, p t: -p, -'i miil -sc v f 1 NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE. IN A 1 V-VNC YOL. XII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1884. NO. 41. i i , 1 Nt4 fca' B T T PROFESSIONAL CARDS. w T C. ELLIOTT. - Attorney and Counsellor at Law, NORFOLK, VA. , ' . , Rooms 2 mill 3 Vtnflntaii Hullillng. octSly. HANI' II & DULL, Attorneys at Law, KNKIKI.I), X. C. l'miiici' In the counties of Halifax, Xash, TAce minis' uii'l Wilson. Collections made III nil parts ofthc s'tate, It. S M 1 T U J K . Attorney at I.v, SCOTLAND MCf'K, X. ('. Practices 111 tin' enmity of I lull lax and adjoining i-.niutioH, mill ill tliu Supreme court of the Ktiitc. is't Hi ly. I m. (, uT.za un, ' Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, X. C. Ilfllec In Ihe Court House. Htflct ilttentloll given In ull brani'lics ol nil) pmicKsmu. jiiiilJIy i (i M A S X. II I I. I., Attorney at !., HALIFAX, N.C. iTii' iiiv Iii ll.ilifix aii'l iidjnlnini; counties nml vVilem and supreme courts. miif. imr. W. M A S, Attorney at f.aw, (JAUYSlU ItO, N.C, iv.u iici-s Iii the courts of Northampton anil ad- Joining counties, also iu the KeileJiil anil Supreme courts. June s tf. w A 1. T K It K. II A X I K L, Attorney at I. aw, WKL1X1X, X. C. irui iii' Iii llnlifax and adlolnine counties. Soecial attention ttiven to collections in nil parts of the stuU' ami prompt returns mane, frl, 17 1y. ' W. HALL, Attorney at Law, WKLDON, N. C. special attention given to collections and remit- tam es promptly Juaue. , niuj i u. ji7lTkx I moore, t " Attorneys at r,aw, HALIFAX, X. C. l'nu tioe III the counties of Halifax, Northampton, Kdinroinln', l'ilt ami Martin In the Supreme court ni'ilie Slate and In the Federal Courts of the Eastern Histrlet. Collections made in any part of the Slate. janl ly I) It. 3. E. S 11 I K L II H, Kurscoii Dentist. Ihivlnp iHTmnnentlv located In Weldon, can' I found ut his ogice In SmHli's Hriclt lluildiiig at all tunes ncc.pt heunhseiit on protesntmoi unsinnw. rr..r,,i 0,i..,,ii.j, ,.lv.,i, tu ull iiniBclu'S oC the pro- l'e.sion. i l'arlles vuited at their hollies when dt- U. E. L. 11 V N T E H, '. ! !. Surgeon Dentist. Can he found at his office In Enfield. 1'ure Nitrous Oxide (ins for the rainless Extrac tion of Teeth always on haml. June ! tf . . , j'. R1 EH EITITE IINT , 1 have established a REAL ESTATE AOEXCY In the tow n of WELDON, N. C. I have TEX house iu Weldon FOR SALE OR RENT. Alsiut half of them 'itew,' otliera dwellings. r ' f rl 0 1 also have about ,04M AC'Kl''.st OF l.AXH I N II A L 1 F A X C 0 V N T Y F Oil SALE For further partictilam, qartles wishing to liny or rent can apply to me in person or by letter. I am now taking tip all lands porttci wish to sell and advertising the same at my ow n expense, un less a talc is nude and then I charge coinmissionr . For my stanclng u a gentlemen and a man worthy to be trusted, I refer by permission to R. H Smith BonHmiil Veek : Dr. J. A. Collins, Enfield W. A. Daniel. Weldon. T-W. Harris. Littleton. ,.titr R. P. SPIERS. s ALE OF VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND. ti. iri,,o,.f . ,l....r..oi.r the Probate Court of Hull- fax county, rendered lu the cause of Samuel Pol Administrator of W. D. Faucett against v l- i.- ... ulu I uitt sell at the Court House door ill Halifax, on the 17th; day of December ISM, to the highest bidder that valuable and desirable tract of land situated tu llalllax coun ty and Slate of North Carolina, ulsnit four mi es from the prosperous and growing tow n of Kntielil, adjoining the lauds of the lute Lemuel Morris, I). U. O.l In...l...u. u(..l.,.. ul...lll. ?.'iO MITCH. Slllll neii nml oiiiein, i-.,nii.iii.. ..... .