THE ROANOKE NEWS Till KSIHV, : : M MICH . W. W. HAI.I,, V rKOI'RIKTORS. J. W.SI.KIXiK, J T- T 1 1 k New Vork llnM think: publif.iu :irty oulit to nominati' A. Arthur. the lie- CIii-i' r Mu. 1.V. of the New VniL .Viin thinks Samuel J. Tilden will bo nomina ted by the I "Muocrat, for President. It in foregone conclusion, that thf nan nominatd a Chicago will be tin next President of the I'nited States. li KM. GRANT ha no far reentered from the effeeti of hit fall an to be able to throw aside his erutehes and dispense with the regular services of his physician MoNTANA H newly prepared draft of a constitution eoutaius an article forbidding member of the Legislature to travel on free pusses. They will probably be furn ilnd with tiekU 99 per cent off. The opium habit in spreading in thii euuutry, and especially among the higher classes and profeaaiuDal people, says a lb tnu physiciin. Morpliiw, which ban mix time the strength of opium.and is extract ed from it, in the favorite drug used by these iNtoplc. A fellow iu Cleveland, Ohio, has taught a dog to steal newtpapcm from the door steps of houses, where they hate been left by carrier!, and bring them to him. The question with the exanjieratcd rsulwriboin in whether they ihall kill the dog or pun ih the man. Til K first number of the Kaleigh Hi git In; edited by P. M. Hale K , ban been received. It in a neat npecimen of printer's work in utery particular. Nothing need k- Kuid about ita literary qualitiea as the name of its editor is too well known to make it lieceHnarj. A prominent North t'aroliua farmer, writing to the Southern Cuhivntor, aayr 1 believe there ia more money in dairying now than iu anything I know uf, ami it in more satisfactory in results than tut ton, by far. I am satisSed that one hundred head of onr scrub eows can be made to yield an annual income of $12,0011.00, and improved atook will double it, or more. Thk encimiM of Kngland have been importing explosives into that country to an great an extent that the English erunient ban requested the I'hifd States to take some steps to prevent dynamite and other explosives from being exported from this country. Then is much dif ference of opinion among statesmen whether the United States should i i ply. There is much to be aaid on hnth nidus. ' W. M. CtK KIt, chairman of the Liberal State committee, and lr. John .1 Moll, chairman of the Republican State commit tee have issued a joint call for the unrting of the two committees at Kaleigh on the 19th tiist , for the purpose of cullim: a st Uo convention. It is aaid that the in tent ion w to pnsh the coalition movement of lSSl and unite all the clemruu iu the state which are opposed to the Deuiocrai y Mk. Jontcu Pulitzer, editor ol the New York WttrU, in an interview publish ed Tuesday in the Undid expresses the opinion that President Arthur will he a formidable candidate for renoiirnatiou hv the Kepuhlicans. He also says thai Mr Tild. u ris'iitly told him that he was not a candidate and that thai gciillcimiu Would prefer that Senator Payne be noiiiiualeil by the Ii uiocratn. Ill a few das soim- one Mill allinu positively that Mr. 'fildeii wants the iioiniuatioii hiuutelf. Til K Morrison Tariff bill will possibly I reported sometime during this week. It is thought that Mr. Randall will mow to strike out the euacting clause which will cut oil debate. The Republicans and such I leans rata who favor protection will supjMirt Mr Randall. He is reported iu the Vniital as saying: "I have marked out my course as far as my action iu the House is concerned. I do not wish to say much about it now, as it is a little early, but when the time comes I shall Make myself heard on tic floor of the House. This tariff question has been rankling in the lVmocrat party long enough, and think it is mn about about time to eliminate it entirely as a political issi ., or else settle it witinu the party one wsy ,ir the other. There are some llounsrats who have an idea that the masses of the people of this country are aeal.His fr fre tra.),-. when the l.s sons of the campaigns of the last six yean, al least d iuist rate the reverse ' The Washington I'm! says in this con nection that the Republicans claim that he will be able to bring 6fty lemocrats to his views and support. The Democrats are preparing for the couiiug campaign. The Democratic niein uiers of the Senate am) House have chosen their Congressional Committee. , Here it is : "The committee as agreed iijhiii at the caucus is as follows: Arkansas. A II I iarland; Connecticut, W. M. Eaton; I Ma ware, C, R. Lore ; Illinois, R. V. Town shend; Indiana, 8. M. Stock slagcr; Iowa, J. H. Murphy; Louisiana, H. C. Itlanch