? THE ROANOKE NEWS. I A DEMOCRATIC 'weekly newspaper, I PUBLISHED BY ' HALL & SLEDGE, THE ROANOKE NEWS AOVCBTISIXW RATES. One square one month $2. CO. " three mouths H-00. " " six ' 7.00. " " twclvo " U.00. A liberal deductlou made for larger spaos. Local notices 10 cents p?r lino. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. O. ELLIOTT." " Altorue?) uud Counsellor at Law, NOKFOLK, VA. nn Ro VOL. XII. WELD ON, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1883. NO. 17. Ona Year. In advance, x Months, Thru" Months, 1 Kj 75 cts tt n u- ANOKE HK r 1 1 .mist dc-f l lo IceCJ Mti ' I' Mil; ougii ; ken . ville. " alls.' I mat ;i,si'r !)' ': JIluB'. : I'Bl-r' ' i :hii; ly U; wtent .tlonii Cllnf l KsKi etlong ill old;. ,d all'"' train j r anil' i thli? e lie nvlni :nt. izem s :) our I' havlj. 1, LA- f l)K, V. M Ot I 8. liars rnl t filnel, I ling tor. AWE RTISEM ENTS. HTo'edWrds' MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. KIT SPRING STOCK IS IMMENSE- I respectfully announce to mv friends snrl the nibllc Renrrally In this section, that 1 have Just eturnod from the Northern eltles. brlna-iiur win, ff. an unusually large and well assorted stock f goods for the Spring trade. These goods are pi the latest styles, both in shapes and colors, 1ml prices are down to bottom figures. Experience In the past has enabled ma to pur chase goods suitable for this market and allrac- ive to the tastes of all, and dealing onlv with Irst-eluss houses, I can recommend my stock. Among other things I will mention , RUCHING, COLLARS, OOLL AUKTTKS, FICHUS, LACES, SCARFS, HOSIERY, IRISH POINT LACK, HATS in all colors and ahupea, HAMBURGH, CORSETS, KID GLOVES. SILK ana LISLE GLOVES, PARASOLS, FAN'S. RIDBONS, PLUMES, TIPS, SURAHS, hi I. ICS, and SATINS. ilso a large assortment 9l Ladles and Gentle- ill's underwear, .. XL VIlH IiS AND QUALITIES. feats trimmed in the latest styles and at short I Jtlee, te-Remember the place, Smith's Brick Block, " Jeldon, N.C. J R. 0. EDWARDS. ctly lLL important: t tl,000 POLICY ON ASSESSMENT PLAN Tor 8.00 from if 'loon ton mond s ( fooo u u u u ,00 I "3 provide forourselvesandfamllyshould be our f I t consideration. Willie the male-head of a fam If is living ho may manage to care for his houae JN$d. but death Is Inevitable, and what provision J .ve you made for your wife and little ones In f. a d of death ? This is a solemn question which j r ehes every hearthstone. If you are a lawyer, I jiyslcian, merchant or furmor, your profession I eMiccupation dies with you. You support your L Jufclly comfortably, but when you die, who is to fvport them. The conventionalities of our t utry (the southorn country especially) are I i h as to exclude women from the chance of j- r (king a living, In fact she docs good work to -p tor nercniiaorchildrenatter rood uud ral I" iit are provided. Mow, what can be done to pot the wife and llttlo ones from the terrible Jices ot being left destitute. The best thing can be done, and often the only tiling that be done, is to effect an insurance on your for the benefit o; those so dependent upon t i . This policy is free from taxes, from all plications with your estate, from executions, c It I from debt. No one can handle this money tC the parties for whom the lnsuranco Is efl'ec- tt 1 In these daysof complications, and home j v lil allowances, (with the chance of a struggle Upblaln even that) I think a life policy the i sorest and tho only thlnir you can leave of much 1 Tftlno lo your family. . Sow the question will arise, what company J. ISJSt I insure In? "I um afraid of companies a V scutr way off, I do not know the President, Dlruc-JHRI-J tori, Sc., of companies In New York, I'hlladel- phja, or iloston, or other largo cities, I know OS Ml tintl Ingof the workings of lu&uranue companies, P tbislr solvency, Ac It seems to mo a leap In the I iJik, a matter of chance Ui take out a policy In i Dli ooinpaiilea. They may be good, they liiny mil at I bVbad. in to 1 utthore Is one company almost at our doors, from lu ilie city of Norfolk, Va., manaired by gc-nlle- fi or unquestiomtblo integrity, Incoriwrnted pnn Legislature or Vlrglnlu, and endowed 3i all the privileges that can be granted to a I tpany, and at the same time with all the safe t irds, that can bo thrown around the assured. company is known as the "Christian llrolh- i