if . ' i .. . - f ' v . -y - , mm l ' ' ill ' ln I 111 " ' ""I Ill I ' mS ROANOKE NE WS. ' 1. THE ROANOKE NES . ' j ' ' - , - ' ADVERTISING BATES. -X, . A WJMOC'UATIC W" ii 3 f 'j ' m 1 -i, I PTE! ilffeAWWT EWS - HALL Jii c I f- r I Two Squares, 6 00 -uiiuve, J BgCnc? : Jfl VOL.' XII. j WELDOpST. G., THURSDAY," MARCH 15, 1883. NO. 1 ADVERTISEMENTS IV- Ilynpopalii, ol Ivcntia, lik Hpndnchf, Chronic IHr. rhrtrt JmintHr-f, Impurity (lf th lllitntl, KTrn.i AClir, MaUrla, ml nil IHnfoiaei runncd br lie- niWmlf Mver, Bowels and Kidneys. 'JUTT" iP A TIUT:i I.ITfR. r i rZ V r"'B i! " ' i'. tftmrtimea the L" fch r ?h.m!-.KHe, mistaken fnr wwm ; fTnerai n, 0f Sm!it5 Bevela SwJ alleimtinR with lax; 2JT. l"i,Me.' with !.. is dull and heavy, 3.2I2r " """""V. accompanied l,"7tinorltTip.1;uii.lniiri.illiiiir """"t b l' H.w; bs!,t, dry cough T" lematimen iin atien.tsni, often fcl. "'v1 de,"'"T: """ """T "'"tied; kunim'. ''limes P,ftk. $BMiio wmUi.ipiriU are low ,, deiiMndeBt, Hu T 5 """y "umino. up fcrtitudt lo fccl' eirr reme.'.y. StTeral Wat akm irmnotiH allcnd ihe dituw, but cue. r toutil ku, Uw rt ihcm ..i.i.d. ..t UU dull La. .Saw, ike I.I.,.. emtniwly iennged. It nhonld b m hy an pemons, old nd yern0, trhmsrn any of the abcro (yaiptoms nppenr. Sr.onJ Tr.y,1,nF or Wy'nT n Tn. 21 J 'T,r in nralthy action, will avoid Wlrl, Billnoa ttrh. Uiziinew, Nau , DnrKtiaui, Lnmsion r.f Spirit", etc h intorM Uka glau of wins, W In m, In tHcatta( bcTsrsge. .'f T." T'htn; hnrd H 1,'OMIfiK. m fcal it; nftcr rnwli, or nlecp. at aiftii, Mki a dint and yo will be relltvci.. T- mt4 UorlwrV mna w!H b0 anvwl y klwati) ksytrlnai the Regulator h fhe rtnnsel For, whaarm l ollfnent may Le, p ihormiclii nrvWt, allrrnllrn nud tnnlo o "'J' fift. I up reiuet'jr in hnrmlra iw" nm noi I i Intn-ferc nIMi liiiilne. . plensnrn. rr pi prnrr.y TrnrTAm.i', ! A-l haa U Ilia power find t Tn:.., , f Caluincl rr Q'jiiiim, wiAem any of the injnrieui aftf r cfTetla. A fViffli nniep Ttltnrtfiy. 5iaaa I.rnr Rcni.Umr ! I m i.i uat ia my ir.milT krr - tin, and I an siiisfied it is a wunal W Ml.briiw t ant medi. jl cien..e. J Gilu S..ria, tjovcrnoref Ala Item. Alixnilr H. Wtnphena, of i. mn n.T ,l.nr. l m, h.mfu , wt , "KTWB n"'' ft" ' - I ha i:md Hunt rrirrdii. f. r IKc. t pf l.ir Actina anil I'rbilitT. i'fbilitT. Lul aievur ' mmn I.r Rrfdatnr b., scC'r,,m m,,, tt a Mditiaa, and would advise all. ll are sini-: IE ! t?? 10 M '' ilw only tlunf ttevattwfiila lo relieve. 1 'I . M. Jannet, Minneap(Ji, Minn. AT- mw" "nyri: T-nm rtual rx-1 Jfrteim l the ,ne f Smrow.a I.iver i(i ulau,, , Tpractlct l bava been ,.( .,m5r( ,0 ,lse , 4 pntnlht it aa t r-:rgiti,e o,.-;!ic.oe. fl-T.a. 1t the Ornnli,.. which alw.wt N M lh Wrapper fhs rd 7 Tride-lltrk CO. vtt i.r. p tai.l I ri -ccis ; fckl Tl E V A SIIKI,, j9 M Affttp ACTtt I! C t! Ciijinm, ToAtt liny ami fe 117 MILI.3, CRIST MII.I5, : I I.I. IKONS, 1 l'lorfs, Iron nnil UmsK a-iin-. epajly IMeruir " ouTHflRN hot;; i 5. a. OHMt.nn, Trorfplor, i HALIFAX. N. ilcBiterl, repainted nd thnnui rhly rrraimed for emnforf Tble nniiplied from Norfolk ami Wilmlnwtmi rpi'ket' (ood n rvunta and goud fre. ComfortAhle rootna fo.'all. IhnveAlso LWerr Stnhle, vrhere hor; n ut i pvomiitly t tender! to, Tehleles hired i ensunatite terms to tirties wlahlntr tliet ijan 15 ly a who are recovertne vita' Ptaminn, Jn (rntlelid tcrmi heir apprecia tive merits is n I. ,;., 1. 1 llostetter'a at h Hitlers. Not on v thu s it imparl ,'lh to the weak, bat it else correct rcTiilar arid suite of u-o ftomncb, the liowt'lt et at inom r mtc i"". ease to tho..e who Miller from liheu and IttltTT troiihlfi . and couituers aa i prevents icm r ui.ii auue. ,, eiiia tiji.i iM-ujijri is aud ueaicra a gi tientl'. ft.VNPY i KONU, iSllUa F.B.( .i.TS, Norfolk, Va, A T T I K A. il O t) It K :o: 01. ev? to the p iblie :c V .1 f-V.' ,y On UTMI:T OF I il. t .rtK-e . 1 , Cheap la' l.aui WAV .i Kuaiehliig 'loods, 40. I OK CASH. Jin:J.7I. A.MtXIUE, Uriek Block, Wcld 'B N.C. 4esJ K? :.i,uii'l 1ml 1 ft ;1 j glgi fitf . vVvF rfyt.