.BajWWMWWWiattgss THE ROANOKE NEWS THE ROANOKE NEWS A DEMOCRATIC nn advertising aAil;s.r.'.7.7, One Siiuaio one month .00. ' " three months ;.. " " six " 17.00. " " twelve " 1!-00. A liberal deduction made for larger spao3. Local notices 10 cents p.-r lino. , WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY HALL & SLEDGE VOL. XII. One Year. 1 advance, pit Months, . " rare Months. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1883. NO. 24. 1 0 75 ct- Roanoke HE ADVERTISEMENTS. RO EDWARDS MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. M SPRING STOCK IS IMMENSE- I respectfully announce to my friends and the public generally In tills section, that I have just returned from the Northern cities, bringing with an unusually large and well nssoited stock of goods for the Spring trade. Theso goods are in the latest styles, both in shapes and colors, and prices arc down to bottom figures. Experience in the pa3t has enabled mo to uur- hase goods suitable for this market and attrac tive to the tastes of all, and dealing only with Hrt class houses, I can recommend my stock. Among other tkliyrs I will mention. ruchixu, COLLARS, COLLARETTES, FICHUS, LACKS, SCAKF8, HOSIKRY, . IRISH POINT LACE, HATS In all colors and shapes, HAMBURUS, CORSETS, KID ULOVES, SILK aud LISLE ULOVES, PARASOLS, FAN'S. RMHONH, Pl.UMKS, TIPS, SURAHS, . SILKS, an 1 SATWS. Also a lttigc assortment of Ladies and Gentle- pus underwear, AM. I'll H US AND QUALITIES. Hats trlinined In the latest styles and at short lice, 3-Rememlperthe place, Smith's Hrick Illock, pldou, N.C. II.' 0. EDWARDS. Act t ly 'all important; 1,1)110 I'Ol.lt V 03 ASSESSMENT I'LAM for i.00 j.noo tt . t t n tt f,oo ;i,oii tt tt tt tt fi.cn I o provide for ourselves and family should be our rst consideration. While tho male-head of a fain ly Is living ho may manage to care for his house 'Id. but death Is Inevitable, and what provision vp you made for your wife and little ones in ue of death ? This Is u solemn question which nihi's every hearthstone. If you are u lawyer, fliysician, merchant or farmer, your profession occupation dies with you. You support your imlly comfortably, but when you die, who is to uppnrt thorn. The conventionalities of our n"ntry(tho southern country especially) are cli as to exclude women from tho chance of faking a living, in fact she doos good work to lire for her child or children lifter food und ral H-nt are provided. Now, what can be dono to rohet the wife and little ones from the terrible liances of being left destitute. The best thing iat can be done, and often the only thins that an oe done, Is to effect an insuriuicu on your fie for the benefit of those so dependent upon . This policy is free from taxes, from all Duplications with your ostate, from executions, d from debt. No one can hand lo this money t the partes for whom the insurance is elTec d. In these daysof complications, and home' tead allowances, (with the chance of a struggle 'obtain eveu that) I think a life policy the pircstaud tlio only thing you can leave of much "Hue to your family. Now the question will arise, what company Past I insure !n'f "I am afraid of companies Ng way on", I do not know the President, Dlrec r, 4c, of companies In Now York, t'hlladol .1. or Bunion, in oilier huge nines, I know 'thing of the workings of Insurance coin panics piclr solvency, Ac. It seems to nio a leap in the k, a mutter ofchance to take out a pulley In h companies. Tlicy may be good, they imiy bad. hut there Is one company almost at our doors, the city of Norfolk, Va., managed by gentle Men or unquestionable Integrity, Incorporated the Legislature of Virginia, and endowed Hi all the privileges that ean bo granted to n Nipuny, and at tho same time with all the safe iisrds, that can be thrown around tho assured. tils company is known as the "Christian Broth- phoodof Norfolk, Va." Any