- - - . . bind Is sold to make assets to pay debts f the taut The Und Is pcnillnrly hdaptt'd to cotton, t nm, . wheat, ot. There ia a g;Kl dwell ng house, thereon, and other tenement bouse and '""P"' incuts. Said tract of land Is well timbered with cypress, oak and other valuable growth. ,111 J1; .. 'terms of sale: One-third cash, 1lnco " "e"' two yea credit, lsuid and approved security Willi interest at eight per cent rcuuired of P;'h.n day of sale and title retained until aU the purchase money Is paid. . tuu AirorSeptM. Adnir By Branch Bell, Aitoi, H it : ADVERTIFKMKNTS. . T.J.J.H.UATT, , Y!7tfJt. T. J. JAEBATT &c SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, So. Ss Sycamore St., Petersburg. V.V. Strict personal attention given to the mile of COTTON, I'EAXI'TH, TOUACCO, WHKAT, COIIX, AND rilODl'CK GKXKUALLY. JIKTUHXS MA l)K l'MMl'TL Y. f Hiiiorlnir and ties furnished hi i Wt IMHm IN TIIK BOTTOM. 1 have now tn slow anil mo reoeU-hw ,iltiw,kt daily the following goods ; Pry Goods, Notions. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Stove iins, woo'icn ware, riour, jwieon, uirn, weal, Tobaeco, Clears, Assorted Hoaiw, HiiprHr, Coffee, Fish, 1'ure ajiidc Vilicgar, Kerosene and Ked oil. Trunks a H.'cially, direct from THE MANUFACTURY. I make a specialty of CONFECTIONERIES. French rmulics. Plain Cmidit', Orait'H, lmim., Crciini CiecMi', Crtti: od 'tooiU, CtllllMl Itt'i'f, Caiiiti'd Iliiin. Also Fancy Cakes, Apples. Ac. 11. t". SI'IKKS. Weldoii, N. C. c't IK ly f.ksJJE.KULL, No. 145, Sycamore Struct, PETERSBURG, VA. You will here find the largest assortment and m.ist stylish Millinery llissls tills side ol I'aris cverv article ofthc best, and sold at the lowest prices and warranted to give saiisiacuoii. Real French nonnets, and Hats, Ribbons, old La dies' and Infants' Luce Caps, Sushes, Wtilai ami Tournament W reaths, Veils, Plumes, and Coroncls, ItalrC.oods. Silks. Satins, Velvets, Hnltons, rrlngcs and n general assortment of Dress Trimmings, Chil- drens Hats in great varicly. iJidles Dress losais in all the leading Fabrics W illi all necessary Trlm- uilngs to match, Ladies' Tinier garments. Hosiery of the latest make, Cloaks, Dalmans and Shawls, Children's Cloaks. The best Kid (lloves made, alt colors, Combs, ilair Ornaments and Perfumery, Handkerchiefs, Corset, Balmoral Skirts, ami 1-aaies and Misses I'ndcr Skirts. Hridal Outfits a specialty. .tallies' Dresses made to order in la st manner. Flttiiiarantecd. Samples on application, .ah or ders filled promptly. S TATF OF V1R01MA AND NORTH CAROLINA THi: LAItOEsTCLoTIIISil AM" CLOTH Itol'st: IN TIIK SOUTH K 11 N S T A T K S. M. E. KULL, 126 Sycamore Street, PETERSlll'RO, VA, Where you will find the most Beautiful Sbrk of : READY MADE CLOTHING, AV HOLES ALE AND RETAIL. i . ii ;i i' " b : ' ' , ' . L n'.jt. ..4 .11 manufactured In the IlotlBC liew uwsAm ' . and are Equal to CUSTOM MADE WOKK. ui.iw. limwers. Shirt FMiits, (lloves, Night Shirts, Cud's, Ties, 4c. Go.xU, made by the most skillful artlsls. All g.sals ...,,inj ....1 ml., for measure and samples sent on application. Voney Refunded If floods do not 1""-' . - -j ... ..... r r AUCTIOHEER The undersigned olfcrj. I.U ZlVmy mav need tbem as Auclloneorat nubile sales, n any pi i'f tile county. He ha. ta.. MMe -parleuca at the business and return to any one lor i . - V . . ...U .Knoaa-tV iTny B. F. 0ABT, KaUfltx, K, C ADVERTISEMENTS. BROWN & CMRAWAY, II htilmuh tiiid lliiui'l Druggist -Anil DciuYrs In- , 0 EX Kit A I SI Kit ( 'It A XI) 1SK, HALIFAX, X. C, KINK CONFECT!OXi:ilII, CKiAHS i TiillACCO 4 Specialty. i'i;i;sn sri'i'LiKs evkhv wekk. tiJ"Vu hiive HiTVfJ you f'aitlifully fur the last fit'tcrii yi'm nml n.