THE ROANOKE NEWS THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVEKTI3IX0 RATES. A DEMOCRATIC W B EKLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED BY HALL & SLEDGE. Roa M ! i' One Tear. In advance, Six Months, Thivi Mouths, 1 INI 75 cts ADVERTISEMENTS DARBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Household Arliclo for IJnfversn.1 family tge. For Scnrk-t mid Typhoid I overs, Diphtheria, ShII vntlon, Ulcerated Eradicates MALARIA. I Korc Throat, Small l'ojt. MrnslmL ,. all flnntiin-iitll. IHurm...... 11 ... the Sick should use iHfredy. Scarlet Fever 1ms never been known to spread where ilie Fluid wait used. Yellow Fever has been cured with it ll'lcr black vomit lmd tnkoti place. The worst V. f,lO.C,, JflCIU lu it. Fevcredand Sick l'er. SMAM.-ro. Hons refreshed and Bed Soros prevent' ed by bathing with Darbys Fluid. Impure Air made harmless and purified. For Sore Throat It Is a sure cure. Contagion destroyed, for Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Flics, dialings, etc. Rheumatism cured. Soft White Complex- ions secured by its use. Hhip Fever prevented. To purify the ltreath, Cleanse the Teeth, it can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Fi-ysipela cured, llurnsrcliei dinstamly. Sears prevented. Jyseutery cured. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvy cured. AnAntldoteforAnimal or Vegetable Poisons, Stings, etc. and PITTING of Small Vox PKKVKNTEU A member nf my Cam. ily was taken with Snall-pox. 1 used the fluid.; the patient was not delirious, was not pitted, and was about the house again in three weeks, and no others had it. -J. W. 1'akk- nsu.i, rniiauelpnia. Diphtheria PrevcntecL 32 The physicians here use Darbvs Fluid very successfully in the treat mentof Diphtheria. A. Stoj.i.I'NWKRCK, Greensboro, Ala. Trlter dried up. CI. ..I.,. i . .... . ,. ,j . ... , MOt-pilMl. our present affliction with llcci-s purified and 1 used me 1' lmd durine scarlet revcr Willi tie- IicaleU. titled advantage. It is : In ruses of Death it indispensable to the sick-! should lie used about room. Wm. F. Sand- the corpse it will ford. Eyrie, Ala. prevent any unpleas ant smell. The eminent Phy sician, J.. Hi. UtION SIMS, M. 1)., New York, says: "I am convinced iW. Il.wbys ' l'roDhvh. ile t"l.,;.l i , ESoarlet Feverj Cursi I ! valuable disinfectant." VnndArhtlf ITniv..i,li.. tc., ...... V . 7i r -' unnviiie, lenii, I testify to the most excellent qualities ef prof jf I? I'" ?"? F,'uid -As a J'si"f"lam and detergent it li both theoretically and piactic dlv superior to any preparation with which I am ac-quaintcd.-N. 1 . I.uiton, i'rof. Chemistry. Durhys Fluid Is Iteeoimneniled hr Alexanoiik 11. Strmiuns, of c,eor,i',. StrlngeN8; """" UU- U"'rch " Jos. LbConte, Columbia, Prof.,University,S C. Kev. A. J. Battlk, Prof., Mercer University; Rev. Gno. F. Pirrcb, liishop M. E. Church DIDISrKN.SABM: TO KVEKY HOME. Perfectly harmless. Used internally or externally for Man or llcast. The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and we have abundant evidence that it has done cvrryiliiiiz here claimed. For fuller information gel of your Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, J. H. ZE1UN CO., Manufacturing Chemists, PI 1 1 LA I) F. I , I'll I A . fcbeiyl T U r P E Y & S T E E I., Ifs .--Si. MAXUFAt'TVKEllS OF Engine), Tobacco, Hay ami Cation Vrw, SAW MILLS, GIUST MILLS, MILL IKON'S, Plows, Iron and nrassl'nsliugs. iep 19 ly Petcrshur ' s OUTIIISRS HOT X L, ft. B. Dlt'Kf.Mtt, I'roprlolor, HALIFAX. X. C. R.-fttted, repainted and thoroughly arramred for eouifort Tables supplied from Norfolk and WiliiiiiiKlou markets- Hood servants and good tare. Comfortable rooms for all. I have also a Livery tsial.le. where horses are promptly attended to. vehicles hired out on eas )iialii terms to parlies wishing lliem. r)an H ly fiflSTETTv m STOMACH SITTER Invalids who are recoverinit vital stamina, declare In grateful terms tlielr appri'Cta tiou of the turrits us Ionic, or Iloalettcr't fUomach llitlers. Not only iloes it impart strength lo the wink, hut It nlso enrrecta an irreeulur ncnl slum of the stomach, makei the bowels act nt proper Inlcrvala, KivFSciutetn those who suffer from Hneu niatle and kldnev trotibles. and coier M well h prevents fever and ague. .... lor sal" by all litiggiuuud Dealers J gi ucrully. VV. ORANDY a 8058. COM.n!IOSMKncn4SITM, Norfolk, V. oct S Cm. j-'r h. p aTtTY A. UOOllE :o: Oflon to the public :o: AY A S80 RTMEXT OF Millinery, Notions, Fancy Goods. Tolb-t Avllclcs, Cheap latees. LaUica t'urnlshlnt Ooodt, c. CHEAP FOR CASH. MRS. It. A.MOORE, WiulU.'. Brick Block, Wcldon, N.C OT 21 If prpi i! aW e VOL. XL CHILDHOOSHAPP DAYS- BY (IKOltGE V. I1UTTE R PIKI.n My chlldho d days ! Their memory stirs now ; tureillll lltld try tO Cal them hrlelr nenln . Hut, through Hie tb eliug years ihAt come and go. 1 call in vain. Oh .' they were happy. anMeti, iroldeti days, lien, iiiircslraliied, 1 sport ; Klad and free Wheii every moiuenl with Us hoj M plays. Had Juy for me. Time then had no b.'tlin n iitjr. tmr no end ; 1 he present win it paradise of years : No cure could with my happiness contend, To bring the tears. Each token of the ever-wulconio sorliiif Wnstr.'asnTed theii.u, of a wealth untold : K.uh silvery bird sonir would t., tui.i i,Hi,,r A gum of gold. The summer days brought only a glad oontent- K bright eees-iion of unwearied hours Ail cndles, holhhty, rleh.frelirhted. spent Among the flowers. The autumn, with its harvest store, Its. ripened fruits lu rich abundance piled. Brought pleasures that Were never feltb d'oic To me, a child. Stem, ley wint.rrojuld not check the stream Of childhood's softly-rippling tide of glee ; Sweet hum delights bring back a happy dream lo memory. Etch s -ason of the year was then replete With pleasant pastimes, all alike euUyed ; Each luj ish da. -dream then was peiioelul, sweet And unalloyed. A mother's waichl'itl care protected ui" ; Her loving kindness si rowed my path with llowers: She soothed each tiouhlet! moment tenderly in childhood liours. To h Tof eratitude I owe a debt Tint! till my la-tor life has not erased That years have not obliterated yet, Nor time ellaced. May she In brighter spheres be ever blessed, Ami li-.-re remembered with a filial love j And may her spirit And eternal rest In Heaven above I lint they are gone. They vanished from my sight Like glistouiuirdew'-drops In the sunlight ray.-; And memory lingers la the distant light Of eh I Id hood days. A STORY OF THE BLACK ART. It v iii;i:xai;i iiiGsr.Y. If ever there was a tiiau who could lay claim to respectability In In own individual person. It was. Dr. Tlit'oph l is (irecn. Ills Klossy clothes, demure mien and benevolent cotintc tiauee were outward and visible signs of sn Inward mid spiritual responsibility. Sliorl si(rliteil lie was; but tbnt TU'ir.ii" defect was re llcred by a pre eminently proper pair of gold- immeil glasses. Ills shin-bosom alone in, u fair diploma of moral e;racc and mundane pros perily. Now, although tlsu doctor was scrgiujf on (oily years of ae, he had not yiven up hopes of alluring into bis pieUy i'.is;c uf suburban residence a dainty li'lle bird of a wife. Widows and old maids he h inkvrcd not after; bis affections beiui; set on wiin. In,' some blush ini:iit iiden wilh the bloom of iunoeence still fresh on her youthful lips. Near the doct or's house lived Miss Susan C'altertuii, a in.ii.len lady ef uncertain yean. .She too put uot her faith lu celibacy, and lia.l lonj; sought to weave the web of Iter Tiffin channs lound the heart of her neighbor, the doctor. Hut in vain, lie bad attended her frequent calls, prescribed for her iuiaejuaiy ailments, soothed, fl ittered, humored her and pocketed his fees but that was all. Mi's Casterion was deroted to art. Atnoiu; 0 her ulilms, she possessed herself of a camera, and dabbled in the delight of ninatcur photo graphy. Out-day the do.t ir rrcciied a polite inyita llou from Miss Casterton to attend a "Literary nd Artistic I!.' union" tit liter house. "Haii the old cal! I must ro howctcr I uf pose; she is as Koud as an annuity, and it will i.ot do lo iilfeuil In r," he lliiulued frrt fully. The doctor went, anllclpatine; a dreary even llli;; but whin he was inlrodueed lo Miss Ethel Custcttou, the neice of his hostess, now on a visit to her aunt, his heart smote bun (or his Ingratitude towards bis old neighbor. Ethel Casterton fulfilled his brightest dreams of an ideal w oman. .-hu was not more than te nly. two, bad the rounded ligurc of a .In no, sweet face, a rank, hones", look In In r cje', plrjoaut maimers, and proper depreciation of Tcry young men. Hbe came, she sw, the cuiuercil. 7' be doctor disclosed his own case that hiKht, and found hinindf aufTf rintr from an acute stuck of affection of the heart; he loed. .lu.l when a middle sued Kentleman feels that hot breath of CUpid's fljiue, his susceptible fe llies l,la.u like uld plue lu a forest lire. Si sordid doubt Of the (ulurs uiolulstc till airectloii; he uives bis whole soul lothe object of hi worship. IV'.J flftcr tl:l' 111" doctor h muled the C'ss tertou villa. The surprised and delighted Mis Casterton dreamed dreams nf bridal Veils, ursine blossoms mid Humane bells; for she never doubled for a moment but lhai her n hflibiir w.i laj'inu Ins cbaph ls on the In luo ol her ow n irt;in chaiiu-. The momentous day ci.iuo st last. Mi-s Oisteiton was in Ih.i habit uf attend ina a Dorcas Society Hireling on I hur-day at.i in 'on; and III -lo.e-.i:ek do, lor resolved lo on Ihe occasion of her aliseu. u In lay ill. the f.-. 1 of bis bcuullftil F.lhel his heart, bis h ill I, b -suburban residence, aiol his lite tbousihd do. lars a ear. Tile day was ulooiuy; the doctor's spill's were at social decrees below Z'io. As he ap- proat lied Miss Custei Inn's house, be suddenly stopped, turned pile, tmd exclaimed: (iiacious goodness, I'm forjjotiru my spec tides I" It was loo ttue, and without their valuable aid, he wis half deprived i f loo p.iner of sight, lint it wss too late, to reiurii for them. Every moment was precious. Who knew how lou ir the aunt might be detained on her eirand of mercy f "Is Mis Casterton al home!" he asked the crrtnt. "No, ir." "Dear, dear I bow unfortunate," when he knew, ly do is ho wa, lhat surh st the case from the fery llrst. "Mm Eihel," he tdded, "is het home ?" "Ye. lr; site it m the library." "Ab, I will Co and let her. tiho'i not been WELD ON, N. looking well lately. You need not announce aie " And like an old friend of the house n he was, he passed through the ball and entered the library, a term which the apartment hardly deserved, for Jt was chlelly devoted to Miss Casterion's scientlllc recreations, and was lit tered wilh the debris of many an Idle hour's research for the beautiful lu, art. Here, loo, Mies Casterton practised her Very unreliable photographic (tudiet. His Idol was there, An Indistinct vision of fluttering muslin told him of her presence-, but, half blind ntul wholly prostrated by nerrous ncss, he uppioitchol her. A young man would have liem'd and ha-a-d, but the doctor was a believer In the old prov eib "Ho who woos a tualden must not dully, lie most not make hay while Ihesuiidothshlna Ho must stand with a shall ! shall I? Hut boldly say, '.M.'iid"u. thou must he mine "' .So he plunged nt once ill medias re. "Vlss Casterton, do not lis. 1 am glad to Hud you alone. It is an opportunity I have long sought." A deep sic,h was the only response. "1 thought that is you thai is 1 from the very llrst moment 1 beheld you a life's devo tion my tlear young lady, 1 love you with my whole heart and soul, I am no lunger J mug " A faint protest came from the (air lady's lips. "You are in the prime of life, dear doctor." Dear I She called him dear. 7'he soft, sweet Word, inui inured by her pouting lips, sent the blood coursing ll.iuiigh his veins, mid riiovc him into ciieu a denser statu of ecstatic confu sion. "He then my wife No wish you have shall be ungratilied. My fate is lu your bands. My fsle is lu your hands Speak bit the one word that will bring me Imppiii'-ss." "It is spoken, doctor. 1 love you!" came the murmured words lu low lous. "A id you will marry me f" "I will." "7'hen, diirllng Ethel," cried the delielited doclnr, seizin; the maiden's willing hand, ' I will speak to your old catamaran of an aunt the moment she comes home from this tca-and scandal party, and you shall " "Ethel!" the lady Bcreaincd, "Ethel!" sud the next momeiil. (ell In a swoon Into the doc tor's arms. "Merciful heavens!" muttered the doctor, as lie lioio his charge to a sofa, "what shall 1 do?" It certainly was a very embarrassing position for a middle-aged gi nlleinan of bis respecta biliiy to be piaced in. If any one should cou,u in, what could he do? On a little side-table stood a narrow, gutta percha box-like trough full ol water. Ilaatily ho dipped his handkerchief ill, utid applied it to lliu brow of the fainting girl. She gave one half-sob, half sigh, dust then footsteps ap proached; and the doctor, seined wilh a sud den panic, fled. When he had readied the street, he wiped the great beads of perspiration from III fu.e, and hurried home. 'Poor sensitive child !" he thought, "how delicate her sensibilizes are! I was too ab rupt, too sudden lu my dedatntio i." What w as that little boy grinning nt ! Yes, a street urchin st ol mi ! gal d at biiu (or a mo ment, then hurst Into a loud gilfliw and fled What could it mean Every man, woman or child he met looked at liim as If in surpiise, und 1 iiigbrd. "The worst of living in a mnll place," he argue.) lo himself; "ml bow could they know It? Hang them, they know ever) tiling here. If a man eats an egg for breakfast It It all over town which end he broke llrst, bef.uu dinner lime." Hut when he i cached his own dour, and hi own old housekeeper, who had been wilh htm for years, and bad always treated him with profound respect, burst into an uncontrolled lit of merriment, bis auger knew no bounds. You stupid obi Mint," he gasped, "what are you laughing at ?" Never a s.e.l the dame spoke, but she gig gled c-iuvul-itely and pointed to the gieit mirior in the doctor's ditiiug-ioom. lie looked. Coal I be helieie bis eyes ? Hi. fice was streaked with big unsightly bhick brovvn blotches ! "Soap nil. I water ! (J.iirk !" All in vim. Neither -i:ip nor water won! I remove Ihe hoirihle disilgiireincut. Then lie sat down and tried to Honk tin- whole inal ei out. Suddenly it dished acro.s his mind : "All Hi it infernal old fool's tinkering null phologr .phy. Tout was a bath of nitrate of silver 1 dipped aiy bsiidkrr hi. f In, and by all Unit's unlucky. I've deluged Klhel's hciulKul see wilh it. What can I, mutt I du " Weak ol ii I ions ( cy inlde of potassium. Con stmt scrubbing with soip and scalding water, all were nil lulling, an I the doctor sank into stite of forlorn hopelessness. No nie-siige from Miss Casli rtou tint night Hat the following day a you ig l.idv, closely Toiled, an. I uecoinpiuletl by a young gentleman, called on him. He read the cards, "Mis Klhcl Ci-teilon," Mr. Waller lliverey," sud ad nllud his visituis. "Illack at Ihe Aec of spinb," thought the unhappy doctor, as hi! motioned tbetii Ao seats, I'o Ills delight and sinpil.e the la ly raised her veil, and her features w re clear ii: d l.e.llltifill as wneu he liitl iiiol her the Idol of los love. Hill over her pi-tiy face was a cio:. of aiigi r. "Hi. lire n," she Slid, seveiely, "1 ca'lid Willi my f i nd brii! to demand an ex pl, union. Yesterday mi' aunl, not fee ing iv. II. di I n it attend a iihctingof the lbircas S . lety. bit it th i l ist in uncut dc-lred me lo g i iu her place, fiu was alone when you ciilcd. Y hi w nt to b'T lu the library-" "She! Your sum! Ml- Casterton!" yelled ihe doctor, y i, ( i mv reliini h ime I foun t her lu hysli i ies, end her face disiiguieil as your own Snesivs vou propo-e I inariiagii lo her, and-" "Anl,".ld the g man, lulen uplieg. grossly assaulted by .1 ashing in her face some drug. As I am about lo in oiy Ethel, mil to may euuslder in vse! fone of the family, I dc maud an liMsnl eipl.malion." "You mairy Elln l ?" "Ye, and 1 Will give you Just three minute In which to make yout mind up iu. ill yoa apologize to Mis Cash i toil and lliarrj her like a mail, or will you be branded pollroou and have an action for heavy damage brought tgilntt you. Which?" The alteruativt) were bsrJ, but the doctor choia milrlmoDjr. 0., THURSDAY, A STRANGE MEETING. AFFECTINH SCENE HETWEKN CoN KEDElt.VTE AND UNION OfFIUKItS. During the flghtlng that preceded the ur render at Appomattox the cavalry on belli tldea were very actively employed. While di recting some movements of his command ut the front Major General Kllthugh and his 'leu exp hots nrei ol the last shots fired found its way Into the breast of Caplnin Charles Mitinlgcrodi', of General Leo's staff. Captain M innlgeiodo fell from his horse apparently dead. There was no time to care for his body, but Kilzhugh Lee dismounting pinned on hit breast the fol lowing note : This Is the body of Captain Charles Miniilg erode of General KHztiMgli Lee's staff. Who ever linds It will confer a great favor by seeing tint it is properly cared for and sending Infor mation to hit father at Kicbimmd. I'lrziiroii Lei:. 7'ho lines of combat thlfted, sud presently a New York regiment passed over the ground. The surgeon noticed the body of the confed erate olllcer, and stooping over it saw the note and also that the man was not dead. Taking up the body in his arms tho union surgeon, who was a powerfully built man, earned It about a third of a mile to a Held hospital. Here ho gave bis young charge special attention and noted with sa'islactien a gradual improvement. Captain Miunigero le recovered, und after Ihe war went to New Orleans. The surgeon re. turned to new York and renewed llio practice of medicine at Pougbton. A few nights ago General Lee, uow an olllcer o( the Virginia volunteers (national guard), ac corupauied by a party of oflicera of the Thir teenth, was in a box lit tin) Casino, In New York city, witnessing the performance of the "Queen's Lace Handkerchief." There were present iu Genera! Lee's box Colonel Austen, of Ihe Thirteenth New York; Colonel Wertau-b.tkei-, of the 7'iilid Virginia; Colonel John A McCaull, Quartermaster Ackeiiuan of the Thirteenth, and Captain Minnigcroile, who, being on a visit lo New York, hnd been invited to accompany his old commander to tho thea ter. An usher entered and told Ihe captain that a gcntleinuu wished to speak witli him. 'he gentleman came in and Captain .llunl gerode went to the rear of Ihe box to meet him. "You do not remember me ?" said the stran ger. 7 here is something about your face, sir, that tells me 1 do know you," replied the cap tain. "You were left for dead on the Held of Ap pomattox und " "Yes, yes," hurriedly broke in Miulggerode, a light of recognition stealing over his expres sive face. "I am Dr. Caller." "My God, sir! you are tho man who saved y life." The two men fairly hugged each other for a moment, and then the captain, turning lo (Mineral Lee, said : I "General, this gentleman sav'd my life tin--doiililcilly." As General Lee greeted the doc tor Die latter said smilingly : "Yes, sir, I look the bullet out." "And here is the bullet," s.ipI Mi nnigerode j Inking it out of his pocket mi l holding It up I between his thumb mid fore linger. ! l-'orafcw mcmeuts the rich costume and pretty women on Ihe stage wer forgotten, and the little group of ollleers gi.ed instead I on the two characters who hud just reached ! a happy climax lu the drama of life. 1 LEE'S SURRENDER J MtOM AN AIHlltEsS UT IIKM'KAI. I'll lUIIKULAI S , AT HOW in UN Col.l.KilE. "As we c luiul tlifiu ill ills.' morning-! mist, we scv ll.c ii'licl ui iny breaking 1 t';imi, anil tlit'ii slowly ami ivliiciuntiy j torming rankrt Inr Uir last ttnn.-. Ami ; now they move tin' groat mass liteak- ' in.; into a I'oltiiiiii nl march; ( li'iii'i.ii ; (i.'iiluii, wilh lilt Stoimvvall Jackson I forps, then Lonejsl rer t'n forjis, t lieu 11:11 s corns, cniiimaiiili'il liv Mcalli. 1 tin tin V ciiini', the i i-lii'l i i. hi li.iltle ll iirs with tin- ili:ii;B il i-r.iss ami tin. lliii l-'i'ii hlarn. Tlic In'ail ol the rcln l I'oiii :ihi I'i'iiu's tiin!iiu mir l ijht, an I at the liiijjli1 signal wo eonio to tin "eai'i v nuns" The ivhrl eoinmamli'i', (iciii'i'al l miiiIon, al ihe iie.ul of tin i:oliiinn, tiliserves this little1 courtesy aiol jive the coiiiinaii'l "carry ."' Vol a sonml IVoni ihe tniniie!, nor to'l ul ilium, lint the stillness as if the tUa l were iassiii"; ther thus they nioveil. 'I'Iicii liiev Klackeil arms ami took oil' their c;ii li i'lov anul laid them on Ihe pilr. Lastly, painfully, lliey liulcil tiieir liallli' llags aiol lai.l them in the tins; ; siiiti!' knecliiio; ilown over thctn an I kissing tliem with Imrniiii; tears. Ami then ll.e slar si iine;le. lianner wavcil aline iijmhi the lielil. Thus, all .lay long;, iliviioii alter iliviaion comes, ej.ies t li r m i ihe ceremony, uinl iass"s on. Il;n in;i i'Bn mri'ieil of citizen shii, an I gjvincr thuir liuiiur never lo ra 8- arms aijaiii, they t!' where they will. Meatiti , all ilay, no laiuil, no cheer, no whisper of vain jlory escapes a i rgle in. ill ol Hills. Tlii'iv was smii'1 thin.;' Iil.e a li iil Iclinej (,i. wai'il tltese men. We lire l'.'lliiV-sol-li. rs at last. The tremeiiilous Laities were wrn'tjlit I'V us lui;etlier. Who ever li.t'l inaile llie war, wo had eiiileil it. On l lie morrow, along- i!m hill diilcs, what a eonirasi, imleetl! Singly or in groups, on loot, on liofste, are thosu men makiiip; llieir way, every out! for Ins f.u'-avay,lnjme, ami we are left alone ami loiiesiimo. When we triok up our weary march liniticw.ii'il