frfS ROANOKE NEWS the Roanoke news A DEMOCRATIC ADVERTISING RATES. ff a E K L Y NEWSPAPER, aOANOKE i M' ul- I I i I a I C I H I (0 B H 1 il PUBLISH KD BY HALL & SLEDCE. a O ne Square, w.. -siiu.irc, tiree ('iurtH, nr qiidii si, II tut UU 8 UU 1(1 III) 15 (10 20 00 H 00 10 0C IS 00 Ir. 0(1 20 00 3(1 00 14 00 20 00 30 00 Ml Ml 41 00 20 00 80 00 40 00 h; oo I (0 00 I Ho 00 7ft ( OneY-ar. in advance, is Months. -f wee Months, J (Ml 1 00 7:i eta VOL. XI. ''lilll'tll t'ol'li, WELD ON, K 0., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1883. NO. 47. llali Ci'itiinu, bU 00 vihiIb C'luiiin, One Year, APVKKTISKMENTS Foe Dyspepsia, Costlvenesa, Sick Headache, Clironic T)inr rlia a, JuiikIIi e. Impurity of tliv llitioil, I'mrvul Ague, Malaria, anil all Diseases caused by le- Ittaisaeni f Uvcr, llowcla 2nd Kidneys. arwrroMS of a diseased liter. M rWalh: Pais In tlie Side, sometimes ll rtiB It (tit under the Shoulder-blade, mistaken fur nosoiarisra ; general loss of nppetite ; Howi ti Mtnf costive, sometimes alternating with laa; t aw it troubled with pain, is dull and heavy Otis tuoaiderablc loss of memory, acc.uniar.iea tsAaooiaiei sensation oflcavm(;uii'!..rie innu-iliine ttoca oathl Id have been dune; a slie,!,t, dry cough ma lashed race it sometimes an attendant, 01'isrt pistikea for consumption; the p.iticut roniplnni of swiftest ami debility; nervous, e.nily ttirlled; art toU or turning, sometimes a prii Uv lensjtuui of to. akia oxiils; spirit arc low mid despondent, lot, abaoog a satisfied that exercise would lc hens so1, yot mh can hardly summon up fortitude to M it-la fcet, diiiruits every remedy. Several of tiii asm symptoms attend tlie diieast, but catea have ecuvrW whea but few of there united, yt sroouiiioa after death has shown the Liver to have acn exvoaivciy deranged. It should be Rted by all persons, old and yonag, whenever emr of the nbora symptoms appear. Persons Traveling or Mr Ire; In fn beo.Hruy Localities, by taking a dote occasion fiy M keep the fiver in healthy action, will avoid at Halarla, iUUona attacks, Dirtiness, Kau na. Drowsiness, llcpression of Spirits, etc. It fi iaviioraM like a g lass of wine, but la 110 lll teucaung beverage. If tow have en ten anything- hard ol Uj4fn, or feel heavy after meals, or sleep last at aiaX take a dose and you will be relieved. Ttaw aaa Doctor' mils will be aavod by always keeping the Regulator ra the House I For, whatever the ailment may be, a thoroughly uk pnrenthre, nltri-rttivn ami tonic cin laser be otit of place. The r. inedv is harmless end does not Interfere with' bnaiueas or pleasure. IT n 1TRFXT TEOKTABI.E, And has all the power and efficacy of Calomel or Quinine, without any of the injurious after effects. A (tovcrnor'a Testimony. Simetons Liver R, gulator has been in use ia my frmiiy fcrf a me time, and I am satisfied it it a vaiuaolc addition to the medical science. J. Otn. SflORTla, Governor of Ala. Tfon. Alexander II. Meiiliens, of (In., isvs : Have derived some benefit from the use of fiwmoaa Liter Regulator, and wish to give it a farther trial. "nVr THnsr that never falls to JHIteT." I have used many remedies for Dvs- Cpoi. Liver Affection and llcbility, but never vs fount' anything to benefit me to the exlent aaamens l-iver Regulator has. 1 sent from Min. fwwta to Georgia for it, and would send dinner for tick a Mdiciaa, and would advise all who are iim. tarty atVcssd It give it a trial as it teems the only thing thai atvtr fails to relieve. P. M. Jannbt, Minneapolis, Minn. Pr. W. Mawon snysi From actual e. peiieaea ia the use of Simmons Liver Hculatcr in By practice I have been and am satisfied to use ad prescribe it as a purgative medicine. vSfTake only the Genuine, which always Its an iht Wrapper the red Z Trnile-Murk ao tHenature of J. II. ZEILIN CO. TOK SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ftb 1 yl UfPiri ST E K L, HAMWFACTURKItS Or Enines, Tobacco, Ilaij ami Cotton Piisnci, SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, MILL IR0S9, Plnwt, Iron and Dross Casting'. Sep 19 ly ivteitbnr jdUTHKBS H 0 T K l K. B. DICKCXK, Proprietor, HALIFAX. N. C. R atted, r.ipaltito.l and tlmrouirlily nrrniiired it rnuifurt Tnlilt'si Bttiiplied fnun N"rfnlh lid Wiliniinrtoii itiarkntH' Unod a.