person of good funding, and In nood health can tako out a poll- In this company, of l,000 by paying the small lira of two dollars and one of 'J.ooti, for four dol- M, and one 00,000 lor six ollurs.i . , , The directors and managers of the "Christian Irotherhood," are E. T. Powell, J. N. Manning, B. Rlddlck, D. J. Godwin and A. Savage, nn r the Immediate management of the Rev ''hard H. Jones, (Secretary.) I think the plan f Insurance In this company the best I have cv examlucd and decidedly tho cheapest. I have f ken the agency for this company at Weldon, C. and will be glad to furnish all the partlc- I'ars to parties who desire to Insure. It, P. SPIERS, AGENT. ADVERTISEMENTS PROF. DARBY'S moniYLACTIO FLUID. The most jioweif ill Anti.vjitic known. WILL PREVENT THE CHOLERA. IThe most powerful An- It dp.lroy I hi' germs l'l)liH-nc "sepiin agent which chemistry has produced. Its use either I111..1-1111L ly nr ext'.i'iiiLllv r lei-v 'nil It f"ines In contact II lsafill'1 i hIiiIiIUIhmI 'Villi, llir.'. HWi-nt und by Science tlmt niunv leaf-the production of lisease-g"rins censes "id the iiatlent recov llscnsc" an' Introduced by puti'illcuMi u, whlcl: reproduces hseir aim PS'pngnles the disease In aver widening circles ers. When U'ed on Ulcers. Scalds, Hums, Eruptions and Sores it. stops all These discuses irenor- aln, sweetens tlictmrtx ato contagion end fill and promotes the rapid the air Willi (lenth Such '"rouuion 01 Healthy Flesh. Is lliul dread Terror, ASIATIC CHOLERA, which is now devastat It Purities ing the hast and inlviiii II I ",e I Aliuopliere. logon its miss on or leatli ra'.ildlv towardi our snores, other diS' eases of the same sort are Diphtheria, Typhoid Its exposure In a Sick revcr, neariet lever. room, Cellar, Closet or Small pox, Measles, Yel table purities the At low rover, lSn'sipelin., mosphere und drives etc. All these generate contagion. Oilier dis eases fever and Ague, iwtiy tlie germs ot dis ease and death. Taken internally it pu rities tho Stomach, giv :iug It kmc and li-allliy vigor. It Is thus Malarial revcr, etc., arise from contagion which conies of damp ness, uiiiioaiuiy siitiii. lions or uiielciu'iups-i 1 nai It cures indigestion All these Diseases can ami uysicpsia. be cured only by stoi lieu 11 sea as a union it destroys all Freckle ping the production of mid Blotch-producing Disease oerins and ties rins. leaving tho skin troylng those already produced. Both these i-leur, white and transpa rent as that ol u little results are accomplish ed by the use of Prof. khild. Darby's nrcnaration of Buriicio Acid and Chlo rine, known as t renders all It comes in coiiinrt with Pure anil llplllthy. DA RHYS PIIOI'IIYI.ATIC FLUID Space docs not permit ns to namo many of the uses to which this great derm-destroyer is appli cable. Ask your Druggist for printed matter descriptive of its usefulness, or address J. H- ZEILIN & CO. Manufacturing Chemists , PHILADELPHIA. so cents per Bottle. Tint Bottles, J1.00. fobllyl ITostetter's Stomach Bitters, by Increasing vital power, ami rendering lllo physical functions regular anil active, keeiis ttie system in good working order, and protects it against disease. For constipation, dys pepsia and liver complaint nervousness, kidney and rhcumatio ailments, it is in valuable, and it affords a sure defence against malarial fevers, besides removing ull traces of such disease from the system. For ualo by nil Druggists and Dealer i generally. .luiiell.ly. CLOTHING. SPRING 3 1883. HAVE YOUR mm TAKEN FOR A NEW SUIT. I have samples and prices lu great vnilely which 1 will be pleased to show, lly orders are filled by the celubratod llriu of WAMAMAKEE & BROWN. FITN (ilAlUmrUED Shirts plain and plaited, White and figured, t uffs, Collars, Nock-wear, and Underwear ot every STYLE AND PRICE. 