: ? 0 AXjL Sc SLEDC3-E, puopkietors. A. 1TEWSPAPEB FOB THE IFIEOIFIjE. TEBMS . $ '.Hi' ri: AN 1 A VM' VOL. XII. NO. 40. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1883. Ci VIA t::;- j PROFESSIONAL CARDS. f. ..; - :;r;..;v; Attorney ud Counsellor t Law, ,' . NORFOLK, VA. ' '-ii .an irtMtnian TttitMlnl octtly. B I ' .' If." ...1. 'Attorneys at ; I,w,' ;tNFIKl.D,N.C' 1 ,, . in the counties of Halifax. Nash. Edre- Jnbesnd WIlou. Collections made, In all part j 0(ibe8Ut, . - . Jan. 12 tt H, 8 HIT H JR.. 4 ' ' .Attorney at JLW; SCOTLAND NKCkVJ;. C. R Mctlces In the county of Halifax and adjoining nniiM aud In th. Supreme court of tlx Bute. "' . ,.. . octWly. j U. QKIZZARD, J Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Ofioi In the Court limine. Strict attention given lo ill uranruw . rpUOUAS N. HILL, ' Attorney at I-w, HALIFAX, N. C. ' , Prtctlcc In Halifax and adjoining countlea and redernlaiiiliiupfen'ccoUrU. , , . ' aug. 28 tf. rjTwTMASON, . - ; ; Attorney at Law, " : t ; qARYSBURO. N.'C,', , , , ' vr.Mri In the rourta of Northamoton and ad- oiningcouuti(3,aliioiiUhc(,Fedejal and Supreme cuuim. . I ' 1 w ALTEK E. DANIEL, JTAT3 Attorneys at law !N fl WELDON, N. C. PrvtloM (n Halifax and adlolnini counties. gqecial attention given to collevtiuns in all part oftbe .State and prompt returns luaut. feb 17 ly. W. HALL, Attorney at Law, WELDON, N. C. Special attention given to collections and remlt Uimes promptly made. may 1 tf. M ULLEN MOORE, Attorneys at Law. HALIFAX, S. C. D.i!r In the counties of Hall fm. Northampton. Utecombe, Pitt and Martin In the Supreme court tirihe State and in the Federal Courts of the Eastern uiitriet. Collections made in any part ofthe state, jan 1 ly D It. J, E. SHIELDS, Surgeon Dentist. Having permanently located in Weldon, can fce fi.uuil at hi. nb In Smith's llrii'k Building at ail times eii eot when absent on jirofcssional business, (artful attention given to all li ranches of the pro fmiun. Parties visited at their Domes wnen ue- 's when H july 1)1 ly. orcil. D It. Jt L. HUNTS It, Surgeon Dentist. Can be found at his office in Enfield. Pure Nitrous Oxide tias for the Painless Extrac ting of Teeth always on hand. - June 22 U ..... ' R tL ESTATE I6ENCY- I have established a REAL ESTATE AGENCY lo thttOWB Of . 1 ' " WELDON. N. C. I hav TEN houses in Weldon FOR SALE OR RENT. About half of them stores, others dwellings. 1 also have about 6,000 ACRES O' LAND IN HALIFAX COUNTY FOR SALK For further particulars, ijarties wishing U buy or rent can apply to me in person or by letter. I am now taking up all lands parties wish to sell and advertising the same at my own expense, un less a sale is mads and then I charge commissions. For my standing as a gentlemen aud a man worthy to b trusted, I refer nj permission to R. H Smith, Scotland Neck t Dr. J. AV Tolllns, Fnfleld W. A. Daniel.'Weidon, T. W. Harris, Littleton. , octltf R. P. SPIERS. ALE OF VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND. By virtue of flecresfos thsJ'niUte Court of Hall fax county, rendered lu thccausenif Samuel Pope Administrator of W. 1 I). Kmicett against N. E. Kaucelt ct als. 1 will sell at Hie Court House door III Halifax, onthe 17th day of December J$njil the lilghesj bid.lff'llist Vtlt'U and desirable rfw-fo'liiWUiiaated in llalifcl reun- ty and Btate of North Carolina, about tvur nuiea in thenrosiwroiisanil imiwim town of Enlield, adiolMng the lands of the late Ix'raiii'l Morris, . II! nell and othem, containing abeoX 7i aeres.. eaia , land Is sold to make aaauta Ujlwy.depts of llie said, W, II Fined I Thalsnd l nWirtlVly'dapleTl Id- rotwn,' tm wheat,; oala. There la ft good dwtHiny house, thereon, nd