ITI rZFN FTS 177 . I piliil g.i. 4 afjawj VpaLl -st? 1 iiiiliiiiinr-n(-iiniiiiiiiiiiiMi HjJIjIj & SLEIDCxIE, puhpiuktous. VOL. XII. A. NEWSPAPER FOE THE PEOPLE. TEEiMS-'-"" I'l'.l! AS'.M'M IN AI'VAMT. WI.LDON, N. C THURSDAY, FMHRUARY 21. 1SS4. .NO. IS. i.-:V !'fU . IRS ilf PROFESSIONAL CARDS. AY. U. K I. L I o T T . Attorney and Cutikwllur at Law.' i "; VA. '"J1 Room. Sand .1 Virginia HuIMIiik. I & i . jjkaIch i 111.1, i ' .IMy. Attorney! at Law, EriPlll.l), N;. I'riirtlce in thecoimlle! of Halifax, Xaih, Fl cotulw and Wllaou. lullectloiu made In all iiuru uf the state, jai, 2 tf 11. H 34 I T II JR. Attorney at Law, WOTI.AXH SF.CK, S. ('. l'motlcca In llir cniituy uf KhI I fi x ami adjoining coiliiUca, anil In till Supreme court ofihe suite. im'I Iti ly. 1 It I Z Z A II II 4 II Y M A N, Atturnrya a( Law, IIAI.IKAX, S c. tiltlee In Hie Court House, strict attention k vi-n to all hriuichcaorttii' proU'salou. Jan I.' ly 'P II o M AH X? II I Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N.C. rrai and adjoiuiUKcnuiitiiK and Federal anil supreme (Siurt. aug It. t w- Mi!,?; r ' " Attornry at Law, fiAUYsBTRii, V ('. l'metlcr, in the court nf Northampton and ad joining colonics, .lao In the Feilcial anil Supreme I'lllirtN. JlUK'Slf. w A I. T K It K DAME I., Attorney at Law, WKI.1KIS, S.C. l'iaHlom In llaliau ami a.lc4iiliiK oiniiille.. serial aiti'iitioii aiveii tin'ollii'tiiiH. In all iarta of tliv sutu anil nniit rtaliirnii mailt'. Mi li ly. W. II A 1. 1., Attorney at l.iw. -i 'KtiHI ypei'lal attrntlon tftvi-n to eolluctlona ami r.'inll lance prouiptly mailt'. may 1 tf. M I'lLEK 4 SIUOK K, Attorney! at Law, HALIFAX, N. ('. I'raetlec lu the ruuntlmof Mallftii. Nurthauii-toii tilreroniliv, i'itt anil Martin In tlie suprtnu'ronrt ul ilia Slate ami In llir Finleral t'ourtaoftlie ejmUtu Dlilriet. Collorlloua mane in any pan oi tne .iiaie. Janl ly I) H. . K. SHIELDS, Surgeon Ieiitlnt. Having permanently li at,4 In WeUmi. can In; . 1.. I.'. l nil mmiiiu ai iiin oim u iii .iiiiiii p in a i - linmriivpt hi'iiala nlon pmiMloaal iniiinam. tan'I'ul altelilloll alveu to all imiai'llil of tin' pM a-aalou. Hartiea vinllad at their home when oV ured. July I- If- YU. E. I. 11I NTEK, ' ' , Xurptou larnttat. fan lie tuiml at hl "llliv In KnfleM. Pure NllrouiOililetia Tor the I'alnli'M Eitrae 11 m of Teeth alw.yi ou huml. June 'i! tf , v : mm Known to Mfn of fmi o Sduci ! ra lto' , WilJSPURITJESOF THE 8L00D.1 CONSTIPATION, t.TnuK DYSPEPSIA me'aoiirlehnf, weight amltemlemnual pit of atimiaeh. dponilener LIVEH r.ihd. ;. T3Trfi, alao butlom of rita; wrarineai. IrriUblllty. tm... c7u. -kin yellow ho. and aoht awi'au eyeadiill.ilry eoni(b.iline.l andobtiniej id feel ni IrrfrilaV puU. bail eil.;rd atonla. AP0PLtTwa,, Juil in ni. Hll'ft S;..f...ioii in l,d. m '"""J'ISUI .t'lli KIDNEYS, ,urnic .Minnlnit.lMari m down - ! ..r. t .n..l. .aaUM", Matw fWqiHM " " St', t n i h..r. ' 5 HEADACHE, S CiS. tSS JuaeMly M. L.flACORS imO.. II I I r t 11 I vmncvM liquors. . ( Our Ur couUlm all Iht cboleiail hraud. wliif.,bran.llel,wlil.klei,lr and mUed drluk In Hi. be.t mMim I-". Smoking and Chew Ing Tol-ceo. Call and Mauitua thins. , ' i , FAMILY GROCERIES an cheap an'd .11 the M kind, kept coti.tanUT hand and itoek continually replintahed r JlLlllRDSASID POOLy . A - - rw .id th. X.UI. TMUltaaiwayi naawy , . t ni r, invited to our houae whera tly w wdl t.ll and htn tb.. can play IV . JHUlaxdi at a usaU wpeuM. DAlU IT ' ADVERTISEMENTS BIOP I CAREAWAY. H hoitmU and Retail Druygtitt "And Dealer in t- (skskra i, m:m fA.xnist:, HALIFAX, N. C, KIXK (tiNFEiTliiNKKIKs, VUi.nn TnliAiro SfECHLTY. I rumi siTi'ura kvkhy vv:i:k. tcfWe have m-rvej vou faithfully fur t)i laxt fiOftiti Tt'arn and uk teontiuuuncu of j our jiatronagc i rnrrlitlniu rarrfulty pirnrrtl at all houm. -ii rciniero,lli'('i,iirt II. u' ftnarra SICK OF THE 60LOEH MORTAR m t 7 ly THE LEADER UP LOW PBIOES ! I have just received tnj FALL AND WINTER STOCK, Which ia fuller than ever lefure. Siitil utU iitioit to BOOTS AND SHOES. 1 keep a fiill line of Zeiler'. I.i'C anil Mutton Shoe! Tor l.:uliea. I liue aim a Luy;e atoel, id Haiku ' llniiilitm Slim- Itnminy fur .uii'ia My SUak uf I) K v ; O O II M, . ;Ni)TIOXH, JKWKl.HY, Ae., . ' is (niiiilele. AImi a minplete line ul' lire (IikmIh, Wonted, Camimcre, Silk, Triuiiuinga, Kl'iliKe, lliillons, CorM'ts, KiMe tuiil Hall' Hone fur Ijulim and tieiitH, all (.UEM'roii cash. Call al examine my atiiek lH-lire ptir-chu-iiiitt elw-wliiTe. Coriv r Kirat St., and Waaliiiigtoil Ave. oet IH tf XKW YORK HERALD. WFKkl V KIMTHIN, INK lail.l.AH A YKAK. Il l uiilaini' nil the (i in ral m wnoflhu Iwlli Kui' lii ,11 i.l the ller.ilil. w llli'll lini- till' lrnel l lrrllliill..l lii Hie t nltinl Miinn. XlilrEM'FST IN IMi rill-S. Itl tin Miit " "It tahtalile ii 1.- uf ailitliul mm. In Hie world, lniirllnll kivIiik Hie oei or rem anun.lin.ii'l an pariim, inui mi ..uin- i' known. In Hie di'iartnient of XIKKKIS NKHH mil) I Hie Herald hiualwava la-ell dlMllillll.hl-.l liv the fillllB- ol It. eahle ileli ln The new IraliMll lalitie teleiirapll eahlrt will Inereaar faclllliea. f i TIILFAIIM lir.l'AHT.MKNT . .. lit.. .1 I.. H.M..I.I U I i.'ul II t., till- l me ,et-.i in.