THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY HALL & SLEDGE. HE Roanoke 8PXCE s s m s O I frl S3 o Ono YearMn advance, gix Mi)llt)l9, Jhr.eIliitha, arm i m 75 cts VOL. XII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1883. NO. 8. ADVERTISEMENTS ! i I ds fe w ? ins le- f' to CCS 1. rth 1 Mt. hal ' DARBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Household Article for Universal Family Vic. For Scarlet and I Typhoid V I Diphtheria, Sail ration, Ulcerated I Kore Throat, Small i Vox, Mcasle. and - all Contagion Disease. Persons waiting on 111. Sick should ui It freely. Scarlet Fever hat never been known to spread where the Fluid was used. Yellow Fever hat been cured with it after black vomit had taken pluce. 1 lie wont cases of Diphtheria yield to it. WAT.ATJTA 1 Ib8i )Ugu topi :tlng ken, fllle. -alia, Iwan !har- nfice and Bhirz 1'aU fash. u Hiil revered and Rick Per- one ref reined and Ued Borea prevent ed by bathing with Darbyi Fluid. Impure Air made harmless and purified. For Here Throat It U a lure cure. Contagion destroyed. For Fronted Feet, Chilblain, Pile, Charing, etc. IlhenmatUm cured. Sof t White Complex ion secured by its use. fillip Fever prevented. lo purity tne nream, 1 Cleanse the Teeth, It can t be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. Burnsrclie:dinstantly. SMALL-FOX and FITTING of Small Fox PREVENTED A member of my ba lly was taken with Small-pox. 1 used the Fluid; the patient was not delirious, was not pitied, and was about the house asain In three weeks, and no others had It -I. W. Pakk inson, Philadelphia. Hear prevented, Dysentery cured. Wound healed rapidly. Scurvy cured. An Antidote for Animal or Vegetable Poisons, Stings, etc. 1 used the Fluid during i Scarlet Fever with de- cided advantage. It la indispensable to the sick room. Wm. F. Sahd pord, Eyrie, Ala. ily at ;ween (ex itlom cling; e and a East I'Ctlnn ilroad id all train r and II this I New le he caving M. '". t from htnond rsburg ieut. KDCO Diphtheria Preventei J The physicians here use Darbys Fluid very successfully in the treat ment of Diphtheria. A. Stoi.lbnwbrck, Greensboro, Ala. Tetter dried up. Cholera prevented. Ulcer purified and healed. In ruses of Death it should be used about the corpse it will prevent any unpleas- I ant smell, i The eminent I'hy. I stclan, J. MAKION SIMS, M. D New ! York, says : "1 am I convinced Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid is a I valuable disinfectant." Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it is both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which 1 am ac quainted. N. T. Lunon, Prot Chemistry. Darby Fluid I Recommended by Hon. Albxanoek H. Stehhbms, of Georgia- Rev. Chas F. Dbbms, D.D., Church of the Strangers, N. Y.; Joa. LeContb, Columbia, Prof., University, S.C. Rev. A. J. Battlb, Prof., Mercer University; Rev. Geo. F. Pibkcb, Bishop M. E. Church. INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY HOME. Perfectly harmless. Used Internally or externally for Man nr Hi-as, The Fluid ha been thoroughly tested, and we have abundant evidence that it has done everything here claimed. For fuller information get of your Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, 3. H. ZE1XIN ft CO., Manufacturing Chemists, PHILADELPHIA. fcl. 61 yl PARTING AND MEETING- One by one the links are broken, Link that bind life's precious yew ; One by one the partings spoken, Parting hushed In silent tears ; But the alienee hear the greeting From the far-off ninny slioro, Where the links each other meeting, Are a brokeu chalu no more. One by one each aoul tucendlug, Lifts, us to a higher life, Kacli with other, closer blending, Stills the murmur and the strife, Anil their volco sweetly calling- Touch ua like a household psalm, And their blessings softly falling Soothe us like a sabbath's calm. On by one the leved are leaving, Hut return an angola fair, Heavenly splendor round thetn weaving Willi (he human looks they wear ; All the past those looka restoring Childhood, youth and riper years, How can grief, their los deploring, Mmgcr ask the heart tor tear. One by one, above us bending, ("loser draw its daye decrease ; Watch and wait with lore's dear tending, Watch and wait our glad release ; Hutids aro neartlielr final grasping, Reaching through the parting vale ; Hearts aro near their final clasping Throbbing, panting : Hall ! hall 1 FREE- Send to MOORE'S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY l Atlanta, fla vor Illustrated Circular. A live nctnal Just ness School. Euabiithtd twenty yeart. a. m., rS:;iiil--l&' N0S, 11 10 A, M " HOP. M 31 P. M , 1:55PM'; 8 DAILY ' :15P.M 115 A. M. . 