T". s C , ' I ' r; ) 'TTK . V..-- .V ' :':;) r 4 .31 scrarr,'i TEEMS-5-'11" anm'.m in ai'Vanck. HALL & SLEDG-E, i')f hmuktok- A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. yol. xii. NO. 41; AVKLDON, X. C, TIIlTvSDAY, JAN U Alt Y 2-1, 18S-1. "I V I ug 4 ink wi fcfU .'.il ! tea K 1 T PROFESSIONAL CARDS. -y t;. K 1. L 1 1 T l . Attorney and Counsellor at Law, . Null FOLK, V.V. i: .- i and :l Virginian lluiMiiig. I! A N C H i II V. I. I Altururyx at Law, KM IKI.Ii, X. c. Practice III the rnlllla' unci Wilson iililitii sof lh.lilax. I ollcellolls made Nn-h. l-duo-In all parts JMII. V If. ii. S M 1 T II J It . Attorney at Law, m i i 'I I.AM) SL'i K, N, c. is ill tin- eolllltv of Halifax mill lidii.ililinr I'niolu 'O-.ll.llC- Hil l ill the Supremo court nf the .-Lite. net ir. ly. A. II V M A N, ' Attni-iu js a( Law, 11 A I.I i-'. X , N. c. iifti.-e in llii'i''"irl llnn-e. sirirt iitteiuioti jjiven tonll I ram lies of the profession, jmi IJ I)' Ml ii M A H X. II 1 1. 1., Attorney at Lnw, HALIFAX, S.C. Prot Ui ii- in II i? i f t x mill ii'lJ.iiiilinciHiiiili' Hllil Federal iiml Mipicinc courts. miK.JSIf. W. M ASUS, Allin ucy at Law, ;akysiic m;, n. rrai'lin i" Ii"' 1 jniuiiik' loiiulii. nl' niirts of Nnrtlittuipton nml ad i in llu1 Fi'iliMit! hikI Mij.n'iiM' jlllll' s tf. a ii i: n k. 11 a x 1 k i Attorney at Law, Kl.linS, X. c, Prat'tiiT. in lliilil'iix mi'l luliHininir cnunlii'. Stii-riiil titiiMiliou t-'ivcu to ivIU'i'tioiiH in ull pttrtM nl tin' sijitc nml proiiipl n uiiiis niiuii'. fell i; ly. 11 A I. 1., Attorney at Law, WKUXiN, X. C. Kmi'lnl atti'iilloii irivi'iito rollfi'tloiM nml r.-inil- tiuiii'" proiuptly ! U. may 1 " M f L I. K X it M 0 ( I li K, Attorney at Law, UAI.ll'AX, x. r. I'r.i. ili'i. In thu iiiuiitiiKor llalifnx, Xorlliiiiiiptoii. ir.i, iml.i'. Tilt nml Mnrtili-lii lli' Silpri'incenlirl ..'nl... M;iti. nml In tin' KnUnil I'miii!.! tin- IjiMitii Hilrirl. Collti'tioliK nut'U' ill liny piirt nl ' i 1 . - -tuti' Jmiliy 1) It. J. E. t 11 1 K 1. 1, Surgeon Oculist. ii. ..: .ii.. i..,n,.,i to u, 'Mi hi. ran la1 tHiiHlmliVHomrelllSlililli sllli'l! UllU'li'lU '." timin exeept hen nl, nl no prol'i sioiwl Irtislm". rari'ful iiumition Klveii to all liraneliw of the pro- awioii. rartlva MUtul in uieir " D K. E. 1.. UfXTKI Xtirs'"" llrntlsl. Can he foiiinl "I hi otVuv In Kulielil. Oiiro Vilnius Oxiilt' iil I T the l'llllllew K.Xtnll' linn of Teeth always on limnl. iiine -2 tf Known to Mra of Ff Nt Re-ri" w RoJ KLL IMPURITIES OF m BLOOD. CONSTIPATION, K.t":" nvcDCDCIl known l')' irn.'?"l"r.."i':. i lih, sour lie rmnjr. weiiii .n,ll..n.lerHSat nit of stlilliacll.rlcjp. 1 . I J. men c.mnl.inl. Ilili.noii-M. Milvos. I, LIVCH r. f. .. rru.H in tSC i3 . .. . s.Hni'M. imlahility. a so ooiiom oi nu. .:-""; '. mi,t . ..v.i ,.it,.w hot and com rn- APOPLEXY,;!!! , sound In ears, iiiihhaesa. ..... .. ..... fliuihii of hsht :.,.oo..ioo inhi ad.ii. rvoiistiess.tiMn..! - . .. i,.u...a nl Hiana.r " Oslo 1 111 oca ' " , ..i.ad.r kui . tru ot m.nwrv. ImaM ' " "', Iwfnis. I"W O! Hl.nwr,. . -j.-o 1mUrVQ urine 'r or iitm.iv '"0-. KlUWLlO, i.iirnlng. stinnlnjt.liearliiKdiiwn l.m.a ..... d.rk cio-l". ih"'PTu"r II r- a nT mm rino. iilln r HEART. Lrt. " " -" oiim whral.lmon If fl .lit. 1 out .f r.lH H EADACHE, uJ, W . " uac M ly m.l;jacobs&iuu)., HUIFU, N. CI CIIOICKsST LIQUORS. Our Ur conUln. all th ehokual hraud in.br.ntllei.ihl.kio.lr mli 'r ... . ..... l iaani, Usari'ttei reniaoeiu me una - ill..,niyt si k, a ,-i,.,..i. ToWco. call ami examlut thtni. FAMILY GROCERIES are cheap and .11 the Urt W" jf""" ' hand and Hock eonllnnally replonlah1' I BILLIARDS AND POOL. Table, alwayi ready for enstoinuri i a ar. Invited to vlilt our liouw h" " 'riW, .d wall traatcd and whore thcr can ' BUiiani. at waaU vxpua. marli ir mm ADVKl'.TISK.MKNTf T. J. Jaiikatt, W. J.J VKRATT. T- J. JWlUtATT & SN', COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 3 Syi-amurr St.. Petersburg, VA. strict pcrmns! iiitiMili. n ail on to the sale of (''TillN.I'KAXI TS TuIIAH'i), MII-T. COKX. AND I'KODIH'IV CKXKJtAI.LV. imTltXs .v.( UK ruoMi'fi. y. rf-ll.lni'ini anil tii' fnrni.!....! 1 I ...v..., 1 i't in ini IN T11K liOTTd.M. 1 lmV( 111 IIP ill kl.,rf m,n I., dally the folluwing ginli ; Pry CimhIh, Nutlnns, H.mih. S!hk-, IIiiis, rlolhiiur. Ilnniwun', limsnrt( mckiTV utiri, st.ivr jhhih, VmhWu rt, Klmtr, Kiu'im, IjipI. Mrul, Toliiicdi.riKuni, Atetirlt'l Ki'iiw, Sukhc, fuilW', Fiali, I'uri Hjijilt Vitu'Kitr. Ko ruse m- hikI l:-tl ml. Tninkn r wiwiaUy, dirtrt fruiii THE MANUFACTURY. llQilkc U SH'CUltj' of CONFKCTIONKUIKS. French f 'aiKlie. ritiln rniiilicn. Itllivill". Illlll'., Or:lllj:rH. i.flllnllll, t'rciini i in.