THE ROANOKE NEWS, A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY HALL & SLEDGE. One Your. In advance, pit Months. Thive M nthn. 2"nn 1 Ml "!i els ADVERTISEMENTS DAOYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Horjteholol Artlolo for Universal Family lac. BSSam&S For Scarlet a..rl Eradicates iSf"" MALAEIA. iTa,lon' Mrentteil ' K SoroTliront, Smiill aa-ii': Pox. MnftKlna. un.l " I l 1 1 '"""""i i-crsons wailing on the bick should use It freely. Scarlet Fever bis neer been known to spread where ihe Fluid was used, ellow Fever has been cured with it after black vomit hail taken place. The wont cases of Diphtheria yield to It. reverodand Sick Per- SMAI.L-VOX ll f '.,,,!. .vi..,, - lkl n .mi rcircsncu ana ! anii lied Sores prevent-1 PITTING or Small 'rl hv huliintr will. I J;irhys Fluid. Impure Air made harmless and purified. For Sore Throat It is a sure cure. Contagion destroyed. I'or Fronted Feet, Chilblains, Piles, Chafing, etc. Rlienmatism cured. Soft White Complex ions secured by its use. Ship Fever prevented. To purify the Itreatli, Cleanse the Teeth, it can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipolas cured. llur.iareliew -d instantly. Hears prevented. llyieutory cured. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvy cured. An Antidote for Animal or Vegetable Poisons, Stings, etc. I used the Fluid during our present affliction with Scarlet Fever with de cided advantage. It is indispensable to the sick room. Wm. F. Sano ord, Eyrie, Ala. Iox PREVENTED A member of my fam ily was taken with Small pox. 1 used the Fluid ; the patient was not delirious, was not pitted, and was about the house acain in three weeks, and no others had it. -J. W. Park- inson, rniiaaeiphia. Diphtheria Prevents! The physicians here use Darbys Fluid very successfully in the treat ment of Diphtheria. A. Stoi.lknwkkck, Greensboro, Ala. Tfterd ried up. Cholera prevented. I'lcers purified and healed. In CHNesofDcnlhit should be used about the crisc it will prevent any unpicas nut smell. The eminent Phy. iilcin,,l.it1.lION SIMS, M. 1) New York, savs: "1 am convinced Wof. Darbys I'ropiiylaelic Fluid is a valuable disinfectant. " IScarlet Pevor Cured. Vanderbllt University, Nashville, Tenn. . ., c.eeucnt qualilirs ot I'n.f. Darbys Prophylactic r luid. As a disinfectant and detergent it is both theoretically and practie illv superior to any preparation with which 1 am ao quamted.-N. T. U'itom, Prof. Chemistry. Darbys Fluid is Kecommcntlcd by Hon. AtitXANimn H. Stki huns, m (;,wi,, s, "rffvf: D8BMS' uu- Ch"-" Jos.LjContb, Columbia. Prof.,University S C Key. A. J. Battle, Prof, Mercer University ; Rev. Gko. F. Pihhcb, Bishop M. E. Church' INlMSPKNSAm.K TO Kvntv 1IOMK. Perfectly harmless. Used internally or externally for Man or H.ast. The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and we have abundant evidence that it has done cvcruhmi: here claimed. For fuller information get J yur Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, J. H. ZEIM i CO.. Manufacturing Chemists, PH I LAliKI.I'lllA. feb 61 yl T Ul'flY & 8 T K K L, MAKCrACTURIItS OF Engine, Tobacco, liny ami Cotton Vttt, SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, MILL IRON-, Plows, Iron nd Brass Castings., tcpJJly Petersbur " gO UTUERN H O T K L, N. B. U ICKf.NN, Frojriolnr, HALIFAX. N. C. Refitted, repainted and thoroughly arranged for comfort Tables supplied from N.irfolk and Wilinlinrton markets- unod ncrvtints and food fare. Comfortable rooms fur nil. I have also a Livery maldo, where horses are promptly attended to, vehicles hired out on easonnbie terms to parties wishttiir them, rjan IS ly STOMACH Invalids who are ieeovcrliir vital ttnminft, declare lu grateful terms their apprceia. tiou of the menu as Ionic, of IloMctlei 't tonurh Hitlers. Not only docs it imparl strenglh to the wnik, but it lo corn-eta an irreirular e' u,,r Dt oloninrh, makci Oie liowrla net nt pi-opcr inlen als, civraraneto Ihrwe v. ho mlT.r from Kluu iiintle and kiilnev trouble", ami eonuuer at wll at prevent fever antl nmie, For tale by all lnnnriu aud Dialir geutially. Q W. GRANDY BOSS. COMMSSION JIF.KCMSiTN, Norfolk, Va. Oct S 6m. M Rfl. PATT1B A. HOOKS :0: Oflera to the public :o: ajv .4s.soflr-VJC.vr of Millinery, Notions, Fancy, Toilet Articles, Cheap laiees. , Ladles Furnlshliif Goods, c. CIIEAi; FOK CASU. ME3.M.A.MOOU, Vm1th'.BHkBlock, WtWoB(N(C. ifflSTETTE CELEBRATED (ft Bl VOL. XI. ONE LITTLE KISS - ".li tb'ir ftiitr Un Urn,nt ne bun,;,,,) mouth." So btnirs tlu- p,.et- and wbo hath not found lu some long liis-i when lips gave forth m) s..innl Hccan -o to.i deep .within Ihe spirit lay tin- hli,s For might save soul brvuthod through the won drous k,.s, And heart clasped heart so ck.s - that heaven above No joy could give tcyoitd thai b uih of love! And. once into my life there stole a dream So au-cet.of love f.