THE ROANOKE NEWS TIirKSIUV, : : MAKt'H 1:1, 1-1. W. W. HALL, 1 V I'liorKIKTOIiS. J. W.M.KIKiK, j POLITIC! AM) IMIITIi:. Soiui'tliinj; liiin lately been saiil of n new party. It in thought that tliftWeiiee unifing llemniraU will cause a iIit in that party oniior or later ami likewise that the opposing faetioiM in the !epuli!ii-aii part J will alnt ilfvt'lope into two parties. The tariff rjuostinn in the rock upon vtliiili the present party organization are ejpeetisl to be wrecked. There ia no duiibt that there are high tariff men anil low tarifl men in both partiea, and it is tuippo-ieil that they cannot remain in the saine con dition ail now. Indeed there are many diffi r.-moK of minor iinpertaiiee which fie tiieiitly dilurli hot li partic in different localities. For iiistain-c in North Caro lina the ipuwtiou of Internal Revenue it Considered from different xtainlpoiiili-. Some, want the tax uholished, other waul the lysluii repealed while others Mill would lie satisfied with a uiodi Gcatiou botli of tke tat and system. Now it neeum bard to ree"iuile tliese difli rent views agreeably to the advoeatei of each but it must Lc doue if (lie party hope to continue aucccwifid KaeL- faetinu, wants i(s vv'Wn to triumph and it is itnHs-ible f'yr each to carry its point. The dele gates to the Hut-' Cowveutioit will repre sent all of these aud they and the ieople who aeud tlicin there bhoitld accept the de cision of the m,ajor,ty gracefully. This is the ouly way in which to preserve the lvirty organization. If any are dissatisfied with the work of the Convention- how can they improve it? They can leave the party aud join the Republicans, but that will not help them they will find that the Republican are muvh divided on qucf tioiu of government as the Democrats. They can orgauiie a new party, but this will not help them because they could bot then hope to succeed and the State, and probably the National Government, would be placed in the hands of the Re publicans and the new party leas far from the attainment of their ends as ever. Kver since the war of the resolution there have beeu two antagonistic principle of government in this country and upon these all parties have rested. Centraliza tion as exemplified by the Federalists, Whigs aud latterly the Republicans; and 1 leiuocracy which had for its founder Jefferson, which is now the legacy of the present Democratic party. These two principles have been obscured at times by other matters but they were always the ground work of all the parties in this iiuntrj that ever reached National im portanee. Those who believe in local self -government, of the people by the people and for the people, can expect to sec this doctrine upheld only by the Democratic party. No matter what other issues there inav be, no matter what differences may exist upon other questions they still must know that'the great underlying principle, the great ground work of the Democratic party is nclf-governmcnt as opposed to centralization. For this has the party al ways itruggled. The Republican party oil all such (pi est ions has been the enemy of the Hople. Now aiipHe any portion of the De mocracy should be opjsised to the plat form put forth by the majority, is not it much better that they should y',-1.1 and continue to support the party knotting however they may differ on Mime things they are all one iu the main? Or is it belter that they should, iu order to grati fy a teinHiiury disappointment, turn their b.ick upon hopes and desires eiiterlaiin d and si riven for by them and llifir ances tors for generations? There can be but one decision. It-t us all Work together for the Democracy and iH-ll'giiUTUiuciit, hoping that if there is anything which we tll-appiuw we will rectify it inside the party and not leave il and thus forever put it out of our putter to remedy the evil complained of If this should be done all those i.hjee tioliahle feature can lie altered. If il be not done the Republicans will control the government and then we will not oulv not obtain further beneficial change but will k,r what ha been secured after years of labor aud trouble. There can be no success and no reincdv in a new puny, but only defeat and dm npsjiutmenl. The IVuimrati.- organisa tion i good enough for us an, I if it should not be will try to help make it so MB. JnllN S. Wim: before the Dan ville liiveatikjatiiig Coiiiuiill.H? is reported to have said that when colored politicians omuc to vce Liw they went to the kitchin. This raiswd indignation among the col oreJ poople tome of whom have roundlv denounced the whole thing. Mr. Wise sought to calm them by publishing a card telling what be did say. Rut it is claimed that the original notes of Ins exHiuin.itiou have been changed. He has also gotten -himself into' hot water with I'age Mc Carthy, abusing that gentleman, at the name time stating that he would not tight a duel. McCarthy writes au article de- j itoiiuciug Wise and saying he is no gen tleman but an ass and Miihone's trick mule in thf Danville investigation circus. A Washington dispatch to the Rich mond Slnle says that two prominent eolor- ed citizens of irgiuia will be witness- - fur the ."defence" when the Danville com mittee resume the hearing. They will testify that the Readjustcr were the first to draw the color line, uud (s rsistentlv kept tll .fa '',uu before the colored jieople Vud of the iaTestigatinii. like that V promise to make itself quite l thoee who took LolJ 0f it !a -i fauee. lauc MM K the jiitl'odueti .11 (.!' l.vo-ren! lc t T litag- illi'I'e lias been nil unexpected reduction in tie1 number of p .