r n, J 3 x. 4 V.J HALL & SLEDGE, proprietors. A. 1TEWSPAPEB FOR THE PEOPLE. TEBMS-?-(ltl -VNNI'M IX AI'VANC'l'). VOL. XII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1883. NO. -39s , i :-t Y Vp' tS .)) PROFESSIONAL CARDS. a. e lliott. : 1 ; Attaruey ud Counsellor at Iiw, NORFOLK, VA. Room 2 and 8 Virginian Building. oct 5 ly. B RANCH & BELL, Attorneys at Taw, ENFIELD, N. C. rrnrtlre In the counties of Halifax, Nash, Edge cnmlw ond Wilson. Collections made in all parti gftheHtate, Jan. 12 tf. R II. SMITH JR. ' Attorney at Law, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. lWtices in the county of Hnlifux and adjoining counties, and in the Supreme court of the state. octltily. Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, K C. OfHcc in the Court House. Ktrlct attention given to all branches of the profession. , jail 12 ly rjl H O M A 8 N. 11 1 L L, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Practices In Halifax and adjoining counties and Federal and Supreme courts. tig. if. T YY. MASON, Attorney at Law, (1ARYSBIRO, N. C. Practice In the courts of Northampton and ad Joining counties, also in the Fedcml and Supreme courts. - JuueHlf. F ALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney at Law, ? weldoN'n.A. " ' Practices III Halifax and adjoining counties. Sqecial attention given to collections in all parts of the state and prompt returns made, feb 17 ly. W. HALL, Attorney at Law, WELDON, N. C. Special attention given to collections and remit tances promptly made. may 1 tf. M ULLEN 6 MOORE, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Practice in the counties of Halifax, Northampton, Idrcconibe, Pitt and Martin In the (Supreme court ol tiie State and in the Federal Courts of the Eastern District. Collections made In any part of the Suite. Janl ly I) R. ;. K. 8 H I E L I) H, Hurgcou Dentist. Having permanently located in Weldon, can be found at his office in Smith's Brick Building at all times except when absent on professional business. Careful attention given to all branches of the pro fession. Parties visited at their homes when de sired. July U ly. Jj K. K. L. H U N T E R, Surgeon Dentist. Can be found at his office in Enfield. Pure Nitrous Oxide Gas for the ralnlesa Extrac ting of Teeth always on hand. June 22 tf R EAL ESTATE AGENCY. I have established a REAL ESTATE AGENCY in the town of WELDON. N. C. I have TEN houses in Weldon FOR SALE OR RENT. About half of them stores, other dwelling. I also have about 8,000 ACRES OF LAND IN HALIFAX COUNTY FOR SALS For further particular, qartle wishing to buy or rent can apply to me In penon or by letter. I am now taking up all lands parties wish to sell and advertising the same at my own expense, un lea a sale Is made and then I charge commlsaiow For my itanclng as a gentlemen and a rnaa worthy to be trusted, I refer by permission to R. H Smith, Scotland Neck : Dr. J. A. Collins, Ejiflld W. A. Daniel, Weldon, T. W. HarrU, Littleton.' -octltf R. P. SPIERS gAI.F. OF VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND. Bv virtue of. iteT nf the Probate Court of Hall' fai county, rendered ill the cause of Samuel Pope Administrator of W. D. Faucett against v k'. -I.. i u-.ll ..! at the Court House door in Halifax, on the 17th day pf December 1HM, ttUhe highest lilddettlaM vaiuanie and deatrabl tract of bind sluiated in Halifax conn- 'j no aune ol .Minn troiina. aooiu nur from the prosperous and growing town of Enfield, djoinlngthe lauds of the tate lmuel Morria, V. B. Bell .till ,.(l,r. .w.i.tainlni .Utnt i.tO atTC. Hid land Is sold to make aaseu tojiay debt of theaid i. rauceil. ... The land is peculiarly adapted to cotton, corn, wheat. n.l Thn i. m. iniod dwelling house, thereon, and other tenement house and Improve ment. Bald tract of land is well tlmDCTca wun eVtifMi nm h ...K.r n.Mlh Till UOQ. ftrmsofsale: One-third cah, balance In one and wu years credit, bond and approvea ecuruy w.u. Interna ihi mi. MhtMniuml of nurcher on day of sale and title retained until U the purchase money i, paid. This 2th day of September 1WS. , ' ' SAMUEL POP,Admr. By Branch B.U, Alto. rttt.W ADVERTISEMENTS.. T.fJiaaATT,. W. J.JAMUTT. " T- J iJARRATT &c SON, ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. U Sycamore St., Petersburg, V A. Strict personal attention given to the sale of COTTON.PEANUTS, TOBACCO, WHEAT, CORN, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. RETURXS MA DK 1'ROiirTL Y. ocTSr-f111 Uu fun,1,llctl Rt '"WNt Kates. IN TIIE BOTTOM. a nf'i1?, f" ,ture d n receiving almost daily the following goods : ';: -i . -.