-nd"r, it did seem As if my spirit wtikingwhile 1 slept Inio her warm cm:. nice with gladness rrepl And tlievu found rc:-t, froo from all rush and pain I uwohe-but prayed, (iod let me dream sgtilii. Long years swept by-tho drcitm a dream was still A shadowy Hghl within my soul' linlll Sitting one eve li 'si le a soundles.s sen Watehitu the sunlight slngit,g lovii.jly l poll lit" waves, a hand stole Into mine The touch thrilled through me with a Joy divine. Four lips impuismiii'd met : tho dream was past, The iiltrht was goiiu: love's inonilnu; broko at last., LENJORE. He (rlaneed up from his writint;, In the dim old libiary. He cast a hurried look at the open window; for it seemed to him that for just one instant a face that ho had known was there, set like a picture In the Irame of , Ivy boughs. A face Ih'it ho had known and yet not known. A low broad brow, with auburn hair that rippled back from it in softest waves; a delicate red mouth; threat, deep-brown cyet. Yes, bill the brown eyVs he had known never had that weary wistful look In them; the red lips he had ki sed had never nuivercd mc wllh happy smiles. Ije brushed his hand across hit eyes to shut the vision out; und when apiiu he looked up, it was troue. He drew a long hard breath, and then he bent down to his writing aain. It was a lurjju sheet of paper which lay be fore him; antl tho upper half of this page was covered with dose writing, a critique for the magazines upon some stientillc book. Over the lower half of the puge Ills pen lie- in to move tiow, steadily though slowly, and na if the wilier were plunged in deep thought. 7" In; curtains were put back from the wip. dows, that tho lust light of the dccliulng day intent reach him here, The wrlllng-table at which ho sat was in Ihe middle of tho floor; and he had his hack to one of the side win d 'ws opening down upon tho lawn, yiilis, when through tho divided curtains womau'i llgtire stole in noiselessly, he did not know. She came iiiito near, this pallid creature with the wistful brown eyes, and the trembling lips. She stood behind him wttti her two hands clasped together; then suddenly she dropped down on her knees, and hid her face upon his right linn which lav on tho table as ha wrote. The man starled at the touch, lifted It's head, and looked at her. Peril ips It wu tin: spell i f those eves upon her, peril ips it was the uu broken silence; but she too lifted her head after a pause, and the two looked full at one mother, for the lirst lime In years. It was her face Unit spoke more lur quiver ing. Idling, (lushing, fearing, yet expectant face. Hut it was bo who broke Hie silence with words. "Why have you come hack here, .enure? Five years ago 1 woul.l have brought you here; five years ago it was all my hope.all my dream of the future tint you should bo here at my side. Hut now It is too late." Her color fled from cheek and lip. "Too lulu?" alio mid "loo late?" 7'licii suddenly, and trying hard to Driug her voice to a ileiid calm : "You mean smnu other woman has the place that was to have b'en mine? You mean that you are married ?" S he bad risen to her feet; she stood ball nverled from him in the act to go away. Hut she paused for Ills answer Hist, lcani-g heavi'v with one hand on III ' table "Married " lie laughed a short hard l nn;b that bad no men Imeiil in it. Ho you th ink 1 wou'd have tried tli.d liiltel farce again J No, l.eiiore. It was enough fin me, the lesson w hich toil taught me, when you Hod out of tny kcu upon Hut very eve ot our inairiage." Just a Huge of color came back to hcMrcin- toing lips. "Have I taught you to distrust til women ?" "All women," lie said, shortly. "And you never thought I iniglit liavo tome excuse "Of course," he broke in bitterly. "When were excuses over lacking to a nun or woman, since tho dayt when Adam laid. The woman tempted lite and I did eat ?' Only in your esse, I suppose " He would h ive laid : "I suppose It wat a man who templed. " Itut one giance down