oilier tenement hotitrs and Impmye-, utiiui, Mia tract or lana is wen usum cypress, oak and other valnahl growth. Title good Tersosofslnt-thlrdcaisi,laiance Miosis ami two years oredlt, bend and spproved security with interest at eight' per cent required of purchaser on dyofsal end utlt retained until all the purchase sVmtv is naid. ci, ll This aih day of September 1S83 BAMUELTOPE, Admr. By Branch Bell, Altos. ADVERTISEMENTS. T.J.JaTT, W. J.Jabiti. V J-ARRATT& SON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ho. n Sycamors 8t., Petersburg, VA. I"" I 1,(1 Ifc'.-. 1 ' ' : , Strlcpertonal attention glrenio the al of Cotton, peanuts, tobacco, wheat, corn, AND PRODUCK GENERALLY. ! ' ' SETUBKS MADE PROMPTLY, miimnt "a Ue to111 ' J-01 Rate. i ' 1 " ' ' ' i ! i IN THE BOTTOM. I h&VS now In itlM anil am Mi.lvluo .1 ,. dally the following goodi : ( Dry Goodi, Notion, BooU, Shod, Hau, nothing, Hardware, Tinware. Crockery ware, Stove pani, Wooden ware, flour, Bacon, Lard, Meal, . Tobncco, Ci(-ara, Assorted Bonus, Sugar, Coffee, Fiih, Pure apple vinegar, Kerosene and Red oil. Trunks , a specialty, direct from THE MANUFACTURY. I make a specialty of CONFECTIONERIES. French Candies, : Plain Candles, : Kalsins, Dates, . orange. Lemons, ( , Cream Cheese, Cam d (ioods, - I Canned Beef. " ' Canni'il Ham, Sardines, Ac. Also Fancy Cakes, Apples. Ac. JI. C. Sl'IERS, Weldon, N. octl81y 1L i l (IksfJIKULL, No. 145, Sycamore Street, ' ; ' PETERSBURG, VA. ' Vmi will lipre flnd the lamest assortment and rut stylish Millinery Goods this side oi Purls every articlt) of the best, and sold at the lowest prices and warranted to give salisfacflon. Real French Bonnets, and Hats, Ribbons, old la dles' and Infauts' Uce Caps, Saslies, Bridal ana Tournament Wreaths, Veils, Plumes, nd Coronets, Hair Goods, Silks, Satins, Velveta, Buttons, fringes and a general assortjnent of Dress Trimmings, Chil drens Hats in great variety, Ladies' Ureas Goods In all the leading Fabries, with all necessary Trim mings to matcft, Ladles' Vnder garments, Hosiery of the latest make, Clo8,, Dalmans and Shawls, Children's Cloaks, f The best Kid Gloves made, all colors, Comls, Uair Ornaments and Perftimery, llandkcrchieui, Corsets, Balmoral Skins, aim umies and Misses Under Skirts.. Bridal Outfits a specialty. sjsj.Ladiea' Dresses made to order In best manner. Fit Guaranteed. Samples on application. All or ders fitted promptly. 'i ' 1 TATJM OK VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA, THE Ll SHIEST CUiTHWO aUDX'LOTll IIlH'Sg IN THl . , I . .. .. . ' ,,...( s. .1 1 "' : ' ' ' SOUTHERN' STATES. , i :. 1 ' '''' ' 1 ' ., ,1 i - . i t " ' ALE. KULL, IX Sycamore Street, PETERSBURG, VA. Whr you will flnd.Uic most Beautiful Stock of readyT.made CLOTHING, r.H p-KL .' - 1 v! yi koivMt'ti Jw'be kit 1 T ', t . . . i ' These Goods are all manufacturetl In the House and are Filial to .. , , . i . . i ' -'CUBWM' MAbE WORK. ' Shlrta, Socks, Drawers, Shirt Fronts, Gloves, Night Shirts;, Cuns.Ties, Ac. , i ' i i ' - '"' 1 ' ' " Yi,S1 mad. bv the'inost skillful artists. Al goods warranted and rules for measure and samples sent on appjlf aUon. .. Money Refunded If Goods " please. i: tJ J . n,r t I A KT C D y, I U R I C n Iff- h '. i - " "rh. .nilitntined oilers hit services to whom ever say need them as Auctioneer 'at public sales, many J. . .. ir. v, . t.mA mnsldermblt ex- pan f ins , w ii... .v . , Ci .i ik. ha neaaand sefers to any nsie tor i. ADVERTISEMENTS. I-CH11T1T. Whoktate and Retail DruggUtt -And Dealers in- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, HALIFAX, N. C., FINE CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS TOBACCO 4 Specialty. FRESH SUPPLIES