-k ii eiintiiiuniiet' (if your patrtmau'i'. rrcscrlitions carefully pivpared at all hours. itKM comer opiiosite Con rl House Snuare''W SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR oct 7 ly TO I'KKSEIIVKTHK HEALTH I'se the Mairiieton Appliance Co.'s MAGNETIC LUNG PROTECTOR ! MICE OSLY ?5. They are priceless to Ladies, (icntlcmen and Chil dren with weak lmuts; no case of pneumonia or croup is ever known where these garments are worn. They also prevent and cure heart difficulties, Colds, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Throat troubles, liiphlherla, Catarrh, nod ull kindred diseases. Will w ear any service for three years. Are worn over tlicunder-clotliliig. (1 1 rp 1)1) TT " is needless to des J. V. AVAVXi, scribe the syuiptouisof Hi is nauseous disease that is sapping the life and stiviiL'th of only too many of the fairest and best of both sexes, ljibor, study ami research in America, Europe ami Eastern lands, have resulted In the Mag netic Lung I'rotector. allorilingcure for Catarrh, a remedy which contains St, Drugging of the System, ami w illi the continuous stream of Magnetism per meating through thcutllicicd orgaius, must restore lliein to'a healthy action. We place our price for tills Appliance at less than one-lwentietn of the price asked bv others for remedies upon which you take all tile chances, and especially invite, the pat ronage o( the many persons who have tried drug glug their stomach w ithout elleet. I10AV TO OBTAIN This Appli ance, (into voiir druggist ami ask for them. If thev have not got them, write to the proprietow, en closing the price, in letter al our risk, and they will besent to vou at once by mail, post paid. Scud slump for the "New Departure in Medical Treatment without Medicine," with thousands of testimonials. THE MAUNETON APPLIANCE CO.. L'ls State Street, Chicago, 111. XoTB Send one dollar in postage stamps or cur runey tin letter lit our risk I with size of shoe usually worn, and try a pair of our Magnetic Insoles, and be convinced of the power residing in our Mag netic Appliances. Positively no cold feet where Ihcy are worn, or money refunded. oct 11 ly THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES ! I have just received my FALL AND WINTER STOCK. Wliicli i fuller than ever before. Special attention to BOOTS AND SHOES. I kirn a full line of Xciglcr'a Imc anil lSuttou Shoes for Ladies. I have also a large stock of llarb r's Hrnzilitiu Shoe Dmuimj ami Cltililrai. for I.ailitt My Stock of DRV (; o 1) S, NOTIONS, JFAVELUY, Ac. U coiindele. Also a complete line of Dress lissls. Worn cil.Lassimi re. mik, i iiuiuuiigs, I'rinir.' Hnltons. ( orseti. Mine mm nan Hose lor Ijidica unil l.ents, all CUE A I' FOH CASH. C,, nd examine my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. Corner i irst St., aim ahiuiigioii .vie. oct js tf 1857 r.STAHI.ISIII.D 1857 JANUARY lt, 185 7. RUFE. W. DANIEL1 - Dealer In :o: GUOCERIKS, LIQUORS, FINE WISES, C1UARS, TOBACCO ie.,ic. PORTNER S LAGilUBEER ON ICE- R. W. DANIEL, No. 1, Wash. Ave Weldon K.C. June 2M-7 ADVERTISEMENTS. XtXfD FOR CATALOGifJStf: novIly ' MACHINE. This represents a machine with which W yards of fabric of any description can be measured, from Cotton Bagging to Finest Silk, in lens than tlve minutes, and with moru accuracy tliim can he done wilh the "Yard Slick." A boy seven years old cm d.i (he w ork. These machines will S'xm lw In every (llu hoiise and store III the South, and Carpet and Hugging Manufacturers cannot do without It. They are noted for their Rapidity and Accuracy of Work and for their Cheapness. Manufacturers look to the future ami procure rights at once! Howls can he measured front the huim and put In rolls of any nuinlier of yards. Two of these machines are now In successful