frfiS ROANOKE NEWS Ear" A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY N H W SI'APER PUBLISH El) !JY HALL & SLEDGE. (i,,. V":ir. in advance, 2 On 1 mi ik M-KIMI1. T.r . M iiiIIh 75 et ADVERTISEMENTS For Dyspepsia, ContlTtntiu, ,sick Headache, C Iirunl i) Iiinr rluri, Jiuindit'o, liiitmritv nf ti. Blond, Kcrcr and A Slid, MaUrU, and all Diseases - s nuiiscu uy BWfjeejacitt C li v xt, How els end KJ ducy, caused by He- op a diseased i.itfr. flsa BrratH; Tain in the Side, sometimes the Mi is ft It under the Shoulder-blade, mistaken fur Rs(uotism ; general loss of appetite; Bowels eesmalty costive, sometimes alternating with lax; Ji anil is troubled with pain, is dull ami heavy' witfc ctrtififierablc loss of memory, accompanied paletot sensation of It living undone something rUk ouht to have been done; a slight, dry cuogh Ma1 Inched fact it sometimes an attendant, often fsNvken fee consumption; the patient complains li tH-intss and debility; nervous, easily startled; fert wlo or fenrninr;, sometimes a prickly sensation ef tbi ski exists; spirits arc low and despondent, saS,sion-i s.-.tisficd that exercise would he bene lnsJ. jet esse can hardly summed up fortitude to srf kim sct, distrusts everv rcmeily. Several af the uv sympionis attend the disease, but casee kste occurred whea but few of them existed, yet evtMataiioa nr death lias shown the Liver to sin Seoul exteneivcly deranged. It should be n& by nil persona, old uml youag, vrhfneyer any of the above symptoms oppcar. rwjona TraYelliisj or Living In TTn. hnsllny I.ocnlltlos, by takinj; a dose occasion s' keep me I jver in henhhy action, will avoid si Ilalxrtav, Dillons attacks, 1 Misiness, Nau. m, Drowsiness, leprer.sion i spirits, etc. It Vit iavicotate like a glass of wine,, but. in uo In frlclln beverisge. IT T bavfi uitco anything hard ot liitgtioa, or fcsl heavy after meals, or Moon. lt at alat, lake a dose and y.,u will he relieved. frm an ItortnrV Bills will he saved by eVitfuiys kt-rpiH- the Itt ((ultitor frn (lie liotisc I Fw, wh.'lever the ailment may be, a thoroughly Hk pni-sratlvo, nlterntlvo .-n-.J tonic tan sever Ik out of place. The r.rM'k- is linrnili-M and dixa not interfere uilii business or tleasnre. rt is prRKiA' vi fii r vDf.K, An l has all the power and i.-llicn y ,,t (.'..ium.-! or Quinine, witfout any of Uie injiitijus after eiicas. A Oovprnoi's Tii'llmnny, Slsl'is Lifer Resruhtor has 1,.,-n in m in my fcmiiT let s.aie time, and I am .-.uisiied it is a valuable addition to iht irirli. ci.-nce. J. (Jill Shoktkx, Governor of Ala. ITon. Alexander H, fitoiiliciis. of fla., rt: Have dtrived some benefit In in the use of Simmons User KeguUtor, and wish to give it a lather trial. "J any Tblnn that never fulls to Helrst." I hare used many remedim for Dvs- Cr !' Adtction and Debility, but never fcund anything to benefit me to the extent luamewe Liver Regulator has. 1 sent fr"in Min fa to Oorgia for it, and would .end mrihcr for w-ti a medicine, and would advise all who are siut sft'cttd to give it a trial as it scetns the only nitj lliat sever fails to relieve. V. M. Jannbt, Minneapolis, Minn. 5.'" : M'1"",n "n."! From actual tx eeneaoe ta the use oi Simmons Liver Recolaior in aty aractlce I have been and am satisfied to use ma prescribe it as a purgative medicine. liasPTake only the Genuine, which nlwavj m gi the Wrapper the red , Tntcle-Miitk tad n!.ttrre of d. H.'ilJILIN '.'. JOR MjBVALLJir.UGGISl'S. (ebdlyl Ti. Pl'EV & S T K K L, M A N V V A C T U II K II 3 n V Kngium, Tobwco, Ihuj ami (Wvn Vr.w, SAW MILLS, (iniST MILL', MILL IKONS, Plows, Iron tuul Itrusst n-liii;:s. h.)2!)y ivterxbur "' S ibUT II E ItN II 0 T r. L, X. U, DIt Kf XS, l'roprii'tor, IIALIl'AX, N. 0. Hidltted. ronaliili'il and 1 1mriniclily nrrnti'od lor eonir.Tl TtildiH anpi'lled ffum N'-r folli nd Wiluiiiirtoti ninrketr (Io.mI s 'fvunls mid cood faro, foitifoftalili' rot.iita furttll. 