'4 ij 4 'I' ' ! i i . .V . i THE ROANOKE NEWS j Wl: s.i.,1 mn uith ihi- i-u.-su,ti, .ncm J (' Hltnllllll u lull report 01 tin- .National IVuioeratic Convention together with the platform und skcti.lie.-i of the candidates. THURSDAY, : ; : JII.Y 17, im. V. W. HALL, riiorniFroKs. J. W.KI.KIHiK, J NATIONAL TICKET. von i'Rimi:xT : ouovicu CLKVELAS I), Of NKW YORK. FOR VltK-l'HIII)l;.T! THOMAS A. IIKNDKK KS, IK INDIANA. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET- I'OR tlOVEK.NOR : ALFRED M. SCALES. offluilford. KOH MKI.TKNANT (IllVKKNuH : CHAS. M. STEDMAN, Of New llauover. Wk are indebted to Gen. (Vx, of this State, for a copy of his speech ill the House of Keprcsciitativos opening an ap propriation for cmploy'ino clerks to Senators. lliniii;.: a week in June last there were in Paris l!S" marriages and 1,15!' births, L".'l ol'the births hein.' illegitimate, thouuh 52 of tlio 'J'.'l were immediately recognized ItKI'l I'.I.IC AN OPINION. Tin: TiiiMii iii:;;--ii K tiii:ii: vir.us or I'LLVLLASH AND llh.NHKll Ks AND TIIK iKMK i: ric ri.Ai tokm. in the legal manner. Wk' notice in a nuinhrr of our ex changes that the name of Hon. W. 11. Kitcbill is selt wrong. It should be Kitchoi not Kiteheii. It would he well that the correction he made. FOR 8KCRKTAIIY OV HTATK I W. L. SAl'XDKHS, Of Wake. . FOR ATTORNEY IIK.NKKAI, : T1I0. F. MVIDSON, ( f Buncombe. FOR AI DITOR : W. 1". ltOHKHTS, Of (jutes. FOR TRKASI Kf.R : DONALD W. BAIN, Of Woke. for srpT. l't iu.ic instruction: S. M. FINliKH, Of Cutawba. for as.so. jisticf m i'iiKMF. roi iiT: A. S. MKHKIMOX, Of Wake. FOR C0N0REKS SECOND DISTRICT : F. A. WOODAUD, Of Wilson. Onk of the Tammany assembly districts has resolved to support Cleveland und Hen riekf. A lai'jje meeliug of Irish American citizen of New York, havo also held a mectiii;,' in the interest of the Democratic ticket. The Democrats have nominated a very strong ticket, probably the strongest ticket that it was possible for them to nominate. Philadelphia 7'. ;oA. Cleveland is the exponent of a hiliiT. purer Deiiiiieracy. He is the apostle of a I new dispensation that cannot be ushered j in too soon. Trenton 77.m.. The nomination of (iov. Cleveland shows a determination of the Democratic I party to make the light chiefly iu this State. In Ohio and Indiana Republicans have a hard fight Wore them Albany I'miiifj Journal. Ta vote for ( i rover Cleveland is to vote against the worst conspiracy of corrupt and FOR 1883. ias ever neurit it control of the Treasury mid the opportunity to in is- jovciii. .New l ork lli ii'lilliiii. i i . . i evils elements uus country apiH aling for votes to give : :.(, :tc., FOR ELECTOR NKCONII DISTRICT DONALD GILLIAM, Of Edgecombe. Til K Iiidnpvndctit Republican committee of which 1 eorgc William Curt in is president ha issued a call for a meeting, of all those who disapprove the Republican nomina tion, (o be held July 22nJ to determine what course to pcrsue. IT is nsnertPil on rmiuriit engineering authority that til? best -woisl Jet ilisiover ed fur railroad sleepers is xatitc, used for this purpose in Mexico. It is essentially u Iropieal timber, and is cxeevdingly dura ble for outdoor or indoor work, above or below ground. A Maine lnau is making u fortune liniii ufaeturing white plumes of his own invm tioii out of wood shavings, lie says lie can supply the Blaine clubs w ith a good imitation of a ?." ostrich feather for fifty cent. The Savannah AVim says: What the Blaine men most need now is a few hundred thousand wooden voters that can be palmed off as genuine. At the meeting of the bar association at Asheville, the other day, a resolution was adopted memorializing the legislature to provide additional judicial districts; another was introduced relative to amending the registration laws so as to put absolute deeds on the some footing as moil gages and an other memorializing the legislature to re peal section 2fi of the Code, which provides that.no licensed attorney shall we debarred or deprived of his license and right to practice law, cither permanently ar tem porarily uuless he shall have been eouvic t 'd, or iu open court confessed himself guilty of some criminal otlciisc, showing him to Ih.' unlit for a discharge of the du ties of his profession. for electors: at large : W. II. KITCIIIN-Of Halifax. J. N. STAPLES-Of f.uilford. TIIK WTATU EXPOSITION! The following wef the naiuM of those who have authoring us to announce theui as Bubaeriben to the fund to be raised by private subscription for the display of the product and materials of Halifax county at the State Exposition : W. A. Dunn, . . 825.00 John 1 Fulfil '. . . 825.00 W. A. Johnston 825.00. Any one desiring to subscribe can in form us and we will acknowledge receipt of their letter through this column. cm:vki.axi& iikmhmcks The nomination of Cleveland and llen- drickji was no mistake. Mr. Cleveland is reformer and Governor of a great Suite lie has gratified the expectations of all those who voted for him for Governor. Ho has been Governor for two years and lias made a record for purity und honesty and firmness in official duties which is enviable. Mr. Hendricks is well known in this eountry. He was cheated in 1870 of the place for which he is now a candidate by effort would lie made to carry that Slate Sechetahv Steven B. Ki. kins, of the Republican National Committee confirms the statement already published that the Republicans will make an earnest light iu the South this year. "It is about time,'' he said, talking of the Republicans pros pects in the South, ''that we should do something in that section. We have not yet determined definitely upon our line of policy in that section, but shall look the States all over, carefully considering what they have done and what they are likely to do under certain circumstances. Whcre cver we see I here is a chance for success we shall go to work and work vigorously. Where there is not much of course we shall not waste our time.'' Talking of Virginia lie said I bat a stiniig Guv. Cleveland's nomination seems lobe received with unusual enthusiasm among the people at large of New York, as dis tinct from the factional opposition af class es. New York has always been a State iu which local pride has sltssl for a good deal ill the way of Votes. The selection of Cleveland strikes the conservative portion of the community there with much favor, and here is a great element of strength for the Democratic candidate. liitun Trniit n ijil, , Mr. Cleveland should hi; a strong ciin did itc with the workingmcn. During his administration the contract system of pri sou lalsir has been abolished and a labor bureau has been established. Ill all his appointments he has favored (he K-nple rather than the politicians, mid his most virulent enemy, Kelly, is also the greatest enemy of lionest lalior" Ills vols