. . t . ' -i 1 . Li M u3n i i i i s 1 M 1 f v U LUi lit 1..57EjA TER3VES--'-mi 1'KI! 'NN1'M lN ADVANCE. HALL &c SLEDGE, pkoi'i:ii:tors. A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. NO. 28. VOL. XIII. WELDON, X. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. 1S84. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. II. kITl'HIX, W. A. DVNV COCSTY ATTORNEY, j itch is a scxx, ATTORXEYS AT LAW, SCOTLAND NT.CK, X. C. mar l.nf (F. II. Bl Mil K, IUI.Clt.ll, X. C. K. it. nmi i ii jr. KOTLANhMa K, N. C. Bl 8 B E E ill SMITH. Mr F. II limin e and Mr R II Smith, Jr.. Cnn H'li.r at m, have formed a llmiti..! panticr-lili. fur tliu pMi'lli'v f law In 1 1 1 1 T'i x ci.iinu . Mr. Jtu.lM-e v, 111 nilnxl the I'iMittH if llulilit v i ''uuhirly, unit w ill also vl.lt the I'l'lllity H Ik never h si rvlee. are mpnred. i.rl 1.. ly I 11 1 Z Z A It ll A II V M A N. Attorney! at l.utv, Halifax, n.c Mire Iti thot'niirt House, striet .'itl.-lHti'ii rIvoii buill l.runi'luiitirihe pnitn-idoii Jim I.' ly ri II ti M A s N. II I 1. 1 Attorney at I, km, HALIFAX. N. C. Pl-iletici' In ihilif is mill it.ljiiiiiin Federal anil Supreme i-miri.. mill sf. T V. M A S t) X , Attorney nt Law, (i.UiYSIIt'ltll, N.C. lYaellct III tin' rnurt. of NiirtliHliiitiill iiml ad Joining I'uiililii-f, iiUn in tin- Feilrjnl ami supreme court.. June s if. I.T K It K. I A X I K I.. Alloinc) lit l.uiv, WKI.IMtS, S.C. I rai-tiei-i. Ill Ilulif.lt and iliUnitlillK ' otlllt ki MIlTllll Hltfllti.'H m I'll In iniill'I'tll'IIH ill 111) ni of llll- Mute unit ilulllit IVtUtlln liulili'. I.-I 17 ly. AY . II A I. I., Altiirncv nt l.v, WKI.ImiX. X. ('. SHl'inl lllli'lllliill liiri'll In I'.llli'i'tlnlli llll'l ti'Mlil- tmii-i-K riiiiitl)' iniiili-. limy 1 tt'. V h I. K S ii MO UK, Altin iii-j- at I nn, HALIFAX, X c. I'nirtlPl' ill tin' ciilllllli" (' 1 1 ! I i I'll X . X"rllnllllit',ll. Kili.-1-riillll"-. I'ltl mi'l Mnllill In tin- Ml.r. liiiT-.llll i, l llii- Mali' mi, I in tin- Fr'li-r.il i .iirt nl tin- jiti rn ltrn-t. ri.llri'liiil lllilill- 111 Hll pint nl'lln-Mnli- ji.ii I ly I) It. J. K. S II I K I. Ii Slll');t'ill 1 It' III lot. m0 1 l.i x in-.' i. mnliii ntU lm il'"l in VVi-lil'Mi. run I" f.iiiml nt In- nilii-r in -until iliii-k I i 1 1 i I 1 1 1 m nil tlinr i-.M-,-ilt In n nlis, nl nn r. , I.- -t. ,ti I Inn- - l an-till iltU lllinll i;iM-li I,' :U i-l-il.- In "I -i l.-v-inn. iu-1 I'lll'liix l-ltr,l III I (n l I In 111, ln Ii Y i II. K L. II I X I I) $3 I nil I.I- f.-inwl nt hi. i , Itii'r ill Klith hi fun- Nitniii. Oxiili- t!n f-ir tin' I'ltlnliw Lvlnic ttln; nf It-i-l ll ill,i nil hand, jinn- J.' tl I ruicdy sucius Diseases TrmR.ITCH.S0HC5. PIMltCS. XEDYSIPElASjt WRINCWORMy I DOl'HT IT. Wln-n n iMirnfri-d lij im- nptunu-il to your own, With no one tu it,ttM. ulmiil It, Du you prey for I'tidiimni i; tn lot llii-ra nloni; Well, my bo uu du hut I douht It. Wlu n ! little- hiinj y.iu io irnillted to n-lre, With a tolvoty winiK-u ilimit It, Do you think you oan ilron It with tiovor a iiiuocn-t Wi-ll, limy ho yi.-ii can but I doubt It? Wiu'ii a tjiH.-riiiA; waift ii In rvarli of your ami, With a wondi-rful iihiin)nt-!i ulxiut It, Ho ynu iin;iio thti ). 'Im 'twlxt tin- good and the harm? Well, may bo you do-hut 1 doubt It. And If hy tlii-i'trli-k ymi i-houlil raitiirc a heart, With a womanly nweeliu-wi ulniiit it. Will ymi Kimrd It, Hint koe it and art the ifood iart ' Well, niny bo you will tint I dolllit it FATHER AND SON. It wan it 1ml Miiniiii-r dny. ' The d:iv wa oiiri'-sivi! at tlir rally lmtir whi'ti 1 was roiKt'l in f-'n nvi-f In tin' ciMii't liiittM'. innl w I pli' luTiwa tin; 1'iiiiiitry. tin- sttl lty nil- v.. is i-xi-i'i-iliiii'ly ilispititiiig. hail lt d laki ii t-h irp' of the ih'tViisu tnvwlf. Twn ciniin tit i-iiiiiiM-l wiTi1 i-ii'.'iii.'i'il, fa iiiilinr with iriiiiinal )'ratlii'". linn uf ki'i n iiilelli'i-t, ami wIiom- i-xu rioneo in that lirainh uf thu iiruiVwinti i-tialili-il ih in In catch tit iiyiTJ thani ti fur lilV. ami In ili-toct every flaw, hnwever ininiite, ill the links of the ovidi'tiio nisei Id tilt in. It was a very old rntii't-rtuim in which thi' trial took ilacc. The lu nch fur the court was ai the end opposite In the en tranije. iind eotisistcd of a raised platform. with a tabic on it, and a rail jn front of il, which looked us if it miht have done service in a colonial court. (In each side of tin- doorway (he seals were elevated one almve the other, rising toward the rear of the loiiiii, so that you entered hc twet n two walls wh'ch yrew lower as you advanced to the bar. The only bar was a hiph, close buui'd fence- I can call il nothinj; c'sc sweeping i I n scinicifclc uioiind the room, inclosi'i the s".ils and tables fur thu neiitlcnu'ii of the profession. The lirisoiicr's box was outside of this fence, elevated above il, and arranged with due reference to the iuipo.sibility of nn escape. The audience occupied the ele vated seals ill the n ar, and so'lie vacant places behind the jury box, which was on tho iudee'is left. The latter mentioned twecn oppoiii.' counsel, utiil leaves justica to be administered according to the skill of the