IIspl jfjUH fpsl IS ' IJFthI Ie-v tea Sbu lmm V-sgasU if f iafa 1 1 'isSl k IT ALL & SLEDGE propriktous. TEPv;TvfIS-8-,,ll AVM'M IN; AJ.'V A NEWSPAPER EOR THE PEOPLE. VOL XLU. WKLDON, N. C.f THURSDAY, MARCH 20. JS84. NO. : PROFESSIONAL CARDS. w. n, nit in, " w, A.biM. ' illSTV iTfllKNUr, -1 7''" V.YA ') s I ' ..I H', (t i'l vxi NKC'K, K. C. iilti I ;(' i; A S . II B K I I. . vttin m at I a iv, KM-I H.I i. N i I Ml in 0 !ti :i$ c.Mililii' -'1' 'h ami V i.Imii ( ' H, 'I'liic Uv, I'llm Siu.li. Kdae tu.i,s ii.u li' tu Hit (.arts jiui. I: if. 1 II. s M I T I .1 li IV Attii'iic at l.i'W, SCI ' 1 1. 1H M i K S. I', i Tu. li. ii. in th. I'l.idltv ..I Uul in unit ilJnllllHK i "ili lii'h, llll.l ill tll SlIpllT'lv cdll'l of till, Stale. not hi ly. I li I Z A 1 II .V II V M 1 N, Attorneys at Ijiw, HALIFAX, X.C. t 'I.tVHii tho Court ' I ill linnichi's of the Jin U ly . Sllll'l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 kIvoii 'J' II 0 M AS N. 1 Altui in v ut inn, It A I ! I i .'' V I' acllne-l ifl llullf.l.v 111 I ,i.:; ..ir'i-i ! 'i ntliuni.uieiiiv i ,.i it.. Olllllil'S Hllll oi. i tr. T , iiiHtis, Attn no, at I aw. liARVsiu it: N ' I'meltd in ti Ji.miiiK oiiiintir-s, aim H- i,t N.nil.niiiiityti anil wi ll i In. iViluiil mill supreme June S tf. i'. 'ii I'tjj, Xtf AttiiT; ft. i V N I K I., 'V.1if.il):i . iJHI V Attoriiej at Uw j i WKl.UU.N, N.lt. I'urtlMKln Halifax mulailjulnin.imintln. , .V'J,"1 tftv.ti tAt-ulk tionwiu all parte '"" ! l'f"'"!'i returns wade. ' - Mi lily. y W it .. '. b, All. ,.l ...., W ii . . N k-i i,.l alfi-ntii'il ((.v t'nicva i.ruiuplk mail.- "i.t'in and ri'iuit lllHJ 1 11. M' ' I, I, K N & Mini u h (tturitc) nt I. aw, IIALI1AV I l'm '.iir hi tlit- couniii-sni lii.i ij.x NurlliHuiitiin, dfi'i '-nitit', I'ilt and Mou lin- hi the u i.iviiit' rourt 4ii lit.- -tati- and in tin- 1 1 di ml ni t.f the isttTtt InMii i i (llf'ti.iiiN illicit in tun iftlie.ttiU'. jun 1 l D J K II I K iir(fiii ' Ha it .'rtiaw.-tttlyi.niiUo.iiu U,UI.,i,. .iui In .iniiiil tt Ik bOica i& mail' ula Uri. k. li.ill.lillg i.l nil fiuK'HuS-iitiihentilaKuil oil pri h-HM. nul i ii-nnt-ii. iart-tulatiith.nKivt.QtuHU ItrLin-Iti- ti Hi.- t-r.. k!., irljlti Vl.ilud ut kliclr li.nu.s .Mien ill- jui. u i Sui cuu l)i ntlt. i uu i.i timiiil at lily iiftlro hi Eutlvid. .ii -.tililc (Ins fiir the raliili Kxlnu' I . i i always on Inuiil. , i . i ,,i ijnf.. at iD Science roll Rtuonnu MlINSPUBITIES ofthe blood. :b tOltal. FiHrut, ui ffldtnt tor nil CTIDiTtnil air at itol. ! Virr- J II ni ivflv. an, aficM. DYSPEPSI JA inii.wa liv trrcimlar airfr In.' -.i.Wnirnall iii of U-tuim "ff fiha: i tiu", aoiit la-li'hliig wi iglil uiitt(-n.upoiii..ii.-f. ayeai. aiitna i.ni n nm ..awe ia U anil tuai iwaniif. Irrtul.iliiy. k ia i-oaual Ain yvllw, hot an celrt kh- M. in .yB..liill.itryi'iiRh,i.illeaandohinrt- i' l '.'fiiiif, trri-smiar puim. deii rumicfi wk.uv 4P1PI FYV i:illipay.Vra.ljla,.iiu ZJtlLL'i'iKlii- !"iiunilhira,t(l.lin(, .""T: i-li.ii in li.-ail. iii-rvoiii.iK'W.llajhMinf lijlit L . .. t lw irf maai.rr. buMHa at Bla44r u4 if NFV5 iirinadaiV orliht.i) diil; int-' J. I 'irnlnz. atinirliip. hearing 'l"wn no. . ." i-.-mt ai t-riMa aaaatiiHa. a. .. . i-.tc"4 i air Maaa t'n I , liat nM a auiltf qly aa4 ..-i l.mx ..i uft i4 -. wit of brih a Mrtlna. HEADACHE,. I a RTU .r.i 'ii t J -. 'it "k uid ! Mn4. Ilamai la ralriI .- mtutr. Warm tf I- f'ti-im I'olila .-Hi.klni of lha tMntiooa If tlKt a ril l., k) paUf artloa. iaiawa .an. f"V- i " I nau mi ..f n'l'l fJ't. ti l (la avtMaaa- V.,,ii i.-M ai. unit It 4 MaV 'kllsalrlpiiia. ". a Id by Uraifltu. J'ia J ly M..L.J ACOHS& imO., HUIFU, H.J Cf , i int- lr ...aitniiui .ill tliv elmii fnVtlauJa viiiik t,:a. l. ll' and Ulllnl drlllk re iuJ'-li. tin? I" ; ui .i.'i' t i Ik, Cljuretln Wui"ki.. an i ' In- . i 1. . .-. ' ' nil and i-iamlna tllt'Ul FAMILY GROCERIES K ,-hti u4 all Ut lt kiwi- li-M . - tuil liui,, mni atock a timutlly ftpkntlu J BILLIARDS 1ND POOL te Inviui Ui vlall uiir u. iiw irc may m 1 trtal-l O'"1 whl'rl ,hc)r PU l' niuiard. at t small cpe"w. I'ldllun VJ W t L. H l"N T f.R, 7AVf l'ulilisln'.l Hv Iti-.jliesl-l PSALM OF LIFE. li v Ml K It K ' A H V. TYII iiM- not In Idle Jiimlf. "Muni'iin in uu 'intv div-im '" VT lltf H I ifidtlld tlltll Ml't;l. Aiitl (irlf an- not what tlicy M't-ni. l.ifo l real! UiV it carth-st ' Sing 1 1 )ttKHliiw h lib! "Vliiu tlmu itrt.to iiiitn rHnrmvt !" Hhm l.i i'ii -(MtLt-n of thf rih. N-4 cnjoynii'iit, uiul Hutwirmw, U our (lotUtifd i-nd ir wn ; lint tu art. tluit 1'iu'li tthiimmiw KIihIi uh ht'uivi' nutrriti tlll'- J.lff I litnjr, ;iinl yniitli la fltin. And nur IiohDh, ihuiiRh llt;lit tnd iiy, SUM lib1 1'tfHMiini drcani" mv Ih-uUhk ' WcddiiiK iniin Imn nil tin- why, III the uniltl ln-Miid field of Walt If, In thf liiv.miu nt 1 1 IV, lie mil like diiinh drlM'it mttlt; II iH-hiilll'-ll Tnmt no (tilnh-, ImUf rr I'lonsniU. l.l't tlUMll'Hll lKt luirv I1H dead ' Art Hi t In tin' llvlim 1'iVNctil ! Mi'iirt iiliin n i M 1 ii'.pi1 ulifthl ! LIm nf nmrrti'd folk rriiiin-l iih Mi run lir nur IIvid ii uHI, And, di.'imliitf ltHn IvIiiii1 iih Mh-h i xHiiinli'M mn III tell. Siirli f it in Un Dull iiiii'llii'f, W iilhiii time iii Idle vpni't. A t'ilirii, iinniiitMnl hrthrr, Nvini;, -1 1 ii 1 J ttiki' lu-tdiind riMit. I.H m thon li np mid d'lnjr. W itli h iii'ttrt nfi liiiiiuth Villi ('OUll'ivlUK,fllll pllHUinv;, Ami fin-Ii iiiic a iii kiunim.u BEWARE I BEWARE!' ' i . I'retly Mix Kluyl wiia ritnliti :il tin gulp ill a iiiiirvelniis iinnnin- i-. 