-r.s... I'HIII OdiHMl.. ( .muni Ui-.'f. t iinlii'.l I Inn). Simlint'ii. Ai. AIhii 1'niiry ('akin, AppVv Xr. II. I'. .- PI K1!S. M ildim. X. net is y ms.f.lE.KULL, No. 1 SuMiiiuri- Siici't, i'i:Ti:i;sr.nii; VA. You ill her.' f.nd the birf-sl -" rtno nl and s.l,l.l.sh Millinery 1- tins si, le Ua- everv article iiflhe '.-t ' r,'1,1 "' "" 1 prhes and aarraiiiiit toive MiiMa.ii Heal Fr. nell Hounds, and llaU. rihl-n.. old Iji .li.s audlllfanls U. a.s, .brs. WM and Toiiioamtll lit Wnwths,- Veils. I'lnines, an ro.i.... llairtiood.. silks, saiuu, VeUeU, Itutlon.v 1 nii'r-. ana yi'iirod asso imun. f lm TriiiinniiK-. dreiis Hat. in Itrs-iit variciy. U.ll. Hr ImhW in all.hcl.adini: Kalans with all mees-.r. m- .ulliirslo mat. h.lsldies' l ll.lcr uarinelil... Ili.lery oflhe l itest make t'liil. In n's Cl.ik rl,ak, li.ilHi.ins aim .-.nv-. I lie Is si Kid ldo.es made, all eolers. Colillo. Hair ninam. It ll ..r, loi.'s l orsclS. Itldllli s ami I'linimery. 1 skirts. and Ijidies' and Misses I nd. iK r skirls Itrniai 1 minis i "i" " a al a. lies' Urease made t ord. r in best manlier, application. All or- Flt(.IWlllteed. ."amp ders filled promptly. tTATWOK VIKUISIA AXDXOHTIK AlhU.lXA, Tli.l"M,'",l!i" ,M, t l.oTII lloltl IS Till SOt" T UK UN HTAT KA M. E. KULU Sycamore Street, VKTEHslll It'i, VA. where yon will IM ""' lw'MM M",'k KEADV MAPK I'WKrillNt!, 1 - ' J . t 1. I Till II OLKS.U K a " Tin. do liareallmanufactiirvslhi and are fcnal 1" ltouae Shirt KronU, (Hov.n, Slht Wilrt.o-k- lrwcr. Shirt.. Cuffs, TI.A'- ,1(!,,vlhem..l.kmi"'is- AU all (oasliniai arranlisl and rulr ''"" iUi , w on application. Moneys pll'AM'. . " ' AUCTIOHEER . iiU htvIc.si to w liota ever The and. rslifisl .ir ,,,. , m .y AltVKUTISKMKNTS. I All.l 1. -oK ;i:si:ra l mukciaxmsi:. HALIFAX, N. C., 1'ixi: i iixFKt Tiusr.itii, iiiiAi!. a Tmwt'o 4 Specialty, -i;i:sii si'itliks i:vi:i;y wi:i:k. Srff"' liave wrveil )'iui fitiilifiilly fur tlic liint filicen your iiml x-k iioniitiniiunt'o of ynitr jialrotiiii;!'. l'resi ripliiiiieiirel'iilly pr-pnreil lit all hunt. tf-iln r..riiiT ui'i-. isitc t .urt Huiov Niium- a SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR oet 7 ly to i'itii:ttM: mi: in Ai.iii Cue the Mayiietoii Appliani e Co.'n MAGNETIC LUNG PROTECTOR ! They are prieeleaa to I jullea, liuiitleiaeii and ( hll (lren wltk Hnik liiniri; no eue of pneumonia or crimp l ever known whero theau KiirinMitu are worn. Tlieyiil' prevent ami cure heart illllii ultlen, CoMi, lthciiiniitlKin, Nvural(iii, Tlinmt truiililea, lilphtheria, Catarrh, anrtull kmilaililisenseii. Will wear any uervleo for three yearn. Are with over tlicunih-r-elothlnR. t A 'I' K 11 1 T '! ,f in'Hi'" I" 'h'' L A lk 11 11. senlietlie ylnploinsof llili. nnneimiliseii.e that Is snppinx the life ami treiiKlh of only loo many oftho fairest ami lal of Imtll sexes. 1,-iN.r. stllilv uml esean-h ill Ainenea, i;iiniMilii liilerti linnio, lime resllileil inlhe Mil- Hell leui ! I.nnj.' i rnli'i'tor, linonnnir enre mr imiiiin, n M whii ii eoliliilns Xo liniLTili!! of the Syaleni, Ith til. e.iiiliiiien -tr.Mlm.l Mioinelislll (KT- iiieatlnj!lliro.i!h the iilllli le.1 niualns, must ivslnre llieintoa heiilthv aetleii. We plaeo our nrlee fnr tins Appllanee ol if-s than one-twentieth nf the pnee a-ke.l hv olllei fur remedies lln.n wlileh You mke nil the rlianees. anil e'eally mvile Hie pat-r..nne.- iift'M- many ei-..ns who li.ive trlod ding- Killtf tin Ir stollim lis W Ithont elleet. HOW TO OHTAINa!' mice, itoliiv.air nroeisi ioi.i n.a nu im-m. n they hav i imt them, rile tiillie proprietors, en- elosillK the pni-e. Ill letter nl our rik. nun Hie) win Ik-sent to ..n at om e lv mall. "'t paid. Send slailip lor llle ' Sen le.nllire III Medii al Tivsti.linl itli"0t Midieine,' Willi tlionsaiids of ti 'Inn ..iniilv TilK MAUXKTuX AIMi.l M Kl ll.. Jls Slate Slreel, 1 llll llKO. 111. Xoti: - Sei:l one dollar in p"slai:e slanips or eur roiiev i in letter at our nski inlli sieoi lna' usually aolli. and irv a f ill ol oi. Vl.e.