EVERY WEEK. JKayWe have served you faithfully for the last fifteen years and ask a continuance of yonr patronage. Prescriptions carefully prepared at all hours. , TOn corner opposite Court House Square'ftsJ SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR. oct71y TO PRESERVE TItE HEALTH Use the Magneton Appliance Co.'i MAGNETIC LUNG PROTECTOR ! ' ' PRICE ONLY $5. They are priceless to Ladies, Gentlemen and Chil dren with weak lungs ; no case of pneumonia or croup is ever known where these garments are worn. They also provent and cure heart difficulties, Colds, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Throat troubles, Diphtheria, Catarrh, and all kindred diseases. Will wear any service for three years. Are worn over the under-clothing. n i fli 1 TiTl TT It is needless to des- , J. i.Xt-lvJx, scribe the syniptomsof this nauseous disease that is sapping the life and strength of only too many oftho fairest and best of both sexes. Labor, study and research in America, Europe and Eastern lands, have resulted 111 tlie Mag netic l.iintr Protector. aflbrdiiiEcure for Catarrh, a rcmedv which contains No DniKglng of theSystem, and w ith the continuous slrcuiuof Magnetism per nicutiiieth much the attllctcdonrains. must restore them to a healthy action. We place our price for tills Appliance at less than one-twentieth of the price asked by others for remedie upon which you luxe nil tlie cnaiicu, ana es)eciaii invite me imi roniigc of the man v persons who have tried drug ging their stomachs without effect. HOW TO OBTAIN, This Appli ance. Goto rour druggist and ask for them. U ili,.v have not ssit them, write to the nrourlelors, en closing the price, In letter at our risk, and they will be scut to you at once by mail, post paid. Send stamn for the "Sew HcDarture in Medical Treatment without' Medicine," w ith thousands of testimonials, THE MAGNETON APPLIANCE CO., M i State Street, Chicago, 111 NnTK Hem! one dollar in nostiurc stanins or cur- ranev (in letter at our risk) with size of shoe usually worn, and try a pair of our Magnetic Insoles, and be convinced 01 me power reaming in oar wag nctic Annliances. Pncitr .ively no cold icel where they are worn, or money refunded. oct 11 ly THE LEADER OF LOW PBICES ! I have just received uiy FALL AND WINTER STOCK, Which is fuller than ever attention to before. Special BOOTS AND SHOES. I keen a full line of Zeilcr's Lace and Itntton Shoes for Ladies. I have also a large stock of Barker's Brazilian Shoe Pressing for Ladies and Children. My Stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, JEWELBY, Ao., U complete, i AIho a complete line or Press c.uwIm VoratL CiiMainicrc. Silk.Triiniiiinirs, PrioOT HnttoiiH. Contetit. Hone ana nan Hose for lJtdtce ana uctiw, an . ClIEAV KO'i CASH. 1 ' ' ' Cnll and examine my "took before pur chasing elsewhere.- . Corner Unit t., aim v asuiiigwu octlHtf., 1857 1SKTABLISIIKD 1857 JAN.CARY 1ft, .1811. RUFE. W. DANIEL' Dealer In :o: '! ' ' '' GROCERIES, : LIHUORS, . VlNBWlNES, ... CIGARS, 1 ' ' TOBACCO AC.Jae. MimiEnSUeinlBEtnONICE. R. W. DANIEL, h.) Ho. it, Wash. Ave Wfldon If.C. June 28-1-f ADVERTISEMENTS. nov 22 ly MACHINE. This represents a machine with which 100 yards of fabric of any description can be measured, from Cotton Bagging to Finest Silk, In less than five minutes, and with mors accuracy than can be done with the "Yard Stick." A boy seven years old can do the work. These machines will soon be In every Gin-house and Store in the South, and Carpet and Bagging Manufacturers cannot do without it. They are noted for their Rapidity and Accuracy of Work and for their Cheapness. Manufacturers look to the future and procure rights at