodttpil, ri'imintoil atul tlmi-ou .'lily nnviMsri-i! fur nfi.rt i'ul.l.'.t n i-i-l It. -in .N"ff.ill. rtnil WiliniiiiTlun tuiirlii-ts' tin .Is rvants nn.: R.nnl frtri1. Cuiiifurlnlilc puiinn for ;.l. I have ulxn a l.iv.-vy Stnhl.', wIht- Imrvi-:' tin liromi.lly ntti'iiili'il In. vi-h ii-li-t lilri'.l mit mi cas'iiialtk! it-rnts to imrtios wishing tli.'in. rjau Vt ly c t s.t fj Old fashionable remedy bvo vivMy glvinn ground bvfoio Iho atlvm.. ! ; j cure, linv,- boon qmto "I"'"1' 1 " the system, II"' nc i- " truliiV. nwluriu, .Icpm nlcM n'l .". ' ' the Llood, reuse Hie liv.r when U..111..111I, ud promotes a ropubr h;ilt "I l; V L rorsuleby all Drui-'Pist and Diukra geuerull)'. HAS DEEfsJ PRGYbD The SUREST CUHt for KIDNEY Do-wftlann bvlt oi-d; ' 1 r-nto th.t y.u ai- fi vu-tj i - -' J - IILS1TATK; u-u' Ki''.n.-.-- v .--rt r. . -' - -liata rtvomiiicniHa'i'i it v. .-' knd we,-Jcneiiej. niiinoy-V." -'. h umu:- -1. U. tt will net !t.rat!.r l ' 'J- Eitlw-rflei. Inru il.'"'".' .re.. tu... . brick flint or ro;-y v-' l1. n"1'1.1'1 -r-..' 'paiiu, ftll pelity to oiriliro . orT.i nv At.r. nm; (itiif. i j'n.-.- ri. ocx la ly CC Tr C;t)li lior tiny nt lioino. Rumples JpQ 10 worth 5 free, AUUNM SU.N- 5 4 ;m M t : VOL. XI, TRUSTING YET. Heart i.ft,ii:i.. l, ...77 7, . ., I'.ir Hi lu-n-r.. . '. .:, i ,v ,,;,,( .. .. . h: - I.M-- Il'tV- 111.. . . : ... .. , I'll . ll.-lie ,;.,. W. n It,;- !;:,.: e .. Til-III ll.l-l t.ll'.U . ... ; VI li.ill h-iin :. h-. j' Yit Hi .ii wi.-: .! .,; ; t in:;: lo . h... v,:,., , Ami 'linn Mill iiri l.r.r,: 1,.t ...'n.;.-... '''"I'll Ii . 1. 1 : i ;. ;. : I .r I.e r n .;, ,., , , 1'. 'I. art. ! , v. , le HI' I II I'.ir. ,,: . .; I.. I I..1 .11" lilll I, ; ; , ; "Mil; '" ir ! ;i- ; ,7... v ROSA'S R E V E. G c . "Hut il., y.-u I-, .cly 1 1 ).'... i j:, j;,- :: i, .., '' -"-ii",' -ii Si,- il.iiu.:-. t .. celiw.iv nf tlio mil, nun n,.,, Is, ; I i ; iaiili..)r Iti'.l- ji- r.v.l ,y ii.,,, ,.,M , li.uii.:. 4 i h:M : i:, j ' t !y l'i -f id it- I ...u-ii in ''". ll.T ii:ica-ii.:i k.i fi,:. f i ., - n,' brown i-ln .liiulD wiiieli hiie hul ( ,..,it, iii. J'dW 1 -1 ,il i ;-- .ii J,- tn , ; ,-; iru-ik of tin- iiinii t-,-,- ., :. :., .i II I' Willi a laity, liuUliotK i,,- , f ,(.,.!) eillel-i.i:; ,,1 U, ,!;,, 1 ,,s h,, ,, ... J. "Hi enllii-e 1 ,i,.-.;i it," ii... "Hill I .I'U imly t-ti-iv.: 1 , ilu,i, llii.L,ni i.-.,ei tin- ,-n(i,y ii.. 1,;, ,,i j;,;. .h it linn.,' v,-r i,.ii-iiiM.l. "Villi lire exactly t'ele lllll.'-i iU l.'V. Iv !, my uf the il'y ..-i;,-4 m,,; e. 1-.-.; e .. in:, a," Mr. Ii. it.:,: ri, : :,:.,;, ; , .,, )-HII. "All I I! ii,, V U I::!, I ., , . l.m'l jmsi h.v r-l'iel,- n itl li -,:::i , ,i; ,ii' 111 il !. il . n ; i,!i , i.;;;;K I:..-." -hyiy t;:i', uu j:p i.iui (;,..-, .;1 ;,, h nl , .ll.i -. "II. is ii .1 cuji.l;l, i h " f ll'l Mr, Hi..- iMii'll. ...II . i:-i i!..,lui .rli.-r f .ir Hit!,. .:',,!. "iiiil," she i ii sii,il;e,l, . r.iiluT iln'.iiu iy, "isll.l'e IS Ihe rii. y" "i'l.e-uii.:-- ' 1 Ii.-e;:ii;,'iiieut i;:i;r, Mr. l'.r.ilei. -.i," i -..' iiui ii ii.isa, tepio u , i r 1 1 1 1 y . ll.iu't . u k!l I., l u re's alwiiya u r; iiiC in tUo novels And tuns. Z ii'-rally it's a diamond." "If l.i.l'l! ii, il,'V,' m:-,"' f.l!, :. ,::'.ili.i,i:i, 'i"L-ieiliy, ' I ii 'V' r ilii.-i.ii; i.i t!,,' i liu ll- I'e's II liillt. ('i ll 1 1 1 . . t IC-eil ,i I.,. t!.y I:, "ill I s , lian,''iii', .hi my w.i:c!i e'liin. Wi.u'l Ilia: ij : li'i.i In-Id out her lir.iivu li.ii-r wiiiii- title I it 'ill. "V .ii j-.mi haven't ' m ' !''!w - ii i. .1 lie II I hi . eel , .11 i'.i.V Was CJ ,i.i,'t ' "I,,v l s a! .va s ki-s tiietr Ii .; m !" .M ! 111 a!'.', ill i.l'I ;ll al. 1! It here':-, in,- 1. l.ef : . i: .. , ; ti, .11 slim", party ;;:" 1. icU. A'i I, ma!. ';.; ! I..' 11 pi , , i ii "ill 1 sr. ; I I,. I .',,,, -II .,, .,n I a.,.' Ii,.-:l i.fl l..c k li'i i.e u .il, a v iie s r . ; : 111 l ste; amis iei;lt, a:, 1 I.'-ii,,!' li.r.v ni., M.-. HmIijz mi lo ''.-"I, ail ii" Ii ;,.' .-iie n a tilltielliiii: her lna-tiil ill -' i 1 1 s : :rnl Mi ilrat.a.'