5' ji W.1 5 1 &sp HALL & SLEDGE, imio, .uktuiis. .A. NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE. VOL. XII. WKLDON, THURSDAY, FKimiTAltY U, 18S4. ISO. 17. WM1 v aigij X. C, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. r i;. Kl. 1. HiTT. Attorney and fCUiiKellor at J.jtvv. ! , jS.UWI.KvVA. If . .ii.i rtii'l S VirjiuUii UtiililiiiK, ' ' IX I lily. ; il a'sc II 11 KM.. ; t i: Attorneys nt l aw, tNKini.u,.-.r. I'rai im in tli eoiimlin of Halitnt, KKh, hit. r..inU- mi! Wil.n. t itllc-ttloii?! mu.le hi all parts uflli.- stale, jau. l.'tf. R II. s M IT II J It. Attorney at Law, WtlTI.ANII SKCK, S. V. I'nn lirc III lllc county of 1 lul i In x anil mljululiiK pillllllf, "lul I" till' StlN IIlc Court ill III)' Mull'. (H i III ly. (i li HA A II II & II Y M A X, Attorneys at Law, HALIFAX, N. c. iifl'nv in llii'l'iMirt Mouse.' strict aili'iilitiii iflven tuH'l l.niiii'hcii t.t'tlic I'ruti'sniim. juii i- iy f' II II M A S X. II I I. J.,, , Attorney at Law, ' H.U.fl'AX.x. r: I'ni'-iiiv in ll;ilifuc mill Hiljiiliiiiicimiiticii anil Hr.li-ntl iinil supreme courts. j" tag. s if. iy w: m a s o x , j jf 7 , ' i , Attorney at Law. liAKYSIII'Kli, SC. l'rm lice In the courts uf Nnrllii.Di.ti.n an.l nil Ji.ininu counties, also in the rVilciul anil supreme ..Ill-Is. Jlllll' S 11. W4' T K It K. H A X 1 K I., Attorney at Law, Yt'Kl.lMIN, X. C 1'wtirtn In IIhIU'iu nml iiiIJiiIiiIiik pniintli'. Siji-rliil stti-iiU.m Kivi'ti tn t'lilli'i'liiiiu In all partit i.l tin- Mule ami iriiniit rcturna mink'. Ivli i; ly. W. HALL, Attorney at Law, ' A wRi.nOx, Jkc. i special attention iriven to e.illticli.Hi.'i aid remittitur.-, promptly mailt-. Iniiv I If. M l 1. 1. K X A M (Id It K, Attorneys at Law, HALIFAX, X. C. I'riii tiri' in tin- o.iuillHsnf Halifax. N. .rt tin ui .t. .1 1. Klii-riiinla'. I'ill ami Martin III the Supreme curt i.l llif sum- anil in till' Fi'ili nll Cmirla ill Hie Knl,'rn lilhlrii't. t 'olleotluni nimU' in any mrt uf tin1 Matt. juii I ly I) It. J. K. S II 1 F. 1. II. Margeon DruU-U IIiivIiib iK'nnaniltrtVtiieiilrtl In Wplrlnn. ean la (.nml al lit ullii i' in Miillll llrlrk HulliliUK at all llllll-h ..V....I.I ill lllm.llt llll IH-UlrN-iOlllll lilll-llll ' aj'i l'nl ntli'iiliuli (rtvi-ii Mall drain ! nf II"' I""' a-si.iu. rallies vimuKI al iim u; iihhiii- n"i " .ir.-.. ; t Jul) l-ly- D tt. E. L. II 1' X T K It. t , Surgeotl eniit. I Can be fiiuinl at III nfliiv In KnliiM Pure XitmiiK OxiiU' liii" fur tin' I'liInU'" I liiiK ul 'IVi'lli always mi Iiiiiul. Jlllll' L'J II . tunmu to Urn ni due lull Sc iFhCI F0 RlW0'3 ILL I Irl PURITIES 0FTHEBL00D. Aekaovladnd ft Orud, flutist, ui Iffldut Cut tat CONSTIPATION, dull fV, b.TIMM. nVCDPDCli known by Irmrtilar irpe Ulorcrom, j,,, bi'ichun, mht an.) iHtnterncHiat pit of tomach. dflni1'-nrr I HirP QimpUlit. Billi).... MtUtMMtj '-'C'' r.r. uujiM luviia in tack '' alxi bottom of riba; wearlneM, lmth!lltr. tongii. eoatod, ikln yellow, hot and cold imi-i(lonit'yi'diill.dryriiiih.inllllandbirtraft-ed fwllnV IrrMtilar pulae. 11 colored atwl ADflDI rVV tpHy,l,rlTit,dim ArUrLt.ATlnt. w'm, n nn, aliWIneas vonfiMlon In hrtd. nprvoiimmi. J1"? IftnurVQ rlnedarkorll(lit,rddplt: MUWCIO, i.nmlnir. rtiiiglnrj.rwarirndowu H. .UIU... rr.q..i ; f "J22!.,3 I. H.n.1 .t. H.tk .Iffl... th'tl ' uriDT .,.! mi. .....-. ; ntnn i . k..rt. am aM.f wi k.rt. am M a an'IM Wt... Ui.. Ill : Ml T .Nam Hi f .rpw MmtJ. ! i.L.- 'a.IJa It fkol tb MUM, Mkl rtMitl tuM. Hmi -7 Mil H h VlU4lrL. .K Omnia - - JiMMtltr ' ' l; t I I HUIFU, N. C CHOICKT LIQVOIW. Our bar contaliu all the ihok-eal branda wine.,l.ranili(-i,wl.ltkU-,hwr - w'"1 ,ri"k ii i.. ..... i-... ,aniur. t'lKar.. 'iart-lto v i ,. ,.i.,i,, Tolan-eo. Call ami i-amlu thaui. FAMILY GROCERIES (-l,,.p ..,.1 .11 the tat kind, kept M.iit-ntly . hand and itock continually teplviiUhwl - BILLURDS KD Pl)t ' j 1, t..r L-daner. jLd the ut iuvlud to vl.lt our h.nue where ' wU twau-d and wUera tl.er t V1 ruul " Blulaixb it a tniaU cxpeuie. uru ly 1 i I ll l,l,l.. the nlttkii.tr lire Ml il'.V h "! r.'lii It, w; A, ,' 'r;;";1'1 V"!".1?' Id "-t !- Ah-jfln-i rtuat !-th, Ut rt,.- ' i ,'.,'h:-flll kii..H ' II" tm i, tlii, ,h I tern iih u.,., r I If x- h.,in lovd. i s.u. ' B. iHiiri-lythi.ini, b,; I. ; Kr..in ,-verv i lly J.,v anit i.,' H'jni fmuiMsllthl, , j..pl0ly , Mail ah i ,lg ltJu- ' An.) yet may tuuie ihivg, with tt, ,uy - AL (III lna.l.u li,'... L. ' ' lu hit ami P"-u.Hi, tt,,, u III wli.i,. and gnv.i, jo I.,,iK in,,. 'Tl iili-aum ,, , tl.lnk.-"p, riai) I II M.-ni..ry ,l.., ,-, r.,.f ,!. .(Utup,n11,,,,T--.-ur.i,tlj,11,L( In that unl. .Ir.-ary l..,iK .ijj,, Hill tt lu-n r,n ,!,,, furt,t I noil alioin I hmkI i.,tn,uilri. . Jei may iiiii-1, inliliif f(r.j, . it.ri.nr loliillliiv, li.tnK.i' . T -b.k, u.ir-,p.nw LET SMITH WALK." A itiitn tli.-il in llic C.Hik County Hos pilii! the ut her ilay iihinit wh,,s,- lii',. there liatl heen nil tlmw rMi"iiI;ir i-ventH wlti. li miiiictitiicH, whi'it clusterpil, innke jmv.-rtv it roiuniipe. Tin- day lie was taken tu the lKirpital he aske.1 the war.l.-ti if the Imil.l iiio was safe. "And tliia is uiy ward ? ' lie saiil, imjuiriuijlj, ns he was assistt-il mi his hod, from wliieh lie never (jut up. The warden said )fs. ttnleM he wi.-lnnl to he chauood. He shook ilia head at the s.il' (IiKtiim. and then he liotia-dthii.it faced a western wind... When a.-ked if t'"s Was an titijeQtinii lie .-tuiled t'nj faiiitest way and shook his head, lie xeeiued to liotiee that thei-e was a di.