-netle lusol,-., and lie eoin ini 'd ol the iier n sidmii in our Mas lietle Appli.mees. I'osilively no eold leet lu re the are worn, or nionev rehnidnl. net II ly Till': LKAIHIK !' LOW PRICES ! I liavojit-d ri'ci ivcd my l'AI.I, ANI WINTK1! STUCK. Wlii. li is ftilliT tlian over In forc. Special ili . lit i.iii to BOOTS AND SHOES. I keep n lull line nf Zi inl. r l in e ami ull. in Sh.N-a lin l.a.li.a. I lime also a lnrjso at.H'k of ' .VojiVoiH I liming iiinj 7ii7iiiim. fur .aiii'n Mv Stock of I) It V NOTIONS, (i O O O St, ji:i:i.i:y, x,-. iacoinph te. Also .1 eomph le line ol liresa (1hU, WiirsUsl.Cussimere, Silk. Tiiniiiiinos, Krinijr. IS nitons, mrsets, inw aim 11.111 Him' for Ladi.-a and licnts, nil ( w:. r row cash. ('.ill iiwd examine my stock la tote ptii- cli.isinj! else.vhcrc. Corner I in St., aim liiisiitutjioii .no. 11' lI AIII lIH II 1857 J A X t' A K Y 1 t , I 5 7. RUFE. W. DANIEL1 aBOCF.UIKM, LlUl'HRH. FINK WINKS, CHiAlt', TollACCO c .kc PORTKERS LIGLF:BEER0N ICE. U. W. DANlKIi, Mo. 1, VtHk. Avt W.UIku . a AIV r'KTISKM KNTS. sfu, :KA''' Xmi FOR CATALOGUE. Iiov 'J'J lv MACHINE. This represents a intu hine with which l'" ard of fnl.rle of any description can lie measured, from Cotton HiiKKinirlo Finest silk, in less than live minutes, and with niorg accuracy limn can lie done with Hie "Yard stick." A h,y seven years old can do the work. These machines will s.s.iite III every din house and SI. ireln the Siailll, and Carict ami lliiwint: .ManiifHciuivrs cannot do without It. They are noted f.T their llapi.lity and Accuracy of Work and for their cheapness. Manufacture look lo the future mid pr.M'Uie rights at once! Good can he measured from the loom and put In i"H of any nuiuhcr nf yarila. Two of these machines are now in successful operation at IhciliK of Mr. Noah llif,'. and Mr., M. II. Alshnaik. Scotland Neck, X. '., and (Ire per fect satisfaction. For further information, Iciun etc., Address .1. t'. WILLIAMS. Invent. ir and I'alctilco, Scotland Seek. X. C. nov l.i ly MRS. I A. LEWIS, SMITH'S lilUCK 1SL0CK. MII.I.IXF.IIY, FANCY (KHiliS, Ssc I.AIdKs Fl ItMSlll.Xi, (KHiliS NOTIii.SS llutteriek's imllerus on short notice. Anch-tniut line of neck wear, laces ami rlhlauis. Prices an low l. call la.' II A I) AMU IllClil'.. I)re-s MakiiiK in all its branches by cxisThiiced hands. SI IIS. I'ATTIK A ! FWIS. m I IS ly Vel.loii,..l. (iAUY & CO , :nj AXD X SYCAMiiitU STUKirr, HAV 1 : IN STOliK A KI'l. li STOCK OF EARTH EN W AUK, CHINA --- Plain axh Okciiuatki., TEST WARE, axdsii.vku r..n:i v.n;t:. Ilnrprieesare It V. A-"X A lll.i:. and ' n.ilnl the illenlioii ol liu.ers--. i rat vs '" 'V 'lt v"s t'Vl ' cAin'&co., 3d AXIi .H! sVl AM. INK SIIII FI' HIT Kit A itiMI'I.F.I'K ssult I'M F.XT1 'F I'AUi.ui: ciiMi 1:1:1: 1st) luxixa 1 URN lTlUkE AT I'ol'l I.AU I'ltirKS. STYLKSTHK I.UIM ANIl ritll'iy Tt SIT1' ANY MAItKK.T. i,AI:YHi. ik'I IS ty IVtersburif, Va. -OF- xowroi.K viwaixii. i FKKK.M AN. AitTiin JEWELER STOKE 141) MAIN STL KIT. Kstiihlishod l:ll. Oilers to liis friends inlhcold North Stale maslsat the follovvuin prices ; Fine double casi il p tits' steni winding Hold watcln-s t'X't. Ladies' double case slimi winding wntehi-i, f in. lamor emtio. SI I. S.lid ip.ld waUh ihiotia fi) and upwards. Solid (told bracelets, ill and upwards. Fine silver plated castors .l .in ami npwanis. l'.uttor dislu-s fJ.'sl luul upwards. Silid silver sp.sniv, t ja r doi., K. maiiilMT all toy Kiasls tire wan.oitisl Bs rircsenfcd nnuuuey n l'iinded. Onlcrs by mail promptly ttltcTid islto. Wvshliiin iuiiI etweimiit ringM a siK-eialty. I!eairing promptly done. AUTHLKC. FKEKMAX, Jeweler, 144) Main St. DOT Ij '0rfoilt, v OLD PIOnST. WABNEE- MILLER. 'uam WlDMCn millpr'' tub hi:ll l-' I.VXX. I The Junior Senator l-'rom Mew York. TUB ItEIM TF.n LKAHKIl OK Til K XKW Volt KEI'ITILll ASS Senator AVarner Miller, known mote fa miliarly aa "VVo.Hl-1'ulp Miller," of Herkimer, New York, waa born ill (Hweji omtnty, IhatWtute, Angiist, 1'Jl.h, WW, and is therefore in his fortv-aixth year. He graduated, at I'niott College in Iftlrt, unit then hfcauif a teacher, in the l'oit K.lward Collegiate lin.itute, hut when the war broke out, in llil. li. enlisted tu a private in the l'il'th N.w York Cavalry. He served with eoiiapicions bravery ill the Shenandoah Valley- beins! promoted to Sergeant-Ma. jot' ami Lieutenant, At tho butlle of Winchea ter lie was taken a prisoner, but w.ii liiully "eichan);ed" tiller llie close of Hie rebellion. Mr. Miller enjaoeil in fariiiiitj; nd became the owner of extensive jiaper mills in wlii.h enterprise he in afill oit;ni;ed. lie was a dclemile to the National liepublit an t '011- venlion in riiilailelplna, in 1ST'.', and in ; I was elected to tho JNew otk Legisla ture, scrviag two term. t Mr. Miller then eot-reil National politics and was elected as 11 representative lo tha Fortv-sixlli Comircw and was rettnnetl lo the "Forty-seventh. In 11, when Conk linu and i'latt re.iijtied their seats in the Senate, Mr. Miller was clnisen hv me e.v otk Asieiubly to succeed 1 .101111.9 t. 1 latl mid l.a.k his teat October 11th, in the same year. Hi. tcni of office does not expire until thr Hid of March, 17. Senator Miller, by his rec.