1 r. Trz f? ,o r r n r: Av , 'kiU 44 MHii vii I II I 14 '. '. I ' ) I I 1 ki si W4 HALL &c SIjEIDO-e, miwnETORs! NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. TEEMS Mm AN.r.M in ahv VOL. XII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1883 NO. 38. PROVES SIGNAL CARDS. K 1. 1. I O T T . Attorney and Councilor, at L,aw, NORFOLK,' VA. llimms 2 and 3 Virginian Building. oc!i ly. B KANCH & BEI.L, t Attorneys at Law, ENFIELD, K. C. practice in the countlM of Halifax, Nash, Edjte n i.itit- iiml WilBoti. Collections made in all liarts II. SMITH J K . 11 Attorney at Law, SCOTLAND NK( K,N.C. " '' . .1 I'nwtlri 111 the county (if Ilallfiix nml adjoining muullcs. nml In tlic Supreme court of the state. (Hi hi ly. ADVERTISEMENTS. T. J. J.lltKATT, I. W. J. JiHRATT. ti i n u t? r M (1 II I 7. i A K 1) , , AKurncy kt I.au ,' ii U. . iifuVe In tl' Court House. Klrlet attention Riven ti nil liriini lii'H ol the profession. Jmi li l - ' i i m 0 M A H X. 11 1 L L, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N.C. Twlici'i In unm ix nnn enjoining counties aim COMISSIONMEHT,, No. S8 Sycawpre Sttersbjii, V'A. Strict personal attention given to the sale of COTTON, PEANUTS, TOBACCO, WHEAT, CORN, ' AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. RETURXS MADE PROMPTLY. f w .tPm, and tlc" furnished at Lowest Rate. Oct IS ,t!U ... Fvilcml nml Supreme courts. .Mil ii - i T W. MASON, Attorney at Law, UAKYSllCKO, N.C. l'rsi ticcn 111 the courts of Northampton nnt ad-luiiiiiiu- ciMiiitics, also in the Fedcuil nml Supreme cniirl.1. JuueStf. llllvo now Fit aikrn am uany the following goods Al.TEll ,E.j 1 A ' I,K Attorney at Law, WELDOX, N. C 1'ruciiccB lii Halifax and aiUuininii counties. Sccinl uiuntion given to eolleetiuim in all parts (il Hie Miiicauu pPOHipi JUIUIU. luauu.. , feb 17 ly. W. HALL, Attorney a Law, WELDOX, N. C. - SH'ciiil attention givert to collections ' and remit Unre promptly made. " may 1 tf. M U L L E X & M 0 0 It E, ' Attorneys at Law, ' HALIFAX, N. C. . ; lwilcc lii the counties of Halifax. Northampton yAm die, l'ilt and Martin In the Supreme court hi Ihe Slule and ill the Federal Courts of the Eastern llislrict. tulw'UU HWW V U) Win ,ii mi- unit, Jan 1 iy vlt. J. E. SHI E L I) , D" Surgeon Dentist. li ., ; ,.ii.. i,wntid in Wcldon. can be f'umil al his otlice in Suiilli's Brick Building at ail pni- July 12 ly. turn's except when aUseiit on pnijessional Imsmess. la refill attention c1nii V H lmiucheji of Ui pn Icssinn. Furtiea visited -at their Iramca whej ae- irvil, . . . . t y K. IsTl. II L'VT E R, j Surgeon Deiitj!i.,',. f"' "'V'tni ill! Can he found at his office in Enfiely PureXitmujOfciihUia f' the lulnUVs Katraf- img ii ii'i'in aiwajs oil imii. iuuf SI tf t I I i f SlANVKACTl'RKRS OF AND PKAI.KKS If ALL KINW Of1 CAUKIAGES, HAKXESS, SADDLES, Bridles. Ciilliirs. Carts. Whftels,'1 Axles, I'ann dear, HorH- Clothing, lJip Robes, c. Nos. 11, 10, U & a. Viiion St., Norfolk, Va. o- tf. lv 4 1 pTTor. r amrecelfing aUnnst .AhULII') Dry &iod,: Notions, Boots, SHoea, Hats, Clothing iitiriiwart iiuwnrc, i rocKery ware, Move pans, WiHKlcn ware, Flour, Bacon, Ijird, Meal, Tobacco, Cigars, Assorted Soujw, Sugar, CoU'ee, Fish, Pure apple Vinegar, Kerosene and Red oil. Trunks a specialty, direct from i.-t -.'hii a H. iH' .: '' THE MANUFACTURY. ADVERTISEMENTS. BfiBWMAMW, fl u 'i tyk-jlcefe nif Retail Zfritggjtti -And Dealers In- G EXE R A I MER CITA-XDISR, HALIFAX, N. C., '') ' i ' ii J j ' . . I fie confectioneries, cm.viw 4 tobacco f p i. ; ftSpECiJlLTYt Sf PTLIES EVEIJY W EEK. fikSVo have served you fnithfully for the last fifteen yours and ask a continuance of yout patronnge. RKSIGS.VTIOV. Life wears not for me the brightness of old : llnpo sings not Ihe songs sue sang so long ago; From my skv has failed the azure anil goin, And gone is toe morning s sousuusiuueauuKiun. 1 licnrnot the voices that cheered me In ymith, And lianas Ilia; once lea me now ienn me uoimirc; I seek not, as of old, fur love, faith or truth. And 1 trust uu lumre lor only joys in store. I know that deep sorrow will my bosom aassil; That pttin alter mill win my spiru oppress ; 'Gainst my life u HI the slorm and darkness prevail, And on will 1 lung lor rest oniy resi. But, undliiiuieil and eternal, shlncsa star over heiul, Whose blessed railiance was fust to far Bethlehem given, i And it bids me look upward and be nut afraid, For U e'er tells ine of Ood and whlspersof Heaven. A YANKEE ROMANCE. I make a speetalty a. CONFECTIONERIES. 0 French Candles, Plain Caudles, Raisins, Hates, . Oranges, lemons, Cream I 'heesc, ,. ; Cam d (ioods, Canned Beef, Canned Ham, Sardines, &C ' Also Fancy Cukes,' A pfcfi sf Ac' r1 it 0. SPIERS, octlJy. Wcldon, N. C. 1 ' ... - r f V .)