once ! Goods can be measured from the loom and put in rolls of any number of yards. Two of these machines are now In successful operation at theGlns of Mr. Noah Biggs and Mr., D. Alsbrook, Scotland Neck, N. C, and give per fect satisfaction. For further information, terms etc., Address J. C. WILLIAMS, Inventor and Patentee, Scotland Neck, N. C. nov 15 ly MRS. P. A. LEWIS, SMITH'S BRICK BLOCK. MILLINERY, FANCY GOODS, Ac. LAUIfcS r UK.MSHlMt litmus. NOTIONS, 4c. Buttcrick's patterns on short notice. An elegant line of neck wear, laces and ribbons. Prices as low as can be HAD ANYWHERES. Dress Makimr ill all its branches by experienced hands. MRS. PATTIE A.LEWIS. Weldon, N. C. oct 18 ly GAEY & CO, 201 AND 203 SYCAMORE STREET, HAVE IN STORE A FULL STOCK OF EARTHENWARE, CHINA Plain and Decorated, AND SILVER PLATED WARE. Our prices are REASONABLE, and command the attention of buyerseither at wnolesals ut to con sumers. GARY A CO., G AEY & CO., iOlAND aOJ SYCAMONE STREET, i OFFER A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF PARLOR CHAMBER ASD 1)1X1X0 FURNITURE AT POPULAR PRICES. 8TYIBS THE LATEST AND PRICES TO Sl IT ANY MARKET. UAH I IA., Petersburg, Va. oct It ly ST . f f MtinaMBir -OF- NORFQLK VIRGINIA. ARTHUR FREEMAN, JEWELER STORE 144 MAIN STREET. EstabliNhed lHlll. OfTcni to his friends in the old North State goods Bt the following price : ' ' , MS OLD Fino double caned genta' stem winding gold watches f :15. Ladiot' double ease stem winding wutchea, Ixiwcr grades, $14. Solid gold watch chains f 10 and upward. Solid gold bracelet", fl'i aud upwards. Fme silver plated castors $3.(i0 and upwards. Hutter dishen $:..!0 and upwards. Solid silver spoons; fli per doi.' Remember all my goods are warranted as represented er money refunded. Ordert by mail promptly attend ed to. Wedding and engagement ring a specialty. Repairing promptly done. , , , , Address , ; . , u ARTHUBC. FREEMAN, Jeweler, 1441 Main t. nov 26 ly Norfolk, V, ADVERTISEMENTS. HELP YOUR EYES JJY USING YOUNG'S CELEBRATED IMPROVED PERISCOPIC GLASSES, CLEAR AND SOFT TO THE EYE, STREHGHEN- INGTO WEAK EYES,. For sal In Gold, Steel, Rubber and Celluloid Frames. HELP TO SAVE By buying the greatest Bargain ever offered lna GOLD HUNTING WATCH, , Varying in price fmra FORTY TO ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Worth nearly double the price. SETS OFIEWELRY, Handsome In design and In Ane quality. A thou sand different styles of RINGS, PINS, EAR-RINGS, CUFF BUTTONS, MTUlia, l.ULUAKS, ill' i runs), iikai r.l.r.is, SILVER SIMONS, FORKS, Ac.CUX KS, PLATKDCASTOKH, ICE PITCH ERS, Ac, At the lowest possible prices. attended to. Orders promptly J. T. oct2ly YOUNG BRO., Petersburg, t. DISEASE CURED Without Medicine. A Valuable Mam-try for supplying Magnttim to the Human System: Electricity and Magnetism utilized as never before for Healing the tiiek. THE MAGNETON APPLIANCE CO.'B MAGNETIC KIDNEY BELT! FOR MEN IS WARRANTF.DTO CUREOr Money Refunded, the following diseases without medicine: Pain In the Wk him. heail or llinhs. nervous dcbllitv. lumba- go.geneiiil debility, rheumatism, paralysis, neural girt, sciatica, disease of tlu Sidneys, spinal iiiscases,, torpm liver, gum, seminal euusaions, imiHiivuc) irpii illin asllima, heart disease, dyspepsia, constipation, er si pel pile! las. indigestion, hernia or in as; rupture, calarri ies, epilepsy, dumb ague, etc. When any debility of the Generative Organs oe curs, Lost Vitality, lacg oi serve rorce ami vigor, Wasting Weakness, and all those Diseases of a per sonal nature, from whatever cause, the continuous stream of Minriietism ucrinettting through the parts, must restore them Pi a heallhy action. There is no