lOsSaft xlfiM HALL & SLEDGE, l'Hui-iu ktoks -A- NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. TBIIS - ''t;l; ANM M l Al'M'l H 5 VOL. XII. AVKLDOX, X. C, Till USDAV, MARCH 6. 188-1, NO. jO. r , a i- i- t; la 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W . EHigtT Attorney and Counsellor at NultKnl.K. VA. Humus 2 nnil 3 Virginian lliilldinij. Law, ocl j 1y. Ii RANCH St B K !. I. , Atluniej a at Law, KSI IKI.il, X.c. Priirtlei' In ihe cnunih-. of Halifax riiiiiU- uuU WIUoii. ('ullu.th.ua niHilJ Nunh, K.tire in all imru Jn. 12 tr stale, It H. S M lT II J It. Attorney at Law, WdTI.ASDNKi K,N. C. IWllecs In the CHiiinty r ll,ilf,lX ,) nl j. i tiur imiiitica, hikI in the fii,n iiu.c..iirl of the suite. i I Hi iy (,K, liiAIIII Ai H V M A N. Attnrin- at law, " HALIFAX, K, I'. Oltlec In the Court House lu all I .ranched of the imift Juii VI ly strict aiu-niion given 'i II (I il A S. II I I, Attorney at l.aw, - Halifax ;!. t,: - .; l'r''l lu Halifax ami a.ljiitiiliign,iiiitl,,ii,l Ft-ih-ral anil Suirvint courts. aim -"tf. T Vt M A Sll S , Atlornry at Law, UAI(YM'li, S .('. rractlrcs In tin- cuuMa uf X.irthaniitnn ami ail J..111I11K cunulies. also In the Federal mid supreme cotirln. Junes If. w A I. T K K K. Ii A N I K l Altiirncy at l.aw, VtKI.lxiN, M.C. 1'ractirc. In Halifax anil adjoining niunlim, h,ecinl aiti'iilioii kUimi lu colln'tlmi. ill all inrl uf Hit' sinic ami nruniiil return, made, 111. 17 ly. W. 11 ALL, Attorney at Law, WF.I.IKJN, Jt r, Special attrtiliim Riven to cullcclliiua anl remit tances promptly mute. may 1 u. M l'LI.E. i. M (Ml K K, Attnrurya at Law, i ; Halifax, n. v. I'rilcth'e in tin' euuiithsiiif Halifax, Northampton, KdHt'Colllla.', l'lll ami Martin In tin Suprcl 'tiurt ol ihe State unil in the Federal Cmirta of the rjuirii ileal il l. tollcitluu mailt' In an) u of ihvM.au-. jnn 1 ly 1) It. J. K S II I Y. I. US, Surgeon l)i nl lit. llavl u.n.iai.titlv I.M'MU'il ill Wclilitll. Call l' Km nd at bb ulliiv In riniitli Ura l liulMIn at all llmea rxrt wlunalan nt on proli Miiiiiial iniuncis i ureful attention given to nil hranchea tl Hw pr. Kwiiuii. I'artial vlalied at tlulr li.aui" mIiiui W alitd. July t.'ly. D1 iR K. L. 11 1'NTI It, Surgeon Dentlat. 0 ( an tic Ciunil at hl offli In Entlelil, Pure Nltnni" i)xMet) for Ihi' Pallium Exlrae- UiiK of Tfrth alwaynon nann. jtlljll ULLIMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD. CONSTIPATION, tXT al bottom of riba; wartiwa. Urtujimfi ; lonfiiaialrf.tam llyHaudw4t ; aatlo... ey,..liilL.lry ri.A,tt APDrLtAT,,!.1;,, KVn.t In n. (KMIw SmfmlonliihTad. '''V0u.nnhraoniM vTnkirve unne .lark or l.h.ti .tap"; MUH LIP, hrn, tlnglni. hMrina dnwa 11. tri..l -if "" HlART, bi mi - ' a"1" Vfi.ViHiia.ra. M4tyrMa.j JuaaHly I ' ' j 1 M. L.JACOUS&BHO.. HALIFAX, N. C Our bar coulalin all lh cholrwf brauda hi.l,l..a. la-ir and mlxtd drluk ' .'. ...anm-r. tl, Uaanrttaa """ .'".T;.: Tl., Wl .d ei.. tUtiU. FAMILY GROCERIES baud and "t k .oiilinuany nv - BILLIARDS AMD POOL r...,l. fur cualouu-ni and Uie cu"1"4 Tahlaaalwayiwadylur tuu jx rrZ XZ ti 'Pms ANNIE LAURIE. Till ... V" , V '"f-wni igu. .... . , n(ini imil rrulii li;liii,t irm-J beraway, Hn-au-.l. "Ami tiow.my fiir,,riii. "i,, y.i , . A-tiirnl,,,. ,. ,.,.,,) s r;;l,r""1','''fvi.ireha,ih. Mill 111 liUl,,,m rlnginit The lihl hand, turned lb. bar of v -m. AI"HKlhwnrt.,ry, Till iii ballad. ..l aml.troiig II M...'.I at An Uuri The llitlii ha,,,) mn,, ,M, "fl prrlude. Ami Ihe.ilbe .rami ol, V1.,;,K fluWr, Tike mm ile,, iia.y Mr.r Aili li'carr.siit. trg.ler ilarn Thai II.ihiM in, . ftn'ibnartil -' oa .,.i Ii.c,p, A hupp. ir,,B ,, 1, I IIV "IIUTIT MllUf. tin; ilr'ai.ir ilnuik And In hi. i,. nV,.,,!, ,,,(, llii'loM' of Aiinb' Uur't br aft tin, t.nrld I" " :ia ,i Willi iii lennm ,ra-loiiulil nil . Ilnl II,,' .oui; . .am i u, e m, I 111' 'Irt'iuncr Mill oiii liHihnl. An.l heu at b'lialh tti.- ....i, igg. II lust .ur M ,-, l,,., dvliiK. SB ill l hi. f.i'i thr .Irvam.T i,nniir Hi. fill' l.r.a.1 lliroMiiug .lulling Tn- throb, tin- .iah. broke from control - II a a. "tin- old, old nlorV Live Ml her eye.. .,u- mi, pi hi- ,m And she w a. Annie I.ii, rie. t ...... .. , Oh .rnfer.almrl Hh, rlnamo r, dnnt! And ina yairainKi,ur, dn'Hiaiiut Ne'er kB', iiTtli.r) li s. il sh am , Sit lull h-mii II. IiikIi v i'ming I III' dill f hint!.. THE UWYES SECRET. It was in it liixiiriiinsly f'tirnii-ti.-tl moiii lu ru a uluwiit" irrato t,jirw teiiial liclu and warmth upon llt (Hfuijnii tlmt tim oral i.aiit. m, inwvcr ami millinnmri', lis- bint; 'lli baU'tl 1r-at)i ami .alli,l (Iim ka i a Inw nnil liiilmliuiia vwicv tliut told u sttirv ! a !ifi I Marker, a beautiful woman nf abiitit tb'rty, ya tea jeari yuunrr than Mr. Iaiiefton, reclitiexl in low cusliiiiiii il iair, her iittitmli' both ii'aluii'' nf tlm ;isi- wealth L-ivea, bill Jut lace wa full uf the (lei-peat augu'uili nut her li(m roeoiiiileil ine story. 