( v FJrs.PEMLL, No. 145,caniora Street,', ( I l'ETERSBURG, VA. i! ' $1,000 POLICY ON ASSESSMENT PLAN IVw i.00 gi.ooo h u u 8.00 I ur inL liuium n lv. .ttvu TOM'IU&I&V II Tilt IrtiALTII Prcscriiitions carefully prepared at all hours. J-On corner opisisite Court House Siiuarc"a S6H OF THE GOLDEN MQITAH oct71y I'se the Magnetou Appliance Co.'s MAGNETIC LUNG PROTECTOR ! " PRICE 0-Yt Y f ". ' They are priceless to Indies, (lentlemen and Chil dren with weak lungs; no case of pneumonia or croup it ever known: w here those garment are w orn. They also prevent and cure heart dilnculties, folds, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Throat troubles, Diphtheria, Catarrh, and nil kindred diseases. Will weiirimv service for three years. Arc worn over the under-cliilliing. d i J. rat .a TfcTi TT It Is iiHMliAss to des- V A 1 illilt JLt, :ioe Iho symptoms of thisimnseoiisdlsca.se that Is tapping the life and strength of only too many ofthe fairestiind best of liotlisexiw. Ulsir.sliiilyandresvareh in America, t.-,,r..iM. mi. l'jisiern bmils. have ri-snlleu in tne Mag netic l.ung Protector, ailorrliiiRriin' lor ( alarm, a remcdv unicli contains No Druggiug orilieMslem ami wuh the continuous stream of .Miignetism t- iiu.rttin.. ihmtiL'h theatllieted oridns. must restore Fhm Ihe JtaMgh CVtron . The tinn. a beautiful Autumn after noon about five years ago the pluce a quiet little park in a city in Connecticut ; the persons a pretty girl of about twenty, and a vnuns wan Minu few vears her sen ior. ' fliey were lover, and this tneetinn was their lust one for soiiio time, perhaps forever. She, let uio cull her Mubel Bonnie, was tho duiitihter of n very wealthy and arrogant gcntleiuun who measured every one he met by the ainouiit of money he had. Her lover, his name shall be Edwurd Curtis, was a youMg man nl'iriiiiil huliits. rood I'auiilv. but tioor of purse. The two had plijrhted their troth, but the mind of the lather was set ainunst their union and his heart was steel to their entreaties. Hud she not been inoro of a dutiful daughter, than he was a yieldin Ditrent. she uimht huve been teuiuted to defy his authority, and tlisrcgurd his wishes by unilmj' herselt to the youn man whom . she loved . aud whmsc great fault was that ho was ! poor. The fath objected, not to him personally, but to the fact that he possessed this ilisquBlilym;. imno.diuic.iit. lie unmed, ami there was lu",ic in it, that his daughter had been an onlv child, who had had the. luxuries ot wealth lavished upon lier, ami that union with a man uiipreiuu'ed to provide for her in the way she hud been ucciis. turned to would bo nil on iMM.'ilo our. in uln nn I I this, iini .... In jimiify Ills clillil o Si'l llllll ill (0 and would result eventual seininition. Tho youiiL' niiin l''!ili. having tho desire every wish of his ' "e. wealth ever beeainc -.. ,ch. ,' S'd linn thinkinn as to what hIhuiM Iki the l'nii line of policy to pursue, In attain I lie wealth which in ibis case wan hi necessary to cain the ohect ol his love. A few unvs belnre the oiienui'' ol I Ins story a ptirii".rupli Hotuct iiin like tins lnifint have been seen in the personal col umns of Ihe morning ntper. Col. ( has. K. Jiitey whom our citi. 'lis will remember returned to the Soiilli aler the rebellion, is here on a visit, lie was so well pleased w ith a little place he passed through during the memorable struggle that he determined to make it his future home. The Colonel is now lirn- itelaM the prielor of a large spoke and handle factory slteil ny ouicrs mr remedies uuwi ih n . , v,,i.i , I ',,rii ilia, lllld IS saiil to tie 1UI- menselv rich." ging their samiacus with. eiftjct. Hnrtis. who had tin to this time become ritiii i'5'i'U', K TV Thl" stroimly persuaded to try his fortunes in IlU Mi l.)i)nl Ali Appli the ' est, read this item, and at once ance. lio ti jour, nnujisi niio ii in n, .i j ;ml.nl with tln dosire to make th -have iugillieuT rite tothe proprietors. en- became llllUueU Wltn tin. ucsni to ui.ikl closing the price, in letier at our risk, and they will (hp South his home. At the first oppor- Lacy, talked with him iuiij men in North Carolina and became fully con- respond. An elaborate display of the various brands ol their tobacco was ar tiscally arranged in a handsome case and forwarded to the hub. In October, Curtis went on to Boston to se? the magnificent exhibit which North Carolina has there, and with the inten tion of "bringing a wife back home with him." He had come to love his adopted State very dearly, and when he entered that great building and saw there so con spicuously arranged the practical proofs of an exhaustloss prosperity, Ins heart swelled within him with a genuine Mate pride tor old North Carolina. He had hardly more than entered, when a gentleman just in rdvnncc, in drawing forth his handker chief dropped his pocket book, and passed on unconscious of his loss. Turns sprang forward in time to secure it from the grasp of a suspicious looking man, who said : "My friend, dropped that book. You'll Jo me a favor by giving it back to inc." "Oh, will I ? ironically nked Turds, and hastily turning it over