-.-, .- i-- n I.lnl. and il' iurt ive lid taeorlea. I lie farmer mil aatviaau) more than llNKINiI.I.Mt A YEAR fniin the instvll 'f the tirm ili-irtinent alone ,1. 1,1,11 nonlirv anil nirli iiMiirai reoni'iiiy mitiw hi. il. I'HIHI'. i ri. , m it, ...i.i n : Tim inMK IikIHk I rtii- Tt"ii- ih' anl iln-1 liildi. n in regard In ,-. ..ii.'liiK al and lartefill new dl-lo. Ho- fn.lil uli.l Hie inakliiK "I Inune e..uf..rl. In adhliii, are uui'li liUe.l rvaMk ol irmte and . I ttttlld'I'E MAKKFT. I tie ii.ia1llli.ll i ey ii.IIiiii t MIm-i llaiieou. llrmli ..J , 1'ia liy a i mil po w ..I Awe.l.aeal'rtllig NiMH, i !l JlilTLAItfl-IKNlK, edjonxof wi-ll knowi'r..iior Hi, wijrld, itepartliieiltdeTolM to (iKKMONaamI ItEl.Uilnt'H MiTM Uhlle. Hie Weekly Jleml.1 ltea the lale.1 and l,New.uftl-wor.". II a alw a Journal mr me family I ... I . ' , ..... . , Hiitaa'll at on, dollar, ai aur ', -lu,iefr.l..aiiy rt ol Hie I tilled Male, or I anailaa. NEW YOKE IIKKAl.K, Hmadwa) aad Ann M 1857 T4III.III.1 1857 ;AN.CAT Jot. MIT. RUFE. W. DANIEL' , ... Dvalar IB - 0: UkUMKRIaM. UQU0R8, riNEWlM. CMaR. ' TOBaCOO w a, ae. f til f if nivik't. - U, IV. I.a.'....., . .. . - it, VMk-ATC WoiaonN.C. jaMiW-JT (.(HID-Ilk I. All over at lat' (ioi1 Me, weet iln am., W idrly apart our (ailli. must lie -oil mut ii..t aw me tremhlc or.turt. I uiilsl bide ihl bTril.le m he al my heart, And hid you a earelea., liidil ki1 All. wi ll-why not We mr nlv friend". w.mlil in'ier Ihluk In lake il anitw: lint what would vou do weri' mv heart unmasked, If vou knew I had liven my heart iiuuked T .'I hank heutfu, II neier dream of tlila. Yoii little knew of my .weel, .we,'t dream., That iu) f.iollali heart waa all ynur owu ; Vtell. the hlanie I. mine ! 1'oulill l.laine you, dear, That jr.Mir .oul U grander than our. are, llml your voles has a tenderer tone? (IoikI, dear eyea, that have hnuuUl me no I F.iud lip wlHwe klmin were never for me I timid lye! May your way. Willi Joy be rife, 1 will lie alway. at now I uliall love you, I'ray for you. all the day. of my life. SPRIGHTLY SPARKS. In aiitv uf all that eau he Huid in favor uf Ailain ii in I Eve, they wen' iiiiiluuhtedlr a nliilUcaa pair. Hitriiiiiii'n rwt hiU' elephant hymn fur next cfiixin will lie "Juat ait Siam, wit In nt one flea." In India they pimMc n:i the weutlier, hut in thi nuuntry lln-y ainl.U on Wig jiiiiH to lie, ertery time. "I'm dow.i tulieil riak,'' aid the hen pecked hustiand, an he awnyed the crmllti coiitaiiiini; lus howling tarn and heir. Tim only man who waa jrlnil he niiot'd the train was the fellow who juct barely avoided Ktcjipinn mi line in the hall room. A Racine paper lias mi editorial lo aded. Tint Poet XiirnR.": We knew the poem often did. but had no idea that the uovt did. "Yea, Auj.'iintus. I loe you. Now you must ro and aee father." "No, duvie, not yet; that father than I waut to pi ut present." A Hensihte fanner says he'd rather nvll milk than e'tra. Ineauae he lias never yet tieeli alileto hnd a pump thai could help the heiiN iu the alihtest. Teacher "Now, children, which one of You can tell inc what a cotisoncnt is. Rriuht hoy ' l can, 1 It'n a portion of land surrounded by water." When Abraham Lincoln had the small pox, he waa l'renidcnl. "Thank (iod," said he, "I now have sotnethiiif; to give every d office aecker in the land. In this issue." said an cxchnic'c, "in an article headed 'What will the coming; girl wear'.'" We rather think, however, flic won't wear anything when she cornel. Yes," said Mrs. Egoinoi, "I used to lliink a great deal of Mrs. ('node, she was always so kind to me; but then I've found out that she treats every body just the same." Iliilu't you sav that Voiin.' SnihVlis only get-, ten dolLirs a Wii k'.'" "Yes. WIiy'.'" Well, I see his wile wears dia monds," "Ob, bill be works in a jewelry store. "Yes." said Mrs. I'ppcrti-n. "I know the telephone is a great convenience, but I shall have il taken mil of the house. The things are no dreadfully common, yuu Ltiow. I always sin.' to please nivsclf." said a gentleman who was humming a t line iu company. "How nice il is to be so easily ileased! responded a w ho sit next to him. Your father is worth at least half a million." mid he to his jealous sweetheart. That in true,' she inuruiured. "And yet you doubt my love, lie replicti, in an in jured tone. I'lie intvclitu ahuwiiicn are exhibiting three ski let oils of Giutcaii his skeleton ti lt he Wot a buy, his skeleton la lor.! lie shot liarlie Id. and bis skeleton alter he was hanged! Mrs. I'lalt has wriltcu a pm.-ni to slmw that the i nW happy wouiiin is di ad. It m.iv bt! oililc tiial the only bap;iy man living is lo r husband, bill w. shall not writ a liiM'in to prove il. Florida strawberries have fallen to $i a iiiart. Tbev are unite small and disided- Iv uci.l. ; Some people who like ai-ur thiniri inn y enjoy them, hut for our part we louse taste for I hem after the third platd. Young pargr.ipher: "If you're hard up for materia! there s always funerala to writo alhittt. The mini who cau l think of some thing funny about a funeral has no husi UiKH);oM't himself up as a htiDiorist.", it ' ife- "The flour s ont-V f llulmid 'Ni is mv inonev.f if 1 lie coals gone. Ilusliainl --",Ni d 4-"So i "niv credit." ife "W ell. we call I st.irr. i lU-Uoid was afraid - Can't we? That's good, ! we should." . f luntiy voiiiil' iti it it nsk is I his love llie other day, "What the ilifleremts ladweeii me and a female abi-ep?" and alien bis love gave it up. I ho I'uliD V . Young wan said: "Why. just tb same dflereucc there is between ewe ami me.'v' A man in a ale, ping Cur went through a terrible accident, iu which the ear rolled down mi embankment, without waking. It was noted, however, that as '(In) ear sttuek the Indium lie inurtnmv.l ' Di.a't. .lane, dun'!; I'll get up and start the tire directly. Seator David Davis'a illness, has not been as s. rious us reported, la itig but a alight attack of the glanders. He is much hotter how and is out mid mIhiiiI. So s.k ii as his ring bone disapKrti he will probably enter the race for the old arm chair iu the White House. For enterprise in publishing news the Western Press commends its If. Mallln w Arnold says: "The great art of running a ncwapaer is the art of gtiing win rv hell is liable to break loose next, slid have re iiortcrs on hand to reH..rt, the occurrence." To n this at viua to mu l I he ground. I "Tell me something I don't know," pvueaked a silly youth who had liecn t bat tering like an ape to his companion for several minutes, greatly lo the aiinovam-e of others present. "Well, air." said a dig nified old gentleman. "I will tell yuu something you dou't know. You nro a jackiM, sir!" 1111 Y TIIKV AKI' OHJI ( TlOVklll.l:. CANIHIIATES FORTIIF. WHITE Hlil sK. Those of our readers who have from lime to time noticed the advent of candi dates for the presidency of the I'nited States, have doubtless remarked the fact that an objection is ready for every one suggested. We have taken the trouble to collate and here pnwent the objections to the leading candidates: Samuel J. Tilden Too old. 1'. S. 4 i rant Had enough. Cheater Arthur Tiki much of a dude. David Davis Neither ti-di, flesh nor fowl. James Iilaine lhwsn't know the war is over. Schuyler Colfax Minsl up iu a cor rupt job. Rom-tie Coiikling A smirch upon his private escutcheon. Tout Hendricks 11. is no opinion of hit own. John A. logan Ton much gall and not enough brain. Carter Harrison Talks too much with his mouth. lletirv B. l'aync Too much standard oil. ' Daniel W. Yoorluvs Salary grabber. Roliert Lincoln Was never two great men in one family. William A. Iiolinan Too infernally ugly. John Sherman From Ohio. Senator Edmunds Belongs to a ring of tricksters. 1 1 rover Cleveland Ton prii'ocious a pi iliticiatt. Benjamin Butler Spoons ! spoons ! Allen (!. Thiirmali An old moss faced fossil. Susan B. Anthony Tisi young and Mihly. These are the objections to the persons named some of them it must be admit ted, are pretty strong ones. Show us an other candidate, and we w ill show you a Well defined objection to billl. Chicago Kti: Pit AVI Mi FOB PAHA. llnW HUH ANSWERED A LITTLE I1IHL. MOST AS QtK'K AM THE TEl.El'llilN .C. A few nights ago a well known citizen of Det "o't, .Mich., who hid been waging fo: some time in the downward patlt.eaiiie out of his home anil sla'tcd down town for a night of carousal w'.h sonic old coiu pauions lie bad pmmisi'd to meet. Ili yoitng wife had is-sought him with iiuplor ing eyes to siM'iid the evei ing with her. and hud reminded him of the lime when evenings passed iu Inc company were all too short. Ilislillle daitgbier had clung about his knees and coaied iu her pretty, wil'liil way for "papa" to I. H her some bediiiui! stories, but h was Kiroiigcr than love for wile and child and hecludcd theie tender iiiesliol'ing le the spirial sophistries the father of evil advances at all such limes from his i re. lit fund, mid went his way. But when hi was a block from his home he found that on changing his coat he had fi.rgoticii to remove his wal'ci. and be could not go oul in a drink ing bout without money, even though be knew that bis fi.mily needed it. that his wi.'e was economizing each th y more and inure in oiler o make up his deficits, a id be hii'r'ed inn k and ir. pt so ily past the w indows of los li.lle house i I u-der that he might s cal u and obtain il, w 'tboiit run ning the gadinlcl of either .pu s ions ur earintscs. But something sta cd bis feet; then' was a the 'a the grato with'ii for (In! nt",ht was ciii1' and I. h . u tin lili'e pa.lin' a'ld limtight nut iu warding ellcct the pic-urea ou the wa'l. B 'i tlue weve as nothing i lhi pieiitves on the hearth Tin -re, in the so "t glow' of the li'v' gbt. knelt his i;tle child it her Hiuthi r's ,,i-t. ils sna'1 hands c'aspel iu prayer, ils fair head bow, si, and its w lips uttered each word with childish dis.iuciii ii : "Now t 'av nifilowa to alot !: I vrnv the my ul ii.l.eepi If lyflirtllddleli.-'.i'e I W.k.. I pmy the my .ul t lake " Sweet petilioti! The lu.ui himself who stood therewith hoarded lips shut tightly together, had said that prayer once at his inollnr's Lnee. Where was niolher now? The sunset gati-s had long ago unbarred to lot her vuss lliroiigh. lint the chi'd bad nut finished; be heard her "(!ud bless mania, papa ami my own self;" then then' ; a pauso, and she lifu'd her tnniblisl bbtii eyes to her ns'thfr's fnee. - "(iud bless papa," prutnpted the inuthcr sol'llv. "(iial hlesf ipa." lisped the litt'e one. " And ulea.ui s nd him home sober. He could n. hear t Ih- loot lor us she I Mid this, hut die child followed in a clear, iir-hinsl tone. I J j'tiod bless-- papa- and jileuse send linn -home solu r Amen. .Mother and child sprang to their feci iu alarm when the diair oH li.'d so Mlddolily. but tluy wee tm, ul'raid when liny r.iw who i, was, ;'ciurhcd so "shiii, but that night, wlli'tl 'i t'e M:',M'ie w i lo'iug tneki'd up in beii, a.ter sitcB a " lump with pupa, she said, in the l,s iest and most contented of Voices : Mamma, tiial answers uiost aa ijiiii k as the leh pboiK', iIin'siiI He '! " -1'rlmil tire I Vrs. A MISSSIPII I'l.ANTA IKIN W!l(; IV giaal In iidi rn, an' Ve'H isune, tiai loasl Land, alnios' none; Yer'll step nullity li(lit in golden sIllM-S, Itood l.awd, ulllios gillie. Yer ken eat old 'aissinu an' laulial deisaiu, (IimhI laiwit, tilitiiift' koiic. And dip up tie gravy will a silver saain, toa.d I.Jwd, aliiuw' gone. I i i lloin s. Hull' Ills down in v rnlu', si-lrr Kate, rn-par' for de wearni' ' tie crown; Vid me time is gittin' ininlity late, An' lie sun is ii I mos' down. The ulher day. a pretty, blight little juvenile friend, about live years of age, named Rtaa, was teased a good deal by a gentleman who vinls the family, who I'm ally iwotiisl np Ity faylngl l"l 'di't love you." "Ah! bid you've gut to love me," said llie child. How so? " asked the tor iiicnlor. "Why." said Rosa, "the Bible says vou must love lliein that bate voir, and i in sure I bate you." Thero ia a man in New York so fat that a child wai recently killed by his rhadow falling on it. W AS I I A lilt i: I H t A SINHI LAlt VISION WHH It APPEARED TO 1IR. llliri'E IN FLORIDA. Dr. Walter Bruce, of .Micaimpv. Fla.. riseiitly had a very singular revelation made to him in a Way that is hard to ex plain. He is it native of Virginia, where lie married Miss Slribling of Kau.iiier comity, some years ago, and s,am afterward removed to Florida, as one of the pioneers in orange planting, and has ever since been actively engaged iu that bu.-iuess He is Wc'l known as a man of sound judgment, high b.anding. and uf the most practical ideas, and Is far from being a believer in any of the popular "isms" of the day, es pecially spiritualism. Line uu the night ul rriilay. liivciulicr S, lie was awakened iruiu a sound sleep at his house in Micuuopy by so s' a feeling that there was some mysterious presence in his room that he got up mid lighted a lamp mid looked all over the house, hut. finding nothing unusual. In' returned to bed and nppaieiillv fell into a I'ght sleep in which there appeared to him a vision of his wife's brother, It. M. Slrib ling, in a deadly conflict, in which he had his throat cut in a must horrible manner, and was rcjievcd to a stun1 near by, where he was placed ou a counter, and after the apparent lapse oi' time he died from the I'llecla of the wound. The vision was so real that Dr. Bruce could sleep no more, and when morning dawned he went nut. but could Hot rid himself of the very strong impression it had made upon him. He related the dream, as he called it. to several of his friends, and later in the day visited a well known spiritualist in (iainivville, who told him that some uw'ul calamity must have Ik-I Villi It young Stribliug. And sure en ough the next mail IVoin Virginia brought Dr. Bicc a letter announcing the death of bis brother-in-law in the exact manner he had seen and i.l the very hour that it had upai.rcd Iu him in his vision. A sister ul' the murdered man. visiting relatives in Kentucky at the time uf his death, had a similar dream, and while ivlat'ng it at the breakfast table was band a dispatch an nouncing its fulfillment. OIMMON Of Till. Counties fun M. ke I'.xliilii's. Attorney Oi'.nf.uai.'s Office. ) liAI.FHill, February 111. ) II'. S. Piihiiim; I 'miilrut X. ('. Sinlv A.i'yioio.'o ; Dear Sir: In reply to your letter of the l'-ih inst., 1 have the hum r to say that the powe a oiiiilri ivil by law upon I In' coiinly commissioners, and to be evi r ciseil for the benefit of 1 lie public, are iiuiiii i'iiUH and extensive. The Code say i that every cuiinly is a body corMirale, and shall have tin- powers prescribed by statute an I those ii.'ivsei.iU implied by law. These powers liin-t be exercised ill plll'sualloo of resolutions adopicd by the board of cnnitni-sioiii i, and. ill eerlaiu sja'cilied cases, with tln'cou ciirrciice of tli." justice of the peace. And they "may make such orders for the de position or use of the properly of the county as the inlcres s of its iuhabilanls riip'le." Sees. 7" "Hi. They have It gcncal supervision over ill.' fill llli ts, ami llie law, expressly "invests ihem with full power to d'ect the application" ofihe county revenues "to any oiHnl and iitics s.ny pur,!!!.!' I'm ihe use of the county." Section To'!. Tbe Supremo court lira re peal dlv announced the principle that the I .-list of regulating all county matters is conlid 'd to ill ' co:ii:iiui.iucrs, and that llie exere'se of power conferred Upon til. Ill vvi'l not b' con. roll -d by the courts. Bii.dh.ix vs. liroiim. 111 Y ('.. 211. and num. lulls olli r i a... ', 'I'll. inoveiii. ul to have ; n exhibit of the resources of the Stale is i ne in which the people of eveiy county iu the Stale are in soine measure interested. Il concerns llie public. I'lid waa inallgt rated with a vii w to secure favorable results to the S at.' at lap.'e. I th.-re'or.' .Iiink th.t lb' case i will in llie power of the county an th..rir.'s. an 1 that thev may cx. reis ' llie powci by appropriating money to enable the i i only to make H piiiia-r t xhiliit of its lesouncs ut tie ensuing Exporilioii, if they sbail dcteruiiue that the same is lie ccsKtrv for the good of ibe county and to the interests uf its inhabitants. No spec cial tax could be levied 'br the purpose, and no subscription of stock in the lispo Htioii AssiK ;atii,n by the county could be made, without the consent of the legisla ture, as has Urn frtspieiilly dis idcd; but this uf course is not contemplated. In considering the mutter, howeve:', I think thccouiirissiuiieis should act iu conjunc tion with a majority of the justices of the peace of the county, and it serins to Inc that no Valid ohjctt'oll colli. I be inter tu restrain I hem Iruiu citing to the eiiLipiisi! null reit'oliablc mid siibstali t'al cucoiiragc'ucut as llie liliain ioll di'ioti of the county would iu their judg ment warrant. Indeed, such acioii and the aid thus given, would be iu harmony with the spirit of the comlitulioii, which reipi'tes the lcg'.slalore to establish and inaiilain n deparluieiil of agriculture, and also with the spirit of The Code, which iliim Is uu annual appropriation to le made to the Stale ami to county agrieultuial so cieties (wctiohs L'.'.M L'.-l".' ). ami em powers "county cotnmiK-iiiueis to appoint fairs in their n -piHtivc counlics" for the ciicoiiia'jeiucut of industry, and to rcgu lale ibe same by a systi in of by laws. Sih' lioiis -.'.TiMI 'J.7H1.' Yours 1 1 uly, Tims.'S Kfnin, Attoitiev licncrid. Some wit ketl fellows got into a Ver mont ilui'ih vtsl'yjust after the dcainn and ch a' man had held n nns ling there, ii ml left four beer hollies, a whiskey Husk, nil i mpty, ninl (wo tun Is of ranis under the table. Win II the sewing Naicly met an hour later and discovcicd the art idea, liny held ii long ninl whisHred coiivcrsa- An illiti rale iuti who always vohin I et nil to "go round with the hat." but was Mispeclid uf sparing his own pis kct, over hearing Mice a hint to that elbs t, replied, "Other geiilli nun puts down what they thinks pmH-r. and so do I. Charity'l a private cotieem, and what I giYc is Both ng to nobody." M MOM t;OU HATH JOINED." The coinpreheii.sive gloom of the city of Columbus disaster was lighted by one gleam of light that should be a revelation tu humanity A husbaii.l and wife, aroused from shvp and safely to the contemplation uf instant death, grasjied each other by the hand and. as theirsignal eatue to them, exchanged kisses and were swept away united into the unknown. There could lie no mure suggestive commentary on the recent discussion of the subject of divorce. Not the elemental fury, the freniy of hu man beings maddened by fear, the certain ty of an agonizing death not any of these sinister ism Jit ions could anuul the accuiily burn of a true marriage, the sense uf the piTH'tuity ofihe union of "those whom (ioilhuth joined together." Read this single significant send lie of the marriage service aright and the itnKissibility of di vorcing thus.1 rightly joined becomes obvi ous. The factors which goto the marriage of men and women are many ami diverse, but how seldom will they bear the caustic analysis afforded by the line we have quiited. Ambition, the desire for wealth, slulhfuliiess, lust, envy those an' the temp, ing paasiuns which urge humanity over that gulf in whoso depths swarm the contents of Pandora's Box, How seldom is it that an unselfish tenderness, a mutual recognition nf sympathy, honesty and trust, and a profound .wakening to the intended sai redness of the obligation, go to its contracting. Whom man alone hath joined together man easily disunites. No human law nor agrtvmciit of laws will ever change this. But iu that (iod-given union as to which man is only the witness, there is no such thing as change. No earthly power can sever two thus united, and from the shield afforded by such a marriage, the arrows of the vices, the crimes and the meannesses of life glance harmlessly. "And in death they are not divided." New York Trlnjrum. iom:v u u hoi royy miki. While 1 was in the Dead Letter De partment the other day one of the clerk, engaged iu opening letters at a I'ible near by called to a gentleman who was culcrtaiiii.ig me. lie went to Idiu end im mediately beckoned for me to follow. "Now, what can be dune ill this case ?" he says. "Here is a letter, this instant iiii. ii, il, and yon see what it contains. ' In it was n clean, new $.H lu folded ii'id wrapped iu a piece feet I V blank blown paper not a I, neal ly 1 ol per- III u l. of p.-neil to show from whom ii. was s. n' The letter had been adverliseil as un, laim-t-i 1 mid was dead, mid llie examination of its contents made it more completely dead than In fore. "We have nothing but the postmark, and even that is almost obliterated, but our epi il will take bold of it mid do the lu st he can will) il. Tic re's a pr. ity slim ch ine in ibis case guess I'lu le Sain will gel thai iiii.ney. Tl:i- r minds me of aoluclhiug ill HIV uWII cp 'lielice. A few years ago, when I was opening I. (Iit. I found oil jlhl like ibis, except thai the am, anil was in, and mi lie pip. r wrap p. l ai'iiiuul il was wiittcll ill peiie'l. 'A lii. n,l, Matthew vi , Ii.' I looked that up and found it to be: 'But when thou doest alms, lei not thy left hand know what thy right band doelli,' The letter was ad dressed tu a woman, and it w.ts clearly a case of charity. I really felt bud that we could not succeed iu I'm, ling cither party, and that money is in the treasury to day." The numbers of letters opened last year, containing currency, checks, drafts mid negotiable pi.pcr. was over lit .01 HI. The aim oinl of actual cash taken from le iters was nearly W:. IIHII. and the value of checks, e,c, ivpresfiitin inoii'y. about sJl.luMI, HHH. Dining llie last year the number of pieces of mail matter that reached the Dead 1. Iter office was nearly l.oilD.HIHI. The exact niiniber was 1, 1 lll.SJil. This isaliout 1 l.jllll for I'vcrv day. Cleveland llmil.t. ' A TI.Itlll Itl.l; IIIHTII-M kHK. Fr..m the I'liiln.lelphla Preas A most remarkable case of human suf fering, and one which has steadily ballbsl medical science, is reported iu Springfield. I'.ne t oiitily. l a. VV illlam rurycison. w hen seven years of age, was seized w ith severe pains in his right hand, ami though he is now forty-sit yean of age he has bis n annually attacked, singularly though at each time sulTcring more than at the prccecding. Convulsions ami paroxysms now visit him at exactly the same period of the year, and always at the same hour iu the evening. He is now suffering the must acute iiguiiy, and ii visited by scores nf physicians, wiio in every ease have been coinpfelely bullied. By this peer liar freak of nature his lasly hcfoiuf terribly con torted. Respiration almost ceases, ami he becomes for the lime uneouiH':otis, and on awakenim: hows every evidence of hat - ing passed through a most terrible ordeal, j till being restored lie bccuunii a'rfcctly i well, and ia only troubled at intervals of a year, but with positive regularity. The chsc can only Ik1 accounted fur by the fact that Eurgersuii's mother, shortly before bis birth, saw the contort ion. and evidcucc of agony in iu a snake which bad been lilt-own into tire, and that ke has become thus birlh marked. Blaine as an Editor. Mr. Blaine is very systematic iu his literary work. Hil in. I hods are those uf the journalist rather than ofihe .mfessionnl biaikniaker. He is, 'iiileed. a born in wpas r man, ami it is a pity, some of us think, that he did in t follow that calling instead of switching off I nun editing a country ptisT to run for Congress. I lmpu n to know, by the wav, that when S ukcr nf the lluuso uf Rep rcsi iitativcs lie had a great temptation to put bis feel on the very top round of the journalistic ladder, ife Was offered the editorship of one of the grcutint New York newspnH'rs at a salary larger than any edi tor now receives and nearly is large as that of the President of the Vnited States. Cu riously enough, too, the offer came from a journal which lias never been friendly to wards Blaine from I hat day to ibis. As un illustration of Mr. Blaine's careful writ ing, Il recall that heunit! told niche had in bis last reading uf his (.iarfleld memorial oration cut it down 1,1811 words, simply with a view to the utmost conciseness of expression, I1 1.HN l-M'Hlt IC I TIU When asked lo take something in vir refuse. If yoii shout a in in by mistake for some one else it is positively r quir.-d dial you call on tli" family hum -dialck al't. r the funeral and apologize. It is n it polite to clack jukes at c x tells, of a iiuin who tiini.'s a sell's ing pistol. the . ek- Never carry pocket It Mi a Ii in lk nhi 'i' in bin,' I', r il luav votir hip 'leu! to uiisunderstaudiiij At lynching bees the master i f cotvin., nies has the exclusive right to designate who are to help pull ou the rope When suddenly st.,ps d by r .ad ag, tits ! and ask d t i hold up your hau l- it is e. n j sidered the height uf iuiulit,ii, lo re- j fuse. ! t Strict cii ii It-' now requires that at 5 I o'cliH'k L a- all Weapons shall be concealed : under the coat or ill (he boots, the hit br j eoitrse being preferred, as bootlegs are I harder to get at. Il'y.ui wish a man's permission to pav vmir addresses to his daughter, it is allowa ble to invite him to sec you throw a bottle into the sir and shiait a hole through the bottom without breaking the bottle, before making your errand known. When at church it is alwavs but it Is no worth while, to wast space giving rule until the church is built. this HOY M. H iIhtI J . Hardened Caill was ih' lirsl buy. ami all his edu cation depended upon his inexperienced parents. Tie r Were in other boys in the republic tu teach C..iu Imw to lie. smoke, drills, tight, ih at and steal. 'I'll, iv Were trie illy relali., us upon whom lili'e Cain could be illilit led for two or llllee Weeks, when his wearied parents wauied II little rest. I don't wi ul, r that Ctdn turned out bail, i always said he Would. We all have our own boys to l.K.k alter, as your neighbor lias a boy you can look after much no re i .t ly than his iu, , lie r can. and iniicli inoiv to your own salisfaelioli ill ill to the Imv s coinforl. our boy is like Adam's boy. Ic a--ks iiiestien and if i here is any l.uili in the ,,l ir:li cry of trausmiialioii of s .ills, when a boy die le will p. I-.- iiiio an in:-in. ...iii.. n poini. Tl lib-r le n.w . lb e mure uno-ii"!! he lis',.- The oi"s buy 1 evir kll'VV W. S ! lil'ty v i li y .ii'. e..i. old. an. I I w, nl to school to him; and li tlid a-k llie loiej, - I hardisl, i lookedest .in,-: timi thai In boy j could answer. And in wymir. boyieasin to ask qip'stioiis. begins i.inn-vvor them, until you stand amazed at lie bremilli and depth of his knowledge. llcW iii st i be a y - or a pirate. So far as he express, .- any pi !' r le e b woii'd r.itln r be a pirai". win i tie re arc more i ii iti. i of makiiu' iikhi -v. an l fewer for b-ing de- Vulireil I no yy a siii,; The New York t'.i-f n i n j I'm', iu a in -tice of "Iteaur g ird s llisimy of ih' t n il Wur," has the following cli.iei froiiilh' book, of dale duly. SH ; "Coiuiueiitiiig on the maim r iu which Beauregard was kept informed of the situ ation iu and around Wa-h'iigton. il is nar rated iu this connection that 'about the mid Hoof .Inly, ou a hn Jit, sulirv no, ruin.', a young lady of mm b r. lineni ul and pus sessing both youth and beauty rode ii to (ell. Boiihatn slin 's al Fail l'a Courthouse, and d.'livci'ctl to him a tlispalili of greal importance ibrli. n lii auregatd from our friends in ll'.i-hinuto.i. She led iueiiired great faiiuiie an I .laiig.-r in the accompli -h-mciit of h I 'I'his illspateh she carried carefully coueciled iu her hiir. which, when unrolled in the pres 'iiec of the Confederate (, appeared to him. to in' his own lau Huge, the most beauti ful lie had ever seen ou human head, 'flic youiu la Iv in .pi 's'i .n w is ;i r -id nl of the Fetl. I.ll all I h I I a-s- d out of it in a -mall farm wagon 1 i -1 1 i I n a plain country woin.ui cuuin: fr :n iiiaiket. Further on h i way. at lie r si, I nee of a relative, well known and wealthy, sli" uli taineil the horse she was ri inu and the habit she tln n wore." Ill IM I'lls ItltslTII.I.LM.II tl- Henry Fawcctt, the English Posl'iias ter (leneral, si.s in Parliament for Hack ney. A stranger to this remarkable person would lie surprised after stving Inui ou horseback, or scat, si iu a skiff, or moiinled on ii bycycle, or skating with unerring stroke across a IVi.r. 'ii lake, to learu that horseman, rower, bicyclist and skater was blind, but such is the case. Mr. Fawcctt graduated seventh wrangler at Cambridge in l.'soli, uud was ehs ted Pmfclsor of Pol itical Economy in I fi:i. He is tall and powerfully built, and i gifted with a splen did Voice. Sum ofbi sie'ibe mi Indian linanis' were luarvclnils, considering the difficulties which had ueca'ssarily I a Act their preparation. He has administered the postoflice like a Mollke liiaii.ciivriug an army, ami with like triumphant results. Mrs. Fawcctt, her husbund s eyes as well ua right hand, is a woman nf rare mould and attainments. One of her sisters is Dr. (iurrett Anderson, another a well known decorative artist. "My friend,'' said a traveler to a Texan, "whv is it that cveiylHidy it t lit t country thinks it iiMiwniy lo carry one or two re volvers?" "Well, stranger," replied llie Texan, "you nmiight travel around here a gtasl lung lime ninl nut waut a weapon, but w hen yuu do want a i-lol in this coun try you want it bad." A little girl one day startled her mother by saying: "I am very glad to go In heaven How,' mamma, for there is plenty of pre serves there." "Child, what put that in vniir head','" ''.My culivhisni, mama;" and she read triumphantly: "Why ought saints lo love (ioiI? - -Because he makes preser ves and keeps them. The h villi) beginning "The consecrated cross I'd is'iir" had just lus'ii sung, and in the momentary ipiict that followed the ht- pleied youth turned to his lather: ''nay pa, where do they keep tbe cousei rated troi-eye4 beaf?' ADVERTISEMENTS. For I) ppila. 1'IrJH.kAj.UJk'Ak.lC-X-A - hronl Uiar- 1 t.....IIa, JTattWiS, tf UUIIIIU l'l luijiiirlly uf III tiloutl, !'Vvpr..nd ' uud ull IUrJtfti'.f rr .igi'inrtit uf liver, II wU and Kidney. sYnrTons or A msF.Asrn i.ivfr. i jil litt'fttli; t'.nH in ill' 1 1 1, niimiirnea iKa Mi. i I i. it u;.ir in.? ' h -lilaiJt', miii tli.'n fr Uli-cftirniti.i ; rncrol I -i oi ;(fii(; ll"-vy ctt4tivv-. mrtiiiK uliti n.uln( With ; I'w Itcn'I M tfui.lilcil itli -:n. is hejvy( nK Ci'iinitlrralilp losi ul tin ,otv, mcmiiAtu a wth a iaitilul rutin a tt Ir.ivm uit(imc ftt niciliing oiti;lit lt Iuvl i n iii a oliht, tlry cii(;i ar i rlitNiicI Ijce i toiiKMiim n lit-nUnL, ullcn n(tk.ii fcr rniiiiv.nii..n, it.r nt rtxnpUint el Hc.d .rti' .i ami lit I iu; , ncfvoiii, rviily il.itCctl; In I roitl or tniti i in, &iuto4tin?t yiii Wy (ruattt.n t( ih Bkl tyi.ll ip t'tt ail lout JHit itr(nil(U At, Miesrt, BaUliuiiifli kut !ic I rjivrci woiilj lw Ixim fi Mil, VM wnt un h.ii'iiy iimiini n up (..rutudc to rj il HI fail, ).( ft tveiy r inc y Scvml i4 tw tiitiw ftvnt:uiii alleml te tli- Iut .4t- iHvutict) hn lul f w ol i hem atiktui, yt tm 4i. itt .n alter tlrjth hv iImwii tha lAwr ti Ujivk LwcfR ihiMiiMly UcraiH ti It ftlmuhl It used hy all p4roim, iilrl and r iiiloui piiftr. rtr.ont Trnvplliif or Mvlng In I'n- Iwmllhy ,nrt4ll1U., hy talinu h u,e i Jion. affy in krrii l im in Ik-JiIi .itin n, will avuid aH Mnlnr.A, ItillitUat tlrk, tMitinru. Nmi m, lriitfkiiK.t, lcpraftai .n f Sptnu. ric. It iBvijoiaie like a kU" wine, but la un In to k tt'ii ling Ih, w rug a). IT torn hmrtt Hln nnythlng hard oft Mt(r4lt. or frH U-yy after m trait, or alr ai mglti, uka a oVf ani you will tw rclitvctl. Tim null IUhAut' IUIU will ba uVsPd liy alwaya kcrplna; the lUfjuUtur In tUr lliuf I Fr, whatever tha ailmtnt may lx. a (htUtHiglily piirxatllvn, nltrrHtlvt jmi lonlr cm never I out ut place. I he rrmerlv it Imrmlra ml dor nut lutcrfrre nUli bualiiraa ur Uaaur. IT IH ITHELY TFflFTAni.E, Anil h.ii aH th pcwi-r and elt'K..ty .1 Ciloine! or Vuininv. without any uf iht injunout lir cJlccti. A Ovcrtior'a Tr-timony. fi(nm.i I iter KrfuUtrtr hat ien in ut fn my tlami v Ur me time, jml 1 am vimlicil tl i vaiuatMe aiUtiti..n tu tlu inue. J. Giu. &HuHfaH, iMtvatitoruf Ala. llcm. Alfxnmlr II. st-iiliMia, ( (... a: Have deiUc.l ntc tkenrfii the use of Si in mi in l.ivcr KcguUlur, and witli to give it a hittli. r irul. "TK only Ttiln that nmr fniln to ltlPTr."- h.ive uacd m.iin nniriii -. I..r ly pjMia, l.ivrr Aiirttiun and .icl.ility, hu nrver he it-mui anyiliiin; in lcm I'm nte in ihf i irnt Stnmtmi l.ivrr kruu not U. it ntrt m Mm. nranta 10 lietrij;ia lr it, an-i md riid turthrr fur Mti h metlx ine, and would advitr nil who ate im ihiif xtft-ited to Rive tt a tiul it keemi tltc oidy lliittl thai Mver tin la tu reli t V. M. Jannkv, Miniwr.ip.ilii, Minn. Dr. T. W. Mnaon iay i From actual e. IKtrTtKe in llir n,e (l' Simmmu l.iver krculatnf in mv ptartice I U.t Wen and am saliificd lo ua jnd j-itttribc ii at a puiine mcdniiic. .t' 1 only tb 4nuln. which alwat ai ua the Writer the rr Z TnulcMBrk jfH nature, of J. II. FILIN Si CO. FOR . SALE HY ALL IIRl'CC.lSTS I f. i.r. iv Thrj who Work rarW find 1st Ih Tear Mllll iitH-il, iHvaMuiiitll) , tin b till III ul titiiulitus n n pur ted h a 'wtmlreoiu1 tutiio hi i- llmlctttr'a Muiiiarh llitttra. Tu nil. II it purity and rlHcuucy an a rciurdy awl (iriVi'iilivi uf itiMt- ruiuniviiil It. It rht rksi incipient rhriimatiirn and malarial lyitipluiiM, ri'lii-Tc cuimtlpalUm, ilynprp tin ami liiliutiaiiffta, arrrata pri'matura ilecfty uf the plivmral rittrtfipa, niiliyatca lli iiillrmiiif ur k4' anl initiviu ruuva liDiHMici-. r'ur aitlu by all Urugiita mud bi'iilita KuvruUy. JlllH' 11 1) K Hi ESTATE AGENCf. I Inoe e.Uibll.ltisl a ItKAI. l.sTATI. ,,,1 Nl V In the tow II of WELDON, N. C. 1 haveTKN lioiiaea lu W i ld, ,n FOR SALE OR RENT. I Ats.ut half of them ilorea, ulhim dwvlllng.,f I also kav, .lanit 6,(MM A( HI.SI (IK LAND is HAi.iK.ix rorsTY tor mti For flirlher airtieulara, qartie. wlatilng Ut huy a rent can apply In nic in person or hy tetter. I am now tnkliut up all lands partiM iah to anil and advertisliiK the anme at my own eipenae, uft less a side ta made .ml then 1 eliartn' rommlMiohl. For air .luiielng aa . Keiulrinen and a ai.n worthy tu la' Ini-hsl, I n fi r hy is nulnluli lu H. II Mm Hit . Scotland Neck : Pr. J. A. t'lilllm, Fnllrld W A. lnoilil, Weld T. W. HarrU, Mlllelon. ta lltf It. P. HI'IKHM. F. tl It IKS till Ii & H ltt. l.jt Uniii street, x on folk; va. ii: Hntlera III n: . MAMtiNliSJ, WATi'llKs, JKWKI.HV, I'l.tH'KH. MI.VI R AMI I I. ATI D W AHR. M'WTkrJ.KH AM) FANCY i.tsilai. apacinl aU'inllou gtveu to llie repaint of I lntHiom Kh'ra and r Hid W aielita Hair and oilier Jaavlrj aiaile lotddr.ud httatiredl IsmI worknom. tsttant ,

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