.A THE ROANOKE NEWS, MEWS ANOKE i : yjiQ RATfcSi . v A DEMOCRATIC I f - . k , W E E K L I N E W S 1 A PER, I a 'F PACK o a O PUBLISHED If Y no Sqmtro, I wo Squares, Tlirrio .squares, Knur Squares, Kourtli Col'n, - lull Cclii mu, ' ii..li C' luuin, a (,u n ou fi 00 10 on 8 00 I 15 00 10 00 IS 00 IS 00 j 20 00 2(1 00 I 30 00 14 HO 20 0 30 fHJ 30 eo H- 00 to 00 20 v0 30 00 40 00 4o 00 0 00 65 'CO 7ft 0 i HALL & SLEDGE. One. Year. In advance, VK Months. VOL. XII. WELD ON, N.C, TH7RSDAY, MAltOH 00 1888. NO. 1 mi 75 i-tN One Year, Thrae M nit lis. News Roanoke r n '" 1 1"-! r ADVERTISEMENTS DAKBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Household Article fur I'iUtci-siiI I'mnlly I'm-, For Hi'urlct and Typhoid I cvi'it, ))lplit1irli, SmII vol Ion, I'lirriili'it SoreTIirout, Small Indicates HALAEIA. Pox, lcnsloii, mill nil c oniaginns Discuses, ivn .i,. w.uiiinton the Si' k hnuld Use it freely. Scailcl l-.-vcr has never lies known tn spread wh'-'rr- the Mind was used. Yellow Fever has been uind wilh it ufler black vomit Intel Inki'ii phirc, The must cases of Diphtheria yield to It. rrvniTttamlMlrklVr. I SMALL POY anna refreshed and I find Heil Soros prevent- j r ITTINO if Small T!' wy Jl'1!'i'l'B with ''n l'HKVKSTED llarhvs Hint. t Impure Air made I ., AuHnil.crofmyfam. harmless and iKlrilicl. ! !!' " t-'.'n will For Noro Thront it is a :.""-P". 1 used the sure cure. Fluid : the lialient was ('intHirlnn destrnved. n-it deliriou.-,, was not pitted, and was about the house ajMin in three weeks, and tin ethers had it. - J. W. Park inson, Philadelphia. For Frosted 1'e.ct, Chilblains, PI leu, Chntlug. eilo. Rheumatism cured. SoftWhltfi Complex. Ions secured by its use. Ship Fover prevented. To purify the llreatli, Cleanse the Teeth, it can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. Diphthoria Prevonterl 5SSMMv5: sV rviX"'''' J'Vslcianshere Woimrtheal.l rapidly. mentof Iiinhtlicria. Scurry cured. . 1 A. Sloia.l.NVVl'lieK, or VcRcublc J'uwonn, Orccnsbory. Ala StiiiRs, etc. i Ti'Hrr ilrleil up. 1 used the fluid during ! nnlrn prevcrttcU our present alflictmn with Scarlet Fever with de cided advantage. It is He S I'liriilcd and healed. Ill rases of Death it should he used about the clpse it w ill prevent any unpleas ant -uic-ll, 'J'he eminent Phy. imlispernrihic to the si.:k- bom. Wm. b. Sanii- r uD, Lyric. Ah iScarlot Fevora ; siclun,.l.al.i;ioN KIHS, JVI. 1)., New York, sus: " I am convinced Prof ll.wbys : Prophylactic Fluid is a 1 valuable disinfectant." Cured. Vnmlerbllt, University, Nashville, Tcnn. 1 testify to the must excellent qualities of Prof IXubys 1 ropliyhi.tic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it is both theoretically and uiaaic illy superior to any preparation with which 1 am ac quainted. N. T. Lui-ton, Prof. Chemistry, l.arhys Fluid in Itccoiiiiiicnili-d lv Hon. Ai.FXANiniK H. Strmirms, . Ocortia Key. Ciias. F. Deems, D.D., Church of the Strangers, N. Y.; J. -s. LsContf, Columbia, .Prof. , University, S.C. A- J- B-"i.ti. Prof. Mereer Univushy; Kev. Cu.i, F. PiEiicn, liishop M. li. Cluirch INmsPENSAlU-K TO KVE1JV HOME, rerfectly harmless. Used internally or .. externally for Man or Beast. 1 he Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and we have abundant evidence that it has d.,nr rvervtl.inn here claimed. For fuller inToi nia'.ion el oi your Druggist a pamphlet or send tu tnc proprietors, .J. II. ZKII.I.V ft f!(i ManufjcturinK Chemists, I'll I I.M IHI.I'M l.. fell HI Jl fJU FTEY i S T K E L, M t. X U f A C T II 11 E It s or Engine, Tobacco, Uaij and (."niton Pitsses, ' SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, MILL IKON'S, I'lotvs, Iron and Brass Cnsllims. ' ep 29 ly IMerslmr ' gOUTHERN HOTKL, JS. B, DICKCMS, Proprietor, HALIFAX, xV. C. Reftttetl, repainted and tliormijrlily arrniiired for cninfi.rf Tnhles Hitpplieil from Norfolk mnl Wilmington markets' tiood servants and good fare. Oiuifortalde rnotitd for all. I have also Livery Stitlde, where horses are promptly atleinli'd to, veliieles liirrd out on easonahin terms to parties wishing llietn. rjan 13 ly Invnliilwlio aro i.-rni ny;f vi::il 1 1 nniuft, ilt'Clai'e in rraii'tiilj. : n ' ib.r n ii-elii-tionorihi' ii'i-nis it-:i ii i :c, oi Jle.