- " , I ' !j Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Stove pans, ,; Wooden ware. Flour, Bacon, Lard, Meal, Tobacco, Cigars, Assorted Snaps, Sugar, 'I - I Coilee, Fish, Pure apple Vinegar, Kerosene and Red oil. Trunks a specialty, direct from THE MANUFACTORY. I make a specialty of 'CONFECTIONERIES. French dandle, Plain Caudles, Raisins, Dates, . Oranges, Lemons, Cream Cheese, " ' Cam 4 lioods, Cuiiiicd Hcef, I'tinm-d Ham, Sardines, cSic. Also Fancy Cakes, Apples, Ac. i II. 0. SPIERS, Weldou, N. C. oct IS ly UU11 Pv.TJ.EMLL, No. 145, Sycamore Street, PETERSBURG, VA. You will here find the larvest assortment and most stylish Millinery UoikIs this side of Paris ever' article of the best.'and sold at the lowest prices aim warranted to give sansiaciiou. Real French Bortnet, and Hats, Riblions, old Ia die' and Infantu' Iav Ca; Sashea, Bridal and Tournament Wreaths, Veils, Plumes, and Coronets, Hair Good, Silks, Satin, Velvets, Buttoiv, Fringes and a general assortwunt of Dress Trimmings, Chil- drens Hats in great variety, Ladles' Press Goods in all the leading Fabrics with all necessary Trim mings to match, Ladies' Under garments, Hosiery of the latest make, (Cloaksj Daliuan and Shawls, Children's Cloaks. .The. best Kid Glove made, all colors, Comlw, Hair Ornaments and Perfumery, naudkcrchlcfii, Corsets, Balmoral Skirts, and I-adies' and Missc Under Skirts. Bridal Outfits a sieeialty. . ..Ladies' Prcspcs made to order in best manner. Fit Guaranteed. Samples oil application. All or der filled promptly. S' TATES OF VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA Tne LaboshtCi-othiho and cumi Hot skim tiih SOUTHERN STATES. ML E. KULL, 126 Sycamore Street, ' PETERMBt'RG, VA. Where you will find the most Beautiful Slock of REA-PV MADE CLOTlllNG, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The Uoods are all manufactured tu the House and are Equal to -'"' - - CUSTOM MADE WORK. Shirts, Socks, Drawers, Shirt front, Gloves, Night ShirU, Cud, Ties, 4c. .. Good ade by themosltkillftil artist. All gocls warranted and rules for measure and earn plea cnt on application. Money Refunded if Goods do not please. A UCTIONEER The undersigned offers ni services iu i-Vni Krl.ee t. buiine-.nd refer, to any on for "jr."!, ,U'd "XK'OABT, Halifcx, N. C V 1LJ111, ADVERTISEMENTS. mom & mm. Whuhmk and Retuil I)niggUt -And Dealers In- 0 EX KR A l MKR C1IA NDISK, HALIFAX, N. C.f FINE CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS 4 TOBACCO 4 Specialty. FRESH SITI'UKS EVERY WEEK. servutl vmi fuitlif'ullv for the last fifteen yearn and ask :t continuance if your patronage, Prescriptions carefully prepared at all hours. 4)-0n comer opposite Court House Square SI6N OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR oct 7 ly TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH Use the Magneton Appliance Co.'s MAGNETIC LUNG PROTECTOR ! PRICE ONLY $5. They nro priceless to Ladles, Gentlemen and Chil dren with weak lungs: no case of pneumonia or croup is ever known where these garments are woni. They also prevent and cure heart difficulties, Colds, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Throat troubles, Diphtheria, Catarrh, and all kindred diseases. Will wear any service for three year. Are worn over the under-clothing. PAT APDTT u f needless to des ViX liVlilVll. scribe the symptoms of this nauseous disease that Is napping the lift and strength of only too many oftho fairestand best of both sexes. Labor, study and research In America, Ktiroiictinu hiutcrn IiuhIm, have resulted in the Mau- netlc Lung Protector, att'ordlng cure for Catarrh, a remedy which contains No Drugging of theHysleiu, and with tlu conlinuon.H stream of Magnetism per meating through the alllicteil oryains, must restore them to a