ho discovered the name and address of the owner done in gilt letters. Refore the gentleman who had dropped the book had gotten out of hearing, Curtis read this name out IoipI. and the old gentleman, turned around in surprise and advanced towards Curtis. He at once discovered his loss and laid claim to the hook which was protnpty restored to him while the pretender seeing the turn things had taken,sulkcil away in the crowd. fo Heave the reader of any embar rassing surprise desire to casually men tion the fact that the gentleman whose book hud just been returned was none other than Mable Runner's father. On the following day Curtis after hav ing -taking in" the State's exhibit, and b.'iiig fatigued, had seated himself near to lb" case containing tip) display nude by his own firm. Buying a paper of a pac ing newsboy, he began to read, wh ii a sa!i, and strangely familiar voic was borne lo his cars. With senses thrilled ho stnrUul up, and there, standing in front of the products of his own factory was tho woman ho loved. He couid not move, so overcome wits he with emotion. "Let's see," said the samo soft voice, . . . .. .1., 1.1 ro is tins i rom f nnu men a pair oi PRESDENT MADISON AND H IKIi THE VM MORMOX TF.MPI.I:'. Writing from President Madion's old liome in Virginia, a corespondent ofthe Philadelphia V. give? the following reminiscences of Mr. and Mrs. MaJison: The characLi' of Madis m's wife for so cial ability, warmth of disposition, and j what is called spirit, will probably give her precedence over any mistress of the White House. Her husband was cold, snarlish, expert, capable for public business, tracta ble to his superiors; but ho made no im pression on the public. A portrait of Mrs. Madison reveals the secret of her strength. She was large, with brilliant eyes, with a trace of mis chief in them; her nnns are barn and show full health; thero is an Oriental turn to her nose, which otherwise is rather vul gar; she wears a laeo turban and her hair falls in ringlets around her forehead. Sho was a native of North C irolina and was brought up a strict Quaker in Phil adelphia. She was christened plain Dolly Pay mi. While iiiite young she married Mr. Todd, a Philadelphia lawyer.' He kept her out ol society, but sho was known before his death to be strikingly handsome. Ho died while she was almost a girl leaving her with one son; btr lather was also dead, anil it is the tradition that she and her lnother'kept a boarding-house in Philadelphia, to which cams several mem bers of Congreiwt seeking board. Madison was one of the richest. His disposition was too cold for matrimony, and ho married no doubt, because the Widow Todd supremely fascinated him. He was at th'.i time 4:1 years old. Our constitution bad (hen been in existence about five years, an 1 Madison was re garded as one of the most useful men The main walls of the new temple of the Mormons in S.;li Lake have been coiu tiloted within ihe past week. The first stone was laid twenty-eight years ago. The uiati rial is granite, like Main " grauit ', full of shining uiiea ileeks. and is hauled I rom the mount tins L.i k of Salt Lake with OX' u i m cnonoi'Ui wagons w'uh wheels twelve feet hi-h. 'I'll wall . are exceed ingly thick I 'li feet and tll'J height eighty-live feet. Th j co-t to d.U , paid by tithiugs, has ii -en l..Vl!i.'im aud six more years of w.a'k will he required to complete tlic stnteunv. u mis come to stay, whether Mnr.u-mism lias or not, and it has been predicted that so-.u.' day the State of Utah, redeemed mid purged of polygamy, will own it and use. it for a Capitol. THE WORD MIS-IMI'IM. UlllllJl' it. At the time h ready had one of reputations in tip Ik' si'iit to you at once ny man. iim pain. . . (1 . T ,..ii.,l Hrnul stamp ftirflie " New Delwrture in Medical' tuillty he met Lol. Lacy, talked Treatment ithottt Me.aclne,'ith Uiotisaud of , rParJ to the OliClliugS for vol t.HmnillillM. . o I e Ulr. .MAO.M'.H' Ai ri.mni r.iw., 21S Stale Street. Chicago, III. v..l. s!..ii1 nn.. Hollar lii nostaire sttimivs or cur rency tin letter al our risk I with size of shoe usually worn and trv a pair of our Magnetic Insoles, i.. ...mvlni eilol the uowcr residing in our Mag- rosllively no coiu icei wnere i.tie AlililltMlei. they are woru, or money rcfuniM. iK't 11 ly 3,000 " " l'J.OO To provide for ourselves and family should lie our first consideration. While thc'iualulicud of a fam ily is living he may manage to care for his house hold, but his death is Inevitable, aipl. wlu provis ion have you made SiV yunr Wife an4 littfe-tlnws' In case of death? This is a solemn question which reaches every hearthstone. If -you are' laWyw, physician, merchant or farmer, your profession ur occupation die with you. You support, your fami ly cumjurutlily, but whenjou die, w.hy Is biAWrt them. 'TMcvrtmtlcmaUtieVi of ouicoiif Y rtthe southern einfry especially) arc sch as (ojexgltWe women from the chance of making a living, in fact she diss grnal w ork to care for her child ol children after food and raiment are pmvld. 