--tal cards Liud. For live years the average annual increase in the issue has been I I per cent. Since duly 1 last there has been an in crease of 1 X per cent, iu tie' number of adhesive stamp, and per ''''' in 'he IlllllllsT of Stamped CllielopeS isst,s(l, but tlie e of postal cards reached L'."li.o."J.- ""i'I only, as an the eorresiioudi Year. linst, during ig p iiod iu the preceding llAKlitsMiMii itd the capitol of Pennsyl vania, would be niipposcd to be in favor of protection of the highest kind, but it seems that it is not. :i Saturday last a pri mary was held in that city to scud dele gated to the District Democratic conven tions wbidi will wild d. legates to the National coiiveiiti.-n. A friend of Kx-Seii- at-.r Wallace and an avowed five trader j carried the primary, getting sixteen out ' ! I. !.,, r.,,,1- .l.'.l Tl.i. .1 ! notwithstanding some of the wealthy man ufaetiirers did all they could for protection. This does not seem to indicate that the i l.Lh tariff men have every thine ll.eii own ! way even iu I'eiinsvlvai Til It location of the Uo National Coll Veiitioiis in one city iu the yir 1 I has d -Velopcd some intereslile.' fads in regard to lis -atinits of Couveiitious. It is thirty two years siinc both uoiniualiiig (Vintii lions of one year were held ill the salin. citv The lUtnocrats ii'itniuated Fierce in Raltimore in lSfiJ and t ho Whigs liotnina- j . t .4 :. . :. . r ion. n n uud CUy were both nominated in Haiti mole. For more than a quarter of a cen tury then.' has been a disposition to go West, and since the Democrats started the fashion by going to Cincinnati and nominate Buchanan, a majority uf tin-Conventions have been held in tho West, (bit of seventeen Conventions since lSjtl. louuting the two of this year, Chicago has ....... . , , . , t iniiv iv- lll.lll VOOU.OOO CUCU. hud six, ( mciuati three. Rallt.nore three, TlL, KUmAMe ill(.rcaSL. is ,n:u, o-a Philadelphia two and New ork, Charles- j wide divirity of industries. The cotton ton and St. Lousis one each. j mills, now building and inaugurated since j th 1st of January, will cost oer ?:i.2.")U. l'.Vi:TS W Till: l.l.l'.CTOK U. COM- "'U "re thau 100.00U spindles MISSION IM MIOI). , to the nuinber now iu the South. As A dispatch from H'ashington. of Febrtt- j ary 24th, says; At a dinner party given during the last week, Senator elect ltlack burn, of Kentucky, told the following; in teresting story, which he says was told him by (len. (larfield: At a social gathering at which Alexander II, Stephens and other prominent Democrats were present, the stirring events of tin- closing day of tie session of lS7ti -"7 Were the topics of con versation, and some of the party wore, com menting on the narrow cscai.e of theeoun- try from a bloody struggle. It was agreed ! these there are numerous other cotton by all that if it had not b.s-n for the great i factory projects being worked up. An self control of the members of both parties ; immense amount of Northern and Wcs and the real patriotism of the I -moerats ; tern capital is going into Southern indus a civil war would have broken out. (len. tries, and the Southern people are iuvest-(iarfn-ld lure came iu with a high compli- j ig heaily iu new cntcrpiises. ineiit lor tnu I'emoerals. lie said tliat ! perhaps none ill tlii-m knew how great the i danger was at that tune, lie added that' he thought he had been the means j of breaking up a foolish programme which j some Republicans had actually arranged. ; and which, it carried out, would certainly ; have resulted in a bloodv outbreak. I Now." said (len. tiarlield, "as we are ; talking niiioiig ourselves as geiilleiiien. ami j iiol as politicians, ,.i no hesitation in telling you what that programme was. Instantly there was tin- most rrofound at tention, (i.-ii (iai field coiiti d. after a i m..nieiit's pause, in which he lighted a fresh tigar. to say that there was nearly a panic among the Republican leaders durinu' the days immediately preceding (be pass- ! age of the Klcetoral Cnmmissioii bill. It! as oeiieeii ov some inai tile Illiou.-Iers ii i i i i . . I I, I-...1 1... - .... .1 . .1 ei-l ttolilil lie alileto ileleat tin-count iiiut leave j the country, the llli of March, wiihoiit an Fxeeiilive. Late the last day of the de bate ( l.ii field was summoned (o an impor taut conference of the Republican leaders. (larlii-Id did not say who was present, or i whi r.