I ROANOKE NEWS. THE ROANOKE NEV'S A DV RUT LSI NO KATES. A Dlv.MOCKA.TIC lV f. K L V N E W S V A I' E 11 , PUBUSHKI) HY HALL & SLEDGE. -) 3 M ca Sl'ACK a O a 5 'im Siitiuro, i w i Siiiuri'S, riireC MIIIHI'l s, four Sijiinrt's, Koiirth INil'n, ;l.il: i'oiuiiiii, hole t ! , ' I It tl i li , 3 00 fi no N HO H UQ io on 15 00 11 00 I 20 00 20 00 80 00 30 00 I 40 00 io no is oo IS (III . ill! 00 20 Ot) I 30 00 3D to i 45 00 41' 00 I f 0 00 10 0(1 Ol' (10 VOL. XI. 2 III) 1 On 7r. cts WELD ON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1883. NO. 48. (it Julius. One Year, 7ft 00 Roanoke HE 11 Jli W O I ADVERTISIOMKNTS DAEBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Household Arliclo for Universal Faiuiiy I so. For Scarlet and j Typhoid Fevers. Eradicates J Diphtheria, Sail- HALAUIA. Sviitlon, Ulcerated poreTlirout, Small I'ux. Mensloa. anil nil ContiiBious Diseases. Persons waiting on the Si 'k should use it freely. Scarlet Fever h.u never been known to spread where the Fluid U'.cd. Yilloiv Fever has been inrid with it nfte r blMck vomit Imil taken ilucc. The worst cases of liipltthcria yield to it. PevcrcrtanclslrkPor- I SMALL-POX Hiitifi refreshed nnif and H ! Son-!. prevent. ; TITT1XJ of Small I'll Ly naming Willi I.n. IMICvrVTl-li 1 iii pure Air made hattslrM and purified. For Son; Throat it is a sure cure. ConlDKlon destroyed. 1'or I1 rusted Feet, ( hllhliiins, PlloK, ( hiirlnirs, elo. Kliciiiimtlsm cured. Kofi While Complex ion -ecured by its use. Ship Fever prevented. To purify die Urcntli, Clcniiso tho Teeth, it can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. Iturnsrclieie d instantly. Scar previerd. Dysentery cured. Wound healed rapidly. Kcurvy cured. An An tidoto for Animal 1 1 VI..I.I A meinher of mi (am. Ily was taken with Small pox. 1 used the Fluid;; the patient was not delirious, was not pitied, and was about the house acain in ilir.. I weeks, and no others j had it. -J. W. 1'ahk. "son, rmiadelplua. Diphtheria Prevented The physicians here use Dinhvs Fluid very successfully in the treat meittaf'DijihtheTia. A. Srif.LnMwitKCK. Greensboro, Ala. Stints, etc. I Tetter dried up. 1 used the Fluid during Cliolci'ii prevented our present aillictlon with S-.irlct Fever with tie ujvd advantage, It is iiiilisnetnalilc to the sick ro.un. Wm. F. Sanu fosu, Kyrie, Ala. Meets, purified and neaie.l. In cases nfllcrilh it should be used about the corpse it will prevent any unpleas ant sr.idl. The eminent I'liv !lel;iii,.T.MAUI()N SIMM, m. 1)., New York, says: "I am convinced I'rof. llorhys ' Prophylactic Fluid is a I valuable disinfectant." IScarlstrcverl Cured. Vandcrbllt University, Nashville, Tenn. r. if . " . """em quauti.-s ut 'r, Iiarbyj Prophylactic Huid. As a disinfectant and deterijent it is both theoretically and piactir illy superior to any preparation with which I am ac quainted. N. T. Luiton, I'rof. Chemistry. I)ai byn Fluid K- liccnmmrnilcd by ll. AUUEAKDEK II. Srn ill NS, of Cicor oa Kev. Ciias F. Ddesis, D.U., Church of die Strangers, N. Y.; Jos. LbContb, Columbia, rrof., University SC Kcv. A. J. Battle, Prof., Mercer University Kev. (.En. F. Ptr.ncro, Hi,iop M. E. Church INIHSl'ENSAHLK TO F.VUKY lKI.MI!. lerfectly harmless. Used iniernully or externally for Man or lleast. The Fluid h is been thorouchly tested, and we have abundant evidence that it has done everything here claimed. For fuller information pet of your l-iniyijist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, J. H. ZICIMN X: CO.. Manufacturing Chemists, l'lll I.ADF.I.I'HTA. feb 61 yl 'PA I P E Y & S T K F. I M A N V P A 0 T U It E P. S 11 F Enyint, Tobacco, Hay ami (iltoii Vrtini, SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, MILL II10X8, Plows, Iron and lira's Casting. iep29Iy p.derslnir s (ill T H K K.N H O T 1,, N.B.nHKf.XS, Proprietor, HALIFAX. N. C. lli'tltted. repainted nnd thnrotiirlily nrrnnired for comfort Tallies supplied from Norfolk and Wilmington markets- Hood servants, and tfood fare. Comfortnlile rooms fornll. I have also al.lverv Slnhle. when- horses are promptly ntlended io, vehicles hired out on cas uia.Hn terms to