Into her white face he wai standing now opposite to lior-slopped him. She said faintly: "In mi rate? Let mo tit down and tell you how it It in my case, even though it it too late May I sit down? 1 nm very tired, I walked over from Avoiihnrt where I am staying; Mrs Avon told me you were mt at home." "And If you had known of my reluiu yu would not hay.' come ?" H,e shook her head without looking at htm, and took hit chair which he had move a Hill, toward her, himself ilan ling by, md waiting for her rest words. Hut they did not come quickly. The gul she. was even yet Utile more than n mere gill rested her elbows tin Ihe table o. M ilk l.estir't paper, and leaned her head upon her hands. She did not lo di at blui tl the spoke slowly : "Of course, I must h.m'gono nway, In i rase. Hat I une sometiinct thought, if I h told you ilitt No, no, 1 could not liav. Hal if I had wii.teu lo you tba the father, whom we both thought dead " Thought!" he re-echoed. "Ah," the said, "ho had not bevn drowned as tuppoied that nlvht lie diiiicar 'd; lie had fled the country ucause lie had lott a heavy sum of money In speculation -money which he b id no right lo btc louclivd for himself lie would have been Imprisoned if It had crn found out. Si he (I. it away and left me with m. a int. ii v dead mother iitter-me, so young, that 1 votiUl hardly mist hlir. Dm he bid milted mc, my poor lather She pnuii'd a moment to iteady her voice, Thtn tb went on ; ' Roanoke WELDON, N. "It was the very eve before our marriage that his yearning for me brought lii.n back by Health to my't to tee tue once agsln. I was In the garden, ntid we met thorn. He wat a sorely broken man," tho went on, with a lender il!y In her quivering Voice. "He needed inc. He could not bo brought to understand that tho missing money had never been charged lo his account, but to tome etiange chance; that he had never been sua- pectod of the crime. Ho w is afraid lest anv one but mc should see him, and belray hini.aud he d lio'hrown Into iiil: an 1. Indeed. I could e.e from what he said, that If be were known to be still living, ho would be thought gullly. Wh it could I tin I ask you, Mark Letter, what could I do but an awav that nLdit with the poor old man who sorely needed bis child's love and care ?" Mark Lester did not amwer. I.-tio!r, not daring to look up nt him. sat with her brow still resting on her hands, her yes fixed blankly on that half written page of his, which Indeed she did not see. 'He died last winter." she went on. "I ililuk 1 was a comfort to him. And I thought I ought to tell you why I went, away al though of coarse It it too late." And still he did not speak; and still she tat there ttaritig blankly down on the half writ- ircn page, she did not think or reading It; the lines were blurred and dim lo lur wet eyes. Hut siidiU nly the paper Beemed to have a mes sage lor her. "l.eiiore!"itsald;"Lcnore!" Yes. "I, nn.'e !'' "I.cnore!" That name his pen had traced there, all across that last half- page, when he had seen tho drciini, as In thought, at the window. Lcnoro looked up suddenly. "I.cuore !" Just that one word: it w as all that lie could speak. Hut Lonnre understood the rest, a- Lesle- took her hands and drew her lowrrds blui. It was not too late. PECK'S BAD BOY. "What on earth Is that you have got on your upper Hp ?" Slid the grocery man lo the. bad boy , as he came In and beg in to peel a rutu baga, mid his upper Hp hung down over Ii is teeth, and was covered with something that looked like shocaiiikrr'a wax. "You look at though you had I cen digging potatoes witli your nose." "0, that's tome of pa's darn smartness. I asked lii in If he knew of anything that would make a boy's moustache grow, ami he told me the best thing he ever tried was tar, and for 01 0 to rub it on thick when I went to bed, and wash it off In Ilia morning. I put it on lun 11 ght, and by gosh I calif wush it till. 1'a told me all I had to do was to use a scouring biick nil I it took the skin oil, und the tsr is there yd, and say, does my lip look very Wad?" The grocery man told lilm 11 was the woist looking Hp be ever saw, but ho could ruto It by rubbing a little cayenne pepper In 'tho tar. He said the tar would iioulialir.e the pepper, and the pepper would loosen the tar, und act as a cooling lotion to the lacerated Hp. The boy went lo a cm of pepper behind the conn tor, and stuck his linger in and rnlibcd a lot of It on his