1 1, i nij . u i.iv,rv stnide. wlnT" lmrsea nre pr..tii,.t!v nttendod M, vehlrbM hired out on tvrma to partiiM witihiiivf I hem. r)an l.t ly mm CELEDRATEO IJoteinr' rstnmnrh Ilillern plrM slonill nesa tn Hie lit IM S, Induces n healthy, Pill ' tmil lloW ol bile, prevent,! C,HlnllJUtioli witluiiil unduly purfciosr the. bowel", gent (ly s!ltnulii the virculutluit nud by ro iiintiiitc a vii!"foi'3 condition of tlin iiy iivtl Kvsiein, iromolc, nlan, that rhcerlttl neM whieh is i lie truest indicailon of a well, buliineeil ennilitinn of all Ihu iiiiliinil poweia, i trt 6ul by all UrticKhU uul1 Uculen ,, gcuwully. n W. URANl'Y & MINS. I'O H HSSIO'S M V. ItC MINTS, Norfolk, Vn. oet 5 dm. It S. V A T T I K A. O O li E 1 :o; Ollois to tliu public ;o: 4.V ASSOltTMKXT OF Millinery, Knt limn, Kaiiev (ioodK, Toilet Articles, Cheap Lucca. ... Ladles Furnishing Qood, e. CIIEA1' t'Olt t'ASH. MR3.M. A.MOOKK, mlth i Brick Block, . , , M M eldoti, N.C. MT211y The VOL. XI. OLD LOVE- li'ict her; h.Mvss thin ami nhl' 1ie "loo; c 1. and trod with i0lioiinK feet I be li;ilrwaKr.vil1Kto11c,.Wasl;0ij rite vole.. w. hushed , ha, on,..', waa mv,.0. U 'l- liaiuU were rii;kh,i and her eyes K.d.bed of thCKlfii,), li:;,lf joy, Wi'redim. I felt a sad xiirpriso That I had l,,ved her when ahoy. lhtlyel a soiiteihinc; In hernlr lteslurad ,n to the vanished time My heart irtvtr young and seeing to'wear ThebrlKittiiessof myyo ithfiil p,lm,. I took Iter withered hand in u,iUi Ilatoucii recalled ,lKhosl of joy'; I kissel it ,vii a reverent lh, Km; I had loved her v.l,.. a i,,,v. THE LEAF cTgERANIUM. Il lo - 0,1 "'M coirs and ulvota th. h...l f f'Hc- run, and what sli-i.t Jar will io lu- """ '" 'It me whole machinery and act it i" running , elll.(.lv ,1,.,,,,, dirccli.m. It wasateraniiim leaf that chniii;n the whole CUM-iM! of nn life. Hut lor II, , I i. , ii i , iii i ieai Ichcd up by a young ijir! In a Ihoitchlles. mood I should nol have been blUlm; here to day In this pleasant slluiiiK room where the aim cume in throii-h the vine wreathed widows aud fa, I upon I he (rei anium poais inside; urn then tins little, fjitl would not bo upon my tune, tmryonucr red tltcclicd maiden on' the verandah with, youiijr Smiihcrs; and neither would that very handsome million who ut pusjfcd into the paiior have been in lu.r ptAf cnt situallon. tf you will listen an hour or fo I will lell you my story, it, win just twenly years U!;o litis tuaimer lhal 1 married Carrie Dena. She was twenty em,. ,! was tweiily seven ho'h oid eiioili lo Know what we meant, and what we wore ab.ut-at least I was, but Carrie was such a coquette thai I used to think she had no mind of lmr own. Oh, but she was, lovely I All ruse colored. aid white aud brown livssed, pearly teeth, Willi I lie rouiub st plumpest lletire, uml a. graceful as a fairy in every la.ivc'tiic'nt, and with heatiful, shapely hands that were, il con stant delight lo Ihu eyes I was just homo from eolletrc, mid slin was on a visit to my slcf mother, her aunt, utid my half sister, Lilla, and her cousin. I had seen n Rood many girls in my seven years at eollcuu, anil sonic, ot the belles of the land; but I had never yet had my heart stirred by any woman's eyes as Carrie Dean's stirred it when my eyes mut hers in the greeting; and the touch of her soft lingers completely set me afloat on the sea of love. I was her slavo from that thour not her slave either, but her passionate lover and wor shipper. And of coarse she knew it, and of course being a tinisaeil coquette, she queened it over uie right royally. There was Kied Town, the country physi cian, and Tom Delano, the handsome young inner, both a badly oil as I was; and a pretty time we had of it. Fred and 1 old churus In former days were itt wind's poiuls now, and li ited each oilier plemli lly for a few wceW. And Tom 1 held n the iilinostTonlemt, and railed ill them both believer opportunity presented itself, foi Carrie's eilillc.illon, atler the manlier of mctn and was repaid by seeing her bestow Iter sweet est smiles and glances upon them next linie we met. I' led drove a splendid -p in of hays, and al most every d ly they dashed up the avenue and da lied o it again, with Miss Carrie's added weight. Aud 'lun wasiui hand nearly evety evening, and she was just as sweet to one us the other, and just the same to me, aud that was what maddened me. I was tint to be satislled with a "widow's third' by uny means, and I told her so til last, and asked her how the mailer was going to he settled. ''I Kin: you belter th in those brainless fops know how lo love," I said, body, "and mm decide between us." t il e: had listcued to INT love confession with hlu.-hiiu cheeks downcast eyes, but when 1 said this the I in nud il li.intiv, on me. "They are no more f ps than yuu art,'' she said 'i ven if they have n-t si nit seven years In college. 