parties wishing them, rjnn 111 ly Eif. STOMACH Invalids, broken down in health and pir its by eliroiiiis dvKpepi'ia, or niifTeriinr from the terrible exhaustion that IoIIowa the nttucks of uetilu di ase, the testimony of thousands who have liven raised us by a miracle from a similar slate ol pros (ration bv llostetter'a Stomach Bitters, Is a find Kiiantnlce t!' "v ln0 " means jou, too, may ho BtreugtUencU aud 'r'ur talc by all lirutsioU anJ Dcakri generally. i W. URASUY k SONS. c onnssio simu n.4JST, Norfolk. Va. Oct 5 fiiii. M 11 H. P A T T I E A. M 0 0 It K :o: Ofieis to the public :o: ASSORTMEXT OF " ' p j -wsssfc MM Millinery, Notions, Fancy Goods, Toilet Article?, Cheap Luces. Ladies Kurnlshlnf Goods, if. CHEAP VOll CA.HH. MRS. M. A.MOOHB, tfWs Brick Block, w-doaiKiC. DOT 24 ly THY NAWE- I told (he rose thy name-It blushed tin i atlrveil, lis pe nh trembled ns In eeKiney. I cried thy name aloud 11111I In ! Iho bird Hurst into si.n wilhin tlie tluek-leavetl trens. 1 spake it Hh.-n Hie moon wte ray and cold, And s'ralht from out the east upshot the sun. I spake It In the niuhl -tlic clouds that rolled Abeve dispersed, Iho slurs camo otic by one. Should any whisper it when on my face The black earlh lies, cslnily sleeping under i; round, I Ihiiik my heart would best apace, Aiullhatiiiy lips Mould Ircin'.dciit the sound, And if before Hie k ties of heaven I enmo, And could for tny r.wn worth noeiiirance win, I I It: tik I'.mt then if I houbl nunic your mime The eternal doors would slirainl let mo in. JACJl DOANE Jack I)nne had itlivms been cansidcred dull boy hy his teacliers, by the uriRhbors, slid even by his father. He was scTunteen, and latiies, yuuuirer brother, wm lifleen anil n remarkably brii;lil boy. His fatlier desllned him for Ihe Isw, but, lai'k was to entile down on tlie frin. lie was only fit for a farmer. The farm wassituatsd half a mile out from niton, where the boys ulteiidej school. They had completed their studies in the public tcliools mid wetc new leudjr for Ihu academy. "Jack was dull; every one said so lajt Is, 07! ry tme except his mother. 8h seemed t. understand .luck and have eonlldsncc In him. Sli'j knew he was alow, but she had larual thai lie (ould be depended upon. Fanner 1) i.il'.c hid deleriuiited that Uik should jru lo work mi the f irm, liul Jnck possessed a doi; vje lj dctirniiiiation. He h id decided to g tliroui;h the ncademv, unit he enlisted hli ino'lier on his tide, ami between them lkj prevailed, mid the opening of our story sees both boys becjiitnliijr a three years' colli.o d. mi's ul the head of ib-j class, and a Cleat favorite, J u-k at. tin foot, and regarded as very dull, lo say Ihc hast. J ti k excelled in one tl.hit; inalhetiialic. lie was slow, to In sure, bul he. mastered every principle, os he went nlonu. 11k labored under one great difficulty in school lie could not exp'ain the prlncip'cs fluently und clearly. liuthc could workout the most IntiLste proW bans, ulres him time. 1 lo never Rave up. (luce he worked two wurks on a test pmbl'iii Ken lo the claxs, and he solved il. Hut he never made It known. Jack never ot ibe credit he ileserTfil. Often ho would corae with his teacher's harsh wards linjins; in his ears ami Ins schoolmates sueris rniiiiitiie in his heart, and found consolation In his nothsr's hopeful words. "Never mini, .Isck," said she; "you vl.' come out all rii;ht. 'he race is not always to lite swift nor Hie battle lo the strouir. You liitvc perseverance nud deteruiluallon. You re steady, sober and earnest, ami these quail-ti-s will hi lug you tlirounh. Kemeiuber th" f ible of the hare and the tortoise." And then she would tell him of eiainent lances, such as (ill' Isaac New ton, Sheridan, :iold.mlth, Scull, Dean Aw if!, (iihaou, Diyd'ti Shakespeare, .Miilou and Daniel Webster. I'hese worn all dull boys at school. They ould not be ctiitiinieil w ith knowledge. They had to reason and think oul their conclusion. And .lack would be tainfortcU and go oui of his mother's presence with lifted liead and a brave heart, resolved thai ha would not dis appoint her In any particular. And so l e