-iositiini mi the rt of the iinrHe to be uttuuljve to him. He vailed the warden with a sickly nui tion of his hand, and when the i.llieia1 stis.nd over him, the patient, whnsi' face was wuitinj; for the f;lury nf eternity to flash upon it.acenied to hrijhteii a hi! n the lips wiinred : "V. Smith Wall;." ltwasimta deli'i.Mti, ns the warden first Mippoai-d. h was u riddle, however, wliieh was not u-ntveled until aiW the spirit had roiic upon it journey to look after another riddle the iKiilexitv o'' which begins after the wurry about it is ajl over. , . lie w'lW a man uf the World in . all that implies. Except luxorieit art. rest. He was a lioheuiian, not i.i I lie tli-linitioii which the uiiinitia.ed give to the word, lie was a traveler who had no guide; his destination was always at the end uf the day, with the sittiiu; of the sun. And win . i the sun went down he would tiim his hack iih.ii it a.id face the ea-t, to Watch for IN .'eitppcaratiee, no matter how deep and dark the itilil which pilli end about him. Alwa polite, always ready for any w heiiH', i las eheeiv, he Li'liuved. or caiiic to believe, thai the World was in his debt, and h,' had made a snlcM ii oath that the Wi.r'.l should pay hilil what it owed. ihnU'.ll the p;iMin lil H'.'.-u s.uall, scanty, and often iiiieeilniii. He Inula sysli-m of philosophy, which was rounded by oin' expression: - I.M Smith walk." It is In r.eveil that no s'iole newspancr article, in u piinl ui' ordiiu-iy diiii. ii-ioi. in a sinelii issue. inrlJ eoh-r the eveiui'iil details id' this t hari t. r'fc lj''e. and at the Kline ti-ne. l. laili i to nth. fcn.n.vs as a tiwaMK-r. To the w.'iter was given the history, and In this wa added a s-.'soiial rcipiaintaiieC w'.lh him ia Various places where ll hanii ti r now and tln-n.-ipM an d ViiMlu one place ever held him long. He was a gradili Ic of an Kiis.eru school. His father was an eminent ji, ,:sl. and the boy becaine a man. under the influences uf nioK. d'NtiiigiiisIn d and cuhivalcil sis icty, Ion" lK-i'nra he eti'ae to the years which in ike livcn ic nicil and Women. Of his oar accord, with the In11 knowlei'-.e and tons, nt of hif kiiid.l and .-uK-i.-.y, In-chi.w-in i,uit tln lii. O.'liisi.wii will he sl.t'.id In miUiint h'uisclf with the wa, ol'the worM. aliuiiM imply I aii.li i1 To his ow n de. . in ui. and that of hi pro frsiinii. In- firs, encountered success, I'e was a liJiidsoine man in build, in car riaije. iu hi' a.ldrea-. Siaviely pctliil him. hui he turned away IV its caresses. l-'auie npeticil (he gates which L-d to the ttiuHililde in hcenurt that waits to re ceive the favnr.il with applause. He tur.ied away .'nui I'"'"" tempting. Kyi-r i-iiU'.enUs to o :ru-i. and thur chaiunioii alwavs, he had never an entanglement uf anv sort w'uh one of the opposite sc.. "When the succi-ksS he hud acbi.-v.il lay heavily Ua.n his hands, he at it away. Single-handed he went at the world. He ..tit at eve.-v l.hi se which it presents. I'roin the n-ci ptioiis of Stale oecaMoiis, he sau.ig' hk ttliiim in llie air m ueptns ai ni.ast an disreyirding as any which sickens l... l...i.r .,(' man. He eamo biK-k In .n the.M' polhitions now aud then, often, in-.I.-...L and. leticwinu his ue.ituiiui.iiee with it... rn.linrnl. tin tiwiliaU'd 'id ehrtnuisJ -ii'IHVW tl'C Neil n!' laci-s and fl aincis and the witchery nf beauty met wit an I ..:,l;,i,irv. and ! reate.1 a pageant about .,,l,....lor's'i'li,t. liiL' thnuie. f MM... ..I.,s.i nfrtn. war found him t fresh rec-itJt in llie tattered n-mnant whicll gmli er.il idaiul the gritzl! Uf on (he plains ..f VLiHrtimfloX. Hi had started tout i .i .......ilw l,,.fore the other df, hut alnili" mis he ill itslallli that It woiiiu I wirfortiine to him to be aueeewfiil. i.. .t...-.l ih.. I'lHlrml'fiirees and went I.. . - n ..k.it.lu.iit vlih li tlii iliiv nal lu'..,in to descend. "I want.il to ih- in ai the death." lie said afterward, when askcl ,l..,i ll., act on. llewalkctl iroui litis l.nrir tn (Winnati. "Unit was my tirst . . Ml HI "... 1 vears later ll.lllil'l " .. a. I a i.tPi -a -..a. L.imi i miT titiintmu' " I llfn" wan r. n t I ii.'tllll V eiilHVllI IH'HI'J Itun . .. r ..aa MinitMi' of workinu Xnetogcta .neal. I I .1... ai, ute in me -.Y .""-" W Jelit. o that 1 u.igm u. ..... , . i i.i ..... . ' ii I m octi in a straw and oe coiui-oe i "tuck. . , . : i... tl, When leh-aelidl y ineiiinau . nt of a tramp- J lie Hi" oi mi J, I,;. I'.s.is and the hay roads wa ii "'". , . , .a i;l , :.. I.i- Ur. I ts euat ' k T'U . f which the old pn.pl.et wrote " r" "' ir. .. ..r li e Citicinuali ,. went to l" """ , .1, 11.1 ' . . i .......i l. .1... austere mdnid atead. .l n"'1""1' ".' 1 . " . l :.. il.. n.llllllllL' r room, ne , . ,1... .I.IKk 111 1..G . ... 4 .t. i .u hinr aim ....ila himcll """ . U til! !." ofou might li'"' "rk aaidMr. Ball ad I he asked. K- .. Where in the tviviunthcslireAtiona iieiry, ' Sthetilitorby' ' her it her knew of any one down there to whom he could rec.iiiiuteiid bitn. The next day Mr. Hal- , stead was informed that the tramp had m -cured a place us deck baud on an Ohio packet by naying that he was sent down by Mr. HaUtead. He went down to the river to Cairo in thU capacity, and al that Kiint he disembarked, ifo wnjte lite Cineiniiati newspnH-r man an acenunt of his voyage, in which he adibil: "I may come your way again some day, and if I do I will strike you for u tenner.'' He did. and he get it yearn after. He went up the Misnissippi us a cabin boy to S,, Louis. He wad paid nff there and went to a gambling house, when- he "quit winner,'' its the phrusc go.