operation at the'lllns of Mr. -Noah Biggs and Mr., M. D. Alsbrook, Scotland Neck, N. ('., and give per fect satisfaction. For further information, terms etc., Address .1. C. WILLIAMS, Inventor and Patentee, Scotland Neck, N. ('. nov !" ly MRS. P. A. LEWIS, SMITH'S BRICK BLOCK. MILLINERY, FANCY COOKS, Ac. LADIES IT'KNISHINU COOKS. NOTIONS. be. Huttcriek's patterns on short notice. An elegant line id neck w ear, laces and ribbons. Prices as low as can be HAD AWHHLlli:. Dress Making in all Its branches by experienced hands. MRS. PATTI E A. LEWIS. Weldon, X. C. oct IS ly G ARY & CO., 511 AND '.in SYCAMORE STREET, IIAVK IN' STOKE A FULL STOCK OF EAIITIIENWAKE, CHINA Plain and Decorated, A XD SIL I ER VIA TED WA RE. Our prices are REASONABLE, and command the a(t'ntftmofltuyora citherHtwnoH'siue or w i-ou- auniont. GAKY&CO, '.Sll AND20:i SYCAMONE STREET, OFFER A COMPLETE ASSORTM ENT OF PARLOR CHAMBER A XL) DIXIXO FURNITURE AT POPULAR ritlCES. STYLES THE LATEST AND PRICES TO SUIT ANY MARKET. (IARY & CO., Petersburg, Va. oct 1R ly OLD LjJdlJ4hk -or- X Ull FOLK VJlKltXIA. ARTHUR. FREEMAN, J E W E L E II STORE lll MAIN STREET. Estiiblisltcd 1H:il. Offers to Ilia rriends in the old North State goods nt tho following jiriees : ' Fine double cased gents' stem winding gold watches :I5. Ladies' double ciwe stem winding watches, $'20. Lower grades, $11. Solid gold watch chains $10 aud upwards. Solid gold bracelets, $12 and npwnrrin. Fine ilver tilnted castors $3."0 and upwards. Itutter dishes $3. "ill and upwards. Solid silver spoons; per doz. Remember all my goods nro warranted aa representtsl or money retXiuded. Orders by mail promptly attend ed to. ' Wedding and engagement ring a apccittlty. Repairing promptly Uone. AdiVrcsa ARTHUBC. FREFMAN, , U . . - Jwlr, 1441 Main rH. , noTMly., . i Norfclk, V. ADVERTISEMENTS. HELP YOUR EYES gY t'SI.Na YOfNO'S CELEBRATED IMPROVED PERISCOPIC GLASSES, CLEAR AND HO FT TO THE EYE. STRENOHEN INI) TO WEAK EYES, For sale In Gold, Steel, Rubber and Celluloid frames. HELP T0 SAVE lty buying the greatest Bargain ever offered In GOLD HUNTING WATCH, Varying In price from FORTY TO ONE Hl NIHtED DOLLARS, Worth It 'ii rl ' double the price. SETS OMEWELRi Handsome In design and In tine u.uallty. A thou sand dlllercnt styles of HlSiiS, VINS. KARItlNOS, CCFK Rt'TTONS, STl'DS, COLLARS, HI 1TONS, HRACKLETH, SILVER SPOONS, FORKS, ic..CLO( KS, PLATED CASTORS, ICE PITCH ERS, Ac. At the lowest possible prices. Orders prompt y uucimcn hi. J. T. YOUNC & BRO., Petersburg, Va. DISEASE CUR Without Medicine. E 0 A Valuable I)ixcoirry for ntppluing Magnettm to the Jluiuun Sijutrm: t.lectrmty and Huyiittium utilized an neeer before for Healing the Sick. THE MAtiNETION APPLIANCE CO.'S MAGNETIC KIDNEY BELT! FOR MEN IS. WARRANTED TO Cl'REOr Money Refunded, the following discuses without medicine: Pain lu the back, hips, beau or limns, nervous iieuiiny, itimoa ir.i I'.-iicral debilitv. rheumatism. iNiralvsis. neural gia, sciatica, disease ol'tli.i kidneys, spinal diseases, torpid liver, gout, seminal emissions, impotcuey, asthma, heart disease, dysts'imia, constiiuitlon, ery sipelas, Indigestion, hernia or rupture, catarrh, piles, epilepsy, dumb ague. etc. when &nv ilcbilitv of the (generative Orvans oc curs, Lost Vitality,' lack of Nerve Force and Vigor, Wastina Weakness, and all those Diseases of a per sonal nature, from whatever cause, the continuous stream of Magnetism permeating through the parts, must restore them to a healthy action. There Is no mistake alsiut this aiioliance. TOTHE LADIES: ifyou are afflicted with Lame Rack, weakness of the sniue. falliim of the womb, leucorrhoett, chronic intlammution and ulcciaUon of the womb, incidental hemorrhage or Hooding, nalnfiil. suimresscd anil Irregular menstruation, barrenness, ami change of life, this it the best Appli ance and Curative Agent known. Fur all forms of Female Difficulties It Is unsur- passed by anything before Invented, both as a cura tive nirent and as a source of pow er and vltaliiatlon. Price ot either Kelt Willi Magnetic insoles, sio, sent bv exnress C. O. D.. ami examination allowed. or by mail on receipt of price. In ordering send measure of waist, and size ol shoe. Remlllanee ean he made in currency, sent in letter at our risk. The Miianeton tiarments are adapted to all ages, are worn over the under clothing, (not next to the body like tlie many Oslvanlc und Electric Hum bugs advertised so extensively,) and should b tuken on at nignt. iney noui tueir sjwer forever, ml are worn at alt seasons of the vear. Mem! Miami, lor the "New Deuurture in Medical treatment Willi.. lit Medicine," v ith thousands of testimonials. THE MAtiNETION APPLIANCE CO.. . 2IH Statu Street, Chicago, III. VoTit Send one dollar In onstage stainns. or cur rency (In letter at our risk with sise ofshoe usually worn and trv a nair of our Mairnelie Insoles, and lie convinced of the power Msiding In our other Magnetic Appliance. Pi illlvely nocoid feet when thev are worn, or money remnueo. oct Illy cotton rAcroita akdcoxmiihion ggaciuNTi 11 South Frederick St., BALTIMORE, M.D. REFERENCE: HON M.W.RANSOM. DR. C. J. GEE, COL. AARON PRKSCOTT. Cssh advances made on consignments and cotton held subject to orders or owners, oct 11 3in Mil k 1, 1 1 OV7 QOODS. The undersigned have just entered into the mercantile business in the three story brick building next door to R. W. Danicl'a where thev have a LARGE STOCK or Dry timals, including LariicN Dress (ioods, Prints, White Cottons, Brown Domestics, Ii. sits, Shoes, llaU, Cups, Notions, Funey (iiaiils, Clothing, C.ents Furnishing tiooda, Tin ware tind Wixslen wure, Cns'kery, c. Having bought cheap they intend to SELL CHEAP, ul nnlv ask a trial. Bo sure to examine our stock before purchasing. 0rKemeaaber th yJaoe. LASSITER k TlLLKKY, , ort 18 ly WeWon, N. C, ADVERTISEMENTS. TEY THE NEW NO 8. WHEELER 4 WILSON. Lightest Running and best McwIiik M hln IN THE W0L1M). No (Uner to helth-llk th noisy-heavy run nlni ihuttle machine. AGENTS WANTED. Mend for terms and price List. W HEELER WILSON. M fR. Co. Alum. . June 21 im V. J. XAW & SON, BAKER AND CONFECTIONERS, WBLIDOsT, 3ST. o. A yery large supply of Cakes, Crackers, Candles, French and Plain, R.i- sins, rruits. Nuts, ,ve. The largest stock of Toys of every variety aver urougm to mis markei. Orders for candies, cake. etc., tilled at shortest notice at Northern prices. Wedding and other imrtles suuiilled as cheap the cheapest. oct 16 ly DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS WELDON N. C, DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS MKDltlNES ANU l'liellt'AL. PCRri'MERY, FANCY hTOILrr ARTlCLKa, FINK CHEWING AND SMOKINU TOBACCO CIGARETTS AND CIGARS. rilKTi, qui. Tiimini, GRASS AND GARDEN SEED rayalataaa'i rrscrlpUM Aoeantalr Otm- - iff 1AANI W A lib A ' fajaaWM WWW liMMMtiatW. feptMlT -PSrf- lOWlll I .N rUti' i t i !. il.il i. As we gMW old, our yostcrd lys Seem very tl in 'ni'l 'l:s!iuli We groK'.a- thosi- in darken d ways, Through nil tnat Is cx'sti-ntv Yet far-.il ilav siou. Initio and clear Willi suns that .llg h ive fidod, And ti es deJd in siram;elj urur :r To those Hint 1.1' has shaded. As we grow old our tears an- few For friends nu st l.itcly taken, Rut fall -as I dls Uiciuumr dew FMm roses lightly s.iaken When some chance word- or Idlo strain,' Thei holds of liiern r) sAci'ping, I'nl-K-k the fl- d -gnt.-s ..