.i.ii liim i I' l, .;, im! v... ' , ::'., i:l,. joke t I p; ,ei em Ii: 11 i a'l c':j i I;:..' Nor ii it li'l e..-: i'. ill to - IV t;: it tiie i,i:;.. I i.lies Were ereuiiiel., i) I - it 1 1 i . i ': : i : t 1 . "It mu-t he a leciiii li-lcg,-' sa:,l Ka!" Kei -ueily, tossing h. r he i I. "till l(uiic leeelit,' iu-kiioi I, i!, il Mr. lea htzo n. "I.ove at lirst ni;;h! ?" a-ki'il Mi'sDiy. "N II ', lint . : C : ! r , ' -al,l lira !, ;. ,. "i fact, I in ty s iv t a t' I tiiye r.ilui ii. 1 th ' yaai. I ulv siaee hr; i" f.i n "What a il- liii'ut nil rniRitu sai.l i; :: 'ernon, lo ikiiej; in,;. ItiiiiL; Inr il. lilii, d "i..i if com se, Mr. I'.r.ui ei, you 1 te.l us li.-i uaiiii- ? ' "I Hill to sal'i'V," saal liie; III eil.'ial la in, noh-.ull!". .lid U'lie.i ii tlie ir. i ia'aiil not. ii in tv late ailiuiiin, a i.l lor'il u '.I .ili-iu Ui" e., ,1 i. - t 0 V..'ll,ii. 111,1 siia'a '111. COilil '.I lie. a.. I pel! !:! htm Willi e!n t:i:i! -, w.i.l d u i; !i 1.: , . ,, dutiplcil f.' :1 In the f" i ll V w.Kei.. of ' i. torrent, and con. I ik id i.i u uu -tei eei ' i :. tliehatil tll.'.llli. l i t) shoa' ie ' i ;.ii '. Iiir.!..' 11.-- s, 1,,1'tei ily w ::. . at: 1 .;: , ;. bi'i.;h! i elilees, hoiv w.c. I;-' to Kumv iim! I'i'iliellibeleJ the i i',-" I.- uii.t i' 1i v 1- -leaved eliestuil! lie. ,l ud . ei r .. ; in ; i eulemlar ? "lie' Ollnllt t.) Wl'ilD to Hie," sai.l K.i a, gloomily, as (bit weeks and nnmlli na led and no epistle cime. "1 do h ;, he i a'i oiiii to lui ii on', f ilse, like l!i" wkkc i t o a.ien in -loiy lea.!. -." And when Mr. llr.i! b-.mi,'.tt u lia.Lte w.' doll, with is miniature ,.,r.r,.ii.i i:u..U n d eiilliplele Ollllit of c .-uri.v la."' ill.s-is, .1 t luisiiimi, II -a II ov ;nt i a p i --; in. "A if 1 were a l.ili. ! ' slid -ic. "A d .,!, Ileleed, nil I I I Well l- U'lia "Id i a (letoliel ! 1 won h r i( he tat- s me for -I child? Wlimt,: 'ie ii ,1 of a "iitli an oi u 1:': a d li to lii you -. It ly h" v a : d t-i:" My it .r il -., ' - i.i .i t . . Li i, lu'f V v .1 II (if, II .1, "Il il .! Ii ..!. )"U " And sin' -il'v p til -,l II out linal the 1 uf II r dless. "Il w i- iim a j"k' ," n.i.,1 di - I' .!-. "P .,.. a "I e I i ii.- , ,i , . Kos:l. "Ml iliar." sa.'i Vn e II .ie, ' ii an.'l li I 6.1. 1 ? Ml. l(Ml.... :t I" ! -l i- s Helen lllllf n !,.l.s. I'O.iet ll's la.-. ..I . , UCt 111,'lltll. eil.ii oe a,l a li , ;r." "What !" eiie I li 'si, hrr s .ppim a lie , , bill .til,', ll.T rosy iip - aMI t. " lo il, I i.'.l - lllul lie I'll;:. i n d to II, e And 111 u K.ii-1 iil-ii ' 1 .1 iv i a'o th ' ' M chniib-r and hid heiseil f..r fu I in li - i s, l" soli out tin' citir.nt ni' Ii i .;. .l.s:i y 1 1 f . Mrs. Hale mulled ami f;,-iied. .Who would til. ok the, il. I .1 .mil'. I h.V" i tuhe 1 so m.icli liiipii;,in:e to a pie. " i f t o : -scuss like llial ?" mid sue. "K. ally I'm .if.a.d 1 have uiulu u nl.ii in ali ow nn; her lo te.ul uovcla. Hut i;o ulwuja mi liiiieiinms IUiIl' creatuin." llo:a wrote t-cra:21'"rr'w " '''ltL''9 lJ M'' llraliiiJtou, nil uf itlucli oil llnali)' tmo up, mid when tun taw luu untiiiaKii J loela.iued in tlio papers ,lis garo tUu big wax ilull a Units WliLOON", N. ""' '' l''".v 1 Icvcn veal ami six niontlis , ! 1. notl'l !: ive..liv ii-s,l;.;.i;i,i:n eont;ected 1 : i :: ...i. 1 " inn" she i,.,, !.,, .,, :' "' I" b- ,it 1. , . t;. - ": ''. i :; hrr "e.'a.i, ; l ,ya :,:;,,, , j r ' ! ' ' :; ' h r-a ' 1 .' a a : , . t li a ti c t ', 1 1 ,'.'! s - i -'e'V iv. I I ie . a., aea ,,e on tlie s1 1,1 S , ,t v. : . la !,; h nee ..( the i '' i 'I . i a ie ,-i.r i! v . 1 ' iie I I'd r-iate, ' "' I''. I m .1 .t , : . I , ' ' a ! i '. .. y; ''""isia" i t i - d -..,,,i , ' " "''!. I 1 i M. a II ... I' V I. a. I. as 1' i T .'-.eii,.. 'S ''.if lle '.h, rial,,". A' .1,1 a i ee; iv in fi-iui Ml. I. ,,, I ,: I :.. I. . I" :l II ,1 a. ' - 'i ' ": i. 'it h t ill.' ..lay i .i 1, .! ' ' i i a - .1 i il I ,' - -I el- ly I I. a, ,i :, i " ' " ' e 1 i I ' 1 .a',, ; , i.i Ha,, - a 10. r, .1'. il- a.i '. s :, I" 1 M ' ' r!o. '1 a o a irt.e . t, to h, a' "I a 'O, i.