healthy action. We place our price for this Appliance at less than oue-lwentictn of the price asked by others for remedies upon w hich you lake all the chances, and especially invite the pat ronage of the many ersous who have tried drug ging their shiniucBs w ilhout ellect. HOW TO OBTAIN a.' ance. Go to your druggist and ask for them. If they have not got them, write to the proprietors, en closing the price, in letter at our risk, and they will oe sent to you at once cy mail, post paid. Mend stump for the "New Departure tu Medical Treatment without Medicine," with thousands of testimonials. THE MAGNETON APPLIANCE CO., M .suite Street, Chicago, 111. Note Send one dollar in poslaee stamps or cur rency (in letter at our risk) w ith siwof shoe usually worn, and try a tm'rf our Magnetic Insoles, and be convinced of the power residing in mr Mag netic Appliances., Positively no cold feet where nicy are worn, or money reiunocn. oct it ly THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES I I have just received my FALL AND WINTER STOCK, Which is fuller than ever before. Special at (out ion to BOOTS AND SHOES. I keep a full line of Zeielcr's Lace und Button Shoes for Ludicx. I lmvu also a large stock ol Barter' Brazilian Wioc Drtsting for Ladi($ and Lkudrtn, My Stock of t DHT IOODH, NOTIONS, JEWELRY, &c, is complete.' Also a complete line of Tlresa UootU. Worsted, Cawimerr, 8ilk, TrlinniiiiRn, Kiinc, Hnltoiis, CorselH, II. wo und Half lloxc lor I Jul lea and liciiU, all , CHEAP FUR CASH. Cull d eviuiinc my atock before pur chaniug elacw here. Comer First St., and Waaliington Ave. octlMtf 1857 -XTABMXHKl) 1857 JANUARY 1st. llSt. RUFE W. DANIEL Dealer In :o: QUOCEKIES, ...... .LIQUORS, ,. FINK WINKS, CIGAKS, 1? TOBACCO -" &c...c.' .1 , . PORTNEB S LAGLR:BCCR ON ICE- R. W. DANIEL, .. - : . ''V, . No. 10, Wash. Ave WfUun & JlW2M-jr ADVERTISEMENTS. T HE GREAT CURE RHEUMATISM- A It la far all ths pamrul disMaaa of b KIDMIJfS.LIVIR AND BOWBLS. It olaanssa Uia avsuwn at tha Mrid mim. that eauM th droadful sufrarlng whloli wMif wv Tiemna 01 ji-noumatum ean ntUM. THOUiiana oa eitrs of th wont forms or this trrlbl dlacaa hT baan qtiJ-'-l--Uavd. and In short tin PEKTZvTLY cured. raici, i. MQUBoaiat, au by Bai'seim - Urreaii besrntbvmAiL 1 WDXa, BJCHjULDBON si Co. , Borllaeton Tl, " SSD Fuji. CATALOGUES. nov !J3 ly IN1 MACHINE. This represents a machine with which 100 yards of fabric of any description con be measured, from Cotton Bagging to Finest Silk, In less than Ave minutes, and with more uccuracj than can be done with the "Yardstick." A boy seven years old can i the work. These, machines will soon be in every iln-housc and Store tn the South, and Carpet mid Bagging Manufacturers cannot do without It. They are noted for their Rapidity and Accnmcy of Work and for their Cheupness. Manufacturers look to the future and procure rights at once I Uoods can be measured from the loom and put in rolls of any number of yards. Two of these machines are now In successml peratlon at thc'Gins of Mr. Noah Ilfggs and Mr., M. D. Alsbrook, Scotland Neck, N. C, and give per fect satisfaction. For further information, terms tc., Address J. C. WILLIAMS, Inventor and Patentee, Scotland Neck, N. C. nov 15 ly MRS. P. A. LEWIS, SMITH'S BRICK BLOCK. MII.I.INKKY, FANCY COONS, Ac. LADUtti c L KMSlllNti (i()()I)S. NOTIONS, 4c. Bullcrick'sniutcrns on short notice. Aneloimnt ine of neck wear, luces und ribbons. Prices us low usciin lie HAD ANY Will '.lil'.. Dress Mukliur In all its brunches bv exoerii'iifetl huuds. MltS. l'ATTIK . I.KW1S, Weldon, N. C. oct IS ly GARY & CO., 201 AND 203 SYCAM0UE STKKET, HAVE IX STOKE A F ULL STOCK 0 F EARTHENWARE, CHINA Plain and Dkcorated, A XD SILVER 1'I.A TEP W'A HE. Our prices are KKAHONAHI.G, ami conimund the Htlemion tu ouvcrs ciineriu wnoicwnic or vo con sinners. ' HAKY&CO., G ARY & CO., -ol ANDM SYCAMONK STKKF.T, OKFKK A COMI'I.KTK ASSOKTMKNTOF PARLOR CHAMBER AND 1)1X1X0 FURNITURE AT 1'OITLAK PRICES. STYLES TIIE LATEST AND PRICES TO Sl'IT ANY MARKET. OAKY A CO., Petersburg, Va. oct 18 ly OLD Ll(llDrijTK NORFOLK VIRGIXIA. ARTHTR FREEMAN, JEWELER. STOKE lit MAIN STKEET. Esliil'lilicd mi. Offers to Ilia friends in (lie