1. Xorf," What rui U dolH t mrVrt t4i ! and Hk.its rtota Hie terrible chances o .ueljit left detlluui Tlie Lest thing that can lie done, and often the only thingthat can lie done, is to effect an Insiinince on yoin life for the iK-netit of llnwt o deiieiuKut upon vmi. This policy Is Tree frnn taxes, from all coni plicatiims with your vatate, from executions, and .from debt. No one can handle this money hut the parties for whom the pisurancc is effected. In these days of cvraplications. ami' homestead alHuvanocs. (wilh the chance of k struggle to ,o,htiii, even that 1 thiuk a life policy the surest and the only Hung you can leave of much value to your family. Now the question will A cyaiif must, I insure in? "1 am afraid of companies a long way off, I do not know the President. Directors, &c, of compaulcs hi New YorkI1inafi'lplia, 'or ton, or other large cities, I know outhtiig of the work ings of Insurance companies, their solvency, &c. ll seems to me a leap in tho dark, k matter of chance to take out a policy in such such coippamV". j Tjhey may be good, they may be bad. But thcreis one company almost at our doors, in the eity of Norfolk, Va managed by gentlemen of unquestionable integrity, incorporated y the leg islature of Virginia, and etwlateill Ufa all Uie priv ileges that can be granted to a company, and at the same time with all the aafe-gnanls, that ran lie thrown around the assured. This company is known w the "Christian Brotherhood of Norfolk Va." Anytwrmmorgooa Malifllhlf, "an tn good, health can take out a policy ill this company, of Sl.OOOby paying the small sum of four dollars and one of pfioa, for eight dollars, and one of 3,00u, tr twelve Collars. .. - - - ' 1 ' ' Tho directors and manager "of the "Christian Brotherhood," are D. T.Powell, Rich'd II. Jones, J.B Riddick, . i. Godwin and A. Savage, undertne liu mediate mkuagementeJgie Rev, Blijharii JI, Jonea' (Secretary1.) I IVihk Uie plan of Insunuiee In this company the best I have ever examined and deci dedly the cheapest- I have taken the agency for this company at Wcldon, N. C, and will be glad to furnish all the particulars to parties who desire to IfmvtK, , . , .- i.i ' . , R, P, SPIERS, AGENT. You w ill here final the largest assortment and most stvlish Millinery (ioods tins side ol Paris every article ofthe best, add sold at the lowest prices aud warranted to give saiisjactioii. . , ' j . Real French Bonnets, ami Huts, Ribbons, old In dies' and Infants' Lace Cajw, !ahes, iirUbU kuu Tournament Wreaths, Veils. Plumes, an tj.mineti, HairGixals, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Buttons, rnnges and a general assortment of 1T Trimmings, Ctill drens Hats in great variety, Ladies' Dress lioods in arlthclofcdM Fatirlea wilh all necessary Trim mings to match, Ladies' fiider garments. Hosier' ofthe latest make, Cloaks, IialmaiH and Shawls, Children's Cloaks. The best Kid Gloves iuadc( all and Misses l iider Skirts. Bridal Outfits aspeciau. t .Ladles' Dresses made to unlet hi best utanner. Fit Oui!nno?ad.' "samples on application. All or ders tilled promptly. 3rv? jV-HC H. UU A-h Hy.SVkt.f 3r.T 3 lr-OHTA, T ATI'S OF VIRiilXI A AND NORTH CAIlol.lS A STATICS OF ' 11) The Larok1 Cl-oi! S 0 LIT H t l II Hi (skin Afr k TUB LEADKR OF LOW.jPRICESI I have just rett'iveu my FALL AND WINTER STOCK, WhitK k fuHoi thnii ever before. Speciid atteiitfoli to ! BOOTS AND SHOES. Mill vinced that he could come to the Old North State, with some capital, and his indomitable Yankee energy and push to back it up, and in due course of events find himself a wealthy man. It was the evening before his departure when our story begins. He had met his sweetheart to tell her good bye, and to ask her to be faithful to him end ere lo.ig he would return a wealthy man and would claim her as his bride. There m the russet splendor of un Autumnal twilight they pledged themselves to be true, each to the oilier, aud then they parted. The next morning he and Lol. Lacy left for the South. Ibcy proceeded at once to T , a thriving town in North Carolina. Curtis was most favorably im pressed with this growing little city and thought that it had bright possibilities ahead. Thronsih the ililluenee of Col. Lacy who was well known and equally us well liked by tho clever people, euros se cured a position in the office of one the mammoth tobacco manufactories of this place. He applied himself steadily to bnsincfw, learned the desires of Ins em lillli! tapering hands reached forth and grasped a handsomely lithographed card bearing a picture of nn immense building, above which was the name in large letters 'Curtis (Vs. Tobacco Works." Some sudden fc'jling seemed to un nerve her and ihe bit of paste board fell to the floor. As she stooped to pick it up, she found that another hand had readied it tlrst. and as she looked