V-K lrlh SSjv fei nfc illf aria wr pr3 HALL & SLEDG-E, i'i:oi:;iirroRS. -A. NEWSPAPER IFOIR, THE PEOPLE. TEBMS-?-1111 I'l-'-K ANM'M IN ADVANCE. VOL. XIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1SS4. NO. 1-2. IT i -4 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. II. kITt HI, V. A. DIM!. COl'STV TTORKKY. j itch in a nrxs, .1 TTOHXEVS A T LA !', ; HCOTLAND NECK, X. C. I mar l.TVf RANCH A BELL, f Attorney, at aw, , KNFIKI.I), N. C. Practice In (lie couutlca of Halifax, Nnli. Kdge ennihc and Wilaon. Collection made In all iru uf lb state, Jim. 1 J If. r. II. BI SIIKE, RILKIOll, N. C. K. II. SMITH Jr. SCOTLANll SM'X, M. C. HI) E E 4 SMITH, Mr. F. It. limbec and Mr. R It. Smith, Jr., (Vmn- aclnr at l,aw. have formed 11 limited )irtiierhlp for tin1 practice of liiw In llallliix county. Mr. f Mimlice will allend the iniirta nt HnliOix, regularly, ! Kllll Will lllwo visit lllCCOUUty Whenever Ilia Kcrvieca . are re'iulrcd. oct ID ly I R I . , A It l II V M A N, Attorneys lit aw, HALIFAX, X. f. 4 onii'o In thof'i.tirt Iloiisi'. strict attention given I tn nil liriinehcaol'tlle profession. Jauliily T Ml (I M AH .V HILL, Attorney at ai HALIFAX, S. C. I'nu Ucck In Hullfnx anil luljnliilnir counties mill Fi ilrnil iiti't Supreme courl. hub. 'JR tf. W. M A S ( N , Attorney at l.aw, tiAltYSIIl'llli, N.C. Practice in the court of Northampton anil ad joining; couuliiw, ulau In the Fcdcuil junl supremo i rt. Juiicstf. LTEK K. H A.N IE L, Attorney at Law, WKI.IHIS, N. C. Practices In Halifax nml adjoining c-nimlli-ii. special nili'iitiini given to collection III ull parla of the Suit' ii nd )iminiit returna made, fill 17 ly. W. II A L I., Attorney at Law, WKLDON, N.C. SHTltll altl'lltlllll glt'CllPl coll lanein promptly made. tinus and remit may 1 tf. M V h h K N & M OO It K, AttoiitcvH ut Law, HAl.lKAX.N. C. Vrm'tiiv in ttu- rountU'M.r lltililux, Ntirtliimi.ton, KltrtimtK. I'itt am! Mnrlin lu tht- Suurrtiii'nHirt ut tin1 siitlc hihI iiithf Knlt-ni! ('uurt til Y'jiwri Ihtrlrl. t'.illtH'liuiiH m hi U- iu uny jwtrl il lint Matt-. Jan 1 ly I)" J K. S II 1 K I US, Surgeon Kcntlst. ft.i-miii.tiili- hti-iiti'il lii Wi'ltlnn. ran Ik1 I'miiiiI hi hi ulliri-in Sinilh s llrli k lliiililinn at all tiliuit 'xn-tt w lu'll aUi-lit nil philcx-mniil l'ilrlnri. ( nn'iul iiiU'iiliiin KiM'ii 1" all limni hiK nf Hit ini li wiiui. I'arliiii visiliil at llu ir liuiuca whfii le-lrt-t. July fJ ly. JJR. E. L. HUNTER, ui'geou Dentist, Can be funnel at his office In Knliclil. Tun' Nitrous Oxide 0a fur the Itotnlvm Ejtrac IhiKiif T.'. ih uhtayHOii hand, jiinc -tl tf THECREArHUREFOR miliums, o.hl ; MMma m if n-woiw wra craw I in about th rt-ctttm ; tti irivtr rtartiftn aQctuL At ft I'lt-anni, ntnlrl nj miiIv chp, Dviimii Oimthkmt i mi(n rior lu any ariirU In h m&rktt i.f Ui utf i-i, r aritd .u ci. lit P-ct ttni I lkat,$l A04iviPh. bwiimAtioii, l'biUktP ft. M i Remedy 6Uch as Diseases .ITCTTER, ITCH. SORES. PiMPlIS. XERYSIPElAlt WRING WORMy t m June 18 ly TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH I'm the Magneton Appliance Co.'i MAGNETIC LUNG PROTECTOR I miCEOXLY $5. They are prlcelcw to Udleii, Oon'lemen and Chll drcn with weak lungi; no tiuc of pneumonia or crvnip U ever known where these uiiruieiiu are worn. They alio prevent and rare heart dlllu ultlw Cold,, Uhetimatlim, Neuralula, Throat troublea, Diphtheria, ('Jiurrh, and all kindred diaeawa. Will wear any iervlce for three ycani. Ar woru over the under-clothlna. fliftu TT)TT H la needleM to d Ij A. 1 Alt Itlx. acrlbe the .ymptonuiof thli uauMoui iIuhmih that la aappluf tin Ufa and tremth of only too many of the falreatand beat of bothaeiui. ljibnr.atudyandreaearpn in America, Hiipoiw .nd Kaausru uuida. have mnilted in the Ma- uollc l.uuy Kroter, aflordliigrure for tawrrh, a reuieily which ooiimiiu no lirugjihf 01 tne nyaiviu ml with the continuum atrcaniof Uaanvtlam per ,ndatiihniiivh Llm afflicted onraliw. uiuat reatora thorn to a healthy action. Wa place uur price for tlil. Anuliance at Icaa than one-twentieth of the price aaked by otlirri for renieilini upou wnicii yon tak-a ll , 1, a tih.mwa. nml wihh' lallv Invite the nap t aaaeu oy oiiirrt lor reuiwiiiw upow un Jn routte of the uiauy peraoiia who have tried dnitf- (lull tbalr atoaiai'lu without enect. HOW TO OBTAIN Thia ApplI auca. Go to vour dmiirUl and aaa ror mem. h they have nut got them, writ tothe proprietor, eu alualnc the price, in letter at our riak, and they will U-...I .Bn.n r,ip,iij "Hh iiuiMiptiirM In Uedlcal Treatnent without Hedlclne," with thouaanda of teaUtaoulala, THE MAGNETON APPLIANCE CO.. lHhli Sireet, Chlcauo, 111 Hn,, Rttd nun dollar In ooaliire atalliM or cur rency (in letter at our riak) with ain? of ih.' usually woru, ana try pir wi uui .niircw m,.A 1 n,,vltllMl of tllH DOWcr rCttldillff 111 Olir Uatf- Bitlc Aunllancea. Poaltively no cold feat wharf OSE MAIDEN. I aw her stand hy the Kanien door In livrMiowy nUn, with h-r Klle'iii'rT hnlr. Awl I Ihuiik'lit as I trawd nn IutuhitcI fart That tin other maiden wtut half w (air! Ttn'tv'H