-rvanla Hurt ood fare, Coinfortftlde roomd fur all. Ilinvc aNn'rv stnhlo. where liornen are Ttunptly attended to. vehlelea hired oitt on asontiila terms to iartloa wialiitiK them, ian 13 ly STOMACH fnrnllils, broken down In lirnlth and lr. lU by chronic dvsiep-iu, or Milli rinit lient tllO Wl-illle. tAllilllMioll thai lolle llhi Hltliol.l of ttClf.l! llneltse, the lestilliony of tliouauniU li" have be, u raisiil 11 by a miracle from u tlate til pros, trillion by Hosteller a Utom.ich Hillers, U a stno (riiuriiiitec that by II10 aainii menni vuii, too, may bo atninjlhuucd uud For bulo by till nniRglstt and Dealert gcnertill)'. c. W. ORAXDY it SONS. , Norfolk-, Va. oct S 6tn. M RS. PATTIE A. MOOS! :o: Ofluvs to the public :o; XiV ASSORTMENT OF Millinery, Notions, r'uncy Ooods, Toilet Article, ' a,aUlei 'Furalhlns; Ooods, e. CHEAP FOR CASH. MR3.M. A.MOORK, .... Brick Bio Wfl49Bil((0l VTMIsr LIVE IT DOWH. nv HIIW till! (), FI.Allfl. Ha- ! f-'iilish word Keen vii -.t..,, Oi-hii evil i,t,n ,!,, . Ha thv heart h.-rn almost broken, Km-the I' that now disown ? Lot not iMl.ln.Ms or the frown shake thy moiihood live 11 down. Is the stern tradtver meeriiiK, Thrnstlns Inniineiiilo vile ; With the world's opinion veering, Ilntkintr in its fickle smile 1 What nreujnsxVs with llielr frown f Ilnzzliig lif-ect'-live It down. Verdiat fairer will he plvcn In the sober m t..r t'lotiht ; Charity, Hweet child of heaven, Judgment harsh will set at nought, Then will grieved mercy's frown Smite the slanderer-live It down. nut If man refuse 1 1 oftcn For that weakness he may feel, There In One foigiven ns often An to llini we choose to knael. limop uot. then, it nil ahould frown j Willi such friendship live it down. I Written for the Roanokk Nkws.; "bTIEFrfiUETJERCHEK." II T AUNT J U li t . It wiir n lorely day iu August. The di!iinl IN tlejit liencitth a soft mist, the birds saiif! clu'crllj .the bees hummed luzily, the Initltiiflies ware on the wine;, tind the trees eai.t 1oik hinud ?lulou s. A t (ml bi tcze came fnnn Hie not far listuiit river, the green j;iass looked cool and luviliiiK, and Kric Von Hansen cast himself lown under thu wide !-irti:nliiiuf branches of n ih idy elm, and dunk in the jjcloi icH uf u i o. Hi? watched Willi half closed eyes theever rary- In,' ky, and w (ive fioni its o,inteMiif foimi, inns which partook of the softness uud redo- I ncy of Hie day. The null Ireeg and elm t.'ctn ticl in the f.iiutly sliiriti; brer, and the leaves that checki red the sky, teemed ulmoM 7'he clouds traveled slowly on iv u J, until Ihey blended with lliocc plied tip oil the horizon In burnished tpkiidor. The stream, near which he lounged, tnnile a soft ifut'tfllnrj loutul, 'which tninled plciisiinlly Willi the oilier milium' noises. Eric uicutlied a full of inliuilu content, and cronitij; lilt hand under his litad, settled himself for u cotuforta. h!e uflctniion's do.'.'. lie was soon aroused from lilt dreamy reverie bv a linn soldierly step, and he looked up I uily at hit father threw hit tall form on the rass beside him. Thl is a pretly spot you have found hcie Krlc and cool, even to-day, when It is as hot as it furnace, every where else tind you repre ss it Ihe most luxurious picture of thilccjir nti. But give up your dreams for a while ami come back to mundane ulTairs, 1 wish to laikloyou. The fact is, 1 lnu a piece of n s for you, thai you ought to have known sooner, bat 1 waited until nut'ers were dcll nit'.lv nrraiigcd. Have you never womUicd what look me fnnn home so often lately ? Yea, father. Hut I thought you were dis turbed by business affairs, to refrained tioin adding tu your worry by teasing questions. lo'i am a thoughtful son I'.nc. I was u little disturbed, but not with business cures. I have often thought that you and I lived a rather lonely life here. You urti too dreamy, ami spent loo much Hint poring over bunks. 1 am not cheerful enough to be an euterlaiiiliiK cimpanlou for you, In the few leisure tun mints I can spare front business. You need SJino lively, duel fill person uiuuud, who will lure you from your books and make you lets dreamy and more practical. I lure never in terfi rcd with your ruiidiuir, for I knew what a comfort It must be to you, cut olt at you are, from the usual pusiiits t'f young men, by your lameuest. You will forgive mo, dear lad for alluding to your unfortunate deformity, you are old enough to have learned lo bear yuur lllictlou w ith resignation lint to return to my in w. c both need some, gentle woman 1 1- influence n round us, and during my travels iu the spring, 1 intt a lady, w hos-e gentle, win ning ways taught inc what was needed in our home. 1 found her poor, and lu Irouli c, and saw that site ennobled poverty, and bore trials bravely, with a calm spirit thu was