fHfl ROANOKE NEWS. THE ROANOKE NEV'S AI'VKIVnsiNQ RATES. A IHJMOCRATIC rn ff S K K L V N K W S P A PEL, s M SPAI'E PUKLISUlil) BY HALL & SLEDGE. C I O I S IHI fi uo 8 till 111 (III IS on a fc-a 5 uu Sqiiate, WO Mll.tri H, bret' , 1 . 1 1 1 M -1 tur so,itnra-s, hi rl li tho'ai. M (IU 10 (JO 15 00 1 00 '2 1)0 M no 0) on an oo 2Ui I U ! (10 20 00 SO 00 40 00 4b 00 to on II., ('0 y,if. Ill advance, sj, M mths, -Ti,rl, M intlts. ? fin 1 mi 71 -tw VOL. XI. WELDON, K C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1883. NO. 41) tati (fiiiniii, I'll Oil t 3(1 III) I 10 (10 bote t. Iiiitiii, One nir, "o 10 Roanoke HE EWS ADVERTISEMENTS Fo' Dyspepsia, Caistlveiir-ss, Kick Headache, Xfos '", Jiuandlco, .liipuruy oi mo Illooil, IVviTiind fAgaio, Mnlni'lu, und all Discuses t-auHcd by teitmoot C liver, Dowels and Kidneys. srmr'rois or a msiuarcn i.ivkr. M Bnatk : 1'ain in the Side, sometimes (lie a It fsk under the Khtaiklcr.huidc, mistaken fer itheuuira general less of appetite; Iltiwclt Kon'y costive, ttrneli:nc nlttrn.niiiR with lax; if yi is troubled with p.tin. is dull mid heavy tntji coatKlcrable loss nf nn-mnrv, nc.cnr.pair -d ns:alialulsvris.-iti'.n of leaving tindnni: turned, ini; asWIi oht to have been dune: a slight, dry otnyS and Halted fact it tomcliincs an atunu.int. uttea urt.ikfn fur consumption ; the i.,iiini uunpUnt eftrsrincst nnd debility; ltuvotiB,e.ii;y t. titled; fex mW bnrn.ni;, sometime a prii-ld- urination gf lit tloa txittt; spirit arc low ui.d i!iiuni!ent, ttW.iMwusiKUhfied that tsrrrisr w. ul.l i- bene. r !, ytt m can hardly summon tip furiii-iilc to f fcrt, distrust every rrini-ey S-verid 4 akm symptom attend pie diicaso, hut curt last wMirmd wlies hut few of them earned, yet tMv.ti aker death hai shown lU 1.1 VP r (a fatR twit extvMivuly deranged. It should bo used !y nU persons, old una yousff, whenever any of tho nln. ve eyruptoms uppoar, rwionn Traveling or Living In Cn hfSHIiy Localities, bv Inking a do occasion tf " Isver in healthy action, will avoid a4 It starlet, lillion attacks, Diz-ines, N mi tt,, Ufowaiacsa, Deprtssiea of spirit etc It fl iatiaweM like a glass of wine, Out in nn In teticatlns heTeruge. Tf Ti bare eaten anything hard ot flotation, or ktl heavy af. ;r meals, or steep. hH tl nig.il, lake a dose and you will be relieved. fhae and Doctors' nill will be saved by always keeping the Regulator lit the Rouse t Tor, whatever the ailment mav be, a tharouphly Hk pnrtratlve, alterutlve and tmir tan l;tr be out of place. 1 he rtinedv i hnrmleiui wi.'l rtiws not Interfere with litiainets or pleasure. . .n? rCBKtT TKOHTAni.15, Al ha aH the power and eflicary of llalomel or Quuune, without any of the injuiuus afier eil'tLlj. A rVirernnr's Testimony. S.miioot l iver K.gulator ha ken in ute in my ''T. ,'."mc "m:' I1,ul 1 !1 "alislied it il a nuuable addition to the medical science. J. Gill SnwrriiK, Uovcrnorof Ala. rioTi. Alexander II, Stepliens, of fla., Jtrt: Have derive;! some benefit from the ute of Ji.ont Llwr Regulator, aud wish to cive it a mrlher trial. "P nW Thing thai never full to 1 have used m:inv remedies for l)yt-r-tiiy I-iver Aftction and l)cbility, hut never J-t Toima anythint: to benefit me to the extent lament Liver Regulator has. 1 sent flora Min. Piwtt t Georgia for it, and itould send further for JMa twditine, and would advise ail ho aie sim JiHy tloctad to give it a trial as it teems the only '" vr fails to reltet e. P. M. Jannbt, Minncapulit, Minn. Sliwon says t Trom actual ex tiWiet In the use of Simmons l.iver KrsuUtor in my iractice 1 have been and am satisfied to use J prescribe it as a purgative medicine. t'ifTtt- only the Genuine, which always -a tlit Wrapper the rctl Z TraileOIin k i BsftMire of ,r. II. ZEIUN & t:. SALE BV ALLJIRUnniSTS feu 61 yl "UPPEY &. ST 1! E L, M A M y F A C T U f. K 11 S UF Eiigines, 7'vbacea, Ilaij ami Cotton Presses, SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, MILL IRONS, l'lows, Iron and Brass Cnslltigs. sepij ly Potersbitr " g 0 U T II IC K N II O T S L, S.U. IIH KKVS, Proprietor, II AM FAX. N. C. R'nnod.ri.niliitod and tlinrciitirhlv an-attirei' lor en nfi.rt I'alilos Miippln-d from Xnrfollt sail Wiliniiilou ma' hois- tin d a r.