iDodof Norfolk, Va." Any person of good I I ailing, and in good health cau take out a poll- ey i tills company, of (1,000 by paying the small ii 4 oftwo dollars and ono of il.ooo, for fourdol I tarandone offl.OOO for six dollars. Tke directors and managers of the "Christian i Fatherhood," are K. T. Powell, J. N. Manning, J. Rldillck.D.J. Ocklwliiand A. Savage, uu S 4eJ the immediate management of the Rev I &. ftard H. Jones, (Secretary.) I think tho plan of Insurance in this company the best I have ov (,, ertuainlned and decidedly the cheapest. I have S t' An tho agency for this company at Weldon, i K.C. and will be glad to furnish all the partlc ' U'.tfs to parties who desire to Insure. i-;4 R. p. SPIERS, 1 AGENT. ADVERTISEMENTS For Dyspepsia, Costlveness, Sick Headache, Chronlo Diar rhoea, Jaundice, Impurity of the lllood, Fever and Ague, Malaria, and all Diseases caused by Pe- rftttgetncTit of liver, Bowels and Kidneys, STstTTOMa OF A DISEASED LITER. d Brtsth; Pain In the Side, somctimei iht pie is fclt under the Shoulder-blade, mistaken for Rlwoawiism ; general lust of appetite; Bowels Smm Ot costive, ti'tnetimel alternaling with lax ; n Ismm Is troubled with pain, is dull and heavy. fweHleralle loss of memory, accompanied wlsaa pcanfaiseosatiiin of leaving uiulonesonu-lhins wfcesfc oMghl lo hare Wen done; a slight, dry churR ssmI Arnswd fees is sometimes an attendant, often mistakes Sir consumption; the patient complains alfimnmrft and debility; nervous, easily startled; nH mid or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation (rf taw attia axisls; spirits arc low aud despondent, aa4, alrSwHth satisfied that exercise would be bene arss, yes ease can hardly summon up fortitude to J itl tiet, distrusts every remedy. Several fake Uon symptoms attend the disease, but cases ken scGurrad when but few of them eiisted, yet tntaaausMiioR after duath has shown tits Liver to have feven ememivcly deranged. It should be nsed by all persons, old and young, whenever any of the above symptoms appear. Fm-nons Traveling or Living- In Cu. Ilthy Localities, by taking a dose occasion ally to keen the Liver in healthy action, will avoid a MaUrtst, Dillons attacks, Liizrincss, Nau seas. Droersiacss, Impression of Spirits, etc. It isrrigecaie like a glass of wine, but is no lu teateausif beverage. " Teres have eaten anything hard of flare!, or feel heavy after meals, or sleep. MM at night, take a dose and you will be relieved. Thsae sm Doctors' Dills will be saved by always keeping the Regulator In the Rouse I For, whatever the ailment may be, a thoroughly Mfc rorsrfitlv, alterative and tonlo can mvernc out of place. The remedy is harmless and does not Interfere with business or pleasure. IT TS PURELY TEOETADLE, Ad has all the power and efficacy of Calomel or Quinine, without any of the injurious after effects. A Wovernor's Testimony. SimavuM l iver Regulator has been in use in my family rer some time, and 1 am satisfied it is a valuable addition to the medical science. J. Gill Shorthk, Governor of Ala. How. Alexander H. Stephens, of 6a.. ays : Hare domed some benelit from the use of Sieimfteal Liver Regulator, and wish to give it s Rirfhwr trial. only Thing;, that never falls to Relieve." f have used manv remedies for Dys Cy Liver Aftection and llebility, but never jars foun4 anything to benefit me to the eitent Slsamtms Liver Regulator has. 1 sent from Min. (Met r Georgia for it, and would send further for seek a aMekciae, and would advise all who are sim Barry afecMd to give it a trial as it seems the only thing that surer fails to relieve. P. M. Jamnet, Minneapolis, Minn. TT. ItltMon says i From actual ex serleaee la the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in ary practice I have been and am satisfied to use sad prescribe it as a purgative tncdiciae. s)sa?"TsVe only the Genuine, which always as the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark sad bjBaitrre of J. H. ZEILIN & CO. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. fob 01 yl No time shoiild be lost If the stomach, live; and bowels arc affected, to adopt the sure remedy, Hosteller's Stomach Hitlers. Dis eases of the organs mimed beget others fur more serious, uml a delay is, therefore, haz ardous. Dyspepsia, liver complaint, chills and fever, early rheumatic twinges, kidney weakness, bring serious liodtly trouble if trilled with. Lose no time iu tisiu this effective and safe medicine. For sale by all Uruggisu aud Dealers generally. June II, ly. CLOTHING. SPRING - - 18S3. HAVE YOUR MEASUE TAKEN FOR A NEW SUIT- I have samples and prices in great variety which I will bo pleased to show. My orders are fllled by the celebrated firm of WANNAMAXER & BROWN. FITN (11 VKVNTEKB, Shirts plain and plaited, While and figured, Cull's, Collars, Neck-wenr, and I'tnlerweur of every STYLE AND PRICE. sM can bo found at the Tost Olllce and will he pleased to see tny friends an 1 Ihe public geti orally at anytime. J. T. EVANS, WELDON, N. C. apr 10 ly FOR SALE. A dwelllng&nd store house on First street, for particular! apply at Thii Orrici, WW HALF WAY. B V C I. I M K H T ICIJIt, Have you forgotten w here we stood, Between the lights, that night of spring, The river rolling to Ihe flood, So sad the birds, they dared not slngt No love wns ever dream 'd like this, Beneath the shadows of the park, Beneath n whisper and a kiss, Between the daylight and the dark. There had been trouble this was rest ; There had been passion this was peace ; The sunset dying in Ihe west, Made Nature sigh and whisper cease. I only felt what I had found, You only knew what I would sny ; But nothing broke the peace profound ; Between the darkness and Ihe day. How will It end ? I cannot tell ; I asked It many months ago, Ruforc the leaves of autumn fell And changed to wlnler's waste of snow. Yet we stand watching at the gate Of summer lime for promise hark I No, love, 'tis nothing ! We must wait Between the daylight ami the dark. HOW A TORNADO LOOKS. VIVID I)KS( Itll'TlON OF ITS TKIlltllU.E 1'OWKIt lioi Niiis'i; i,ikk a lui.i, iii'xniiF.ns or fi:i:t IN Till! A 1 11. A Kansas City (Mo.) letter Rlrea a vivid ac count of a tornado which visited I hat city, lie - foro the visitation ot the tornado, says the writer, the air was heavy and the 11 If ill wind carried sheets of ruin hllher and thither wilhotit apparent direction, lu another hour the skies had crown daiker and across their sullen face lorn scraps of clduds in fantastic Shapes scuJded with a velocity that told of the presence of vast air currents somewhere in middle space. These were followed by d .irk thects as of smoke that rolled up from the ho rizon, broke ui.d lost themselves. The air sud denly grew cold. It Is impossible to describe the weird and unnatural chill, savu that it wits icy uud lasted for sonic moments. Just then a gigantic cone shaped cloud, the point totvurd the earth, appeared in Hie northwest. Those who noted the timo saw that It was exactly 4:oU. ''he cloud rushed down into ylew .so quickly that it was impossible to lell whether It was born of u con II ict of tho elements before the eye or came from some point beyond. Moving with inconceivable rapidity, and bound ing; like a ball, sometimes hundreds of feet abovo the ciirlh and sometimes trailing upon it the monster passed over Wyandotte, anal paused at the bar opposite the mouth ef Ihe Kaw, where It sucked up tons of sand, com pletely clriiiiKiuj; its color from a dark blue to a deep dun, then It niK-Kigcd upward, bounded Into midair, and disappeared. Scarcely had it mndo its spectral exit when another cloud, almost identical in size mid shape, appeared at about the point where Ihe first was seen. This cloud can be likened to uolhiun so much as a partially collapsed bal loon with the neck enormously elongated and twiste ! about. The color wns reddish yellow, distinctly relieving it ugalnst the darker back ground. This extraordinary apparition of the skies moved directly toward the city, not very fast apparently, but sprlnirintf up and down In an uncanny dance. As It came nearer one could tee that every tinic It touched the ground It swept it clean, carrying up the de bris and dropping it as it passed. A few mo ments lifter its appearance It struck West Kan sas City, barely touching, however, mid its damage confined principally to the unrooting of houses, demolishing the upper portion of the slock exchange, and killing one man. Il leaped Into the air, striking tho blulf on Eigh teenth street, and passing on east and slightly north for near two miles, In the greater part of this distance III" slorin funnel lunched the ground, and a wilderness of ruiti marks lis truck. The passage ot Ihe tornado was so sudden Unit people did not have time to be frightened till it was over, bat thd scene of terror that followed in lis wake was something that words cannot describe. It cut a clean track through the city three miles in extent and from 100 to 300 yards wide. Heavy houses were demol ished, small tnimii houses were scattered to the winds, and trees twisted from the earth as if they were weeds. The number of houses entirely demolished was lltly, and Ihe iiuuil inoru or less damaged ulniul syMl.txa). I hr.