mistake about tlusannliam-e. Tt) THE LADIES: If you are alllicteil with Ume Back, weakness of the splue. falling of the womb, leiicorrhoea, chronic Inllauinialioli and ulceration of the womb, Incidental hemorrhage or flooding, painful, suppressed and Irregular nienstrustlon, WrcnncKS, and change of life, this Is the best Appli ance and curative Agent know n. For all forms of Female Difficulties It Is unsur passed by nuythlug before Invented, both as s cura tive agClll HIHI as It snun- oi imwrr nini tiMiijsnti.m. Price of either Belt with Magnetic insoles, fill, sent by express C. (). I., and cxamiiialion allowed, or liv mail on reeelnt of nrice. In ordering send measure of waist, and size of shoe. Remittance can be made In currency, sent in letter at our risk. The Magneton Garments are adapted to all ages, are worn over the under clothing, tnot next to the hndv like the munv (ialvaule and Electric Hum bugs advertised so extensively,) and should be taken oil at night. They hold their power lorever, and are worn at all seasi ma of t he vear. Mend iUoiiii for the "New Deuarture In Medical treatment without Medicine,'' with thousands of testimonials. THE MACNETION APPLIANCE CO.. 'Jig State Struct, Chicago, 111. NoTt Send one dollar in postage stamps, or cur rency (in letter at our risk) with sue of shoe usually worn, and trv a nair of our Mannctic Insoles, and be convinced of the pow er residing In our other Magnetic Appliances. Positively norma feel wnen they are worn, or money refunded. octii ly COTTON riCTOKS A XP COM MISSION MtaciUNTS 27 South Frederick St., BALTIMORE, M.D. REFERENCE: H0N.M. W.RANSOM, DR.C. l.VKK, COL. AARON PRE8COTT. Cash advances made on consignments aud rotten held subject to orders of owners. oct 11 Sin . .. i GOODS. The undersigned have just entered into the mercantile business in the three story hrick buildina next door to li. W. Daniel' where thpy have a LARGE STOCK ... i . i .. . ' ' ' Dry (loods, including Ladies Dress Goods, 1'rinU, White Cottons, Brown Domestic, Boots. Shoes, llats, Caps, Notions, Fancy Goods, Clothing, Gents Furnishing floods, Tin ware and Wooden ware, Crockery, Ac a Having bought cheap they intend to SELL CHEAP, n,l rmlv ask a trial. Be sore to examine onr ftock before purchasing. " , ( ,.,, :,:,, . ., ' igfritemeniber tht place. T ASSITKR k TILLERT, i oct is It Wddo, N. C, w i I ADVERTISEMENTS. TEY THE NEW NO 8. WHEELER & WILSON. Lightest Running and best Sewing Machine IN THE WOLRD. No danger to health-like th noisy-heavy run ning shuttle machines. AGENTS WANTED. Send for terms and price List. WHEELER WILSON. Mfg. Co. Atlanta.Ua. June 21 tm V. J. N A W i. SON, BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS, WELIDOnsr, 3sT. o. A very large supply of Cakes, Crackers, Candies, French and Plain, Rai sins, Fruits, kuis, tic. Ths largest stock of Toys of every vsrlety ever Drought to tins maraei. Orders for candles, cakes, iii;., rilled at shortest notice at Northern prices. Wedding and other parties supplied as cheap ai the cheapest. oct 16 ly DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS, WELDON N. C., ;D K A L E R 8 I N PURE DRUGS MEDICINE AND CUKMICAU. PCtriMERY.rANCY Ii TOILET ARTICLE, . FINE CHIWINQ AND SMOKING TOBACCO C1GARETTS AND CIGARS. rilltl, till, TAIVIIIIl. I ORA88 AND GARDEN SEED, Fkrsleians's PreserlpUoas Aeoarstalr Oosm Js?ALL OOQDS WARRANTED. svps SB i sioi mmWi A H ARD PARTI NG--Hi: T IV H Y J Come nnt in the garden and walk with me. While the dam-en wnin toinat iiremny nine. See! the moonlight silvers the sleeping sea, i ' And tlie world i fair us n uUm tu nine, Irf-t ine hold your hand ax 1 iwil to !' ; This Is the last, last time, y.m