x r- "p- p - ry 'Y-; i . U Ife-J Y;A ; :.;U, ( .v Oil Vi fei vsi 1 V' ! if, HALL & SLEDGE, viiOi-iUETons. 1TEWSPAPB5, THE PEOPLE. TELCS-?-'. I'EU ANNUM IN ADVANCE. no VOL. XII. NO. 26. WELDON, N. C, rilUIiSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1883. PROFESSIONAL CARPS. "ITkLLIOTT. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, NORFOLK, VA. Rooms 2 and 3 Virginian Building. oct 6 ly. I A ll RANCH HE Mm Attorneys at Law, ENFIELD, X. C. Prai-llci In the counties nf IMiliix, Nash, Edge ; 'w a,,,) Wilson. Collections made In all part of Hie suite, Jan. 12 tf. R H. 8 M I T II JK. Attorney nt Law, SCOTLAND NECK, X. V. THAT WILL VISIT THE SOUTHERN STATES THIS YEAR OOdlllTa- ILT ALL ITS OYEBSHADOWIITG MA.a-TITUlDE. AS SUPERIOR TO ANY 0T11KI! SHOW THAT EVER CAME SOITU AS AN ELECT1UC LIGHT IS TO A TALLOW CANDLE. WILL EXHIBIT AT WELDON, ON i iTiir.it :n i ron kks. HVOUVE M. UAItllls. Sweet withered flowers ihiit hnve silent lain, In theilust of viinislu'd vcars. They iiilnlil almost thi-ill lulu life again, "intli l hei ev i) nn- fill Mir tear. 1 have cheri-hed lliciii fondly, safe hlddi'ii away, Too sm ri'il lor einvless- eves. I would they ini:.'lit wiikc'iu ihv Judgment day 'in owssoiii in i-araiiisc. The heart thai gave tlit'in Ilex hushed and still 111 the ilust nt the lonely years, ll might idmnst IimI w ilh tin- old time thrill, Ninth mv i;t ioimtc I. Ulnar tears ; It might tiltixii-l tli r. .1 ilitn lift-, nli-1 stay 1-iir tin- prayer ol my longing eyes, Hut I know il w ill wake In the Judgment day, To greet me In rnriidtse. TO PART AND MEET AGAIN Priirtii-cs In the county nf Halifax and adjoining fountiif. huh in iiii"i'-" o,-t li, ly. V M. K 1 1 A K " ' " Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N.c. nnko In the Court House. Strict attention given In nil lirniirllerl oi uie i-iuiessioo, jmi i.' iy 19TH BRINCIM.: TllllEE T RAIN'S LOADED WITH Til K WORLD'S WONDERS. I'SES ALL ITS OWN RAVAGE, SLEEI'INO CARS. STOCK, I'L.VITOU.H AND PA LACK T Ml I) MAS N. HILL, EVERYTHING BRIGHT, NEW, ELEGANT, NO OLD ACTS, OLD P HATCHES, OLD CAGES, OLD ANIMALS, YOU AND CHEERFUL. 11AYK SEEN HERE RKP011K. Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, X. ('. l'rni tli'o-i In H'dlf ix and adjoining counties and -...U ral awl supreme conns. aug. 2Ktf. Mrw7 A SON, Attorney at Law, liAUYSIIIKII, N.C. v;,.ii,-, In the courts of Niirthiimiiton nud ad- liiliiliiirciiiintles. also In Ihe Fedi-jal nnd Supreme 'curls. June H II. Q 1? T ENORMOUS. Q "R 1) A T-TJ I? n ii it v; i il j RAILROAD 1 ft' SHOWSr w ALT li It E. D A N I E L, Attorney at Law, WELDON, N.C. PmHlivs iii llnlifiix ami Hiliiiluimr counties. Sti'it intention given lo enlleetions in all jwrts llftlH'Miile 1111(1 lirulllil icillllis innui-. Ml li ly. W. HALL, M Attorney at Law, WELDON, K. C. Pnocliil attention given to collections and remit- tmii-oa jiMinptly made. may i u. ULLEN & MOOItE, Attorneys at Law, HALIFAX, X. C. I'mrtli c In llieeimtitiesof llnlifiix, Norlhiuniitoii, v.i.T..i-iiinlii l'itt nud Mill-till In the suiireiiie emiit nt ilip SUile and In Hie Federal Courts ol Ihe Eastern Ontrii l. ( ulleetions made 111 any jiurt ol the Mate. jnn 1 ly 1) K. J. E. S II I E L D S, Surgeon Dentist, lliivintr nerninncntlv loi-ated In Weldon, can he f.iinil al his otliee in Smith's llrieli