-F; s i v 1 IT), J ! .i. HALL &c SLIErDQ-IE, proprietors. TEEMS-K''"1 AVN IX Al VAN' KEWSPAPEB FOR THE ZPEOIPLE. VOL. XII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1883. VVi j i n PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, NORFOLK, VA. Kooius -J aiwl 3 VlrKlnliiii Building. ADVERTISEMENTS. OUR MOTHER. oct 5 ly. B rAXCII BKU, BROWN t EUUVIT. WrWcftufe uh Retail Dmgghti Attorneys at Law, KSFIEM), N. C. nrsrtife In the comities of Hull fax, Nash, Edge- ,,,,(1 Wilson. Collections made in all parts of the Slaw. SMITH JR. Jan. 11! tf. -And Dealer In- Attorney at Law, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. ihnctlm In the county ofllalifux and adjoining Tn. ... i i.. .1... tl,,,.i-..mni.,,iirf f th. Ut..t yinnru z a n d , " Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C fill'ire In the Court Hon. Strict uttentlon given In Ml branches of in proiession. Jun Vi ly ' rjpoIA8 N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. rraetlrei in Halifax and adjoining counties and Fwleral and Supreme courts. aug. 28 tf. Though lost In the whirlpool of passion, Though high on the pathway to fame; "hen hopes of our iunoent enildbood . , , Hare melted away to a ham, On thought, like a gem amid rultn, Will dazzle our eyes with its joy, And bringing back the sweet words she uttered ; "You'll Uiluk uf your mother, njy boy I" - i I ( ) ( i i " - '. You'll think of tne IOtc that she shotf ercd, I'nfailitig by day and by night : You'll slfh for the tweet good night kisses, The eyes with their meek, loving light ! And whether .life's pathway be pleasant, frKN!l of each rteebsidof joy, ! ) Yrmf heart hack to hersrlll will Joumeyl- ' Y'ou '11 think of your mother, boy I Wherever the smiles of a mother Have lightened a heart of its care, (iod's blessing has fallowed that roof-tTce, A glimpse of swaet Heaven If there! Though farther the years lure lis onward, They cannot her memory destroy, In silence and tears all unbidden, You'll think of your mother, my boy! GENERAL MERCHANDISE, qqj HALIFAX, N. C., q M T W. MASON, Attorney at Law, liAKYSIirRfl.N.C. Practices In tlie courts of Northampton and d- Ininiiii: counties, also in the federal anfl supreme iuiirtsV Jliuc 8 tf. ALTER K. DAME L, Attorney at Law, YYKI.IIOX, N.C. vmiMiv lii Halifax and adjoining counties. Serial attention given to collections in all parts 01 tlie ."Hue aim pnmip, icmuia mv, fel) Illy. TXT W. HALL. H Attorney at Law, WELDON, N. C. snwial attention given to collections and remit tances promptly made. may 1 tf. JJ- UL L KN & M O O K E, Attorneys at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. nnetleo In thu eouiitlcs of Halifiix, Northampton, Msecomlic, I'ltt and Martin In the Supreme court, uf the state and in the Federal Courts of the Hasten Histrict. Collections mane in unj pan jun 1 1' J. E. SHIELDS, i FINK CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS A TOBACCO 4 Specialty. .':! l!. .''!' m . FRESH SUPPLIES EYEKY WEEK. -.'. i : feSSVe have served you faithfully for the last fifteen years and ask a continuance of your patronage. Prescription carerullyfircptired it all hours. "On corner opposite Court House Square's SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR. oct71y Driven to desperation at last, he plucked up courage and hurried to Clar ice a restueuce. "Is Miss Yfilmcr in ?" he asked the servant w.io arsw id the beU. "Yes:" and he speedily found himself in the parlor, and face to face with his inamorata. I I did you receive a note from me the other day, Miss Clarice ?" he stam mered, wishing the floor, would give away, AT si RUST. The Reburial of the Dead From Arling tonAn Imposing? Ceremony .The Scenes at the Capital, on the Streets and at the Cemetery. and precipitate, him into tha oellar. . r. 0 A tavea w;ti, X Teceivcu a icucr, iur. t iuici, Dm Clarice, wit a 1: ugh like the tinkling'of ailvfir bells.' '" 1 A. From the News and Observer. Tuesday night the bodies of the dead lay in staU, in the capital, under constant guard if (ty Weih- Light Infantry. All the nicht there were-istftrw to the build ing, whose dimly lighted rotunda and pas- the drooping emblems of were most impressive, ine pu. Surgeon Dentist. t. ., " " 'S.S m . , . m '. Hri ,k Itulldh a- at all lime except when alswiit on professional business. Careful attention given to all branches id the lr- fi.wloii. Parties viKitetl at llieir noiuea wiie" : sired. K. h. HUNTER. Surgeon Dentist. m earonle dyapepsla and liver complaint and in chronic constipation and other on. tinate diseaaea, Hostetter'i Stomach Bit ter ia beyond all comparison tin best remedy that oan be taken. Af a mean ol restoring the atrcnjrth and vital energy ot persona who are sinking under the debili tatlnc effects of painful disordert, thu atandard vegetable invigorant is confeaa edly uneqnided. , " ? ' or sal by all Drugrlats and Dealers t i '$ gtu" afiy' l! ' Juno Illy; if j f s - "Hang it all, what can fellow do ?" A great, handsome, good-natured, hon est-hcartcd fellow was Charlie Winter, but so very bashful that in the presence of the gentler set he never could have told whether lie was standing on bn head or lits heels. Just now his failing was most iuimene! aggravated by tfie fact ! that he was head and ears in love with Clarice Wilmer, the sweetest, prettiest, most be wildering httlo beauty in all the region! round about. "Oh, dear, I wish I knew a way to tell my love, atid not be there myself.' 