t ill f nww 1 a t ' -JTTk. 1 tin til LiHEEJh 2 A Sfc4 Sets! "SSiiSESsj & SLEDGE, I'Uoi-iuktous.' YOL. XII. A. NEWSPAPER FOE TIECE PEOPLE. TEPjVlS-"-'011 anm'm in apvano:. WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1S84. NO. 5i. I yy o. 'f r. 1. 1 1. Tf -t--rr Atore and rouuwllur at Law, ' ' XiiUFOI.K, Va. Ilunus 2 and 3 Virginian Building. Oct i y. IJ K A NCH Jt BI.L, " Attorneys at I.uw, ' KNFIK1.D, N. C. PractU-t. Jn llicoiiiiiloninlllx, Saab, eeiiilw and uitoB. rollwtioi.. mad in all port, R M. SMITH JH. Attorney at Law, HiDTLAXDNK K, S. I'. PmoIIooii In the eniinly of Halifax ami adjutnliut eoiiuUca, and in tilt supremo court ol iltv Male, ik'I Hi ijr. 1 It 1 Z Z A k I) 4 II V M AN. Attorneys at yaw, HALIFAX. JaU'. ft: ' . g"'i"'H'e51rt HAi Ktrli-t attention given nv . : ' rjMIOMAgN. HI 1. 1., I Attonej at Iaw, f a f VlWl.IFAH, N-4 W Cf Practice In lliillfox ami ailjoliilngriiuiitln ami Federal ami Supreme cnurta. aim. US If. T W. MASON, Attorney at lw, HAIlYsBl in Practice in Ihe cnurl ,ir Xnrthampliin and ad Joining counties, also in thu Feilcial hikI Supreme t'oiirlH. , juiicMI. WA1 T K It K. I" A N 1 F. I., Attorney at Law, ; wki.don, n':c. i ! PraWIre In HhIiIhx ami adjoining enunllea. Nicciul aucniinn Riven t,i ollcc Unmi in ull parti of tin: stale and prompt ix'turua made, j , , lib 17 ly. . ;',,. , -. ; ( . HALL. Attorney at Law, i it I 1 . . WKIJION, N. i'. ' I I SHo.al attention irtven to collections ami remit tances promptly made, limy 1 tl'. JMJ LLeIT M 0 I) K K, Attorneys at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. l'ractii'e In the timnticsof llaliliii, Northampton. Hiwonih, l'itt ami Martin In the Supreme iinirt ol ilia HUteand in the Federal I'ourtu hi the Kantem lllntrlet. CollertioiM made In any part utihe Mate. jail 1 ly j. E. XII IK I l H, Murcuii lentlst. 'flrfWiiataniiaW'ttlf l.tetrift Weldntl, fan I f iimJ atiaumi'irisiiiitll'V'1e VUilldiiiK t "M Uhick eiit han,aWmin Brf.nional lnu,lm: t'tft-ftfl alMUitlontllve'11011 Vi!'1"'" l, T' aired, 1 1 kaatoU. Fartiea vil un ai uieu iinium July l'.My D' K. li. HI N T K, . .. . Surgeon Dentist. ffcnbi' liiiiidat hlon1ee in Knfield .-, i. Pure KllrouaOilileiiaa fur the Painlei Eitn liiif of Twth alwayn on bund. , ' ' jiine ."J If 11 m ii nui'js Known to Hen Of rf o 8cl2"J!ti"A,ri ALL IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD. CONSTIPATION, JiriTl riWCDCDCIA 'known ly.iWta15?S5 UUII.I Jin,!,!,, auur wieniin, .ndwiiderneal Jll of .to. f "J" LIVER .Hfe U.eadun.dryciiiph.atifledanOTf APOPLEXY,JffhVXd in ear.. bMm 3.r,o,&fl. kidneys, 3 llaaa. mam krrrt ijilaa af ulna. rla ; V r ,aa aua. " awiTIti rii, ..ra. aar U.a J,jlJ'."i-.ll. ilaauU t mmm a.a ' - L waiaa Thllaialfilplil, r. , JuHly M. LTjACORSi: MO. HUIFII,.r.C CHOICKT LIQl'OUS. Our bar contaUn all th choif artuauelu tne uen y- ala. tUu. FAMILY GROCERIES art chaap ai,J .1) the Li kindkept eon.unar baud aud ituek continually replenished BILLIARDS IND POOL Tablei alway. ready 6 euauera aud lb. tH artluTltedtoYUItour houae wher. hj -rail traawd and wbert tbey can fi'J " IT 1 It' f . ' 4 3 -W IUT'l.I, PODR MOrill rl Do' by u r. w. l"Whani l.-mthrao71 tot only word, UtiredLyalUat,,,,,,,,! M mi,nnny .uindd i,r a n.wa.J .; t A pam i, ,' f.re,ll,,fa ,illllr f,)rM1,.r (llll uul waM.-yoiii il,a.yr. li.t, .lu,, KUtn ,c. eideni ueeurm). Noino.e In tben.Morl.ie heat, MU.UI l ill n:ttxm r,V.r f!'i' m"V '"'t-y Uf ,.ie ''S1'1"" '" tllh "ee a.uxlll " nai II kxii lliullu r ,lu No dylnii Imru ever yet Ske..hW,i,,u, hlnii rm in many irti,Hiirermi , Mrraifml l,v tho vliui m it ..rwt m i " imi'h hl ' fl"'l ithei ullf... w.it-n he 1m dead Then' are nrlinfK. ,,i ,,, all all., And prnrl l.i iiii.l, r r, Nol'llll." f wml In man) a l,y, Wlci-ti life li it ivary lot And miit a h. Mrl I. pi, and true, 1 lial the i r. . 1 1 r , nx pav.,',1 ilih.unh. The,irld ino, on iih reall.n net Hill III iiintlu r kiii'w.tiHi true Ilia l,fUniliiil,iiill.h inula ii., i '""''lied. when lie Ms-n ,, n, ,. " lull II IhKir lllnllicr ii," THE WISH RING. A yonnn farmer ho was very unlin k v at on liia plow a nmiiioul to real, uml jtni then uu old woman crept puat and crieil : "Why do yon go on drudging day auj BiKht witjiout rewanlT Walk twu davi till you coine to a fir treu that stands ill Hloiie in the fmeat, and ovur-tnpK all oilier trees. If you can hew it down ymi will make your fortuue." Nut wailintr to have tlir advice repealed, the farmer liouldered liia ne and stal led en his journey. Sure euongh, after tramp iuu two days, hd cam to the fir tree, which lie ihlsiitly prepared to cut down. Just a the tree swayed, and before it fi with a crash, there dropped out of iti branches a nest conlainini,' Iwo cs. The Vffn lolled io the ground and broke, and there darted out of .one a younj,' eaIo, and out uf the ether rolled a gold riit. The eagle grew larger, as if by enehiint laoiit. and when it reached the size of a man il spread ita wings as if to try their strength, then soaring upward, it cried : 'You hare rescued me ; take as a re ward the ring that lay fei the other egg; it is a wish-ring. Turn il on your tinger twice, and whatever your wish is it nhall be fulfilled. Hut remember there i but a single wish in the ring. No sooner is that granted than it loses its power, aud is only