-i. tier's Htotnach Hitlers. Not o:o uoos n impart Rlrt'tilli to Ibu Weiik, but tt ulso eoneeta nil iiTi frtiliir iK'id Piute of the slomiii'li. makes I he liowels net tit in'i ijn r lutnvals, piven rust' to those ho niilfor from Illicit, iimlle, ttiul kidney tmiilili s, m,d e,oiuUi'ia us well i8 prevents fever ni.il ai: ,. Fur sale by nil Itni.nsri-U iiutl Dealers getiei'ully. fj W. OUANDY 4i SONS. COM .11 10 H I. UC.MASiTS, Norfolk, Va. Oct 5 6ra. yj K S. 1' A T T I E A. 110 0 It IS :o: Oflei'S to tlto public :o: . AX ASS011TM2XT OF Miilltiery, Notions, Funey floods, Toib t Articles, Client) Limes. Lailks FumlsUlng floods, &C. CIIEAl tUll CASH. MRS. M. A. MOORE, rimltU' Brick Block, Wcldon, N.C. but 24 It IT CELEBRATED m TREASURES n' CKCII. AKI'OS. Ah! yes, I keep my tf. asmvs yrl- I keep those dear (il l nltiiered ilmgrii Tin y tell of times wh n we IriM' "" 'i Of bl instil I ilaj, ,n, d .,ii,l ,urs. They brfatlie nfi.ive'a i.iiu-nt colden I'iSl, t Sw.'et hi -ill. riiM In tu, or !rif4taiii' ' l" S They tell how fondly love did c l Around mn- hearts lu mimli' sfi'll. All I yes, I i,.,.p my tr:lslll'eS still I keen thin tnss uf sunny hair. Anil on it g,iz ilnvuoli n ,ir until I sue itifiiin thin fane mi l.i r. Thus., pleading l..kii Hud eyo of blue, All lieamliiK Willi love's holy Hslit. Floul dreiimlike past mv , 'lful view - Atneteiflu life's ilurk - ..le iiLtht. All ! yes, I keep my treaur ' yet I k(!iii that little lirok,,: 'ltif : II tells it tale I'll ne'er fo t. And to my heart will ever bring The briilil, the blis ifitl icoieii day. She owned to me lier IciuVr love, When every i-loud J Id mellnw iiy, And sweetly .sinili d the mil abovK. Alt ! yes, keep my treasure) still I keep those dear old letters now, And sad, sweel memories evur llll My heart al every tender vow. 1 dre nit of all she was to lit", And on each pa'0 the tears u ill fall, Tolhitik that I no more may see One who was one my life my all. Ah! yes, I keep my treasures yei- Dear relies of life's happiest years, And never will my heart fu-uet To i'onseeni!i. ihein with it.- team. And tho' thoy'ie pni,-th.is s-ia. souio hours, Yet memory will their we.'tness brlntf ; So I will keep my withered i! wers. Tliatttoldon tress and br..kou rinj. HIS REWARD. We were are ijulli. inl in the Iticr siltini; room of Mrs. Biowiiell's cimifiirialile nlj house al Urownell Lcdem, The wimlowa south and east cniuinandpd an cxtfiixi view of the ia, whliiiii( now Itilo Hie imulesl fury by a wild northeast Sturm, and tho irulo howled and h'i'kr.l Ilk a mlliioii demons I l,,,n,. from L'-itiileutoniuiii. It rattled Ike cisemeuts vic iously, and drove tin lillndiiiir sheets arjainst the panes. It lioolcd jetriiiijlv dow n the wide cliiiiiii.'js, and w.iilod In il,'SiH!iin;' minor key about the eaves, while down' upon the rocky lieaitlanil the wave nurisii In cu;i!.uiu re volt. We were cozy enuut;li in the hi;' sittlnvr room, thoweh. Our ood lioMess hud u hi'hlj satisfactory way of making tiling cotuf. rtuble r us. Accordingly, as tin blank northeast storm Increased in violence, drivinaf nil the glutv of b i i ii i in-1 from the Aioini day, she hud re i. oved the board frnm tbj o!.l fasliioned lire place, still the cheeriest lire that eicr (fl.iil deii"d the heart of tt liivefiuir morlal now crackled and siniiipeil Let ween the shllllllL' brass andirons on the he nili. Mrs. 1'i.fter sat at a s .inli win low em broidetlnjr n while apron lor e!s'it year-old Flo.-sie, whu was iiiiiusint; lieieelf ' in' !. a wild Utile black kitten on the lour. I'letly AiiL'le I'l.tter, fresh from boardiii; school, and the D.ijtoii twins were doing nrled work at, the oilier wluilinv. Mr. I'm tit, .Indue Kent, llert ShellicUl and lidear l.nilns were plaiini! whist at the. center u,,U ,vh le little Mrs. Kent lonked on smiliiulv "f h-r husband's liuiildcr. At the pi i . nloeii !. id been arm from town for the s i o i. ,i'in Wilder lilajlm;, as only he eo:.l : iy, . . audioi of ia- thutlc melody, l liHlr S.'otch : i, wildder "iixii waltzes, which wove thetiKclve weirdly ill and out of the beat of the slonn. In my (iiuir llroside corner, I, the little oU- miild of Ihe parly, sat an.l watched Kal Rex ford. She stood ill one of ihc cast windows, eauin; a uait-uin"viiiseiis aeeominiiiaient to iVildcr's music with lu'i- s'-mler llnu'cra. She was dressed plainly . iiouei, tu- d ay, in a close llltiuit black cash uctv, wnicli fell in heavy. Ir.iiliiiK folds about her perfect lisnre. A knot of cardinal red ribbon w.is jjiuimj in the lilmy luce at her llirivit, ami one (r Hp- Sacqiieinlnot ro.es which Wilder had broii,ht fioni town the nljjlit before, was Listened u thu ehiniiic braids of her hair. 