1 LVuce take the girls 1 They bother you on pur pose, I believe; and always manage so your courage xes out of your fingers' ends before you are quite ready to ask the fatal question. "Why don't you write?" "Write? I shouldn't-know word to say ; and then" Td never dare to look her in tlie face again." "0, what a spoony. Simply say you love her, and ask her if she will make you happy. ' Then face the music like a man and meet her next time as if nothing had happened." . , Charley groaned despairingly. "Easy enough for you to talk," he mut tered dubiously. "You who have been married seven ycars--with me the case is different. ;I jtell 3);ouijjTom,Typu don't know anything about' it.' "Yes I do. Didn't Nell act just as Clarice does, bewitching me at one mo ment and almost driving me to suicide the next? You're a lunatic, you are, audi hope Clarice will give you the mitten." "I am afraid she will." "Faint heart never won fair lady," otioted Tom - ltidL'ly indieaantly as- he arose to tako his leave. "Seriously, how ever, I adv isc you to put your heart . on paper, - and. forward it to Cutnc : , bj ' the posuuitliti nm laiiin Charlie thought about it after he was gone. The more he thought tlie better pleased with it he was. 1 - . . ..... -r T ,1,1 :lt s terrible, but 1 suppose I must i "Ah rjes I ask k four1 pardon, Bliss Wumer.Tor the ihidveAency-I mean" "Oh, you neod not apologise, Mr. Win ter, I rather liked it, I assure you. You didn't try your fate at the opera, thovgh, Wbydidnrtyon?" 'How mischievous her eyes were sDarklinel A faint criiusom dyed her cheek, and altogether, Charlie, looking at her slyly, thought he had never seen her look so pretty. "But the annoyanct! " "It wasn't an annoyance. I was plessed." Charlie'" heart thrilled suddenly with hope. He took one step forward. "You say that it was no annoyance. Pare I believe you care for me?" The taint glow deepened suddenly. "You may," she said. If Charlie s friend, Tout liidgeiy, uaa dropped in five minutes later, he would have thought Charlie's bashfulness all a sham. It never troubled him again. THE SWEET SUNNY SOUTH. BY HON. HENRY WATTERSON. The Hon. Henry Wattcrson, of the Louisville Covritr-Jwmial, recently ad dressed the Bankers' Convention, which was in Session in that city. He was heart ily received, and after some pleasant re marks concerning banks and bankers) which put the Convention in the best of humor, Mr. Wattcrson said: , t .il . i . the politicians of the South and that you wish me to talk to you about tne ciouin. The South? The South? It is no prob lem at all. I thank God that at lust we can say with truth it is simply a geographi cal expression. Applause. The whole story of the South may be suinu ed up in a sentence. She was rich, and she lost her riches; she was poor and in bondage; she was set free, and she had to go to work ; she went to work and she is richer than ever before. The curse of slavery was here. God passed a rod across the land and smote the people. Then, in ills goodness anu mercy, He waved the wand of enc':autmeut, and lo! like a flower, His blessing burst forth. morning four caskets lay upon .the bier, all covered with flowers. The Confederate battle flag was displayed above them, while above it were tuWfet!br1 given T! the ToiMh North OftrJiiHWUmcnt m2 1 SGI, when the gallant and lamented tleorgo 15. An derson was its colonel, and which were car ried by that regiment all through the war. It was a singular concurrence that yester day twenty years ago the body of Gen. Geo. B. Anderson laid in state ' in tho same building. Early in the morning the Faycttoville Independent Light Infantry took charge as guard of honor. The bank of flowers over the caskets grew hourly larger, thanks to tho kindness of the ladios. Thore was no moment dur ing the day when visitors were not pres ent. By all classes the greatest reverence was shown.' the ' dead. "Many persons, some old soldiers among them, wept at the. sight. Early in the afternoon the troops began to form. Crowds gathered and the st-ccto were quickly filled. The proces sion formed opposite the court house, promptly, and beran its march up Fav- ettoville street at the moment. The order of formation was as follows: Chief Mar shalF. II. Cameron: staff: Capt. S. A. Ashe, Capt. E. K. Stamps, Dr. Eugen Grissorri, A; W. 1 Tay wood, ; Esq., Maj. C. V. Heartt and IA Col. r. A. Ulcls. ine Raleigh central cornet band, Mr. C. F. Lumsden leader, Gen. R. D. Hancock and staff, Capt. A. W. Bryan, Maj. J. B Smith. Capt. Benehan Cameron, Maj. Geo. II. Hall. The Bpccial escort of honor was com Nor folk Light Artillery Blues, the Old Do- olina soldiers. . They have, by common consent, the highest title to that mark of fame. ' And patriots 1 They went forth at tho command of their lawful, regular State government, and strictly obeyed the mandates of theeoimtitutedj-ltigul, recog nized authority, through' yenrx of pain and suffering even to death. Aud who shall question their just title to be known as patriot -soldiers ! .And then turning .towards, the caskets ho continued, "0! patnotrsoldiers, after twenty years of burial in foreign soil we re ceive you back