an ordinary ring. Therefore, con sider well what you desire, so that you may never hare reason to repent your choice." So speaking, the eagle soared high in the air, circled over the farmer's head a few times, thru darted, like an arrow, to ward the cast. The farmer took the ring, placed it on his linger, and tinned on his way home ward. Toward evening he reached atowu where a jeweler sat in his shop behind t counter, on which lay many costly rings lor sale. 1 he farmer showed his own. and iisked the tut reliant its value. It Un'l worth a straw.. " the jcwelm uu .1 i. , - I boil ilyit the furiiier laughed, heartily, and t W the man that it ;uj a wiu-tiiig audwf greater Vulue than all the rins in the shop together,; " i J lie jeweler was a wickeil, designing man. so he invited the farmer to remain as his irtiest over night. "For," he ex plained, only to shelter a man who owns a wish-ring must lumg luck - So' he treated his guest to wino anil fair words: and that limht. as the .tanner lav sound asleep, the wicked umo stolf the maf to ruig Iroui bis btiger, and sii,pd on In ltplnj a eoinmnn noe which he had made to reseuilile tnc wisn ring. Tlie next luiiriiiii" the jeweler was all itniMietice to liavo the fanner begone He liwakened liiiu at cock clow, and t m S,.ii had better I'D. fur Toll still buVe aliiM-.hfj'on-.ygti . , . Asmn tlhlaTtaW-4wi k-)iiled, the jeweler clo.-ed his shop, put Up lilt shutters, to thai no ot.e could s-ep in lu.lio.l the door behind him. ami tt.ilid jlllg 111 t tie IIMitiUC Ol UIO ihum. m i,u ! 1 II .1. . I.. ..I the ring anii crieu . t wish Instantly to poKS,'s a million (:: ) . -i i ilil lilllfi - . r If . . ! J . o sooner, sain ii(iin !io great, shilling gold pieces came puiiriiia down upon mm in a gulden U'm-nt oTi r bis head. htil dersand arms. Pitifullv he cried for mercy, and tried to rem-li and unbar the door; but-before he Mirceeded slumlilotl ami ifll blending to tlie ground As for tltf gvlaeurain it ncfer stopped till the weigllt "fi h'e rhetal crnihed the floor, and the jea tier and his money sank through tJie ccllari The gold Mill' "iired down till the imllion was eonijilete. and the jew eler lay dead in the cellar beneath his tteasilje. J ( t( ) 1 J lie .wse. l.owv..i', -!..ilfl II" v'' h. win. catnc rushing over l hat ,he matter was; when they -aiw the dead l. - liiyi ',ild thev exelai 1 man iino" ..- r f Nimbly unfortunate lie wnui i.ie-."g- kill." Atterwartl'. the ueirs came nioi in- tided the pMp'rt . In the meantime uu- ""-' ; hotie In Wghpirits, ii'l showed the ting to his wirf. , . 'Henccfortli we snait never .....-- - want, dear wife," I'O N..d. "tur lor.unc is made. Only wo niurt be rery careful to consider well just what we ought to Wish." ' i i . ...n-..r-.l Tho farmer t". ui 1 ' " 'tLt't of l J tlial H. betwe.M. our two fi1J"? . ,' ' l.:L" l.r linJinud ,.T ,i xnt womi .. . , ie ...rk bard lor a year wl molieV U l'.V it." . 1 f.r e. A.si vert wi. sii me tu , i ' " . .i ... I,., never raised aitrh a l.arVaWt time me? " . Ilot'Suy llooveted sirip of Ln, nd'U"7, ,.n "we have the land v..a i l ... tit in n . and the wis " , , ug(,t,.rl tliut ipi. farmer ,uru i horse ui i. ., .M ...i-. waste onr our " -- " lie. ",' ' trifle" ? way ! . vear's lime the year's Ume SUN " " " and cow had been money r.a Ull! UIHI Joytuli? ll" . .. .1 - mun muneu ma II 1 L ' eurned. "Tl"iBl,'L"f -, diwiro- How lucky vet we Hut now bis wife seriously adjured him to wish forsoinelhiuK at last. "ow that yntt have a wish to be granted," she said, "you slave and toil, and are content with everything. You might he kin,', emperur, barou, even a ntletuan farmer, with chests overflowing with gold; but yon don't kuow what you want. "We are vomit; and life is long," he an swered. "There is oulv one wish in the ring, and that is easily said. Who knows bui sometime We Inav sorely Ueed this wish ? Are wc in want of anything? Have We not prospered, to all people's as- touiahujeiil, niui'tf we possessed this ling? He retisi, liable and patient lor awmlc. In the lueaiitiuie, consider what we leullv ought to wish for." And that was the end ol the matter. It really seemed an if the ri.ig had nought a Messing into the house, (irnii a,' es ami bam were full lo ovcitlowing. ami in the course of a few years the poor fanner became a rich uml portly persmi. who worked with his men alield during the day, as if he, too, had to earn bis daily bread ; bet after supper ho liked to sit in his norch, contented and comforta ble, and return the kindly greeting of the folk who passed and who wished him a respectful good-even ing. ho the yearn went by. Sometimes, when llu v were alone, the fanners wile would remind her husband of the magic ring, ami suggest many plans; Hut as he always answered that they had plenty of tune, anil t.iat the beat thoughts come last, she in, ,t and inure rarely mentioned the ring, and at last the good woman ceased speaking ol it altogether. I o be sure, the fanner looked at the nig anil twirled it about as many as twenty times a day; but he was very cure I'ul never to wish. After thirty or forty years had passed iwny, and the fanner and his wife bad grown old aud white-haired, ami their wish was ft''! unasked, then was (mil very good to them, aud on the saiun night they lied peacefully aud happily. Weeping ehildreu and grandchildren surrounded the two Collins; a. id as one wished to remove the ring from the still hand, as a remembrance, the oldest sou said : "Let our father take bis ring into (he grave. 