ard; Maryland, A. V. (iorman; Mass chiisetts. H. K. Lovering; Michigan, N. II. Eldredge ; Mississippi, H. L. Muldmw; Missouri, A. M. Doekery, New York, R. S. Stevens; North Carolina, C. Dowd, Pennsylvania, Wea. Mutchler; South Car olina. S. lhhble; Te&nemcce, J. (1. Harris; Texas, R. 8. Mills; Virginia J. S. Har bour; West Virginia, J. E. Kenna; Florida, R. II. Davidson ; Georgia, A. H.. Colquitt; Oregon, J. II. Slater: Wiscon sin, Y. V. Duester; Arizona, G. Horry; Montana, Martin Maginnis; Wisconsin, M. F. I'oat; Utah, J. T. Voin. '-The Status which will name members ' of the committee within two days are; Alabama. California, Kentucky, Minnesota, Ncvtdti, New Jersey and Ohio." 1 1 . H K i ;i fpfcini'in of tho v:iy in wlii.h mii liuiiK Southern oulriiijrs are iii;iiiiifur(iirc(l. It in from the lut day's liriK-cnliiiirt in (lie; Copiah county invti L'atinii in Mis.iifijiii : James S. rxton rivalled. He -nil that Itnfkin told him that a few nights alter the rli'i'tinii himself ;i m 1 .loo I '.. m 1 1 1 1 i li t . j il -1 In have -nlih' full. hail omi to ( h inan'n limine iiii'l lir 'd oil th"ir tiiMnI. ainl that Orinaii ran away hut le- tutu l ii' x! 'lav ami t il l Hill km thai one Inn li'i'd ami till V armed nu n had vi-ited hi- li ni- ami riddled it wilh lun k-hot. S mil alter thi I Irmaii h it the county, llul'kin, I!nmluniiit mid Urinaii were all P. 'publicans."- -Wil. Slur. TllE ci n.'spoiiili'tit of the Charleston Xrtriuml Cam in- writes on the 2lilli ilist.. that the proppivt of Tariff Keforiu ingrow ing !. This i. owinir lo the indecision, indifference, and policy" in the Congress. II. in. I. ill ami Tildvii arc both wurking ag.iin-t ImToiiii. Tlii' plan of the Ilandall Democrats in lo run the ssvi,,n diiMii to the day set for the iioiniiiatiiii ciiiiv.'iiliou. Iu this Kan dall is op r iling' iu the interest of Mr. Tild li. 'I'll.' latter occupies tin same pl.nie Willi Hali iaii ami ins protective co, lra;:u 'H. Tilden is emphatically the policy I ion-, and l'laudall in ln foretuaii in the. House of Ki pii'sciitalives. Tilt re was a lime when Ilandall !iowd to be the repre sentative of Mr Tilden at the licit national colivc titioli mid at the head of the llelu i utic national ticket, but the hour when ltandull was a Presidential possibility has pas'd away. A new name taken the place of that of the lYiiiiaylviiniaii. and that name i.i. I!. J'. Flower, of New Vork. Rower looms up as the Presidential euu on the Tilden hori.oli. and behind him are tln vaults of the New Vork millionaire, with doom ajar. Behind Flower, we are told, stand John Kelly and Sam Tilden lovingly arm iu arm. He is put forward at the flower of the New Vork flock." in It: I Thk hill to prohibit the mailing of news papers and other publications containing lottery advertisements, and prescribing a penalty for the violation of the same, which was reported to the Senate last week, isac eompauied by a majority and minority re port. The majority of tlie ('oiiiinilt.'c on Pi ist offices and Post-roads hold that ' the bill is based on the conceded potter of the (ioverniiicut to determine what characlerof matter may bo sent through the mails; and its purpose is to protect the general wel fare ami the morality uf the people against the pernicious effects of lotteries. The purpose expressed is one of great public concern, and the duly underlying it, the majority claim, was very forcibly expressed in the epinioli of the Supreme Court of the I'liiti'd States, in the ease of I'haleli vs. Virginia, in the following language: "The suppression uf nuisances injurious to pub lie health or morality is among the most important duties ol'tiovcrunicut. Kxpcri cIkv has tliowii that the coiuuioll forms of gambling nre comparatively innocuous w hen placed in contrast with the widespread pestilence of lotteries. The former are coiitiiied to a few persons and places, but the latter infests every class; it preys upon the hard earnings of the poor; it plunder) the igioraut and the simple.' " Tlii-) case, it is argued, sustains both the power and duly ol lioM iument to inter fere ley such means as the hill, which the committee reports, for iheproleciioiiof the morals and well being of the people. Oili er cases are then quoted, which, it is claim ed, fully sustain the action of the commil tiv iu reporting the bill. 'flic minority of the committee. Sena's d.uksoii, Maxev and (il'ooine, dissent froiii the r 'port of the majority and give their reasons why the bill should not pass. Thev say. "Newspapers and all oilier pub- Hi alioiis containing lottery advcrliseim ilti are to he re-llleti i iii their I'r-'e circulation hv li. in.