0 P. M. U:55 P M ; Rocky a. a Rocky I. Daily. , 3 P.M. it Wei rail via 'la Bay i )bb con jnd and inectlon tton and Sleepers 'E, Bup't. at ear ad , I T --eV i TO TOa I QIVB HiSAlTS. fcellent Tonic, Alterative and Diuretic Med Association, Lynchburg, Ya. je J with great benefit in Malaria and Dlpthe- cc68sfully used in dyspepsia, chronic dlar- n and scrofula. Prof. Jackson, M. D., Unl 0., oltlzeni ;to cur re bav n a ST. r thlng )ES, Ik' 00D8, BRY. inta ot IDS. d bar 4 IC BUHI- place as r. e casb at autoe to i8e from :b FOB 0glnes, Heating 'uinps lders aints ; CO., i, . c. valuable as a nervous tonic Hon. I. C ler, Tenn. commended ns a prophylactic In malarial f lets' D. R. Faircx.M. D., N. C. (stores debilitated systems to health. T. O. for, M. D., Ind. lapted in chronic diarrhoea, scrofula, and fepsia. Geo. T. Harrison, M. D., N. Y. Cces9ful tu dlptheria and neuralgia. J. P. (o,M.DN.C. j icell cnt for cert diseases peculiar to wo- k Prof. J. J.'Moonaan.M. D., Ya. tmpt in relieving headache, sick and ner Rev, E. 0. Podson. i with great benefit in dyspepsia. J. Mo , il.D.,Fa. bronchitis and diseases of digeatlve s. J. F. Roughton, M.D.Aia. it valuable remody known for female dli Jno.P.Mettcaur.H- D., LLC re at curative virtue. Thos. F. Rumbold Ma. teflclal in uterine derangomeut and mala conditions. 0. M. Vail, M, D , Ohio. ) i rmlng on the complexion; making In " "h , cl'sr, soft cad to. H'm U. oi h. 0. f prince of mineral tonics. Francis ulliiam F vtimable asa tontcandlnltcratlva. Hunter I tolro.M.n.Va. ; ie apotlaer and blood pui iflor, H. Fisher, THE DOUBLE CABIN. From the Danbury Reporter. It is not generally known perhups that tlicre stands away umone the Buck Inland hills, and within almost a stone's throw of the beautiful Dan, a double-cabin that is known to a few I in that immediate section a the haunted house, where onco a year on Christmas Evo night, at any hour between 11 o'clock and day break Christinas morning may ho heard the sweetest notes of the violin and the I regular step of the merry dancers keep hit: time to the music. It was in 18G-. There had been what is kuowu as a conscript meeting in Danbury. 1 ho day was cold and dreary ; the lowering clouds that hung around the lolty peaks ot the mountain una the keen north-east wind, tuld of the cominir snow storm. Amid the ''roup that huddled around the court house stove, where the. conscripting, w.ib a tall, dark-complexioned lemale, rith ever as black as a coal and pier cm" as inc nsn-nawt s. one sioou around, looked and listened, yet said ut little. Un more than one oecasion Nhe was seen to leave the conscript room and walk leisurely toward the grove at the west end ol the village, where sho was loined by a beardless youth whose very appearance showed him to be accustomed to Hardships, and almost as fleet of foot as the red fox. After a few moments spent in low conversation they would separate, when the youth would bound away to ward the mountain, ami the young woman would return to where the couseriDtiuu1 was fromcr. on. All day Ions the hoo, hoo, hoot ot tue nig owl eould be heard reverberating along the sides ot tho mountain Irani a point within half of a milo of the courthouse to the summit of Moore's Knob. That "hoot, hoof'was' tho signal used by the deserters to notily their comrades that no danger threatened them, lhe dark-eyed young woman was tho spy and sweetheart ot the leader ot the band of deserters. Tho beardless youth was her brother, and tho courier of the band. The conscripting was over, tho ofli cers left town in the direction of Greensboro, and the people and Homo Guard returned to their respective homes This was Christmas Evo night ; ar rangements had been made for a grand gathering aud jollification to the double-cabin, which was at that time the home of an old man near seventy-five years of age, an old woman probably ten years younger, the dark-eyed spy and the beardless youth. A treineu- 'Tib 11 o'clock, and while without the storm and hail rattled among tho dead leaves, and the wind howled around the corners of the cabin, all within was joy, comfort and glee, Dut hush 1 A 'chicken' is discovered to bo torn from between the cabin logs, and the muz.les of several muskets simultaneously appear through the pening. In a nash, tu a twinkling, 11 is confusion. Kach deserter rushes for his gun, when. bovo the screams of women and the howling of the storm, the report of fire-arms is heard; the cabin is filled with smoke and the fumes of burnt powder; tho leader of the mind, with a bullet through his head, lies a lifeless corpse upon tho floor, while across his breast ti.o dark eyed spy, hi sweetheart und aflianeed, is gasping for breath, an, accidental shot having pierced her heart. It was but the work of a moment, lhe de- sorters, grabbing their arms, swarm from tho cabin liko bees from a hive. I'lio Home Guard, finding tl'at they aie out-numbered, fly in every direc tion, while tho shots from tho desert- rs' guns, without aim, are hied in the storm. Tho scene of confusion is over, when once more tho deserters return to the cabin, where but an hour ago joy and glee reigned. All is now