1 1. . clinrmiiik! lilark-lnro iichu . in i!immiI uctosh Iiit bicat ; lu r bt'tinil'iil liair fliiwi-il in liravy viul.i ilnwn tn ii-r hlimil rlurx; nml Khe wore llid iiiokI lew iii-liinu; little break last , tup juu rvi'l' caw. In Hhort. nhc wax t jM'ifi'i l vi.iii !' I.ivi li now. Shi- sieiii( il tu Iii' all riblmn ami Ln-r. and bIik mIimuM bafe hifii nil ".iiiIih, a., slid iinu!ly vns. liiil thru lior liri' Ii n il had jii.-t (.'nun' nff in liili ilii(l)'ini; and alio ittoud liKiliui; duwo t lie avnii.- al'in- him, with a halt' mol'iil eiitiiitwiMiKu . Vet what u pretty pii-turc Wit mailu'witli the trees and sty lor a jack Tdiind. "How perfectly absurd," she mlamied. "I winider why it is that AinciiiMi Iiim bandn are so nnnocesfiarily exaftif.'. In Kurope, the uiarried wuiuiii are the cliaiin of society, and I don't see that tic pm prii'tii!i Htiller in consequence. I'll here one is centurcd f(iraipeaiinj;iialiiiil. One caiilmt be at ease in g(Tilli-iiia!i'..niiely but must, be inidixh to the lust extreme. , Tbe iika uf my having; flirted with Kenneth (iray! Why lam anre I never ilieanml uf huiIi a l hi ii;;. huK' I have Innn; re j;ard for my reptttatii.il. 1-ter oagbt tu know tha1, ton." ') Wbethel Mrs. l-'luyil was tmre sinin il upiinvl (ban siniiinL.. in tile (ualtev, i rather ilillieuli tu d.'iile. Tu be Mire l .. wbu hive - un,.r h,. tI1;ihM, i.l' few htisb amis v( s,ini, pri- ,. he jealous; but lin n Mrs. Hoy.l had ,-, i tain lillle eoiilelli-b v.u which, wlnl, Very beeotniii-' In her b.nty. wi le iinl at all eendueive ti tk-ster's (v ul mnnl. DnjtlCu whole, tiny wire .,t ,.,uallv culujible, if so atruug a vikr,i ,.all ,',. used.- In the rrlicldnr oiisk of Keiiui , t;i-,,. Mm. Floyd mAy have nnti-'ually n v,.k.'il. him for that humlaonio yutiti physici.i, mice been hvr liniitv, ami -be inidit k, (1, known that Lester would have eved bin with disfavor. But. she Iih. I taken im pains to avoid a luisuiidimtandiii '. She hud danied with Kenifelli I iray at Mrs, liathrop's luwu parly; she bad tulkcij to hiui on iiitniemun mcasion-.; and inict i or twice w lien xlie met lain on toe stj-eci; I sin- li.ul allowed liillltoW.dk lliilue wit) I her. Itutlbe crowning uirciise in 1,. tor s eves, bail been the iiceeplanee ul' beautiful basket of flowers from the Mninj physician. . . i .I'o be mire, this was only the payun u ! oP .bet; but 1inter argued tb, a tuan iel Wiiman had no riht to make 1n ls willi. : iiiarriajieable youni; In. in; ami in partii u'ar. Mm. Tluyd should nut do sin-b li llcliir with Keliuelll (Iray. Now the truth of it Waa that as U, ; rii'lii-.' of her eii.jSLineiit with ibis tun Ii. il oecurred innli f i iivitiiKlanecs ubiili Ii t'l her in a rutln-r ?diareeable posiiiiii. i- l-lovd was lient iiiun sbuwiiii; bin I that he had passed entirely out of her I I Mil and that she euiild meet him uii a , I' miliar fooliui; withmtt I lie slicbtest c I nil. ' i Itllt Lesler could In it aipreciale tll motive; i hemSe the sturmy scene a r bra-iklaia, and Mrs. r'loyd'x iinliiuiil suli'n.iiiy. j " mull who is iinieiisunably jealn." abc said, as slie . iuhkI lilldsslv at lie (;al. alter her husband's dixuppeiira('p, oii'lit. tu have Miuii-tbin;- to be j.'.iu aliiiil. I think (but il' 1, ii-r i- ui.le ill iiniulilv loiserable about me I'm- i -i-in hi- iii'.. in. I were to lind uul that li re was iii. riim- oeeusiuii fur it, il li' III cure liui of litis uncomfortable weaki-ss. I bavi - tbuiiuht of it freiiieiitly, and ve half a iiind In concoct a scheme of inne some uii that would brill); it to paw. , Her thoughts were running in ibis oliaDiiel, heu she naw liester s linjn i'. Terence, i-uming up the road. . Iiistiitly her face was wreathed in smiles, and archly auifllini; at a lower she bcliLsbe said, hall ioiiivtlisliIy: l'l am sn (jlad you cainc, Teddy. urn tell just brunt ul of a pnjei't, i'H.1 I mill it to sonic uiie. I li'pe you are uj Sit 1 1.' confident ' ! I'llie best iii lb, world," ivius' the eply. thiukin lie s. id .t how nctty lit sis-ter-in law 1 ' U I ' It it one of uj ac complisbtiK iiti ) "Well bill cum into the hoiN You know." she beuau. vhen they wert there end with a little In-itatiuli. "yuij know Iesteraud 1 bine just bad a a - -I ' How f .o. I .lulu l know it uiilit have Miiim, .1 it milch, the conventional thiu bctwecti people 1 believe." Teddy was a l n heliir. 