THF, HOANOKE NEWS Tiii iii.w, . : ri:i'.i;i-.i!V -. W. W. II. MX, ) 'iiiii'i:ii:rin:s. .1. w. mxih.k. ) TlIK season fur candidatcsi ha ml i (dily few will not In- disappointed. Mil. Tll.HKN's clfldidacV is by iii'' " l:i'!'-known I! Vr;. in H lili. i III I'l' I hiililii' le : ur.T i. ii r :;l,n-!it I .!!- Hlllliis ull'l :i Wc'l lin return 'd homo IViiiii an eteni c 1 1 ii r throiii-h W'eM. He thirty-eight among the seventy Hire mem bers ut' tlu Mississippi Legislature. Chairman Bahm m, of tin- Xatioiia Democratic Kxccutivr Committee is ported to In- opposed to tin- Morri-on Tar iff bill or any agitation of the tariff qucs lion ami advise 1)i-iiiih rat to uw even possible mi an to (li t'' at agitation. (N Monday Senator Hansom itV. t.-1 :i joint ivsoliitimi appropriating SlitO.iiiiu fur the relief of tlii- Mifl'. n-rs by the re cent rcal storm in tin- Southern States. Tin- resolution was referred. The sufferers being ill the South it iu;iv not i, because Southern, people are not looked iihhi ax proper object ii)ioii which to confer favor. '!he resolution ought to be .ijH-cilil v ra-putfed buek and adopted by With brunches of the Congress TlIK Piedmont l'riu calls attention to a mi-lion in the code (See. 'l'l.) which provides that "any number of land owners j whose lauds ure contiguous, may ut any time build a common fence around all their lands, with gales across all public highway ; and no live stock shall run at large within any Mich enclosure under tin pains and penalliin prescribed in this chapter." Thin provision enables land owners to have the no fence law without submitting llie question to a Vote. The I'rrft suggests that the law also include dues within the meaning of stock, which While away he came into intercourse witli leading ! . -m . n ralie politicians. lint Tilm ii is iiu lotilit of the parts li .r IV j V- -V I II Sta'-s v I imI ti k.-t '.v.i lb ! iwi-. i tic r ii i-.v iiKiili 'led. Wendliiij i i . i i . i . t ik oil HI ui? ii 'l lil'il:n-u I ' illis ratie boll tic III-, say lit.-,"v the lir-t ehiii'-e -i 1 -it' :iu 1 in all the ivh he had vi-it-d the I'niii l" in pr.-l'-renee to is Til i: cil.i-i'd rare in ( llii.i is sa'nl to he w.iik- d to an extraordinary pilch mi the subject ut' livil li-hls. L-jnirib's are springing up daily and it i- csum.ited thai within two iiciiiiIh tlni'ij vxill Ik- "Jul of them. The leagues ;i(o in tie permanent and will he ii'i,te,l i, (In- general interests III' the Color d The 1 . ; i 1 1 , m will ill s'-' mi I he -i -al of t he law in that State fnr!,i,i'liii.' the marriage ni'a negro to a whit- Woman, the law permitting separ- .schools and ill" striking out of the oid white in the con -lilutioh. It in thought Ii .miles will make the col ored people a unit on all social, nioi-jj aud p ilitical iU"sti .lis. I ill: -lol:i. A Cyclone strlk , Nnrtli Cam- . liua Tim us aiol les!rns many l ives and much l'inici-l-. j I In Tile. "day night of I: st week a fearful '. ryeloiie swept over a Hirlioii of the stale I leaving in i' w.i!.e great sud-Ting and des truction. The track of the storm was aboil! a ju u t i-r of a mile wide. 1 I 'hi. k- ii - an I liii'l- w -r I', .mid picked vl.-aii. ee-pt lh I' i: hers on 1 1 1 -i r l'e-.i Is; the largest ti-,N-.s were ai.m.ted aud smaller ! ones had all the bark stripped from their j trunks. The .-term lir-t mail" il- appear and at Rockingham ut 7 ..III 1-. 11. The 1 ca-l i n sk was uSursli idowed 1 1 v dark IIuiil' clouds lincjcil with red, gTowiuj; thicker every iiiimite. llc-n- l 1 1 nir-' a-.-iiiu- j i i r the hue of lire. .t .s.-in i,n. ici the to l.iiicli 1 Is awav in the br wi'h tic: w;i"eti. A Mump live feet in uiatn -;. ;- and over two l'-"t hi jh was blown up bv root- and ciirried 15 avds. hiiiidieds of smallc!' siunips v.i r" lorn up by the roots, .-iini the liui'i i. w Ic-n not l,!.,wii down, was twi-t -d and torn in a surpri.-iu.r manner. ' i.-iv- lour h i in diameter were hlown ivii. tliro'.vn in (iM ,i-itc il.reittoiis anil m:v akvkutiskmknt ) 1 NKW ADVKr.TISKMKNTS ) n A ll oilier Tie. h.-arth-rm-k i IV "in a liiv place up-t.iirs a blown about se , nt V live vard-; "ate po-t.s. pl.inled two w.-r- torn up and rarrieil : a heavy fall of rain and hail, the j of th i loud- lnoviu' westward. I iii'.-lit tic- -kv m.i- a A:..'nz r-d. -t I heav 1 At and at 1 1 f'-.