-e persons were killed outright and many others very badly Injured. NEWS OF THE WEEK. CLIPPED AND Cl l.I.EI) KIIOM Di ll EXt HASliKS. Moral in Jji-ymour is sevenly fiv years old. sunator Joe Ifruwu, ol ucvruriu, is a trH-tlltallT. fJon. Toombs, of (tcorgia, lias given up the pi'ucjii'e ol law. Dr. W. A. Conn, of GahoyRvillc, Vii., is llu- owner of a tnvortl oneo worn by IjuFiiji'IU'. (.'hatlaiiooo;asliiii'il 0(10,000 pounds of HtrawbfrrK'ri this season. An clViirt is niikino iu build a church liir tloul' inuto's in l'liilatlelpliia. uov. t leavelainl, ot .ev oi k, re duced the appropriations from $(i37,- 000 to o87,000. In the first three months of this year more than 1,000 horses were cut up as liofl in IxtIiii. liiciiiai'i'K has oeen selected lor llitf capital ol Dakota, presumably to the flingnst of the Ameiican hog. It has been deuiiled to prohibit gos pel, temperance, ana oilier open-air meetings uu Huston Cmimon. A yrmnp; lady near B.iinbridi'e, (la. has about four acrco in onions, aud expects to realize $1, 600 on the cror A little sjirl named .Minnie Wesiern tliod in Auburn, N'. 15., the oilier day from overexertion caused hy juiupiiijr a rope. A vessel Hunt in is IB, as a crusier for the war with Kno'land, was recent ly hauled out lor repairs at Cam bridge, Mass. That Husband or Mink Is three times the man he was before he liegau using 'Wells' Health Reuewer." fl, Druggists. WHY CUPID WEARS CRAPE. Trig LlTTl.K I.OVK GOD HUM TUB 1U1ULAMUNT9 or won run okoiihb w. simpson, "You are too tart." A ghastly piu crust pallor that is iu strange contrast to the ruddy Hush o( his new necktie passes swiftly over George W. Simpson's face as Herri McCluskey speaks these words, and as they stand there together in the dim hal light of tho conservatory, the soft perfume of the June roses coming through tho open window on the sigh ing breeze that is kissing the saw buck whoso haggard form is sharply outlined against tho woodshed, he feels instinctively that this woman the only woman he has ever loved, aud to win a smile front whom he would brave the horrors of Inferno or go to St Louis in July has been making a toy of his affection. The thought is a maddening o:ie, aud as it surges through his brain and starts on the return trip almost without a pause, tho agony is so overpowering that the strong man reels and would have fallen had not his pants been too tight. "Do you know what you have said Beryl y' ho asks, bending his face close to hers and looking with a piti ful, pleading, inan-on-third-base two out expression into the beautiful blown eyes that are upturned to his, Hut there is no light of love in those dusky orbs; no warm, responsive yoii-inay-holil-ine-a-litllo-while-wlien-we-get-liome-froin the concert gleam. Around the drooping mouth there are hard, tense lines, and on the while brow, that is fair as the cyclamen leaves scattered over the lawn of Htierton Villa, there comes no rosy flush sweet messenger ol love and truthfulness nothing but the faint, perfumy odor of hoine-madi! hatnloliue. Ami as she loes not answer him, but stands de fiantly, ho turns away, steps through the open window upon the veranda, and an instant later is lost to view. "My God !" exclaims tho girl, sob bing as if she had mislaid her shoe- buttoner on matinee day. "I have Iriven him away !" and hastily push iniX aside the honeysuckles that clus ter around the window she goes hasti ly out into tho purple twilight that hano;s like a mantle over the earth and :alls to him. There is a little stir unongthe lilacs and syring.ts, and an instant laler George has clasped her to his siispouder. "And you do love nie. alter all 1 1 he asked. She laughs softly, as if bewildered by her sudden happiness, aud then her eyes till with tears as she sollly strokes his face. "Yes, darling," is the answer, "and