3-1 ean bo found nt the Post Ollleo and will be pleased to see my friends and tho public gen - erally at anytime J. T. EVANS, WKLPON. N. C, apr 19 ly FOR SALE. A dwelling and store house on First street, for particular apply at Tau OFNCI, mjtu Ollf, YES, PLATOXIC. I knew It the first of the summer, I knew It the same at the end That you and your love were plighted; But couldn't you bo my friend T Couldn't we sit In the twilight, Couldn't we walk on the shore, With only a pleasant friendship To bind us-and nothing more ? Thero was never a word of nonsense Spoken between us two, Though we lingered oft In the garden Till tho roses wero wet with dew. We touched on a thousand subjects- The moon and the stars above Butour talks were tinted with science, With never a hint of love. "A wholly Plaiitonlc friendship," You said I had proved to you, "Could bind a man and a woman Tho whole long season through, With never a thought of folly, Though both are In their youth." What would you have said, uiy lady, If you had but known the truth? Had I done what my mini heart prompted (Juno down on my knees to you And told you uiy passionate story, Hidden and hushed so long, My story of hopeless loving Say, would you have thought It wrong? But I fought with my heart and conquered I hid my wound from sight ; You were going awuy In the meriting, And I said a calm good night ; Bnt now, whon I sit In the twilight, Or wncn I walk by tho sea, The friendship quite "Platonic" Comes surging over mo ; And a passionate longing tills mo Kor the roses, the dusk and the dew For the beautiful summer vanished For the moonlight talks and you 1 OUR NEXT FAIR. Schedule ok Premiums of tiie It. T. 11. Agricultural Society. Nov. 5th, 6th, 7thp 8th and 0th. DEPARTMENT D.-lhusthM ProtlueH. E. J. PEEBLES and T. W. MASON, Superin tendent. DIVISION l.-Breads, dfce. CLASS I. Beit specimen Hour Bread loaf, " specimen flour rolls, half dozen, " specimen coru bread, loaf, " sponge cake, " fruitcake, " pound cake, " specimen honey, strained, ball gallon, Beit jellies preserves, pickles, jam, cat sups, syrups, cordials, &c, each, Best and greatest variety made and ex hibited by same Individual, Best specimen of the following dried fruits, peaches, pears, figs, and apples, of not less than a half bushel, each, Best specimen griipcs, plums, cherries of not less than 10 pounds, each, Best specimen and greatest variety ottho above dried fiults, made and exhibited by same indiiidiisl, 3 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 6 00 4 00 1 00 3 00 500 3 00 3 00 3 00 'J 00 3 00 Best box hard soap, 10 pound, " box soap, liouie-iniidc, " lot toilet toap, not less thtu 5 poinds, CLASS 11. IlOt'SUIlOI.D 1'A KIIU'S. Best counterpane, Second best counterpane, Best quit, cotton, " quilt, silk, " quilt, worsted, " hearth rug, Second best hearth rug, Best pair cotton bose, " foot mat, " piece ten yards woolcu cloth, I 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 5 00 3 00 3 00 " ;enllemen' shirt, " domestic carpeting, not less than ten yards, Best domestic flannels, plain or twilled, not less thin ten yards, Best domestic blanket. Lamest and most meritorious tiumuer of ai Holes lu this class, 5 00 DIVISION 3.-Fancy Work. CLASS II. CROCHET nun. Best tidy, 00 " set table mats, 4 00 11 shawl, 4 Oil " tellel met, 2 00 " collar, 2 00 " embroidered joke, 2 00 " embroidered handkerchief, 3 00 " embroidered collar, 3 00 " embroidered lacque, 3 00 " crochet sscque, 3 00 " embroidered chemise, 2 00 " infant's clo.ik, 3 00 " cmbroliLired suit for child, 3 00 " crochet nowois, 3 00 CLASS 11. UH.I.INEIIV. Beit aud handsomest velvet bonnet, 2 W Best and handsomest straw hat, 3 00 Best and hiimlsomesi child's hat, 3 00 Best snd handsomest lady's cap, 3 MU Bost aud luiuU'itiU'St bead dress, 3 00 Best and hsndsumest riding hat, 2 00 Best and largest display, 5 00 In this department ipucial premiums will be awarded meritorious urtlclu not mentioned above. DEPARTMENT E. Fine Ar(, Mmieal Instru ment, Ftor, &i'., Col. F. M. l'AHKEU, Snprrin'.eudent. DIVISION I. CLASS I. Best 12 varieties Bowers, one of e.ich, 3 00 Second best 12 varieties tlswcrs, 2 00 Rest ciiliec'.lon vsriguted leuf plant, 3 00 Best liidUeuous plants, 2 Oil Best bouquet, 1 00 Best design. 