-iinia aim Sood faro, ijouifoiiahle rooms for all. Ilnvo ntin a I. Ivors' S'niiliV wlter" liornes art promotlv attended to, vohielox hlrod out of fin 'ti thie tertusi to parties wisliiiiK tliein. rjan l;)lv Invalid', broken down In health and spir its by ehroitic. dyspepsia, or stillVrinn from llto trriilile rxliutistion that lollows Ilia attacks of aeule disease, tha testimony of thousands who have been raised as by a miracle from a similar state ol pros tration lV Hosteller' (stomach Bitters, is a sure guarantee that by the sama means you, too, nitty be strengthened aud le.-dored. , , For sale by all Dntpgists and Dealer generally. 1 W. li UANDY k SONS. t o nn s i o k k c n r , Norfolk, Va. Oct 3 Cm. K bTp AT TTi A. MOOIK :o: Ollci a to the public :o: AN ASSORTMENT OF MlUlnery, Notions, Fancy Gools, Toll t Articles. tadies Furnislilng Oooda, 4c. CHEAP rOK CASH. MRS. M. A. MOORE, Mnltk1 Brick Wgck. WeldoniM.c. t&lIUiAfJ ft v. 1' win r;?i VP CUIBRfiTEO rf?? R !n -n S NIGHT Tho pale mid silcnf night H;ne it her matd'eo'er In burttin.t Went, And Htilied the I iiiiull of tho woild of light Heoji into rost, On tlark and leaden iditines. Th't Itviliglit ilroinm atliwart tho elo.ln,, .1.- Viid In the g ithor tit! wlldertie-s of glooms ' ller Mhatlowslio. And from tho mUly strand, l'hc zephyrs Honting Idly forth aie driven On li.c ve.l, wli.T.', d in mid d.tttnt, staod The hills of In aven. And, break lug from repose, I he slurs down quivering ti,rou,-h tho dusky sjt'een. lliitut; tho l-earotts of the airy close Willi light serene. The Kobl'Mi lustre dim, The ciccoiit lino ii Is hovel ing on high. Il.T pale liulr ilriftl'U slowly n'cr trie rim Ol Inehliio stliy. Ui iie ith the hounding arch, I watched th glowing cycles as they run, All pasltnf in a griinil Iritiini lial march To meet the fun. And so I wall alone Until the glory of the night has ceased. And the red eagle mounts his blazing throne In the farKnst. Written for the Roanoke Nkw's. LOIS' CHOICE. II Y AUNT JUDY. "Gold, gold, gold, gold, Good or l"'i t'mus.tiid fi!d, lltW widely itsag -nci.'S vary." Two pretty, li ely girls wero siitlns In my Detit IttliesHiin-rooin, liiisilv engaged in dis cu.ssini a ple-nie lo -om olttht! next day ut in oitl, r .iiietl iiiiiiior-lioust'. "Are you (,'tiini; to ride with Mr. Wynne, Lois?" iii'i iiietl ill-,; youu'ei- girl. "He asked me last eveniiis;, I did not prom ise tl lmlle.lv, but I suppose 1 will." "1 guess ill. liters will be arranged, before y hi li tut n, for every one can see lie only w its a favorable opp rlunlty to ask you lo liusMiue Mrs. Wyntit:." "I slintild like wry iiittcb lo bo rich," said Lois hi usii LT 'y. "Wh it n mercona-y young person you are L '." cried Alice Da) I on. "Hut. Luis does nut mean what she eaja Alice," I put In Just here. "Vis I d.i aii'ille, every word, and more. I do not believe in tn trrvliu for l"e. Oi'y pnVeiiu people make loieuiutcliei tiow-a-dajs and we I bred people have found t Is it, obselele paeslon no longer nccess iry In a liarinoiilons nianl.ge. In this advancing aee of the nine teenth century, when we receive a proposal, we do tiol v oiisull our hearts, bill lake au In ventory of t he gem Ionian's proper: y, and if we Hud It asjrees Willi our Idea of a proper set tlement, we accept him." "Wliat onliugcuui la'k. I. l do liush," ex eiiiiut'il Alice, 1 You know It. Is the truth, Aliee. Half Ihe in ol hi tiuiiriages are exa lly us I have stated, mil It Is a very good way ton Love Is a mis take I think, mid I uareu w.th '" I'Oel "Where when the gods wonl I lieeruel, Do they go for a toilureV-vli"i'e Pi ml Ho. f. set piiti as -i jewel Not in the II sh not there. In Hi he.ri. Is t ic pre.f 01 the goil.s, Wlio crucify hearts, n it nan. Is." lionised up iiickly, detecliii)f the bitter pain in the ewect '.ones. I had known for .oinu time there was a Blrugele in her heart, and I determined to save her, if possible, from oal.lt. g gliipwrtek of her life's happiness, lirollgh ambitions lonolng for wealth and po sition. Of all the ill 'it, site had ever met, i knew lli.it Hugh Hioinplt n alone had touched ner heart. Uut ha wits poor and proud too iroud, lo ever tell her of his love, though he ictrayetl il in looks and tones. He had heard ler scoff at love, and avow her iuteiitioti of uarriiiit; wealth only, to determine:! ucve. to uller the bitter mor. location of ar jecliou nt Her hail 1-. I buho the silence thai Hind the ouill lifter Lois