1 b y are gentlemen, and I c.iu'i say titst for evuy mau of ill)' acquaint. incc." And here she shut the door between us with a slam and U'l'l inc. In lily p'c iunt iniMlilalion and half an lion.' latet 1 met her at the gale with 1' red, going out for il ride, which was Very u,gia-. aliii.', I mint confess. I Ihoii'ht over my conduct that night and C.iuclud'.d that I had been a brute, Tile el morning I found Carrie, at Ilia dining room window alone, uud H'U;lit her side, Sill) bad her hand among the leaves of a snee. scenti d geranium, and j i-t ai I approached she plucked a leaf and tw ined it among her braids. I remember how bright and green it lpokiil iwnmig her dark locks, "Carrie," 1 began. "I fear I was very rude yesterday." "I kno.r you were," sho said, looking indlf fuienlly out of the wimimy. Tu is was a bad beginning, but I went on. ' But, Carrie, I love you so, and when I see you wlili tint Krcd-" Hut lure Mis, Curie tinned on her lire!. "I am not going to listen to you while you sl.indei my fii nds. When you can speak respectful y ef Mr. Town I will return," and il. IV she lei I ; oi. . I le'i Ibe ho'i.e th -ti, in, I did not return till if'einooti I cone up lb' pi h 1 in 1 !' I lio r I ie , lie i". k' .1 nki l.f last to e .!' . ' tin r i',' a lain, "iiiol by ,' be sol g iiily, "I'lil C''i g .Wj). ell ' b I- s ".il in.-. If, Mid 1 iau'1 !) In Uie :' i"i', I hope you ,ie li" It'ippj oi e- I do hone 111, .VI. "lie said her heat I was given touiiivthci, and he's cither )nt or Kiel. I hope II is yuu, nil I tl nl I'.iesS yoil I ' Here T'oin dashed aw ay an 1 left me staring after lilin in aiuazeinent. "lliveiNier lu irl to auotli r," 1 repealed wilh a pain in my chest siouewli 10. "Well, it is evident that I a n not the other, mi l that Fred Is. I'uor V'oin-poor me ! 'he but thing I cm do is to follow suit and loive .. I can in ver see her I tie wife of another, nud 111 j sooner I am oil Urn belter. " ,Sj 1 went moodily up to my room nnJ packed my satchel, mid k'nl all things In readi uess for a speedy departure. On in j vay up I met Carrie Just eiaergiiiK from her room, arrayed In her Jaunty riding habit, ami I could hear Fred's ilttep tones shouting "Whoa !" down in the yard below. I wutcbed ber trip down the Hairs ind out Of sight, It was the last Haiti I should e bur for years, perhspi orerer, Roanoke WELDON, N. When I had strapped tho last buckle on my satchel and was in readiness I wont down to ) good by. to father, mother ami I.illa. I.illa was not Indoors, and my parents looked at me iu amazement. "Hut, Allen, my soul," pleaded father, "I had thought you would "ntr Into business with ne, J'herc Is a grand opening fur you, and I have held the position lu re serve." "1 thank you for all that, but I want U travel a year or two before going Into busi ness," was all ihat 1 could answer, and my father gave up in despair, I.illa was still iibsent, but It was ultu dark, and the train would leave In half an hour, so I h fl u good-bye for her and passed out iuto the hull. It was it long, narrow ball reaching tho whole length of the house, and with several moms opening Into It; but as yet It was un lightcd ami us dark as Egypt. About half way through It I heard the street door open and shut, and a moment later ran full ugalnst some One entering. "It Is Lilla," I thought, nud reaching out mjr uniis caught Imr bctwecu them. "Is It you, Lilly r 1 said. Dm she did not answer, only twined her two anus about my neck. "Why, little sister," I said softly, '-do yu love mo so much 1" l'or I.illa was not ileniunslrutivu as a usual thing, and I was surprised ut her movement. 'Uii, better than all the world besides, Allen" she said in a whisper. And then, us 1 lifted Uie face lo mv line the sweet odor of geranium perfumed the air and my heart gave a great leap. Il was Carrie, not Lilla, that 1 held In my arm-. She was Irving to discngaiie heiself now. but I siiddealr eail'-ht her lie-lit fore in m two stout arms, and opening the library door 1 cu rled her lute tho brilliantly lighted meat. Her face was hot with blushes now, and her eyes full tif tears. You are too bad," she sobbert," "and I hata you." Hut just then she noticed my traveling at tire and paused abruptly. 