- it was held, bul from what followed it was iiifeircd that the I'resiili-ut and bis Cabinet and the (iciieial of the Army were th. re. (lallield said he ailived eiy late The conference had just coin hide I its woik I'lioii a-kin.1 what -iilii t b id in en discussed ami wlial coiiclu-ioii r. ai licil. i he w.i- told that those present believ.-il tin- lilil listers in the House had the power to j d. leal lb.- omit uulesse(r.i..rdin.irviiiea- ' un-s wen-employed Ii had been av.rei d. , .he fore. .o,.,'i, h 0 , fn.m ,,, ; ars, n.d at :l o'eloi k the next no. ruin:: lo the Capitol, and station them in the base ment id' the loiic reai I tube luaiclied up into the House lobby, and upon ihe floor itself, if necessary, w In n the lloii-e nu t The filibusters were then to be noli lied by an order from the President that i mrsisteiit hlilnistcriiiL' in the face of the I situation Would be tr -.ited as an in t of re bi llion and ihe objecting tin 111U rs would In-urn sled and cariicdoul. ( larfield said (hat he denounced this proeramine and op posed it to (he evlelil of his ability. lie said stu b an act would arouse the country to a pitch of madness." and that blood would ft. w iu the streets ot every city iu ' I lie couiiiry. ill olilcclioni Were Hot - !cH to until lie iid (hat il'thi- rfr-j!!i!i 'ii Was pesi,trd in he should l'o to the I, le L-r.iph ollice uud dclioiiuei- ihe ttbole lime lo the eoiiiili v Another writer t. lls tlio tollovung sup plimeiitary story : . 1- 1 , for two weeks many iviiiocratio mem b.-rof the Hons,, slept in Raltimore every I Vik tru-t panv, was recorded a few night lather than take the chances of j days ago at Crhana. Ohio. -bcina awakened by an an ollieer with a! tile of men and an order for t In i r arrist. I'reuliss Tilh-r, a clerk of the I'acilie Siiineihing had to In- done. The great j piess company at St. louis, tilled a val- luiml of Ren Hill, of lieorgia, coinpre- iih money paekagi-s containing nearly the dauger, aud was eipial to it 1 ,,,MI- "J '''I' fur parLs unknown. He called a secret meeting of thirty ciuhl 1 -l, ;i . 1 1.1.:. : . .1 .- (. c .1 n . - I I liiladcli.lii.i is euinoii to th Iroiil as a of Ins Niiithern colle.-igues at a pioiniiicnt 1 .1 .,.;', 1, . , , . , l,M . 1. 1 . 1 1 dog riclliti town. Races take p aeedai v. Ii.i.-I h -re lo colisu!l upon w ha w a 1 nil i in 1: . ,. ..... I,. ' 1 . , , .- . 1 1 ; I he distance is Iroiii 1 (M o jilll yards, duty in this hour o grea danger to he 1,1 -, . ., . . ' 11 ,1 .;. Ti. . .. ,1 - ... ...... . in, i-.ns i if me mm- weic ill- 1 oiuiiiiiiis. In Indiana nes tings were l, ing i lield to ihi-idc What the Demis-rAts who I had elivt.s thcr I resident should do. j .c. N,,,,l,a ,..,e here Iron. l ,.l,d, .. and ,,,lv said his p.s.ple did ..,.1 mean to l- robbed ol (he Irmis ol lhe(r victory, and that there were f00 men to bis knowhslge who were ready with arms to niaiulaiii (heir rights. Mr. Mill's fnemls 111H. None but Si.uiIhtii iui-ii heard ol the incvtuig. It escaHil those j argus eyed wali-ln-n of .-vents, the snvial j coircH,u,leiits. The thirtyn-ight to VoU- Willi me llepiiijlli-ans to otop til ibuslerinjf. They helieviil the Milvatioii of the country demalidiil it and they ros i to the occasion. Not a whisper of what had iMi-ndouf reached other esr than tli. iis. Next morning when tho trouble com lueneed in the House the thirty-eight beuu to vote "No." I Mill uvtr forget the scene. 'I i,,. Kepiiiihi ans Were ihti.-d. Jerry Rudd. tlieu a toeinlier of Congress from Wisconsin, alb nvards the (ioreriior of his State, said: '-When Ken Hill' voted no I always voted aye. I am puzzled. I never found myself voting with rebels be fore." 1i vv, of Louisiana, made a speech which oj.-u.-d the eyes of the House. Leading Republicans, men wilh national reputations fr Imtli and honesty, had assured ihe Louisiana delegation that Louisiana should no from under the yoke, midden, M. C. Rutlcr, of South Carolina, who was hern hing events for (iov enior Hampton, telegraphed (he same thing to his friends in Columbia. Mr. Tildeii li c ame alarmed. His ca.-e had already been lost by Mr. Hewitt's fa mous -peace at any price' poech, but Til den did nut savin to know it. Hi sent his a'.vnts all over the South, and all at once fro i ft every quarter there came letters and telegrams to the devoted thirty-.'igbt, ask ing them what they meant by thus betray ini; the party. In some of the more rabid IK-Wsiiairrs they Were deiiolllieed as trail- "is. compared to whom Judas Iscariot was " ""int and Benedict Aruold a patriot. tu l"'V('r "wrvcil. aud iu face of the anuse, tin- entreaties jeers in many cases - of their opponents, in spite of all this liny otod as hey believed their dutvcall- . on them to do, until the count was end i I... " At ,ll!,t ''"' ihe country did not know, but now the people see with clearer eyes, and in the light of past events the lie u who stood iu the breach ug:iiut such a storm as but seldom comes, are juslitii d by their friends and lln-ir country." i:m i.Hl'itiii; i iiicsoi iii. i:li abrillnarv imuln tin- Hie Past tun liuihs Iu Mining unit l. lor t nr.