'It f,ee-vvell, II wa a face for a man to die f ir ear, and dark and u'lowitiK, with t,e srt,test, tenderest, proudest lips lu Ho; world. .V firm, round Chin, oval cheeks ea'-niiie-ttnted, and eves that were maunillceiit in iln ir soft lire under the black lashes. Just now those eyea cie lu wistful y.'riiiii; upon the shlftin;' black nass of wa ters, ntnl the red lips drooped i ,; ,er disconso lately at Ihe corners. 7' liia moil I, I had no ticed, always came upon Miss itrxford in a storm like this, mid It ,,ix.l. d me somewhat, for it seemed U tne that if ever i girl's lot was prosperous tt wns Kate Kexfon's. Il.aittifal, Wfjiiltliy, idolized by her lvdatln1. ami ex-sU.ir-dluus, the Rents, with the best men of her set al her feet, why should s:i b.j dlssatisiied ? It was a problem over which 1 puzicJ lonij, for as )on may Lae suspecti'd, I ratlier enjoyed in terustitii; myself iu the liu.iue of othci people. Miss Hexfoid was somelhi, j ,)f a riddle to me, however. In all Ihe four years that I had known her, it was only ilurin.; a storm ou the const Unit that straiix-', iil X unhappy ;look would come into Iter face; tn..l Anally I mmle up my mind that It win because of some un pleasant memory possi'dy an unlucky love affair, which would account for her n-fiua! of one eligible man ufler niiollirr until "lot bad (.titled the reputation of beiu; hcntless. She had refused Austin Wilder the year before, nn I he, poor fellow, had lacked tho stamina to leave her, but followed lir liloi a dug every where, mull I think al tidies she pos lively de plsed him. Yet he was grateful for a pleas ant word, so pleased when she ne.cpled a tlow er from him, that it senHed ru le and unkind to Ireat him coldly. Toward night Mrs. ItruivutH cwif l"l the sitting-room with Hie no vath.it a wssel had broken up ou the rocks at n,B 0i,..r side of the point, and soum of the llstt.-nneu were bring a man who was washed iisho-e, Ui across the marshes to the house. In a tnouient our quid pirty was tilled wuh i xntnueut. A coll. h with blankets and hot biiek was d'liwti u,' before the lire, and Mrs. Ilrownell ran f ir her Ctraphor bottle while Ju i, ,.t brought out t stnull flask of French brandy. When the ra.ui was brought in Kate ltcxfurd, stamllnir beside m, uttered a half-re-pressed cry. 1 knew by her countetum u that she had ecu thejiunti before, lie lav dead weight In the arms ot the stalwart ,hei mcu-a uiaguifl centlybuilt mauof tUirl y, pethaps. Ills blue sailor's blouse was open at th throat; a heavy rumtscho and a short, pointed beard covered mouth and chin; his wa( ilark and sun burnt; the lashes of his clone, sj'es were thick and black, the brows straight and heavy; the broad white forehead looking whiler by contrsst with the brown cheek, was half covered by the damp, dark curls which dung close abust It. lit an hour's time our shipwrecked stranger was able to walk. He gave his name as Mur Joi'k; captain f the ship which lts.il gone to pieces that night, lie aui I. Miss Hef.ini was not In the room when he recovered eons lousness. I'liey did not meet until the following morn ui.', and thin Ctptain Murdock started, smiled, looked st her half wistfully. But my lady irc.ited him with supreme Indifference, as if he were what the others supposed ltlru to be, a i ranger. For thr.o days the storm continued and Captain Murdock was kept a prisoner with ns. Cor lliree days Kilo Krxfor.l acted like one possessed Sue lifted Au.tiii Wilder into the seventh heaven of happinoss, she flirted wilh llert Shrffli'l'l and K I Landers, she played uidn-aod-seek with little Flossie Porter, and told stones lo Augie and the Dayton girls, and ciptlvuleil Mrs. llrowuell't heart by washing dishes Willi her dainty white lingers. Hut to Cap'ain Murdock shti wa told, and liuiighly, and overbearing. It did seem as though Kate Iievford, so rich a worldly farms, might have vouch-safed one ittle kindly wind or look to this courteous and lainlsimie sailor, whose slay was so short; but lie did not; and the man submitted to her ivu'iiii'iit with a grave dignity and only an c 'iis'mnal ll.isli in his dark hazel eyes, us they sled for an Instant now ami thcu upon her ively face. On tlie thir day tlie storm ceased, the gray 'otitis wend drifting away to the southern ho izon, and Ihe s'ln gave us a goodnight smile the sank to rest in a clear western sky. I s In the sitting-room nlotie. Most of the icrs had gone