-e 1 am enii, , ,y unaa, uirii "I'll . V . I- 01 . -ir! g . i ,,11 '''" 1 " .' ' -11' I ' ! ,i...l I .;.', ,,i i II; 11 1 ' ' I' '- ; "ii a it a .-:', I ili.ak, an I i - "' ; a' I " : , , i . :., " ' i -.riinrla: in , , .11 'e- V i" - I . .I.enl a.n.i::.;. II. ,w an-!;, ,.! -liu 1 -,i , .i,j, d i,, a Vi.l, ' !.,! i i , ' . k , i v. I'll ei inner, hei a s Uu i 'I w.til : .'. st .l", I.;l cl, -.V . : . a : iiari.l a f,i,;.;. f , ' I -I ')' U a ll 111 , ill I'' ,u ' ;:e i-k .:, . luptly. '-. . ... .. . nt ,:i w in,'.-,!. ' il is I. ,1, il".. ;(,..! ). ar," i, " s.,i I, "I on a ;! .aer. V.,u n, tv ., .1W4i.,.j v, in) w.le " 'ii, I. ', llet ai a 1 1" h ad M.- s li i; .,;iy. Duly i io.iise, ail the H.iild had heard of liu-. M,,. ', as a f iit,.. I . jiiij , iva-ii't .-si,.. " "-lie V. .1 s y 1.,','rly," t.,l,l tile wi.lnWer. rt '' " - " -: was I' ll 1 1. I iltt.iv In ii '"'!' -"il ' ;a 1 a i. .la, w no- pot III .'soil' : a i '. e. e lie i e lo I e r, o, d up .1 I "'"' i-iidie. I -, Mr. Ik ..!.i7.,,u n-1,,,1 p. r lll-sion to e ill a! Ihi- C 'llslll I!:-, to il. ,;,.': line ar was, j., . ,,. , ,. ,,f , ,v ,, , ,. a.M d.- Uu .y i : i I !. ,. r i. ., u ai ., - ) "a i r i.itiful and pi . ' ' ', a- (,.. 1, . .,., ;' ..f km bv t! .. : ' , :;i;' I ,.f I npt'.s. ate I. Id, 'n.oa II 111' HI i 1 1 an; in r - aany tir.lna; e, , en I lie I'anie lo Mr. Ii.,r.'iiy. I'.'a 'il', I" .Isii .,-i nil -1 01 t . .1 l:-e,,.'U. lie. of l.e Hi. in a- l ,1. .. , ; i i i s . ; ' has: i . - li.i.ii.) w.i- 1 "tte r ; a oi , v r, in l.e .' Mr. H. ,!...'. n II h i 1 a . . ., e i ;' P c .1. w In'! . ;.: a.l ! In' li, .una On e ao.l .'is n .... e ,.. tu ,y I. il me 1 an I tu, " i' 'a'i oe I i l Ih. Ir i -. et pi .. e-; i'-.i .' .. i ..' I . ' (. : l.. , f in 1 ri i V. 0 i , ,0, 1 ,:, '.,. l"-l 'I ' h"i' all.! - -V : .s-. Iln.aiy, I i . "' ' )"4 Ii ,v 0. a, i i ; , e , ; :. f . . , t ,,i f .. 1 M.- lie .ai. -after all tiie ,- Ml . till lei Ian I yn'i," aaid Mr. lir.. a! I' I ,,' " ' i I , " ', . ' a . , ... -l. i ;o t nl Ul,,l. : ta, ' ' -: I ' ' i oe'- I .O'.-r l! I .. i; ; V note te.o '"' ,s -, a oil nag," in.: i ar, ap i - air .. .j.- , ;, .. p ,u; a na on o - . "I:. 1 lag i l ns, e .; a . I m 11 L 0 a i .. i :. i ii .. la i I " -.0 Ul". 1 was ii .... I I :. a i .,:, a u i i ti . a . .i,, n-r no P .;. ul s I a,li, w iieu I n ,e I', o'Mtiy ..,p., d ,ic, I l" r. h - ii., :ne ,i.. .id ,,i ui y ,ia i . ,.a: i u. v.-r na, . iiiiiie g..'t,.n no r th,. p.n. t 1 ,'n i J. a, ... v ;o il ,. r, d no, . it,y In ai , .."U ) I .a ' ..!! " I i ' lie lie. en Inn , I !.-',-. ' b oi Mr. io .Vi- ,1, at ' I" I" 1 1 r I.." '.' I 1,1, .a -.. il, 11, I. ll " A , t '01 I , uln- I li.'-l, hall a ,ao,g, ;, ni i I I III,. "I ,lo I,,:,: j,,,, . ,..' a :,1 I" ' lie S ...S 1. g.,, - III Ul Ins 'li- ssilig. "1 a as t, , . ;i till, to 0 til to lV el, : '.''- n ' '. . I, . I i,i nl lo r ,., i I... I , , I I I ai., A,.iH :,a.., i . - Ujn.1,, " Ml elf u tv I . ;, . ... e. . ... J il i y J ..I Is Colillueil ii . ,, ..j. .," .a .0, .,, ., i.i i ' n il .u-ii il-o..u ii, j I Ola. I, Is gl,,U I i , I 1 -. 11 .' ,Oll..i.lliUlls,K a. '.! - leal Hi" t I" I Ills nl l.e ul ,ir Ionian -, . . a , . .: , ; i . . . a ai., I ex, a.i I', n. . a ,; .: e ',' i ,, ;..,n He h ,. .. .. , . .. . . a, I . .. . p, ;;,i,ei.,l,' a not I o j , r '..... i t ;,e h , s nt : lie t ,1 , 11 ! 1 In lii, i ,e pi. ' ler ai.s -s lni.ii l, s e., . il ilia so... !' . I liu-e.e-s linoiuei, Ctee, 1' l" la. ii ...' nl Ins .ell atld urillll- ul.'.r i the i, "l' as lii lieu i 1 il us i an l,o lU'ell tiiiougli In' door, and a. o i ry coin. r i.l his u.l: l ev ap.ii '.nil nl as if in, cut upon satisfying liuil-e.f to..