1 i VY' 1 Y'f'j HALL &c SLEDGE, , l'UOPKIKTORS. A. NEWSPAPER IFCXR THE PEOPLE. TEBMS--1111 ii-:i: an'M'.m in advanck. VOL. XII. W.KLDON, N. C.. THURSDAY, JANUARY 17. 1SS1. NO. 43. yoil It t S i' - k ' . ' liia iMklHI M & I Ml 4.1 " . n ;.t . i PROFESSION ALV CARDS. K 1. L 1 O T T . Attorney aud Counsellor at Law, SoKFoI.K, VA. r,.ii" '-' ami 3 Virginian Building. Si " K I I Attorneys at Law, F.XFILLIi, X. C. I'rwii" '" " n,'i, .siyn. r.oge- ,,!,, and Wilson. ( ulloclliuot made III nil iru .flhi' state. Jan. Utf. R II. ft M I T II Jli. Attorney at Law, WiO'I.ANIi XKCK, N. C. .: ' I'railii'o ill the county nf Halifax ntlil adjoining nniuiit. ii i ' I in Hie .supremo court uf the sine. i " , , ' ' ''' ' 1 Hi A I! I A II Y M A X, Attorneys at Law, HALIFAX, x. c. ' rm.rc In tin-f i.nrt House. Ktrirl attention given t, all i.nHH'iiin uf tin' profcrsdou. . jn 12 l .. rit nil M A S X. II 1 L 1., Atlurncy at l.avt, HALIFAX, N. ('. rriK iifin in Hulifix mill iitjoiu!hgct)uutio ami ft-ili-nil mi'i supreme court. , aug. 'Jf tf. ft' W. M A S (P X , Attorney at I. aw, , (lAiiYnriti), .sc. , , y Prar-tteet in the ermrla tit Xoi-iliauiploii anil ml jniiiiiiif nullities, also III Uie, Fctlejtil ami euprciue niurla. V- ' Jnue s tf. TV r A 1. T i: li K. 1 A S I K L, Attornry at Law, WKLIIOX, x. r. I'rm tirrii in lliillfux ami adjoining enmities. hiTiul attention given tu collection In all parta of the state nnil iriniit rotiiniH made, fil. IT ly. TV r W. HAL L, Attorney at Law, WKI.IKIN, X.C. SiK-i'tal atli'iitiiui K veil to rollivtliiiK ami r.'mlt tHiici'H )irniiiilly iimilc. mny 1 tf. M 1 1 L E K Si M O O H K, Attornry at Law, HALIFAX, X. C. I'rai'tii'C ill tin- riiniiticiiiif lln 1 1 fu x . Nnrtlianiit'in, t-lt.-cmilK.-, I'M anil .Martin In the Siii(iiiii' court ui the suiU' ami 111 tlie FfiUmH'iniri "I ti Fslern liistrirt. Ciillwtiium nmilc in nny part nl ilu-state. Jan 1 ly I) It. J. K. H II 1 K 1. 1) f , Kuifjeun Duutitti i hi. inp (KTiiiRiii'iilly Iik iiU iI In WcMnn. ran I t'tiail "nan hi nil I'Bief all ."mull imrn Diiimuipi tillK VXl'il WllMl aliM'lll nil J.ltifi-l&icilHll llill. t uri'lul Httiitl,,ii iivi,ii in Mil hrinu'lun of tin l'n- awioii. I'urtiin visitiil ill tlulr Imnu'ii wln-n ile irwl. July 1'-' ly. j K. kTlTh V X T E li, i Surgeon DcntW. Can be fuitnil at his offlee In Knlli'ld. Purr XltrounOxlili'Cim fhr trie 1'alnltw Kitruc tins of IVotta always on Iminl. June -ii tf Khoww to Ufn Of Fai UNO 8cif0 roil ito ALL IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD. Acbol4Hari.r;mit'KiUJatClI,f. CONSTIPATION, tSiiSi!" nVQPFPQIA Inown by Irrcetilar a.rH tltortraiH, ,t,t ImIuIiihi!. ilil ami i.mi.Ici now at pit of nomaoh. ',,'l'"n'ln T. -lt-' rsi;Si'i ,itii. i aHTina, abo bottom of riba; -arln, Irriialaliif, Umitiie CoaM.Kiln yellow, hot and niM ! Mtlimeydull.dryo'iiih.rtinlandibnirV l fwllnit, Irrri-ular rulnfl. bad rolorwl itoiiia. apoplexy 'r?s?.-!!",jasr e..iitu.ii.u lii head. nervonniMa. BajnM oflijril kiRWrVI lirlnar or i(rh .reddfljo"!'. twn, ra-r. U M IMlI rm..1 a4rf' iwt mi M w riiwi w. . t '-r ' . l l (la I l.4elrh. k watt JuaeMIT ; ' ' ' ' - .. ffTZl A COBS & BKa, HALIFAX, N. CI CHOICEST LIQl'OnS. Our baii ciittlni ainitt litiice lnta,bramlli,whllilM,b'r and mlicd urlnk a made In tha brt manner, tlijani, l'laretlea Hmnilng and t Hcwlnf Tobaeeo. (all and fXaralM tlieui, FAMILY GROCERIES'. am cheap and all th beat klnda kept enn-UnUy baud and atock eoiiUnually teplenlihfdl I BILLIARDS AND POOLS Nlileaala-aya ready for cu.tomcr and th publle ra InTlted to Tiail our ftouan woe ,--wall Hate;aa. )Jia llwr ea play fool " Ullllarda at a amaU Mpuuaa. 'luaiU If JT' ftUdbQ ADvntTi.H:Mi:NT.i ail . I. J J.i'iR.TT, iv i7T" .... " - . J AKK ATT. T- J. CTAltRATT & S)N, COMMISSION MERCHANTS- So. 3d .Sycamore St.. IV-tw.l.uiK, VA. Strict iiereonal ttlei.tluryt-iren to llii ale ,k tTT(lS, I'KASt'TS. TO1.A.V0, WHEAT. Col'.X. AND l'KODICK (iKXKKALLY, J1KTVRKS MAliE nilVPTl. V. ""l'iTm'' ""' """ f"",i"1"''1 l"t Itatea. IX THK BOTTOM. I llara now in h.n..ii.. -i , daily tiie following goula: Pry (liKxla, Notion., Boota, Shoca, Hntt, Clotliinir. KfllHllUM TI..H..FA '...... I...... u " ' Iln'i' iibh-ij wnir, pmivi' IHHIH, wiiMicn ware. Flour. Bacon, Ijird, Meal, l'oliiieco.t Ivan. AnoNcd ,i..i.. fii;r, Oitl'ee. Finn, dire apnla Vliu-nr, Keroaenc anil Red oil. 