trooping down to the shore, liss ttexford, wrapped in a lleecy while wl, was promenading tho veranda, where was presently joined by Captain Mur k. You need not turn from me, .Miss Hex 111," he said, in a low, Intense toicc. "1 tiy appreciate the difference lu our social po ins. Yet, remembering that 1 sated your live years aga, I will claim tho privilege- ot ling you farewell. I um going away to now. 1 hope to heaven 1 miy netcr look hi your lovely, cruel face again. It has Hf-ii the curse of inv life ever since I swam ore from the deck of Judge Kent's yacht vch you lu my arms. He does not remember blsliipper of so long ago why should lie? Nt love and my pal'i h ive nude me old. tin yijir dainly way, my lady, and remember Unit, miliy us Noel Murdock loved ymt, he was yet tolprouil to throw his'lieart under your slen d.jfiet to be trampled on." I! ere was an instant's pause, and then came a 1st, pitiful, tender cry from beautiful Kate Ketfird. toel !" rite had turned toward him with oil t strillietl hands, her faco stilluscd wilh blushes andleurs In her lovely eyes, T, imxt moment .Murdock hud folded her elosito his heart, and she was sobbing out an nn oiiv.it story in his mnis. "Of. Noel you were so blind. How could I speL have loved you so long, but you were proud prou ler, my sailor, than I ever ilreainll uf being. I hated injself for loving you 8 whnn I had no power to win a word from J;ii. Oh, Noel, whenever there is a storm Oi the sen it all comes back lo mo that horrid J I blessed night, when our little boat went dating on the rock, and I was borue islnue it your dear, strong arms." Well iere, they went on In that fashion for some tie, and my spectacles were wet with tears jus): because of looking at them. MARRIAbE OF SENATOR DAVIS AND MISS BURR- On WeilnesJay of last week Senator David Davis nnd Miss A. E. Burr, were married at Tokay, the residence of Col. Whnrtnn J. Green, near Fajctleville, by the J. C. lluske, rector of St. John's church, Fuyelteville : The h div! wis beautifully decorated with evergreens. Tne bride and erooin stood under an inch of Hovers and u-bell of rosebuds anil cnllas. W. T ": a, of the United Slates Court of Claims, was t'.-t groom's best titan. Miss Sadie fireen, dim ;kter ef Congressman Green, ollleiated as In i.lesnuld, Hud Conriessman (Ire . ii gave the bride away. 7'he ceremont was entirely privite. Judge Djvis was at tended by Judge 0 to, Dr. find Mrs. Cook and Mijs Cook, and Mr. 1111 J Mrs. Thatcher. Al the conclusion i,f the services the parly wus driven to K.iy. Tleville and look a special steamer for.o Wilmington, N, C. The boat, which wus decorated throughout with ever greens, made no slop an Ihe rircr. Congress man (ircit, Judge 0:io and Miss Sadie (Jreeu aceonip niled Mr, and Mrs. Davis as far as Wilmington The bride Wis attired ill a traveling costume of seal brown silk uii. 1 a bat of brown plush with brown ostiich feathers. Her trosseaux are most elabnr. tie. Sue has no less than tlf leon complete eoslu lies, several made by Worth. There, was a variety of wedding gifts, among them being : Solitaire diamond earrings of great size and brilliancy, the eift. of tlie groom; a massive punch bowl of s;lm repose, lined with gold finai Juil'e Hit t ; a in .;iiiuY ut diamond pin fi'jin Judgo .;,, a horny ot rare books frovn secretary l'i eluightt j -en ; a French clock from Congressman llrc'ii. Aft -r a lour through thu South as far as New (J, leans Mr, and Mr , Davis go to ( alifjiuia, iheme to an elegant linne being i htju-iI f . ; I u : 1 1 ut Bloomiuzloiii III. Ihe engag'-inent was made at Washington, dur.ug the ;n ci uf !-!--!, Miss Burr being at that time on a visit to th . capital, jfliesc- qilaintaneu and even friendship of tho two were of long standing. During lh life-tiine of Ills II rat w,fn Senator Davis fn(ueutly met Miss Burr, who u a war n friend of his wile, at Blooiningtoii, a id Ii id been lilt guest there. They met ai r. vails in Washington several seasons, and during i.,e winter of 1SSI-SJ the attentions of the g- mal Senator became iiiar'.sed Tiler was no surpr.se umong the pcr- miii.iI friends of the two at Ihe auuounceiuci t uf their engagement which was nude early in ihe spring of 1SS J. A New York ilitur- e i.y.r s udvcrtlumcn renus: iiymeiieal iiicoiupati lllltes, us II spe cially, carefully adjured. ' 1 is slavery to de tain the haud after the heart h .th Ucd." THATBAD BOY- "Got any vascUe?" saiil tlto