IE 1 1 i 1 " - 'J J. ' - - 4 ' S Li H ill ii!"- Mi ' -:) "Wtw . "' -"U"'"" "" Jj!" l. ilj V.- HALL &c SLEDGE, 1'Koi-kicthrs. A. NEWSPAPER FOR TXIE PEOPLE. TEPvJyES-S-'""1 l'KK AXXCM IN ADVANCE. VOL. XIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1881, NO. 2d. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. vt. ii. kin iiiN, vt. A. lit N. CnCMY ATTtiHNKY. I T C HIS ! I N , ,1 TTORXEYS A T LA W, SCOT I. AX I) NKCK, N. C. mnr Wtf r'. II.HIMtKK, K.ti.r.ii.ii, K. (. II. II. SMITH Jr. SOITt.ASliSfcCK, H, C. r Sll K E A- SMITH. Mr F II. lln-lHf nn.l Mr. 1! If.smllh, Jr.. lit Utw, Intve Inrinttl h limited jMirtiiepdilp f. ir lli' priii'tirr nf lnw in ILilitix eminiy. Mr. lln.l u ill Htt'iil tin- eniirli. i.l HitllfiLX. ri liiilnrly, uml will nl-.i vhot the county lit never hi service ure re-iolrcd. iK'l lit ly t It I t . A It I) VI ' . A II Y M A N, Attorney it l.nw, HALIFAX, S. C. iilliri' In the Court lliniw. strict attention given null lirtttlfhfM ol' the proletutlon. jnii U ly T ' II it M A S X. II ! I. !., AUuriicy ul Law. HALIFAX, S. f. Priti'tlec III ll.tllf.tx mid nIJ.iliiliie,coiitili mill rcilt-nil iiimi supreme court. am;. '- If. T W. M A SO X , . Attorney at Law, , IfAKYSHriM, K.C. I'rneticfs In the I'niirlK nf 'iirt)intiiiluii ihhI ad )olulii.r I'lMintivh, tilmi hi tin Fo'L'jiil uml supreme I'.iiirlii. jiiuchtl. I. T E II K. II A N I K I.. AUnriit'y at Law, WKI.lMix, x. c, Practice lii llnlifm mill adjoining counties. s.i'rinl Htti'titiiin eivcii in ciilkriitin ill all purl), of Hu- Muti- ami iniutil returns tiiiuli'. ft 17 ly. H A I. I., Attorney at l au, WKMMiN, N.C. SMH'iul tittfiitloii tiwu Ui roll. tHiirrti intiiitl) iniuk'. i-Uiit hikI Tvmit iiiuy I tf. M U I. L E N it M O () K E, Atliii nt at I.a. HALIFAX. X. c. rrin liiM' in III' riiuhtiffc iil Hiililiix. Xnrlliiiiiiilni.'riitHlK. I'ltl nml Miirtiii In tin' Sii,ri'itn nmrl nl llir Stiitr llllil ill lilt' l-tilt'ltll I Hlirlli ill tin- FjihIitii IliMrlrt. rlimiK iiimli' ill miy mrl nl the suiti1 jmi I ' I)' J. K. H II I E 1. US, S(J'"H Dt'lltli-t. lldviiic M'niiiniciitl liKiiU t iii Wt'hloti. vtiu U' I 'timlHi hi nlluv in .Mniih V Hrii k Hiiiltlinir ut nil Unit ri it W III II alfM'tll i!l I'tult ii.tliitl uoilli'.v irctul Hllriitiun Kini lo nil l-mih litf nf Hit ir-f'-wiuii. rurlii visilt-tl ul tlifir Imiai's u u ilo Iinl. Jul U ly. D E. 1.. II V X T K It, ur);ni!i DcnlM. ha ( mi Ik fuiin.l ut lift uilirr In tnlirM. Pntv Nilniuit Uxitlc liiw lr tlif I'liiiiU-Mt Kxtruc tiiitf nf Ti-fth nlway on luind. jiiiif -"i If 1 THEGRFATMEFCR IKlilM PILES TaclofnillIM4ttar,llnriii, Mckrai.l Bight; mcmu II ptn-wonMtiicrawliii(aliot Uirrlnn;llivrivitpartf arvofUntffMtaL Ala lAMal, rnmialrml anil pilti nir, Mv.iiii'l OikTHtor u ninr u mttj ankU In lb narktt. rwiiwmilllHtBl I Jtau,l u. Auatii. awAiaiaitva, l-lni.f. Juno It ly TO l'KEEK t Till; HEALTH . H 1 l'e till) Miigni'tnn Aiii'llam-r '.' MAGNETIC LUNG PROTECTOR ! MICE O.KLY K. t ': ' j,ht-y are prirvlrw Ui lilit-m, liciiilvuwa and Chit' drv'D with wik lunioi; no cam- nf pneumonia or croup ta rvcr knuwu whero Ihtnv gwrnieuta an' wont. They also prvveut anil eurv heart dDDeulllsa, liilils, Kheumatlam, Ncurahrla, Throat irouMi, Ulplithrrla, Catarrh, ami all klmlrvd illivsai Will wear any M'rvitti fur three yuan. Aru uru uur thauuder-elotlilim. i i ni T TilT, It la iwii i i LiV 1 AltiVXl, iaTi-tlw sfm.ia.,f UiU nautaut 'l-tm$ that 4 aa4lif Hat llfe akil traoflhaf oulf luiaiauyoftho Jalrt-ataBil heat nt both ataea. lionr. ttudyaiKl naean'h In America, tunilMaild Kulrni Ult. havanaullvd in til Man uvlia Luna Frtilvckir, aairlliirui Inr toarrh, a reraxly which nmuitu X limmima of the syxnn, atid with theeiHitliiiimis stn-auinf MuKiietlum icr meatlnalhruuirh U'ea!tllcUHiirtoilus, nniKt reRtnre ihemUi a healU'V acthsi. Wa iiIm1 our price fur ihia Jtni.llMticit at Iras Ulan lUiH-tweliLli'lh ul tin i.rli-e aitkcd by nllicrsf rtimli ui-Di tdi J W Ubaall iherhaiM''a.n4iw kiuv liHrtu- Ui V rnisirr nf thf many i wlm av ttiitj rnir- Ulug tneir avimaciis wnuu imii. Timir t T'i' a ivr This HUH J.U VJDliVlli am-ii inm liuMTimr dnnnrUt and ak them ihe have ma ant them, write Uilhe werli'tn, en clnlii the prtc. In letter at