lip, nod llicu h i hair began to raise, and he began to cry, and lushed to the wutrr p iil and ran uis face into the water to wash oil the pepper. The grocery man laughed, and when the boy hud got the pepper washed oil, and had resumed bis lutabigi, he nid: "7'hnt seals your fate. No man ever trlllet with the feelings of the bold buccaneer of the Spanish main, without living to rue il. I will lay for you, old man, and don't you forget it. 1'a thought he was smart whin ho got mo to put tar on my Hp to bring my mustache out, and to iluy he layt on a bed of pain, and to morrow your turn will come. You will regret that you did not gel down on your knees and beg my pardon, You will bo sorry you did nut prescribe cold errant for my buiised lip, In stead of cayenuo pepper, licwurc, you base twelve ounce lo the pound huckster, you gim-Itt-.y.d teller of dog sausage, you sanded sugar I Hot, you small-potato three-card inoutc-sieigbt-or-hand-rotlen egg (lend, you villbui sells smoked a'tiigcoti und d 'glish for smoked halibut. Ihe avenger is an your track." "Look here, young man, don't you threaten me, or I will lake you by the car nm) walk y. tl through green fields, and besides tlill waters, to the front do ir, and kick your pistol pocket clear around s i yotl can wear It for a watch pocket in your vest. No b y ran frighini mc, by crimes. Hut t' II me, how did you get even with your pa ?" "Well, give me a glass of cider and wo will lie friends, and I will tell you. Thanks I liosli, but that elder Is nude out of mouldy ill led apples and ttwer water," and he took a hand ful of layer raisins oil the top of a box lo take the tatlo out of Ins mou'h, and while the gro cer charged a peck of iiila'sgas, a gallon (if cider and two pounds of raisins lo the boy't pi, the boy prucci ded : "Tea tee, pi likrs a J iku Ihe best of any man you ever saw, i 111 la on somebody else, but he kicks like a steer when 11 In on him. I asked him this morning If it wouldn't be a good joke lo put lomu tofi toapon Ihe front the letter carrier would slip up and tplll himself, and pa taid It w ould be elegant, i'a it a Democrat, and bethinks that anything that will make It unpleasant for It publican ulllco-liold, rs, it legitimate, mi l b lieoll.aged me to p.irall re the l.l'er Pail iel . 'he leilei -can i. r is as otd a man at pa, ami 1 didn't want to humiliate hliu, bill Just wanted pa to give his content, to ho wouldn't kick if he got caught In Ins own trap. You tee? Well, I Ii la morning the minister and two of the d -aeons Called ou pi, 1 1 h ire a talk ftllll him ilioilt hi actions In chinch, on two or tlnrr occasions, when he pulled out the pack of car Is with hit handkerchief, and played the music box, and they had a pretty hot tiuio In the back parlor, and Anally set I led il, and were going losing a hymn, wh.ii pa handed them . tittle hymn hook, and the miiiia'rr opened H ..lid Jur.icd pile und sill, 'what's this,' niol i hey looked at il, an I Ii wisa-buik of II") It's games Instead of a htinil book, liosh, wa II I ihe mliilsl.i und ? II Ii ik started to read a hynn J.uul he quit alter lie read two lines where it sal. I 'In a game of four-handed euchre, never trump your arluer'i tee, l.nt r-ly on the ace to Ink the luck on suit, fa wat trying lo explain how the book came there, wlicu tho minister and tbedcicoit ttaited nut, and then I poured the two-quart tin pall full of i . ft loap on tint fionl step. It Ws. lilts white soap, Jusl IbO color of Ihe step, und when 1 got it spread I went down In the uiM-ucnt. Tim il.ltoit csuiu out and pt wat trying to explain to ILetn about lloylc, whro via of the deacon stepped In the loip, and 0., THURSDAY, hit feet flew up'and ho ttruck on bit ptntt and alid down the steps. The minister nid 'great heavensdeacon, arelyou hurt ? Let me atilet you,' snd he took two quick steps, and you lure 6eon these fellows in a nigger thow that kick each oilier head over IiccIb and fall ou llieir cars, and stand on their heads and turn around llko a top. The minister's, feet slipped and the next I saw he was standing on his head in hit hat, and Ills legt were tort of willed and fell limp by hit tide, tnd he fell over hit ttomach. You talk about tpreadlnr the gospel in heathen lands. It Ii nothing lo the way you can spread It with two qtiarlt of toll soap. 7'ho minister didn't look plum a hit when ha was trying to CBtch Hie tailing. He looked at though ho