1 mi love ine, she salil irenllr. vet natlb', "ami I love vnu aa I iiuver luvnl any tine In fure, altliuuoh 1 am a w'ulnw. That vim know, but iliil lint know my htiKbnnrl's nflmc " Hy mv uncle a laat re- iiieitt, i ilroi'i(J it and Umk his with the pmperty he had left me. lo nut look at e tenili-rly, (lerald, dn not shake, my lire or niv heart, fur when ymi know who I am you will nut repeat the offer you mailu me. and which , heaven i mv Viiliti'sri I (i ml lu divert. Iet vour conm-ieiicv be at rest there," said her lintem r in a irrave, yut t ndcr voice ; "you have never triven me one hoiic, Mamie, l'v what iiiitinct I knew that you loved me I ran never tell. S..iinc- lliiii" in your even niniie lone of your Voice lielraycd yon. II. as you say, niiiiie thMio in Vour iat lite dues wiiaiate ll you have been no euijiicUi' to torment me Willi lale hoics Itut Maude, tell In aL'alil, whatever tainl Uelweeii tii. Null lnvf nie ' "1 love vou," ahe said gravely ; "junl it ia bei-autu I love you t'l.it I wdl out le, you link your huorahle name with that uf the wretch who w;is my husband I wn Very yonm; uot aixtreu when he came In make a visit to some iirmls living at (Irabank. Uncle Kiehard ha a country et near the village. I first met Alexau dur at a fiieuie, whero ho was the vary life of lie jurty; everybody', wvalier ; rourtiwns to all ; full of wit and aniinalinu end aenicia to all. I believe every pirl on thetfwiud llnmht she bad captiva ted him, bis nilrnt ions were o well di- vidiHl an J vet an impressive to eeh one. He elaimcd to !' mi inure thad a sales . . . t I I 111:111 to a larj,e wiiuicnc nuiise wi.h a jjood salary, but be bad the inauih r-. of a Kentlemiri of edueatiun. and the most per feet beauty of luee and form that I eur t , II,;. saw in a man. It was iioi long ueioie n wait eviilunt ho wi-bed to win my love. oi, he had an ens tak Stieh love a a I uf i:.tc n cm L'ivc I uave In in II. .. : '. . .e !........ I. ... ..i was ine iniovTMioai ion oi c.cm m- ih oi Mielrv add lieiion with whom my l iioled reading had made tnd lanr.har. .Vlioul firl like I bad ui.ul.l an ideal hero, and lilted t'lN'.lnv ti'sl idlnirer. with all h;. iuiainarv j'l'eeliuilt-i I'liiOi Uie lirsti I aele Itieliard dl'kesl him. pioiiuuncin;; linn lulu; unil hallow, and assu'ing me tliut my pepieial allrac tioiif had not Won hi" heart; but the fad of m- beini; nn heir.' to a larce pniH-rly had j;aiiicd me ihe protestations iu whieh 1 s r'tfjf beli'Vi'. JJ iHapaimul moiy io me now. i.er Id. I.el it sulTii-e that I lived in n W ..'Id plcnsiinl driaina while Alexau dcr re.uained at . tire-uanli hen he l me he ear ied luy prouils.' to be Ins wiv at liM.-iuiM". I ll ii'x B iny luoiwy had ilepiii l 'd on I'n. le ltii lul l, mv in.iiri.ip- no-ni n.ic been prf itcd by hi" tlireatciiiu to di inhrit ine, but both I'miii my father and in.itlirr T bad in)icr;t"l money thai iilmIi- me indea)iideiit, iu a pccuui.ny seliv, id 1.1. A.,nir,il or colitfm. I. in v", .". M.i oriideiue; v. however, mule dn n n . l Alexander,' retfiltiue; pi no wont rcpori than that his employer llioni;iii nun oim t.lln Hill iuat the nun to lie a tortiiue hunli ". Kveu tlifii my l.uve nroteeted mv fortune Kveu then my dci r mu le wmihl bv aetthiiL' II UHn myself; but with the ns kl kl.-sa p urr erxiaity '" extreme youth I refused to have this done. .evr, I waa uiuiy cm. iu. r., would my adored Aleiamler wimio me iu ndf tdv. i ' ' ' M "For a yfar after the splendid wi.l.lin that made me Alexander wife 1 was very happy. 1 s u, k"mtut Tl,llu' t , understand that we were livinjr far be- v.nid our income i'iijoye.1 to the utmost .i. . 1... around me- (he isilKlant ine i.. - ...,j.tl.al aua in ailch slrmiv! contrast l- Ihe :hiH.I routine fnnn which I had ! u ..i....a.,.l "Then U-ku !'" "i' ulKtt uf ouam'ling, hn I obj-tJ to my . hua band course of conduct -his drintiiijj hiaextravaKaneeand hia late houm. Mill 1 found mv owu plea"iir.-s in s.s'ieti.'a It waaVour yrr M't ') ''"''f hcn I was thunderstruck by Alexander asking me to reined, a loan of ney from J'liele Kirlwnl. inf"""" adil.il that every penny of my r..rty . M tl.l u i.rvi a t t I. ..fii llnat a ,H,rt'ion ofit w 1 -t ,be P" Ulile. iW.n.iil flu. II I IIUVU Ul'" - Iiiil' bel'urj this 1 bad lost all love fur my husband. Keniavt had died out when knew the diasipaled life he was leading, and fouIMi as 1 was, I could not coiiiinue to l,,ve a loan whiilii 1 despised. I refuacd the errand, and brought down a torrent of such great abuse thai I really expeited that Alexander would end by strikiui; me. lav a'ler day tho rvotient was rtnewed. but I would not yield. I'poii mv uinr ri.n;e, I'ucle Kiehard bad sold tile city reaideiiee and taken a permanent abode at tiraasbank, where, kiiuwiiij; luy busbiiiid to be an unwelcome iruest, I uever vi.-ited him. I wrutc oevasioiially, but the love of years, like that of a father and child, bad been so s:i(l!v sirained by my jiornisU nee iu niarrviii).' Alexander that even our cor respoiidence was lanjiuiil and coiuiuoii ilacc. ' I would not. Ibcrefore, write to him to a.-k a favor that I knew would not have been necessary wiihoK criminal reckleSMieKS of e: pcndiiiivcs. and each re I'iimiI made my husband more furious. Then came an overwhelmine; blow. Al exander forced a chock and d.vw JL"J.iniil of I'liele Kichard'a money from the bank. 1 don't think my uncle would have pros ecuted him had he ".iiessod who was the former, but be handed ihe whole matter over to ihe law as aoou as it was dieov ercd lhat the check Was forced. It was then I race. I to Alexander, and at the same li'ueil was found lhat he had robbed iu the si .no way his former exployers. lie had i v 1 1 up all work upon his uiar.ia ;e; but when he found hiunu'lf without tuoiii'V. his kiiowlcd .'c of the biisiucs." en ablcd liMli to I'or.'C ihe name of Melkiss Co. Kveu if I 'ne'e ll'chaid had spared liim for my sake the other furjie-y would have entitled hiiu to penal servi tude, lie Was aeutenced to t seve.l year", and uncle took ine home full of heavenly piiy and forgiveness for the child who bad trea.ed him so uneiatet'ully." "Then your husband is in prison?" said licrald. iu a hard, strained Voice. "No, no, he is dead! lie died wilhin the first year. 1'ncle Kiehard saw the death in a paper, and sent tho money for the burial. No, I am free; but none the less, 1 am the widow of a convicted felon." "Itut. none the les.