- anioug the spurts. Ui the amount of $1511. He Went to the Si ml hern Hotel and hired a suite of riMitns. paying1 a week iu advance for litem. He ordered a fashionable tailor there, and reinaiuetl indinirs tuii 1 he was furti'shed complete with fashionable a'.tire. ' 1 got it bath and shampoo, aud the hay-peed was swept from my hair," he si.id, in tcMing the siory ai'ierward, "and threw inv old suit into the street. I con fess I fell a pa.ig in lining so. It seemed to me I Intil pnried wiJi my hi friends." A l. ir.it iu liis new outfit he hired a fer riage a. id di-ovc ove.- to the office of the St. Louis Timet, which was then publish ed bySiilson Hit chins, now of the Wash ington I 'aft. He had bis card sent up his own name was not nil it, however, hut that of a prominent politician. Mr. Hiii.hinscame out to the carriage and llie occupant explained to him I lul lie hail misrepresented himself on purpose. What do Jtui wa it and who are you, to take in( from my business in this nian iier?'' roared Hutching. 'I understand there is going to be a swell wedding on Chouteau avenue this evening, and as I am a regular letikins 1 world like to take it iu for you." The St. Louis edit. informed him that a St. Isiuis reporter was sufficient 'or that purKise. You think I am t.si gay?" saitl the iH-ettjiaiit of the carriage, puffing a igar. I think you are a Iraud, said llutch- His. Come, now, that won't do. Come lowii and take dinner with me and I'll show you who 1 am." The invitation w:u deelined. Three days later a man in very cheap store clothe steppc.l into the editor s sanctum ami sunt: I asked you out to il inner t tc oilier ilay, iind von refits,' I. I've come to take din ner with von." He had brc.i at the uaiuc aiiu and iv. il uulil he lost, and then "played in' i ia ei t lies, eanuent at a time. One of he fraternity bought htm a store suit That nioht he reported the wedding of a m ned society lialr lor the liiim. lie re in.. in. . I on llie pape, a lew weeks, nun made Hit other winning. Aaill hu decked , n , I liiiiaeli' out under the manipulation of a ailoi-. and. walking ovi r to the ollice, he iaml.il in his resignation and IcU th.il iftei'iiooti on a packet I'm' Hannibal. Mo. The trip never co4 him a cent, lie bed eahl tired the commander of the boat. who L'ave him an imitation in rule! on bis cialt as long its he was at the helm. lie presented lines. II al the nllice nl tlie su- icriiilcliileut nl (lie llauiiiliul ,V M. .'oe railroail. ami alter a naiiuoti'-s convesa t:on pris-uri d a pass to the wcs.rrn u r intiius ol the 'inc. I lu re lie lost Ira money at the game, and again heei 'lie llie palte' ii of a Irauip. V newspaper man of that city priHiir.il him a p.i" to Omaha. mil gave him 8.Y lie took the 8.i to a ambliii! hotl"e. got up tnun the tatile StillU alieail, w .liked over to the news paper ufln ii, threw llow n lilt! p:lH. thalike.l the editor, ask. il hilil what he Would lake for his concern, and ai tiui'lv made it bar- en ti vim ht'SO it. The ediuir suiil he was nlaiu; Ui uo to Jellels.in l ily oil busi ness, ami askisl the "tramp' i' In- wmilil not ''lake hold of til.' eoiuuru" until h.' h i in iii .l. IU that lime he could prolm l.lv t.ll whether he want.-.l to purchase. 'I'iie p.ijair wan iuteiisi'lv I K iii.KT.it ii . Thu r. pic. got ali.na.l thai lite young man Una a fort mi , and that he was uIh.ui to pur- ise the is-iiH-r. He was called nnoii by several of the politician who w.re aii.viiiits to form his ac.piaiutan.i'. t hi'' night he ill. si the foreman ilt.wii tuul told Inui lie had purchased, but that the iiimniiicjj-. iiieul was nut to bit fliiMlo for aarend day. The lor. man had limrd lie was lo do an. Ilert's fin editorial a letidrr, that f want loiiljlti-h'uded." Thu foreman boned to bis new ' proprietor. Ihe next niorniti!; the gn-al Henns r.ilie organ eiiinc out in tensely llepuhlicaii. I ln "licw proprtc lor" as milt h a wit J, and Uui old pn.prie lor came home in in uiiexp.i ic.l mi liner. There are nieidcBIs such as these run ning through his whole history. lie lie cam" known to leading men. and al last, in his later years, when lie pr.siulil li'iu-si-lf at ail ollice wh. re he was known, the .'.priutif S fjr"!' 'lotni,. ii would Ih : How much do you want'." His philosophy, "Let Smiih Walk," was founded upon the story that has been to and priiilnl a liuu.lnxl Uum-s aiitl more: "A man at a uoiei spent toe iiigni iu walking restlessly baek and forth aeross his nailll. The invllpunt next thatr bear ill : him, aud .Mirtnisiiig . that there was going to lie a suicide, went tu the fcstlirss individual and iii.jiiir.il his trouble. ' I owe Smith a note,' wa the answer. It comes due In-day uud I huVeii't a Cent to pay it." The visitor answered : "You an' the ilaiiiiileMlsil I lAer saw. Why don't Von g" tn bed mid let Suiilii walk'"' The man who died at the hospital never wenrieil of lellin; that story. "It is the . .-. I . I. -....I - I philosophy of life," he always saitl; nml wIinii he heard any tuinplainl his conso lation was : liel Smith walk.'1 'linw would Ih- nothing gained iu giv ing the right name of this singular char acter. A gray -haired wnuiati. tottering by the arm uf an elde.ly aud strikingly hand souio gentleman, followed a little pnaiti sioii out fnmi a quiet town the other day iu Pennsylvania. Il was a iiui.