1 licre was always a mystery about it; tierheps it was some dear remembrance. Our mother, too, so often looked at the ring ehe may have given il to him when I hey were young.'' So the old farme.' was buried with the ring, wliitli had been suppmcd to he a wish-ridg! and was not; yet if brought us much good fortune into the house n hewt could uesirn, k i .J . ! CUPID AS A PINE. Ho CoJiiIiiis of ibe lnliuni.nl and Ln tlirillv Slaughter IMie by the Ita I ap'itliis. Oil ri'njoii'fWiir lo Haltirh f'numWe. Wll.l.is ('iif.kk. February ol'illl. 1 urn it long-leaf pine tree. I sigh and inoaii (he year long over the follies of man mid their misuse of me. In my primitive st;te, ( if I do iioth'ug els,' ) I furnish shade aud oxygen, an I do my share inwards water ing tin stream, liox me and chip me during -lie Minuuer and 1 furti'sh gnod turpentine and gum. Cut me down. k. 1 1 la ii- and hew me. uml I make a splendid slick of timber. Sensible men miko those iii,I'ui!. U,il I am butchered tip by a foolisli olasH w ho split me into rails tor t'eiiee piirpniH 'l.i't me show von the balance sheet. A liiliher II l .ill will give one del lar forme, but 1 am felled and split into rails, making olnl ul fill rents per hundred. jfTiO. It costs I,, ban' me and put me oil the fence ."ill Mils, per hundred mine, another Ss2..")H, uakiug men total ,,l li tin exprlise. I won't count In" capaciiy for inakiiig turpi 'dine, nor the ma , .,'iiiial d.itiiage to the mall, who loses all this lini, 1 1 . ,iu hi. farm, when he should lie baiiliier in w,hkIs mi, ul, I and leaking .in i ,-t s. I i i, lie I l ee I c(it 95. till each, and one dollar more lb.it the limber uian Would pay for me. If one tree cost the ti nner this, one mile of fence, reipiiting fl.illiil rails, and m twenty trees, would be Slfl. With this saved, end the time employed used in fertilizing the land, Would not the farmer s interest be greatly benetited, and my life s 'iim! lengthened? W hen I die flTnlil age 1 am still Herviee- able. I urn betWr fur fuel and light than nil. My knots and joints are lasting fuel and hard to consume. Courting Hides appreciate me, because I have a habit of Wickering, which ihev enjoy. I see them cat, h hold of each other's hands md smile, and then the beau gets another k.i,,l. aud is never happy till that goes to Hi, ki-i iiiu also. I make good lar - after 1 am dead also, but it has to be smothered mil of me. .My proper use is to bo made into boards for building, and for fencing fine hogs, rattle, horses. AY. Ci i'ii. f l.i li:'S I)AHI.I(iS. "ofti the (Vii'iiiyo Suit A Fieneb philosopher wil'i a leaning to statistics has taken a great deal of luiins lo tiud out the countries of F.urojieiu w hich divolce is luosl eoluuioii. r. idhaKsiiiHtt'ded in preparing a table I 'oat will be found interesting by those who deyotr all. nlion lo uu Ii matters. One of this iiniiisitive person s alleged discoveries has an uniiple altractii li. iiiuMiiui h as it seems lo iiiplv sumo si lt ol proof ihirt Kiiroja'an wiiuien are apt to give practical application t the of) ijiioled line : I d rather be an idd man's darling ibau a younn man s slave." The philosopher says that out of every l.llllll diviiiei'Miblaiinil. .Sare granlisl lo (M-rsoiis belwii'ii whose ages there, is merely the Usual dilli rence, but that of girls who are twenty five or more years younger than their husbands there are only 111 who obtain divorces to the 1,00(1 grunted. This is cheering, or ought tn be, to the bachelor who, being in the "sere and yellow leaf," has noddy abandoned all lin" of matrimony. If (he philosophic M'rsoii U to lie liclicvod. he is just the man tri.ither, and pronounced the ease most re the girls waul. And thru the post-nuptial jiuiarkahlc. t hlu r reputable physicians as prospis t is so de'ighiful. Peace and bar- ihign the cause tn natic, or mothers marks. mony must no written over tne portals wherein May and Deceinber dwell. Fur where is Micro auy i iithor iu the world who catches such beauty as email's eyes ? WHY SO SAD. From the Chicago Tribunr ''An revoir." It was a sweet, girlish voice that spoke these words a voice that fell upon the night air with a sad cadence ill strange aud striking contrast t'i the beautiful face and form of Caroline Catchtly tw she stood there upou the veranda of Hrierton Villa clow -pressed in the ul nil of the only iniiu in ull the world who had won her heart and to whom she bad given tho one great love in" a Woman's lii'e that of the sum mer after she has begun wearing store baiiL's. It is a solemn thing for a mau- -sl rung willed, self reliunt and with turiimisc blue mispeiidcrs -to win a woman's love; and amid all the radiant joy and feeling of proud triumph there should be ever in his mind (he sense of a great responsibility that may not be denied nor avoided. For into his keep'ng has been freely placed that most pnvioiis of gilts the life of a pure, trusting woman. It is his to make that life an ever pleasanl voyage adown silver -tinted stre-ins whose every ripple laughs back