'rruuta a upecialty, direct fnmi 1 THE MANUFACTURY. I rankca ccialty of CONFECTION Kit IKS. French Cnntiicii. riain rftiidii-ft, lt)iliiiH, lmiiK, orHiiifi'. Lciiinnn, (.'renin 'lit't-w. Onti d9xi')R, ( llhlla! I llfof, mmfl llin. SttrJiihf, At. Almi Kniiry I'ukin, Apjilfti, Ac. 11. C. Sl'lEUS, .. Wcldoll, X. C. oeilMy r , I 0 Pls.PE.KUU, So. H5, Sycaimiro Street, ' i'ET):i!si;nuj, ya. Y.ai will hem rind kif larw.'l aMlrlim ul ami luoft t lh Millllli.rv lioo.li- llli" wile of l uro ..v..rv Hiil. lenfllic Ik-I. and M m the l"i-t price and aarrauicd lockc aan-tactlon. 0. .I Pr.wh n.ain.'t.. iitii HaU.KUilaaw.old I n- dim' and InnintJ' Uif car", caihea.- Brl.h aiwt Toliriiaiaclit Wn'iltli", Veil I'lnmen. and C. rullit. HalrH.Kli".!llk,iiiii, JHei. Iliitloii". Kriin! nnJn ireneinlaMi.rliiieiitof ire Trlinnilng", dill ilirn HalK in an al arlcly Ijidit' llrcw l..l in ail Hie IcadiiiK Falnlcn mMi all Trim Bilninito match, IjidnV I'mler piriociiis, lliiery of the laleat make, Cloaks, Haluiana and Sliawln, Children'! loaki. The lnnt Kid (.love, made, all eoloni, Coinl, Hair OrnamcuU ami IVrfumery, Baliilkcn hlef.t'or u. llalinoralkiil.aiid la.llil and Miiial ndcr .-kllt. Uriilal (lulllls avially. .ladles' liron made toonli i III ki tumuicr. riKluaralitMal. Samplea on aiUieUoU. All or 4cr Slled jininiptly. ; TATKHoKXllUlIVrA IxD SORTAI fAROl.INA. Tiu I miMiortiisiu ami Cuitu liotnieiii the SO T THK UN HTATKK iM. E. KULL, 13 Sycamore Slrvet, ! I'KTKRSM It" J. VA. f. v r f f - "t y. if MlhrVl J..l..rk "f KEADY MADE CLOTHIXli, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. .-,,.. ; TheacOooUariaHBiiaSifai'turwl In the Houw and are Eqtul to . 1 t'l'SWM SlADE YOI!K. Fhirt.ieka.Prawer, Shirt Kronla, 01oya, KI1U Shlrta, Cuffi, Tiel, 4o. r (tooda mad. by themr-taklllnil artiaU. Anr warraiiled and rule. H.r rwaMiwand aamaa acnt on application. Mora y KcftindaU If OJ,,"; A U C TI d H" 1 E B " KSeJei at the I'uilD ami Mofa to W iu7l l M, Jf. OARY, Baliau, K. V ; AKYKUTISEMENTS. I Y, II huh mile uiul liilail Dnujyitt -Ami licalcni In- :f.sei:. i m:nrii. xpisk, HALIFAX, N. C, FIXE C(lXFE(TKiXEHIE-i, CKiAKS A TuliACCO i kksh hi tilies i:vi:i;y t5Y( Imvc U'rvud ymi faithfully for the liutt filWu yeurM ami iuk acoiiliimu'C of your patroimie. i. i M l'nncriitioueivfullv ireuri'd atalllimini. 7. V ann eorneropioKlteCoiirt IIouhc Stjiiare'd" SI6N OF THE GOLDEN NORTH. oct 7 ly . ' TO PRESEHVETHE HEALTH I've the Matrneton Appliance Co. 'a MAGNETIC LUNG PROTECTOR PRICE V$LY $5. J They Bra pricelM tu Ladlw, (ktntleiiien oud ttil tlrcn n till wiHk hntji; no ciw of pneumonia or cruup h ever know n , wheru tbnm garmrntti arc worn. Th?) m1m prevent ami cure htHrt dlfTli utlk, J'oMs, KheumHtiNin, NeuralKiAr Thnmt tnmbht, Dlplithoria, Otarrh, aiulull kimlretl tllwanei. Will wear tiny service fur three yean. Are. wtru out thcuiKler-elothlnir. P A 'I1 A T T TT u nc.niwi to de L u'VlilVlL, wriU'the nynipUmjmif thU liatinucuiUseuse that it Nipping the life aiul strength nf only tmummy of the fairest and UM of Ntthnexe. bilmr, Minly nt resriirch in America, Kurojf uiul Ki!ieni lnntjH. huvv re.sultett in the Mk inlic l.unij I'roU'i tnr. at1inliiieurv fur Htnrrli, a rt'incily w liirh ritiitiiinh Nu OniKRinf? uf ihuNynlem, niui nil lliecniitiiiiit.ii Kirctiin.il' .MitKiietiiui pr-im-uti iik UirtJiiii Um- utltiitLiI iptin, unt rttiire Ihiiii t ti hctilthy ai'tiirii. Wu pliiee oil r price fur llii Appliance at lex than une-t went let li uf llii prica? nski ti l utheiK fur renuHlim upon which you taki-all the ctiaiH t'v, ntttl cHt-ifilt invite the )mt ruitiinc i-f the HiHiiy KTfiiis w hu liuve iried ilru t:lii their sltuiiuiltn witlutut filed. HOW TO OBTA IN a,"i'i" unce. tiotu ytair ilrutxifisl anil wk fur tliein. If they htm- nut Kt thein, write tutlic pMprii in. eti cltiMiiat the price, in letter ul uur risk, ami they will Ik-Mini to y-tu utuncehy tntiil. poht pttitl. Si-ihI Mump for the "New hcinirturc in Miilleal Trt atiiiu-ul w ilhuut Mi-tlietiie," w ilh thoUMiiiil uf tt'stiiihuiial", TIIK M.VUNKToN AI'PIJ ANCK CO., L'lh Slate Slmt, iilrOk'o. IU. NuTK Sfiitl uiie ilullur in ptnlat htuiiit r t-ur ruiu y iln tt CUf Wnr rtvk with siitiof uhoc usually wurn, uiul try n (.iir ul'mir Mniiuetie Inmileit, and I eMiviueel ol llu- puwer n-auiuiK in air Mh-nt-uc Applianei-n. riliely let euhl feet where lhe are wuin.ur mme rerumletl. oct II ly THE I.EAPEU OF LOW PRICES ! I have just riTciveil my KALTi AND WINTER STOCK. U'liiih i fitllcv tli.m ever lii'fnri'. Sjni iiil ilttlftlUtl to BOOTS AND SHOES. 1 keep ii full flue of Zi-i;lcr'a Ijuc unit Hull, 4 Sinn lor l.aillcs. 