-." iiinled licrald. "the woman 1 honor and love above all others, and hope s.ill to make my wile." It took, however, mure than one inter view , 'ull of love s pie; dill",, to wi'i Maude from her resohit;ou. She an honored her ov.r, and was so proud of his Loud name and lite posiliou ho Lad attained by his talent, that her aeusilive lluture sh-ank from even the shadow of her misery upon his I'iii. But ihe victory was won at last, and the lawyer walked home one cveiiiut: full of a pl'oillid. J'lad jny, for Maude had thou promised to be bis wife. "li'you are w'lli'i to take Alexander Hull s widow lu bo your wi'e," she said. "I will uot oppose uii any luner, for I love you wiih all my hear.." Ilo had no thought but uf that rd.ul 11111111, Il when he lllllled up tile put iu III-, i din'-, lie was iu the habit of making a late visit there before fiuin up to bis bid room, iu rase liutea or liies.-ai'CS Were lc i for him. One lay there on this evening, a shabby look'n"; envelope, but divelnl in a bold, handsome hand which be rccoe. nize.d at once. He tore it open. After a fuw word of introduction, tbu note ran : ' Vol! did the lie. I ou could o.l In lri.il, Imt Ilia Ctets weru too stung i'o you. I have now last ,ivoi to ask 01' you. I d'e, as you know, at noon t.-tm.'iw. You. as my lawyei, can ace me at any tine. Will von ciniie an soon a" you i-e.-'vu tiii", ami uilli the Xrat'tinlc ol the until you know a-. Jam km KoX." "The loan 1 kn,,w as .lalms Fox." I mntterisi the lawyer; "the smooth. 4:in,i j blc scoiindr ! who aelually inade me be- liec linn Minm eiit of the hideous inuribr j for which he was coiiv'ciod I can find t liuaiii'li for so'.ue nun d, ii. but tbla I e .Id bliaideil aSHsination id' an old Iran on nn, ley unlv Was revulliicj. How be deceived ine, tlloilll. "or d t'lnc. Add how lie exulted over his sii, ccns in doiii;; -I when he aaw- 'acts were Usi Si-iiiil;. i1! I go to Mm 7 I aupjMiiM I must. It is still very tariv. It was not yet midnight when Gerald anirtou waa ushereil into ihe cell of the uuu who. i.. a tew rdturt hours, "' w.u, to ."t the extreme U'lia'ty of the law for t lie wont of all crimen. Yet (hero w as nothing revolting iu the appearance of ihe criminal. Ilia dress was neat, his hair carefully arranged, hi moustache I'auli lens, his hand white and refilled lookino. Ile rufe from his seat iijniii the bid as bis lawyer entered the veil. "1 knew you Would come." he said, , ourteously. "though you w, re i, fiend, d at my w.uil of fiaiikiicM. W'cl1, that is ad over. You wdl not refuse the Us reijucst of a dyint; tu in, Mr I. iiioi,u Not it' I ran finiiit It.' wis the reply. This," said the murderer, "is not my fu st offense against the law. Sol'.ie yea in io 1 was s.'n,euced to a term of years for turnery. Ity a sliaiiire aciidput I 'rtpisl the penalty. On the same day Jiimes Km was s. uteuccd to two yivarw for pty ii.r.-i nv, and we were a, nt looether to priarni. James Fox my Coinpauion, tin deistatid, not myvlf w;is dera "tired, but his lawyers had not Urn able to save biin. as bis all, ri.nioii was not alwavs nppareiit. W hen we wero entered ua.n tlie h..k" of the prison, imagine mv auisrenii ut wh-n my fellow prisoner i.ive my name for his own Like a Hash I mw the advaulao., to be gained by the dis'cpliou. and allowed the error to pass My companion tsmi niitted suicide, and I escaped with two years' Imprisonment instead nf seven. Itut I feared recoonilion and went to Canada. There 1 lived by mv wits until a year aun. hen 1 returned to try and ruise u ey from mv wife, and ihuiirdit I Hawaii e.is ter I'lun ny rounniitinej ine crime lor which I din tomorrow. Itut I want fo see mv wife. I wronged her 1 robbed her - lull heaven is my wilnosn, I love her When I was in prison she dropH',l mv n line ami tia.k In r own niiii. So it is not fur Mrs Alcxaudir Hull you must a.k. but for Maude TcUipIc," Was the room rs'ling the eeilimr fall inv,' the wall elioe,' aroinid him? (b raid I.au, loll fell lhal tiny Wile, a" the name fell upon hi" cars Maude Ilia Maiuh -the wife of this t ool Villain who t ilked of his hideous rriiuca as if they were ordinary events? Well, he knew that to carry this man's lncAsaeje was to se piirate himself from Maude Werover. Never would she let Li in marry the widow of a murderer! Very rapidly all of the terrible facta passed one ufter the other, and ho said; "If you love her why add a misery lo her life ? She may have livid down the old paiu you have caused her; why. for a selfish Ratification, will you make her whole life a misery ?" "She is my wife! I would bid her farewell." 'She is not your wife. Your own crimes have released her from any allegi ance to you." "You know her ?" "Yes! I know what she has suffered, and bej. of yon hi let her still believe yon died veal's niro." "She i happy ?" "Sifcely that, inch wounds as hera tirvcr lusil eiitiiijy, but il is cruelty to tear them open when they are ipiiot!" " 1 las slid ma tied ?" "No I She is "till jour widow." "It is hard to deny myself ore more siulit of her face ami the hope I had that she would say she forgave inc." "Think of her, noi, yourself." There was a Iihil; siienoo iu the oell. Kvcy throb of (ierald Lanton'a heart was fain to him. but Alexander Hull sat iu ui ly silence; evidently reluctant to pYo up his w ish At last he spoke. 