rk rp-x fr. s- ( 0) AX .'l(0i a a; . '. f,, Wi '.- P ii? 1 C ' ,.' V A I' .' i HIAXjI-. & SLIEIDQ-E, l'ltoritiETOiis. TERMS--'1111 1,:K ANNrM 1N aiva.('K. .A. NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE. 1 VOL. XII. NO. 4i?.- WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 18S4. I ' 1 I . I kMki Ml PROFESSIONAL CARDS. (j. "ELLIOTT. Attorney and Counsellor at I,aw. NORFOLK, VA. Risniis 1 and 3 Virginian Building. ort 5 ly. B1 Attorneys at Law, KNI'IKLD, N. C. Practice in the counties of Halifax, Nash, Edge ! I awl Wilson. Collections made in all part Sine State. J"- tf. R Attorney at J,aw, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. Practices I" Die county of Halifax and adjoining Joules, and l the- Supreme eourt of the state. ' octltily. 1 ltUAUD A 1IYMAN, Attorney! at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. ,.,, in the Court House. Strict attention given hull brunches or the pmicssioii. Jhii VI I)' fji II o M A S N. H I L L, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Practices in linllfix and adjoining counties and Federal aim Miprcme coiins. aug. i!8 tf. T W. M A SON, Attorney at Law, (1AKYSDCHO, N. C. rrneticeii in the courts of Northampton and ad Uiiini: counties, also in the Fedeial and Supreme pain. Juuestf, y ALTER E. 1) A N I E L, Attorney at Law, WELDON, N. C. Practices in Halifax and adjoining counties. Sueclal allentioii given to collections in all parU of the suite and prompt return made, feu 17 ly. W. HALL, Attorney at Law, WELDON, N. 0 Special attention given t collection ami remit Uira promptly made. , may 1 tf. M ULLEN t MOOHE, Attorneys at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Practice In the counties of Halifax, Northampton, fclKiTombe. l'itt and Martin In the Supreme court ufilie Stale and in the Federal Courts ofthe Eastern District. Collections made in any part of the Suite. Jaiilly jral E. SHIELDS, Surgeon I)entint. Having permanently located In Weldon, can be taiiiil at his oltiee in Smith s Brli-k Building at all times exeeiit when alwcnt on prolewuiiuu ousinrais. Careful attention given to all branches of the pro- fmu'un. Parties visilod at their homes when ae Ired. July W ly. . D U. E. L. II 13 NTEK, Surgeon Dentist. Can be found at his office in Enfield. Pure Nitrous Oxide Gas for the Painless Extrac ting of Tcclli always on hand. June '! tf SHIPS Knows To Men of Fame and Science ro Remcm ALL IMPURITIES OFTHE BLOOD. A:to5lljid I Oriel, Duwt, ill XSdut Cirt to CONSTIPATION, fuT;j:.iit..t",u- nVQPPPQIA known by irregular appe UIOrcrOIH, titi B011r belching, weight .l ,u...iu..,uyU t.n nt' stomach. desDOItdenCT. LIVER j I bmn i nL Bill.s.SMt. asaiaria, unni. r. M.ltrls, C il in back, i Tiiar. uuunc ore&.M m bsuS ssa lias, rr also bottom of ribs; weariness, Irritability, tongue coated, skin yellow, he and cold sen saiiuns.eyesdull,dry eough.stlBedaiidobstruct' eil fwling, irregular pulse, bad colored stoola. APftPI FYY Kli'ijyJrljrU,dim nrort-'-A'ii..i,t sound in ears, giddiness, eoufiisioii in head, nervousness, (lashes of light bofur. mi. lew of m.uiory. Visums ( Blsds.r ul ifinNPVC urine dark or light, red deposit; IMUnciO, i.unilng.stinging.bearingdown Mnutioiii. (rtqu.nl S.nrs to srissU, inuiiw liliinu .Yii, S.rk oirelu, ItirlL DiaWSSSM lirUPT .r '. lun'risj tr wia bosj nr.Hr, 1 1 m,n M M Si.vlsf ,sl.kly aa4 h.n l.mr m hft sis. : t of knstli n tsonlw, urinAruc n sar pii i s. nLWUHOnC., tyas w ko4 ; fsistaois, uaisa. DnoiT is ,.um4 ky wsury IsU. Bbiiia. tlain, r iris I4 la sIms. lta Htn by oorrapt mwu. Wosma J 'On., I'olda b' eh,ikl U. SMnUou iw a Tun rik.ua, jr .us th. num. BisSmr a lnuaunt .sr.. Boal by BisU lot IS msu bos W JU PilU: t b.,i... l 00. (la M Vmr) AUru, 1)1, IWATNI sMSM, 1Ulaa1ltllSk, raw M bj UralMa. June It ly M. L. JACOBS & JJllO., HALIFAX, N. CI CHOICEST LIQUORS. Our bar contains U the choicest brands wines, brandies, whiskies, beer and mixed drink are made in the best manner. Cigars, Cigarettes Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. Call and exainlua them. - FAMILY GROCERIES' are cheap and all the best kinds kept constantly hand and stock continually rcplenlslieus BILLIARDS AND POOH Table, alwaya ready for customers and the pubs are lUTitcd to yUlt our house wnere u.v W.U treated and where they oau plr fool an Billiards at a small expense, guru ly ADVERTISEMENTS. T. J. Jakratt, W.J.JaATT. T- J JARRATT &C SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 38 Sycamore St., Petersburg, VA. Strict personal attention given to the sale of COTTON, PEANUTS, TOBACCO, WHEAT, CORN, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. RETURNS MADE PROMPTLY. JcTw am"1 ,nd UC" furaU1,ed at "e" KAtet. BqiCK SjoqE IN THE BOTTOM. I have now in store and am receiving almost daily the following goods : Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Stove pans, nuooeu ware, riour, imcon. imrfi. Meal. Tobacco, Cigars, Assorted Soa, Sugar, i;onee, risn, rure apple vinegar. kerosene ana Ken oil. rruujc a specialty, direct from THE MANUFACTURY. I make a specialty of CONFECTIONERIES. French Candles, Plain Candles, Kuisius, Dales, Oranges, Lemons, Cream Cheese, Cam tdlioods. Cuiiucd lWf, Canned Ham, Sardines, &c. Also Fancy Cakes, Apples, ic. 11. C. SPIERS, Weldon, N. C. oct IK ly Ir.lvJ.IE.KULL, No. 145, Sycamore Street, PETERSBURG, VA. You will here find the largest assortine it aim moat stylish Millinery (i"ts this snie i ians- every article ol the ikwi, aim som i ic .v. prices ami warranted to give satisfaction. Real French ltonneU. and Hats, Ribbons, old La dies and Infants' 1-ace Cai, Sashes, nrioai anu Tournament Wreaths, Veils, IMumci, and Coronets, Halrdoods, Silks, Satins, Velvets, llultons, fringes and a generul assornieiu oi wn - drens Hats in great variety, l-adies invss ui all Uie leading Fabrim with all necessary Trim-mlniatamttU-b.luliM' I'n.ler garments, Hosiery of the latest make, Cloaks, Dalinans and SliawU, Chlldren'i Cloaks. The best Kid Gloves niaae, an colors, Combs, Hair Ornaments and Perfumery, Handkerchiefs, Corsets, Balmoral Skirts, ami i-auies and Misses I'nder Sklrta. Bridal Outfits aipeeialty. .Uilles" Dri'sses made to order III best manner. Fit Guaranteed. Samples on application. All or ders tilled promptly. JTATES OF VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA, TimLAKuKsTCioriiisu anu Cuitii Hum in tiii S O U T II E R N 8 T A T E 8. M. E. KULL, 136 Sycamore Street, PETERSBURG, VA. Where you will fiud the most Beautiful Stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, WHOLESALE AND KETAIL, These Ooodi are all manufactured in the House and are Equal to CUSTOM MADE WORK. Shirts, Socks, Drawers, Shirt Fronta, Gloyea, Night Khlrts, Cuffs, Ties, Ac. ni. i,v the most skillful artlsU. All goods ..n .nA mlua for measure and samples sent on application. Money Refunded f ""J AUCTIONEER The undersigned offers his services . to whom miv need them