-t in th" jrotin uway. The top of a white ouk, two l'cit j in (li.ini. t r. was twisted otf and has not been seen. A cedar stalidin-.; near the ate was uprooted and the limbs torn into ! shr.-il- and beaten into splinter.-'. The shin- ele are mid ! t'lv'1 ,"'r'' "on ce.-pt a lew pieces R-at-and there about one inch wide. riii- eloihioo of the family was torn into A. m. there was a rat Icr h -avy fall of rain. I ''.'.jiuenls. which were found lodjred in the lu Na-h and Wilson counties the dam- ' '"I'"1 l-"'-1' ti'.s'f sotu- di-tanee from the I . 'PI l- .-II. ;,: was jieal. Hoiisi-h Were blown dowu I 1 "irniiure entirely ncstroy I'lidanjciiii'.' the Ii v m of Mime and killini; I " oth'-rs. Mr. II, (', Williams, who lire- about Were lied-tead-. ( hairs, trunks and tables broken int. i I'rairuienls aud strewn in : mi: en fr Wilson happeiied to 1 ,'v,','.v ,!ir-',''i" "ver the n.-ihhorii for i;m ll tl. m;hs. The slal lie of lieu. Ilobilt jc, whiih was unveiled at New ( Means yesterday by the Ice MiiliUliielit u-VH'Utliou Weighs about -even llioii-ainl pouil.-, and was ca-l ill six section-, th,. Imd alone weijh iner over llin c hiinihcd pwiuids. h is by far the laivje.-t broii.'.-stltue ever cast in New York. Th" color lino in Nirvt Jersey has been completely uiptl ix4 so fa'' us the schools arc c.iiceiucl by bib- decision of .Indue I'ixie, of lu Supci-llie Court. The ca.-e ill ille-liu "lew out of the refusal of the tru-U-cs el' I'msluiitoii to admit lour mu latto chiliki it lua school for white chil iheu in liiaL town. The Court held that the law. explicitly pr i Men that no chil- Ireii. between the aires of five and eieh would allow any one desiring to do no to j deeii shall be refused aduiitlanee to anv kisp dopi on their own preuiU-s. but could not then run at large ami the number bcr would be greatly rcdu(.vd. without any taiatiou. lU.I'oUC mewiHles could be Lakcu to re licve the niller,cni by the late cyclone at H'K kiii"lain, Jun M Hobin-oii, I'resi dent C. ('. K. Ii. Co., from his home in llalluiior.e, U'legraphed (iciicral Manaocr J no. C. Winder to forward to the Mayor of ItiK'kiiu.'liaiu $1(10. It will be teuiciu bcred that when the ioor of Raleigh were iu (.-reat need of fuel hint winter, this same p ntleman ordered bin General Manager to load his trains with wood and go to the resi ue. It gives uh pleasure to chronicle sin Ii evidence of christian diarity on the part nf c-.ijiitalist.i owing properly iu the State. Wil. .SViir. A succession of such generous acts i th-part of Mr. Kobinson and Mr. (iliio have made their names household Words along the lines of their respective roads, and have set an exatnjde that other roads inighl follow with advantage to their cor poration The cry against corporations which alarms and terrorizes their maiia gers wouJJ never have been raised, if they all had tin lils-ral and generous management that marks the jliri-dictioii of the above named gentlemen. The people of our old Stale will long remember these two gen ineii with gratitude. school. A uew pinna, invented by M. Wilheliu Fischer, has been brought out at Leipsie. Iu outward appearance il resemble!, a col tagc piano, and it has the ordinary ham mer action, but iu lieu of tin familiar strings tuning forks are substituted for the purpose of procuring pure as well as sii-lained lone. Iiki'ukskntatiyk Si-iu.nukii has in lioducisl for Mcreni-c iu the hou-e a pro posed contitilutiiiiial amendment making the Presidential term sin years and reii dering the l'resident ineligible to re elec tion for the next cucceediug tcrui. It pro ides for a di rei-t vote of tl- people for l'resident iu, each Slate ami abuli-hcs the chs loral college. Kaclj State shall h.iM' a number of voles eipial to ihe mini her of its reprcseutativis and S.-nah T-. to be given to each candidate iu ropnrtiou to the total Vote ca.-t foreaih. Thelelin of representatives is lixed at three M ar an d Cmigres shall meet each year on the lir-l WedncNlay of lauiiary. the first ses M ai to convene in January snivelling the NoVclllht r electinll fy joiin vii i.iam." At a chu irch ineeting not fur from lloslon. a man whose credit was not the best, and who was somewhat noted for his failure to meet his obligations, arose to speak. The subject for the eveliimr was, "What slJl I do to be saved?' Coii. Illciieiu" iu measured tones he iiiloled the pivaee. - What shall I do to be saved ?" I ' Veil the si lie pau-cd. and again more i inphal ieally awav. i i . i iii i ii i i ' a-kcu i in- iiiiesiioii. n.ii .