- denied I lie usual and or lll.lil fieil'ties tlul b 'ell l lell narv : i d to i ill 'in since the establishment of the poslnl system an I service nf the Government. Tlii-. il i- assume 1, will lor .'C til. 'Ill to case the publication of lottery u.lwTlisoluelltS an I noiiees. and w il li such eesaalioii lollei j i.-- will be practically exterminated, even iu Stales where th.-v are at present legali- i"d. and be practically prohibited iu all others. "The framers of the Coin! il ill ion cer tainly never intended that 'the freedom of the press,' so carefully guarded and protec ted against abridgment, should be subordi nate! to the Hiwer 'to establish postolhces and post roads,' or to the authority of Con gress derived I herefrom lo regulate the mail serviie of the country. "The evil sought to be corrected is not commensurate with the dangers of the rem edy proposed, and we respectfully submit that tie- ,i amended und reported should not pass. ' m m at M .tvnm i: i. Talilraiu ami Kerne- In the l'r.-crs.lnii. The weather is clear and pleasant. n.i .. . . . i l lie route ot t no rarmval procession wis a long one, relieving the principal thorough fares somewhat of the crush that has been usual on such occasions, Rex impors.ii! Solomon, the subject illustrated being Biblical history. Then were twenty cam containing tableaux and sii-ues as follows: Nimrod, Temple of Amr, Scniiramis, Ninvas, Sardanapalus, Nebui hadiiotnar, the Golden Image, Nchucliailneniar'H Pun ishment, KcNhamr's Feast, Moses an, I tin Egyptian1, Saiiimn and the Philistines. King David r.feiving tributes, Solomon's Temple, the I'lni'iiii inns in England. Han nibal Crossing the Alps, Parsees at ll'i.r.-hip, Mohammed Preaching, the Arab Occupancy of Spain, the Healing Fountain and the Mohammedan Paradise. Th eee were followed by Pliiiiiuv Phor Iv Phellows,' in miscellaneous buries pie. 'thru came the ''Metric Hellions" who grotesquely illustrated ilia lasliiotis, liiucn s and follies of the day, the tbeiiie being ta ken from " Vanity Fair." This was follow ed by a burlcsntic of the fire department. Collins und bis Mystick Krcwc appeared on the streets lit night, the subject illus trated being the history of Ireland from its discovery 'J8.r5 It. C. U Hi!HI, A. D., embracing twenty scenes. This display is fouccdisj In have liecn one of the hand somest of the season. The reception of the King at his royal palace was a grand ufl'air. Miss Annie Howard personated thu (jueeu. Tin: si'vrr, i:poshio. Jt will In- seen rlsr-wltem in tlii.: i,uc tliat tin; Hoard uf County CominiMsiniifrM has tailed a nefting of the justices and other citizens of the county who may feci interested in the matter, at Halifax on the first Monday of April to take into consid eration the advisability of taking necessary steps to have Halifax county propcrlv rep resented al the Slate Imposition to be held at Hah igh ill letober next. Should il be decided that the county shall have an exhibit there it will bo ne cessary that a "iifficient fund be appro priated for that purpose. The Hoard of Coiuniis'i'incrs had authority to make such appropriation under the construction of the law by Attnriiey-Ocneral Keuan, whose opinion the Hiianokk Nkhs print ed a short time ago, but they preferred that the people who pay the. taxes should h i coii-ultcd, The proposed Kxposition differs ma terially from fairs hnld annually in several I portions of the State. Fairs are princi- pally to encourage competition and eiuula- ! lion among our own people and to facili tate exchange of views among them. The Fxpo-ilioti is the collecting of the various resources of the whole Stale for inspection by outside people seeking denir.ible hn?a tiotis for settling. Few people would travel over the whole State to examine it because they can find good homes else where williout that trouble. Hut if by a collection of products and information they can satisfy themselves by one short visit they will come in numbers. The ex hibition which North Carolina made last year at Itoston lias already worked good reMiilis and it is wisely thought that a similar Kxposition at Raleigh will increase the interest raised at Boston. It is true that Halifax county has not been apparently benefited by the Boston exhibit, but that is because Halifax was not repri-sentcd there and few psiplo who visited that F.XKis',tion knew that such a county existed. Ami this fact is reason enough why our people should make them selves, their resource and their natural advantages known to the whole world. From the articles and information collected at Kaleigh the State Agricultural Depart ment will collect mid arrange a handsome exhibit at the World's fair at New Or leans next winter. Many citizens of the couuty do not know, or have not thought of, this matter and probably many do not suppose there is much here to exhibit, but there in n great deal The county abounds in marl, lleavcr are caught iu the county, otter, iniiskrat. minks, foxes and other animals valuable for fur are found here and skins of all these could be stuffed and mounted. Sec tions of pine, cypress, uak and sycamore trees could be sent. Nearly all the to bacco boxes made in North Carolina of sycamore and most of them are made of this wood, are bought in Ohio and ship ped to this State while there is sycamore wood enough in Halifax county to make somebody's fortune. In fact these are only some of the things that could be col I'cted for an exhibit. Halifax county may not make as good a show as soine olio r counties but this nerd not keep it from doing whal it can. In oiii' respect at least Halifax could lead the State. The Messrs. Garrett of Kingwood could make an exhibit of na tive wines equal to those of California in j quality. They ship and sell aliimually over Sil.OtIO gallons of wine and (lure is hardly an acre of laud lu thocoiinly which could not be mad.! to produce grapes of every variety as abundantly as the vine y ind of them gentlemen. It tnav be re marked parenthetically that n very tine 1 grade of champagne is made from the ; will' manufactured at I'inuwood. There is much information to be given ; to vi-iti rs seeking investments "which j would be of vast benefit to the County. I For instance the water power iu the 1 i"Hy. 1 he canal at eldon and the ! '""'7 dreams in the county which could, with capital, be turned into splendid mo tive power for miles would astonish even the citizens themselves. But people will not read about it all. There must be some one to tell them, to answer questions, make explanations and, in short, talk for us. How is all this to be done? If it is done at all, the county or noma of its enterprising citiicus must raise a fund and place it in thu hands of niea who would use it for collecting whatever is noce.ssary, urraugiug it at Raleigh in an attractive style and paying some one to slay there during the Exposition to repre. sent the county and show its resources. How much motley would be required is bald to tell. Mjnt counties which have j taken action have appropriated sums vary- 1 ing from four lo six hundred dollars. Wc have entered ut length upon this .subject because but little has been said about it in the woi nly and the ieople who id tend the meeting called at Halifax on the lirst Monday iu uext month should know Something alHitit it. so that they can act intelligently. As any cil'uen van attend there should be a full meeting, ctqiccially of the tux payers, so that there will be no discontent if an appropriation should be made. If any one objects lo such a disposition uf the county funds let him attend the meet ing and state his objections and his rea sons for them; if any one favors thu prop osition h i him also attend and urge his reasons, thus will a full discus sion of the subject. In the mean time the RoANoKE invites expressions of opinion in ilB columns. The Is'iiiis-ralie party in North Caro lina has numbers of men well qualified for the high offices of Governor and Lieut. Governor, but we cannot say that two can be found more acceptable to us and the people penerally than Gilmer and Sted tnan. Hickory Carolinian. 7," bushels of tinier Hilk t'ottou Std for sale. Apply to U. P. 81ede, Weldon N. C. Tllli CYC'LOSE SU- t tRLKS. Senator lianwira'g remarks mi subruit- tiii'4 the r.-port against his rrmilution: Mr. Ransom, from the committee on Appropriations, reported back adversely the joint risoliition introduced by him hist Monday, mid refeired to that commit tee, providing for an appropriation to aid I lie sufferers by the great storm in the Southern Slau-a. In reporting it hack Mr. Ransom stated that the commit tee had given the mailer very careful consideration. Telegrams were sent to the tiovoriiors of the different Statin affected, and to other p r.sons iu States supH)sed Ui be besl acquainted with all of the incidents of tlii! storm, and the subsequent suffering, and while the first account of the great sufferings uf certain communities had beeu fully confirmed, y.'t those sufferings were not. in the judgment of the committee, of that wide spread, transcendent and para mount character which baffled all local, individual, municipal and State relief, so an to demand the intervention of (lovern- luetit. He could not let the occasion pass, Mr. lUusoin added, without Haying that, while in presenting the resolution, he had he n actuated by a becoming impulse,' it was proper now that the country should know at the earliest moment that Congress would not take steps for relief iu this in stance He said this in order that private and local charity may not be suspended. The example of the people of those States, iu their great ordeal of suffering, could not but command the admiration ol'their coun trymen everywhere. He (Rausoin) might sometimes be carried awav by enthusiasm for his own people, but when he looked at what had takeu place aiming the people of North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama and tieorgia and their resolution to bide their faith, mid tint come to Congress for rclif, even when an effort had been made to give it to them, it reminded him of the heroism of Fabricius and Kegulus, and nf the great Athenian who sacrificed every thing that he might stand by his country. He hoped tliT noble example given by the afflicted people in this case would be use ful to richer and more powerful communi ties, which might not be worse afflicted. In conclusion, Mr. Ransom thanked the committee on appropriation for tha careful consideration which thy had given to the subject. Mr. (larlaud said he supposed the action of the committee was based on the ground that they did not consider from the infor mation received that there was any neces sity for the intcrjiosition of Congress. Mr. Ransom said that was the ground. Mr. (iarland said he did not understand such interposition to have been decided or. the ground of the unconstitutionality of sui li all 1 iu eases where it wm shown to be required. Air. Ransom said not at all Mr. (iarland said that he did not wish it to be understood that he for one moment (l,m,tel the authority of Congress to ex- tend aid in a case calling for it, if the Ques tion nail arisen, or that he would have had something to say. Mr. Ransom said thai if this were a time to discuss that matter lie Mtutmonii w.ntl be able to show a line of precedents,- tavoring the constitutionality of such ac tion trow the beginning of our government to the present day. When the matter came to be investigated there could be, said he. but one opinion as to the consti tutional authority of Congress in a case of such imminent and impending ruin as to exceed the capacity of local and State aid. I'AFT. OCTAViriS COM Trow Hie Riik'lgh Clirmiii'le Tito big'.'est voice in North Carolina williout a doubt comes up from the lungs of Captain OctaviuM Coke. Yet it is not harsh or unmusical or frightful to children; it simply bears the same relation to the average human voice that a March whirl wind bears to the recent cyclone. It is not always deep not one of those voices that come from men's boots with the squeak of soleleathcr iu them. It is pure and honest having power from a broad chest. I do not know of Captain Coke's musical accomplishments, but if this had been a musical rather than a political so. ciely iu the South, he would have made Ion one and lasting fame in the musical world as a bxsso. Instead oi' this, the plain fact is (as a good many thousand ol' his fellow-citizens hope and believe) he is simply a candidate for the iioinitiatiou for Governor, and his lung power il' the Wise Meu will it) will be put to use iu lashing the other fclluw- a use, by the way, that is not uukuowu to it already. Nearly 1 1 years ago Capt, Coke was burn iu Virginia au accident that he took so solely to heart as to induce him to become a North Carolinian and he became one iu dead earnest, for he moved to Ed cnloii, which is the severest test surely. There he married a daughter of Mr. Ed- waid Wood an accomplished lady who died in lSTli. It was in 1871 when the delu-ioii of politics threatened first to lead him from the law. In that year he wwi a candidate for a seat in the State Con vention, which, however, did not meet. The next your he was before the people as an elector on the Greeley ticket. There seemed hope, then, that he would eschew politics, but in 1876 haviue already liis'ti sK.kcn of as a probable successor of Mr. lates in Congress he beeiune the Democratic candidate for the State Sen ate from the First district, and won the election. In the Senate he was a mem ber of the Judiciary committee and chair man of the committee ou County Govern inuiil. lie may iudecd be called the father of the present system of county government, that being the main portion of his work and his maiu purpose in that session. He was conspicuous in his oppo sition to the motion (which was carried) iu tin Legislature iu 1876 to instruct our Congressional delegation to supsirt the electoral commission. Iu 1SSU, having on tho year previous married a daughter of the late Mr. Jeff. Fisher, of