alone Iu the world and was young too, only tweut) two. 1 felt torry for li J- when I tlrst learned her history, but when 1 kuew'her well, and a.w how bravely and serenely she bore reverses and how cheerful the was under all clreuin stances, my pity changed to admiration and re speut, I full what u bright, pleasant home the would make for a mail. Iu fact, 1 began to louir to have this gentle, geinul present' near me alwuyt, am! to I offered myself to her and the at last accepted me Eric. 1 am to be married in two weeks." Eric sprung tn lilt feet aud with whllo face and twitching Hut. stood beforo lilt father. "Father have you forgotten my mother, uud the love you oucc gave her, that ymt can tpeak unmoved of bringing a itraugo woman lo take her 111 vour heart and home 1 Oil! father I would not have believed It of you." "My aou you must compose yourself aud listen to mo quietly." 1 will not listcu-whcn you ask mo to lltlin oiiiotlf while vou tell me that a slraiiee wo man hat taken my mother's place lu your heart; that you propose lo give her thu mime that once bel.uued lo my dear mother. You ask loo much. 1 wiil uev -" Eric! TheCaplaiu't voice was urtii, though loving in Itt loue, and Erie yielded, tokb tli the Uruiness, uud love, lie knelt by his father's aide and the mission left hit voice, while lie pleaded gently. "Father, break oil tins mar riage I beg of you We are happy together am need no other person In our l;ve-l)h I lathe listen to me I pray you." "llitf-h. my dear boy. It It too late for me to draw back now.even II 1 wished, which I do not, I know it Is for the best, and you wMI a -know edge 1 was right af'er awlnie. Uut you men n ,t think, bocau.-e I luvtt learned to love an other, III it I have forgotten your dear motio r i wmtv vena nci). when vou Were only a lew months old, 1 laid Hie wife of mv yomh lu her early grave, uud wlih her 1 burled my yotiib, ami all the blight hopet and high iiipuaiions that made my future) to bright, (iod alone knowt how much I missed her. You, der ltd, can never comprehoud the aehliix want and utter loneliness of soul and body that has be. n mine tinco llii hour my AdHeune't geui'O spirit took ilt flight to Join the angels, the oi ly cotupanl nit meet for one so goo 1 and pure ut lie." The ttmiig man bowed hit head on his Clasped handt. Eric was deeply moved, aud hi felt sure, that uwrry whom lis would, Lit mother's memory would ever be kept fresh aad green in his father's tender, loving heart. At lust Captiln Von Hansen raised hit hetd and said cently, "Eric, you know I could nevtr be content in the marriage, I am about to make, if I felt you were estranged from me. Will you not consent lo It, and promise to love my wife '" Father, 1 love you far too well to ever long oppose any step you may take. If it addt to your happiness to marry again, far h It, from your son, to wlioin you have always been so indulgent, to embitter your happiness. Dear father, do as you think btit, and I will ucver complain again. I trust you will forget all I have said that wounded you to-day. I cannot promise to love your -your wi', but I will ny. You have not vet mentioned Iter name." Did I not? How forgetful lu lun-Th lady Is Miss M iry Calvert, front Baltimore. Her parents are dead, ami the supports herself by teaching music, glio tit had a rather hard time of ll, po ir little girl, Uut you and I will see that hs has no inoit bad timet eh Eric ?" Erie smiled faintly. Ills father stood up, and laying hit ttrong arm around hit son's slight form whispered a warm "liod bless you dear lad," them releasing him Walked quickly awuy. Eric never forgot that first meeting with hit father's young wife. It was a lovely evening in September when they came, and the b -auti fill home of the Von Haiisttis' looked Itt pret tiest iu the dying rays of the departing sun, iric expected to see a tall slim young lady, who would overpower him with her superior airs and gracet, but when he hobbled out lo the cari'l.ign to welcome the travelers, hit father lifted out a small girlish figure, clad in some dark stuff, wavy brown hair gleamed hr netith Hie j.iiinly little hat, largo brown eyes were timidly lifted to his with a pleading light in their soft, luminous depths, us if tlie owner begged him to be friend with her, and a small, fairy like hand was extended to him, at his father introduced tfiem, Eric wus conscious that all his fears and doubt, left liliu at he genily tmk in hi the outstretched hand, and turning to hi father he said