-nt iimnipiila tio.i of the Ilcpiiblieaii ration of the New York Legislature secuiim; the election by tha Lower lloua, of Mr. Sheiird as its spca krr, has won for liiinsclf the sudden tepitta I ion as beins tin" lender of the New York Kcpublicaiis and the well -known fact that the Senator is antaumiistio to the prcseiil mliiiinistialion of Avilmr gives especial si; niliinncc to his political controlliii"; power in his State as ini'.icatin; that lie will be come 11 prominent facor in ilictnliiifr, against Arihui's rciioiuiuation at (.'liiengo next .hiiie. Mr. Miller is a man of splf.mlid physical and uicutal strenj;lh, and posscwej that pet aoiinl niaiinctisni which wins the lastins friendship of those with whom he comes in intimate contact. DO. rni: AXTtTHF.sts ok "hun't" xcmiikk TWO, AUUKKMSKI) TO Mll:l;lKI WOMI X Do remember that you are married to 1 ii.iii nml tuil to .1 L'.i.l: be liivii.ired for 111 perfect ions. l)o anliripate Hiedisi'ovcry by your hns band that you are fonly a woman;" if vou were not he would not care about you. I Hi boar ill mind that a )a.pular preacher often has n wife; have some regard lor her feelings. once in a v.nr, let your husband have the last word; it will "ratify him and be 110 particular loss to y.ui. I to let the sun into vutir home; a ui.01 de tests dark rooms, ami his taste is nf more im att lance than your caiicts, curtains or com plexion. (to be reasonable; il is a nrc:it ''''' 1 ask under some cin uiiisl oices. but tin irt; iea s uialtlc women arc tare be rare. Im rc.siM your iiri.;libor's cnci'oae:i mcnls. Iio refuse to ti ll your home worries In vou r closest friend ! they are nolanly's busi ness bill your own I in be liioniiie.l: make y our associates theirs. 1 Hi remember that keep your plat am! dependants and keep servants nr.: made of the same material as you are; a lillle c.iu-ot grained, peihaps, but thr same in essentials; "one lotieh of nature makes the whole world kin." lhirespts-t Ih.-ii leeliuus and allachnieuls, let the pretty pallor maid have her lover openly; she will have him anyway, and if yon liave her oonlidciioe you may save her from lifelong misery. I H forget vour clothes as niiieh as possi ble. lo t rv and linnet yourself; as for your husband, foijet that you tnairieil him arid rrninnlar lli.it he married yon; Ir will then probahlv do the reverse. Ito. if u friend (Imps in niiexia-ctedly, leave lliintsiust las tin V arc. li the I lily i i.tf Hmoli.ni back, what does it matter? A newspaper oil the floor, even, is no absoluie dis'r.tce. io let youi liusbainl smoke if he waul to; vou can easilv ncciistoiu joarilf to (lie aniiika ol' bis cinai. il will keen him out ..io h.. i ainl -iiniet: if voar oiiriaina sun II iT,.r it let llie ail biow lluoiisili the i.ajtu iHiUtliim read Hie newspaper at the l,i....Lf..st tlde: it is uii.'K-islilc. but thru il is onlv a 11 ill.- after all, and he like, it iohl him know inure than yo-.t do once in while: it keens up his sell -lespeet. sn.l vou are not actually inlalli.ible. Iio ay your n-jularly. Do keen' accounts, do live within your al low..nce: do, for the .sake of everybody, your self in. luded, know r-.mlly how much you have to spend, and save something oirt of it if you ran. IHi date your letters. Ho have an open lire if y. ill can manage it, and do have the health swept up every tune coals arc put on. Ho be courageous; do be self-iesM-ctiug lo lie a sensible woman, and not a mere sane creature, pretty lo lisik at and of n further use. Iio wear real jewelry or none at all. lo read something latter than novels or cook lajoks. IHi remember III il the iiiten-st of life is not centred in your lioiue circle; do fam iliarize with outside events. In read something in the papers lasides fashion notes nml ms-irty columns; have xtSnte knowledge of what is going oil ill for eiitt roiintriea IHi la? a companion to your husband, if he is a wise man; and if he is nut, try tomnkehiin become your compan ion; raise Ins sutiuiaiu; 110 not ici mm om.