know, . i. For to-morrow a wooer counts u woo And to win yuii, though 1 low you so. You are pale or Is It the moonlight's sh am That irivs to vour mcc that sorrowiul lima 7 We must wake nt lacl liom our summer s dream, We have come lo the end of our tender boot. Iive, the poet, has written welt; lie lias won our noarn ny Hi pueui s e,-v ; And now, at the end, w e mint say liuewell Ah, but the summer was lair and neet. Do you TVincnibcr the night we niett You won-a rcaw in your yellow hulr, Closing my eyes i can see you yet. Just as you sioou im ine opinou siair, A miller of white from heud to iVs.t, A c lister ut nuns on your nreiHi. ah me i But the vision was never hull' so sweet As it is lo-nlglit In my memory. Hear the viols cry. and the dis.p hnssoou eH-omssoooing out In Us iiiiuertour, Boiiiesoirowfuiineniory. The tune Is the saddest one I have ever known, Or lilt In'caiisc e must purl to-nitit Thut the music siNMitssad? Ahmel ' Yuti are wcupiii, love, and your lip aro whits -1 The ways uf lilc are u mystery. I love you, love, wlih a love so true That in coming years I shall iml I'nrget The beautind face and thcdnHsni I knew, And memory always will hold rcgrvl ; I shall stand by the seas us we stand lo-ulglit, And think of the slimmer whose bhswouis died, When the frosts or late fell chill and white On the fairest Dower of rhe slimmer tide. They are calling you. Must I let you go? Must 1 say good by, and go my ay ! If we must iart, It la belter so (el by s such a sorrowful word to say ? (live ine, my diirling, one last swe el kiss ' So we kiaa our dear ones, and sec lliciiullu, But death hnlds no put ltiiK so sad us this ; God bless you. and keep you and so gtsnl-hy I SPRICHTLY SPARKS a Strength and health go together with the exception of butter. There tire plenty of tis to n lumd orjjrnti, but no permanent one. When a giraffe wantx a tlritili he knows what n loiig-l'clt want is. ' ' Never strike a balance. It may trip you up at tlie wrong moment, It is hard to buck a horse or a business man when he is overloaded. Complaint is the largest tribute heaven re ceives and the sincevest part of our devotion. Indianapolis agitates for sober hearse dri vers at funerals. The movement certainly deserves success. One of the most important rules oftho science of milliners is an absolute silence in regard to yourself. There urc two very loud colors worn by school Ihijs this season, rattan and ycller, and they usually go together. Many of the waves of trouble, like those of the ocean, will, if we await them calmly, ireak at out led and disappear. The power of fortune is cnnl'cssotl onlv by the miserable : for tlie hniipv impute all their success to prudence ami merit. What is the condition of the head of the. family when he accidentally backs into a tub of boiling water? lie is pa-boiled. Small causes are stithcicnt to make a man uneasy when great ones arc not in the way j for want of a block he will stumble at a straw. "Now, tell me candidly, are you guilty?" iskcd a lawyer of his client. "Why do yon suppose I'd he lisil enough lo hire you if I was innocent ?" A liiiladclphia lawyer loo proud to allow his friciiils to suppose that he practices in the divorce courts, advertises "Misfit mar riages a specialty." There is no vice or lollv that requires so much nicety and skill to manage as vanity; nor any which by ill management makes so contemptible a ligure. (iood manners is the art of making those people easy with whom we converse, uml whoever makes tlie tcwesi persons uneasy, is the best brctl in company. A cornctist in Ansonia was slung on the hand by a hornet while he was playing his cornet in church recently. A deacon rose up