finished sp. al.liu, t y a-k u - till Is, would you Ilka lo bear the story ot a dear filctid of my girl hood? "Yes, do tell us untitle," they both ex laiieid. "1 leached her home Hie ctcninit before her Wedding: day. We had uol met ill neirly a yeir, an I you girls cuu linai;iiie how much we ittd to s iv to each other. It was Ute at night re we UnishcU discii-simr the iiup.irluut event tocoaieolfn xt diy. My dear Kthel," 1 ro- nirked, after wo had sal silent for a long tunc, "Do you know, 1 lUinK y u are grea ly hauged alncu 1 saw you last. It is ul that you are less beautiful than of yore, bul there is an undellnable tomcthiiiR in your face, a shadow in j our eyes, as If somei secret gun was preying on your mind, l.ooki.ijf at you, I a'li for. ib!y reminded of the Hues 'I'll1 mouth Willi steady aweetuess set. An. I e. s conveying unaware Tint distant hint "I some ie,irt Thai harbored th re. It adds a new charm to your loveliness my lear, but it also gives mo the uucomfoi table liiitiression that your heart is bleeding. If I were the expectant gloom 1 should object to h- sad, regretful bulk lu your eves. Are you ml q ute happy ' clo re 1" never sh ill loigct inu Iook on her lac- a. slie lurtietl to inc., so u.-ipiesa, so uospa.iMi o. its nt r misery. lia py ! liood heavens Meg. Why, if y iu oul ,liow h il I fell. Hi)' uller wretelie 111 V i voiild not won ler at. my aadt.oss; his ni'. l liter sa.lue s, that I llu.l itcip.isi dt! to rlia.se ill, and tha f il s on my lie..ri u id eni-li s i1 s bun wou d." aiie w r.lne.l in ller tdlter agony, uu I f.illin.' tn her knee, bil led her face in the ol .ushioii of ihe cii.dr. I went to her and drea 0 r in o tny iii ins. My poor during, what i It? You can nisi me with your iroub e." "It will bo a relief to t -ll you, my dear. It is after all a icry old inry, but you see tha' 1 to hot nuke nt v heart ache less." Nest ed In my ai in, she i"l I ''' "II. Her lodytug love tor a man who had only Ms ten -der, lining heart and tlrotig bravo bands to , llcrlii-r, 8hea-kodn ore th in this, she ;lotled 111 the possession ol this brave noble heart, whose love, she. knew, would make lo r ife rounded, complete. But f ile was irucl, n -..oih.r'. worl.llv. ambitions snit came t. iwerii hit and Iter beautiful d catu of love . i ... I, .we r iw as et.rlv tlij iil.-sed without li I knowledge, ehe wa carried t fashionable t untiiiT resorl, and tlnowu Into a maelstrom of worldly tUstipaiion, U wai beta met the gentleman whom she was to marry. fho ro Blsted her tnnlher's ceaseless perseculloti a long time, nt last, Bulling resistance useless, nil!? appealed to the gentleman himself, telling him of her love,for another. Uut her mother found a kludied spirit In her prospective lon-In-laiv, mid both together were too much for her, she stie. uiiihed to fate, ller face was as us while us death, when she raised her head from her chair, and a despairing light burned lu the large, sad eyes as she spoke. "Uut it does not much ssatter now. About a mouth ago lie caught a dangerous fever In trying to alleviate (lie suffering! of a poor old trump, who mine to tl.u hospital where he was pruc II Ing, (he was a doctor) nnd lust week he died. Oh my darling, It will not be long be fore y.mr Kthel comet, and we will not be sepuatcd lucre," She fell back fainting and for a moment, I thought her spirit hud Indeed gone to meet lllm, but I Was mistaken. Mle revised and licit day I saw her idler., I up a lactlllce lo Ihe iiiolock of fashionable a ni ly. Mlie looked bcauiiftil a an augel lu her bridal robes, uu.l only once did the sweet voice falter and the p ile Hps q liver, when she promised to "love, honor, aud obey" the man at her tide. ller mother triumph w as complete, bul long dbl it last, lu one short year her daugh ter was carried to the grave, and a few tuuiiths uftcr Ihe widowed husband lost his all." I.ois knelt at my side as I finished speaking. "Auntie tl. it ling, It is my mother's story you have Just told me. I never heard it nil before today, but gr. mania tdd tue wli. u papa died, that in auu and he w re not happy together. I thank you so much for the less m y.iu have taught me and love, shall be my eh ike instead of wealth, if aud the blushing face was hitl on my lioulder-"if aoiuehody will only let me choose." Lois was allowed lo