-nan t Ho to; , lie saved. Again, with increased sol en nily and iinpre-.-i ucss of mniin r, ' he repeated the luuiiichtoiis impiiry, when j a VoU" I'l'iiin the assembly an-ttered in ; clear and distinct tones, "(in and pay ! John W illi. nil- oke of oxen Noll bought of him I'' The remainder of the 1 c,cntli man's address was not reported. All ' present llppreeialed the litness of the iiu ; cxpeiled word in sea -on, and Wire save I j from healing a lengthy exhortation from a swindler's lip-. 'I'he in. idenl has led us to think thai j liter are a good many people who before! they make mill h progress in w.ilkinu' in! the way of salvation them- Kes i-r guid ing others therein, will have to (in and t av John WiIWiihp. ' or John soincbo-lv the ini-li.rtuiii' of h.ivin;; bis house blown down, lie uaiinwly escaped wilh his life. His baby asleep on a b"d was blown, with the bed. one hundred yards and it is uiirac ulous that il sustained no injuries. Mr, A. 11. illiaiiis' mill was blown down, and to.' heavy mill rock blown thirty yards. The barns, stalls and every buildiu on Mr. Spencer Williams' place except his dwelling were scatlered to the winds as so many feathers. Mr. Henry II hillcy. who was returning home from Wil.sou with a load ofgiiatifi, was overtaken bv the storm in an open field. Th body of his wagon was literally lifted from its bed and blown tweuly feet. A house was blown down falling on a woman and child. It look several hours to clear away the th in U, when the child was found to be dead and the woman seri ously injured. Kvcry house on Mr. Yancey Glover's place was bodily liflcd oil', and not a parti ele of hi.s furniture has since been found except a .-ingle bedipiili. Kvervthing. house, bain, furniture. c, of Joseph O'Neal was scattered In the winds A child of I'aikcr Morgan icol.) was killed, we have not learned how. I leo. Finch's kitchen, barn, Ac., were blown away and mil v his dwelling Was left standing. I'veiylhing belonging to Mr. Jordan, s and blockings were blowu i.ill'pa-t right I he cyeloll.' passed Carolina Central railroad near tiling a Woman, completely blow out over the I'oll.loU. ing her lions.- away ( allying large trees with il. Hail fell in large ipiatitities, the stones measuring from '1 to 11 inches. The storm then moved in an easterly direc tion, crn.-ing the Carolina Central road two miles cast of Ibiekiiigliain. destroying everything in its path. At liockingliain ii siriick the mil skirts of tic I . :i and killed 'l't per-oiis and wounded Is. Some of the wounded will die. I'roi.i llieie il was traced nine miles. Il destroyed Melhuiald's mill earning est-i. Iiciiijiiiits and counterpane.- were found three miles from the house, wrapped arniiiiil llie liianehes ol trees. A lnve ol bees was carried aw iv and lia- not been seen. One of the ( inb -toll' s uf the Well, weighing about "iOII pounds, was lifted frniii llie loiiud.iiiiiu and thrown into the well. Mill stones weighing -.'.tlilil pounds were moved lifly yards. A mother and her babe, har.liy a month old, were found in the Woods dead, the mother clasping the helpless furiii of her babe to her breast. The house in which Mrs. Sterling resi ded, was torn all to pieces. At the lime the blow came In-r sou aud daughter Were in the house wilh her. They were both blown out of the house and lodged iu a large tree thai was standing in the yard, escaping wilh seven1 bruises. Their aged mother was crushed lo death iu the falling timbers. A sill of a house, '12 fe -t long and S x 111 inches, was (aken up and carried a dis tance o!'a hundred yards and hurled against the gro, md with stub li.i'ce thai one end Lilt. i il lii a sullicieiil depth to hold up the other. A pi -co of pot ware was found stove into a tree .'i feet from the ground, and a horse was found crippled w li iseo wuer caiiliol be discovered. A piece of plank w is forced endwise through another piece of plank. Huge pine trees weve found with no slumps to indicate where liny c.uiie from. Spokes were blown mil of wagon wheels, and the iron tires twisted. I'iTmiiis In ihe 'vicinity of lh.' storm sav that the Hoi- iro luce I bv it r'senibli d, tint of a heavily hud I railroad train, while the lla-hiug of th - lightning was incessant and llie inosl vivid ever n'eeii in ibis section, atleti led bv low rumbling thunder. We heard a reliable p.