of the Klcvatod Railway bill alt'ected the labor ing man in no way, since the five-cent hours wcr.' already the ones when he uses the cars. Detroit Timrn, In the offuc of Governor of New York (i rover Cleveland has shown the courage to give his approval to measures when their vols was demanded by popular clamor, and he has dared to withhold his approval of other measures that had noth ing but their partisan character to com mend tin-in. By his fidelity ami public spirit as an executive he has uinUes(ioiia- bly Won the commence and support ol thousands of opponents whose sole inter est in politics in in good and decent gov ernment. Philadelphia liirmtt. Of the result of the struggle the suc cess of the Democratic ticket we do not entertain the slightest doubt. Aside al together from the exalted character of the candidates it has presented to the country, the attitude and temper of the Conven tion at Chicago afford the best assurance that in this fight the Democrats through out the Union will be united and in ear nest and with (he assistance which, in the work of reform, they must receive from all good citizens, of whatever previous po litical leanings, lliey cannot fail not only to hold nil that, in lu'Tli, they conquered under the ''old ticket," but also to carry such plates as Ohio and Michigan which the Republicans themselves now Concede In be doubtful with a strong probability of gaining such States as Wisconsin and those of the Pacific coast. Irish Ainrr- ICttll. The following is the insolvent tax list fur ls,:t reported by Sheriff R. J. Lewis, and allowed by the Hoard of Commission ers May iss::. -co I, (Mi SIJ K T" N-ilM'. l'.diuoiid Riittoii 2 lo, J J I!ryaut2 IS, Duke Baker 2 I!'.!, Lvmas Raker John Clark 1 02. Sandy Clark Wilson Clark 2 :!li, Sam Cotton 2 75, Peter Chapell otic. Jerry Cooper 2 itli, John Dowden 2 illi. John Devereux Hie, Jim Dickeii 2 ISO. Richard Kvans II 5S, Julius Kllis 2 ISO. Philip Penner 2 :i(i, Kiah Hvniaii 2 lit!, Richard Hviiian 2 liti, Joe Hvniaii 2 A Chess Hall 2 15, W K Hull 2 lit'., Richard Harriss 2 III!. Stephen Kllis 2:ir., Lvmas lliggs 2 oil, Alonza Hamuli 2 10.' Klias Hcdgcpoth 2.:!li. Kllis Hunter 2 111", Isaiah Knight 2 I'.ti, Rupas Lewis 2 HO, J L IiCggett 2 III!, J A Law reiiiv 2 :iti, G. W. Jones 2 III!, Tignas Jones "'M. Iteii J nines 2 IK!, W. L. James 2 :sr.. I! L. James 2 III!. J F Mabry (bal due) tile, W II Harden 2 KJ. W II John sou 2 11, Henderson Johnson 2 lit!, Daniel L Johnson 2 15, Mack Jones 2 40, J T Jones 2 It, Hillinrd Jones 2 Ml!, Wiley Jones 2 oli, James Jones 2 Ml!, Lmis Pitt 2 Mil, Aloiiza Peebles 2 IW, Andrew Pee bles 2 HO. William high 2 I'.ll, King Paul 2 Mi!, livnuni Pittmau 2 Mti, Jim I'ur- rington 2V. Lewis Paul 2Me, Harry Price 2 M5. Ksaw James 2 Ml!, William ' Mack- i 11 2 i'lii. John Mis kins 2 Ml!, D W Moso lev 2 MO. Daniel MeWilliauis 2 Ml!, J R Nieholls 2 Ml!. Dempsev Norfleet 2 Ml! Toiiv Powell (bal due) 1 KI, Klijall Pow ell 2 10, lsliain Smith (bal due) 52c' Miani Smith Jr. M M0, J B Smith 2 Mti, Pluiniuer Smith 2 lit!, Weldoii Smith 2 Ml!, lb. bt Smith 2 Mti, Jack Smith 2 Mi!, Fred Smith 2 Ml!, Williiiln Smith 2 Mti, Peter Smith 2 Ml!. Blount Smith 2 40, Jess:- Smith 2 M0, Peter Smith 2 A Mark Smith 2 -IM. Thorn Smith 2 41. Maliiel Shields 2 Mti. John Shields 2 41. William Stephens 2 12, Caswell Solomon 2 Ml!, J C. Scott 2 fill. Weldoii Thornton 2 Mil. Bryant Viek 2 15, Irwin Yauglian Joseph Valentine 2 Ml!, Charles Wrants 2 MO. Whit White 2 Mti. 1! J White 2 SM. J R Whitehead (bal due) 1 00, Ned Wbitaker 1 15. Henry Whitak. r 2 41, Robt Williams 2 Ml!, West Williams 2 lit!, 'fluid Williams M 51, Allen Williams 2 Ml! Bill Weiither-I,ee2 Ml!, llenrv Wills 2 Mil, Albert Watson 2 .V.I. Wiley 'Young 2 !, William 1.1111g (bal due) SSe. 1 -,., Hitin-i '' Mej..r ll.niis 2 i:. T.I; th'wl. ,n2 ... .1 .1. Ih.ukn.- Mi. OiiU'l H'Oil lh- 2 hi n ll:i o J .;. Hill llinttin 1 I 'I Hnt !'.um IIikImiII 3 . Mm' IwimhMii 2 Auras- IMS .l.llllist. II 2 ! I.C I .Mlll-lell . J; J..lm..ii.. KclJiihHsmi M.sil- Ils'lcl InhlKcli t '' Kiliruiin Jnlois.in V', Alleil.l"llcs i Vcier l.ni.K:iB Duillev Jue S ul. ;i- tin .I.im s 2 :M. Mnii.r Junes - AHilter Julus Kliellcn .Iniien i ;u! H,,l.. rl Juiiesiiit. Will Jclleis-n J'Miw ''. ''H i,,l,i:l:s T.ivlur.loinsS Hi. H.-nnl .Imies '., J"hn C lelies t I""'"' Jailer i M. Mm ill Jllll" '. fmioiel Kti!i:lilS:".iW loi.liiic S M. Ausll" L-ine a h,. shn.in I Jim- ;. )m v i- J f.B.CIU.i l.ei . Nil! lo. k 2 i, I I! I. Is a ti., Siil l.viieh t Diivl-I Malir.iv s, wiley MhItiiv t:a l-ltil Moiio'2 lumicl Mann :. ' M-irtiii S ir. J.i mi - Martin J.ilm vsMiall . ' 1 K,iisl,H j:;.,, min mo M.irsliiil 1 Is . v riilllil ! 2 I'', M Mel'illlii't 2 I'1. Tu Mi'Illllllel ";1 Mi'llnnlel 2 Ki, Inline Mi Konii I ! Vi. l-iiliivellc 2 i.'.', .limiisMi i;liec2:ii.. .lull II Mel.ln'C 1! emi;i- ie , niinv i ''. I'liivliin WeLuinnre t, Austin el.o ni.ire.lrJ an. bm'l MeLennireS Si, T Memiliini !;. e'n.ut'uril Mi-.iv Jl 'M'l. 1-nl.c :'.. lley M.iM'ly 5 Jimi M.k-i ly 2 a.. Ililliiim Nieli"l;n J'.. AllsliK N.iTlleel 1 1,. l.inncn ...riiein i incMiuiiv 2-u.. a li I'lii-Kcr i ii. ii'iiH-n iiuii'i . Muiin I'.irkeri :l, iiiloiy I'srker 2 Murk rarn-r .Ouillnnl I'lirkcrjui. Kilinuliil enmiiii -.,..... I'errv :i. K Till. S . U-wi rinnnoi c . m-i? Htliinin 2. Paviil I'iltnuin 2 :!, Iteii l'iitimiii a (ia, KI Httnitin 2 ai, wiiiut riiinniii a :ii,ni'n " "i"" " 2 far,, William I'illniHii S as. worlli HltuiHii .i, 11.11 I'll 1 Mil. II Hi, M rilOIIIIII I Jl ll) l I' J.VJ nii-leinl HionmelS :m. Veil rinieli Jli oenii nev l'imell 2 ki. llenrv I'lmcll 2 M. Aulin ruirll 2.ki. lili k .ell 2 :i. Niillinm l'""' 2'il. Ilery I'll1 !Sii. wliil I'.ih. 2:i. I. I'oi'ii 2Si. Jih' I'injii 2 Turner llevnnlils ane. i rcem in Keyiniios loisIus lieircrs. iv A H.iHinu oo. .loeV KuLorisi n 2 :!. williinn Hcntl S :H1. 1 ii-k Scntl Jsincs Scull 2. ii;, .luck Sei.lt 2 Mi. HuekSenlt ::, II Senll 2 1, Jaeoll Sears Nh-. Iliclniiil Seai ! w It Slum 2 2.1 Inirlcs Slii-nriii S :W. Itlelisr.l sliiljn. :K, Kmlik Slcplieiw 2:lii IhH-k Siiluiiuoi2-li'. Miis.ni w Sykes 1 4ii. 'iitii i U ll' Tullv J.K. Ji.Iiii Tsvlnr.l :ii. Iiaviil Tuylm S Siiliiimin' Tuvl.ir 2Hi, iMck T.iyli.r 2 an. i-lmrles Tlirccn ills I Jnlin Turner I an, I. Viiuelmii I , llezekisli Tlllery J .m, Theml.w Viek : Kiils-rt wiilst.in 2 ail.s.uii wiinU :wi, Alex wiii. '" freil wheeler 2 is, F, II wliltuker :, lieorue 'li ta ker 2 ;m. Ilielnir.1 wliiinkcr :w. Iti'l.liek whltnk'-r 2 :,.. Iie.li uhlt.ikcr S M. eul'n wlillnker :., Hanlel ttloliikir ;w, .Iniiies wiiitnker an, iinin . .ii.. i,itt,.,i-M le.. u lillnker 2 Jesse wlilt uker Ililliiiril wiiitnker :!. Allen wlilliiker 2 ill. Allreil whtuiker 2 Is, Jimmy wiiitnker 2 ilenive whlisker wiishiintU'ii wliilaker 2 Hi, ii. ..... v u I. linkers :m livnuni wliilaker 2 U, 1 .1111- ,i,.r 'wiiitnker i :M. willl whltiikvr IM, Aim" llriuiuiiiill. An MILIKIX TO" v-u II-. ; 1 m;, l,.inis It Allkin- 2 V: Nullum UMilil.'