THE ROANOKE N EWS TIiriiSDAV, : : : AT'UVSTSB, "W. W. HALL, 1 rKoritlKTUHH. J. v. si.i:im;i:, j NATIONAL TICKET. FOR PHRXIDKST : UO V Kit fLKV KLAS 1 1, OF SKW YoltK. K)K vicu-PKiii)i:vr: THOMAH'A. HENDUICKS, OF INDIANA. DEHQCPiTIC SUTE TICKET FOB ClUVMtNOB : ALFRED M. SCALES. of Guilford. KOK MEITKHANT UoVKHNoR: CHAS. M. 8TEDMAN, Of Now Hiuiovcr. 1K HM'HKTAKr UK MTATK : W. L. SAl'XDKHS, Of Wake. Tim I!cilllilie;ln CmiveiitiuH.i uf Halifax cuunty are usually liu'iMrous but nothing lilc (hp proceeding of that which conven ed on Saturday win over wen in tin- coun ty before. There wan whooping and fight in;; and other kinds of disorder and the rc-ult was a split in the parly and two county tieliets. Many of the wore thought fid Republican were diluted and declared tlieir indifference to tint riftilt in Novem ber. The IVlUGcrnis .-hould luru thin State of affairs to jjuod aeeount. Di.stuict Attoknkv V. T. Li sk, an old line Republican deiinuiices Or. York in unmeasured language. Ho nays : ''I know many of the Republican of Guil ford county and truer Republican and men of sounder principles are not to lie found in the State, aud just a wire as November come jut so mire will they rebuke this outrage, on their good name." lie doe not believe that York will be wiled heeauso of his record. He winds up by wiying: ' with a solid Republican at (he head of the ticket the party would have a clean walk over the track, but our 1iohh of all vanished into thin air on the apicaraiieo of oiirHtundard-bearcr, Tyre York, in the field. DKMOt It VTIC NO. Dr. Vnrk'i Hecord. THE RKCiiIIIi THK TIKKIl PAVI'IhATK MADK IN THE HTATK l.Ki . 1st. A 1 1 II K. '()K ATTOUNKV (ik.NKHAI. THO. F. DAVIDSON, Of B unci unite. ruH At DiToii : W. I. RORKRTS, Of (Intra. " I'OR TltKAHl IttB : DONALD W. BAIN, Of Wake. MR HI IT. HHMO INHTRI'CTION : S. M. FINGKR, Of Catawba. MK ASHd, JfSTICK Rt'PHRME roi ltT: A. S. MERRIMON, Of Wake. KIIIl PONUREHS HECONI) tllSTRIOT: F. A. WOODARD, Of WilaoD. .'OK El.lX'TOH HKCOND DIHTRK'T : DONALD GILLIAM, )f Edgecombe. FOR ELECTOR AT LARUE : W. II. KITCniN-Ofllalifax. J. N. STAPLES Of Guilford. THK HTATK KXP4MITIONI - The following are the names of those who havt ttiithorifcsd us to announce them a aiibseTibcra to the fund to be raised by private subscription for the display of tit product and materials of Halifax county nt the State Expedition : W.A.Dunn 625.00 John P. Futrell 2.Y00 W. A. Johnston, S25.00 Anyone desiring to subscribe ' can in form it and we will acknowledge receipt of their letters through this column. On Sunday night a heavy front fell New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Ver mont and Massachusetts. Miss Lomifkllow, a daughter of the jioct Longfellow, is engaged to be married to a brother of Mrs. Ole Dull. An oak tree thirteen feet in diameter lias been found in Florida, and Hamilton Disston, wanting a slice of it, is going have a saw luado for the express purpose ol cutting it off. Tin: Hiiplc want low taxes and econom ical government. Roth of ihe.-e the Democrat have given aud will give as long a they administer public affair. They not only promise but show by their pant record that they will perform. The Republicans show that they favor high tuxe ami extravagant expenditure. The rate of taxation in North Carolina was In 1 Stilt, Republican, 80 cents on flOU, In H71. Democratic, Ml 3 cents on " lu 1 K73, Democratic, 20 cents on " In 1881. Democratic, 28 cents on " In 18811, IDeuineratic, 2."i cent on " Iu 1X81, DcmiM-ratic, nothing. COST OF liENKIIAL KSSKMIil.V. In 18GS, 8i::o,)58 lu 1870, 212.81U In 1872, Ki9,:(!tl lu 1874, 10!I,2:S1 In 187. 81,8211 In 1881, 5ti,2.VJ In 1883, ;,7,47H In addition to this there are the ex- cnditurt!s for the public schools since 18li8, showing that while taxation ha boon less the school fund has been larger under Democratic rule: IStiO, Nothing. 