chouse, I pn sum , for lute in.it evening as 1 pustvd the parlor d"iir, I glau e I ill aud saw a tatdcau. Lois standing m ar the window, with her beaming, happy lac-, looking up into Ihe dark manly one bent ali ne her, with such a v e.iltli of e.vo and ten derness glowing in his eyes. 7'o strong anus were nr. mud her, and as I passed on I saw Hugh liro. upton bend his handsome bead, aud pre.s a lover's kiss on Lois' trembling Hps. HVIMJ A LOVLll. A motherly old woman, considerably troub led with the asthma, and als I nine, called at the Twentieth Street Station tho olhci after noon lo state her ens'. Mie made the ser iteaut In charge place Ins hand on a copy of Brown's graiiiin.tr whli h happened to be lying there and swear I hat he would never tell any b ly, and then sin; began : "I have a daughter." ' Yes." "And tny il.iue.hter has a beau. "Perfectly natural." "l'h.-yare eng iged, ami the wedding day has been set three times, but he fliinLs out of t every time. The llrst tliuu he claimed that Ills fither wus dead; i he sec ml time he was afraid he had smalt pox, and Ihe third tl ill", which was yesterday, he s ld U would bring bud luck to many when a comet was visible. No then I don't like this fooling around. When me an I ihe ol I man were ready to marry we w.ik doverto the ininist r and were Jlued without any backing out or beullug utouud," "Well?" "Well, I Want to bring this young man to limp. Fact is, he's either g it to come up to the rack or Jump the fence." "Yes, he ni ist." "I wniiled to ask how far I could go lu the case. Suppose, after he arrives to-morrow evening, I walk into the room with a pistol in one hand and a minister of the gospel in the ollur? Wouldn't thai precipitate a climax' i think so." "If he really loves Susie I think hi) would a'liiid up and be married. If he is only tooling around he'd jump through the window, woul l't he ?" "Looks that way tn aie." "II, I1, I'd Iry It. I shan't indulge In no three's yo i know. I'll hold the pistol care I 'ss'y in inv I ft ban. I, and hang to the inlul -lor car, le-sly with the other, nnd I'll si nply remark that there's either going to be a mar r age or a skip. I tlilul lint Wtl'iain ail: in ti ry. It's in y opinion Ma', he is wailing for t little coerce when I get started." 'Well, don't break the law. "Oh no" no ! If he skips I shan't tin any shooting. I'll li t the dog cite him a run across the cnjiui'ins un. tend the minister home. I shall be as cool as it c, and il wid be all over in live minutes." Yestvrd iv William and Susie were taking their tour on Itie elegant new Michigan avenue two horse street cars. 71)' young man had bceu coerced. D troit Vee ir.n. A PRISON PICTURE- live, liana," lau .'hcd a liltl '1).M,,1 Clliltl HS i er mother lieltl her up that flu might kiss her lather throiii.'h the r ruled -loot- of the city prison yesler d iv. "I ).n I by-, an. I liuriy an, tuin lurk. Is all h i men iloin' with my papa?'' she conl intitttl, g.iing in on ihe rougli looking piisnin-rs who were crowding n-'ar the door "if on is, dood live evrryb idy, and lum right 'oacl a i l son v em' lil I e girl, loo." I'll, 'il sin1 el l. II .it-red tl iw I all I r,l IW.i ,, wild. ' I li l-ig i t tall door i lo.e.l alter her, a- a siillen i l.ui I .l:ir!s"lis tl.t siiiiiig!tl. T lis did it ciil.il, wiih he i iMiior.eol, praille, looking in upon an alking lo a group f Hardened im-i was a pr-i I v scene. A she pu1. In I il I It- lane against lit, liars and kis I'rpipi, lite wretches w.Uiiu tin: jii't.so i coiiiil not resirain lh"ir tears Men Wine, i here whos1 lives had been hi the darkest side of existence, who would hesit.,t- at scarce y any crime. wiiohc L-ha ' u:iers were har-lened itiel eoiriiptftl b- si i and dcbatii hery; yel a simplu lilt'e s cm l.ke the ab.-ve, :i lew prall.iug vvtiid" of a eliild, reaelietl down thi-iiigh every covering anl Ion Tied ih Tr bet er emotions. Il kin-led within them lingering memo ries ot other aii.l belief days, an-' siiived nn the little remaining senti in f il t, of m inhooil, husbandhootl, fill her hotnl. Th t vi-it of the child left an i ttpi'pssioii on I hose men ami opened t leir hearts to belter reto ves. A tie vole vVIku tw-. pcu,,u ijret to Ret married. THE COLORED PROBLEM- BY BILL A IIP. Tho darkey ix i enriourt problem Willi uu down Stmili. We know him ami miilt'riitiind him, lint lite coiiun diura Unit puzzles in whut i.s jroi ng to become of him. Urn Htak- of nl:i veiy didn't huIvo it, and gixleen years of fi ced oni liitH thrown no light upon it. The expel iment of educating him hist lit't-n fairly tried mid is :t t.iilutv. Before thtf war there were 140 while in the Georgia penitentiary und only 40 iiegrofH; now theft) aru 180 whiten and l,40t negroes, and the records kIiow that over l.'