.l I'svv AiMlllS .-in, to.v.oi .iii-ini u... i i mml : Hill 'Au-llii -' if'. H'Tiii .- A Mini 2 fin, llenrv A 'ir'.i 2 ;ai., lames Ailklus2 Imvy Austin u 1 ,.erv Line s Z HI. Ill 11 DMUIiei z .', " Sr M ( ltlMI.S AND C'ASl'ALTIKS. the unanimous voice of the representa tives of the IVnioeratic party. With this ticket the PciuncraUt will win the ehi'tiou iu November beyond a lie believeil It would he possible to unite the Readjuster and Straightout votes, and if this could and should he dune the State could he curried lor Blaine. Being asked doubt. It could not Jsissibly be improved. I if Mr. Blaine Would take the stump he The thousands of dissatisfied Republi cans who. will not support Blaine will vote for Cleveland and Hendricks. Those who called themselves independents and were waiting for the action of the Hem isr.itie Convention express their determin ation to support Cleveland and Hendricks. replied thai he Would liot. Mr. Bluinc. he said, understands proprieties probably as well us auy man in public life and he will stay in Maine. Then-are no exigen cies requiring such action on his part and there could Hot be. He may have occasion ! to visit some of the States during the cam The nominations were received every paign, but not for political polioses. In f . .. i ' : i:.. .. .1 where witn demonstrations 01 approval i imT i"ii iwm k-kuiuih me uuuune . . . .e.i.. i r .1.. and joy. 1" ire works, l'ire works, artillery, bauds of music, cheers and other evidenced of grat ification were profuse iu all the large eiti ie and in ninny of the smaller towns. The only disaffection is that of Ben Hol ier and Tammany. Tin latter has not yet announced its course, hut many think that it will wheel into line. Hen butler is not expected to support the ticket. Wheu the Convention refused to embody his views iu the platform he left the Con vention. He lias already accepted the .nomination of the (iroenbtekers ami nuti uionopolists and cannot lietruy them. In deed he hkd no. business in tho Convcu linn. It n ifilictjil hv winiii that his ,. i . , i ,. i ,i stead Was eu nsl up so quickly that it was Mun.li.ljpv will lusil Alasiichiisi'lls Lt Hie . . 1 '. ' lnH on eld sort, tetter and rmgwoiui, of the President and Cabinet toward ti ticket, he said he was assured by niciiilx rs of the Cabinet that both the I'l'csideiit and all of the Cabine will yivc the ticket their earnest supHirt. (NIi;iCI II. WAT Kit. There is a valuable siring in Alexan der county, near Klleudalepostolliccon the road from Ismoir to Taylorsville, and be longs to Mr. Milton Millstcad. It was discovered ten or eleven years ago, springing up iu row some ditches near by being choked up. It is a bold spring. Although it was noticed to be pmiliar water when first discovered, its healing r iperlii-s were unknown for s..n:'itne a'ti ' wards, it was first tinted oil I'lc-ll eiils. A very bad cut on the fis.t of Mr. Mill lcmocrU. If this be true it will only lessen CleveUnd and Heiidrii ks' majority that much. New York, New Jersey, Conneetieut and Indiana will certainly be Democratic and that insures the success of the Uemocraey. Two years ago twenty-four states pare Democratic majorities and the outlook uow in more favorable to the IVmoorats than then. (lulnti there ii a mighty change Cleve land and Hendricks will sweep the conn try like a tidal wave and Blaine ami Logan will be buried in the flmsl. The Washington I'liiitiil says: "An enthusiastic Kuglishuiau, who recently gctllcd in the county of Buncombe, N. C, hu ordered au oil potrail of Senator Vance U be painted and presented to the county as a testimonial of the Kngliah acltler'a gratitude for hi coiunlcte restoration to health." five hundred yearn ago, for v inch health-restoring bnries as those of Western Nurth Carolina, the beneficiary would have made a grateful offering to one of the saints. Xow, all Senators are Mut taints, but probably Seuator Vanee'i sn1fit will prort quite ai aecvptahh to (he joisl piwjjj' of Buucouihe County aa would the porlfJ of jnvone in the aalnt J J catalogue. warts, pimples, iV.o., all of which were cured and rapidly disappeared under its magical iiiflucnc. The jssiple of the m i ;h IsirlusHl are using the wall r f r all man ner of diseases with the greatest satisfaction. The rcjiiitiitii.il of the healing water has spread till it is carried away by hundreds of gallons to all parts of Alexander county, to Wilkes, Watauga and Ashe. There are no improvements at the spring, nor is it for sule. Is'iioir (Vtawiclr. CANT IIKAT TIIK TICK KT. To say other than thai the Stale ticket nominated by the Pcuiocrats if a strong one, would be an attempt lo misguide the ignorant. Tim ticket has (very element of slrvnglli that could have been brought to gether. t!en. Scaku is a high tariff ad vocate, and that will make, him less objec tionable to Republicans. I'nder present circuuisUnecs with a I Vims-rat against a DemiKTat on cither side you can't beat the ticket, and there is uouso iu trying to disguise l.lje fact. Jim f Kntujirixe. i in J3KBV. yr brca.1, i-akes, eraekeis, bUeuits,fruls!, nuts, toli:vf o, snnd, etuinni gisxls and preserves and eijjurs, to K. A t'iilhnH liakery ut Knw'a (Hi sialyl. Kresh lin-a! all Mm time in any qiiaulity. Parties and pleuies supplienn short notice, ut lowest ruirs; onlers limn a distance promptly. tleorge Chisolm; aged ll! years, was drowned near Asheville, while bathing, last week, Last week burglars stole ft 100 from the store of Knight and 'Hogpen, at Kel ipiick in Kilgeeonibe county. At Shawlioro, Currituck county, on the Mrd inst., two negroes got into a dis pute and one stabbed the oilier fatally. A negro man attempted to kill his wife at Charlotte by pouring melted lead in her ear. She awoke iu time and he is in jail. At Stonewall. .1. M. Line was shot three times ami while Ms woumls were being dressed the lamp fell on the bed binning him biidly. He still lives. An eight year old boy, l.ul her llamelloii. set lire to a lot ofnvder at Molina-, sev eral days ago. und the explosion burned him badly. It is feared his eye is di slrnycd. The Kile in tin- di pot of the Carolina Central railroad, at Monroe, was cracked by burglars night before last and robbed ol' its money contents. The burglars got about $25 iu cash. They cracked tin-safe with a hammer, with which they knocked oil the door hiuges. ('IkiiIuM Olisirr r. We see by exchanges that we, the KDple of Mituhell county, stand charged with committing 17 murders since the fall term of court. The truth Is hajl epough, and we hope ihcsc exchanges that have given circulation'to these falsi- reports will nark these corrections: The past year there have been eight men killed in ibis county, five of whom were in drunken brawls, and the other three oyer disputed titles to mica mines. Three are in prisoti awaiting trial; one Wits soul to the H-tiiti-ii-liary for twenty years; two were ucipiilted, ami (wo lire at large with rewards offered fur their c i) ture. Bakersville I 'nice. At Mount llollv Station, mi the (.inv- lina Central l iiload. twelve uiihis from this city, a party of negroes had a festival Saturday liighl. Kli Burriiiger got some money changed and insisted that the wrung change had been given him. A dispute arose, razors wen- ipiicklv drawn, and lturriiicr fell to the floor with his head al most severed from the body it merely hanging on by a piece of skin. Loftin Martin fell with a pi-lol ball in his brain. Brass knuckles and slungshots did deadly work, and about twelve negToi-s were more or less hurt. 