as Auctioneer at pub' Ic sales, i 5artif"hi county He has haf conslderabli .ttra buiiiissand refer, to any on wj. ij. h- .old P7'0ABy, jwufcx, V, C rim ADVERTISEMENTS. Whuktale and Retail DruggUtt -And Dealers in- G EXE R A L MER CIIA XDISE, HALIFAX, N. CM FINE CONFECTIONKHIES, CMAKS A TOBACCO 4 Specialty. rUESlI HUiTMES KVERY WEEK. We have served you faithfully for the last fifteen years and ask a continuance of your patronage. Prescriptions carefully prepared at all hours. -On corner opposite Court House Square"fc SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR. net 7 ly i TO PURSER VIC THE HEALTH I'se the Magneton Appliance Co.'s MAGNETIC LUNG PROTECTOR! PRICE ONLY $5. They are priceless to Ladies, Gentlemen and Chil dren with weak lungs', no case of pneumonia or croup is ever known where these garments are worn. They also prevent and cure heart difficulties, Colds, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Throat troubles, Diphtheria, Catarrh, and all kindred diseases. Will wear any service for three years. Are worn over the under-clothing. n i n i TiTlTT It is needless to des- Vix L JxlXlVli., scribe the symptoms of this nauseous disease that is sapping the life and strength of only too many uf the fairest and beat of hnth sexes. Ibor. studv and research in America, Euroiie ami Eastern lunds, have resulted in the Mag netic Lung Protector, altording cure ror latarrn, reineilv w men contains . imiKKiug oi uieaysiciu, ami with the continuous stream of MaKUelism per- ni,'HiitiLrthruui?h thealllieted oruuiiis. must restore them to a healthy action. Wo place our price for this Amiliance at less than one-twentieth of the price ask stei 'd bv others for remedies upon which you take all the chances, and especially Invite the pat- ronage of the many persons who have tried drug' ging their stumaens wituoui eneci, HOW TO OBTAIN a' ance. Go to your druggist and ask for them. If they have not got them, write to the proprietors, en closing the price, in letter at our risk, anil they will be sent to you at once by mail, post paid. siiuitUninfnrt)i( "New Denarture In Medical Treatment w ithout Medicine," with thousands of testimonials, THE MAGNETON APPLIANCE IX)., JIB State Street. Chicago, III l,vrv Send one dollar in postairc stamps or cur rency (iu letter at our risk) with sine of shoe usually worn aim try a jMirunpurnRiicut inntiv,, and be convinced of the power residing in our Mag nctic Auoliances. Positively no cold feet where they are worn, or money refunded. oct 11 ly THE LEADER OP LOW FieIOES ! I have just n-tuived uiy FALL AND WINTER STOCK, Wliiili is fuller than ever bufure. Special attuutiuu to BOOTS AND SHOES. I keep a full line of cider's Luce and Button Shin's lor Ladies. 1 nave also a targe Hlock of Bai ltr'i Ilraziliun Slme Drmmg Jor Laatti and Unlami. My Stock of DRY V.OO 1) H, NOTION'S, JEWELKV, Ac, is complete. Aim a complete line 01 i rcw 1.u1m VA tinttiMI. I lUWlinerr. ruia, im s'i : ' .. . 11 i ii. .if riliKf, HuttoiiH, t.orscta, ihimj llOKC lor IJMlICa Oil" CHEAP FOR CASH. full nail examine my stock before pur- Comer First St., ami wiiiiub" oct M tf ESTABLISHED 1857 1857 JANUARY l.t. XIII. RUFE. W. DANIEL ... rosier in :o: GROCERIES, LIQUORS, FINE WINES, CIGARS, TOBACCO c.Jac.' POITUR-I UGtMEEROIIICE. R. W. DANIEL, No, It, WaU, A W.ldon K.ft Jun. tw-r ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 gY 'IKNOrOK VATJUMU UJSiS. nov 22 ly i MACHINE. This represents a machine with which 100 yards of fabric of any description can be measured, from Cotton ilaitifini to Finest Silk, in less than five minutes, and with mora accuracy than can be done with the "Yard Stick." A boy seven years old can do the work. These machines will soon be in every (iln house and Store In the South, and Carpet and Bagging Manufacturers cannot do without it. They are noted fur their Rapidity and Accuracy or Work and for their Cheapness. Manufacturers look to the future and procure rights at once ! Goods can be measured from the lisnuand put In rolls of any number of yards. Two of these machines are now In successful operation at the'.GIns of Mr. Noah Biggs and Mr, D. Alsbrook, Scotland Neck, N. C, and give per fect satisfaction. For further information, terms etc., Address J. 0. WILLIAMS, Inventor and Patentee, Scotland Neck, N. C. nov 15 ly MRS. P. A. LEWIS, SMITH'S BRICK BLOCK. MILLINERY, FANCY GOODS, Ac. LADIES Fl KMSlUNli UOOHS. NOTIONS, Ac. nutlerick's natterns on short notice. An elegant line of neck wear, laces ami rinuons. rrices as low as can be HAD ANYW11ERI'- Dress Makinii in all its brandies by experienced nanus. MRS. PATTIE A.LEWIS, Weldon, N. C, oct IS ly GARY & CO., 201 AND atW SYCAMORE STREET, HAVE IN STOUE 'A FULL STOCK OF EARTHENWARE, CHINA - - - Plain and Decorated, TIU "WABB, AND SILVER PLATED WARE. Our prices are REASONABLE, and command the attention of buyers either at wholesale or to con sumers. ' GARY & CO., G ARY & CO, 2M AND 2(13 8YCAMOSE 8TREET, OFFER A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF PARLOR CHAM HER A SI) VISING FURNITURE , AT POPULAR PRICES. STYLES THE LATEST AND PRICES TO SL'IT ANY MARKET, GARY A CO., Petersburg, Va. oct 18 ly LjfjDLJjfK NORFOLK VIRGINIA. ARTHUR FREEMAN, JIWELEE, STOKE 144J MAIN 8TRKET. EatnlilUlicil 1KI1. Offers to Ilia friends In the old North State goods at the follow uik. price. : m OLD Fino doulile cased jtenU' "U-m winding gold watches 15. Uulicn' double case gt'iu winding watches, f JO. Lower grades, $14. Mid gold watch chains $10 and upwards. Solid gold bracelet, $1'2 and upwards. Fine silver plated castors $3.50 nud upwards. Butter dislics $;U0 nnd upwards. Solid silver spoon; ftf per doz. Remember all my goods are warranted as represented or mouey refunded. Orders by mail promptly attend ed to. Wedding and engagement rings a specialty. Kopairing promptly doa. Adtitfwi ARTHUHC. FREEMAN, Jeweler, 1441 Main Hi. Wfiilj Norfolk, Va. ADVERTISEMENTS. HELP YOUR EYES I'SINd YOUNG S CELEBRATED IMPROVED PERISCOPIC GLASSES, CLEAR AND SOFT TO THE EYE, STRENGHEN- INUTO WEAK. EYES, For sale in Gold, Steel, Rubber and Celluloid Frames. HELP TO" SAVE By buying the greatest Bargain ever offered In a GOLD HUNTING WATCH, Varying in price from FORTY TO ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Wuith nearly doublo the price. SETS OMEWELRY. Handsome In design and In tine quality. A thou sand ditrcrcnt styles of RINGS, PINS, EAR RINGS, Ct'FF 1UTTONS, WTI'DS, COLLARS, 1IUTTONS, 1IRACKLETS, SILVER SPOONS, HllthS, &C, t. 