a wimdnmiidi'itth in her kwcvI dovp ey, Thcrr'NH citldcn heii in her 1utnnt hair, Ttn'tv'M iiiiitu-tiw lMatity in all la;r ways, Ami mi t.tlit-r maidi'ii Is mi lair ! She wvt xUinU ly tin' jrir,'-tt drt(ir. In her kih-wv mlxt, w ith Iht listening f yea ; Thin'i an au Tul hillhifw um the earth, Aim a imMMi nijr Munlnw acnaw tin- nku.n ; Hhi never trt'inU on the Unwery Kniuud, With the Miiiliuht kiMtiiiK her tf"hl?n hair, But I know, and 1 feel, w iih a Holetmi ride, That the anyeln in heaven are nut mure fair. A HOtJTIUlK KOM AM K. CHAITKR I. "Roll, Jiinlan, Mil. Roll Jurdan roll Hound to ko pi IIi'Ih-u when 1 die, Fur to hear tint Jordan roll !" Ill Ills culiin, Iit tlie wa, an old man Bits xinging nt iiis work. His troiiiulnuH voice, full of a wild, un tutored melody, flouts out on the still uir, out iiernsa tlio blue water that lies rost I'ully rocking in the summer sunshine. " Twon't 1 long!" The gong has ceased, and the old ne gro's work he is mending nets for the fishermen drojis from his hands; while he mutters to himself in a kind of monotone, will) many a shake of his head, and now and then an emphatic grunt. "'Twon't he long now, fo' Civsitr hear it roll, lie done already surwived de komiianyons uv de pas' De ole lady dead an' gone ten yr ago. Nancy dat's Tildy's mammy tlead an' gone Itmg fo' dat an' Joshuey, an' Samson, tin' Peter, an' Pompey, an' Hhody ui Pashencc all my hrudders an' sisters nil on cm ebery one dead an' gone hmg ago. An' it s n gitting mity lonesome fur de ole 111:111. Tildy, have to be up to de grct house nn is' t all day, an' I don't hav' no pusson fur to conwerse along, 'seusiu' an eeptiu' o' desc no-sense, stuck up kul 1 11 red pusoiis dat drups in oeciusional. Some on em does mity well wid de book larnin'. Hut dars plenty on cm what don't make no bones 0' callin' uv a man a fool of he open his mouf to talk 'bout uVin good ole times what mnne niggers scorns to talk about; when we us tcr have masU'rs and luistises, nn' nobody never hecrd no U'll 0' 'cibel rights' an' all dat sort 0' foolish ness. An' uv a night its mo' loncsomo still. Do ole faces uv all de dead folks keeps n coming up constant, senec de rheuinatiz tuck me so short, an1 I makes ttirli po' outs at' sleepin'. Seem like ole Mi ('' come up de njl'fiitnl. Mo an' she wu. iieizackly uv de same age. n e wus born do saine day an' de same hour. Dat what (ley tell iur. Anil r gone over Jurdin twenty yer ago agoiu' on nn' lue ahaiigiu on here still, lint sometime I beers it a lappin' nil' it lappiil' mill close 1111. an' fo' long Caesar eit in de boat 1 isst'lf an' ride riht aerial to glory right wliar de ungels boat black an white is a 'tchcwniii' uv de golden burps an' a singin' pnuses to de Jam I He shuts his tves tight, and tears trickle down his wrinkled cheeks. Yes' yes." slinking bis head and laugh' ing R.il'tly. "Yes, yes; dese here feet 'II war de golden slippers, an' walk de golden streets, an' no mo' trials an' tribulations fur Caesar, but Fetch along dein pan-cakes, J lldy ! Sakcs alive ! How good (ley do smell I I'm a gittin' lmmstus empty, I kin tell you. 1 ve bin mgageu in ue ueepes 1 uv nieditashuns an ue work ies slip out n my han's; pear like I aint long fur dis world 110 how, Tildy. Mity ketchy iu my sidc utmih! and my knees I vnnh and uniDlt I sovii onui Daa misery in tie 1 1 n I I 5 . J - small uv my DaeK umiui urn um : 1, 1 , 1 1 W milv Do' stomach fur wittcls rears to me, liltly, as how you re pow erful slow a gittin 0 my niy dinner reditu to-dav. Mv digestion am wery iu- ferur in its activity. Cuesiir aint no ino' what be have bin. But dem koltfnh has a lucious odor; an' jes fctoh do 'lasses jug along o' dem ur unwilin' itancukus, an yo' irrau'iian will enikaritr fur to eat a lectio bitu, Tildy j' to keep from iiiterruptin' 0' yo' feel tugs. A low roofed cabin, shaded by an arlsir of honey sueklo that servta as a porch. A lotn to-patch at tlio back. In front, a neat garden, bordered with jonquils und pinks and inarmolus. m either sole ot the walk, a sun-flower rears its gaudy head Near the gate, pink daily roto-bush bliKims nil the year round. Within, a ireslily-seriibiKHi Hour; a cup board in a comer; some spotless home niudu clmiiii uiio a" Lii;, wide buttwiie' nx'ker, with unns a water-bucket on 1 shelf, und a long-handled gourd; tuU with a folded, snowy, home-spun elotli three bods in three corners one curtained off; its gay patch-work coverlet just visible it Itible and the old mans pipe und tohac co box on tlio uiantle-piece; a chest drawers; a trunk. These, with the cook inn utensils on the ample hearth where Tildy is bending over the dinner, make up the old netrro s surroundings. Ho sits in Ins chair near tho wide open door. A grey cat is asleep on th door step, and a yellow dog snaps at the flies in the sunshine outside. Several plump pul lets are quurrolin over some scraps from Tildy s tray, and tne bees are urowsiiy humming in the hives. A pleasant picture the old man in Ins chair. For, iu spite of his rheumatism and his pains and