'Vou have been very piod to inc. Tell mj now, it jon lavs any H-rmuml reason Ibr your request. Perlu jis you love her?" "I do !" was the reply. "She has pro'nised to be my wife" "Tiien it will be .lames Fox who is lianoed to-inori'iiw ! I meant to trivc my 'eal na-ne, but 1 will curry my secret to my firave. It may bo in another world that the little last self-denial will be a plea for uu'. tionow. You may (rust ine." lie kept his word, mid (ierald Langtim his secret. When Maude, a few weeks late.' bc eame his wife, she little truesii'd the ter rible o-deal which be had spared her, or the lidded distrrare that belonged to the name she had given up. Exrhunyr. CIBLETS. A rhlladc'phia cat, while exploiiiio a cht rdi spire, fell seventy feel w'thoiil hurting herself. The mother who puts up fruit siam dis covers her buy's politics. He is always a Cuiisetvnilve. The Vitiiliil says that Fred IVil";lass has all li's children iii.i"ieivd on the pub lie as clcl'l s. I' leil Is ccl'lallily very Hear to beiie: a w hile man The KlisrlMi courts have just bad be ton- tin in the W'tt o a l rd I tianis'tlor, inakiiij. (be f'oiir.'i disputed w!l of Kiio land's ercucsi, lawyefs in the lust few years. W'ealthv men, piMliciihulv rich lawyers, if liny want a w',1 wr!,.in so tint it will stick, should employ a ncwsiianer mau to write 't. It is only in I'.nroiie that yuuni; men i .iii know what tin y are d,,iiiL' in the vculy is-rioil al w liieli tin y whs l a male. II is ihcciisoiin iu some parls of ( ir. ece for oirl to wear cjc.n nl'y on her heed, all the luoiiey she possesses so that any yoiiiiK man di s'ii i" ui in; n v her may know how iiiiieli her doHery is. "Now, ilai'liiur, will ymi "rant hie. one favor before I l'o '.' "Vi. (ici.rL'e, I will," she said, drouiiiuir her eyelaslnw end iri'tiiiifj lit"" lipH in shape. "What is the favor I can jjraiit yud '.' ' "Only a little suiil' at the piano, love. I am afraid tin n is a doir oil, side wuitilluT fur uie, and I want to scire him away. Ihe alisiml It.it.it ot w'eiuiii isanuh is uiuloiibtcilly one oftbe causes of tin flood Kadi js rson should ls nspiired lo 1. 1 the la'n full into the ordi.iary clothiliu'. wliere it will atay. (f.hcrwise, the w.i'er runs off into the gutters, helps to swell tin riu r and we ere all drowned. Invalids, who may be obliged to wear jjoss; tiers, .should get inlu ihe sireoi-ciirj and let the w:ui I run off inio the other passengers. LAUCHLETS. (iets very hot -bended scT' tehcd a match. when it is If the backbone of winter isn't broken it mini he Urn lily water-soaked by this time. While we fellows are scratching to earn our living the crematioiiists are taking incisures o urn their dead. Tho :rl who fWsu't g!are her front hail and forehead with bandoline should be praised fur her gum shun. The nashicrV wife who is anxious to Ii , 1 1 . - Well ill society is mil II to Id. due for III r lillsli.i'id s lallliv U'lllllii; a uu ae eouiitaut. Can the basiifu' young man who blushes violently whenever he performs pol:ic offices for Ihe ladies be culled the pink u1' courtesy ? "My dear," said a w ife to lu r rich but il'ite.'ite husbaud, "I want S.VM." 'Win t J fur?" he iiiipiin-d. "Sealskin fur," she said, mid he got it. "Johnny." s,,id the editor to his hope ful, "are you in the first class ut s. boo', "No." replied the youngster, who lad s.udied ihe paternal slierl. "I am rcgisli r cd as second class male lm.ltcr." (hie for Itosloii. New Yorker (who has lanr'stuck" more than an hour with the intcllrcUialyoung lady from ltosti ii( "Von any you despise New York men. Then why do you cotiio to New York, and why do you go to New York pa-lies'" Young ladv lro.ii Ibatton "For a com plete iiilelliH tual nst " The II ashiuglou Hatchet has luado wonderful strides toward n front rank in loiirualism. II is vet Youim. hut its 's.ir in being felt alii adv. It is a satirical ami liuiiioi.iii" pap ' - .lot I, ai funny but ju t tii kli.-h ctii.utli. Ii bus an able corps of wiilcls, und an able corps of eager renders, lamit uiiiy she flick. The only absolutely hr. -pnaif buildiUK in the toiiiilry is the ice palace at Montreal. METHODIST CENTENNIAL- THIS! YI'.lll TO UITM"tTHi; t'KX. TI'.NARY OK AMI.HU VN Ml.TII OtlM. HOW Til K M. T.. ( HI Rrit, HOfTH, l'ltn- l'tlsKTlU'KI.KIlll kTKTHKHIIKAT KVKNT. This car, IS.- 1. is a great and notable s yen tlie one in the auiialn ot Amencau .Mcttioilumi. It will wilueNi the celebration of the one hundredth auuiversary of the Methodist Hnw.oi.al Church ou this coulineiit, aud ia ccrtaiii to prove n year of unusual activity aud lirulound interest ihr.nilioiit the wide i Xti lldi-d holders of that powerful leiiuioiu.it ion ol t liimti.ins. I he grand historic facts relating to the bvuctirclit la.acler and woiiderl'ul achievements of Christianity tlirou;;h the o ganiAed plans and the dis'.riues ol Mettloil'SIll iluung its pathway through ibis century of iia existence iu America, are truly i.lienonie Hal, as iicktiowlcdged by the world s lead ing minds, and is one of the grandest problems of the ages. W'lh more com iiiun'cants than any other religious body iu America, it is a natter of interest to briefly review some of the facta of gen !ral interest connected with the history of the Methodist Charch. Beginning in ob- w urily and fis'blciicas, it has achieved for iLself everywhere a most woudcrlul suc cess. 