'LOCKS, PLATED CASTORS, ICE PITCH KHS, 4o. At the lowest possible prices. Orders promptly aueuncu to. J. T. YOUNG 4t BRO... Petersburg, a. net '.My DISEASE CURED Without Medicine. A Valuable Discorfry fur iiipptying MaijnrCm to the Human Sytitem: Electricity and Magnetitiin utilized an never before for Healing the Nick. THE MAGNETION APPLIANCE CO.'S MAGNETIC KIDNEY BELT! FOR MEN IS WARRANTED TO CURE Or Money Refunded, the following diseases without medicine: Pain in the back, hips, head or limbs, nervous debility, lumba go, general debility, rheumatism, paralysis, neural gia, sciatica, disease of tha kidneys, spinal diseases, torpid liver, gout, seminal emissions, lmpoteuey, asthma, heart disease, dyspepsia, constipation, ery sipelas, indigestion, henna or rupture, catarrh, piles, epilepsy, dumb ague, etc. When any debility of the Generative Organs oe eurs ijwt Vitality, lack uf Nerve Force and Vigor. Wasting Weakness, and all those Diseases of a per sonal nature, from whatever cause, the continuous stream or Magnetism permeating tnrougn uie pans, must rilore them to a healthy action. There is no mistake sis ait tbisapplianee. TOTIIKLADIES: If you arc afflicted with Ijime Hack, weakness ofthe spine, falling of the womb, leucorrhoea, chronic inflammation and ulceration ofthe womb, Incidental hemorrhage or flooding, luiinfnl. suiinresseil and irrcaiilur meiistruulion. barrenness, and change of life, tills is the best Appli anoeiand Curative Agent kuown. For all forma of Female inmcuiiies it is unsur passed by anything Iwforo Invented, both as a cura tive agent and as a source of power and vltiilisation. Price of either Belt with Magnetic Insoles. 810, sent liy express CO. II., and examination allowed, or by mail on receipt of price. In ordering send measure of waist, and size of shoe. Remittance can be made in currency, sent in letter at our risk. The Magneton Garments are adapted to all ages, are worn over the under clothing, (not next to the body like the many Galvanic ami Electric Hum bugs advertised so extensively,) and should be taken on at night. They hold their )s)wer forever, and are worn at all seasons of the year. Send stamp for the "New Departure In Medical treatment Without Medicine," with thousands of testimonials. THE MAGNETION APPLIANCE CO., aid State Street, Chicago, 111. Not. Send one dollar In posUige stainis, or cur rency (in letter at our risk) with site of shoe usually worn, and try a pair of our Magnetic Insoles, and be convinced of the power residing in our other Magnetic Appliances. Positively nocoiu leel wnen they are worn, or money refunded. octitiy L1 COTTON TACTOOS A SI) COMMISSION MERCHANTS J7 South Frederick St., 11ALTIMORE, M.D. K E F E R E N C E : nON. M. W. RANSOM, DR.C. J.UEK, COL. AARON PRESC0TT. Cash advances made on consignment and coltou held Subject to orders of owners. oct 11 :in 1 L 111 low (JOODS. The nndcraiRncd have just entered into tliK mercantile business in the three atory brick ImildiiiK next door to K. W. Uunict'. where they have & LABO-E STOCK OF Dry Good, includinjr Ladies Dress (IikmIs, 1'rinU, Whit Cottons, ltrown Domestics, Boots, Shoes, HaU, Cilia., Notions, Funcy Goods, ClotUinit, ttents Furuishini? Gotsls, Tin ware mid Wooden wure, Crockery, c HaviiiK lnmiiht chp they intend to SELL CHEAP, Mid only ask trial. Be. sure to examine our itock before pualiasing. ii. i - ,r'WBenieauber the jilace. " ' LASSITER ATILLKRY, , oot 13 lj Weldon, N, C, TIM IB ADVERTISEMENTS. TRY THE NEW NO 8. Thev She She With Bui Go. WHEELER & WILSON. Lightest Running and best Sewing Machine IN THE WOULD. No danger to health-like the noisy-heavy run nliif shuttle machines. AGENTS WANTED. Send for terms and price List. WHEELER k WILSON. Mfg. Co. Atlanta. Ua. June 21 am y. I. SAW Si SO N, BAKERS ANU CONFECTIONERS, WELDOIT, IT. O. A very large supply of Cakes, Crackers, Candies, French