'Why, where are you going f" shu asked .villi Interest. '1 was going away, necr lo return." I an swered, "but since you said what you did In the hall I have clnnged my mind." Carrie pouted. "I wns only speaking for Lllla." "Then I shall uo, shall I Ituvo you to marry Fred ?" "I delest Fred, she eried. "Aud you lovo me hutUr than all the world " "Yes." So tliu flirt was conquered al lust, aud I was the victor. 'But how did ou know It was not Lllla!'' she askvd, as we sat together. 'By the gciaiiiuui leaf that I saw you put in your hair this uioiuing." 'And but for thai loll would have gone away uml not csiue buck for years 1" ' Inn we will keep this leaf always," she said, taking it from her hair. Aud so we have. I tiror.ued a lit tie iroldeu box, uud there il it to-day olio of our deaiesl treasures. lif coarse I tiiaiiic.i Cunie, mid of course that blooming matron is she. Tom Delano did not dm ol a broken heart but main ied il lovelier girl out Wist a few mouths after his depailuru; uud Fred Town is our family physician, and lius u pretty wife of his own. wasTost Mi poor frieuit," said a minister lo a man who bad Just beeii shot, "you cannot re cover. "So juii lliiuk tliu gentlemen fol his work vn "1 think that he has given you a distil wound mid my advice to you is to make a free confession and ask Ihu Lord to forgive von." "I baveut't got time." ' I la . e you limn btm jj very bad " "Nc, tut! I've been s liter loose in my book keepiu', if I had kepi the accounts balanced I could have tooled up iu u minute and con fes etl iu a lump, but us il Is, 1'vu got lo go oyer the Items. '. can't go back any further ilimi Ibis year, for my books pretlous to 1 1 .il time were destroyed by Ore, l et's itt, last new yen's day I stulu a blanked ioiii U ib Helium, two days alien ode 1 sola whiskey without license, llieit 1 took a red haudkei ehlef fnim a boy uud shot a rider peddle. After that, I rubbed a store and pretty soon I found a bridle rein iu my hand. 1; along 1 found t';at u i. oo y,as bitched tu the other end of n. Will the Lord pardon me (or all that?" ' ' ' " Oh, ycSj s aid the ininU'ei, Jbending Jover him. Well, shortly ulcr tlicsii ft'Mlvities I stud- led for tho ministry, ana secured a flock. I became II y In the work uud assisted in many conversions. I roped in ten slnnett here in Arkaiisuw Unit had escaped the clutches of the gospel In every other state." "Now you are redeeming yourself," ts'.d the minister, "Will, and niter this," continued the man, "one of my de icons mine. I the tepuUtiau of young 1 1 ly uud I lioipic.d him out of His chin It, bit ailow d Hie youag women lo re 1 1:1 '' I tl' II oilr s I'll Is lol,'' ili'li'inlillv replied the minis! r. I'll.' I. '. l llo s na u," .11 you, and )otl ale gone." IT WALKED AlHAOIC Si'KNR IN AN AHK1SSAS nOARDINO- UOI'SK. That butter came from llio north," said the I iinlltiily of an Arkansaw boarding hense, "I d iii't use the cotnmon tiiilter of I lilt pounlry in niv table. All of my butter coinrs fro so a d stance." "Do 'S It walk ?" usked a boarder. "Whit did you my, sir?" "I tisk does your biilter walk In mailing the Journey ?' "No, sir," said the lady with a ewciit, sad Smile, "but I hope that you can walk;," (nd she opened the door. 'Why, madam, I have paid you three weekt In advance," "It makes no difference. No man who In lulls my hitler can remain uuder toy roof. Tou flirted with ioj daughter and abused niy husband, Dd I took lull In good part; but, CM THURSDAY, sir, as you have passed the limit of my endu nce, leave this place 1" "Madam, feeling that I am outnumbered. I'll leave. It is not in your power to put me out, and but for the fact that you might call yourmascullue friend," pointing to the butter. "I'd coutest the matter, hut as It is, I surren der. Oood day." MORE ABOUT THAT BAD BOY- I DITOR I'Klk'S INIMITABLE SKKIKSCOV TIM lil). "What was the health officer doing over to your house this morning?" snld the grocer to the bad boy, as the youth was firing frozen po tatoes at the aan who collects garbage In the alley. "O, they ire searching for sewer tas and such things, uud they bare got plumbers and other society experts till you ctiti't rest, anil I have enme wy for fear they would find the sewer gas and wurni my Jacket. Say, do thing It is l ight, when anything smells awfully, to always lay It to u boy?" "Well, In nine cases out of ten they would hit It light, but what d you think is the trouble over to your house, honest ?" "8-h h ! Now don't breathe ii word of It to u living soul or I am a dead boy. You see I was over to the dairy fair at the