plodded on through Iho three years, sttidyiuy, hard and faithfully, and never leaving a Its son until It was mastered, lie vn iievar can lent lo leave anything until he fanly under load it, und this, more than anything else, caused him to fall behind his class, so that at the end of the course he failed to pass. It wus observed in the final examination Hint he mis perfect up to the last, not missing a question, but beyond this he stood low. Ills brother James graduated with great ecbit, howefer, and wentjuto Ihc ollice of Hrircs ,t Morton to sludy law. Jack staid one year longer at the academy, and giadiuted, and then came the trials of his life. The day after Ins graduation he requested bis father to send him to the Seieuiilie In stitute. Mr. Donne wss astonished. 1 won't do it !" he exclaimed in anger. "Yin are only HI for a farmer and ;on have education ei.ough for thai. I've spent all the money for your education that I intend to, and you might as well settle dowu un Ike faun d go la work. I've given you a good chance." But this was not Jack's plaa. He had de termined his course, and nolhiug cuuld divert him from it. lie acquainted bia molher with bis iulculloin, quietly packed his clathes thai night, aad the ucxt maruing left home before any of tin family were stirring. Ui disap pcat mice caused a uiuc days' talk, aud thru the matter dripped. Mr. Doane made no efforts to 11 nd hiiu, saying, "He'll bl glad cuough to come back of his own accord." His mother kept her owu ivunm-l, and Jack thought of her with a lueap in his throat, fir he knew that the $IE0 In had i" hia pocket represented the accumulated sayiugs of twenty years of bis life. Five years had passed away, and not a word lisd beeti heard from Jack. Janes bad been admitted lo ihc (tar, had Milled dowi lo small practice nl Uieoii, was joily g '"d fi l low, a favonle will! Ihc ladies and so n:y generally, lull llin Haiaer cili.cal bcuan lo mdsfcr thai he glltlng lira Innd af the R am It was ouly a wlihpir utl innt of the people ivselilllig Hie lii-.lt) tl itliill. lie Has still the most htiliiaiit, fascinating uirmbcr of the bat. aud the prldi of Fanner Doaoc, iu parlu in o. The ltsilroad booui had reach ;d Ole ni, anu cili tens luhlicd recklessly Into spcctilatioi Farmer Dnaue kail laksti filM.Ut) I slock In the new road, which was to make Oiran a lare citv slid its citizen all uii!ibuii es. Bit the b ib de burst before It had been fairly blown. and the was adfeilised lo be sold by the slier ill. I hc process by which Hits was rlfecud was a :ong one, occupying some months, slid they were sad oiles to l'araier Dome aad his wife. James upbraided him for hit folly, and declared thai hedesened to lose his farm. "If Jack was only hen." said Mrs. D ome, i would he nu b a comfort something lo lcm upon." "Jack Is a worthless dog," said Farmer Diane in reply, "and I'll warrant la beggiiu' bis ihily bread, or working for his board al best! Ho would bo a pi or slick to Itau on." The iay of sal came, and . a large crowd wi attracted to the form, tor It wa lha best farm in the county, well worth ?0,0l)0, but these close times and at a public sail, would not bring much over half that amnnnt. The kidding was slow. A stranger In the crowd, wilh his overcoat I utloned up around his cats aud his cup pulled diwn well over his eyes, wairhrtl Ihe bidding closely, until it reached tlll.WiU. 7'his win tin bid of Mr. ffyuanl, the rich banker of Oleon, and ho thought of ihe 'rich speculation the chance offered. No one, be thought, could go much nbc-ve this, The .'arm would be his, ami In three years he would doutdc his money on It. Kut his exultation was rut short by the clear, Urn voice of Ihe stranger. "A'lrfcn thousand." Hanker Wyiunl caught his breath at the au dacity of a m in w!u woti'd u.lr.ino" l,llild at oac hid, and Ihe auctioneer dwell on tlteIU,OiK) for finui lime before (he banker reentered enough In make another bid of 11,10.1. Hut he was promptly supplanted by the slruiiger's tll,il. The bidding now was left entirely to these twi, m l il went up gradually dower until il w is knocked off at tU.hW