-, n . ime Is in tl.n ticuiity. He iiu-u pi icu'ds lo taue a coliou thai and fills tl.e Umly ni it Willi the rovcriui; uf tin) bed, al.o 'lulling tUu anus full. II J nidcul ti.ij lu ouo C, THURSDAY, corin r on a chair, and pnta upon the. top of It :i hat. llaviiir; urmiiiicil tliia to suit liim, the o nnamhiillst Willi noiseleis trenj wilkJ over 10 the place, whe't- a hrooui is kept nnil Knispn 11 as if it weie a jun, nee;., willi cat like head Hi an ih" li',"iro in the chair. Tins maneuver consumes ceiisiileiat.lo lime, tho "sic pet" p I'.n en ly a, ' in-a.s if !n- was cnra.igc 1 ill pick leg' his way through hru-l. or low timber. llaiiniT aniveil at a point fiiini which a good vie.v r ut lie command, il, hit cooly and ileliber it. iv ra'si s the In, mm in right attics to Ills -Ineniler. After takin; a aim he eoc ihio.igii Hie. sami- motion Unit one would In Ih .eg a elm. He then approaches th chair, i'ii a.s up th- "diimmv" ami can ies It to the re in'" con r "I 111.' cell. II" then g'oes down ,;i ai! f mr-i and goes Ihiough i hit motion nf nigging willi Ins IniiiiU. liming dug until the h"t" I- large enough, he places the ttnlfed thirl ;u II and r ,:, fu 'y c ivcr. u up, n inlpilii; the T i f I il" ce" as ii tie was piesom; i iwn a::. I, II gn '11. id. lie lliell fealters n-fer it nil ii infill "I i"4V, s, w hieh he en Ihn.ti-li I In p .e, s of g altn i i" ; Ii nil the tl.ITrrent pal'. a I li s c II. I"" Willi caelll led to III. .'I .fai t; '11, 111.' s: ep Wall. el Conceals the an iin ler ilis leal s l( hldill;n 11 li, 1 K' lie U W"S his inlinU, ct nil Mies ilis clothes a e efu.iy, as if l i sec if lie has any blond ap ei lie an, all I lesmS a-.iill to his cjltcil, to -l.cp 1 1 1 e iy lllliii 111. il alllg. The piisoner, .v h" n in i .1 ui e of t;iis strango tieak in ins iv.ll.iug lllollietlls, deuln all kilo w li'ilge of til, ,.,-ei.; r. a,, -, ainl liu Is II Impossible, In claims, ! . I leal, it . :l. I ell'g ttl" IC-illt, as II S ITS, III UlHOII-l.t Oil cieiirati ui ,'U Ills p. ut. THE NEGRO. UY lilll. Mil'. Tlu'fi' ai'i' tin no mighty ugly worils ii tin.' ilii"ii.i:.;try titi l iii.turri'i'l ion tunl in;iss;u'i o U in, i ni 'tun. I'lio hut fui-ul i lui'lniiil tiss.issiiitiiiiiii ami (In limiso nil i n lir,- mi l tiie ui'iiii'ii nnil iitMi.'ii lit in.; in ii ii'.u' Irmii lminaii .lull s is awl'il o ci.i.'iiiil;t;n ami cari'ii-s urn' l.;U' ill ilil.iUialliill lo tlie titiii' wluti ill" In.liaii su acs sliuckfil i t.i- wni 'i. 1 wiilt llu ir lii nlalily. I'uil .1. s, cms l,i im- thai, il' a man ivtuilil -ill'lv Ullk-i iiltO 111' b'U'lil'-J llUI'M'-t tin. I 1 e;s ho iicviT wuiiltl lie iil'iai.l i.l' an iiu isin;4 aiming I lit i h . .c-m tu iinii dci in.- uliiicsi Wo have I. cm hiii'iiii ul iio isc si . 1 1 i.l liiiiiigi ulVatiil on litity tears In MIY k now li'il in ami li' llicic eycf s as any jjemiiiie '!..t iliseu.'eri'il I .I 'ii't i'ciiioinl..'i- it. N icrs till , i:it"l i iiics .u Im.i a ilct i'i-,!i ii,it, like (ii'-v ilnl a! Ivislman, lull lli.isos.ill in Hugs eiene all ul a su.I.Iimi aiel ai'i never .i..Uc.l an. I ii:imie I lielui chali.l. I'iic tnilh is il is mil. in the iiicjers nitttie In mill. let-it ji'i.t, iniii'iler, ll loos mil lluisi, lor I.l, in. I. lie has les. . veiig'i' in l;is i'ii:iiiosiii ui than any race we rctt'l ul'. Tlu'laj was a tinn Im in;-; iim war when he hail n erca 0 :ni'i liMii t i rise ami kill unit Mia 1st ir Ire. .loin I. til Im went alone; all tin -ini" tin. I nailed I'.ir whal ini'lit Ii.i !' "tt I a-; i iiiiiiiiul til uyi'i- this ii". .mi; ago tt lit-u I ic.i'l aluiiil the lug lai :n i vi r in iiui'ili AI iliatna, ami hIIi iim' tt ' lie u' id aic; Ie r 1 1 ! i nn ii ii.'iu! Oxluril atol tiie iioincn ami , hi. tin n, ami r ight Miial'l of (he lin n oiio sir ni',1 aliimsi io ih alii I. 'i' lea in-v v. mil t In- iiini'.li'i cl I't'loi e mom in.'. Well il i. t io ti iii'iiloiis in la k ilniill, lor In the lil'sl ,',.:i e, the ne;i on no level,;;.' in his natuiv, ami il ie had, the u ,,ile I ,i,s h.u en'i il nit .lini In iluvokc i!. In the m A ol.tce ho inis 1 1 . eai u it y !o jil .t a o.