you must come to supper now. V e ire to have hot biscuits. I made them invself." "Yes," she whispers, "made them all y myself." "You made them ?' Then, he says, coldly, you cannot ovo me," and starts lor the gale. The girl follows him and cries iu a low, lesparing wail for him lo come back. Hut ho duel not heed her. On and on ie goes, when suddenly she sees him throw up his arms, as the drowning man does when balding with the very lir for existence, and disappear tor- ver. Mo had steppvd into a post-hole. ('hicao-i) Tribune. DRANK ATFAR. "Hoys, I won't drink lessen you take what I do," said old Josh Spillit, iu reply to an Invi tation, llu was a loper of long standing ami abundant rapacity, and the boys looked at hi in in astonishment. The idea," one of them replied, "that you should prescribe conditions, Is laughable. Per haps you want to force one of your nbotninal mixtures. You are the chief of the mixed drinkers, and I wont agree to your conditions." "lie wants to run us III on easier oil and brandy," said the Judge, who would willingly have taken the oil to get the I randy. No, I'm square replied Spllllt. "Take my drinlt and I'm with you." The boy's agreed, anil stood along tho liar. Every one turned to Spillit and regarded him with interest. ".1r. Baruiuler," said Spillit, "give rue a glass of waler." "What, water I" the boys exclaimed. "Yes, waler. It's a new drink lo hie, I aJ- mit, and I expect it a a scarce article with all of ynu. l.cmtnu tell yuu how I cine lo lake il: Several duys ago as a passel of us weul fishing, aud we took a lino chance of whisky along, an' had a hcrp of fun. Long toward eveuiu 1 got powerful drunk, an' crawled under a tree an' went lo sleep. 7'he boys drunk up all the whisky au' camu back lo town. They thought it a good Joke 'cause they had left me out thai' drunk, an' told It around town with a mighty bluster. My son got a hold of tho re port an' told It at home. Well, I laid under that tree all night an' when I woke In the morula' thar sot my wife right thar by me. She didn't say a word when I woke up but she sorter turned her head away. I got up an' looked at her, She still didn't say uothlii', hut I could see thai she was chokln'." "I wish I had sutliln' ter drink,' s'l. "Then she luck a cup what she fotch with her an went down to whar a spring Hi led up an' dipped up a cupful au' fotch It to me. Ji as she was hiiiiiliu' it ler me, she leaned nvir Icr hide her eyes tin' I seed a tear ilr.ip into Ihe water, I tuck the cup air drunk the waler and the tear, an' raisin' my l ands 1 vow e l that 1 would inner hafter drink my wife's teais agin; that I had been diliikln' Iheiii for the lust twenty years, au' that I was golu' to stop You boys know who it wus that left mo drunk. Youwastllln Iho gang, (lire ine another glass ot water, 11 r, Bartender." .-trAuimv i TnvtUr, A LOVINQ WIFE AND AN UNLOVING HUSBAND. She was a woman with an iron jaw. Yon could sceV once that when she made up her mind to knock down and drag out a brick yard, something hod to come. Sho refused to accept Uijiih's arm as they wslkcd out, but ou Hie contrary bestowed upon him suc h a wilting, withering, blasting look as reduced his height by an inch. She further said to him as be left her before the desk : "You old ubscondalous vllliau ! I wish yon were mv husband for a day or two ! I'd tako that gain oft your phis or drive it through to tho back of your neck I" "I can't help that grlu It's perfectly nat ural with mc." "Don't dispute me, old pirate! and don't lay a linger on mc, if you want to liva two hours longer I" It will be seen from the above that Mrs. Del.ivaii was not sn angel ot the first water. She was followed out by a man ot thirty who weighed about 1 '.'') pounds, had a sore eve and trembled so that everybody noticed his excite ment. They wero husband and wife. It was a m ilch made lu IL-aven, and therefore a good one. They stoorsnd looked at each other for a second and then the opened with : "You tnuan, little, contemptible rascal ! II was your work lu getting us here!" "You began It," replied he. "Don't you dare to tell me I began It !'' "Didn't you-1 "Never mind I'll get the facts," Interrupted Ihe court, "Mrs. Delavin, what Is your side of this unfortunate, ulT iir'' "My side Is that this infernal thing heie, who Is my liuslimd-lii-law, ought to lie hung lo