contestant. There is no more painful scene to an idle looker on, than the anxiety of some district attorneys to procuro tho convic tion of criminals; and, indeed, it is at the first a painful employment to the attorneys themselves; but tho eager excitement of professional labor soon removes all thought of pain; and the eagerness with which the victim is hunted to the death, while every avenue of escape is guarded and stopped, in absolutely iipimllmir, Let us look and labor for improvement in theso customs of the courts, and lor a substitution ot im partial, substantial justice in the place of the two-sided contests which now assume the name of justice, and in which court and jurors vainly strive not to enlist their feelings with one or the otlier side, nud which rcMilt necessarily in the escape of the guilty, or the punishment of the inno cent, ipt'ite as often as in correct verdicts. In the trial ol winch I now write the iroseeitling attorney was a man ol un doubted talent, whoso life had been devo ted to his iirufcssioii, and who regarded a ,- . r' . ...... .... :.. ..n . V. l'llel ul not, guilty as in an eases n liiiiinpli over lutusell, which he must drive against Willi might ami main. He opened the case to the jury with de liberation, hut with tremendous force, lie detailed thu simple incidents ol the family history with tcllni'' effoct. He had not spoken ton minutes before tho audience ;an to look dark, and a gloom settled on the countenances of all present; for tin-re were few in that crowd who had not loved Step. icn Forstor, and who did not fee' deeply his awful postCon. As the cmiMsel stated the testimony which be proposed to offer, thee was a hopeless look in the eyes of the whole as sembly which I have never seen before nor since in all mv pntct'ce, and when he closed, there was a feeing of relief, a momentary bieatli;,ig. as if a weight were removed from the breast of every one. Thru came the tes'i'iimtv, slowly piling up its inountaiii-load on the young man's fate. l'irst of all was the medical testimony, lescrihiug minutely, a'ld in terms which physicians alone know how to use. the ii i . i e i ..i mi. .. ileatn anil tne causes oi ueaui. men followed the long eross-exaininalion, which failed to shake the calm medical men frtise shall now be adopted, what new plan of action devised, to save the life of a man whose innocence is clear to the wind of the lawyer, but whose guilt appears almost established to the minds ot tho jury. TO BE COXTI.M KU.J A'STOKYOF akctic advex- Tl'KE. SIGNIFICANCE OF KINGS. space was generally occupied by lailicH, j a,l the St-ttc c-illed iti in-xt witin-ss. when any case was on trial which inter ested them. ( In the occasion ol which now write tin re was not room there for them. Long before the li ni- ol' oiitiiiiio, the court-room was thioiro'd willi ih - 'female ionlution of the county, ulnm-i to the c.ulu-ioii ol' the liii-n who cam.! i'lom nil ii.ianers to at tend ibis first nui'-d.-r trial in .heir neigh- boilioiil. The jip'ors were in their plaeo an hour before the time, as they feared that the rr.-wd would p.-event their brill-.' admitted. 'I'll bar was. as tibial. lliiiMi -i d w'uh lawvi r- ami their elcrks clial-iiiu. laii''iiil in. im import. in: ipi loW In lilVIl and i, in .oi' ih, I.iImII'.' of llll II I ..lll li'i! or i 1; thin ; I., do w :. s.ioiig pil-oi' W.I- U.N. II ll'olllld III.' I'll.! ye- of many mc! for i-ars. kin-w as that of ono ri ml. a Kindly woman w iiiii on h.-r kin . s a humlm , its if the .lay were - had any lealh of nam piles flviuiti-ni sm ninitur itlngine, iU Unit, wurt tt If lit ; M-m mb H f hi-wiirnu win mwlmg kbout tlirifeium ihiinii'"irtftrr'ftrtinMl. At f.ifJMhl, .nHluIlttltl Itll'l aimn fin, hWAIHI I - tif at t Mttrtf j trtir) tn Ik Mrka-L tt!j i-p ii-uii;ii Mi it in :-t fitttij ft ktUt.31 .kdU.Ci'U :W)KK-klkiM,r)ill-t,lft Juan Ifl ly tu pHtftkitvirnii: iioliii I'k IhtiUttKiicMt AliiinT fii, MAGNETIC LUNG PROTECTOR ! MICK ONLY They are irlcelt-i to Ijnliea, lieulU'iin-n and Chll ilren with wink luiiir.: " cane uf imi'iimnnla or i-mii'i l over known where llu-aD Knn. nt an mini. They ali irovent and .-im- hentl dlftietilii,, Ciil.U, lihuimalUm, XriiralBU. Tlipmt tniubhi. llli.hlherta, Catarrh, and nil kniilr.il .Umiim". Will weax any aerviuu f.r Uircii yeun. Arc worn over the ninkr-clnllilnir. i i fti TM IT It l nwslln d( lAl AJilllllta-rilatllw .yni.U.l.l UiUHuaeouiiliaMUK thai l .ii'.lin II. e life an.l trunglb ufoul) Inoruaiiy of the fulrent and la-sl of bolh .erteo. Ilr.ttiiilyandtwar.-h In Amcrlea, Kuroiio and lUnti-rn lau.U, havunnullisUiithe Ma uelle Limn I'rnlis-inr, llonllneiini lor (utarrli, i-em. ily wlil.-h ntnwtiM Nn UriiaKliiK ol the System, awl with ihMintliiiiou utreaimif Mhiiim-iIiii ier luwllnil llinrtull llietllletsliilvlu, must n -l-.l. Iln-nitoa liealll.v aotlnli. We Hare oltr I'tUv P Oil. Aiipllanr m lr an ..ue4wniM'-Ui i n.' Ill I'll' l; ill. .ii i' i' w.i-i hr.iuol't in bel'ore tin ip -ii -.1. and look his cal in the iltnieil his ua.e for .'1 llinllli III ciiiH-leil room, cat.-h'ng tin' i:. he had known and Th.-ri' was one face that .1 his mothers n had time-. ok -d in'. i his i.iee with a longing gaze at asked him as l.l.ii n v as if he had heard the words, wli-'lh -f imleed be Were L'llilly of that linivio'e riinii'. And ill repvwa as ,:ain. a legii.ii-, or aiLiinn w in level otl clinose lo call 11. as w.i- the .iticslioti. I!vi-rv one uluiku.-w th i the :"."l Was Hue l.,-l'..-,-. il woinaii. , and ll fl.il he- itit.le ami relalioii of that boy t, knew that his answer tin rr had bci u iloiibl ore that clear, blight look of i ahiin. s. And now the nresidiii-' iudge entered the court-room. Tor a little while then was a gathering near 1 1 1 in. and Ii . Ii it led tilcisalitlv with t!i.' members of the i;ii whom lie knew, and then took his ...it. lt.'foie otu'iiiti' emir., and even ... ii ,1- . . , . wliiie tliu clerK was ca'inig tue jury, nc occupied liHuse'l m ivailing a newspaper Irom the eitv. inteiriiii.in ' lions -ll oeci- sioii.illy, or ull.ovin ; him-. If I i b- inter riipled, to grant an order or m-jii a paper thrust be ore luin hv an audaciomi itl- toincy. At the moment when Stephen l'orslcr i it ii. .i -. was atiaigu. .1 ami plea. le-I to ine iiiuict tin nt, a veiled lady, lending on the arm of ii will known country gentleman, entered the private door of the court loom from the -li.-vill'i aiial'tini'lits, ami took a seal near the judge, and within the bar. 1 nee. lint coii.v.i the laet tint tin wis Mi Viion, whose faith remain 'd mi .shaken to the last, although I doubt mill li whether the linsolirr recouin'il her ut fir1! or until lo. vision had luiuni r.iled tin1 folds of her veil, tit a moineiit when she was remarkably ixvtipicd in listening to the opening counsel. There is one pr-minn nt tault in our svstrui of adiiimistrriii'g luMice, winch Is derived from old times in Kngland. 1 al lude to thu prescribed course of eondtii-t on the part ol the pro.s.i-utiii'g olhcer. I know by experience how dillicull it is I'm the attorney for the Slate to "i t rid ol the professional idea of nnlagoiiisin whii reoiiiies hiin if luissiUe, to be suivrwfnl ill (he contest. Hut it is manifest at glance that the whole duty of the district attorney consists in haviti'g a fair, impar tial siiili'iiient presented to the jury, and then lavini: before them the entire testi nionv. while he takes care tl The day wore along slowly and painfully, ii. II n-i mid the evening approaciicu. i ne conn had taken a short recess for dpiiicr, and an intc'-fuptiiin ot a tew minutes now oc curred, during which I approached the prisoner mid conversed with him. He seemed to have made up his lniud to a verdict of guilty, and 'o bu weary of the delay. I wish it were over, ' he said; "why torture me in this way I I do not love life enough to -y this price for it. 1 lave ban ..ut olj wish snu , I .-at here to- iy, and that was, that 1 had died like my old Irieinl, three years ago. It was u summer night like this; the .mis lay even as now in tho west when i. . it i i e ii i. e died, lie nail tioi uvcti long eiioiigu to know that the world was a poor place lo live, a hard place to sulf-r. a pleasant 'enough world to die out. of. To him It i Hied ivjoiiv. and he loiigcd for life 1 1 1 1 . . i . .. and its "Xpeiienc. s. now incscu logo away thus, and yet be knew it not. How blessed to die in the young sp"iR of life, and yet he would have lingered till the summer heats overpowered him, or the wind r lro.-ts chilled his very soul. 'And here am I. the mock and gale of th" crowd, wailing to hear the doom which is soon to be piMiuuiiicetl, and which you lawyers are postponing hour by h-nir. only to increase mv pain. Let it be over at once and forever. 1 lu g of you. Let " Mr. Phillips one moment, if you ease. 1 hastened to the counsel for the de fense, who were calling, and found them lei p il. coiisi'ltaliiUi about a proposition suddenly stalled, 'file object of the elder i'.rster in isinvieii'ig Lis son of inip'd- r was to my iniinl Very char, lie had i i.i .ii ' l .1. .11.. ilouUlh'.ss cxpcctcl 10 lliilerii ine reaoy upleli'li.l landed estates of Judg" Piiscli- riy, and the motive app. are-l liy no means lusnttu-'eiit, when tne enmity aim Imt'eil which had existed fur years between hi'il and his wic and son is taken into consideration. The testimony for the p.-ost'iuliou wa.i now all in. excepting only ol on Istter to l'tll Mull (L,ml.m) Jimtyrt. Now that so much discussion has been ra'n-cd on the subject of tho alleged canni balism in the Ureely Kxpeditioti, some in terest may be felt in another dreadful story of privation and danger, where a similar temptation was heroically resisted, as told by James Mcintosh, sole sur vivor from one of tho boats of tho whaler Chieftain. On May 20 last the Chief tain sent out four bonis in chaso of a whale, two of which, one cotiiiniinded by Alexander lhiin, the harpooner, lost the ship, and failing to find her, sha-icd their course for Ireland. Some days later two of Haiti's crew died, and Mcintosh then came into Haiti's boat from the other to act as steersman. The only other occu pants of tho boat then were Haiti and a 1 i t . i i ... el seaman named iMcwrcgnr. tin ine un lowing dav Uain thought he saw land and they altered their cou--se to steer to it, but found it to be only the reflection of a cloud. Ity so doing they lost their con sort, which did not follow them. Next dav Mclircgor 'died, and l"s body was committed to the deep. The same day a storm anise, which lasted three days, dur ing all of which time Mcintosh remained at his post as steersman while Haiu lay helpless and despairing in the bows. At last the storm abated, and tho undaunted steersman addressed somti cheering words to his comrade, but withont rousing him from his lethargy, which continued so long that. Mcintosh at last grew anxious, and though hardly able to move, his legs being benumbed with cold, managed to crawl along on his hands and kn.x-s to the bow of the boat, and found Uain ijuiui dead. A terrible sense of utter loneliness came over him, mingled with the fear that in his desperate condition (he Lad not tasted food of any kind for several days) he might yield to the temptation of sup porting himself on tho awful liie-ms of nourishment within bis reach. IMer niiiied to avoid this danger at all events, he with a L'reut effort, weak; as he was. succeeded in ficaving his deid comrades body overboard. On the fourteenth day he. perceived a small schooner and made a desperate effort to wave h'S cap to attract attention. He was seen and peeked up by the ship, but it was found necessary to iitiipula'i both legs, nionilioauiin having set in. lie finally ar'ived at lhtndce on I'riday week. Tliis gallant fellow, who is mariicd and h: s one child, is now in a pcrfc'ly destitute coiidhioii, us the loss of his l.-gs preclud.s his returning i his former sea-faring occupation, :in.l he has never learned any oilier trade. VALUABLE GEMS. A person who writes to the Brooklyn Eagle and inquires as to the significance of rings is thus answered : It is understood that a gentleman who desires to marry wears a plain or chased gold ring upon the first finger of tho left or heart hand. hen lis becomes en gaged the ring passes to the second finger. After marriago it passes to the third finger. If, however, the gentleman desires his lady friends to clearly understand that ho is not "n the market," and docs not wish to marry at all, he wears tho signet upon his little finger. This will inform all ladios that ha is beyond reach. With the ladies a plain or chased gold ring cm the little finger of the left hand indicates "not en caged or ready for an otter. hen en gaged the ring passes to the third linger of the right hand. When married the third finifcr on the left hand receives the ring. When a young lady desires to defy all stiitors she places rings one on the first and one on the fourth finger. A writer on the subject of rings says: "Though the ring of gold has long been looked upon as a necessity in the marriage ceremony, it is by no means indispensable, and civil marriages may be contracted without it. The Puritans abolished the ring, or, rather, tried to do so; they looked upon its use its superstitious and of beat hen origin. Quakers generally object to the ring on account of heal lieu origin, bul t lie ladies of that persuasion have shown a decided preference for its continuance on account of the invidious position in which a married lady might be placed for the want of it. Wedding rings are placed on the left hand to typify obedience. Thu converse is probably the reason why the engaged band is placed on the third light linger of aji'inai; who still possesses a large amount of freedom and froiiienlly exercises her power in an arbitrary manner. OIM'OKTI NE KEM.YICKS. M EDOLESO M E I'EO FLE. AKTHl'irs Fl'TlMtl lie ici ever siiice exceeded his iuioine. Ilis .ii.i .i -i cic iii.sijiirseniens in me rapt the clinching e'.ilenee, namely, that Stephen Fnrsler the father, which, use examination, proved to he the sole cti.lctice which connected his soli with the ii-.i-nning. The proofs thus far had been 1 i . . .i ii- . .i . ai . i.i .. . .. complete, til llic cltet'i inai -urs. riu.sier ad been poisoned and was dead, but no idea was given that her son bud loinniit- te i the dis'.l. except in tile la. I lint lie d piinh.iied (he article in the city 'hnrl'v before the ilath; bu, this was re lieved hv the circilii'stanecs that he had purchased other arli ''es for chenm-a' ex p liuicnu a! the same time, and had several times, at least iwice p-i-yinusiv, purchased the same poisonous drug. It was iht refute w.lh no small ilrcni' of risk, ami yet with a cool mid well-ad- v'im' I pro cssioital determination, that the counsel cug.ired for the defense deter mined to direct idl their force Inward breaking down the evidence of the elder I'oi-stei', and ubaudonili ; the chanees. It w as, in paint of fact, a new idea, sug gested by the junior counsel i.t ib's s a :e I the ease, anil involved ih ii.i.inilon- in. in of th- previously adopted theory of lefense, whu:h had been t iatt'ie lia'assed and weary wife had coin-nnlitl suicide. The moment of time in which tl !s con sultation took p'.ico may we'l alT-ir.l t i readers of (his history an Idea ol Hie ' lie has a high n.i.ioii of (he dignity of of the l'lesliu'Hih'l oilier. He will try to remain on the pules ;,1 .which he thinks it has se, h u o-i. Ilis ambi tion was to be continued ey- su.Ti ig. in an ollice which chance had ;.;i.'cn to him, but that disappointment will uoiiilect h's i'u tuiv. lie will mi.iier -.il.e a lower plaee in politics, nor re.o -,ilo the p aciceol hiw. lie is not very rVh probably he wil1 re tire IVoni (he White House w'th le s than hundred thousand dull im to his name. had lllfire than ibat wbci eieccil -President, bin. his cxpciic'itui'cs have snare rcatcr th ih those o." any iiee"d;ng Pres ident, and his c.lor s to get a re innii t ii .li were very cos.ly. However, he will live the ristof bis days i'l dignified retirement from a'1 busiurss. And hr will do it elegantly, too. lie has made friends while President who will enable him. They will not make, liim an object of charily, but they will make it possible f..r him to so employ his moderate fortune that it will afford the income of a g'cat one. The Astors are under obligation' to him for sending Waldorf Astor to It.ly as 1'liilcd Suites Minisvcr. They are just now showing their gratitude by linni.i'ig him at Newport, and hnv easy it will be for them to put him in tho way of im mensely remunerative real sjite in vestment. He has within a moith been cntcrta lied by the Astors, I'.el iiioii s. .lames (ioidon lic'inet,, and olhrrs miUio'ii-ire people, irr.-spis-tive of par.y adherence. Most of these friends he has made while President. His sisii' hold on tliciu is firm. They wi" neve let it '. iiecessi y for h' n t" work for a living. He will be an or la'nem.il ex President, and perhaps ot c: sioually useful ill a non-paili-au pithfe way, but he will not let hi ins elf down to any pursuit for it livelihood." V IIE.VU LIVES AI Tl.lt iu;a I II Vom the Ai huusim Ti nti Mr Among the first ('niilcdcrato troops that went out from Arkansas was Parson (Iocs- more, who enlisted as a chaplain. He was a devotee Christian and his prayers were regarded by the men as uttrranrrs from a higher power, .lust before the battle ot Jenkins's Perry the old man in a sermon said : '.My dear hoys, 1 have decided to go into the next fight with you. 1 don't think a man can properly preach about the evils and sensations of war unless h has experienced the feeling of going Hid butt e. Now. the next lighting we engage in shall have me numbered among its par ticipants." The old gentleman rode a large gray horse and when preparations for the battl of Jenkins's Kerry were being made he appeare 1 on (he snowy charger. Sonic o (he olheers begged him lo keen out of dan ger, but with mi expression of heroism h, replied that he would engage in the battle. The first artillery tire from the enemy shot the burst! from under the ohl gentleman, and by the lime he settled himself on his feet a bullet came along and carried off one of his lingers, lie attempted lo be calm, but just then a bullet carried away the right thumb, and wheeling around the old man struck a determined trot lor the rear. Industry prevents vice. Love and trust but few. Scorn to do a mean act. Promise little and do much. Write your own history daily. KcoiioDiy is the chair of old age. Betray uo trust; divulge no secret. Pen and ink are the h.wt witnesses. Little boats must keep near the shore. Short reckonings make long friends. Do good whenever you can, and forget t. Defile not your mouth with impure words. The fall of the leaf is n whisier to the living. Judge charitably and act kindly to each oher. Study not to beautify the face, but the mind. Truth is the hidden gem we all should dig lor. ltrvenge is the only debt which it is wrong to Pity. I'mlli is a ro k large enough for all to stand iihiii. Plain words make the most ornamental sentences. Avoid yourself what you think wrong in your neighbor. SiK'ak well of your friend; of your enemy say nothing. If none endeavored, there would be end to discovery. People sweal because they know their wolds are worthless. How much pain the rils have caused us that never happened. There is no disease so dangerous as the want of common sense. A child is the brightest ray in the sun shine of a parent s heart. SINGLE Lll i:. All communities are more or less in fested with a class of individuals, who, for getful of their own interests, are all the while iuterni.tldling in the affair of their neighbors, miggest'uig, prescribing, com plaining, fretting and abusing because cer tain things do not joint up just in etuiforiii ance to their own wish" mi I interests. Such individuals arc always r pnlsiv in tho eve "I decent smb tv ulid should ae hiiiined bv all tiiasl Peopl . Small vil lages are mostly infested with this class; yet the sinall-pox would lie far preterahle It is a principle greatly to be nliliorretl mid on,: ol (he must dillicull to pass, i.eing the result of exliemo ignorance and low raising. Hewure of the meddle?. SHE KNEW HOW. poetic They ill the She was young ami sweet and he was young and mischievous. were sitting out on the veranda moonlight an I she grew ethereal. Oh. how, I love to sit out lu re m (he moonlight, she cooed, "to be limned by the languorous h'I times ol tho roses and to be kiwi! bv the soft, ail's irom the South !" Then be kissed her and she grew indig nant. 'How dare you?" she almost soblied. Why, I'm a soft heir from the South, he replied contritely She didn't say anything when ho kissed her again. Kvcrv failure is a step to sueeoss; every detection of what i false directs us toward whiitM true: every trial exhaust some tempting form of error. Not only so, but scarcely tiny attempt is entirely u failure; areely any Iheorv, the result ot steady thought, i :dtii','ether false; no templnv form of error is without some latent i-hnrui derived from, truth. ADVKRTISKMKNTS. aT2w hints 'Hold oil. ' Hold oil, lai'soii : l" called some he replied one. . "Ask a man to hold on when the whole d n universe is shooting at him. Take care of your body and the Lord will take care of your soul!'' A M A I L KG A I TO M A K K A I'l T V iiui- i.rl.-e a.l.-.l by irtlwra Tor ti'ineliex ppnu wltl'-n 'J Uke all the chaiii-i-, mid . sti,tllf im He lm .l n.iiaituof the luaujr iK-r.it. who lnie tiled tliuij- (iiuj tliutr akiiuaclu witimiii i ins t. II0AV TO OBTAIN Thin Apt.ll- anoe. (Into y.mr ilmiwUt and ak for them. If they have mil them, write tothe miirlel.ir..eii el.lnir Hie price, In Idler at nur ri.k.au.l they will be wnt to yon "lire by mall. t paid. Send U.inp for the. "Sew Heparium in Medical Treatment without Jlt-dli-ln,'' with tlniaiul uf .,o.tl.ml.KK XAONKTON AITI.IAN.KCO . JlshiaiewrtT.. i iiieitao. in. v,er.J,.ittiietlillrllitace alaint or i-ur-reiiry lin letler at our rl.kl Ith .ire of .h.- ii.unliy Lorn and try- llr "four Miniuetie ln.l., and lie convinced of the n-aiilliia In nur Man "ill TApolumcw. 1-n.lllv.dy no cold ft wher, intr wwoto,wbuu47 ft'""1 wtUlr iat no un I roper or illegal course is pursued by the mentoiis respousi'oili. ics under which law- defcuse. The custom of suppressing tes- ycrs labor, lhe inol lace, the sm ; r not miln. -iiiiin.' witnesses whose Countenance, tint iiillek sparking retoits. rvitleii.i liktfly tu favor the prisoner, of the ga), trifling manners, which lead ire.th nu m as ol taw to their utmost nystanuer in imagine Ictision. or with the aid of an easy court, even beyond all legitimate bounds the laboring" assiduously with all the force, talent, and trickery of the prolesion com hilled, to pris-uro a conviction, and ihoop tioaiti.' pverv e fort nl the prisoner lo e. tablish innocence mid good character. this i nn offense against justico which pre 1tllV Ih'Hjhllfh In l.itmhul ..Vim. M. lSiowu-Se iiard wanted to see wheth er life, uf er It v'ti.lr'lt death, is suscepti ble to be ng recalled i.i nn animal killed in a heallhy s ate. He beheaded a dog f'aMi'illi.'r with his voice. The blood of .t.hri tloL' was be orehaud p t-pari d lo VuMI M'' HdltillfllT .S'ldl. The New Vork, Philadelphia and Nor folk lUilro.id lia.s determined, it is stated, lo make a city mil of Caie Charles City. It is to he built im what is known as ''The Old Plantation," whirh coiniuencei at Chrtrysltiio Inlet and stretches down the bay coast to Cape Cha:-lcs. The sit uation commands a splendid view of the bay, and possesses the advantage of luce. es ''rum both the Atlantic and Cln-spcakc. It is proposed to make Cape Charles City a, summer resort, and it is llnmght the place will spring into popularity as soon as its advantages are made known to the public. The peninsula is Very narrow from Chcirystano down to thr caie, with splendid shooting and fishing grounds along the bay slime, and within easy reach on the sea cons.. It is also ihotiglii that Cajie Charles City will heeo'no very attractive as a resort for'invaliil in the fall, winter and spring months. The climate is mild there during nil the cold months, r.ud the exttciues of beat are never felt in summer. The new fit v will bp laid out in avenues and streets. Tile avenues are to be named after lhe (liTi'rnnr of Vi-ginia and the streets alter fruits. The railroad company, it is slated, have leased the wharf and ware house iimiwrtv at Norfolk, known as Smith's, on Town Point, it has n fron tage of 41 1 feet, and finely situated for transportation' facilities. A ncuibor of new freight linusrs and places for tho e columo.lati. of passenger will he erected on the irnjM'rly. The lease gives the company puwkKNiou on the 1st of Oeto her. A state of single blessedness has its mis chievous side. The mischief of divorce is a mere bagatelle, as compared with the harm done by the inlluenccs whirh nprr ate in both sexes to prevent marriage. tin not say delay, hut to prevent; for tin alarming fai l is mil (he iiinubrrs who be lieve that, they ran achieve the ends and tin: happiness of life better without being entaiiL'led in the matrimonial web. 1 In opinion has more prevalence among youni men; but it is the oilier sex who sufl'c most under its operation. It is not alto gcther loose and libertine reasoning w hicl leads young men and young women to ibis eiiiiclusion. It may lie loreed on them hy the cogency ol special lads in lhe wolii uiiv of t unking. I lu re is a great mass of selfish ami wni'nlly cnnvciiience and comfort which induces llieiu to take thai side at once. There are risks in domestic which are so great m the higher I ges ol'sorirly as to take lite ignoble look I mm a young man's selfish cowardice, 'lhe public discussions of woman's jaisition and prospects have drawn the sexes apart in feeling and antagonistic interest. Wed ded life is less attractive to young men. Its promise does not seem to cipial its bur den. The young women, on their part, are frightened by the dismal pictures spread before them. Matctnily, (he crown and glory of (heir sex, is dishonored; and while on the oue hand they have been morbidly informed of itscostsand its perils, ihcv have little hut the dictates of their own nature to encourage them lo assume its burdens or to reward (hem with the honor thev deserve for having dona so. ll'divVy M'ltjii.iiif. A country woman, who was visiting her married daughter in New Vork, wrote home that she was "living on n flat." A family council was held to determine .what the phrase meant, Tho oldest son, who had been to the city, said it meant that she was "living in a great big house." Hut (he majority came lo tho roiiclusion that she meant that she was living on her son-in-law, To he certain of gelling a bite wheii you go fishing, take it along w ith you. .1 1'.FFEKSON'S KI LI'.S. The following rules for practical life were given by Mr. Jefferson in a letter of advisi Suiilli 1. Never put oil' till to morrow wh it you can do to-day. i his nanicKike, Thomas Jefferson in lXli.j : 2. Never trouble can do yourself, 'A. Never spend you have others for what ymi your money before it. L Never buy what you do not want because it is cheap. fi. Pride costs us more than hunger, thir.t or cold. (i. We never repent of hitting eaten' too little. ". Nothing willingly. is troublesome (hat we do AHVKUTISKM KNTS K SO"! will keep constantly on hand every thing that may be desired in my line. My stock is always fresh because I order only small ipiantiti.-s at a lime mid order freipicntly. When in want of any uf the following goods call and see me : (iUOCKIHKS. liultrr, Hams, Canned Heel', Corned Heel', Kiee, Mackerel, Potted Mcids, Hour. Sugar. Coffee, Soap, Crackers, Pried Beef. CON l'l'.CTKt.N Kill MS. Apples, Oranges, Lemons, KaisillS, Call dies, l'reut h and Plain, Crystaliitcd Fruits, Cake of all descriptions. Pigs, Nut., Preserves. TOHACCO.S.M'l'F, All Brand of Suiuking Tobacco, Chew ing Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, Different Brands of Snuff, &c. Pipe of every description. 1CK CKIvVM SALOON. ' In connection with my other business I have fillisl up an elegant lee (Vain Saloon for latlies and gentlemen open to-day and at all hours during (he season. iMcoimtiTioN iti:i:it. the that the lawyer is enjoying Ins contest as lie might a game of chess or of billiards, o.rni cover the deepest anxiety, tint most fearful trem bling for the fate of lhe client whose life' hang on the (piicknc.ss or skil1 of that apparently ihroiightlcs intellect. I think there is no other consideration needed to convince men (hut (he p-nfession is one of i transfused id o thr ascirs of thrhfiul. No sooner was it injrc.ed than the inert head became iiti'.iinted, t'-u eyes upeiied nml. on tho Professor culling (he dog by ilis name, nn nt tempi was made to answer by a cai-cssing look. When the arterial blood win exhaii-,.d life disappeared. This painful cM'iiur"it was sii:gei. ed by tine made by Dr. Lcbo.'de on ( Vwpi's In . n I an hour and a ha'f a.'rr execution nud when, pr sutmtbjy, the ee cb'-a' ma. cr had greatly Ins. ex. liability. Nevei ibe b e., when ai-.crial blood was inj.tled into ,he heiul. (he moulh appeii.-eil lo lake a hin ? ol'ir-accr, the ryr'id were raised the pup'.! contra ved when light flashed upon them, nud, by an orifice in the skull, il wa seen tint circulation was moinent urily niubltK.iftl in tho intellectual eon- VillUtlOIS. A LA ICG E DIAMOND. -7 V il'fck' .1. I hi IHltll x r " i - - ' llmotvhly, 41 JSiif. i'x.ritiict Killtlinii'i lit jjroptr tlo4 Im itwa u Tot toii.tlpatlop, er Coatlnnua, M M.ndj U ottootltu U ATM! SHU$.) T:.e Tmiira regular dally action, and rarf itora th bowela ti a lieallhy eondltloii. For luili(eilluii,or Py-ape pala, AYIB't I'll L art liiTaluubla, and a aura our. Ili-art-burn, toaa of AipHlb, Foul Hleninili, Flatulency, Dliilawa. Uaad ailie, NumbiUM, Naua, ar all rallat4 and eurod by AYkn'f PitLi. In I.lT.rCoiuvlslet, UlUoua Dltonlart, and Jauuillca, Avmi'l Tau holl (Iran in do larga uonk to atclta Iba Uvar and bowoli, and rmoa eoMtlpatloa. Aiaeloantli ii niedlalna la tUSyrlni, tliu Pll.t.il im uuoipiallad. XVornn, c.-tujed by a morbid ondltlon ot tb bowoli, ara m.'lled by then l'll.u. Erupt lorn, Skill Ilaa, and Plla, tin wnnltof IndliieilionorCoiiitipallon.art nred by tho tut t A vca'a 1'tLl.t. For Cobla, tuito Avaa't ran to open tl rro, reiuova liiOauimatory Mcretiona, and allay th foror. For Diarrhoea and Dyntryt eauaed t7 lld loil OOl.U, IlldigClllUl food, lltC., AVER't I'l Mat ar tits trn rmdy. lthoumntliin, Cnnl, Ktnmlfl) ol Btlllca,of!n rciult from dljenlv dtnuig. tucnt, or soldi, and dliappaar on rnio.i. th taut by th tu ot Arn'i rit.i t. Tuuiuri, Drowty, Kidney CamvUlnl't and olhr dlaordert aauaed by dtblllty at obitruollnn, ar urfd by Avrn'l 1'il.u. Supprei.lon, and Talnful Mrnitrna. tlon, bar a uf and rsady nmwtf In AYER'S PILLS. Fall dlreetlona. In vsrlotu larinnsgsl, a, cominuy each pst-k.-ig. rarrARKn t Dr.J.C.Ayer4Co.,LowcII)Ma. SoldbyaUDrnKliU. t'tittliiity (.. .) Juan Once, in a small Connecticut vails to too great an extent among officers most terrible labor and rts-puiisi biliiy, than of the Suita tn our courts, and which by the idea that, in such a trial as this 1 am no means tend to procure justice or to se- now describing there may bo several nio cure tlie punishment of crime, since it ro- ments when it is necessary to detenuin j, ducci tr'wUi at tho bur to skirmish bo- again nd ag'ti, what now theory of " Ymi did not pay very close at.enuon U the sennoii, I fear, this nioriiing." "O, vin. f tbd. inuiimia." "Well, what did 'the Minister cay?" "Ho said that the picnic would start at ten o'clock Thursday imirjvpg aoa 0111 mo, cau i go i AViimi tie Lnmbm 7iW. A Tory cxtra; din.'i ry diamond of no less than 4."n cai.i,. has, we ar int.irineil, lietn shi).K il fr. m South Alriea anil sold by a c',v linn to a syndicate of diamond niercbn.i s. The clir e.piaN, if not excels, that of the finesl India diamonds, and in the opinion of competent judgin it will cut to a perfect and lutrous biilliant. In drop sfiaiir it will weigh as nearly as can Im! csliuiatd ubotit L'fl carats, or in loxeiige shape, Uiolette, about 30(1 carats. The brilliant will tkerclore cxeeed in weight all the historical diamond. The Knh-i noor weighs 1 OG carats, the llegeiit of Franco I'M carats, and the Orloff, which was cut for weight, 11)5 carats. In sio, color, purity and ipiality it is expect ed to prove to he the most marvellous stone ever known. When you hear a rushing torrent of It .1 A - 1 . . t. - profanity, ll U a sign mat a uaiu oai I burst. village, a number of lialuiiies ol the tavern were surprised to see lh acuu J enter the bariiMim where they were silling. Tho deacon was a chuichuiaii and a "Prohibi tionist." He observed the inipiiring looks of his fellow-townsmen and, to do him justici, looked embarrassed he blushed and the evidence of embarrassment man tled his entire countenance, particularly hi nose. ''John," said he to the barton, tier, "you may give ine a glass of water, and just put a sioiilul of sugar in it." Observing that the interest in his actions was lessening, the Worthy deacon, growing bolder, reniaikid, "John, just fill (hat up with whiskey and make a kind of beer of it." That is the kind of a Porhihiliouist lie was. THE BLATCHLEY pumpi BUY THE BEST. BLATCHLEY'S TRIPLI ENAMEL PORCELAIN-LINED ou SEAMLESS TUBE ; COPPER-LINED PUMP Ifjv Do not lie anruad Into buy Ina- liibninr Clw.1. r For wile by the l.-sl i : houKS In tl I nulo. C. C."bl.ATCHLEY.Mnnurr, 308 MARKET 8T., Philad'a. W rltti to lue for bant of inoruit AtfuiiL feb IS tint SVD FOR tfATALOGlfclf. nov ly EAL ESTATE IGEIICT. I have eslabliahrtl a REAL ESTATE AGENCY In the town 0 WELD ON, N. C. I llttVl'TKN llollNl H lu Wi'ldon FOR SALE OR RENT. About half of tkwn Horn, others dwUtup, I iko kavp about V.IMMI AC HIM OF l.ASI) IN HALIFAX COt'NTY FOR 8 A L K For further uarklrulurt, ujarioa wiaalui ta kuf 0 rent call apply to lue hi peraoli ur by letter. 1 am unw laklag up " latidi parUea wlih to aell and ailvertliaa the aam at aiy own expeiiM, ua-h-sn a wil.- In ina.W and ohwi I uhaiyf ruianiiiaioii. For my Manning aa a H'ulleuieu and a oiaa worthy to lie trunted, I rnoc by ptiuikwiou lo H. U Smith, Neot land Neck : Dr. J. A. Collina, tune 1 4 W. A. LSutttit, WtiitioU, T. .V. UX Igt'-ctca. tat I if BP. KHIKWI "Man doca not eomvivo of the magni tude of a billion," remarked the lecturer, "why, n billion sheets of paper, placed one on top of another, would make a pile nearly fifty thousand milea high." At this juncture a very solemn looking party with a largo Adam'a apple, rose up from a hack seat and said: "Ves, but how nre you iroinsr to pile them up?" And be cause the lecturer wouldn't explain, the solemn party sailed majestically out of the ball, thumping his Cane angrily all tne way. R'K, Ice for sale every day at retail from one pound up. It can bo had on Sunday from 7 A. M. to 1 1 A. M., and from 5 P. M. to 7 p. m. It will not bo supplied ut any otlier hours ou Sunday. COOLINd DHINKS. Ice Lemonade, (linger and Ia'IiioU Pop, Sarsaparilla, ke. All theso things and more always on hand Thanking the public for their liberal acknowledgments of my efforts to please and soliciting a cnutiiiuauce, I am Yours Respectfully, FRANK Y. CLUVERIUS Weldon, N. C. "Little Gem Stohk, may 22 (im. V- V- II ALL. FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, Can be (mud tilth Roanoke Ncwa otic, WELDON, N. C. REPRESENTS New York rudcrw illcn. Western, of New York of Toronto, Canada North Carolina Home, of Raleigh, N.C. Wlllplae rUk;iaay lotlM low anfr rata.

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