miseries, he looks hul and strong, and his whitoTiead, irowuing tho rugged dark face, is uplifted with kind of loftiness of beariug. He rises now, with the help of a heavy knotted, varnished oak stick, and takes his scat at tho table which llldy has Bprcad with the utmost neatness. She stands resncctfullv at his back, while he hi himself to a generous slice of boiled bacon his favorite kollerds," tho steaming iiota toes, and the "biled dumtihn s socli Tildy knows how to tech up hanily." Tho manifold afflictions of his outer man aro forgotten as he administers to the wants of tka inner, smack ill" his lips tho while with irreat unction, as who should say "Taint rvrrv Demon dat know how to do up a job 0' da sort like Caesar do." Suddenly he stops, and he turns around with lunch alacrity. "What air vou a snickering at, Tildy V'Jlikc ter know? Pears to me like milu do' sort 0' duiispeek fur jo' rrandpap to bf a nkkeriu' an t car'tt on in dat friveilus kind 0' style in his very face Itus wayi chi list his back. Kin you in form me now, Mertilder, what in dr. thun- you sees so monstua, orful, petickler funny ih amusin' in yo' granpap's dinner ? Atillwi, yer say 7 Den fi dat ctarnal snickerin at nutbin. I jes aint cr gwine tcr have no mo' 011 it. You aint nigh so mncrly, Tildy, as you'd ortnr be. Itiit den you ( wait on do ole man wery handy niostwise wery handy tiidceu. An I sposc he nm po kumpuny tur a young gui like you. liut iffn you hudn t orter forgit yo mnnnm. lu a gentle tmie. "Bin up to de gret house, to-day, Tildy?" "Yas, sir' "How s he a comtn on ? "Any wusser ?" "Miss Carolyn said as how he rested ul, an' wus oiit'n his head in de fo' part ile night, an never seem to take no notis o' nuthin scusin' de ole clock of how he kep cr watchin cr dat, an' a piutin' to .1 it, nn said onct; 'me an hit kep pae tagether, an' we're boaf nigh about run ilown. While she speaks, Caesar lays down his knife nn( fork, and gazes at her with the pest couccrn on every feature. hen ic has finished, ho takes his big red and ellow handkerchief and wipes away the jreat beads of perspiration that have gath ered on his forehead, shaking his head mournfully, while ho walks s.owly buck to his chair in the door. A bad sign, Tildy," he says, "u mity uncommon, jiirticlrr bud sign. Jfe unit long fur (lis world ! I trust in do good Lord he have gut his erkounts sauarrcd up in de proper manner fur de tu x. I'm bleeged to berlieve he huve. He seen a ;ht o' trouble in dis life," with another shake of his head mid n prolonged grunt, ayir o' trubblo I An' ho tuck it power ful hard pmirriil ! Folks is niVy diff'cut. Dar war Miss tjucenic, seem like she un Mill's Tom was ies' made fur 0110 another an I never did see no mau wid his heart set on 110 oman like he sot his'n on her. Annif I Lor, bless yo' soul I she'd a' made nuthin of lav in her putt v head down an a huvin' uv it chopped slap off, ef he had a axed it uv her, which he never would a dunr, in nine. Hut den ilea arn't no 1110' like dan me an she wus not bit. He wus alius n lookin' cut fur truble, an' she wua alius a sayin' : 'Thom as, hit aint so bad as you think, an' haint we got one anuthor' ? or some sech sooth- talk. Pear like none 0 de trubble couldn't keep her from biffin an a sniiliu'; un ef it had cr pleased de nood imtrster ter tuck him an' lef her, she'd a bo' it gret site better, mity deff'ent she'it a bo' it, km tell you. She war one o dem strong nn' handy kind what you wuzboun' ter look up to nn resjHck. Sech a lcetle mite of a erector she war, too, not mgli so high an' proud lookin' as our Miss Caro lyn nut a nntv big nirrrit she had. I nekolleek I went up to de grct house soon one nioiuiu fo breklus a suilday morn in' it wu., not long fo' she died, when Mars Join wun so pestered bout do will, an' a thinkin' cb'ry day dey'd have to leave de place, an' not n knowiu which ways to turn. 1 went up dar noon one moruin an dey war a haviu 0' pra'ars in her settui room dey cull it, uu she say; t .01110 111. I nker laesur, an set down t'well urtcr pra'ars'; an' one of dem pra'ars what Murs Tom prayed dat mornin' it wuz a f-day luoriiin. 1 think one 0 dem pra'ars have staid wid Caesar eb'ry sence nn it 11 wul him long as he live, "tl liord, he says, "rimember us 111 niNxny: sanctify Thy futherly Krcctious untoo us; injew our souls wul pashuncc under our inflictions and wid resugnashun Thy blessed will; euiufit us wid 1 sence 0' Thy goodness, lif up Thy koun- tenancc apun us, and gib us pence, fur Jesus Bake, Amen, "Strange how dem eomfitin' words sticks in my riiolleck- shiin. I sen cm unto mysef mity olien. members what a hebby sigh .Mars Tom fetched when dey get up offen div knees, an' Miss (Jueenie, she up an' went to him, aud tuck holt his bans an' look lilit in his eyes, er smilin nil de time? an she say, less us dount gnevn no mo dear i nomas: we has a sight to comfit us wid.' I 'members a sight 0' dem fauibly pro' ars, same as 1 members de Ixinl s pru ur an de liible wertes an de jewty to yo nnbor wlint ole miss lumt