1 00 Best and handsomest vaso of dried grasses, Rest basket with flowers, Butt vase, 1 00 1 00 I 00 Discretionary premiums In this department. CLASS II. WAX, B1AD AND SHELL WORK. IBtftbuketor mound, 800 " specimen wax lowers, 4 00 " lot tallow candles, 3 00 " specimen fruit, 5 00 " long handle brooms, 1 dozen, 2 00 " specimen shell work, 3 00 " specimen ot brick, 1 dozen, 5 00 " cross shell work, 2 00 " axe helrei, half dozen, 2 00 ' frame shell work, 2 00 " bee hire, 2 00 " pine bnrr basket, 2 00 " shuck basket, 2 00 CLASH IV. " most deiinn, 2 00 cotton TiRNs, &e. " iced frame, 2 00 Best sample of cotton yam, 8 00 " variety ituded birds, 2 00 " bale of heavy osnaburg, 3 00 " piano, 10 00 " coll of cotton rope, 3 00 The ton of the instrument a well a the ar tistic construction to be considered. The ex hibition of other musical instruments 1 In vited. Liberal premium to bo awarded. CLASS III. For the collection of different mineral! of the 8tato including coal, Iron ore, copper ore, limestone, marl, peat, toll, Ac, dlicretiumry premiums. CLASS IV. rilNT NOS, DIUWINOS, Ac. Best specimen oil palullug, t 5 00 " specimen Grecian puiutlng, 3 00 3 " specimen pastelle, 3 00 1 specimen drawing, 3 00 ' crayon drawiug, 5 00 1 water color, 3 00 1 discretionary premiums to this class. DEPA UTMES T F.-MahnnUs. Gen'l, L. G. F.stes, Superintendent. DIVISION 1,-AgricuUural Implement!. CLASS 1. IMPROVEMENTS OK AttitlCltLTUKAL IMl'I.KMENTS. To the person who shall exhibit auy new or improved Agricultural Imple ments, of his own invention which, shall, lu the opinion of Committee, merit a premium, shall be awarded a, Silver Hedsl. CLASS II. Best Cotton Scraper, 3 00 " Cotton Sweep, 3 00 " Cotton Plow, 3 00 " Coiton Harrow for siding, 2 1)0 " Sulky Plow, 5 00 " Tooth Cultivator, 3 C3 " Harrow for all purposes, 5 00 " Rake, one halt dozen, 1 00 " Farm Gate, 5 00 " Grass Blade, one half dozen, 8 00 " hay rake, 3 00 CLASS III All plows under this head to be tried in , hold, under tho following regulations. Owners to furnish team and plowman, und fallowing points to be considered : 1st. Weight of plow, 3ud. Draught, 3rd. Depth of furrow, 4th. Price, construction, durability aud finish. Best cast mourd board plow 3 horse, 5 00 " cast mould board plow 1 horse, 3 00 " steel mould board plow 1 horse, 5 00 Subsoil plow of any kind, 3 10 The best plowman in this trial to re ceive 2 CO DIVISION 2,-Machioery. CLASS I. STEAM roWEIt. Best engine for agricultural purposes at at work on the ground not lo exceed 13 horse power, 50 00 Secoud best, Diploma. HOUSE POWKU. Best sweep horse power, Diploma Best saw und grist mill, corn and cob crusher, and threshing, each, ltest broadcasting iiiathlna for sowing bone dust, lime, Ac, Best ditching machiiig, " cotton gin, " cotton press, " brick machine, " best cotton chopper, " cotton planter, " wheat planter or drill, " corn shclltr, " straw and shuck cutter, " corn planter or drill, " wheat planter or drill, " churn, " lifting pump, " forcing pamp, " washing rachitic, 8 00 (I 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 4 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 3 (0 3 00 2 00 3 00 All scwiug machine companies Invited to t hibit their machines, and every faculty will bo afforded for a proper exhibition of tho same. DEPARTMENT J.