'Barringer died instantly. Martin still lives, but there are no hopi-s for his recovery. Throe negroes were ar rested to-day and carried to jail at lallas, where they will be tried before magistrates. The allniy isvurr. i) iu a house and the scene was frightful. SttKKT 111 M The exudation you see clinging lo tin- Sweet (loin tree iu the hot months scientifically continued with a tea made I'miii Die old lii 'd Mullein which lias mucilaginous principle so healing to the Iiiiiks presents iu Taylor's Cherokee Kenie dy ef Sweet (iiini and Mullein a pleasant and ell'is tive cure for Croup, Vluiiing Cough, Colds und Consumption. I'rice 2.'i cts-and fl.lMI. This Willi llr. Itigger's Southern Keinislv, an isimlly ellhwious nmiedv for Cramp Colic, I liurrlni-a, li.vseutery,' and children sutl'ering from the ell'ts tsol'tcelliiiin nresuuls nljttlu niiilieine ('best no bousi hold should l,u ll0jl, flir the upti'dy re lief of sudden and (langetous uil.wjks lit' the UUKsaud bowels. Ask yniiv druggist for them, MMufm-tiircdby Wulter Taylor, Atlanta, (la. proprietor Taylor's prenisum ColonKe. lllierl V Intlliilil 8 lili lllll'k AlltlllltlV 2 !tlt. AlllllH Alltlinliv 2 ail, Mtiek Alexillltler 2 Hil.Jnlin Alexillliler CM, Siiliiiiinn Alexuniler 2 hi, J hppes ArrliiKtmi llml ilue):l's'.Jaek A.liiiiiHli.s', K K lti.li... 2 HI, Juivlil It.ni.l2 'e, ' II llnrin-s J lit. J li llu rains 2 Hi, H'reil Hiilliw -'H1. iiilllinn Il.ly 2 iki. O J llyuiiui 2 :m, l-AI.MVH.V TdWXSIIII'. Tnixton Anthony 2 111!, Julius Antho ny 15c, John R Anthony 2 40, (Iranvillo Anthony 2 i'.ti, Bob Anthony 2 liH, Burton Antl y 2:Sii. J H Adkins :! il.'i. Reubin Alston 2 ', Jim Bell 2 lili. Kiah Baker 2 12, Spencer Baker 2 .'!(!, Jim Baker 2 lit!, Hurry Baker 2 III!, Kit Holding 2 -Rl, Stalling Barron 2 !!(!, Williatu Banks2liT, John Berry 2 45, Austin Holding 2 40, Aarry Brown 2 45, William Rryant 2 !!! Henry Bennett 2 .!d, dillurd Bryant 2 .!ti, W 11 Bustin 2 !!(!, M Clark 2 ill!. Ben Clark 2 III!, I'reemaii Clark 2 Hi!, Xeptiin Clark 2 !!(!, Ben Clark 2 oti, Christopher Clark 2oc, Klishu Cain 2 11(1, AenryCauii (bal due) '.IS. Amos Collins 2 oil, Henry Cum 2 !!!!, Alfred Prew 2 40, aslmi; ton lrcw 2 U5, Thorn Dabner 2 111! Uanicl Damson 2 4'.l, Peter Ueveretix S2 Albert )avis 2 !(!, Leo M Kiluioiids 2 111! Nathan Ldwurds 2 iil!, Havie Ldward: 2 !!5, Richard Ferrall 2 .'it!. Ben Kerrel 2 ."ill, Robt (iibsoii 2 oil, Wjley (lilbert 2 !!!!, William Howard 2 .'!(!, Ariher Hall ltie, Whit Hull 2 2S, William Howell I l!5, Simon lloleday 2 'M. Thorn l. Hill 2 ::ti, Ned Hill 2 :'.S. William Hill Ric Rul'us Hurriss2 lo. Kdmond Harriss 2 IS , II Hern 2 lit!, Kit Hall 2 'M. Cranvillc Jones 2 'it!. Jim Jones 2 lli, Joe Aaron James 2 111!. Wiley Johnson 2 !!l! ti A Johnson 2 42, Anthony Jacobs 2 lit!. Joe Johnson 2 'Ki, Henry Kite Jr 2 12. John King 2 41, Sam Kimble 2 80, Cranvill Kiah 2 40. Lambert Kial 1 10. J. W Lewis 2 :ill, llamptoli Maeh 2 40, llenrv Morriss 2 !ili, Louis maniiing 2 Isom Nieholls 2 "I!, Blount Nor fleet 2 lit!. James Powell 2 11, Char Pitt 2 Aib. it Powell 2 ::ii, liny l'uaii 2 !!!!, Ashley Pender 2 III!, C B Pope 2 50, Joe Rawls 2 oli, Charlie Royster 2 10, Kiah Reynolds 2 I'd!, Mack Savage 70c. Shade Smith 2 !!(!, Henry Smith 2 511, Allen Smith 2 111!, Harrison Smith 2 lit!. Charles Smith 2 oti. Kenneth Stu ton 2 5(1, Jake Shields 2 HI!, Anthony Shields 2 Hi!. Jordan Spruill 2 oli, Ben Spruill 2 111!, (ieorge Stranger 2 -Rl, William Suggs It 4 1. J T. Sp'ivj 2 III!, Warren Terry 2 111!, Hick Thigpen 22e, William Price 2 111!, Aaron Turner 2 (ill, Henry Thomas 2 40, Redmond Taylor 2 .'ill, Calvin Watson 2 Hli. Ilorkloy Wil lianis 2 45, Kuiidul Whituker '4 Hi!, Au-dn-w Wbitaker 2 Htl, llilliard Whitehead 2 Hi!, Hyinan Wilson 2 Htl, W II Wilson 2 Hli, John Wurshaw 2 Hli. ISKII'l.ll TOWNSHIP, Jack Wbitaker 2 HC, Jerry Whituker 2 HI'., Jim Wbitaker 2 Hli, Alex Wbita ker 2 ill!, Ciilhoiiu Wbitaker 2 HG, Jerry Whituker 2 lli. William Whituker 2 5(1, Fred Wliilaker 5 H5, J W Whituker 2 51, Kind Wliilaker 2 Hti, Silas i Wbitaker 2 S7, John White 2 Hti. Allied Whitehead 2 Hli. Matthew Whitehead 2 Hi!, John Whitehead 2 HU, Peyton Whitmel 2 HO, Turner Wiggimi 2 Hli, II Wilkins 2 59, B T. Wiley 2 41, Bunch Williams j Hli, Alex Williams 2 44, J Wills 2 H(l, Pump Willi 2 Hti, S Williams 2 Hi!, Charles Williams 2 5ti, W Williams 2 Hli, John Winfield H 15, A Manly 2 Htl, Peter Manly 2 Hu 11 Willoughby 2 Hli, Andrew Askew 2 Hfi, Charles Burnett 2 Hli, Con II Bunn 2 Hli, Ben Burnett 1 00, Kd Daniel 2 HC, Al len (iunter 1 11, Katon Hudson Jr 2 HC, dudley Jones 2 5'J, T T Lynch 3 18, Robt Johnson 2 H6 W Williams 2 HO, Nii.lii.n Allen tan, ti.s.ryr Alsli.n Kse Al..li liili' m, TIhm. Anii.le.nl t M.J. Aveis k i :i. Jim lliitlli. 2 Allen llullle i :IS. ll. n llnteh. elm t .v.. wsrn n'lmitli i .!, Jordan Kntflirlirt 44 Mines IMI 2 m. I) nt Ht-il.tW, I'eler Hell I ki, Aiuus Hell ieol)..ys', Jlin Hell :l, Ji.Iiii Hell t ail J p lull I :i. h p. lu ll 2 an, waller 11,11 ) Knnis ilcl luiny 1 i. Inink Dennett I) :', Solonniii llennelt i:v ls-k lluily :tl, Mary V. Itf.lle nel I (7, Hsm IMiiu- . J'inn Ih CM.JivJ. Il..ne ( Hi, K'I'.Hik.iip i i ni vi m, liaulii llralii- 2 :l, Junius II Hrnneli I i. K-sin limueli S2e. Anstm llruni h Hi ines iirMii. n .i.,, i ninn limueli I an, Auitusliis HrKlieh 2 Hi. J II Hmlieli I ;, J..I111 ItnHn ell :; Him kins llrl.tiren. 2 Hi. Itielilui.nil lirlll J Hnmlv llnme a '.. I'eler HriHii an.KeulH-n Hnnniaii i.l.'l K Hulls 2 -HI, Tsli Itrellli.w M, Sninly Hnyil'lJA ItelllM li ( lurk 2 . Alsi.liuiu I nHlelil I ,VJ Si,fi r i.inienura.w. 1 usrles risrk I as, 'Klch'il runlet,! lni, John 'm.ke2 w. Alrhsl i'ikt Jr i rimrlts I'iM.nlii 11 T. i riiwi-ll 2 aa. K1.I.1 Currvtw Henry Isiulel 2 Hi. Iisviil Ihniiol 2 as, u lllhno linie lei 2 Hi. Ji.Iiii limilel I ."si, I.uciR II liHiilel t as Meh.illl- iMvIs 2 Hi Allien ll.els : VI-..1 Herry 2 HI, Sinn DelU rry 2 Hi, Hrlstnw 111. on 2 :m Trim liiviii'll 2 il,(ilil Uruke 2 HI, Jn,li liraiiKhsii I HI. rliuinlH'ni Pminiliiiii J Hi. J,,l, llltlKI liVVll l.hToK SSIIH'. t... .!.. list,... t:m. Williiim Alsimi I V: llnuy iMnii t i. Sum A M -n I as. Ilri-lim Al-lmi 2 an, llenrv At-ii.n J .111, llenrv Arrliiuli.il 2 a.., II. I.. Ar- .1, 1 :U1 llerrv llnrrls J .ii I Ml till n I lllll'l i.' HI. 1 1 1 luiehelur J HI. Aseiir tliileliel.ir -J Hi. Ilerry lti.1i li. liir 2 Hi. Jiisnii Halite I HI. " rus lliiiyiw 2 Ki.,,1,1 in ink lev 2 hi. V. rluiinls-rliiln t Hi. William 1..1..... 