laughing "Why father, whst a tiny girl-mother you tasve brought me, I think I must call her by the sweet Uerman name 'Stlefinuetterchen." Hi father smiled, well pleased at his son's reception of bis wife, and as lor "Hie utile step mother," her eyes were brimming with grateful tears, tit she thought of the restful haven that was her'e heiici forth. Oh ! what pi uccful, happy days were those the little family enjoyed through thu fall and winter. All the home pleasures were restored and Erie enjoyed them with a keener ais: now that lie ban a companion of nearly his own uge to share llietn. Hit father too stetned to grow young again in their society, and bis forlv-two tears rested lightly on the broad forehead and commanding form. It Wat a hap py household, united by love uud peace, show ing a woman s tender care aim loving; pres ence. 7'he du)pssed to quiikly that sprint; came ,ilni"s.t ere they were aware. One evening lu M iv, I'aptais Vou lUuscn and hit wife were landing at the drawing room window watch ing Eric, as lie slowly limped uloug the gravel drive. Mary do you not percolve that Eric has grown unusually thin una pine mis tpiing r I notice too Hint hu lias no npnetite, mi l is lisllcst, und given to wandering olt alone. I really must have doctor lilake sec him. What do you think about him." The captain did not look at his wife, to did not tee the look of pain on her face at the watched Eric. But the answered his question quietly, "l thlnk he need rhange more than uuvlhitig else. Suppose you let hi in go to the mountains to spend the summer." "I think It an excellent plan and proposed ll to him yesterday, but hu would not listen to It for a moment. Humid "Well?" the asked. He said that be wanted to die at borne. The captain turned lo hit wife a tad, gram face, but be lu.ned visibly paler as bo looked at the drooping fill ui and quivering fare before him "Mary, what Is the matter ? Are you faint my darling? 'oorliltle girl ! I should nol have toll you so abruptly of what Eric laid. You must not mind it dear, it it only a diseased f hu j of Ills hr ilu I will havu the doctor to sec him a d he will t ion bi; well." Her hus band so.itlie her fondly as she lay like a broken lily iu kit arm, thinking what a loving, tenitrr heart was liris, lo care o much for lilt stiu'a tin ea ened doom. was useless to ties ceive hlrasclf, he felt too turely the bitter truth that Ilia "dear lud" Was slowly but surely p issing away, .'very tiling love und wealth could accomplish wat done for him, but it Wat of no avail. In vain they tried to arouse him fro u hit melancholy, he would smile gently und tenderly at their loving ellorls, and sink again Into seeming Spathy seeming apathy I lay, for III spite of the quiet littlestiiett of his hearing before hit father and Mary a tierce war was raging In Ills young heart that threat ened conquest notwithstanding all bis sluggle to subdue it. ll hid come upon Eric wlih overwhelming force that hu bad Irarned to love hit fatlnr'e wife wilh the wild paislouate d votion Hi it a in in gives to only one woman in the world. II" knew it wit madness und sin to lu audi a love grow In hit hi art, un I he struggled, against It muifuliy. - lit t'lrtiK I abhorrence from this guilty Mote and deter mined that it should be upioolnl loiUp'nile!)'. How he scorned himself f ir lilt weuknes wlln he found all his efforts useless. Hill the s'tug.'le proved loo severe for the frail ho 'y and Eric kn -w In d tr were nil .nliere.l Knowing this, he would not consent to leave the ll iiue he loved o well, so day uf t T day he grew feebl r and f eUr, and at last was obliged to keep lilt room altng'iliur. D ie pleasant afictn. mil as lie lay on a com furU'ile lounge near the open window, Ma y ami-min his room bil'igmg hliu a few blu nine of Ins f ivmite flower. She t'tok the low hair in-ur hi lounge and be.'.iu to talk cheer i v uf all thai wat loing on nut of doors, ll it I'.ne noticed lln re w to tothing strained In lu-r manner, und aNn lint s ie had grow . pal-an I linn. Her ll'IV Inuda, he ob, Tied wo-e ulmtut transparent, a. id toucnitig line o: III in as they lay fol I d o n lier lup he asked toflly; "What have jou been dolni; toy..utself j v oi are tieailv as ainaeiaUd ns myself. What j - d ies It tneatl ?" 'Oh! I iitu all tight. It It beat lo be a lit I,, thin In aiieh warm weather. I am at strong as ever." 