lluilding at all lini. . i.i ulii-n nliseiil on uiiil'i'ssioiial liusiiHs. t iin liil attention given lo all liriuielieii of the iro fiinii. l'arties visited til their homey when de- Mn-il. Jiuy D R. E. L. HfNTEll, Surgeon Dentist, or wlu- lie?'' A lilail. wavin answer hail been i . .i . i- i i , i ... mm Itaiv t '"al K'niiai icui-r. ylijiZ; -i .ia ihjti!!;. ,J 'Iff.;,? ..iJ,."; , ; Can lie fuiiiid nt his olllce in Endeld. Pure Nitrous Oxide tins 'fur the Painless Extrac ting' of Teeth always on hand. June 1 tf ALL UNITED IN ONE YAST WORLD EM 1!I!AC1N(! CONSOLIDATION. IN PIN IT ELY THE ONE AND ONLY ADMPI TED QRE4 TEST SHOW OfJ THE Face Or TijE Qlobe. A. WKENN 4: SON, UASlFAnlT.KKSOKAXliDKAI.KIIMS M-I- KlSIW OK CAKKI.UiPS, 1IA1!NI-S, SADDLES, Brilli-s. C.illars, Carts, Wheels, Axles, Form Gear, llnrse Cliilhing, Ijii Holies, &e.; n n ulliV N is. 1 1. Ill, VI M, I'llliill St. 0 -t 6 ly , Norfolk, Vb. 'all important: tl,000 rOI.lt Y O.N ASSESSMENT FLAN for 8.00 t!,000 " " " -t0 1,000 " " " '"0 To provide for ourselves and family should lie our first (Miisideratlon. While the mall-head or a lam- Hy Is living he may manage to can) for his house- hnld. hut his death Is inevitable, and what provis ion have von made for your wife und little ones In case of death f Thta Is a solemn nuemlim wlileh, nvrhvi every hearthstone. If you are a lawyer, physician, merchant or fitmier, your profession or on-niiiitliin (lien with you. You supisirt ymir fami ly eniiifiirulily.but wheu you die, who Is lsu).sirt them. The eiiiivi-ntloniililiis of our inuiiiry tine "iilhern Pimnlry esnei-lallv are such as to exclude wmiien fruin ttif ( ham- fifviaklng a living. In fact he ilm-s giHsl work to care for her chllilorchlldivn Iter l.l ninl raiment uru provided. Now, what can Ik- done to protoct the w ife and little oni Inuu the lerrlhlc chance of being U-IV dislitute. The liel thing that can lie done, and often the only thing that can be dime, Is to ell'eel an Insurance on your life fur the tH-neOt of those so den-ndi nl upon jmi. This policy is free from taxes, from all com plications wllh your estate, from execiillons, aim from debt. Xo one can handle this nuniey but tho imrtlea for whom the insurance is effected. In these dayt of complication, and homestead allowances, (with the chance of a struggle to obtain even that) I think a life policy tho surest and the only thing . you can leave of much value ui your family, Now the question w 111 arise, what euiuiwiiy mu-t, li W V'V;iVW. ''V. ----- --XWrirffp i i ENllUHTINll POI! THE P TIME SOUTH nsii-r Twii lmruril Riiiiin.TiM.s. Tin1 - Mi-iiawvios Coiiiliini-il. II I L-ivU nl' El -i'liants. (Inn .M inis (iiralli; that has lu-i-n si-en in 1 1 1 - S .nil'. I'm-Tivi-u v v- .n.. ONLY LlYIN'ii PAH! OP I! I ITol'oTA M I Lv-r exIiilnU'il in sin v travi'liiiL' .'li'iiaiiirio m anv p.irf nl til.' Woinl. A lii.c inalc an-l a In'iiicii- iluiis li-iiiali' lliiliiii(itaiiiiis iiluli:' I'lirimnu; tin- Lir -at'-s! ntirai'tinii ii Am -.-i-ica. an 1 i-i-allv Wul'lh litiit'livd mill' jourtii-y lo see. e liaviMliiin siiriMinil will ri-liinil tlic i.iii- ' id ailiiii?.-iiiii to i-vi rv '.-iln- il we dun t iiiti-ndine tin 1 1 1 luiw in tlu' riinr at uvcrv ln'i'lin'iiiaiu-i Tin' alniW ran' animals am the inu.