1870, $ 12,802 1877, 28!t,2i:i 1878, 1124,287 1880, 1152,882 1881, 4mi.c.:i; 1882, 5011,71(1; 18811, 725,000 NATIONAL POLITICS. A club of 750 colored men hav organ ised to supHrt Cleveland in Baltimore. The German Cleveland Club at Bridge port, Conn., has seven hundred members. Ex-Sf.nator Thos. V. Grady, John Kclley's right hand man, has resigned his lilace as a State ( 'umniitteeiiiiii. He di claroH that his ground for doing i purely personal. Senator Pknih.eton shy that the state ut that he had said at lVcr Park or anywhere else at a private dinner party or in public (hat he. thought Mr. Maine would be elected President is utterly false. Ph. Vt oik's record is one which the lieople of Nolth Carolina will not endorse. We publish it iu another column in order that Democrats may see what kind of a man has becu nominated for governor by the Republicans. Mr. Bi.AlNi is and ha always lx-cn a pndtiliitien'mt. Prohibition does not take well in North Carolina. Will he carry the votes of those Republicans who voted against the prohibition bill in this Stale sevsrai yeiirs ago? Till Blaine manager are still seeking funds tut do not find them. Applications from various parts ef the country for mon ey are refused duilr on aconmit of tlieir I inability to obtain fund. As the Repub lican have relied on money so long it iniisl make them fvul blue to be without it. Over one hundred Republicans of Syra cuse, a. l., nave siixneu a call tor tun nrgauigatiou of au Independent Cleveland Club. A. S. Bang, a leading Republican of Augusta, .Mo., decline to serve on the ex ecutive committee of the Cleveland club, but states in a published card that he shall vote for Cleveland and do what he call to promote hi election, Dr. Hall, one or the founders and strong est leaders of the Republican party in lirccn county, Wis., has come out for Cleveland, and the old-time 2,000 majori ty for the Itepublican party is threatened with sore collapse. Mr. August Hiicsing, a prominent Ger man citizen of Hock Island, III., says that the accession to the Dciuocratiu party from the ieriuaiis iu that State includes at least one hall' of the element which formerly acted with the Republican. The Independents have organized iu tbroe fourths of the towns and cities of Massachusetts. The strength of the move ment i kept very iilet. the tormatioii of the Young Men's Republican and In dependent club of liostoii has inlel'eMeil many vigorous workers. I'mslim I 'ml. Hot as the weather is the Democrats of Florida are waging n great fight against the Republicans and their fusion allies. The i'i oy ' Jnunntl, the colored men's organ at Jacksi.iis die, has bolted the Re publican ticket, and has George Alden, ex-Senator and Secretary of State, and one of the foremost Republicans in the Slate. Mr. 11. Raster, editor of the Chicago Sin'iln t ilting, is in New York, and say: ('apt. Haulms, a former resident of this city, ami a staunch Republican, tells me that he stand nearly alone in Kansas, lie says that from IK) to 115 s r cent of the German in that Stale who formcry voted the Republican ticket will Vote for Cleveland. To count up the niati rial r.-siilt ac complished in North Carolina under Dem ocratic rule is doubtless gratifying to those who bore a baud in bringing about thn-e happy re.-ults. Hut to men lik Dr York, who were hindrance and stum bling block in almost every liiu of prog ress, such a reckoning must be anything but pleasant. Is it true, however, that Dr. York was a stumbling block and an obstacle to Dem ocratic, progress and prosperity ? To this important question we propose to make no answer ourselves, but to let Pr. York' r.i'ord, just a he himself made it, tell the whole story. The following resume of his record was prepared by Col. W. L. Saunders, whose able pen will do capital service during the continuance of the . campaign. The facts aud dales have been verified not only by Col. Saunders, but by Gov. Jarvkus well. The party is indebted to these two gentle men for this excellent piece of campaign work. AIIAISKT THE WESTERN NORTH CARO LINA RAILROAD. lu 187(i-'77 Dr. York was a member of the Senate. On January 21th, 1877, the "bill to provide for the speedy com pletion of the Western North Carolina Railroad" was taken up on it second reading. (See Senate Journal 137ti-'77, page L'J.) A proposition was offered to appropriate SI 10.01111 fur the road, ami Dr. i ork moved to amend as follows: 'Strike out one hundred and forty-thousand dollars and inseit one dollar." One dollar! His amendment was voted down. Au amendment was ollered by Senator J. I,. Robinson, allowing the Governor to purchase such iron rails and materials as might be needed each year. Failing iu his one dollar proposition," Dr. York moved to limit the amount of this expenditure to 850.000 a year. Mr. Troy moved to make the limit f 70,0(111. Dr. York voted against Mr. Troy's amendment, which, however, was adopted, and then he voted against .Mr. Robinsons proposition as amended by Mr. Troy's. On this reading Dr. York voted against the bill. "On page 1101, of the same Senate Journal, this bill came up on the third reading. Dr. York moved to strike out "seventy thousand" and insert "fifty thousand" as the amount that could be spent to buy iron, c, each year. I lis motion was lost. He then ollered u proviso, limit ing its operation to two years. The road could not be built for. $140,000, and could not be built in two years, and yet he offered the proviso. On its third reading Dr. York again voted sijuarely against the bill. If Dr. York had controlled the Dem ocratic party the Western North Carolina Railroad would have stopped at Old Fort. It would never have crossed the liioiiu taiiis. He would have denied to the peo ple across the Hlue Ridge all hope of opening up the country to the world. Such was his statesmanship. Hut this policy did not triumph. The Democrat ic party was not governed by such narrow conceptions of justice to the West. They appropriated 870,000 annually and car ried the work on slowly and practically, and substantially that great road is built. Aud every cent of that money, with the interest on it, has been paid back into the State treasury; and because it ha been paid back into the Slate treasury there are to be no taxes this year. So thu work costs us nothing. Now, let lis see the benefits. The counties that have been directly bene fited by this road arc, up to the present. Huueoiiibe. Haywood aud Madison. The iron has not as yet been laid iu other counties, but will be bid ore September. We make below a comparison of the valuation of property for taxation in those three counties, "Ik fore and after" in 1878, before, they bad railroad facili ties and in 18So, after they had begun to enjoy the benefits and iidvantages of a railroad connection : Counties. Huncoiuhc, Haywood, Madison, Total pOCl'.MKXT, . for this day. on account of business of the ! I! in.' in eonneerioii with the ilnlies of the committee on tho insane.' So far as appears, then, there was no excuse Tor Dr. York's mining the vote of either dajv This load traverses and is to traverse the counties of Robeson, Cumberland, Harnett, Moore, Chatham. Randolph, (i uill'ord. l'oi-svth. Stokes, Surrv. Yadkin. Wilkes. Caldwell. Mitchell. Wautauga, Ashe and Alleghany, and the people of these counties may see for themselves how Dr. York treated them in the hour of their extremity. The passage of this bill was a matter of life and death to them, and even then, although representing one of the very counties to which it was in tended to afford railroad facilities, Dr. York could not be induced to vote for it. AHAINST I'll E STATE OKlIT 8ETTI.EM EST. The old bonded debt of the State was compromised by tho Legislature at it session in 1879, at which time Dr. York was a member of the House of Represen tative. Dr. York-voted squarely against tho compromise. (Sec House Journal, 18711, pages 581! and 602.) Thu plan for the exchange of the old North Carolina Railroad construction bond for new ones was perfected by the same Legislature, and Dr. York voted squarely against the arrangement made in regard to them also. (See House Journal, 1871', page 757. AHAINST THE DEI'ART.M ENT Of AllltHil. TlltE. Nor did the department find favor in Dr. York's eyes, for he voted squarely against the bill establishing it. The pos sibilities, probabilities aud certainties that lay before it as a help to the fanner, a promoter of the manufactures', as devel oper of our mineral resources, of the phos phates and coal iu particular, a finder of markets for our woods and timber, lit., had no charm for him. He cared for none of these things; at least, voted against the department. (Sec Senate Journal, lS7(i-'77, page 580.) AHAINST THE ASVI.I MS. The Western North Carolina Railroad was unable to command Dr. York's vote, 'flic Cape Fear iV Yadkin Valley Rail road was unable to command it. The proposition to settle the State debt was equally powerless to uo so, anil so was the department of agriculture. Hut these were material measures that made no ap peal to the instincts of Common humanity, but only the more sordid instincts of our nature. What, then, was Dr. York's record mi measures of humanity? The story is a brief one. Dr. York was as deal' to the appeals for help to sull'criiig hu manity as he was blind to measures for material progress, and in this he regarded neither race nor color nor locality. The bill that resulted iu its establish ment found him. AHANST THE I'OI.I'UKO INSANE ASYI.I M AT (ilil.lihllollll. It was parsed by tho Legislature at its session ol 1870-77 and Dr. tork, win was then u member of the Senate, voted against it. (Sec Senate Journal. IS70-' 77, pages li'Jl and lilHi.) AHAINST THE WESTERN (Ut MollllANTON ASVI.IM. Dr. York fought must viciously, and that too even after a great part of the work liad lieen done towards its erection. On February 20, 1877, the Senate took up the bill to construct the Western In sane Asylum. Dr. York was a member of the Senate, and fought the bill iu eve ry way. uuc ol t lie anieiulinents lie pro- loscd was to "Nrike out '815,000 lor the year INi and Ihih ami insert ?;i0 lor each year to keep ordinary board roof on the walls lor the next two years, or until the State can sell the same." (See Sen jtle Journal, 1S7G-77 pages -101, 402 and lit.;.) Such complete indifference to the ai peals of suffering humanity was Hot to have bivn exacted from a practicing phy sieian wtio must nave nail constant evi dence of the utter inadequacy of the then cxistinglacllities lor the care ot the insane certainly he had proof of the inadequacy ol tliose laciiities tor the white insane in the western part of the State. Hut so it was, the appeal of the suffering insane whether white or mack, cast or west, was 1878. 18S1!. ' utterly iiowerlcss to move him. :,0'.'l.,.)'J M,01MI1 Audeoua lv nowerless. loo. were the 718,018 1,550,8117 l'oor children of the Slate. Neither hell ;18,t17 l,140,10i Mess insanity or helpless childhood could move his bowel- of compassion, it is well known bow much has been accomplished in educational matters in the State, and how greatly that progress is due. to the establishment of our normal schools. Dr York, however, has constantly voted. ever afterwards, while a niemlsT of the Legislature, he Bit ingly supported the present system of county government. Now however, as every one must who turns Republican, he says the Canby system f county government must be restored, whit h means to turn the white people of the ne gro counties over to negro rule, and in perfect accord with that he declared m t only his purpose to support Ulainc ai d Logau, but that the National Republican p'at form meets his hearty approval, in t excepting even the civil rights plank in it. Hlaine, Logan and civil rights! What load for a man to carry in North Caro lina. The man who favors a return to the Canby system of county government in this State, who proposes to support Blaine and Logan, and who stands squarely on the National Republican platlorm. civil rights and all, has no right to expect the votes of white men in North Carolina. Let us see how many Dr. York, for he is just such a man, will get. STATU POLITICAL XOTKS. Senator Vance will enter the campaign about September 1. Judge Fowle will speak in Johnston county Sept. 2ud and in I erson .Sept. Gtb. H. G. Connor, of Wibon. ml Perry, f Franklin, are candidates for the State Senate. Dr. P. H. Simmon, of Hyde, and Thee- lore Pool, of Maitin, arewamlidates lor the Senate from that district. The Democrats raised a Cleveland and and Scales flag pole 12.) feet high. It lias a pair of huge tin scales, this is at ( lint on. A correspondent to the Kiii'ton ."" says that it is a notorious fact that most of the Republican of Moore county have leclmed for the Democratic tickets Dotn State and National. A.NV one who heard tho specche at Halifax during the Republican Conven tion must. Ix'licve that civil rights is not a dead issue by any nu aiis. Several of the H'kers enlarged on the subject in a way thai woulJ convince all that the negroes still desire t civil right law. The general conduct of the Republican County Convention was enough to disgiHl all thinking men and to convince them that public affairs would suffer if placed in their hands. Tin y indicate an iutenli n to run the party to suit themselves and that white men must hsik for themselves, unless they throw away their manhood. A resident of ibis city received yester day a letter from a Isdiing Itepublican iu Kennebec county, Me., who wiilc. ! have never seen no dull a cniupiiigii in Maine. There has Imvii a lively effort to get up boom for Hlaine here, and the story has gone forth that the Statu was lira for the Republican ticket by an old fashioned majority. The fact is and it troubles the Hlaine managers that people do not enthuse bis-aiise there is a distrust of the candidate and busiucss is very dull. fosoii UvraliL THU CHOI'S. Til E letters of acceptance of Cleveland au J Hendricks can be found on our first page. We advise cvt ry gtssl citizen to rcaJ litem carefully and compare them to the effusions of Hlaine aud Logan. Mr. Oevrlaad is a simple, honest, struight-for-wt4 inau and Means what he says. He iiinot a politician but a man who believes in duty rognrdloM of other consideration. Tho crops of Robinson are extrnordiiia ily good, esjHicially (ho cotton crop. We were shown some cotton last week from the field of Mr. Charles Pureell, that if it yield aivording to height, we find Kilis tied that he will pick 2.500 pound to the acre, It is not only a few acres iu such line order, but hi whole crop. Shoe Her! Vi'r. ' From the farms around us come one long, loud and general cry for rain, for a very distressing drouth is now prevailing throiihgout the uouuty. In some sjvli.un of Mecklenburg no rain of any consequent' liar fallen within the past six weeks, and hardly a township has had any rain with in a month. I'plaud com, in some sec tions, is bleached by the sun, and cotton is suffering badly. Fortunate!), the drouth comes rather late iu the season, when there is 1m.o damage than there would have been a few week back. Char lotte Ubwrttr, (S:!,5iilt.22!l 80,7 U, Ml! The total valuiitioii of property iu these three counties in which the railroad track is now laid, was, after a hundred years without railroad facilities, 8:i,2GlL22!l. Ifi live years niter they had a solid hope of getting a road, the value of the prop erly more than doubled! The railroad has added to the property ill lllesc Colin lies :!.:i50.000. The prosperity which has attended this growth was predicted by all men all understood that railroad fa cilities would bring this great develop ment. Nine counties of the Slate of North Carolina embracing that fine western re gion which is now attracting so much at tention were without railroad facilities. Asbeville was inaccessible, and the pro duce raised by farmers across the moun tains louinl no ready means ir transpir talion In the markets of the world. The splendid timber of that region was be yond the reach of purchaser. Indeed. iiciennsl in by the mountain, those North Carolinian across the Hlue Ridge were cut off most effis'lually from the balance (if the Stale. And yet, by his Vote, sol i emnly and publicly recorded, Dr. York declared these nine counties ouht to re main as they were, cut off from all the world I AHAINST THE C AI'K EEAKANP VAHKIN VALLEY ROAII. In 1870 Dr. York was a member of the House of Rcprescntiiti'v aod on Febru ary 7 that body took thu bill entitled a bill to change the name and authorize the consolidation of tho Western Railroad Company wilh the Mt. Airy Railroad Company, and to complete tm same, on its second reading. (Nv I Intuc Journal, 187H, page 202.) This bill finally be came tin' law under which the road got the name id' the Cape Fear Si Yadkin Valley Railroad, and is now Ik' completed. ADVF.RTISKM F.NTS. FOR SALE. A ijisiiI t'onr-vooni residence in the town of Scotland !si'ik with outhouses. Desirably located. Terms easy. Apply te t. w. n:.Nxi:i:, nn '.'oil' Scotland Neck, X. V. I leiv c lor pi it a No I --l.'iY li.ta-i- '!i VN ii-hi'iiiliai cum- -J" IV-.-t w :l.-, let t l.oii:. I" l.-t-l pilch inui HH l.N.ll -lflll.1 lis ill I llf l.lUll " W'cl.lnll. Alwl II Nu I ilwiiliht.' l.r suit or real w an i ..ihhi rooms itml luis.'i.u in inui Utclicii iium lic.l. Also mill "I a il ilwcllillL', II lilcilsillH dually ei-i-llplcs I In- oilier lull t". Two No 1 w ork liursi". I r sale h lot ol loil.ler nail iilmiil 'm IwiTcUolVoru: nlso some s.-coiul class itTulitl hioiil wiiiroiis, Ti'(m r.asoiiiil.U'. Apply to R. V. SI'IKUS, ur 11. C. SPIERS Wl-ldoll, N. ' jSllSlf iyj-I.I, PROPERTY KOR SALE. A law mill, situated on the canal basin, in Weldon, well titled lor making Hour, iVe. It has live set of stones in running order and is in good condition. ror terms apply to W. (. CAI'KI.Lor jan 10 tf T. I.. KMKY. POTJTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS Hut in becoming a law it got no help from Dr. York. When the roll was called on its passage, on its second reading, Dr. York made no responstt that i to say, he dodged. On the next day, Feb ruary 8, the same hill was takcu up on its third reading, and as before, when Dr. York's name was called, there was no an swer; that is to say, he dodged again. (Si.- House Journal, l87f, page 270 ) On Fiibruary C, Dr. York according to the Journal, was certainly in tho House; on the seventh, it makes no mention of him whatever; on tho eighth, just before adjournment, nuil aller, tho vote on the passago of the 1 ill on its third reading, tho Journal for that day says (page 280, 'Leave of absence is grunted to Mr. York AHAINST THE KlltST NORMAL SCIIOOl.S lu INi.i-ii u lull was passed to carry out the plain requirements ol the eonstitu t ii hi to establish a white normal s..i(K,l connection with the I'niversity of the State, and also to establish one for the blacks at Favettcville. Dr. York opposed both these schools, that for the whites i well as that lor (lie blacks. (eo Senate Journal I S7G '77 page 501.) AHAINST AHIHTtONAL NOR UAL SCHOOLS III 1881 au act was passed proviilinir among uthcr things, for additional normal schools, (."see Laws 1881, chap. 1 The tilth section reads as follows: "See. ft. That the State Hoard of F.du cation be directed to establish other nor lual school than those ut Fayetteville and tlie I Diversity, and that the sum of ? 1100 s-r annum is hereby appropriated such school lor white teacher, and the i 0.1 unit e i. i i i. . sum oi iorsucn scnoois lor color cd teacher, authorized by this act in ad dition to the appropriation heretofore made for normal school : Wot how ever, that the number of schools shall not Im less than four for each color." To show his opposition to the establish incut of any more normal schools in the State, Dr. York moved to strike out the set tioii making provision for thein. Ho failed in this, happily, but continued to the md lighting the bill in every way, and then voted squarely against it. ' (Sec Sen ate Journal, 1SSI, page :i75 and 1170.) It i easy to see what slow progress Woiild have Is'eu made in the cause of ed ucation if normal schools had been estab lished, if Dr. York had controlled the pol icy of the Democratic uirty. Fortunate for the poor children of the Statu it was, that wiser, more bcnefieieiit more humane council prevailed. Docs any omj suppose for a moment thai if Dr. York Lad bceu able to control the sdicy of the Democratic party that the present prosperity would prevail I Dis's any ope believe that Dr. York has really changed for the better, and jf he has Hot, will il be safe for the ieoile of North Carolina to make him their vhiof uiagUei Irate and thus enable him to shape the policy of the Suite and the party in tho future? HA I'll. VORK CIIANOKI) FOR THE BET TER? We think not. Dr. York has gone back on hi very best point. In 1876, nd ADV KRTISKMKNTS. '. AYER'S . 'Ague Cure osUlm n antidote for nil malarial dis orders which, no fur im known, Is lined In no Othsr remedy. It ciiiituiiin im Quinine, nor dj miner! nor deleterious iiilwniure whiit Tr, and coiiwiiueutly prmlueu no Injurious Seet upon the const itiitiou, but k-avt-i th Ijltein u butllhy a l ' btilore the attack. WE WARRANT AYER'S AQUE CURE to cure every citno of Ktvur ami Anue, Inter mittent or L'hiil l'Vver, liciiiiuent Fever, Dumb Ague, ltllloua IVvcr, mat Liter Com. plaint caused by malaria. I" i'iiu ol failure, after due trial, dealers are nutlioi lwil, ly our circular dated July let, Ut:', to refund the money. Dr. J.C. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by iel lu nut; ut. junc ." (till NKW ADV F.LITISKM KNTH HEAD DEMO OR ATS HE A D! FIVE MONTHS FOR ONLY TWO DOLLARS. Tlie National Daily ltcinoerat, WSHIICTGr-TOnST, u. c. Y ia, '.'Scoluinn DAILY DEMOCRATIC newspaper containing all Washington Kv'eiits Loeal, Ccneial. I'orei-ii and Political New.-. Will be mailed to any address from now until Nov. IKlth for ONLY TWO DOLLARS. We wMi to place the National Dkmochat in the hands of every good member of our party, and to accomplish that eud have reduced the subscription price to mere com of blank paper. Sl list 'HIPTIOX VR UK TO AXV VFMSOS SllMHXC. IS TIIHKR SIHISCIIIKRS COIRESIPOIDEILSrTS. WANTED CORRESPONDENTS We desire a good correspondent in this sec- tion, to whom a lair price win uo paiu. i ersons uiijiuk i- for subscription, in order to obtain credentials. Amount however will be credi ted as soon as identity is established. ADDRESS, A. GORDON IJ,WIS. PI'LISIIF.R OF DAILY NATIONAL DKMOCHAT, Washington, D. C. Editorial Rumis. 12 Congress St. j"1)' 1(1 ''" No 1lfsi will (Hi- of cnii-. Hots or Lt-sn V Tie, 11 Koiiu'h I'owili'ni am twtiit In tlnm. l-tnio'" I'o wili'P will i-iin nuil jh-o vi-nl IIikii iiiii.kha. Ktiuu'u 1'iiwili'm will nrrvi'iit lien in Kiwi. ruiiu-s Powcli-m will Inrrrif e lli MUuiititV "1 mil anil rri-nm twi-niy iwr rem., anil make lint butter arm "Ko'uV'i Vowilir will cure or prew nt liiiot itkiit DIK-.AHI. t.i u lilt-li Uuhmis anil attic are aul-Jei-t. Koe-rz'H t'ou niKS wtu otva SATliirAL-llo. Bold nvvrywliure. DAVID 1. 1'OU ri, rroprletor, BALTIMORE, MD. lor ile l.y llltoWN SIMMONS. not .11 Iv wi m mil PETERS Ul'Rti, VA. MANTKACnUI-liSol-' KXiilSIIS, TllllAt'l'l). HAY ASH OLD LjUiDUljffK son folk vinaixii. ART II PR FREEMAN, JEWELER, STOlil-'. Ill MAIN STKKET. Kstalilishcd ls:t. tillers toliis IVientls intlieolil North State gooils at the following pi ii es : Fine iluulilc cumi! koiiI.s' stem wimling liolil watches $.!.. Lathes ilotilile case stein wimling watches, ji'Jll. Lower gratles, 11. Soliil golil uateli chains f-hl anil lipwanls. Solid gold liraeelets, !f- and upwards, fine silver plated castors and upwards. Hotter dishes $:!..'SI and upwards. Solid silter spooni-; i per tloz. Iteinemlier all my goods are warranted as represented or money refunded. Orders liy mail promptly attend ed to. Wedding and engiii;i'meut rings a specialty, liopairing promptly done. Address AUTllfl; C. Flit'. KM AN, Jeweler, M l.) Main St. nov 2.r ly Norfolk. Va WWW Mil Mil Am SUMMER GOODS We have now in slock and are daily re ceiving our stock of SPRINli mid SI'M M Elt UOods, cuUxii-tillg of Clothing. Shia's, Hats, Lndies Yosts, Ladies (I loves, Ladies Hose, (Jcnts Fino Shirts, (tents Scarfs and Ties, (ients Summer Cn dcrwear, (ients Half 1 1 use o call special attention to our large anil well selected hue ol Lathes dross gisHls, consisting o Lawns, Ahniinut Suitiin:, Linen Lawns, Alexandria Cloth, Huntings. SuK'iior Robe Jiinen, .Nuns etUng, Ladies l isters, e u have the finest, line of Vnibrcllas and 1'arasols ever shown in this MARKET. Our stock is very full imd complete and w utter them LOW FOR CASH 1 hanking our friends and the public it.. .i i im i generally inr tncir lineral patronage, wo respectfully solicit a continuance of the same, Our tcrsonal attention will ho given our customers nt all times. U SSI TAR TILLER V, oct 13 ly Weldon, .V. C. COTTON PRESSES, i-Suw Mills, tiri.-t Mills, Mill Irons, Plows, ikoxaxi) ;.'.i,s.s c.tsrixas. seit -"i ly L H. Ill CO., mni sr. HALIFAX, N. G. Keep iu stock always a gnml line of Cigars, Tobacco, Snufl'. Wines, Whiskeys, Ifrandics, Larger licer, Ales, Porter, Canned (Joods, Fancy (Irocerics. ALSO FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. swri'.i .. o.v .vi-: jxi) nt: n.i tisfied 11777 THE 10XEY VOV Sl'EXl). (IU). II. DANIEL A- CO. TUTTS PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, And MALARIA. From thfjio sounx uriautliivu lourtliaof the UUotute of tho liunmn meo. Tliu6 symptoms iniluute Uicirrxiiituiiec ;! of Apptlte, Bowrli cottlvr, hick llaad ache, fullneii attar en t luff, a vers lo a to etertlon of body or mind, Krurtatloa of fooif Irritability of temper Low plrtta, A fee Huff of liavluc urirlected omedntjr, IHkI Flutlvrlntf at tho itrart.iMta before cue evei, nigiaiyeoi red I'riue. CONSTIPATION, and do inn ml tho uso of a rummly that nets Mrctl7 rn tho I.ivi-r. AsaLivurnicdlolunTIJTT'S VWA.H hiivij noo.iuul. Their action on tho KhtneyHHU'l Skin Is atHft prompt ; mmoTiny all lmuriths through tnt'aothrooicaT" tnsjers of til vatem," protluclnff iippe tit', nound rilipMiuon, Ti(fulnr Btoirt( n rWr iklnniuluvitforouHbiHlv. TITTN 1IT,I,M chumo no n nunc a or K'lph( nfr Uiturtara viiniiutiy woric Htia urn apcrruoc ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. M'lrr -lH-r.','J5r. (ml " Ml Murrnr.Hl.,N.V. TUTTS HAIR DYE. (iRtr Hair oh W iiiukiki clntnir".! in. tnnlly toiKiLoiiKT ItLtcK liruiliiK'n ! illeaUoii or IliU live, hold liy DruagUu, or Kent, ny cxiireAM oit rt'eiopt. or pi. lllTleii, 41 .Mill-Ill V Htwet, Nw Vnrlc. Tlin'S MANUU OF USEFUL RECEIPTS f REL (uiullly. ( L Ul J J'i, fiirjyTlie coining caliiiaii;ii lmtli Slate and Xational will lie ol' fil'cat iiili-ret to all itizens and lliey can only keep posted ly reading a live ncv.spaicr. TRY THE NEW NO S. IP life1 1 i't A U 1 Li IU WILL CONTAIN ALL THK LATKST XFAVS OF CKM'.IIAL INTI'.lihM' and viLLKi:i:r its iu: ikhs wkll infoismf.doi-' all that is tlOINtlON. IT WILL I5K SF.NT 1NT1L THK lol'll, OK NOV KM UK It NKXT FOR 75 CENTS, THIS I'KIIIOD NOT ONLY INCH lKS TIIK CAMPAIGN. IM'T ALSO THK TIMK OF T1IK STATK KX POSITION ANI IM H l.Mi !!'. r.l. li WKKKS OFTIIK NKW OltLK.VNS KXP()SlTION. GASH IN ADVANCE. ADDUKSS "IOA-ISTOKIEI NEWS," W'KLDON, N. C. O. R S.VDLK.l?. AGT. JUST EECjIVJiD A FRESH SUPPLY OF GARDEN SEEDS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Wo liiinied the OLD utoek and can warrant all our LiiMlrcth'n Seeds to lie ' FEESH & GENUINE. 8KB THAT KVEltY PAPER IS DATKD "1884:." WELDON. K C. WI1KKLKH & WILHOX. I.llllitwt KtuuiliiH inui Ik-kI Se Inn Machine ' IN THK WOULD. So iliinirer In lieiilili-likti the noli.)' Iipitvy nut liliiK kliiitlle iimehliiii, '' AGKXTS WAXTKD. ' Heml fur tcrmn ami price Lint, WFIRELEK A WILSON, Nf(f. Co. Jail 15 6m A,,UU,0 ills A v J 1 SPRING TRADE. 1884. I am reeelvliiu Hint i.l.i. iiitr on Kule at iii.iiiiliir prleei, full lini-H uf full linen of Klne Wlilie ii,l,, ,, i.i,,,.,,,, j ,,,,,,, ...,..., , , i.4 , p,.,, t M,., I JIM II K, lllll, iiMn., ( u-liiiiervii, lluiitl,,... K,.nu.h ,. llilllln, Cliet-k Nuiiwmkii, f'rlntnl Ciu,,. Iirli-H KinliMlilerliv, l'.iliiiir. Ulet'H, Hint A MCE USE OF XOTiays JEWELRY. XI) IIKAVV I'l.A'l K) KAUMtol'S, HKST KXtil.ISII liAltXKTKAlt IHttH'.s, BK.M Ttn'AKK I'l.NM. A Sl'LEXDll) ASSORTMENT OF HAUDWAIIK, SU'll AS-! (WuU-t Tuol, ld-H tWw ami Riizurt. BOOTS AND SHOES. L-iMiy ('nm 'f iN'iwrtment In ul,,, nimlklml u hi, -llokcepUi very bctt Tobacco utd o. ocl lKlf tHEOHLYTRUB IRON Toslc FACTS RECAROINa Sr. EarUr's Iron Tonic . !lll!"r"r enrich the BLOOD, ronilnts S"LTHnViaORofYbuTHI In all miMfe mintrliiK it oHrlalii nml i.ii...ii.'Iiivii " et; ulk i)v;ifil..VlliilorAin.ln.,lii.UK,.M lilil,' I.... !'r PI"" "' '. ' lm.riei iiiicIih iiU iivrvna rvn-IVH new rnrvc. Eullveu Uw uiluU mi.l iiIiuI1i llriiln V,r. LADIER "" r"'!' ironi all romplalnUi TiJ; I !'r,r "" Uew'y iiiiiion. iiat.i. ff:;Li.iMI""""' 1,1 mi .(ii. li m.ISi.rf '. i " T"N"' " 'rc'ltHiiil tttiinnn fiVT.1 utl' ' W'K' "l t'ti'cil lo Ihopopn Nr. ilVUli;ti,"". " ""iriMihfiiii Mi. PrlMit!Ht0c.t ,, OltllllNAI. AND HUT, HTfjS!' -' H.rt., Mt Oo. V 12. ,,'.'' lo..l our HHUAal HOOK"E . flRT,',', lp0N T0NI ' '0" Bali ay au DnU(lT AND DUUIII tWRVWHIW. iimrilly A l'liVKieian who will remove on aeeount f loi licaltl, will U u i10,18e aiJ tlcsiral.le fommunitv ami liis Zu will n 2 n .Ins tl.reo roomg, bcautifuly lcutc,l, fiini ."". '.,,.,: Forin- THE ltOAKOKE NEW'R, July loth tf.