'Well I wsutyoti thou It! tske, care of your self for tnv father's ttke. When I em Roue yoi will be his only cosifortcr." , "Oh ! Eric, yov must not talk that. You hurt me. Wo cannot have you die. You mutt try to get well for toy for all our takes." She sobbed pleadingly. "No," he, aiswrred quietly. "I shall never get well again. But I am not afraid of death. I am willing to go. I have had a torrow Mary that only death can cure. So you must not wish me to tike up the burden of life again, with all Hi bitter pain, but help me to die bravely at t good nan thould. Let ut learu the lo.'son these pretty flowtre teach. They will wither and fade awsy when their tcaton 1 over, but you mutt not mourn and think you have lott them for always. They will come again in due teaton clothed in richer beauty. So it will be with us. We shall mtct again, when find wills and can you not Imagine tlie infinite happiness of that meeting?" the wat kneeling by hit lounge trying to contml the grief that ihook her slight form. Ho put hit hand gently on the bowed head. "Hush, Mary you mutt not cry to, I canuot heir It. If you only knew wsth a poor, spoiled life, mine Is, you would rejoice to have me go." "Eric, Eric, you send my heiirt. Oh why did 1 ever come hero to rulu the life that might have been to blessed!'' , He raised himself and looked at the bowed, trembling figure wildly. "Ah ! Maty you hate discovered the secrrt, I havo tiled ( hard to ront eal" he eiclalmed. "Well, you tee the snuggle wat toe much for me, ani I will cxplute my guilt with life My ltfu was a happy one until 1 tinned, but you must not grieve, or blatau yourself In the least. It it u relief to imf now, to know that you hold my secret, tud still do not quite lute or despise me." "Hate ! Detpiso you ! "Oh 1 Eric, I." "Yet I, know you arc tuo good und pure to despise any of Cod's creatures, yoi only pity me. Well, I i nn bear your pity, and I feel eure that, when I am dead, you will tometlmet think sadly and tenderly of (lie lame lad who learned to love you better than all the world, und whose heart broke in his efforts to con quer his guilty love. You will forgive me when I am lu the grate dear Mary, and you will roiuforl my father at only you can. Huth, husk dear, you must not sob so. Il kills me to hear you cry. I-lovo you-dea ." He fell back on his couch. One gasping sigh he gave, and all wai over. He had indeed died of a broked heart. That evening when all was quiet, a small white llgurc slole Into the room where hi body lay. The "stlefinuetterchen" gated long on the peaceful, quiet face and at latt the white lips quivered and pal ted, and the whis pered softly: "Yes A'nc you know the truth now. You never guessed It, und It was best to, ttill, ll will not be wrong for me to whis per Just once, that l loved yt)u. Ynu were so good, and kind, and gentle, I could not help loving you. But It is all over now, the ttrue gle, and pain, and shame, uud the love that was our sin In life, will uot hu a crime In the world above. Adieu." She bent over him and pressed one kiss on the cold brow, thru turned and left the room. The turf was green on Erie's grave, when Mary Von Hansen told her husband the sad story of her love, und when the knelt before him and whispered tho one word "Forgive" he look her In hit arias tud kissed her ten derly. The subject wat never mentioned again. AFTER WANT YEARS. A SKIUOl'S INCI1IKNT WITH A IIKC I tllil) IMMOIIAI.. An old man, the ton of a prominent Arkan suw gentleman, eame from a northeru slate tevoral weeks ugo on a visit. Forty yeart ago Ihe ole geutlemtn wat a coiiviviallit and drank whiskey wilh that lack of restraint character ising a free American citixeo of the day. The old gentleman, though, became a temperance niHU aud lectured throughout the country. When old age tame upon htm he tat in tlie twilight of life's mellowing evening, happy lu tho reflection that veart und years before hu had eouquured the serpent and was wai:lng for the reward promised the tuber, vigilaut and good. Shortly after arriving iu Arkansas some one sent hit son's wifu a demijohn of native wine. 