-i VlllllS. H respect your limband's prejudices; do rrsiavt ns re hit ions, esiieciallv his mother, because she is your inotlter-iii-law; .he loved him before you did. "1 do nut love him iu the old fond way," write Klla Wheeler complaininnly. Too bail. What's the matter w i Ui hun Hath been indulging a rock Ires fonduean for onions, pr will he not treat .vou to oy.tere auy more? In roll- , liik'ln. I sit nml look armat the liay lo the lanuiy town of l.ynn; And Hie ll.her folks an-naer, but 1 wt-ll thev never hear The Nomrstlie far l ll make for me, the Isinny hells ol Lynn. The folki are ehallnis' nay audi hear their merry din. Hut I look and look acroia the hay to the lioiiny town ot Lynn; lie told ute to watt here t poo the old brow 11 pier. To wait irhd .. nl.ii 1 1 1 1 11 inmiiiK w hnn the tide was nilliua in. lih. I see him pulling Ntmlis. pulling u'erlhe bay to ine. And I hear his jo ial soup and his merry face 1 .. c; And now he n at the pier, My Ihinuv love and deftrl And he eoiiiinit up the ica-nashed il w w ith hands ...itstr... .ted to me. oh. my love, your ( heck li cold and your hands are slat k and tliln ! Ull, hear you not Hie bells of old, the Uiliuy hci! nl l 1111 .' 1 Hi, ha. f you iistmht t.i say t ,.,il our weddiliu day Love, heiu .u Hot the wedding lielli across the bay ol l.yiiu '.' Oh, lit y lover, speak tome! and hold 111c fast, mine in. 11 ! Fol 1 h 10 Hi is rising sea and these witi.U aad wave. Hut moan 1 but never a word he said! lie i.ilca.i. my love is dead! Ah me! 1 did Ian dream, and I am all alone Alone and old and gray, and the tide is rolling 1 11: Lul my Jiuart s away, away, away, ill the old gra.fr- yar.l 111 i.ynu : Tempi f I'K li r.lt .V AL MI'AHKI MCi. Ill I.I. X V K II As A lint T WITH A YOIXOKK into. 11 Kit. I have jiui ictiirne.1 froin a little two liaudcil toii' ii.unciH with Lie gloves. 1 have tilled my nose wi.h co.ton-waste, so that I s'lall not soak this sketch in gore aa 1 wri.e. 1 needed a little healthful exercise, and was baiking for Homoih'iig that would be full of vigorous enthusiasm, mid at the same time promote the '.lealthl'lll How of bbaid to the muscles. This was rather difficult. I tried most every.liiug, but failed. Iteing a sociable being Ijoke,) 1 won.ed other people to a.-lp me exerc se, or go along with me when I .orercise. Some men 0:01 go away lo a desert isle, and have fun with dumb-bells and a horizontal bar; but lo ine it would seem dull and on nmonplacc after a while, and I would yearn tor more liiiaianity. Two of us tinatiy concluded to play bil liards, but we were onlv amateurs, and the owner intimated that lie would want the t it 1 1 1 - hi fourth nf July, so we broke olf in tho middle of Hi. lir.st game, and I paid for it. Then a younger brother sid he had a set of boxing-glove-s in his room, and although I was the taller and had longer arms, lie would hold up us long as lie could and I illicit hammer him until 1 gained strength and linally got well. 1 accept this mler because 1 had often re gretted that I had not made myself familiar with this a.t, and also hri'iuise I knew it would cic-.e a tlii ill of i. Merest, and fne me w i h ii.nln.ion, a-ul that's what a hollow- yul i.ivalia needs to put him on Hie road .1 recovet v. l'he lai. ing glove is a laije, fat mitten .tilli an a', lorinal thumb and string al the wrist by which you tie il on. m that when vou feed it lo lour udvetsarv he oaunot ... allow il ami choke himself. I had never seen anv boving-gloves before, but my outlier said they were soft, mid wouldn't nut auv I10.lv. So wo baik oil' some of our laiiooiil and pl.t Iheiu on. Then we shook hand.. 1 can rnnenilier distinctly yet that wo shook liaiuis. Tins was to show wc were ! Iiieiidlv nod no. .1.1 not slay each other. M y lo.nl lu-r is a great deal younger than 1111, and so I warned hint not to gel excited 111. 1 ciiuic lor me with anything that would look like wild and ungovernable tu rv be- iiiisc I iiiieht, in the heat of ilcbale, pile his jaw up on his forehead and till lbs ear lull ol sore thumb, lie said that was all right, and he would try to be cool and col let tod. Then we put utir right ha", together and I told him lo be on his guard. At that mo ment I dealt him a lerrilie blow, aimed at his nose but, through a clerical error of mine, it went over bit .houlder and ssnl it- elf ill the wall of tho room, shattering a small linlly-vtiaat bracket, for which I paid him Jtl 7.) ulterwanl 1 did not wish to luir Hi laracket because I had two i.l home, but was arbitral, alaiut it, and I bought it, Wc then lasik another iilbleiic posture. and in Iwo seconds the air waa full ol is.iill'iv'l thumb and buckskin luilteu. 