wanted to murder every man on earth, but It may bo ho was tired. Well, pa was paralyzed, and ho and tho other deacont rushed out to pick up the in In later and tho lint old man, when they struik the step they went kicking. Pa't feet some how slipped backwards, nml he turned a sum meisaiilt and ttruck full length on litis back, and one heel wat across the mlnlster'i neck, and he slid down the steps, and the other deacon fell all over llio other three, and pa swore at them, and it was tho worst looking lot of pious people I ever saw. 1 think If the minister had been in the woods somewhere, where no body could have heard him, he would have used bad lenguage. They all teemed mad at each oth-r. Tho hired girl told ma there was three trainps out on tho side walk lighting pa, and ma the took up the brooin and alarlod to help pa, and I tried lo stop tnu, 'cause her constitution is not very Btrong, and I didn't waul her to do any flying trapeze butincss, but 1 couldn't stop her, and the went out with the broom and towel lied around her head. Well, I don't know where nia did atrike, but when the came in she said she had palpitation of the lieait, but that was not the place where she put the arnica. O, but she did go through thu air like a bullet through cheese, and when sho went down tlic slops a binnblly-hump, I felt sorry for nia. The minister bad got so he could sot up on tho sidewalk, wllh his back against the lower step, when ma came sliding down, and one ot Ihe heels of her gaiters hit the minister in the hair, and the other foot went right through between his arm and h I side, and tho brooin like to pushed kit teelh down his throat. Hut he wat not mad al ma. As toon as he see it was ma he said 'Why, sister, the wicked stand in slip pery places, don't I hey,' and ma she wat iimd and said for htm lo let go licr slocking, and then pa was: mad and he said, 'look-a here, you sky-pilot, this thing has gout) far enough,' and then a ptiliccman etui along mid Hist he thought tiny weru all drunk, blithe found llicy were respectable, and he got a (hip and scraped the soap olf of them, and they went home, and pa and ma they got in the house tome way, und Juit then the Idler carrier c.nno along, lint he didn't have any letters for us, and liu didn't come onto I lie steps, and then 1 went up stairs and 1 said, 'I'a, don't yoti think It it real mean, after you and I llxcd the loap on the tteps fcr tho letter carrier, tic didn't come on the step nt all," and pa wa scratching the soup olf lilt pants with a piece of shingle, and the hired girl was pulling lint incut un ma, and heating it in for palpitation of the heart, and pa said, 'You Idjit, no more of tins, or I'll maul the liver out of you,' an I I asked him if he didn't think so(t soup would help il mustache lo glow, un. I he picked up ma's work -basket and Ihiew it at my head as I went down stairs, and I came over here. Don't you think my pa it unreasonable to gel mad St a little Joke that he planned hissclf " The grocery man said lie didn't know, ami the boy went out with a pair of skates over Ills shoulder, tnd Ihe grocery man is wonder ing what the boy will play ou him to get even for the cayenne pepper. SUCGESS-ilH LIFE Without miii'iiiittint; l.tlmr, Mietvss in lilt', whiitfViT our niTiipmi 'ii, it itn iiNsitili A lni'tiim' is nut made with out (nil, ami mum y iiiirarnctl cuim- to few. Tin1 loili'icr i.ovor Inin'M anything to pas. Tho yiniiijr ill' II wli.itn ymi sve lolltiilio; iil uiil wailing fur liu1 evraliit'i' to t iianc lie fiio thi-y j,'.i In work, lnvak down !-foil- ilirv to to work, 1'ivak iluwii le foro tin y hrn'm jjet Kttirk before lluy start. Ability an. I williniirsn to lalior arc liu- two urrat coiiiliticin.s nt Miivi-H. It is hsi'Ii'sm to work anoliic liical iiiacliiiir in it vacyiiiil, lull thu air may ho full of Icctririt v, ami still you cati ilraw no spirk until you turn tho murium'. 