'Father," said the young woman, who knew unfiling of the old mail t former habits, "a neighbor has presented me with some of the Unvst native wine you over saw. Have a glass of it " No child, Iuever drltik." "But vou can taste lint Just for my take. li's nothing but the actual juice of the giap grown here lu thu neighborhood. I'lease l.sle it?" "Well, pour nit out about a spoonful. Ah," he said when he hid tipped il. "Very pleas ant. Collide more iiuKinfullt, please," aud he glanced vlgulllcantly at the demijohn. When the woman went out loaee about dinner, the old mail sat and twilled bit thumbs lu reverie The memory of hilarious dayt, before the knees are weak a d the joints grow still, dauccd in supple freedom of action through hi mind and arising with a deceitful feeling of youth, and gluing voice to a slight excla mation as a piin caught him In the back, he went over to the deiiillohu aud tok an old- iluiediink. flu walked around the room. looked at the pictures, weut to the mantle niece, took down a tov whUtla. blew It, went back to the wlue vse and slrc'ch"! hia mouth over its c u I iu opening IK-lo iked at the piture again, again b,-v the little whistle and again "pulled" tlie demlj dm. H' walked around and trie I to whistle, but only blatflh ludicrous failure. Then he laughed I'll ahl: "Old teeth gone. Have seen the time though I could whistle." Hit drinks be ei ne more frequent end his pcraiubul itiont nt ire unsteady. People, oion whose custom It is to tarry long at the wine, who think thit native wine It the milk of human Kiudiii-it t ie balm like cordial that titothei but lieter Intoxicate!, entertain a mistaken Idea of the liquid whose name Hguret in all literature. I he son's wife, hearing an o ld noise, hur- rl d Into ihe sitting room and found the old matt dancing tho recollections of a Jig. "Why father, wh it lu the world are )0J doing ?" ahe exclaimed. "Brushing up s little. Hiln, halo, Jig luma lav lot" and ho hopped around In fautattlc autlrs. The ton, who had been sway on bus iness returned. Away lack In childhotd so uewli, re, be could remember bit rather s il n ; miii r-l I'luberauce of spirit and sr Ion, snd bo looked at the old in a n iu a kind uf daxed .e r .epe lion. The sou had never touched a drop uf liquor, but to set bis father, bowed down by the weight of many years, hop up aud "cut tildo qualal,' give bin sublet that native wine wis not a mocker but a revivalist, so he tipped gltsset time and time again with the old man, and ere "twilight deepened with a tinge of eve," the police came sr.mtut and took them to the lock-up. This Incident has no moral. Il Is an Immoral. SENATOR JONES UT POKER. BEATEN BT WASlltNOTON SHARPS, HE SntlBWDLT TAKliS HSVENOE. George L. Waters, the colored Janitor of tho City hall at Washington, related an Incident to a reporter concerning a big poker game In which Senator John 1. Join t, of Nevada, wm player. Waters bad been in tho employ of certain cougrettmen around the capitol at Washington for many years, and hit statement may be accepted at true. It was teveral yean ago, before the millionaire had become thoroughly posted in the wuys of Washington aocicly. Almost before he had thoroughly warmed hit seat In tho senate he wn Intro duced lu the Dlslilct club, of which Bos 8hepard wat a prominent member, 1'. ker, tt that time, was the prominent recreation of the club, sud Jones wat Induced to take a hand. Allotigh a good poker-player, he retired from the game a Inter to Ihe amount of (70.000. The senator, hating a few silver mines at his link for pocket money, wat gam", and did not al low the least expression of chagrlo or dlstru-t 1 1 escape him. J'bc next morning he teles graphed to one of tlie most expert card sharps iu Virginia City. Eight days afterwards the gambler arrived In Washington, dressed in a very expensive suit of clothes and sponlnga small fortune In the wti of diamond. Jones Introduced him to the members of the club at a mining millionaire from Nevada, and the star route frauds aud aavy yard thlevet Imme diately made arrangements to pluck Mm. lie accepted an invitation to play. The stakes ran high, and the spurious million ill c was well supplied with Jones' money. At the end of the tournament the ttranger roe from the table the winner of fllOO.OOO of the money of the club. It was a tovcru blow on the ring ttert, but they made the people of the Untied Slates pay It back to them them Indirectly and In ihnrt order. Jones divided the swii with his friend, and never tot fool in the club room again. It wat not long after before tin rlng stert found out that they lu been beaten at their own game, but they were nol In a position to make any fns about it. Amriiioan EN mirnisK No invon'lonof I nineteenth century has worked a greater revo.u lion in household economy or confered more of a henrfll on humanity ill in the sealng machine. The lint productions were crude and llilcou ll in the ex' rente, uud it was reserved foi American skill and ingenuity to bring forth a maculae of any practical