-rsnu say that a ball of tir ' pr - I 1 th ; storm, sen ding forth a bright, cll'tilgeiil light. The rain poured down in torr "iits. and for a few minutes hail si ones of iineoiiiinoii si.e were showered down. The storm lasted only for a few minutes. LADIES' PRIVATE COMPANION FOR HOME TREATMENT. A COMMON SKNSK M l-.DICAL IXSTKI'CTOR FOR LAD1KS ONLY ; 1'iiiiliiiiiiii!.- I'utl lull. mint ion In lYfc-viicc to all ipu-sikni" reliiliiiK toWomaiilnnsl. the better to enable the the . i.. I 1 1 .-1 1 1 tl.. .r ilMliiMin.l I., ii.jov ihi ni-lvi-s In Ihi-ir ri..os rvhiti..ns " Msiiten-. ies anil M..U1.I-. It is. ..Mi-Mipiiinr unrk. 'in'i.-nilini; its. If ti. It,, ureul li.-urt (if W. oiiati li x l : niton in plum, cull, -iso iiikI ilelicnic hiiii-nup '. eiiv "I! und nlnell "lller re.'i.ulliu'liiluli"ii, II i mor'jt.l'.,lc iei.1 ri :til c, , ,, v. , , II i-'.i ..rk !,i,li hit- ,l p!,iiv.H'Ciipic.l l.v ii,...UiitU.i. !;, s c,,m,l,-te librury n N'l Isily, hi.c. rs.-i.-Hne. villi ev. i reer.l il- ..nwil ll t-ives inl Timit i.n huh H ill nuike lile lie. rc pleasant. Ktvcn hl'.'hi-r '-I to lis i-lliovlllt'lll. Illllhe tlllr-f bv tt holll ll"lllc til's II re prl Zcll. iri'llllil I'll.l'iy thl'UI Kill I mure v. inl. il ii: cruioev n -lieu, umiiv hk aue huhl.-ii ii.. (K.rne li III I" whom lib- has pruvil uluie-:, il 11..I .iiiitc . i iilnre Il uiM-tli.. cause-. sMiipbmi-mid Ircanm-lU with pn serllilU'iis for every ili.eiu..- is-euliiii-io the spher. forwhiili il Is ilesiKiad. Ti.lli.o; iKii'Tunco, i bv ii ns-lili-M-di-renurd ..I tin- ilivim- lns oi'liinhli niii.le thcniM-lvm won lied In. lile by siekiiess. re Milling IV ,iu uliv .. I'lh. varioa-l.-rnis el', which l.,U.iw in the Iruili of woiiinnhissl. e cull uiihi -il.illn-.-lv ami ino-l c..iiii,li-iillvr.'i i.iiiiiii'inl Ibis b..k h- .mo w bieli w ill itive y"" Hit- udviie )olir iwccms'Iii-s i.-.iiiiv iu imlel tiin-teie v..ll to health nil. I liappMiosii. Hie nn-teil fnl ln. the pale. Willi cheek, the listless sunken eves, llie slow (Iniifuiiiitslep, Iho "tlroil niiliire" Is otliii noon in our homes. Ihe Millhor- ..I Hi is ,.rk -ill. crelv In licve Iliutsll llioso I'calliivs lili.v in- .1111111, iho ilnoll riiuu.lisliilid .lillii, Ili.-cln-.-k-lo lib... in with roses ill' health, the eye lo s;irkle w ith life mid vlvnelly. Hie Unlit 'Illicit slvpieLZiiiiieil, nn. I Ihe t-iici viili-i! imian' n'sloosl, l.y a ihn! . Iieliio troiUlueiit ami proi-riplhins us laid dim u in Hi is work, mi' t in Hi is In In I, nn, I w ith an curliest desire In lieinlll i ho sillleriiitMiint renew hi'idlll und hnppinoss I , Hiei.illi. n il. mid in In rn i-li uch liiforiiiiill..ii In thiw now In henlih.ns w ill onablc thorn In n-l iiu it nn. in vi. id l Ik' diltienhioh. tins nH.k bus Ih-i-ii i-n purist Kverv invslid should ..builli a copy and lo "I iheinsehes. nu.l ii, . ladv in hcnllh i nn nllui.l t.i be ilhoiit It mid thus remain iu iKiieriuiec uf its pe, ,i!iiir , nieiMiiitn,' nii.l instrueiiic leiiehlnirs, ll Is reeiniiint'iHleil by ninny em Incut lady physician nsnS.vri Q7ItZ r3 12ZZZ1 ll is hjii.Uoliiely Imlllid ua.l illllsllnU'il. .Sent post puid In Old les eld)', 11(1011 is. eipl ill si ,-i. .-.t.n-ss the ItOt II I'M fill I't m.lMll.Mi t . Nos. If.'. I!!', ami Jil l Osburn Hhs k, Kochester, N. Y. jan 111 I'm .irsT RUXJlI V WD A FRESH SUPPLY OF ItKAIUrSTKKS. UKITBLICAXS, DKMOCHATS. LIBKKALS ud all dthers UeiLsonably OjPEISr TO COITVICTIOIT, in dially Invited to cull and Kiamine our M HID W MTID v W JILL Hfl II V llN I Lit u 1 Uj iiailillii Ii iisl ifi DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HUNTS Fl'UNISlllNG GOODS, "HATS, (lAlvI)EiN CAPS, ll AUDWAKK, TOUACCO, SNTFF, GKOCKRIES. SEEDS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. W'c burned the OLD stock and can warrant all our Laiidreth's Seeds to be KI.KS.II & (iKXCIXM si-:i-: that kvkiiy da run is kti:i "1884. -inL-Ji -iy M t VAa V ia lt-?l.i"Bsi"0 'VEL'D0jNt,K c. CU2E PILL31 c,s'. the n looey tlu-v hoic'stly owe them, i I Here i no loan siiiewd enough to pur sue a course of dishonesty and tr'n kerv. and slill retain, th" favor of 11, l iu lln- woild. or a good ho f glory for the world to cnino. It i- best to settle up, and pay up. and lin n it will be iu order to talk iu the prayer mceiing - ,S',. TTI 'It "'.Si III The canvass for nominees for Si.dc or. lies will sihih begin as the time for the Convention appruaelu-s. The Naliuaul Cointnillce hxs