us black chillun long, lima ago, when she ti.se ter cull us up uv a Sunday mornin' wid our clean Niinlnv close on, 1111 lam us ue kntty eri-111 an' sich. Aye! dem wus days, lilily, I tell imil Sech ns you dmit know nuthin' 'tall uboitt. No sech doios nowenlays. Niggers dotit iienter dey heads bout no kattyerisuis dese days. Mebby you dont know, .tlertilder, Here the old man straightens himself and a look of intense pride conies over bis face. When he says 'Mertilder' in that way, his dignity is at its highest. ''.Mebby you dont know as how uur young miss up to de gret house was horn beneaf dis uinlile roof, an he 111,11' (rawed her las bret 111 dat ar bed over dar wid de ynller an' green kivcr. Mebby you don't know why no pusson haint never toch dat bed to sleep in it sence you kin nekolleek no, nn neber will, please (lod. Daft de resin, Mertilder. Dati de bed what Miss Quecnie died on. sho'i yim re born I ; f, Tildy's eyi have opened wider 11 ml wider until now tliev seem ikelv to pop out of her rouud head. Her lower jaw y 1 falls, and she stands staring m her grand father s face, with incredulous horror her own. Horror at liiw fearful state of mind. She evidently thinks him out his senses. Heforshe speaks tho thougths that aro burning within her, lie goes on smiling loftily : "No, you don't Mirm it ymt don 1 1 An you tlunk 1 imnit 1 tole vou befo'. VOU tutV. McrtildtT ? Well I'll pereeed to nbsnrve why an' trltnrto neber has an' it's ica' uVi. 1"M aint de gul yo mummy wus, Tildy, fur pru dinee bu' de proper indiscreshin uv speech You air a well-disposed, but a friverlous young creetur, an you aint no-ways run markerblo fur holdm' uv To' tongue. It other words, Mertildy Jane, you will keep disnsnecterble kumpny onct in a while. Dat vou know votef. But you ihnt tell lies, Mertilder. No, thank de good Mar sters, Nancy's gal aint no liar, an' you're a gittin ole enuff now to know tme uv de fauiblr sekrit.an' tf you'll promus on yo' word an honor tuber to revulge it to no Uvin pueson, I'll UU you bow H happen to be de case. As I wui a soyiu', I neber see nobody takenuthin so uncommon hnrd. Dey wuz jes turned out'n house an' home, an' we fetched Miss Queenio Mabel she wui name by rights, an' Mars Tom he call her 'Mau' an' 'Queen Mab' tell bitue by we all gits to callin' uv her Miss Quecnie fetched her down here more dead'n alive, au' when de little un come dat's Miss Carolyn she jes passed away wery peaceful an' happy widout a word, nn' Mars Tom seem like his heart would bust wide open. I rickolleck right now how ho look, a settin' in a cheer ober ir in de korncr by de dumbly w)d his face kivcrcd up wid his hankcrcher. An' goes up to bun an 1 sex '.Mars ioui, hadn't you better look arter do baby ?" au' he haik up at wc gret kingdom ! how dem gret black eyes did look 1 nn' den he jes ketch holt 0' my bun, an' '0, ucsnr an '(, fiimir, he bcz an not anuthor word. An' I tuck an kinder pulls him along todes de bed, an' he drap- ied down on his knees wid Ins head on icr bres' and 0, dem orful sobs dut busted from him ! I know'd as how dat wam't no place fur me, so I jes' tiptoed out'n de house, and shet too do do' an' I hecrd him suy out loud like as cf somo pusson ad lut linn hard, an he wus a strug- gliu' fur href : 'Quecnie I 0, my luv my 1ifr Dead and here O, grct iod ! have it come to dis 1 An den wery soft an' tender, he'd say, "Dnrliu' I 'mini ! yo little haus is so cole. Open yo' sweet little eyes onct 0, look at mo speak to me unci or 1 slutl die ! 1 neber seed nuthin' like it. I 'members his words nn his looks same as ct it hud cr bin yestiddy, nn sixteen yer ago its bin sixteen yer ago. O, stop dat blubberin, Tildy I Lord ! chile, what good dat gwine do Mars Tom ? I don't hole widno sech foolishness. So don't you cry no mo now. Seem like its mity smoky suiu'crs some pusson a burmn brush, 1 reckm. He draws out Ins gay handkerchief again, and holds it to his eyes. Tildy sits down on tho door-step at his feet and covers her face with lcr apron. And for some moments the sound of sobbing min gles with the droning of the bees. JJut (J ! de seurrim an hardships uv whateomebcr diskripshun dut blessed man hub had to contend ainn 1 An lie sech a high-flier, sech a sho' miff quality gentle man, none 0' yo' vo' trash he nint ef he have bin brought to de pinch uv pov itty in his time. None 0' yo' common uns, sich as vou sees a ridin nroun' in kerndges 111 dese times when do bottom rale done got on de top. 0 Lordy, no I should ruther think not ! All Ins lam bly wuz notid fur dey clegince und circuiu speckness uv manner, nn' der gret fumbly pride. Checking himself suddenly "Hut dis won't do fur dis chile! Look like de minit he drop his work, ho slip buck an' go ober it all agin, an' it don't do do old man no good don't do him no good I Dem ole times is all gone a cone. lh' new irinerasn 11 111 nave to take keer 0 itsct. 