'I ho bountiful stattio may in llw artist's brain, ami it may also be said in a certain sonso lo exist in tho niai'lilo block that stands before hint, bill ho must In ins; both his brains ami his hau ls to boar upon tho mar Ido, and work hard ami lung, in order 1-1 product' any . radical result. Sue ooss also (lopciids iii a pio.1 imisurc upon thi' man's prompt nos to tako ad vantage ol the rise t;f llie tide. A jroiif deal of what wo cull "luck" is milhinu more nor loss thiin this: It is tho man who keeps his eyes open, nml his hands out ol his pockets, that sue coeiN. "I inissi'd my clniiico," oxclaitna the divippoiiilcil man, w h. n ho sees .lnoihi'l' til ill eagerly al the nipoiTil nily Hill soiuethiuir mure than alert ness is needed; wo must know how to avail ourselves of thu euierin'm y. An elastic temperament, which never serins to reoocjiiizo the fact of defeat, or foigels it at mice and begins the Work over again, i very likely to ei . -lire success. .Many a greal orator has made, a teninlo break-down in bis maiden speech. Many a merchant loses one Inrtiine only to build up an other nml a larger one. Many nti in vetiier fails in his first fiT.iris. ami i at last rewarded with a splendid tri umpli. Soiuo of the mot popular novelists wrote very poor stulV in the beginning. They wore learning their Initio, ami could not expect to turn out ti st class work until their apprentice ship is over. One great secret of sue cc-tt is not lo become discouraged, but always bo ready to try again. -in outruns.." Qiii. k, complete curt, all nnoyln Kldney UU.tdW Slid Urinary Diseases. 11. prugfltts., MARCH 1, 1888. INCERSOLt W n.lT IS SA.IO OF FATHER .WRLAN's VIEWS. From the Eric (N. Y.) Herald. No one who has over hoard Hubert Ingersoll lecture will deny that ho is a rare orator. Uis word-painting is wonderful, bis eloquence entrancing. In his crusade against Christianity this skeptic lias appeared in tho eyes of his followers a giant against pigmies. He has fliieotintered an adversary, how ever, seemingly in every way his own yi'Ctiliarities of rhetoric., to judge from the following extract irnni a ser mon delivered recently on tho occas ion oi the dedication of the Church of the Annunciation, at Kansas City, Mo., by Kev. Father David !S. Phelan, of St. Louis, well known as tho editor of the Wosieii Watchman. Having as serted that "the idea ot the soul ami the faith in its immortality must have come down from ubove, as earth could not have taught it, nor could death have inspired it," tlio reverend father said I "If thorn is no hereafter, then life is one long debauch, and the highest od oca! ion is to know how to timl and how best to enjoy pleasure. It there is no hereafter, virtue is a duct it and heroism is a lie. See that young man bleeding from a linn died wounds, llo died in defense of a sister's honor. If there is no hereafter, that noblest of deeds will go unrewarded. Son that young sister in tho hospital bending over a victim of tho plague; to-morrow she will succumb, and a rapid ride ami a hasty sepulture will reward her de votion. If there is no hereafter, her charity met a sorry roipiital. See that man holding an allViglited child at the window of a burning building, lie holds it long enough for a sturdy coin union to grap it troin below, and ho then falls hack into his fiery loin li. If there is no hereafter, such saerilico is heartless and unmeaning cruelty See that troop of xoldicrs marching by to the iliu boating of the drum. Their country has called, and they go forth to defend Iter honor on tl.e iiatllo-tiohl. They follow that Hag into the thick of the tight, ami when the bngh1 sounds thu retreat, few return from the car nage. Those bravo suhlieisdle.l, their face lo tho foe, and a smile was Stamped ou their features in death. there is no hcroallor, their heroi n) was suicide and their courage a mock cry of fate. Earthly life is closed in death, the grave terminates nil consort and association with tilings of time; but, wafted above tho bier, the wreck, the tomb, lloats tho sweet voice of (iod, saying : ''1 am the Life." Contrast the above with tho follow ing from one of Colonel Ingot-soli's lectures, an I, beaut fill and tender as is the language of the inlidel orator, that of Father I'ltelan loses nothing by the comparison . "Next to eternal j..y; next to being forever with those who have loved Us; net to that is to bo wrapped in the dream like drapery of eternal death, I'pon the shadowy shore of death the sea of trouble casts no waves. F.yes that have been curtained by the ever lasting dark will never know again the lunch of tears. Lips that have boon touched by the eternal silence will never niter an 'liter word ol grief. Heart of dust do nut break. The dead do not Weep." The Kansas City Journal, publish ing the sermon, said that its subject matter fax only equalled by the giaee and charm of in delivery. It. is hard -ly likely that Mr. Inge .'