1 '.ti'. 11 w, r..iii..r 1 :ti Isliniii 1 1 nis ja Herrv l lierrv HI. Jack rlsrk iW, Kiuni' nliiliil '.'Hit., t-'. Iliekell" J .'si, William IHUlicl '.' Hen 1 1,1 v 1st '7, Hiivltl 1'iivis 2 n, I'lilll Imvls 2 I.. A. Kviiiih :m. .Inuies Karliinil 2 hi, ui.i.i miiii s, '. 1 , Is.ne linrrett aii, Cimper liillllii I im. I'eler till- ll..r,l ml I S ll.irii.. as.. Soill.ll IllOllllle V -Mi, li. Ilcrlicrt 2 Hi. iiihkii.s' unii:e oi . i ll,.i-i..i". :n K ll ek. 1 isi. Aiiruin ino vei - Sinn m niirvev h at., 10111 11 inirii'.i - ". - le.i i i. .11", .In. nes I urns 2 H.. snelicer llervey ..in imO.iin -'I-'. Ilcollic ,l"Ui - is, ieonis..ii s'JTli, Siull'l,' .Tillies . fi. Mi.ltliew is - -i WileV Junes ii .1 II. Jnliliii!l -JW, I hlll lee .11.1111 Mini i .Insli I'uiiiell ii an, Thmiiiw I'nrnell iiHi en. ll. I'nrnell 'Jan, James riumiui V I-. .mines inker 2 is. T r. I'erry an;, J II Terry a;.".. Wiley '.. .. li: I'errv ' M Walsi.ll I'itts "J ail. Wmiiini fill 2 It'. Tom A I I'itt 2-HI. II S. (uiill2 IT, ill 11 I llerin'J.'il. Hlehnnl llitsser .' o-i. i.ciiiec i.im- ser'iiS, W II liiehnrilsoli i'M. Kriisiiuus Hlehnnl sun J Hi, T11111 llielninlson Jr2:ni, Miles lllehillilsnu is. S..I ltielninl.si.il 271. iisinirne None j .m, ,101111 skniiuiCis. hew is skeltnn :is. Himuus skellen in. W. I l.iun.lev 2 :is. 1, snniieriin '.' 111 .l.ihnsti.n 2 as, rieero J..i:isoii 2 .a, n yall J..Iiiisuui 2 71. W. I. Jenkins .'in. Kilns Junlaii '.' Hi. Junius Jnr.lnii il 4a. Kilinnnil Kinilinll 2 Hi, Sinn Ia-c. -'Hi, I.ell is l.ee 2 Is, 1 1 ill l.ee-jaii. ( nnelius l,ee m. Iilllles II. I.vuell '.' V., T l-l.ynell I Hi. 11 II. l.yuen Mull T l.vneli 'J 7.'. Hiiviil l.yneli - . I. .-' Ijiinrliter J IK, Mnseus Monti ' Id, li. . Miirlm J Hi, Willliyn MeKllls -JUS, Nulliiui Mis.re -J :'. Jnhu Miire2 14. II. II Xeal .!. I HMveii Meiim-on v.u., VI, -1: Hrc.li J .1 II. l'nllv 2 7'.l W I l'hel.s i Hi, Westh-v 'silver '.'-12. John silver 2 Hi, Ash Silier JHl, I'ink smith 2 Hi. J. M. stake)- 2 Hi Ii. siniui - ., 'nnelius su..in..n Ml, Allien s....ninn zni, lewis Snl. n J si, Jerrv S..I..1111.11 -J Hi, Wiley liiiiniii ; Hi, TTln.rue .! II, W. K, Khiiiniis ii II. Wlllinm Thi.iiuisL-Hi, llenrv Tnvlor 2 Hi, T. M. Whllelieiul Hi, lien Winn! 2H7, Kilivaril ivnmi -' is, oeiijiiiiiin WhimI 2 7H, Jnvner Wnoil !Hi, Henry Wills '.'Hi, Annul Wills aiia, Julian W imiins '.'Hi, William Wiit e.ins -.'Hi, Jim Willinins 1 II. I'eler Williams 2 Hi, rhsrlv Willlnms 2 a'.. Trim Williams ;m. I.ITTI.IiToN TolVNsllie. CI Alsimi sil, Cemiis Alston a Hi, Kiln; Alsli'h 2.1H, Itnliert Alston 'J hi, sum Alston (cul'ilo 2 Hi, lioUTl Ash sii, riuinun r Arrnnaloil i .nones l . Allen 2 i I. Wm lirn.liei ' a... in Hunkers k :o, mini llnniie z 'iT.Jnii llrimn 2.1. Slelln ll llr.mn '.".i., ilis.ive llri.u ll ii Hi. l..ek Hrou li 2 Hi, .hones limit n 1 ill, 1 llllnan liov.l 2 h. itinke iinnnui ,., iienry Iksioir.'Hi, Wm I'liiiilon (Hi, (iiles Curler nil, Iil cltivtoii ii :ta, l.ltt'isieker ii mi, ( ieoriru Cutini.ti iiitti, WiMlnln rests U HI, Jionin Creimluol '-' Hi, Sinn How ileii 2 '!'-'. M i"s W liruininoiMl '', Allen l-'jiloti 'Jiitl, Jtienli I'llllleoll 2 :u. I aes'ir ruulcnll I Hi (lull), .ilel- viu Funiculi ii Hi, (isil Kiiuleou l-"i (hid). Itoltcrt Kills ii HI. J.H- Hehls H Hi, liriniilersou ! ills ':, Miles liuuils i-m. Win. ilrenry 2 Hi, Jnny i.nlni;s Jr2:m. I.t-llillel Unities - ;Hi, Kl lie Hawkins 2 ail. Kriink lleilnsnll (Hi, Mnrv J. Inri'-i' -.is-. Jm'J lliinlv -J an, Kllic Hicks 2 an, Charis llnrrls 2 HI. Sum Harris 2 77, Jneoh llnrrls Hi. It 11 Harris t Hi. Weslev Harris 1117 (hal'. Allien Harris I '.lli llml , Win A Harris 45c. llenrv 2 7S, AI llnrrls -':'., Itoht C Jones 2 in, Tom .tollers 2a, John Johusoit -Jan. l-'nink keiirni-v 2 :Hi. cluirles heiirnev 2 H,, .l.-sse Kine I Hi. Martha K Kim.- S7c, K M Kin;; 77c llml), John Lewis 2 Hi, Joe Mills -.'Hi, Ilerry Mills a as. liei.r.-e Mitchell i Hi, Ihmicl Marl in- a Hi. I.ol Milr rntliiJHi, Hen Newell a Hi. Joe l'hili. 2:m, Alls-rl Siina.1'2 ii''. Jesse Senll a HI, Itleh'il Sleitt;,' Hie .lull', Kihriilln Shnw 2 ;HI, Tom Tiihroli 2 -Hi. Sinu'letou a iin, .1 II Tileker2 i'i. I'hnnmli lilvlor 2 HI, K.lniinl Tiivloraaii, Hiiniel Turner 2 Hi, Lemuel Tlnrnt..u JHI. Krinik Triivcrs hi, J It W.hi.1 r. Hi. i.crvc Whiteliimi 2:m, Vol k W liitetieiiit2HI, Wiitson Issanc u'H-(l.nll, Luke Willinins .'..".e, llrny Willinins tile, llnss WhileJHi. Win. y. i; 4 ., f' S Unners ( Hi, Allileivon keiuney an, HnleV l' lelnill; I I'I (lull I. Neil Alston a Hi. Iiini lh.i:ell II il.tilil I Iraki-1 HI, Jms.li lirniiKhnii 2 HI. chuinlK'rs UniUKlmii 1 Hi, John Kverltl 1 Hl.Tnh Funiier 2 hi, Hen Kmter ( HI, fniiKilcrKroiiklllnsslHi, u v i,K.,Arn(il, ?.',Ji R'.K ."''I'llnstall . Hill : ,,.! I nlliil iylH., lieonre llullliicwnrlh I Hi. Irwin V lieimm 2 . Hen w lleiiunl I :n, Mcan Hniiu-r I M John Hunter t hi, smn Hunter I klehnril llun lien I an, innik Uordlng 06,Uccro JUntly fit, lUTflillWo D ToWS'sllll', Wllev AIsl..u2 :B. S ( I'eler AMmi III, Kivil Als loii a Hi. Kenip Alsl.ni KH1, 1 1. I i)aiin 1 1 Alston 2 lili Jneoh Alston a Hi, l'w is It. AUloii aiki, Nick AKlon a Hi. L.lwnnl Alsl.ni a Hi, Henry Alston 4H. .Inek Alsimi 2 ', l; it'll ii r. I I. Au.lerson 2 an, Win I, An .lerstni so. itiehnril ArriiiKloli 2 Hi, W.-.tler Arrin,; Ion a hi, Allen Arrinulon 2 an, linuiel Hol.liiti 1,ki, 't'hinniis ll..iei-s(. len.lt a na, .hones HrinUey a:m, Henry Itriukley 2 .0. W iley Huri;ess a ati, Kem'i llnr-p-ss a'H.. Jim lli lnuire 2 HI, Helislnt ilowserail, .!. Chirk 2 HI, llenrv Colev J Hi, llenrv C.s.k 2 Hi. (Chris Iiiekeiis, a liil, Kverell Hrew Jni, llanly liiw son J Hi. m e lenie .1 ,-. .lurin jelloll I l l. r. II K.lMilnls ' as, ,.hi foul-' I Id. Jolin I'euuer it 4s, .1 11 lihisuotv . is, loin i.nrltiuil a Hi, Ilili tlnrriss 21 I'nrnell llnrriss.2 Hi. Thunins Hnrriss 2 an. Krnnk l.yocli ihi, .l.ilio .1 Willinins. chnru'i il Is. II In Itlit- tei-w.sHl 2 it-lives in Wan-en I .., .Inn ILiriKs aa7 llurrell Hnrriss a id;. Jim llioris-.lr a it"., I'liilip Hnr rls2Hi, Jesse llnwkilis a Hi, .1 1) llnnli ai j. K .1 Uniul 2. nt. in HnrlH'v aiUi, chnrles cooiicr a :ni, van Johiisoii a Hi, I'liimuier .It liiuimi a i i, M..u Kenmey 2 Hi, Clinrtes lienrney asii. tlnss Kenrnev 2 Hi. Jneoh Kenrliev a H, Klehnril Kenrtlev a AllKi lcl'2Hi. LtH Keni. ililll, Alllllli.lv I III Iml ituee, llitliiir.l l.ee .' H, .lolai M.M.re 2 Hi, J K. Nieh- olsoii ir.ll. Irnrtes i'nsehni 2,m, H. II. I'llllen a Hi, Nick I'ulleii 2 :m. Jnck I'crkiuson 4'-. Win liitten lli.usea Hi, .Inuies It.Slu'arill a ill, Whit senishnrv :i7l. Allen Sis'iieera im, I I ivm o k! Thornc . 