-t ending of a life thru, lovt-tl tu play in the: whirl pool. Then1 are hundreds of men all over the country who will eoine to know hereafter hen a summer has passed without the usual caller, that sonu lliiiig has oc curred. He died under sunt her mine than his own at last, in the Ciaik County Hospital. And when the light came bn akin over the walla of another world, ami tic rAad- r this out! wen' falling back, bless his .mini-cut heart, he raised up his finely shnM-d head, and ai he closed his splendid eyes here to o)an them in the sunshine, he murmured : ''Smith is still walkiiiL'," :miiI fell back. HOW ii lit; I'. HI.4DK ( AMK llii A LAW I H, TO We are furnished the following bv an old citizen of (iianville, who preserved fur the past half century, this, the midden law speech uf the Hon. K. (i Ueude. who wan tlieli a ptMir iinedueiited boy of nevnitcen yearn of age and a resident of the fiunouH old tew.i of WiHiamslH.ro. the leading town uf wealth and cducn.ion of the State. In litis town, as in nil others in those days, liuyi we-e bad. and at night would often in the way of fun aud frolic commit daring a.id annoying de relations. On tliis invasion they let themselves, loner, and hud they been led by Sat;:n him sell', itiuld not have thoiighl if ti ore dev illry. Ves. tl eir acts sti "passed iinuhing ever befon' tlioituht of. the even iu this t'ie most daredevil town in the South. First, they filled on" well en tirely with goaW;i'iiother with turkey; ipii ctly os-ni'd the front thw oragenlieBJan a house, put down straw to drown the noise aud turned a couple of oxen intotle parlor; put six mt'les i'l a diy goods store, tiaik ilown and chaugetl all the signs in town; tis.k off nli the gates. An old bachelor, de, -ol -d all hit time and talent in bpes, u'el had i.ccuuiiilaled over one hi ndred hives. These they scatie'.rd to the four winds, lui.iiii" all .he fu'ioiis bees liatscoii the town. In another well they put two hurrelo of uir and more tlinu a dozen plows; filhil. through the window, another parlor with ducks, chickens and tuikcys; put a jackass in a lauics gret-i house, mid did intiiy other things eipii lly aiiiioyiug and li.liculoiis. Next ino.'iiing the whole tow n was in a s.ate of wild excitement, and it was not long before the uuri'tule.-s were captured and brought before the town Mpiire for trial. The old 'stiuire was a thick set. chutl'y old chap, mid wan himself not five from vice iind sift; was then a cendii'ate for rc I'lct .ion. and in tlie eauvi.ss ot-ly the day be "ore had had a rough aud tumble light wilh his adversary, n.nl then with scratched face looking as if hu had slept all hi; at in a bee hive and brcak'asteil with wild cats. There was only one la.vyer to be found iu town and he was at in ce retained and h 'a'ly feed to appear against ihe bi.vs. So they had no aduaalc, nml even their parent! were so much incensed al-tilt li very bad roiiduet that thuy divined it best to keep away from the trial and Ic, them, as a warning, take the coiiscipteiices. So liny Wi'i'e lcll without a defendant ami lite little fal lawyer thought he had it all l':s own way. Hot not so. Mot he had fouiiiif peed speaking a friend of the ls.s se.it hastily aller I'.d lieadc. who had hut a few wicks hefoie i.l a delia'ing club, c ilirt'ly nseil tip the 'av cr. So they thought him equal to any ("invgriicy. Soon K.I win was on hand and lsti;ed pa iei.llv 1 1 the two hours' speeili of tile i-llle lawyer, who made their cirucs ore of g.eal eiiorniily. Haiigino,' he said, would not slop such outrages; burning at the stake was the only rei.i-ily.' aud iu conclusion, if his hon or had ihe uu.hi.rily to do so, he was in iiopcs that all would he i-t mice burned.' rltlwiu Ilea le I In n arose and said: 1 banc mtthimj tn pledge for 111. future good hehaior of the boys---1..!'.1 Inmur,' Then iu a ieiiili.-.r. pathetic, .." Imml mi. li ner, let addressed the Judg.i as follows: 'Oil. . . tmi-rli i'il . y - And ddf tuu never t.i.in. And fi-ri Unit nwi'lllnui.rilu- h'rt , V" r.-ver ran fal aiidu ' Y.-s. on. .ni w. s. a t'ltle la.y, A l i.l tun. not t.-rv I..IIH a.., I l.i'tt V'.n liiitlyiiirt.y ll'il now y.ai lick your W.- nil Ictte tiir folly: 'I'toe mya aw yoiititf and a ail lab Suse ill, y .-t lu"j'4l), sli.ill we la..toiil and null Inn .' I f..i tan- will tuLo A lull su. X' ... it sin, Itniher haiiwv them nmae Sllrll lni.ll.lt fi r .h.-li k.u. I..-I us all w orV dan-lder: And put lli-1"" a i.i rlitlili: I...nT von know tliai mother Will keep I hem in al nndits. .- ; Slia! slic wri'tissosaillv. As ifU.n lu-i.1 would dre-ik, X"W f ball w m-l m. nuuUy - f . . Aim burn main at llie iukul . -J , , tlwl Jin-hid: NeVKIt, never, never!" Al this point ihe 'aqtiire sprang to his feet, al the top of his voieJ pris lainicd tVinloin for the boys ainl kiekul the law yer from ihe ma.in. I A Cut that every one" who he.inl I'ld Re.ldes sMs?eh terxiiinl d him to goto M-hiail. ucipiire an education and si tidy law. liy lltei advice he did so, and we Tcnttirv Hie !iwi"Hi"ii ii iieieiuiaiii. no i mail in North C.irolili.l has ever auipilaMil him, and he has had but few equals. llalcioh IVi'o-. TMl: HI M I N kl. If you eoiiltl ai: a pinv of your skin through a inicrtwfoM. you would m long lines or ridges and hollows that look more like plowed gnuind than anything that I can think of. The ridges are divided into lit I ) ii.iiical elevations in which a nerve mill. iles or else passes around it; and lies the sense of touch. In the hollows are the sires that are the oiiiue: uf llie sweat iblcts. Wbal lire these, do till ak ? Well, they are iiiinule lubes which, alralgliteiuil mil, would l- alsiiit n quar ter of an inch long, that start iu llie lis. sue beneath the derma tt i nl wind spirally up through the skin until the upK-r sur face is reach where lis open end lermtii at.. The oilier end is twist. il into a sort uf kind which is contained in a little sac, mi. I this is surrounded by bhsal vee. sela. The nuiiilier of the little sweat ducts or glands ia astonishing. Il is eslimalisl that in every 'uare inch of skin there tire at least 2SIMI, and, as iu person uf ur.li narv si! then an- 'J.'iHH Nqiinn inches nf Miri'a.i-, the' glands count up 7,000,1 IIIO. I Inly think uf it 7,IHIt.tMMl .ros to k.