full into the eyes of the handsome well built fellow who handed the card to her, a little cry of joyous surprise ese.iped frain her lips and she sank into a scat near by. It was then time for Mr. Homier to be surprised. As In; came up', and read the familiar name of Curtis above the case which had escaped his daughter's inspec tion, ho recogiH.iid our friend as the gen tleman who had saved bis pocket book the day bei'ore. Seeing him seated be side Mabel had the additional effect of causing him to recognize, in Curtis, the poor young man who had several years before aspired to tho hand of his daugh ter. What's the use -f my going into further details when I have but to add, Curtis re turned to .North Carolina a tew weeks latter accompanied by a little woman whoss name the reader will have no diffi culty in guessing. ENGINEERS Sl'PKKSTlTiOSS. married. Madison a! tlie most distinguished countrv. She stepped at once out ol a plain Quaker lamily into the control of a great Virginia mansion. When the capital was removed to Wash ington city, whi "h was a intra wildenless filled with brambles and alders. Mrs. Mad ison at mco demonstrated her capacity to take hold of society and give it form. Her husband went regularly to his office, and took very little interest in society do ings, but lie gave her the fullest freedom. A DEER-HlTi! fER'fi STORY. The Miss'is-ippi it 'If is a good instant".' ofthe variation i tliruie.:li which these names have passed, lu original spoiling, nnd the nearest approach to the Algoiniiiu Word, ''the lather of Waters," is Mcche Sebe, a spelling still us I by the Louisiana, Creoles. Tollli suggested Michc Sope which is somewhat nearer to the present spelling. Father Laval still further niod crnixed it into Michisipi. which another Father, Lib tit. .d -n'-d into Misi.pi, the first sp'iiu 'ii o ' i Ii pr.-s 'lit. sp diiiig, The only chanu'cs sin ' ' h ive ben to overload the word wi'h c nisoiiants. Mai'ipiette mldeil the lirs and solo; nth T explorer the s.:cond in living it, Mk.sipi. and soil r 'in. tin in I'V niee lo this d.iv. with only mi "p." Tli ' iiiii win added the Oth 'r has n 'ver b "en ili eovei"d. hut he mu-'i have he'll an American, for at the tim of the par. li isu m' L uiiiiana the I ' L I ' .1 1 . - . nam : w.is g ii UMliy spolieil m uie colony wilh a siii::le "p." Mr. John Warren i the in Hockley, and is iiruhnhlv most successful deer says the ( l.dvcslon .11 i.livi: ii i .it I' a nir.it. " T-Wn fall line uf Zeiuler's Law and ..lovers with whom he lived in the most coi.,n.?Combs, Hair onianinu tindv Perfumer, hibtfoij Shoes fir Ladle. I have also a large I RU,ja0e mahiier, and studiously strove to Handkerehiefs,(iiets,liiilii'naskiriB,ajtdlJlii'4' Istix'kof ' ' '. please them, and it may be said t'Ki that - : iii'- .v ho gu(cee3'.'d. Kvcry fact regarding to- Hurler' Brazilian Shor hmig for Ladie and L'hildrrn. Ml 1) K V Ci O O I) !, INtrl ItlNrt, jt.sra.ni,., M. E.) KUI-L, . ( 136 Sycamore StK-et, 1'KTEItSBl'RU. VA. Win ere youViU niUWc m!t Blautlti'if sUk of ' READY MADE,CLOTUI0, Lleiafi Als.. a itmplde line of .Press ji.Nv.ii4.Hl. Ca.ssiicrc. Silk, Triliiiungs, c lltnlms. (fiiebj, Him" 11 Halt Hose lor Liulies ami t.ents, an )(LT:-!'Trw Call and examine my stock before pnr-clia-iiitf tlscwlicre. . Coiner First St., and Wasluugtoii Ave. iet lii tf W II O IE S'XA XTJ "K E t A 1 L'. 1857 ,! I'STABLWlliB. 1867 1st, I 18 5 7. ill M .1.' ' CUSTOM MADli VOUK. , Skirts, Suck, Drawer. Shul Fioiits, DloVea, Night Sliirts, Cuffs, Tics, ic. . .1 - - ' ' Goods made by the moat skillful artista. All good. uKVaeaaiplea sent on ajpllctfioif oy Ktliidcdif f'J The undersigned offers his .""f'i Pl'nnd to X -' JANUARY r-i ..iT.-'ri : , RUFE. W. DANIEL baeco he rreasured up, and at every leisure moment, he familiarized himself with its manufacture. ' At tho end of a couple bf years he had saved up a nice littl sum, which, togethor with th amount ho had brought South with him, was drawing a fair rate of interest. ll - -bout thi . tin-' that a foru-r coiupauion and frind wrote to him and desired to know if there was any chance thero to invest some idle eu ital jndi- Then it was that lie became. DOSsCssed Willi the U'sire logo into ousi- ... . , ,i .. v. .i. :r ness for hiinseii. ana ne itiougui mat, his friend would put up a certain amount of capital hejj.mld idsprotlnee his little pile, and eiUM.1 cjtuenencft to uiako up for the aiscrcpnlicy.au thus etjniped they would coninicneo the manutaeture ol to bacco. Loval to his employers he coir versed wilh them r.garliug this aiubili m. and they, eager to see him succeod, and the phioe built up, cucouraged his platis, and offetvd to give him all the assistance, in their power, to get .the new factory in oJltTiltion. ii ; ' i ' ' ' i Curtis wrote his friend, and explained Ihe result ol i. Th.wKiodkreallinmif:tiu'l,l,ith "f e v) W 1 -1-and arc Equal to I :o: I" . Dealer in GROCERIES, .,,. , ,, .ii