first lamp post !" "Is he a bad citizen ?'' "Had is no mime for it, sir. Six months ago I was a widow, and t hud 10U lu the bunk, ''his man came along with his soft talk and sweet smiles uud grand promises, and I was fool enough to marry him." "You made the match yourself !" rxclalmod Ihe husband. "Irfiok out sir ! If you give me any impu dence I'll shake you right out ot your boots lu front of the Judgo !" "Talk to me, Mrs. D davan ;" remarked the Court, "(lo ou with yo jr story. You say yon married him !" "Yes, sir; and in a mouth he hud used up all my money, and now, bccauiu 1 won't sell my place and give htm the proceeds, lie nets like Satan, lie bus struck me several limes lu the last veek and yesterday lie packed up his clothes to go away and leave me. t wish you'd have him hung, s'.r! If you will I'll pay for the gallows and hire Ihe hangman." "Mr. Delavan, have you a side to this story?" asked the court. "Have I ? Well, 1 should say so ! Do you see this sore eye "1 do." "Well, that's her. 1 call show you twenty black mid blue, spots on my body, which is Inr again. She has cracked my ribs, injured my knee, pulle I mil my hair uud been my deadly loniU'iit. Judge, do you want to know how I came to marry her ? "I do." Here the woman made a rudi for him, hut she was pulled off, uud Ihe prisoner contin ued: "She thought I had wealth. She followed me around. She was as sweet as candy oil me. She declared Ihat she had never luted hcfoiv. She dragooned me Into it, and I have never h id a happy hour since, li i ahead and hang me ! I prefer the gallows to her !" "Judge, do lei me gel hold of him for Just a iniuuli'," -lie pleaded. "If she comes for 1110 I'll pulverize her," warned Ihe husband. "H ilh of you keep silence. As I understand this c a-..- you had a row in the house last mclit. The house was not big enough lo hold you uud you wero lighting on the walk when you were ari'i sied. I can't say who is to blame. 1 only know that you are tertitiiy mismatched ancHi advise one of you lo go to Maine uu I the other to 'cxa..." "Oh, Judge, won't you hang him V sho en treated. "Say, Judge, semi her up and I II give you tllHl!" he put in. ''he decision Is that you are equally guilty, and I shall line y ouv'i each. Also let me wain you that if you coiueheie again I'll lock you up for Ihe summer." Kach one drew a bill ami paid, and as they left the room half he audience fclt in hopes to sec a row on Ihe street. THIS AND THAT. Young married men have ceased to cnum'utu to lowa. Ihe Mate pro luces more twins than any other in the I'lii"!!. Wild geese never take a second mate, n is a crrcat, tiiiipr wiien a goose oncn recogniy.es the fact, that there are already too many goose in the world. Arthur takes the straight old slulT Aid not au inferior ui'dor of goods eiiiier, out oiu Kentucky uouiiioii ... ..il,-.. i whiskey, at $18 a gallon. A cerium rien man says ol ins wealth : ' I his is what I have ollen sighed lor, even cried tor, .sometimes lied for, and nearly all died lor. What should I lei it. silile lor f U;lK plaecd in lite Ivhine '.'.otlll yeais ago by Koinaii bridge-builders is be ing taken out and made into pianos to no thumped oy coiupieriiig young wo men who play ,Mollie Dorling. A lady warned her lit t lo girl to bathe in a room the windows of which opened into the yard, in which wero some fowls. "Bill," said the little girl "1 don't want to bathe before the chickens." "Oh never mind the chick ens," said tho mother, "Well," saitl ihe little woman, "1 won't balho Iu: fori! ihe rooster, anyhow." Yhiskev did il, but I'll never touch another drop, said the murderer on the gillnws as the slienli pulied the tr.i Skinny Mkn. "Wells' Health Reuewer" r aloros health and vigor, cures Pyspcpsla, Impo teno, Sexual Debility. (1, GHASTLY REUC0F GUITEAU. It was a fact at first carefolly concealed, and now known only to a few, that Guiteau's face and features were preserved as well as his hones. I was In the Medical Museum yrsti r torday when a clerk, whom 1 have known In tlinately for several years, said to me: "Would you like to see (iultcau'i face?" Though somewhat puzzled as to Ihe object of such a question I promptly answered In tho (Urina tive. 