( .iir paiii For Hi e who taught us weeping. As we grow el. 1 our sialics are rare , To those hojjrret us da.ly . ... ... Or. if some living fate wear Tile looks Unit beaiiu'd . gaily From eyes l-.tigel ised. and we should smile In answer in their wooing. 'Tis but the I'.iSI l.il '.l Ol.'s till' w hile Our pewcr tosiiiitc renewing. As we grow old our di" mis al nlht Are nrver i f the niorr '; They r .no wlLi vaui.bod o'.nsiir" bright, Or dalk with i.l.ieil s rr .u ; And w lien we wake tlie naincN we say Are in t .f any mortals Hilt of liio.M' in. .lue long ill ad dsy l'aetl tin iuli l.f" s iiii't p.o-tn'. V K t iMtlloS, SPRIGHTLY SPARKS. lie Ik not lik I'.ilsc to liml. lv to lie true man who is AVlwt h it lolinloiil alioot ut liini'.' ilonc tliiit sn many pcft- "Illuminated inuimscript" that which la burning with wit. l'':ilselimi l nhv.ivs cnilcao.'s to copy mcin .nut iitlitinii of truth. 1 tlic He wlio can cmi"';il lii.s .'oy is greater than he who can conceal his urii Is. Our happiness n.ul misery arc ' trusted to our cimditet, anil made to ilep.-ii l upon it. The "skeleton in tlie closet" was lirst dis cuvcivd when tlie hoopskiit was invented. It is hard to tell when u lie, a mosquito, or a (leliiKiliclit subscriber is ("nine; to settle. Not'iiiiiK is ever done beautifully which is done in rivalship, nor nobly which is done in pride. Tlie potato frith ull il eyes is the most tmcccptible, of vegetable. It is so easily mashed. Adam was not a polycamist, altlinugh in his day he married all the women in the world. Let us lc:rn to npptveiate nml value at their true price tlie little blessings that come to us daily. If the wages of sin is death some old sin drawing iters we know of are a long time their salitrv "I'm sit ling on the style, Mary," said irv's father win a he refused to buy her a new bonnet. man who plivcd the violin wretchedly was said to be sin. ti t in tlt.it ho sawed seveiul hords per day. A man's thumb is a small thing, but when wants to drive a nail it covers more sur face than a lions . There are men who love only themselves: and these are men of hatred, for to love one's self alone is to hate others. The thief who stole a watch at u public meeting excused himself on thu plea that he was merely taking minutes ot the ullair. Small Roy: 'Tn, did you know ma long before vou married her?" l'a: "I didn t. 1 didn't know her illl long after I married!' Tl ere is many a rich man who is no bet ter otTt hail his impecunious h.nthcr. 1 he latter has no food lor his stomach, and the former no stomach for hisloisl. How a wo-.uun can keep on talking while she twists up her back hair and has her mouth lull ot hairpins is ii mystery not yet expluined. li'ben a man finds a dog collar in a piece of mince pie he feels a little sorry for the dog, but his sympathies ure mostly concen trated on himself. 1 Remember that you go grow older every day; if yon have bad habits, they grow older t(Hi; and the older liotn grow together the harder they urc to separate. The average age of a hog is only fifteen vears. Tins aiwavs consoles ns worn we see a man spreading himself out over four seats in a railway compartment. Our brains are seventv-vear clocks. The iingel of life winds them up once for all, then closes the ease and gives the key into tho hand of the angel ofthc resurrection. People talk about the ''new moon" when there isn't aliv new moon. It is the same old moon with a tallow dip nose, that has been circling around this world lor ages. H'hv is il that a blessing only when it is lost cuts as ilecn into tho heart as a slt:trp diamond? Why must we first weep before we can love so deeply that our hearts ache! If the hearts of the two wedded giants beat as one, what a terrible thumping there must be. I'm