-t valnalili'. l!v and Wvinli rl'ul li-ntiir.'s i-i ' ,1.11(1 land nl Hit' .'laiiiiiilia an I t ikiiiw hlossmii-; lint nir, jinitiiv I'Mraoidinarv U'atiirt's we iii-tuallv'exluliU. ( ut this iiilvci-tisi-iuciit nut. lavi v it with vim and trv and liiiil inn: .-iti-: is not ai-tuallv I'xhihiU'd. ':'3 as they arc, they limit but lliiir: In n PEATURES W E PAHIIUT: 'loll;:llt til a til lie of tho the 'd that l'rcjiaro lor a gouuiiic. Iiuinta Ui' in ti'wn i-aily tn .sv tin- many, five sights wo tho finest stivct proiiNsoii over sei n many Auniiian uly. a uanun ut iuiimo. musieiiina in tho un-lii'sUa. Sif tho I raiiscondcittly I fit itilul, rub, gorjaiitiH, Martini; a m'i t . . 1 . 11 .l tlfi Kide. A lihiliu'-tO pi'd Tidal wave i t splen lor illilui-iii, : u hands ol .Music, .irt j.oiu covi rcu t ages, u lhh'ii I'litiiints. 1 1 hiiuv olqih. nts in ro 1 1 I o isiiiiH. 1 lie la-antilul Alltonenl n 'suincst women in A nii'i ii-a. SOME .MORE STAR I c Only Lii n Slayer in America. The Only Nyl (Hi, in I Anurii.t. The Larvi st li -nal Tip r in America. "..-. The Only American l!nin CatncU in Ain.iii-a. . : . ' . i- Only Btirdeil-heariii"; Di-uniedariis and more nt'thi in than Toil haVf OVii- .Jei-n InTorp. '"' The lirst jremiine Rtiri hi l Zel ta ever seen Smiili. The lar;:est Ilyenaei. Aies. naMidiiiH, Mawlrils, Timers, Linns, Leopard.-. Wart llu-.-. Ili'im drias. I'amlrt rs. The fiiv-t (h inline Yiivinia Panther wen in iii-.iliy Years, besides a Multitude nl' niiiinals imt lure nu-nli,iii,-i The Circus i the he-t vmi ever -aw. Includes ir lite (it--1 lime ever seen South The Wonder ful Stirk Piuiiily of liieycle Riders. Miss "mla Rii. r.-. ihe I laiid.--,in -st ami li -; Raivliaek Kitli4- tnennfl in t Iio oiiil. Ornn I liillis, t lauii inn I n. k l.nh r. illi - , :' -. Mm L'i' .it luckey and mi Iti'i-i: l'idi r. The l'reiu h Pamily Caniii. I!'-1 A, rniiaH. Pint'. White's reasu!i-i:i!'ted schoul nl' loir. Doliuldsoli liiolhel's, .loiiilleN-Pheliiiiiii nun-. Heir Dravtoii. the ( !i nnali Heivtiles. Tin be.-l Cli iwns, the host Leapcr-, ihe In -t Tumbl- r. W 'ire Wtdlni.-. TraH .e Aiti.-ls, (iMuihif-ts. ami (leiieral Pi rliii'iuil's, ever seen Sulilli, i;lid tin n ol'lln in. Newsiiaiiers, without KNOel'tieu. I'ri.iiiiiineo ihi- Show to he the Rest ever Seen. The LouisviH Ciiiirier-.lnuriiiil containoil iin.iiliidiinl written hv lb n. IL my W aileron, which said: ''The j jile ol the Ninth will liave mi i iii'niiniiiitv ol istltu;: lis (tin liein lii'eat ln.v i-Ai.iiliiitiiin, the tif-l f!'ti"i-l'y ,-..iii.i,-i.mUi ii I die u i v b, -! .' h.-iv iii Auieriea." (ii-t tri m ii I lilaces tvitlllillt 1(10 fireat Kiln Wiinderi'iil great put Tableau or d -little Aquarium I insure In? "I am afraid of companies a long way i,,,,-,,,!,,,-!,,-; the four coiupatile, in Newport. nmui. or . . ,,, ,,M. TcUo (S hariotS forty foet likll. camiutr aloft uroinoriarcn euies. i Know uoiiiiiiK i i i.n.-. - n-- - . - Intra nf! Nun, i,,miuiiilifl the Irttiilvcncv. Jc. It nnd upon its lnuk a Luautilul lady rej-re.