our rlk. ami they will be sent tat ymi stmicehy mall, sst lii. Mend sumn fir the "New IN'iainiire In llellcal TreHlineiit wlllwiU Medli'llie," with tluauauxla uf lesliiuuntals, THE MAGNETON APri.lANCKtX).. its State Street. t'hU-aini, 111 N'tTit eVttd one dollar In iswtajre stamH or I'tir- reney (la h-ttcr at uur risk! with site of atuv usually worn, ana try iir mimi iww, iwt h ennvlnred of the tmwsr Million ill our Maa nctio APliltsnew. nsniireiy no euia vm wnera Sinfaiung FormiSkinV , f RWLDY such At DISEASES! VTcmit.rrca sorcs. pimpies. V'VSIPtUI, WpiNCWORM, Funded, octlUlf A1WF.UTISKM KXTS. MOWS & CARMWAY, Whltiale ami Retail Drurjgtttt -Aud IViik'li la- GKXERA I MERC II A XD1.SE, HALIFAX, N. C.f KIXK 'ONFi:TIISEIUK.s, CUIAUS ii TiUtACI O I Specialty, KKKSII SI PI'I-IKS EYEKY WEEK. We lmve MTved vou faithfully fur the laxt tifln'ii yearn ana ruk aOuntiiiiiiintT of your patronage. PrrM'riiitii'iiN oari'fully iri'uirril hi all hours. i)ii i'iiriitriii)iiitt.('iiiirt llimw Siimri"aa SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR net 7 ly PIANO CHEAP. ONK SKVKX (KTAVK PIANO FOK SAI.K IX (1001) ORDKlt. Ajijily at This Offick. tKtf" will ki'fii!iiii.slaiilly mi liaiitl cviiy lliin; may hi' ilrMivil in my line. Mv Muck is always fresh Iktiiuso 1 oriler only small iiianliliis at u time anil nrtlrr frrtiif ntly. When in want of any of the following jtimhIs cull anil see tue : CUOOKIUKS. Uutter, Hams, Cannetl lteef, Cornell Ucef, llice, Mnckijrol. l'nited Meal, Flour, Suar, (Jnflif . Soap, Cracker. l)ried Hcef. COXFKCTIOXKHIKS. Ajipltu, Oranges, licuions, Kuisins, Can- ilies, French and l'lain, Crystulimtl Fruits. Cakes of till descriptions, Fijis, Xiits. l're wrves. , . TOBACCO, SNUFF, Ac AD Brand of Smoking Tobacco. Chew Iiil' Tobacco, Ciinirs, CiL'urettes, hifferent Ttriimln of SuulT, Sit. l'ijH.'s of every Ji criptioa. ICK CHKAM SAIAKIX. In coiiueetion with my other business I hare fitted up an clepint lec Cream Haloon for luilim and gentlemen os-n to-day and at all hours duriii); the acason. f 1 . ! ,ICK. lee for sale every day at retail from one pouud up. It can be had on Sunday from 7 A. V. to 11 A. ., and from 5 I 7 I. M. It will not he supplied other hours on Sunday. M. to at any COOLIXG DRINKS Ice lx uioniide, (linger aud Iinon l'o Sarsaparillu, Ac V All these things and more hand. always Thanking the public for their liberal acknowledgment of my efforts to please and soliciting a continuance, I am Yours Respectfully. FRANK Y. CLUVERIUS, "Littls Gbm Stobi, Weldon, N. C. but 22 6m. MALAKIA. New (IrU'Sns Times Democrat.) One of the most important paperii read before the late meeting of the internation al medical eonjjress, Copenhagen, was that by Ir. Conrad Crudelli, professor of hygiene at the University of Home, Italy Malaria is a subject that cannot fail to in terest the people of tho Uuited States, since the puison is more prevalent here than in any portion of the world, except perhaps the eountry from which Dr. Cru delli comes mid where his investigations were made. The theories and ideas he advances about malarial diseases are almost revolu tionary, but are supported by such a strong array of facts that it is impossible to doubt for a second the conclusions he has reached. lr. Crudelli combats the idea ol the paludal formulation of mala ria that it is due to the presence of large bodies of swamps or marshes. Instead of this bcinj; the case, he found it indi genous to the anil, whether wet or dry, except at high altitudes. The malarial ferment be pronounces the result of bac illi requiring three conditions for active organization; a temperature not below 67,5 Fahrenheit, a nodeate humidity uml the direct notion of oxygen on the foil. He confesses his inability to find any mode of getting rid of it. eucalyptus, globulus, which has been so much recommended us a means of driving tho malaria away, is of little use or value tor this purpose. J he only thing that he can propose, is to in crease the power of resistance of the human organism to the ntta ieksot malaria. In other words, he cannot eradicate the malaria, but he can enable us to stand it better. Here again lw is almost revolutionary in his methods ami