to the stranger, "What nam', sit '"asked the cl-rk. "Jack Doane," was the quiet reply. Hut If Hie answer was quiet the sudden com motion it rivaled wis not. In a moment he was surrounded by lifty old acquaintances all tray ug lo sukt his luntl and asking a Ihoti tauu questions. Jack stood It all calmly, and liusliy h ok himself lo. i o and strode toward Hie house, but half way llient.he inel his mother and behind her his father, who had heard, as tlicy sat iu the darkened rooii mourning oer their misfortunes, thai. Jack was the purchaser f the farm. Never did Ihu Tillage of Oleon experience such a seiHiliou. Il was Jmt like a novel, everyone said, when they learned that Jack had developed Into one of the .'t civil en gine! in the country, and had cleared jHUH by superintending the op.iu ef the great silver nine iu Colorado, an I n no sr engaged at a salary of 55,001), In the consttuclion of an important railway at Hie west, tie was a tall, solid, splendid looking man, one win looked as though he knew what fouudtliou ho was standing upon, and that it was sure. Jack decided Ihe farai to bis mother, telling her it was "only principal and interest on the loan you made me whea I left home, and a little payment on the motherly com foil you alfoi'ded me tluiiug tny stupid, plodding school boy dajs." Inquiry among Jack's employers revealed the fact that the high-priced quality iu Jack's compositiou wa deliberation. "You can d pent! implicitly, said the prlu eipal iHMier of the mine referred to, ;"on all of .lack's decisions, for he won't make one eu:il he knows he I; right I've been out of patience several limes at hit apparent slow nets, but found him right every lime. He never made a mistake and never wasted any labor. In the end wc came out ahead of otherenterpiises with less careful engineers at their head. Jack is worth his weight In gold." Jack is stlllat his profession, und stalls nt the head of it. No hrge enterprises are under 'akcu wllhoul consulting hies. Kichcs have c line to him almost unasked, for all, he gives his iiiothur the entire ciedii. James sank into dissipation, lost his practice, und i Indebted lo tck for a pnioiinu that affords him a livsli hood. O.ertho door of the bantUome villa where Jack resides with a loving wife, he his placed a motto : ' The race is not to the w lit." THE BHD B0UJ BREAKFAST- "Vas," Niiitl llie luiy, with it vacant look. "1 take iiu intiM'fst in tin; pli'iis tire nl' lilt" uliusti uliv llHH'?, tliotigll I lid liavf a little quiet tun al I lie Incak- last tal'lr. 1 oil Hff, pa in I In contra- not man ever was. II 1 rotinilaiii that aiivlliiiie' at tlie talile don't tan!r g.nnl, pasays that it is all right. This iinii'iiitijr I took the Kyriip pitcher und emplieil out Urn while syrup ami put in somw cod-liver oil ihattaa is takinr for her cuii 'li. I put some on my pan- ikes, and pretended lo taste of it, and I told pit the sy.'np waa sour, and not lit to eat. 1 il was nia I in a second, and he pouted out eoiua An his pan cakes-, and stud I was jrpttlnjj taot on toilitdt'd particular lie tt.iid the syrup waa ooiol eiuiitgh for Imu, and he sop ped hie pancakes in it and fired Nome lovfii his neck' lie in a oanl ilur,ied hvpociile thill's what he is. I could see hy his face thai ihe cod liver oil was near killing him, luit he said the vrnp was all rinht and if 1 didn t eat mine he'd hteak my neck, ami !y j t.li I had to tat il, and pa he oiiesscu hi: hadn't much appetite and he would nisi iltiiik a cup ol collet anil eat a dontit. I like lo dide, and that I think nukes (hia disappointment in love harder to bear, but I leit. sorry for ma. Ala am I got a very stinn slum- illicit, and when nh got Nome of that cod liver oil in her mouth she went up stairs, sickor'n a horse, and pa had to help her, and "he lad nooralgit all the morning, I eat pickles to take lite lasle out ol my mouth, and thin I laid for Ilia luiril on Is I liev eat ton in licit syrup, any way, and whim diet cent on lo that ood-liver oil and svral lowed a lot of it, one of thsm, au nirish oirl, hIic cnt up and put her hand on her cored, ami Hani