-ep ojs'ii through a lifetime I If thew tubes were put together, end to end, there would be one long canal of alsaiit twenty eight miles. 1 low is that fur a aytteui of how eruge. TiAnlo Jtldttr, SWEET ANCELS OF LIFE. AMI MOM r.TIMIX IICK, TM, tm TH AT MTTr.ll. TIIK UKAH ( ItK.ATI KKS WHO I'l I, Fill lit K PilCKFT-lliioKS AMI HIVK Til KX 1ST F.Xl'KA SltlAltV lilt YI.NKilAH FI.AVOUY. The grandest treasure that it is possiblu for a mail In possess on earth is a good wife. The pisirest investment he can ever make i a worthless one. I'. rsoiial adorn ment may please the eye of the vulirar. but it will nut hide a falsi, heart. Sin may cloak itself for a brief seas. in iu the gar ments of hysicrisy, but Htaiucr or later it shall coiiie to judgment. Cure allectioii ia a prill-lew jewel, the elulaidiuiflils of earthly bliss. In the true union of hus band and wife money should not enter int. the coiisi.le ralioti. Th,. happiest hollies the world ever knew have been bought and paitl for by mill mil earnings idler marriage. The good and true wife adorns her Inline and makes il a little heaven. It is the, abode of u royal family, a king ami queen dwell williin. There are no Case gods in such a household. l'llnv Kit us. Love knows hidden paths. Irfive makes labor light.. Love makes lime pass away, and time mekcN love pass away, Live me little, love mo long. Live one that does not love you. answer out! that tines not call you, and you will run a fruitless race. Iaive others well but love thyself the most; give good for good, but not to thine own eost. Live rules his kingdom without nsword. Love subdues everything except llie felon's heart. Love leaches asses to dance. Love, knavery and iitvcssity make men good orators, Love your friend with his faults. Love your nighlair but don't pull down his fence. Lovera, purses are tied with cobweba. Livers' quarrels are love redoubled. Livers think others have no eyes. UF.AI TV. One uf ihe first duties of a woman is to always hsik as pretty as possible, Il goes without saying that wives, nioth-t"-s and uiaideus shall be good tempered, skilled in housewifely. Leaving the greater matters of the un wrilleti laws of life, however, amongst the u iiior ones is that w lii. li iu. ikes it an in stinct wilh beauty to adorn herself. A bit uf ribbon here, a lunch of color iht-i-e, cliH-in of face an I uf figure, shapely hands aud pretty feet, comely waist and supple nti-k; here, there ami everywhere about beauty's person, from the curve of the dainty lit. Ic pink ear to thcslopeof the s'louldcrs and the carriage of the person, lliere is one liiaui'e.st Voice to be ho.irW "I am trying to look in best." And what is more, woman ought no inure to iiegl. c; try rig to look pretty to t he end of her da,v , than she ought to for get to do her duly. Who does not know the dear old grand mother, whose sweet, wrinkled I'.l'V, deal, cap, clean dress and ln enile.- scenl.'tl lace coll:"-, carry one back to cliililluK..I s days? There are years (hole, an I the cvpi ricnee of trouble, ihe sadness .. flosses, memories of bridals ami of graves, and a rapid ap proach ;o those silt-ill i hurt livard gales l In .'iii'h which we iniis all walk whether we wi'l or II 'I Hut grandmother i pidiy still, aiid will always I." preliv llll the white hands are c'li.spnl over the quiet breast, mid she 'lies home lo ll'ose who w.'iil home befon' h,r. A woman, mi mailer how poor she is, and how de p the ear.-s of family, nlloht lo lake mote and m piim wi'b her dress as tlm rolls mi A y.un.' o, ,1:iy wear almost niiythillg. A malri.n. however, who ha- Inst the liist plump ch irm and indi liin.ble beauty uf youth, lets In be careful. Tllr.V AM) NOW, The I:pluiiiiil.iu a ll'i'si'lieails Made lo Ills He. Man 'My dear. yoi ate looking pale of late; 1 I rust you are not mi '.lie vege uf revolv ing yourself into un invalid." saitl a llorse heads man to Ilia wi'e. who had jilst en tered the room and dropped into a chair while he was enjoying his Havana. ' I'm not happy, I can assure you," answered the wile iu a smothered lone. "Why? Pray tell me," said the hus biilid. ai he blew the blue muokc high above his head. 