-einin i.aia imokii ii( iari wins tome leap in the dark, a matter of chance j jn n,iJ.air' a living iKphi It!, l;ll to take out a policy in such such companies. They may be good, they may lie had. But there Is one company almost at our doors, In the city of Norfolk, Va managed by giemen of unquestionable Integrity, Incorporated by the leg islature of Virginia, and endowed wilh all the priv ilege that can be granted to a c(iiiiiny, and at the name limo wilh all the safc-guni-ds, that can be thrown amund the .assured. This eniiiiany Is known as this "rhrlstliru Wthi-rhowl of Norfolk Va." Any porsonofgiHst slatidliig. and In good, health ran take mil a nollcv In this company, of 11,000 by paying the small sum of two dollars and one of ft unn. fur four dollars, and one of Sa.noo, fur Ik dollars. Tho directors and managers nf the "Christian Brotherhood," arM). T. Powell, J. N. Manning', J. 11. Rtddick, D. J. Godwin and A. Savage, under the Im mediate management of the Rev. Klchiird II. Jones, (Secretary.) I think the plan of Insurance In thla company the best I have ever examined and deci dedly the chcaiicst. I havo taken the agency for this company at Welilnn, S. C, And will be glad to ; fUmUh all the particulars to rattle who desire to BmQ CVCTj pja c fflil.j, t,;g HiuVf vyt8. -lid ilvir armor, in from Delhi ; 1 ho prinet of India and her Royal Em-i rl. Knights more Hensiilional features than ever nvn hel'ore. ll i- worth a hundred mile joiuni-y to see. Excursions on all Railroads at c.Toatly reduced rates. Prepare f..r a joyful jubilee. All avenues of travel are crowded, sclmnls close, work suspends, and a Cala day, when Sells 1W. I.ijr show comes pre pare t i t-ec thehifrp'st show and the LitiM crowds you have ever seen in all life. Exhibitions at the usual hours. Re in town early. Rrinjr the old folks, brins.' the babies, hrinj: the aunts, cousins, wives, .i i.. . l I il ll II' vmi liiiihins' hut the tiarade. the tents, and the immense llttlipilLUP, p, ui iiieiu io, i.i'j" ,,- ' s. j ; . Railroad trans, yon will bo paid for the journey. ' Owin to the tuorn ojw expense attenlinso vast an i xhihition tho r'n-e of admission wi-1 k. r. isriEiis. admis ?:0N, FOR ALU OVER 10YEART OF ACE. w UNDER I' YEARS OF ACE, 60 CENTS CENTS, It was n hri'rht. sunny day in the early , '., 1- M -1 .A .. Sjirinjr, Wlien tne nnsiress oi jiauisiou Manor came back to home alter lontr anil lonely wanderiii''s in far and lorein lands Pive years before she had iletl from that home, with a tempest of passion anil des pair iiitivul.-iii her lieai t ami soul; for the Im.-lmiiil wliom she loveil had seeineii, in ca-t, tube unl'iiithrul to his nlurria'i, vows. : urn sue, too iirniiu in enuure ins treaeherv, or to inquire into Us canst', had fled from him ut the tirst biviitli of the scandal, without even uivinir him tho chance to explain away the suspicious eir- eiiinMaiiee which had pven rise to it And then his pride was roused in lis turn; tin explanation which she would not Ktav to hear be now rutused to mve Their beautiful house, was closed and left in the eiir i of two old s'rvants; and the Honorable Charles Courcy'Hiianienppear in the list of '-fashionable arrivals at on of the most fashionable hotel. Per four loin: years ho held no foiuiniinicalieii any kind wilh his absent, wile. Hut the tilth year bis health bopm to law am hi.-emirate to sink luneath the slow, stir, ( iin-li of an iii-iiliMii ' t!i.-ra''. he bade hi; b:-i, i;'.n recall h i' to Ins side, nud l,"l , ., , i I . I' M . I . .. icr that lie Had lieeli iiinuivm in an unit i - had sil-peeieil- lliat if she Would oil y ii ii, i .... i i i' :.. return, all woiiiu no leinouen aim nui-n. and that tin: last davs of their life should happier and m-'re ieaeei'ul than the (ir.