howly mown; olid went out into llie kiu hen loukiti; is pale as ma doeri when ahc has pow let on her lace, anl Hie oilier gifi, who is l.'iiich, she awallowed a pati- e.iku and said .Mmo Oolt, vats il. matter mil tne,' and slie went out tnul leaned on the coal bin. Then tln-v talked Irish and littlcl), and ''"l clul and started to look for me, and I thought I would conic over here. Th whole family is sick, but noi from love, like my illnein, and thtv will in over it, while I shall fill an early grave: but not till I hava made that girl and the telegraph messenger wish they were dead. Pa and I are gout'' to Chicago next week, and I'll bet we'll have sotni lun. l'a said 1 need a change of air, and I think It ia goiiiv to i IV to lose me. It a c hl ilay when 1 cet left anywhere that I can find my way back. Well, good by old potatoes." Peek's Sun. WEDDED BLISS "I am going liahing." The August sun was beating down in pitiless fury upon the brown bosom of the parched earth, and up from the meadows Unit lay to tin-westward of Dapplevalu the hum ol insects and the noisy notes of ihe grasshoppers came with wonderlul tlistitictneis to Meryl McCloskey, us the Blood in the door way of a modest little cottage, over whoso I fon I the honeysuckles and morning glories were climbing, their vivid hues lii inging out in all its beau ty Ihu pale glow of the girl's complex ion, while ihe little shalls of sunlight hat found their rvav here and there through ihe vines overhead weio not more rich in coloring licit) tint miss of gulden hair that fell over Iteryl's iiouldeis. They had been married neatly a wstik 1 Jury I unit (leorwe W, Simp- sou ami as tut) girl Hustled closti to her husband she felt an unspeakable or, a sense ol sweet content that could uuver Cade away or die so long as he was by her side, his strong arm around her corset. And vet on this Sunday il'tei ao.iti a Utile fettling of disappoint ment a soi l of I iiiit iiot-as-happy-aa-I-was a -WKi'k-ago Saturday sensation, had thrilled hers ml for an instant as the man whom she had rowed to love, honor and possibly break, spoke Ihe words with which tins chapter opens. 1 hidl been hoping you would go wilh me to Sunday schoo' this after noon, darling, Meryl said. You are such a favorite wilh the children and can manage them so well. Yes, he replied, that is very true, sweetheart; but, 1 am also unusually handy with a fish pole, and you know the full bite best on Sunday. Do they .' she asked, looking up to him wilh her pure young face, "How fun n v ?" U is, indeed, In licroun. (Jeorgs re lied, speaking with a grave tendet- ness that slioweil what a lovely liar he was, but we cannot, fathom the mys terious laws ol nature. We can silly accept thiMii. iNiddenly (Jeorge changed the sub ject of conversation I shall come hroni.li ti e village on mv way, he aid. l there anything I can get for you ? and he stooped and kissed the rosebud tuoiith of ihe one woman iu the world who had ever won his love. Die lillle head fell on his shoulder . There was a long, sweet pause, and then Iicry!, as if fearful that thu ecsla- which wis thrilling Ihrniioh her would slid lenly change to pain il she larnl look up or move, said solily : "Caramels." This was all. No need of explana tion between litem, and, as (Jeorge Simpson walked swiftly away with a ighl heart and a pocket, lull of bait, te felt the one cloud in the rose-liuted tori, in of his life was liable to slay there Chicago Tribune. A COON FIGHT. 8am Plggs and Hill Mandeis, two gentlemen of color, met at Ihc usual rotnt'i grocerv iu Anne Arundel Count j last week. Hill Sanders has a slight impediment in bis speech, pre facing bis sentences with "a a ty," which sometimes cause him trouble, an I Son lllggs is gifted with u ditubting mind fans free tongne. Sain," said BUI, "I was out huntiu' night- afo' l. sl an' coleh a a ty two coons up one lice !" Kore drS lord, Hill," replied Sam, "dat's nio' luck den any other nigger aver had Iu ills w oibl. 