to your' native State, and may your dust remain forever in the bosom of Carolina and may your immortal spirits rest in ncace and happiness in the' realms .l.....A o Tf ll.. in fittmtr tnrma ill' UUU1U. VUBll 0.V'C H unilij, v. the ladies whose loving care had brought the remains to tho State, and of the gen erosity of the men who had contributed to that end. And in beliall ot .North Utro lina he thauked the soldiers of her sister State who had attended the remains, and referred to the profusion of flowers offered by the ladies bf ' Virginia while on the route. ' He hoped to see the time come when this great government, whose Hag floats over the capitol ot every Mate in tno Union, would care for all these dead and write over all their graves "patriot." But whether this was done-or not the lustre of their deeds would not be dimmed in the eyes of the people of Norh Carolina. Their example had been a noble o ic, and he urged all his Jiearers to practice that bravery, courage, constancy, faithfulness in peace which these dead showed in war. Walking yet nearer tho epen graves, tne Governor in tender and touching words eulogized the dead, those just brought here aud (hoso whose gravestones before dotted the cemetery. He referred to the survi- ing comrades, presentto aid in paying this i. i i.;n..U' t ln writimr rApplause.l Indeed may the houtli say. desk, and cluthin wildly at paper, pen as, in the experience oi men, it is rare lor and ink.', ' v. any to say Willi pericct wnceruy Can be found at his office In Knflcld. Pure Nitrous Oxide Gas for the Painless Extrac ting of Teeth alwaya on liaim. jiinc i! tf ' W11KSS4 SON, ANt'KACTt'ttKRS OF AND PEAI.KR8 IN ALL KINDS OF CARRIAGES, HARNESS, SADDLES, 1! " v , lui.iio r.illiiW rnrfcH Whfols. Ax ' Hi.rse ClothUifT. Uio Holies, AC, , Ujiion St., Norfolk, V. 1857T I' ' v USiTAULlSIIUD An hout of torture. Charley began a dozcu bilet deaut and tore them up, then wrote s dozen more, and tore tuetu up also. 1 "It is utterly useless," he moaned at last; and then the great booby laid his head upon the desk and fa'rly sobbed. "I'll write and ask her to go to the opera with me to-morrow night, anyway. "Sweet are the uses of adversity." Applause. The South never knew what independence meant until she was taught by subjection to subdue herself. We lived from hand to mouth; we had our debts and our nigger. Under the old system we paid our debts and walloped our "niggers," but under the new we pay ou t'niggers" aud wallop our debts. LauWiterandapplause.J and then, perhaps " he dared to think We have no longer any slaves, but we have JANUARY 1st, HIT. RUFLW. DANIEL no further, "My dcaT no, that II never ao,- was ever mortal so perplexed as " I am ? I wish the girls were at the bottom of the ocean, and Eve had never created. Well, I'll begin again," This time he was successful. His. note was short enough, and some young ladies might take umbrage at such an invitation, Xm. 14, 1, 21 & i ovio ly 'ALL important; 1,000 POLICY ON ASSESSMENT PLAN fr i.00 t'1,000 " ' " '" 9, ttooe H w,oo To provide for ourselves and family should be our first consideration. While the maiehead of a fam ily Is llvina- he may mani aire or hit house hold, but his death is inevitable, and what provis ion have you m9 tut your wHe and little ones iu case of death? This la a solemn question which reaches every hearthstone. If you re a lawyer, physWton, motcuito4 fcrnior, your ptoftMlon or occnoatloB dies with you You upport;'jrour il- ly xaflbifcb(t die, who is turoj'it thenj- The conveiilionallli trf our ootiUMf (the southern country esiHicialM.arof ueh as to exclude wonien from the chyice of making- a living, Jn fcet she does good work Jo care tut her chlldoxauKireu after food aud jaimem are provided. Now, what can be don to prouct the Ife and little ones from the terrible chancoa of being left destitute. The best thini that-ou b d.ie, ailtl. .orVjfi .tlje ,nly tiling Uiat can I done, Is to effect i! insiiruuce on your lift fbr the rwirrit "t th ao-dtiiia1wii upon you. Thla policy Is free from taxes, from ilj,cui plications with your estato, from wxWiUOiis, and from debt. No one can handle Uits money ous ine Ipittllea fbr whom the Insurance Is efrled,,Ln; ee .rtay,af couiplleatloiu, and homestead allowances, (wlthithe-elianceofastruirjleto obin oven that) I think a life policy the surest and the only thing you can leave of much value to yottr family, j t Now the question will arise, what campaiiymust, Unsure in? "I am afraid of companies a long-way .ofr.IdonotknowtheHrcaldent, Plrartors, Ac, of companies In New York, Philadelphia, or Boston, or other large cities, I know nothing of the work- Oim fif fusiiranpp pnmlulli ti. theirsolvvnux, iai It seems to me a leap It) the dark, a matter of chance to take ut a poliufin suc ""oh companies. They may be good, they may 1mt r:. i Uij ,i,u..,iminv almost at our doors, in . Dealer In GROCERIES, LIQUORS, FINE WINKS, , ':''..' JU'i dGARIt'V - ' TOBACCO , POHTNER'S LA6ER:BEEH on ice ; t. tl 'C i ltW. DANIEL, -l no lonscr anv debts and can exclaim' with the old darkey at camp meeting, who when ever he got happy, went about slioutin "Bless the Lord; I'm gittin' fatter and fatter." Laughter. The truth is that behind the great ruftfe the South wore to its shirt there lay concealed a superb man hood. That this manhood was perverted there is no doubt ; that it wasted its ener but Clarice knew his bashfulness. It read gics upon trincs pcyonu uu-putu , m Kal(li h en .... nn ,l.....l ot .11. took a lirule m cuitivanng wnat is eaueu aUliUWOt auu Hrtfi IIUIV.