LIQUOR. ... , ' FINEWlSF-S, CIGARS, . f I 1 TOBACCOp i Mtt s liUr:beer on ice , R. W. DAN1KL, 'A i 1 peb th whole situation to htm this letter was that tho friend camo U see him, the eopnrtnersliip won formed, and a larire factory. butlU .; o-. A Tim business of the first year was all .Int thev enuld have wished, that' of the n,.vt voar was considerably better, and with a proportionate increase for tho third year.' In all this prosperity and roecoss Kdward Curtis did not forget that there was a little woman far away UD North who hud jroniistsd to bo( truo to him. No, he had not forgotten b! vows nor his love. , Whcnt.be Si ato Agricultural Dcpart ,i .r riMlwI to the niaiiufacturintr oun- o rnsol '.he Slate to prepare exhibit for the Boston Kxposjuon, the firm of Curtis F-oin the B.ud.'ord Slur. A cat crossed the track, the engineer whistled "down brakes," and then got off and rubbed himself and then the rail wilh a rabbit's font. ''You may regard it as foolish" he said, as we again flew along, "but you see 1 know. It 1 hadnt seen that cat, we would have had uu liecident by this time. There was a time whe.u I laughed at it, but T huve learned better. Some tune lino a cat crossed the fack in front of me Mv fiiiMii in botrired me to stop and let him rub the rail, I laughed at him. 1L vowed that we should have an accident and, sir, before we had gone five mi'n s further, the engine jumped the track and did considerable damage. I hardly es caped being killed, and since then I have carried a rabbit's foot. When six white cats cross the track nothing can prevent a calamity; that is, if tho engineer keeps on, but if he (get off everything may be all right." "Do the conductors believe in the rabbit-foot theory ?" "Many of them do. Sometimes a man h.Ms at "tho idea, but after a while he is convinced, and gets him a foot. On some roads an owl claw is necessary, and still on others n .tilling but th i tip cud of a coon's tail will answer ?" 'll r.v u t!i!i driver; mail-.'. 'Always by the old -t engineer. When a new road is buiit, the oldest engineer on the line cm d-tcrmiiie what to u.e. The more dangerous th? r! 1, the scarcer are the charms. I know one road m .Uirsh- sinni where nothing but. a l ieee ol tiger- ... r ' p .i.:. oir wi answer. In coii..iieuce oi mis necidents are verv freuuent. A friend of mine ran on the road and never hail an ac cident. He went to a circus one night aud cot oil Uie tip enu oi a usn e en. The b'-ast howled terribly nnd died within liits-cti minutes. The rabbit foot is the standard, and, as a rule, will do for the narr iw-gauge roads. On the. Eastern roads beef bone is the thing. When a road b !uies known as a bset'-bone road it is Ti garded as the best. Next is tho goat b me, then the rabbit foot, then the owl claw, then the coon tail, then the mole nose and lastly th i tiger ear." Did you ever run on a mole-nose road ?" 'Yes, for a little while, but the company . .' . j i ...... i was dmir' a cn'ai ueai to uui no- i good shape, and it sooii b"caine a rabbi t f.urf I hnre ree -ntlv heard that it has become a goat-bone." oldest settler one of the hunters in the state, (Texas) AVi'. He scarcely ever goes out to ret urn empty- handed, but upon the occasion ol ono ol his recent hunts ho met with success un precedented throughout all his hunting experience. Through that slragctie man oeuvring known only to the experienced trapper, Mr. Werreii came within ri He idiot of an unsuspecting buck, browsing upon tho prairie am! fired upon him. About loll yards further on was another uecr feeding around as unci net rued as his com panion. At the crack of the huntsman s trusty rille both den- start, ii off at full speed, running directly toward each other. Inclosing the distance between them, and about midway, the two dear collided with terrific force, one of them springing about twenty feet in the air, and bolh fall ing to the ground (I"ikI killed ny tne eollLsioih On examining the bodies Mr. Warren found that he had but slightly wounded the buck at which he had shot, and that the death of cadi had been caused by the force with which ihe ani mals had come together. After i titling their throats to admit of bleeding Mr. Warren returned home with his game, to relate tiiis, the most remarkable occurrence in his hunting experience. A Soinei'ville Young man. who is cm ployed in a llestmi retail dry goods i-toro, was acrosied the oilier day by a friend who asked how limes were. "Pretty fair," was the response. ''(letting ahead any V" 'Well, I've been promoted to floor walker ?" "Indeed?" "Yes; we' e got a new baby house." 'Don't you think she's prclty the fond mother to the father, stroked th" baby's si'k.ii hair. The father was in a sullen n i thin'' had disagreed with him. ami plied somewhat cur-iy : ' Oh,all babies are about alike. They loi k like little monkeys." .Tn -t then :t neighbor entered, and tak ing the baby on her lap said : Mercy on u how like its father that child is!" Sotuorvillo .ImiriinL ADVKIiTiSK.MK.NTS. at our ?" said as she I. S. '1110- i ho l'i- SiO MY." I'ER Y TO HIM. A stubbed fanner, who had come to market with a load of potatoes, entered a restaurant near the Ciural unrk .'t and called for a dozm oystr on tin h iM'-sh II A couple of jokers liapp-nd to be in th" place, and, while one a!li':ieted lb i farmer's attention for a moment, tbeotlur dropped a bullet into mi' of the oy.-t r .shells. The man gn'iied d iwu on ali.r; another, until he got the one with the bullet in his inoiuh. Calmly and ipiietly he bit at the lead with his teeth calmly and quietly he removed it from his mouth and turned to the light. . "By (feorge! but it's a bullet! cried one of the men. 'Probably shot into the oyster to kill him," added the other. "Well, that is a my.-tcry !" said the man behind the counter. '(ientl. nien, (hat's no mystery to uie." repli.il the fanner, ns he deposited the hall in his vest-pocket. "At the battle of Fair Oaks, over twenty years ago, 1 was hit in the leg by that very bulM. It's been a long time winking up, but she's lure at lost, an I I'll have it hung to my watch-chain if i' costs .)." IWnn't b'rre I 'rsf. !I1TE II)IT WEIR ANO TEAR. bbs STOMACH 3 an Invlgorant, llosteltcr's Stomach Bitters has received the most positive en dorsement from eminent physicians, and baa long occupied a luremost rank among standard proprietary remedies. Its proi irtiea as an alterative of disordered condi tions of the stomach, liver and bowels, and a preventive of malarial diseases arc no less renowned, and have been accorded emphatic professional recommendation. For sale by Druggists and Dealers, to whom apply for UoeUeUcr' Ahnuuao For 1661, T HE GREAT CURE FOB, RHEUMATISM Aj it ill tor All th painful diee of thaj KIDNEY8. LIVER A.ND BOWELS. It ftltantrtt ho Bvt:n of tho rid loison thM etui- t!. (rra.:iil tuOtrni.t which only th vidiin cf Kli-jurnatiam nit reftliM. THnilftACiri.S OP CASES of th woivt for:r. ct tills tornbla dlmw lurt beenqc.1' 'l.evtil,ftjtllnhorttlm PEiw rtV CURED. I'KUK, l. LIVtllM It Hi: V SM.li HV bklAaClsm. it. inrMi i' nv r.imi. W ELLS, TllCli A Ut-SON Co.. Burlitilrton Vt No. , Wash- Ae Weldon N. C . of j ( wcre among the first tO "Where our storii'i come from," read Mr. Broughno, in a scientilie paper. "Well, I know where a ureal many of them coiuc from," he hieuUlly ejaculated, looking up and glancing at his wito. A man may say he has got the boss wife without intimating that he is henpecked, Washington Letter Many people wonder why it, costs so much to keep the Kxeeutive Mansion in good order. Colo.iol Rockwell says the wear and tear" of the furniture exceed thai of any hotel in the couutiy. The "dear public," to the average of iillli a day. in- 7 . . ... .i nn sist upon HOemg the nite House, nicy must tread upon the carpels and re.st themselves ill the tempting chairs. They must examine, with their eyes and fingers, all the upholstery and drapery. When it is remembered that this is rejs'aU'a every ilav in the year it will ceaso to be a matter of wonder that the wear is so rapid. Of ciiurse the lieeuilo of this oouutry would - i . - five and die jut as nappy it mey were e. chidi'd from'ih'3 White House, but what a tempest of indignation such a high handed measure would provoke ! Those thiii'js wcre paid for by tho people and the people are going to see them. All that can he don a is to lot the people wear Vin out. and then they can nay for more. A Baltimore woman by the name of Charily struck her husband over the head with boot, and camo near killing him Charity begins at home. I The Presidential bee, like charity, "be. I gins to bum, L AND SA1.K. ADVERTISIIMLNTS. ." ljii..'.i.biib . PRQFi.MSTIC I'XUID. A UomehoM Article fur tTnlveraul .t .. . Fttmily .Use. MMC8jWa.ttMja For Scarlet and T,J,a,is 3 Typhoid Fevers, Eradicatea , .. umeiW sau. ing-JR'jZ'AjjS Tnx, Mraalen, untl all ('ont'iy;iuu4 llHaHP. Person waiting on the bu k should t.e it freely. Scarlet P.ver hai nvici Iwcn known to sptrud where the Fluiit wai used. Yellow Fever ha been cured with it lifter black vmnlt hail lukon place, 'i he wont Crises of lUphtheria yield to It. FvvorcdandSlcklfr. 