old North State goods lit the following prices : Kino dottblo rawed (icnta' ' st4-m winding inld watches f X. Iuiico' doulile case stem windiiH! watches. $20. . Ijiwcr ciudin, $1 Solid uold wuUh clutiiiH $10 und unwitrdH, Solid gold brucelcte, $12 and upward. Fine silver nlated castors $3.50 and upwards. liuttcr dishes f:l.."0 and upwards. Solid silver, spoons; $0 js r dta. Kcineifilicr all my goods are warranted as represented or money refunded. Orders by mail promptly attend ed to. Wedding and engagement ring a apecinlty. Repairing proiuptlyv done. Addnm AKTHUBC. FREEMAN, Jtwel, 144) Main St. nov 25 ly Norfolk, V. r f-l ADVERTISEMENTS. HELP YOUR EYES JJY USING YOUNG'S CELEBRATED IMPROVED PERISCOPIC GLASSES, CLEAR AND SOFT TO THE EYE. STRENUHEN- 1SU TO WEAK EYES, For sale in Gold, Steel, Rublier and Celluloid Frames. HELP TO SAVE By buying the greutest bargain ever offered In a GOLD HUNTING WATCH, . " Varying In price from FORTY TO ON I! HUNDRED DOLLARS, Worth nearly double the nrlee. 4 SETS OMEWELRY. Handsome in design and In lino quality. A thou- aim uiiicrciu siyies 01 RINGS, PINS, EARRINGS, CUFF BUTTONS. STUDS, COLLARS, MUTTONS, HRACEI.ETS, SILVER SI'OONW, FORKS, AC, CUM KS, PLATED i:ASToltS, ICE PITCH EHS, Ac. At the lowest oosslble inlces. Orders promptly attended to. J. T. '"'r YOUNC & BRO. , Petersburg, Va. u i o t M 5 t CUH Without Medicine. t U 4 Valuable Diacovtry for suppiuing Mmnftitrtn to the Human System: Electricity and Magnetism utilized an never before for Healing the. Sick, THE MAGNETIOX AITMAXCE CO.'S MAGNETIC KIDNEY BELT! F0H MEN 13 WARRANTKDTO Ct'RKOr Monev Refunded, the following, i.iH0so wlthntit medicine: Vain in the batik, hips hi'ttdnr Hmlw(iHrvtiu Mobility, lnmln f;o, uoncnil debility, rlit-uniatisiii, pnralyHis, neurn); ym, dcmucrt, (imeti.su 01 ui.t Kmncya, fipumi (Unt'Ksi'f. Inn lid liver, gout, seminal emiwiitmH, impoteney. aHtliniA, nenrtliHtaHe, dyMjiejisitt, eonittiatiuii, ory-fim-lrts, iudiivtion, henna or rupture, catarrh, piiea, epurpsy, uiiidd ane, etc. n neu any aeuimy 01 uie ut'in nuivc nrnns oc curs, liiwt Vitttlitv. lurk nf Nerve Force and i srt r. WaAtiiiff Wcaknettt. mid iuHIionc lineaaeH of a iwr- Hnnm niunre, troi'.i wuniever ciiuhc, ue cuniinunuM Ktream oi'MaLMietimii perintati!iK throiiu'li the naim. niUMt rente re uiem u a Healthy action, mere, in nu limlnke ahont thisaiiiiliauce. J 1 1 j ii k IjAUiks: ii you are anitcted with unnft Itaek. weak neon ot'the amnc. liillin: of (he womb. leueorrlioea. ehruiilc iriflamimttion and ulceration olthe womb, incideiitul heiuorrliHRe or flooding, ;iainlul. HUppresscd und irrcnilur lueiiNtruation. jArrennt'SH.Hud chaneeot'life, am is the IxwtApuli- aneaml Curative Aent known. ror nil lorma or female mnieuitieK it la tinsnr- naiwed bv anythinK Mfttre inveutetl, both an a cura tive ancnt and aw ji source o!'Kmer and vitalization. Price of either Itelt with Magnetic insoles, $lo, sent by expreatt ('. O. I)., mid examination allowed, or by until on receipt ol price, in omenm? send measure of waint. undn!ze of shoe. HemittHiice can be made in currency, sent in tetter ut our risk. The MaLMietoii (iHriue nts nre iidapted to all airei, are worn over the under clothing, (not next to the body like the many iiAivaini' ami hicctrlc Hum bujk's ativerliMiti s-i extensively,) and tthmild be taken otfat niht, They hohl tl'iefr tower forever, and art! worn nt nil sviwhih of the year. L'tiil Hlumn for the "New Itenarture In Medical trentnient Without Medicine," with thousands of testi inoniuls. T1IK MA'iNKTlON API'IJANCK CO., 'JliH State tstreet. Chicago, 111. Note. Kendono dolltir in inwuige atamna. or cur rency (in letter at our risk) with size of shoe usual ly worn, and trv a itnir of our Magnetic Insolei, and he convinced of the power residing in our other Magnetic Appliance. Positively uoeold feet when they are worn, or money refunded. oct it i y t'OTTON PATOJtS AWDCOUHIMION MERCHANT! 