'J he clerk then led me to a room where s number of large jars tilled wllh alcohol lo pre serve Various relics were arranged ou shelves. cover was pulled from one ot these, reveal- lug the face und head of (iuiteau just as il looked when placed lu the coffin. "That'," said the cleric, "Is tho real face, hair, skiu, eye balls and features of Charles (iuiteau. When his body wus taken to tho Medical Mil Scum It was resolved to prcservo not only Ids skeleton, but his actual feature; In the. fl '&h That was done by running tho knife clear. around tho neck, splitting the skin In a straight line from the back of Iho neck to top of the head, and tearing It off from tho entire head, thus obtaining lit one piece the scalp and tho skin covering the face. To these were added the eyeballs. 7'hi was stuffed with cotton ill way to retain the exact outlines of the mur derer's countenance, us well as the expression, sewed together uud put in alcohol, Just as you seo It now." The head looks us If It were merely cut from tho body uud placed In the Jar, as the surgeon's stitches on the neck and back of tho head are not visible. Tho very sneer of Ihe sensual mouth has been pre- rved, and Ihu stabhy hairs of a week's growth Unit were on Ihu upper lip when l.ui- iil went on the gallows mo still there. I he yi balls are, of course, lucking lu vital expres sion, but even they show but little shrinkage Thd nose is Ihu only feat lire Iho shape of which has not been maintained, it is sunken In tho middl", us if It had received .1 blow on the btidge; but the cheeks, Ihe chin, eyebrows, yeluslies, hair, and everything except the mouth, are almost perfect in their life-like re- mlilaiire. THE SMALL BOY ON ERRANDS. ostou Transcript. Where is the small boy going? The small boy Is going on an errand. How do you know that the small hoy Ingoing ou au -i i-.i ii tl r Id cause the small buy is in such a hurry. How can you tell that the small boy is In a liurrv ? 1 can tell by Ihe thoroughness with which ha xuiniiics everything about liliu. Is this exeicise very exlmus'.ln:,? Kxcei -iliiigly: you see Ihat he has to sit down and rest before he has half completed Ms sui- 'V. It il t what Is Ihe small boy doing now'.' In order lo get lo his destination the oircker has Jumped upon Iho passing wagon. Hut the wagon Is going iu Ilk iliuction oiu which ho came. It makes no ilill'erenee. All .roads lead lo Hue you know, and all directions are Ihe same to Ihu small boy. Tho onlv directions he It has of aru thoe which nt-iu glvtti linn when ho started on his errand. What Is the small boy doing now? The small boy is playing marbles with aunth- r small hoy. Then he has forgotten his errand? (Hi, no; lie is only exercising his memory e is trying to see how long he cm rcnicmlKr his errand amidst distracting rireiimslaiiees. Will lliesiuall boy ever get to hisdcsihiulloii? II ' will if he keeps on In the diiecllon iu which he l now crawling. How so n. do you think? cannot giy; hut I once heard of a man who went round the world iu eighty t!as. PLANTATIONJLEASANTRIES. A bile always i nines in de In Try wust place. 'Sposure I J dewed icr prolongs de life er de backlog. (iravllutlon dou I feet de Ipec tu iu a man t stomach. Do I.iwd love a cheerful giver, nn' so do His ministers. Il.ird lighlin' m.iy hep a man's repctntlou hut dinged ef it'll 'prove his looks. Shet yer eyes ler do consequences cf ye stir up a hawnct's lies'. Pes" new 5 cents pieces show olt mighty puny in u contribution box. Kf di y i bber p ,ss a law 'gin people climiii trees, it'll pay a man ler know how ler set bones. ako a pundit quarter long when ye goto de chinch fur, and niehbe ye'll git back wit some money iu yer pocket. it lakes a man d it don't know one rock from anudiler right smart while Icr tlnd er gold mine. When 1 hear dal a m ill's word is as good a his ton', I ncx' want ter know how good hit bnn' Is. When I prophesy to my boys dat dey'll ketch du debbel ef dey go llshin' on Sunday I limits myself till dark. t in') close spili s de rtiilud until. De onlv time I 'member it secln' er dressed up d.ukey ehber try ter do anyllng were at a 'lection, an den ho votud ler do wrong man. BEWARE OF BOYS THAT SINC. H. J. Iliird. llo in t I nt-1 mill t i inquirer. I once heard a hoy going down t io street tinging at the top of his lungs, "Dare to bo right, dare to he true !'' singing It so loud that he woke up all (he basics on Ihu block uud set every dog In the ward to barking, and us he saug he smashed