-iUmufMtum Other then Doutu'. Dr. J. 11. HA K Kit, Superintendent. DIVISION 1. CLASS I. PARMINU OK RtntNO VEHICLES EXHIBITED IT T1IK MANUFACTURER. Best two horse wagon, 5 00 " one horso wagon, 8 00 " one horse cart, tumble, 3 00 Best nx curt, 2 00 " one wheel barrow, 1 OS " dumping wagon, 2 00 " pair of wagon or plow banes, 1 00 11 cart saddle, 1 00 " wheuls, 2 00 " phaeton, rockawao, or top buggy, 5 00 " open buggy or inlky, each, 8 00 " yoke. 3 00 CLA8S II. SAntll.EnY, HARNESS, Ac. Beit set ot carrlrgo harness, H 00 Best set of bugL'V or sulky narucsts, 5 (10 " geut's saddle, bridle and martin s-ale. 5 00 Best lady's saddle, brlndle nd martin gale, 6 00 Best cart harness, 3 00 " pair of geutlemen'e boots, 2 00 " pair of gentlemen's shoes, 2 00 ' pair ot ladies' shoes, calf, 2 00 " pair ot Indies' shoes, kid, 2 00 " pair of ludies' gaiters, 2 00 CLASS III. BCNOKIUS. Best woodeuwsre (hollow) st bucket, tubs, kuenders, A , 3 00 Best lent her, sole, kid and calf, 8 00 " sldo of haruert leather, 2 00 " lot of cotton basket for farm use, 3 00 " lot o tinware, 1 00 " lot ot manufactured tobacco chew ing, S 00 But lot tobacco, smoking, 9 00 DEPARTMENT Jr.-Hortknitural TYodiicfs. J. M. OK1ZZARD, and Q. S. BELLIS, 8u perlntendcnt. ( DIVISION 1. Horticultural Product. CLASS I. Vimr ADA1TKD TO TUB SOUTH. Beat and grealett variety of apples, half bushel 4 00 Best aud greatest variety of peichel, halt bushel 4 00 Best and greatest variety of pear, half bushel, 4 00 Best and greatest variety ot flga, half bushel, 4 O) Best aud greatest vuricty of quluces, one qurt, 4 00 Best and greatest variety of grapes, on quart, 4 00 CLASS II. FRUIT TREES, &0., ADAPTED TO TnE SOUTII. Best and largest vsrlety of apple tree, Best and largest variety of pear trees, Best and largest variety of peach tree, Beit and largest variety of grape vines, DIVISION 3. CLASS I. VEUETAIILE9. Best six stalk of celery, " three heads of cauliflower, " twelve carrots, " twelve table beets, " twelve parsnips, " twelvo onions, " twelvu tomatoes, " twelve ears seed corn, " three heads cabbage, " half peck potatoes, Second best half peck potatoes, Best variety of scedlug potatoes " three heads broccoli, " twelve whito table turnips, " two purple egg plants, " half peck lima beams, " half peck Windsor beaus, " buucb double parsleys, " three squash, summer, " three squash, wluter, " bunch lettuce " two pumpkins, Best ten gourds, " end largest exhibit by any on per 400 4 00 4 00 4 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 15 00 son lu this department, CLASS II. WINES Best and largest variety of natives wines, not less tin bottles to be exhibited, 10 00 KI HIKING TIIE HIBLE. Tho religious world has been recent ly agitated by a determination on the part of theologians to square off und light for the religion ot their fathers. Some think it argues great pluck for a man to assail the ltiblo and the church and set up a new religion. Tho fact is, it requires no courage at all to do so, tor he is always sure of the favor aud applause of a multitude who hato the iible ami would be irlaiJ to see it struck on any side, a ml to havo Chris tianity crippled. 1 he liible antago nists do not realize they are attempting to stop an express train by putting their leet on the track, or to arrest an Alpine avalanche by bracing them- vi's against one of the ice cakes, The bible goes right on, aud the Church ot ( luil goes rig it on, aud the ch'cf dam age id done to the critic, I here have never been so many live-churches in the Unite i Stales as to-day. More pen pie believe the gospel than ever before, and viisb-r multitudes are attempting lo practice its precepts. 