-soil will at tempt to ridicule this Catholic priest as he has so many assumed del'eudeis of tlu Christian lailh. Father l'hclan is apparently a very dill'orcnt adver sary from some of the pulpit's mounte banks Mr. Ingersoll has encountered, whoso drivelling sentiment and limp inor logic do more to injure (he cause of religion than even Mr. Ingersoll's insidious arts and eloquent periods. Father I'Man is master. of the cap on Mr. Ingersoll uses and the infidel orator must eat porridge from bis own dish in nil encounter wilh this knight of ihe cross. PROVERBS FOR THESE DATS Howaroof false prophets and patent tool Ii ache drops, Look not upon the horse ntce and monkey with the pool seller, for it is not w ise to bet unless you can win. Try not to guv the stranger who so journeth in the land and scemeth uiei-k and sad; for of such are three-card niniile men made. A wise woman will nut light ihe fire with kerosene, but will invite the ser vant girl, to whom sho owes three mouths wages lo do the same. If a ntau smiles lltee on the right cheek, turn also to him thv left cheek. and peradventure limn cast with jfreat case plant a kick that will cau him to become discouraged and repent of lua folly. The young man who drinketh too copiously ot lire-wa'er, and trieth lo "run a town," will surely come to gi icf, when in the fullness of time he hath everlastingly hammered the stub born limestone. Experience is a high grade school course thorough, tuition free but in cidental expenses enormous. Tho foolish man savelh to himself : will Idow in the niiixxle of this emp ty gnu," and tho wise coroner will say in bit report : "Accidentally llowid to the hereafter." NO. 51. COURTING UNDER DIFFICULTIES He came up a litll late, stepped in without ringing, und mridint soVy into the parlor," dropped ", o mi easy chair with the careless grace of it yoattg nian who is accustomed to the programme. "Ily .love," he s id to the fig ore sit. ting in the dim obscurity of the so a, "Fy Jove, I thought I tun never go ing to see you alone again. Your mother it.-ver goes away from the housiMtowadays; does she, Minnie ?' ''Well not, amazingly frequontlv,'' cheerfully replied tho ,ld lady fiiiin the sola. Minnie is away s much ol the time now I have to stay at ho no." In the old hickory tree at the end of the house the hunting owl complained to the mouii miit-h in its usual si vie, the katydids never sang more clea'riy. and the plaintive cry of the whippo u'r will filled the night with poelry, but ho didn't hoar any of it, all the ' same. "And by (ioo ,;v," ho said to a friend fifteen la tv, "if I didn't leave my hat ou the nia 10. and mc sum in the hall, I'm a goat. Think' of 'em? I'orgot em. Mnke nio tdiud if I knew I had any clothes mi at all. What 1 wanted was Ire-di air; and I want.-d about thiity acres ol it, and tha. mighty quick, too." . SIT DOWN. ROBERT- Kldor Traverse, who lately died in Iblli'llo, old and belli tin I fitli of years, was mice the most note 1 man in Ivt--em N'cw York as a camp-meeting leader, llo had a ou oi ful vuice anil was a liu, mt .speaker, ami in the prime ol lite could gel away with any man who ever sought to disturb his' im-el-ings. The older was once holding a canim meeting at Yonkcrs, and words iva.-iie.l him that a notuiims r.uigh, known as "Chicago Hob1' intended" to be on hand Sen iay for a row. He m nlo no reply and took no precau tions, but when H ib appeared on the grounds with a cigar in his mouth ami a slung-shol, in his sleeve, the older didn't grow pule worth a cent. Hob had come ual there to run things, an I no io.ik a I. rwanl scat. hen the crowd bog hi to sing, he began crow ing, ami I bus created -iiilus'iiin. Kohert, you had better sit down,"' obsi ree l the elder, as ho came forward. 'Chicago Hob sits down lor no man !" was the reply. ".sit down, U oliert," continued the elder, as he put his hand on the loaf er's arm. "Mere goes to dean out the crowd !" crow c 1 Huh, as he nl I .-. 1 i ff his c at. Next ii.s ant the elder hit him under he ear, and as he fell over a bench he Was lulluwed up and hit again and again, ami while in a semi-nic.aiscio'.is st ale, ho was carried off by his friends. Next day Ii was the first to come foi WMid for players. The older pill his h and ou liis hea I .and said : "Hubert, are oii in eartu st V "1 am." "Are you really seeking for fiilh ?'' "You bet I a'n ! If faith helps a man to yet iii his work its onick as. you on i ycsleiilny, l ant bound to have it, ll 1 have to sell my hat !" lie didn't get it very strong, but he did no more crowing while the moot. tnghvt'd. Ai)Yi:i;Tisi:.iK is. A i 'II K 0 1 1 Ii llnit-r KAKM ' ? ner. s ot ubout uiil. s from (I it.m and fi llllle. from l.lltl. too. on the Williles1 Versv t l;td. a !j d'l i! I!:.