a window In Ihu parsonage, bioko a chicken's leg with a stone, ' sussed" in iilo-. woman, shot a laiiuer iu lue eye wllh 'nigger shooter,'1 hit a dog a crack with shinny-club that uiadu puur Carlo howl till his back ached, pulled a picket oil a fence, slapped a Mile boy and took his cooky away from him He disappeared lusldo the schoolroom, and above all other voices I could hear bis soul ul shriek lu the morning song, "Oh, low 1 foir my fnirn it. .. I ' And before prayers were over bo Inked a boy's nose, put two bent pins where they would do the most harm, salted claim of shoe-maker's wax on tho teacher chair, scratched Ills name on Ills desk with pin, nle uu apple uud fired the core into the isr of Iho good boy with a ihlu n ck, who was never absent or lardy. - ' Invesiiojatoi" wants to know what is jjotul for cabbage worms, liless your heart, man, cabbage, of course. A good plump cabbage will last sev eral worms a week. Hooins '- uud 3 Virginian Building. oct I ly It VNl'II k UKI.L. ATI'OKMEVH AT LAW. K.VFIELD, N. C. Practices lu tli counties of Halifax, Nash KiUeconibe and Wilson. Collections made In all inrtsof the Stale. jau li tf. 11 II. SMITH, JH. AT I'OltSIKY AT LAW, SCOTLAND NUI'K, llAI.IFAX CoUNTV N. O Practices In the countv of Halifax and adloln- linr counties, aud III the Supremo court of tho Stat -. It ly. M. (I II I . t. K 11 P, , ATTOUN ilY AT I. A tV, HALIFAX. N. C. onieo ill the Court llonse. strict attention given to all branches of tins profession. Jan p.' Iy 'tllOMAS N. HILL, I AlloriM'J At I.HW, HALIFAX, N. l'rwlices In Halifax ami adioliiins- rountle, and federal am! Suprnjie courts. Will be at Scotland Neck, oneo everv fort- night. augasif W. M A S () N . ATTOltXICV AT LAW, (AHYHHUKt, n. v. l'raclii initio ll'Ollllnr eoiiutie I'euie Courts. courts of Northampton and , also In Ihe Federal and ho June 8 tf. y A 1. T K It K. P A N I K L, Vllornej iukI ouiiNollor At Law, w t: i, o n. c. I'ra. tics in Halifax ami adjoining; counties. Spoenil ItLoitloll ifivon to eolleclliii.il In all purls ,,( tin. siate and prompt returns made.. !!. lily W. HALL, vvvy ATl'OKEY AT LAW, WKLDOX, N. C. Special attention srlvnn to collections and remlttane.'s promptly mndo. iiiiiv It I. Q H. E. L. HUNTER, NUKUEOX DENTIST, Can ho found nt his ollk-o in Knfleld. I'uro Nitrons Oxidn Has lor Iho Poin. less Uxtraetlng of Tooth always on hand. .mud ii. UMWS M . IH'I.I.KV. JOU.N A. MOOS a IT 1. 1. K S a M I" ) II K, A 1 IOUM.YS AT LAW. HALIFAX N.C. I'rnetlco In the coiintlesof Halifax, Northamp-' on. Ivk'.'foinlio, Pitt and Marl in-Ill the Su roniM court of the Stale and In the Federal ourlsoftlio Kastern District. Colleen.,,,. i.,.i.. In any part of the State. Jau 1 ly V. J. N A W . BAKER & CONFECTIONER. Hr F.LDO N, N. c. A very large supply of Cakes, crackers, Candles, French and Nuts, c. Plain, llalslus, Fruits, The large it stuck of Toys of every variety ever brought to this market . Ord.-rs for candies, cakos, &i si notice ul Northern prices. filled at short Woddinir am! othcrpurllos supplied as cheap as the rlh-apent. ort Is ly. A. W 1! i: N N A S O N, M Sl'Kli-Tl II Kits o)' AN li PKM.KIIS IS AM. KINDS Of ( urriitgos, Hnrnexi, NntlillcN, lliidles, Collar. Cures, Wheels, Axles. Farm (lear' ilorsr Clothing, Lap Holies, ac., N.w. II. oei ti !v. K 81 A !0 Villon St., Norfolk, Va. KMHrtV vVJslih, I HAS BEEN PROVED I The 8URC8T CUM for KIDNEY DISEASES. Pooflfilnme back or diaonlcrod urint inrtt itrttityonrant'UmP THEN DO NOT1 HESITATE, use Kidney-Wort at ono. (druar- cisli recommend It) and It wtllipHdily oyt ooino Ui diHAM and ntartniw h-ihr a-tlcn I oHipc For fwropUlnta praUsi uvOl to your kx. ueh aa nain 'iiui woaKnCTswrtj, uneywottliuiuurpajMttdi BithorSex. Inoonunenee. retention AfurtnA 1 it 'win act promptly ana auelr. brick duat or ropy dc-poaita. and dull drusrinar pain, nil pocdiiy yield to lu curaliva poww J 19 WJltU iUau JUaUvKvlLtTS. FTlC fl. HHsslMiv-, With,- I oct I j ly W- W- HALL, tiro uud Lite Insurance Agen Can bo found In the RoanokeNewi tffl Wsldon, N.O. e e p b qsjqif t i ,1 New York itlnlerwrllcTS, "Airrlenltural"of Waterfown, W.T.I Western, f Toronto, Canada, l'amlieo. of Tarhoro, N . O. Lynchburg;, of I.ynchhnrff, Va. KiiiiUabloLlfo Insurance Oo, of N. Will place rMulalOf OtaWiftOeltM" i low suiurauva. 1 J

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