-e"--.fcj' I, I 1 rex V fii 1 A WOMAN'S REASON I Ikiyi'II ii'iim now Inrttll I .11. ii y.m were not iiullii s; n-nr id "). Or Ifienil iiipn youruycii iiioilitr wny "in I uMI" I let my himd iii.hikmiI rn. ' i:l ( 'li:;;iif tniliii yet 1IUI U'0 j'i -'H I illicit ir"t' iidllinl 11 wmk liuir ft Ji-st. I :hiiik, pei'lmps-I'd tell inn. rruat, ' i' ;bi- mi. titrn jrnur cyi'n iinolln i '')' ' . ,.:hi t .i wlla-Il What one lnl In !!' Is Lull' t!eliD Ct Stmeliort' mAf! ('n,,' lieiirt Slir In iil-'ii side, with such n nifl, M"; 'k Tis I his -Hie Old World 1ms t.ten !rn :iKaili Horn Willi artraiiKO, nwoct, bitter Ihri ' pai'' Tim sul (lid World I treated with disdain new lieciiuse I love Ton ! 4 I stweely know my own fin e, in the ijlos, II almost ;oenu to mock 1111 as 1 pus.s, Oiiee of Us fe .v iioor beautli 1 1 was vnin, Now iliey can onlyroilMO me to disdiilu, iNhcuMlie I reiily tliinisaiul times n I'liii', The diarn and un should lilit my eyes itnd lialr- Aud yet sometimes I think J only r.ive Heesiise bceatiso I lovi: yon. Hill !nn Tul and ."O fi'll ofmeml. I would nut and sometimes N.ni''i;m".i would ; in piuii i i id humble, scornful, thoughtful, lifiln, liiiiii.fd tunes hetwi-'ii themoim and nitht 1 (Mst i;i i .It' 1 Tvtodrir.v roll lle:te. I I Id y.Mi !l::l:t and I hold you deiir. An I nil i liu -I know with joy. Willi four -lie-:. use I love you. II l: And new my hand c'.lntp. closer li ymr breast Ilend your html lower, while I iho rest. The greatest eliBiiee (,f nil Is llii-imt I. Who used to be so cold, o Herd so shy, In the sweet i,i,,mnnt that I feel .y i near, r'wet to he eshiined mid kni no fear, Forget tlmt I.i rn it M nnd Detihis dreur, !li e.iusu beeiii'C-l loyr ri ! JSLWOST PVST RE?!F.VING ' tty (rifltai in a c "' ' p:il 1 1, a finny xj . rmiid be pit asaiit.T " in tV. as he jnMisttl n apenk Vnarfl, gath u.lier day. What lit Dr. Coven oi sweet Ceeily Seymour, who stood by the sunniest wall, pushiiij; her browr, tiuir iioin lior flushed face. bin h it boimiu face, fresh and bright ns sntn-4MH- dawn, with clew grey ye fringed about Hlj .lu-sky browaiid liub, like a clear lake cil.'cd round with rushes. "What do yon think of uncle to-daji doctor?" "I fancy he is belter, Mist Cccl'v; but he still needs pelt faro, and must be kt j t quiet." Odlv shrugged her plump shoulders as (he said a llltle Impatiently:, '"A hat a plly he has such u bad temper." ' It deed It is; it goes agjlnst him tremen Ioiibit. I ant afraid it inal.cs it rather hii ptc.Mut fr you, too. Is there no one wliu wo'tjil conic and help you V" ami if there were 1 would rather take care of Lira myself. I owe him that for hit We fine." She rubbed u red-fliucked apple on her gown an she spoke, and pasicd il to the d..rto,-, si'ving, "You will find It sweet." .vi i -iiouul your lips, Uebo," tlie-ught the uector, us he dug hi strong white teeth into llh: julej fruit. i Liutn.oientry sat dvu on a rustic seat while Ucily coulltiucd to pick aiile.s. I. sently she jumped down from the low ladder with it little, cry of pain M 6he came te uartli. lucileetor caught a tempting glimpse of white stocking and dainty buckled shoe. "What's the imtiter, Cecily " he asked with a Miiiie at the pretty puckered face. ii!,, n bee has got up my sleeve, and Stung mo. She tin Led up her pink cotton sleeve, bar- ,ug .in tne iienuiy oilier snowy (iimpieu arm tv'tmsc faimees wis slmn; by a wee brown lie A pay for his presumption," said the ltv.e ; -tt unng Ihe remedy for the hurt, Ashe ipilicd the ivtised the pretty plump tnii towards him. and, bowing his face upon it, Sis-td the-salt tt-li raptitroasly. Cecily (lushed up uboe liar innocent eyes. "l'orgive me, tltar, said he softly; "I could tot resist (he teniplniion." ,",Silly fellow," she said smiling. ''I :n afraid 1 am very silly, indeed, far I live leani'tto love you, and want you to cono itsfl brighten my life. Wl.l you marry me, ( clly ?" Her hone.' oys .luied his closely for a few (iMintls, th.'iishe in a sweet shaken voice, her vivid lil'l trem'.iinu' ut her daring: "Are you l.t f-ttiie-i f Have you coiih)erd lioiv ttriott i -ae- ' . von hue asked rue?'' "Uf C0ii;-c i v r.iitsdcie.1, and am in in nest, tlarl.iif. 'leM is nlut :s your ansvt:. He kbad tt me, i ' , fm I love you, deni-1 love you brvuii J ail rl.e the world contains."! "Then if it v. li I t foi your happiness, I co- ViHttbefJ Jour ba,1U!,S tni., - Jjtdlc Lt'Urasf - -ook up ifci auong browu L.n.t -u.,1 i -S.Httfi her lint tin :t ..'