-t bad bi.-i n in tin ir honie beside th sea. et iii'iied Apulia Cottiey, convineecl ut last ot the terrible mistake she had made, could not humble icrs 'lf suflieieiitly to the husband she had wronged. I inn not worthy to look upon your lear face us vet," she wrote. But 1 re- . , i turned at ouee, to niiiKO our Home me place? of rest and peace and beauty that it once was. Meet me there my husband. on the llllth of next nioiilh, and there 1 will kneel at vour feet and accept the lor- oiveness which you have so nobly offered even before mv pride would allow me to isk it. Trust me, my dearest my whole future life shall bo devoted entirely to you, and in every way will 1 strive to atone for the misery my desertion has caused you. ( lb, ves. our last davs shall indeed he bet ter and happier than the first ; for never, never can I doubt you anain, now that vmi have shown me so plainly that your 'hear! is indeed mv own." N'ni one word of his illness did she i. ... . i , i . .... i- -.1. :.. wr e. I'.vnieni y me iittu sinni i.iim in the niiwev ol her luve and care to renew i i- s al iiil' birces within his breast, loll he. as he read that levvent, letter, lookc on at his lihv-ieian with a saddened i aliee. The :!(lth of next month !" he said, in a low voice. I shall moot In r ; hut how ? My dear friend, il' my forebodings have anv reason in them ". He paused, unit then added: "Tell her how I loved her anil fmyave her tell her this !" lIepre.-.-cd the letter passionately to his lips, then laid it upon his heart ; and there were tears m the eyes ol that fjrave eiau as he turned awav. All was bright and ami beautiful in the sea.-iile man-ion on the .iUtli tlav ot .May The doors and windows were fluiii; wide open to admit the fresh warm air, and glimpses of bright carpets, luxurious fur niture and valuable, pictures in the gilded fnunes could might by the curious passers bv. A complete statf of servants had been organized, a suile of rooms with a warm southern aspect had been prepared I'm- the invalid, and in those rooms all the '.rracoful mementoes of her long wander ings in foreign lands were disturbed by the hands of the expectant wife. Placing the easy chair and luxurious foot stool be side the table, decked with fresh flowers from the greenhouse, and spread with a delicate repast she went to the window and looked eagerly out. A white sail was speeding up the hay. Soon the yacht would drop its anchor near the beach below, and ho. beloved through all the dark hours and days and years of doubt and iiiisund, islanding, would be once more in her arms. ' Ringing the bell, she gave n few lust orders to her holisek.s'per, and then re tii'inir to her own room, began h. r toilet. ;!el,lilt H:,tmi'! n-vi' ocaimtui mail o!' old ; and so the silken, sweeping dross was itiiekly donm-d. and the bright, fair hair was gathered back from the rounded cheek and pure white brow, and fastened in heavy h.aids at the btu k of the clussi e illy shaped head. A half blown rose in those sunny tresses, and another at her breast that wm all her adornment ; no g.'ins. no gold, except the glittering circle of her wedif ng1-iug, Yet gold or gems could have made her look