'I'cars to mi's if d.it statement sounds s'plclotts like. Speakin' giuer.illy on a pint like dat, I'm- monstrous apt to call It putty tall Iviti.' Hut belli' as kow its you I'll ax you if you ain't J d.iri' " A'o, sail ! I cotch a a ty two coons up one tiee, dst-.i f.lck ! all de aim (lat doubts de sialcinout is a..biediu' trouble for Ilia self!" 'Well, ef dat ain't lyia' Its w iggin' a pair of de falsest jaws of auy nL'ger hi de country !" "i"ako dat I" "Yon take dat !" When they were separated tiny both looked like they had been interviewed by a Kansas cyclone, each vowing to seek a sub-eiuenl meeting when they propose to settle "dat coon question accordin' lo de rules of tie code " HE WAS THE CHAP. AS MI'EI'TANT UltlllKliltooM's EXI'KUIEScn IS iiAitiim siioe. A good thing is related as having occuircd in a barber shop in a certain town In this vicinity recently, on the occasion of a too-too wed dlig. Well." and (he barber to Ilia usual rrowd o' loungers about nu ll n pise-, "I goe-s the oiir-Hig- mlaiig show will come oil Ibis cvru- "What kind of a show is thai?" Inquired a stranger In Ibe chair. "Oh, He re's la be a wedding in town," re plied the bilber. "Who is to be married ?" "Well, some (raveling man ant west is going totna'ry old Mia. Ilurnswoggle's daughter, they would have becn;nisirid a year afo, If it had nut been for the old woman. " "What was wrong wdh her!'' (ill she's a regular old tom-cat with gog glrs on. 8Ik' too pious to blow her nose, aud the Mlow is au out-an-oul Inlldcl." "And how have they llxed II, (list Iho mar r.tf is In take place u . !" "Well, lie's worth abaut 110,000, and who hadn't enough religion to buck against Ibat Hot it's lucky for hi in that lie litre a good way from the aid woman.'" The stranger was shaved, sod at Iho bar ber was brushing his coat, he imputed : "D you live Iu this neighborhood !" "No," replied Ihe stranger; "I'm fu'Oi tho wot. I'm Ike tallow that Is lo be merited Ihii a.eiii.ig !" Extraordinary feat of nature: Jumpiug from winter to summer without a aprlog. OUR POPULATION. A CHAP THAT WAS NOT AI.I.nttKI) TO ill. I .TP A lUtlTliSllKII. A stranger leaned over the bar of an avenue saloon the other day and whispei'ingly inquired : Partner, what i ihe population of tho United Stalis? Hard on to 50,000,000, 1 believe, was tho reply. It's over 4O,U0O,fJUO anyhow ? Oh, yes. You'll bet on that? Pd like nothing belter than to put up 110 on it. Well, you'll liav a ehance. There's a chap down in the shoe store who claims that wo haven't got 8 '.,000,081) population, and he is Mulling every body. I'll bring li i in up if you'll inaka a ln.i and take him down a peg. ISritig him along. The stranger went away and re ttitnod wilh the bluffer, who had no sooner entered thu saloon than he called out : Where's the man who says this country has over 40,000, ()t)0 popula tion? The salootiist modestly replied that ho was the man, and in less than a minute thu two $10 hill" were put into the hail Is of llie first caller. There's a new map in the store across the way, which has the last census figures on it, said the salonnisl, and all went over lo see the matter settled. TI.e figures showed that the iieer sell.rhad won by a laro-e majority, but nothing on that map, above, be low, nor behind it could tell what had become of the man who held the stakes. Indeed, it was only alter the one who had lost, had also skipped away that anybody realized that they were con federates. Then the victim slarled out milh a club to hunt the world over and reduce the population by one, but his search was in vaiu. "I DON'T LOTE GREENS " THE AWl'l l. 1)1 1. KM M OK A IMI.I Tlr I AN WHO wc.st i ai itnvii on scmiat. A prominent Maryland politician tells llie following good one on him self: "At seventeen I was a raw country lad and uxces-ively bashful I was madly iu love wilh Sally (! , a bright romping farmer's daughter. I detested giociis in shout llie sumo ratio that I loved Silly. On Sunday I mile over to dine at Sally's house. They had a substantial dinner with ! usual di-.li ofgiei'tis. Suddenly il Hashed 1 1 1 1 1 1 ine, while ihr l.ii ttn't' was asking his long Sunday bh'ss'iig, 'hat I should he asked Intake on.,. its, and 1 began to ask mv-elf it it would be polite to decline. The eoi.lliet ill my mind was terrible, I would rather have swallowed an ounce ol ipttnine than a plate of greens. Presently llie fatal invitation was spoken. In lo wildered di per.it ion I passed inv plate and was helped generously. I went to woik on the greens voraciously, seeing which thej fanner lielpcd tne again. Thu situation was becoming critical, but I managed to gulp them down. "I am glad you like kale, ,lolni," re marked llie farmer, "I think there is noiliing' like il, with good bacon." And he helped tne again to another dose of greens. I was t apidly Hearing' the end of my self control. I had been helped three times lo greens and had not as et swa! led a mouthful of anything else. When I had disposed of llie thi 'd dish ot greens 1 could not have found room for another ounce of lood it my life had depended on it In my exiremtlv I inwardly prayed that I would not be aski.'d to take gteens a fourth time. Hull was disuppoinlvd. a Looking up from his plate the farmer saw with as tonishment llial my plate was again empty. 'liless us. John !" said he, "have some more greens !" 1 glanced at Sally. Her lace was convulsed with lautihter. I hat was the last straw. Leaping from my chair I shouted in hysterical lreu.v : i.i;i... : i i .1....', i...... ..Uout) Ifl.iaU IL 1 A IIOII t 1,1.1- 150.1.1. and vanished from the farmhouse. Sally eventually manied a tallow who did "love" greens. A TWILIGHT I0VL- Fashionable edurutlon Is havluu its effect, at witness the following which occurred the ether ilny over ll.e Fatapsco : Two sisters went home from boarding school to anslsl at the marri.ice of ttietr broiher. 'l ew lr,ionlt and silence broodei over Hie room in which the hrailr h id leathered after Hi- eveuingr tneil. "Sister!" sudjailjr reinarked Uiss Jane, "why do you look so seminary ?" "I. a, sister! its beoutiss I feel so priinliiiiry !' simpered Susie. "Laws hev mercy on my soul !" piously ejaculated Ihe (rood mother, "how 1 do love lo hasr my d.itler) talk llial ci siniu oy !" Silence once inoro throw her tu mile down, the KloatnluK deeneneil without ami Ilia old fiiriner'a dsreil eyes stared at Ihe lite on tho hearth while bis mind went wandeilnir bvk lo the time ken the "i:ats" were not ao lili.li faltitin as they are in these dnya. rtTsicRii of tiik m..tniiEit SliiiKliiir, siniiitiiiK, Irrinlioii of the uriiiaiy 1) isiiires. ins. iim'iI ilisenilrees, euren oy uncoil' I a Im. S i ut dm kIsis. N. (!. Depot, J. I.' aiU.Mis, w iimiiiKtoii, c. ADVKUTISUMENTS. AYI.olt, KLLloTT a WATTS' Its, Wholesale Dealers Iu HARDWARE, CUTLERY OURS. AC. Cor. Ualn Street i Market Square, NORFOLK, Va: oct Mm AIiVKI.'TlSKMKNTS. f. i' '" r?:'':.. '.- ..I In. i. : i it i . . i 1 V. .. IL v ' : . I K . V-"''-'-l:--".'.i ' "'-I'- . et I.' 1 : I i' n ut s i: ;; ' s Iv. C E I : B it A T E D TIVOLI DEER for f;i m My use und V hi'pl'nr. M M un si-, oi, Norfolk, i. a" ii im i umii.. L,7wgrania lno xca.t superiority of I1R, BULL'S COl't HI SYRIT over allothcrcoitc.hi'ctiii-ilicii is ai'.cicd by the immense popular demnn 1 for that old Cat.ibli.--hed remedy. all Vat the Cure of Cot:.::li:, CohN, Hi)ar.-nc,!s, t'r,i:t A -thina. I'ioh cluiifi,Wii)0iing ('oti;;h, InciiciH Consumption and for the relief of rnli'-iililt it ie lii't-nti in nilv.-inreil starts of tho l)isc.iM l''or Sale! lit' ill 1 Iro-r.n.-le o-. W-Tsas) isSia.'j.' lc.'3rB'.''if CREAT BARGAINS. V' ,'ir ' now roeeivin r "itr new nn.l i Titifiil ond- r nttv jot -eh as-'.! ,.f 1 1,,- i,, mil f o-t nrers, let eorili'tllv invite von to call and rli.-m The larifosl and le:sl selected st,, oil of uoi.n wATviirs. SKI'S OK. I i;vi'.l It V. UW'H till i'KI.I-:i's. urn; ami or un .tl iv III M"Ml AM) sr. M. uiviis. si rrv r iter rn mi -n-iw. sol.ll) si.v.;ii . ins. I', i :: li s ,,. Tils r.esl t1() ttstor n it tl s, ( lock I'. V V. K I, l. t's Y'Olit.:'-- I' 1' liles-os j'li.t mi rve ,,ur vsli-M V ifelte-l I.M.I .l.-wetre r. ,e,i.. ,l l.e tl... I,, .-it workmen. l:ii r-:ivni ' in al le ! e - l i .i. i . v: N'i i!i!' t '.' ly !' '.-e -loi e -. V.l . . - r -iv iu's?;-' ' ,. j ; 4--st:- e , ' i.o i.