boy to the grocery man, ts ho went into the Urc one cold 1111111115 leaving tlto (ioor open and pitted up a cigar mUiI) that had been thown down by the stove, and began tmoking it. "Shut tUe door lutn you. Was yon brought up in 1 saw mill? Voti'll freeze nvcry potat in llio house. No I haven't got vaa i tiv, what do you want with a?" Bad tlie grocery man 11s hu sat the kegon a chair by tlie stove wheio itjvukl thaw out. "Wnn'tto run it on lfa's legs," said the boy us lie Viieil to draw smoke through tho vhsr stub. "Why, what b tho matter with your pa's legs. Has U got the rheiimatig?" "Wuss nor rhiimaliz," said the buy, as he threw u war the cigar stub and drew some ciderjti a broken tea cup. "I'a has got thelworst looking hind legs you ever eW, You see since there has been sol many fires pa has got awful seared ud he has bought three liro escapes made out of ropes with knots in 1 ti r r! 1 . and he has been telling us evwrr thv Imw hu could res cue the win '! fauiiiy in the case of lire. He told us t keep cool, what ever happened. :inl (o rely on him. If the hoiivo fjni mi fite we were to rush up to p i, and l e would save us. Nell lastingiit ma l ad lo go to one of the neighbors- when' lliey wi.'re going to have twiin, nnd we didn't, sloep in uel:, cause 111:1 had lo come hiftne twice to get sail .'on and an old petti coat that I was In.ilii' in when I was a kid, eausv the people whet'.) ma went did not know as twins was ou the bill of fare, 11 nil thev only had llatinel pet ticoats for one. I'a was cross at being kept awake, and told tne he hoped when all the ithildren in Milwaukee were burn and got grown up site vvuiM la';.' tu bet sitrti and not iro ainmul rrMits acting as usher to baby matinees, la stivs i there ought to bo a law that balm s should arrive on the 1 .;ular day train, and not wait for the m.diiighl express. Well jia he got to fIci j and he slept till about eight oVliiuk tn the morning nnd the blinds were eli sed and it was dark in his room, and 1 hud wai' 'l lor my breakfast until I was hue;," as a wolf, and the hired girl tnl tne to wake pa up, so 1 went tip lairs ; and I don'i know what made '""' think ol it, but 1 had snme of llijpowdor what they make red lire wit in tbc theatre, (Ii n't ine and my flint' hl 011 ihe 4lh of duly and I put it in a vasli dish iu the lia'lh room ain) tonehcl ii oil' and hollowed lire. I was gn'ug lo wake pa up and tell kini it wa all right, and laugh at him. 1 guest there wa too runeh lire or 1 yelled loo loud, cause pu jumped out of bel and gtab hed a rope and rushed tiroiij;h the hall towards 11 window lh;t got out on the bed. I tried to say sonic ibing, but pa run over 1111 and t dd me to save luyselt, and I 'lit lo the back windowsto tell him Here was no lire just as he let himself nil ol the window, lie had one eiiilj ul the rope tied to the leg of the watisland and he was climbing down th( back side of the shed by the kitchen, vith noth ing on but his night shin aid hu vus the horriblest looking obju tcver was, wilh his legs llying and he van Irving to stiek his toe nail in the iipeaud in the side of the house. I tlot't think a man looks well iu society witi nothing on but his night shirt. I didi'l blame the hired yirls for being; seai'd when they saw pa and his legs cone down outside the window, and wion thev veiled I went down to the kiuhen, and thev said a erazv 111:111 with tiitliioo 00 but a pillow ease around his ieik was trying to kick the window in, and they run in tht! parlor, and I opmcd the door and let pa in the kitclen. lie asked tne if any body else v;8 saved, and then I told him there was no lire and he must have dreamed hi was in hell or somewhere. Well pa was as tonished and must be wr.m iu the head, and I left him thawing himself by the stove and I went after lis pants, and his legs was badly chilled, but I guess nothing was froze. 