-u-. iiisiu r. e; i, ni. 11, has no ine.iin i"i' svslcin ui' l.isiness.iki. plans ah on 1 i ' naig' au l he eoiiltln'l lay a !ol. ii l.e m ante.l li). I he liciu is'i in g Ini! a machine, ami has lo he tan, liy I In- white man, or it won't run at i l. He is mi! ,iti uu'. a cht! I, ami i- 1 .11 ;' a i he lives In- M ill lean ilium tin ,vliiie in. in lor .i'ulc.iiiit an. I a.lviee, pi- ; as a el ilil leans llu.ll his lalhci . 1 il oi'l lu lu Vi- till-if aic ten ncjeiocs li a loin, ire, I tt ho ate c;ii ih!e ul niak n ; a living tvil noiil s nne surl ul hclj ii .on I he n.i:i man . Ilis their n.i 'li e I i h" i""iiilcnt. on I he siiierii. at.-! lin v i an never I e oiliei u i- mil live itl this ci'iniliy, mi l ll thet ii re to t-'n oil' ami lit e hy lhi-ini-l vi-.-s, .1 lln ir lull lallicl.S illil, ill l-V Wolllil ll ..ise lolo lh. il oliguial liallll'e anil l.e .mil' h.u hai ittns. Wlthoil' the pros oi-i' ul llie tvhit. s die nce-,) liceoincs in it ish ctett ill this eoiinlry. I'.very o iykiii ts the iioucf they livi o us I he hoili r they are morally 'i is i s, i .inns, lii iicf parents, lictlct illsl'a ois, t r ealilTS Ul lleroi-s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iron works or on railm-uls vln-ic ihcy have lull li th' coinael villi ttiu'.i- tnlks lieeunie tncan am. , t i! -ll, ami m igru plantations win. io n mix vt il i i he lamilui ,1 or hi tnlit ie collie io-i.iti lil HI' III. loli li, ..ei a,e ol.l to "Iff lelil Ul lln-ll 1111 II ai I o - I s. 1 i il si 1 1 i I iiosi' a: s are mi' nilulo:, an I ll mill. lei' Is i ouiinilleil il t ,s n it planiicil In lori'lnill I. .-oni, nans h" kilm a man to lull Inm, Im. ,n revenue or liall'cil When .. moan, tlet ilisli neM tv.ints money in . oneihlii'4 lo eat, lie ones lor It ivanl I'ssul h nv to I'ont'cal il or what will ne t In- coiis. iiieiices, lie has no fear il I he law oi the tliainoano'. His lie sues lor iim tune control him ilhrtohile If. lie lias many -.uul traits of char n li r ami caa inake iniiisi ll iisclnl In tue Stale when iimler li e pressure ami ,iilliieiii'cs iiml close contact Willi tin vvliile race, He in naturally la.y ami tvasii lnl. lie never thinks ahotil lay iiio up inotiey lor ohl iijje aiol liithes l or his cliihlicn nml eraielelill'lien, lint s cniiti'iiU'il it he has I'lioiigh for to il, iy ami perhaps to-iiiuirow. His con-it-ulmeiit willi lite ami its lilt'SMii", is iilll.i.UIg llllil ilesi-rvi'U 10 solllU fXieilt, hy GUI' race. He is not I bUuy Ul' UUSCl'UUlt', UUd UUVtT OUIU1 NOVEMBER 1G, 1882. miti suicide to prct rid of trouble. If senleiici'il to bo lump; lid wouldn't Ukf inoipliiiio or arsenio to prevent it. He has hardly any emotions in lii nature not much love no gratitude, no re veiioe, no ambition, but like a fat lioej in a pen ho wants plenty to eat. The white man will Bmelinie client and ntvinillo in a trade, but tho neiri lias no capacity for that. He would lath er steal xonietliinjj I'roin a man than try to swindle liim out of it. llut he wouldn't steal much. Small pilt'eiine; is the exleiil ol his capacity and bis inclination; but a whit-i man, when he steals at all, wants enoiij;h to do some h'ood and to divide with his lawyer, and nine cases out of ten the white man's escape from punishment depends nn the Hizo ol the plunder. In fact the white man can steal enuue-h to make him respectable, especially il be steals lii. in the State or the Govern incut at Washington. There are folks iivine; in Atlanta now who stole lliem selves into tho litst circles of society ; hut tliuu 1 understand they toted fair, and come to a div ide with the boys who helped them. Jesso. There arc stif) convicts in tho chaiu-gati"; for stealinee, untl tho sum total of all they got put tci!ctlicr isn't one loui'ih as much as one man took from the State and he oes .bout town and tnimciimcs itives a sumptuous repast to distin guished guests. The nigerers steal leu times as often as the white folks, but tlie white folks nleal ten time as much when they do steal, so I reckon Ihe account between the two races is about evenly balanced. Hut the great est hiiiiesiiue upon the ne;;ru is in pul in