fixed July Klh as the date of holding the National Convent!. ,n and ol course the State Convent ions niu-t be held prior lo that time. Many have ex pressed iiu ir prel'i rciiccs for certain men. Some thinks young men should be allownl lo lake front seals, or at least a portion of them, and some think the present Stale nflieers shi..,ld je i.sked to retire. th the Dctuisratie Jiarly every one is not only ent itled to a is i.pinioii hut has also the right to express it when and i. i i ii . i micro ne pleases mil It Is not always i judicious to force an opinion upon others nor do we think anv attempt of this kind has Ihi'ii made. I'nless there is a lull ex pressinii of opinion delegate cannot act iu accordance witlj life wule of the -opll by whom lin y are sent to the convention lint there ought p, lie a determination on Ihe p.. 1 1 of every Denusrat lo abide bv the action of the Coiiveiitiou ll i- im possible to please all aud il it but fair that ' 7Vi-. those who nrti disappointed should not lit Nouiin.ile an entirely new Stale ticket, their ibu MaMiiiiiiio-iii en to,,... doili,., ' Nol thai we love ihe present Stale olliecrs campaign. The l Uloelatie m ijority in North Car oliu.i i- nn eouil' ,! I ib'.y -iu i'l end only b wisdom and piu haiec em we win the next election.- - Wilson .,l''Mcc. No tine can allonl to placi hiiiis.'li iu a po-iltoii which will render ii i"i' him lo cuter into earn, -I suniinil of llie whole ticket aliei'iiai'l lo n bv hi- parlv. il-oii Viii .,. We w .ii'.l like to v..!" t'or a man for ( tiovcru r who d iin s hi- position i n lh ' ' loteeti'.c laritl. " as i learlv as does ( '. '. Waller I.. Slide If it i-ibe wish ol lh : ll.-iniH-ratie coiiVeiitioii. We will lb -Col nomination Concord lliyintn. j We have long contended thai our pres j cut sy-teiu of having a Solicitor iu a d,--Iriet of si v. ral counties, iiis, a.l ut' i.ii - in ; each county, had very much to do with the increase of crime by llie failure of its ; punishment, l udcr the r. -, iil arrange i iik ii t it is impossible ti.r ihe Solicitor to ! gather the facts in the many eases he has I to try without the vuluuj try aid of the j good people in tin' seciioii where the crime is committed. - Hickory Vumliuinu. The name of I loii C. M. Cooke, of I'ranklin, is being spoken of very of often iu several sections for the nll'ice of (io eruor of North Carolina. The detiioeials could h odly put up a man who would ' g t more vole., but we tire not prepand', to say wh.lh-r I In s di-liiigni-heil gentle- j man aspir. s to the pn-iliou. ur Would cm- sent to allow his name to g,, before the j ('oi,veiit..n Ih'ing a tin.' l..tty.-i. he is j also one of the best lin n, and one of the i best spukeis iu the State. - Franklin ! j th" mill -ton s tii'iy vard.-. No reports from lb" interior of th" county have bui'ii received, bill il is feai 'd that the loss of life and property is very great. ISeports from lieavi r I lain iu Ciiiou county, says licit several houses were com pletely wrecked lh. ii' by the cyclone and several persons wounded. Near I'olkloii a man and his wife living iu a farm hou-c bad lh -ir hoii.-- blown away. The woinm a- kilhd and llie lliaii caliglit iu the timbers and badly in- Ill -.til ll It A Tlf ( (N l : l lll. The ( niuinlllec's t all I'm- its Meeting at Cliicag;ii on July Htti. Naliond Kxeoul've Wa.-liingliiu on I'ri to onl r by Cliair- jur, 'fh" Ih'.iioei'.ilie Cotumillec met at day. and was call -d man liainuiii : A resiilulioli w:is adopted advising the tevitol'ie.s to send two delegates each to the convention, but leaving the -m h inn of their admis-inti tu Is- dceid 'd liy the con vcnlioii it- If. On nioli iii .!' Mr. Il witl llie coininlt- tee proceed,' I I i ballot on the lim- for holiiiii ; ill ' convention. .1 line L' ll h was ! agre doll, v i Ii a large mill. lily in fav. r i .fa laler i ax '1 11 - ro'l was then called ' for th pre -enl. u ion of nam nf place- I'. r j In J. 1 1 ii : ti' ion',, mi u. Il.ihiiiioie (in- '. ( 'bieag.i w, re named lie nil., I- id III ' eomuiillec. 1'wi llty iuiu",'..'.s cadi was lii -it giwu lo the tn an ' ii-t' T!v dii'cc ; spek" nn n ol 1 1 .- il l ali.-ii- urging tue beiweeii Ki-s.-r i claim- of i ill. r l.l citi -, 'I'he argiinu ids O HO 1 11 I ' I. Ill" coinilllll 'C pl'oc -edeil Wlll'.