1 Ho lays it all to m.i, and savs if she would stay ut homo ami 1ft people run their own baby shows thei! would bit more coin foil in the house. Ma came in with a shawl over her bead, a bowl of something that smelt frowy, and tiller she hud told tho lesul.of her visit she sent, mo alter vasaline to rub pa's legs. I'a says he has dcinmsl ra ted that if a man is cool and co lecied, in ease of lire and goes deliberately at work to save himself, he will come out all right at last." "Well you are the meanest boy 1 ever heard of," said the grocery man. "But what about, your pa's dancing clog dance in church last Sunday. The minister's hired frirl was in here after some cod fish yesterday morning ami site sanl your pa had seandilizeii tlie church the worst way." "Oh, be didn't dance in church. He was a little excited that's all. Yon see pa chews tobacco and it is pretty hard on him to sit all tlirous'h tho see inoti without taking a chew and he gets nervous. He always reaches around in bis pistol pocket, when they stan. I up to sniir tlie last lime, ami Icel iu his tobacco box and gels out a chew, and puis it iu his mouth, when the min ister pronounces the beiiedielion and then when they get out of doors he is already lo spit, . lie always loes that. Well, my chum bad a present on Christmas of a music, box just as big as pa's tobacco box and all you have to do is to touch a spring, and it plays "Mie s a Daisy, hue s a JHunpling. I borrowed it and put it in pa's pis tol pocket where he keeps his tobacco box, and when the choir got most through singing pa reached his hand in his pocket and began to fumble around for a chew. He tone ted the spring nnd just as everybody itowed their heads to re ceive the benediction, and it was so still you could hear a gum drop, the niusii! began to play and in the still ness it sounded as loud as a church or gan. I thought ma would sink, The min ister heard it, and be looked towards pu, and every body looked at pa. The music kept up, ".'she a daisy," and the minister looked mad aud said amen, and tin people began to put on their coals, and the minister told the deacon to hunt, up the source of the worldly music, and they took pi into the room back of the pulpit and soarcbed him, aud ma says pa will be churched. They kept, the music box, nnd I have got to carry iu coal to get money enough to buy my chum a new music box. Well I shall h ive to go find get the vaseline, or nil's letr will Stiller. Good day." COWS WITHJIN .tClNS- "(lentletneii of ihe jury I" exclaimed an Indiai'.'.polis lawyer, summing up a cow case, "yon have heard the testi mony "I my elieot and you have heard the evidence of this red-lseadoil rail toad Now gen: men, which do you believe? Do you believe my client's c.i'v walked on ihe. track and allowed him in tn 1 over her, and with no other iimtive 'tian to be run over? Do ymi iieiievi. thai any cow is truing to do sin-h a thing as that, while a humane r-iv'ertiim-t.i Mauds ready to protect us .ni-l our 1 inhts ? lo you believe that a cow lnii'.o!ii up iu this country, as iliisc.iw was with every facility for knowing the character of ibis bloody-oiii'd'-d railroad, its locks dripping woii ihe gore ot your property and mine, gentlemen, would willfully go upon ils reekiiio tiaek, and stand there while one of ihe deletiilaiit's carnage stained en gines rushes upon her wilh iis mouth walefinir or waun blood ? I tell you nn, gentlemen, yott w ill not. As well ask yull lo beliece that, tl smil ing , I eliovtih looks down approvingly, an I bids the work pine I, while the ore-staine I railroad rushes headlong up 01 the dearest lights of a man, and chillers up 1'ie very gale of sweel heaven, with ihe bones and pelts of ihe best cows that ever st. 'addled a milk pail."' 'I'he jury were unanimously for thu plaiutilV. ME KA3HEAH0- I I st.n v is to .l of one of the I'liil 1 ielphia tj-iakcrs, whose integrity was ingeniously ;le-l wilh worldiv shfe ivdness. III extensive vessel owner, and .'!.! lime .-let bug eoiiiiniu; lie was ; during bis life in oh a fortune, which lias since, in ihe hands of his heirs, been doubled aaiu and again. At one time, when a long period d slorinv weather h i.l greatly delayed shipping of all kinds, he became alarmed fur the salety of a si.ip loaded with a most valuable t -ti't", and several weeks 11 v en! lie. 1 In 11-: 1 0 an i,i -111 .nice agent he titi'.hf illy told him that he feared the vess'.'l had I eon lost, but it the a-'ent wisl e.l to take the risk he had no ol.j.-el ions. Of course the agelil hesitated and pal, off from ilav to day hoping lot piivate inlonnat i. in regard ino; the nti.-sm-r trail. One bright .ruin"' lite ()u iker drove up to the ... 