'Ilecause you don't love me any inure," she Sobbed. "Ihin't I ?" he replied. "No, you do'l't, " .iid the wife. "He forc we were iii.inicd you enih imt be Mow irtliilioii enough upon inc. but now. and we've only livnl ..i'lhcr a year, jou pay hut lillle attention lo me. There's Mint-tiling wrung, that's all." "Ila, ha! Sit down here un this uttu luan by my side. I want to ask you a question." She tiwk the sent reluctantly. "Now, my ileal," he said, "I want tu know if you can Miiicinlicr ever seeiiitr a man running after a slt.vl car us though he'd break bis deck ?" Many a time." she snapped. "Vis Well, now, tlear, please tell tin 'if you ever saw llie man in uiin around iu the car in the same rn klcss manner after he had gut into il ami pris'iiml a scat ?" The wife Went aller u plate of tipples. A wielltisl says llie reiisoil kissing is so pleasalii is Im-anse the Iti-lh, jawbulics and iiis, are full of nerves, mid win 11 the liw nieel, an e'eetrie iii nnt is geiuralcd. This is no dotiiit Ihe true explanation. We have noliecil when holding the handles of on el.i t lie uiachiiie, that it is very tlilli cult to stop, and it is a good deal the sauie way with kissing. An agricultural writer says: "The liest treatment for hens , hat want to set when you don't want llu iutnis to take them i'min the nest and put thnai into 11 lurge coop in the oK'ii uir, I hen feed llieui well on the mime feed given to the laying hens." The coiiiLinn way is Incut the setting hen's head off aud sell her for spring thicken. tilVI. HIS MI-I.T1 A KKIIM). STHAtlK IHi.MAXi'K I'K A N KW JKKMKY KNOCK Alll.KX -HIS l llll.ll PRDVIPKU Full. I'leiiut.l, ille. A. J i SK..-I.il A few months ago the H'i.r7 published a story of a strange roiuaiiee, iqioii which the curtain ilrups wilh the publication of the following Dot ice. w hich apieared ill a local paper to-day : MAKKIKH- Ulli-uy -Mal.lirn.-January 7lll ISM M a. lutl.l Muud. it, to flillllp Latteily. Five years ago then- lited iu Cenlre villc near this place, a well to-do eaipentcr, Havid Matthews, wilh bis wife and a baby boy. Malihcws had Iks-ii iu ill health and let'! his wile and child, presumably fur a vnvage un a cisiSicr In the llcliuiitlHS and hack. I'orsix iiiuiilbs llie wil'c heard no wind Iroui her husbuiid. when intelligence came I'mni the Aiueiicail t'oiisiil that Havid Matthews had tlinl of yellow fever iu the West Indies two mouths alter he left home. Auol'ier child was horn short ly after Matthews' departure. With llo means of support. Mrs. Matthewssnoii had to earn her living us a seamstress. About a year ago a young mechanic, Philip Lalfcrty. of Philadelphia, an old schoolmate of I avid Matthews, met the widow uf his oltl companion. A warm at tachment sprang up between the pair. Mrs. Matthews agnul to marry him. Laf f'erlv then purchased back the old home of Mrs. Malihcws, and wilh the young widow, now his wife, and her two children, bad just begun to keep house, when Ihiviil Matthews, the long iibsetil and supposed dead husband, returned. He saitl be had niaile ti handsome fortune in Ihe mines of Hnizil. iu which country he has hecu for over four years. When Malihcws hinted that he would demand his wife and chil dren, (he neighbors, who were diigus.ed with the modern l-liioch Anion's desertion of his wife, said that there would lie a lot of cold lead. tar. leal hers, etc.. us.. I up if Latterly ami she w hom he believed to Iu his lawful wife were iiiolcsiitl. Finally, Malthcwsicousciitctl toptriuit his wife to l .t u i il a legal scpar.il ioji. the in. it li r sur rendering the cldtv. child, a boy, lu the father, while llie yoiitiger one, a little girl whom the father never saw, was permitted in remain wilh the nio'licr. Mrs. Mai ih 'ws th 'ii detiTiiiin.il to live apart IVoin Laflerty ini.il she ciiitl.l oblain a legal sep aration from her lir-l husband. The marriage tunic.' slums that aiieh lega1 decree was obtained. Matthews de posited g.yiHIII in lr:l-t for the baby, sub ject to the use uf the mi.thcr if ev.-r in ab ject ivi-rty. ITWANVr lll'.klfl' Oistl. w' K- nihvil'P A.:..s. "And is this not bli-s, llni-ense? " "H'iss. Ale: ls '.' I Ih, more than bliis. Vet when I think uf how our lives ire iliil'l'ng on this sen of IncipiiiesN, w hen I think of how day eflo. day nothing ruin 's In mar our oils-, no i I..11.I si.ot tu tle.-k the hlijit sky uf our peace. I sometimes shi'.ldcr and the Hour hi conies to ute : that solut I hill';, so lie undeliiiable d.iugi r, 1 may come to 11- and l.lol out forever this sweel tl'Valil oi' pein e." 1 "Nay, say no. so, lloileiise. I know ! tint iW lives arc ha;.pii r far then come In : the lul nf inns nioi'..ds; hut why should wcilread? Ho 1 imi luteymiY" "Ves, darling, u'i. so foiid'y." "Have I not s.ruiig anus to battle for you iu thu race for 11. lies?" "Ves. tl. 11 ling, mi s. long. ' "The 1 why tin you conjure up such fancies, dearest "Oh. I kiu.tv 11.. 1. l'ul eoine let us banish the...- Ion '00. lings. Whir' ue '11 a w.il. X. dulling, and held ill Vi ill l- strong arms, wi'h u.iir !, ,.,( b'aling to in i it , I will i'orgel th.-n. " TheV w.-e loi. rs, and wh- ll lie goltleu ( lei 1 ib r 1 .011 they wer ' to be wcl. They h id Ih'.-ii se nul on ihe mi", mid even in tin v had tinners her head hi d reslnl nil his shoulder, and eyes spoke to eye and lip lo lip. Oh, that they bail remaiiuil there. See, they rise. His urn is placed firmly around her si pple waist, her hand is held lighl'v in his, 11-ul together they tloal around the ro i u lc I'ety poetry of mot Ion. Hut hark ! A c-y of augeish and II or tense teun. herself 11 wiry ami Nluggi-.-a to a chair. There she sits w ith pale, pinched lins and a look of ag.etv on her fan, while her young bead is li ill over till it near'y tun. lies her lap. till, Hurleiis., vhal means tics? Are Vull i'l?" "Ask me uot. Alexis, but uh, go now. Do nut wait a luo.iienl, but go. Leave Hie. oh leave mu quickly." Ui'l a iiiti.ii' nt he hesitated and then hcut'ing over lu r, shuwen'd kbs mi the miii yuiiiig bruw, uud lcl, knuwiug full well that he InVed him tiai well tn drive llllll floill !.. 1 eidn Ullh'.llt i.ut.tr. And 0.1, iu llie li'glll he si oil' I alld pon dered. An un-iotia look wa ill his eyes, aud bis pale, smooth, brow, bared to the niiiitliht, w;im wriilVliil with lines of dn'p thought. "Can it he heart disease?" muttered he. "Must I even now bill my fond heart to drive out he image ami he preparad to give her up? Oh, (JimI! why i this misery scut tome?" Hut it wasn't benrl tlV-ase. You si; Hortensi had fell a pin give way while she was waluing and she wasn't ccrtaiu whcihur il was the nice, t an skirt she had borrowed from her sister to wear Hint night or one nl tier own skills that didn't even have any rick-rack around the but loin and had been worn ever since the dusty day that IJar lium'i show was hen. "Cumc, lei's bill and cisia little, aa we used to," said .Mixt-y lo bis wife, alter they had been mapinl 11 year. " Yik," he re plied, "you look out for the bills and I'll tin the cooing." The Mormons believe in "free trade' thoniughly at least an far aa-the iiianiifac lure hi I imiHirtatiuii ul wives are concern ed. Your 1111.11111111! always apK-ars to be iu verv h it'll snirits. Ves. n iiliisJ hia wife. ,j-rt, - - ', 1 - --1 if they didn't come an high I ahould have had a new fur twctpie thin winter, ni in ; nt mi., A merchant iu town wants a clerk. What for? lias he more business than he and his partner and the bright boy, reaml up in his store, can al.cnd lo ? Oh! no. Tiny three could do twice as ninth business us he his. indeed the one el"' could do it nil and would he glad nf the opporl anil v. ii'bis wages were coiTcsiHind ingly increased. What then il.H's he want another elctk l'..r? To "d.aw trade fnun the country." He keeps his former clerk on small wag.--, and .u-.s about in his mind fur a !ad in the cmimrv wlin is sipn lar, has a giaul ml.lr. ss. ami is effusively ii.niui teil. He is imt long in fueling t.ue. The young man. allured by the prosm-t of living III town and ' suing (lungs ami Wearing pnl dollies eve-y day, readily access a small salary aud in..es to town. What c 1.1 s ol'this? So'ue ihings, al ways; abm.'iiihrr things, frequently. A pmiuisin ; boy is t.i'.en from lite tichl, his plow U Miippr I I'm ever ; a prudil.e.uf cnrtl, colnei. when. 1 a, si. Imi.. milk, butter, poiil.ry. and all other kinds of farm pro line., is drawn lo town to slay. The most active Sunday sthool s. holar, who has done most to keep his clan together and to encourage .he siipcriu.eiidcut and pastor, is draw n nil' and leans the little church in the coti",rv weak and disciicr aged. He adds n.ilhiug In the viilume of trad.' i.i town ihat is Itsscnoil by what ever amount be Would have produced un the 1 11.111. He simply "draws" trade away imiii sniuc uiiicr liuitse in tlie si'ine or liei'vhlinrilig t..wu. lu the house with which he is coiiii.-ccd. Ill" coliui 'ling limine lliilsl I10W seek to rn'oye.1 ill- ..s, trade by getting, s ene other young ni 11 f.-nni Ihe same cuiiutry iu igli'mi huiul. Thus the resn'i is, two. three i..- four young men are ti.awn ,roiu llie ii.i.h wlicre their labors w.-re pto.lm .iie and leinun- nilivt' lo t .wn ivhe-e th 'ir l.ih. r nib's not a ti nt's value to ainlh'n 'flic whole business nf the town eoui. I have hr.-n dune ns well, probably better, will ( ill, 111, Now uf the things which frequently happen, we may ineiitimi us tlie saddest nl all, llie blight, i.riiini .jng buy is ruined. He is there tn draw trade; cuunetiliuii is sharp and to sucoced, he is tempi il to 1 old nut false inilileeinciiis In Ins cusluiners, tn dis credit ihe cuinpeting hniise, lo become "hale fellow well met" wi.h men from his neighborhood, w hose example is poison, tu llivtle llieui tn places ol aiiiuscuicul ami Kill' p'accs. He has 11. 1 'imminence ill llie Church, thinks himself nf un ini Is.r.ai.ce tu t lie tsiw n 1 luii'eb. assumes lu lie slighted bv the p.i.s.nr, distrusts tin simple heart -cligiun of bis buy Iuh.iI, and gis's heaillnn.r In the devil. If his Course be 11 ot mi downward and short, iii forty nine cases o.it of lit", v. he becomes at least only a loleialile inerelianl. Ins lite liciug niore of a failure tha 1 a miccc-m. "Draw ing trade" has drawn him IV..111 a useful and peaceful vocation ;nlo the perils anil troul.les ol an uuptiililalue hie. 'I'll K Sl M.I.F.ST ItllH piK-Wc take the follow in ; IVoin an evehange : A g. nil. 111. 111 Iroui I ', eel. II. un 1 'i.loiuis us th it the suialle.-l baby iu th - World wa. leei it'ly buVM ill that t .nun. The father is a inin r In I lie ,11. 1, 1, i o' th- Northern II. II mine and w.-iglis CM p um I- Tilt nml her is a si. mi li ililiv woiu.in wcighiicj al.oiil lllll pi. un I- Theehil.l is a male if p. feellv I... iii.-.I as an 1 1 1 1 It 1 : 1 1 1 bciliu call be, hill upon i.shiilli it 011K Weighetl eight uiiiici Tin' dillil's lace I-aliniil the -i;e uf lint's.' chest nut. and tile si..- nl Its linil.s can be iinagiueil wlcti we say that a ring Worn, n lite htlle ting.-r nl us innllnr was easily slipp.il ui er its l't. nearly up the knee. Our informant stale, that it was tit. opinion of llie :ii(. inling physit i.tu that lln child would live and prosper iu good health uotwitis,au.llug lis diuiiuuliv pnipoi'liuti. The midget ii so small that three nf its size could play hide uud set in 11 cigar box. This is bcli-tvcd lo be th-. smallest baby ever born. A lil.M'Ki i l l 1. liny . -.u old man en len d a railroad ear and was looking around for a seat, when a boy ten or twelve years nf age ruse un and said. "Take my seat sir." 