1 hnto nlnu a Lirc HtlH-k of ! r'aj 7Vn;i7oiw Slmt Diminij or l.uiliit 5 ' y , '1 1 v tiooui.'f 5 XOTlOSa, JEWKl-llY, Ac, is iinplete, A (on a eotuilrtr line nf Ilreaa (lo,ta oixt-(Ll:einiere, Mlk, rilintniiiKs. Frnu(e, lliirtoiis, ( ora4a, ILm uml Hull lliwc lor Uulioa ami (ieuta, all cheap run CASH. Cull nail rx.iiuinc n. v atock bd'oru, pur chasing rlarwlierp. Comer rirst St., aim nsliuiKlon Ave. oct H tf 1857 r.NTAiii.iiu:i 1857 '., JAX'I'ARY lit,. 1111. ' " ' '' ' '', . , ... RUFE. W. DANIEL1 . Iealer In UKuCEIttKS, i.muoKs, rixK WIXKS, ' ' CIO A US, tobacco ' acJie.ZI 'i at - PORTNER I LKGtlUBEEIt ON ICC- R. V, DANIEL, Y Mo. 10, Waah. Art Wrldou N.C. Juut 2t-l- AllVEUTISEMKNTS. , 'Vttto for Catalog !e&. nov 22 1v MACHINE. Thl repriwuta a iiiuchlne with which I0U yard! nf fabric of any ilearrlpllon run Iw ineaniired, fmm CMIon Ikaaiua Ui Fluent hilk, in lean lliau five nifcutaa, and with ajiuv arrurney UmuiAii batluiie 8h tli u -Yard Stick." A boy cvon yearn old can dotliework. These iiiaeliluca will aoon ba in evary din hou- and Storaln the iuiilli, and (arpat and liai'jlni; Manufaetin-cni cannot do without It. They ar noted for their (apMuy mil Acciuncjrof Work aial (or Uioir ( liom.n-. Manufacturer look, to tin future and prounru rtttliu at ouw 1 (looda can be tiFarnrod fruia Ujc h out uiul sii rulla uf aiiy number oaynaja. Two of tbeaa macliluin ar now In aiiceeiwriii operation alllie'iliun of Mr. Xoah lligsi and Mr., M D. AWirook, 8eotlnd Nrtk, . C , and Klv per fet aiitlKfiiotliiD. Air furl her liifnrnualoii,:lorm et. . Addrcaa J, C. WILLI Alls Inventor and Patentee, I FoutWindXcck.K.C. J ra.v L ' ( 2 ..' ... MRS. P. A. LEWIS, ! SMITItS BRICK BLOCK. fAIrfrV n-uxisiiiyrt noons. XUTIHX.S, Sc. luiia rli i i natteaiia on alHiA maird? An .leiraut Hue of neck wear.Tacea and rlbboiia. 1'rtcea aa IbW nu can lie " r i' . HAIIAXl A II Kit i :. K . m- , , Ire Miaklng In all Iti. kruHyhca by cxporlvii ual llllllilS. Mils. I'ATTIK A. LEWIS, WeliUin.N.C. ia t is ly UABr&CO. .in axu am svcamokk street, HAVE IN" RToliE A Fl Li S TO C IV; 0 F JiARTIIKNWARE,1 ' ' I CHINA Pi.ai.v ax ii Decorated, TinsrlwjLPvE, A XD SI 1. 1 KB VIA TED WA RE. I : uur price arc UKASnNAIII.E. and coniinaml the altcnlliill ol luijem -eillicrat wholesale or to isiii miiucr.. l.AKYACO., (iAky&'co., '.HI AXi'.i SVCAMOSE STIiLKT, OFFKK A COMI'I.KTE AssoUTMEXToK VAni.oR (7.M.7.7; .i .v niM.a , V4JIWW.iprRR1 AT IVI'L'I.AU I'ltlCKS. STYLES THE LATEST AND PKII'FsTlisriTAXY JIAItKET. ItAKY' 4i CO., l'eterabiirg, Va. ml l ly -01- xorfolk vinaixiA. ARTIU'R FREEMAN, I f JSyW,E t HZ !' .STOHF. 111 MAIN HTKEET. Established ls:i1. Offers to his friends in I lie old North Stale (roods nt the following prices : Fine double cased (eiita' att ni winding gold wiltchca iXt. Uuliiw' dolibli' case stem winding watchiw, $2". lamer grades, $I4. Solid gold watch cluiiiii $10 uml upwiirda. Solid gold bruiTlt ts, $1 'J ami upwards. Fine silver plated castors t&AU ami npwiirtls. liuttcr ilislies t.l.,VI and upwiirda. Solid silver spoons; $li s r dm. lleiuemuer all my gissls arc warranted aa reprenrnted or money refunded. Orders by mail promptly attend ed t. Wedding and .engagement rings a specliilty, Knpuirinii promptly doM. Aibkreaa AKTlll'ttC. FKEEMAN, Jeweler, 1414 Main St. no 35 j Norfolk, V, OLD TBSllMir.iAawr-.ia, ,-T.aiiri.rii., j SElTATOPw DWIGHT UL. SA.BI1T. FOR TIKHKUHO l-AII "All honnr to him who .hall win the prlr." The world ha. cried for a IbAimand vctrs. Put to him who trie, and who full, ami illea 1 give great honor and glory ami loan. (lire glory and honor and pitiful team To all who fall In their deoil nuhllme, Their ulnmU are m.uv In Hie van ir Venn, T They aere lairu Mh Time iu advance of Time. Oh. great la the hero a tioa iuaa name, Hot grf.aterm4ity alid laauv a tirai Some pale faceii fellow a ho dies in .liamc And let. iod fininli the thought viiMunc. Ami utiw 1 Hi" man with anword umlrnwn, And kiwhI is the inan who refrain" frmn wine; But t V idhii who fnll.i and yet iti'l flifhu on, lo, he 1m the twin-horn hruitier of mine. SPRICHTLY SPARKS. Every ImkIv ' favorite f . "Illuiniiiatetl uiamiscriit" Unit wliieli it lnirninj; with wit. The St. Ixiuis Hrmlil want "a n al pmI boy to iiiitke n devil of." A lady with n lina act of teeth will often laugh at vary piKir joke. No Zineola. A man does not receive a lock pension because, lie was shot in ti e back. Men who have little business arc ureat talkera.-'I'hemor one tliinks the lens one I i?a;irciilio grat, warriors of the world, and a war I tut! luu no idea behind it is sim ply brnlulity., . . ," What should Lilly ilo if she want to sneeze, iu cliutirli? ll'liy aim should t ie some cnyrtinr pejiper to ehureli with her. liecluunasaiaf a ninn'a eye dnuit niVra ciinic lioin ..liisfuvul, Ic hawk li.ia Rot ,t mighty kctu eye, but I.uvvd, wliat a ra-cal A maalukMlt ialhin from hia liia lvertk in i hcrliadlv.