down to bed ris k." s.ud a nennerk ed husband, as he swayed the cradle contain his howling son and heir. The nravcrs of little children nre very sng- rrative. A lit. if Ktrl on Long island, a lew nights ago, closed her devotions with these words: "I do thank nice, ioni, ior an my blessings, and I'll do as much for you some time." Cleveland has a young lady who has had bul'rt in her head lor threewocks. Hint s nothing. Some society ladies, who are lona of dancing have their "heads lull ot bulla" all IP inter. "Your father is worth at least half a mil liou, is he not?" said he to his jealous sweet heart. "That is true," she murmured, "And vet von doubt my love," he replied, in an injured tone. . , Satire is a sort of glass wherein beholders do generally discover evetvlssly's face but their own; which is the chief reason for that kind rcccptio i it meets in the world und that no very lew are onenuoa wnn n. Giaxl moaning Mr. Brown, how are you "Nod ad nil well thug yon. I'e fearful code id my head." "it's a strange thing aliont colds, isn't it?" "How do you bead?" "Why, they always settle the weakest place. "Yes." said the doctor, "vou areeertamlT threatened . wilh Scarlet fever.". "What shall I do, what shall I do?' she moaned, in great distress, "till, ihx'tor! couldn't you throw it into some other kind ot lever? Sear let is so trying to my complexion." "No," said a fond mother, speaking promt lv of her twenty five year old daughter; "no, Mnrv isn't old enough to marry yet. She cries when ever nny one scolds her, nml un til she becomes hardened enough to talk buck vigorously she isn't fit for a wife. Life Is not so very different as one migl t think. F-ast or West, in country or city. Anywhere, a man may be a gentleman If be will. Anywhere, one may ito iionest, laitn ful work, if he will. Anywhere, oh may lire a pure and noble life, doing good, If he will. And these are we work ot I man, Fo Dyspepsia, itf.i,rrrTtz-inz c a 1 1 n a , Umrtiirhe, C Ii runic Dlur rltiuii, JauntUrOp luiimrlly of tho Aue. Malaria, all PUoAHfi fuuncd hr P re'agciucut of Liver, UuwuU and Kidney. STMTTOMS OF A TISKASEI) 1.ITFR. Had Iircaih; l'.n in the Si'lc, ointtimc the rwin is under ttc Sl ul'fcr-Ujulv, miitak-tn kit Klitumatijtm ; general 1 1 ot atipctite; UowcU generally evitivt., DmcliiiHt alteriLatuij witit Ux; (he Head 1b trtnibtetl with pain, ii dull and he.ivy, ' ith eomidcraltle lui f mvtiittry, accompani.'d wrth a painful ftrnati-n of fn'in:; undone sometiiinf H-ttich iuuW to bav l jn flune; a hlilit, dry Couti arrl fluvlicd face n fu-itiini. an attendant, "den nnst.,k.n inr constcjitmi'ii; yi. y.nym rumi!.tina K" I roU ;,r lairs tig, lomctiuirs 4 fra-lly iens.itwa of the tkia rhi'tu; tpirii nic low ..nil i(eiKinilent, mS, ahhough al.ftfr:Jjial cxvdu wmiUI Ik- 1mm. ft' is), yH one can li.o lly lonuaon up foriiuidc li .try it ia (wet, ilistiiiid vury rr.ti,w'y . Several cs lltr above nvntpuj.i. annul i'-c iliiutse. hut c..e Iss (,.- tirrad mIh iv but I w .,( ihrm emlrit, yt ess i .la.rt aft r U:.lh lias itmwn ilia Liver ta haw been extensively dcisiig.il. : i It should be iiui by all persons, old and young, whenever any of lh above ' ' s.iinploms nienr Persona Trsivellnn or Living In Tn henllhy Localities, by 1,-ilOng a '....c ocau.-n-aSy hi kp the Liver in henliliv ..cO'-n. will svoid H Malni lK, lllllous all in k, Dimnru, Msu m, lln.wincss, lVpresi in i,t Spirits, rtc. It ifl iri..isic like a n!ot wine, but Is liu iu toxteatlnf bcverniro. ft Twh have eNtm-: lenythlnn; hard' at sns-rillf,!, or f'-fl luavy aficr meals, or sleep less si nigiU, uke a dose and yuu v. ill be relieved. Time unl Doctors' trill be saTed ' by always krc-idiig; Iho Reiriitatur In lllf llnoset , For, whatever the Itiiment may s, s UlSfr-ngr-ly sale puiitRllve, nil cikHvc .