exposition building Saturday night, and when they were breaking up, me aud iny chum helped lo curry iioxrs or CUE MIS and firkins of butter, nnd a cheese man gave each of us a piece ol limbcrger cheese, wrapped up'ln tin foil. Sunday orniug I opened my piece, and it made me tired. (I, Ii wns the olliilest smell 1 ever heard of, except the smell when they found a trump who hung himself lu the woods on the Whltelhl! Hay road, mid had been dead three weeks. It was just like a old back number funeral, l'a and ma were just getting ready to go church, and I cut olT a piece of cheese atiat put II iu llio inside pocket of pa's vest, tied 1 put another In tliu lining of ma's uiuft, and Ihey went to church. I went to church, too, and sat on ti back seat with my chum, looking Just us pious us though I. wns teklng up a collection. The church wua pretty warm, aud by tho lime they got up to sing the lltst hymu pa's cheese tlKOAN to si.r, a match agnlnst Sha'a cheese, l'a held one side of the hymn book, and ma held the ;othor,atid pa he always sings for all that is out, aud when he braced himself and sung 'Just as I am,' ma thought pa's voice was tinctured with bilious- Less and sho looked ut him, and hunt bed him and tuld hhn to stop singing ana breathe through his nose, cause his bresth was enough to stop a clock. l'a stopped singing and turned around kind of cross towards me, and then he smel led ma's cheese, and he turned his head the oilier way and said, 'whew,' and they didn't sing ay more, but they looked at each oilier as though ihey sinellcd frowy. When they sat dowu they nit as fur upatt us they could get, and pa sat next lo a woman who used to be a nurse lu a hospital, and when she imelled pa's cheese she looked at him us though she thought III! HAD TUB SM U.I. I'OX and sho held her handkerchief to her nose, ''he man in the other end of the pew, I but ma sat near, be was a stranger from Kaelnc, who belongs to our church, and he lonkul at mil son of queer, aud after 1 tie minister prayed, and they got up to sing ogaiu, llic man took his hal and went'out, and when he came by mo he suid something in a whisper about u f, male glue factory. Well, sir, before the ser uioii was over everybody in that pari of Un church had llieir aamlkoreb i, fs to their noses, and Ihey looked ut pa uud ma scandalous, and the two ushers Ihey come around in the pews looking for a dog, and when the minister got over his sermon and wipod the pcrsplrulioii from his face, he said be would like to have the trustees of the church stay after meeting, as there was some business of Importance tu ti ansae!, lie said the question of proucr veil- illation and sewerage for the church won. ii us uiiut niir 1 1 ind thai he presumed the congregation had uoliccd, tkia morning that the church was unu sually full of sewer gan. lie said he had spo ken of the mailer before, ami expected It would he attended to before this. He said lie was a meek and humble f illower of the Lamb, and tns willing to cast his lot wherever the M ister decided, but he would be blessed If L.e would preach uny longer ill a.'.h,un:li Unit snli'llcd like a bono bolliuK establishment. Ho said religion was a good thing, but uo person could enjoy religion as well la a fattening establishment as he could iu a llower garden, aud us far us he was concerned ho had got enomrli. F.vcnbodv ked at even hotly else, ami pn looked nl nia us though he ku-iv wdy ru, Uie ecwer g is cam f.oin, mid ma looketl at pa real mad, and mo and my chum lil out, end I went home and dis tributed my cheese nil around. I put a slice t'rawer, down under her underclothes, and a piece u the spur mom, under the bed, and a piece In the bath-room, lu the soap dish, and u slice In the album on the parlor table, and a piece In the library iu n hook, and I went to the dining room and put some under the table,, and dropped a piece iimlcr the range lu the kitclicu. I tell you the house was loaded for bear. Ma came home from chtiich. flrst, and wlie i I usKcd wine pa was, the euld she hoped he had, siuiiu io walk around a block to air hls lelf. l'a came home to dinner, and whcti he got u sine I of the house, ho opened all tip. doors, no. I mi pin a comfortable around her slionl !'T it"l 'old pt hi w.i4 a ii terrace to riv- l!i ioa. She tiled lo ge'. pi lo dilnlt some catholic acid, l'a lltullv Qui,! iiieod ma. thai II was Hot linn, iiinl men tlii y ileclUed thai It was ihu house Hi h t einellcd so, is Well lis the church, and all Stiuday afternoon l lie-y went visiting, .nanus inoiungp.t iyenluwnt rut health orrici and got the inspector of nuisances tn come up to the house, aud wheu he smelled around t spell lie said there was dead rate lu the main sewer pipe, aud they sent for plumbers, and ma went out to a neighbor's to borry somo frvsh sir, and when the plumbere begun to dig uo the Door in the basement I came over here. If tli. y llm'. niy of thai llinbcig cheese It will go hard with mo. The hired girls have both quit, and m says she II ;oh,ig to, brake up keeping house tud board. 1'hul Is just Into my hand. I want to hoaid at a hol' l, where you can have a blll-uf fare and tonth-plcks, and billiards, and everything. Well, I gill's I will go over to the heuse and stand In Ilia back door and listen lo the mocking bird. If you see me come flying out of the alley with my eost tail full of boon you can act they h ive dis covered tbeiewergas." New JANUARY 18, 1888. A MEADOW IDYL WHY BOB bi'kii:tte w ants a farm. TBS EltKATIC WANDEH1NG3 OP A CKoOKKD MTTI.I STREAM A BKAl'TlFTl. MOKUCAU OP SATl'KB. I wish I owned a farm just a feiv niilsa wot f Cadi, junction. I don't care a cent, l'or tliu farm, but tliero runs through it the cinnki'dost little brook you ever saw. The Star Route business is straight as the golden title in comparison with it. Crooked? It goes wandering through tho green meadow as though all the year were June aud it had nothing else lo do but kill lime and loiter about iu shady nooks and sunny beaehws. Crooked '! Not a gilveriditted shiner that Hashes bi glittering scales iu the sunlight down iu the liniid ripple can tell whether he is going up stream or down. The purple plttined iron weed and th benilitig golden rod, bowing to each other with htutrly grace across ihe singing brook, don't know whether they are on opposite aides, or il tlmy a io on the seine nide which siilti it is. All the way across that meadow it plays hide and seek with itself, boxing th compass in its erratic wanderings every hundred feet. It came into the meadow, 1 think, when the wind ane mones were blooming in the lee of the hills that fringe, the' farm. "01:, iny beautiful datlitigis," it said, "1 will stay hero near you," But the wind (lowers passed away and the violets opened lliuir blue eyes and tho butter cups shone in the grasses of the meadow. "I lost iny sweetheart!," said lickle little brook, "but tho meadow is beautiful siiu:e you came into it, aud 1 will stay here until you are gone." And it turned again and loitered lo the north where the wind llowers died, and eddied to the cast, where a bank of violets looked shyly down at him with their great purple blue eyes, and he strolled to the sotillt where th buttercups, none abashed, laughed merrily in the golden sunlight, and he launttred ,to tho west, where wild rose, shivering a little, was try ing on her ntw spring dress, which wasn't long enough to cover her rniitnl, wine red arms. And by the by tho vio lets closetl (hair clear bltit! yes,anil the buttercups laded, and the poor little brook who had got back nicely to the place where ho ran under tho' fence to get into the meadow when he first saw the llowers, rippled slowly over to llie wild rose again, who was now in lull dress and wearing tiiu lovely pink bonnet, and had eJusters of buds al Ihe way from her throat and shoulders down to her waist. "Ah mo," he mur mured, "my friends are gone, and I ant so lonesome, I was just going lo run down to the sea aiid dtowu mv self. Hot yuu are so bc.nuilnl I waul lo stay here where I may see you " And so Violet and liiiiteivnp were laid away with pour little 1' and Sailor's lirooohcs, and by this lime Iii tie brook had o many playmates Hint Wild IvOso and S.veet. liiier only saw him when he eaine round to the corner of ihe meadow, lie ran about all time, singing down lillle runs with the most inimitable trills, babbling with a family of great bard headed rock lliat had sdiied on tho edgo o a pool and gout! into the muss business, whispering to ihe blue Hags clustered under tho low bank, playing wilh ihu tail reeds thai liuigc the still pnoU, and lingei ing a long lime wilh the groups ol colt's bmi where the waters were shallow. There were M many things tn see and so mneb to say in this meadow nu wonder the