1 b longs to de pas an' de easier I takes all deso new-faiigle notions ob de present day, de better fur Caesar 1" With which W)se remark, having lighted his pipe, he leaves his chair for the bench under the arbor. And stretchui: out his feet and closing his eyes, he reso lutely shuts out these visions of the past; a past iu which he fitrures as 11 hero. J lis head drops to one side, ami dec crating sounds issue from his nasal organs. hue lie s)ts thus, asleep in the sunshine, we will read a chapter in his history. to ue CONTINI KI). OBSERVATIONS. The man who was ashamed to look his watch in the face probably got it on tick. It may be that riches have wings, but the man with a million is willing to chance it. We are all honest, but the fenr of the law has a great deal to do with paying old bts. To render yourself agreeable is nothing Pickpockets are the best talkers' iu the world. With 50,11(10,(111(1 population iu this country no one need ever fcur a scarcity of cabbage-heads. The inventor of the long-handled shovel died unlamcutcd because he couldn't attach a rocking-chair to it. Emotional insanity has never yet cniised victim to put (us hund 111 Ins pocket uin pay 1111 outluwed debt. It isn't so much trouble, alter all, to put duwn u carpet. It is putting up for the carpet which bothers folk. Heaven must be a beautiful place, but if there's a uiud-iuiddle handy a foitr-ycur- old boy will take it in preference. The man who curses luck hasn't the courage to kick himself for his own bud management. Detroit tree I'iihu. " Better behave yourself," said the tur nip to the potato, or some one will come along and tuke tho starch out of you." The grasshopper has announced its fare well tour for 188-1. His route is so long that he must go ou the jump ull the time. The man who turns pido in the face of danger fields none the worse for it. A squealing rat bites as hard as any other. The size of a man's foot is hardly ever commented on until after ho has pushed them into a pair uf boots too small fur him. Tho anchor dis very well for an em Mem of llojie. Nine times out of ten, when there is really any use for it, ill no good. Tho man who prides himself on always speaking his mind is the first one to kick when he finds anybody else exercising tho same privilege. Many men owe their success ia this world to having learned to say "No" at the printer time. Keuicmlior thia when the girls make leap-year proposals. "I'll teach you how to tear your pant!" said an irate parent swinging a strap. "I'll teach you' "Don't hit we, pa; I know how already, alust look at enii THOUGHTFUL THOUCHTS. READ AND PROFIT TI1EHKI1V. A father is a banker given by nature. The brightest sunlight cast the deepest shadows. Conscience is the most enlightened of all philosophers, Those who school others oft should school themselves. To be poor, and seem poor, is a certain method to rise. People's intentions can only be decided by their conduct. Labor rids us of three great evils irk soiiieness, vice and poverty. Knowledge is the treasure, but judg ment the treasurer of a wise man. Tastes consist in the power of judging; genius 111 the power of executing. When a man resists sin on human mo tives, only, he will not hold out long. He is tho best aecoiintaut who can east uji cont'ctly the biu of his own errors. Nature has thrown a veil of modest beauty over maidenhood and moss roses. Few honors, fortunes or purposes are gained without venturing or running u risk of failure. He who observes the speaker more than the sound words will seldom meet with dis appointment. Wo you wish that work should never weary you? Thhink that you are giving pleasure to auotlier. I like the laughter that opens the lips and the heart, that shows ut the same time pearls and the soul. Tho chief properties of wisdom are to be mindful of things past, careful of things present, provident of things to come. To judge human character rightly a man mity sometimes have very small experience, provided lie has a very large heart. W lien you fret and fume ut. the petty ills of life, remember that the wheel which go around without creaking last the long est. ml 1 , . 1 r icntii your children to say "llow do you do?" or "good morning" to everhnd they meet Willi whom they urcucquaiiitc The one doctrine in which all reliu'ion agree is, that new Unlit is added to tl mind iu proportion us it uses that which it has. It is the greatest and first use of histo ry to show us the sublime in morals, and to tell us what great men have dono perilous seasons. How ninny can adopt the dying words ot I ayson as their own living words, "I long to hand a cup full of happiness to every human being. Considering the daily upset and trials of hie, the great wonder is not that so many are impatient, but that so many are as patient as they are. AM. AIIOUT AIIAM. Adam never in a lit of abstraction down on a coil of barbed feneo wire. sat Adam missed a great many vexations of spirit thai are coming to men ol this day Adam never had to trv and maintain a S?."), 0(10 appearance on a 8700 income. Adam never had to wear a collar witli saw tooth all around the obtrusive edge of it. Adam never lived next door to a