-.ml tonic t.m ni-er be out o plan. Tlie rrmtily it harioless and does nut Interfere wiih business or lilcnsure. - IT IS PURELY VKOBTAnLX Anil has all the power and efficacy of Calomel or (juiuine, vuaoul any of the uijunuus after effects, A Oowernor! TcsOmonjr. Simmons Liver Ri gul.,ir,r has been in use in my family for sialic time, anil I am iithlied it is a valuable aidition lo the medic;;! science. J. Gin. SnuRTi.a, (.overoiir of Al. tTon. Alesandi r II. Stephens, of On,., . sava: Have derived s.'Oie beaefi: 'rem (he use of Simmr.ns Liver Regulator, and wish le give it a nirther trial, ' o: t ' .1 "The only Thing that never fulls to nellewe," f have used m.oiv r.'iiudiis for liys. ts-ysis. Liver Aflc.lion and llilnliiy. lui( lvr he fiund snylhini; to binrfil rrie tu the ' xiem Smonons Liver Kegulator Ian. 1 sent from Min nesota to Georgia for it, and wi illd send further for .R' S a medicine, and would aitvisc all who are sim ilarly affected to (five It a trial as it seems the only thing that iMver fails to rebec. . ' P. M. Jannet, Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. 1. W. Mason nyt i From actual ex. perlenee in the use of Simmons Liver Krgulatur in my practice I have ben and am aaiisficd to use and prescribe it as a purgative medicine. . fejjTake only the Genuine, which always feat im the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark and g natnre of J. H. ZF.II.IN tt CO. - r0R:J;AI-EB AI-L HRIT.G1STS fell ri iv " , STOMACH 9 :ittebs ine necessity lor uromnt and emcrem household reincdlea fs dully trrowing mow iinpernlive, and ol these llostrtter'a tstom ach Ulttera la the chief in merit and the most uopular. Irrraulurily of the sluaincb and bowels, malarial fever, liver com plaints, debility, rheumatism, and minor ailmenta, are thoroughly conquered by this incomparable fumllv restorative and roedlcv Inal safeauard. ana It it lastly regarded u the purest and most Comprehensive remedy ef its class. For sale by all Druggista and stealers generally. , . June 14 ly. ' , JAND SALE. By virtue of an order of Halifax Superior Court made iu the ex parte special proceed ings instituted by S. II. Kountroe, Jr., and wife and others, I shall sell at public auction at the court house door iu Halifax county, on Monday, the 3rd day of December, JW83, that tract ot land situate in said county ad joining the lands of A. M. Quails, Bynum yaulls and others containing by survey two hundred and lifty-one acres, titrmerly belong ing to Wiiii Ls Ljualuv, deceased, und now held by the putitionersas tenants in common.- Term.:. Oue-lhinl cosh bulunce on one and two vears. Bontl with gissl sruurity re quired and titld retained till all the purchase mouey is paid. J. M. Ml LLr.N, Commissioner. t Halifax, N. C, 'Jml, Wi. nov 8 tds M. L. JACOBS & BRO., HALIFAX,; K. C! ' ' CII0ICK3T LIQUORS. 'v..-, i o 'tl....' '. I' ' , s t, ; . V I I ' , "' i r.v; '; ' ; r .n Our bar contains all the choicest brands i . i w.r i" I.'- ,'.:.. . : i . i '. '" I ' : wines, brandies, whiskies, beer and mixed drink are in inlo in the 10, maimer. ClKn, Cli-arettai Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, fall aiid enmlB theai. , , , , ' , FAMILY GROCERIES ( . u 0 S Ol if is are cheap and all the best kinds kept constantly e hand'and sbx'k continually replenished. . ,i i- ..l - BILLIARDS AND POOL! , I e ' ' I Tables always ready for custoinen and the yubll ,ro Invited to visit eur house where they wtU well treated aud where they can play rW aa Blllla.sU at a small txifew. innrl if 1 1 i i if ; . "-1 u i t' S." s t'; V f': It

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