him in olliee and selline; bun up as a juror tn try the rights of men under the law. Il leuiimls me of the civil rights , ill Home years ago, when tho radicals demanded that we should .pen our hotels to Vm and admit 'em in heals upon the lloor of otirchurclies, ami ride with 'cm in the cars and no lorlh, uud occasionally there was it inol nigger who tried it and got Htid lenly ciilio-htencd to the contrary, About that time I asked a colored bar ber iu Atlanta w hy he didn't shave the I. u hies mi I he; said nobody but d fool would ever passed such a law lor anybody can lead a horse to the orancli, but if he don't want to drink ton can't make him. lie said that a s assy darkey came, in one day and de manded a shave, and lie told him "all nojit, take a neat, if you can stand it, I can," atul he got out a great big rusty i :tz ir, and .strapped il on the Bole ol us shoe ami the darkey retired. Well I reckon that our people will get acipiainted wiih tlie darkey after i while and the darkey will get belter n-ipiaintoil wiin us. In spite of radi al teaching and ihe hypociicy of our i "iilieiails they will learn that their one and natural relation to the while leojile is not one ol eipl.iliiy but one l inlerioiiiy and sub ordination. Ii hose leadlines ami thai hvpoeriey sii'dild excite an instirrcclion as feared it Oxford wo be until tho negro, ll we cannot live together in peace nnd -al.'ly, Ihen the negro will be diiveii nvay like the Indians and cxlcriniti a inn will ho their destiny. The fall icy i bat tlie negro is as good as a while nan will sooner or later be exploded. I'he Anglo Saxon race glories in its upei iot ity over all ulher, and has -lioivn it lor cenlniies iu progress, in nielli on, in science, morals and reli gion. What is true of ui an a nation ni l as a race, is true of us as imlivid a!s, tin- individuals make up a nation, uid when we consider what the white race has done and can do tor huuiani y, ihe life ol one while man is worth lie I. Ie of a do.en average negroes.. 1'iiese are the views and Icuhngs ol .he Southern people, ami these views iiiey tt ill maintain. Tho negro nha!l nc protected but he must learn his in-u-rior place and submit to it. I WANT MOTHER. An old man lay on his Rick-bed, sliiigghiig with death, lliseaso had corn out his body, and so all'ecled his u i ini that he was insensible, to all lungs ami persons around him. Ills funny and one or two other fiiends, slooil hy Ins bed-side, lor it tt as t-t idem mat he had but a lew minutes to live, Ie lo, led his head, as il in great pain, iinl made several cllorn to speak. Al length we could distinguish the words, 'Mother! 1 waul Mother! Why don't Mother ii. iinc ?" Ilis moihef had been i. ail nearly fifty years. II.. was pr .lia .iy iiucniiv lous thai he lia. I .1 wile ami oii'li'i ll and g i ami chihli en ai ninnl mi. tin! lie was !:::;! i ll' anvil, me in, a child. Win n lie was really a l ud he bis lioiilili-s, as all dill in n have, and then he us.'d to carry .is litile gi ii-l'-. to liis mother, t u- ho xliciv he was ill lioill.L', and he lllonghl i Ins mother would come she would eoiiilorl him. On ! that eh ihli on could now iimler siaml whal precious things their young alleciiijus are ! It in sad lo sue- how soon they sometimes pari with them, and how easily they are made ashamed ot t ln-iii. lioyswhn love to lay their beads in a mother's lap, to kneel by uer side and utter ibeir prayers to God, ami whoterl us though lin y could uol go to sleep without her coming to their bed ami kissing them, and saying a pal ling "good night," uru oinotlmes ashamed of this simple and sweet nt lachiiiciit. Had children, such as ft re spoken of in Proverbs, xxx: 10, ridi cule them for these expressions ol art le-s love, and call them babyish. Wliec they UeoowQ oM t'uougb. to go NO. 87. into the world, evil companions teach them that it is childish, unmanly to follow the councils which they received in childhood, and laugh about ''anx ious mother," and