this city, and become a citixen of Kaleigh, he was cboseu chairman of the Slate Dcniis'ratic Executive Committee, and he conducted the campaign with less money i mv.'ti hy other parties) than has recently been known on either side in North Carolina. In lKS'2 he issued the now somewhat famous "Document Num ber 1" the IVnioeratie campuien book and offered the resolution which became a plank in the platform in favor of the re is'al ol llie uili'iual revenue law and a niiHlification of the taiiff. Siuoe his residence in Raleigh Capt. Coke has become thoroughly identified with the city and he has taken and held a iilace among our foremost eititens. He Is a lawyer, a farmer, and a father and spends his time in interesting talk about the weather (and now and then in an in nocent way about polities) iu legal holi ness and in ptayinr with his babr. Such Versability as is required to do all these successtiilty, he has. If he is not a very hnppy man, his looks bi'lie his Inner feelings, and he is among ., . ' . .i.l till! llliiHt iMllillllir mi'll ill the cenlnil Dart of the Slate. Handsome, happy, in the prime of life if Cnpt. Coke becomes Governor Coke, be is rich enough and hospitable enough and public spirited enough to make the new mansion feel cry proud of its first occupant, and rich enough and hilsophic em uh also to enjoy life always simply as a lawyer, farmer, father and good citizen. He comes of a political family and knows the game as well us most of the players. The sturdy and strong I'uiUsI States Senator Coke, from Texas. is ('apt. Ceke's brother. Itll.lTH tl. The first District is for Coke. The Newbcrn Journal advocates Major John Ifughw for Lieut. Governor. Gen. Scales is said to decliue to be a candidate for re-elect ion to Congress. The Stonewall Kulrrorisr is out in favor of Capt Octav'um Coke for Gov- nor. The Kaleigh Chronicle thinks that either Coke, Scales or Gilmer will be the Democratic nominee for Wovornor. Iu our humble opinion it is a foregone conclusion that Col. Gilmer will be the Democratic nominee for Governor this summer, which will lie tstamuunt to an election. Goldsboro Bulletin. A l V KRTISEM F,NTS. llll GOODS. The undersigned have just entered into the mercantile business in the three story brick building next dour to K. V. DaiiK'1'a where they have a LAEQ-E STOCK OF Dry Goods, including Iadies Dress Goods, Prints, White Cottons, Brown Domestics, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, Taney Goods, ( 'lothiiiK, Gents Furnishing Goods, Tin ware and Wooden ware, Crockery, e. Having bought cheap they intend to SELL CHEAP, and only ask a trial. Be sure to examine our stock before purchasing. V&Reinember the place. LASSITEK & TILLERY, oct 18 ly Weldon, N. C. V rr ; it w V MEIi 30 UNION SQUARE NEW YORK. 0Bo JVA lev VMH,S rtA. TOR SALC BY J. L. STOKE GENJGT. RALEIGH, N. O feb 13 but "DISEASE C U R ED Mllhbut Mmtlrlnr, A Valuator JHncoirr) fur tupplyi nf MagmlUm to int numan .system; .Irriricily oari Magnttimutilixed umot htfart for Healing the Sick. THE HAtiXKTION AlTLIANCt CO.'i MAGNETIC KIDNEY BELT! FOR MEN IS WARRANTKDTO ITHKClr Money Ktfi.inlM, the following diacuet without ineillrlue:l'slu In the buck, hips, hi'sdnr liniha, nervous (lelilllty, lumla go. Bcncrnl ilebllity, rhrumiulun, psnilysii., iwursli f is. Ki'isllca, iliM'HHtt ol tho klilnryi, kiul tliieMMS. torutil ll-tr, gout, somliml vmiiulouii, iiiioiitim'yl animus, hesrl illm-iiae, ilyNts'pvts, i'oiistlitloii, f ry ' lorliu, liiihcmli.ui. hernia or rupture, tsurrli, iili'. tk'iMy. tlumb spue. etc. When ny liel.ihty ol the tieiierative Orsnas or enni, lsit Vlullty, lack ufN'vrvs Korre and Vigor, Wuling Weakiiens, mil all those Diwues of a wr oiial nature, from whatever cause, the continuum stream ot Magnetism permeating through the parts, niual restore them to a healthy acliuii. Hurt li no nilsiaki- about this appliance. To THK I.A 111 KM- Il you are altllitnl with Uiu Back, weak umi of ths nine, railing of the womb, k'ueorrhoea. uhroulc iiillMuuuatiou and ulcsrallon of the womb, iui'lileiiuil hemorrhage or ItuoOIng, Clnful, upprrwteil and Im'gular uieintruailoii, m niit'H.aiid ehangeof life, tills l the best Appll anre and t'uratiTv Agaut kaown, I or all formi of Kemale liilnrultiei 11 U unaur. auwsl by anything before lnvenle.1, lth as a cura tive agent and ai a aourrt of power and vltallaalioii. Trice of either belt with Magnetic luaolea, tlu, ariil by txpreaet: ll I) , anil examination allowed, or by mail on rweiut of price In ordering tend lueamire of wainl, ajulaliv of ahoe. Kemlttance cau be made in rurreney, aeiit In letter at our riak. The Magitelou uarnieuU aiv aitapted to all ag ea, are worn over the under clothing, tuot next to the body like the many Ualvanlc and Kleotrlo tluiu buga advertlaed ao exteiulvely.l and tliisild be taken off al night. They hold Uielr power Ibrever, and are worn at all eeaaone of the year. Send auuui lor the New lHrparture In Medical treatment Without Medicine, " with thotiMnde of teatiwonlala. THEMAOSKTION APPI.lANXK CO., VISSUie strvet, I hiisujri, III. More Wend one dollar lu pottage atatnia. or eur- renry i In letter at our rink) with ai tent alioe uaually worn, and Irv a ialr of our Ineili-a, and Z7 n r'" r-aiiaion in our oilier Mna-uerlc ADDllancea Poaltlvi-lv norold f.-i h.. I U'my oru' ur n,UBe)r ntaai- m HOME . 1 r " erf !Ki ADVKRTISKMTiNTS. Tffl'Ji'SlE PKTERSBURG, VA. -i 4b:s. MANITACTTKEKS OF KXUINES, TOBACCO, HAY AND COTTOU IPKKSsks, SS-Suw Mills, Orlt Mills, Mill Irons, Plows, IROXAXD BRASS CA&TIXU8. opt '.n ly TRY THE NKW NO 8. WHEELER & WILSON. Lightest Running- and best Snwiiuj liacbliis IN THE WORLD. No danger to health like ths noisy-heavy iuu Ding shuttle nnuhlnei. AGENTS WANTED. Ueuil for terms mid price List. WRKELKS WILSON, Hf(. Cs. Jan 15 Gui TUTTS PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From tliuse source arlae thi-ee lourtlit or til Utaeuao of the bmnan nice. '1'hea ayiiiptouia lndieate Iboir existence : I.nee oC Appetite, Bowele eoatlve, kick He att ache, fullweae after eatliiar, avwrelon lea election of body or mind, Braetatlaa or food, irritability of I snlrlla. A frrliiia of havl aniiie duty, lilxxliieee, Flutu i laaiatl'.i Heart, INits before the ayei,ltltily tol oreil I line, t O VSITl Pi TIOH, an, I da- round the ute of a remedy tunt attsilli eolly ontbo i her. Asiil.!vii".iioillcinoTlJTT'fJ ril l S) lut vo no c in il. Their ucllon on the) Ki hie) solid Skin lu also liroiiint; removing ull Impurities lhruiitli tnone three acav riirri of the syateea.' producing appe tite, sound diifratloii, retfulxr stools, aeloar ekliiuuduTlKornuabiHlv. TliTT'H PII.La cause no nausea, or K' lplnK nor lntcsfur with il illy wnrlt and m e a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Hill Imv'ii r..te. I l.l'S.41 ,M ie i , at.,.1.T. "tDtts hair dye. Ohxt HiiR HI AVio' .!! elmniod In Stantly toaliLossr WxrK livitalngin p pHcatiou of this DTK. Bold by Dmttfi.U, or mint by exni"ia on rs'0lplnf tl. lTt-.,44 Mm eav Streiel, New York. tUU'S MMtl'Al Of UEtFUL BECEIPTS junr l i ly . I ' rr.i V - .it.: .ii,. -, . 7 a.S? la.1 )twa! to ' 1 talV. aAJTaT. Kioellent Toalc. Alte jatlve and Dialrict- Medlral Association, Ijitvhburv, 'a. I'ai'd with gtvM kvukMI) Ui Malaria and lilihttii' ria. Suiifaafiilly uaed In dyarpaU, rhronlr. dlarrao Slid arrofula. Prof. Jarkaou, 11. I) Uiilvetallir ut rvnn. Iuvalual.le aa a nervous tonic Hon. 1. C. Flower, Tenu. Krooninii'udiil aa a proidiylartlr la malarial dli-triru.-D. K. Palri'i, M. 1)., N. C. Reetorc deblllUtrd lyatems tit health. T. C. lleroer, II. D., Ind. Adtpted In ChnmlcdlrrhoM,arnirala,aad;d)rauep-aie.-Ueo. T. Harriaon, M. D. N. Y. Prompt In rellvving headar'jie, rfvk and nerroua. Rev. E. C. Dodaon. I'anl with great lient HL tn dyapeseia. J. Mi-, Ralph. M D., l'a. Suited to hroni'hltli and diavaare of df(vtlve in (ana. J. K. BouliUm, M. 1, Ala. lloat valuable remedy kuowa air kanale dlaaaava. John P. lletteaur, M. li. Offrrrat culture virtue. Tlioe. K. Kuui bolil M. I). Ma. Bt'Ui liciul iu ttU'riue dtnmgruit'Ut and tunlurious cuniUlion. U. Al. Vail, M. U., Ohio. Charming on tlie rosupU-aiea; saukiug iu smooth, dear, soil atul nwy. . Miaa U. ut' rl. The price or luitwiul tuuirs. Framia Gillinui. IniKtiiiuthW us a tttuic aaii alterative. Huutcr Mt'iaaite, ai. U. Va. . Kmc auetistir aiul haWwl purifier. II. FUlier, M. IX Ua. ; Verj bfucficiaj iu ituproviBK a reduced ay ill m. HwUop Brckwith, ofUa. Invulids here tlnds weloome and health, iiev. John U llauuou, late ol Ua., now of kiiliiuoud, Va l'uuphlt'ta) free, upou upplvuitiou. Water, ft a cane. Max and 1'ills, 25 JO, 75 cut. fend poet-puid everywhere Addrewi, A. M. UAVIH, l'rea't. of tho Co. 7H Maiu 8L, I-yinhburtt, Va.. 1'. O. Box 174. Sold by, BROWN & SIMMONS. . HUM)li,Iltj, fob 14 tf :jfi!i I i . JUS f5 i,?- r If N EW ADV KHTISEM KNTS. For Everything that Desirable Gun, the arf UNEQUALED. -. DEE THE NEW SHOT GUN. and fir SN0 SOLE ACIMTS western orncE. D. H. LAMBERUl" J3 STATE STREET, CHICACO. ... m Fell .'H-llm JUST BECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF GArvDEN OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Imroed tho OLD rtock and ran all our Luiulri'liri' Stvils to lie FEESH & GENUINE. SKK THAT EVEKV l'AHEH IS met, rirxriit cihis a box. EMORY'S LITTLE CATHARTIC PILLS aro the lft I'vcrniiidi' for fonivi'iieaH. indlKi'lloii. Iiiudm hi' tiiw diM-ood of thn'eorfour Kmory Little ( iithiirtlt' l'ilk follottwl hv one nll i-vi-ry tiij.,, t lor a rlfv thtf lilnod und ni'W I'i'a or I wo, inakeii me nuiiiiin iiiiii'ioiii-r run in. immni oi, . i fv th hlimd umi i.nt ni-w I iff in a Inoki'ii-dmui IkkIv. I'lih'ly .'tri'tn I .)-. Iliinn Ifhn, pleaaaut lnlkllibU', the unit Dealtirniil lSim h io.,oi STAMIAK I I VWORT'S LlTTLSt X. W. Iiaki'r. Un'imt ilnivi'. ATHAHTIO "ILLSlAlliina. Tria, i lii.y art' i are preaarael treaa vxculled. -Mm. Kliziilnlli Ki - MAY APPLE. Eiuory'a Idulv railnirlit' an. limn' llian i rlaiiiii d; I ln-v prow to In' lliv Ik'sI I'ill cvir uanl Inn'. Worth tttii'i- tin- iin in y a-kid - W II. lii lu r. Iliirimiiiy liwf (la. Kinory'a l.illli' fathnrtii' art' tin- iinl iiiulurol nil Ilia- lulluirlii- -Win. llishop. Mills KiViT. S.I'. Mv aiii'il tin it IliT ll-i il on.- Iix with iM.ildrrlul r.-nll-. And will completely change the blood In tho entire aystem la three months. Any person who will take 1 Fill each night from 1 to la weeks, may be roetored to aoaud health. If sneh thlna; be possible For Female Complaints theae Pills have ao equal Fhyslelans aso them for the enre of LIVKB and KIDNEY diseases. Sold everywhere, or sent by mall for S5e. la stamps. Circulars free. I. 8. JOHNSON A CO., Dsiton, kiaia. 9 JfUMiAM AMnnYNaT LINIMENT OdtEi lirtienis,'rllSla st the leiift. Tlaarae uwaaatof the Smiw. I'ireulara fraa. I. S. JOUH80N A CO., ltettou, alua. Uiaeaaet of the Spine. SuHl It II s well-known fact that moat of the Ilorae and Cattle Powittr aokt In thla eoun tlylaworllileaai that Stierldan a t'ondllloo FowiUr la abaululelv nura anil vary valaable. Nothlnc oa Karth will make heas Iu. 1 1 k.. ll,. .r 1. 1 mi a I Uin.llLliui VoW- (od. It ill alao jkhiUt.It uravenl anil enre I CHICKEN CHOLERA, I Jun J-l-y. 1 INGE 3 O Sj., ivT.i'i .i ,..ii, ...r,.t amvalH(wrholmi.A. sVMeerwhav,eeant bv mall for r la Huving rcuioveJ into (o brick Htor; foi iiuirly otrupiod by .V. M. Inje and .uiviiur. purclia,stHl a .... LARGE STOCK of . FALL AND WINTER GOODS, T uni r.'pnrou to soil ., . , , , . .( , GOODS 0IIEAJJ. ir aa 1 liuyinJj CLOTHING, BOOTS, ANYTHING ELSE You have only to , EXAMINK MV STOCK ; To Imconvinostl tliat here in the PLACE TO 11 VY. I have un cltyHlit liu oi' LtulioH Cloths. CilsIiiiiivvs, umi otbrr lato ntyloK of hrexs Oouds. And men's, youths und boys' t lotliiii, THK HANDSOMEST STOCK IN TOWN. Cii'l'ta' Hauduiade Shoes aud Shoo oJ' all thu best luakee. i Full stock of Zetgler'a Shotis always ou hand. A complete line of'Iiulitw aiid gvHlleiurii'f Underweur. ll.iUofti latost aud tuost approved ? Sll'i.. ' ' VlairSKN UUIIL, X. H. tUCIiKXS, ProitritUir, HALIFAX, N. ('. T'!i aajiplld froni Norfolk and Vlilniliiil"li laa-avita immmI aervania and goud uuv. t'ouiloria Ue ruoiiia lor all. Iliaveslao a I.lviry Stable, where honea uru pnonnily ui, ndi-d to, vehlclea hired on nuaoiiabli teruia to tairtlea wlahlna them. Jan I ly goes to make a CsV RIFLES, SHOT GUNS, REVOLVERS, RIFLE CANES. FIREARMSfor HUNTING TARCET SHOOTING. FOR ILLUSTRATED UTALOCUE. LAMBERSON, FURMAN & CO., RCMIMQTON 8POWTINO COODt, 201 bnOADWAY. r w- ILL. NEW YORK. DATED 1884." o : ; i WELDOX, JSr. C. llli' III uuni'l i hlld may Oikf tht'in ."nlil lay all iruetrlsw n iniiii. HI'. I " . I'lloeilltToi:-, i. I'Ktiu. -i . .-. l. nhio. 1 n i'oiiiiiii iidi'd lln in - .loliii i ullins. M n. i i lli iit.-U. Hi'iivm, Jui Lmhi. Ml-. l in y nr.- im im i. Molvrly. Mo. juii.'l 1-y. mm Croop, Aithma, Bronchitis, Konral aria, Kheumatlam. Johnson s ano I)V sr. MNIMKNT for httrnolaii Brumal Vie) will Initantaneouily rt'Lliivu th.i. l.rrlliie tUacusta, anil will poalllvaty core nine vaaaa out of t. n. Information that will aava many llra aant fr.. Iiy mall. Don't ilelajr a inouwiiL PravenUoa la better than cure. CUE BEOS LAY UraUtnttie, I 8. JUUKHOM LU,Wtuii, sum.' Ct fll L D S T A N D. ti, n n.,tf ; .-ij j . i S U( IKS HATS, CAPS, NOTIONS, UK NOTICK. Ily vlrluoofuii rti'i'iitlini iwiilnar from the Hiitav Mor iiiiirt ol lliillfai I'oiuity In favor of Moait lie .run and nicaliiat W. 1,. M. IVrklna. I will mil to the hiKlirat hidder for cath at the Court hoiiae door In llalilai on Hie ;ihilny of April i.hhi, all the rlehi title and liihrn-el of W. L M. I'orkiiui hi and tu the dower laoili ef Mm. iitud f pper-lt U inir the reveralMi after the life eatate of aalil Mri. hanfonl IVlioer, slid liiiula l.nnid. d aa lollona to wit- o I l ie North hv Katou a Ferry and lUlil,, road oa F.n.1 l.y linula id s, K. F. IVrklna, on South hv l.'ndS uf Mr.. H. II. Vthlte,,, Weal h, UrlnHyvil J Zt toilr mod mKiiimn. 7"" roauj, lint .tlat duy of Juuuaty K J UVMn,.hitlir. fcbTtds B)r T.J.rwii.p.