it was dull to plod on without skirm ishers ahead, it was tame loo, that where Ihe road ended, no pickets weld placed ami our peace was not tij lut listurlie.l liy the leaden sonVifrs It seemed a waste of opportunity that upon the. march, w hen we enlered a valley, no haHery holt-lied npnii us from the heights ln-voml." All Ohm inlBMer is eh irged .wilh opening a prayer at s M oid i.v idling cli-t iiieeling lu Ibi (. bl m: "U L"td, thou hast seen in lb morning papers how the Sabbath wat Jetecra -ted. yei'.crd." MARCH 8, 1883. I KNOW A THING OR TWO- nova iiuwAitE, iiiaotiE it is too late. "My dear boy," said a lather to his only son, "you are in bad company. Tho lads with whom yon associate in dulrro in bad habits. They drink, smoko, swear, play cards, and visit theatres, They ure not itafe company for you. I be;; yon to quit thei; so ciety." "Voii needn't bo afraid of me, fath er," replied the boy, lunching. ''I known thing or two. I know how far to.ffo and when to stop." The boy left his father's house twirl his cane iu his lingers, and hingh injf ut the "old' man's notions" aboilt him, A fow years later ami that lad, grown to manhood, stood at the bar of court, before a jury which had just brought in a verdict of guilty against him for some crime in which he had been concerned. Hut when M'liteucad he. addressed the court, and said among other things, VMy downward course began in tlis obedience tomy parents. I thought I knew as much of the) world as my father did, and I spurned bis advice; but as soon as I turned my back on home, temptations came upon me like a drove of liven is and hurried me to ruin." Mark thai confession, ye boys who are beginning to be wiser than your parents, .Mark it, , and learn that (lis obmlience is the liist step on Ihe road to ruin. ),m't I'm get it, but ponder it well. UNSEEN "HELPERS- "Take. I) boalinau. thrice thy feo Take. I irive It willingly; For invisible to thee, splrlis twain have crossed w 1th nie." "Can yon give me a day's work '" asked a poor woman ol a well-to do inulrou. "You look very delicate," said tho lady. "I need some one to wash, but you do not seem slrong enough for ihe work''' "Oh, yes'm; only try me, and you will see. 1 have becu sick and got behindhand, und my children need bread. Besides, Charlie will help carry 'he water ami lift the tubs," con cluded the woman, eagerly. "Who is C'liai IU-V" ntked the lady of tho house. "My husb ir.d, ma'am," was the low answer. 'I'lin woui'in was engaged uml did her woik well, hut there was so.nelbiug that troubled tbu mistress ol the lions:! greatly. As anon as she left the kluhcu the woman would call Charlie und she would hear her voice talking and laughing, and holding ronvci'su with some one; lull when she went into the r oin I here would be no one tlicie. Tin' watei was .nr licl and the tuns all l.flul into '.heir places; but Ihe slight woman who washed, was the only person who was visiti'e. In n the hidy of the boue p lid ucc, .n.l : 'I' ill your husband, I would like to s c In in " "ile wouldn't come, ma'am," said the .. man, si.uply. "No o.i ever sees li iin but me." "What do you mean ii'kcd the lady in at touishiiiciil. "Whv, ma'am, Ch.nlic Is d ud himself, but his spirit conies a id ii dpi me bow lould I work tins way if it didn't . I could no mine lift on of lb i ii'is of ua'ir than )ou could, ma'am. He ' com" ev.-r since I was sick, and helped III.' Ill ll W.O " The eompas-iouali' l.nlv placed another Coin wilh those she b id already given. Knr Char lie and III ' (hildiell," she mil, with leals III her . yes, and she saw nflciwar I that t..e sick and weaned uiolher was helped by living hand s. Hut there must be iniiiv people beariug bur tlens gie tier than tiiey sre aide to, who are helped slid tuade stronger by invisible guides the iiiemoiy of some dead t'lllrtie, who lifts unseen the heavy load, with whom Ihey com in u uc as tlicy wjiI. How would the dull rou line of daily ilfe b -gl.n ill" I coiil I we for on moment see ton a ge h dp r al our tide! Wnen the pious left Ills duties to go out on a deed of mercy, he returned to tin I all hit homely work done, and, (or ouo moment, he saw lu tin) doorway of bis cell hit blessed Muter milling upon Mm. It in ay lie only a Vague theory the de Usinit of a sick brain -aud there Is ail inlluite sadness in it; but surely "It isa beam, ful liel.ef Thai ever round vur bead Are hovering on auget wines The spirits oflhe il "ml. To feel that unse Mi hands we clasp, Wide leet unbeaid are gatli'nng round; 'i'o know Hint we in fallh may i-ravi Celestial Kiiards from llnavtnly i. round." A boy ii'lonislicil his Christian mother by asking for a dollar lo buy a shaie in a rulllu lor a silver walch thai was to be valhVd ofl' iu a bi ei-salonii li s inotlicr was lioirilii'd aud rebuked liim. "I!nl," siil lie, "iiioihi'i' did you mil b ike u cake wilh a iiiiu' in il, to bii rallied nil' in the Sunday -School fair?" "), my son," said she, "thai was for Hie Church." "Hut il it was wrong'," said the boy, "would doing it for llie Church make it riiit ? Would il lie rig hi for me to steal money to pill, iu the collection ? And il it is right lor tho Church, is it not riirht for me lo get this watch if I can '." The good woman was speechless, and no person can answer the boy's argument. Tho pruelices are both wrong or tliey nre lioih liglit. "It," h iid four-yeais-olil Johnny, "I wish Mr. Jones would kiss ma on the mouth now!" "Whai?" said tho as tonished parent, "whv do you wish t ut?" "Well, when Mr Jones kissed ma this morning, In-lore mui came in, she said if you were (Jiero thoic would be a circus, and I do no waut to see a ciicus," lie saw one 52. A LOCK OF HAIR. TI1K SWEKT MliMOItll'.S THAT A lilll.DEN TltKSS MV AW.VKl;. Few thing iu this weary world arc so delightful as keepsake. Nor do they ever, to the heart at least, nor to our eyo, lose their louder, their powerful charm. How slight, how small, how tiny a memorial saves a beloved one from oblivion worn on the finger or close to the heart, espe cially if they be dead. N'o thought i so insupportable as that, of entire, total, t.i.. . i. i . . , , 1 oiauw lorgeiiuiiiess; wiicn the creature thai on cat laughed, sang, and wcpl to us, eloso lo our side, or in our very arms, is as if her smile, her voice, her tears, her kisses, had never been. She mil them all swalloivcd tm in tin. li nk nothiiiiriicss of t hp dust. Of all the keepsakes, memorials, relics, most do vuully do we love a lock of hair, And, ih, when the head it lieaulilied has lonar niouldvred in llie dust Imw suit-. itual seems the und. 'living "lossines the sole remainiii" liii.rlei Ml else gone to nothing, save and except inai sou, siiiooin, lutrinslieil and glo rious fragment of tho apnaieliiiT that i. . . i . '. 1 . . once iiiing in clou is ami sunshine on r an angel's brow. Ay. a luck of hair far better Ihan any picture; it is a pan of the beloved object hcrsell; it be longs to the tress that niton, long ago, may have all been suddenly ilislineelb il like a shower of sunbeams, over your Dealing hreust. 15m how soletn i thoughts sadden the. beauty once sn bright, so refulgent- U hat heaven is, or exacllv what ils topography is, nobody knows. Ail we can sav about II is tl .at thou, is :, soiuewherp. and t'cil i it,, It i.,.i. gatheieil, Iroiu age to age, umre i hull men can count ol those thai have risen above the llrsh. its u eiL m.l its di'giailatioiis, and have grown in the spirit into nobility, ami pin it y, and nive, ami service, atl-I so into ljuailty. All that is worlh gathering out of time is gathered there an exceedim' I'real n es company. ' Sonny, will you please stoop down ind pick up tnv glasses? Vou see I can't lieu I very well," said a corpulent geiilleiua i to a passing newsboy. '"Ves, I see you ean'l. M inter," said I ho buy, picking up the glasses, "you're hunchbacked iu the wrong spot for convenience, ain't, ver?" ...... . A woman recently applied for Stale aid. mid the blank was produced and the usual (liiesllons asked, tlio answered them freely until it came to "Your age " "Have I got to tell that " she a-ke,l. "'he blank rnpilrc It, uia'ain," was the icplv. "Well, then she said, I ,1 in't want nny State i,." .i v,e llounced out of ihe nice in liih du lgcon.- Iloston 'lV-iii.;-:,,t, - . The best w sv to get rid of our political ro gue.. Is to 1,11 t ll' 11). The money lender t.ever negl cts his busi ness. Ile takes all Ihe luli-rcst he can lu it. Siy nothing, do nothing, w hich a good moth er would not approve, and you ate on the cer tain road to happiness. "HI ( III lAllt ." Jiltrk. ctiilili'(i mint nil iitnt.,viti.- Il.'l.hnv idi.t ritmry IHsi'is,,.,, . ' Dnik'ttistd., adv i:i;tik.mknts. t'H MAI' i iN li lloll-K KAltM ! A 7 acres ,,f laud about 4 miles fiom t.atoti and i, miles from l.mleioii. on the ilkins' Terry Itoa.t. a Ij. in in: Hie land- ,,f l-liain Hanks and " h",s. l.-mg a p ol. ( llie :, t:d.od- I'ilii-y Woo ls tra, t. lii.e halt ill culiivatlon 'lenns very easy. Title p -rl'.'.-t. I'o s s-iou s,veii lui In", Inc. -ly . Kot particulars apply at Ibis olllee. LlGilU&ING ml Q Z o I iVr'-- . .-,-s .-a".- 3S sf-stsl 1111 fferilBG MACHINES fflAlf'l 0 SEWING MACHINE CQ CHICAGO. ILL.' 'ORANGE, MASS.. , AND f I L AN I rt j..uAj T, J. L.STONE, OEHKaAL AbEK JiAAhiUil, X. C. rr)m NO. WW ! ",- li'-j.-'XI V "''Ki,-':i'.,.'': , !iLs... ill IMS 5 I " 5"ACK I I I I I a I I duo .Sijnnre, 3 00 i K 00 H (10 20 00 Two Miuares, 5 00 10 Oil -go 00 30 00 Three isrjUHrcs, 8 (10(15 00 30 00 4 0 00 Knur Squares, 10 00.18 00 36 00 45 00 Kourtli Hol'u, 15 00 2(1 00 40 00 SO 00 Mall Column, 20 00 I 30 00 60 00 65 00 Wbolo Column, Ouo Year, 75 00 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. y (I. Kt.LIOTT. Attorney and Counsellor at I. aw, IVOilloLK, VA. Rooms 2 aud 3 Virginian Building. oct t ly JKAM'H lllil.l.. TIOIlVllYH AT LAW. KNKIKI.I). N. C. rraetle -s in the counties of Halifax, Nash Kdirecombe and Wilson, t'olleet ions ,,,.. 1. .11 parlsof the mate. Jnu jj tf. u.sSMiru, jk. AT I'O It Ml AT LAW, Nij.'it, i1u.ip.ix County N. C Pi'ilel le.vs In in., htmiij,H ..11 .... - ... ,i,,!,,A iiu nojuiii III,; couniies. and lii Hi,. k,i ,,.... ...... 1 ..f ,i.A Stsl". ,fllv J M- U It I i . K 11 li, VI IOItVF.V AT LAW, HAI.ll'AX, N, C. Oltiei. In Ho, o.o.t 11. .-i.. ... -''. '.",,.,1-. .-inei nuuillion iTIVelitoa lirituehes of 1 li. ,...f..i.,n Jan IS ly "HO.MA. .. HILL, At tor upy tat I,w, HAI.IKAX, N. c, t I'r.'I'-t ie.'S In llallfav nn.l n.ll..l..l... ... .... . , - ..';. in, ,15 l.uilflllS and tederal and siupreiue courts. nui ne at Mcoiiau.i .Neck, ouee every fort "b'ht. nn'vsif W, M A S U X ATTOUSTHY AT LAW, G.VIIYSIIUHO, N. C. l'nlel I.-.. l, t),.i -I., ..r . ,-. nori iinilll'ioil Klld 4.II0111111,: e.niiiiies, also lu the Federal and Ku Pivnie eoiiris. June 8 If. A I. T Kit K. DANIEL. ttlornej mid oiuiHellor At Law, W K L I O 91, .. V. Practices in Halifax and adjoining counties. .snei'iitl nl t .00 1. ,,. .. . ,1 ... .. ... ,1 . f.,-'i u coiieciions in al par s,.( the. Mute and prompt returns made. W. It ALL, ATTOKSiKY A I' LAW, WELDOX, X. C. Nneeiiil nll.o.ll.,,, -..i,..-. - ' , '" 10 cuiieciiuna ana remittances promptly made. IllltV III. J j It. K. I.. HUNTER, w it u 1: ox i 1; Ml r I X T . C1111 b rouiui at his ofllee In Knflald. l'urn Nitrons Ox iiln iu. 1... n.. n..i less Kxtractiim ol Teelli always on hand. U I ' HSS I I . Mt t.t.KV. ,, u,,nil. 1. 1, li N .It M (I O tl K, ATTOKVKYS AT LAW. HAI.ll'AX N.o. l'rar lice In the eiiitntiesot Halifax, Northamp. toil. I', " "on tne Mil- ft of the state and lu the Federal iof the K.tsterii District. Collect Ions inado part of the State. Jan j jy preuii I'ourl' In any V. J. NAW. BAKER & CONFECTIONER, WELD ON, N.C. A very larite snpiily of Cakes, Crackers, candles, French Bli 0 Kaislns. I'ruiis. Xali, c. Ihe larsrest stock of r,,ys,,f ,,v,,rv variety ever brou rlil to this market. orders for eamlies. esk. e , filled at short si notice at .Northern prices. W.'ddiinr and ..I tier pari les supplied as cheap as the cheapest. iyt lv;"' isst. (UII tt I Itll IV. WOK KM, (Kslnbiislled ill I Mm ) '-.vesmore llallfas lr.Tl;ltHfR0,VA. Moiiumriitsi, I OnlbH, ( rusmesi, llmdHlone nnU mvritonrti nf every d' serlpt lull tuade to uidr raiiuillar in . ie.l fiom .. llesntus sent hy msll toiinv uddri ts, with post sit" slumps enclosed lor return sTWIvn orders are received, the work la pr nnreil and f, ,rwiinleil if il .l....s ..i ......,-. ssitsfiietioii, .iirehttN,'rs are req nested to return . ., . ,r ,,-.. . , pnyuis; iieicnt notn ways. Lowest prices and cheap fr, ights nusraiiteed. si Coriespondeiicc solicited fr un all sectluos. , , ClUS. Jt. VVALtsH. apr. l;i ly. W- W- HALL. Fire nnd Llie Iunurauee Agent, Oan lie found In the Roruiohe Sewa ttffle. . s ' WniiOK, N.C. BrE;si:irti, New York llnilerirrlter. "Airrlctiltiiral" ol WatnrtnwD. N, T. Wesicrn, f Toronto, Canada, , ramlleo. of TarhoM, N . C. Lvnehbunf . ef l.rnrhbursr, Ta. Kiultatile Life lutursnee Co, ot Tf. T I Will ilae risk llotliWMOtlenmivaDy atlow aolcrttttw . ,...',..-. ItUvutly