and Plain, Rai sins, Fruits, Nuts, 4c. The largest stock of Toys of every variety ever brought to this market. Orders for candies, cakes, Ac., filled at shortest notice at Northern prices. Wedding and other parties supplied as cheap a the cheapest. oct 16 ly DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS. WELDON N. C, ;dialiii in P U R EI DRUGS MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. remiMERV.rANtv t toilet articles, ?1SE CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACXO .CIGARETTS AND CIGARS! JAlXtl, 0111. TilKIIIII. GRABS AND GAItDKN SEED rUrair-Uuu PreaeripUaM Aoountal Otsa ''(S.ALL 0O0D6 WAJUUNTKS. DO NOT t Al t. IT I.OVINC. . She has laughed as softly as if she sighed! She has counted si and over Of a purse well tilled, and a heart w ell tried Oil! each a wormy lover: give her lime: l',,r her soul must slip heir the worm wi"H inc grooving ; will lie to noon, iih In r lair red lip- Hut love seeks truer :oving. trembles her fun In a sweetness dumb, As her thoughts wen I'cy.nicl recalling, a glance for one, and a glance Iim soino, From hereyelids, rising uml tatting, Speaks common wonts with n blushful air; lleurs nolo ones, uurcornving ; her silence says hat slic ne'er will swear And love seeks heller Invlug. ludv ! lean o l lie night guitar, And dron a smile to t Jit- lrlinrer; Then smile as sweetly u lieu he is far, At the voice nt mi inoiKir singer: Bask tenderly beneath tender eyes; Glance lightly on their removing, And Join new vows to old perjuries; Hill oarc not can u loving, , Unless you can llilnk when the song Is done No other is suit in the rythin ; Unless you can feel when left hy one Thai iill men else go u ith him ; Unless you ikitu know , hen tipriiiseil his breath, ThMl'yniir iH-anty Itsidf wants piMving: Unless vo u can swear : "l''nr life for tlciilh !" Oh ! I'eiu I i cull it loving. Unless you ciiii i iitse In a crowd all day i in the hIm.mii tin e thai lixed ymi : Unless you can low us Hie angel may, Willi llle breath of heaven ! tweeli iitt ; Unless you ciiii ili't nni Unit his faith is fi,st, Through )iehoo ing anil iiiiIh Ii,ii tug : Unless you can die w b-'li the ilreain is past, (lb ! iiever cull II hivtng. A l.vt-ki CHAIRMAN WAiS AMI SUMNS comiiiti.i:. AND MFC!! Sl'uKKN OF A DKMOCRARI0 PKESIDENTIAl, C.AXI'IDATE FulllSl. . Tlio subject nf our luiilniit ami hkctch this week iliict's bi'l'iiii' uir voailors thn likeness ami lil'u ul' William R. Muirismi, who, ' as Cliaii'tmiti nt' llie Ways ami Moans I iiinmiUi'i1, will liiriiri' ltmro I'ldi siiH'tuiusly in tlw iioliev nf tlio jircsi'iii Cnliriss mi tin- taiiil ami ivi line iiir tinns than any ntlu-r iinMnln'r ol'llial Inuly. Mr. Mnirisoii was Mr. Cai'lNe's nitiii ngor during tlio lute Sicaki'rsliii fniitcM, ami lias been rocojitii. 'il by bis . succi'sriil protcoi'. 'as bail bi'i'ii lvilii tnl, in case of tlio hiltei's I'li valinii M tho Sn'akcr sbip. Win. R. Morrison, of Watorliin, III., was born in Motirno cniinty. that State, September 1 I, IS'25, ami i'imseiUPiitly is in liis llHli year, lie was eiltieateil in the coiiiimni sehnuls, ami rriiiliiiiti'il at McKemlree (Villnfrf. Illinois, lie ailnpted the law us a profession, ami soon alter he became a member nf the bar was elected Clerk of the Circuit. Court. Finm this position he was next ailvaneeil as it mem tier nf thn Illinois llntise nf I'epresetita tivus, servino; I'mtr terms, the last nf which he was Speaker i 'ft lie