-h humble ' 1 . . , ... .,,n in on i,.. , , , . . fiVie in CVloy iTcniiient. ''I bclU v.iie ton do love me t Ultle, .beauty." "I love t u (tore th oi 1 cat suy." I'liateiei.iii 'Ce. i.y ndtow,ik lB tl)e vj. 1 -go it, ft u ie fsi" i "''I'll for tin- pcCVi,B Minn',, ,,,,, u.is iiiiiidetl through irtiiit. ' mail w.e oK ae i dl'eilly, hilt alio did '"'' notice L'loout, ' r lier lieart ssnir within '"r at the thought .d ii"i' liaudsottie lovei's 'oini assurance uf loMi aui 1 liuru HUardlan- snip. ei iiy a had been ii lonely me, slmi out of "leworu by. i he pride ef hev nnt.e, Wlio, 'rmn being a landed gentleman, li (l sun'. through luipr.ividfliee and g imlilin Into u Implc yconi.ni, who farmed a few ncrnj where ' ''telie ha.! louied it us owa.-r of a 4sl do main. The (list i'le on of clear of undying fltishine i'i' ..iij'a i,(,. i,;,d come to her out ir tle foung U'.'lon doctor's dark eyes. Ni she as to W his w . 'e. and live it Iho prcttjwhite littuse on t.s hill, with everything in to to "lake her hippy. Ne wo'ider bur bear'.Uiing within her, m,,l her s'-ps as light us the latt of her happy ,t.art. '" . : In Hie daik highway presently sliu piscd out of breath, at tli end of tlic road whe she could sec- the llglul of the village. A little collage , ,t0od by where she waited, atot lage that had cauglit, nn air of ,v.terv froj Its "' , ""-upttiii, ui nnonithe village inew noiiiing. 'Ilsuaid to 'to virtuous In a village, so v o lUTciy, iUneij woman dese:, what ami w saiu or ner. ( .lately liouso at Kemlngton, ecuy waj wonacring wlit tlnntful wi aw'i past bad been wben the dijpenei i: a tall form stood In tin doorwal, wai 11 figure of a man-a tlKiire the t,i the kirw. Ilia voice startled all Iho bl to Uer Mrt. It was the voleo of Dr, Covy who sjiI, In the soft loving tono alieew to w4l: fallen :Atiy ueir, yon are a sweet llltlnurdlty f"t com u siiiuy jeaious. yyneio It 'womau wlo could rival you ? Kiss me, dea.nd aay g pd night, I'll come to raoirew a' usual tide. Meanwhile, rest content. I ore you ydl bold uulivided empire iu the t of the nnu yon love." Ueclly saw the pretty flaxen hoaplifted aid aw her "king's lips seek tlrlnsome Ally's ward here dow, mnith of this queenly, dark-robed n who hl ovcrsliiuiowed with a dark des 411 the then glow and glory of her dawningpbiness. Tli'.n the saw her lover pass so neuatt she coild luve stayed him with her lis .passed on.careii'ssly ana cuccrfullywhiti; a gay ous daict time. i liow tier licait ached! What & sen sick' eniig piiln possessed her. Ob, If sluald but die amleo forget her pain, her og of dis npp)itmeiit and never-ending grle f Sie executed her simple errand nreturncd agin through the dark road lunteml with wlittdilerent feelings. Her fset ed, her heart bunt heavily, and there seoincno light aliriil. As she passed the cottagcio stood still in the darkness and cursed It a its flax en -haired mistress with sach bitterientmcut is her simple, uneventful life had -ter known before. That night her uncle called ner t'm in a softened tnood and told her that Dcoventry had been and asked his peraiissioi-.o marry her. Ctcily's face paled as she said in tone of unchanging resolve: "I will never be his wife uuele. ; Dot ask my reason, enough that I know hlcj be ut terly unworthy of a good woman's :-al a (Tec tiun. Tell him I refuto.him ut and fur ever." Bui'imse Kepi me. nui man nnnuiar a tea ond; then he flaw into a violei::-p;e, and stormed and cursed at her rnore terly than no bad ever done before, and lie In stormed somewlmt roughly In bis time. Cecily grew white, but bore h'n asslonate opbraUmg patiently bowing her feet face like a Jower before the breeze. "Yoi shall leaTe here before the k Is out, and goto work for your aunt Ilelenningrato- ful gir' " C'cciy said she hoped if he coulJipare her he would let her go at ouce, sudi change was liar most earuest desire. Andaoiu the morning sunligitshe sped away from rural Rutherford Into tit d"8' 1,11,1 dm of the great city to a big school Blooms bury, where her maiden auut fined city misses into the mystery of good brellug. Meanwhile the puzzled doctor h received her atswir