1-i. .1 11 Wnlker a -.17, Hnse Williams 2 Hi. Ilslicll a Hi, Viniil Cht'ek 'H' liahint'i', t. .1. ll iiuell ,ii, lr.-urv lli a Hi, .1 J Mnililen I Hi luthuicc. UOSl.M.AiH TOHXsllll'. wlllliuu Ariiislmna JHI, Al.mliiiui Armsten.l 2 a Siiiion llullle 2 Hi, .1 S lUllillln; :l U, Andrew Hrlnul 2 Is, I'eler Hniully 2 2, w II Hurt 1 iKi. Owilr liiBu-s 2 im, Nibses mniioiiy s ,s., sinci, jH imiiiy aiai, Krnuk llnllel s H., J A iHI'llsle li., i.i.rve Ci.tliehl 2 Hi. Kit t'hi-112 Hi,lleon;e lllekeu2Hi. Hern Hmuhmi 2.H1. Ilioity lnini;hiiu2 HI, llvnniil Hnuniiuin i Hi siin.oi.i. I. Mi l. ti .y, .icrri' I.......I,.... y I . I tt ii.,i 2 :ni. Hurry llitrris 2 iUi, .h.liit Hunter f Hi, Ceintnr ii n me i . w iiiiiiiii in. 1 1 is in t .... ii ii i in m lolllnnl Hi, T K llnle 4 .'.i, lilt loif.l 11 ill 2 .ill, ,.,u,iih llnrris Hl,tliverllnJl'...li.llll llilhi u. I'el.r Mule .;', 'iinuv juiinson i i, .iiieu .lonnsou i Hi. sniiiin.l J. . lies 2Hi. Htnili v kis ter 2 im. i Inrk l.eulslln; iu Ijltie 2 2ii. Imvi.1 I. Ilrlolls 2 Hi, Alllllony l.HU reliee ii, i 'ok i.oin i .., ,msKT si tiiiirii ii, John Mini llluti 2 2, Jnnies llnlill 2 H'. Alel Mm I V 5s. Lnii reliee 1 Hi, J A ITIeelH., J.st I'llllunu 2 Hi. Turner rill limit i ,w, I leli rv I II 1 lililll i II., w 11 I'elii er 2 Hi Stephen Smith 2 Hi. I its .rye Smith SHi, LnsMell Suunlers 2 Hi, John Till lor 2 41, J.f'll wlillehen.l 2 Hi, i iisire w illinins 2 is. Kiiu.liil while 2 Hi. Jnhu wntsi.ti 2 m. 1 1 itl-.l Uolscly 2 1 1, 1 1. slit ui w hltehen.l S Hi, I leu wnilt lleilii X Hi, .Mlllitiliy leilleslf an, t oo. o.SA nv fiitt Nsi;i', nllle Mnrlili t Hi, J.n. Anlhoio 2 HI. wmte 111,1.- opjHi. Jessi- llsho.2 Hi. Sen s.. in Ill-hop J In. H,lt ltish... a 1... Aiiiiou it.iti iii i..r 2 H.. wiori ii Hurl 2 Hi M.. s Hi hit's 2 Hi. Henry Hrnni Ii i Hi. KoVnr chirk I Hi. I'lul l liiiili in 2 Hi' Alirtihnui CtniilHiiil 2 Hill ti l otion 2 Hi. si Hcicr. ux 2 Hi, J I. Is ven ni 7.V Krnnk I. Ihivi-n-iu 2 H., J Uovim Is vereur a m n. Is.M Harl.Cn. IvHItnlTI t I vi- J '!1, l';m!,l,. lluj.a.ji J II iikiS II Minors tint Is 2 ss, J mid t ( ,H'vt, l ss, j ii aim w a i mi is f w ll (uulel 2 HI, Kllulm Kps's iil, A w Kmim tlsilnuie ilimi stf, Stephen KOmoniliSe, Jerry Kilniomls .17: lit una Kilinnnil. 2 si, An-tiu K'li.ion.ls i m, Kli linnl Kon man H, Ali'Mlliiler nil ., j.ks j iiiukkI.k, J,. liBk-s .,., smn Hunter 8 Hi, Henry St.liitM.n 2 Hi, linvie John sun 2 Hi. J w Jiu k.i.11 tiki, vie Onstou 2 Hi, P K I.ewis27ll, Allsllll Lewis aOe, Austin Irf-wterlHl Thi inedee 2 WJia. Mcliee 2 HI, Cluirles wil.rv 2 HI Hen M l'..' 2 Hi, lieu l-i.in. 2 Hi, lln! II I',..;. -,(, mosi-k I'tiwell 2 Is.Ctinnul l-llt 4Se, Wilson I'iittunti 2 Hi. Km I'ittiiuiu 2iil. Kunily l(i.l.erts..nci, Collin' Mnllll 1 14. (ie.irue shorn in J J,,. Tyr t ln Turner I In on r oi Hi. Jus wilkins 2 Hi, John wil. kins 2 it)'., T A willinins 2 ,'sl, 1',-ter williions $ Hi. l'ACC-TT.i TOWNSHIP, Kemi. Allen 2 Hi, Mntl Aaron 2 Hi, William Alston ? :u, lion ser a Hi. William Hon sit Is, Jim lU utietl a iln, W It Heal I HI, Jus t Hniwn 2 HI, Th.t Hmilley 2 Hi. Meruit Hritl 2 Hi. Jnhu Hrl.lKli s,ie, Jack Hur-.".K-, I'eler Hniwn2 Hi, Allieri Cnrv lint ftitiinl Knink Carter 2 HI, nln-Cnrler 4iv, M K.'ieki'iis2 M lshiuii linuiel Hie, W in lHK'it iJHi, Sum Ktliiio'iels1 t il. .Innns K.si J Hi, IshiiiIi Kin- 2 Hi, J f Knmei 91, Urillilh I iM.'.Viidrew tilluter, 2HI, W II Kruui). ryJHi.Wm'lleroliu alsi, C h llnihlll 'nol fi.mi.r aim, Jim Hillinnl lip, Hunt Hunter I'm, Jnrthin llnrrls a Hi, Jim Harris 2 Hi Nlek HnmlU'.' :ki Hob llniiilll 41c, lsnue ltnrvlll Hie, lltnj Harvlll 2 as Neil llis'ksdr 2 HI, Alirurnuii HiK kmly 21, (iisi Hiiiiii 9a'i, Ijijiiyeiu- llutlst.ii (Nnrihaiunioii coj s7 (liHillnnly fn-, lien lln w kins 144, Wliuliiniv 2: Islinm Hawkins Me, hoht Hawkins a HI, Mnsoti Hawkins 4.V. JuM-ih Hoi 117, K M I'erkliis 2HI Bi'rry I'erkins I ml, John l'erklus las, ucii Km,, nt-llsl iki Mrs I, A Spenrs W It ll. ul agi. listed anil isiitlhv J T liHw win ,lle, Hh hard slinmuns I Hi. laimsfiinl Hnitt I HI, lleiir sks.tt 2 HI, Thus Smith 2 Hi, Tnmns Smllha.'i2.W 11 Shnw a Hi, Jut k Tines 2 HI, I n-eiinoi ThnmiHwii Jr aia, Wm T.mv 2 HI (IsIkiii Tony 4,v, Jas Vinson 2 HI, U-wls W illlaiini 1 Hi, Jim Wllk ln a 12, Dis k Wllllnmsa Hi, Kiel ml Wilklun uleail 1 2 HI, Hiiek i'.ennett JHI, llenrv tine veyttlciidi 2:kl,Jnu(uv Mu, UlkVellB I hi TiA A,lls-rl oliniou liiie Henry Jnlte 1 :W, Jnti Ju)lni IHI.(ivi) Jurulstilll iHi. JlU JolllisL.il VHl Tl,..,... jnlinnnnciii. Krasmm Johiistnn 2 Hi, Wm'Khil 11ml lliee.'llove 2 Sii Henry Hurcess 2 :ni. Henry lliillnitl 2 Si, HolsTI Hriltklcv 2 I li imrkiei J u Hrv.01 ,lr2 ilil. Kli Hrn.lley 2 Hi. Ilnl liriineh 2 on, June lil.u kl.um. 2 tli. Jncuh Hnon h 2 :'., Xntluui llni.ll. i 2 '. M.ises Hrtmell 2 Jii. Klijnli Hursill 2 Sohnnt'in liov.l 2 i, Alex llniill. y 1. Allrui lleiivnnsTI, Klijnli lliirnes, 2 HI, Kills (.niwell 8.10 I1.I111 clov.l 2 HI. Ishnm I'rotveU iln. Henderson i lin k-a Hi. .hones Cupels 2 sil, Harry 'row ell .. Kit c.ini'.'lau.ia Hi. Ijmisi row ell 2 mi. .Iiki rn.well ill liiie.ilnl l row ell I 11. .Ml Hum 1111 2 .v.. 1 liomns lli nipst 1 2 il'l. I In vv llll.lav a iili. lsliain H.iniel 2 '.. 1 itt Imi'is a '. llenrv IHim-rv 2 Hi. WriilU Iwmel .".ii Churl, s 1-iloiia h'i. Harry Kips 2 In. Amos I'-pps 1 :a; vn.lrew Kiiin a Hi. Aaron 1. cutler a H, llieh- , 1 Kennera Hi, TylerJ Hi, Mnlt .liner a W Kloy.l, a Hi. Joe l illeon a im. r 1110 ies i ciiiie. .., cas-ii lireeii 2 in., J .11 1 1 n zji n 1 ,1 1 x ... - , 1 holiins 1I..0.IWII1 2 im, Jolin litiiiu -'. ,110 Hill I "7. II II llnllilitl "J iUi. .lames llu.lson 2 ., IsTl IlUX 'J lolil lliliper J ... .1 11.1. K "-e 2 Hi I'resloli lle.t(;e-lh i.l. l ortlou nwiKei-oi m, Thtiinas lliilln. 2 117, llillie Hill m, Win ll Jones t Hi lliil Jolllisiill tf Hi. JlirililllJolnisi.il 'J Hi, hXlllll Johnson M. l'hillip Juiinson 1 as. Alhert Jolo'son Hi. Andrew .lohiisnn i., eeier.ii.nes - kin Jackson 2 Hi, Andrew .loyner a .., 1 nsetijiieisr wm 2 Hi. K"ii Jones im. HoU rl Jiirrali i M. Hohen Jones 2 Hi, Shernsl .lolo.soti ;m, 11 iison jiuiiis.... ki W illi. Johnson 2 Hi. Heinpsey Ji.linsini s Hi. .la. "li Johnson Hi. Jesse Jollllson I.. llusll Jollll .0112 Hi. i nivy Jolinson 2 Hi. Klijnh Jtuics 2 Hi. Iain lluke Juiinson 2 iln, HlHIiim Jolinson i ., nnis-n .hones 2 hi, sum .Inrrnlt 2 an. Wn-h Johnson a Hi, CW Kinn 2 HI, l.ilsllis Kiln; 2 Henry Mlllilil J iki, Win Lewis 2 HI. I'hnrlis Lnssiter'J Hi, Tht.inns Lowell 11, I liomns uiwe ... r.-iu.u i. n.s . Alex Hewis2 iUi, Andrew Lulls J Wl. Sam Mi.nr.'2 iJ. Jesse Miiu'i-e ai. Henry .Mnlils-olnery 1 .. rami Mi Nair 2 isi. Lun lasoii si., mourns ,.iui 1 .