llnitse. Mr. 31 or- risou was then ilecteil to represent the Seventeenth District of his State in the Thirtv-ciirhtli (Vinjrri'ss, was aaiin re turned to the I'tirtv-tliiril, I'liiiy-imirtn, Forty-fifth, l'nrtv-sixlb, Forty-seventh ami Fnrtv-eiobth Conuressis. by an liver- ao;e niajoiity ol nliniit one tlumsand. in the Forty-sixth Cmioress Mr. Morrison served as ( hairinan nt the Ways ami Means Committee, ami was sneeeeileil in that position in the Forty-seventh Con press by Jmloe. Kelly, of lViinsylvanin ncaiii the ( niiimiltee wheel revolves, uml Mr. Morrison mice more becomes the head of the most important House Committee. The Cotimilltoenl Ways ami .Means have in clinrL'e the reuulalii'ii ol the rev enues, ami the manner ami means nf rais- inn a siiflicieut amount to envi i' the ex neiises of the iovenimi nt. I he ways uml means tulnpleil to collect ibis revenue effect largely, for ginul or evil, the entire business interests of the land. Mr. Morrison is of lare manly propor tions, nearly six feet tall, uml invariably attracts more than ordinary notice in':viiy assembly, however large." Hois very fav orably mentioned by many Democrats as ft growing candidate for the I 'resiliency. SPRICHTLY SPARKS. Hail'em-scnre 'em Hangs. . i ' Can the muni' of a pet cat be said to lie purr pet-ual? . Why isn't a turkey likenjfirl? Because a dressed girl will walk about and it dressed turkey won t. And way. vice versa thu other TUciliieclor ol'u iimlrimnuial ngency in l'aria kuvh the voiina widows ask only "What is lii position?'' the old widows 'Where is he: A. Toronto iniin wmteil until lie wiu eiuhtY-threo Years old before ho ait nir- ned. Hint s Haw running mree nine to get a good start for it fourteen inch jump The female heart is just like it new In- din-nihher shoo; you may pull and pull at it till it stretches out n yard loni;, and then let tro and it will fly riirht bntk to its old ihape. Faith is sometimes personified as drenched female clititrinir to a sea washed nick; hut a better personifieulii'li would be baldheiuled man buying a bottle, ot 'pat ent hair restorer. I Bass who has been abroad, describes his experienee on shipboard as follows; You see it is very rouh. The steamer ket Kninir up, up, up, and then down, down. down; so after awhile my stomach stayed up and the steamer went down. A pretty little fairy, who lives in Islitw ton. and who is verv fond of bavins' Bible stories read to her. ran to her inamnia the other day, and said, eagerly: "Oh,niawin nleaae read mo that pretty story over attain .bout little Mosm and the bulls rushing alter bun. . , AKVKIITlM.Mi.NTS. PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. ' A Iloaaeholil Artlclo for Universal family In. , 1 ffrr flrarlet and J Tyiholil t'vvori, Dlphthprla, ShU- Tittt4n. Ulcerated 1 Sore Thruat, Small 1 1'uXt Mvavlfs, and all CoiituidtiH IHtm!4M. Prron wtitinun Uw bick. ilioulU uk it freely. Scarlet fwat never lw en kimwit to tpreatl whore the f luul wii M?tU -.'VUow lww Km htn xmrml with ii tiflr hlark vomit hal lukrn plttt: 'iht wurti cases ol' Iltphiheriii yicM to it. Fevered..! Kick l'r t ; NM AMi-I'OX HotiM rrfrcshctl ami anil I.imI KoriH irTnnt"i PITTING of Hmfill d by batlmii with 0i l'U:VKNli;i Impure Air nuJ, Am mUer f my fam- Furore riii-o. U a T ! T 1 me,lfhe CnilUlKloil tap'jul, JlLi i ' lor fmnivA tiviT' m week., ftiul n (j.herft , had it - J. V, 1'ahk ' iNsoN, I'lul.ulclphia. Klimtmnllain cuml. 8lt VhtU' tHiipln. Utna ttcured hy u. Hltlp Fever previ-nti il. Ti purify the Itmtth, CUtaiwe the Teel It, It can't tie tiinMuei.l i'nlitrrh relieved ami cureil, Ki')Hlp4'Iar4 cured lluriiNrtlKvtdiitst.mtly. Schth prcvciitctl. ItVHenterv via-ed. Diphtheria rrcvonteS. l lir )ihyif:laiis here O.phihctia. Nflll'Vy ' Uicd, An Aiitidotttfor Antm Y or Vt-ULtaLie I'ois.jiis. A rm.i i n whin k, CrTtishori, AIa. iinns,ic. TeHer !rirj) uji. ' i ! usctl the Fluid (fmiuK (.' 