wrapped in loom and sadness. Tis far past mid night ; the storm is unabated, but Rometliinsr must bo done. As it seemed to have been the policy of all who opposed the Luntedcracy to con ceal as much as posaiblo their losses in battles from "bush whackers or Homo Guards, with an old hoe and shovel that happened to be in the chimney corner, a shallow grave was soon dug, and the lovers, wrapped in an old blanket, with the snow lor a windni2 sheet, and the storm howl ing their funeral dirge, were buried eido by side in the same grave on the point of a ridge not far from the cabin, where tho beautitul Han murmurs its everlasting requiem in hearing of their unmarked grave, lhe tailing snow soon obliterated all signs of animated life. The band separated, eoinu to their respective haunts. Tho old cabin yet stands, but is long since deserted. The stick chimney has ''tumbled down, the gables have caved in, and ln roof lets in tho sunshine aud tho rain," vet at any hour Christmas eve niu'ht between 11 o clock and day break Christmas moriiiiip;. it is said that in that, old cabin the notes of the violin and the regular step ot merry lancers may bo heard keeping tune to the music. LOVE'S THOUGHTFULNESS. "Shall yon miss me, sweetheart !" George W. Simpson was going far away to the trackless solitudes of St. Louis, and when he had told Daphne McCarthy of his Intended Journey the girl had spoken not a word, bat laid her head geutly on Lis shoulder aud wept ns If her heart were breaking. Bat when he asked her the question with which this chapter opens, the Utile head, with Its coronal of Huffy brown hair, had risen slow ly, and the pansy brow u eyes of the girl had looked into his and gleamed with the ll'lit of love that could never die. "Shall I miss you ?" she clod, despairingly "Alt ! yes, surely enough. Hut you v.uiuot understand this. No man can feel the loss ot kisses and love words as a woman can, nor hate the slowcreeplng wakeful nights aud the gray dawns that come with no promise stroug arms and a loving heart and words courage; and the windy sunsets that die away on a day that has held no beauty or bright ness. No man can fuel the deadly hunger In lime of famine that a woman feels when lave that always beckons and allures her la out of reach of her longing hands and loving lips." ' "But I shall not he gone so very long, dar- llng," whispered George, "and 1 have told the candy man to let you have wlulever you want on my account." "You have done this?" asks the girl, put ting her dimpled srms around his neck. "Yes," was :li" reply. "Then," said 1) iphne, the wistful look gone from her fuee, "yuu cannot start too soon." ly beneficial In Improving a reduced system. 7p Bcckwlth, of Oa. ittlids here find welcome and health. Rev, t L. UtUiiion, late of La., now of Richmond, t phlcts free, upon application. lor, tl a case. Muss and Pills, 50, ' cts ttost-pald everywhere. tress. A. M. DA VI KM, Prcs't of the t. 18 fct., Lynchburg, Va. P. 0. liox 114. I1' BROWN & SIMMONS. - - . WELDON, K.C. IWlotf f I ENCOURAGE EVERYBODY. TALMAOB'S ADVICE REGARDING TUB MERCHANT, TUB NEWSPAPER MAS, TUB LAWYER, AND TI1B DOCTOR. "If there be roam for only one more passen ger In the life-boat, get In yourself. If there be a burden to lift, you supervise while others shoulder It. You be the digit, while others are ciphers on tho right-baud side; nothing In themselves, but used to augment you. This," said Hev. T. DeWItt Tahnage last Butiday morning, "Is tu opposition to that theory of the Gospel advanced by Paul, 'Bear ye one an other's burdens.' Everybody has burdens, Sometimes the burdens came down on the shoulders, or tho head, or the heart. Looking over this assemblage, you all seem well look ing, hut each of you has I burden, and some of you havo more than you ran lift. Taul pre poses to split up these burdens Into fragments, you to take pi t of my burden and I part of yours. When Mrs. Appleton, daughter ot D.i n lei Wehsler, was dying, she affected the great lawyer to tears by hr Ihou-hlfiilness (or bis health, as she remurked that he was out on cold day without bis overcoat. How murli more beautiful the care ot others than this everlasting taking care ot ourselves 1 Wh it you and I most uecd to leant Is the spirit ot helpfulness. Encourage the merchant, If he has a super ior stylo of goods, or If his clerks have adorned his show window. You need not fear that he will bo pulled up and arrogant. Ho will have plenty of trouble before the day Is out. Sonio cranky woman will come In and pull down goods enough to lit out a family (or a whiter aud not buy a cent's worth, Don't bo afraid that your praise will make the merchant apo plectic with plethora. Encourage the news paper man. Do you know how many annoy ances he suffers? Have you understood how often his best and most clatiorntu article Is flung out; how he must repoit an Indistinctly uttered speech which must of