1 son, 1 dciectid a 1 bailee to put one in wh'ie my b, other coiilc smell ol it, but 1 never kin-w jusl win re it struck, ibi at that Inn- : men! I ran up against something with the! pit ul my stoma. Il (hat made me throw up Hie sponge along with aoiu. other gus-erios, j the Datura of wiii.ll t taUlUOt BllvT m all Mv brother then pros.at that we tuke o'l the gloves, but 1 thought 1 had Hot snf liineiitly puuislir.l hint, and that another round would complete the con1111e.1t, which v... ilieu ..Inlo.t within my grasp. I hajk a bistntilli H.wderund sitiared myself, but in warding oil a Iclt-liand.r 1 forgot alsutt my ntlversary 's right, and ran my nose into the middle of his Isixing glove. Fearing that I bad in. j u red him. 1 retreated rapidly on my elbows and shoulder-blades to the corner of tho room, thus giving him ample tune to re- e iver. Hv this means inv younger brother's fe.itiiiis were sand, anil are to-day M syni 1110. 1 n al as my own. I call still isiiigh up piece. 1 of lajlitlg gluves, and when I close my eye. I can see cab iiini-lighu and bine phoaphoresoeut gleams across the horizon; but I am thor ounhlv co'ivinoed that there Is 110 physical even ise which yields the Mine iilmiuiit of he ilih and clastic vigor lo the puncher that the maalv art does. To the puncher, also, it nllnnl. a large wad of glad surprises and liose-hleed, which cannot be hurtful to those who hanker fur the pleasing nervous shock, the spinal Jar, and the pyrotechnic concus sion. This is why I shall continue the exercise alter I have piactiocd with a mule or cow catcher two ur three weeks, and feel a little more coutldrnce in myself. rrofcaanr of chemistry: "The ubstani'e you ae in this vial is the most deadly of all poisxma. A single drop places! on the tongue of a cat U uoiil) to kill the Wrongest man." W hen the eve Is kpiW h'K Rmy and the 11(1' SPRICHTLY SPARKS. A stneU-tii n i:m The yellorr l'ee;' An hoiioialde iee "Well, I'll he li.ni en 1 1 a i ti The nmt I is the .t l'he t.illV maker. The loe ol' piltl. Vice 1'iesi.lent. ;eil!" sas the window Kle-lu-let of the I'liitn.il kiniluiii. H'onhl von r ill a l.oU (licsseil in nii en, a Ifiertthaek her? Alain! the only trouM. s th.it come aiitf-lv are 1'iis.sy ohl tnuiils. "I villi on tick, anil time it ti kik1 ll ' me,'' aaya the cha-k. Men are geese, itunii n me ilm k ami liinl of a featliet- Ilis k toaetli. r. 'I'm n nun k. o'l'llj; lo Im-iiiI,' ii on entering a ' was what sawmill. the log Matthew has a o.vrl.i Ar 10I.I 11. a. v li ails a cow a "coo. He of pi'.iiHi'u ial ion. A wai h ticking ran Si:c ain'l a r. '. be In-Jul lai Tin 1 ,ur.;;. than l hell tickitlj. Ilis said the dude i the mil counoctint! link: but lie appeai-s to lean lo the njte ei.lc. Mnnv womnii who doei not even know the liniltiiilicatio;! taltlc can Tiiitirc in society. "What is the worst thinn about riches'; asked a teacher. "Their scarcity," replied a Im . YYhr.t a woman wants lo be pretty she biviiiis her 1'iiir, anil when alio wants lo be itjly s'm biinjs the il.Kir. A Huston voiin lady is so awfully 1 nlliiicd that she won't call tlt.ie ' s.vrrt by -aitd-liy." She calls it the "siio. red su iseiiu-.tily." "Love's sweetes! niea.ungs, "i.;e ic-iinki 11." L'.ai tlv ; ' say s a writer, no eliatui..e h o.ii.iuu'is and Rum ilinps. C.lll I .itltp.ll'-' When 1'. gg w.t asked r-..r.iir.g Hie latest a.lrtiilons t i the Li'glish l.o guage, be said lie would i.-kh snil'. -alio always bad the last wold. " A wit koil cioliai'ge says; Man 's .1 glut yo.i; woman is a li.ie, her smile a float; her kovs tiie baa. Love is t aiaik, 11. id aiar- liage is the fry in;; pan. A guileless girl tome lohiiu I'ltis: 'Tlon't, conic to see me any mice .just yet. for father's having his limits half "lod, ami two rows of nails around the loos." The C.i.iii.vt'out Uiy w"'o lias a I'.iitil arm growing out of tho hack will be able 10 scratch himself between the shoulder blad.-s without lesoi-iiug to the cornel ofa biiihling. "I mil goim; to plant my I" it ('own, said the lady of the .louse III "What 'yer g.'iio; to rai-e, gated the 111.1,1 of the house wra.linn tones, .si" .is'.'" 