--. The l,tiiii'ii tnirr.i' A'cc..i tpiiblishes a '""''s progress iu man- ufaetuic-i iik the South, shotting the a 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 of capital invested in (lie Southern manufacturing and mining enterprises dur ing January and February. The amount is placed at 828,L'()U,(ltlll. Kentucky shows the largest aggregate, 8li,851,(WO, while Alabama is second with 5.L'10.0UO; Virginia, 8:1.8:1(1.111)0; Texas, UlW.Ollll; (ieurgia, 82,(1? l.tMUt, Maryland, SfJ.ul.'i. IMHI; North Carolina, SI.'l'T.OllO; West Virginia, S'.Hli.OIMI; South Carolina, SiKIC 000; Tennessee. SSlU.tlOII. ami the oilier S1! ,l.s- Hut.. tl,.,,, Coo oon 1. showing their faith iu Southern cotton luaiiufacturiug number of well established Southern mills propose to largely increase their capacity. The Kagle and I'lm-nix mill, Columbus, (.iu., intend to erect a new 81,0110,001) mill; the Rome, (ia., cotton factory will spend 8100,000 on a uew mill; the Riverside Cotton Mill company, Danville, Va., Matthews Mill company, Sehna. Ala., and the lliriningham, Ala., cotton mill will each expend SI 00,000 or more on new mills, while in addition to ;i:m.kai. m.vvs. .. , ;M:"y' lli,H n"w ,Jt't,M " ,l10 stil!;c ''' yw"'H- ',. , lv ,,. years old are working jn ( ),io eoul mines. ' The lir-l State election of the year will 'hat nf Oregon, dune 2. Only thr.v executions for murder took I place in France during SS:l. Tln r.-ale about 2.700 births and about 1 'Oil ,, al hs r week iu London, w,;maii has been elected president of '"duma Ih-e kis-H-rs' associalion. ii, .,,.,., ,., . . i- . i . , ',Ht ami mot in ii .on . cauie suuering troui i disease in (ileal Britain. Texas has shipped and sold out of the Slate l."07,S7(i head of stock since iSiiii. Two Chicago boys who had been bitten by mad dogs died iu dreadful agony of hy drophobia. There arc three Wolueli iu New York dime no i-i ions whost- coiiil'ini .l weight is l.lUot pounds. Til. i i- uiore telegraph business di ne in I lie city ..I ( Im ago than iu the entire dominion of Canada, 1 '""'7 l l,"":iry 'I"' uili-mal debt was ,. IVa'"'' 2..)slJ..,S7. 1,-aMiig the total '''" l ls.;.0S.I.7l!.S(;. It is stated thai the receipts of the Irving season in America will reach the eiioiuious sum of four hundred thousand dollars. It is reported that .Mrs. Langtry will permanently retire from the stage after the 'r s.-nt season aud go into business ill L011- The brew of malt li.pioiN iu this country last year amounted to 1 7,:i."i(l,000 barrels, renuiring about 20.0dT).ll0lf pound of hops J.O. Reach, of Kidgewav. Minn., hhot and killed his wife, from whom he had been divori-ed. and then put an end lo hi own evi-teliee. An enlerpiising Counivlieiil man is said to be eiua-ed in making a piano case out of.ip,r. i In, h shall be intiielv proof against moisture and heat. A mortgage for 812.0011.001), given by a Western railrou.l on im t.i n ' "' i.iiiioi-s. 11 is .unii. evince great 111 .., . terest III tile com petltloll. 1 .-..llr hlty, ,,, . , j, lt llin(i ()u:(li;i -N(( ,,,., an , Uilll, j a (,.r lim; ,..' ,illin . ,U ,onsf powder. AH four wow blown to atoms, Crittenden, sou (,r ex-rnitmj Stale. .Marshal Crittenden, ami grand.!, of John J. Crittenden, a noted 'Kentucky stalennan. has been a.-ntene.d to thrve yearn in the K-iiilen(iary for killing a negro bay. who bid kvlilied against him in a ease al Am borage, Kv. There is 110 mistaking the drift of the Dcuiocrailc preparatory action for the cam paign. It is to dodge the tariff uue, or to compromise with the protectionists, "'Anything to wiu" this lias never Vet won. Ualuigb I'hrvHuU. POLITICAL. A correspondent tf it. Morganton M;iii,l;,i,,r proposes Col. ,S. McD. Tate for Lieutenant (iovernor. An -Kasteru l)emoerat" nominated Ir. Kemp I. Rutth, for (Iovernor. He thinks be is the man above all others. Tin- Liiieolutoii I'rrtu endorses Ma;. t his. M. Steilman. for Lieutenant (!ov I ertmr, and refers to linn iu lerms of high ; est praise. I A cm respondent, of the Raleigh ( hnm j ill' favor lion. Walter li. Steele for (Iov ernor. The Klizabcth City Ecumiimtt seconds the nomination of Maj. Hughe for Lieut. (iovernor, and truly say that no man in llio State would bring to the office more dignity and courtesy, or more intel i:.. . - i r . " i I iigciicc. .ewoeru oimrmii. Tltli ST All: PHKK4. Five millions of voters cannot be rushed to the polls by strategy. They must come by the impulse of the popular heart. Hereafter let the watchword be, the lionii-m-e of the party must be a popular favorite, well known to the people because of his record, us a Democrat and worthy of their mipport because of his