man who was trying to learn to play uu uu ac cordion. Adain never got to the depot just time to see the rear car disappear around the Wiiter tank. Ailani never lull over a rocking chair while groping around in the dark alter the bottle of paregoric. Adam never had to fasten one of his suspenders with a shingle nail and the other with a huir-piu. Adam never hud to rock 'lie cradli wlnle hve ran ncross the street to borrow a cup of sugar from a neighbor. Ad.iin in Ver bad his only pair of gum boots eaten up by u dog while he was spending an evening with a friend. Adam never had to keep the baby while Kve went out with a determined east of counteiiuiico to reform the world. Adam never sat up till 5 o'clock in die looming to get the returns from Ohio and ut last learn that the other fellow hud curried it. Adam never cuuic homo nt a very lute hour fioni the Lodge to discover that ho I..11I left his latch key in a pocket of his otVer punts. Adum never bad a tight bureau drawer at which ho wns tugging come out sudden ly und let him down with such vehemence as to kiuK-k four square foot of plastering off tho ceiling. WHY II K HAN. First Journalist: "Why, John, I thought you hud bought a little puper out West soi-.ewhere." Second Journalist "I did, but I found it advisable to leave tho town very sudden ly a few day ago." "Ah I Too free with some citizen, I suppose," "No. You know those patent medicine cuts labeled "Refore and After?'" "Oh I 01) ! I see. Y'ou got them re versed and tho advertiser made things hot for you." "Getting them reversed was net the worst of it." "Not?" "No, my foreman not only reversed, but misplaced the cuts." 'Where did he put them ?" "Uight under marriage notice," COVERNORS OF N. C. The following is a list of (lovernors of North Carolina from 17"(i to 1SSI. CHOSEN II Y THE GENERAL ASSESIHLY. 1771! to 177!, Richard Caswell. 177!', Aimer Nush, of Craven. 17S1, Thomas liurk of Orange. 1"S (, Richard Caswell, second term. 17S7, Samuel Johnston, Chuwuu county. 178SI, Alex. Martin, (luildl'ord, second tent). 17(.'2 Richard Dobbs Spaight, Craveu county. 171I"), Sain'l Ashe, New Hanover. 17HS, Wm. R. Duio, Halifax. 17'.'!l, Renj. Williams, Misire Co, Hn2, James Turner, Warren. 1SII5, Nathaniel Alexander, M cklen- burir. ISO", Renj. Williams, Moore, second term. 1S0S, David Stone, Rerlie. 1SKI, Renj. Smith, Itruiiswiek. 1811, William Hawkins, Warren. ISU, William Miller Warren. 1817, John liiaiich, Halifax. , IKl'O, Jesse Franklin, Surry. 18J1, (iabriel Holmes, Suuipson. 18-'(, lliitcbings (i. Rurtoti, Halifax. 1827, James Iredell, Chowan. 1H-JS, John Owen, Rladen. 18110, Montfort Stokes, Wilkes. 18:!'J, David L. Swain, Riiiieoinhe. 18:!"), Richard Dobbs Spaight, Chowan. The Convention of ISIS,-), by amendment to the Constitution cave the election of (!ov. to the people und in August, lS:tt5, Kdwurd R. Dudley, ot New Hanover wus elected. 1811,, John M. Morehend of Guilford. 181."), William A. Graham, of Orange. 1841), Charles Manly, of Wake. 1851, David Reid, of Rockingham. lSfitl to '.") (, David S. Reid. IS58to 'til, Kllis. 1801, Henry T. Clark. 18(12 to '0.', ',. R. Vance. 18DG-7, W. W. Hohlcn. 18(!8-1), Jonathan Worth. 18i;!l7(l, W. W. llolden. 1870-71, T. R. Caldwell. 1872-3. ',. B. Vance. 1874, Thomas J. Jarvis. ItOVt AMT; Of A TOIIACt'O Dttt "Pretty girls in Richmond? I should say wc had!"excliii)ued a passenger from Vir ginia. "1 lie town is full ot them, Kverbcen there.' of Well, you ought to go dovvn. Rut I'll bet you've seen tho pho tograph of the prettiest girl in our town n thousand times. You don't think you have, but you have, all the same. I'll tell you. You have certainly seen tho show window advertisements of u Richmond firm that makes a popular brand of sinok ing tobacco, the advertisement being adorned by a photograph of a beautiful young lady. '( if course, you have seen it hundred of limes. They are in every tobacco store. Well, that is .1 real photograph, and the girl is the belle of Richmond. There is a little romance connected w ith it, too. The young lady was courted by a young man of our town, but he made poor progress in winning her affections. Like all beauties, she was vain nml ambitious. She became actually envious of Mrs. Langtry and wanted to go on the stage herself. "One night she was saving hov she would love to have her picture hungup in show windows and admired by everybody like Mrs. Laiigtrvs. 'What would you give to have it?' inquired her suitor. 