uecessity bo all the way through a stenographic guess? Think whal, the nineteenth century would be without tho newspaper. Encouragu mechanics; praise them If they do their work well. If ho does not get hla work done It may bo because his wife has bend sick, he has lost two children of scarlet fever or has a felon on his linger. "Encourage the fanner. It Is a common re mark that lhe farmer is iudepundciit. Inde pendent of what? Iudependei.t ot the rutin his wheat ? Independent ot tho grasshopper, the locust, the army-worm, and the potato bug? Independent of the storm that blows down his crop, of the snowbank that buries him until he BlioVcIs his way out? Indepen dent ot frozeu cars aud frozen (eet ? "Encourage the doctor. There Is a great deal of cheap, wit about the doctors. A man recently wrote a book, 'Every Man His Owu Doctor.' He ought to (wrllo another. 'Every Man Ills Own I'nderlaker.' Doctors have so many hardships and annoyances that they need our encouragement. They stand between our families and the grave. "One day there was a dreadful foreboding In our house. All hope was gone. The doctor came (our times. The children put away their their toys. We all walked on tiptoe, aud at tho least sound said 'Hush 1' How loudly the clock ticked '. How tho baulsler creaked, al though we tried to keep It still ! The doctor came (our times aud staved all tilght. Al last the restless palieut s:iuk into a sweet aluuibtr, ami the doctor looked up aud stid, 'The crisis has passed.' We propped her up with pillows aud easy chairs, and tho south wind tried to blow Msu leaves into her faded check, aud the hlldren brought flowers, and when the doctor 'old us I hat In a day or two Bertha could rido out, oh, how life came back to our house, and, as we helped the old doctor Into his gig, wc nollcol not that his step was brokeu. "Encourage the lawyer. They aro so often cheated out of their tees, so often have lo bear ponderous responsibilities, aud have to uiain- talu the dignity of their profession against the sharks of the profession. The only man al lowed to stand on Sinai bestdo the Lord was Moses, the lawyer. "Encourage tho teachers. Don't cnt down their salaries when you begin to retrench Don't expect them lo work the great stulllng machine of the modern school successfully without encouragement. Tbey are expected to take children of fifteen and make tUcin me taphysicians, mathematicians, aud rhetori cians. "Encourage iilUlck people. Dou'l tell lliein how bad they look, I ut remind them of similar CUUTUBRN a 0 X K Jj, 9 f n. B. DICKENS, Proprietor, i I HALIFAX, N. C. Refitted, repainted and thoroughly arranged or eomfort. Table supplied from Norfolk ad Wilmington markets' Uood servants aud Bod fare. Comfortable rooms for all. on ie also a Livery Statdc, where horses are otly attended to, vehicles nirea out able terms to partlos wishing theoi ilf - i dous log firo was roaring and popping in the wide slick and fire place. Dark ness had shut out almost the last ray of daylight, when from the deep ra vines among the linen island mils ana mountain rroraos. tho deserters began to assemble, not a few accompanied I y their swert'iearta while each and every one carried in his hand or strapped across his shoulder an army gun or his trusty squirrel ritlo. As was their custom, tho tirst thing done after as sembling and heforo depositing their arms at u convenient place to come at in case of an attack by the Homo Guard they placed pickets on all tlie roads and by paths leading to the building. . It is a o'clock; the fiddler has ar rived ; the supper of hog and hominy, pumpkin pie, etc., is over ; the old t wo handled demijohn, filled with pure Buck Island applejack, has had due attention, and the danoo is aiout to commence. Out of doors the darkness is intense, the wind is piercing, and the snow just beginning to fall. The leader of tho band, who had seen some real service in tamp life, called around him a few of his companions, who, after a short consultation, conclude that no Home Guard would venture out on such a nirrht, and sent round and the pickets in, and they soon join their companions around the blazing fire. I3en Johnnet never made sweeter music on his old time-worn violin, and never did an assembly apparently en joy themselves more, as' the feet of merry dancers kept time to the music, and the howling storm outside falsely assured them of their safety, A MEAN MAN'S THOUGHT. Burdelte or the Burlington Ihtwkcije gives his notion about a mean mm : Sometime 1 wonder what a mean man thinks about when he goes to bed, when he turns out the light and lies duwu. When dark ness closes about him und he is alone, and compelled to be honest with hlmaelf. And not a bright thought, not a generous not a manly act, nor a word of blessing not a grace. ful look, eoiues tu bless him again. Not a li.'unv drouoed into the outstretched palm of p iverty, nor