T Tv P) p pfs r - .ih V rr r x ' - - a . : ik f Mil HALL & SLEDGE, im!u-i:ikt VOI, Mil. A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. AVKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 27. 1881, NO., a. PROFESSIONAL CAFDS. M. II. hI M HIV AM VN. im st v .troanrv, 1 M II I X MINN. J .1 7 '"". .Y.T.v I ' ..!', scoj'I.ANli MK'KN. c. .V M K I. ) . I turiii s nl law, l.rn:l.li. v ' i'! II. t i .-1.1. I ll.llil'.fX. I W I i -li I !i. ' ll"li- IniKlr m i T ii .i i: Vii. ii 1 1 1 ill Ian. -..ill M.i K , r. I'l.. f-.uil P.I III. Nil Kdiri lull wrt l-Mf. I'm. I ..lllill. in ll,. u nl ll.ilil.is nlut Hnhiu nl III llu -i,n iik court nl lilt UK. nl'.)' i i: I . A l: 1 1 I V M V N . Allni in nl I. iin , IIAUI'.VX, N, (!. i Mill II I i'l llH 'l Slii. l ulleuU K'U'H Ii -loll. ' HuM As X. 11 I I. I, Attuinc) nl I.nvv, JUUl'.VX, N C c illl ' Hlld la-'Mf. " " I ' V ' I'n t..i. i in niiri il .ih.i su.ri'me i'uiiiI Ijoinin;; T V. A Ml X , j ! Altm-ucy al Law,' f . tiAllVSIIITIl,. N.f. . V I'm. lire-ni Ihe ...nil- i.l Xi.r!lijimiMmnil ad joining loiimii.-, ni,...t m the r-rtlijul 11114 tpri'iit. ml-. ju. mi. ' A I.T Kh I:. IUMHI, Attorney at Law, 1 wi'.i.min. x. c; I'mrticf iii HullliiT mid fi.j..Itiinir rnnnli. ."I. .-ml nib uli'Hi iiii.ii lu ii'liifiiiiiu ill U nl ihr Miihi and in, hum lelnriif rna.l.'. I , pal In l. l. 17 h . W. II A 1,1., 1 Alloimv at l.iiiv, I Kl.lniX. X c. lKH'inl HiU'iitiitii Kit.'ii li cxlliH liiditt autl ivak tiiiii i ir.iiiiiUj iniiili-. jiuo 1 li I, I.KN A MOD U C Atturittyit ul Law, HALIFAX, N. C I'm' tier in tin- ( HUlllitiif ihllilil, NmI 1 lil.ll) it-.Jl M.t rotnlx-. Till ainl Marl i u In (lit' MijH- Mt'cmrt i.l i in' Midi- iiikI m ihv I t .U nii nitrl" ul the I Jitcru I nil ti l. ( uJli rti.'i iiiiuli' hi any 1'itrt wl lln Siuu-. jtill 1 ly 1) ii. j. i:. ii i k i. us, Hi-lllKt. llu Ine !riii:iin'iiily Iik id 1 In W. Hon. can be I. 'Illl. I l Ins ulli. r III Slilltli'li llfii'k llllil.lillK ul ull lllli. t'lr.-tt tl hell iiInu 111 oil .tli').iiili!tl lilmiui-i. I rt rttfi 1 utlrDll..li tfivt'ii l.i nil l.mm lit'i- of llu- .ni- I.'i-.lltlJ. 1'nrllek VIMkll lit Ha ir llniues Wlli-H ile- ..1 ted. JUl li 1) . f. I.. H f X T i: It, S-lllgl'llll llcutist. I 'im lie Knniil ill hinifliif I" Kiilit l.l lllre Xllr..u lKi.li-'"!! lor Hie I'liin'ii ling i.l "I .'. Hi nlvmy on tuiti.l. jinn -'.' II" Ko to M( oi Fim mo Scimci roll Riuovw ALL IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD. A:kMvll(l Orul. Fluiut. ul ISctiit Cut!) CONSTIPATION, S.TJS.K1.- nVCPFPCIA tool' ii l.y Irti'BUlur p. uiartrom. t,t,. M,,,r k,ifiihiK, teii an. I ii'iiiloriirMil plti -r ! .uimcIi.-jU-"!'. in.leno. I IUCD (mil.int, j..u.n..., Hlti, T' ll't Ml ' tn r.ar. ciiiiK ortLi iit bKk TmTn, Ui Uiltoin i .f nl; wen., lrrltabiliij, lonxiif oiinU'li'klnM'll"W. h"ind ci ld Hv miIi .in i-)tmIii11 .Hrwi.iigh.nWt'danilobiirwv r fi-rling. Irreiiiila'r inilw, l''l uli rpii "Ux APOPLEXY i:incpy.i,ij'i.i Url-CA I i.i.,M.M,nnil in nv aM.linn ...iiru.i.m In h. ii.l. in rt . u'ni'w flali.i"'l llfU brri..'.. I" of ln.B...tv l'iM.t (.1 HlaiMtr w VinUPVQ iiiinii ilnrk or lighl.re.1 ilt'imat "l"tl i l.iiiniiii:,Miiii;ui..larlni1.ii tt ii.il.,.rn lr.,...i.t ri.l.r If tirni.f, SMUiMt li.flami.ri .... dirk aird.1. tairfl. DUciWM af iit-anT !"'. ."iii' '" M rlLMn I , bn MH i dki airllr K i,bi, l.ii.r n I. ft .Ma: rit f Irttil m aitflioa.l unnipur ""t r'1" ' ""("a fl unUnvinL, ,,m ar bMd ; laiaUaM, aaan llrupa ll.lll. at a.ia .a ltM ar arrm.i natur. w lali RaiUrl iirarn t .rri'i Mauar. Warwa if w h atih.a, folala r ri.'.lia or uia fcr.aaa MWAYNE'S rll.Ua, k. .aU atl..a. raawaj II. aaaaa. ajtaiaii a raiaa.al Wfi. Haat J Kalk St nau 11 T . I'm l (la ra- tAr.r.1 Aaarna. . all Mi, Vllanta-lrblil. I"a. M.U If IHailiaU. Junu l 1; M.J,..J ACOnSck IJlt!)., HALIFAX, N. C CUOM'KST l.lgl (l!S Our bar contain, all the t-li.iii-t'Ml l.raiivla ." I ' ' I i I - wines liran.lir", hiskli, lvr ami niix. il drink an' uiailr in Hit' inaiini r l'it!a. rtiiui-iira SintiklUK and I'tu ttim Tolwco. l all and I'lunlue Ihi'iu FAMILY GROCERIES ar i-ht-ap and all Ihr U-sl kind- kept cmuWiiUr kaud lud thick KMilkiOiilly r.f .irliiali.'U BILLIARDS AND POOL ' Tablae alta iradjr fur cuttnmfni and the art Invited to visit our Iimim where they well traalail and wharo Uii-jt can play IVI Billlanla al tuitll cxprute. maris ly y ' '!"v OTP 11' IS IT I "V vatii m: i: in . Sunn' llli.l u,,rk wIiit.' -,. i'ni.1 ii-l. Ami . Hi., m-tirv i.,.l:i . - mi . 1 '"III. !l!- n Iit Ii- l -l . lli. nnvfri-..ini- u-iJil" ir.p.n.'. s i' ' ." l.. wli 'ii ..;ir ,i'M wnki', Ann .i tll wciirv niylii otirn j;.i Miiiiulii-inn In-lit , in- h. nris lir.'iili, l..n.u WunJei nhy'uii,. . in liim.N (14. wliorp .ill. rl.iin.N Atv hll.-.l l.rm.-lT in li. -ir.li-. Ami llir.i'nn, ,u nir, ,,.. Mmi'iiii ilk' liii ircm 'I lif''. s..iiic f.vl hlli whiij ,., (. ! In linl.-si umrrli. ii :ii. s.'1111'lrui.'u'l.' mi ii iv n- . i '1 ' fo.ine i-k, ii'lii-iii.llii r- ,i . Kmiir hIi''i iii h,i',.i.r. k Ilii' l ifii- ..I llii inn. hii.I -I hi') n ill in.l r.-il Illl r..-v. . 