'It wasn't a i.,w," Mrs. I'l plained. "Kuwsaro vuleiir. Tb difference, iniMiuilciMjiiiiliiiLr but Hut I hut is liurrieil d cx- was a It was Very disagreeable all the same. Would you believe II Koiih. lh ? lie ac I i ne of flirting with K.inieth lirav." "(If course I d believe ii, Tlir? re- plied promptly imi a'c just less enough, ami i.e. tit is j, lioughl- A jmluiis Jl.i,li'' ' ij !U the. there are times when ymt uru the ve : i I n . 11 i nun-n-iiiMT n ouelVljj snle iilanee and looks down. 11' I nut your brollier-in-Iaw I should sa iiivsclt : lieware, as Longfellow di 1 bit fact is, you are a natural burn .'Irs. b loyd pouted, and almost cban her tiiind about tellilit; Teddv. Wit h Iliollilied when he added : III course 1 know there is nuthiux it; it s only your way; it conies from yii sympathetic nature. 1 uu ami Lester ulsav too lund ut each other tor von to flirt . iously. l!m sometimes people are uia.thist, very miserable by substantially liotliiii'' II what is really anlo." ut all.' , ..1 .iiitin tii im. (iImiKa" In rniit in mil. "LcsUt is loo terribly jealous," Mrs.urniiu,' up tin mta briitbllv. "This tra Hoyd said, by way f apolo-y. ' liut I dy was all a farce. 1 did not shoot iuv have made tin mv mind to cmv him I .if .1 si..., i l .,.i ........ l..li 1 1. ... i- :r i .11 .... i i .. 1 ii i aiioweit nun to suppose there was r. ally occasion I'm- jealousy, and he wen-ui j;ci jiivity wen worked up over suiiifihiior that would proven trifle alter all. he would see the fully of such indul gence." "Very likely,1' Teddy answered. 'It oeeurrod to me (hut to-day would be a particular opportunity for carrying out such a plan. Lester is ipiite angry with me. and will be ready to credit any ihim:; so 1 am goinj; to niako him believe thul there is sonielliinj; very serious be tween Kenneth limy and myself, la fuel. I shall leave a iiute uu the bureau where he can find it when he comes home. Il will tell him thai I have eloped with my lover. I have written one already. Here il is. Mrs. I'loyd hauiled him the note, which was j;ottcn up to give tint impression of precipitancy and mental dcstraetioii. It read ; 'When your eyes fall upon these lines, Lester. I shall be beyond your billcr re proachus. i would mil, have lefl yon, had you not pursued me with your jealous doubts; but you have made my life intol erable, and 1 shall seek my happiness in the love of a man who will not tui-iuro me willi constant upbraidins. "(il.AIHX l''l..iVI." '1 tried hot to tell a story," slm ob served, as he was reading this. made my statement c(iiivocal. you see. 1 am sure I urn seeking my happiness in the love of such a man us I have described, and us I hupc Lester will be niter lie has learned his lesson." Teddy laughed uproariously. "So ymi lire guile to leave this on the bureau ? " be in. iiirei. -!y ,1m e! I be lieve 1 will conn1 home to dinner with Lesler, jusl In see the tlnun iwiil." 'lo," Mrs. Floyd urged. -I shall hide ill I lie bay window behind the portiere, and shall lisieu to every world (hut is said," ' ' bat schemers you lire. I iladys you Woiii. u. Teddy (.liM ived ibis us he was "uiii? aw-iv but Mrs Kim. I milv laiii.die.1 ill i'i '.It r (lie plot slt.i li: six Hi-luck when dinner. Toddy r ilileed ' li was cuinc Iiuiiii.' to with him. us In la-sler IIIIIIC'I Mi e hiiil s iid be would l'lud. Iiaviii; di-H .iVeli d llleir allloai li tlett tu the buy wniiliiw. i ecaliii' In r sell' behind llm draie!y that shut off the alcove IV. mi the bed Mniu. Teddy lingered in (lie library, as was proper. Hut Lester, alter calling his wife in vain, came upstairs to look for her. Mrs. I'loyd had arranged the portiere no as tu allow hi rsclf a liltlo hole, uud tlirolleh this she wulclicd him intently. lie entered with an unsuspicious air. jd called her name several times. 'li passing tlie bureau, the uutc CMlglit "isive. and he nicked it no It happmed that A .stood ill re Ivad ill.' ""shack was turned towards the window. ;.,d Mrs. I'lovd euiild iml see his I'.ie.'. Hut she sa- him reel as thntli;li sulllc ihin - had slru.i, hi,,, deadly l.iuW; she ' '" uu uuli! in his liuu.-rs; ami -In- heard a low .xcliuuali'.n that burst uncoils, ioiidy (-. .in ),iH 1 i j , . Then - , ,b. h 'a ens ! She n -er knew how 'i d..ne, It s l ined that this diK-uel nf lc.- mi,. posed il.ipeinent. uiuile ut a .j,,,,. ul,,.,, . was already depressed, had ib'veii him to desperation. Hut b 'fore she Iml dreamed ul Mich a thing, he drew a pistol ' poelet, jilaeed it directly over his and tired. Tln re was a loud report, a gurgling cy from Lester's lips, n nil he . t ',, II, sir. . The next instant Teddy was hi the room, lie had come upstairs three steps at a time, and found (iladys standing like nun paralyzed, her face pale as death and In r eyas wildly diluted. L' ster's pistol had fallen beside him! and ul a glance Ti ddy gasped the horriij truth. I lie sunk mi his knees at liU brother', side, and lifted bis head. Miserable woman." he cried, ill u Voice nf horror. "You have murdered yuur husband. " Ills words seemed lo break the spell that bound I il.nl vs. Her hands sank) nervously at her side ; a uman escaped hef pulid lips; mid with a bitter cry: ''(lb, my liod!" she fell insensible at Teddy feet. ' ' When she opened her eyes again, she was lying on the bed. There was a dim light in the room, ami standing by the window the figure of a man. Mrs. Floyd raised hcrsolf, with a heart on which the weight of (he whole world seemed ruling. The honible trulb Hashed upon her recnllectiuti, and pierced her a thousand arrows. Then, in the ditti liigbt, she saw the figure turn inward hit. ll was nut Teddy as she had supposed ; bill -oh, merciful heaven - it was Let ter I . I A cry of agony burst from her lips. ' "Oh. my liod !" she cried. Already- already he bus i viuc buck to haunt uie." In a piissinu uf grief and horror, she buried her face in the pillows; and for a few momenta she was wholly insensible to the liiihl 1 1 null I h;it fell upon Injr shoulders. Hut ut the words tlial were whispered ill her cum, she stalled up wildlv. Lester was standing besiilo lien and the in xt moment he seated himself on tbo .... 1 1 1 ' ," ,- , , ,., . ' I liailV I, illllllU'. lie nun 01. ii . , 1 mil., mil dead las.k at me." , "Yon are Howl." 'be eri d i'.i'nii ' Mi , ly, ''touch we feel my bunds let me kiss you. I am here real, palpable, in the flesh. Yoll hear my Voice, and I tell you, tiladvs. 1 am alive." 'You are dead." she answered, wildly. "I know it. I killed you -you. my hus band, whom I loved better than my own il'e oh, in v (Sod?" "ilarliiu;," he said, withering her up in his arms, "do you fed my embrace? l0 you feel my kisses? Po you hear me 1 love you '.'" V.."l.. u..,-,l ; w,... ,,i niittini' her hand to her head, "ve's I irliludvs, the iiislul cunliiiued nothing, U powder 1 was paying you in your n coin, you see. I knew nil the time It the note was u deception. I eddy (me all about it." Jowly the facts presented themselves lo H understanding, and with a cry of Herical joy she flung her urtns about Iter, her husbund, alive and unhurt, aikiubbed wildly. 'arliug," she murmured, brokenly, ''iVivc me. forgive lin" 'e will mutually forgive, little wife," bi'liswereil. tenderly. "Ilcnecl'iulli, 1 willy mid not be so jealous, and you--" will hold your feelings sacred, Les ter.lhe said solemnly. ' If at any time Voiiioiild be jculiius, it will be without reas hut even then, the lucre fact that you I- so shall govern my conduct." " lit is more than enough.'' he said. sualiithe compact with a kiss. ' I am whulltatisfied, now mid forever." "M I. too," she answered, "lib. Lester thought I had lost yon." lleiVms were about his neck, mid she clung tliini passionately. Loukiug into her swit, devoted face, Lester I'loyd ihoughtiid swore that be would never doubt ll, again. He ,,t his oath taithl'ullv. loo; for his Vver" was morn than hardly ever." 1 Hut, air all, what a scamp Teddy was for telling His excuse now is, that il cured (ila(s of even the suspicion of flirting. "She's unbanning us ever," lie says to himself, "uy nut unite so coiiuellisb in manner. nd til it'll lie hums In linn sell : " Heware. ewuv Hostoll Tiiitis. t ' Mi':t'iiu i;mit mis. I'eil I'lelne ul ii- I'l-i'stili'iit ul Uu- cii ule hli liis nut l-'lutu l int;. Edmunds's reed I is against bis Wnrk ing for miy one bt hiin.-icll', IL; ix very much a caililidatcun! bo 14s adroitly cm ployed Id-l. lain li nub ifte I'i. si leiil lo lurtli. r wiib (In-'ii-iileiit in fuil her lii ovh fiutiines. e i i n. uf (In! must cold I'I led ail'l elliei:itel si Mi ll Inell i-Vi I kilo W'li ill 1 . 1 1 1 1 . ill'.- He has never lino known In in n a ii:'lil lur a fiiciid He has :-ln. In. ii 1 avoided t.ivoliug any of his Vermont ... .li- in any way. und by sniililiing I hem tliur.iieliK has (1 .-, .1 - im pressed t li. in willi lie fael that he is loo uieil u man to w nn his time .ti -iil 1 1 1 1 personal lavui's. Ibis niuis. .seems to ph ilfce the grim C'ilH-ii of I lie rock ribbed (I I'i 'ili 'iiiiltain Hale. .',d nls al W.iiipo-e his Set itoiial culleaeue. uud the t'luign-ssioiial (.1. ualimi I'loin Ver liionl soon h auls tn h,,k ui lion a- a . . . i i ... .... iiionai eneuiy. re.iuy iclisi llieni n in, stand ill bis way. There H holding lh.il belter illustrates Kibi,uinl-'s eol.l per-uii ality thaulhe period sysi, in of luioi be I has sd up nver 1 Im Senate employees since he has becoiuij pri sidiue ollie. r There is not a door keeper who does n..i I,,,!, ...I., ..1 I.i. .., 1 1 . ., 1 1 . . ,..j.i.i. 11, .01.1 .i-i in r.iieu 11 ni'i sp-aks 01 look ;ii Hi 11, The man w bo tuns the rleai,,i ,01 .1 led Kdiuuiids's Imieh 1 pun the olecllic bell. Whenever he hoar the dread sum niuiis a cold chill il.iils .lowu bis spine and. Im mailer who is in the cab. I In- ma chine is made to l! to respond tu I be deep, sbril1, impeiioiis niiiiiinii., 'flic under ullieiiils of I he S 'l ale appear lo realize thai the slightest leyiaiimi IV tin ir duty will bo i. lmi.I.. us a 41111111. crime, uud that 110 luercy need be e peeted. In Washington, where I'Mummls is known, be is iii.eiisely uiip,,pular, and few believe bo has any elements of pop uliirilv which can in tbe end make him a I'iiudulale. lie bus fixed tbe iniuinvnhlc flsit of bis eolllll.'ll.illee in llle ilirectinll of theiominatioii. mid if a cold blooded iinii will a,l relent le.ss persistency can do him liny goi.-4 he will id a great way between How Mid" June. If be cannot get through himself, th natural disposition id the man will make , w,k to lay all f bis Senuturiid itill;igips who are eundidal( s. Plain John Suiilli would ieuse hint belter tbnn tbe selection of any Senator. Mlt. T I It It I : N II lost VOU I., v KlglitliiK Heieii 1 ears tin-in Value with a llullroud '(imianj. Seven years) ago .1. M. Tiirrunline brought suit against the Richmond und Danville Railroad ( 'nuipaiiy for glO.iiilii daniuges for the loss uf his voice, Uud mi the 1 1th inst., a jury reliirued a verdict for 82,5011. Tiirreiitiue was travelling on the, road in the capacity of route or mail agent and alleges that he emit muted 1 cold which subseiptenlly caused the loss of bis voice. His ahVgatiiin was in effect that the company furnished him with 11 room not properly heuft d, anil that ever tiin-e be began I be suit he uas liut been ulje lo speak ahnvi! a whisur. The trir stiltieil nearly 1111 cutrfe week, wit counsel on both sides. The couipan to iinpeuch the cliuructer lof the p for truth and integrity, and one wi1 negro, testified that during the wn routine talked in a whisper in m evade military service. Another an emiuelit pbyaicimi of Hills' that he believed plaiulifl during the war. A w' that during the niiiiio plaintiff and the Mi 'lilt tf rlHTendrvr tb man, I iirreniliie voice ,! cried yrl t '1.11't, Muml THE DAMN'EEST.JJOMMUNITY. h'niiil tlir Ti .ntt Sitiiiia. The uuregeiierated ieople of Flint Point, a mountain dislriet of Arkansaw, had a way of disregarding the (luspel and Hiibjeeting preachers tu irreligious indigni ties. In respect to the very few gentle Jus 1 do who lived there, Conference decided Hot to give up the post, hoping that the united prayers of the church and physical dexterity would at hist land the foresters on a plane of safely and high moral in fluence. Preacher alter preacher went to Flint Point, but each one brought back rcHifts discouraging to the cause of re formatory appeal. Young Ailaiii Hoyle, a man uf excellent proportion and a disposi tion lo tliuuip, said that be would undcr- take ll uuhall ke 1 he work of emptying tinK-l on the owed heads ol the liurlv sinners. "We have prepared a feast," said young Adam, "and imw. as (hey will not come upon invitation. I shall go mil mid compel I ln-in to come. "Coiniug is mil 1 1 point." replied uu old divine who. with coat tails streaming, bud once lefl the neighborhood of Flint Point. "You will have no trouble in get ting them to come, for they are all anxious to hear the word. The trouble arises from their luck of sympathy." "I'll undertake it at all events." said young Adam, instinctively sliming up his shirt slivve and custin-. a complimentary gliuice ut his ui ui. "I think that you have all been too easily frightened, uud have, instead of leaching tliciu how fear less true rclicioii is. show n I hem your ow n lack of firmness." Young Adam went to the Point, and employed runners to aiinoiiuei thai he would preach in the "Troit.h"- a name applied lo tile Uiei'llllgdlnlise tin- Nin.lav following. (Hdliabe Lane, Tom I'rout, the four lianlner buys ami Spike liiailsi.n were all delighted, fur they had seen 110 Amusement since the last preacher afforded ihelii ciitci'taiiihicht. When Sunday came the (hiireb was crowded. Oldtiube Lane took a front soul und lo look ut his humble head and long beard of patriarchal palti-ru, you would have tak'n biiu to be the pr siding elder of the circuit. Tom I'roiil, with bis chin resting mi hickory -tick which be held upri'hl between bis knees, sal jil-l behind old liabe. The olhel' linled I'eMiallsis. as lliey ealleil I lieinsi os, sat around in seeming auvicty that the clear waters should soon begin their flow. When youim Adam saw these leu.Talile lookiii'j iteiillcineli in front, be thought that he very presence b id (Touted 11 re form. . 1 1 1 1 1 . greatly i-neoiiru'oil. he stopped liobill.l the pine table whieh served us a pulpil and sun eyed the congregation willi an air of assured coinplaeeni V. lie o.ac mil :i bviiin. and willi tin- ardor "fa help, ill:' spirit, ll was sung wilh an . ill !mi-i 1-111 Will, il ollll. .VI .III llil I 0.1 ilille. I I.l I V Hit I I'e !';ii': H aver was nilei o.l Tom I'ioiiI hfled liis 1 bin from the -lick and w ink, il il nlil 1 1 ii. w 110 repiieii w 11 11 a siplilll 1. 1 hi il l . 1 ' i -.:,ni,l people. MUIII-. Ad. do be;:, m, 'It is r pi a 1 el in lev in idihiirhiiii. t Iml ymi are :ill "uing to hell. I'olilieal he.' said old ll.ilie. -li..! up b lie devil fur 11 11 1 ... i . 11 pur poses, rein liked Tel. I I'l'.nil. Willi. Mil lilt ing his 1 hln from l In- sl'n k . oiinu Adam w.i- not pn par. .1 for I Lis. "Von don't uiiilerslainl hie, m food peo ple. 1 did hut say thai I believed the - ' I '..lilii.lt lie.'" "tint Up bv the devil." 'I'll.- mini 1 1 wip.d the perspiration of annoy. nice 1 1 . iu hi - faee. gazed nt the an di, -lice Willi ,111 iinlin.ini stare, and said : ll I ask of ibi-eoiur, -g.itiuii is a chain-e. fin- ill 1 pun- und. r ubi' h you rest 'I'olilieal lie." "Iinl up by lln dmil." . I b i!l n 1 uf no: lo sin Ii an insult, t 1 11 'i :v h i:r -d Id - inn. r. and ymi uurang 011I nor with the chili, can t bluff mo." and the .-oiir.igeiius plea, her slopped i'l. .ill he hiii I ' b I ill. 'flu ' is w h it I he buy., had be. 11 A.iiling I'm. and rn-hiiig forward llii-v -1 i. -d oiiic- Adam, look him mil. swung him in the air. and slopp.d him siid. I ul auaiiist a nee. When I hey lib . , , 1 i'ii 11 oral I.I.I inn he look lo his Heel-, mm win 11 1 hv the ( oiivregnlieu his coal tails ipiiiicj in .111 ;! il ul i'l curreul of mr. When young Adam reported ut head-; quarters, the campaign managers were dis coiirau.ll. "We will have lo give il up as. lost." said a hum whoso fright and subse quent ceroid1 at Flint I'oint bud given him a kind of iioneic dunce, 11 perform ance whieh H i- regularly enacted when be spoke of the 1'i'inl "Have togive it. up." No.' replied a lillle yellow faced fellow who bud ju-1 been admitted. "I (till U soil of iii".inii r mid probably I loiebt persuade the way waul gentlemen In change ihcir evil ways. I ll gn llicre." Koiniiiisliaiiee was made, but tin1 lillle velhiw fell""' was linn in bis resolve. His appearance at the point was hailed wilh pleasure. I lid I iiibo. Tdiii Prout mid the (iiirdner boys iismii'i d him ihut he would have a huge uudioiioe, and (iabe, as he measured with an experienced eye the length of the Parson's cout-tuils, added : Have a line crowd, cap'n. All you've got to do is to shout it to em an' they'll find ymi inlorosiin ." " 1 shall shout it to tin-Ill." replied the little yellow man, "und they will no dor'" find 111 ti li interest in inc." "Make lively gestures, cap' 11," I 'rout. "Folks here like lose eroise hissolf. If bo don't ti lazy an' iil'eciil o' work." - I shall emlcuvur to con m iudiislry." the lillle thiil 1 don't want any dispute about the matter," significantly lifting his pistols. 'I lid man, whiui locks the career of a re probate have prematurely whitened, what do ymi think of this proposition? Answer without ctpiivocutioii." "Parson, " (ild (iabe replied, fidgeting mound. I didn't come here prepared fur a argyinent." "Answer me," and he made another mo tion with the pistol. "Wall," said (lube, "it sorter strikes me thater wuy." "Your reply is not satisfactory. Is it or is it not?" "Wall parson, arter stitdyiu' the ques tion, I b'licvo it is the duiun'dest commu nity on the face o' the ycath." "All right. Now old fellow." turning to Tom Prout, "what do ymi think of the mutter. "Parson, I ain't fixed fur a discussion." "I do tint usk concerning your ability of argument. 1 have stated the proposi timi plainly. What do you think ?" "I'm sorter like (!ube." "Hut how much'.'" and thu pistol clicked. "Wall, if you must know, I think it is the damu'dest community on the luce 0' Uhe youth." ".u right, unit 1 want, to say to you boys that if you don't keep quiet and pay strict attention, you will wish that the wolves hud stolen you from the cradle." With this understanding, he began lo preach. He told humorous stories and made the old fellows laiih, and then will)' pathetic recitals he made them weep. He drew them to him wilh warm expressions of love, and painted pictures of bliss that made their mouths water. At the con clusion of the senium, the "revivalists" shook his haniL in earnest aft'eetioii, :nnl vowed that they would lead h.-tter lives. Coiil'iTonee granted a pot il inn and tbe little yellow man is now stationed .nt the I'o'nit a community whieh low can equal in piety. Old (iabe is a high officer und Tom Prout conducts 1 he prayer uieeting every Friday hi'ht. WHAT NOIIODV I.VIiKHAVV. A white elephant. A happy old bachelor. A woman climb a tree. A gas metre look tired. A modest Chieugo drummer. .lay (iuuld speculating in stucks. 'I'be ankle nf a ll.') yeur-ohl muideti. An uulilled Keiititeky gclillcliiuu. A p.iliceiiiuu when bo wauled uiie. A I rain late w hen he was late himself. wuiiian's 1 iu lit.-, wiunaii flirt with a '''"''' spruie Inn ry. lioein ibat wasn I "dashed off A knothole without trying laic I hrough il . to etiicctd- A fat woman fall mi tin1 street and hurt In is If any. d to running backward with a tin kelll tied to bis tail. A female book No" for mi aiiswi llgeul r. who could take An editor who prefers to smoke u pipe" refuse a cigar. A man cull for ' u little whiskey" who didu t take a big drink. A Ion dollar bill lying on the street wil limit picking it up. A baby mi a railroad train that didn't Inak- nunc noise (ban (be engine. The legend "paint" upon 11 door with out testing the miitlcr wilh bis linger. A successful candidate ask a voter to lake a drink three weeks after clectiou. A minister who couldn't go to Kurope ut ' brief rest" if his congregation insist ed upon 11. A husband out shopping with his wife who didn't wear a tired and disgusted look upon his face. A printer give away a chew of fine-cut tobacco without Mayiiijj "it swells in the month." Two young woiiicu pussed uu the street, both wearing new spring suits, who didn't turn their heads to hs.k at each uther. iii'si'l l'l n FH KIFTLSKVESI I', A Its, How the (.overiior nf Delaware Contain tee Ilratli-ciitcnr. The (lovernur uf Delaware is not ..inriuw ered by law to commute a do to i-iiprisouinciit for life, b next best thing, as he Lewis F. List. On lust List lived in ' city with a V quurrellcd uud liable OUR MOTHERS. tii ,. iii Fi In-11 1 1 ifl link l.euf. To every man tin1 b. st vvotnan in the world i-i the mio In1 cal's muiher. alter which collie good wives uud lil iidell ulinls. A boy's love lor his mother is excevilcil by but olio thing - -her love fur him; mid us no boy w us i v. r so bad but thai III tin1 hour of his d. epe.-t humiliation his moth er's heart flow to him wilh its synintthy, its love and its puin r, so 110 man ever Vet entirely lost his ti mbr love for her. who gave him bein;. ( Hiier lov is sometimes aiiMvciated and not recioro. atoil. this never. Oilier love c ols in the hour uf trial and adversity, this never. ( Uher love is born for the babny hours, ibis for all hours and day s und seasons. A mother's love is as im nlicoiv able 11s infinity uf apuee urn! eternity of time. Mure lb in the pa ternal inheritance, more than the wife's dower of beauty , more than the sprinkling of baptismal waters ul the christening fount, but akin lo it, is thf oveifluwing cup of ble.ssiiiTs a good mother' love brings to her children. She is kind when we are abdiuato ; she is a IVei t innate w hen we nr.! culd und wayward. She weeps when we weep, she luue.hs when we are joyful. She watches when we. are sick, she wakes to list when we ol't'n dremn feverishly. She pruys when we forget to pray. She dies, but her blessings follow us :ind us w, eo dowti the crooked lialh- way of the world towards the devils uwu door her vi 'ice cries uul. Cunie buck my buy." "Coine back my son." And oh the deathless doom of him who has gone too far to heed licit cry. Mothers they are the "tiriic's that uush with limpid flow of I sweel waters by the side of every pathway I to le aven w h 're I lie. traveller may sloop ! und wet bis lips an 1 rejoice. Mothers, the ! lilli s ihut disli! th odor, which gladden the iranlen ol' life. Mothers, the stMJis I that wake to joy our untried years in the ! dawn of beiiii and in whoso eyes when i ours first open we rea l a world uf love. A 1 . . . , 1 mother may everyiiniiy nave one aim some of us two. ( Ol,. f ASH' Itl'.t'OHII. One citizen of Cln raw says the cider Cash has killed twelve men since the war. A negro said that if Col (Vh ever got homo again he would slay lots of the peo ple. This 110-10 saw him kill six negroes in one day, and the speaker was one of the burial party. No coffins were used and the negroes present wore threatened with death if they ever told it. This was the first lime it bad ever lieen told. A trusty body servant uf Col. Cash, it is said, went into the swamp with 11 number of Cash's blooded horses when (ion. Sherman passed through, but the I'ninii forces found t lii-iii mi infiiruialioii and look them. When the son am rcpmlisl the fact the Colonel drew Iii pistol, told the negro lie was a d d ly ing scoundrel; that he had given I hem away, und shot him dead, He was buried und that was the last of it. The poise represent the terror ofthe peo ple in Chesterfield us beyond conception; thiil if Cash g ies I'r.v and returns there the pcple will be in constant dread of as sassination and iiii'i'iidiiiiisiil. lie notified them by letter and message .1 ntinuallv that ho hoard all they said about him. When he sent such a mi'ssme I he recipient w ould send 11 letter of apology. The excitcliiTit is quieting down, but in I 'hi'sleilield it is 011 ii strain. Viivn.it tvi;riii;i im nil. iyi.sY. The snowfall in lb 1 11 inborn district of Colnradu the pres -iit winter is without pa rallul in the history of the Stale. Many mining camp-west und souili have been snow bound since November. The San Juan count ry is the greatest sufferer. Ihiiangn, Nivciii.n and Lu ll, eoiitaiiiing froui one to live tli.uis.iud inhabitants lire still blockaded, uu traveler has reached cither town in several weeks. Hrts'ken- rid-e, fifty miles iuuiIi of L-advilh, is nearly destitute, und M.1I1I1 7.11111a. ten miles dislaiil. is in a piliabl" condition (iitiiiiison, situated a few miles from the birest c ml mine in the State, is inf. I'ciiug from a coal 'a nine. Snow is eight loot mi a level over the whole country, ami 111 ravines uud gulches Iilty to one hundred feet. The only means of com munication is on the snow-shoes and few lieu are hemic enough tu brave the storm. When spring thaws more of these mull 11 taitii of snow, fearful results must fol low. Till'. I.ATIvIT MMIKI.T ItK.PORTsl. Honor Seu-e ; old stock exhausted and the new will be a failure. 1 Virtue Old emwlh timely consumed ; young growth very "unpromising. Honesty None in the market. Prudence All in the hands of old stockholders and bold close . ModestyStock badly damaged uone for sale to street spivtdatrx. 'kd overstocked. iisi. y r-x, ir.- i. ' v - , E l'l EAL FllM : . TO rilESIiflVKTHE . '1 I'm) tli Miaiue-on Api'lluno Cu. 1 1 4 MAGNETIC LUNG PROTECTCR ! I'M we ox ly x Tliityiiri' priei'lisuitii tidlea. tiiMitl4fiucaaiii 4 dri'ii w itli ui'itk tunas; uu caati of piieuiuu k' f i-Mlli Is rvi-r kllimll WlitTtf tlicav t;arllllit Kuril. Tim) alao protein aul iTirahranillUVifv ' Inlils, liliiiniii.il. 111, Nciirulaia, Throal liuil i IUililli. rlu, t'auirrli, and all kitnlnsliluuHMa. n lli wvar any icrtke for iliroe yeara. Ara wora afw tlic 1111. ler clulliliiK. 4 T I T T? t T ' ' ""llisal to dt VyV 1 J 1VIV11. acrib Hie yiupbiuutt tliUiiaiimsiu-iliacaaclliat la aatipliiK tha llf and "tn-uih itfuiily Usimaiiy uftha falrvataud beat of l-illiM-j.. Ulsj-, -Imlyand r.iMiarch lit Auiartca, Kur.iH'Mlnl Kjiitcrn Inii.i., Imw ruaulttsl in the Mag iKlu l.uiik' CroUHUir, tt"nlnmi-ur fi aurrk, a remedy w Inch isaitniiu No liroaaiiiK of the MyatirM, anil with Hit-ivlillnuiHia alaalu of Ma(iialUua -Mr-lin-atillK lloiiliall llie alttlcU'tt iirKaiiu, Ulllnl rvalor tlicinlo a healiuy Helton. W ptaea our priue ft tills Aiiiliioii'ii Hi I.'im than oiie-taemkui of Uia lirtis asked l.y uiheni for reioedl-a ttMiii wniota jrou lake all the cliaiiisn, anil ralN-cially itivita tin mI haiaitr of the many penuuia who have tried druf (lli( their ti.iinaclia wlllioul etlcet. , HOW TO OBTAIN.. atu c. Uu 10 yisir drunnla and ak' ttr them. If tiny have nnl tin Uieni, write to the imirtetora, en t'l.aliif lli.'pri. c, In letter al our riak.amd Ihejr Will beMMil to yuu atonceliy uiail, pout paid. si-ikI siiuiii, for ill.' "Now lAlsirtiirB In Med toil Trcatni.'iil w iUi.'iit Mclicliii," with thouaauda uf titlllllKilllills. 1 UK MAliNKTllN AITI.I ANTE CO., ISMulcSlnwt, Chicatu, III. NiiTr Sciul iidp dollar 111 suiie aurnjia or cur rency lln totter al our risk! with ulieof show uauallf wuni, and try a wir of our Mamielic lranlaa, and U' !'..iivIIm'M i.Mlir j.wrr-vi.lni-In our Miqj-tt-ti Ai'iiliniii'.'s, r.a.itiv.'l)' in cold feet whs-re they are .rn. or money remnd-sl. oct It ly THE BLATCHLEY pump! BUTfRFBEST. BLATCULEY'S TRIPLE ENAMEL PORCELAIN-LINED I- ' SEAMLESS TUSE COtapEN-LlNEO PUMP I -s Dn no, ha annwd Into --4 burliifj liifenor Hood. r For aalo br the beat "Xi 'nJL- --aa id toe ireaa. C.O.BLATCHLtY.Manurr, 303 MARKET ST., Phllsd'aV. Writaio iue fur nam of nnaraat Aceal. Th Want f m lUllabl Ularaitl Which, while admit aa a aiiniiilanl of Iht kidiiryi, neither eicilel nor Irriuuea them, waa long aluec aiqiulied by Hoaleiter'l t.lomai-h Biuera. Thu flue nunlieine axerta the reumtita deirea uf uaiulMioa these orKiina. without iirodurinc Irrllatl IKHS ition. and la. therefore, fur Iwiier adapted fbr I purpose than unmeilirated exciunta often resorted lo. DyapeMia, laar and agtat, aa4 kindred diHraaea. are all cured he it. l or aula by all Urureu and' le alert gt nvrall) . June II ly. uovirJl.v ! i" l 1 1 1 s t t i -nrrriTi. 1 have 1 thsv ..'.ishadattrAl. f.-ATI AOIJlivr k s WtLa- ADV i:htiskmkm. feMsSm ' , 1 CK . RTOnACH 1 - V. maris vy t j I . , ( I-. - - ' '-.

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