the bairn of the spoken wur.l dropped Into an aching heart; no sunbeam of encouragement cast upon a struggling lite; the strung right hand ot fellowship reached out to help some fallen man to his feet wheu uoue ot these I lungs coma to him as til "God bless you" of the departed day, how he must bale hin.self. How he niuii try to roll aw.,y from himself and sleep on the other tide of th.i bed. When lliu only victory he can think ot Is some victory in which he has wruuged a fellow ueigbbor. No wonder be always sueers wheu he tries to smile. How pure and (air and good ail the rest of the world must look to him, and cheerless and uud dusty aud dreary must bis own path appear. Why one lone Isolated act of ineimncfs is enough to scatter cracker crumbs in tho bed of lhe average, ordinary man. and what must bo thu feeling of a man whose whole life is given up to nieaa acta Where there Is so much suftciiug and heart ache and misery In th world anyhow, why should you add one pound ut wickedness or sad ness to the guueral burdeu. Don't be mean hi buy. Sutler tolas lee a thousand times rather thun comtnU it once. cases that you have cured. Chcerlttl words are more stimulating than cognac, tunic, or bitters. Encourage young men sturtiug in business by reminiscences ol your own exper ience. You who are established In business re member what you went through. 'It you have nothing to say that Is encour aging put your teeth tight together, cover them with the curtain of your lips, press your lips tiitht, aud hold your hand over your mouth aud keep still I A man once bought some caged birds, aud Immediately opened tho doors of tho caue and set the birds at llhcrty. 'What did you do that for ?' asked a bystander. 'B causu I was a captive ouco myself and I know how good it Is to be tree.' tiuv. Alexander II. Stepheiis, on bis dentil bed, signed the par don of an iMifortuti.ite rtmuu w! In prison, and wheu ho was about to do it a friend said to him, 'lioveruor, this Is too great a rc- siiunslhiMi v for a sick man. You am very si k to-day; you bad better wait until to-morrow is it Uo. snrpheiis said, 'I Kuow whal 1 am about, and tho slgilatuie to that pardon was ln last signature he ever wrote Surelv If Christ bore our burdens we can afford to bear each other's burdens." The body is a tool of the spirit, und If we keep it in imperfect condition, how shall either soul or Intclltct do good work with it? Hap piness and usefulness aro not indued Impossi ble wilbout physical health; but they are ot very difficult attainment and ot very unreliable quutv. A Love Lettkr. "Dearest Amelia : My love 18 stronger than the smelt at coffeo, patent butter, or the kick of a young cow. Sensations at exquisite Joy Joy go through mo like co horts of suts through an army cracker and caper over my heart like young goats on, a stable roof. 1 feel as it I could lift myself by my boot straps, lo the, height of a church steeple, or like an old stage-horse In a green pasture. As, the (mean pup hankers after sweet ' milk, so do 1 hanker after your presence. Aud as the gosling swlmmeth lu a mud puddlo, so do I swim In a sea otde lighlfulness wbcu you are near mo, My heart flops up and down liko a churn dasher, und my eyes stand open like cellar doors lu a country town; aud If my love Is not reciprocated, I will pine away and die like a poisoned bed bug, and you can come and catch a cold on my grave." HIS MA DECEIVED HIM. "Give me ten cents' worth of saffron, quick," said the bad boy to the groceryman, as lie came In the grocery on a gallop, early one morning, with uo collar on, and no vest. He looked as though he had been routed out of bed In a hurry and had Jumped Into his pants and boots and put ou bis coat and hat on the run. "I don't keep saffron," said the groceryman, as he picked, up a barrel of axe -handles the bny had tipped over In his hurry. Yon wsnt to go over to the drug-store on the corner, If you want saffron. Rut what on earth Is the mat-" At this point the boy shot out ot the door, lipped over a basket of white beans, and dlsop pi'ar4 in the drug.sloro. The groceryman got down ou his knees en tho sidewalk and scooped up the beans, occasionally looking ever lo thu drug-store, and Just as he got them picked up lhe boy came out e( the drag-store and walked deliberately towards his home, as though there was uo particular hurry, fho groceryman looked after blm, took up an axe handle, spit on his hands and shouted to the boy to come over pretty soon, as he wanted to talk with lilin. The boy did not come to the grocery till lowarda night, but the grocery man had seen him running down a dozen times a day, and onco he rode up to tho house with the doctor, mid the grocer surinl-ed what wB the trouble. Along towards night thu boy came lu In a dejected sort of a tired way, sat down on a burrpl of sugar, and never spoke. "What Is it, a boy or a girl ?" said the gro