'I he offer was accepted, uud the infirm old loan sat duwii. "Why did Von give me your scat ?" he inquired of the boy. 'Ilecause you un old, sir, ami I am buy !" was llie reply. A hundred years ago there Would have been little nml tu record, us remarkable, a similar incident. Among things that an' giasl ur hopeful in a rising generation there is one great change fur the worse manifest lo everybody a declining rever-crcn.-c toward iige and Inward (imi "Thull shall lis,' uphefure the hoary head and honor ihe I'.i. e of ihe old man, and fear thv (bid, I :uu the Lnnl." ADV KIITlSKM KNTS. lfJTr;'s- trlf iii' liiv p'p-'iipVs i m FOR CATAAOGlfjBSf. Iliiv S-j ly 1857 "-HT857 J A Nil! A It Y 1st, I 8 5 T. RUFE. W. DANIEL' o: licalt'l' In - (Ill.lCK.ItlKS, luii:oh, FIXKWIXEr, IU.AU3, TiiBACCO ic, k. PORTNER S LIGU:eUR ON ICE- It. W. DAN1KL, Nu. 10, Waak. Am WeldouM.C. JtlDt 2-l-jr 7 ADVKKTISKMUNTS. PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A BouwlioM Arllrln far tlnlvet-Ml Fftiully I'm. For Scarltt 4 Tjpbold fvvvrs, IlUlhrift, ftU VKtlun, Vlcrt4 sr Throat, Hmall Pom. Nrti.M, mm4 nit CoiitMRiotti klfftriti, Ptnont wtitiitgtMi th Stk.li ihuuld um it frrcly. SctrW.1 rvtr hu nrver brrti ktvikn to t pre ad wlierc th Muui a jsrd. Vrl1w Fever ht betn rurtd with il flsr Mark vomit hii Ulmn plac. ih vunl cr of hiLihihcna yield to it, PitvorotlimiMlofc l'r. f SMAtX-TOX 4in rctmhetl and and Htl Horr rrTwnl- ' rtTTINU of Hmall nl bv tMilung with ! pot rHKVKNTKU Ljrbi Khiiil . . . , Ituvur Air m.,i. " mrm,wr V my r tunalcu una (Hirthrd. r f Htr TliruMl ii U a . 1 lly 4 lakca wit StPitl pui. I ud th j r luid, tha paiiiM wa ant drhnmu, wai not : wttad, an4 wa ibout turr cur, ('untttglim dfiiroyfd ChllUUhia. P 1 1 a) . th i,ml aJftia ' RhauinHlitin cured Hft Whltr Cmi.pttfi lous Mcunvd by iu tu. Hhlp rvtr prevenlrd. To purify the Urth, Cleanatii lha Trth, it can't b uirpatad. CaLarrh relieved and cured. Fryalpolat cured. Ift rti relMard iiMUntl y . Krare prevented. Ityaentcry emi-eKl uillittl healed rapidly. Kmrejr cured. An AuUtiat for Animal or VegeuU Potftuu, MiBtf. etc, I met! the Fluid duritif our preient afHictinn wtiti Scarlet Fever wilh de ri'ird advatJie. It ii iraieneible a the tick room. Wm. F. Sahu poan, Kyrie, Ata. hd it - J W i'aih. imnit, Philadelphia. Proventoi I The phyiktent Kara tue lUrbyt lluid very tucceuhilfy In the treat ment of Diphtheria. A. STot.i.anwtaca. Oreaatboro, Ala. Teller dried up. Clinlarm prevcated. l lorra purined and healed. In raaa nf Death it thotUd ba tued abutit the fre it will pi event any unpteaa ant kttirll Tlie eminent Phy. uMan.J.MAKION HI MM, M. I., Naw York, mvs : "1 an ronvim rd rrof Darby Prophylailtr Fluid ill valuable diiinfccUnt. Vandarbllt Univcralty, Naahvllle, Tenn. i testify tu the mutt n client ualitira of Pntf. Darbyt I'mphylai-tib rluid A a ditnfectant and detergent it is both theoretically and practically lupcnor to anv preprainm wtth which I am ac quainted N. T LurtuN, IVuf Cheanatry. Darby Flulil Ii Keeiiinniwnrledi ky Hun. At.ax anihm II. Srir-HiMa, nl Georgia; Rev ( iu. F. Dim, D.D., Church of ih Stranger, N. V.; li l.aCi'MTB.Cututnbia Pmf .Univcnity.S.C. Kcv. A. J. ItAtii, 1'ii.f , Merxer Uaivenity; Rev. t-io. F. Pirncb, Itithop M. K Churca. IND1HPKN4AHI.R TO KVKHT 1IOMR, Perfectly harmku. tlted internally or eiternally for Man or Heait. The Fluid hat been thoroughly letted, and w have ahtintUnt evtdrnrp that it ha done everything here claimed For fuller inhumation get ol your DruggiM a pamphlet or tend to the proprietor, J. II. ZKIUN it CO.. Manufacturing Lhemnta, I'HII AUKl lMIIA. fi-bfi lv IlOSHlTto Thry whn wrrk early and lata th Yfar foii in I nvftl, nrcaaitinaU) , the beallnAU iiiiKilmiH imimrteil hv a wli'tli-ouiv ton to lik lliMteinr'i hkhh. h Huti r. To all. Uh purity aul elhcit'itcy at a n mt tly ut pn-vi'tittvo of diiraae eomnirtitt tt. U rliei-a incipient rhfutnaliain and malarial viiiihiiua, ret if r a ountipa(iuu, Uyipep lia ainl liiliuiiinv, arrvma prematura decay of ttto phyatcal rnerifiea, nutigalea thu liiflrinllira tl Afii ami nartien cuuva-It-ani'noe. For attlo by all iruyg(fU aad lititU'ia Kcuctall) . Jinn- II I) JEAL ESTATE A6EICT I have eaUbluIitMl a It KM. KsTAiE A UK STY 1 Ui low ti of WEL.DON, N. C. I liava TT.S linuusj la Wlil.in FOR SALE OR RENT.: Alsiul half of lliaiu n,m, ..tliura dw.llltiaa.a 1 atmi liavr alNitit (I.IMM) At'HI'J OF I. A NO IN II A II K AX COI'NTV FOB BALI For fnrtli.r airllciilni, trti.- wlililng to buy rent ran a..ly lo uir In a'ron or by letter. I am now taking up all lanrla partlca wlah le Nil and ailvvrllnliig Hip wine at my own oipt.nl, OB leas a aale la mailt' anil Ihcn I rhiirve(oiiiiniMioiia. Pur aiy alanrlnr at a irntlerom ami a ataa wnrtliy Ui be mill, I rrft-r l.y iwrnilaaloa to R. H smith, StsatanU Neck : Ur. J. A. ('.Illna, Enbtlit W. A Im.iiI.-I, WoltLai.T. W. Ilarrli. I.lltlt'tnn. wllir R. !' SI'IKRU. c. K. li It K. K W tt ll D A URU. VJt Malu atttel, a on folk; va. IValrr. In IilAUDNIM, WATi lOX, JEWKIJiV, lUHkk, MI.YIR AND Pl.ATIO WARS. HftUTACIM ANU f'ANCY OOUM. 8aailaJ Kimittun alvxi to Uit ravain f Clooauaa tt.nauil flu. Watvliia Hair and wtliar J.oatrf wadii looelwaiHl npaltwl by bM WiirkBan. uvtiain I Eradicates i j 1IALARIA. j '"I i ?! I ' i j

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