value. lu order to appreciate the great ailvaucrmrnt which hts taken place It Is only necessary to comp ire one uf the machines built during the infancy of the Invention with oue of the latest improved "Light -Running New home." In the manufacture of this machine old ideas have been discarded, and in accordance wlih the piogressivu movement of the ago new mechanical principles have been substi tuted of such Inherent and absolute value in cannot, fall to rnminciiil themselves to Hie most casual observer. For all kind of domestic an 1 manufacturing work the "New Home" t nneqii iled. All the really good points contained iu other machines have been utilized in construe tlou. Many new improvement! and devices have also been added, the resu t of which it a machine us nearly perfect at It Is possible to make one. For simplicity, durability, ease of manage ment mid capacity for work, the "Light Run ning New Home" hat no rival, and the h ippy posses-or of one ni iy rest assured that l.e or she has the very best the world affords. Al! who tend for the Compsny's new Illus trated catalogue, mid enclose their advertise ment (printed on another page,) will receive a s-t of sdtrrtisiug iiovelllet of value to card Hectors Their address is New Home Sew ing Machine Co., lid Union Square, New York. ADVKKT1SKMKNTS. N KW YOltK WKEKI.Y lIKK.Vl.I). ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. The elrculat ion of this popular newspaper Is constantly luercnaiiiK. lleonlilus nil Ihe lea. ! iiiK news of the liaily Herald and Is arranged iu handy departments. The rOKKIHN NKWS embraces special dispatch s fioiu all quarters uf the globe. I'ndcr the head of AMEK1CAN NEWS are given the Telegraphic Despatches of the week from all parts of .the L'nloii. This feature aloue makes T1IK WKKKl.Y HKHAI. I) the most valuable chronicle tu Ihe world, as it Is the cheapest. Every week in given a (niihtui re port of rOLITH'AI. NKVYs embracing complete and comprehensive ilea pat chrs from WashiiiKton full reports of the ipeeches uf eminent politicians on the hour. THE PA KM IlKPARTMKNT of tho Weekly Herald gives the latest as well aa the moat practical aiiguvailona ami discover! relailiif to tho duties of the fanner, hints for rai-lng em tie. poultry, grains, tiees, vegetables, kc. , with siiugcsi Ions for k"Ci n r 1'inl -lings and fanning uteiistls In repair. This is siip,.b niented by a wei -edlle.l department, widely copied under the l.eud of TIIK 1IOMU, Riving recipe Ifor practical dishes, hint for making clothiugand for keeping up with the lu- le.t fashions a, the lowi at livery lb ni of cooking or economy suggested In thl depart nient ta prai tieally ette,l by experts before pub lication. U'lters from our 1'iirisnud London cor respondents on Ilia vry latest fashion. The Home Department of llln Weekly Hi'tald will ave the huuarwile inor. than one hundred times the price of the paper. The Interests of KKII.I.KD I.AIIOR are looked after, and everything relallnirtome pi. aides ami lab r savins; ia e.irefiilly reeordril Theie la a paife devoted to all the lati at phases of the busin-ss marttets. Crops, Merchandise, ic. A valuable feature Is found In the apclully n ported pruvs an I conditions ol TIIK I'lt'lDLCK MAltKKT. MportlnK Nui al bome and abroad, I met her lib a story every week, a aerinon by some em. n -l't divine, ' Literary Mntlitil, Dramatic, Per sonal and sea unlet. There Is no paper In the world which contains so much news mutter every week as the Weekly Herald, which is sent I o Isko tree, for Due Dollar. Yuu can subscrllie al any lime. Addrtat, NEW YORK IIKRALD, Bruadwajr M4 Ami 8u-eet, (few York. DVERTISKM KNTS. 51 mm THE GREAT CUES I Oil RHEUMATISM Aa It ij f.r All Ci vnwiful diHua.iti of tli KISNYC.UVCr. AfO BOWELS. 3t c'ciane I'.-.n .Ti!?n cl V.10 ar..l p."..T. that cauiea U10 tirciwUUl rJlfsru's wlik'.: only mo vieil.m of I.!tau:naiiu;i c.t riw. THOUSANDS Or CASTS of th wont lor::ni tl .s ttT.n..i .Vflffsr PERFECTLY CIRCP. llTlI'P. Al. 1 (ni III fl'! Hi! t It I'V Is.:' i':f.1.Tl (I- H: Trn I., ft-:.: '. 1 :l CELEBRATED TIVOLI BEER for family use und 'shipplmr. 