'ntci rn iVuut tif-'.tiiut li.s paper. Ill Ctiic.i'io wlu u a in n ".r 1 ed mull ella lltey Loui,i .0 s They ihi.'k ho is vvu.ki.iglh.'a 1' ltutles.V, sn astn no Hole -o get S II lailTOW- isp.'i-t ' b in. ,111111. 'on for t . listed and com in 1 1 tlevilt y. "Maud" wauls to kuuv if it is i iitnodest tosp.-ak of Hi .ht-orpi. H ".-..ailv call not see anything i iiiinidcs, about it, 'mt at the same time it is In ..or to avoid slang and frankly say "lint to.li.y." Olive Logan says a mm always haiks tltioiiirt, In. 11 .'Li Is four li.nes In loie ha 1- ding h.s coat to his will-t,i have n bii.tt ii H"wod on, and e.en 111. 11 tie is t iled with a Panicles-, icar iintii the jnb is over. Il I- stit.-.le.l thai live.' tiMI'MIU ills nf paper is made in I'.rs ciriliy ciery your, and vol ihe 111 .:i haves biniM-lf has 01 hunl a-ound ,nr ove. lit cea 1.1. 1111.es before he cm Iiml a pice thai ho dan- wipe Ins lalhei' itiu. "Ob, 110, 1 don't objivl lo the iiia'ity of vour buller," said the oil-. oinor to t'.io gro-J-er. "It's not that, nut inv wile coiiiil.ons that the c isn t ction ,li li 11. in it Hi ina'.e a respectable sw ileh, but a "..ssl deal ..k) iiiuoh '.o make il pal.i.a.ilc." 'l'he not m i of Win 11 I'l'V, - ouior In. i man got in tr -i.e.o "llo; an -s '1 savs: 1 1 a lo. .it 1,0 as .1 ad. il Hie No: is, own . Ii,,,i It.. 1:, in! that Co' gnaiin's iticoiiio wa onl v s.-vt 11 ilolluu a wiek, he said it hail lad lor I. main under that head. An etliloi un I a voung man who had re centlv Ihoii mor iell nml n-'.ed h 111 how he was pleased with Ir- oa.im;-- in Ine He look a long breath and tiivin d ins eves up as if ley big to think ol'-.t.ue o-.p . ssive word, ami t'.icil saitt: "u!i, -n, I wouldn't take ,1 million dnll.iis lin my -ell' " v i-.ooiistiltl I. Low in Maine, win had l.tl.-lv louie I h's to-.tit'i wit'.-, was .ic.-iistctl bv ail at tjUaiiitin. e who, unavvan- of his bereavement, asl.e.l: "I low is your wife, dipt. I'lovv jogger.'" Towliieh the captain replied vvi.ii 11 grave lace: "ll'aal t" tell the trcwlh, I'm kinder onto' wives just ncow." A 1 HAI'l l.lt ON U ll". You can sonioliiii-s cab h a baseball on n Hv. The most irritating lly is a ssini-h tlv. The latin name lor a certain kind of fly is tempos fo.oit. 1-'lies arc always on hand c.irlv in tho morning. Yoa have all seen a kilo lly. Suae II is ii'-e always in jail. Longl'ellnw speaks of a lly lis u biid, when he savs of it : "l ly poind li t of frcciluin." Ynttcati draw e tl.v with a drop of tnolas aes In Iter tlia.t with oii.yoa. Wo have of. on -ecu Mies I .ui.l i ulb d. riles make a p i"t wh re bit- lu-ss is coueotlied. At tin I i.i g la I..'"''- .lul "it ever sis' the lirst 11. .i Imlloi llv of the season? Sonic people i ni.do.v the blind lo keep tlios I. mil l.ie itioiii. Ti, ..-,.'..!. r ;!te i.olv ci-isiiuh. whitli in ites Ihe llv into Ilis parlor. conjug i! ipiai iel is a promoter of hair Hies. Mage ll'oa are painted, time Hies w irony unadorned by art. A llv is ciinserv alive in his reading; he alwavs sticks to his own mia-r. You can't drown a lly in thu milk of hu man kitiduosa. When you "ilurn a Hv" you dn not need a needle mid worsted. Although llios don't stay long in one place Ihev alwavs carry trunk. II' hen you seen kite lly, it is not cruel to slick a pin in it. .artcr '. JKyya. A MOTIII-.H'sl I.OVI'- There is an enduring tenderness in the love ofa mother lo a son that transcends all other affections of the heart. It is neither to he chilled by fear or daunted by danger, nor weakemsl by woithlessncss, nor stilllcd by ingratitude. She will sacrillce her com fort to his convenience; she will surrender every pleasure to his enjoyment; she will glorv in his fume and exult in his pro-tierily; and if adversitv over! ike liim he svill be dearer to Iter by misfortune; and if disgrace settle upon his name she. will still love and cherish him; nml if all the world beside east him oil' she will still be ull the world to him. A. A Krenchruau if teacbinz a donkey to talk. What we want in this country i. man who will teach donkey, not to talk. Aiv i.i;i'i.-i:.Mi:.Nis. Coitllvt-11 cat t-lt-k Ucutlarhe. (. hronio I-Ur-rlnipi, J;iuih11c. .1 mr Impurity nf tha Ague, Malaria, ami ull 1 tine a fi reagemcnl of Uvrr, HwoU and KJduryg. SYMPTOM? OF A f-lSFSKI MVF.R. IU(( Hn-itti- l'n in the Si (tf. imrtitne th miii m Mi u.i.loriiii- ' h i.l-.cr bl-.l-, mistakm lur l;h.m;iim: ci-ncral I of ..ime : nfraHf ctlivr, toniciimtrk uliei lunnR with lax; lief ,-eaJ w trot.i.le.l with pain, i dull and hc.vy urth Ciwiilrrai.lt )ti tf nunw.rv, Ci-itanis'd tih a patiitul pnaii-.n ( U-avi tij; uudnie nmfi-thi.