from her uncle, who, so that the safest-valve for his ill-humor wast pitch ed inx the doctor, telling him MiM imust have iome good reason or she woa! not have acted iu so contrary a manner. Tint niglitlhu doctor, with a ajliet face, wenthilo the pretty cottage wli'- pretty woiniu waited for his coining l a puny baby walling at her breast. She ti 'l o ice somelliiiig had gone wrong with:' brother and tuletly won fro-n him the litU llstor-y of his live nnd its porplexiug entliut "Ifliould not have thought ii a Jolly, honit-eyed girl cculd be tickle, !" There musibuaone misundcrstaiidiiii, i'r- iou werdso suro of her love, Tom." s "to sure m I aui of God's dlrisKij ycti J'0" see, the has failed me. Out don'iHf"" about me, tlcar. I am a luau, made to ulffr and be strong. But I have news for yon1' I found Jack eut to-nuy, nnd fie lias promised there shall be peace between you. Iok i". and is angry at your mjsqueridin j, Vere n a widow. He is overjoyed that t . ' b.ihy U n ion, and satisfied me that yaurs was u ground less jealousy, and in fact, waits im.-idi impa tient to spealt for himself. Yo.i have played with edged tools, sis; may your .vouinls he a warning to you I" future. Kenieniber 'lo tlie pure all things are pure,' si) cease tecnvUtyour f ile, be.iuse your h i hnud counts pretty woman among his friends, tiood-iiigbt, little woman; I am in no in id .. witness a love !e. so 1 will go i. o4 nig t, dear, (iotl bless) oil. In the porch be ptusedl i i-iv to n I dl, b srJcd man: 'tio in, nun, or she will f;et .:'i j-p-ie. patient with Uer, raiouuibs: h i err : c.one It of excess of MV1. Ill right, Tom. My heart Im yeamtrt for Her so long t nail I can but im gcuile, seeing iviiat she has suffered since she tore herself out of my anus, l'oor little girl! life were not worth living without her." "A lady to see yen, Cecliy. Please he quick back, there are all these c:.wlees to correct aud we are late." "Vory well, auntie, I won't hn l".g. IV ho can the lady be, un less It is the rector's wife. Oh, I hope uncle is not worse." W illi proud composure Cecily waited for her visitor to speak, but inst-ad ot seakolg the Utile lady burst Into a II od of passionate tears, In going Cecily, If she had a woinnn's lieart, to piey. ulli 'i' oiiiy brother, Dr. Coventry, fr mi g.iini; as a Ktu genu i;!i a regiment orderelto India lor active service. "it. is si-ply ruin for him tosell his practice, tioiv, he is doing so fuuioiisiy. But. be says he c.iunot stay in, the spot that recalls daily hh bitier .lisjpiioiiiliii ut. Why can't you love liiiuy lie i good, tr i '. noble, nil that a man should bo. There tie-""' dearer brother or a belter son." Cecily began to see tl she not trusted him. Clasping Ally's ham!, suspicions, all her wii had bidden f ir to ie Ally told her own stoi;, same groundwork j listened, she bi.tmeJ more severely. a iight. Oil, why had she told her all hei icd Jualoiit rage that . I wo lives And then which had J ist the o i'. and white Ceeily Ii rseif eacli moment "What can I do ! remedy my miserable mistake ?" "Come back with in it o iee, and tell Tom how It camo about. He cimetip to town about disposing of his practice, and returns to night to Kutherford. I only discovered your aidrcss la-dav," Ciclly needed no second bidding, but, pret lily dressed iu her daintiest frock, sprang Into the hausoiu bciido th.t vV-uauolie had hatcdi gltamlDK to a Ally pushed her Into a darkened mods, where wai drlyon through tha a mna stood In a dejected attitude by a win dow, reading a loiter In the diuk. "I any, Ally, my business with Curtis baa through, lie say the purchase money it too much. tVhy did yon ro out alone, child? You know Jack dislikes It!" Cecily came timidly to his tidt, her cauraso forsaking her. Tora looksd roupd, and saw, Instead of pretty pfd'ff Bhape, a stately form, with a graceful drooped head; then ho tprang for saying : "Cecily!, Is it possible: Why are yon !" He drew her Into the dim light of the win aud scanned her shy face as ho spoke; she UDllfted all the witching light of luir pleading eyes to his, and said softly : "Oh, Tom, can you forgive me ? 