37 Kmith Frederick St., HAITI MORE, M. D. R E F E KEXCE; HON. M. W. RANSOM, DR. t J. GEE, COL. AARON PRKSCOTT. Cash advances made on coittigumeuU and cotton held Kiibjeet to order of owners, oct U 3m n iSi.tsrifivaisiiarsi QOODS. Tlic undersigned hae just entered into the mercantile business in tlie three story lirick building next door to It. W. Ihtnicl's where thev have a LARGE STOCK Dry Goods, including Indies Drew CxhI, Print, White Cottons, Brown DomeitticH, Hoots, Shoes, Hutu, Caps, Notions, Fancy (JimmIs, Olothiug, (lent Furnishing Goods, Tin ware und Wooden ware, Crockery, Ac. Having bought clieup they intend to SELL CHEAP, and onlv ask a trial. lie aura . to examine our stock before purchasing. airUeineinucr the place. LA38ITER k TILLERY, pet 18 1; Weldon, N. C. A GOOD-BYi:. Farewell ! How noon unmeHHiired distanre Tolli Its Icatien clou tls between our parted souU ! How little ttieach other now are we And onto how much I dreamed we two might be t I, who now stand with eves undinuued and dry tHjr gMxi-oye. To nay goiKl-bye to all aweot memories, do si bye to tender tiuestions, fcifl replicM ; tio4Mi-bye to htijH, kom bye to dreaming too , (sid-byu to all thing deargood-bye. to you. runout kiss, tear, a prayer, a sih Our last gotHl-liytj, I had no chain to bind you with at all, No grace to charm, no beauty to enthrall ; No power to hold your eyes with mine, and make Your heart on tins with longing for my nake, Till all the yearuingii p.iased iuio one cry : "Liove, not gxMi-uye : Ah.no 1 had nontrength like that, you know, Vet mv worst weak n ens was to love rou 10 ! Ho much Uk) well ao much too well or ill Yet even that might have been pardoned still it wouiu nave wen nan t m-en you you 1 1 inn now good-nye. How m m m the bitter follows on the iweet t Could 1 not chain your fancy's Hying foot? Could I not hold your soul-to make you play To-morrow In they key ol yesterday ? lear doyoudroam that 1 would atoopto try aii, no g.MMi oyc i KISSING IN THE TWILICHT. "iSo you think Mr. Claiborne line-looking Minnie?" taiil onu ol' a group of girl in a summer boarding house to a mend who had arrived but the day before. l,I thought he would be likely to suit your taste. "Fine-looking I That doc not half ex press it. I think him just splendid I" cx cluitucd Minnie Moore with gt-uuiiiu en thusiasm. "But only t) think of his hav ing a daughter its o d us I am I Upon uiy word, I can't believe it." "You'll believe it, perhaps, when you see her, laughed another one, Sallie Koss, "She it spending the season at Long Branch, but runs down here every Satur day night and spends Sunday with her lather. 1 hey are tonu ot each other, and kiss and 'go ou like two lovers. "Good Gracious I" said Minnie, draw ing a long breath. "How I should liko to l mean gins, don t you ciiiiettmca envy bis daughter?'1 "You meant," corrected sharp-witted Kitti Hurst, "how you should like to kiss him. Do it. Min.'" "Yes. do it, Minnie, do it, I dare you !' cried half a dor.eu merry girls in a breath "You know I never take a dare, girls," cried Minute, her roguish, handsome face turning crimson: "but in this case I fear I shall have to show the white feather." "Hear! hear! cried all tno girls m chorus. "Minnie Moure doesn't dare to plav n practical joke !" "Yes, I would daiv,'.' cried the little witch, defiantly, "but how could I manage it?" "Nothing easier," said Kate Hurst. "You have only to sit in the dusky par lor a few minutes before tin arrival of Miss Claiborne, which will be about twi light. Then, when the gentleman enters, he will go straight to your corner, of course, supposing you to be his darlim daughter. Theu, at the same instant you will rush toward him, pretending to think he is your father, whom you are expecting. And then you got the kif . "Oh, cried Minnie, putting her hand; up to hide her blushing face at the last suirsrefltion, "mv conscience, won t allow me. I am not expecting any father." The girls all laughed derisively. "I've known your conscience to stretch further than that on more than one occa sion, Min." said lt tchel Warden. "Come will you dare do it, or' will you not?" "I will dare anything, and you know it, but you must solemnly vow never to bclray me. Ihey all solemnly vowed and the plans were laid forthwith. sjc 4 K It was tust tlus'.v on a lovely iimmer evening, ihe country boarding nous where our i-ceno is laid was overhung bv the drooping branches of soui i fiin