-ffilrt alcciiliTir '.if, tiitrt his Tiiirt" rut In at once claimed that he was l.iuic iVom berth. '"I'll," said little Harry, "what is a sol dicr ol' liiiiiiiie?" "A soldier of 1'niliiiic, my sou, is a soldier th ai never has niiv I'oitniic Ut all." .lapan has a weather linicau alau; but it is wise and (liscrrct, and (liK'n't predict rain until all t the Vain lus aoaked tilings lor a day or two; , The attention of John L Hullivan is respectfully callisl to the tact that lota ol' women are ready tu make matches with men twice thair alao. t . i The corpulence that is painin1; upon two or three of the professional runiicrs was not unexpected, ll lliis lollK been knonn that haste makes waist. "Ah!" remarked Kocu, lis he pi"d ba-sli-fnlly nt the ballet (tills, how I understand the full aiirnilic.ilice of t he passage , 'the body is more than raiment.' " One iif tluHiiloa nf t'hincse eliiiiclte is that a youni'jiiil when walkini;on th -si i eel, must not 1 urn lu r head around, it ,nilil be a L"iil i-iist.nii 1 1 iuiHirt. 1'coplc talk ilhuut the "new nnsin" when there isn't nny new moon It is the name old miaul with u tallow dip nose, Cial 1ms been circling aroiiii;.; this world for n o s. The "layitm mi of hands cure ' is not the failure some, fjti'soiM ladieva it tu lw. M.in a wise and excellent mother has us, ,1 il w.th treat sius ess iu the treatment off a refract i- ly olVspriiiK. Il was lucky for her husband that the fat woman died In-line Christmas, lor il was in ue li cheaH'r for hiiirto pay ht r iiincr.il ex pense than it would lie to till her stocking with presents. A Herman professor has figured it out that mm came finiu the la'ar, and while we can acarecly bear to think of such it thine,, it ui.iv bu s, lor aurijv iu'-ii and (ouicii hive to iiugiis'braiJdii.1' ' i .1-1 1 I Shc-"Iain fond of H'tiy."lle -"Am you, indcisl'.' Soninl. I hi you like I'.iuus?" Hill "No, indeed: Ihev are so extn-ssim;. lut, then, I inn not troubled much with 1 1 it iii , ua ma does all the ttKiW i n. The laliitgfrd" llowem: "Mitt 'air not quite an hu (fc us u whole city," said a big unllower scornfully to an humble violet. "No, sir," said the violet, inodesilv lower ing its head. "I am only u suh-heili." A 111 in III l.iveissil li '.., . u ;;t. ncril to for ll.i lilki IkuikIiI week a imprisonment arnrrt-t nia.t s wil farsa thlM SI Weep. The punishment was merited. If a wife isn't Worth two glasses of beer, she isn't worth anything. It is said that the sixty damsels who were recently ronilsHled to lly from the Ilia ill the Milwaukee Female Seminary in their night dresses did not mind it much. Most of them had their garments beautifully edged with real luce. When a Huston girl i prescnlisl with a bou I not, aha says: "Oh, how decidedly swec!. It's fnigranre iinia-nelrnlea the en tire at inosiiheri' of the room." A Kan-iis girl simply says: It smells scrumptious; thauks Keu.a'ii." .IttiiieAiwr'has A 'tiuMft'ilr n'ng lady li lined I'low, and the young men uf that town who have alwnvs Isime a haired to 1'iirm work are now every one of them eager tint! niivivus twauriid u jiorlion of their lime holding the Mow. guile a difference : "Ob. will he bite''" exclaimed one of Miildl clown's awn-test girls, with a hs'k of alarm when she saw one ol the dancing lieatw on the street the other day, "No," said her catxirt, "he cilinot bite he is mu.itlrd; but he can hug." "lib," she aaid, with a distracting smile, "1 don't mind that." Sniffen (III his own estimation the rising poet of Ami'ricii):"Ah, do you know, Miaa llrueiug, thut my fancies alwaya roue to me in my dreams?" Miaa llrueiug: "Yea that is perhuai why they make other people, so sleepy." Sniffen, after a moment's heai tewion, oauvUidea that it would be well W re tire fur while. ; SENATOR OWIGHT M SABIN- (Mlirlal Head of the KepublUau National I'nmiiil tee. LAXIl A TAI.KKU OK CAXIHUATK FOIl TIIK I'ltKHIIlKNCY. tlwiht May Sahin raine into this world April IS at Manlius, l4isallc county, Illinois, ami not iu Connecticut ua many papers have s.atetl. Ilia lather was a fanner on a lu'ge acile in Illinois when lwiiht wa lsirn, and ihe aon ttrcw up on the farm, a haM worker during the ciop scrums and a close sti'deut n, the country acliool ilu.iiv the winter mouths, Uu was not satis.ieil with the rantfc of atinlies t iiiht. anil ilevoieil his evenings nt home to tlie mastery of Ilia higher b'-ai.ches of niuth c.n.i.ics, anil civi' eni.teerini;. After his fuller's