lillle liriioli rati ;ib. nit iu it all summer b' foi'n at last, when the wild rose lud thrown away the pretty pink bonnet and put on tho lillle red, winter hood, and tho rushes were brown and th" colt's foot withered, a,:iil the golden rod was gray and the purple iron wood was plumed vfitli tufts of feath ery blown, it turned to the lower end of ihe meadow, ind orueping under the fence wont hniiyiug away lo the Muakingtim, to yet down to the Ohio and lower Mississippi before ihu win ter o aught it and fastened it to tho meadow for the next live months. -- - - Dr. Iluwks, an eloquent and popular New Yo.k divine, tmch asked the vestrymen of Ills church to Increase his, salary becuuso of his in ereuscd (uiti y expense. Uoii uruiitno yoniai'ir," si Id ihe vestry man, "Ilia I.uid bus suid He will cue for the young ravens when they cry." 'I know thai," said toe, clergyajun, "but nothing Is said about the young Hawks. A 1) V KHTISKMRNTS. 7o continue to aotaaeolicitorHfor via tents, caveats. trade-marks, coprrighta, ofay for tho United Htatcs, and to obtain pat ents in Canada. England. Franco. el Germany, and all other countries. Thirl v-eli years' nrnetico. No charge for examination of models or draw ing. Advieo by mail free. 1'atonH obtained, through n tro noticed in tho HCIEVriFUJ MK.ItH AIM, which linn tho largest circulation, snd is thft moat intlii ctttial newspaper of its kind published 111 tho world. Thn advaiitagt)t)l'iU'hliotieoovcry patonloo unilcratend, This large and splcndldlT illustrated news- paperlonulillshpil wkkkii atia.aiaycar, lnl U adniiltod tn lie, tin) beet paner devote to eeienco. mechanics, inventiona, engineering works, and other departments of industrial prorrres", published in auv country. Silicic, copn.i by mail, 10 coute, (told by all news dealers. Address, Munn A Co., publishers of Scion tifio American. 20 1 Itroadwty, New York. Handbook about psWul mailed free, jtu 18 tl HIE NO. la. ADVERTISEMENTS. .g-assauuf , T HECREAT C iJim RHEUMATISM An 1; in f, r tk'.I tho panful dwoaswn of the: K.rNEYS.L.VEa AND BOWELS. It flev.Gffi IKS Brum of t.Vo dTA j'i-.on 'liir.t cati3 t'.rt d.'C ...';. il p;;.T.viiia mI.1o!i only thi victims cf U:.rm:nattm cm rcalji!. THOUSANDS OP CASES liAvo boer. tjnickly rlicvod, ctul t unhurt uttw PERKILCTLY CUi?t:H. vr.uv. tK t.Kvniifiu nia. sm.ii r. n;:i ,,f.t-iT'.. it- J'lTCtfl 1 '- rt;f !, mu'l. WELLS. nTC!'rAHVtOVA-CV..i;..r:"c'r:- Vt net 12 t V OUT N KU'S CELKBRATED TIVOLI BEER for fiiiiiily me and Miippiug, M Mnln Mreet, Norfolk. V.i. oet fiil.ii K W U o o US. A. M. 1N(JK. fa 1.1, ti) uin:ic i.ooiin. .'u.-t reeeived flnd eouslntitly urrivlne;, new gnoil of 10 cry ilcseriplioti. We invite vmir iillell llon lo otll' new ,,clv til dky uikids, Notions, lltlSIKHY, iii iDi'-;, SlUU'S II MS (li;iu.;ii:-:, I'litii'K KKV, til.ASS W.'.liK UN w 1 i;i-:, 'io it,', 1 rn, cniAi:-, SNI'l'l', AC. AC LOW FOR CASH. .V Till-: I! It I (' A' V,V 1 1. )N a A. M INiiK. Wnhliill. N. C. ootfi ly Tne great superiority of PR. BULL'S COUCH SYRUP over allothercoiiyhretiietliesisalic-ud by the immense jugular demand tor tlut old established remedy. For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, I loarscncss, I .roup. Asthma. Bron chitis.Wliooiiinp; Cough, Incipient Consuinpiion and for the relief of consumptive per-mis in advanced stages of the Di ctH-. For Sale I Ti : i. : o- Vviu 1 'i iic;i;i.-.i. 1 urc, ,i rents. o 'l .,11 m. y " " S A I. K , '1'ivo 'I'm loroins in u,,,i 1, ....oi i ' ..,. Alsootie ll.ill t ott ,11 I'r, ., ix',i,: or ue. 'I'licV can U' ,en ,11 e. Ituvird Ma cllino Slii.c in Weblnll. .... i'. rii.uu.i v. July 57 tt FREE' I Send to MftOKr.'N IU SIM ns IM1 I ItSlTY a A1I1111111. ;. l orlilii'.iii.u.icireiiliir a lit ik IiiiiI past- lies s, hool. itiMiiirt fio rit 7 vena. GREAT BARGAINS. , " o,M ur " no,, ii'-niirtrui irnoilK recently ,urehuaeil of Ihe tiiim nf;t-t 11 --r.- aitil eitril till,' hivll.i c-.,, 1., ..all , ' ' j in- nirs'-ii nini Moecteii si.iea 01 ioi.n watch ks. MKIMIIK.TKWRI.IIV, HAND IIKAi'KI.KTS. OI'I'.ll ANU HI' Mill CHAINS, III AMONII A N II SUM, lUNliy. SI.KKVK IIITTTUN4 AMts'i'CIW SiI.IIlH.VKltSl'iiONS. KollKi He Tuo ItcHi MIO I tiMtsir nnil ft lork K V K It Jt I. I. t!m VolUll-'S 1. I1 tlb.rfu.,. n,..l I,,... ... evet'rlit. Wtltehes ntid .lewelrv fi'lTl I r-i I .v the tiest work 11. Kli'N .'ivlnir in nllv ,l,.ii l.'v .1. T Viif Vn v nun cct ? If y--i I b ;nt nnir-o s mv ' ;'' IXOI V. VI IMIIII 1 l-'tlriiv nml r, ir! ,o?i!, feoui ilir t: iii-, hi. Ii.m! !i. . ce i; ,: Sri'ie niltc;- J.i f;'i.. .lie,' floilti. Is l m so c.. ;,,wl ... iiihlo re no.;,-. -',31 V fOR SM.E l-V tit r.s,' e.