old ins, whose thick toliage deepened tlio gathering shadows in tlu unlightcd parlor, .V tall, handsome man ot middle age. wliom .Minnie had well described as splendid looking," walked quickly up the path leading from the gate a happy light in his dark eyes and a smile of glad ex pectancy curving the rare, beautiful lips, shaded, but not hidden, by a heavy dark mustache. "I think the train must be in," he was saying to himscll, "or else my impatience makes me think it late. I hope she won't disnppoiut me this evening my little darling I Another moment and he was within the flower-scented, dusky parlor where curled up in the dentin ot a large arm chair in the further corner, and half hid den by the window drapery, sat a girlish iorai wu ?e heart was healing like a trip hammer. He udvanced at once, with out stretched arm, close to the darkened re cess. "My dearest child !" "Oh, papa I" And the next instant the little figure was clasped close to hi heart, and not o ily one kiss, but a perfect shower of them, fell eagerly upon her brow and cheek and dewy, blushing lips. But suddenly there was a little shriek, a startled well feigned look of horror iu the girl's uplifted face, and breaking away from his restraining arms, she hid h ;r crimson cheeks in both white hands and faltered out : "Oh, Jet me go, sir, this instant! Oh, what shall I do ? I I I thought it was papa 1" So she did, the little fraud, but she knew perfectly well that it was another girl's "papa" whom she meant, "It is I who should beg pardon my dear young lady," said the gentleuuu, who had stepped back, and was surveying the lovoly, shrinking little creature with a queer admixture of amusement, embar rassment and pitying admiration in his beau tiful eyes. Hut ere the words had fairly left his lips Minnie was gone, and throwing her self down upon the bed in her own little room she buried her hot checks among the cool, white pillows, und gave way to a passionate burst of tears. "I never will do such a wild, idiotic trick again never I" I don't care how much the girls laugh at me for backing out. Ob, I could just die of mortifica tion I I shall never, never hart the cour age to look him in the face again 1" It was, indeed, several days before Min idewM herself (gain, Iu the meantimo Mi Claiborne had come and gone, and Minnie, watching from the window, hud seen the pretty, stylish young lady prom enading in the grounds on the arm oi lier handsome father. :md slip h i-l nu doubt that he was even tii ii lnuuliiiii; ut the story of her own ft olidi escapade. , When ut last the iin.ivniilalil 1 mcetlii r between Mr. Chiiii.iine and herself tiK-tc 1 place Minnie's saih V eyes w; downcast, und a guilty coli rcd her laceliuiii fore head to (iim. In we-lvr lne -sire could not meet thosj eye vvltu;h slw felt wiv reading her very soul and laii'Jiin j. ut In r confusion. But on the mutrarr. Mr. Claiborne tried so kindly to make her forM it, and lend the conversation so fkiilluliv tn his, own easy way from one subject t anulhiT of deep interest to Minnie, that before the evening was half over sh.- could lo-ik tip into his face and smile almost us naturally as though that iniseriiMe, madcap adven ture ha I never b '. n; mid in week or two they wer- th" best of friends, "Miss Miii'ii ," said h i one evening. the very la.sl iv.'ore the breukiug up of Summer boarders, "d i yon reinmler our singular introduction to each oilier in this very room ?" !id she remember? Minnie glanced aronnu, mm tlio parlor, in its dusky soli tude, with the breath of lute roses scarlet i i , . . . . nonoy-sucicics waited gently in through its open windows, brought back must vividly that other evenin r, an 1 those warm, de licious stolen kisses, wh.ise" memory bad made her hie hull paradise, hall purgatory. ever siuce. 1 1 hey chanced to he alone and Minnie : felt pnini'ully embarrassed. Her eloquent blushes were her only answer. Come, Minnie, tell me," he went on, his b 'autiful eyes brimful of mischief as a schoolboys; were you really expecting to meet your tath ir on that eventful even ing ?" "Oh, Mr. Claiborne, don't ! An 1 hri.dit siuey. daring .Minnie .Mo in , unalile to bear another word or look, crossed her arms upon the low wiudowsill and. bowing her bright, head upon them, wept as if her heart would break. Oh, what a bitter sweet memory those kisses iu the twilight had proves to-her.