death, the son hvated in Stillwater, .Minnesota, in l-iiT, lie then beiiiK alsnit 2.i years of ngt. lie lie-in dealing in luinhcr il l a 1 1 in i l cil scle anil capital, but an siiccrss lill was the vcniiire that his basilica grad ually iniTcaseil uml rrew to large propor tions, so thai at the priswit time, utter 15 yen, hu is iluinn a business of over flU, (Iiki.imio iiiinually. Besides be' n? the owner of a hue nuinbfe of mills in the pineries, lie is thu htuvies, slot kliobler in the North western Car Company of his Sjite, uml en joys an auuiial inc. uiie from ihe pnitits of his various enterprise of nearly t .""H),0K). Mr. Salon in early life liecame identified with politics in Minnesota, and was elected u rcpiv.icntalne three, tonus iu the State Icgiilutiirc, and two terms to the State Se.mte. He h;n been for several years a member of the Republican National Committee fur Minnesota, and a delegate to the Kepiiblican National Ciinveulion of 17;, and ss;i respi ct.vely. Was elected ( a.nrinaii of the h'euili1ican Na'ioual Comiiiiiiee, Dee. l'!th. I" . I, liy a in. .in.uiiii' Vcle, and si'iec tint lias been eoiu'e id, Mr. Sabin's availabibiy as n e; niiiiln.n for thf nouiin.itio'l for the I'rcMdcncy nt the ('omentum in ClihaKo net June is being uilvwated by u largo number of papes. Mr. S.ibin was elected In tho 1'nited States Senate to succeed ll'illiam Winiloni, an ! took hisaeat Ma.vh :trd, Iss; his term ijil'iiij March llli, Istll. lTe is a little, over 4u years of uji, and reputed to be worth j In in ili'iiii:!. oi: uv (im; ih.:i (;o. Marry Injf and llatini; aa the volics. IVorld He. I1Y lilt. I. Mil'. s'if to,.k "iir tlalij;lit i ah her, Tile aniilef mi'i vt iovu Ih'.I. Willi ui'inrn tiliixheaou her cheek Ami H-a Is uk, i her oreas,." One by una they go. They are always go'.iifr, fur toe buy will run after the girls, an I they pull 'em, hi g 'em, and Hatter 'em, until they sur.i'iiiler, and then marry and So. Ti"ie is a sweet sa lueas about it, anil for n while the house seems desolate and the giHul obi lather and mother waatler around anil lisik lost mid say nothing. I came by one of these deserted homes last night and saw the obi folkj through the window. The mother was knitting in the corner and the nlil man looking lixttliy in the bla.ing lire a id smoking his pipe. I knew well what they we e thinking iilsiut, for a yount; man hail coin after their child uml carried her far away -:he eh I I they had nourislu-tl and IommI so long uml iloiie all they could for, and now she was go'ie, gone lor gisal. It is I in- emu e of tut ure. but somehow it hum bles n lotiil parent iu spite of nature, for a ni I'l. a stranger to his IiIihkI, to step in be tween noil steal a daughter's purest, tender ed Uv. uml lake her away. Somehow it reminds us of our age uiul inliruiilv. The old pillars that sustained the house ure de al ug ami growing wrak, iiutl the child seeks a new ami more vigorous support. One by one they go, the lmya and tlie girls; and the old homestead is hut a place to visit and then go artay again. We are thankful and happy when thev enine, and wo know they love iisI.,ill1.out lilt nat always sacri fice ot time ami money and pitta in peril their business and opportunities. Never theless, tlie j ought to come, "for life is short and time is fleeting," and the old folks will soon be go is. This devotion to auctl parents is incthtr sweet to me. I know a Bum of our town a lawyer of staiuiinand distinction. who every intuit h, goes hi in v house i.i hired liuggt and spciiil-aa day and a night with his aged mot lu i iu the mount. tins, and ciuufu-ta her, ami she looks forward with delight to hia monthly visits ami fondles linn to her laistiiu and hlm-.es him, and when he leaves her to rcinm to his wile uml children be know, that her prayers follow him and thev nmi to heait-n like itici use and he feels Ik Iter ami nobler lor Ills pilgrimage, I res. ms I lh.it loan because he icsms Is that good old mot tier, and if I hail a case fur court I woubl submit il lo him with all etiiilldcnce, and if J had a lurge estate and wanted a faltlltaw ejeintor, 1 would choose him. I canit"Jli tfU rwAiluatiug over these things sometime, for a feeling of sadness comes over mo when I think of our own children who have left lis, and now domiciled in live different atateJi from New York to Florida. When ahull we meet again? And there are more to leave us, unit by and by they will all lie gone ami our boies and joys will flutter and fall like the leaves upon a with ered tree. That is the way I feel at