1 I'H voil d ir itraieniaiHictum with -Ut. r .pitftiied and -irlt't '.:vcr villi .It. , i.ird ailvunlatte. . It is I ' lMltll it in liicn ihL' to the h k ro.iin. Wn, F. Sand pukd, Kyrie, Ala. t.l.1 W .,-xh i r-!ip, w it will pt i.i itny unplcaa i .itti -mull , I In cinii tin! I'hy--ii't . VM 0 'S .1. New !.. t am . u , I ; ,1 t mm l.v iLlllll." ViUidui'litH University, N'tslivitlr, T-nn. I testify to the In.' I i v t ,' ,i, i; i.r.n of IVf lJ.irhy Piophyid. u Hut.! ., 4 ih'intrtjm and deters nt il is. hoih tlio. fi. .thy .hi. pr.itinMlly tupcrixf tu nnv n;p..r,auii An wiitli am ac qtuuiitcd. N. 1'. l.ri-itiN, 1'j-uf L'htmnlry. Darby Fluid l Ki comnirndcd hj Hull. Al.ttXANDKK II. hvitfiiKN, yt Georgia; Rev, Cham. f. Diirms, D.D., Church uf th Str.nigers, N. Y.; iofc KuCoNTR.Cohtmbra, W.if.itTiilveritly,S.C. v. A. J. Hajti.k, I'mf Mercer University: Rev. Cto. F. Piiftrft. Wlhop M. E Chtin h. INPISFKNSAIILK TIKKVKKX HUMfc. Perfectly harndiss. IJed internally or extrrrully liir M-n or Iteast. The Fluid han been thoroiinhly tested, and we have admudant evidenre tli.it U haa done everything herf (i.iiinrtl. Kr t'ullir inrnrmatmn gri of your lri;ii .i p.imphlet or wnd to the proprietor!, JL il F.ll. I M A CO.. itil'irtuiiiia t:hemis, I'll 1 1, A I K, Mi 1 1 A. . STOMACH dt Mum inf necessity lor jironiiit anit cmcicr bousrholil reiiieilies is dully prowliiK mora luilii rativc, auil ol these iluaUittar'a Stuiil aeli Hitters is Ihu eliicl in merit ami Ilia most popular. Ii-icKiilarity. ol tlio stumnrb auil bowels, nialariul lever, liver com plaints, debility, rliemnalisni, , ami minor ailments, are llioronylily comtuercil by thin incomparable family restorative anil medio lual sufcuMiartl, ami it is Justly regarded a the purest and most comprehensive remedy of its class. For sole by all Uruggisls anil Dealer generally1. June I I ly. 1EXL ESTATE 11' AGENCY. 1 liuvc estubli bed a liKAl, KSTATK AUK.N'l'Y In the town of WELDON, N. C. I have TEN houses In Weliloti FOR SALE OR RENT. About half of tlicin stores; other, dwelling.. I also have about ,(KH) AtRKH OK LAND IN II A 1, 1 K A X CO I' N T V . l.. FOR SALE For further particulars, qnrtlcs wishing to buy o r rent can apply to mc In persun or by letter. I am now billing up all lands parties wish to sell and advertising thoaanio at my own expense., un less a sale is made ami then I charge commission, ; . .; . d; For my stimcing as a guullemcn and a maa worthy to be trusted, I refer by permission to R. H Smith, Scotland Neck: Or. J. A. Oilllns, Eallold W A. Daniel, Weldon, T. W. Harris, MllUlon. oct i if ' c. K U U KENWOOD. & II It O. Main Street, NOR FOLKytA. ' :o; Dealers In :o: - DIAMONDS, WATflll'-S JKVKil.ltY, 1'I.Ot kS KILVIill AMD I'LATtn WARE. bl'ElTACI.KS AND FANCY (.HKUIS. Hkk'IiiI atlentlon given to the rcpulraofclnoliom eters and Kluu Walclu s, Uaic uml other it weir ma le i,,, rderaud ropairud by best Workmvti. OCtlW -. ' ' I 1IALAEIA.I M ' ' J fob 0 1 y t f'l I1 li I i; r: I: hi ii V n I ii Jr s n i1 , t-i ,vr