8MAIX-VOX No it a refreshed nd and ltitl SoreM prevent- FITTING of Rmall Pd by bathmg with poX PREVENTED Jrtliiw made! Ambrf,to. hanalrt. and P:..ifl,d, ' $ ta.k h FurH,.riiTUi-uiiiU l.lttc1dthe turc cure P-'tleni wai 4'oiitrtKlon deumved. I m Uri.u Wl,no i.. .7 uitted. and wt about rhllblaln., P II 9 1! . tlm YnM Tin 't i i, u it.,. ' weeks, and no other in. i it. r j. w. paw. N.iriWhli.iC..m..l,. i INSt,K' Fhiludelpbl. Inna tecured by lit use, Whip KevT prevented. To purify the Ureal h, C'lenrmn the Teeth it can't be itirpastcd. Catarrh relieved and cured. Kryilpelaa cttrrd. Iturnarilicdinttantly. rtrara preventcu Diphtheria Prevented The physicians her u. n .rl,.,. l-;a wn yaeutery oui-ed. IUcces.flfv Inihe treat- Wouml a healed rapidly. scurvy cured. I An An.lilotefrrAiiiiii.il , or Vegetable Puiauiii, I biings, etc, j 1 used the Fluid during nr present ulllictinn with Scarlet Fever wilh de- ci'!d aIvantasc. It it 1 indispensable to the sick room. -W. F. Sand roRn, F.yric, Ala. ment of Diphtheria. A. aTOI.LKNWKRCK, Ureeiiiboro, Ala. Tetter dried up. Cholera prevented. l'U;era purified and healed. In ruana of Death it should be used about the corpse it will prevrr.t any unpleas ant smell. The eminent Vhy. Iriun, J. M AKION SIMS, M. U., New Tork, aav's: "I am convinced rrof, I").rbys Prophyla'-tic Fluid is a valuable disinfectant," Yitiidnrbllt Unlveralty, Nnnhvlllp. Tenn 1 tcstitv to thf molt excellent qtialitiis of Prof. Darbys PropliylaL'tic Fluid. A a disinfectant and d terjicnt it is both theoretically and practically stiprh-jr to any preparjtion with which 1 am ac quainted N. T. Li'pton, Prof. Chemistry. Ikurhya Fluid 1m Itecom mended by Hon. Alrxandiir H. Stuihkns, ol Georgia; Rev. Chas. P. Dkems, D.D., Church of the ,, Strangers, N. Y.; Jos. LbContb, Columbia.. Prnf, University ,S.C. 1 Rev. A. J. lUTTi.n. Prnf , Mercer University; Rev. Guo. F. Pihkcr, Bishop M. K. Church. INDI.HVENSAm.K TO EVEKY HOME. Perfectly harmless. Used internally or externally for Man or Beast. I he Fluid has Iwrn thoroughly tented, and we have abundant evidence that it ha done everything here claimed. F'ir fuller information get of your Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, J. H. KII.IN & CO., Manufarturint; Chemists, PHILADELPHIA. fi-hftlv 11 EU ESTATE AGENCY. 1 hnvc established REAL ESTATE AGENCY In the tow li ef WELDON, N. C. I have TUN houses in WcMnn FOR SALE OR RENT. About half of them sturm, others dwelling.! I also have about fl.OOO ACHES OP 1AND IN HALIFAX COl'STV FOR SALE Fur Timber pariieubirs, iiirtics nisbiiiR to luy or rent eiin iij.ply tn ine In iiersmi or liy letter. Mini n. iw laklni; up nil liin.ls uirtlcs n Isli In sell tini iidvertisliy the sulne at t my nu n expense, un- less ii wile is made nml then I charirc coinmissloiw. For my stanciiur as a (rentleincn and a mart worthy to lie trusted, 1 refer by rk'niiiMiloii to R. II uiitli, Sent land Neck : Dr. J. A. Ciillins, Knlifld W. A. Iiniilcl, Wcldon, T. V. Harris, Littleton. net 1 tf R. I. fl'IKRS. 15v virtue of all ot.IiT ol" llalif.it Superior Court inailc in the cx lKirtc Kr.t ial ii"s'ed- inirs instituted hv S. II. h'olintrce. Jr., anil wile and others, j shall sell at pulilicauction at the coiiit house door ill llallliix couiity, on Monilnv, the .in day ol Ibit iiilHT, lfW.I, that tract of lanil situate in saul eniiuty ad' ioinini! the lands of A. M. Quails, Ityniini Qaullsaiulutliers lonlainni!; uy survey iwo huudtvd und liny-one acres, loinicriy nciong- ini? to Win. I.. Unalls. oeceawil, and now held hy the jK-titUiui'rsasU'Jiiintaiiiwiuimon Icrins: Onc-llunl hkii iiaianee on one und two vear-i. Honil with uooil security re qiitrtd and title returned till all the inrt'hase money is paid. J. si. Ml l.l.i'-e,, i omniiKsioiKT. HuliHk, N. C, and.i Wi. nor 8 tds 'ALU OF VAI.l'AIll.K TltAi-T OK LAND. s lu vlrniiM.fa decree of tlic l'Mfuit.- Ci.nrt ,.f Hull. fHx'cumy, reiidcrctl in lliecauwi i-f Sui.uiel liie Ailllillllstral.ir "I l uileell it I 11 s V F. Killiietl ft al-. 1 will sell a thi-Ciiiirl llnii.i-il.sir ill llnlil ix. mi ine 17lbdnyul HetH inber lss:l, t. Ihe bin'icsl hiililer that vnlllilble Hint desirable Irttel f bonl siiuated in Halifax eiiiin It ami Stale of Nonli i 'iimHiiii, about four miles fniin the iiriisitennis nml unnvinif lnwii of Kiilielil niliuininir ihe binds of the late Ijeimiel Morris. !. H, Hell iimruihi-rs. euiiljiiiiiiiu nUitit 7.'0 acres. Said Inml is sold to inn ku Hssets to iiy debts of Uie said W. 11. l aiieelt. The laud is peculiarly adsited to cotton, corn, wheat, mils. There is a it.sul dwelling house, iin.pftn sii.1 niherieiii.iiier.t houses and Imorov menta. Said Irael of land is well limbered with cypress, oak hiiiI oilier vuluubleirrow th. Title fond, 'tenusiif sale: One-lliird cash. Iwlanee In one and twoyearscndit,lMiid ".nil apprnved aveniity wilh i.....i.. ;..i. i ,...r nsniiitsl of iiiirehaser on dayofsiileai"ltillcivWiiie.iiiiilllaU the punliase money is nam. This isili ihty of !?vpteitiiPrlMW. riAMt'KLPCirE.Admr. hy llrauch A Veil, Allot, wines, brflndlc, whinliicj, beet and nixed drink arc made in the best manner. Clitare, Cigarettes Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. Call and examine them. FAMILY GROCERIES? are cheap and all the txl kinds kf It constantly hand and stoci continually replenished BILLIARDS IND P0OL1 Tnhlcs always ready for customers and the pubMS ,re invited lo yIbII our house where Ihey- will well lir.iie.1 and whoro they can play Fool soft BlUlaribataimaU expoiiMi. uiarll ly M. L. JACOBS & BllO., HALIFAX, N. C Our bar contains all the choicest brand., .1 i i 1 ' rt t . ,1 $1.1 ' I w .v.. i-YZ'em, H4u, v. c