ceryman, winking at an old laciy Willi a snawi otcr her head, who was trying to hold a paper over a pitcher of yeast with her thumb. "How lu bluaes did you kuow anything about it?" said the boy as he looked around In astonishment aud with some Indignation, Well, It's a girl, if you must know, and that's enough," and he looked down at tho cat play Ing on the floor with a potato, his (ace a pic ture ot dejection. "Oh, don't feel bad about It," said Urn gro ccryuian, as ho opened the door for tho old lady, "duch things are bound to occur. But you take my word (or it, that young ono Is going to hate a hard life unless yon mend your ways. You will bu using It for a cork to a Jug, or to wad a gun with the Hist thing your ma knows." "I wouldn't touch the darn thing with the tongs," said the boy, as he rallied enough to eat some crackers and cheese. "Gosh, this cheese tastes good. I hain't had nothing to cat since morning. I have becu all over this town trolling for nurses. They think a boy hasn't got any feelings, But I wouldn't care a gol dam It ma hadn't been sendln!; mo (or neuralgia medicine, and hay fever stuff all winter, wheu she wanted to get rid f me. I have come In tho room lots ot times when ma and the sewing girl wcro at work on some Ban lie I thlrgs, mill ma would hide them In a basket and sctiJ me oft atler medicine. I was de ceived up to (our o'clock this morning, when pa come to my loom and pulled me out of bed to go over on the West Bide after some old woman that knew mc, and they have kept me whooping ever since. What does a boy want of a sister, uulcss it Is a big sister ? I den't wnn't no sister that I've got to hold, and rock, and hold a bottle (or. This affair breaks mo all up," and tho boy picked the cheese out of his teeth w:th a sliver he cut oil tho counter. Well, how does your pa lake it?" said tho groceryman, as he charged tue uoy s pa wnu cheese, aud saffron, and a number of each thiiius. t)li. na will null through, lis wanted to hoss '.he whole concern until ma's chum, an old woman who take's snuff, llred him out luti) the hall. Va sat there on my hand-sled, a perfect picture of lies -air, and I thoaght it would be a kindness to play it on him. 1 found lhe cat asleep in the bath room, und I lied lhe cat up In a shawl nd brought It out to pa and told him the nurse wanted him lo hold the baby. It seemed to do pa good to tie I that he was indispensable around the house, and he took the cnt on his lap OS ten derly ns you ever saw a mother hold an infant. Well, 1 got lu the b.iek hall, where ho couldn't see me, an I pretty a-mil ine eat negan to wsae up and strelcb himself, and pi said, 's-h b- tootsy, go to sleep now, ami lot Its pa bold It,' and pa he rocked back and lorth on the hand sled, a"d began lo sing 'by, low baby.' That settled It with tho cat. Well, some ca'.a can't stand musi?, anyway, and lhe cat wanted to get out of tho shawl, the louder pasting, and bimeby I heard something rip, and pa yelled, scat, you brute,' and when 1 looked around the corner of the hall the rat was bracing his aelf sgainst pa's vest with Ills toenails, and yowlng, and pa fell over the sled and began lo ta'k about the hereafter like the mini.iter dues when ho gels excited In church, and then pa picked up the sled and seemed to be looking for mc or the cut, and both of ns was olTitl scarce. Don't yon think there are times when bovs and cats are kind of few around their aecustoiuid haunts ? I'a don't look as though he was very smart, but he can hold a cat about as woll as the next man. But I am sorry for ma. 8ho was Just gelling ready to go to Florida for her neuralgia, and this will put a slop to It. cause she has to stay and take cue ot that yimu one. I'a says I will hale a nice time this milliner pushing thu bihy wogou Ily the great hum spoons, Ihcru has got to bo a dividing Hue somewhere, between business aud pleasure, and I strike the Hue al wheeling a baby. I had rather catch a siring of perch than to wheel all the babies ever was. They needn't procure no babies on my account, If It is to amuse tne. I don't see why babies can't bo sawed off onto people tint need them In In Ihelr business. Our fn.ka don't need a baby any m-oe thiol you need a safe, aud there are people Just suffering for bibies. day, how would It be to take lhe baby some night and leave It on somu old batchclor's door step ? It it had been a bicycle, or a brecchloading shot gun, 1 wouldn't navo careu, nut a uany i is in i It makes me tired. I d drilther had a prize package. Well, I tun sorry pa allowed me cou.a borne, after bu drove mo away last week. I guess all he wanted me to come back (or was to humlllato me, an I send me on errands. Well, I must go and see if he and the cat have made up." And tho boy went oat and put up a paper Sinn In front of tho store, "Leaye your meas ure for saffron lea. IWk't Sun. MAY I KISS THAT BABY? To a soldier, far away from