'I'll is great religious movement has, immediately or remotely, so given uu im pulse to Christian feeling and profession, on a'l sidea. that it has come to present it self us the starting jMiint of our modem re ligions history. lu t Tfs t. the year when the Method's! Church was organized iu ltaltimuro, when Coke and Aslmry were acknowledged a'ld set a pi it as Superintendents, or Iti.ihops. there were only I l.'dSS members, fSIt, preachers, til church -buildings, no mil sionaric, and no institiitiiiion of learning within the bounds of tin; dciiuiuinatioiv Kill IV. .in that time tin.il the preseiu .lie growth of Melliuilisin has been almost iu calculable. This result was achieved by men who can well be denominated heroes in he loftiest sense of the word. Ac cepting the mo. to of ,1 oil n Wesley '.heir Church's founder "The World is my I'aiish," lliese men of tied traversed every State ami territory of our great country, preaching the gospel with power and in demonstration of the Spirit building; up the Church. The entire singleness of purpose in spreading the gospel has been their prominent i harai iciisiic, aud to-day American Methodism number within her Various brain hen ii.!ii!!,7 I member ; -,",-So!) traveling preachers, and it 1,7 11 local preachers, ! tll.t II 10 church ediliees valued at SIIMI.INIII.lllllI; 2,'iS iiisiitulioiis of learn ing embracing universities, colleges, scni liarics and high schools; iu 1SSJ had l.'tlt mis-ion ities in foreign fields sent from A .ii" 'lea, besides I, lillii na.ivo helper; a'ld during that year couliilnited for .he C.lllsi 117 ' ol lorep.rn in "siuiis the sum of (J.i.il. II. The M. Iv Church i.i red to join iu th" it Ccliieniii;'! Anuivi'fsa, y tion of ihe Melhiidiil iu Aine.'ica.' w Ii i. 1 1 i more mi IW. 7. and South, has pre 1 ,i' i. i. ui of "the ii' the (Irganizi lpiseop.il t 'Ii ti eh occur in Haiti propose lo coin meliiorate the oreal event (hrouo'ioiil i s entire bounds with suitable services and by raising tutiils lor cilucatiunal purposes, Cl'iiich Kx. elision, and Missions Jiree ' no'.l' objeels to which the liberality oftbe Chilli h will ii itain'y respond. Two m l 'i.u s o" do'1 1 i, ih,, aiiioiiut proHscd to be raised lid th so ubjeeis, and that this purpose can be accomplish, d there should be no doubt, it ',! ceii.iiuly nn, e.thaust the treasury of this str ing Church with its ne i ly nine bundled tlnuiviid mcnibers. It may be in.er.Mtine lu our readers to reeoint what Aio.iiiV.ii Mcthoilisni has hiihi .to in ciunpli' bed uu her Centenary occasion". We lird revert tu the Ceiileu lii.il of KIM As the liVst Mr hodist So ciety w is f, rnied iii l.uiid,. ii in ihe mouth of November. I7't". mi lHI became iioperl the one hundredth year of Meth odism. It w.is accordingly celebrated in Kiimi-' and America. Paring lhat Cen tsnary ye;;'', with a membeivh'p of 7 I'MMii uii"nhet-s. inchiiliug col,. red members and In.li .is, the Meiiiodist Church in Vmcr ic.i raTscil SliiHI.IIIMl for mission, ci tica liullal purposes, and fur the support of the worn out preachm, and ti e widows, i hilibcn, and o-pli:;ns of pret.chers The Wesleyr.n Method:ts of (!rea. ltii aiu r.iisi d over one MitHim dollars for simi lar objee:s. The next Methodist Centennial event was in lstil. It was in eoiiuiieinura ion oftbe first Methodist preaching services held in ibis country in 17titi, und was celebrated by the Methodist Kpis copal Church iu l'slii!. I'idue: .i,.i and Church Kxtensioii were the great objects of their ls 'icvob nce, and $'J,llilll,(lllll was .uggested a the am "'int tuber liscd. The result was a in. igniti eut one, the thahk- ,.!l, -ings amuiintcd to S7!M!IS :t!, or in, , t- than four times the amount prupnscd at tin' outset. The sued '.infill ccVbratinu of these two former tV'itciary evenis should eertainly encourage our Southern Mi (hodist friends lo the nccoinplishuicut of the noble deeds they have essayed. Such a past ought to b ' an inspiration Able and competent eonnuitteea have this Work iu baud, and will spare no effort to aiicct'isfully ooiisu.iiinate il. The Cen tral C. ulcna-y Committee, with head ipiar tcrs al Nashville, Trim , is composed ni Plows Iv II llendiix. D. H . of Mis ouri. Ch iirin iii; W IV Harrison. I) l., Secretary. Wils Williams, Assistant Sis lelaiv; Judge James ll'liitworth, Trcau rrr, Itisbap If N. M.Tycire, I,. I. I'al m r, Ksij . of Na-bville, andJainesti. Car ter. K , of Louisville, Ky The follow ing is the Centenary Coiiiiuillee of the lliic,r.io . i.i-H It Itrillon, 1. K., K. v K. S. Webb, F. A. Wooda-d. "Nobody cans for a habitual swearer. 1 1 is vollics of profanity have no terror iu tin ui. They moan nothing. It is the ni.,11 who ii. vci Mvcai's, who mares yoil mil ui your boots, if once in a lifetime he diss awear. So far as we call learn. Washing Ion only swore once during all the eight years of the llevolulioiiary War. lint that lime counted. It tinned back the tide of retreat, and uiade things hum." Cincinnati is coming rapidly lo the front us a watering resort, THE OLDEST CITIZEN. k KNTt'CK V I.AIiY WHil CLAIMS TO HK uK 111 M'llUl AMI SIXItXM YI'.ARS i.i. I). From Ihe Kninkforil Vi't.iuau. lthoda Howard, who is now living six miles southwest of the town of Owingsville, Itath county. Ky., ou Slate creek, was bom iu Wilkes county, Stale of North Carolina, in llccctuber, 1 T I T . Her uiaideii name wiis Ward She uianicd Jiwse IV board iu Wilkes county, North Carolina, in lT'dll, and they had three children Wesley, Washington aud Fraukl'ii. In IStlil they emigrated to Kentucky, coining through the Cumberland gap, und settled in Montgomery county, near Mor gan sla'ioii. Alter living here for several years. Jesse Ih board relumed to North Caro'iuu ou a visit lo his old home, leav ing his wife and children at their old Innnc, and Mrs. Howard said thai she heard lhat he had Hied, but she never ns'eived any letter. In those days there wee no mails, and the means of communication were very limited, des'ii,ling altogether uhui persons .raveling to and from Kentucky. Not hearing from lu r husband, and only incidentally that he was dead, and waiting aud watching for him for several years, she concluded that he w.is difd, and she married Henry Sailc. Ity ibis marriage she had iwo children, J. Settle and Julia Ann. Julia Ann is ipii.e an old lady, liv ing iu the town of Owingsville, married to Mr. Kornu. Her sis-., ml husband, Henry Se.lle, diisl. ami she luanicd James How ard, a ((evolutionary soldier. He died in the county of Itath many year ago, and, as the old lady expressed it. "so long ago that 1 have forgo, .n the time." She is n ivy drawing a lielidon ''oin the I'ui.cd States I iovernin, ill as the widow of a II. v olutiotiary soldier, .lames Howard. I rode ou, to Ii, T liuilse nn the ".Sill of November. 1SS:1, and r,,.le up to ihe yard fence tind huMoeil, mid she came tu the duor anil in,."d me in. 1 went in, and she reipiested ine tu L.ke a seal. She is a very remarkable baiking woman. She looks as old as the hills, and is the oldest looking person I ever saw. She is tall and spare, about live fivt eight inehea hi'gh. stands creel, does not sttsip as old people generally do. has a Roman nose, dark, piercing eyes. Her hair is a white its the driven snuw; she has a sallow com plexion, and is lively, active and talkative. She sweeps up (he hearth and sits at the .able and feed lur., If She told mil thai she had lost her teeth many years ago, and that one of In r eyes had failed, but that she can see as well with the other as ordi nary people. I asked her who was living with her, and she replied her Iwo boys, W ashington and Franklin. I asked her how old her two boys wee ; she said Washington was sevciity-cighl and I'lakliu thirteen months 'o inger. I i.skcd her a' I he- health; she staled lhat she had a!w.;s cijov. il good health, ami had taken bet very 1'ttle m. dicdie; that she bad a sp, II of s'ekness in 1S.V.1, and that w.i theuiily svl.ucss she had cv r hi d, ilu.l she had tnw ays led a very ae.we 1','c. and that she had 'i Work hard iu h. r Young davs. and has suffered in.riv haul hips aud pi iVai'uns; that tile pres. , it geiicia loii knew in thing alsuit how (he people used to live, and what . tie V cllilt reu and suffered, but with it nil she believed that ihe peoplt! then were happier aud inure huspitable than they arc now. She showed ine sever..! a.vcles in; nufactu.ed by In r own ham's when she was a young Woman. She s.ill lu.. a i :ir of liainbcarils til l she says she Ii. s carded in.inv pounds of co' tun and Wool upon. She asked IIIC for a p;pe uf lob.n i o, an I when 1 gave it to her slie reach d down an I d ew ber piH tli r. limit ihe hut ashes, and i-at ill the cor ner In her Wis id lire and sucked and chat.ed I asked In r how long she been smoking, and -he i ,'i d since w.m si ..ecu years old. She said that reason she coiumeiieeil was that she had she the was lioii'iilcd with plnhisic She said lhat in her day ihe way ihe old people cured the phthisic was: 'J'h. y would take a child to the Winids and s.a'l.l il up by the side of a , roe, and then put an augur on top of its In ai! and bore a bole in the tree, and theu lake the lock of hair from the ion of the child's head and put it iu the iiiiuir hole and drive a pin iu it; and if the child out grew the .reo it would get well. Itut if the tree outgrew the child it would never rivove.'. Here is a woman who has been using tobacco for one hundred years, und still her i cullies are unimpaired. W hat Ins comes uf .he theory of thoau who rail aga'list the Use of l.ie w.ed? M.n. I low ml i a very remarkable wo man in iiikiiv rcsjMS'ts. Although she is 1 lli yci.rs old. she is still iu poascsjtiou of all he.' faculties. I prestl lie she is ihe oldest living per son now iu kcii.iu'kV. She ia llie isiu llistilig link be.Wisii (he las! and present century. She was niui' years old when ihe bull of 1 ndf pdidcllcf hall iu Philadelphia rang aud pMcl.iiuicd liberty throughout the land. She was Isiru a subject of George III., or Kug'ainl, and was made a sovereign her self in I7SII. She haa siH'ii (imrgo HI., liisirge IV., William IV.. and Victoria nil li;an the throne of England. She has s 'i n the administration of every President of the I'nited Stales, from Washington down to Arthur She has lived to see thi trackless forest levelisl by the axe uf civiliiLitiuu, and the wilderness luimsl into Waving lields of grain, and cities arise a id teem w i. Ii a mighty population. Where dis s there lite another k is,,ii in all of this vast country that has been an eye-witness to all of lliese mighty changed in govern ment, production, wealth, the arts aim sciences ? I.oti'fellow says: "Ky going a few niiu utes aiHiner or later, by stopping to apeak with a friend on the comer, by meeting this man or lb it, or by turning down tkis street instead of the other, we may let slip aoluc iiiia nding evil, by which the whole current of our lives would have been chang ed. There is no possible solution in the dark enigma but the one word, 'Provi dence.' " Some one has said tliut Josh Hilling sings and plays the puno by ear. tea, und hanged if he don't spell by ear, too, IIOHVC l; (.1111111 'st Hill MOOD. Horace lins'ley's personal appearance was always a siilijei t of remark from Li bovhnod K. .l,ili C. .M .liarv. a member of Congress from Vermont, who was nn able champion of ihe Aincrutiu Svsteni, used lo nu rale a u-u ol ' hi to the i ri lit - ing office of a conn. i v newspaper at I'oillt j liey, t., his pl.i, ,,i i -ih nc. . lli at tention was ulna, lei tu a ,,iiii; coiiipo.i tor, who was rather awkw.irdy ' sticking typis," and w ho. tin icli lull i'town. was evidently tic Voiin .'.-l apt,; in i.- in the otfiee lie l. gs nn a ..oud d-.tl inof' than "a ftS'l ' thloilgh his p:mt 1 1 , . lis. tb sleeves of hi coal scarcely rcaehul below his el Imiws, lii hair ; very whit; and flaxen, aud he was. on the whole, iiitlieiiggreg.it.'. taken separately and lo'.u'lhor. the givru. est Itaikiu : spe. tu n ol' hiiiii.iiiily we ev. r looked ,n. uu. I this is.;v'ng n g.., .1, l, for "we keeps ii looking o,lass." "'fhat boy," sai I Mr 1 .I'm v. "wllinike s re ninrkable m n leant h .1,1 mi arineeiil with him i n M itonry or aiiv ilun ; i Ue con ms'lcd with poliiies " s Mr M was considered uue i.i ihe abl'sl ui, u iu Cm .rcss, hi" remark laitsid uie sunc surprise; and we let only "made a note uf it," hut took another look at tic "devil " (printer I we meaiiL and euiild nut but race in the expansive forehead "a mind formed in na ture's tines! mould i;u,l wrought d rininior la'iiy." It wa years nltoiw.irds that we becti'iic awate of the fact that that hoy was Horace Greeley, A.N Ki.inji km- Si'kki ii .--The must thoroughly ilinpi' lit and nil -c ive speei lies ever made in ihe 'I'evi.s l.egisla.iire were pmiinunccl by tw,. negroes, and both were of lip1 same '.i'n ral impon - a slave's de Viili .n to "i.i I m.tr ,er and iiiis.is.." The foliowing i- an cxir.ict from cue ot' the speeih'-s: I'll i.'ian i..' no gr '.it race enmity bet w, , n n .. This i ami t come while toy old inai'sterand mi-, i-s live. Nn. nor wlitle their ciid.ir. n an mine survive, inc. I They wa re k'ud i.n.l g. in r.ui knew no want ot ,o-,lav or rare for the roiicriy. Look morrow when I was their at these wrinkled, rough hand- I hev I for Thev a I I toil tell the tale. They tell how I toilc them. And (he story is no, ended ure oh) and helpless iiuw and I live once did. iu a little cai.iii and I sll for them. I send them half of every dollar I draw IVoiu the S.a.e T eaurv, and when their daughter, a beautiful and good girl, whom I used to carry w l, n she was a child in those si rung arms, was ina' ried let lolinagil. I sell! her a cheek lid tfl.thiil. Have I let the right lu a-k you. gentle In. Il oftbe majority, to deal I'.ell'Tnilsly With mv race ? - Ft. W.uih t.'.i;V. WllilTllt.S I'.Vl llmi lanisK '.' - At a Ccnaill hotel i l I'curia. where the meals Were Hot ;'.!.i s uli.u tli. y "Iclild Ih. a merchant tt iv n. iv sat down tu the r under a luinhler table. lie put a d"l and. calling a uaiter. "I bl Yoll sec ,lld , "Ye, sah. r ;,'i d "Well. now. .leu. I a real goo ! 1i ,1 is ders.aiid .' " Ves, s di, an I ,1 o llisllillg a lea-t Ii' 'ol time (u see to au o -d ii new dish . pill ' , thing and kept h' eVi nally .he M. T. ln.--li U). 'lit II . he winked at ili.'.r. dl'ii .Inn hi want y .iinii" h a - i'iii. ut to g i tee Vnu ii. i- a'i ,. fit, Ii hl uu II' hit I " oil eve' V dull.l". Fi- wipillg ills r i i ui uu i in land dim. "Ves, sah,' '! the darl.cv iu antic pat i,,n ".Mill. Ilo Yoll -. his hand mi i; in a that dollar'.' elliTolls waV. "Ves. sah " "Well, you wi'l . v. il went into hi. ui k i ning room, n lid.- .1 in "Fo' de l.lH.I who le; heah ?" e- it .con. and il "lit ol . he dill ..I' liillv remark, d: I at hog loose in F. vi n tint v world of oi'i- llle ll.l. illpt I ion Woh a to vou and to -1 N i i 'I''' k'S No, hue in ihislittl o . Ill I I.II l.l.--lg 1 no a liver, coiiv. rs;i rso.i who b is n,.', 'eing ui s,. vv I ... n . a h, v e in , ih ug . say. A,.' r ymi Ii r.e dso ..cd ol t',i 1 wetlih T. and a : ."v - .1 ill - ..'.I ng cuiteiit sillll that it Ve'y I old wli ll 'Ver ihe llll " cury i lli'i.v or ! r.y d.-.r.-.- I, ,,w rcru, anilaiiiioiiuc.il lie l.e, .hat if the uu n ury Were lower rs, if1 It w..u!. probably be colder, you liud yourself; di iillori, ur adrii'l, or aslmr ', or any.h'iig e'- that neans wretch edness or hopeli Ss despair. One of lliese Hliipwrei kisl couvi rsatioiialista asked a guest in tlcsja ration. "Arc you a married man, sir ?" and win n the reply came, "No, I am a bachelor," the bust got into an in tellectual snarl (let n arly siiffa atcd him, for he immediately said, "indnsl' and pray, sir. how h ug have y,.u been a bachelor I" Those two uu u have discovered that they nave uo alliuity t'.r each other, and when I hey uu vl they ju.t imd.but dare imt trust themselves to any. lung more. An Ark.uis.utt thiol', upon lett ing from the control of i.u di (hernial journal, said : "We do lint leave this eulnniulill V with any repiel. We arc glad lo go. We have not received due patronage frmu (Ira town, (SUiMspieiitly we am glad tu throw up the journalistic sHinge. Il is the custom for editors ttisiiv that thev part from their coiiteiiiairaries with regret. We do not. W e are ih vilisb glad to quit. We have been branded as a thief; oins-iucnlly we have no regrets at parting. Those who owe ua are evss-led lo settle at their earl iest convenience. Those who wo owe must wait." A llmi Sn hi v . A hog belonging (o a negro in lo" cl..ie county g"l "Hi oi its t .astute and crept into a w bite mall s field, 'llder the stock law the own. r of llicstia k had to pay for damage; so the white mau charged the negro $'1 damages, which was the Value of ihe bug. The negro told the while man to lake the hoe; but tho next night the animal gut out of the white man's ih ii aud crept into the negro's field. The negro drove him out and took him home, then sent for the white man and charged him $1 fur damages, The while man refused to pay it, and the hog is now the proiK rly of the negro. The hog has changed owners twice, and not a cent ha been paid mil. Fx. ''IsHik Is'l'me you Is up," is ihe name of a leap year society of old maids, and tit uu iiiIhts go around with field glasses in their hands, scriitiiiiiug every male indi vidual that coiucs wilhiu a iiull'tnile uf theni. AIM I' :'l I'M I' NTS. PROPHYLACTIC l'LUIl). A Uuiithll AriirlA tr t'RiTorMi I a ii til I at. t'wr Sfrlrt and IlHlihthtpri, Hull. vtiUuti, l'lcttrlfi(l i ot r Tlnual, HihmII Nil 4 oiil Anions IMarftftt. Trrtona w.iinf urn ,'i(T ! k miti n.e il Urei SvrUl Krvei lut M-vr latH-it kri.'wn 10 iirrf wh'.i'; i tir Html Htcl V'll. w tfvft hi tifrn rtirfil ilh it tlr bUrk timll hud IhIiii pliw. lht wwni c kii I 'tjtlalici u ) irU lu u. Krxrt-f.l .nlMiklVr. hM Al I.-TOX Hit ftrfml'Pil imI Ktkd l-a Hmvi pn-frnt riTTINi ofHinall mI Iv Kit in n tih , I m Mi r Mr ml 1 1)4(1. I .ml , roi pkkvkn ricu I Atmrtnhati ikfiaivifttdV tUMdMih 411.1 Oil Mil , I it Nur Thnmi it mrc tine ilv 11 fit witli SlIUlll ), I tUCtl tlM Klmtl , th patient UmI urlirttiui, wl nt ('iiilhiKl" rlMfr-ivr! v... v i liHlril, ami wai Ujt i htiiUiif, tr. Ulllllllttllllt nitei. Soft W hurt outpevs- lotl ucurrtl by iU am Mhlfi Kevrr prfvrni-fd Tu purify the lire tit, C'lriwiiff tho Ti i-tli, ti rait't be iui)MUkcti. Cfttftrrh rtlivvcii and curf.i. KrialpHftft niffrl. li.il it j W. f 4s. IN-tt, PliiUdflphii Diphtheria Froentoi llurusii;Licvfliuauutly. I H phniritM Hrt l)aaUter- Oilltl. Wiiuiitlshe.levi rjpully Hciirvy . utci) An Aiilldtiltpfor Annml ur Vt-tfrUhlt foitont, ; ua l-th Klunl vry tvKCtUahiliv In ih iraal tnrnl of htphihtria. A hTOI l.KMWIMt H. Cireeiitboru, Al T. tlrr dtie.1 up 1 ucl the Fluid iltirltiff iM-r prrvrntca iit ; mmi aOltttw n tiE IUciir un6cJ and ttl '-vrr with d hcjIH i kd a.tvaiiugc It it In tmntwtliit in luprno ldc i.. ilif tti- hnM he uerl aboul room Wm f Sano- r.rp-it Hi, Kyiie, , i prrf"l any un(tcM hi sin til T lie f mtnrttt Thy. altitrtii, J. MAHION MM, M. !., Nw Yurk. tan; " 1 aa i-tuiviiuf!! t'rof Uatrbf Pmphvlarttc Himl it a valn.Uc duiiilcLUai." Hiitl(-rbllt I utvtTKlly, Nftahvlll, Trnn, I ienfv to the tiinU rifellent iiualitirt of 'rt I'Ail'yi rtiilylavli. Mtii.1 At a .M.nki unl and ileieiK-rii It is bttth ftintl. ally ami puctitallf ktftcti.r to any )ufiaratK.n witli wlmh 1 aM Cjuaintt-d N T I t 'r uh, prof C'hcmttiry Iftrb) Fluid U Hrcommndfd bj H H A I.KX AHttHM H Sltt-HINl, o( Otfrgia ' Ke. tHas. r. laiM, D.U., Church ih Straiiilfrt. NY; lot. ..KO'Nrt,l.uanit Prof.,lnlniiy,S.C. , Ke A J lUiTta, Prt.f , Merter Unirriti Rev. Gio. V. Pimcb, BiahopM K. Church. ; IMMSI'KNHAIU R TO KVERY HOME. Perfectly harmlrav Vr infrrually or aurnaUy lur hi an or Uaaai. Ihe (Itu t ha kfn lhorvuchly letted, and w havp abundant evirtrme that li hat done evetrthing hfie tlatmnl f ur lulki itdurmauon ei of your fruit'" i4mlilet or send to the propHetim, al. II. y.KIUN a ., Mam.fji uif,n( i hfmuii, I'll II A HK1 HIM. Thr Wnnl of m KftllnHI MnrMlo, WttK h, m 'iiir uriin it kitiiMil.ini of th k ilfHV-, nt'Hli.'f l s MiiT ITTIIrlli-4 Ihr-ni, wt I'Mikf mihu' num. lint by HnaU-llrr't Si.HiiJ. h lli'h r I ii K Diir iiM'llrtm rvi-rtl I'h- l.-.(ili".i' il iiit'1. .,(' UhlllulrlliOll UH4 " r ; i 1 1 , v n I i v 1 11 i-rntlu.'iMa: irrltulion. . t it. !-) r. i ir, , 1 . 1 Iii ii. r udnited for thl ' nii:i.'.i, .ih t rfll ihlaj nOrD . -i (. i ,it, it-vrr HimI i Kill', fttidj i.i lt, fill! , ll . i .tli tv's: -ii mid 1 alen Inn' 11 ly. Xmo FOR CATAlnGifsy. llov g'J 1 V It EH ESTATE I 8 E H C T . , 1 liav ctaUiilii-a a KKAl. KSTATK AUKNCY la Uiatuwa a WELDON, N. C. 1 havuTKN h,,iii. lu W.ldoli FOR SALE OR RENT.! Al-.ut h.ilf of thut .tort., othen dsflliunl I al. bav atsiul S.4HMI At Rlil 111' LAND IN HALIFAX COUNTY FOR 8111 Fur furllii r Jirtltulan, qarlUi wlahliif to buj a rent ran ar!T to me In 'n..a or liy I. IW I mu now Ink in j up all land partlrt wlib la wit ami ailvcrtl.tnii llir Mine al my own flpomr, unit- a nlc I. mailt, ami then I i hurac rniiiRilMlnfei. K..r w uni'lnn an a grnUt mtn and a aiaa worthi In li trusleil, I n-fci hv k rmiMliji to K. II Siuilli, SM.tlaiii Ntt k ; 1 ir. . J. A. t i.lllii., I i.tit' W A. lunlt l, Wcldiiu, T. Vi. llarria, l.tllUtun.. ui'i I tf u I', t,!"' I Eradiates ,. k 1 '1 IScarlotrirerl I Carol I WW ijUlumb at a hwiII cx1h'. "utuis iy