his proposition, for he takes a strong position against quinine in the treatment that is, in the continu ed treatment of malarial diseases. Qui nine, while it has at first an allrviutive fleet, soon loses its efficacy, and, by weakening certain organs, tends ultimately invite malarial attacks. Quinine be comes, when used freely for a long time, poison to the vascomotor nerves. On the oilier hand, he recommends arsenic iu small doses as more beneficial to health iind infinitely more efficacious as a pro phylactic. lint an even better protection against malaria, in I'r. I rudelli s opinion, la n very simple treatment, which, when it as first proposed, was laughed at by nearly every tloetor in Miropc, nut tne efficacy of which has been proved by itieiit trials. 1 his is boiled lemonade, Irauk while fasting. Any portion of tho ninn tree, even to the bark or roots, is ami -malaria, but the fruit is the best and taking either the pure juice or lem onade Pr. Crudelli prefers it boiled ill protect the people of a malarial dis trict against this dangerous poison. Thus after a thorough investigation, one of the ailing medical authorities of tin) world Adopts this "old woman's remedy." A (iUOST KTOltY. ('apt. James T , an old Portland hipmaster, told the following ghost story to a citizen. He said that one night, on the voyage from which he had just re turned, while lying 'off the Battery at New York, waiting for the crew to come on board he heard some one on top of the house culling, "James 1 ! James T !" Now, this was not only tho ( upturn s name, but that of his sou, who was his male on this voyage. Only the Captain, mate, aud steward were on board, and on hearing the voice they all went on leek, but saw no one. The steward's lug, which slept in front of the cabin Joor. lay iiuiet on his nig. I he next mornm the hark Ki'Yd lor Itio Janeiro, and several strange ocei' relict took place Oil the passage. One morning bis son, the mate, said to hi in "Captain, the ship is haunted. I tur.ied out on my natch at 4 o'clock in the morning, uml us 1 went out of the cabin 1 Mir I saw some one in white, but before 1 could (lislinniiii-h whether it was male or frinele it disappeared around the main mast. ' The steward said he saw it ulso und was frightened." Soiuo tluys ufter this the steward culled the captain, and told him the mate had not yet , come on deck. The captain went to the mate s stateroom, and on open iug the door saw the mate apparently laughing at hiiu. but on taking hold ot liun he round he was dead, rrom his listortetl coiiiilinaiic it apiH'ared he had been frightened to death. Several other strange oeeurronces happened on board, and on arriving ut Kin the steward left the vessel on account ot the feeling that shewj uiunttHi. Strange noises continued tube heard .on board, such as working of the wuullais in heaving anchor, but on ioing forward no one was to be seen. Now conies the strangest part of th story. During the captain s absence on this voyage another son of his, Samuel I , arrived home from a voyage and remarked that he would go down for his iluiiiitiiC. IS J tame back with it and Ikv town lor a imp. Not coining down to tea, some ot the launly went to caU nun and found him dead. This was about the time that the mnte and steward saw the figure in white. From the Portland Iniff. HOW TO KKEI SMALL. A TOWS Horace Greely. If you want to keep a town from thriv ing don't erect any more dwellings than you can conveniently occupy yourself. If you should have an empty Dunning, ana anyone should want to rent it, ask three time the value of it. Demand a shy lock price for every foot of ground thut God has given you stewardship over. Turn a cold shoulder to every meihanie and busimwi man who Kicks to make a home with you. Iook at every new comer with a scowl. Run down the work of every new workman. Uo abroad for wage rather than seek to do business in your midst. Fail to advertise or in any way to supMrt a newspaper, that the pcoplo abroad may not know whether business is going on in yaur town or not. Wrap yourself with coat of impervious selfishness. There is no more effectual I way to retard the growth of town than actions