and thanked the hornet. To know how to say what 'other people onlv think, is what makes men poets and sages; and to say what others only dare think, maki's, men martyrs or reformers, or both. The Boston Pout says thai a Vennonter who stole a cow from his neighlmr's barn, found on getting her homo that it was his own cow, which his neighbor .stolen earlier in the night. A scentist says thai in the moon a hickory nut fallimr from a IhiukIi would crash through a man like a Minie ball, ties it. We shall never go to the That set moon to gather hickory nuts. A stump speaker exclaimed : "I know no North, no South, no East, no West, fellow citizens!" "Then !"' exclaimed an old farmer in thcerowd, "it's time you went to school, aud larntjngerly." ADV KltTISKM KNTS. s UUHTKRN 1IUTKL, JV. B. DICKEXS, Proprietor, I1AI.IKAX, N. C. Tliea sSiiuool fmoi N.,1 f. .'ii. Su.l tVilluIal"U tuarkeis. tlood servants ami gooU fare. I omiorta ble Moms fnr all. 1 have also a Livery Stable, where horses are uroiiivtly alleiutiil In, vehicles hireii oil reasonable Umis to parti, wishing them. jau 13 1 TfflY PKTEUSBUUU, VA. M AN UFACTU H E1W OK ENUINK.S,Tl)ltAJ('0, HAY AND OOTT03ST tar-Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Mill Irons, Plows, IHOXAXI) BRANS CASTIXUS. sept ly FOB SALE, By virtue oftlie provisions nfadecd of trust exo- cute.l on the Tina day of January 1KTS, by Win. Iloone and wife, to Charles Hoone tnistee for waiter lloone, and rceorded In hook M, imire Ml Ueeister of Deeds olllee for Northiiiiipton county, the iindcr sls;uel will on the l'ith day of beecrulier lss:i, on tlie premises, sell at public sale, for cash to the amount of sixteen hundred dollars Olfssi.) residue on a credit of twelve months with Interest at eixli per cent, title reserved till purchase money Is at paid; the follow iiur described land lying and lie Inf In Northampton county, Btate of North Caroli na containing four hundred acres, bounded by the lands of T.O. Johnson, David A. Barnes, Margaret NcUost and otliers aud also hr Kirby Creek. awissa.BSBiss.s-. HtKlNE, Trustee. novlitw A .ilri'UlrS, .-lJKAitU..E-A.ii lituut, Jnuixlice. , , Impurity nf lhy UUmtl, t m-crimd 1 Apic, . IVlalaria, uin) alt I Unci;? ru lifted liy l)e rft.igfiin'iitoX JUwwr, iiwiUfisUdn'y. RVMPTOMS F A mSKASfCI MVP.R. H.id J'.u'Mtli; in the vv, Sfmfiinifs the wim Hi Kit under the I'hf'tiltler lilwl. mrsiakfn for khcttmrtiism ; Rcnrr.tV ! ol' :i'pciite ; H.iwrlt (rrtvrnHy ctMtivc. anrnfrmr. ahmwting with lat; thr ruNsd it trouble! with pun, is dull ami licit vy. wtik eoMidcralde Ins "f hhmuhv, acci'miirfntird Wlfh ft paiofuUaMbieUilAi.slVJl4t U4lUonMsIH. tiling which nuijht to have IkciuUiic; a vllil, tlry omgh . ami mitml fat is vouirtimeft an MttrKi.int, dun " pni.ik-n for ci.rmunjiiKni; ihc (i.ttit-nt cnmiilainf . oi fci-.irintMi and dthilny; Itcrvuut, ensilf tUffttat; d-f-t nli t tnrii.HL;, f."iuctuncii a pikkly rni-iion of IM kia fJxUm; KlrilA arc low aiul (iripomlrnt, ; ikwi, although fe-uiKlK-tl iliat exert isr wuolii he bent iVtal,yi enc can hanlly numtnun tip furiitud o try itia UcsV.ciittna. ussy tisumiy-. fecvcral ot Ok aJtuvit nynipiouis attend tlio ilikcaw, but cuscl haw txctiircd when but (rw of thtm xiitcd, yt 1 HAMjsn.iiiun ftir tlc.itti lu lu)wn th Llvur to ttan heon tvniiVcly dcrangvd. 