-t ii r. ii I ; ' -:t ? ' j n-,..: t r i- . . 1 U'Cl.,1 I., I V'...; , !?l.'l'l. MO '.)'.. no l or -.it' to in-. A. K. S ly ,11. r t llro. rL -;';:'SiiX-.,:': ! V: u r-v .-J V 2 ii- I T.',. i i . n '' !;: f-vrV-:, - -sr O DC H 7 . ,T,::i 0,ImewTome SEWING MACMiiiE CO- ai. si?) jvi-o;-i.a i- . 1 1 .Tce.i.t,'i w 'Mi i ii.ii.n.y CHICAG0.ILL.' ORANGE. MASS. Akin ATI ANTA . 1-5A T, J. I.6T0KE. GEKE8AL AOiN A'.l .AV.7, X. C. ai r.Odm K 1. 1 O M K It K s T A IRAN T, james joE3, p;opsiEroit. No. 91 West Main St,, Norfolk, Va. I.ynnlciYcn Oj iters by the barrel. cct Mm. CITE C( , : I rfrw fr''Ty T 'f ' fteti l''i"i- ''i" i' . - v .-tJ.-'SuS Le'U'ai' iwej M wmmsm PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ty ii. r.i.i.ioTT. Kloriiry iiiul Counsellor mt I.sivr, KOitlOLH, VA. Room -mid : Vii'Klniaii Ttuildiug. oct S ly JJMINCH 4 I1HI.I.. T I' OK K Y H A T LAW. KNK1K1.1), N.C. rrii 'tlces in tlie counties of Halifax, Nash K,l;, emnlie and Wilson. Colleetiona made In all fsrlsof llie Slate. jau 1J tf. li II. SMI I'll, JR. 1 1 trroKKV AT MW, S'ol'l,NII NCK. llAI.IPAX ('t)UNTV N. (' I'r ie'l.' M In llie county of llallfav, ami ailjoiu in eniotios, and In Hi" Supreme eotirl of ihe siit'. . Hly. M il It I Z . II It, W IOIIVIIV AT I.Art, IIAI.II' W, .V. C, iiille,. in tl,.. t'.oirt House, sipiet ntteutlm .riven lo ail tirauehesof ilte rofoi.oti. i.iii U ly 'JSI.)MA. N. Illl.l,, AtloriK'j at Law, H VI.IK X, . I'. I'i i t'c. i in ll iltlin end adjoining ruunlle in t t-',',"ril nod siiirem mrls. Will I" at Seoiluni .Neek, once every fort ni.ht. ntitfVSlf II V. M A S O N I IOItI.V AT 1.1 w, li MlY.Sllt'KU, N. C. I'rieti,'.. in to ' court, of .Nortltaioiii and .id i 'in in r e on ii ties, also In I tin Perioral ami nii fl'e nee, ,. iris. June Blf. 1. T K H K. Il A N I K l illoi ncj anil oinitt llor At I ns, w i: i. iidv, k. . I'l-n.-t iiMv-i In ilniifan nn.l adjolninir eountlea. Sp vial .uteniioii iriven to eolleciions II til Cirts of Un. .state und i.roiniit returns made, fell, n I y W. II Villi, a rrintNKY i : i.iw, WELDOX, N.C. si al attention iriven to collections and rein'itimees promptly made. 1 1 it v III. It. K. U IIUNTEK, S I It ii i: ( MKUIsT, rcr. Can 1)0 fount! ut hia nlllcs in Fnllolil, I'uro XitriiimOxiilo (Ins lor t tin Pain less Kxtniotinit of Tooth, always on hanil. Juno tl. M. lll l.l.F.N. JOHN . UOOMIt I. I. It! N .V M O I) II li, ATTOItXKYN AT LAW. II.VI.1P.VX X. I', tiee tu tlie counties of Halifax. Xorlhami,. M l'ra. Inn. K ,reiil" I'.Hli't- III IIIIV I . e nnli i, I'm nud Miirlln In the Ku e.oirt ..f Ihe Stale ami in the Pederal ..fine Kasierii Disiricl. Collections tiiada pari of Hi.-stale. Jan 1 ly V. J. N A W . 3AKER & CONFECTIONER. ' EL DON, A". C. .V Very Inrite supply of akes, CrieUers, candles, Prenrh anil Plain, lUisliis, Priiils, Nuts, sc. I'll,' largest stock of Toys of every variety ever oroui,-ii to una tuaraei. orders for candies, cakes, c, fllleil at short -t notice at Northern prices. Wc.lilinv and other part les sunnlled'as cheap is the clloilnHt. iHtt u ly. Is".. 1SSS. tlX KUIH vflltRI.K WORKX, (Kstablished InlStn) 7 syeimiore st reel, opposite Hallfal, Ihlt-llSnUUG, VA. Mouiiint'iils, Tomb, 4'roaNFSt, II vutlsf onrej aud UritiCHtouea .if every deserlnt Ion uiadn lo order rancln in I'l'ieo I'roui .'t up. Designs sent i.y mill in nny nddltss, wltn poat UK, slumps I'lieiosed for I'elurti. ar-) li -ii orders are received, the work la pra I'linnl and loruurilcil. if It does not cive pvrfaet .aitfiielloii. ptirt'lins.-rs are n-quesled U) roturn it my expens, payltiK Irelnln both waye. l.oiioi prici s and cheap freights guaraulocil. j 1 oiii"poitueiivv .oiieiied fiom ait Milium.. (HAS. M.WAUtU. npr. is ly. W- W- II A LL. 7 lire Hud Llie IuNumnce) 4xet, Can bo found in tho Roanoko News Offla. Wsliiok, N.C. E X P S B 8 VJS 1 8 , New York TTndorwrltem, " " Agricultural" of Walerfnvm, N, T. Weaiern, ef Toronto, Canada. Paiulleo.of Tarhoro. N. C. Lvnehhurir, f l-ynehbunr, Va. Kaultable Life luauranaa Os. ot V, T. Willi place rlsksJIu'.Uty otttWMiOOIniiaiiT at low aoXvraUs. Jtu?aij l taswa , -a a 5!

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