1 he attempts to shativr the liible tor the last three hundred years has not vet rent asuiidi r or dislodged a siut;lc iloctnno or sen timent. After its present assailants are all dead their funeral services will be preached from King Jumps' Transla tion, not one verse omitted from the first page of Genesis to the last of llev elation. One would think that the world would get tired of a bombard ment of the Bible castle when with all their concentrated fire of three hundred years the;' have not been able to knock out of its walls a splinter large enough to make tho most sensitive eyeball qmv ci. Oh I am glad we are in the army which will finally win tho day. Hero and there a repulse may come through the perfidy of somo officer, or tho back lug out of some tfailot' in the camp: but there are enough of tno mounted cavalry of tho King lo rido down all opposition and to dismount the guns of the enemy. I havo no nervousness as to the result. I am only anxious to be on the right side in the contest, and to do my share ot the hard inarching and hard fighting. Dr. Talmuge. Wbrds. Weeds eat up the farmers sub it nice. Tho truth ot tbl ouirht to b appar ent to every one who would flgire up the colt of eradicating them from the crops. Aud yet It li not an enemy who hith done tbl. 'J' he farmer himself Is the one to blame. J ait now the fields are white with dallies snd white weed. The (tubhles are green with rag-weed, fbeinad-sldes are clothed with golden rodi, thistles or creeping briers. The door ysrdi and nooks and corners of the farm boar their burden, and these nurseries of weeds are nrg Jerted with the greatest care. It yoo would farm successfully, wage an exterminating war against weeds. Skinny Mkh. "Wells' Health Renewer" re store health and vigor, cnrei Dyipeptlt, Impo tence, Sexual Debility, i, 0 AII'S ARK imt'OVEKKD. FINDING OF TIIE ANCIENT VESSEL IN GLACIER ON MOUNT A It A It AT. A Constantinople contemporary an nounces tho discovery of Noah's art. It appears that some Turkish commis sioners appointed to investigate the question of avalanches on Mount Ara rat suddenly came upon a gigantic structure ot very dark wood' protru ding from a glacier. They made in quiries of tho inhabitants (Q' 1,125 in their report.) Theso had seen it for six years, but had been afraid to ap proach it because, a spirit of fici-co as pect had been seen looking nut of the upper window. Turkish commission ers, however, uro bold men, not de terred by such trifles, and they deter mined to reach it. Situated as it was anion;,' tho fastnesses of one of tlie glens of Mount Ararat it was 'a work of enormous difficulty, and it was only after incredible hardships that they succeeded. Tho ark. one will bo triad to hear, Was in a good state of preser vation, alt hough the angles observe, not tho bow or stern had boon a good deal broke in its descent. They recognized it at once. There was an Englishman among them who had pre umaoiy read Ins iiiulc, ami he saw it was made of tho ancient tronher wood of Scripture, which, as every one knows, only grows on tho plains ol Euphrates. ElTccting an entrance into tho structure, which was painted brown, they found that the admiralty requirements for the conveyance l horses had been carried out, and the interior was divided into partitions fifteen feet high. Into three of these only could they gt, the others being full of ice, and how far lite ark exten tied into the glacier they could not tell. However, on being uncovered it turns out to bo 300 cubits long it will go hard with the disbelievers in the book of Genesis, "Needless to saw" ays the Tall Mall Gazette, "an Amer ican was soon on the spot, and nego tiations have been entered into with tlie local pacha for its speedy trausfei to tho United Stales." Each head ot clover contains about sixty dis tinct flower tubes, each of which cojtalns a portlou of sugar not exceeding the five-liun-dredth part of a grain. Tho proboscis of the bees must therefore be luscrtcd Into 500 clover tuoes before one grain of sugar can be obtained. There are 7,000 grains In a pound, and as homy contains three-fourths of Its we'ght of dry sugar, tach pound of honey represents 3,500 000 clover tubes sucked by bees. An Iowa family gave a tramp a dinner, and the tramp gave the family the smallpox. Don't blame the poor man. Perhaps that was all be hid to give. ADVERTISEMENTS THE BLATCHLEY r PUMP! BUY THE BEST. BLATCHLEY'S TRIPLE ENAMEL PORCELAIN-LINED OB 8EAMLESS TUBE '. COPPER-LINED PUMP Dn nnt he rmir1 hitn Inivmtr Inferior dixhln. For nub' ItV till' Writ houw lu Uio Trtvta C.C. BLATCHLEY, Manufr, 308 MARKET ST., Phflad'a. Vt rite to iue tot name of jn rt-t Ajrvnt nir2tf 0m. EMflQME rJinq mm TV" ie Cfffj"? ,'sjr8 cW',tt,.1 OUT OF ORDER. 