like these eauaierated. COTTON HAUYr.STlNG l lie .Nasliviuo wanner thinks trial tue negro s rijrlit hand is tlie, best cotton machine ever invented. Not so. Both the neirro's hands beat it just one hun dred per cent. The Banner man has evi dently never seen one of our Georgia brag cotton pickers at work. There is a ne gro preacher in Houston county who can easily pick 7 00 pounds per day in good cotton. He walks on his knees, having alines made to fit them, and gathers the cotton with both hands. Some seventy years ago it was thought impossible for a man to pick 100 pounds of cotton per day. the boy wbo tirst accomplished this . feat in Georgia ufter wards became a Uetierul and one ot the ablest lawyers and best citizens in the State. Two hundred pounds is a pretty good average day's picking even now with the improved cottons of the present. Vy bile the negro is undoubtedly tne best cotton picker yet invented he is an expensive one. J In is also very olien a contrary and troublesome one. When he works smoothly aud regularly he gets one-fifth the value nf a bale of cotton for picking it, and very oflen ho gets almost third for this trinuig but very necessary service. There is a part of tho colored popula tion that lives exclusively by picking cot ton in the autumn, picking berries in the spring and summer, and picking up things that are found around loose between sea sons. Few regular farm laborers will jiick cotton, and it is to freo the planters 1 rom t lie class above named that the cot ton picking machine is needed. Let Mr. Mason hurrv ud. Tlio tieonle do not wish to class his invention with tho Kenly motor, but they will not have any taith in it unless they see it work. ,iriiuutli ..Vim. IX THIS TWIN'KLK OF AX EYE. Ten thousand dollars was lost in ten minutes Ihursday night. J he inmates of a gambling house on Clark street were lazily bunging over the different games when the door opened and a neat ly dressed man entered. llio new comer was a man of middle age, and sceuicd somewhat abashed. His quiet demeanor indicated to the casual obser ver that he was strange to gatnbling houso scenes. Wi'Ikiucr slowly up to the faro game, where 50-cent white chips were in order, he tossed down a bill. "Give me a thousand." he said. the dealer bowed to tho new comer und said: "All right sir." The stranger cooly divided his pile of chips inta two piles und then placed them carelessly on tho layout. In a second both stacks were gathered in. "Give me .wo this tune, wus all the player Bfiid as he handed over a couple of bills. Luck was against him, and he hardly won a bet. Iu a few moments bo had lost 810,000. "( an you give me a cigar: be said as he nrosc after his last bet, Ceitainly," said tho dealer, calling a waiter and bowing deferentially. J lie man who had just lost a smell fortune lighted his cigar and walked out. He wus John Dowling, the former pro- prietor of'the place. Chienyn AW. 1 ) E AT IIFl'L 1$ E ALT Y. TWO t'NITEI) HTATKS; OFFICKMS I.N ALAS KA PIE Full A WOMAN. from llif .Vm f fiiiiciiun I hnmir iA7c The captain and a lieutenant of one of the companies stationed at Sitka in the first year of I'nitcd States possession fell di'sperately in love with the same beauti ful Russian. She wus a most charming woman, with soft, mysterious eyes, a pale delicate face and a slow, dreamy smrle that set the two warriors wild, All the garrison knew of their fierce rivalry, so marvelled not a little when their old friendship appeared to be restored, and the two suitors started off on a hunting cxis'ilition together. One haggard man returned two days later and told that hi companion had been attacked and gored to death by an enraged buck in the forest He was gloomy and strange iu his manner, und ut nightfall went to the bouse of the Russian lady to break the news of his rival's death. The friends of the lost officer talked the thiug over, and suspecting that a duel had been fought decided to go out the next day and search for the body. In the illumine the surviving rival was found dead iu bed, with a look of agony and horror on his face. 1 One story wait that his victim had appeared tu nun, and he had died of fright and tcrmr, the other was that some unknown and subtle poison had been administered to him in a cup of tea and tho official resirt ascribed his death to heart disease. Tho body of the lost rival wi found at tho foot of a steep bunk ou the rbor if the Indian River, whirc a tangle of fern, bv."he fnd jrmxwa si i nihil and almost covered the clear, still pool in which he lay. His rifle lay near him and a bullet hole iu the heart told the sad truth thut his friends had suspec ted. His death was officially attributed to the accidental discharge of his own rifle while hunting, and under these two ver dicts the real truths were concealed. The family of the Russian beauty disupH'ared from Sitka in a few months, and the story hud been half forgotten until the recent opening of a path along Indian River re- called it to some of those who lived there at the time. In his speech at Miciby, dev. ance sod that he never heard of a white man joining the Republican or Liberal party and espousing its rotten doctrines, but what he felt like that old minister who, when on his way home accompanied by some of his brethren, found near bn house a fine blooded cow of his lying on the side of the road bleeding and dying from being torn to piece by dogs. After contemplating tho spectacle for some moments he remarked : Brethering, if there nut be such a thing as a d d shame, that's hit." Lincoln IStu. "When the cat'i away" the servant have some difficulty in accounting for the broken china and vanished cold moat, SPRIGHTLY SPARKS. FAl)i:i KOSi; I.KAVKS AND A LETTKK. i 1 1 i i. t. o a a a I x i. Faded rose leaves aud a letter ! What do they tell nf the pant " Life's enjoyments, like lue flowers, Cannot fresh forever last! -And my tear fall as I'm aaslug On the faded tokens there Of a love to uhlch 1 Uiteii'd III the bygone ages fair. Faded rose leaves ! still retaining. Thro' the vanUh'd year's sad glouiu, Knuit'tlilug of your vauUh'd beauty, S.mH'lliliiK of your sweet icrfuiiir. I can see the face that o'er ynu lli'ill, IU weight of love to hide; 1 can hear the low voice breathing Vows Ui me, Ills promised hrlda. Failed rose-leaves and a letter! Ah. me I I can say an more, For the dream with all its beauties, All Its teudtrnins, Is o'er. I hail used to sketch the picture, Colors far ton bright to last, And I hold within my lingers Hut the relics of the past! Headlines wrinkles. I'seful talk a peiistalk. Hard to beat a china egg. A clean steal taking a bath. Dead beats the stopped clock. Slight at hand a maiden's refusal. A society miss makes a hit if her father is rich. Maintains a very high standing the thermometer. The chumpacne of youth produces the real pain ot age. A brilliant, wedding the marriage of a red headed couple. Xo true yachtsman will bend his uiu brella to the breeze. A higher duty is won by kindness than can be secured by tear. Favorable weather for hay muling wheu it rains pitchforks. Ren Rutler's bald head shines with the brilliancy of an egg pluut. It is more honorable to acknowledge our faults than to boast of our merits. Never judge a man by the uinbreMa he is carrying; it may not bo his own. Out of print the woman who bus changed her calico dress for a si'k one. It is impossible to bo a hero in any thing, unless olio is first a hero in faith. "Will you vote for St John or a dem- ijolm?" is one of the campaign cries iu Kansas. No great characters are formed in this world without suffering and sell'-dt-uial. Rest satisfied with doing well, and leave others to talk of you as they please. Don't despise a thing because it's little. A quart jug will hold luoro than most of men. Buckwheat flour is so much adulterated now that by uuy other name it would smell as wheat. Provincial reporter toiiehingly alludes to a man who was "killed and otherwise injured." Do not lose courage b considering your own inicrlcctious, but instantly set about remedying them. Virtue will catch us well as vice by contact; and the public stock uf honesty, manly principles will daily accumu late. Apples mi'-t be packed in standard barrels this year, and the fruit must Is: large enough not to leak out through the buuohole. A Iouisvillc palter has an article head ed "An Kilitor in Church." This must have been a curious sight for people iu Louisvi"e. Out in Kentucky they scorn to lie about the fish they catch; it's the number of conns a man savs he k'is thut makes - Ins reputation a. a liar. Oscar 'Wildo and Lily I.ungiry were both on the is'ean at tho same time, one truing, the other coining. J hey never Spoke as they passed by. "Ag we journey through lite let us live by the weigh," sang the happy gro cer as ho put up fourteen ounces of coffee and put it on the customers book as pound. "Smoking may be a bad habit," ho said as he rode liesitle a pretty Philadelphia girl, "but that ui Vuhia pei'eci'y killing." ( The marriage took plaoe the next day , j ' . I , , ' , , A cucumber is bitter; throw it away There are briers in the road turn aside from them. This enough: Do sot add, and why were such things made In the world? "What does Good Fliduy mean?" asked one Ilelsted street urchin of his compnnioii. "You'd bettor go home and read yor- "Robinson Crusoe," was the witheiing reply, "He is a great artist" "Indeed? I never knew he used his pencil at all." "Oh, yes, he's fine. Couie down some day and see him draw his salary. It's the best thiug he does." Now, then, lend me your eats awhile," said the campaign orator, as he cleared bis throat. "I don't tee any necessity for that," said a hook-nosed man in the au dience; "your own arc big enough." As they reached the other end of the bridge he said: "You must pay your toll, Miss Edith." "What is that?" she in nocently asked. Then he kissed her. In a few momenta she remarked: 1 don't like thli aide of the town; let's go back, dear." HOW WOODCOCK OO. Fioii (, Vm i'ii imf Eiiijuiitr. Woodcock have certain peculiarities which endear them to the sportsman, as w. ll as make them an interesting study to men of science. The love-making is es Kouti.illy their own. Early iu tho spring the untie bird, seeking a mate, repairs to some well-known covert where the females most do eougregate. It is just at sunset. All day long ho bus been industriously tilling himself full of long, luscious worms, aud as nightfall eouies his bird thought turns to allairs more sentimental. When hu reaches the parade ground he hsiks anxiously around, and if no suspicious noise jars on his sensitive ears ho begins with a low, introductory overture. I ben he grows impatient and utters loud, gut tural biddings, clucking just before each one. Then he struts up and down the mossy hunk us if his perl'ormaiieti gave him intense satisfaction. Then ho con siders hiniM'll' fairly introduced, aud tak ing wing, rises iu the air, flying up iu spiral circles, each growing smaller as he ascends. During this flight he utters a low, sweet, cooing nolo. Alter sailing about in a series of aenul somersaults lie swoops tlowu to tue spot ot nis starting. For hours he fools about, displaying his wing pprlormances, until at last tho female can no longer resist his unties, and throw- nig coquetry, us Hamlet did the physic, to the dogs, she approaches with ruffled tenth- ers anil dishevelled plumage. The two meet and caress each other with every evidence of affection and all the by-jilayn .if love thrown m, and locking their long bills in cacti oilier s grasp, as u 100 nappy for earth, they riso straight in tho air and fly far out of sight in the darkness. Ol'TDOOK SPOUTS FOKG1KLS Fidill (Itnlyt htulyt VJooA'. Among the dear delights uf tho young women of the period let us recommend pedestrianism. Walking clubs lire among the popular organizations this summer. A coachim! club is more or less of an ex- pense, but tho highways are free to foot "What do you do when you have out passeiigerH. A number of clubs, com- grown your clothes? Vou throw thein posed entirely of young ladies, have been aside, don't you?" "Oh, no," replied ogamzed lor bnet summer rambles ot a day s duration. 1 hu costume adopted is Usually a rough-aiid-reudy nioiiiiluiii suit, with a helmet hat, stout shoes, perhaps ot alligator skin, with u small knapsack and walkiug-stick. When the party is formed for a tour through the mountains or lakes there is usually an addition of gantlemeii and chanerones. 