- V a . I I "Will voil b6 kind enough to honor me "The vices ol a gel l,v thi, ni-epntatien nf uiv escort to the must be admitted am fi-v rtrrritt ova f ... . I A ..l.v l.lnrl .n,l l.i.n if 1. ..1 in A vs.4 K ra n 1 1 tAtr1it ttlA UlimuTlirA II!1U kia&UIl UIWUi nuui n uvu iv av v "Well, there" said Charley, ah he got lay aside ita broadoloth and puton its jimns u ,nn T r.h.miar1 nuter M nn a tht T it was eiuial to UQ emergency ( ctw h j- iv wv-. . - - I . a - - - - . , Kia n,.W n T will do plause.) and the women ol tne ooutn toot it l.il. m. ban.! ia in." And toss- their place by the side ol tne men ol tne ine the nots to one side he soon began South, and with the spinning-wheel and . O . " I . 1 ...... .!... !.,. an...!,. n piOUIlBUtUU HJUlliCl V'"y nv,ui minion Guards, the Norfolk City Gua'd tlm V.ivotteville Intlenendent liight In- fantrytHis WW being m the coninatid of Cant. J. M. Uinford, of the Old Do minion Guards. ' Next came the funeral car. This tow ered high and was draped in black, at the side, upon panels of white, being sprays of evergreen. Above was a canopy, the pil lars of which were of mingled white and black. The car was under the special charge of Mr. John W. Brown, as funeral director., At either side of tho catafaluo marched the old soldiers, who were pall bearers. There were thirty-two of these, in charge of Col. W. J. Saunders. Fol lowing tho funeral car uiarehod the lar gest delegation of old soldiers ever seen here. These were in charge of (leu. W. R. Cox. Many Virginians were among them, in charge of ('apt. il. A. Allen. At the head of this corps was home the Con federate battle-flag and guidons. Next came carriages containing G-ov. darvis, the orator; Rev. E. R. Rich, the chaplain; Adjutant General Johnstone Jones, Col. John N. Staples, A. 1). C; Mrs. Robert II. Jones and Mrs. L. P. Heartt, presi dent and secretary of the Ladies' Memo rial Association; the president's council; Mrs. rt.Mj:Hairis;te!l..r ChrLst-uias, Maj. WoMburynVhccler, Maj. 'John A. Sloan, Col. Robert II. Jenkins, Mr. C. W. Harris, Capt. Arthur Rarnes. Then came a long line of carriages, filled with distinguished gentlemcu. In one were Mayor J: Thompson Uaird, of D. Hall, ot Wil last token of respect. In concluditi: forceful and earnest address, he said; As theso sleep peacefully under the same sod, the same grass grows over both, the same breezes blow over them, and the same flag floats over all; and as these patriot dead of either army r.wt in po:tce, so let the living live together forever ami for ever. . ' ' J '': The address was heard with the closest attention. In all that assemblage 'of five thousand persons not a sound was heard. The next ceremonial was the reading of the burial service by Rev. E. 11. ( Rich, the chaplain. The four caskets containing the remains were laid in two graves imme diately south of the monument. That ever solemn sound, the rattle of the clods upon the coffin, was heard, and a yet deeper stillness fell upon the great throng. Thu graves filled, they . wore concealed from sight by a profusion of flowers. The FayetteviUe Independent lignt in fantry aud the Virginia b.dtalton then fired three volleys over the graves, after which the lull hoiiorsol a marching salute were paid as the troops filed past. - I lie following is the' poem written ny the talented Mr. John 11. Honor, ot Wash ington, expressly for this occasion: AT It EST. At rest anions; their own Kent to he broken never Their fiiiilcd Hiik for them out blown No more, forever. They did not think to come So'sUently so lute When stepping to the sounding drum, Tlicy lull tlie State. I They thought to see again The loved ones kissed through tears, Not in the trenc hes of the slain To lie for years. But liw they kissed grew old. And eves Hint wept grew blind, Ami hearts that oould but break, lay cold, lly grief enshrined. Press comments on our next fair: A iirsl-diiss Fuir cannot he made In a day; it ripens by sunshine like fruit. It needs several years experience to find otlj its own detects. I k nee it is u muni sign to Iieiti with, when tlie Roanoke mill Tar River Society tinnrmnrr-if 14th Animal Fair. It will occur November 5-llth, proximo; so that, vou can an from the State ! air to Rocky Mount, Tarboro ami Weldon, and then shift over to ravettevtlle aud adesboro. rarnur anil Mitlumie. The Roanoke and Tar River Agricultural Society, which holds 13th annual ineetiim on November 6', 7, H and il, promises to surpa.n anv ol its previous exhibitions. 