-, Heurv Merrlu a :'.. Turner Mitchell 2 Hi. Krifiuiiu Mills'! Hi. Kliiehcu Mitchell 2 Hi. J"lui II .Neville 2 Hi Knily iitloin 2 :'si. limine Ouhy .lr a Hi, W nioml iius'hv a Hi. Stephen Olivers Hi. Allied 1'ok' " il'. b. nis' I'erry a Hi, Jonlnu I'nniell 2 Hi, Josli i'un'iell a Hi, Alln'-rl I'urn. ll a Hi. Win I'oiitnti a Hi, llenrv I'uiiiell a :m. W ll I'nrnell 1 "I. Aaron I'mi ton I'M. W hit l-ontou a HI. J I' I'rlcc i :l, Mark I'liillipsa iUi. Ililliiiril I'eiree I M. Niitlinn I'eirce " Hi llniv I'itts 2 ill, Will I'i 1 1 lllllll 'J Hi, SIplUIX i'hiili2'Hl. II II I'iltnuui i Hi. Ilnl -hilllw i Hi, Wllev 1'hlllii t iki. lienrm' IMrker a :'., Tli.ul I'lol lip.2' Hi. llenrv Itelil Hi, Jesse Hlehnrilsou 2 Hi, I' ler Itolilnsoii a Hi, J11I111 I'opc 2 Hi, (iill'crl l'us' 1 ail Ned Kicks 2 Hi Ilnl Held 2 Hi. Charlie Hnnsoin S Hi' Anton ll..sc 2 Hi. Hen Sleploe 2 Hi, I'rlnei Smiili 2 Hi, Kphl'iiiiu HmlthNi, John T Scntl HI, Jn S. oll J Hi, Kl-v slinmnns a Hi.spriBShccil a ;m. i.e.i Simmons 'J Hi', lt,.l,ert Tuiui'r2 Hi. Alius Tllh v i I , Hurt Turner -si. Wnrreii Tillfry 2 HI, Ihitisi.ni I lll.ry 2 Hi, I'.nsnw Tillerv 1 lit. I' K Tlioriil.ni 2 HI, John Turner 2 im, Amos Tlioruloii 2 Mi, K'eini T oylnr 2 Hi Sinn T.irhir2 iki, till t'l 'I'illery 2 Hi, ini'i'lit Tillerv 2 in. jolin Tvler a i. chnrles w'llliiims t Hi, S.unui l W illiams 2 il'l. lioherl A Williams. Ahrniii Willinins S Hi, Tom Wlllln era Hi, K A Willie '.' Hi, W ll Wilem a Hi.T ll W ilcox 2 Hi. M A W ilcox I Hi, Jackson W hituker a Hi. Alfred Willinni" .'.7, Thee Wnlker 2 .15. llenrv Williams! Hi, J WllenX J Hi. C II Wilcox 2 ill'.. I hns T WnutLa Hi, C W W llllllel.l 2 Hi, Waller Willetiiii'il, 2 Hi, H11111 Willinins 2 Hi, Percy Vnl'.'s 2 art. ur.i.is.s ToWNsnn'. lieu Allen i Hi, X K Anderton. Kilmond Alston a hi, 11 H.M-toii 2 :m, Hurl Avery I :. I. M AMon I Hi, Hill Ash a Hi, Frank, Alexander! an. Henry llouser ' ill".. J.K' Hm v 117. (leu Hliiukensliit. J Hi. (lei Howscr 1 :m, lild' Howsi't' 2 hi, Hlehnrd llowscr 2 71, Will limueli t Hi, Jnhu llmnell 2 :.. " A ll,.wsel'2 IUi .l.ilill II lirown'j Hi, i-eier oiuhii Lee Howllniia Hi, John llnlhs k a Hi, Oliver Hiirton 21, KI Mull Hurlona ."si, Itiehnril llruwii 3 Hi, li W IteiTviiitin a Hi. Huh Chiutuli ! Hi, Daniel Clnutnii a aii.'.h.lin clinvis HI, Joliu 1-jirly I Tauter 4 :ui. Aamu clirlsiuins a Hi. Jnhu Cnlliusl Hi, Neil Cor lev 2 111. Sinn Check a Hi, W in Chrislnins Hi, .Ice CiirriiiKlon 2 HI. Jellersun I la vis 2 Hi. Muck liny 2 Hi, I'ilk-rlm llaniel 1 IH, Hllillev llnnlel 2 Hi. Ilnl-crt linuiel 2 iUi. Joe liiuiston! iki. Lewis Hunn 2 :'., N ll Dickens 2 iUi, M c Dickens 2 Hi.Crusn Hiiniel 2 l. Nelson Kavis 2 Hi, John Dnwiicti a Hi. Itiiusmn Kvaus :io. Klijnli Khun 2 iUi, Dnlilel Kviois 2 Hi, Win Kviinsl Hi. Jiicks..n Kxam a .'si, Junius Kxam i.i. Willis Kppvs J Hi, Ik.h Knstcr i! Hi, Clinrtes Fisher 2 iUi, Oseiir Knisoii 2 is'., Irvin Keliner 2 as. l',ili-"li tint 2 Hi. Jolin II llnrner 2 Hi. Frank Oary 2 Hti, Sohn'linrv 2 HI, .Inn 11 0 1 1 i . In s a Hi, Jesse Ham iuinid,'2 :i, W 11 lliirilisiin 2 Hi. Kerry Hnrrlson 2 Hi, M W Harrison 2 Hi, W m Harris a HI, Hlelmrd llni wisitl 2 .Hi, H I' H10 rl.-oil II i. Lewis Harrison a iUi, Will (lines Jr ', Will Utiles Sr Ki, J II Hoekihliiy two thirty six. W K ll'H'kiulay tliirlv six, W II lliK'kndnv two thirty six, Wusliiiiu toti lliulil, two lliirtv six, John A Hudson, twn Ihlrtvsix. Anderson llnwanl two thirty six, llnnee Hurl'.lK.rit twn till rlv six, Joe llucknilliy two thirty six, Wnshliiston Ivcv two llilrly six, Hluke lvcy two thirty six, Aiilhnny Ivi-y livn lliirlyslx, Alhert liu ksiin iwo ildiiv six. llenrv Junes llilrly six, 1. lli,. Jones two I ill in six. Jim Jones 2 Ml. It A Johnston 2 s:l. llcncry Joste two lloily six. Alius I. .lies two thirtv six, N011I1 Jones a ,"7, Jell' Junes lii'lltiirlv six, lnsoii .lohnslon two thirty six,a Kd J..lin-iun'iw'. thirty six, Vlnnd Junes twn thiiiy'six. II I Jones iwi.ililriv six, Hen A Kluir 2 :ii, ,lne Ijintl tws 1 1 1 i it 1- six. Hoi k Lewis thirty six, Henry Lines Iwo thirtv six. Isiuic ).t't;iin two thirty six. loin Low-is. tnii thirty six,!" S Lnekhnri twn'hirtyslx 1. n xi i.ueKiuiri iwo liiirty six,.u , H-siiiiri isi 1111. thirly six. IMv i.l Liiiik two thirly six, lit tsy LniiB eis'ht 1 cuts, iisear Lone twn thirty iix, I. M I.0111; two thirly six. Jack Lnini two liiirty six. John W .ove one sixty one. W m Uini; 2 !, l.alirlel i.yncu twu teirlv six, Jim Loni; two liiirty six, Joe Manly Iwo lliinv six. Joliu 11 Mills, a 411. James Mills two thirtv six, Mm lis .11 Mills 2 In, Lnfnvetle Mnilly twn thirtv six. J II Mills twn thirty six, W S Miller two liiirty six, Viivnl M ills sixteen cents, Joliu it M..r kiiii. two seventy ix, ii J Moseley, a 7, Krnnk M.'i' two lloily six, John I. Molley two thirty six. Joseph hsiilv twolh rlv x. (i II Medlill Iwoseveu- ty six. Wiisliiiiu'luii Mills, two thirtysix, HC Nelnms 1... lien .mciiois two 1 11 1 nv si ,, 1. inn .mciioisou twn thirly six, lluiiuii l'lilluer Iw.t thirly six, Joliu I'nluier two lliirtv six. Nullum l'nrkcr two lliirtv six, John I'almer two lliirtv six, Joshua I'eler. Iwn lliirtv six, hike fierce Iwn thirty six. M T I'olilnn two thirty six. K H I'milnn Iwo Ihiiiy six, Henry I'ope Iwu'lhiiiv six. John T' I'uh' two lliirtv six. K HI'owcll'J 11.' Henderson l'imell Iwo thirtysix, W in I'.'wcll two tliiily six,.! M I'owcll, eighty six. Hulicrt I'liwell iwn stiiy Inur.iien I'oiiloii two thirty six, lllnlnli I'tinliiu Iwo thirty six. Henry hnnp l'o.t: In.. Ihirlv six. Win 1'owers two thltly six, Luke I'icree two lliirtv six, MiUoli Itillitlill 2 41, lion lii.'.l 2 71, Henry Leiil Inn thirly six, s A Itieliarils two ihi,iy six, Lew Is nii lini.ls.iu Uv.illiir- Iv six. i. W' ll.Hik tin. liiirivsix, Itlelonoiul Itutlin twn thirly six, Nnlhnns Sninu'c, Jolin Scntl, twn llilrly six, Issue shslm- 2 , Tims slienriu two lliini six, Moses li Shepiiel'il two tliiliv six, John shines two thirty six, Allieii sidnes two liiirty six, tiiillev Shearin I'wo llflliv six, Jtuiintls S'hnw Iwn thirty -ii-, .1 .1 I, shnw twn thirtv sit, Kilwnrtl Sim lie .lis 2 '.c. Warner Simmons. I e2. Win skinner twn thirly six. Kmuk Slc.lu'e Iwn thirl v six, lili sleilei' 2 :ltl. Diuy Sniiitlwood 21, K.lwar.l SiniilllliMsl twu tldiiv six", Lucius A Smith two thirty six, Wnlter Smith two thirti six. Heurv Soiilhiill A no, Jim pires two thirty six, Tims spruill Iwo thirty six, am Short a hi, .loc Suiunierell two thirty six, Ilerry Stepe.'iiM.u two thirly six,,loe laylor 0 Ihiiiy six, Wm 1 1. 