'i Aluiiii'l llirir iiiiini' hIhim- i. THE LOVERS OUHBREL. "Ni'ViT, Mliilfl I Iin.,'' nai l Mm Kit-li-li'ili, "ni'vrr wliili' I livi'. wi l 1 'iv yimr flirt' lliiill !" Mio nii anl il whi n .n- si, slii'clHiki', hlii' threw lii r ! tdWiirdu lii r liver, who liml ' It li i i I him iiml nillnl I lie Hour ami i,mv (lie ill .,1 cll.Sl t dill' IlI'lllllM' i lll I'.l-.!, that tisril in flainl ull litlnT iniiiitlr-jmiH. Slio ilij not Imtire wlii'ii- :i 1 1 Hi ll rin 1 lior. i iihiii I I'llilU cl...-iM. nl' til.' .'I.' it p.! nl ; he iliil llinii-li ; ami al'i.T In' Ii i. nl I. I'l lli.' ro .in, Ill' It'llirilrJ til Jiltl it up. hail worn wmiM alu iy 1 him.' : ;, f 'l " lir niL' 'Ii'' jiii'. i. iit- In lin-slilcilrwriil slrai.'lil In hit uwn nnmi, iii uiisi'iubli! ii irl an ovi r livcil. ami a iiminfiit. lad r ( I r:iiir)iin l h.T lia-li-loili hustli'd into tin; drawing -mum. jHlMlril till) njiiiU tlowt iluor tn, fiivkitl uji'lhc faBeii ttairiiiii'. Kot tin' an nual's ami Liiukx of Jiciry htrailit on llu' talilc, piilltnl liuwu tiu I HliaiKi, urrang.'il tlui rlmirs inatlu niiili'IK' against t lie wall, wml bustled nut agaii, i I'vi' hail tln'etlliij! fifty yrA." him sjii.l tn ln rsi'lC, ''amji liai' .'i Cmiii'lia mikI lu r bean with im nitri1 1 rrsiHvt l'ur thi in than if they wi re 4 lndch liinifci r." Thru slip fliiwil tin' ilnor Uliin4 her, ami wilt away trt bt N" rooA njintaiis, white a fine tik I pati'lnvgrk iiiilt wast in the frame, itsii.risi' fur saiil Cur liilia. (lianilmutlier Bi-4h'it:h f.'ve uvery young j)crm of tin family tsoiucthing of her own inamifacttrc On his or let wed ding liny. , '.Viiw," the ulilluly had oaiil a iluzou times tu Tiiilit'ny Ki(i, who WM heljiin In r '! rallu r ilmli I'ornelia nill have the best thin"; I've iloiie; ami thiWs n bit in it of every liamlsutiu Kilk they'll ever been in the family, ami of her fat ho B and uruiiiU'ather'g wedilinw vest." ' "Ves'ni. it's a nul meinoriil f'vlt," Said lYpllrliy. It tu- to plan -Hell llllllgs. Tile iii It. was a 'ti'i'iiiniii. and Ti ni.-lird an i .hriiy's job ml that li:hillg -li i car bat she Ii inn over she w. n. hoii'e. I -i riul about tin! vinaje the m-u "lusmre all wa.M)er brlHerii .Mis liasli lei;;h and Mr. Sf 'ar. ho'd bend Cor nelin fciyiiij: sonii) liiug to her' Aindina. and tile old lady ian furious." "llu would noTef have dime thai if he had cured for mn you know, grandma." Cuiii lia was say'uig at that moment. "Sniff ami tiinseuse 1 lie luvim the giounl you walk on !" said the old lady. " iii! never get such miotlier. Conic ha ! ' 1 Anil never marry at all; I hate min!' oiurlia au.-wored. An 1 n hit g.amluiuthcr niado the I1011.M.' im licit to bold her, and slio went iiv. r to h r m.,her', lut ihuiiI course wlieii shi f,.ll oat with gramlma. Three lay passed. At the end of the tli'rd 1'ii't,' l'nui 'pjkti in at Mrs. l!ah leigir vuing M s. lU-hlrigh, as tiny i-.JIeil her. ilmimh she was n arly fifty, ft pmiuluuwus uld Mrs. Kashlrigh. "J exped nuil feel unset when I to y.m h "' fit julia," kIio wid. "Vm have been Ion iri,,. t,s time he, In h'! Orville ,,,. , a i, been heard o sniee be was at vnir lion'. His mother says he went uv , tl, ,.xi,aiii and mak Up. and he n. v , ( .,ii. bark - he. be ! Mir tllollglll Ui...iH' lu ll tr..r. over III his brol hit's. Im he hadn't - he, he! I rfekoii lie.i ilniwied liimself!' " I ala n t know t In i ... whole town khouM talk over nv all in- itnd every Incd d ing old maid gi jle ali..m them !' itiei Cornelia. I'ielv jumped to lu r l'.-. l, seized hit puriisol ttll'l l y 1 1 1 - -il i. . it .1.1 the door. "tiood it1Uriiii Mi-a Coin lia ami Mrs. Rrlshriigli,1' do -ai l with a c..n temptiioiis eoiiiie-i II i 'member my manners, ;if mhn folks tirget theirs, Only there's nth t t'ejU a, likely to In i.l.t malils as me an i i t.im y us Air- Speai's alTiiir lio ll I' llnii.: has happen . .I to her boy !'' Away flolllice.1 Mi-s I'.ail, .olive put ! :ev a rigp. Coni- I'm," said Mrs. lUhlneh, ' That's a pity she has a long tongue. Hut Cornelia mis crying. '(Hi. mother, l ar she sobbed, "ll isii t true, is it f Orvile .lul Itvl ilieniiiuliv WoO t Toil my,, mil her ?" Kiit at this mum-lit Sally, the litile servant girl lioin tiramluia linslilrigli eainc flvins; into the room, without utiv in. .re warning tliiine1' slio lutl been shot from a gnu. i ho old misnn iys you ire to ciuiu1 over at once, both Von lathes ! she criei. slanding before Mr llashleigh, and r pcittitift jii(rJusiou ikt! 9 Kirrtit, ''J'bei'1 somethins of iufiortalus rulil V"U re mssltxl at woust." '(Jrt your hiinin Coiliclia," said hit mother. ''I'll just liul on this sun-hat. What is it, Sally ; t you kimw?" "1 know it's I somothiiy dreadful. Mi.-Mis is almost will, ami thu-i.' uu uf folks there. Snuielliiiig nbnut Mt, ,S r" The two ladies rttid no n,,r They hurried away toi-i'lhi r. :m I Wnlering grundnia's j arlor, found tli. r. ivLeniblisl more ol'the members of the S,;ll f,iluiy and a friend or two besides. 1 Orville bad imlnd disappa;,r, Iiad never luvti iioini' suice kk iit to Corii. lin, and now th alarm) ril.iiives were anxious to gel all the hfoVliation they could regarding the inteviet be tween Orville ami Cornelia. vi I had rca-on to Ik 4iltv, Mr Sk ar." aid Cornelia, proudly ;'giKHl rtmuij ami look ofiiuv riuu' and jve it lint ami Lent out oi' the riHUii I dui't 10 Wn he went or where. I -I tlioiilit j he wouldn't mind so lmieh. I believed he liml f-ti'iied earing about me." II iizht lo now. at all events," said ejaiiilma. '.My boy is dei.d. I'm sure. 1 shall have ilie mild dra'i'd!" Haiti Mrs. Spear, amidst, her tears, '-lie left all bin money at biiine. lie wouldn't have pone, tr.iv eliiiwiilniiit a ehaii'.'e of elothes. (Hi. 'UI ieki'd giil ?" "I hope," eried the eldest Miss Spear, "that he'll haunt you P '1 could kill you. you hateful thing 1" eried th;. youngest Miss Spear. CiTinlia had kept up bravely until mm ; bill when her two friends turned upon her thus, (die gavo a little wrenm, mid fell over on the sofa. She was in a dead KW4HM, and (he water they sprinkled in her fire did not bring her to. lirainlnia grew frightened. I bop' it isn't an ntiiiek of heart dis-t'.-isr, ' nl,, - Kiiil. "I'oor cliilil! she looks n i slir ivere drad. I Hi, don't say that !" cried the iiml lu r. They allu red around Conielia an did all tliey i.iuld for her. and soon she re covered and sat up, but all her pride warf gone. "(li. dear! oh, dear !" elm sobbed, '' ViMi I bail died ! I wish I had never i i'iiiet.i! (lb, Orville I what has beeoine ol' Voll ?" Oh! oh!" mulled the tuotlier. - "Ob ! ub 1" liioaiii'd the sisters. nd (' irnolia's head fell back again." Kmina. get the lavender out of the i'ii.i 1 1. ."t," said erandina to hit daii"h- Ouiek! lt' Oil 'the cortkt shelf! Mrs llashleigh rush to the closet. ll won't open," she eried, wildly. It s i patent lock," said grandma; eks :h it shuts. Here's the key." And Mrs. l'tiwhleigh flew bark to the loor, oii-ned it and uttered a shriek. there on the tloor, hiidiilcii up umler the shelf lay poor Orville Spear. lie w:is white and limp. Cornelia sat and started at him in the most awful way. She, thought him dead, but the more experienced matron saw that he wi s yet living. sally was sent post-haste lor (lie uoc- tor ; and there, in Mi's. Ilashleigh's draw-ing-ronm, he found Cornelia and Orville King rpiite unconscious, like i'ohio and Juliet in the scene at the tomb, and the t of the party in a state of bewilder ment and terror past description. At la-t. hinyevcr, both were conscious iiml seat. .I in arm ( hail's, regarded each itber, while the ob-nrverij kept sili'ncc, ami -lr. urville .-pear uuereu ine ursr, words. Of all cimliuiiiiled fools " Who deal ? ' asked his mother. Me. " said Orville, regardless of gram mar. " ii ho -lull me in . Wlnl wrie you in the closet for?" asked grandma, with a guilty conscience. lo pick sninelhing up that rolled liere." s.ii.l ( ' a'db1. "The ling ? ' a-keil Cornelia, fraulieally -Ye.-, the ling.'' said Mr. Spear. More fool 1 ! Some one banged the door to. 1 -1 teii ami liowletl una kicked, ii nl no one In awl me." Oh. oh. oh. oh!' shrieked Cornelia. I believe vi bid there to kill inc. for no other purpo-e than out of revenge." 1 on hanged the door nil lne, snid -Mr. Spoajv "A jealous woman would uu any thing. ' I banged the door, Orville! said old Mis. r.a-hleieli. ,:I ! i ou ulclt evcryiliuig Hying. I j i-l puni-hcd it as I passed, ml vou ouglii to bless your stars that you are alive, for people don t go into the drawing-I'oin, NUin tiiiies, lor a fortnight in thta small family. use the parlor iihirh more, ami 1 am deaf, uud so is llcp- ib.i, ami Vo'i nigjit have died there. Yes, i .11 i-n i i ' . i . i- . nrnl you il nave kiiieu mm, t urueiia. I'liled ihe oh! Inly, ibrnwiiig his pretty li.iiiioinl riii;, mi the Ilnor!" "Oh !" moait'd Cornelia. "Oh 1" "It wasn't lifr fault. I was a con founded fool ull through 1 cried Or ville. "I ku-w that closet had a spring- lock. No ; d .n't blame Corneliu I i-hall alw its blame mvsrlf!" si ihed Cornelia "Hi, how pale you are!" Ami how pale Vou are, Cornelia) 1'' sighed ' Urvill', J Did yon i really care whin you thiMght I was dead? ' Ka lies." xaid (1 minima llashleigh, now that Orville is getting on, let us go ill the oilier loalll uud ll aVt) lllai) two young folks t.i lalk things over to gether." - ; She led the way ; the others followtd. When the' ten li.ll rang soon after." (H ville ami Coru.-I i ciine out of the drawing-room arm in at m, and the wedding day was fixed. A HIT I ll l. Oh' M1I.AST.S. I II K Tit II K TMil M AVI I'M I'l. A) I'll ll A N Al I (ill Mull V VI Nli I HUMAN lilUX'Klt. .John 11. on l iblrn. a (litinali gront at Washington and Wr.it Klrvriith streets, changed a ?l 11 i ole ft a si ranger Oil Fri day, and in di mt so. di-plaveil a large roll of money. Ston aftrruard two young in. n i iil.-reil ll --I' l.-ainl .slid tin y had ni.i lr a bet as lu whose hat would hold ill.' mo.it in hiHscs. I kc l llallWl.: t UK'," IsuJll I'llhlrll. "I know noddiii' aboud such piniessi's." Itut the yoiik re not lo be juit otf. They said ibcyioiild pay forilieiiiol.n-ies. The grocer eriuMcd about 'voiili-linrsn s" a-he look the 111 lliev wanted him to fill, i , . i . '.. . i . i and went lo I III rear ol I lie store. .s lie r. I in lied with i to the in.ni who held out bis balidi for il he stepped betWri II the two. The i. lie tlio took the hat said : "Well, hnw lliieh does it hold ?' Iti fore tlai akjiui-hed grocer rmild ali swtt he wais. i4'l from behind, and at the same moiiirll tl)' Mat t ul ot iiiolas-irs was clapped oil lis 11 ail ami pllllrd down over Ins eytis. Ihlii'd and liewildcrcd, he could makeiio ll-i-laiie.' while his mouev was taken ftotn hat nil' and Ian i im, and when he got the it on the sidewalk drip- ping liiolass. Ills ilespolieis Were lie l"t am the mi ibisses. ' I i . gone. The old Unnil who was a ''Michigan fire sull'itey" last summer will go on the road IhissuMng nsan "Ohio flood sufferer." lie though) nine he. Would have lo tippcnr as ''Java rnrlliiiiake sullitit," but the fliMids liavftirtuiulely rendered this rather farfetched jieuiw unncccsfcury. i ' ' ' a. ' THE STATS EXPOSITION. Which I'liuntli's Have Aipniirlutril I'IimiIm and lili il arc l'.irrlrd to Take Ac. lull Sunn. Suge'.lluiis lu Tliinte InU'i'CsIrd ill the Xalicr. Froln lie' ltilli'ii;l lti's'i-ler. It aipcars now that the good pimple of North Carolina are determined to re nounce old names. The popular soubri quet by which North Carolina has been for so long a time known the Tar, Pitch and Turpentine, or the same fore-shortened, as the artists would say, into Tar Heel State has been wreslitl from us. against our consent, ami is now getting to be obsolete as it is well known wo uiu no longer maintain our former supremacy in the production of these valuable products. The other iianie by which we were form erly known, the l!ip Van AYiiiLIu Slate, however true it may have been at any past part of the SUUe'i history, can now no longer be applied to us. for the famous period of Kip Van Winkle's sleep cer tainly finds no parallel in the record of in dustry, and spirit uf progress that is now met on every side jn North Carolina. The Exposition movement to develop the resources of the State is but fairly commenced, and already some forty coun ties have caught the spirit of developmeut that will when brought into i'ull play bring North Carolina into the fore-front of hit sister States, and make her to be called by every one a great and grand State. As a matter of information we will name the Counties which have taken, cither, ollicially ur semi-ofiieially, or by the action of meetinjfi of leadiug citizens, steps to be represented by a proper display of crude resources and manufactured pro ducts: Chatham . 8 .11111 Rockingham -Ill1,) I'itt dim Korsytb I!l!) Warren filMI Wake 2,0(10 Mitchell 5111) Montgomery Kill Randolph Illl) Chowan 150 Washington 100 .Jones 200 Lenoir "(I0 Sampson and I'Vanklin act March 15, (irecne acts March ol, Orange acts April 1, ami llahlax ads April . We are assured that the Wflowiiig will ta!vc action at au early day Johnston; Meckienburg, M oore, J'elider, Iredell, Haywood, Man in, lYi'omiinans, l'asiiiotaiik, Caiinlen, Ciiiriluek, Hare, Columbus, W lu'ii these Hyde, Tyrell, dates, Hertford, ltertio. (luilford, I'mliani. anee, liovvaii, ( 'abarrus. Climlierlaiiil. counties shall have all taken nllicial action, together wit li many others which seem almost sure to do their full part, and when collections shall have been actively eoiiiineuei'il of the many things we have to show, the very activity which will be displayed in liudiug out what our resources really arc, will be of at value considered entirely outside of the intrinsic worth of the collect ions that will be made. There will be a pardoiuibli displayed in endeavoring to show which ate the favored portions of Noit (Volina, and this pride should be I'mteri iv all proper means. .Nor, li ( aioliuians when fully aroused have always been enual to every onutirencv. in war and in 11 'ace. An old legend says, that on curtain occasion the following tlrsis was found lacked on a church door in tut many: ''War biiuos poveity. poverty brings industry, industry brings peaei peace brigs plenty, plenty brings prid. mil pride lirings war. ) e have had th. war with all oi'ils horrors and desolation- We have been brought face to with pov city, and now we are in the transition state lo industry in all of its varied forms. Kaeh of the counties ol .Virlli ( arolimi should be foremost in devrlopiiig ibis .-pint of industry, and it is to be hope ibat every coinnilttee aplsuiileil in rai l county will leave no stone unturned to do i'liylbiiig that may result in pcnuuiient gisiil to the people ol 1 heir section. I hev should take pa'iis lo advise the officers ol the I'.xposition of the names and post otfiee addressed of each member of each couimiitcc, and should by all means from I'liie lo lime give advices ol the progn'ss ol their work. Su. li uilormatioii will b of the greatest practical value. it. ii . . e would suggest as a matter ol inter est mat intelligent men ju eat li county ...:u ... . .. i. in. i .i .... tiiii at on iiiHae iims in iin. iiiiiowing items and forward the same to the lVrsi il. iit of the roLpmiiion in italciuh, viz l. Ihe vurioim kinds of limber and liirdii illal shrubs and the supply of eat I whrlhit ubiindaut or liiuitnl. 2. The ngrirultiinil prisluets. 3. The different kinds of minerals and probable supply so far as known, t. The game, lish, birds an animals. 5. What things are manufactured in the county. This work may be but a matter of plra.-aiil recreation lo many well informed men and will again turni-li the most use fii I and practical informatio'i This is a matter that ups'als so strongly to the State pride of every citizen, thai no one should lall to do a.ivtliin.' that h or she can to further it along to siiecc. ful issue. I In W I'll i: i It 1 A I' KlVKIl (iiili Cl T 11 is Way. A it ksburi' Is-ttcr in lb (ilt'lii-lh mni-mt says : (Irani sold head.iu.'irters at Alilhl.cn Ki'iid is our of the piart's thrown nut bv the rclis alion of the levee miiiic di-lam bat kof it. The river has cm mat bed till the old lt-vee has dropped in, ami now tin hieh water is over the plantation mid all around the houses from which (he opera lions against Yickslurg were directed The tiravrvard above, where the colli us used to be seen stickimr out of ihe hank couple of Veals aim, has all i avnl into ll river. The new IrMv is a full half a mil back of where the old one was. "Mr. Dobbins, I supHise you understand that every one was to bring ulong Home. thing to ' the picnic. 11' hat have you brought ?" Mr. Dobbiui "My two boys, aa you nee." HIS LAST TRIP. "Ik) you know why I gave up my loco motive 'f Well, I'll tell you. About ten ears ago I was promoted from a freight to a passenger, and was as proud of my new machine as a boy with his lirst pair I copper-toed boots. I tell you old I'M as a daisy. Well, 1 had been running her for some eighteen months when I had experience that made me throw up my oh. The bare remembrance of that night nearly makes , my hair stand on end. It was a cold, dreary iiieht in No vember, with the wind blowing a regular gale and the fog so thick that I couldn't more than thirty Irrt ahead ot the pilots to save my life. I bad left St. linns with an unusually big load ol pas- m;ers, including u distinguished parly of gentlemen on their way to Washington. iclieve my tram was the fastest one running Hast at that time. My time- ird card called for at least forty miles au our. ell, sir, just Uelole I started something happened that would make many an engineer abandon his trip, hut 1 didn't want Ui seem cowardly, and went ahead. What was it ? Why, after I got my orders from the train dispatcher's of- ee, and was on my way to my machine, Somebody inside callitl ine back. My fireman was near me ami said : 'I' or dod ike, .Inn. dou t go. oil know Soims- thing awful will haiM ii it always does when a man goes back alter getting his orders.' Well, I hesitated a moment, and then I thought to myself: 'That's all nonsense I'm not superstitious.'1 The fellow only wanted to give me some trivial message, and half au hour later 1 w r.s rocking on my :fcat in the cab, dashing through Illinois at a terrific rate and keep ing Ul V eves fixed on the two bright lines of rail in front of me, until lliev seeiued- like flashes of lightning darling into my brain. As 1 said before, I could see only a short distance ahead on account of the og, but I kuew any obscuration of those night lines, any deviation from their straight course mean; terrible ilunu'cr, ll not death to my precious load of human lives. So 1 sat there with my baud on the throttle, and every nerve and muscle strained to its utmost tension. f foruot to say that we were nearly au hour late leaving St. Louis, and 1 had or- ers to make up this lost time. Finally we struck a piece oi road which l knew tended iu a straight line for over ten miles. I fell relieved when we struck this part of the load and turning to the tire- un I shouted: "(mod track ahead, loin -I in going to let her uitt.' lie nodded hack at me ami I pulled open the valve. I could feel the engine tremble with a new motion as she leaped forward like a hounded deer, and in another second it seemed as if we were not even touching rails. About half way down this stretch of straight ro.ul there was a station uid a piece of side track for switched-ofT freight cars, there was always from three to a do. en iucs standing there. As we applidclieil this poinl I thought of the sidiii'.' and could not help saving to m What il that switch should h; mis placed!" The words were hardly formu lated in mv miml when suddenly the two bright lines iii front of me diverged, and for a nioiueiit looked like four. (Ileal tiod.' 1 cried, 'the switch is open.' There Was a sudden swerve of the engine to the left, and a loud cracking noise, and, iu desparation, 1 reversed the ever, shut the throttle and waited Willi closed eves iilul suspemi- brealh the shock which I felt was coining. You can not conceive the supreme agony of that awful moment. 1 1 was too much lor me or any other man to stand. I he hi.il thing t i.-nii nilit retl w as seeing 1 he sparks fly back from the driving-wheels as the locomotivv thundered on to distinction. The iiet instant I fell si Hi less oil lilt' tliol ol'tlie cab." And you escapa'd?" a-kt'd the report"!'. anxiously. r.-.aped! Well, I should ray so. I'heie w.un't a freight car on the siding. ami the reason the swileii nail I'.'en eiian- was because a section gang was repair- uio the main I ink and had arranged it so thai the siding could be u-eil until they finished (he job. The result was liml- we dashed along the sii'.'-tra'-k and were soon on the main line again, and when I came to the lii't'iiiun was banging on to ihe thiol tie. which he had pulled out to the last notch again, and there he sat laiighuig at me. Well, I tell you il was no laughing matter for me. My hair didn't turn gray, but it was the worst scare 1 ever had in mv life, and I wouldn't go ihl'oiigh it again lit a foilune. You can just bet that when I finished that run I handed in my resignation, mid I've never steered an engine since." .SV. I.miis (SbJir Ihnm- Villi. AN AW I'l S( (Mill., "Why. la. Mrs. .links, have y heard the news?" "No, Mrs. Brown; do tell me, for I am dying to hear." "Well, you know 1 never gossip, my dear." "Of course not; I d t think it right to talk about one's neighbor's affairs, liut what is tho latest ? Of course, we (ell eaih other what is going on." "Why, you know Col. Junes' house is m ar to ours, and we can see right into their ride windows. Well, would you believe it, 1 actually saw him kiss bis wife ibis morn ing I el'ore having ihe bouse." You are sure it itw.'s't the hired girl ?" "No. I could see hit plain enough. I know they have hud a terrible row and wi re making up. The idea of a man kiss ing his own wife, ami before everybody, too." "Yes. dear, il is en awful scandal bye," and Mi's. Jinks hurried oil' her friend Mrs. Smith, and tell her the big row. and how Col. Jones killed his wife. . good to SIS' about nearly "Hello, 1'iinks; we have been discussing the ipiestion of veracity," said Hlohson an his friend joined the little group. "I'll bet a (piarttt l'.inks don't know what that menus!" exelaimrd I'opiujay, observing the blank look on the hew -comer's face. "Ilou't li?" cried Kinks. " H'hy, I Hjjetit half my time, when Iwaa lu th Legisla ture, arguing on the other fide of that very question! I- BY "JOSH." All the good iiijiins die young. nicxsed are they who have no eye for a key hole. To find the solid contents of a mule's hind leg, feel it closely. Curiosity often gets a mouse into a trap, just so it dors other folks. Nature never makes any blunders; when she makes a fool, she means it. A crowing hen, and a cackling rooster, are very misfortiiiiate poultry in a family. Mankind love mysteries, a hple iu the ground excites more wonder than a stamp iu heaven. To bring up a child iu the way he should go, travel that way yourself nin e iu a while. Laziness is a good deal like money. the ino'e a man has of it the more he seems to want. I don't know of any thing more remorse less, on the face of the earth, than 7 pit cent interest. There is nothing like a sick bed for re pentance, a man becomes so virtuous lie will often repent of sins that he never com mitted. There are some folks in this World who sp'iul their whole time hunting after righteousness, and can't find any time to practice it. One of the hardest things, for any man to do, is to fall down on the ice when it is wet, and then get up and praise the Lord. Whenever a minister has preached a sermon that pleases the whole congrega tion, he probably has preached ouo the Lord won't endorse. It is hard work at lirst sight, to see the wisdom in a rattlesnake bite, but there are thousands of folks who never think of their sins until they are bit by a rattlesnake. The goat is a coarse woolen sheep, with a clacked voice and a sanguine digestion. I bey had lather steal a rotten turnip out ol'a garbage barrel than come honestly by a peck ot oats. 1 hey strike tr.iiu the head instead ol the shoulder, and are as likely to hit the mark as a bumble bee is. They are faithful kritters in the hour of advclsily, and will stick ton man as long as he 1 1 us in a shanty. 1 hey can kliuil everything but a greased pole, and are al ways poor in the body, but I'at in the stom ach. What they eat seems to all go to ap peiight. A fat goat would be a literary curiosity. The hornet is a red hot child of nature of sudden impressions, aula sharp conclu sion, The hornets always lights at short rang.', mid m-ver argue a cam', they settle all of their disputes by let ling their javel in;: tl v, and ar.' as eeriain. and us anxious to hit as a mule is. Hornets build their nest wherever they take a notion to, and are seldom asked to iii-ive. for what would it profit a man lo murder '.III hornets, and have the hundredth one hit him wild his javeling. I can't tell Volt just to a day how long a hornet can live, but 1 know from cNpcrieurr. that every bug, be he hor net, or somebody else, who is mad all the time, and stings every good chance He can get. generally outlives his neighbors. SOME BIC THINCS. A whale sixty ft long has been killed on i!eaufoi't,S. C. An Iowa man drunk cider iu three minutes. three (piarts of A l.-n loot a iiiL.it or cthtlv near Waxahatcl was capture ie. Texas. The (i Hartford Week. ivernuieiit I'livelopt' factory' Colin., list s a ton of gum at A party of Ril.oi Itoege, La , bird bun ters recently killed l,!H0 robins with sticks. A sea dog was killed on ihe lieaeh hear Long Ibaiieb, N. J., not long ago. It weighed 1 Ll pounds. While trapping near llridgman, Mich. William Williams caught an eagle that measured lime feet. Mississippiuns' feel very proud of their Mates library iu the Capitol at Jackson It comprises oS.llllll volumes. A cow horn I feet 1 1 inches long and IS inches in diameter at the base is on ex hibition at Motitieello, Fla. Au owl measuring four icet and two inches from tip to tip was recently cap lured in Franklin county, (leorgia. The hiifhrs! rate of inistage from thin country is to Patagonia and the island of St. Helena 51 cnils an ounce. linhinsarc found iu flocks of 111,000 iu the iiriehborhiiod of lVwhatail, A'a. A man recently killed 5S0 of the birds. A lady sixty years old, residing in ltoeliestcr, N. Y., skated from that city to K or k port, twenty miles iu an hour and twenty-live minute. A strane'e fish was recently captured off lilock Island. Ncwp.rt. It was four feet long, and it had a iimulh ten inches wide. It weighed 200 pounds. Charles While, of Tliorndike, Me., has three yokes of oxrll whose combined w eight is 12,210 pounds. One yoke measures right fret four inches, and weighs 4,805 ioliuds. New ( Weans recvhtly had a baby show, with ninety-nine infants on exhibition. The first prize was won by a seven mouths old baby that weighed thirty-one pounds. The Tinted States Treasury has the biggest spiltiHiii nti nr.. rd. It is a grout oblong wooden box us big as abed, tilled with sawdust. It lies iu tho basement at foot of the four flights of stairs which load to the vaiious stories, aud accommo dates the (jovitnnicnt i employers a id others. "" . t Toe remou whji' tuen't troubors bag avt'tlkj because they dp no uiuchy ; - '". '.' - INTERESTINC TREES. The trunk Ni Madrid, is l!! f".'i in nr. u oak in I! ii nv, S. I'., mra- lires .il i Icet III en. alsive the ground. V white oak .m the pi'eiiii-i M.ii'-;'n '.I. i ! i . r': i i-n.- I '.V ni v .me 1,1 I it.ui i feet ! Amos Harvey . county. N. .!.. i in rircunifcrem e 0 An apple lie borne fruit ill M.I' for IW i'lolil and uiu. it county, Ky . "a-. n- wMioiit the '.'round its iiieh.i. iu eir- failing. I'ive fe trunk is ten feet fUinferenee. A lemon in th ' firm Lake fl ni1 vt in r of Thomas !'!a . nine. L i i-n years. Kennedy, at Noon, m teen years old b !.. i ami has ..iim-d f..r ii- iii in siugle season. In the n .in ceineiery al i lel'lells. a pil.di Is it ll a cedar tree i ,.,t pi. inn 1 at the head ol'a graw ten . burst the bottom of the pitcher ami rooted in the earth. The pitcher slid encircles the bottom of the e-dar, which is ten feet high. The "Major Oak," n.'iir l'Mwitowe, Eng., fell before the recent gale there. Its trunk had n girth of '.) fret, and the cir cumference ol'the top was '1 III feet. The ow stem was u-i.- l by pieiuc parltc. ami seven persons bad. at one lime, partaken of a meal in it. It a . known to have stood 00 years. helos Ilotcbklss. of Mali' li. Colin., has au apple ire" in his oi'.-iiar.i iii.u is ,-iii-pusi'd to be 17-) years old Its annual yield is about liglov Iiv Im b. 1- of apples. The eireuinli r I'th 111:11:; l.''l: .-'.e ,11 Y.ii: in differ 'lit il bol'e fis't lie ll' the gr.iiiii.l. five limbs one v.' r. ; lo Ill- iinbs the next year Ill fruit ou all il- liiul's. Till! lfl lll,t'l" t .1.:u v.. I.- cut tlu.Wl on llu While llun-.' ;.i' iiin.l hi, i-vn'-n-brr had maiiv lii-Morii- iim-i.ii iims. lr :i -dent Liiu'uhi Lad a a lia-iit ol' Hiniiiii)'r al this tins tree, wlu n lli-aiuhtl'iil'v Mrullin ab.mt tho grounds, mid jni'liirra twi from it. The tree was j lanrrd during the i.d ininistrutiiiii of Andrew Jackson. A young clrigynii:u and his bride were invited guests iit a large party given by a wealthy pari-hiniier. lu ad the freshness and elegi:ncr of h.-r l.l'nli:! wardrobe the young wife shone among the i lining, dis tiliguished by lu r eoine'rues's vivai ily and rich attire; ami wlu n during the evening her young Ini-' 'ami il'vw her asi Ie and whispered to h.i llh.l -he was ihe most beautiful Woman iu all the company ami that his heart was bur-ling tviib pride and love for her, she thouglii herself the hap piest wife in the world. Ten years later the same bii-band and wife Were guests at the same house, where was g.ithei. d a sim ilar gay com puny. 'Ihr wi.'.' of I. u years wi.re the same die , . he had wm-.i on the previous oecasioii; of coil-,-.' ii bad been altered and made ov. r. i n I wan.l.l fash ioneil ami almo-l shabby. Toil and care and motherhood and piin heil i ie- luu-laners had taken tb.i i'...-e- out of 1 lit cheeks ami the lithe spring out of her form. She sat apart from the i ii.tvd, ra'vworu and pre occupied. Il.i sin. dl li.iii!-, i'.. nebcin d with coarse I' il. w re ungloved, lor the minister's salary v. :-' p.iini'elly -uiall. A little apart tin It n year- liusliaud stood and looked at hi- wile, and as lie observed her I'adisl dr.- and r vv.n y a.iiiude. a great sense of all In r p tti.nl. I.e. ing faith fulness lain. mi r hi- In ai I. Looking up she tailgh' l.i- raine-t g;.-' and iiotire.l that his ryr-vi. iv liil d '-. tear... She rose ami w. nt I., him. let . u. --J ' nil :i-g ry. s mutely asking for au i I. .union of hi einotioii, ami v. h. ii h" tend, r!y look her baud and pl.u iiu ii "ii h - arm h-.l her a Way I itlii llu- inn. I and I 1 I had been thinking .f Ii r ,i- -n years beli.rr wh.-n -h" iva- a h. r iW he look", bride, l.-n and bow iiiiu-h no 'C pi -. now. and how mil. h -li. da- l i him I- in'ii'n! ft all .h ii -I hand.-, il lur raitiliee bit shabby dr - and ion and how he uppivriatnl .'' and li'itient toil lor him am lor thrir chil dren, a great wave of happiness Idled her heari; a light shone in lc r face that gave it more than its youihfiil Loamy, and iu all the company there was not so happy a couple as this husband ami wife, their hearts and faces aglow from the flaming up of a pure sriiiiuieiil that, transfigured uud rniiulilcl and glorified all the toils and privation they had . ii.iui -.1. y iiv KMhIX l VSNOi III I I, A Ml. i.ivi: in St. I'atrirk, the Irish apostle and patmn saint, has ascribed to him the singular mer it of having Imiii-bed nil iin- snakes from Ireland, and at various times experinieiits have been made upon Irish soil with a viow to testing the often -mooted iiuestion whether the reptiles in tiurstioii can or can not live in the country. It is generally ad mitted that they cannot, save as exhibits in floored di ns or cages raised above the earth's surface, How far this it due to the humidity of ihe climate is a moot point. The following narrative bears upon tho subject, and is founded on actual fact. At llobarttown, lasmania, (he lintish settlers in Gov. Gibbs's time wrro sadly pestered with snakes, w ineof them foiinidable light ers, and whose bile was iu most instance fatal. Mrs. I libbs vciiiidiis. an Irishwo man, nuxions to have one purlieu of her premises free from the dreaded pests, ac tually ordered to be brought from her na tive land in a convict ship no less than three hundred barrels oi' Irish earth from u locality near Spike Island, Cork Harbor, famous for its growth of shamrocks. She ordered a detached building and plot in tho (iiivernnu'iit House grounds to be effec tually cleared uf snakes, and h:nt a trench dug nround it. (i inches deep and 14 wide, which was laid in with concrete and topped evenly to a depth of 5 inches with the imported anil. It is fact and not. fancy that a snake has never ninee bivn found within the clumneil ineloMiire, and this is not due, as may ho supposed, to the con le bed, for such reptiles am freipieutly '".'o penetrat" through fissure cause J " Illl" jltti-.fc evi I! I-J j ' & ,M e:i'"" ADVKli'CISKM KNTS. TO I KIM lt 11 Hi: 11 t.Al.TII 1 -e llu- M .-Ui ton A.jiliaiire Ca.'t WAGfiETIC LUMG PROTECTOR ! ','' .' OX I V '.-,. They .ire pn. .1. .. Lube-, lieiilk'mcn mill I'lill-ilrviiwltliwi-.il. Inn.'-: no ense of fitn'iiiiumiH or ironpiH i'V. r l.ti..iiii it hi re iln-Mj Kiirinvie.il ate worn Tli' ii!-...lvlc!.t illi.l. art ll. nrl .llllleiiltii'i, r i.l-, i;li.'iiiiiii.in. N.'iii'.il-iii. Tin. uii tn,iili., .IiIm il.i. .ii.ui ii . .in, lull k.iiui, ,Mi-,.iim v Will tt en i' im f . 1 1 'i' lor ilnvr yean. .We vr.irn over llieui.il. i i ! Uiliaj CATAl.IUI ll U lll'I'.llt'KH In dt'a-.-IU- Ihe i)lll.t.ilniiif Ilii-li;iu-i .ii .lis. ii-,. liml If. Miijiu lhf life and '. str.-li'.Mh nl oi.li I. ... mailt ot lhe l.oti si hii.I In-sl .it a I If'th -et.-s. lul-e, sliiili ami r.s. -ni-i Ii In Viiirrlra, I-n r..(.e Hti.t I- aslrt ii I mi. i-, luite n'Miill.'.t Hi Hit' Mild in lit' I. unit I'l.'U . i.-t . iiiloolinu t un' lor i iitiiri h. a rciiM'ds lili'ti ci.iiiitht i liiueniia. i.f Hie Syiieiri, lentil i-l MiU.-111'Ur.l'lt JT- . l ..rt:tiiii, must rewliim Wi- a -1 a a - - i. ur l.rt.-l' l..r ninl w ilit th'-1 iiit;Mii'ii- tiniii 1 im iltr.'ii.'li tlir mill. Illi'lh I" tl llt'Jlll'lk ill Moll. till Ai'iili.iiH v t U v. limn uiu Iv.'t ulhlll tif tilt) price uslni h ..Ui' li-r rcliii tlit'f. Hpuii which yuU tnltc nit On' rliiini''., mill fK'4 iii!h nnflc llu jmt rniiiiKc iii tlti' Minn) K'iniin who Imu' uitd drtig itiiiti llicir ti it, m hs lilioiil rnVi'l. HOW TO C)HTAlNASHi" himv. t.uU' yttiu tlrtiKKit ninl tt?li fur them. If they luivc "mi iti, ihciii, writ fo the (roprk'tort'.eli uhmtiiK the price, in I- wx ul our ri.sk. mitt Wwy will ! modi loY'iii nfi'iiHOliy mail, k.st uiid. K'lhl sUi'mp fn Hit- "New hcpjtrluiv lit Mod leal Tn-Htmi'tK witln.nt .Mtlctni'," with tlinis.imJn of teMiiitoiii tK. 1 1I K M .Vi i N K H IN . 1'1'M.VNl K i (., Mate vMnvl, fhlcttKo, 111. NuTK - -me 'li H.ir in pnshii- MtHinpj or cur rwucy (fn IciU'V itioiir rl.-kt ulnaiztMifftliuy lumilly worn, mid 1 1 v 11 pulr nfuiir Mnuiictic luxoU Hiiti In-cHiviiti . tl ol tltt' (Mm i ll rusiihiiK iii uur Mag-iii-tir Api'l'tnirrrs. ri.tii'!y im cohl fct't where they nn-Hurn.nr lnoiii-y ri'luiiilfil. i.ot 11 ly . " f HE BLATCHLEY pymP! m BUY TliE BEST. fJLArCIILEY'S TFrtPL E" FMAMFL ' P0iiCEL1!il-LihFD SEAMLESS TUBE COPPER-LINED f Do not bo anmnt Into fZ fv, ! l'ur wilu t ie. l-uyiujr lnrtnor (in-xl. y tliR iwt in t no 'i raae. 1 C.c'LATCHLEY.Manuf'iY 308 MARKET ST., Phflad'a. S rito to b.u fur nan ie uf lii'-iuvitt Auit. fnh H.. ilui ITTER5 The Hnnt of a nllnbl ltlurtlrt Which, win If uctiMir m Hiitiiiiliint f tba kiitiu yrt, iu-it tu-r rxctli k nor irritittn Ihvin, Win loiiif Hini'o Kipilii-i by liojitiltrr'i Hluiiiiich Hili. Tei, 'I Iiih line nil liicine rxerti the i tiuisitt- iit (tree uf Miinulnli.m upun ihcsf! nrif iin, ivfih.itit prtHlui-tiif irritfittttn. ami is, ili.-h forv, I it- hrii. r nl;iptn lur th uriii.t thun iinmrti( ufi-tl xritniit ofti-n ri n L tl to. ) Npt piiu, It vt r iiii'1 1'tru.!, siul kanlt'i ii iihi :i k, mtv iill mml hv It. fc'ur aU' ly ull ln iwt!iH(K ir1 Ih'itlcrt a.Mici;ill) . ahiMi' 1 1 Iv. FOR CATMiOGUBS. ni iv ! I v J L ESTATE AGENCY- I have establiahi-d a ItF.AI. ESTATE AGENCY Ik the town of WELDON, N. C. I liave TKN hum.'. In W.'l.loli FOR SALE OR RENT.. Alxiut luiir of lln'in storm, ollitn dwUiugt, t aim liavo about 0.(MM AC HI'.H OF I.IM) IN 11 A I. 1 K A X COl'STT FOt till Fur Airther purttrnlnrn. qnrtica trlsbhifi to l.ny rent can H..ly In mt hi inthoii or by ti'tur. I am now liilthig up all Iiiuila iwrtica w ith to Mil and Htlvurliilnn Ihe mime al ley own eapeiiie, uu lew a talc la mailt' and then Xj charge roumlatluni, I . ' truiiifa. 1 n-tVr b) Kf"ltrtiw to It. M A. hmnM ... t Li 1 ul.lL'tlal ill I , I

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