1 Ins section we know will be well represented. Tho Socictv hM now-rived liroui'h thir teen exhibitions. Each Fair a . financial success, which enables it now t.) complete its iirrangemcnts fu every detail and no item has been neglected that can contribute to tho pleasure of visitors and convenience of tlie ex-. lumtors. Hon. I). W. oorhecs ot Indiana, will deliver thu annual address on Thursday,' November !lt h. Jdrbmu Naittlierner. The Wfltlun Fair begins the !th of Novem ber mid closes, the !lth. This Fair has always ln-en better manured and Irocr truiit jockey ing than almost anv in tl) State. It a! ways' leivs its lireiiiiiiins iironiiiiiv. Wfi hone our people will putrolifzC it liberally. H'rrc- nn (laxeut. The cldon rair has always beeu very stHX'Cssl'ilt and the eonimg one bids fair to prove no exception to the rule. The ofl'tccrs of the association are gentlemen w ho have the best interests of the section of country nt heart, and who spare no pains to inakii it an execplionalilv tine lair, r mm the . niloriiia- tion we have the coining fair promises to excel all previous ones in points of at tendance, and exhibits, which will be exceptionality tine, The society litis now lived through thir teen exhibitions. Kiu'h fait' a Uuanciul suc cess w hich enables it now to complete its ar rangements in every detail, and no item has been neglected that cau contribute to the pleasure of visitors mid convenience of exhib itors. Hon. I). V. Voorhees, of Indiana, will ADVERTISEMENTS., 4? 7'-'..-) Folyspepsfs, CosUvenesa, . Sick Headache, Chronic Dlar rhoaa, Jaundice, Impurity of tho Illnod, Fever and Anne. . Malaria, and all Diseases caused by De rangement of Liver, ilowels and Kidneys. ' STMTTOST8 OF A DIStCASKlV IITEU. Bad Urtath: Pain in the Side, sometimes the . pain Is ft under the Shoulder-blade, mistaken for fihtaaDmn; general loss of appetile; Bowels enuvlly coali", sometimes alternalinf with Uf the kMd is troubled with pain, is dull and heavy. wiA CMwiderable loss of memory, accompanied wm a piafvl semstioa of leaving undone somethine wtwrk cmhl to have been done; a slight, dry cmifdl aad tmhed ot ia sometimes aa attendant, oftea mi mil en for consumption: die patient complains of weariness sad debility; nervous, easily startled; . feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation of tkm tk'm exists; spirits arc low and despondent, aits, ait kMk salisntrl rt at exercise would be bene (tcaht. yat sate can hardly summon up fortitedc to try st ks ct, distrusts vvery remedy. Several f the above symptoms attend the diseait, but case at Acc-ra when but few- of them csisted, yet km station alter death has showa (he Liver to bave ksca easeasimly deranged. It sHould be nsed by all persona, old and jroung , whenavar any of the alio symptoms appear. Foraoni TrTlln or Living In TJu tiitalthy LoeaUtles, oy tsking a doss occasion aMy w keep the liver In healthy action, will avoid I Malaria, lllllons attacks, IHiiincu, Nau sea. lJrowtiacss, Lleprcssi'in of Spirits, eta. It wssf lavigiMts Ilka a glass of Wins, hut U no In to at cast aa; kevarage. If Tern have eaten anything hard ol Caraettan, or fcet heavy after meals, or sleep a at asght, lake a dose and you will be relieved. Tttaa Bad Doctors' Bills will be saved by always keeping tha Regulator In the House I For, whatever the ailment may be, a thoroughly safe purgative, alterative and tonic can never oe out of place. The remedy is harmless and doaa not Interfere with business or liver the annual address ou Thursday, November Hth. He has a national reputation as an orator ml as tins will lie his hrst visit to INortli 'aiolina innnv -doubtless will -utteud thu air. to hear tllis distinmiislted mvsV of the Hoosicr State. The Fair will be held November 5th, b'th, th, 8th and !)th. . . - The premiums offered thus year arc espec ially large and attractive and tho exhibits, in all the departments will lie, we are assured by tho Secretary, larger and more varied than ever before. Kxcuision trains will be run and many of our people should attend. Don t forget the date. Wilson rfmCf. A 'K ATA L tlKtUS UAV. k a pride in cultivating what he vices of a irentleuian" I am afraid But at heart it was . . i . a i i. l sound, rrom inai nean noweu uoiieni. Ho. 10, Wish. Art. Wtldon N. C. jun 28-1-jr WELDON ywMs IRPfJ WM, II. NEWTON, ENOINEEU AND MACHINIST, WELDON, N. C. To the users of motive power and general ma- tho clty'ofNotfulf.a,, managed by, getiiktucn of ChiMrr: unquestionable iutetrrity, Incorporated oy m iak Islature of Virginia, and endowed with all the priv ileges that can W granted loa eotnuy, and at the same time with all the aufWuards, ' that can bo thrown around the assured. This eominy is known aa the "Christian Brotherhood of Norfolk YV' Any peraouofgood standing, and' In"" good, health can take vt a policy In this company, of 81 ,000 by paying thi small sunt of four dollars and one or2,000,vr eight dollars, and one ofSa.OOO, ftir twelve dollars, i t ' ' ' ' 1 Tlie directors and managers of the "Christian Brotherhood," are D. T.rowell, Bit h'd II. Jonei, J.B Klddlck, D. J. Godwin and A. Havage, undertlio im mediate mmtagemeut of the Kev. Klehard H. Jones; (Secretary.) I think the plan of Insurance In this corhpsny the best I httve ever Mamlncd and deci dedly the cheapest I have taken the agency for this company at WeWonS.i., and will be glad to fttrnlsh all the particulars to partiea who desire to Insure. , . 4 R. P. SPIERS, 7, . AGENT. I call your attention to tne mciumi iu p.,-..