no fairer as, with her blue eyes flashing and her whole I'tee radiant with love and joy. she left the house nnd hurried down to the point whore the vessel was just now rounding to. A vtroup of gclillelnoll Stood on the deck, looking earnestly at her. Behind them was an indi-linct black mas what, i-ho neither knew nor cared to ask, so eager was she to 'onk upon her husband's face once inure. He was not there among them. And they were consulting to gether, their glances of surprise turning now and then upon her. AYhat did it moan? And when; oh. where was he? A boat swung downward from the ship's side, One gentleman was its only passenger ; a middle-aged man, handsome nud stately, hut not her husband. He landed, and came toward her, his face grave and sad, his wanner anxious, hut protecting. And then, fur tho first time, a thought of the coming evil flashed across her heart. She turned pale and stag f,eral forward a step to meet him. My husband ! t th, sir, he said breathlessly. 'Have you received no letters since your return, .Mrs. I Yurcy ; he asked, as lie took her on las arm. I ves tlu-v came this morning. I was too happy and too eager to read them. Por (iods sake, toll me! Nli.it is it f and where is he?'' "Alas, my poor child! lie was very ill when I wrote to von for him. He sank rapidly from that time, although ho longed, and prayed ami yearned to live to see yull, I have a inessaue tor vmi, and in heaven let us hope that you may meet again Uh voice broke into a soli, his eyes were full of tears ; ho leaned forward as if he would shelter her Ir-im the sight titiuii the vessel's deck. It was it Collin that they were lowerin :, bennttii vel vet pall.'to the boat that ked below She ga.ed wildly at it for tint! moment, mid then sank senseless at the kind phy- sielall S I net. And thus they meet again, after the long earthly purling after all the doubt, tho pas-inn nnd tie- oriefl "My whole I'u- jure hie shall be given entirely to you, she had written in that letter wlileh was lying on his dead heart, wailing for burial. She kept that promise to the. end; for her life was spent be.-ide that grave, and, now she rests there wilh him. ADVERTISEMENTS. PROF. DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. Tht mod pointful Antiseptic known. WILL PREVENT THE CHOLERA- vviuhm; roil ti?!-'. riu ;.;. It ilrlro) llir grrmi i T llrne ll is a luei cMiiuiisiii'd: bv Science tlnil many dis ease am luirniliicvil by piirlllcailou, which repro duce llM-lr and prnsi gales the disease III el'ei widening circles. Thin disease general- . 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 . 1 1 iiui till the an wilh dentil, such Is that! dread Terror, ASI ATIC ( IIOLKH A, The most powerful An ilst'ptii' agent which lu-mistry una proitiiceil. lis use i-iuicr internal renders all it conic In ontact with, pure.sneet lid clean thu m-ihIiio i Ion of disease g e r in cjiae and thu patient recovers. lieu used on I leers. Scalds, hums, Krupt on ml Sure it tii all 'iilu. sMi-eiens the pint ml priintutcH the moid irmiUlou of healthly lesli. 1. Write upon one side of the sheet only. Why? lie. ails-' it i- ol't-.-n necessary to cut tin! page- into ''t-ikes" lev the coiiiiositors, and thi, caniiot ! ili.ne wh n belli sides are written upon. If. Write clearly and di-tinetly, being pari ularls careful in tho matter of proper naiit-s and w.