1 have wronged you cruelly." Then followed the dreary details of her Jeal Dilns and her wearv life without him. As he listened to the pleading yolce the Ico seemed to melt from about hia heart, and claping her to him he said : "Oh, my darling, the mistake was almost past retrieving. Why are women so foolishly suspicious ? You two Jealous women have almost wrecked the lives that loved you. But this must be a danger signal tt-you iu future, darling. Susplcioni it a foe to love; perfeot love should be built upon faith." "I will never mistrust you again, lorn dear." "Don't say never, pet, rather promise that, if yon should be tempted to repeat this experi ence, you will corns to your husband houestly and tell him your trouble" Cecily promised with her beautiful arms en circled about her lover's neck. Jack was met half an hour later by his lit tle wife, who when she gave him a kiss of greeting, said: Don't go iuto the library, Jack; remember how we used to hate being caught tpooulng in the dark. Tom's sweetheart and ho are making It up. I must say they linger oyer It at thonch they find It a pleasant business," "May their making up be aa pleasant as ours, pet, aud the lesson us lasting." SITTING UP WITH HER- WI! HAVE ALL 11BEN TnEKB, U0T9. Will any one who has ever 'spavketl' over fortret thoso delicious hours ? Will his heart ew yrrow so cold and hard that it will not mlt a littlo, as ho held a little white hand, toyed with soft curls, and heard her whisper "Star a littlo loiitfer: it lacks a whole hour of day-light !" oho was cxpccuns him a bunday night; the parlor curtains were down, the old folks notified (hat it was healthy to go to bud at eijjht o'clock, and Johnny bribed with a cent to per mit himself to bo tucked away at nun down. He sneaks up the path, one eye on the dog aud the other watching the "old man," who didu t like l.im any too well, gave a faint kuock at the door, ami it was opened and h vr.13 use irlfd to tho parlor. lie hum couldn t stay but a minute, though he didn't mean to go home until three ., . .11 t I I- c ulocK. one wauteu to kiiow now ni.i mother was; if his father had returned from York State; il bin brother Hill's boil was any better, and lie went over nnd sat down on the sofa, so as not to strain his voice. Then the conversation flagged, ami he played with hi hat, and she nib bled with the sola tidy, llo lmally 8ttia it was a Deauuiui evenmtr.antl she replied th.tt her grandfather predicted storm. He said be guessed it wouldn't snow, as the moon wasn't crooked enough to hang a powder horn on the end, and she said she didn' believe it would eithnr. This mutual understanding seemed to givo each other courage, and he wanted to know if she had seen Ulll Jones lately. Slit hadn't, she said, and she didn't want to. Ibeythen went to talking about tht donation visit to be given Elder ISetry, and he carelessly drop- pet! his hand on hers his right hand, while his left arm sneaki-d along the sofa to get behind her shoulders. She pretended not to notioo it, and ho looked ilnwii at his boots, and wanted to know il'shf thought mutton tallow rutted out boots faster than lard and lampblack. She couldn't say, but she hail an idea that it did. lie had just commenced to lock fin- gets with her, when she discovered something ailed the lamp. She arose aud turned ihe light down a half, making the room lonk dim, It took him iivit minutes to get hold ot h fingers again, aud sin pretended to want to draw lier hand away all tlu time. After a long pause, he lowered his voice to a whisper, and said he didn't nee what made folks love each oilier, She hugged up lo him, and admitted her iguoninco. llo said that he colli I name a dozen young men who were going to get married right away, nnd his It'll anil loll down and nave her a.hug. lhen ho went over to look out of the window to make sure that it was, or not ging to snow mid Joining back, he turned tho light down a littlo more, and then sat down and wanted to know if she didn't want to rest her head on his shoulders. Ah, me l we have all been there, and who of us care a cent when the fold clock strikss twelve one two, and we five miles from home ? The Id man was fast asleep, the watch dug gone a visiting,an l tho handsomest girl in tho country didn't see why we need bo in a hurry. When you see a woman going towards His creek Willi a good sized pole in her baud and a wrinkle across her note, you nedn't think she's going ilslilng. Not much jlie's got a boy down that way who promised Ver, with lean Iu Ml eyes, thtthewfuUnotg0 8 vnJ PICTURING HEAVEN- tub U0ST8, TUB APPAUEb, AND TUB 80N09 TAL- MAOK EXPECTS TO FIND TIIKHB. "Much of mv mental life," said D". Talmage yesterday morning, "is dated trom IHO llOlir 111 WHICH I um na wuu of the great pictures of tho old mas- a :-. 