times, but it is not the way we ought to feel. It is not the way I talk to oilier people. "Brace up old gentleman," I say hraoe up. Why, they will keep coming and going, and your gnuuu'hildrcn will come Iu see you ami imi must make things lively. Frolic with 'cm play horse and bear, unit go hunt ing with 'em, and tell 'cm stories, and hold your head up like a patriarch. (!row old gracefully uml lie always ready to brighten up the family hearth with a venerable smile. We don't want uny long faces in this sub lunary world. Cheer up, ami makes folk glad to see you, Never say die until your time comes, uml when It than come draw the drapery of vuiir pouch about yon as the poet saya and lie down to plouaunt dreams. As a diulc waa passing a rcsiilic In 1 Jw rence, Mass., la little girl came in the door and ened: "Moukev, Monkey, Monkey, rome In the house!" The dude was hopping mad, aud waa just aliout to ring the hell unit demand apolgiea of the family, when lie aaw that the girl waa calling a little pug dog in tho street. He can't gut over hi own niia- tuke though, PUCK'S llll 1IOV AGAIN. HE MKI.IKVESTHK SI'FFKKIXIIS OF AS OLD M'lllHll.M U K. "You say a word against that jvsir girl, and down comes yt.ui po-cry," said thu bad lavy to the gim-cry man, "She is a Christian, th it girl Is, though she ('oii't put on airs and go to church w it li silk I'l -sf-es uml rich ilutls. But she prays, by jngi, bettor than uny of 'em. You se- In r l'..ilic is i drunk lira!, uml he tnkcs In!!' tlie !li.,(-t peddling apples, to buy gin. and lier gi'.iiiiluiolhcr Ins g.it the (xiiisuiiiiiion, ami that tai.es t br other half to 1 . ; . : , lu r. I km thai girl when I went lo hchool. uml wsie-mhiy she come to ine f l in , ami kiuI .she via g ting (o ask a favor ol ine Viusc bad a heart in me. It w.-uis lu r tlriinkeii I'nthcr hail t iken all her moiiev, au.l h.nt oue on aa awiul bum, ami -.be iliilu't b.iw- any to buy soma of tlio.e c c.i-Ji si ,-up l'ir 'ui;ts tiu her grandma, ami lb. -old I idv wis clmkin' up p'Vi.y nut ,;'i, in I -lie u.mi.-.I me lo i -ml her ii dollar .il! 'lie i on! ! ee,,';;-e oil the a pb-s she was going In g t . ,u Itsi I. r. I'lub ably you hive mUued 1 haven't got any wutvh this moriiiii ; I have g.d my chain, with ll bum Ii ol keys on ;! in mv pi a kit, but liotkMly wtil ,. i i ,t I haven't got any watch unless they ask me wli.it time it is, and then 1 will tell th-ia it his run down, anil I gutssa it has, 'cause paw nbrnkers never wind up watvlua. Weil, sir, I got four dollars on my wnteh, and I went and bought apples for her anil mcdicim! fir hr.r giauiliui, ami then I weni down home with her. When I went in the little ".mm, where the old lady was on a bed, uml heard her let off one, of those regular li.trU-"-oiu-t lie-tombs roughs, tha, sounded awav down cellar, where it is damp and monlily, I fell" ran tt "made me feel Hcious. And when that ragged little girl g d dow a on her knees and pmyed there in the dirt, and uskad (bid to h!e the friend that had risen up ami lil'.isl such a load off Ihe siiil'e'C, tin you know, 1 ft It as though I hud swallowed a piece of turnip or something hard, and niililu'l gei it up or down, and the tears c.imu to my eyes just like when you peel onions. "She didn't me any of this highfiilutin language, such as the high salaried prcat li en use, where yon want a dictiorury hi your pew netlnd what fie wonls mean. It was no full dress, linmal pruytti. Tlie liillo girl got ti-'lit ilonn on her kees, and s. id ; 'till Father iu Heaven,' jus; ns thougli (bid was hit tint righi taere iu iVont of her on a I hr legjcil sasil, and ns"ik"l coiiliilciittli.it the Heavenly Father heard her. She didn't tell (lod anything abuiu my puwtiinj my Wiucli and buying the apples, and she didn't mention my name at u'l, hut 1 could iniag ine that He who wiu'rhei even tho apurrow fall, was onto tlie buneli ol keys iu my vest HM'ket, hi.chetl to the r'laiii, bigger than a house. 1 could have Kstoped lo that dirty, ragged git' pray lor an hour, she wxs so nat ural and pitiful, uml talked so (bid could un derstand i. whether lie had ever graduated ntco'lr-eor not. I.'iu she wasn't talk'ng niini Hi time, lor w.r:es. ami she ju.i seented to liave a li.i'e coiivc satioii witli the good l.onl just as a cli'ltl woiilil with its fader, and tiietishegol i,,i a ul lircd vnnc medicine down her gia nlina :.u I ucide her Acupnf tea on an o I stove, ful ton -ted .i p'eee el bread and p lachwl iu ' s vv'i le I s it there thinking. 