1 It ahititld bo uatd by all pr4Hi, oM and! young, wlMiiver any of lb a aboto nj luplutu jippvuff , , T Varaoim Travoltas or T.tvlna; lu Vn . luflllliy I.ootilUU'M.by t.ikii, a tine ot casiun afty to kap tht liver In healthy action, wilt avuid , nl Malaria lltlloiia altarka, Iiinineii, Nau m, bmwutiiMi, liire&iioa of HpiriU. ttc. It ip3 iavltjoi itp like a (J- vf wine, but la no lu toxloklag btiTrMro . IX Ton liava eaten nnythliiB hard ot tfttfVD-tton, or feel hcnvy after meaU, or alff) Iaaa at vtight; ie ahwe and yrsu writ be relieved. Tim nt IetoTB BIIH trill be saved ' . by Always keeping the Regulator 1 ht the Ilttuael For, whatever tho ailment may be, a theroiighty safe purgative, alterative and tonic c.in niver Ik out of place. The remedy U harmless nnd ihea not Interfere with b unities ut' pleasure. ' IT TH PITUrLT 'TTflimiirT!, And has all the power, and eflkacy of Calomel or Quinine, without any of the injurious after ctlcets. : A Oovemoirfa TeMlmnny. ' Simmons Liver R gul.ittT bj.r ! tn in use in my ' family for im rime, and 1 nri satisfied it Is a ' valuable addition to tin- medic. I st iencc. "i t J! Gill SMoitn-.ii. (.iavcrnor of Ala. Him. Alexander U. Mt'.lun, of .a av$: Have derived some bcnrli: t ni the use of Siminnni Liver RegulaWt; ancT t'Vsh to g.ve it a mrther trial. , I "The only Thing that ticvor ftilla to ( IteWeve." fhave used maltv remedici for Lya- Cpiia. 1-iver AtTection ami tcbility, but never ve found anything to benefit me to the extent ' Sawnon Liver Kcyiilator has. 1 sent from Min neeota to Oenrgia for it, and would send further for . sack a medicine, and would advise all who are sim ilarly afectcd to give tt a trial i fe seems the only thing that never fails to relieve. P. M. Jannby, Minneapolis, Mina. Dr. V. W. Miaaon aay From actual ex perrtnee n the use of Simmons Uver Regulator in my practice 1 have been and am satisfied to use and prescribe it as a purgative medicine. vVsyTake only the Genuine, which always .fca on the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark aad Mfnataro of J. II. ZCIL1N ft CO FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. fi'bfilv ' Ls, fllTOiriACH if sflfit oausttriv ,J.il)Jlott jnj .tpliln m&HA! 'BJdd(t pt,e Bl!HlU( ai ips jojf U0!lpU.llUUlO4 lUUO!i8.1juJtl Jll:lpllU4 papjOD'jv um( oAi ynrt 'pju.uoujj vva on am saevjsip vuimi o oaihuauiI a pin 4siiMoq pii UAl 'i.iitunn9 ii in suoil -mhkij pajopinstp jo o.viioj.iipi tiu t s.iU -OOJII Slf 'Sfp,llII3J AJVHIJIIOlll p. iuotun iui4 isoui.uoj pjidiujo a IvpilHlS IIO 8( pu 'tntnt!Aiii Ul.iiiuii.i uirijj puiiuKjop uj samiso'I rsom snrrp3ATu nq sjsmtl Hastuois s,iJi),iiiiOH 'iiuuoJiAiii us sv J u ni' 14 ly. F a nITSu.k. . liv virtue, of au order of Halifax Superior Court made in the expaitc special proceed ings Instituted by S. II. Kotintrce, Jr., and wife umlotluTs, 1 shall sell at public miction at the court house door in Halifax county, on Monday, the Hid day of December, IrtKI, that trai t of land situate in' said eotintv ad joining the lauds of A. M. tjnalls, ltynum taulls uml others euntaiuing by survey two hundred ami lilty-onc acres, formerly belong ing to nr. jj. tualls, tlceenseil, ami now held by the pet itioners its tenants in common. Terms : One-third cash balance on one ami two J em's.' Itond with gisxl security re quired and title retained till all the purchase money is paid. J. M. Ml.'I.LKN, Commissiolier. Halifax, N. C, 2nd, JSHoY nov 8 tds M.L..TACOfiS&.BlK., HALIFAX, N. Cl CllOll'KST LIQU0HS. Our bar contains all the choicest braudt wines, brandies, whiskies, beer and mixed drink arc made in the best manner. Cigars, cigarettes Smoking aud Chewing Tobacco. Call and cxamin them, ' , FAMILY GROCERIES" are cheap and all the lest kinds kept constantly hand Slid stock coutlnually replenished, I BILLIARDS AKQ POOU xjAjAl-sV Tables always ready fur customers and the HiWU are Invited to visit our tiouse w here they w ill well treated' and where they can plat foul aa Billiards al a small sxpoiiM. marts ly Mtow

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