they are too often successful in their mean efforts to wean them from the purest and happiest affection which belongs to this world. Then they part with tlio best loveol earth forever. Would that our littlo readers knew with what earnest but vain longings, they may look back for these blessed young affections, should they live tin lii youthful hopes have expired, and the can s of lil'j have become oppres sive. We could tell them of men ol ripe age, strong minds, and who have reached high destinations iu the world, who have bad hours w hen, crushed liy troubles and worn down by siill'ei -ing, they have been heard to exclaim, ' Oh. that I were a little child again ! Then I would carry my soiiows to my mother, sub upon her bosom, and sin would take me in her arms and coin fort me so sweetly." Children, cherish your youthful affections. If you lose litem, they can never return to you in their present freshness. Nourish tli-'in through lib', and there will never be a month, per haps never a day, but they will b-lp you to understand the slill more len der and confiding alVeelinii which brings to the redeemed child of God the love and watchful care of bis r'a'.hci in Heaven. IIK l AM M llVi:. Wells' Health Renew er. irrent st rem.-It- oi I'll ft 1 1 l-ir luipolene.-. l"iltlUess, sexual itildlltt'. Blill-U'ttMs. N.I'. I' "i 0. .). 1'. MINI.-. W illllill'-Onll, V I.. ADV KKTISK.MKMS. The great superiority of DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP over all other cough remedies is attested by the immense popular dcinaiid for that old established remedy. S3 For tle Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, bron chitis, Whooping ( 'oiir-h, Incipient Consumption anil lor the relict ol consumptive lH.'rsnns in advanced stages of tho lh.c.r e. For Sale III' nil t1ri,iT,,!sfc l'visn n ,,,s,., .--i.i. 1 1 .i'ii;-... 1 M " S. I' A f 1 I li A. II on it k ,1 Oilers lo the pul.lle ;o; .i .v t s o ,' jm:. r o y Milliii. r. Si. lielis. l'un.'v (lends. Toil I Art tele, I heap Inec. Ladles I'iirnsiltiit floods, .'.c, ni:r roit ami. M IIS, M. A. Mm. UK, ilsm iih s Dm k illoek. Weld, m. N C. not- Jl Iy S V I, K Two Taylnrillns in go,l repain lienp. Also en., itall f on, ,n l'r, is rea l;- for use. They enii I en ni the How ird Ma chine Shops In W ,1. lull. I . illt.U.I.I.Y. July J7 If FREE- lVn-l to Moours ill 'I Hi MISS IM I RSITY I or lliiwi.iu.i t'ir.'Ulur A lite urinal Iiusi lifss Si'ltiml. AVitVi.v'inf ttrnti ir-nt. CREAT BARCAINS. We are now- reei-ivtiur our new nu.t l.esui iful K s r. tit iy pu'cnaseii ot r Flo 1 lull 1 1 1 1 n e I u rer.s and Cir.llallv IliUte you to en II tunl s,, lim. The largest nod ll" Si Seleeled stock of 001.11 WATCH KM t-iHTS i IK. I KWH.I.HY. ll VN'l) lllt. I 1 I IS. uei itv;vitncttis, DIAM'iMi AMI "KM, ItlM.S. SI.KIIV ' lil'T l ilSs Ml l l'lis Sul Hi SI l.V Kit spoons. KuKlis Sic Tiif Itent MO I BHlor it ti tl H. i l,U r V v tt s o i. it. t.'s,- Yoiiti j's I". 1'. ulessen and mil rvn y ur .VKslirhl. Witehi-s nml .tew-idrv re air. ,1 l.y the i.est W'Tknien Kin; in v linr nestle , i,v J. I". Vol Nil in llllil. eel 1 ly I'. ter .ton , Va V. J. N A W . BAKER & CONFECTIONER. W ELD 0 N, N. C. K very tariff iii.jr ot Cakes, Cra.-liera, randies, French and Tlaili, Kalslns, Krutt.s, Nuls. e. Thnlitrsetit stuck of Toyn of every variety over lirounlit to this nisrket. Orders for candles, cak-s.Jd-., illicit at nhort est notice at Northern frlces. WivtiliniiMiilotliorparUcjaun.lUd as cheap M tbc ultcupeat. oaiiu. I mmmm K i i en li, on an no u'i i U 4' (H) (.0 00 mo tSipisre, ' tvo Sif iiures, riiri't iinir. .1, l-'oiir-s,jit,iri m, c'ourtli ( ' i'ii , Hull I'i'iuiiin, A lioli'C'.luiun, ;t uu ,'i no 8 mi lo no lo mi lid no I s uu lu in ! lo iki I 1 s Utl lio 01. j ;su tin I : i. t)0 i.b I -tn i ii 4.'