high character. .Vim- fVi.n K . The true Reformer - the man who has no axe to grind and who has honest aud di-cidcil coin ietioiis will not refuse (o tight under the banner of his imrtv because he canuot gel all he desire, but hoping for ; wior ami juster ami more statesmanlike j victtn he will do what he call to drive from power the party that has beeu tested through two d. -cades and a third utnl that has proved so incompetent, so treacherous unit so corrupt. ilmington Slur. AHV KUTISF.MKN'T? T I C E." N o Tlie nndcnlimi'il, having this duv uimlitii-U an A.lmilihlnihir ut'llie esirn,- of Mist. M. 1 Moseley ili-ei ascil, hereby iiutifii-a all pi-isous holding cluhuh ni;,iih-l said i-siaie In present Ihe wnue tuhiui with in one y,-r from the date of this notice, or tin suiiie u ill he pli'U.led in bur tlu-reof. And nil in-r- ! lorvtui.i ana seine. I nib join Keh. 1SSI. ; WAL'IKIi K. UANIKL, 1 Adiur. Mrs. M 1, Mom-lev ile. H,,.. , . -.v. v ...... .... i,.jiti.-K:u ivj ivuic fth JS Cw lil.l. I'KOI'KltTY FuK SALE. A large mill, situated on the canal basin, in Welilou, Hell lit ted lor mukiUKllour, &c. It lias five sets of stones in running order anu is in goou conumou. l-'or terms apply to W. H. CAPEI.!. or jmi Mttf T. L. K.MHY. NOTICE. I have for rem ii No 1 store house on tt'usliinitton HVl'lllle 'M feel n ide. jU lei-l Iool-. 10 feel nileh unci us Kood stniid iis ill the tow ii of Wt-ldon. Also a n l iiweiiniK lor sale or rent wilh six good i-uonn uud h:isi-iiieiil unit kitehi-n ultitchi-d Also IihIi'oI'm duelling:, fleiisioit fuinllyoeeupies the nlher nun. i u .iu i woru iiurseu lor mile a lot ul liHldi r uud ul '.ml an hum-Is of com: ulso wiaie second eluss si-i oiu iiuuu wuitoiis. 'I i-riu reuiHiiiuhle. Adv to K. KSI'IERS.or It. C. Sl'lKltS Weldon.Xc Jiinatf 1 li A -l have just purchased an .entirely ffEVf STOCK -:: OF- V A 1. I. A N 1) W INTER UOUH AT- LOW PRICES, wliich I ollir cheap. I make small profits ami will sell puuls low There is no old tox-k among my goods. 1 keep Inv (ohs. Notions, Crm-crics, Hats, Cap-ami eMiUliing that may be called for at the II U.I.IIMY STANli. IIAI.l K.VX.X f . BVjV llit;liest Casli I'riees Paid Kor Seed and I . nt I'iiTTiiN. S,. M. CARY, si-i "iT-tiiii. HALIFAX, N. C NOTICE. Iu piirsuuu. f..f u deeri-e of the Siir-i lor Court of u.i. no i-oitoi. , 01 11 i-uiise i-iiooen J , n , Ali'lice unit olio rsiiiiln-t W in, X . In-v unit others, I nhull -iell tolht hinlii-t liiddrrai .iihlii-uueiii.n ul the Court Holme d.u.r 01 thdiliis 011 tin- r,ih du ol March ip- t- im- I'.ii.oiioK ri'Hii-MHie iH-loliKlllg lovili- islule of John 1 1 i-y , Sr.. ilis eiiaed uud di'-n riln-il as lollou ll.-iiii.h-d l.v tin- hinds ..f linirnf smith. On-hinds of nellj lleinei e.1. Hll.l lilt- Vsil I'ow i-ll truel. l-oll ionium l.v t-siiiiiniioii i-itil.l; -no.- uen-s more or l.-ss ell tiuiiicri-d, siiuuiisl ulrnut live miles from wen 1011, nil. 1 m ar sinitii ehnri'li. The lerms rr one nun ea.-li. llie UilHliei-01 kix Mouth, Ihe Ue f. in d M 111111I loin- Mi-urnth)- Hole null k.smI w riirnv ini-iiiu-iii i- n-iiiiii mini whole ul l-nn-liusc imini-v is uoil. WAI.I'EK fc. DANIEL. This MOi k'vh tibU4w D IS El SECURED ttllliuut Medicine. A luluahlr y'lnomy ui-ij.yiMy Jdyai jijui lo Ihe 1011101 ,s'y..t(i. .rilmiy and ,1iiyiirinii utiliwl uantetr befvit fur lltaltny the Sick. THE MAUSETIilN ArTl.lASYK l o S M AONETIC KIDNEY BELT! Folt MIS IS W AI(KANTl.l)'li) rl'KKllr Mon.y Kelniided, the lolloH iiiK dl-H-Hsi-a W ithout Illeitli OH-. -1'uiu III the buck. hiu, huid or limbft. nervous ili-hlhtv. luuibu- Hu, Kiucrul .lcl.ilil),ilicuuoili.iii, uuruly.u. neurulj S I'.ii' ", H.WW..I 111 m.iiii-yn. s.iiii uieH-l torpid liver. K..UI. wuiillHl eunusiuli. nupiitrlie), usthmii, hcurt dlsi-usi- dysK'islu, eolistliulioli, en Mli'his. oidiL-eslion. hi-nilii or riiMuri-. 1-uu.rrl. 1 I'lies. . .1111111,, ele. 1 111 11 hiii . ui. iiuy 01 im- i m-rutlve llrv-utia w'-i-iim. 1.1.-1 Vlluhly. luek ol Si-rvi-Kone and Vijor, I WusIiiik Wi-uklli-su, uiidull tlline liiseustsi of a per 1 ik.iiuI nuliirc. fiotn w huti-ver i-uust-. the eotilliiuoiii ireuiin.i iinijiii iimn wrmiutiii( lliniuuli the aru, must Hi. 111 iu a heullli) ui lion. I lu re in uu iiilsiuki- uisitil lliliaii.liuiii-e. in I III-: I.AIilKs - li youun- Htllletisl with Un,e ohi-k, neukiiesM 01 me M.ltie, IMIIIIIH of the woliili, leueorrhoeM. i-hnilili- ilinuillliiutlnii mid lileeiulioll of Ihe Woliil.. iiu-ideliUll lieliiorrhuni. or tluodlUK, uuiuhil, Mii.n-iiiiiHl and irn-Ktiiur meiiMniutioii, hurri-iiue1uii. i ImiiKuof hi,-, thin is theln-il Ah1I-aiiii-und Ciioitli,. tfi-nl kuomi. For all forms of Female IMMi-iilth-D il ia ioi.ur Iuuum-iI hy anyililiiK tiefoiv Inveuttsl, hotlias a enru live ugi-nt uud im n uoiin-e ol ism rr and vlmhjill.,o. I'rlee of either Ik-It w ith Xluxnelh- Insole, till, iil hy i-X.n-iC,tl. and examination allowed, or l.y mull on n-i't-i.t uf price. Iu onlerltif n.