- lands ef l-li.i n Hunks nod lllbels, U'llifj it . oii.Mi of ll.p old l;.lw:ll'.lsl'ili,'j Woods tract. Ore h.tlf in cultivation Terms cry easy. Title p ri. ci. l'o-s ssioo niveii l.u liifiliutcty.. Kor psrtlriilnrs tpplyal this otlloe. 2 ftVj-A 2 5 i ri cm JttVs ' frl )" " u1RIlH. 'SEWING MACHINE CO CHICAGO.ILL. ... .ORANGE. MASS. ' mt ATI A NT A . fih i T, I. L.tTOKE, GENERAL AUiH , . Iri0tia , -r ' 'g7j &s- .... .'gtaca yi qsVuy r "E"l 1 . 1 to THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATES. ' space is a h I O HIS O tino Square. 3 00 i H 00 I 14 tin i 9ii n 0 two hquarns, Tli roe .Mitmris, I'our Squares, I'lHirtU Ool'u, Halt Column, Wholo Column, 6 00 10 00 20 00 SO 00 8 00 15 00 I 30 00 I 40 00 10 00. 18 00 Si 00 I 45 00 15 00 20 00 I 40 00 UO 00 20 00 I 30 00 I 60 00 65 00 Out) Year, 75 00 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. X . KI.LI0TT." Attorney anil C'onnnrllor at Law, NO It FOLK, VA. , Uooms 2 and 3 Virginian Bulldlug. oct I ly J RANCH k BKI-L. ATIOUVKVI AT LAW. KXKIKI.H, N. C. Pc.O i l... ..I ll.lif. . ,,; . ...iivi im uniiiax, out K.Wccoinlic and VV Im.oi P.ll...t !.,. ... ..i.i. .11 parts of I ho State, i )j tf. j H.SMIl'U, JK. i r(MtKY IT LU, 1T1.NU Ssi'K. lIlLlPAX O.'CtfTt N. O l'mcilm-Mntlio county of Halifax ami adjoin a r cotintiiM. and in il... s ,... ... ih. st:it-. law J M. II 1 1. 1. A It 1), Va'IOItMKV AT I.Art, IIAMKAX, ff. C. ' lllTle,. In ll,rt .s,,M, ... . .1. . . "" isirici aticuuon TlVOll (OH lirjIll.'ltitM of tl.. .......1... inn i ly 'pliOMAS X. HILL, Allorney at Law, H Ll b' A X, N. I'l-'lt'tltS'S III Hiihfrtv mi. I nJLWni... - n. mul Fi'thTuI hikI .Supr-'Mii.' votirtn. w in im ui x'.it.aiia H'k, one every fort 1 1 1 .- ; t . a if 1 W. M A li II N vnui;i AT LAW, (J.VKYSUURO, N. C. l'ractice in tlio conpi. ..r v..mii.-m..... MioiiiiiiT eoiiutlen. also in I ba Ke.l,.el ., u. I"V: ""'IS. lllllM tf. A I. T K K K. II A N I E L, Allurney and onnNcllor At Law, w i: 1. 1 o , m. c. Vr,i',l''" 1,1 Halifax and adjotiilna- cnnntlca. ,, ; i.i cinicriiont tn ;iil..irtsof the statu and iirotnpt rcturua made. ' ' W. II ALL, llltHsXKV At LAW, WKLDOX, K.C. SlM(ill All lint ittl sTlVMIl t.a AAllutiL.ti. ... n-'-'s v vniiviiivua miil r-Mutlt;iiu'os prmiiitty niale. iniiv III. I) H. E. L. HUNTER, I it UllOX I K S T I N T . 3 tf Can lie found at his ofllce iu KnAolrl. I'ura Nitrons OxMn (. In. )- i-i- l s Kxtraotittf of Teelh alwaytj on hand. j lino t ii, llMli M. MC1.IKN. joiiv wwa J 17 L L K ! A M O 0 U K, ATKUKYS AT LAW. HM.Il'AX N.O. rrnetlce lu (he coiintloMof Halifax, Northainn K'l '"it"1. I'ltt nnd Manlii In th . rreiiic couri or in stinto nhj ttiw federal I'.nirUof the Ivislorn llistrlcl. Collect lout mad In any part of tbo state. Ian 1 1 V. J. N AV. BAKER & CONFECTIONER. W E L D 0 A', N.C. A Very larro atipiUy of lakes, t rickcrs, i'mtdio. Kmnch and rtain. Kaisins. Krulls, Nnta, sc. The largest stock of Toys of voy variety ever brouirbl o tills market. Orders f..r enii.lies, cakes, c, nilcd at short est notice at N.irtbern prtcea. Wedditnraiulotlierinrtli-aauppllnl as rhap as the cbeapest. ortMW, - tasT : (oi Hini: nvum.i. WORKN, ( InlHtlS) SvramoiT ttrcut.onno.iisi rtatirsT. I'h I LKSBL'ta, VA. Monuinenlt, l'n:iibt, . rnniea, lleatlitlaneit and t:ravctBsi or every ileterlptton mado o ordar tuflnc ill puce troui up. Designs sent by mull to any a.tdritt.wllfc post a amp. ni io'd for return. hen orslvrs aiv rcoei veil, tht work II tit. pared and if n iI.mmi notxiv perlset saiisfa.tlou , ur. liat..-i art is'iueHUsl t rtittral at iay ekvii.e I paylux fieigoi bold waya. , l.owe.t prices and i'bep lo a lua iiaranld. 1'orrvspondciice tolicilcd ns.m all sectlona, .... HAS. M. WAlJtB. , apr. is ly. W- W- HALL. lire and Ltlo la.araaea Agat, Can be found la the Roanoke News Offle. Wklpon, N.C, New Tor rnderwrltera, 'AOTicnlliiraCofWalertown, N. T. Western, f Toronto, Canada. ramllco. nf Tarrsom. N.O. "' Lynelitorf, nf l.ynehhnnr. Vs. Kqultable Life Insurance Co. at S.Ta l wm rW risks tar Om& tr . , st low aaferslet).

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