-with the necessary tools and machinery lo do gen eral work on BNOINES, , h'aw smV COTTON UINS, ORI8T MILLS, COTTON PKBHSBH. HOKsK POWERS. XUKKSHKRS. " SPECIAL mEMTlOH GIVE TO o insr -work his letter. "SisTtR MiNNit :" (it read) "Yours of the 17th came to hand, and 1 had meant to answer it before. The fact is I am deeply in love with a young lady, Charice Wilmer of whom you've heard me speak, and I'm afraid she don't return it. You know I'm so confounded bashful I daren't ' write. Sometimes I think I've got tha necessary courage, ' but when I meet her it vanishes like dew before the sun, and I am a bigger fool than ever. I know she thinks I'm a fool, but I can't b..ln it I'd rsf'icr face a battcrv of mitrilleuses, or any other engine of de struction than a pretty woman any time, and Clarice is the fairest, sweetest,' and most beautiful yoti'i-' lady I ever saw." "Hero followed three whole p.t 'es of lover's rhansodv. interspersed with wailinns of despair, and then the letter wound up thus : 'I've asked her to (jo to the opera to miiraow niyht) and if shepeBvW-)swibl that I may Iparn my tate. I I I "Three' o clock can it e possible?" oird,Gharlfj glmiciog at heJ3j.(clg and atufiing his lettersintotwoenvclopcs, which he backed in awful haste. The mail goes out iu half an hour I shall be late as sure as rite."" " "" "" " And pavin'' no heed to the rhyme, ami little to the letters, lie gratxd his hat and started to the Doatotticc. LMarice smiled her brightest when Charlie called for her next night but he fancied thore was mischief in her eyes. which perhaps was not quite all fancy. At the ooera she talked and laughed be tween the scenes in such a way that he waa auite bewildered. He did not learn his fai. and after he cot home he felt worse than ever. Nt dav he cot a letter from his sister. "I am verv sorry." wrote she "but I could not well come on two hundred miles, simply to attend an opera. 1 suppose. however, the invitation was intended against the wolf at the door. That was fifteen years ago, and to-day thero is not ft reward offered in a single Southern State for wolfskins. The fact is, the very wolves have got ashamed of themselves and gone to work. Laughter and applause. The future of the South is not a whit less assured than the future of the West. Why should money which is freely loaned to Iowa and Illinois be refused to Ababaina and Mississippi? You have money to loan. We have a great country to develop. I know that capital is proverbially timid, but what are you afraid of? Is it our cotton that alarms you, or our corn, or our sonar? Perhaps it is our coal and iron. Without you, io truth, many of these pro ducts must mnkeslow propr.iss, while others will continue to bo hidden in the bowels of tho earth. With you the South will bloom as a uuideii and sparkle as a gold mine; for whether you tickle her fertile fields with a straw or apply a more violent tilltilation to her fat mountain sides she is ready to laugh a harvest of untold riches. Applause.J r ! --!. M ATK 1 MO Y M A M A t'S. Portsmouth: Mayor E. ininton. and Mayor W. II. Dodd, of In another were Hons. W. N. 11. Smith, Tims. A. Ashe ami A. S. Mer riuion, of the Supreme court. Iu another was Senator Vance. On arrival at the capitol si pi are the llalciirh Liiiht Infantry and the Hiii"h;tm cadets took a position on Newbern avenue at the east cate. The escort went into the building and the caskets were placed in the catafahiue. After the usual cere monies the Hue of march was taken for the cemetery. All the way the streets were lined with people, while at the cemetery were gathered hundreds. Ihe military were drawn up on three sides of a square. At the command of Gen. Hancock they rendfyrt Hit) isliej yJIhfct baml ftlicn played a dirj;c. Chief Marshal Cameron in a few graceful and appropriate words introduced Gov. Jarvis. The Governor, stepping into tho centre of the stplatesj spoke hi cleuP and-ringing tones, heard lar and near, lie said: And spirits veiled In wo, Look iiiu toward life's west, Were called in tenderness unto Eternal rest. Thi v cuine not b it they come, A vanquished, faithful few, In slleaee, und are welcomed home In silence too. , Their place of hurlnl is llulluu cd by wmium's prayers, A nobler epituph tlitm this I uuld not lie theirs. PAYMIJNTOK OEPTM. A lance number of people seem to fancy, when paying a bill, that they are conferring a great favor upon the man who has entrusted his goods to their home for weeks and even months. They act as if thcr had actually received nothing in return, and were simply doing a work of charity. The man who buys coiumoa ties ot any kind usually does so ot ins own accord: ordinarily there is notliinir com nulsorv about the transaction. He mak . - . . ... ., i . his purchase and gets the worm ot ins money, presumably, in goods of whatever kind. This tilaces buyer and seller on an enualitv. If tho buyer could make In the spring of 1770 the colony of better bargain elsewhere, very likely he won d do it for in trade, when dollars North Corolina took a step that involved her in war with her mother country. She called her sons to hat tie and she was successful and the world said she- was right and called her soldiers "patriot sol tlieis. Auain in tho spring ol Itil tin State of North Carolina tmik a step that involved her in war with ubotiior section of the Uif)n which our fathers hail formed. She airain called her sons to battle, but was unsuccessful and the world said she was wrong. But whatever the world may say North Carolina not- wiUi.Ttandfii "Writes over the Leaves of and cents are involved, friendship