.'OO if them are under 30 year tjl ujre and inoro than one half of tin-in can rend and write. Near ly all ihi-old iiet'oe win) were trained to industry and irond innialx aru alid la vv-uliidiMo eili.eii mnt n'tve us no trouble, but ihe next enera'ion, to whom ireetlom came in their early youth, have it l i p-tt-il into nil the viees uf tlieir fofe-l'aiheris) in Africa, ami are I tst lu't'tiitiiiie' ;i curse upon our laud. lit! is lazy and indolent by nature and does nut concern himself about to tuoir.iw if lie has enout; u eat to d iy He speutli all h-- gets tor tin veriest trilles, ainl always enj iys what lu ;ets for his money. lie lays up imiliiii; I -r a rainy day, or for old aoe, or fur his children. If he i.s loo lazy to work or can't get employment, lie has no hesitation about (stealing enoiio;h to gratify his wants. They will go to Hireling and sing and nIiouI and pray ami sweat lill I2 o'clock u Saturday night, and steal ennti-.li be fore' day to -lo them all tlay Sunday. Stealing neilher violates their Con science nor their religion. Hut the negro will nut Kteal any big thing. I have been wtiiing ol the negroes as a race, not as imli vi.lnals, for there are exceptions in every locality, and il is not uncommon torus to say: "lie is a ootid negro." There aru also some thrifty uegioes who accumulate money and pit petty, but tliey no more mark the rare than the miser marks lli Anglo Saxon. Our best plnla,illuo pisls have nought to reform them by educating iln-m, but the experiment has prove. I ill, tl l he more education the more indolence an I iusoleui't1, ami tlioiiiiiroiva.lv t indulge in all ihe vices ol the wlnle race ami to disre gtr.l I heir virtues. The best elualed uegioes ate always polil ieiaus, mil la orri s nor mecliauics, and they make a precarious living by playing between lh" pari ies at elections and buying and stdlinvT the colored vote. Now what is to become of the negro ? Can any of your re.t.leis answer the conun drum ? Wo like him as a laborer and a domesliu servant, but as a polilician or an office holder, a juryman or a vagahon.l, In- is a humbug and a curse. sm:i iiy iiisM tsMiiis. The editor carries a beautiful slip of p i per when he travels, lie shows it to the suave conductors and they till admire it. It has the editors own name on it, writlen in Ins very host Suiiday-go-to n tin' style That is what llic conductors particularly like lo see, and l hey like il so inuc1' that they want him lo wiito il again in ex act I y tin same line style. The other day the editor exiiiitcd ihe liiMitlilul chirography, ami the eon dticioras usual irtpiesled him to tin plicalff it in another place. The edi tor knew he had never written iu that slyle bel i e, a id never sli oil 1 again, but he lil his level best. The conduc tor shook his lo a, I. lloii'l coriespoinl, ho muttered. I'm si I can do, said the editor. D you suppose I c m tl ish iitfanO pages per tlay and ke p up the Sicn. crian system tat penmanship? I,a vtau sttp po.te I can write like thai will) these c ars of yours banging away nt my el bows ? Don't correspond, repeated the con luctor, ominously. Diyoti imagine thai I'm not the cdiian' nt' tins paper ? asked ihe editor iltawuig out a gilt eilgetl eard ami a copy of the News. May be a sub, suggested the eon- IllCltll. Do I look like a sub, inquired the editor, iiiTijjianlly, pointing to Ins dollar ili.imoo.l shirt sltbls ami linger r n.' It at I a-iin praivB my identity, ha ul. led with a tint, kle of satisfaction. II.