. (Ml , 0 (ill no ?A (10 iim Yioir, PROFESSIONAL CARDS d. hl.l.IOTT. tttoriicj and ( uiiusellnr nt I uw, Mliil'dldt, V ., Hoouis J and ) Viistiii.m Umid t:g. o-t 5 ly JJMtM II Jt Ul.I.l.. AT TOK V laVH AT I. . l.M-'1 1.1.1), N. C. t'ri"ti,"s In th" eoinlii s .,f Ifnllfiir. Nflsh tvliree.'inl..' and Wilson. l-oll,-i-t nuts mn,l- tti nil .arisof tin- s:a',,. jau Ik tf. II. SMITH, J 11. U t r roio'iv r i.wv, -eori.vMi S :. ti ti.ti- it I' I'NTr V. C I'rietliies ni Hi" eoiiuty of ffsit's, se t adlnin '!' iiiiiii", :iti lia ia,, sup,, 'ui,. ,-,-uri "f tho Slat". ,;ty. j M. U ll 1 .'. A K ll, A I TOItVI V IT I. A tv, . v. f. i.tllfi In Hi- foui-t lions.-, sirlet tttention nv.-ii I all Pi-iineli.-s ,,f ii, . profess!,, u am la ly Jvllo.MA.s N. Hit,!.," Alluriier nl I.itw, H M.II' VX, N. ('. f'ri'tlees In Il.tltfix and idlninlm- coniitle III I I'e lent an l Uo- Ul e-uirls. W ill ti at Se I'l ind N.'i-k, one., every fort in lit. llllKSelf It. U Kil. W. II A It T MAN, M ii r p- i) ii l n ( I h I . Oltlivov-f V. TT. llr.' .vn'a i'ry n. ,,,s store, WllMUIN. V i-. Will t'lsl. na-ii'M nf their liini."! -jehen deiire.l i .-i-ius mat .una i,,.'. ,,,. . p W. M A ,S O niuiMiv it Mvr, . ; vuYMi'.rit... n, c. I'ri. 'n' ' in ti irt- nt N-.u-lhauii.',,!! am id ;,,,n I ii ; ."ill:: Ies. ntso Itl 111.) Keibiral mi. I fit :" ' '" ar s. jU,,, p (f. T A I. T K ll It. 1) A , i u i,, IKoi-iu j anil (on n -.ell or At I.itw, IV K i. IMI, . l'l-.tctli-es in rtiof.n and n If dniinr eoiinties. Special alien:. on irivon lo c.,ll,,'',li,, In llipirtsif in,, sou,, mil prompt ret. 1 1 i:s made. II I.. I MA,, AtToicvr.v i r wid.nov, n. c. S;.".-' il an ll.i.n :-lven to c. dl.el I. .lis lilnl remit tauivs proun,: ty uiado. mit ill. ) u. k. i . ii u n t : n , j v it k o x it k mrinT. fan he. fnuml ut Ins oilb-o in En fir-1,1. 1'iiro MfrmisOr ,In i!is for tlio Pain ss Kxfriictiin; of Tooth always on baiul. Juti" V2 tl. MMi's tf. iii i.ia-v. wo,,,,. t! I. t. li N A Mi) o It K, AI KMtVI VS AT LAW. II Mil' . tl. I'raelie.. Ill 111" e..i,i-..,,,( -,ifi,, ,.rl!mm,. '""'il- -'It'". I'ltt il'id Maillll-dn tin. er. ni" curl ..f th- -s'li " n i . I in lit- Federal i-oiirl s nf I a.. Ki.-.u'ii llistrl.o i'.,lleeli.w ,,,.i. lu civ part ..( t a -o:l' ,. , , v ui.l ll. na l. lei. i ii. 7,ii , u nci i-ii It. A It ..,.! li-ul-i.-1'.u ,v l;Ro , I'llYSItT S IM) M l!(;.(S, W I 1. II O N, . i-. Drs. A. It. ni,, ). n. - ,r,.P. iiv,r mit,.,l is iii..ri n, i,o ,,..,e.i,... ,.f I,,. .1:,- , ,,.,. ui- n't Ie nml tutu of ip, A It. Zellienll.-r Mro. II r in. ir t.r.. f, ..s ,, n. a s. ry,..,.. m ,,., ,,,,,n,. " icrslly n, .. a sl.ti-,. ,,f ih, Ir itr. inure. i "1 '-'"'I nil' irerul n, or,. nipt .it tent i,. n .. lltl-IIIS. II 'I' nf .1,.' II "il Will ,tav a h" f.oiu.t 0 Ihe.r .on.',, in ,, ,.,.. .,. s Inns- m,,,.,. tvin r,. ,111'leltts will lie tt- 'it..,! if n l,,.,,, , ,, in e.-s. ,,,tf, ,,m vi-,1 .,1,0 Kiy t,.,r nttt'tl l.,n I.. .H v,'., -i.f etlra el ar,;". mr 17 tf ' " MM li till. M t It Hi. r, HOICKS. (!'- a'd. .-h. I m is,:-, , , . ' 7 -' t '. . ! ... i -i.S. ., I .i ;sc..-'-f 'l , J '-Qi w..--s ..JO; s.v , innoe r. el ..... ,..,!,' Itaiit'i I'l.'l Kl:sif;i;. va. llOIIIIIIII'llf I i. nlis. t russfs, leu(lloiii "4 it nl (.nil estoui H of every deseriiuiou nnid" lo order rn: irlnil in I'l l.- In. oi f , u ,. Designs sen 1 1, v mail tuiuv addr. vs. w I; h post in: - a n i, ., , , I,,- i,. tu,, -'Mi ..r.:er. .it r.'tvn d tlietcrii Is pro-la.- .1 all I t, in. u. led. 0 11 , . - , ,.,v,. ,,t,,,,l t ili-iu. u ut i iiirhis , s nr." r" i 'i ... t... I i . - leutrn ll HIV .e:n. ,i,'.-4 11 - . l. I, , l.o " "1 one s iti.t el l"a ' tl l::h'- 1- I . rnuteed. I ,iric.p,ii,., m-,;, , :r. ,,, , ., l(, I II s yt . tt M.slf. apt- I 1 ly. W- V'. 11 I.L. ' '"" l ire nml I.i lo InMirniicc Ae-cul, fan lu found In tho Reirmnltn N,sIt9 officii. Wi Ltios. N. 0. REPRESENTS, New York b'lidertvrlti-rs, " .Vrrleuttiirnl" of Wntertown, N. Y. W.-siern, f Toinnto, Cnundii; l'.'llull.'., .,f rnpli.ii,,, V ,' , L.viiehliur, of l.viirlititirir, Vti. Kaultable Lit- lnsuraiu. Co. of N. Y. Willi pine rsKsln"auy other good cmttprinjf at low Bulcraue. " Julvlslj

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