- ! out delay to th b ill. it The i!i-t bailot resulted. Chicago St. I,.ni- It. Sara- Ib j.i.rt-IVoiu l.illi.igioik. Harnell ciuuily, I ga , ,i,isville 1!. Cm iuiuli I; seoud 1 ..,,.r i-,l ., p..,.ui.. r.... vi.,iu..iu ..i.inu .....i e. i -...i r .. V f" Sts-V 'ioimiis hi ei mhu Miiuri'.i H i sen ses .;in I v voKeiaiiie, Hiisoiiiioiy certain in STAN"JAIID ' ,"tS;h, il ici'i' di d oir. eis.ninl ael nioio hMiiiptly ill ourinc nil tonus of Malarial ust'iises iiiiiik itioiiii-i in iiumuie, Willi. ml nnv ol llie lllllirli'lls eiiiisouiii.iioes ivbii-h f. lb, w their use. lt'iMkciiiMTiisiniiiilly by s'is,ins cxpisisl in nmlariu lll'V W ill OV ll l the lHils.,11 .lli.l .....I... I ill. .in Ir- I..I..L' l.'i..l..u...l 1... .u.. ,,'frS,''"'!1': e'n iiiisls mid physh inn- us bcine the best, choius'sl anil l.triisiintest 'WtyJff1. ill e 1; ii. mil Tin. v.. ...t ..I . i l.l t,.l... il ..i.i I... I1-.....1.. . . .......... ....... . ' ii S iiii.i i, in nine o.viii. ev.,i 1 1 1 . ll((Klsi.s: H1K1 ii .in nn-i 'i iiiois, oi ii, num. I'lllcK. TW KNTV -K1VI-: CKX IS A llllY. ,.wlat Iho l'o'i'le Say. My wil'.-uilil Invself lutvo llsod ynlir "Stilllihird Cuni . ..... . r,..,s, ii,ioei,;.ie no iiiiiui T irillll.ll' Will Mnlarhl ns Ii.iikiis the Pillsiire ilhoiit - llnrrv .1. Shoemaker. P. XI.. 'l ull vl,,wn ;'a. 1 t, .1 .k the I'l lis neeoidiii 1. 1 ilireil ions und thev iimvi-d tn Ik- iusl what ivasneedi il Uev. K. .1. I'lK hi'iin XI. K. I'linreh. SI. (loiirues. ii l. 1 mil woll iieuseii w iiii I'.iuori s .suiinnuii i uro nils. nave irieit iheiu im a yroat .-, i n t l is. nn e (inoeii snei essui m woi y UISUIIICC. IIOV W (irl iki-.iciiiiiin nn i nuts nun lever uii'i nil xiuliinal iliseiiser. M. ,1. (Ionium, M .. liiillns. Ti'xus. 1 used y uir in inv nruclleo with unod result's .iironzo W iiiti', XI. i I'ilisili 1 1, Xlnss -1 have handled vinir pills fur malaria r the pa-! lour yen is, wilh boiler s. li-mcii,,ii iluui any nthor reiiicdv fur some 1 s nses.-l'rods. Ilnnf. iruji,-i-l..loisi-v i in-, N. .1. Vnur I lull Pills have un d iiiutiy very stublsirn i uses, Itov. XI. K. Vnil. l'nle.lnnlii Miss 1 tue hem in my prai 11 v - lieo. (1. Hueki'r, XI. P., Ausiin Texas, 1 use thorn la my practice olteeiu ilk. J. .1. Xlel.eiiure. XI. Ii. Iniliiin, 'lexns. Ynlir pillt mm- S-.I..U. i use iiiniiv in my .riiciiei'. or. Jl. I. lllllili, suiill .wor I jui. 1 injj STANPAIII) Cl'lti: CO., Proprietors, P.i7 IVnrl St root. New York. it. X ek rpur SI PURGATIVE 11, p it from liiles'.iile says thai several U"--r-'c a I killed near ill il place. Ainoiiiig lie-d ad Ii. und w.o. a luoihcr w it Ii Ii r liabc eiaspcd lo Iter br th ' wind had . ill i -I io a swamp. 'I'll -lolui I in an . :!- il i II.. II il'oill I u k III .' ll lltl, I'elWeell ami .Manly, ilcsl roving cvirvthin: P, h. . ; ciutiaii. I..1111-X il: i-i . iioiii I I in us ; Wile says ix a ; path oi'llie -ien ih-al' there. At Hamlet lho-e who .siwlhe hurricane say that it could hardly have been Worst . That place was just on the edge of il. There was a continuous Ha"h of lightening for three or four hours and the heavens appeared tube mi tire. About the time the storm struck lbs kingham it was terri ble. At Hamlet one of the hardest rains fell that has ever been seen. found in the j ball"!. I liieic.:,! I'd. S:. Louis Sara- toga '1. third ballot. Chicego 21, St. Louis IT. After a reee-.s th ' coinmiNeo re-assem bid and issued tlv following call : The National Democratic Committee having met in the city of Washington on the l.nt day of February 1SSJ, has appointed Tuesday the fStli day of July next at noon, as the time, and chosen the eily of Chicago as the place, for holding the National Democratic Convention. Kucli slate is entitled to a representative Iu Johnson county great damage wis there c.pial to double the number of its h bv ihe -loin i It blew down the Sen ilois and r. .resi nlalivesinllieCiinglv,ss o tbc lulled Males. Hie IVuioerats of cub iiiganieil territory and the Dis less, but that we love ihe North Carolina Democrat v more. This move is essential to the success tif the party iu the cumin'.' elislion and I t th convention assemble llie min i i, in The net election will have to lie car ried by hard Work. The llcpublicnin will luakc every effort, assisted by tbo ad i tlml "lie thought ministration and their congressional Coin- i ,'v,'r-v ''v1''-'1'' ,''', , . ., . .. , ,,,, . a UlalolllV uneoiulbd III (lie lllslol V inlllee, to fltst their candidates I u 1 v .1 i-' c ii i. ' ! No ll ( .il'olina I leliiocr.icv It w can he accomplished mure easily if the in. I...u III'.. Im.. Ii. ni, .,;'..