'Anything, everything,' replied she en thusiastically, but not thinking it meant anything serious. So 11 bargain was mail playfully on her part, that in case within six months her photographs were on ex lii hi t i hi all over the country she would grant the young man any honorable re- miest. lie is a member ol I he tobacco manufacturing firm spoken of und is a smart young chaii. with an eve to business, ns you can see. They are to he married in June." THE CLAMOUR OF THE SEA It is when the spirit of the enterprise is associated with salt witter that it becomes probubly the most dominating power that can actuate the lives ol nun. Willi knowledge of human mil ure only equalled by the rare art with which It is uccoui plislied. De Foe puts into the mouth of Robinson Crusoe's father tho most con voicing arguments in order lo combat the roving disposition of bis son. Itobiusoii acknowledged himself to have been sin cercly atlecteil by them; but the impres sion lasted only a IVw days, aud he then forthwith tells lis that "to prevent any more of my father s importunities, I re solved to run right away from hiiu." In another direction the difficulties encoun tered by Columbus, before he was permit ted to set sail, form a surprising chapter in the history of maritime enterprise, and B itliing but a determination amounting to a vital passion could have sufficed to over come them. Rut u more native example is at hand. When, us a schoolboy, Nelson committed a raid upon some of hi master' choice pears reserving, however, none of tho plun der for himself hi excuse was that he only tisik them because every oth er boy wa afraid. This animating motive wis abundantly verified in tho whole of Nelson' career, it being the self-same spirit that prompted him to declare in later life that, "iu sea affairs nothing is imposs ible." In fact, nn overwhelming passion for the sea often distort young lives until they aro led into tho ouly channel which seem their destiny. SCHOOLS FOH DOCK. There aro a half doscn dog schools in this vicinity and you can have your dog taught some very neat snd interesting tricks, but the term aro ruther high at least for poor folks, being from 975 to $150. Thero ure plenty of canino ama teurs, however, who aro ready to pay any price for tho improvement of their pet. I onee saw a dog-trainer pernmbuluting the street accompanied by n iiuiiiImt uf ac complished aninink He wus looking up pupils, and being called into a store he. struck up a tune and hi dog immediate ly rose on their hind feet and went through a cotilion. Dogs trained for public per formance are worth from 8500 to 11,000. r N, Y, Kxchnngt, HOW TO 111(1 (; I F t'HII.DKKN. Treat them kindly. Don't preach politeness und propriety to them and violate their laws yourself. In other Wolds, let the example you set them be 11 good one. Never quarrel iu their presence. If you want to quarrel wait till the children nro gone to bed. Then they will not see you, and H'ihaps by that tiiuo you may not want Li ouuiivl. .eer talk "old lolks l.lik ill 1 r. Hit III children. Never speak flippantly of 11 izli'mrs be fore children, liny may unit the neigh bor's children and have a lalk about it. Touch them to think that the little boy iu rags bus a heart in him in spile of the rags and" stomach, too. Tench tlieni us they grow older that u respect lid demeanor to others, a gentle tone of voice, a kind disposition, a gener ous nature, an honest purpose und nn in dustrious mini, are better tliini anything se on eailh. . Tench them these things, and self reliniiee and intelligence and capa bility will conic of themselves. Teach them these, things, I say, and your boys and girls will grow up to be noble men and women. not si iioi.i) 111 mx. Don't boil tea. Apple fritters make a nice entree to be served with roast duck. If your earthen pie-plates ure discolored, rub them well with whiting or sand soap. Two small tart tipples tiro a toothsome addition to the stuffing uf a ruast duck or goose. In hanging pictures, the brightest colors should be put in the darkest corners of the room. A little powdered charcoal will cleanse and sweeten bottles if it is well shaken about them. Never paper a room over old paper. This may bo removed by dampening it with saleratus and water. ( )ld marble or wooden mantles mny bo jitiintcd with two or three coats of oil color to match the prevailing tints of the remain ing woodwork. One way to beguile an invalid into tak ing more beef tea than he is willing for, i to add gelatine to it and let it cool in a mold. When it is hard and like jelly serve it with salt and with wafers. PICA1 HM.S. Singing dolls must be pressed to sing. The fame that comes from hanging is but hemp-tie honor. The "Queen's Laeo Handkerchief" in Dot to be siiivzoil at. The weather is so sensitive that any nn noiineeuieut of 11 picnic w ill bring rain. Blind Tom has worked ull his life t( support other people, but ho can't seo it A number of astute leaders seem to bo in favor of tho barrel. ticket with a new Riding clubs nro fashionable. A light whip, however, is much better than a club. Nothing makes a jury disagree so quick as a hundred dollar bill in the hands of the foreman. To speed it parting ghost say : "Go ahead, and be sure you write." This re verses CriK-kctt. Till: WOULD' PA IK. The Colored I't'upln to Share iu It. NcW Yolk ll. uld I At a recent meeting of prominent col ored citizens at Washington, presided over by the Lihcrian Consul at New Oilcans, Major lituke, Director-General of tho Kx positioii, uuiioiiuced that its managers had appropriated fifty thousand