- whipped aaiit. a bright pair ol .i,.,os and a-ornm -tiet-l sla-hing up fi it newspaper into ai'lieles at such a rale that in two sa-c.in,s the wliola p iper wku'iI have been c .liveried iul - .py. ! that lor. s w i ai", ext'lai'itetl the nilint'iy. There isn't the tg ,lat-t d uibt in my mind. Yon can .ravel mi tins line as long as I am eon itietor ami there' a rail mid a piece if theetiLtine lelt. Keokuk News. His Ukason'. "Why alid you shoot your sou ?" was asked by a judge ol in Arlsiiiisaw negto. "It were dis way, jedge," replied the colored gt-iilla-inan, "I hail enough oh T il chile uu' p ii ted from him, ami kno viu'ilal urnler de law tUr wan't io ilivoree from de relalitmship, uu' kn iwin' all ale tima -lat we aiiighler be Teatiiially siperaieal I p-s' eornclutlcal ter kill tie young Teller ler keep down my -lisi-n-sion. I It qies, sail, dul my 'sp lentil mi is satislactory, etiso I wo. l.ln'ter shot him ef dar had been anv sia-h tiling as a divorce," Music should ilwajs ue wntteo upon no'a paper. LITTLE REBEL A00OD STOUT OK WHICH ORNKttAL MEADE IS THE HE no. When In comtnana at AHatits, General Meade was very popular, und visited the high est clrples of southern society, and was a par ticular Welcome guest at the house uf Or. Lawiche'f parents. A bright, pralillng lltl e girl ot live years, of neighboring fumilr, under the InOuence of her old nurse, had Im bibed a mortal feur und haired of Ihu "terrible Yanks." One evening at a social gsthctui a young lady present, lu a spirit i f niis. bb f asked (niim( tmble "What are you?" "I'se a webel," wus the quick reply. Well, who's e Yank !" was the neat qncstloi.; nnd before am one could Interpol'' the ihll.l answered "Ob Meade." The goo l-nalillt d general lauglm: heartily at this, und taking Ihe i III d on lib lap for she w very fond of lein-told liei thai ha was "Old Meiile." V'he child looklnf tulsi Ills face, 1 1 an iin red ibms trie-, asked : "Is yoii "O d Metide ?" "fin 'Old Meaae !' " 7'h' ll followed a sili'Cel-toil of the scream a the child itrugile.l to release herse'f, while the gen ral was romuU tl will, lauglitei Standing lu ihe middle of tha ronn, nnd look Ing the general straiglu lu the f o e, her little for n quivering with anger and exeiietn. nl sh" stamped h,T feet end Slid: I ha'e you. -O d Meade,' I h ate you !" Every one ite-en save the gallant Stddicr fell tl. ip y moii.lbd lie tie ier failed to liiii,iru uller his euciiiy, mid wtiu'd scad her priseuts. She would unci hi ill on the streets uftcrwaid, bill could uevi t be induced to addr ss him other hail ' How do you do, Od Meade?'' Finally the little one's prejudice wor uWay, an I, iiieel ng 111 soldier one day, In a meek voice, seaicely an ilitde, saluted him, ' How do you do, g, nera, ;" "No, no," said Meade, turning quickly, "I'm not licucrai Mead. . 1 m only 'Old Meade!'" they eventually but-aiue veiy warm fiiciuls. MUZZLE TO MUZZLE ' A widow young and nan some, nil you say ? Yes, sir, and at brave as a lioness and skilled 111 the use of lire- rant loo. Kxpbimition: Tom Archer, brother of Dr. V. A. Archer owner of the famous dog "Sam Jones," which he told III T-ias for one bundled d dials cash, wus out with una end dog amu day for a Utile sport III a Held not far from llouslon, when he ispled a figure which seemed to he making htiriied slept directly towards him, a nearer upproach of which sliow'eal It to be a woman with a gun ill her hand, t'uiphlsios Tom qillle uu unepectetl plcusu e - beautiful lady coaup miiei lu my .-sporl in-day. Wh.-u in speak ing .lis unci-, the l.aalv cxclb-dlr and In the tons' perciuii'ory manner, ordered Tom to quit thi ll Id in double i sick time, or she won d shoot him. Am zed, l oin called lor a parley, w lnu lite order tai leave, and the 'Incut to shoot bi n, If hi- did not were repealed over more tlercely than ever. The bold Tom nothing tlaiinled, Blood his ground manfully, 7'huarillcal mo ment hail arrived. In a louder voice, I'iiiii broke forth, see here, Molaiii, bueiute you n if a woman, you'ie no right to shoot me. Your shot can hurt as bad us mine and I! you nt teiiipi to shoot. I'M shoot loo, and as quickly us you can -I tell you. I uut not aware of do lug wrong. It I am trespassing on posted I. mil I ana Sony b-r il ui.al will letlra bin I am not going to lesseii the al'gultv und character of a g.-titleiii.iu which my iippeuianco and iiuuin-r sulllt it-nil j rove me lo be, by sh amcfiilly run ning aav.ty- not a bit of it, und he forthwith wullit d olT from lit- se.-ue of action, keeping, haiwcVi r, a sharp lookout am the cnciny. Lata -r advices aie lo the ell'-cl, that the pa -tics have somehow accidentally met foiiucd uci'i-iititanee unit it tn iy be wrath Is luried into lovt ami us t'om is we l-tn do, hindsotu aaitl p 'pillar, there is no foreseeing what may be the result of then liisi verv thieaieiiitig and warlike iutcrvb w, when the churning widow (!., o sii.uyly old-red In n to lev.-. May be she was Joking tli.-n. t'om didn't think so. Enough for the present. N. Vki.dos, N. C, Feb. 7, 1SS3. TO III; I'OM'ISCKtl. DOES THE WORtuWISSAmOliE- An exchange gives Ihe liilliiA'iiag ti'iilhlul an, I l.-iii: i In 1 ansivi-r to lh ab-iva tiieslion : Not. long I he best ami most useful of us will so ni he for giifen. Those who to- lay are liilino alugepla-'u in the world's rega-d will pass away fiaiin the ri-iua'inbrauee ol man in a lew months, ue, at ll,e fitrtlie-,1, in a lew ycais after lha' grate is cova-ia al -iver ihe loiii.ti iis. We an-dia-lding tears above a new-math-"rive and wildlv crviug out in our grta-f Unit our loss is iricp irahln; yet in a shon tinie lln leu. litis ot love h ive t-nlwiueil arotui'i oiner supports tuni wa! mi longer miss tho one who is gone. So passes the world. Hut thi'ie are those to whom a nass is le yond repai '. There are men whose niem ones no ivmnan's smile can ehast- awa reeollecti ms of the sweet lace that ha given up all its la.auly at death's ia-v louch. there ure women whose plighied fit.it li extetiits lieyond lh grave, anil tlnves away as prolam iltose who wonl.) enllcu lliein horn woiiship uf thtir Itiai i 1 1 lute. Sin loyalty, howa'ver, is hidden nvvay Iron Ihe pulilli' ga.'.e. 1 lie Man hi swe, iu lie-l lr .Hid .iltiiili I them, nnd call' not lo look upon unoUru.iiiig giirl it turves a line ami rears a stone over the dead, and hastens uw.iv lo oiler homage lo the living. A KISS ONJHE SLY 'there Is tai lie found much r. freslimeiil in a well proportioned kiss. This much everybody acknowledges, though only a frank few huv the courage lo aekuowii-dge It o,ie.ily As it is a curhiin fact, yet unexplained by Ihe philoso phers, that the slyer thu kin Is ihe tuoro Is lu it of refreshment. A kiss Hint Is paid as a forfeit before a whole mom full of people is prosaic, nut to say em it irmssing. The girl Iniiglis which spoils the romance, und the fellow ten lo one, blushes neither of them thinking much of It, and they are lo tl apt prelly soon to forget nil annul It Rut letthe a tine f.-llo k'ss ihe same girl when nobody Is looking, suit the "1111111011 is as different as possible. That sort of a kiss, fired off In s hurry behind (ho door or In conserve lory, 1 like an rlvuir c shock, und Is as sweet as cream. The taste of It sort of holds on and ceuslttitiy suggests the preprint; or impro- priety, as ihe case in ty b -f trying It au'ili And the laaghlng and blttsliing are exactly r V rscd. The f, How laughs n d spoiling the ro tn nice a hit, and Ihe girl b nsh like a pin carna'lon. It Is queer that ths very ume thing shnnlC under such sltuhtly iiltete l clrcu'iislime b o entirely tl i IT rent nor Is it. any the less qm-i bet a iseihe tl ilT -renee bus exls'ftl fro n lb dullest ige of Hie wor'tl. I'hilndel, hla 7i;nr;, "lltCiHH' IH." Q'H-k. e -nnile'e cure all u-etovi.tir T'l 'lie IJ1 d. Ic find I'rliiiit'y HI coses. SI. ' Urnecists., has puvjzz Tho surtiia r citRa'.,r The grc.it sitjicriority of DR. BULL'S COUCH SYRUP over til other cough remedies is attested by the immense popular demand for that old established remedy. for the Cure of Coughs, folds, 1 loarsencss, (.'roup. Asthma. JJron chi'.is, Whooping (.'otr'b, Incipient Consumption find for the relief of consumptive j'cr-.oiri in advanced statics of the l)isca" for Sxilc Issmll T Irnn-iTiele lb-;-, n rtllte .iKS ....... ... v , .... ta. j, ti iif tpitrwrnr-"ijiWT"' GREAT B ARC AINS. W are now reeelvltt'.' our new and b-niitlftil troo.l 1 reeeutlv on chiis-'il of the lu.'iiiufite tn n-rs. ami eorill.'illv Invite y.'ti to cull rind see tii,.m. Vhe lat-.f.-st aud b' st sebvled stock of aoi.n WATCHES. sni's iiw t invHt.BV. liW'll lilt M'MM'.TS, (U'l'ltX v ? ut i r r-tt ixh, III M-l'll tl St,- M. HIN'iiS, St Kl,'".' III-TTilVS tlsT-ns, NOI, 1 1) SI I.V Kit SI'i li IN'S. l'( Hi KS Sh1. Tiie lies! Mill 4 -mfiir nl 5 ltx k ' V K K H I, l. IN-1 Vottti :' 1. V. (Ib's'-.e4 atut ItiitTVe y.