1. inns Itlo lliniv sty, .1 Ihnllipsnn, , W '. It Ti!t;hii!iDi tin li.iity six, Uiilhii 'l lit.rps twn thirty s,i . liioilv Wnlker two thirtv six, Lnxarus Walker Iwo llnn'.i six. T N While ttt.i lliirly six..! II W hite sixty cents. Jaekson White two tlilrty six, Willis Williams Iw.t thirtv six, I'lumincr Willinins Iwo thirlv six, Snuttv Williams twn thirtv six, Ktl wnril Willinins! S7, Mndlsiiu Willinins 2 SI, Itoln'r sou Willinins Iwo lliirtv si x, C T Whillichl 2 Vi, C W W Ilil. -Ilea. I twn lliirly six, I'eter W llllelieil'l twn Ihirlv six. Mack W ilem I .d, Siua "."li'iiir, Iw.i thiny six, K.I WHeoxtwo thirly six, M K ...llleoiler in-., thirty sin, Nlnjor ollitsttler Iwn lliirly six, Dnviti Allen two tliiily six. K H Viusoii two thirty six. NKW A D' Kli'l'lSKM i'.NTH. UEAD DEM 0 Oil ATS RE AD! FIVE M0MTHS FOR ONLY TWO DOLLARS. ic National Ita Wi5k.SimTC3-T01T, D. C. A laroe 'JS eoliiinii DAILY DlvMOCRATIC iicw.-siuimt toiitai iiinj; all Wusliiu-iun Kvenl" lioeiil. (i.-iieral. Foreign tui'l I'olitieal N'ews. Will be mailed to any aildnnj from now until Nov. :HHh lor ONLY TWO DOl.I.AHS. Wo wish to iilace tlie National Dkmochat in tho hands of every good memler of our party, and to accomplish that end have reduced the subscription price to nitre cost of blank paper. !BCi.lFTIOX Kltr.K tit AW VVMHOS SI'.XDIN'ti V TURKU SUIIS( 1 m, CORBESPOITDEITTS. WANTKD ('(MM'KSroN DKNTS Ve desire a gmid I'tirrespoHtleiit in this in, tin ii, to whom a fair price will be paid. IVrsoiis ajiplying for said position must ineluss S2.IMI for subscription, in order to obtain credentials. Amount however will be ireili-t-d as soon as identity is established. ADDRESS, A. GORDON LEWIS, I'l LlSUKKOl-' DAILY NATIONAL DKMUCKAT, ' uslunutoii, 1). (', Kditorial KiitiniH. 2 t.1iiigros St. july 10 Gm A nil B-irTliei'oniino;eiiinpiii"li both St ate n nil National will be of pretit interest to all citizens and they ean only keep posted by roml'ini? a live newspaper. A 1 WILL CONTAIN ALL TIIK LATEST NKWS OF (1KNKRAL INTKUKST AND WILL K I' HP ITS It 10 A I )KI!S WHLL INl-'OU.MKD OF ALL THAT IS COlNliON. IT WILL 1!K SUNT I'NTIL TIIK 15T1T, OF NOV KM Brill NKXT IH It ivy 0 ULlYm THIS l'J'.HIOD NOT ONLY INCLI DMS TIIK CAMPAIGN, HIT ALSO TIIK T1MK OF TIIK STATK KXPOS1TIO.N AN1 lH'ltlNd SKY Kit AL WKKKS OFTIIK NKW OltLKANS KXPOSITION. 9 GASH IN ADVANCE. N ADVKUTISK.MKNTS. T 1 (' K. On Iln- 4li tiny of Auirust next (It Im Iiii! the Hint Monthly! I will sell to the tii;licnl I .i.l. 1. r l,.r en.-li at Ihe I nun house itoor It) the tnwll ol llillllnx eeiiniii h.t iu ilic iiiwn ut' Kutlelil, wherenn is the slnre liuusc lntcly n'euiii'il l.y Isniie Levy iV; tiro , tu siilisfy mi execution in my lu'uiils iiuiunt the snhl l-anc'Levy, liis holiiesteatl exeinitl..u hnviliK Itvim lllloiieil. It. J. I.KWIS, Sheriff, 11. H..U.I, IS'i'iily July :: tils mm inx K Klliwtrieli ll, A w K-u-r:, r,liHR l.yiiih an, g,.sle millii s J ,Ui. John Murlin itl.ii.,11 i sn i'i...u VlnrueiKtli I wi. I. real Nevlll I), Joliu HNevilllau I'ink I'rlcc; w, jm u rf kcr I f, folium i sil, Knox Dave luixter pi, Alex Mlli AUUltKSS BOANOKB 1TEWS," WKLDON, X. ('. O. R SADL15R, AGrP. TO ill THE CITIZENS OF SUMMER GOODS Wo have now in stock and are daily re- eeivinimir stock ot M'KINU unit SI M Mp.lt jmoils, eoisistino ti(' Clothlnir, Shoes, Hats, Ladies Vests, Ladies (i loves, Ladies Hose, (lentu Fine Shirts, (ic Mil Scarfs and Ties, (ients Summer Iti derwear, Gents Half Ihm. We call special attention to our lare;c and well selected line of Ladies drvwi poods, consist ini; of Lawns, Alimiuisa Suitlii);, Linen Lawns, Alexandria Cloth, lluiitinos, Superior Robe Linen, Nuns Veiling, Lidies Visiters, Ac. Wo have the finest lino of Umbrellas and Parasols ever shown iu this MARKET. Our stock is very full und complete and we offer them LOW OASH' Thanking our friend ud th.o public jjt'Uc.fuHy ftir. their liherul patronage, wo wsfuHy solicit continuance of the name, Our personal attention will be given our customers at all times. MSSmiit TILLERV, ott J8 ly WcWon, I. C. I Ik-it h. fiiHiNii v. m lluit 1 ntu ili'lcrinlni..l In sell vml the irrentcr uuulilllY.mul nuire sntisfiictorv utnsU fiu ytiui'iiiuiiey than nny nlher Iiuiim' In AMI-iHH'A chii tin. I Iceep Hie IntKest cliitliiuu hniise Soulli of ll.illliuure. I uiniiultHiuif my own eonils, ilnuv my suiilli x rroiu every nilviiutiiKlous (mint. KiiKhinil, Kmnee, (icrnnuiy, HcU:liuu nuil llaly.w nere I haveiiKculs look itiK out tor the Is'st, lor ltie least money- I ni-II you no ii.H..lsnt'ii slintUly kiiul, 1 warrnut you all 1 sell. I i-hii ruriilli yt.ii as t'oltows : LUnut liiiiKtitil, I 'urksrew , Aitl, Mt-ttoii mill clulh Suits Initu ttla.no up. worth .loul.le the iiutucy. u L'l.l.l v. ; .. nv Simmy sri is. KVKSIN'li SITTS, III NTISli SI ITS, I'l.ANTKKSsriTS, tlKKH'KSIlTS, MIl.l.l.MI Ml'lTS. JUIYSHKI'AKTMKXT. SI IH 'I 'I. SI ITS. SINHAYSllTC, HASK HAM. WITS, All A in mul Trices at liulf Vnlix. Mluisters suits nf Kleirillll Kreneh t'h.lti In Ueiiili- ii.ii.le or in tu- liinilc lo nriler. Couniliieelllf lit 'n)ft.1l Sulls Henily iim.le, elieiii w itli the linijesi sltn k nl' t lnlhluK for the w linlcMile traile at liivuls to the dollar less tint ti Hie stnue kimhIs can he BOUGHT NORTH. In mlilitlnn tnllie 'lothliitlnuli-, I will ailvlse Hint I enrrv Hut Uiyesl stock urKunilsliliiKdissU.Shirl.. Hosiery. Ilrnws lor ineii nml Iwys, lihiirs. Siiss-nilers. Ilnti.lkcr. liii IS, I ml.n'llns.Tles of every tlct riii thin, 1'olhirs mul l ulls, t inier Kiniiiciit, NIkIh slilrts, lor inen mul Isiys, new cut mul iniike. eluup. Trunks, Snlelu lh, Vnlises. MyeusU.in Men lmot TalltirhiK Dcimrlnienl leiii.lov llu-Is'Steullers and workmen, make the lliiml irtsHls tounleral short not lee ami at (ow .'hs'.. l'iitll!i!,llltliii;aiHl riuiriiiKiluiieelieauaiiil kikh! elotli iiiK cleniie.1 Hint tiyed lo lt.k like new. Snniplett m ut mi an.llcat!un. All onli-rs receive iiromin iillt u linn. All kliiiloli linlni, nr clolhiiiir, m.ld l.v Hie van! ur ltelik with trimmliiKS sullidile to make tai-ui up. Tratle ilnHnrk ami lli jee vein iieci-s litkeii nl inr. .MAHK K. Kl'LL, 1211 Syeaiuorc St., Petersburg, Ya. MRS. M. E. KULL'S MILLINERY AND DR1S MAKING KST ABLIS1 1 MENT Is relatively onnnecteil with the rintlilnir ilrm, wll siiijily your wants at whoWwlo or retail with nvrv thliiK that a Ulssnr Lady wenrs, from a iwlr if hosu up tn the llnest Kn'iich I'alteni luiiliel a Inwest in Ices and luteal desls'ii. Dresses mnde to nnl:r ei.ui.le(e to measure with iHspatch anil at low prlt'ii. Hr I tin 1 t'fiMiiiesauilT'ouniaiia'iil itissln t whillly. Allnnlers will reverie (mimi't ultmllun. illncs t tniiiiieiieeineiil Suits made up elieup, the lnst I'urset in Awi lKa (in easy weal and Kruee. Very KeK-etrully MltS. M. K. KULL, 143 Sycauiic St. I'etersburg, Va. apr 17 Hin A ' J LIST IlECEIVED rnrnn 11 r r rncon durrLT Ur GlAliDEN . SEEDS OF EVERY DESCfJipTIOfJ. Ve burned the OLI) stock and can warrant all our Landreth's Seeds to bo FRESH & GENUINE. KKK THAT KVKHY l'Al'KIt IS DATKD "1884." Ill P&MBMlBll, WELDO.N.G