1 1 1 , . t insurance olliee ami cai.eii 10 me iigeni: I'hee need uol make out those papers; I have bun d Irotu the ship." InMunl ly ihe niliee was in a bustle, and in a lew moments the ageni came hurrying forward, exclaiming : "Oh! you lire too lute; Ike papers ate already made out; Here lliey a''c!' As th-IJuaker looked thrill over (Ihe Ink helug MMi-rely dry) the agntt asked; "Well, what have roil heard !" "I have heiird," lesponded the IJuaker, with childlike simplic ity, us he put tie'- ilocu Ill hi his poclvol; "1 have In aid Ihal Ihe ship has gone to thu bot tom. ' A QUEER TEiM The foll-mii) : very old story is doubtless up- otic ible to all Vicinities Dill's! in a little llfe- i tunc : A gentleman traveling In 7'exas nu t on I couiiliv t cut n wagon drawn by four oxen ,l,Wnn l,v a eeniiiiie Texan ranger, who III ad dition to "he skilful llouilsh nud crack of Ihc ,.i : -.s vocileroiirlv encouraging the homed beasts in this manlier: "Raw, I'resby t.-i'iaii! ic, Baptist! Ahoy, Kpiscopaliaii ! ii, t nn Methodist!" The lriieller was struck and also mini-" d at lid strange iioinenelaluie, and stopping the driver remarked that he had never heaid Mich names applied to the dumb creatures before, mid asked hull why ho called his oxen such u vines. Ti " said the man of Texas, "I fall this . i i i..ei in liee iuse he is true blue, and never fails-polls through bid places and over comes dillicnlta s, and holds out to the end; beside: he knows more than the rest. I call on. .,e Ilatitist liecniiso he is always after water, aud it seems as though he would never get enough; then atjain. he won't cut .ili the o'hers. 1 call Ibis one K piscOi'iibm i,-ein,eliehisa mighty way of lii.l.ling his ,.., , pi ,! if the yoke gets a Utile light, he .: . . i . 1-i L- .'n il' f)I things. 1 call 1 1. Its one Me, ho lis! because In' pnlTs mil blows, nnd you blo.v mi l v 'ii lli'hli he Is pulling all creation; , a,. ilunoiuid unless you contin ual, in - i . unlly stir him up." '' BK'lU'r' HI! Oiikk complete cure, nil annoying Kidney Ill'i.liter'aiidt'riiiaiy nlsc scs. l. llrub-iisis., BREAKING HIS HEART- It was a clothing dealer on th Howcry, nnd as the slab sided young man opened the door ho rubbed his hands over each other aim said ; ' Come in, my .rent. I go yon vha look lug for an ofeiDst, t ry on ill ono, seven dollars." "7'h.inkec. I've got shout eighty dollnas in my pocket, nnd I thought--" "All! Mm. llVent. vo'i vhas come to iter right blue :. H .n you lik a blue suit f. sio y 'I've got abou eighty dollars In pocket ard I was look ng ' r a --" " l ake d s gray suit for fourteen dollars. V'-it iieafer h ut a bargain In all your porn tl " "As I run 8imng, I've got about S0, nnd I want to buy a pretty fair one." "ib re Is one nil wool, for tl'i, hump right in it ' I want a pretty fair one with tilvcr-plattd I'andlvs," continued the man. 1 v.-got 'era ! I'm der only dealer In all N.-.V York who keeps thu ofergosts mil silver- blaled handles." "1 don't mean overcoats." "No" "1 mean cell'uu. Let me see your latest fall styles." "My frcnt," whispered the dealer, as lie took his his arms, "l don't keep gulllns. When 1 realize dat you h at got eighty dollars In your pocket, u ml I hat no Rollins to sell, I feel dot 1 inl'ght us well gif nop dis mad sliuggle lot i i In s. Have some pily on n broken-hearted tu iu and take two bed quilts at ! apiece, utid Id dot golllti go." HOW TO SPOiTaJUSBAND. l'in.l fault with him. Keep an untidy house. Always have the last word. Be ejclr.i cross on wash days. Q li re I with him over triltes Vow vengeance oil nil Ills relatives. I,"'. 1 1 1 in s w ou his own shirt buttons. I'.iy tin iit'entloti to household expenses. iive us much ns he can earn In a month fur a new bonnet. Tell lilm as plainly as possible you married hi ai tor a living. ',; li-e a row If he dare to b )W pleasantly to an old lady friend. ''ell him the children Inherit all their mum trails of eh ir.ic ler from his sid- of the family. Ke.-p the parlor for company and do not let ban put his fn a in it. tiet everything the woman next door gets, wli.-th r you can allord It or not. hot It out sum -times when you arc good nud iu ,d : hat ymi wish you had m irriml som-j other fello.v you used to go with. Wil li he gives you .l) lo lay asl le for a "rin.y day" give It to the litst peddler that comes along for a pair of leu-cent plaster va- Timi's too 11 van roti Baptism. "So you had triplets at your bouse?'' said Kev. Wham;, doodle Baxter to Sleepy Pete, n member of his congregation. "Yes, I.nson, dars free ob 'cm at hometwo boys nnd a gal." "When is you gwlutei' had 'em baptised?" "Can't tell yer, Parson. I'se gwinter llnd out which preacher hi Austin will baptizs 'em for tlf leas' money, an' de lowest bidder um