1 ley u k'io he i tike me all up If it wasn't for that old i-nici Itu, a, id tiio sIkh's inn over a, tl e In !, ami the inoth cateti stia'ki'igs, I s.toiiM lnve thui'ht slic was nn iiagel; aiu! Iiy gun, I will pawn everything I have for her to get things for her granilpina, lint soinclmdy c,l h..a tit to hip in to buy g ii for I'.nMi'l nun. leant run a hnspi til and a distillery h ith, on one cheap watch, but I am goiui; to work lor Cue Humane society next week, an I that girl i in have all tlie ui'i'i- .v I ni i!;e, as long as I lie old Indv'a c uih )i mut on. "Say, do you t'un!, there is any bath room in lu ivt a i!i e ib r cm t ike such a ilirto gi.l as that make nn angel of her that will p isa iu a i iomiI .' I .list: lie tint out lioiu under her linger uiils a i l soak lu r hiintls in h it w iter, nud pat cold cream nn them, nnd let her sleep a few nights wish r iihber gloves on, ami I suppo-e they could make her puss us an imgel. Well, 1 have got to go down to I lie llu.uanu society ollice. I was in a sircet-i.u the ot'.n r li ght, and the car was full, and go, oil tlie track, nud 111" mule couldn't pull il All thu men -sit tlicro anil wouldn't gel out They 'cad papers and iicetl mad, while tlie driver poumhd tile mulct; .1 uasoa l!in Iu ek siep, and 1 yelled. The iiieni!n-s of tic Hum -me society are re iiiested to I- , out of the -r aud help push. You nu;ht to lute 'em They n lo iked at each other, ami then thev all cut oat. and a mie ol'tt'eiii haiked unc i, but lltcy help ed the inu'e. Tiic b iss ol tlie lluuiuue sih i ety lleard of it, an I II-sil l he would give me a joli Watchin for buleat is who maul e.i.lle. I guess I eui work mv way up so I will finally lioltl til" proud po.itioa ol lotik iip aflnr laiiie ho-srs t'i i! ,l ,'V swill w:i ous. Well, I must go an I sead ii doctor down the alley, to soon I Ihe old holy 's cough, and have him c'i i-'p it to pa " As the 1 iv we it out tlie grocery man told the careiil.'r tii.it 111' boy had a heart in bun as big as a barrel, but you hail lo watch the raisin hoi. all the suae, when hn waa around, I'rrk't Sim. .MY .IIOTIIKK. Hallowed he thy name, (! Mother, for of all things earthly you are tlio dearest to my heart. The great regret of our life is that we have life a lass kind than kin. The win ter's blasts may how l and the iuld North's wind bile, but they are powerless to daui up our love for you who hath silver locks upon thy furrowed brow. True, you have often taken us over your knee and churned the everlasting week out of us, but we deserved harsher treatment. All there isof mull in our eccentric, but terse career wo heartily thank thy gentle guiding hand fot? im parting it. Who but our mother soother! the sobbing Ihiv, allayed his childish feats, and butchered his Sunday pants to sew into nig rarpcta? Mother w is the panacea for all ache.i and mint. She tixetl Ihe seductive must. ml pl.istrr where it did the most good, ul eul Umuh;i (.;..- Ian:! mr i!"" iriink ill seurch of the festive old and greasy eu chre des k, w hu ll lie ever faithfully offered upon a burning ullor of live coals. When she onee struck a trail of sin in our guilt less nature she followed the lead to rich suc cess ami a large variety of petrified evil. Mo.her was a good detective in her quiet. offhand war. Th best uf boya will do things now and then that makes a mot her ween, but for every tear that atnlncil my mother'a cheek I beg ten thousand bless ings ou her dear, g'ssl soul. Time may change our friends, and efface the cherished recolhs'tioiis of our plnr-time davi, bnt all the Hoods of earth and time of eternity could not wash awuv the lieriiitifiil picture iu mv mind uf a woman slightly atsiiert by whit eulug yeara, pinchi-d here and there by ceaseless, cares, still hopeful aud young in a wealth of anillcs for her small brood. That woman il my motbe.'. Fiery mother should lie aa dear to ber son'a heart as this angel woman ii to me. (bid bless her. We hone to catch a glimpse of heaven when the pearly gates may open to receive such pre- cions trust as a fatlnl unit her. No one enn have so good a friend as is his mother. A young lady, evldmitly impressed with the idoathat ah knows nil alsiut it, Kays: "It a fellow Is diwiarntclv in love with girl and Is iersistcnt in his effort to win her, he la anre to gain hia suit. Widowers, lin dcratand thia point, aud know exact Iv how to make love and propose, and you w ill oli- aerve they are always aucceaaful." "When I, marry," aaid a budding school prl, "I'll want a tall, Uile-looxiiiB man ''Tliere'i wb'Tc you're wrong, sis," aaid her wore practical mother, "You'll hare less trouble