1 30 UNION SQUARE NEW YORK. CjV"V ILL. .onii. VIA TOR SALE BY a I 1 3t 1 1 STONE GENERAL AGENT. nALF,lQlf,N, C. Hug Km PROFESSIONLARDS VyY a. ELLIOTT. Attorney and Counsellor nt Low, NORFOLK, VA. Rooms 2 and 3 V li'giulau Building. Oct S ly JRANCH BELL. ATTOKVCVS AT LAW. E.NTIEI.n, N. C. Practices in tli" countl"H cf Halifax, Nanh Ktltreci'iulie and Wihoti. i.Vlli't-t ions made in a! I . Arts of t he State. jiui li tf. R ii.s.Miru, ju. ATM) It SKY AT LAW, KOOTI.ANO N'Ul'K. lt l,llX OuUNTY N. O 1'r.int ices In the enmity of Mtill'iix und a.li'On- liiH eoiiutles, and In tho Suori'iii" court "t the State. In ly. J M. It It I . A H I', AHOUM.V AT LAW, II.W.tl-'AX, N. C, OIH(V In the I'.nirf It'ife. strict r.tliiillon riven !' nil branelien ot the profcssi'iii. inn li ly niOMA.t N. iliLl,, AllirVuoy nt Law, IlVUKAX, N. ('. Practice In II, ilitus im,l nillnininr i ntln and Ketleral and Suim-me courts. will no at Ncniianil iseek, oueo every fort lll.fht. linu'sH If T. W. M A .S I) N . ATHltSli:v AT LAW', OAKYStlUIHf, X. r. Praetlee in the courts of X. rt hatni.tcm nnd ,uloliiin.; ciiinilicrt, al.Hn in tlio Kederul and Mi- iniuo courts. June It. A L T K It li. I) A N 1 i; l Atlornej ii ti (I Counsellor At I.hw, v z 1. 1 o , . c. Prarttei's lu llnlirax ami n.ijuiiiiiiir counties. Special .llleiiliiio inv ll l'i e,'ll,elliii' in all parts ( t lie stat. and cnoui't ret ui lis made. ii-o. uiy ATTOUXLY A I I. VW, VVI'I,1)(I, N. ('. Sneciat altentl,)n irU-..ii i.. ...,n. ei i,. n.. remittaiieeN proiuptly ui;i'e. nay in. )K. J . K . N II I K I. Its , stK(ii:o ik:. nsr, Uavlnir iiermaueiitly 1. ealed In Wi ldeti, run be found at Ins otlirc ill .''iiiliir.s brick bulMlnif ul nil tiineM'sei'i'i when iili-ent on ,r.i!W.i.inal uslnrai. l.treful ntt. nti. n t;:ven ti all I'lv.iicliea of the I'Mfe-siuti. runic virile, I at their boiui. when ilcMri-.l. lull' J lv. J K. fi. i.. 11 U M T E H , s v it i: o n i) i: . r i s r . 3 Can bo fuiintl L lii-i oHli'O in KnfirM, PnrA V il r.itw O uln l J,. u l..t t !. !.., leu Kxtraetin ofTci'lli ulutiys on band. JUUO .J II. JAMk'S M. lin.l.KS. Jl'lIN A. SieOKB f D L I. li X A M O i) 11 K 4.VJ. A TT(Hti;YS AT LAW. HALIFAX N. O. Praetlee In the coiintlci, if llalifai. Ncrthnim,. ton. Kdireeoiiib.', Pitt and Martin lu tlie sin. preme court of tho Slate ami in the Federal Courts of the Kastern Itistrict. t'ul lections mudo III any part ot the state. Jan 1 ly V. J. N A V . BAKER & CONFECTIONER. WELDON, N.C. A very lar,;i supply of dikes, fneki'M, Candles, French und Plain, IV.I...HIN. i ru.is, .Mils, Al'. The largest ft-'i-k if Toynef every variety ever I'Miuiu t nii-i imrltet . I". . Orders for e ni l!e, en!i"4, ,Ve., filled n short "st notice at Northern iriec. We.l'lini- andutheroir!lessuipll'Hl as cheap a tlie elieiipeit. eel 111 ly. i. w li t: n n u x," tit M ni rirti tints or ash ir n, tN ,u.t. kism or Curriiuc, llni'iiotN, Siitlillcis, Itrldles, t iilliirpt. Curts, Wheels. A xb s.Fiirmtlear' llor.e Cl'itlilun, Lap ll.dii-M. e., N'w. I I. M, si a its I'nioii -it., Norfolk, Va. oct li ly. W- W- HALL, Ftro untl Lite lnsurnnro Asm Can be found In the RnanokelNoira;;Offl Wkmipx, N.C. R E P a EJSIEIN I 8 , N'ew York t'mlerwrltors. i "Airrienltiinir' of Wntertown, N. X' ' Western, .f Toronto, Caiindtt. ; . - . Pamlico, of TarboM. N . c. LvnehhurK. of I.ytichhnrir, Va. . Kiuitablo Life Insurance Co.ofS. T, Will place viskaln tytiy otherlffoedcomitsnf at low saferates. JulvliU; J

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