-r-ls I'i-mih I'-ieign languages. Win? I'li-iaii-e v i: have in liglu to a-'' eith'-r editoi or eotiipi-sji-.i- t- wa.-le time pu..'.iing out tie- ic. tilt.-of ovr selfishness. 111. I 'on t v.iiie iii a niieroscopie hand. Why? lieeau.-e ihe. ( oiuio--l!or has to r -ad ai toss Ins cas--, a di.-i.uice ol nearly two et; also, becaib" lit'- edi'er often vrantsto make additions and othi r i hat:es. I.Yr. Don't begin at the very top of the first page. hy? IJecausu ll ymt have written a head for your article the editor will want to change it; nnd if you have not, which is the better way, he must write one. Besides ho wants room to write his instruc tions to the printer as to the typo, to be used, whore and when the proof is to be sent. etc. V. Never roll your manuscript, Miy? Because it maddens and exasperates every one who touches it editor, compositor and proof-reader. 1. Be bnel. hvf isoeuuse people do not road long stories. The number of readers which any two articles have is inversely proportioned to the square of their respective length. That is, a half column article is read by four times as many people as one of double that length. 11. Have the lear ot tne waste uasKot constantly and steadily before your eyes. Why? Because it will stive you a vast amount of useless labor, to say nothing of paper and postage. VIII. Always write your full name and address plainly al ihe end of your letter. Why? Because it will often happen that ilu. '(-ilitiir will want In ctinimuiiicate with you. and because he need- to know the wri ter's name its a guarantee of good faith. If you use a pseudonym or initials, write your iiwn name and address below it; this will never ho divulged. IX. ''These precepts in thy memory keep,"iind for fear that you might forgot them cut them out and put them where you can readily run through them when tempted to spill innocent ink. Take our word for it, those who hood these rules will bo beloved and favored in every edito rial sanctum. whclh is now deviislutlni the 1-jisl and mlvuueim mi Its mission ol deull ra n i il 1 v towards ou shore, oilier disease ol Urn smiie surt are Inpli therm. Tvplinlu l-eiei Scarlet Fever, Siiuillis Measles, Yellow l-'ev l-'.rvsilielas. etc. All III geiienile contagion, otli er diseases I-ever a n Ague, Malarial lever, en aiise i'rniu e o n t a g I o i w liiell eoliiesnf ilniiipues tliiliealtiiy silleiliolis oi UHcleiniu-'ss. All these Ul-eitses cm he cured only l-y st- ppin the i,r,-ilii,-ti,,ii iier.... nud ilesli-.iynii;' those ui ready pr-nilleeil. Hot. these results are ace .. plislied hy tlu u-e I'm!', liariiy's preiui'. t,- . of lior.'i a- .'.i-i'i nod ; lia--, L i . i v itui, DARBVN. l'ltorin iATic FLUID Il Pilrlllr Hi Annus ,ln-rp. lis exposure In n Sick lom, Cellar. I'lii-.el or -tnlile inn-ilies the At- ie-sihei-e and drii-es iw-iiy ihe germs of (lis ise and ileiuli. Tak.m interniilly It .lll-illl s llll'SloillHell.HiV- :iig it time ninl healthy , iol'. H is III ns that it ui.