watchfnr an ugly man and eiijuy on of hia company," ADVERTISEMENTS.' DARJLJ y PROPHYLACTIC FLUID, . A HouacHolrl Arii-ir for lTnlrral 1 amity Lav. E JL-odicitos Typhoid KttTwra IMilillirj. feU- vutioii, CluonttiHl Son Th mat, Mmall rttrmf AMt-a, and HALAT.IA. all t uiitato-'d lirauwc. jVerna. wmtjngua i the it k tri.'iilii uic II Ircrly .Si.oltt I'-vci hU ncfer brut tui vti iu fpiMd wht n thr HumI wu itscil rll ,w Fcfr h,t in-co uircit Willi u )iftr Muck vittntt h.il tukttt iilacv. l'h wurtt (..ft (It I I. pit (.tlCI let ' la ill ll) it. t virriltn'SirliriT. SMXtr-TOV ' 4ht rtrlr,iiril Mt)l and ll .1 4M'ri ir.'rpnt- riTTTVfi . f ninTI nt i.v --rnmxrxr i ki l'..il'Y Huiti . , , Impore Air anitit ""'vtaai. F'.r.rTlirolhi,a I uad Ih. ton. a :.uiJ. Ih. p-li.t.lw.a I'nolagtofl rtnirovrrl Unia, wa lur r'ro.lfil Feet, , "'' "!""' Chilblains rile., Mhsaai actinia thraa I'hallngs. tu. "' " Ithroiliallain rtos-d " V,' f"" b..flWllllOMluul. 1 '""". l.ilW. lona ..cured hy in ue. Whip Fever pfev.nl.tt. To purify tit. Hisrath, Clvan.e ttwr sjsjwtfrj il can't b anrM.tsd. f'atarrti relieved and cur.,1. ii ttryalpelaa cured. ' Ituriiai.lietSAltBtlanlty. Hrara pr.vimlnt. Il,.nlnr. atn-Aal. ! lipiitiioria Prevenloi I The phyatelaaa bar . Ilarhv. Fluid vers :.i - ' I aaKsmaiaaviaiaalr Wound, he.led rapidly. .,,, llipritric.u. awecttthi lly lata, irtst . .7iV. .' j 1 A. STOilaawaaca, An Aiilitlo efor Anim.l Ore.raboro, Ala. , or Vrulu Fuuona, i Sours, no. I Trlter dried up I utod llie Fluid daring Cholera pre..Me4. uur eie.ent atlbtiion w in I'leers purified tad Stjrlrl Fever wuh -Je- healed. ci.M a.iv.m.ige It it 111 csaoaof Heath it in.li.pens, l-le lo tlie'lrett- f" atlnultl be uaerj .bout muai. WM. F. S.i. ih ; cgrpae il will. rs.o. F.yrie, Ala I prevntl any unplaat- titl im.ll. 1 he eminent Thy. alelan, J. MA It ION ' SIMS, M. II., New lurk, an: "I aaa cen.ini eti I'ref Oarbya l'r nalat:llc Fluid w a v.iuublc liisinfcit.nt." Vanderbllt Cnlverslt.. Xaslivllle, Tenn. I le.tily tu tlie mu.i eaws-'qui tiuiiuft u( J'nif, Iljrhye lVipViyla. rie Kl.il t A. a J.viuecuni ud delctgiu II il b,,ili Ijieoioiiauy lUlJ pwcoclly luTn,ir 10 any prcpaLuhui ivaii .lu.li I am tc. qujinlnl -N. I l.ueios, 1'r, f Cheiiuilry. Ilarhv. Fluid It Hecuuiuieudcd by II . Ai.nni It Siariinss ol Oeorii. Ke.. Cum F. Uaaaa, U.U., Chursli tl ihe Strange, N v.; . I JtCoirra, ( jiliiinMs, Prof , Unrvnliy,S C. Key. A J. Hsiii., Pref , Mertw linivenily Htri Uab. F. t'otacs, Uailui M. E Ciurrk. ' IMHHl'KNSAIll.K TO KVRItT HOME, I'eiiceily harn lrti. I. Imem.tly or e.tern.lly fi.r &aa nf Hesl. The Flail haa bea tbr,m,,BHty tettl,! wa hatsi alnm.Uinl evUen. thai il lwa doneevirylhia here rlaimerl. For fiitlre infcrmalltm gal of yoir Llrugijiil a pamphlet or tent to th. proprietor., . J II. EF.II.ISt CO., lam,iic!iiro.g Chanutlt, , PHILADKLPHIA ' fell a Iv , ,. , ,, ! s STOMACH 49 ine neceaaitr lor prompt ami enirieai bouarhohl rcnifdli'S f. dmlv grow ng mora Imperative, and ol llirae llnatetler hlora aeh Itinera la the chief in nu-rll ami the, ninat popular, tin irularllv cil I lie alumatitt and bowels, niabuiul fever, liver rom plainta, lUliltity, rlu uaoiliMo, ml niluur ailmetita, are tlioroaghly corttiiered by thi Ineoinparutil Isrnily issasemiliv asiel armllo. Ilial tab guard, and II la Jiiallr regarded aa Ihe nun t and moat conipreheftslwi rerorsly of ii. lias.. For tale by all JJruirgiaUi and beater geuerallr. June H ly. R Ell ESTATE (6ENCT. I have eaiabliklied a UICAL LnTATF. AtlF.XL'Yin Mictoau of WELDON. N. C. , j I haveTKK kouaeiln tVutdon FOR SALE OR RENT.; About half uf Uwia ilua, Utn dwlllna. I alao have about fl.OOO HMK OK I.AKD IN HALIFAX COl'HTY FOR SALS For further pnrUcuuira. jjartlea wlahllig to buy , rant ran apply to me in person or by letter. 1 am now taking up all lamia parties with to Mil ' and advertising the tnrae at toy ewn expense, ua' ' lata a asle ft made and then I charge romailatlocal, ' For my ttanelng aa a gentlemen and a aiaa wuiJvyfcltmiaiHr,'liuftr ty penulaaliaa W R. IT i Hin lib, Scot laud Neck: r. J. A. I'omna, Eunelst W. A. Iiaiilel, Wcldoii, T. W. Ilarria, Littleton, voetltr : .. -i .- . I'.ariKKs, ' (a r. ukkKswooo 4 BkO. 1 t ; . j.. . , 1T4 Main Mlnstt, i m: pt'idera In :o: 1 IlIAVOXIs. WAlMIFii,,JKWFI.KY', CLIM-Rs, HILVICR AD FLATFD H AItK. rTA('LF;rrAI'V('iJ(!lfl, 1 Hrns l.l attention gtvwn Iodic reixlraoffhrtaiisgf alert and Flft W alniim. Hair anil ih J.walrl aiade tuorvtcrauu rapairssl by bast tawdsieft larttaia i . EBKa h N i f s ? -i it i. f i i II ii M t ff 'i f r t J i 0 I S i tl si J r--' eV...