-ur nvlir'it. WOelo-a S"d .leaeelvv ee- nir tl bv the best .vork'iien. l'liiri-aviti- n,"itlv a , t.v .1. T. yorvo 1- Ult'i net i ly V 'terst'iir -. Va ... . ( . ' .' . si "si - !i.t ie i . ti. fCS S'.iE I'V AIL r ,-. ' ,j .'.j sfori t.'tto.i David E. Font?, Prop, IiAl.Tlnoiti;. jiu. KorSale fiy Hr. A. It. .o:ii-. IT.'r ,t llro. OCI -.'i ly M ti w i r v lr-,'7 t-s. ,;, w. H Hit CsC-V.-:-,'-!'..'-, lfi,sssiavl-'' .g-t.'.-'Vl ': "J I- ..nT N I.WeiV7 UflFlls.- &nifHnuflcSD SEVVINSMACKmECO- CHICAGO.ILL.- ORANGE. MASS. AND ALLAN I, J. Lb'tOM. 0HEeaL it I EH JU.WWU, A. C. apnosm h 0 fii B 5..U.. ..i A. .-Al .J.i!c Tocn a i . i . - ' j" ' j;;.-' i:i i'.. i". ai.i '. r : ' I Lactic.?,;." 1 . 'Jl it'; tV.l.tt '.r i- y t: ... ' ; , -. t.) aeip.r..! i ;i.-t ,1 y y ;.,. .t . ' r.ozj i:y ai i. r.:.. -. -. y '('.' ' el !.' I "T 'll,l"'ririiifi;aWff j : e-.- .-n ti?r- ..-t;ti-rT " ,, ", " IM-: '. : (, t , ' "' . t r - .! . . . t ,r in- .'t '. -.'- ,. Or;,. ; . , v ., -,. .. -.. ,- -, t , i V o.,,.i a . - ;. , ... PROFESSIONAL CARDS. u. klliott. Utoi uri nnd Couiitiellur lit taw, ItO il'nMi, V t. Ko.. ins .'an 1 ,1 Vitgliiinii Build ng. oc, I ly ) A11NCII It UKt.L, II roll I.V -4 AT l,W. K.VI'IKI.1). X. C. I'r aetlee tn th - counties of Halifax, Jnsh ,, I. nil,., and Wilson. Collections n. sue ,1, a: I Wis of l.ie .S.ale. jail It tf. II. SMI I II, J. IV Ai'ii:tvi;v r . - '11.1X1) S'i.'ll. ll H, IK X I! 'UNTY S. I' I'l'ae ic " tn t oiiuly of liailfat 'llnl adiolll- 1 1 counties, an I lu ihe Hup.i'iun eourt of the inly. I M il II I . . A It li, AIIIIUVKY IT !., II AhlKAX. N. ('. ib'lb-e lii the Court House, strict f.ttentlon ivt ntoall branches ol the prolessioii. in 12 ly p HUM AM. N. HILL, Alli rnc) t l.tan, H VI. II- vX, . c. I'ri-t'i l.i ll.tlifav ainl adjoining cnuntle nil l-'edei'il and Mipiviu ' conns. Will lu at se ti I. in, I NecK . once every foe. 'i-t-a'. Bug in It M A S O X . l l01tl Y AT n 'Ya,iUR'. N. c. l'rnetlee l.i i i . eo'irts of Northampton aim i, I emu t con, ities, also In th. Federal and cu .rem courts. juneStf. r A 1. T K 11 lv. I) A N I EL, lllorncj uikI 4 oiuiNcllor A t l.taw, ' K I. I O fi, S. '. Pi'tii-tlees in Halirax ami adjoining- foaSlitles. Specnn at i ti ' it i . i triv -n tt Ibeiloi.a In ill p u ts ot the state and prompt returns made, fell. 17 1 y U vLL, AT I'lMlXKY A V l,tW, WEt.DOV, X. C. Sieetal ntt -ntlon given to collections and remittances promptly made. Hilt HI. () fc. t-. HUNT E K, s i' u i i: o . in: r i t . Can lia foiiinl n his olllce in Kntielil. Puro Nitrous On al-i Una Inr ths Pain. i-is Kxtnietlng of Teeth alwaya on band. Juttu 21 It, tOt-'' M. lift. I. KS. Jims 4. maoaa UUSH 4 MOOR K, Al'IOttV KYi AT LAW. II A I.I I' AS N. r. I'raetlee in th -eoiiutlesol liailfat. Norlhain, ni. I.. 1 1 eonili -. Pin ami Mai-till In the Nii r Ift "f the S'llte nnd III the Federal I'oiirlsol ttie Kisieni District. Uollecllous made i,i any part oi t ne stale. lau 1 ly V J N A V . 3AKER & CONFECTIONER, (' L' L D 0 N, N. C. A very large supttly of fakes, t rn-kera, Can, lien, French and Plain, lUlsnn. Fruits, Nuts, ke. I helar.rest stock of Toys of every variety ever brought to this market. Orders f .r can. I'.'s, cakes, lie., tilled at short st notice al .Northern pricea. We.bl.inrnn.lotlierpari lea supplied as cheap is llle cil-npesl. oot Illy. lv"'- lt. ( M U llr. II HI II i.s. n oKHK, (i:-iibl.sh,-t inlKaV)) 19 si'it-jt' yeiainoie s'reet. "pposlte llnllfax, l-l-.l'tllSDURO.TA. 'Ill II II lilt' lilts, T n lit. t'raiHMtyi, llMttlilnrts mid S.rnvoatoiira if every description made to order ranging lu .'I'ie trnlll fi up. Design st tit by mall louiiy nddltat, with poat ik -iini,s cue oed lor leliirn. "tvii n ortleo are retvlv aj, the work Is pre ,ar.i mid brwiirilcd: it it does net five perfect ins-aetl hi, iiiiii h is is ate requested to return tl iii t-Ai'ii. 1 pu)iiig iceia it laoin ways l i it st p -tes and clieap fr Ighlt giiaruaileed. ; t nr e-poiideucu solicited froua ad mslions. I II AlS. .14. WALtiU. :i pi-. 1.1 ty. W-W-11ALL, Fire and Llle lusarstnesj Ageat. fan lo found In the Roanoke News Offlee. Wklpon, N.C. R K P K E 8 E.'N T I , r York TTntlerwrltera, "A'TrleiilturaT'' of Wsttsrtown, N, T. W s .f Tmsintti, Onnala, Pamlleo. of Tartsvro. N. C. Lyaiehhurar. of l.vnehrmre, Va. Ksultalde Life Inauranee Co. of V.T) Willi 'e Hks;in any otl frodcomranv at low safsisMM. - lUlVfUr

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