dollars toward die colored exhibit. He stated that forty per edit, of the mechanics employed iu New Orleans ware colored men, and pro dietcd 11 splendid display ou the part uf this class uf the people. Resolutions fav oring the plan of exhibits by colored per sons were adopted by the meeting, with the request that the President would ap point two colored Commissioners-General "to receive tho exhibits of six million col ored citizens of the I'liileil Slab's, that tlioy iiciv be properly placed tin exhibition at the World's (Vnlcmiiul Cotton (Exposi tion." Tho Kxposilion will naii De cember 1, and thero is liioiv than neces sary time left in w hich to prepare a cred itable exhibit. Till', kll UV A MAN III'. WAX. Merchant Traveler. "Do you MM) that man walking along there?" said Jones to a New Yorker, as a uie lookin party wcut by on Fourth street last Tuesday. "Yes," wua tho reply. "Well, sir, that man has killed men, wo men and children in his time." "lleiivcnsl Why don't they hang him?" "Can't do it. Hanging's played out iu this country." "Wa ho over arrested?" "Not that I know of." "No wunder you have riots in Cinoin nstti." "That's what we all sav." "Ho doesn't look liko no was so blood thirsty. Who ii he?" "A doctor." "Oh sh hero' a twenty-five cent oigar." Ho who sleeps y day will hunger by nigh:. Industry am do peg on which Plenty hangs her hut Argyment makes three enemies to one friend. Men who go to law mus' expect to cat deir tater wid out salt. Do biggest balloon can be pack ed in a bar'l when do gas am out. De rat tle of de empty wagon can ho heard furder dau do ruuiblo ot do loaded one. A Hartford girl, twelve year old, being asked how far she wss advanced at school, replied that she was "in geography on the sccona noor. A D V FRTISKM KNTS. A FEW HINTS ron thi use or Dusi:, Ti more tU tow ti'l iifjij, ilnl Villi 1 thoivu'jh u, 4 to 6 PM: f.Vj irirura ir K iccl.l Iht jirejnr th ia ui-A am. For (oii.Mpntloi'i or Coatlveneaa, no remedy lii to eilectho as AVEU'a 1'ILIJ. Tle-y lu.ura titular dally action, and io iioie ll,j Well tu a iKiihhy coiultllou. fr Indigealloiiior Dyipcpala, Area' rti.l.a aro Invaluable, and a urucurai llrnii-liurn, Loaa of Appetite, Foul Blomaili, Flatulency, Ultiineaa, 11 cad ache, Nuiubneaa, Nuuaen, are all raliered and euied by Avtu'a Fills. In I.lrerOoinplalut, DIlloinDlaordera, and Jaundice, ,hu.'l Pi i t s chould bo Rlvon In done! Iioi enough to oioilo tbo liver and bowels, it.,d remove constip.ition. Aaackaiuiun nii'd:due lu tho Spring, theta l'll.ts aro urn-ii..'.!td. Vorina, caused by a morbid enrdlllon ot tbD boui'la, aro eip-lled by tbcao 1'ii.i.j. Erupt lorn, Skin Dlacaaea, and Vllea. tho result of Indication or (.'onttipatlun, ma enrrd by tho use ol Ann a Fills, For Colda, tnko Aveu's lMu.a to open the pores, remove luuauiiualury aecrctioi s, and allay tho fever. For Dlarrhie.i mid Dysentery, caused by lud.leu coMj, lud ijojtlbla foud, tie, Avu: a Pil.i. aro tlio truo remedy. Rheumatism, flout, Neural);!, and Sciatica, otten result from dljonlre I'.r.r.rri. tnent, or colds, and disappear on remcv.i J tbo cause by tht use ol Aim's ru.t.1. I'umori, Dropsy, Kidney Conipliilula, and otbor diaotdori caused by debility or obstruction, ar cured by Avrn'a fn 1.8. suppression, and Painful Menstrua, tlon, ban a tafo and ready remedy ia AYER'S PILLS. Full direction, In various lacgtugoi, ao company each pacliag. PRfrAltlD BY Dr. J. C.AyeriCo., Lowoll, Matit Sold by all Drnpulsta, BLATCHLEY pympi BUY THEBEST. BLATCHLEY'S TftlPH ENAMEL PORCELAIN-LINED oa SEAMLESS TUBE : COPPER-LINED pupp "V IM tint lm urmfri Into W -"- For I.y Ihi) Iwd xS: kOUl' 1,10 1 r'u' C. C.TjLATCHLEY.Manurr, 308 MARKET 8T., Phllnd'a. W rite to 11111 for naniu of iicarcat AavuU fell s Um . k av hi iv I hit lull nur ( lii hIm. 'XnJin3iV 0JJ(I pa siSSiu( i ra io.t &iti3 sueuunijd pun .tuotis UB ei.idg-i pun 4p1nn.11 am jo oojiioa Xj.ia eii a.iqvrfj tpu.. .ipiiouud ouiotp a mxj aj4i(i oai)uj.iiii pun oiuo iiiiMjiliia too ui ii) jaoutt 'Xejjp uniamajd 10 'Xtipq -.ip (iiiiiajju 'uit)uinaii.i 'onja una j.'A.i) 'limtplmna maddda.p jo etuiioia Siopiiodmp Jimop naiftuq 'ua-aaj uodn i.illil i.)nio) a.aJiiJiaon ,10 in.i)a am pjsuuii piia p.ianaijedxa Ai om T uoiaig oii Amao Juno II ly. EAL ESTATE AGENCY I havteelablUlied a REAL ESTATE A0KMCT U alva WELDON. N. C. i I hare TBN houaea la Waldoa j : ' - . , 1 FOR SALE OR RENT, j i " ' I f About half of then More, other! dwcUUHB.1 j I also kav about a i 6,0)0 t.ACItr.S OF AMD j IK HALIFAX COUNTY FOR SAL! For further particular., qnrtlc wishing; to buy f rent can apply to ma in ponam or by letter. 1 I am now taking np all land, panic wish to at aud advertising the aame at my ewu oxpenat, v lea a anlo I. made and theu I ohargo eouimiaaloe For say standi ig a gentlemen and a worthy u be trailed, 1 re.hr by permi to I wlUi,wtlaiid Ki ; rr. ). A. I'ulllia, 1 VY. A. Daalel, Wstdon, T. W. Harris, UtflrKn. - (Ml . asuf THE Ca. b STOMACH if XmDFORifATALOGlfBS'. j nev ! ly .

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