- -- - Mr. Claiborne, was grieved and shocked at the startling effect of bis playful ques tion. Minnie was aluay ,o gav. so full of mischief, he had never dreamed of her taking anything ro seriously. Hut now her braveiy was ulier y broken i ovn, ;m l she sobbed out the whole story of her foolish juke, and begged his forgiveness ike u naughty child. "My dear chil 1," said he nt Inst, strok ing her golden hair so leiid-'i'ly that Min nie thought flie would like to sit there for ever, "I have nothing to foivivc. I sus pected the truth long ago for I have a mischief-loving little girl of mv own, vou know. 5u indeed Minnie," with one of his rare, beautiful smiles. 'It was the very sweetest moment I have known for many years. If I were not s.i old " His voice ceased lu re, mid lie was si lent so long that Minnie looked tip and saw an expression of Meli - arlilng sad noss on his dark,- luudsome faexi that it touched her heart with pity. "Oh, Mr. Claiborne, you are not sooltl!'1 she cried, impulsively. "No one would think so; I'm sure I never did." Thm down went her gulden h 'a l upon the wiudowsill again, for her words had brought a sudden light into Mr. Clai borne's eyes tint fairly dazzled her. "Minuio Moore," he was savin pas- sionately, "don t trine with me now. it p issible that I urn not too oil to the love of a bright young girl to yours Minnie?" There was no very audible answer, once more bis s'r mg arms are around is win win but her, and his warm thrilling kisses trims uung her cheeks again in the d i"pening twi light, but this time there was no mistake about it. SPRIGHTLY SPARKS. Anger and basts hinder good counse'. Kidirule dishonors more than dishonor. One ungrateful man docs an injury to all who stand in need of aid. No solitude is so solitary as that ;of .ii harmonious companionship, st f ti Experience is a torch lighted iu the ashes of our hopes and delusions. Comparison, more than reality, niukes men happy, nad can make them wretched. There is no greater delight than ii the conscious of aiutwrity ou clf-exautiuulton. Wo should seek more rea'ities) tif everyday life ethereal. J of the practical and lei-s of the . , ; We must consider humanity us a mau who ooutinually grows old and always le Kindness is the only charm to the need, it is the coquetry hair. permitted of whit AIV KKTISKMKNTS. PETERSBURG, VA. M .VNTFACTUUF.KS OF KNOIKRH, TOBAlVrt, HAY ANT COTTOIsT IPUKSsks -aw Hills, (irlst Mills, Mill Irons, Plows, 1ROSAXI) BRASS CAXTIXGS. sentw Ir ' TOR SLLDB. - By virtue of the provisions of a deed of trust cc- cuifiiuuuie .-nci nay in jiiiiua.v 1S7S, hy w liisme and wire, to diaries llisnie trustee for Waller Hisme, and recorded iu Iwok il, wko Ml ltis;ister ' '--. uiin-e lor .oriniunpum couiiiv, me uuder stalled will on the lath day of Dcceiiioer 1SKI, nn the prenil-.es. m il at public sale, for cash to the amount of siiteen htnilrcd dollsrs (Slixi.) residue on credit of twelve mouths with Interest al eittl.t per cent, title reserved till purchase nnaiey Is nil rtiiid; the following described' lund lviiiu; snd he ngln Northa.niiton eoiiutv. state of North Caroli na containing four hundred acres, bounded I.) the lands of T.U. Johnson, David A. Karnes, .VUrgnret Nelson and others and also by Klrby tins-It. CTIAKLKS III MINE, Trustee. neviMw .vta x : : A 1 V V. I'.Tl!-' KM KN'M, . PROPHYLACTIC r fLUlD. ""s- A Household Avl'.,:l li,r ITuiversal ' -' - . k'aimljr lisu. For Scarlet and Typhoid fevers, Diphtheria, Kail- j ration, Vleoraled fif MSui'eTlii-at,SniiiU KaaaET.:2Hsiii mcsi.s, una nil Ul ull; Ml ltxliii I'T-jiww itliTj ,.u the Sick s)ual4 ti it rtctly. Scarlei Tent ha iwver hcfll IdV'W'n to pra,l whci'v the Himi was used. Yllsw Kflvffr bn 1,,-en cured hitlt it after bluck vtiiult hail taken ylace. i'hc wurtt discs of IMi'tinVrin yield to it. ' ' I-VvcrelUmtRlckl'cr. SJCVI.I.-VOX sons rirfrc&lied and . anil lied Sores prevent-1 PITTING nf Small eu bv Mdnj with ; po ntKVKNTKU Impure Air nia-1. I Amtmlwrofmyfam. li.ni.liM io,d punli.