61 Main Street. Norfolk, Va. net .1 a n The great superiority of DR., BULL'S COUGH SYRUP over all other cough remetlius is attestetl by tlie immense popular demand for that old established remedy. For the Cure of Couphs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma. Bron chitis, Whoopin? Cough, Incipient Consumption ami for the relief of j consumptive per 0113 in advanced stages of the For 'iv all IirtiCL'irits. l'nce, 2.) cents. GREAT BARGAINS. We are now receiving our new and beautiful irood reeeutlv Mfchnsed of tin manufacturer, and cordially Invite yon to cnll and see tbetn. Tho largest and ti at selected atock of UOI.T WATCHFS. SR'r-(f .li'VVRI.HT. BAN'" UKeKI.KTS, (H'KU All) ut: Mill CllMXS, rt.M'il AXlt it? M, Ul(, SI.KKV lirTTOVx (MmTI'tw, iMt.vKKsrooNs. fokks,-. TilC BonI $110 TiiNtor and $5 Iim-Ii v. v K n s i, i. TN- Young's 1 pvelrrht . P. (llesses and inii rve your V-tehes and .Tewelrv re-alred by workmen. Knirrnviuir nest Iv .i-oo. t,r the best .1. T. Y'U'V'i V nitn oet 0 ly l'.-tersbiir .'. Va iff- a iwai i ' .1 ka n 3 R "f '-K it. ' ji.'Z'i !U( .( I'o.i run s'ijf a .3 ; .".jt v t- j :i i-' :ioT;' 'Ll.v nvt DaviJ F. Font,-, iiAi.Tinoiti: For Sal" oet S'l ly by Dr. A It. Zollicoifer 4 HrJ. tfieikMi : ' a- ".s) j 4afl,S! Wirsc,xTTs; mm koJl SlEWHOME SEWING MACHINE CO CHICAGO.ILt. -ORANGE. MASS. lain ATI AWT A RA , . an T, J. at r.OStn I.ST0ME. GIKEHAL AUaM liXLKK.U, X. V. y V. I. C O M li K K S I' A L It A N I , IAHCS J0SE3, PJ0P3IET0R. No.U West Mam St., Norfolk, Vs. LyuuUavcuOjttersby the bsrrcl. oct Mm, Ui I; S oct 18 I" P O It T.S Klt'S iva A I oV in TT . I m ' li ti T st IS 1.1 ros Sj lea V M bods V fS i.i il A i-'osri PROFESSIONAL CARDS. O. KI.L10TT. Ill'irucj- and t'ouoeIle)r at I sit SOIII'OLH, V.4. Koouit 2an 1-3 Vli'iftnian Gulldiug. oct i iy JJVRNCII B-HLL. ITIOKIKYI .IT LAW.' EXl'IKl.1), N.C. Practices lu th - counties of Halifax, Nash lecoinbe uud Wilson. Collccllolit u.ndc in all tris of me State. Jan U tf. H. SMITH, JK. i n(ltH,:V a I I, a II, !ori.MH vWIC I H.IK .X ic'U.NTV N.I 'raetlc 's tu IV county of Halifax ind adjolri- it( counties, and In ihe suim'iiis court " the Stat". Mly. M. (I ll I . i A It II. u ri tM;v w ; a, II A I.I r" AX. N. V. ini.'n iu tli'Co.u-t House. S rict itteullon U'ell to all lir.lllCllesof Hie lirotUasloU. ail la ly MtOMA.-. .N, IIILI., Iilirii-t al l.iiw . a M..c .x . . I'ri'tiees lu Iliillfat and adjolulua- eountn n i and Nupi-'-iii courts. Will be al .Sc.ull.iiM .Veck. untie eVel'V tort- ii ht. ami v it - W. M a SUN Vi'itllCXl.Y AT l.M, (i v.tYS .Ull't. N. ( . Practice iu t !i courts of Northampton and i onill eou ities, also III th-l Kedei-lll alol Sa ! .l.'co.ii'is. June a f r. T A I. T K It K. D A N I E 1 tlloriii- uutl oiiiiNtllor At law, W K la 1 O . . . . 1'racticea In Halifax and a Joining c unties. S ml ml -in ion iriv n to eoll. ei l, a li, ill imrts of the State and prompt returns made. ieu. uiy irr:'tHKV , I MW, VKI,l)l)V, N. I!. Si"i'ial intention irlveti tu collecllona and eeiuittanees proitiplly made. int. Itt. It. Y.. I. ii U.NTKR, H IJ It U ; OS t) l, r I a T . Onti lio luiiiiil i hit ofiiee in Ktirifilit. I'll ro MtrniiiOt il-i (In inr thu n.i. Kxtriintliiir of I'iioiIi alwaya on hand. ilUilS I I, un s h. m' John a. nooas M' DLUN ft HOOHK, ATTOUVKY IT LAW. HALIFAX N.C. I'rsctl,' In III.. i-o,iiitli.sol Itnllfss Mnvthxn... '"li. I'M,' nti-'. I'm and M.ntlll-In the Hu. reni" court of the S'aie and In the Federal Nilirt of I In, K-,s,rii lltjtsl,., ,',..u in any part of tint state. Jan 1 ly V. J. N A W . BAKER & CONFECTIONER. WELD ON, N.C. A very lare supply of Cakes, Cracker. Candles, French and Plain, nitiaiu. rruita, nuts, sc. I'he largest stock of Toys of every variety ever iirotiKiii to tins uiarKct. orders for rnn.lies, cakes. 4c., filled at short st notice at Northern prices. Weibliiiir and other parties autttilled as cheat) la the chisniiett. ortlfly. ISO- 1MT MKtlh Mlltlll.r. HOKUM, (Kstabltshe.l lnli 11 sMir-s-1lfl--- .s v. t sjcainurc at tvet, opposite Halifax, i'K'r):i(9nuRO,TA, Uunuitti'tilM, Toiiibt), , llertilNtone ltd laraveatoara of every description mado to order nuiginf la prle troiii up. Hesin sent by mall to any addrtst.wlth pott- aK-' stumps i-uelosed lor return. trn ii-ii onlcrs ate received, Ihe work U pr pared and li'munlcifi it It ibua Pol five perfect sal tsfiu (ion, I'lirehaa -rs are requested to return al tnye.Xieine I payliin freight both ways. i.".ici prn-i-. an. i em ap ir.-ianii (tiaraiiteoa. ('ortespiiiiilciice aolieiled troin all acctluna. l ilts. M. W ai.hH. ap. 1.1 ly. w-w- iiallT lire and Lllo laaaraao Agat. Can be found In the Roanoke News OCss. WnnoN, N. C. bipxsi icitn, New York rnderwrltein. "ATleultural"of Waterti wn. N. T. Writ em, f Toronto, Canada. Pamlico, of Tarboro, N . C. lynchhur. of l.rnehluir, V. Equitable Lite luturaneo Co. of V. T.V Willi pUee rlskjlo;uy 0thMftx4eonipiiy at low lAteiatM. liinllv