-f W. h tt.'St tn havs l.-. nH..iw: a Uv). dry cmK an) flu-hed (uce it uiiiciiiik an aiicnUnt, lir mi ( i!.-n for romtiniMion: th ii-'l-'-,nl coi,l(iinf t,i v. ifni." and lr! ilitv; m.tv(.u.c.kilv .uitied; (nl f..M t horn tiji, omrtitiis- a V'tu'kly iem-tuni of iW il ta lw and dmliW, hihi, aiih-nitii wnncl tS.it cxctux w.mld 1 lxn. ft .!. yt one c;n h;r-ly n-iiitnum up furiiludr to lit It - txt, tintnii evi ry r niciy. Scvtral l titt .tUw it in i .ttvi Mtrmlthf Hii-aw,huteatc law mmttcJ wh n lK f"" them emMrd, ytt smiriiiisit afl.r tlfatih hn iluwn lilt IJvr to It fctt.iulfl hp ird by mil pcrRona, old nd vim.t.hi iiuviT muy of tlta Ih v ) itiptoiiu pirr. 1rm TruvfHntf or I.lvhtat In VTn hin)thy l.iirullittTH, hv trtk.iku a dn tn.caion litW hi kn ti llir l ivct in lirjhhy .ain n, will aid all JrtHturli, l.Hidtit ttii k, liitimcu, Nau- ma. 1 M vi .in. , 1 U-itiri.'ll ft jniti. etc. It vit .avifmif hVr ittii wine, but no lu ttiuli Mllitf lVrti(is. IT Y hn nttisfi finytlttnn bftrd ot iriifVwHt, or heavy aftef mt-Al. or alfcp 1. at niftftt, ukc i icc and you will b relieved. Tim and lW.i.r' 11I1U will be tared lijr nlwrt) lu'i'iilng tlio Hi-jit lit tor rn llif 11'niMvt For, wlutrfr (he aiiuteiti may ly. a timroiijlily tsff HllKtlliVr, Hllfl'itllVP nnd tnl can nr.tr im tui oi iiUcr. I hr re mc'y K hni inlrai mid dM- not hiliftr with bunlntk ur it ii rrnrrT Trr.KTAnrK. And h. ihtf iwwwr and rrti. -t-y t lomel or (.M-imitc, withiu iiy of the injunuut after ellci.l. A Kvornnr'a Tvatlmony. SinMinf I iver Hi nl.iinr hai l tn in um in my f.iamv tsjf k 'liie time, attd I um inntlind it i vaiujlle aiUiiitxn tu (he inriit. -.1 tcirnce. J ttlLL hMultTtH, iiuviDor rf Ala. I!m. A1i'nilT H. Mfithrna, f ., f : Hvc itcttvn I Iwiirtil lu tn (lie ute of S'Min"ti l.ivcr KcguLigr, ami ili to give it a fiirlhcr Did. 'TK onlv Thlnjc Ihnt nftcr fitlU to TIrlrftP." I have ustd ni.mv rrmcdiM for ly' ptptta, .ict Altrtiit'ii antl I'eliltty, hut new Kara fcupd anythmK to bnefii me to tha eitent Samm'nii I ivcr Rrgulatuf h.. 1 ent from Mm nwla to trcoTfcia for it, and wmdd tend further for ftitdt a mrdiriw, and wmiM advlw nil who are tint limit f ct'1 to (jive it a tri.d a tt iccmi the only tiling Iliai naver tit to relieve. I. M. Jannvt, Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. T. W. Muaon nay at From actual ti jirtmca in the ue uf himtnona Liver Krgulator in my practice. have been and am tat it tied to tut iinJ (jrcsciibe it At a purgative medicine. j'laVf only tlte Oc nil Ine, which alwaytt BM vn tht Wrapjwr thf nd Z Trttdo-Mrk mmd Hnatare of J. 11. ZKILIN 0- FOR SAI.FBY Al.I. DRUCOISTS fi-hr. Iv nr DPrt'Mity t'Mity tor jrnmit and fmcrtu BtlUlil'hidll icmclii if ilitily gniwtiiM nwm imiKrulivi'. tint I nl ihi-M lltmh-Kcr'a iSttim arh Mittcra la the chief In m nt and itm rtHiil iMjpul.ir. IrrrnaUrii) ol Ihe iioniacb and U4iui'ls, niiiliiiutl ft-vir, llvir mm plainLe, diliilily, rlnuinaiie.ni, ami minor atluit niM, mv ihumur'hly tv'tiquerrd by (hit lru'iiiiipiirttiili' diniilv rin'ioiniivf and nn-dto .nal fluh kTUui-l. and il in jnMly rt ganlfd ai the pun-ft mi. I num. cninprtlienlve finedy of itatdaM. K-.r aaiu by all Inugguu auU OetUvragt-ucrallv. Jinn' 1 1 1 ESTATE I6ENCT. I hi.v esl.il.l ish, .hi IH' U. tSTM'K AliKM'Y la Mietov. ll of WELDON, N. C. 1 havoTKN hmi a In Wobloil FOR SALE OR RENT." Als.-d I, tlf of tlieni itoro, ..them d.vellinlri. I also ksve alsmt (I.IHMI Al HI'. OF I, M) IN HALIFAX I'llI'STV FOR PALI i4vv '"'"J Far further particulars, irllo wishing to buy I rent can apply to me In -n.m or by letter. J 1 sin now titli lint up all Iambi nartlra w lih to sell . and sdvortisliiK the same at my own expriue, us I ( lew a sale is made and then I charge commission.. " For my staneliig as a irenllenien and a araa worthy In Ik- truattsl, I rver by permission to B. H ; Smith. Scotland Neck : Tr. J A. Collins, Eiideld J W. A. lsiiiiel, Wchlai, T. W . Harris, Mlllebm. oelUf ' R. P. sl'IKIUt. i c: r. ti it v. r. n w o t i k w. l.vs Main Htreel, f XOWFOlK, VA. S 4 a. lKiileni In :o: i 1'IAM'iNlw, WATCIIrSi, JKwVl.UY, I'Lta kS, MI.VKR A I'LATKU WARE. HPKi TACI.M A.NPKANi Y UiKila". J, H.slal siuntlon alien to the r.-ai.ri of ("biiama. , eSrrsand Klae Mab-hi. Hair SJot tMlier J.W.07' vcl4:u .- M I! t

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