-d. """ Ivl FT Mote Till oul il l 1 h"U l-P"S. I ll ills siiraeurt. : . :j tttiid; u. auiicnt wa . Collision dctr..yc.l. "l1'"1"!"' .r I-'msle!! Keet, P,""ll " , C'bllliliiltis. I'llos, '"( iinllire iinngs, cic. r""1"' mf ' :'" Kheumiillsiu eiiml. . h-"1 11 ,T,J, W, ' "K Hoft Wlille l oimilux- fN!tnN 1 '"LidplpMa. tons secured by its use. 1 Ship Vever prevemrd. To liiiriry the Ureal h, t'lmnse tlif Teeth. it cli't be surp;isied. rulliri-lt relieved ;tiid cured. i Kryslpelus cured, lturiisrelie din-itnntly. heisi-a urcvemeii.. Iivseniei-y euii-d. ' The pliyslclsni here use. ll.irhvs. Fluid vtry. succt-sf.lulfj-In lite treat- Wound lie.led rapidly. I ,nc,;,f tiphlheri A il l . i .- , A. STOLI.. NHSHCK, An Antldo efor An.m .1 Ur,en,lwr.., Ala. or V eeeu'jla ruuous, . ., -:ins, etc. Teltertlricd i-p. I used the Fluid during t'holera picm;d .ur present ailhctin with , Vlccl-s puribsJ and ctrtct Fever Willi ile. hc.ilcd. - Ci-.l-d advantage. It is 1 In eases nfDeaUi it in lijpeus itle to die r.iclc- , slu)ul,i be used .-.bout nwtri. -Wm, F. Sauk- j ihe corpse it will roan, Eyrie, Ala. j ; prevent nny unyluii. ant mikii The eminent I'liv sicbiu.J.MAKION HI MS, V New Vork, says: " I am ennvimed Prof Darbys . PrnphvLictic Fluid is a valuable uiudi.'(.uat." Vanderbllt Unlversitv. N isbvlllc. Tenn. 1 testily 10 the most excellent qnui.ccs of Prof. Uitbys Prophylactic Fluid. -As a disinfi-ciaat and iltltrti-nt it Is both thoRtically and practically superior to any preparation with wliirti I am ac quainted. N.T. Lciton, l'rof Chemistry. , Durliys Fluid la neeomnieniled by , Hon. Alrxanhk H. Stbi-hhus, n( Ueorcia-' Ri v. Ciws F. IHiBMS, U.lh, Church of the. Strangers, N. Y.; I Ins. UComtr, Columbia, Prof .Universily.K.C. Rev. A. J. Um-ilk, l'rof ., Merctr University; Rev. Gbo. F. Pikscb, Iiishop M. Church. INDISPENSABl.K TO KVEKY HOMK. J'etfcctly harnilr-ss. Used internally or extenc-illy for Man or Heast. Tha Fluid has been thorouithty tested, and we have alnindant evidence thai it has done everything here chimed. F-rr fuller information Ret of your llruggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, . .1. II. ZFIL1.N A CO., Mamifarlunni; Chemists, I'lllI.ADI-'.I.l'HIA. i-ci.r. ; ' " UOSIITTEftv an Invlgorant, Hostetter' 8tnmch Bitters baa reoeived tha most positive eB. dorsement from eminent physician, anil bat lon oocupled a foremost rank amonir Undard proprietary remeitia. It prop erties as an alterative of disordered condi tion of th stomach, liver and bowel, and a preventive of malarial diseases are no less renowned, and have been accorded emphatic professional recommendatioa. For aale by IlrtiKg ists and Dealers, to whom applr forHoatetleT's AlmaoaoFor IMi. June 14 ly. AND H.U.K. llv virtue ol' uu order of Ilulifsi Kuoeiinr t'ourl niatlc in the ex trtc special prtK-ccd-IUKS institutcil tiy S. II. Kountice, Jr., ami w ife mill ot hers, 1 sli.ill sell ut public auction at the court house dour in Halifax county, on .Miuuliiy, the :irl day of Dcccinhcr, lM';t, that tract ol'lnnilsitntite in saiil eountv ml- joininn the funds of A. M. Timlin, ltynnm Vituus anil iillii rs cnittaiiiin hy survey two hundred ami lil'ty-one ai res, loiiucrly Itclong inir. to Win. f onalls. di 'ccaM-d. und now held hy Ihe ctitioiu-isas tenants In common, icrnis. tuic-tiiini cash iialancc on one and two years. Itoiul with rismI security re quired and title retained till all the mirc'luise money is pain. .1. M. Ml'I.I.KN, Coniniissioncr. HiUitax, N. t'., 'Jml, ltw;i, nov H tds M. L. 7T A COBS & Bit Oi HALIFAX, N. CI Our bar contains all the choicest brands, wines, Innndle, whlsliles, beer and mixed drink are mada in tlio beat manner. Cigars, Clgarolle Smoking und Chewing Tobacco. Call and eiamla '". , ,, , ; i '- ;' : .I-' FAMILY GROCERIES' are clu ap am) all the best kinds kept constantly hand and slock continually replenished, BILLIARDS AND POOL. Table always ready for customers ami the public are Invited to visit our house where tliey Mill well trvsted and where titer can irfay I'm! an Ullllanls at auiall tixpvnse. inarlfi ly ' e la aw" M Malta. P.. W f. t . A I, I A ( iKpkhcria I PreventscL 1 1 Pfej h STOMACH