1.i:..U,...l. Su.tlarul Tn thin LW1S 111 OUIUUIIlfco, kiwni.im. moment I feel the thrill of Jenny LuiU s song in Castle Garden in tho days of iny'boyho d. To-day let us look on the landscape which John describes. As the great ancient orators used to rouse tho people to enthusiasm by the ono word 'Marathon' so I would to-day stir your deepest aud highest emotions with that itnnartial word 'Heaven.' My text seems to describe a holiday celebration in heaven, John says. 'After this I beheld, and lo, a great multitude, which no man could . num ber, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, aud tongtieB, stood before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes and with palms in their bauds, and cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth on tho throne, and unto the Lamb.' "If any man who saw New York wnen Kossuth arrived had como to the conclusion that that day with its tri umphal arches, its flowers, its boom-in"- truus. showed tho ordinary condi tionof tho city, he would have keen vol v foolish. I have no idea that the chief normlation of heaven comes from this world. An ingenious writer has estimated that there will be twenty seven trillions of souls thore. I have no faith in the estimate, and would rather take the plain statement of my text, a great multitude which no one could number.' , Take all the cohorts of Senaeherih, of Citosar, of Alexander, and Napiih'on; mount a swift steed ami ride along the line aud review the troops of the great host, and they will seem like a half formed regiment compared with the armies ot redemption. All nationali ties will be there. These gathered the tamarind. These crossed the deserts on camels. These shot through the snow, drawn bv Siberian doss. These walked thiouslrtho Spanish Iiiquisilin These wero conlincd in Loudon Tower. These fousrht with wild boasts in the amphitheatre. What shall he tho dress of the glo rified ? Surely that God wlie dressed the clouds with ribbons of blue, who hung the trees with dia nond dewdrops, who (lung tho crimson mantle over the shoulders of nature, and slippered with fields of green grass the feet of tho spring moruing docs not despise ornate apparel. Aly text savs tlu-v Nhall bo clad in white. No use there for work-day apparel. No Abraham mourning lor Sarah. JNo Isaao mourn ing im- jncoii. io uavnl mourning or Absalom. An JUary mourninir lor Jjtiarus. "What symbols shall they carry? .Not cypress lor that would denote sorrow; not myrtle tor that mur u mean sin; not wei'iyinjr willow, for that would mean mourning; tint palms. I ne text says with palms in their bauds. In old tunes, wheu conquer ors returned home, the people built triumphal arches for them and went forth to meet them with branches of tin' palm tree, which they waved as the symbol of victory. Dr. Dick declared that the inhabi tants of heaven will spend some time in the slinly of arithmetic and high branches ol mathematics, hut there is no charm in such a thought to mo. I prefer the text which says ii. shall bo i . . . i r. t. an eternal psaimouy, ciyuig witu n loud voife, 'Salvation unto the Lord God and unto tho Lamb.' Take hood for your ears, for it will be a song loud" and stupendous. They will ing a rock song, and the chorus shall be Clrist the shadow of a great rock.' They shall sing a star nong, and the chorus shall be of the coming of Christ, the morning star of the world's dark ness. Thoy will hing a (lower Bong, ami the chorus shall he of Christ, tht lillvofthe valley, blooming through frost and tempest. They shall sing a water song and the chorus shall bo 'Christ, the fountain in the midst of the wilderness. There will be joy in the sky, and are we to-day rehearsing for it? If we lose heaven it will be in the, same way that Louis Phillippe lost his kingdom. The palace was be sieved and the General said lo Louis Phillippe: "Shall I tiro?' 