doesn count much. People go where they can get the most for their money. Having done so, the seller confers a favor upon the buver. at least eotial to that which the former receives in payment ot ms oiu Then why should a coIIocUr ho subjected to so much discourtesy 7 A weii-pn man. one who has a proper appreciation ' what is due to others, is never guilty ot such impoliteness. The collector who calls for his money is treated with as much respect and consideration as is pleasure. '' IT TJ PURELY VEGETABLE, And has all Ihe power and efftcacy of Calomel or Quinine, widtout any of the injurious after effects. - A OoTemor's Taatlmony. Simmons Liver Regulator hat been in use in my family far some time, and I am satisfied it is a valuable addiiioe to the medical science, , J. Gill Smostss, Governor of Ala. ITon. Alexander II. Stephens, of (ia., says: Have derived some benent from ihe use of Simmons Livsr Regulator, and wish to give it a Rirther trial. Tfca only Thing that never falls to I hi aewsta. Liver Al an found snything to benefit me to the extent have used many remedies for Dvs Debility, bur never Murders and Lynching In Statcsvllle. All Okokomeo octogenarian, who is now a widower for the fifth time, is looking around for a new helpmeet. In Shelbyville, Ky., there is a widow who has buried four husbands, and now seems anxious to prepare another for the silent tomb. A Chicain) woman is now living happily with her third husband, the others having obtained a divorce on the grounds of in compatibility 'of temper. A Maine man secured a divorce from his wife because she made faces at him iu the dark. He married again, and now wants to be separated from his second charmer on account ot her proclivity ior snoring in church. , ' . ; ' , . for , A uegro larber wis arrested a ! 1 i fulfil a. . . . those who leu in ner ueicnce in ine iasi st wn tn hn-Pr wnen no makes pur- war as wc'l as in the former the words v... Thin deportment should bo uni- patriotA Mldipri 'M i";,lta3! WWndej. vrl.i ttUj ti,e man wb0 departs from it, . , . i - . i ' . . . . ' whose remains we are nere to nury went al)j wh0 ... (jie money he honestly forth in 1801 at the command of their . w .. rudinlv and with all marked ex- A.l .1 T . 1. af. I '-.. . . . . fStato and ot me wovcrnor or -onn v.aro- ,)reKi, oug 0f ii W1u toward the receiving Charlotte Observer. .Monday was a bloody and memorable day iu Statesvillo, Sells Brothers circus exhibited iu that place on that day and an immense crowd of people) hud come to town, many from Alexander and Wilkes counties, to see the circus. It is estimated that tho crowd numbered fully eight thousand, During tho early part of the day the crowd began tohuuor up, but the order was gen ally good until iu the alternoon when the bloodshed bean, when one man won killed mtriudit, and a man and a child wounded in a siiuxle liiiht. L'ur'nitr the night the chapter was ended with tho .lynching of the negro who did thu shooting. '. It was a terrible day for Statesvillo and during tho excitement ol tho afternoon, the circus folded its tent and left the town and tho irowd without giving n nkht performanc The circus troubles begun on tho Satur- lay night previous, when the first. difhoul. tv occurred. The town was then full of people and a good cioal of drinking Was l'ohil' on. .: A trouble arose between a white man named Rhyne, from 'Newton, and an unknown negro, in which the negro beat Rhvno fatally, crushing in his fore head and face. Rhyne was stillliving yes' terday when the Charlotte trainlelt States- ,ille,.hiit wits tnori ninginil hotel, in a suniiosed dying condition. (Monday about 11 . . . a a 1 noon a hcrce pistol duel took place between John Redman, white, and Chas. Campbell, colored, iu which Redman was shut through the heart. An old feud had existed be tween Redman and the negro and when they met m .statesvillo a tight was the re sult. Redman fired twice at the negro, but missed him anil the negro fired three times at Redman. The first bullet from the negro's pistol entered the abdomen of an old man standing near named Tym Bell, inflicting a serious but not a fatal wound. The second bullet entered tho leg of a little child that was being held in its mother's arms, and the third took effect in Rodman's heart, killing him instantly. , Campbell was arrested and curried to jail, in the midst of the greatest excitement. Redman's friends took charge of his body. That night at three o'clock they surrounded the jail and forced an entrance in Campbell's cell ami securing the prisoner took him to a tree ou the western suburbs of tho town and hung him. So (juicily was tho lynch ing done that none of the . cituens of the town were aware of anything , until after suii-un. when Campbell's body was discov ered dangling from the tree. None of the townspeople, hud any hand in the work and were not aware that any idea of lynching the negro had been entertained by any one, It is but i list ice to thu citizens of States- ville to say that in a'l these uinluibaiiogS not a citizen of the town was engaged in a single one. It was altogether tho work of visitors from tho neii'liboriniz couutios. It was certainly a day long to bo romombcred and such a ouc as the people of that place hope never to see return. . ' H ISM, KT-T7- IVrtore.1 Liver Affection and I as ens Liver Regulator has. I sent from Min- aeso te oeorgia lor it, and would send further for . sack a asMliciM, and would advise all who are sim Sarty eafccMd M give it a trial as it teems the only thing thai never fails to relieve. P. M. Jamnbv, Minneapolis, Minn. Vr, T. W. Maaon aayai From actual es pemwt fa the use of Simmons Liver Regulator ia ary practice 1 have been and am satisfied to use mid prescribe it as a purgative medicine. . , UriT-Take only the Genuine, which always as the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Hark Bad Mfaatnra of J. U. ZEIUJf A CO. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCOISTS. febOly R EAL ESTATE AGENCY. I have established a REAL ESTATE AGENCY In the town of WELDON, N. C. 9 . I have TKN houses In Weldon FOR SALE OR RENT. i..! , ' ''... ...i-:" . ' About half of them stores,' rjthers dwtllngl. .,. ,., I also have about j. . i 1 . V . 6,000 ACRES OF X.AND IN ft A L I K A X COUNTY FOR SALE For further particulars, qartlcs wishing to buy or rent can apply to me in person or by letter. I am now hiking up ujl lands parties wish to sell and advertising the same at my own expense, tin. leas a sale is made and theu I charge commissions. For my stnnrlng as a gentlemen and a man worthy to lie trusted, I refer by permission to R, K Smith, Scotland Neck : Dr. J. A; Collins, Enfield W. A. Daniel, Weldon, T. W. Harris, Littleton. octltf R. P. SPIERS. M.L. JACOBS &BRO., (HALIFAX;. R. C CHOICEST LIQUORS. Our bar contains all the choicest brands, lion so it Is meet that the Governor of the State should to-day receive them back and speak for the Statu in so doing. So it has seemed to the Ladies' Memorial As sociation who. havo theso obsequies in charge and thus I and not one more competent to Spoilt in fitting terms of their deeds or valor and patriotism and ot tneir suffering and death, am called on to ad- druss you... I have said that .North Caro lina should inscribe upon their monument the words "patriot soldiers. party, is lacking m one ot the most im portant essentials of fair and square manli- a .1 a l ucss, aud more than mat, in business tact. I 'What did you get out of that case?" asked the old lawyer. "I got my anotlier person am,if-f ; South "Jove.' I ani undone V said Charlie, dozen South, the other day for having iu the half a wives in as many different towns. 1 lf. . ..it .t.JiiX. i f t I Ttnastliui not anw man. and do not snurn tlln. Also gin supplies. ; t prcaaing ou m w s,,...... . - .. - . t, ' . ' f V.. I understimd my buslneea add guarantee ati wora the letters wrong, and DOW 1 ve uooo i. suyiiuus ,; ukiuv ...... ' .. .. . brown. What w U '. Claric. turns 01 not nur nour, nor w mere aiyiuw, mav w. H. NEWTOn, wiaon, . v. , . . bath pot it place. . . . . . . . j -r..i. I j.nr.r,iiv tl, missive to the floor, and lam Agent ror sue veicm. . r.-. - .- it s , ... to be flrat-clsas. this should not be unless that both be merited. ! :,, That they were soldiers tho world ad. mits. Throughont the pages of romance or history, of song or story, no men ever illustrated by valor, by endurance, by suf fering, whether In the field, on tho march, iu camp or in tho hospital, a rarer dovo tlon to duty, a finer courago, a mora splendid carriage than did our North (ta client out of it," replied the young one. "And what did he get out of it?", "Satisfaction, I reckon. I didn't leave anything else for him to get." "Young man,' said the se nior, nroudlv, "you'll never be a judge. Certainly Tlerc is not enough money on the bench for you." A succession of direful shrieks is heard on the first floor. Fond Mother: "What is tho matter with Hilly?" Colored servant: "Please, ma'am he is crying about the jew berries," "Ho can't have any more, He has had four sauocrsful alroad," "Dom Is de berry ones he li whooping about. He'i 11 swollen up,". A Brooklyn lawyer, who has the repu tation of securing pensions for men who were withrirtwtmrj-iilrii;of,nny battle, was waited upon bv a man ' who thought he deserved something from Undo Sam "Did you go to the war?" " "No, but I was in camp at Elmira for ten days. "Were you accidentally wounded?" "No." ' "Have a heavy fit of sickness?" "No." , ' ! "Get chrome diarrhcea?" "No." " "Contract rheumatism?" "No." "My friend," said the lawyer, as he looked at him in a fatherly way, "some pension agents.might be discouraged over your case and refuse to touch it, but shall at once forward your papers for pension on the ground that you were bro ken of Vour usual rest during those ten nights. Call again in sixty days fbr your back pey. , yood pwrnings; sir--neii wlnea, brandies, whiskies, beer and mixed drinks are made In the best manner. Cigars, Cigarettes, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Call and examine them. FAMILY . GROCERIES are cheap and all the best kinds kept constantly a hand and stock continually replenished. BILLIARDS AND POOL Tables always ready for customers and the public are Invited to visit our house where they will be well treated and where tlurf ou play Pout ana Billiards at a small expeune, marlti ly 1 1 ' ' m ; a' i . il't fv '1 'p'- . hi - '. S -, : . '' ii ( !'.'! " is 1 1 1 ' t t ? 1 j - I ' t t 1 II : . ,1.: I ' ' i - V t f. i t .. s..i.sfl

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