- I I,, il,, '"J"1' DeiiiiK-raH Ik' liol united The hast that ; means of allr.oling to the polls iu u nlmi hoii- of Mr. Johnson, just beyond Swift nock. daugcinu-U wounding his little child and injuring him mid hi-wife. The U.i. k of (he -on in was in that section, a ipiarter of a mile wide and iu thai space even thing Was swept awa. At A n-M n ilb- 'N hoiiK's were blown lo atoms aud two nn Ii killed. Near Wadeslioro six pi rsons were killed. Tln ae are only a few instances which go lo -bow the daiii.c'e done lo life by the 1 I'Vcl' II-'. Tll' l', i- llltle doubt that fu!lx . tri. t of Coliilubia are iux ilcd to send two delegates subject tu the decision of the Convention as to their ailiiiis-ion. All if cmi-i native cilizcns of the I nilcil Stales, irrespective of past mlilicnl a-isin u hi . and iltlb rencs who can unite wilh us in the erlort for juire. cninomit-al and ciiii-liliitioii.d govci iinienl. are cor diallv im ill d lo join in sending delegates to the convention. And xtlll completely change th blood la the- entire tyitom In three montha. Any person who will take 1 l'Ul each night from 1 to IS weeka, may be raatored to aouud health. If such a thine; be possible. For Femalo Complaint the PIU have no equal, rhyslclana use them for tho cure of LIVES and KIDNEY diieaae. Bold everywhere, or sent by mall tor S5c, In stamps. Circular free. I. g. JOUNSOH CO., Doiton, Hut. Croup. Asthma. Bronchitis, Nonral (la. Itheamatlsm. Johnson s a no. IlYNE I.INIXIKNT(irAilrnalaridirfuJ fV) will IniUnuncouily rwUvvo Ihei lirritHI dlieatel, ami will potiuvulr core nlno cuit out of ten. Information that will asi-c many Uvea arm free by mall. Don't delaj. a toon-cut f raraouoa ti better Uuui curs. JOHNSON'S ANODYNE LINIMENT Ct'llES Inflatnta, Bleedlni at the tonra. rtoara. nets, liaikiiiK ('!), VVtimipinic CisiiJl, Chronic lilarrbois. Ilvientenr, cholera atorbua. Kidney lrualSa,aa4 DUoan i I liio S,iiiu. sid vyrrywliera. ('In ul.ira Ire. I. H. JOHNSON A CO., Uoatou, ataaa. It ia n welt-known fart that moitofllis Hone sn.1 Cattle l-owiler Bold In llili coun try ia Worllileia: that Stiendan'a (Vndllloa aliHoli.leh pure and very yalualle. Nothing on Kafth will make hen InT llkti Nhe.rlilan'ar(ndltlnn fna. dor. Isite. one teanooonfiil to each Dlnto ' Il will alio pomuteU ureyent and enre t Sold eyerywhart, orient bynallfortv ta 4! HI OK EN f'HflLPRA I"""!" riirilUlidlIllarrriii,prlcf1.0i. l.yiiull.llKk w.iawiaMia wi m w waHaar vawuan irs. a a tit-iui. LARGK STOCK OF FURNITURE. CLOTHING FOR MEN", YOUTHS & CHILDREN ,11'ST Heceived u Keautifu! Lint! of ZKKiLKHS SIIOI'X Direct I'roiii MauJ- ttirers. for Men, Ladies. Misses and Children. We also have a laive line, of those (Vh-limted BOOTS and SUOKS, Mamifactund by the Hay State Shoe and leather t'uiiipiuiy, which we WAHnMlT To PLe$e1 We have just tilled one of th stores under Literary Hal! for the purpose of cuudue- tina A W II 0 L K S A L K IM' S I N K S S. Fully alive to the wants of the people and rccognizm-: the Stringency of Money, we are determined to sell goods at - fa iiii in Call and see us and you will be uinvinei'd that we don't intend to be I'N DKllSt Thankful fol' the Liberal piitroiuiee hestowed upon us. we arc Uespect fully P. N. STAIXHACK k CO. tkefSinith's Puick Hlock Washinotoii Avenue. Weldon, X. C. nov 2") 1y FRENCES SUPEEIOE COLOGNE ! Is a Frus-rant and Last'ino PK1U-TMK for the Toilet and Handkerchief. I?-Price $1. 50c und 25c a vial. " ' lillE IIEOS LAY SUM A VUs ttvaloa, Mats. ,l.iti:i-l-. I N G E ' S OLD STAN D. LARGE STOCK (IF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, I am 1 r 'pared to sell GOODS CHEAP. - IK YOU WANT 1M1V (KM IDS, CL( Tlll.(i. lit ( ITS, SIIOKS. H ATS, CAPS, NOTIONS, OR ANYTHING ELSE Vou have i nly to KXAMIXK MY STOCK To be convinced that here is the I'L A('K TO Hl'Y. I have tin cleatil line of Ladies Cloths, Ca.shnicres, and other late styles of Dress (i. s.ils, Aud men's, youths and hoys' ilothino. THE H ANDSOMEST STOCK IN TOWN. !i ills' Handmade Shoes and Shoes of all the In -t nukes. Full stock of filler's Shoes always ud ll 1M I. A eomplcte lino of ladies and geutleiueu'f I'ndcrweur. Hats uf the latest uud most apprortc Styles, FRENCH'S f lEitoli f tilt MtteEi! Cures Dysiepsia. Chills and Fever and all Disorders of the Liver aud Stomach.. Price 5ile H-r bottle. ' ' . () 1 FRENCH'S C H O L K U A A N D D I A R R H K A M I X T U U tt" Never fails to Cure Diarrhuia, Cholera Morbus Pains and Cramps in tlt ijUitaiach. Price 'Im u bottle. -()- F R E NO H'S -AlTIOA. LIZSTIIIvtElTT I Is the best for Rheumatism. Xeuralia. Headache, Pains, Cuts, Rruisuti, &a. 50c ht bottle. PRKPARKD RY W. E. .FRENCH, WHOLKSALK DRCtKUST, Prie PKTKHSIH'Hti, (s t 1H Cm VIRfllNIA. PATRONIZE THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED CENERAL MER CHANT IN WELDON. I laviiio removed into to brick store formerly occupied by A. M. Iup uud having ,ur, li.isi'il a curry ihe Slal - bv o"" pis, pi,- were killed in (ieoi': i.i by the th" j slniio uud fully thns' limes that number '," i111nr.1l. licinv nf t In-ill seriouslv. The iles- miction 10 property will reach SJ.iiiiii.iiiiu. is said and done lx ion by friends of the several candidates, con j s'Mciit with their duties, ihe better it will1 be after the Convention has made its se- lections. There should be no strife in the parly, hut every one should be willing to ;ive up to the will of the ma jority provided of eourse the nomincca are men of character mid trustworthy and the Ib iniK iuey of the State will nominate no otlurs. The party should determine now to place 011 it ticket men who urn known to be upright, honest, true uud able und so this end is attained it ought, singly mid collectively, to be satisfied. the ('nnv i i liave r.' lr.uu Votni ' lor lie 'SC niinv W tii-lou Mr .1 .1. Lilchford. S.sretarv of ihe Slate Kx'S'iilii Diiiiot ralie Co.iiuiillee, thinks that the contest for the I'eiuo r.itie ibiiiiinalioti for (ioveiiior will ivliy B.iiely S'ltle down to a contest hetwisn three eaiuliiliiti-s Mr Seiles. Mr Coke ami Mr. (iilmer ; and Mr. (liliucr, lie thinks, is fast uttraiiiiij; the Scales strcnoth who has the advantage over Mr. Scales of 1111 extensive personal uciuanlance throughout the Slate. Yes. ho is of the opinion, il' th. re should ho a contest bit ween the (iilllier uud nild Coke men ill the driven I i, .11 . Scales would be the man that I hey would iit.T(H'on, Ualeijrh Corrcsjsjnd "iiee, Wa.-hinetini (lazcltr. IM HUMS. A remarkable is-currenee happened al Mr. .lanes. A one horse iron axled wnirun was blown flout the firm two hundred yards, to a brtui.h, in which it was found minus two wheels nhiih have not yet been found. Yisilin i Mr. Jones was a daugh ter with an infant. Aroused from shvp by the fury of the storm, this lady left her baby on the bed and lb il ill terror. All but the uround floor of the Iiouh- wit swept 11 way. yet after the storm the baby was found ipii illy sleeping on the b si win re it had been laid, although one of the busi railings was subsequently fuuud nr. t in oi' k tin it uit.;s ixi. Thl- j 1 iik ni 1 inen .Hid Chiisliaii eriiil, 111,111 iln.l ul his resilience iu this eily Thiirsilay inoriiin. in the tilhh year ol his age. The distinguished deceased was horn iu Mariin ( 'mi ul v. X. ('.. was a brother of the late .lil'lio.' -a Higgs who was ap poiuled to his judicial position iu 1S."7, while n pr, M illing Ins Mule 111 the I. til ted Slates Senate, and also of Jos. D. Hi '.'i-s, Fsi.. of N. ('., who now surviveji him. Col. I lic-s movisl to this city alio it thirtv vials ago, and entered into the VoiniiiisMoii business, which he siuvess fully carried on up to about one year ago, when he retired. He was popularly known throughout this and the adjacent Slates under a linn name wilh his brothers as Kmhr Rings Si Co. He was an tiinmten tatioiix Christian gculleuian, and the city, Church and business circles mourn the loss of such a distinguished citi. 11. Nor folk .'Y:Il'' .Wri. hi JLJL J T I U 1 WELDON, N. C. Keejis (snistautly on huml a lull line of DRY HOODS, XOTIONS, HATS, ROOTS. SHOKS, (SROCKRIUS; Ac, a. HIS HARDWARE STOCK Ini'luJeaall of ( snieiilers Tisili, Killl.llnr Msteriala, (.In ami Haw Klls. FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. UK RI'YS RKDSTKADS, Rl'RKAl'S, WASH STAXDS, TARLKS, C1IAIR TIX SAFKS, u. i,- j-jvq- CAR LOAD LOTS. A line of Osikiiig and Heating Stoves, also Stove pipe aud Klbowa all aiaea. Having uiople nieaiis, he 1mys all his gissls for CASH, (ieta all the largest di eoiiuto, aud cuu therefore sell giroda as CHKAP as auy house IN THE STATE. Call aud examine, and yuu will be lure U buy and SAVE MONEY.

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