-,. i) .! nd' -sUou mil Uysin'iisia. Wle-u luted its a Iiileti t destroys n'l rrivkh- ml I loi-k i.roi'.a-li -el-ins, leaving Ihe sUm g It i-i-.nlei-s nil 1 1 LUi'ltlt-k In ei,,i(-t with I lire mill Healihy. Jl flpaee does not permit us to name many of the uses to which this great (li'riii destroyer is applica ble. Ask your Druggist for printed matter descrip tive of its usefulness, or address J- H- ZEILIN I CO Manufacturing Chemist, PHI ADEI.I'IIIA, 50 cents per llottle. lint lloitles, 81.00. feb ll ly THE BLATCHLEV BUY THE tr, glaic:il:y'" TRIPLE EW . vi. . POMEIM Lilt'JO oe. 6EAMLES3 TU'.it COPPER-LINED PUiJP x Do nnt amid into inilU.(iihirrittr Gcivlfc t or uuio iy me h hi Tin: ni: si imm.ami:d. C. C."bL ATCKLE Y .Mnnuf ' r, 308 MARKET ST.. Phllad'a. Wiitu to me (ur iiiuiiu of ucau-.it AifcuU Last week we had sumething to say about tht! nest-egg and its sliinulalinginflu eiue on ego-prodticlioii. Rut now it ap pears that the licit is tu be relieved of a groat pari of her duly. and. like Othello, will soon find lid' occiipafnih gone. The thin.' which is tu work this revolution is nothing le.-s than the invention of an artifi cial eg''. A n wspapcr man, prowling about in the obscurity of a New Jersey city, has discovered a building wherein tho manufacture of this article is carried on. The proprietor, at lir.-t a little reticent, wan filially induced to explain something of the pria'css, the details of which are still shrouded in mystery. The yolk is composed corn starch, and other white is the same the while of the and the parts ar mi l euclosi d in In aiiiiearaiiei! and ta-te it cannot be told from the Umtji'l' article, and as 1,(100 oirgs mi hour i -ii bo turned out, and as these call be wholesaled at gEl.it will bo scon ihat ih- 1.. h a slim -holY in eom jieiiii'.' wilh ibis new industry. Observe, too, another point wherein the fowl is placed at' a disadvantage: These artificial cu';s will remain in good condition for years, and, their shells being thicker than those of tlie natural product, they stand shipment much better. Mm ifacturcri of Indian meal, ingredients; the (Ileum ally us natural egg: skilfully put together ii p!aster-uf-l ans shell An absent-minded woman, in Kentucky, put corn-plaster on a letter and stuck a pos tage stamp on her corn. Neither the let ter nor the coin went away; she having nee-loeted to write ' in haste' on the left hand corner of her stumped corn. An exchamre says: "Autumn leaves are turning brown.' We don't suppose Brown cares a continental how much they are tur ning: hut why print his name with a small ... . . The reader, who would follow ft close reasoner to the summit of the absolute principle of any one important subject, hag chosen ' chamois-hunter for his guide. He capnot'earry ui on his shoulders; we must strain our sinews, ns he has strained his, mid make firm footing ou the smooth rock for ourselves, hy tho blood of toil from our own leet. Two-thirds of the Summer is now near ly over, and the wise girl who exjiects to get married in the Fall will take all tho advan tage possible of the short time remaining ot the ice crura Reason, UNHEARD OF BARCAINS IN MILLINERY & FANCY GOOD?, ViJV. ai 1 v . ' NECK WEAR, SILK AND LISLE GLOVES, 1I0ISERY, CORSETS, LACE COLLARS' KID Q LOVES, FANS AND PARASOLS, , VEILING, FLOWERS, FLUMES, TIPS, RIBBON. LA CE, MULL AND OTHER STYLES FICHCM LADIES ASD GENTS GAUZE VKDERWFAB. CALL & SECURE BARCAINS. R. O. EDWARL&-- wtjeijr -f, GREAT ! I . ) i . 'V; ' i j 1 il: ! t V": I'd 1 h .'I M r . i , ?; 4

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