home, there Is no more touching eight than that of a baby In Its mother's arms. While ou their way to oeuye burg our troops were marching by night through a village over whase gateways hong lighted lantern, while young girls shed tears as they watched tho brothers ot Other women marching on to possible death. A scone of the march Is Ihns described by the author of "Bullet and Shell." Stopping for a momeut at the gate of a dwelling, I noticel a young mother leaning over It with a chobby child In her arms. Aboye the woman's head swung a couple ot stable lanterns with their light upon her face. The child was crowing whh delight at the strange pageant, a It watched the armed hot pass on. "I beg your pardon, Ma'am," said Jim Manners, one of my men, as ha dropped the bult of bis musket on the ground and peered wistfully into the faces of the mother and her child. "1 beg pardon, but may I kiss that baby of yours? I've got one Just like him at home, at least when I last saw him, two years ago." Tho mother a sympa thetic tear rolling down her blooming cheek, Silently held out the child. Jim pressed bis unshaven faco to its inrocelit, smiling lips for a moment, and then walked on, saying : ' God bless yon, Ma'am, for that!" Poor Jim Man ners! Ha never saw his boy again In life. A bullet laid hlin.low the next day as we made our first charge, Youth's Vomjumion. THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING BATES. Ono Square. Two Square, Three Squares, Four Squares, Fourth l!ol'n, Half Column, Whole Column, 5 00 10 00 20 00 15 00 1 9X 00 1 an no OueYeai, 20 00 80 00 40 00 to 00 60 00 65 00 75 00 p R O F E SJjONAJCARDS -y Q. ELLIOTT. Attorney and Counsellor n( Law NOKFOLK, VA. Booms 2 and 3 Virginian Building. Oct I ly JRANCU BELL. ATTOKSKYS AT LAW. ENFIELD, N. C. Practices lu the counties of Halifax, Nash K'lx-ecombo and Wilson. Collections made In all parts of the State. Jan 18 tf. JU. 8MiriI, JR. ATI'OUIVKY AT LAW, (sootlaxo Nkok. Halifax County N. 0 Practice In tho county of Halifax and adjoin ing comitlc-a, aud hi the huprcmo court ( the State. H ly. J M. UKUSUKD, ATTOKEY AT I. Art, HALIFAX, N. C. omen In thn Court House. Strict attention s'lveutoall branchesof tho profession. Jan 12 ly T UO.MAS N. HILL, WAITING TO BEWHIPPtD Thu humorist of Perk's Sun has been threat ened with a whipping by a young man whose sweetheart broke her engagement after reading ono of Peek's articles advising girls to let young men to whom they aro engaged severely alone l( Ihey take to drinking. To tho young man's threat Peck replies: "What would we be doing whllo such a youth, with his skin full of benzine, was whipping us on sight? This young in in has never whipped any editors, ev idently. He has never had to be carried out on a window shutlcr lo a hospllal, and lay In a stupor whl the doctors s -t bis bones, und has never laid lu a delirium for months, and seen the air full of sumd-top ed editors walking over him wuli hunting hoots an. He should coniiiH iicK down low and work up gradually to editors. Let hliu attend u few ward caucuses, with their rows, uud take lu a few summer garden picnics, sin! baits, and prize lights, and II he lives, I lieu ho can think about whipping a newspaper man. Hut bo wants to learn to pray, and it is best to bid an affectionate adieu to friends, and pay up whisky bills, for there is nothing that Injures a young man's reputation so much as to have his trunk attached, after be has been bulled by tho authorities, for an old liquor bill, In addition lo announcing that ourofllce hours for being whipped at sight for articles that appear In tho paper, aro from 8 i. m. to 0 I' M., we wo will stale that thd advice to g rls who are engaged to drunkards Is still lu force, and If they will all take It to themselves, and Blilp the drunkards before it is everlasting ly loo late, and thus make themselves aud their mothers happy, wo will take tho chances on a whipping from tho drunkard In every case, and make them a pres-nt when they marry a sober young man. Don't lung ou to any drunkard for fear he will whip us." T. Attorney mt Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Practice In Halifax and adjoining countlo aud Federal and Hilpremo courta. Will bu at rjeoiluud JVuck, once every fort ulh'ht. augSSif W. M ASUS, atiohi;y at law, GAKYSIlURQ, N. C. Practice In the courts of Northampton and adloliilnir counties, also In the Federal and Nil tireuie courts. Juneetf. A L T E 11 K. 1) A N I E L, attorney mid ( ouiiMellor At Law, w t: i. n o n. v. Practice in Halifax and adjoining counties. Special iiiieiiiniu given to collection lu ill parts of the state and prompt return made, tell. 17 1 y W. HALL, AT TOKXEY AT LAW, WELDON, N.C. Special attention given to collections and remittances promptly made. limy nr. Q K. E. I.. HUNTER, SUKOGOX DEK T I S T . ' Can be found at hi ollice In Enfield. Pure Nitrous Oxide (las lor tho Paln Ich Kxtraotlng of Teolh always on hand. Juuo 22 tt. liMKS t. nn.t.Ks. LIEN 4 JOUN A. WOOBI MOORK, 18 to 'Oo, Tub I.ovicSn'ic I'ausok. "OIi. said Daisy to tier niaintmi, "I was m the at lor last nin'lit, behind tho sola. when tlm pivacliiT cumo to nee sister Kute, iinil tlit'V lill xet "P Umelnso lor anything; an' the preacher said, 'Katie, dear, 1 Ittv you , an Kate said, 'Uo o,' an then the preacher kissed her ritfht smack in the mouth, n said, Dear Kate, how ood the Lord us poor miners; and lvato said, oo; an, then an, then "Well," said her mamma, wicked child, you wicked child, what did you do.' "W y mamma, 1 felt so good, 1 blurt ed ritfht out, 'Let us pray,' and you ouht to have seen 'em jump-" nwirrf0 i TBir-rTnwssaaBaaisjrr last ADVERTISEMENTS. aIommonYe'nse REMEDY. SALICYLICA. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. Practice In the couutlesof Halifax, Northamp ton, Edgecombe, Pitt and Martin In the Su promo court of the State and In the Federal Courts of thf Eastern District. Collection made In any part of the State. Jan 1 ly "V. J. naw: BAKER & CONFECTIONERS WELDON, N.C. you A very large supply of Cakes, Cracker. Candles, French nnd Plain, nuisiua, rruns, auia, sc, The largest stock of Toy of every variety ever urouKut io mis marker.. Orders for candles, cakes, tc, est notice at Northern prices. Oiled at short NO iMOIti: UIICI l ATIM1, (iOlT Oil It VI. 1. 1 A. NIX. Over two tons of hair plus are turning out daily by lhe factories, aud yet a man found with a new one clinging to bis coat can't make fell wife believe that 11 belongs to ber. IMMEDIATE RELIEF WARRANTED- PERMANENT CURE GUARANTEED- Five years established and never known to fail In a single case, acute or chronic. Ilefer to nil prominent plnslelaus and druggists tor tho standing of Salicyiiea, SECRETI The only dlasolvcr of the poisonous nrle add which exists In thu lik-o.l ut ihcumatlc and Itouty patients. SALICYLICA Is kn ran a a c nunion-sensn rem edy, Ueeauso It strikes dire tly at the cause of I! brumal lam, tiotit and Neuralgia, while so many so-called speelllcs and supposed pauaeeaa only trcit locally th ell'eel. It has been conceded by eminent scientists that outward applications, such as rubbing with oils, ointment, liniment, aud soothing lotions will mat -m-lleite theso dUt-.i-w which are the resitllof the poisoning of the blood with I'nc Acid. SALICYLICA works with marvelous died on ilib- acid aud remove lhe disor lor. It is now ex clusively used by all celebrated physician of Ann i lea and Europe. Highest Me Ileal Academy of Paris reports 95 per ceut cures u three days. REMEMBER that Salleyllca Is aeertaln cure for llhcmnatlsm, (lout and Neuralgia, The most Intense pains are soli Inc, I almost instantly. (Jive II a Heliet guaranteed or moniy refunded. Thousands of t-atlmontiil sent on application. (I a Hox. 0 Duxes for t. Sent free by mail on receipt of money, ASli YOL'll IIRUOOIST F0 IT. llut do not be deluded Into taking Imitations or substitute, or something recommended as "just as good I" Insist on tho geuulno with tho niimo of Waslibnrno & Co., on each box, which Is guaranteed chemically pure underoursigiiature, an Indispensable requisite to Insure success in the treatment. Take no other, or send to us. WASIlllURNE.Ji CO., Proprietors, !7 Brou iway , eor. Rcnde St., New York, jnn 4 tlm Weddiiur and othcrpartlos Bundled as chean as the cheapest. octlsly. leM. ItiSJ. cocKAiii: n titBLi: works, (F-stablished iulfkw.) ''cul , SB sa-rtsl 'ttiTlase5r -I Sycamore si reel, opposite Halifax, l'ETIiKSnURO.VA. Monument, Tom Its, I'rnnsrsi. lleudHtonrsi itnd Uravcstonea of every description made to order raaiginsr in lirien lr.mi r- u;-. Designs sent by mill toany address, with post a' ' stumps cuc!uM.'il for return. sTWhen unices tile received, the work I pre pared and forwarded; If it does nut itive perfect satMiietlon. piti-cha. -va are requested to return at my expense I pnyinir (i'l"ht hoth ways. Lowest prices and cheap fright guariiuteed. J Correspondence solicited from all sections. CllAS. M. WALSH. apr. 13 ly. AY- W- HALL, t ire and Lite Insurance Agent. Can be found lu the Roanoke Nowa Office. Rev. E.d Hall said that every rock was a ser mon, when a boy was stealing apples from Mr. Hall's orchard. When the boy's father subse quently asked him why ho limped bo replied that he was ilruok with one ot Mr. Hall's eer-moni. O K 8 A L B. Two Taylor Dins liT goodrepalrcheap. Also one Bull Cotton Press ready for use. ' They can be seen at the Howard Ma chluo Shop In Weldou. C. BRADLEY. July II tf Weison, N.O. BKPBE.8 ZlXTt,- NeW York Underwriters, "Aerie.ultural" of Watnrtown, N. T, vcsiirn, i Toronto, r annua, Pamlico. otTarhoro, N.C. L.vnehhurir, of Lyiichbnrfr, V4 Kqultable Llfo Insurance Co. t)t N, Y. Will place rlaka 1b any athar m,mmi ' I atlowsaleratei. .JulW? C. ii ItStlTwf. T

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