-KT" AND SrURE h'i n3- David E, Fou!, Ivop, IS .I.i lMOSU', Mlt. Knr Sale by lr. . h. Zollleoirer A llro. oct ai y "y K 1. C O M K It K S T A V U A N T, JAMES JONES, PBOPHIETOH. No. 91 Went Mum St., NorfolK, Vft. LynirtisveuOjstersby the barrel. oet J (in. mmm it : THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATES. STACK M 'St a O Dni! S'ltinro, Two Siiiarns, Tliroo Sipinri m, Four Sijti.iri s, l-'oiirth 1 'ol 'ti , II, ill roliimii, 00, e i,'linu n, BBSsssssssmxesssnfieeesae 3 mi 0 (Ml N CO K III) 1(1 (III M 00 L'O 00 :iu m ;,(i 1 0 40 00 CO 00 Wi 00 IK) I 0 40 00 45 00 fO CO o 00 75 10 15 no ID (Ml 1 1H 00 in (mi L'n no in o'l I do on Don Year, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. (I. KI.I.IOTT. Alliiruc nud ( otinscllor ut l aw, OUl OI.H, . Ho, mis 2 nu I 3 Virginian Uuildiug. oct IS ly J A KM 11 U Hi.l.l.. n i'!iti::Yi at iitiV, IINI'IKI.II, N. C. rrii'tlecM Iii 1:1.. ,',unti,' of Ilnllfnr, Naxti l'lil ri'iM'l b ' 1111, 1 W'il-i'li. Colleel iollh 11, lute ill ill I I'-irtnof tlie SMi". jaii 12 tf. I H. SMITH, jr.. ' -t '. ...' li I, . i , 'ri.s.N i N'-: -it. t m.ik x u.t, X. i : l'ri''lli" in t i" eoiirtty of If iilftty. ',i niljom n ' e oini ic. .'in I in 1 h,. suiuroie court of the 'i'-- 111)'. J M U 11 I . . A 11 !, v i i'.nt :.v tr , ,v, IIAI.II'W. N. C. "lie In I'l" i-.irl II ..1,... S riet l.tiilllioll itlven t 1 nil bra'ie:i,"i of lb" ,roleloll. J.lll IV I,' '1J.M.. N. HILL, 1 Adornoy at l,n, it m-ii'ax, .n. (.'. I'ra..lee in ll.illf.ix end Adjoining eunntl tifl 1 r,.,b' mid Niii:vin.. cuiirtM. Will I.' it! Se .tl.iiil N'.ek, oiiee everv fort nlrht. nutr' 2M If r. w- M A SON", tnoui;v at mw, GAltY.SI'.Ul'.ii, N. c. I'nii'lie.. iu I',., court-, of Nnrtbnnii.ton Slid 'M ti r , mil id. alio In tha l'-edernl nud Mu- l,r""' "r'-i. Junedtf. yy A 1.1' li It II. II A N I K L, Mlorm-j a ltd otiiisi-iior At Law, w !: 1. I) y, s. Hntifax mid .'t.ljolnlnir counties. N'",.iai iiticntioii iriven to colleci Ions tn ' i,'h"''l7 'l ' v""'Nli"" I' " l't- returim made. )'? w. ;i i,i Ai I'OKMKY A I l,AW, WELDON', N'. C. special all.'titlnn nlven to collections and r,.uiiit,'ini.. s ,iMiiiiUy mud". IIIIIV III'. K. K. I: HUNTER, S I! It 1, i: . l k X VINT Cm ho loim.l ni his ,iin,.(. in Kill-old. 4'urn Nuroin ik do iii, i,,r t10 p,,,,,. Iuih ICxtrui'lhi r n 'Tim'!Ii tilwuv 011 hnntl. Juno : il. UMkSM.MUJ.l vv. JIHIS A. BOOK! C 1. 1. U N A M o 11 11 k, ITl tMtM VS AT iittV. II AI.II'AN N. C. I'tvlel ie,. in th urn I..., ..r Ifiir,, v. .-,. '""eel; .int.". Tilt an, 1 M-u-t in - In lb" r-u- IO''tll" l.llll't ,,f III" Vl',1 I 1,. .1... L...J " " ...i' "' ri-uenii ,,iir. - ,0 tn.. .. 1 s .rn iiwtriei. rolled ion tnailo in ,1111 . in 1,1 tn,. state. jnn 1 ly V. NAIL BAKER & CONFECTIONER, If i: L I) O X, A', c. A very lainr.. sui,t,y of I'lib"". rr.i.-k.-iN. t Kreneli nnd I'lnln. U.ii-.n-.. I'i-uIih, N him. He. 1 11-. l ie r.-t ii..,-ii .,r T.. .,f everv variety ever t'f.'il ;hl to thn nmi-liet . t...r. for..-(.....s.Mit... c.. nilotl at ahort -I iii'tie.' i North, rn i.i'iee.H. V"I, , n.-ii.i. I, itb.'n.irile-i supplied , P,,,, as the eli".i,..'.t. ,H., lfly ' 1- -I o(isi;? M'tin,v. iMiKnn, (I - uV'dle I III I Si's, ) SVv'.Ullolc street, ollliosite lliitlt'tv 1'hTKItSlll-KQ, VA. Vloiiuim-iits, I'OlllhH, rOMNOtl. lleiKeSloiirsi 11 n si .raTslonps) ol evil yd -i-iipi Ion ilimi., t,i order nuiflnit in pi 1, 11,1111 , no. " 0 li. ".ten. , nt ,y m ill tniiuv n idi-, as, with poet iilt" stiiinps , iii'otM'd tor l-etllrll. - h 11 .,r.l, i--. mv r -if! v.-,l, the work Is pre pur. il and fotuitrilcl. it 11 do, a not clve perfect i.ini-1.11 11, 11. puri-li i .r are reqiiiMti-d In nitura ni 111 y . k u... . I puyiiiK ti-.-ii-nt lioth ways. I,.iw,". prie mid eli, up ! mlin nun rained. t'orrc-potnleiiee solicited irom all s.'elbms. , , I "As. M. WALSH, npr. M ly. W- W- HALL, Flro hikI Mie liiurane Agtnt. ( an be four t In th Roanoko NoW! Offlest. WmnoN, N.C. New York Underwriters'. "A" of Wmertown. N. T. Wi"','rn, f Toronto, Canada, ramlio,,, of Tarl.n, N.C. Lynch tni nr, of l.vnchhurg, Tn. K iultatdP LlfoluauranraOo.ofN.T. Willi .ao rlskslm'anr oUirfooa fntn at low saferatos. JUICLS