-nd lueuMire of walal, and i,i- of shoe. Kenilttaiii'a can In- made llieurrelii-y, sent ill letter at our rlak. 'Ihe MitKin-ton ouniieiilu an adapted tn all agea, are worn over tin-iimler I'liilhliiit. (not neitlo Hie ll) like the many l.alvaule and Kleelrlc Huiu buN advertlMsl an eltelialvely.l and ah. mid I laki-11 nit at aitlu. They hold their puer kirever and are w orn al all aeanoiia of the vear. tend boii. for the "New lteairtiire in Med teal treatment Wilhuut Miillt'lue.' with tliuuaaiiila ul lellmoniala TIIK W.Ui.NKTIIIN At'l'I.IA NI K stale street. Chlea.i, III. Nirrn Keml one dollar In hui aiaiui. nr eur reiiey on Idler al our risk) with sue ufahue usually wurn. and li y a or of our Maiaietle inaulea, and lie ruutlneed nflhe (niwer realdlntf In isir other Mafiiel Apuliaiu-eii. Filpvy lioi-uij (eet When lh are wuia, or uiouey rcruuded. ml Illy m ADVKRTISKMKNTS. liy'fijlLHLJL.'C) -m- '" -.1- -.-m -jr .t"-! --f.f i tor the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, lironchitis.Croun, Influ enza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, In-I cipiont Consumption and for the re-I liefofconsimiptive persons in advan ced stages of the Disease. Tor Sale by all Druggists. Price, 25 Cents. aip ISTOTICE. By virtue of aun.lry extciitloii iu my hands agnlnst Jkiuw T. Oooeh, Issuini! from tin- Su-rior Ciiurtof KhIiIux isiioity, I will sell tit the Court House d.s.r in lialiliix on tin- Tth duv of April ls lo the hiiilimt l.l. liter for cash uil the rislit. title and InliriM of James T. IIhih.Ii in Hint tolhe lollow Ihk n-ul i-ubile siuiute In the county of tlidiliix, stale of North I'lirnlhiu, In KHtts-ly hmIiI execution ; one true! sltuiili-d iu Klli'i-U low oslilp, iK.uudeii by tin- hinds of I I. llliiona,.!. M Hulls. Man K.-.-l.-r and other., klionu 11a the Slu.rt tniet. uiie other Iruct iu W . I. Ion Ion usliip, Iniiindid hy the 1. I T J. K ll.K-kihluy, i.imiji-V l-i-nrsoii mid others, know n us the Hudson tract, duo brick store In the low u ..I Wcl.loii, tion iH'euji-d l.v J. II liooeh, Ir.'iitlui.' on W'lisloiiKton ui.-uiii- two fruiiie Inohl Inns used a ston-a 111 the suld lowil ol Wi-ldoli, I'o.i.lluu- oil VVasloiisloii iii i'iiu.-. said 111. 1 -lores ly -Ion In livei-n the l.r.i k store iin-ulloiiisl uud th. slim- ..I W II limn 11 line lot with nuivh..ust- tiii-ris.u iu Mii.l toun i.l'Wt'ldoii. frontiiii! on svea loon--lieet. Is.llliile.l l.y tin-hind-ol A. K ...III culler. Il li.iniel. uud i.llurs Hue I.. I wilh the bullilin,'s th.-reoli 11011 ih'i o j l.v Ian y Loin.-, sil . loll, din Mil, I cm 0 ,l U ,1,1.10. I,,iiiul,-, p. 1.01,1,,, I Himnokc Nui lifullon ( i'lol..ii. . Mrs f;. .1, Kinry uud others, (mi-other lot in 1l1et.nu10I W1ld.1i1 kiionn Ks the liooeh Stul, I,, lot, iKjlilidi d bv tile lauds of the NuiIkuiIoii l'oiiiinv, itte 11I.I M.-tlio-dist church lot, I-'iist stn-i i, uud the lands ol .1 It. Cull. mi. tine other lot ui said town of Wld..n, bounded hy Ihe lunds i.r K.wnoke NuviKntli.n ( 0,, C. J. liee and First street, now leed us 11 cloier loi. Ilneotllerlot iu Hie lowu of Wcl.loii hounded by Seeolid street, (he lands ol J. II. Hrlckell, Vt if lliiuKton & Heldon H. It. Co , mid T. I,. Kinry slu ble lot. one other lot in tin-town ofWcldoii known 11s Asplu ilmve' bounded by llu- hinds of the Itul eii;h iV ( iits-t. li It, li Co ; ( nil Key. Clillou Multhew son. street und Third street line oilier cer tain Ini. I el hind iu the town Wel.l1.11. boiiiulid l.v the lands of ihe Keiinoke Nuvlpiition cmpuni , Mrs, IhirrletT. I'l.iilon, Jutepb Wctt. l-ir-t street and Ha- 011I pntch t.. lir.c. J i.e.- R.J. LEWIS, Sheriff. W E. Hunlt-1, 1 Attornevs. M. M. FlUKi-rsoll ) iuarG4iy h WEEK'S READING FREE 1 FOR SIX GOOD FAMILIES. I obi1 your mint and Hie name and id .iron of tea o Jour nflihbori ortrlendion a pnatal carl and in (ret lor jrouiarll and tauk ul Uim a ijieeltntQ copy ot 'THE GREAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY, II l it. i- n i-i ! ii OUR THREE HUMOROUS WRITERS "UNCLE REMUS'S" wtHd-ftmau Skatchu of the old Plintitlan DaHuy, "BILL AMPS" Humorou. latum fcr tlit Homa md Htarth Stoat. "BETSY HAMILTON'S" idytatum (old ia th. "Cracker" dialect. BVr Sl.rl,,, tkttrhf of Trl, Jt-Vara, rotmt, Fn, ataaajlairM, imrm, Tht UnuhmU, (trriHwa4H, A Worid of ImUuctlon ind Entwtalamtnt. TwrlT.- Pap The lliiKl,trl and Uaal Wreilr. riiauu, evi-i y meiii Iwr ol the taullj. SEND A POSTAL fOR A SPECIMEN COPY, FREE Addrca "TBI Co.truTloll,, Atlanta, j. 1 QOODS, The undersigned Icivc just enleieil into the luereaiitile litisiness iu Ihe three ntnrv In ti k hiiililint; next door lo l(. V. Daiiid'a where the hate a LARGE STOCK! -ok lr.v (ioiuls, inclu.liiiK l.ailies Dress (oi.hIs, ('lints. White Cottons, lliown ltouiestii-4. Hoots, Slim s, Hals, l'ais, Not inns. Fancy Hoods, Clolliiiifr, lieiits Kui nisliino I hauls. Tin ware anil Wooden ware. I'nu kei v. ,ie. ll.ixinj; Imttlit elteap tluy inleuil lo SELL CHEAP. uud onlv ask a trial, lie sure to examine our stock before ptirebusiug. SatVltuiueuilier the place. LAS.SITEK Jt TILI.KHV, oet 18 l.v Weldou, X. (.'