response ,o the fervid k'saing of the sun, or a sad, Weary march through the arid deserts of despair and nrsery, upon whose trackless wi stea one sees only the w hited skeletons of love and hope mil am bition. Jasper K. l'ollings.one knew this. Me knew that this fair girl who was just bud ding into woinaiihtHsl and her mothers eo.se's loved him with a passionate inten si y ami deep tins fulness. Ilekniwtlal some day (provided ihey were lur.rricd and had any) she would be tho moiherof l is children (hat her sweet voice would tcacli the little lips lo speak his name, lier hum! guide aright the uncertain footsteps of infancy. All ibis eiinie to him wilh dreadful force as he stood there in the pur ple haze of an August twilight with this woman a gleaming w hite arms U'oiuul his neck, her pretty head iihiii his shoulder and her deep blue eyes, which seemed to mirror only trustfulness and love, looking up into his. lint, despite all this despite the large take-it-away-for-a-iiiarter kiss llii'.t the wine-red lips o'erhanging the riant tin nit Ii and pressed upon his blow' there lurked ill li s lii;:ni it vague, shadowy sus picion, a h:iunt''ig fear iliat something, he knew no; what, was on Caroline s iiend. It was the tone of her voice as al e spoke l'ie words with which this chapter opens --t lie mournful eade iee that was aluiosl a sob that had alleeted la 111 so slr.neji lv and uiveo birth to ihe upas like siispieioia, which was blighting his happiness. "Why arc you s.ad when speaking those words?'' he asks. No answer. The vesper chimes of the cathedral a league away come stctilingovcr the lolls that lie to the west ward, ami as l heir tones sweet and solemn and faint fall upon Caroline's port e: r. Jasper li e's a shuddi t pass ovci -her lit In- for.n. She is iul, nv ly religious, ibis girl, and wi h the sudden iusii nt of a man who has played third b.i.-s he resolves (o Inr.i this rever ence ol'hers for ell th'iigs spiritual lo a-, count. "Listen." he says in whi-ieivd tones. "It is the vesper hull'. The eliiines are calling the i hi'iil lo worship, and o io who delilenalely tells a falsehood at th's time can never be saved. You know this. Caroline, do you mil '.'" "Yes." m minus I lie 'Jrl. "And would ymi perjure yourself?" "No." The voice is faint aud low. " I hen Ml inc. he says, sad whe I saying 'An revoir why you were o uu' a little tun, an". "1 cannot." she "lint you must ays. Colltilllti la' per. 1 demand u'l answer. l'oi one instant she looks up a( In r pure Voil'i face av if I lie baud of Wi re upon il and llien :-he whimpers hllll. bail) ofllv "I caiui'd lie pushes her ipiii k'v l'i"iii h'iii..ilun I rudely, and then, as he stands there In side a cluster of roses thai have mined theinselves around a pill.il', he ves ihe li'Hopiiii: bps ,iiii, r as il in uio.lal ;i",aiv. and an instant later she has fa'leii at bis feet mollis soboini; a if her heart would bleak. lie picks her np in bis aims tc he Would a child and rains passionate kisses upon her lace. " l orime me, hceiles. "1 was wr,,iiu' to doubt you. It was but idle en riosity on m pari, and your refusal lo an swer uu niiestioii a'lgcivd me." ' I will answer it now," shosavs. "There is tmtli, ng In conceal, loll wisbeil to know why 1 wi.s.-ad in saying 'An revoir,' and I replied that 1 could not tell Von. It is the truth." ; ! "Hut why can you imt tell the cause i, Jour sadness when sieaking llmse words ? ' lieeause. alio says. looklliL' at hllll ti-tuli rlv. ' 1 do imt kimw wbiil ihev uiean." A TA I IOOI l II till. Syiit'o h 'lt. eyl. Laura Lavauiie, one of the three women in America rejoicing in hiiviiiglheir bodies tattooed, gave birth VcsU rday mornimi, in this citV. to a fifteen-lioiind baby Imv. The limly of the child is eovciiil with ibe snoie marks as the mother, ihe siiangest ilt bo jhL' that they are identical as to pitiuu ml color. Tho mother is tatt,ie,l in blue and red India ink. and the colors of the cbild s marks are the same, represent in;. birds, .wakes, flow, r and animals. The whole Issly is covered, exu'pt the face The father. Adolph Morath, said yesteiday 10 your vol respotidellt thai his wife Was tattis cd within the last Iwehe inoullis, 1 Ii job was begun in Cincinnati, and, as he was traveling lie sivurisl men in v:ii'i,ius tilaoes to eoiilinue the task of dn'oralin lis wife. It thus ri'iiuired several wiiki niul as bis wifo was in a delieaU' cunditiiiu it must have afli-etnl her child. He h:i In'cii showing through ihe small towns of Maryland. She was taken ill at Cniiila r land. and when the company went to Fivd rrickthey failed Ks'iiuse (he plini'id 'at (raeliou was missing. They came to this city on Monday last, and are stopping al a private boarding house. Dr. Shertier, wdC known ill this city, ni'teiideil the I h ethnic museum here has sis unsl Hie tattooed pair at a large salary. Both unit Imt ami child lire doing well. As a sex, women are habitually iudoleut, uud everything tends to make them so. SUPERSTITIONS. Stiinic ol the lueer I'am lcs I'.nlerlaliii d by fiood People. A favorite superstition, in unfliy purls of this country, is the one concerning new louses; that it is unlucky to build u new house, since the coffin of the builder will le (lie first one carried out lit the door. Ueneu in many pa. is of the Southern States i dditions will be made to the old house as long as practicable rather (had re sort lo building uu enlirely new s.nietiire. The siipe.'Mition, perhaps, arose form the I'act that so luaiiv retired merchants er, ct tine houses oulv In die in Iheni as soon as they are finished. This is oUeu the case, ml no supernal and reason is needed to account fur the occurrence. Ibe nnr liant has up to I hat lime been engaged in ictive pursuits, lias never been idle in his life, and us long as his new house is build ing he has occupation ccu though lie may have retired from business, lint when the house is ilmie be has nothing lo lo and uothiug to think of but his ail ments and infirmities, ciuscipienlly thinks of them a great deal, si mo loses his cour age and dies. Spilling the salt on the lable is a pe uliarly bad omen, ami contrary to most of ihese superstitions, lias a definite rea son for its own existence. Salt, is the em blem uf hospitality, of 'riemlship, o" gond- llowship, ami when salt is spilled on the able the friendship is supposed to be in li nger of boiiig broken. Like other sii- . rsiilio.is Ir'icic.x a sullicieiit number of instances of the Verification of the ill oiiieii have been found and recorded lo inspire popular relief in the reliability of the sign, ami it is therefore respected even more than most others of its kind. So far as number is concerned, the most niiineroiiK clnv ol superstitions i com posed ol i hose whlc'i cluster roiiiel Ihe laniily cand'es. Ihe . inin of these prob ably dates far back in autiipiilv. when the world was full of supcisliiinus fancies ilioat light in general I candle light in particular. hen we colue down to the early days of the Christian Church, how ever, vro find that not a few of tho ordi- naneos of religion were aecoiiipanied by reiiioines burrowed I nun paganism, in which lighted candles p.ayeil an important part. ( "miles were lighted al birth to p oil evil spirits, at marriage to pre vent ihe evil eye front a fli 'i ling the haopy pair, and at ib nth to drive awav the de mons who Win-,? laoiighl io be always on the lookout fo:' tile soul of the thing man. Nali ally then, xs caudles played so ini- sirtalit a part in the eeret i'if ol f. li- g ti hi. uu i became accustomed to regard them with sonieibing of a superstitious eye and to look to them for signs and wonders which we e imt to be elsewhere found. Sn a peculiar appearance iu the candle. I,,r whirl) no r-i-,,n could be -ivi ,i, was i Iwavs re :ard -d a indica'-ivo ol' .some in a'ret able Yvc.H ah ul Ut hai u. A eolleetioii of tallow rune, I the wick is Mill low li a-a W ile'iie: sheet and i- believed to foretell the , I .eh of on.' of the family, while a bright spark i., a .-ign of the fii- tur" I'Veplioii ol a lci,r by the ;ieis,,n opposite whom the spira is sitnaldl. and lite WiiV'.lg oflbe flame willnml an v parelil cause is supposed lo d. -ttn,ii-t cote Ibe presence ,d a spun 1. 1 the ,iii. In idilitioii In these 'aiiei'id noiions Mice are so. ue others w hich are fouiu'ed mi Il:i, li lacs loo Well known lo aillllii of ili-- pilte, sin Ii as llieielus.il ol the c; mile lo lit readdv, oi l, Il iiidira.es a s.ale ol at iiiospln-re lavoi.ilde loa eo mug slonii. In Ir land. w h le li,.ii-. hold siipeisli- iioiis. ami iinleeil, "iiprtts i i,,ih ol ahn,'-t very n'her kind, grow a if bv niTjie, t'ie niiise leek is a link', pla it, which, if planted ill the thatch, will preserve the iiiuiales I'r.iin ,,l daubers broiijbl about by lllllli, u,li l.lili s. will!.- ihe loir leaved I iv. r i- i i.n-i I i. d i il.iin to live its i,s- i 'i l all, r 'ii,l en .leullv much son. bt I hi, mull. A ( vdi.i t i i I. mi i ion. The following is an evil. u l IV,, In a !.'(- ter i.l a cnle' ei H,l loiin. wlio-e lioaie Hi lbi- cil v . lo a I'lii iid. al-o of N.'s'l- ville: "M inv lleinks (o you. old boy, ', r leineiiib aim nle iSilniy ,ueuiy ti :t birih- lav. Il -ibe liirlhd.iv, I lucaii was .'eli braled rnmnn It fitn' by the class! of Sli. Tiny found it out in camp. When we got back from supper the senior cae lain, al'b r we wlnsded into line, before breaking ranks published some orders, and wound up wilh : "Mr S will hold a ris'cplioli at the boiler bouse immediately after breaking anls.' Well, wbeu we broke ranks tour yc.iilings laid hold of me aud l iie rest of the ilass escortisl us lo the boiler boiis. where liny made a hallm in. nun ,,f inc if-'aiiial u l:iinp-pot. I vr.is buuiH'i Iweiily one time end a few extra thrown in for goml measure. Then ihe whole mob suirniiinled me aud sham pooed inc. I iiad al ont a ilo7.cn hands tubbing my bead liku a lu gro poiislnig a lioiil di,or-kii"h. I could mil gnl through the omwd, i w as so thick, ami they didn't slop (ill they ull got tint'. All th:s lime the area rang with y, 11 and cheers and "Sam Seav.' '' TII.III.N'si I'OI'I I. mm. A". 1". TYhi". Mr. Dolman, of Indiana, and Mr. F.llis, of Louisiana, have expressed opinions to day about what thcDeui'H lalic pally ought to do In win iu the coming elect ion Mr. Iloluiau said iu louMi'satioii that he thought the majority of the delegates would be in favor of the old ticket as Mu st rougest that could he placed in Mie field. Should," he said, "bis physical condition prove eipud to the sirain. mid he will con sent to serve, Mr. Tilden will undoubtedly receive the nomination." "Do Voll think I lie old liiket could lie elected?" "I could," was the prompt reply. "It would, beyond a doubt, be the strongest ticket that could be placed in the field." "Will the place of meeting have any i fleet upon the choice of the convention?" "N'ol in the least." Kiid Mr. Iloluiau. ' There is a tiinlitinii hanging about Si. lamis in favor of the old ticket, but that dues not signify anything. Wherever the convention is held, Tilden will get the iiomiiiatinii if he will accept it.'' Mr. Ellis thinks that Tilden's strength throughout the country will be turned over to Payne, mid that Payne uud Doraheiuier will compose the ticket. COLLECTING A BILL. . Frum (hr Ikliiiit Fret V'rjin. A citisen who bus uu office on Moiuroc avenue has for the laM Mint' yeaisa been owing a grocery bill. The grocer's collec tor called mi him over one bundled limes to m cure payment of the debt, but was el wuys put oil with some excuse or other. At ono tune it was death another sick ness another lime bail luck, and so it went on until it really seemed impossible lor Ihe debtor lo invent uuy new pleas. The other day the grocer himself took the bill iu his lis', and cornered the dehtid- in his othee. "Yos, I know very sorry hand you ibe money u week froiu to-day," was the suuuim excuse. "See herd" said the grocer, as lie looked ibe door and pulled off his coat; "I've been figuring on ibis matter. This bill is for (jl.l I can give you the Worst licking a man e'er received and get off vtitll a fine of 810. I ll then give you a receipt for the oilier five and the account will be pulvc-izcd !" "Hut suppose I lick ymi then what ?" ipiciied the other. "Then there wont be any resort to the law, and you shall hr.vo a receipt in full !" "That seems to lie fair, and 1 11 do my best," said the debtor, and at it they went. The grocer expected lo get away with him in about a minute, but lie was a deceived man. It wasn't over three minutes before he was knocked oyer a eha:r and rendered lei's ,e coiubrt. "Is it a receipt iu full ?" asked debtor as he sal astrde n'" the other kept both bauds fastened ill bis hair. "She is !" "And you'll pay me ?'J in cash for the and the broken furniture ?" "Yes." "Then ymi may get up, and I'll recom mend you to a doclor who'll fix your bro i;eii ollarbmie : s good as new itish'e of a week." The grocer u.ive him a receipt for the account, ami handed over S'J ;n cash, and later iu the day, when tell'iig the story ' in his store, he explained : "(ientlenien, I 'vi'sassed sen 'esuf citizens, abused dozens of liackmeii, ami been ach hiLT ''or tb 'ee years pest for a chance to piilveriz sonic one. It's wmth 817 to me to know that my grit gives out with the firs, round " a oiscoxxr.t'Ti'.n htory. Fi'iin 111,-1- leirli's,ii Nm s tun! I'miricr. Ill North Carolina there is a reptile known as the joint snake. Win n attacked it flies into pieces, each piece taking care of itself. A darky attacked one of them the other day uml In his utter amazement it broke all up. each section jumping oil' iu a different direction. Iu the coarse of an hour he returned that way and was utterly amazed again to see it all together except the tail piece. Mier wailing a few min utes he saw ihe tail coining up In join the body, taking sharp, ipii, k little jerks. It c.iine nearer, until wiiliiu a few inches of the three , punier snake, when i( gave a siiil'leu jump and hitched on iu it proper place with a fuss resembling the popping of a cap. The darky knocked it to pieces several lines, and each time il cuiiictogt'lh er again. I le carried Ids auiutcmcht too far. however, in throwing Mie tail p., it of the snake across the creek, just lo are, he said, "how loug it would take il to catch up;'1 hut il never caught up. The snake, with its ihreii joints, was carried lo the bouse, w here a new tail is bi ginning to glow i.i f place lire lost one. A gentle man who knows much about ibis singular species sins a bead will grow on the de tached trunk, and there will be two Miakes ill-tend of , lie. 1 Ul I II IH. l'lillil'l.'l ll.il ,.', rrsp.. lid. nl 10 1 is A 1 1 1 man Keg Is', r A lady was telling me a very funny story uncut the eii'tro'ining of Lord Col eridge by lieoige W. Cbilds, of lllis city, M s. Cbilds. wishing in huve his Lon'ship's til'e duly limn red, coached tier servant and cha.'g' d him lo say, whe i wakening his Loii slop in the nnn'iiing: "My Lord, il is time lo u'i-r." Hut the servant failed iu d'sli actions, and 'apping al the guest's don.' shfiiilii : "My I Jod, it is time to 'get up. " Imagine (be expression matutinal on tne Loru's face. Faith is sometimes personified ns a drenched female dinging to a sea-washed rock, but a belter personification Would be A li.hl licnlisl uiasiliiiyiug u boll e of pat cut hair -restorer. A rich man is generally spoken of as "well heeled," Hut ibe yoi:,h who first ven tures forth to mi! (he .till mail's charming daughter, will also find the old gelilleinuii is occasionally well toed. A Minnesota editor alls a rival jour nalist "a mzV -smiled, insinuating whiffet." A cyclone of culture has evidently swept through that section of (he country; or, perhaps it is only a tornado of thought. "Is it ihe duty of a man who has iniir rial a'widow to accompany heron visits to the grave of her first husband?" some body ssks. If the happy pair an' living en l he life insurance policy of of the lament ed il certainly is. A Norwich young lady says an old phy sician told her "the surest way to lake cold is to hu ', the stove," and she says "yomig nu n who go courting on Sunday nights should remember ibis and not shiuI all their time hugging the stove." "Mercil'ul g, sidiiess'" exclaimed an old bachelor, as a bevy of beautiful girls swoop ed down upon Mm one evening and insist teil upon i sem iiiig him to an oy ster suloon. " W hut din's this menu?" "l)h, dou't be seared!" one of tho maidens cried, "it's only a she mid." "What time will you come home to night, my dear?" asked Mrs. Colonel Per cy Verger of her husband when he was going down to attend a meeting of the vestry. ''Whenever I get ready," answer ed her husband, crossly. "Oh! well, don't come any later, please. A New York wouiau bequeaths t'lj g year tor the care ol ber two cats. IN THE DARK. From the Arkausaw Ttavi'Ut While Colour1 (iliu. was in the city he was the gue.yt uf the Hey. Mr. Mulkittlo tliut is, part of the lime. "Are you tea ly logo up layout' room?" asked Mulkiiilc. "Yes," ihe Colonel replied. "1 reikin I i'u.i sleep, but I don t know. Lying ti'.'eeiid town ,li 'li t utree wi.ii me.. 1 am Used lo Wolk, uml if I hud a couple of trees lo chop down I could regain some of uiy lost force "Don't ymi call prciehin' work?" usked Hi other Mulkiitli. "Well, it is work a ler a fashion, but it don't tsosi ii up the joints like splitting rails. Did ymi ever split rails "No, and 1 hope I Ii ver shall." "I bop, you do not cnii-iiler yourself above su, h wmk ? ' "It's n it ihai. Hiolh r (Hint 1 don't consider niy above milking a cow", 'out 1 do Hot car ' lo eliM're in il." "Why did y ni single out a cow ?" ' Happened to think of a now, ihal' a'l." "Didn't some body te cowa in liolne ? "I never heard of kiad." you I milk the anyiliiiig the "Then, you i.re certain you meant no dim uiect to uie when ymi referred lo the cow ? 1 "Wiiy, my dear sir, it is preposterous." "Not so preposti rmis us ymi may sup pose, sir. I know town people hav a dis posi.ioii lo make iliu uf people in (he con dry. and I waul ymi lo uiidersiand that if I am a coiiuiiy preacher I ain't a slouch. I can p each ail around any man iu ibis town. "I ihink you aie m er sensitive, Hrolher (Hint, and disposed lo be ipiarrelsome. This should lie an occasion of brotherly loc. and uud 'is and me when I shall not be on. lum inal in making it otherwise. Your bed is ready, and ih 'le ii a lamp in your room, tiood night.'' Cu'onel (J'i.it, without replying, sought bin room, lie lay on the b"d and losaed awhile, and then remoise b.-gaii to seize him. "I Would go down and ask his par don," he mused, "but he's gone to lied. Hello, what's that?" uml he listened. "Somebody outside ipiarreliiig wilh Mu' kittle. I'll g dow.i and maul the wretch." Just us Mr. Mul'iic.le had stretched himself on the in d. his wifo iu u fright exclaimed : 'There's so-ii.'body Hy ing to gel in lit the front dom. "Mr. Mulkillle went lo the door and said : "Who's .In ie "Me," rep'ied a Voice. "Who's lue ?" " I don't know who you are." replied the voice o1' a drunken man. "Must have been out nrgh,y l.i.e with be hoys ii' you hafter ask every feller ih.it coiu clung who you are. Who do you r.vkin you are, anyway ? ami he laughed. "If you don't go away I'mui there I'll come nut and hint ymi.' "You're ihe man I wan! to do my bus in ,'aS Willi." "I am. eh?" and Mr. Mu'kiille thnw opeu the door. 'I'll 1 fellow ran away, Mr. Millti.ile following hi'ii lo the yard gale. Just sihc preacher re entered the door, be was coiitroiiosl by ihe Colonel. The Col. nel mistook Mulkillle for a burglar, aud it flushed across Miilkiltlo's mind lh..t the drunken dodge had been a device to ge. hi il away from t In door so that a robber could enter The two nu n did no. speak, but grappled wilh each other. Mil!-, kiltie is no. slow in a "tussle." ami the ( olouclisal I'o'ne iu a baud to hand. There w as j ud ligbl enough in the hall for the men to sis- each other, b.it Hot enough lo admit of recognition. Soli-cling his oppniaiiii y Mr. Mulkillle planted a Sllllillhg blow between the eyes of bis adversary, but ere he could follow up ihe advaulage thus g; iueil. the Colonel, vio lating the international I'viity. struck Mul killle Ih IoW (he o, It. sbiilllng him up like a knife. The Colonel sprang forw.t d to avail himself of ibe poliil gained, but Mul killle straighten , I up wi.bilie Colonel on the back ol b's mi k. Then fnhowed a series of Hcr.ini'.iliiijs. Jis al ibis time M"s. Mulkillle rnsheil into the hall with the handle of a duster. She lcvehd a blow, she did not know at whom, but it struck the 'oloiiel ecross the ankle bone. "Hold on! " he ycllcil. "I pass. I can stand a good deal, hut w hen I get a crack across that Imue 1 in done." "1 1 rent hcave'is! "exclaimed Mr. Mulkil lle, "is it ymi?'' "(Ih, no," replied the Cnluuel, iu ugutiy, "il's not me; il s the feller thai keeps the tollgate." "11-iiie a helil This is very unfortun ate, 1 deflaT " "Yes," ihcColoiiel replied; it's damn un fortunate. I don't use such expressiona as a rule; that is. I don't swear by note; but when a man deliberately sols a trap for me, alter speaking eoiilemptilously uf iny milking cows, and then gels his wife to hop out u'ld whack me with a hiIc, Mien I swear." Your enlirely w-ong, dear brut he " Don't brother me. I'll take you out here and break von against a tree. Leniine get the balance of my clothes and I'll leave ymi. When he came down stairs agaia, Mrs. Mulkittle, seeing that her husband had failed, attempted to effect a compromise, hut he waved her off, "No, madam; your huahand may be a good man, and may walk beside all I In still waters he can find, and loll in all the green pastures, but wheu a man instructs his wife (e whack my an kle bone, I'm done. (Innd night." and be sought a cheap lodging-house. ' Dig him out! Dig him out!" said the wife of ihe man who got buried by a cav ing well, "he's got at least six dollars in his pocket." Swavkk's I'll is. ConiforlliiK loihr Sick Thou auda die fmm muhs'l lo proerly treat ImiMira bliHl. ('ouaiiiuitiitii, liyatK-.ia, Malaria, A uoplesy Uver, Kldii.-y. Ileurt likseiistsi, linifMy, ami Kheu mallaai. Hut to III dchilllatrd, burdened wilb aiieb aerlims sli kinsis m is,iiM-leoilusly nisiu mend "SWAYNKS I'll I M." wJilih ei'lilaili ninllel ual pritiierllin ptA-ataicd by ui, Trther reniisly. ft-m By mall for t'c nls, Uu :'pill : U l,n II. H tump. i. Addresa, I'H sU AY.vk' SON, Pbiladal plua, Pa. tsultl b) Pnimi-U. a . IP you have any old defaced, broken, vr worn oui sruciea oi goiu or rover wuicu you would like to sell fur nub, ssud them to L. 0. Grady, Halifax, N. C. ADVF.RTISKMF.NTS. TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH l'e tlie MrtKii, l,,n Appliance Co.'a MAGNETIC LUNG PROTECTOR I I'lUVKOXI.r f5. T)iiyartiprlerhmt.,U,, IK iillenun and Chit drill hIIIi weak luiiitij no ctue 1 puvuiiiunla or croup U ever known whern lln-sc tuniit'iiH an worn. The) prvvviit uud i iity In-un dinVullitt, I'i'IiH, Itheniiiiiiuiii, N.iiulKiii. Throat Iruublea, lilplilhi'rlii, i nltirrh, and all kindred dlaciuca. Will a ear an) aervun for three ymra. Are worn over tllU Ullder I lellllliK CATARRn.t'iy i'nh lo dea- I'lU'tht, ayiiiiitnlni of lliia miiisetiiii diH.'atw Unit la uipplnK lh mu and alrenatli ul only buiiniiiiy ol'the falrol niul beat of Is'Ut .'Ae jil,r, siiiilv and rvM Htvh In America, F.iir,,'iiud l'.ii-l,'in Inn, I.. Ini,. n-siili, .1 m ,(, Mag. lulu' lams I'liius i'.r. ail'iriliiiseurv f..r ( aiHrrh a miicii) Ii leli i lain- N,, I tiikki uu of Hie syMcui uiiilnitlillieeoiitiiiimiis ainuiuuf MiiBii,iimm i,r. iiiiiiluii: iliioinili ilieiiillii ii'd.irKKln.H, 11111,1 riipa llieinioii iienlih) -H..11. Wo pluc,. nnr price fur lli.s Applniiii,' nt l,ss lliaii oltc-llielilielli ,,f th price asked h ,'llieif,,r rrniedira iiin lilcli you lute nil llii't'liiniics, mid ,eiuly null,' llio lail- nniaue ol the iioiuy pers'tna ulio have tried driia Ijliilj llleir slnlnui Iw Ullll, ,nl I'lloct. HOW TO OBTAIN SS! nee. He your dniKKlit nnd ask for them. If tliey luive ii"i not them, wrlie liitlieproprictiii-ti.eu-clnnhnt Hie price, ill I, Her ul our rlsk.iiinl they will iH'M'llt I" )l III tllllT II)' lllllil, MIS )wi,. Send slump fertile "SVw liepurture iu Medical Treiitioenl ill", ul Mcdii'lnr," Kin, iliuusantbi of l-lilllit)l'ts. TllU MAHNCTOS APPMANt F.CO.. '.,lSliU,,sti,.. t, t'lilciiiiu. III. Son--semi onrdollHr Iu MiHirr aiamia, ur eur raney on I, Her ill our risk, u uli ie,,f nlme usually wnrn, niul try a pair , 'four MnKiictlr In.,, ami iK'ci.iniiin d of the power 1-iidduiK in our Ma lietie Applmnees. I'lmlllvely uo eold feet where lliey are wnrn. ur innney refunded. ts t 1 1 ly THE BLATCHLEY pumpi BUY THE BEST. BIATCHLEY'S TKIPLI ENAMcL PORCELAIN-LINED OS SEAMLESS TUBE COPPER-LINED pump Do not lw ftnni. lntn V tU'lif lulrlor (vHli, r rot uH hy Dm tn-rt si I" a St. . DalUaM 111 Lit TriaiM. C.C.LATCHLEY.Mnnurr. 308 MARKET 8T.9 Philad'a. Yt nti to iu fur tiuiw of jwinisl Aavut fli jMim Tha M aui of a Itallabla niaralU, Whlrli, wiill,. uclliiK a. a -llniulmit of b kidiit-ya, tieiiiipr eaeili-a nor irriluiea ibeni, aa I, "'il aluoa auiiplled by lloiieiirr'a Stuiiia, Ilillera. Tint due iiiedienir ri.rta Hie inpiMIe ilicn-e of aliuiulallon upua llleat ortiaiia, without proilin on Irrllalios, and it, therefore, lar heller ailaplnl for Um purpoai, Uian iiiinieitiraii'd rxeitanta oftra retorird to. Oyapfpaia, let ar and afut, aa4 kilulri'il ,li,easi-s. are all cured lv II. for alr by all liniirgxia aud' Kralrrs Kiieially. June 11 ly L ' JiSi-oSiW' 1J FOR CATALOGUES. nov 'Ji y Jtll ESTATE fi E N C I r I have ealabli.hed a HEAL FJTATE AOINCT 1 Uiatowu of WELDON, N. C. I hara TKN houret iu Weldon FOR SALE OR RENT.: Alxiut half nf them atom, others dwaUlaaaJI I also bare about U.U4M1 ACHtM OK I.4MU IN HALIFAX CUUNTY FOR lAll For Airther tnlrnlan, qartie wUhlni to bay e mill ran apply to mc In person or by Itttar. I sin now Uklnf up all tanda psnln wUb to tail aud advetlliliuj lit amia at my own ipenae.ua leaa a sale ) mad and then I charge coumtaaluii. For )' ttanrlnt at a reutlemen sad a sia worthy to br Iru.ifd, refer by penulnloa to It Siolth. Hcollaiid Ssek ; Dr. J. A. Collliif, AiE!' W A. PanWl, Waltktt, T. W UutM. l.llllrlon. liflSIiFiil J 4 we lire I" Billiard! t nau eipa"