gvvinli T git de j ib. It de lowest bid am too high, den I'se gwinter pick out de gal an' hub krr Inptisett, and let de two boys worry along wo l-oit any bap: ism until da times lua quit beai' s i panicky.' ' Trmn .SVrVoo.t. A (i ilv'Slon m in. who has a mule for sale, hearing that a friend in Houston wanted to buy aiiiu!e, telegraphed him: "Dear Kriend: If you I. t a Southern negro dream for three acees- sive inputs mat. a pot ol gold is bulled In cer tain ground, and all the politicians, preachers and circuses lu the land can't make him uuhap py until his back gives out. Tnvi'irrisEMENTs. I'llHAPON'i: HllllSi: KA UM t A :IT ueres of land about I miles from tlastou nnd i'. nnli-s from Littleton, on the Wilkins' Terry lload, adjoining the binds of Isliain Hunks and o rs, I cing a p .rtinii of the old lMwards l'iney Wools tract. One half in cultivation Terms rv easy. Title perfect. l'.Ks. ssiou given Im .-.hnlcly.. K.-r particulars apply ill this oillee. smim MACHINE CO- CHICAGO.ILL.' and ATLANTA, GA T, 7. L.STONE, GENERAL AUtN apiJlOm f0 1. JL 5W"e-rWW&!Ls. mm PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U. ELLIOTT. Attorney nnd Counsellor st Law, NORFOLK, VA. Rooms land 3 Virginian Building. oct t ly RANCH 4 BELL. ATTOKNKYM AT LAW. ENFIELD, N. C. Prni'tlees 111 the comities of Halifax. Nnsn Kdirecoiulie and Wilson, Collections made In all parts. if tne siiue. jsn r n. II, SMITH, JR. ATTOK.i:V AT LAW, dooTLA.Ni Skok. Halifax County N. C Practices 111 the county of Halifax and adloln- iinr counties, nnd lu the Supremo court of the State. 16 ly. J M. II 11 1 A i A K I), ATTOKXEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C, oniee In the Court House. Strict attention riven to all branches of the urofesslon. jan 12 ly oJ'llOMAS X. HILL, 1. Attorney t Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Practices In Halifax and adjoining- countio and Federal and Supreme courts. SVill be at Scotland Neck, onee every fort- nuiraSIf "J W. M A 8 I) N " ' ATTORN KY AT LAW, GAHYSI1URO, N. C. Practice in the courts of Northampton and iilloliilnir counties, also ill the Federal and Su preme courts. June e tr. A L T K 14 E. 1) A N I E L, llloriiey unci Counsellor At Law, w k i. now, w. c. Practices In Halifax and adjolnlns; eoiintlps. NllCCinl lit teill i, ill .riven l. II.,... .... I ii'll'ti'isofllK'Siatoaiiaiiromi.t returns made. ... . , . W. HALL, tVv lTTOIl.KY AT LAW, WELDOX, X. C. special attention rfiven to collections and reiiiittauees promptly made. 1 1 it v ill. JJ K. E. V. HUNTER, H V It li K O N DENTIST. Can bo found ut his office in Enfield. Pliro Nitrous Oxiilo Gas fnp iU P.ir. less Extracting of Teeth always on hand. ilU'lti 11. I IMKS VI. MI'l.t.KV. JOHN A. MOOR U L L K N i M O O It E, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. Practlee in the counties nf Halifax. Nnethnn,... Ion, Kdsteconilie, Pitt and Martin In the Su premo court of the Stale and in the Federal Courts of the Eastern District. Collect Ions made In any part of tho State. Jan l y V. J. N AW. . BAKER & CONFECTIONER W ELD0 N, N. C. A very larne supply of Cakes, Crackers. Candles, French and Plain. Kuisliis, Fruits, Nuts, ic. The largest stock of Toys of every variety ever brought to this market. Orders for candies, cakes, tc., tilled at short -st notice at Northern prices. Wedding and otherpnrtles supplied as cheap as the cheapest. octieiy. lsitr,. "x'""" (oiKvni. n it it i. v. works, (Established in 1S0.V) Sycatuoro street. onno.I to !lRltfr l'KTEKSBURO, VA. Tlouiiinenls, ToinbH, I'roHiaeN, lenilNtones anil l.rnTelAiB of every description made to order ranglur In lo-lcu Irom tt tin. Designs sent by mall tonny address, with Dosing- stumps enclosed for return. M-WTieu orders inn received, the work is Tire, pared and forwarded; It it does not;lvo perfect satisfaction, purchasers at e requested to return at my expense 1 paying freight both ways. Lowest prices and cheap freights guaranteed, j Correspondence solicited from all sections. npr.Llly. ClIAS. M. WALSH. W- W- HALL, Fire and Lite Insurance Ageat, Can be fouud in tho Roanoke, Kows Office. Wkldox, N.C. reps e;s EJH T 8 , New York Underwriters. "Agricultural" of Water-town. N.T. Western, f Toronto, Canada. Pamlico, of Tarboro, N. C. I.ynehburir, of I.ynehburff, Va. K.iultalile Life lusuranc Co. ot N. X. Will place risks in any oUttfcOvl eourvaa atlowsaferate. lnl-j 1 of. s ; r

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