. HEVMOHE ' I NO EO1 30 UNION SQUARE NEW YORK. ?0 "0c iVAAVj ILL MAS S. 6A. TOR SALE BY J. I STONE GEN. IGT.. RALEIGH, ti.C, f eb-15 Gui -aiet.i.,11 f Ti l-ir,-ln.TTr-.--iT; I r L V ADV EKTISKM KXTS. TAPPBY 11 SIM, PKTKriSIH IUi, VA. MANL1"A TL Ki:iiS UK KNUlNE!'.TiBACCO, 11AV AVII COTTOIT Pilots Mdi., Grl.t Mill., Mill hona, 1'loWi, max ami nit ash cAsrixas. lepl JO ly T R Y THE NEW NO 8. AVHEKLEH & WILSON. Lightest Running aud heat Sewing Muchiua IN THE WORLD. No dutiger to health like Ilia nuiiiy heavy iuu nlug thuttle wuchtiifa. A (IE NTS WANTED. Send for urtua and price l.lal. WHLKLtK WILSON. Mlg- Co. Ian 1.') (ini Tyrrs PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From thoao aour.-ea ui iau tliiev lourllia of the dtaeiiai-a of the tiuinuii race. Thea ayiu iitoina indicate tholrexiMteni-e: l.oao f Appallta. B.wila coatl.e. Hick lWad che, rullaaia after eatliitf, araraloa ia lartlon of liodjr or uilntl, KrueUitloai of food, Irritability or Icmpir, Law plrlta, A r.rllna; vt havlua; aacgl.ctadl lema duty, lilaaliaeaa, Fluttarlng at tho Heart, I'ota befura tlia area, hlglily col ord lii-lii., 0ST1PAT10., ami da. maud tho tio of a ri'ini'dy thut acta dli-wtlT on (be Liver. Asal-ivorioodloiioiTlITT'S PIL.I.M liui it tin e uul. Their act Ion on tbs Klilneyaiind Skin lb also liroiupt ; retuortnir all iiuiui itlis UiroiiKh tlieuo three " acair rirra of th ayalain,' proilueing nope, lite, sound diKi'itioit, n-Ktilnr stools, a clear kliiundavlKoroualiiidv. TITT'N PII.I-B euuso no nuns. -a nr Ki lphiK nor lnteatoro irlth dully work and ure a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. hol.l..r) wlisr'-,ll.lT. a Mil -II U.'rr.iy SSL.M.Y. TUTTS HAIR DYE. (Rr Hai oh Wiiihki chauiid kv atantly to n liiT IILai K liyaaiugle ap plication of Ihla IJTK. hold by Drumrlaia, or sent hy exprHaa oi: ri-ei-lpt of 91 Officii, 4 Murinv Slrnet, Srw York. TUTT S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS fICt. juue I 1 IV. Kievlli-ni Tonle, Alterative and tiialrlel Medical Awooloiion, Lynehhiinr, Va t'K-d Ith ureal benelit In Malaria and Dlphtbr- ria. uceemfully itstd Iu dyspvpaia. i hruuie diarruna and aeromia FTof Jaekson, M D , l aivaralty of ivuu. Invaluable al a tn-notw Ionic -Hon I. C. Flower, Ti-iiu. Kfeouilui-ndeii aa i prophylactic In malarial dli-trleU.-D. R. Fairer, M. D., N. C. HeaUirea deLilllatisl ayateiui lo hi-allh.-T (.'. Men-cr, U 1)., Ind. AdMptud in ehMiiledlrrliia-a,aerurula,aud;d)app-l.-l. T llarriaon. M 1). N. Y. Prompt iu relieving headache, lick aud nervuua. Krv. t C butlauu. laedvltli great hem-til In dyspppaia.-J. Ue Kalph. M li . l-a Suited to l.rouclilil. and dK-awi of digcallv or gana.-J. F. Bouahlou, M. 1) , Ala. M.t taluahle n misty known fur ft-iuale diaraava. John I'. Mi-lli-aur, VI. U. HI' ureal culliiie virtue. Thus. V. liiui Ix.ld M 1). Ma. Ik in In ial in uterine ilcninc,enicnt and malarious eonilition. (r. M. Vail M 1 Ohio. I harming on the eouiilexiou; uialiuK in amiHith, eleur, milt and iijnv. Misa M. of W f. The price of mineral toniea. Francis (iilliaiu. Iiiestimulile aa a tonie and alterative. Hunter MctiuiJe, M. I). Va. Fiue tietizer am) blood puritier. H. Finder, .M. I), (ia. Very iM-netieiul in iinproviii(( u reduced JHleui. liishop Iteekwith, of Ga. InvaliiU here tintla weleoiue and bealtb. K'ev. John I.. Itaiinon, lute of (ia., uow uf Kieliuiond, Va. I'amplileta free, njaou applieulion. Water, $-1 a eu. Mam and I'illa, 85 50, 75 eta. Send poat-paid everywhere. Addre, A. M. DAVIS, F-rea't. of the Co. 7M Maiu St., Lyneliburg, V J, U, ltoi 174. Suld liy, BROWN SIMMONS, j pr (4 ft TO I aiVB UXaXTB- N K W A DV V. For Everything that Desirable Gun, REMINGTON FIREARMS ARE SEE THE NEWXKgXRF.VniVPRC; SHOT GUN. unnPT np fS" CXVVUMBERSON, FURMAN & CO., western office. D. H. LAMBERPON 73 STATE STREET, CHICAGO, Feb J8-lini ,IUST RECEIVED. A FRESH SUPPLY OF g arih'.n OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. e liitrtieJ the OLD stoek and eau warrant all our LauJrelli'a Seeds to be F RESH & GENUINE. sSKK THAT KVKHY PAI'KK IS EKOfiY'S 3r-eaaa "ever fullliiK remedy fur Malaria, i Mills and fever, inteniilltriil fi vir iwT S3adll.i'.iili-v;-rHii.l klmln-d dtseas.--,,uri-lv vi-a.-iul.le. alax luu-ly eertiiin In BIAKJJAfilJ ' - li. ir n-ine.liiil ,.1,h i. ,1111,1 ,iei mere i.r..iii.ily In . iimiik all loriiis ul Mularlal priflff wgillsiiisi-lliaiii Kl..iii,-I..iiimiie, lih..iii miiv i.lihi- iiijiirliins eiaiai-iiiii-iieei. i dZatvhieli fidliiw thi-iruit. I ml, n ,-.!., I IV lM.mi.llH ,ttf.Ml I.. I.l.,i. PILLSIlr'Sl tij'liij will e..l llu-.ii.,n lire maul, I in- uiany ill m Miss. STAMiAltlM And will completely changa th Mood panoa who will iak t FU1 Meh aliht health, If aach a thins bo poutble. For , . ........ ., uiatiaKa. ooia orerTwluro, crwat by mall tor tSc. In atampa. Circular! froo. h g. johniujw CO., Boaum. Maw, aa na aw aa M ao H aaMi aa aa as aa riavcnuuii i. uviicr man cure. JOHNSON ! ANODYNE LINIMENT Ct'RT.a, inflnma, niwtlnr at tht T.iinfi. ITnana. aa. lUckiiiff CiHia-t), WhiMiila Cuoitn, Ctironk lilarrhaia, llyMnurr, Cholera Mortiua, Kkliii- T ruuljlai. aad ua.iti of loa Spun, aukl .v.rrwlicra. 1'ircal.ta n-M. I. . JOIIM80M A CO., Boaton, Maaa. Liua.iti of loa 8pi It la a wall-known fart that anal of Ilia Horn and Cattl. I' x.ld In Ihla cun IrrMwonhln.; that Kharidan'a Oondltloa Fiiwl.r la pur. and v.rr valuable. NothlnaT on FaHh will maka bona a, laTUkaltbertaan'aCondlUoa Pow. Ii r. 1J... OC. la.itxmatul In mamti Minln m 9 lot-a. it in alto poiiUTtiT uNTsnt Bd curt CHICKEN CHOLS.S.A, food. It a ill aiao poaiurtlr urarant and euro lan:i 1-v. INCH'S O L D S T A N D. Having reniovetl into to iiriek store I'oriuerly cx-ciipitil liy A, ftriv and luviiiK pureliasvd a . . LARGE STOGIC OK FALL AND WINTER GOODS, I am r.-jiared to aell GOODS CHEAP. IK Vol' WANT DUV GOODS, 4 I'LOTIIINU, BOOTS. SUOKS, HATS, CAPS, X0TI0NM, ANYTHING ELSE You have only to EXAM1NK To beeoiivineedlliat here ia the I liave an eliiraut line of Iailies Clotlm ..j .ii .1 11 1 , , . ".-". unin iuu- iykh 01 ureiia lnKi. Ami men . vmitlia and boys elothin;. TIIK II ANDSOMKST STOCK IN TOWN. tieut.s' lluiidiuade S linen and Slioen of all the beat liiaken. Full atoek of Zeiffler ii Sboe Land. A eotnplete liileofladitmandgentleiueu'. Utiderweaf"! Ut'nT.'KN II 0 T k I, -V. B DICKKXS, rmprittur, U . UK A X.N, v, Tal.hi u.(.lll fruiu Nurfulk and VMIniln,lun eiartuia. l..-di-rvuntiaiid auod Ure, Cuailurta le r-s.ina fur all. Ihavealwa l.ivery, uliere home, art pruuiial) attended hi, velilele. hlrtd 00 naauiwtilt taiiu. tu uaitic. alakiUM Uieu. Jau U If UTIS F..M KN TS. goes to make a the jC XX RIFLES, r a, V - "l iff. - ' " aA. r I W I IF" m . i mm v f av m w r n. i ur FIREARMSfor HUNTING and TARGET SHOOTING. scud for luusmrco cumoeuc. SOLE ACEMT8 REMINCTON 0TIMO COODt, 28 & 283 BROADWAY. A. CO., NEW YORK. ILL, DATKD "1884." SEEDS ill $ P iQiaaalitea WELDON.K C. und i.riili-il Ihelii ihmi itllRok. hii.l,,rwsl I.) Uu- ,.n,....K .... ....sis u.i ,ii-ii-iniis ns in-iiik inr ik-si, eueaM-al mill ili'asHllli-st ri-iiiedy ku..n. Tin-.viiuiiui-sii liild inn Hike them. Mi.ld li Drnitiilsls ami Medit-uu- iK-alen., i.r l.v mini. I'ltll K. I KNTV-I-'IVK I'KXTS A llll.X. Whin Ilic IVogile Suy.-Mv v.ileaiid inyaelf have imd ymir "Slmiilanl I'ure I'ilU" Hitli Ki-eiilesi iu-i,.,ii, ui We aniliiMle im liirtlu-r In.ulile alia Malaria a. luiiana Hi,-l-iiisiir.. ni.,111 -Marry J nhui iiiaker, I'. M Tullyluau, I'a. 1 Uu-I'lll. ai'. iir.liiii! tudin-i-llulisaiid llu v .nn.d to I jiut what' iiKnefii-d.-ltev. V. I I'm liniii M K . I 'linn h. st. i.enreea, liel. 1 am well ..leased ill. -riini iri s hmiii liml riire Tills ' Mute iried lliem im a ureal uses ul dllli n ut levers, have .lu. .1 siu-ees-lill In rvrry Insninee Thev i.ri. liken elianii uu i hill- un.l l.-vi-r un.l nil Mnliirial ilseuser.M. ,1. Herman. Ml l., Iialliis. T.-xi.s, I n.ud ri'iiii .l) in mv l.miiiee wllli ui.kJ rei-ujh -l.iiieii.i. W.nie, M. i 1-iiiHii. I.I, Mil. - I luivi' liiin.lled vuiir hills fur .uillinw lur the aat li.ur i-iiri. wilh l.eiier antlsliu Hun ilmn any uilur leniedv .r Mime I s -us. a I- teil s. 1 1 iief, lrui;lsl, Jersey I lly, X. ,1.- Yunr Chill (Mils hav llri-iliiiniiy very s I..nii enaes.-Ki-v. M. K. Vail, Caledonia Mia use hem iu ui v imiellee. li. Iiuc ker, M. i Austin Tcxus, 1 u- them In my IU'llliiee ellei llliillv .1 .1. Mel.,re. M II Iml.lhi I v. v...,. ,.n I. .. liee.- fir. M. T. Iiuuu, Suiiiluatr UndiiiK, I KKCu., rruprletun., IHV I'eurl Street, New York. P PURGATIVE HT la th ontlra ayttam la thrae montha. Aa from 1 to 1 wacka, ma bo roatorod to aonaat Famalo ComplainU theoe Fllla hare no oqaal. Croap, Aatbma. Bronrhltla, Nenrak la. Khfiamatiana. joiinhonk ANO- IIVNE I INIlir.M (for InUrxmlmi gtUnul Vul will nllara llim Mrrlkl a.a.aafi, and will poaitlnly cur. nln. cm out ar len. Information that will t. ataa II... .rut frn tij mall, lion't tfalaya ooawat. HorCaolra,Ac. oMtrarTwnm.erMntnrBanflwIle.ksi .tamaa. FuraUh la lanra ran, price S1.00 ; by null. ftLmV . Unataaintkpii 4V aiMUisUtf A UU, boaua, Maat, .ft j OR MV STOCK s PLACE TO KIT. Cu,l.iur. - ...i.. . i . .1 .. ,. always on Ilata of the latest and moat approve f tj!i. NOTICK. Hyvlrttiruraiirireulluulsaiiinf fruat the Nutwv rlur t uiirt of llallki eutintjr, In 1,,, f j. h. (ioilth aulitiirenf J.V (f,eh aKalu.t l.bain Haa klna .,,,1 Maman-t llawkitn. I will aril furcaahal Ihe Conn li..nei fs.rlnllii-tuuofll.lil., ou tlie ;t, h,t ofAiirll ISM, weeettalti trail ..f laa.1 ,M, (J ld .siuiitynnjhleh .aid JIarrarrt ilaaltln. new ri-aUle. luuudnl hy the .n,. ( Main l.rern Aot- . . BIIM uuiris, inraaiu iraet or La 11 it s.ld.iiuji-ettii llw huuirslead of aald alanawl llaakltia toMiUrv- Mia .i.. ' tan e (g ii iil p, urn til Tula .t, day U i ebtuury Itmt. H J, 1.KWM. Mirrltr. r 4: