THE ROANOKE NEWS TIll'KSDAY, : : MAY H, ls4. V. V. II ALL, ) V 1'KOI'IIIKTOItx. J W.SLKIHiK. J EDITORIAL BREVITIES. Senator Kduiunda' iriatu I.iw Jir:u tiir it wortb ST.VWMI a year. It in said that delirium Iremriu i now a fashionable malady anion;.; army oHiocrs idling around Washington. Wieim claims to have predicted the Iotidon earthquake, and be says there., ill be another about May 2. The total number of Yoli" inlhe ltcpub licau Convention at Chicago will bv fe-U. Necessary to a uoluinatioii, 411. (ieii Sherman as otTcrcd a Briiudi.-r (ieinralshii) ill the Missouri militia recent ly, but be promptly declined. A Western editor declare that be mip portn bis reputation by publishing a uem-pajn-r and kit family by sawing wood. (ioaiiip are making ax much as possible of tbe alleged fact that Senator and Mrs. Logan have leased their Chicago house for four ver. SjM'aker Carlisle and CoiigTesHiiiaii Han- dall arc tht two member of the House wkoe tiicttire-s are lli.wt fought ufter liy photograph collectors. The nomination of Mr. Illaine, if actu ally cewpasned, aaya the liiwtou llnulil (Ind.,) will mark the In-ginning of tk end of tkc llepublicau party. William 1'itU Kellogg't trial for being a ttar router came tip last week and Friday he wat discharged because tbe Mat me of limitations buried the indictment. Mr. Tildeii will go to (jn-ystoiie the lat ter part of tkc week for tkc Spring and Summer. He had intended to build a yacht this Summer, but will rent one instead. lien. Kobert ToomU not ouly iusLsts that the peoplt of Georgu shall purehsu-e Alex. StepUens' Liberty Hull, but kc offer to endow it wjtk money enougk to convert it into t college. .North Carolina girls might do well to iend the Summer in Illinois. According to the rcjiort of the mieriuteudeut of ackools tkcre hpin-Hra to be a nujicrfluity of about 111,00(1 boys under 21 years of age. The spring exodus of pleasure deckers lias begun. New York papcra nay the outgoing steamers exhibit long pajssrngcr lists, whic h, at thil early hcu.kiii, indicate tkat Kurojiv is to have a larger iiortinn of American patronage (ban ever before. . It it believed tkat Senator Anthony bus gone koine from Waskington to Providence to die. He kaa lieen on bit last legs for a long while iwst, tkougk ke rallied from his recent never illiiets tnd kaa oecntion ally shown himself in tkc Senate The Boston Putt (Peru.) displays at ike bead of itt fin paRe: "For President. Thoiuaa F, Bayard, of Delaware. For Y ice President, Joseph K. MelVmabl, nf Indiana. Subjivt to tke action uf the 1'i-iiiis-rHlie National I'ouVeiition." A uuiubi r of codfish were caught hat week in . .Norfolk karbor. They were mostly young. Thin U significant indi cation tkat tke I'nited Ststris fili commiss ion know wkat tliey were about wlieu they first trii-d to wliuiate tbia fisk to tke tem-s-ralur of th'u latitude. Fred llouglaat, who went from Washing ton lo Pittsburg, in evident expectation of lieing choden president of the inter Stat.- eon f'crcui'c of colored men tutsemblej there 'Wedneaday, wan defeated for temporary chairman, and motion to allow kirn even to be hearJ evoked coniderable opponition. Tke lalett in interviews is unite an ad- I vauee. Tke Xew York W'nrU last week j publislnsl an iulerview with Mr. Frank j Iralii relative toker appi.MvhiQg nnrrisj i and she talked about it as she would a new i story or any other business conniH-ttd with I her establishment. j . The llepubli ptmnitl of 8'JO drl-jrt,. M thcsi' the Stiutliem Sutsu will have :Iini; the Nor- tln rii StU lL Ttiriioris ntnl trictof Cvluuilna 18. Tbe pctiraphical divisions of tlu North will Ik1 rcprvwenU'd M fiiltiWH; New Kn'land. "t! delef.'attfi, MitWU) fUt, loli; Western Slates "JTO. Mr. llolinan thinks that the Morrison bill will paR the Iloui-e; so do Messrs, Carlisle, Morrisou and Ilurd, who mysteri ously say that they have reeoivrd satisfac t(Wv iiranc.w to that .'flirt. Thpy have ailvised tbf roprtKcut(irtii of iiewspaHrs frifndly to the bill to assure their readers that it will Jmub tlio House befof the ad jiuiniinent. When next the wjiii.miw of "the (jrand obi jwirlj" palber within rasor rn;;e of each other they idiouhl follow the example of that discreet cidored republitan of North rrliH, who. on beino arrested the other day while Jreriiii; to filit a duel, was found Mirroutidet! by twoovemit,leiicth wUieli. au.l wveriiij! bi tn,nst, wan n mortnow plie of Awl iron.- I-ni willc (bt'ftrr Jolt mI. ' . , tiii: itti-: i.vimi-itko: The 1'uilon int; an1 tin- minus nf tho-c who have authorized us to announce them x subscribers to tin- fund to be raised by ljviitc MibM-riptiijii fur the display of the product and material of Halifax county at the Slate Kspositioii : V. A. Hiiim. 8J,".H(i .I.d.n 1'. 1'utr.ll tr-!."..'"' W. A. dohn-ton ?'.'.").oo. A 1 1 v our desirinu' subscribe can in form u ami woVill aekn .vvlid.'e risvipt uf their letters throimh t Li- column. Tin: cjecutinii of Knock Hmwu shuns that the cople of the county iutcml to see that the law is maintained. ltis the n.iniuii in this section, and the lt.-ANOKK X t..s juiiis in the lielirf. that ; the State ticket nominal, -.1 at lialeih by ; the lti-publicaiis an I Lib Tab is about the j ne.ikesl that could have been selected. i 'I'll K Morrison tariff bill was defeat! .1 on Tuesday by a majority of I That great principle of Ieinocrae and the leino- eruti, party is done i,t.U the pieseiit. The Ki ,, ,i n epiibheaiis will he wiser than tin1 lieiuo i rats ami adopt it as their own I K. ViiltK. the llepuhlieau candidate for tiovcrnor is npjaised to the Internal Kevenup system and is reported to have ,-..fMs.,.l t.i uei-cu! tl imination unless 1 l the platform contained .. plank demanding 1 , ,, . , 1 itsrejieal. I his is all right, lint ; York is imt so particular about the county ! governincut . system. As a member of the Legislature, the r.H-.,rd shows that he far I , , . 1 . 1 ,1 oritl t hi present system anil Voted anaiiisl 3 , a lull to elect .Magistrat.-s ny tne I'lo. I vet kc iIih-s not sav lie is oplxised to the system The Republicans oppose it but they will vote for a man who, so far as ! his record show, favors it. . 1 ,. 1 i Mlt. Si:i KKTAltV LlM ui.N so far ha 1 , 1 no one opposue.' kiiu for the Second ! place on the llepublicau ticket and it is pus- : sihle that he mav be the winning dark horse for the fit't place. Fearing ' this a , . . ... , . .' ... number id men hi ashiugtou have, it is I said. issued a cireular which is bring .- I eretly cinulatej aiming delegates. The circular disclaims any dislike of the man but points oil I the d angers of his noiui nation, it says it would be like a kind of aiistiicracy tu n iininate Mr. Lincoln be cause uf his father s ability and popularity and winds up with a bit of sarcasm sug gesting that if Lincoln is to head the ticket "liuck" j rant, ticiier.d lirants toll, should be gjvcli the tail. Tin; House Pint iMi. c committee has re ported a postal teeg,apliv bill favorably. It is ViiV " t i .. .!.: a bill mi the subject -i hi in tic S.-nate. .ill Would all'old cheap i The p.sage oft h-bill would allord cheap l-erapliy. avoid the iAleli-i"U of Kxecu- I tive i.atroiia -c and make the system self- sustaining It luak pl.c i s where tie re i- . all lostofticcs. in t.'h graphic service postal telegraph nin e-, it fixes the max imum lap s ami provides a method of dc livrriiu in 'viges. it pi ivid -i for the sale of telegraph stamp- an I stamped paper, provides for a telegraphic money order sys (em and million. '- the governme nt to fur nish instruments and room for pcrators at j ; the posiolliccs The plan is to make a eulitrart with ex isting telegraph coin panics to carry out the provisions i, I ike law subject to ike susr visioii of the Pustmattcr (ieneral and makes slick Company liable to individuals for neglect. Il will probably become a law. l.ll. Ttltll'l'- KI'.IM ' lNs. The Ilepublic.ins uf Minnesota la. or a free dix'iissi.iii f (he I. mil bill in Con ress and demand a reduction of custom dutii. The Yiriiiuil siraii litouls favor pro. tis-llou and the impiovcuiciil or alsililiou HeVi nil ', Coiid. lull Althiil and eiidois' Illaine and lane,. In, Maryland Republicans resolved that any revision in the tariff that may be liccdcd should be cntriisUsI to the I'm Il ls ami Hot the tin lui.-s ,,' pr.i.s-tiot, The llepublicau Convention of ernioiit approved protection but demanded a re vision of duties! on Wis .Is and woolens and a reduction of taxation. Il instructed delegate! to Vote, for Kdliminls. The llepiiblicans uf New (lamp-hire held their State Coiiveutiou on the llOth ull. The resolutions favor the reduction of duties on ncci-s-siin-s of life and increase of those i,ui luxuries. The Hcpuhlicau Coiiveutiou of Maine passisl n'solutii.ns approving the present i Adiuiuisiratiwii. endorsing Blaine's can li. ! dacv. favorin a protistivf tarifT and re uationul convention will sfliruiiiig their approval of prohibition. Tbe Ucpiiblieans of Mxsachusctts in l liiivriitiitii HMri'lliltLil hist Hifk liiLvw't 1 . . . . , . . a. ' duction of thf rt'TPiuies liy the lowering! or ulsilition of tariff taxes on articles of j universal use mid nccensilv and on the ! staple raw materials in the ! ,.' ., ." , , , ' ii acturi. lhe ( oiivention also pltsk'nl 1 j lhe party lo do all ill its ower to .-s-enre the paxsiyu of a constitutional amendment i prohiliiliu lhe maliilfactuie and sale of i , i i lutoiiealin- hiiuors . a lievera'e. 1 ' 2 .1 Till:: M Wlf At'TI RIlKst' Itllll. I. TI.IHT. "The tax oil raw material." snys Mr. Itihii Hubsoii, manufacturer of carpels and woolen stuffs, "eals up our prolit." 'We eail make, woolen fpHoU in this Coiiulry n they make tliim anywhere else, says Juiljfe Hilton, who lias shut down bis woolen mill), employing ten or twelve thousand persons; ''but there i- no pMnt in it The tariff on WikiI is too liiph.- The WeiiTers ami oilier workers who still hut! the delusion that a protective tariff has anything to do wilb ki-epin up the rate of wane ran stink tne oiieration of ibis protective wool tax in their days of leisure-whcti they have nothing better In do. I'bllisJcljihia llntmf. MONCREL CONVENTIONS. The Liberal Tail H.irs the Uaiii and Tuitsiiu ,1 'ticket to lie llcatin in V -vrmhrr. The Kipubliean Convention met at Haleigh on the 1st infant and was called to i.r l'-r by Chairman .1. J. Molt, lie was loudly ele. i ll- I . The call for a Colivi nti'iii ic;ul by Sccretatv ,1. C. L. Harris and a Coiiiin'r tv mi cr-ileii!i.ds tt:i a poitite-l. While the CoiuiiiUlee was ab-i nt sp hi , er - made bv 1'. II. Winston. Jr . C..I. 1. .1. Voiin-'W. A. Cutlilic. .1. Iv, Y.. . l li M. .orinent. I,. V . Mauloii a, nl I, ... HaMVooil. ,ir. The Committee reported two contest. .1 X . i t It Carolina. 12; IVmisv! vauia. 17; delegations from Xew II. mover and ; i;,,,,,, ...! A Sllllth (.1.0i.1, jg. Mc-kleiikurg. The ihle.-ates from Xew Tciinc-.', 18: Texas. 11; Virginia. 21; Hanover favorable to W. 1'. Catinaday Wis,.,,,,.!,,, li-tri.-t of Columbia. 2; ''r Wvimin- 2; 1'tah. 2. Total IMS. Col. I.. . Humphrey, of ,.yne wan ; Vor l!laine--Califoriiia. Hi; Delaware, made permanent Cbainnan ami .1. '! r); lialia. 7; rwa. 2l!; Kansas. U; Krn Rliey. colored, nl Kdgeeotnbe, Chiefs,'.- ; ..,. -,. ylMW y. ;!; y,x. ! r,''',r.v- j j A iAoli.,11 as made to appomt a Com- miller In collier with the liberal Mass ' . Meeting. It was opposed by .1. I- ' "I' 'labial, and others. ( .encral ; Mauiuii:;. f Xw Hanover, desired to in I ! struct the tViiimilPr tn report a llepubli- ; lean for lioveriior but tic CotiMiiton 1 '" . . . w.iui.i leu so ,,,-uue.. uie . "u.u.iuer b. inj a p 'inl d without any instructions ' as to eaudldalcj. Thiii.nlay liii:lit four d legates at lar;e ! l( were elected to the Itepnblieaii National i Convention. v being .I.J. Mot I. .1. K. ! i. I Lira. .J. II. Harris ami . Poekerv All.T.,.. ' " :..,Arril,f; toll. .1 II. nllllL'. mid J. . Wlllcox. It , ,(! ',i,,v morning that the c,,,,)', ,,.,.,. eoiumittee reported. They iv p uled without in-ti uetious the following 'k- ''"r llu' Sl;"" ''l1iw"i: , , .. For Ciovernoi I vre oik, of Wilkes, . . ,, ... .,, ,. . l'..r I 1. -nl,. u nit. ( .overiiol' . . l air- c,,,l,. ,,f v. ivne. For Attomev-t lem-r il ('has. A. Co'jk. nl arreii. nrer W. Ibike, of Ihiiham 'or Treas l'or A 11- lilor 1'. M. Lawsoii. nf Madison, l or A-sotiate Ju-tiee 1. L. I'lU.-se'.l. of r.riniswick. For S 111 x-iiiit :nlfiit of I'ub- lie lus!riic.tioir--F. I'. Wiii'ton. of l!erti . , '. . , ... . , , ... ,. Presidential hlei t"i's at Lar-c: W . L Tnl,, m.,,1,,,,,, . M,.,V) 0f ('Imwan. It is said that the report was never either forinally adopted or rejected, but Tmc York was noniiiiateil bv I. .1. 1 ouiil'. , , ,, .. . . i , , and sci -oinlcil liv (). .'. Spcais. .1.1.. n., j P. mi l he was nominated by aeilaination. There were s, vi tal objection.'. The Lib. Mass me, imi . has been variously estimated t lias been variously number from twenty live to filly people Oil Win. Johnston prcsi.leil. It ut foilh the following platform of principles which was adopted by the llepublicans with some few minor changes, the Repub licans endorsing President Arthur: That the most precious I u granted by the Creator to a man is civilized govcin iiunl. and Whereas, such L'ovcrnnient cannot long be maintained unless base I the wiil of society. fl directly upuii ! lv expressed ! I In.. u party , the ballot. thiT-fore igimrillL' pa-t : ithliatioiis. we most cordially in- : , ..ii i .w ,.r ,i i do-,, m i to ,',!,. p,-s.,lt cam- ,,e follow iic principles : j L To aboli.-h the present n-teni ,,f restore to the the ri "hi to elect their eoiuitv cotnmis- sinners, magistrates and other officers. I 2. The immediate repeal of the inter- ! I, d revenue law-. . I !!. Sm h tniff laws as will not foster ! in. . Hop Imt give ail needed l.iot 'etioii to tu la-tnes ami lalior :. i : . ...i i. i. ... I I. That th 'bill, which has been passed : by the I'nited States Senate, fur the dis-; tribution of funds of tin i". mill. IHMl ill the surplus I National government among the Sl.iiej for lb t ilu. a:i il of the ma-'s. j meet.- our bcaity approval. I .1. o eliminate liom .vmerieaii poiiucs, mice and forever, all sectional itrife and party hatred. ti. I-elltal political 1 1 LT 1 1 1 - to all clll.ens, - .ei . .. . ..i...: i . l! i.i:A we clieri.-li our liepuniic a the boie of man. and under Providence i the pallailinm of ehri-tian (ivili.atioii. ! The following i- the Liberal F.xocutivo Committee : 1st Hi-tii.-t .1. T. llespc-s 2nd lis- lliet C. A. Cook. Hid li-triet K. P. Powers tih histriet T P. Hcvcreiix. ,"iih Hisiriet John II Winston tlth lis trie! I'. II ll.ubv. Till li-llict C. li lldlv. Sih hi.iri.-t .1. II lla!libio;..ii. '.I I, Pi Iliel ,1 P. Can. lie, l I IV .1 is ),,vle. Thelll ls t likieV. I-' h K..i T. N i'oop r. J. Iv l au I I. W. Ilryaii. Mr T. P. h. ver. ux was cht ted Chair in in I he II. Incentive t ..uiiiuttrc ! i i i.. i iii r. main- iiiiciiaiigtM rxeepi inai o : Moulgouieiy was elected lo fill the tacaii . c flum the 2nd Histriet. r.Mr.RIMtl.l i tiii: ST. IT.. ! )'. Jaeobseii, King's Mountain, will rn ' large his carrs'l factory. : Isaac S. I!ul.iud. luaiiulacturcr of ' spoke. At'., l-'ayelteville, will itlt lip llcW j factory. i C. Y. Alexander. Charlotte, will start ; soap factory. 1 1 an already put in part of . iiiachiiicry. A ei.nipaiiv is; to build water ! works in Uuihaiii. Mayor nf I'lirham can ! give inforuiatioip. I The Yadkin Falls Manufacturing Co., uf Y.nlkiii !. I'alls. have rccciillv iu eoi orate. I for manufacturing yarns and she-tin- They already have a huildiug to be run by water-power, and now nego- tiating tor luacliiiiery. will run ! ...;.,.ti.- ...l Mi I mil I a. int. vtiikii's iti: i. ni u coi ii ;o ;k Mi;T. . He voted I'or lh.' iueastiiT every time and voted a-ainst every motion which the " f"r 1""T'W '"- 'e.itni2lhcbill. He voted plump against tlie . . , , ,1. .. .,,,,'. , i ., ,1,. proposition to elect the in. iostrate ti tne ( f ,K, -j'l,,,, Ba j ,,e ,..i,lalur.! of lS"t!- TT. Th Heiins of Wilkes county re- lur I him to the next legislature an t we ... . , ,' .... i, lie inn in Iil' a Iiiherof the Iloilsf. I hi dauuary -ll. lT'.b pa.e uf journal I III. j -II II. Ill, a bill to aiumd a i a I entitled I an in t lo cslalili-b counIT ijovcrii:;iciit." was put on its second reading Mr llin -s . moved to lay on the table. Mr. Noim. nl demanded the yeas and iiavs yeas (ill. ) Vork voting l lay on the table; nays 17. ! So after bavin had two years to I Link of it. Ir. l oik still sIikh! tiy tins measure And a'-aiii did the iieople of Wilkes clivt him to the legislature, and we find li i iu in tbe Senate of the session id' I SSI where he f I ill niainlainnl bis s-itiiiu as a 'r"Wj; up('rier of the county .'iiveriiinent svleni. Iridt'd fnnu tbe bcviiinin;' to I the end I'r. Vork has liccu streiiuoii in lie j Hie ailvis-aev ot llus iiieattrc neeaiisr j said it gave his eople a much Inner i jtovernmeut than they ever had before. I Xriri-Olurrrrr. in. vim: lii.i'ditn i) un til, Ill- has JUKI Dele-ates to t liiran So l ar, Airaisl its li.r Arthur. The last of the Hcpublican State Cun-! veiitijtis were held Thursday, and lilaine has now tn r than Arthur of the dele- j gat - ! the .a::'!ia! Coliellii II. Tie', is :is I'olljws ; ' For Arthur Alabama. "JO; Alkali- ; s.w. 1-1. Rim are. 1; Florida, s; I ieor.'ia. j 21: Illinois. t: Indian:). C; Kaii.i. 2; Ken- i tucky. -I: Louisiana. 10. Maryland. 2; Mas- ' ."achiiien.-. 12; Minnesota. 1: Mississippi,; i;; Mis.iii.. !); Ncbr.i-Li New I lamp- ! J,;.,, v.v I, , ,;. V,.. Y,.ri. iu - an. IS : Minnesota. 8: Mississippi. ; Mi.,, llrL J,. N,,w Hamshire. 1; Xew .lerscv. i.i. v v. i. mi. v .. . t o .i'-. i., .icw iiTkei", .sca'ia. u; i ono. ,; , j;. .,,m,vvatiw. -i:!: Ilhode Is :1,j o Tenness,:,.. .: Texas, l.'i; West ,- , , ,., , .,. ., , .,. hlUu o '''t.,. 3ml. i- i ii;,,,,; 'j. i ,,. i : , .. " I "i tn - ll i-. Imli.ina, i. K ilsas . Miw,u,.j 7. Tell llese. 1. '',, , .V, l or .I0I111 Micrni.m inli itia, I. ( 1 1 1 i . 1 . Total 2::. I'or Joseph I!. Hartley ( 'oniieelicut, I'or I Ireshani Indiana, li. I'or FairehiM - -L I'or ( ir.inl - Maryland. 1 , For F.diiiiiinls -Massachusetts, lti; Michioaii.S: Mi niies, ,ta. "i.Ncw Hampshire. I; Xew York. I I. Ilhode Island, 2: Ten nessee. 1; Ycunoiit, S; Wiseolisin, tl. Total, tit. ItKiAPITA'I'liiN. Arthur llawley 12 lilaine linn (Mcsham G Kdliiuuds (i 1 I'ail'child 1 Logan .V I I iraut 1 Sherman L'3 Total 7t;:: Yet to be beard from Total S20 Xeccssary to a choice Ill The Colorado Convention chose an un instructed delegation nl' six. believed to be ' for Illaine. New Yolk Sun. Tin: si t it; iitis. X.i bul:iii liaird 'mice at the head of the State tn ket for ( iuvenn.r. Would add thou auds of votes to i he purest l'emocratic ma jority. Notwithstanding the great good he uocniipli-li. hi the senate. ' lie. d his name at the head of the State ticket. llocky Mount 'ihiiii: The newspaper:; last summer repeatedly called on Judge Fowle to publicly deny that he had abandoned the Pcinocratic parlv. hut the .lieL. paid no attention to tin ir demands, probably because he was ,,t i-iiiiseioiis of having done anything to calls.- hi tid"!iiy I" the parly tobeiloubtcd. In-nee. air, denial Woiiid have been a work uf supererogation. He imw uliows that be is right where he has been since the war. lie does not show this, however, in a card h,, the newspapers, but in a iiiiict.legtimato way, as we learn Iroui tne ,i Hist i iv ', 1, attending the ward convention of kit parly in the city of Haleigh and aiding, as ,, pm.d liiiciis should, in nominating candidates t.i be voted for on the day of election. Newborn J-m, nnl. 1 I'tiiMsi in I'm rut s. lion. A. II. Meriitt. of Chatham, has a following for Siiperiiitciit of Public I ui ruc tion. A Coirespondeiit iiominati"s Yaneeifor lioveriior and Hughes for the second place. The name of ('apt. Swift llalloway has bet n mentioned a- n candidate for Lieu tenant (iovciiior. John J. Hailing, of Hates County, writes a letter saving he cannot consent to be a candidate for auditor, but thinks ll, n. i'..l lb, bells is . ulillt .1 lo a l'en.,Ulill.lllol. It i- lh, .light ilul II. .n. W. T. hoiteh will he ih i n-t i'ou-l'essi.i.iu IV'tiii th Third hi.liiet. II will in. ik- ' .'X- ei llelii r pl'.-s niativc. ll .'.V Hill '!'!' The eol. l l e'ni . n- of .'Mali i'ie k LI a tueetiu : a .holt line -inee an I r. s ,iv.-l ' that we .hail h. lie foil h siipp .it no poty he it publican. Liberal or what not uii- II. I party pledge Itsell to protect Us at allot ho and give ill a lair 1 l , l , - - : i 111. ,.,,;,, j tj, litical olhct-s.'' A crrespoiiilent of the Stui. 7fr'iVA- proposes the following ticket: For lioverii or. II. m. .1. A. (iilmer: I. ietiieuaiit (lov er lie r. Cba-. M. Slcdiuan: Public Treasu rer. Ilonald ll.tin; Secretary of State. V. L. Saunders; Public Auditor. It. M. Fur luau: SitH'riutendciit of Public Instruction. I'ev. T. II. Pritchard; Supreme Court Itciieh. Hon Thus. S. Kenan: Attoruey ilcticr.d. lluii. (1. M. Host'. I MVI.K-.IT1 MlltM tl. H( IKHII., The next seasioii of the I nivcrsily Nur- mal will lie held at Chaiel Hill from dune 17th to duly 17th. 1 SS (. The Hoard have been fortunate in m-curing the servi-.- ii-.- i i . ccs oi M-wi.ii ,i,.;ni;u:.i3;"l tntniei.irs. ami i feel assnrnl lhat the Mitvoss and reputation I attaiind iu previous years, will not only be sustained, but oreatly increased the coiuiiiL' j i i , . . . ' i session, wuii n "ivcs prouiiso ol iiciui; Hie best ever held, and one of unusual interest and . radical benefit to those who may attend. Prof. J. L. Toinlin-oii, Sup't of the Winston (iraded Schools, will be the Su n riiiteudent, and will brini: to the work n Very successful ex riciicc iu the manage ment' of Normal Scliou'si. The full corw of iustrui tors is i,i, y, t complete, but the following are comprised iu the list: Prof. K. V. iM'ratr. the tlistinouished Normal Institute Instructor of New Vurk. Prof. II. L Holt, the eminent teacher of Vocal Mu.-ic iu the Public Schools of Host. ll. Prof. T. . I. Mitchell. Sup't of the lira ded SehiMils nf Charlotte. Prof. A. L. Phillips, Principal Clinton llib School, Prof. A. L. Leaauir. Moorcville. N. C. lh. II. II. Lewis, Principal Kiustoii Cnlh-P'. Mr. K. L. Harris. Artist. Haleigh. N. C. Mrs. M. O. Iliiiuphrey, of the (iolds bom (I r.nled Schuol. Kcv. C. C. New ton. w ill be Secretary. A I V KHTISLM KNTS. itissM-nc ii piiion st :.j r. .11 . ,,n ilu1 onv tstloli. Vour lieisMU-sUt'r w lit il.i.y t if IMltll). (ly It iiniinilly ll st .0 cenl! g -. win n mi ti. ,,j nmii mulllh I W K.NUI...NP, I'llWlsher ' TlltKl y,"'-'i Jut Sew York fity l KKTISI.ML'NTS. IF O XT T '.Z ' HOMSE Aftii CAi iU Pi..-::.. s-'-v 1 I! i;-v 111:1 H , l-.M.-'. tl:e. Y. , tsjM 11 I' .u !, is w ill , nr- or ),r. ,.!.! 'V,l.t :a. :. Ii iv, I 1 ,:!- ef c m '(;. . l ,.w iM is sin nl SAii-ro n. s ,-r) ti'-r. . DiVIU I Kill rz. Prorrtstor, B a 1. r: :. o" i.HD. 1 . : .a!.- I v UlaiVt N a -IMMnNS IV LUMBER. I. umbel. le.ili-!l alul lesst,l In- i'ur- iiislml in ant ipi.iiititv ami all si.'cs AT l.ciH l.-l' M UtKKI l l:!i K.S. n n si H (, k T o t ( i-:. Apply (1. .1. I.' SUMMER GOODS We have now in stock an I are daily l'e eeiving our stock oi' S pill Nil and SI'M M Kll goods, coii-i-tiug of Clothing. Shoes. Hat-. Ladies Ycst.. Ladhs Cloves. Lade s lb s,.. I. cuts llle llllls I ii-nts Scarfs and Ties, t ieiits Summer I n ilcrwcar. liclits Half Hose. We call special attention to our large mid Well selected line of Ladies dress goods, consisting of Lawns. Alniaiiza Suiting. Linen Lawns. Alexandria Cloth. Huntings. Superior Iodic Linen. Nuns Yciling. Ladies listers. r. We have the finest line of I'mbrellas aml Parasuls ever show n in this . I A I v KET. Our stmk is very full and complete and we offer thelu - LOW FOR CASH Thanking our friends and the public generally for their liberal patronage, we respectfully solicit a continuance uf the same. t lur pi attention will be given our customers at all tim -. i.assti.!! a- tii. i.i: in: net IS lv Weld. HI, N. C. II, I. PliiiPhltl 1-ul: .-AI.K. A large mill, situated on the canal 'asin, in Ycl,lon, well littcil tor liiakiiiL'lloiir. .Ve. It lias live sets ol' stones in running order and is in good eoiulii ion. 1'nr tciuis applv to W. II. I'Al'KI.Lor jan in tt' T. I.. KMb'Y. NOTICE. I lia.f I'.ir r in ;i N" iivctnii' Jfi t'rt't tV. ' ti- ! -'.ilul it in i N.i 1 ilu. liiitk. I-ir 1 -I.,!'.- 11.. I-.' nil Wil-llill-li.U I-Vl .!U, 1 1 II I I 1'lU ll lUi'l if t'u ii I' YVfjiluti. ANii a ut- rent u ill. ix :..h..1 rixiii. ii. ii ;:tl;i' In .1. A1-- l.nlf-l'rt ! -lut Hum. ii i.l-.ix.i!it li'inilv m-. iii.u- Hi- "iln r ii.iH'. Tu.' N.i I w.irk li. iM' l-.r Av tt !! . t bnuU r hm-1 iil-'Ut '-am I--. : i-.'i!i: ;ilt diu' i .' rlif t ri.Ii.t ll-ill'l - HL' hv 1 im rcn-Mll;il If. Aiviv I-. il. V. SIM lilts, i.r II. c. riKUS, x i ' jitn if A PMIMsTi:.. ii'K s Nl ' I'll K. Tlie m,.l..r.isi liiini. irnt'.rol III i-.-.s. , !i,le , t II ,1 I, ' .-I.i ,1 1 ins '.i.i. .l.iv .u.ipi;, .1 a- n.i- 1 ,1 1 'li.irli.ltf Ai-l.r ...k it.- .'.1I.IV lift". I'V II- I ;l 1 ; pel- 'lis h 1. till-' I ' ' .en: l !.' - iiie' ,!i:l torn. - M' --r. 1.1 tl..- l"lh .lay ..I Aim Hut lio. u- li ce.ty All ..-l-.. on- .,-.-:lll-.t -ai.l , -tale t , pl'. ,:.::i. -il:e.i,-il I., un- ..- inv nl- j 1 .'I I an. I Hmiuii ..l. . r I., I',:e j lis-,. f n I nl.-.l I,- I.i-,- j , u ;! I- pi. '.1. e i , I I', ! ii. ih.l.'la. .1 t,. - ...I e-t .1,, i.-e i I I ke illlln. Il. t- ' ' a;.-. it. I u. I- iu:.N- :t. il.i'r, ..I i !,.ir! 1- Al-I,r.,..k, il.s-'.l. J Apni Tin , ,ie! I"..,'. I I .ill i.i v . MAY NEED THIS Address J. M. MURRAY, ELIZABETH X.J. Maps& Charts. Cheapestl BestI Acn1i Wtntd, $1,000 ESiT j ).nl ulin!iti- 'l ti A-lmr., n ilu- rtnt- nl I.t ninii Th. in. .111!..- lll'r ...V - i-ill-nti'li ti r 'p) !i'-!;i;. in. h i--.h I . 1 1 1 1 -' .!).. iiiriunMlit i t.i'h-nt hi.-imiii(,- t itcm-mi .tul iiuilti-mi.'.iti-.l un rU-f.-rv 1-!tlv..i Mfty IvV r tai.s imiu v w iIHh- 'KmiIi-.I nilmi 1 Uuii i rui ry. ' All iTiti iiiiK'!)tcil t jsuul eMail' will iifti. pttiiii- r.rwnr't mid tvUU1. KI'W kl-T.t'l.AI.K. HpriM Cw Aitinr. tiMimn S, .liiniiiuni XOliFOl.K lVt'C'.V.l. AHTIII'l! I'liKKMAN, JE WILES, STtlKK 111 MAIN STUKIT. Ilstalilishe.! Oners to his iViends in the old North State ipssls at tlie following prices : Pine tloulile eastil (.,.(,' sem wimliuir (pifil watcliea fCi. Laities' iloulile ihm- stem wiliiliiiK wall lust, laiwer inuleK, $14. Solid pld watcli cliains ltl and upwards. Sditl pild liracclet.s, Vl mid uawanls. Kiue silver plated enMors :.,V and upwards. Butter ilisliist $:l,5tt and upwards. Solid silver NMam.; $il wt du. li rnila-r ull my goods are warranted as represented or money refunded, i Inters liv mail proliiptly atteuti edto. V.sililln,f ami eiiKaKeiaeut ' riiis a spis'inlty. Ke4(uiriiid promptly done. Addresa AKTHl'lt 0. FKKKMAS, Jeweler, 141 Main St. "ov 23 ly Norlblk, Va . TIl.l.Lin, l illeiv. V. f. ! AND OLD iyi:iiti.;i:m kxts. A HEW FORCE ) .OFFICE. I'Oll SALR A e,l l.illt'-Mi.lil 1 S, oil. mil Si . k mill local, il. 'i'eiiiis t.i-i .ph to i.lellee III tile I.IUI1 III oil, lions. -. l'csilably T. W, I IA'M'i;, Msitl.ltlll Seili, N. ('. mi -JU It' wpsy mm, pi:ii:i;iii' Y A. M N 1 l'A( I T b'l.l!-1 ' '!' PSiilNK... Tiil'.Ai n. HAY INIi COTTOIsT FUKSsks, siiu Mill-, liri.t M, IP. Mill liens, - IHti.X AMI ;;A'.l.s'.s ( '. I s 7 '. i ;s. sept '."I ly B.H. AND; mn st. HALIFAX, N. G, Keep iii stock always a good line uf Cigars. Tobacco. SnulV. Wines. Whiskeys, llraii'lies. L.ngir i!ccr. Ales. Pi. IP r. Canned tioods, I'alli'V tiroeelies. ALSO FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. te,Y".M .. (.v mi: ami in: s.t risrii:i I 117'' 77.' .1".Y;T I'lT 7.'.Yi.. HIIK II. U.Y.7. ,1- CO. XKY NO 8. v,-:m' , - - '.'iV,T,.i -.t-h'.Ji'V'.VJ-i WllliKLKI! WILSON. I.ihti ft I.t;m.;iiK uuii W'j-t -.'v iiiii Mucliinu IN TIIK WOULD. Nu.lnmti-rt.ilii'Hltli-like Uic oiy henvy luu nitij! .huitlc liinrhiiit'D. Ai! KNTS WANTKH. Kiid for ttrim. and prirc I. fit. WIIKKI.LK k Wn.StX. Mfg. Co. AtUuU.l.u. Ian 15 inn TUTTS PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From tliuaa sources arise thrc luurtlis of the olsemes of tlia tiuuiaii rare. Tliesa ayiii)itonis I existence : Lttss ! appstlle, Hawrls tsilln, Mlek !! ache, futlneis altsr cstliiff, initios to flsrtlon pi boiljr or mind. F.rucUliow Of food. Irrllshlllly of teniier, Low ptHCs. A frrllna; of hsrlns; neglected nine dalJTi Itlstlaesa, Fluttc ring at I h Heart. Itota before the eves, highly eol red Trine, OBSTIPATION, ami ile Inantl tlie uso of a remedy that Bets illreettr ou tbe l.lver, AsaI.irurincillelnnTI'TT'al Pit. I, M have hoc iieil. Their action on the Ktilneysttmlhkin Is also prompt ; remorlufr all liniuilliee Uiroiial. these three "seaT angers of the system.' proiluehta' aiipo tltu, sotiud tliifesiloM, regular stools, a clear skliianilsvlKoroiuhoitv. Tl'TT'N oshss no nuns. or ifi lptiii( nor lnteafera Wllh dully work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. t.,l,ltr,--l,-r...a.V. I'.j ...! lurrivm.,N.Y, TUTTS HAIR DYE. Gatr Itiia oa YYiiisttras clmnswt in. atantly toaUUissr Ulack hyailiig'o ap plication of this lira, ttol.l by I)ruj(lls, or sent hy erpress on receipt uf $1. (ffle,44 Jlurinv Sirwt, New York. TDn'S MANUAl OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FRU. fimrHl). I APPLY AT THIS ! 9 XF.W A 1 1' Kll IL' TO THE GITIZEfIS OF N' c R. T H G ARia&lKA" i lice 1 . i I. i::.i 11" ! t- II ..-.ii iiia -I el ,ti: I ,,. I;-, II. ! 11.1. . loll.-- !.; Vjk , l. Prune. ,.l I'!" -a inn 1 I .mi H i u.ellt .i. WKHI'IS'. -I si M W s. i : -. : si 1 1 -. ! I i 'li .vain Pr. liol (MIT ..i-. ,oi I Pi ii. II, ei, 1 .hp a. : ,!ilHL' I i.i... r ii: : l'..r men , it-1 I.- secii I, i.i i nil-. I ...l.-l- -. :'. . Trnliks. -ill. li.'-. ,il.-.- Mi i-ii-I .ei M.-n-linlit lailorilK ln-piirliin lit ll'lnel" ..,... !,. eopl nl s ,.,rl IL .in e Iltl l" T.i -. mi! , lea;., o .II..I .lte.l I.. I...W III" W-v s,on 1 1. .ii. Ml km. 1 . 1 .-t u I s ir . Miiim ol. I I up. T,...l.'. i.i 111' " e- MI.ell I.I 1 AUK K. K I I . Pi. MILLIXI'IIY AN h IH5KSS i-lnli t.llllc. li .i . , Uu -'iui in in, M' !!;!::;.::;;;! i',n'ini:'J'ub rr.x:,:v'r:" ; I , n ml f .'.i. ,m-i.i no -Is a 'i.iluv. W ' , .."'.'i. . ' ""..mU- un . l!. ... 11- ViTV lit-l-'rinillv .! IIS. M. K. K Jll-r IT .'. U .U ST iJKCKIVKD A FRESH SUPPLY OF GARDEN OF EVERY DESCRIPTION We burned the Ol.P .tuck and can w,.rralil all out L.indli ill's Seed to be KHKSIKv (iKXriXR skk tii vr i:yi:i;v papki: is uatku "18S4:." BRQW::N- k SIMKillj W'l'lLI)()X,iN.G And will completely chmno the blood In thn entire ytcm In three month. Any person who will tako 1 l'Ul earh night from 1 to li works, may bo roatored to touuii bcolth. If uch a thtnc be poeiililc. l or Female CompUlnl thaaa I'lilt bane no equal. Fhyilctani use thorn for tin) euro of I. IV til and KIDNEY tllseuci. Sold eierywhcre, or lent by mall for 82c In stamps. Circulars froe. I. 8. Johnson a CO , Boston, Miu. fUl tl fisa Bill JOHNSON'S ANODYNE LINIMENT t't'HES Intlnmtt, Btrntlnt st the I.onts. T1ne. H-.i. lUt knik' Cu ll, v f..h ...itiff . 't.iii.-h, Chn.iiic lises uf t:ie Shk'. S - v. rvnlu re. 1 irrutan It ii a Kcll-ktumti f.i. t tint timst of iLe Ilnr-t iiritl Caltli? I'owder in ihu rn'm. try I wttrilil-'s-.: lhat ShPrnUn'i tvuvlittoa P-tw.jcr i uliilLirlv nun And vrr' vltiIiie. Nnthlnr on Vnrili will mAk hnfl lay llkiNhcriUatriiC'ot.dUion row- tier. Ifcnc one t. 4tK-)nlul lo meh timt at U. It will tio poiUIv urrrfiut nrl ctiro CHICKEN CHOLERA, Jan :!-l-v. SPRING AND 3 n n r v r If u I JU 1 'i Clotliinir for Men, Hoys, Vuutl.s ami CliiMreii, Ut-.t'Maltcs ami lat 'st Slylcs, Hen rietta Clotli, CuiikI ' Hair, Caslimcrt-si. I'laida. Nuns Vcilitios. Linen, lli-luiii. Victoria mill Imlin lawns ami ull the Litest styles nf DRESS GOODS. SHOES! SILOES! SHOES! Zcioler's Slip's, yinclicster, The CelcliratcJ James Means ftl.lM and a full stock of shoes of every description. II A T S, 0 V. N T S AN I) Tl... very lumcst ,rics tin se that exet'llcat .aals can iil). W boii"ht for nny-whcri- North nr Smith. . 0 ' T I i' K. lliivlinrmialirli.,1 as tilth the III ..f Nam y au, I lu-n-hy iwiiiiy sit holiliiiit 1 lann, against liermUle Vo theut ny May 1st , ISA, ,. , , H. I,. AltrtlNtJTt.N, Ailinr. spr i ew F.MF.X'i rn A J 1 ,.il he -reiiler .;ll..lllll . oll.i lll.a'e s.u.-!m 1,,! ; I l auiiil.ii line in. ' ir.-is..lni ni 'i.;.li.s n ll.-l-.oillll illl.l ll.ilv. In n- I Iniveil-, Ills I.,., I- ,' j. . I ii -I,, ,i.h k : i . -1 . 1 warr.-inl ..u all I -el!. . nl. M. ii. n se.l i l"ili -mi- li no -i'mu lip. !Ms1,..'AI!TMI':NT. s. Ill 'Hi. -I PI-. -I Mi.Ysl lis. lu-i-. pm.i. -ins. All Hint Prices nl Ii rill Value. ,., in K.-H.P relMVor 1 . ! Iii.mI.- 1' ler.r llielieeni. ! r... ., .i ,. 'i 1. Ill il:-' I' t the ll",, ill 1.. eelll-I., llle ,!,.! ,. XOIITII. . .i I . i.i r Hie liiiv -l -I. H-k nl t'iiroi-li inu ' 'il-. -Iii il-. ..l.kerilll. i-. I liOTelllls. I lv ol .HI .Ivsrli,, . r men mill Is new i ill illni in.ik. II' lellllels Hint Wi.l-klllell. lllllke llle lllle.l r. i-i. : r mi! , eh. ,ii mil t.-le..ili i ii,.e',i, mIioii. '.II ..i-.l.-i - le.eiM. .ri.iii,i inn n ol or p i'.leui w ill) lliiii'iinik'- -ailiil-ie t. in.ik.- lh. at 1211 Sycamore St., Petersburg. 'a. E, KULL'S MAKIXii KSTAI'.LISIIMKNT .i iiidc v.iiiru:ilil.;ll H inlr-lll "IT'.' : : , i, i ... I. ,. Ail ..nleis w ill reeelie cnanpi .ill. nli..n. Us- .orse. in Am, ri. ,. I.T ci-y wear mat .nice ... i - l:IJ- 1 l.'i SuuiiKiro f. lVtrrlnir-. A a. naaaaaafc M SEEDS Croop. Asthma. Bronehltl. Nenml. Kla, Kheuiuaiism. JOIINHoN 8 ANO liVNr. I.INIMI.S. r l for hUtrtmUtii trtrnul I'lf) will lntanune.islilv nllve lluie tcrril.l dispsifi, suit will DiMiiirelv care nln eiif. i-7! out of ten. Inli.rauUon thiit will gave many - a ...... .., hu I.- M.u ,. . J-l . Ii..,.,.., n. .., Mi.ih Tn, . liKWCIl. PrcTtJiuuii u better Uima cure. liurrliois. Ilyienlenr, fholers Mortiui, I ftoe. I. 8. JOHNSON CV, Boston. Uui. MAKE HENS LAY I ITif CtwlcrvAr. Mil rrTWhr.Ar tent braullfinrVr tt I Stro irire ,'in,pivl.(-e Sr Bill. SI SU llKSUM US IKewa, Mats. . SUMMER GOODS. 0 D 1 n F R 1 5r Sm t? fl L A 1 I K S AND I N II K H W V. A K, K ;Kl I Ti.ltS NOTICE. list tig ihallAti s etisrutor of the estste Mrs f. T. is- ItemMlei-easeit, 1 herehy maifjr all perui lisviiigrliiiiiisaguiiM tlieaauie to istwul tlieiu tu me r,.rMynifnl within twHte inuiilln rroiu llm niaire. All -riin imh-hied t,, the eatate i please uiakeiatyii.enl. Mnn li t isnt. L. 1. M" HtltRY K teenier, v. . , b'rR' H.Sgntlh, Jr., Attornejr. 1