'No, not yet," was tho reply. Hut when the soldiers began to fraternize with the citizens ami it was found that the palace was about to he surrendered, Louis Phillippe s ii'l- !' but the General said : No; it is too late." l!ti or Good Chkkb.-A nun who acquires a habit of giving way to depression is one on tht road to' ruin. When trouble comes upon him, . - . 1. . t . a. I. . Inst aid of rousing his energies to comuai it. u . . . ... .. J..1I 1.1., t,1..,ni.tiW weakens, Hit faculties grow nun, M.V, becomes obscured, and lie flnkl hi'o the al- of despair; and If anybody pulU nlm jT main force and places htm safe on solid gi J 1 he stands there dejected and "jjl Wuci, Is pretty sure to waste the mm of hehiT have been given him. Huff dlflerent L-r the man whtAtkes a cheery view "ni,yWf.ll at its worst, nnd faces every 1111 bJ, , overw,,el. pluck! IU may be swept irn briVgy iUu miug title of misfortune, js rM,,y , uki gl.s for the shore, ai.JfT . Mm A tho ...oat or uie m,,, jlto.,tion Is lu eurei in', ""l''"'l..ij ... .. .......U- eu I valet ' valuable and sbj T K A ;! ( IIVPAlUA 'IET0R. Quick, madder i 1 1 V cure, an snurAv 'Atyiwej,"i,-ifl UX - .'! ELOQUENCEJF BASCOM Tho following passages will serve aa ' t to illustrate tho peculiar oratorical stylo of the lamented Rev. Henry B. Bascom, tho distinguished Kentucky Methodist preacher : "Chemistry, with its fire-toiignes of the galvanic battery, teaches that the stairy diamond iu tin crown of kings, and tho black carbou which the peasant treads beneath his feet, are both composed of the same iden tical elements. Analysis also proves that a chief ingredient it limestone is carbon. Then let tho burning breath of God pass over all the limestone of the earth, and bid its mossy layers crystallize into new beauty, and lo ! at the Almighty fiat, the lustre that renders midnight noon, and eclipse all the stars." Tho great orator urged the same view by another example still better adapted to popular apprehension. 'Look yonder ! said the impassion ed orator, pointing a motionless linger towards the loft, ceiling, as if it were the sky. "See that wrathful thunder cloud the hery bod ot lightnings and hissing hail the era lie of tempests and floods. What can be more dark, nico'o dreary, moro dreadful? Say, sc ifling skeptic, is it capable of any beauty? You pronounce. "No!" Well, very well ! But, behold ! while the sneering denial curls upon your proud lins. tho sun. with its sword ot lighl, shines through tho sea of va pors in the est, and laughs in your inf.reditloiis laeu with Ins line golden eye. No v, look again tit the thun der cloud. See where il, was blackest and fullest of gloom. The sunbeams have kissed its hideous cheek, and where tin! kiss tell, there is now IiiiisM lit"2li!i'r tli'i'i ever mmuwl on the brov o1" m ii tal maiden the ri bitisii ot crimson aiitl gold, ol purp e and vermilion a pictured blush lit lor the work o of arigels the flower pencils of fire and light at. a dash bv ono stoke of the right hand of God. Aye, the ugly cloud hath riven birth to tho rainbow that perfection and ble beauty," symbol of unspeaka BiaiiNNiNO to Siji't't'zB. Two or three years agoxi Jersey City pension 1 iwycr took the case of a widow who wanted about .',000 back pay, and the papers went to Washington to bo hid den away among the cobwebs until some clerk had nelhing e'SJ to do but examine tle m. Af ter throe months bad passed, a voting farmer called to nk about the case, and regularly ev ery ninety day since that time ho lias dropped in with his: "Well, any irood news for the Widder Jen nings?" At his last visit the oilier day, the lawyer re plied after the sitne stereotyped fashion, and added: "Do you live near the widow''" "Only one farm between us," "And has she toldjou to watch for the moil ay?" "Well, not exactly thai, but I've .kinder ta li oi iinnii myself to do so. If the Widder Jen nings gets that fj.000 before the first of April, my heart is going to yearn to many lier. If she don't it it, I'm going to marry un old maid with twenty one acres of land and a yoke of oxen. I wouldn't liavt) I'lmo in to diy, but the widder she's a winking ami the old maid Is looking purty as a bed of unions, aud things Is beginning to squeeze on me ALlVKIJTISK.MK.VrS. CHKAP ON G HOUSE KAKM ! 37 acres of hind about 4 miles from Uastoll nnd 6 miles from Littleton, on the Willuns' Ferry Road, adjoin, un tile hinds of Hum Hunks and others, l.eiiifrn purl ion of Ihe old Kdwards l'niey Woods tract. One half iu cultivation Terms very easy. Title perfect. Possession given im mediately.. For particulars npplyat this ofllee. f I I BU" SEWING MACHINE CO I CHICAGO, ILL. - ,JBlllJ m, . a liri v A ! 1. rrsrirm. m N T, 1 I w?T0NI GENERAL AO KN andf A,JJ.fiH,a. t rfolK,Va. la ei I lZ IT. I T'.W "1 livJ-VVAfttt-ts- I l,lJiy. r.sW?ftwiHG MACHINES 3l ViopKOi."- . wgMD,. n.1 II I One Square, Two Squares, Throe Squares, Four Squares, Fourth l'ol'n, Hall Ceiumu, Whole Column, 3 00 5 00 H 00 10 00 15 .00 18 00 20 00 80 00 14 00 20 00 20 00 30 00 30 00 I 40 00 30 00 I 45 00 40 00 f.O 00 8 00 10 00 15 00 20 00 I 60 00 65 00 Ouo Year, 75 00 PROFESSION AICiDS -yy O. ELLIOTT. Attorney and t'ounscllor at Law, NOIttOLK, VA. ltooms 'Jniul 3 Virginian Bulldlug. oct I ly jrjRANlTI HULL. ATTOIttfKY AT LAW. K.NKIKI.l), N, C. rraetlcea In Iho counties ofllnlilax, Nash Kds'ei-ombc and Wilson. Collections made In all parla of the Slate. Jan 11 tf. R 11. SMITH, JR. AT TOUXEY AT LAW, Scotland Nijck, Halifax Coontt N, O Practices In the county of Halifax and atlioln Inr counties, and In the Supreme court of the State. 18 ly. f M. 0 It I Z A K D, ATTOIIXEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Offlcn In tho Court House. Strict attention Klventoall branches of the profession. Ian 13 ly rUOMi.S N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. O. Practices In Halifax nnd adiolnins; count! and federal and Supremo covins. Will be at Scotland Neck, ouoe every fort- ulKht. aug28i( T. W. MASON ATTORNEY AT LAW, GAUYSUURQ, N. C. l'ractlee In tho courts of Northampton and adjoining counties, also In the Federal and Su premo conns. luueBtf. y A L T K 11 K. H A X I E L, Attorney and CouuHfllor At Law, IV E L I) O IV, N. C. Practices In Halifax and adjoining eouutle. Speeitl nft.in.ion given to collodions Iu all parts of the State and prompt returns made, feb. 17 1 y W. HALL, " ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDOV, N. C. Special attention irlven to collections nd remittances promptly made, may Itf. Q K. E. L. HUNTER, SURGEON DEN TINT. Can be found at bit olliee In Enfield, l'ure Nitrous Oxide Ous lor the Pain less Extracting of Teeth always on hand. June 22 tt. JIMk'S M. MCLI.ES. John t. at com iU" DLL KN k MOORE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. Practice In the count lea of Halifax. Northanm. ton. KdKfCoinht', Pitt and Martin Iu the Su preme court of the Slate, and in thn Pedxrol Courts of tho Ktiatorn District. Collect Ions made in any part ot the .State. Jan 1 ly v. j. naw; BAKER & CONFECTIONERi WEED ON, N.C. A very larffe supply of sf- Cakes, Crackers, Candles, French and Plain, ininniB, xrutta, luig,6tc The largest stock of Toys of every variety over orotiiiu ui tins market. orders fnr candles, cakes. e.. tilled t hnt est notice at Northern prices. i ; . i Weildilur and other narl li'H nu,o, llo,) -k as the elienpttat. ovtltlr ISitj, I 'Of'U A l E LJKKLEJiYOJ 8. .. Ti .Tir:-fari ifliim Sycauior. roof.opposlta nnllt'ax, Htir..... "M'" omits. Arouse!, tieKUMtonesi All ll IJHI..A.I. Vl,ll nriierx nr. raifsAiv...! . i P'M a id fo.WKricd; If It docs' lot iiv. p.rV mULaetiou , purtdiasers arc. reaiat.i ... !..,.ttrn iy expniMs-l paying freight both wa y,M a a " t'llAS, M. W AVvt. 1 W; HALL, Lite Insurance Agent, Can be found Iu tho Uotinoke Not Cffiet. WKi.D0V,N.C. B E P K ES E'K 1 1 , 1 lt"; New Tork rtnderwrlters. : Arleiiltural" of Watertown. N, T. Western, f Toronto, Canada. Paralicn.of Tarltoro.N.C. . L.vneb'burit, of I.ynchburtr. Va. KquitatileLlfelUBurauotGo o g, j 1 Will Uo risks WI)ilifkenn)"y atlow satomtwi. i4'JI ( IfH.tllittlp Ik T i B- t oui Tlibrj. V, v at V 6 t If' ) Pi uotleclk Uiadef in I lie il, Halifax.' 1 pof oyt (Am.