1 he ge itlemen adopt a knickerliookor. costuuns. which is louiHt ti be of service also in "wheel par;ies or bicycle meets. (Cull it bi-sigh-cle, not bi-sick le, please.) The tricycle is rapidly coming into favor, being largely used in the narks, where the doublo-seatod ones ure ridden by lad'es and gentlemen in , . company. J here are singie-seaieu ones. however, in which ladies into ut ease cither alone or with u eoiipauion bicycli There is very little skill reiiuired in the management of a tricycle. A loose cos tume and a broad-brimmed hat comprise the only equipment necessary. After the tiicvclo comes the swimming suit, the extremely abbreviated garment wmcn . . . .i ii tikes the name of a bathing dress. It is piile us high an accomplishment to swim we as to rule well, ami tue nutaioriu are patronizized by the most elegant ladies, who frisk about iu picturcsuuo suits China silk, prettily made and ornameuted, NAKED SLAVES IX TOO. TIM HIT- yefer f Ittiltimurr S'hm. This girl being brought iu by the Mo rocco gate, on the road from tho city of Morocco. She was nude, comely ot tatc aud figure, with large, drcuiny, lovely eves and streaming long black hair. Her color was of tho Oliviun type, which shows the red blood coursing iu the veins. She was of medium height and aged about sixteen years. Four old Arab "dealers," barlicd iu all the glitter and tinsel of the (Went, guarded this girl as if she were an Amazon ol strength und prowess. One old Arab in a loud voice cried out her merits and nationality as they passed on to the centre ol the town. Halting the whole party were suddenly surrounded by intending buyers, both Christaiu and pagan. They came up to the crouching girl, pulled her amis to nml fro, niHiieil her inoulh and looked at her teeth, made her stand erect, and then haggled over the price. "Mio is worth $100," say the Arab dealers iu one simultaneous cry, "but will let her go for 8H0 if you take her now. t )ur dra goman translates aud tells us how sho will go to Kgypt und fetch $200 at a first bid. LIFE IN AHTASSAS. rVw tt Liltlr Rink Li tter Long days of doing nothing legct lit tle energy. Little I'imhI is needed, and less new clothing. In the fall aud will ter the crotis ure uuthered aud turued over to the merchaul, who Iioiua a tuutl- gage. J o gum up the labor ol years : t was on the place yesterday ; and found an old double log house so nearly rotted down thut it is propped up all around, the windows were without glass, the door frames without doors; the children could pass out between the logs iu auy direction ; the lady snd friend were sitting iu the "gallery, a space between the two ca bins, ou split chairs, cuutentedly "dipping" snuff, while the lord and master, in duty begrimed clothes, sat under a tree, doing uolhiuir, but looking happy as the day is long. Fences rolled down aud lean pigs, with "pokes" on them, two sorry-looking horses trying to pick a living from short grass, and children, half a doteu or more with but a single garment on. Among the blessed of all the con trivances of nature i that which prevents a uiau from being disturbed by bis own snoring. A boaster in a hotel was telling uf the many sections of the eountry he had vis ited. A fellow at his elbow asked: "Have you ever been in a algebra?" "Oh, yes,' said the boaster, "I passed through there on top of a stag coach about a year go. HE WAS CAI'il'ltEl). A middle aged man, with what ap peared to be a loud on his mind visited the Arctic steamer Thrlit yesterday and sji'uieil interested in what hu saw. 'Say," he said to the officer on deck, "I'd like to go on the next expedition." "Its awful cold up there, remarked the officer. I don't cure fur that." "You'd have very little to eat, and you might starve to death." 'that would ut ho pleasant, observ ed tho visitor. "1 should say not," returned the offi cer. "And you inieht bo eateil by your comrades." Is that so? That would be tough." "And then," eoiitiuiied the officer, 'you woiild'nt see your wife for three years, nr, niNiiiiiy, longer, lou know you can i take her with her. "Well, returned tho old geutleiuan, afler a loiig pause "I guess you can put my uiiuie diiw'ti on your hooks. Your last argument captures me." on the iuui.e. T1C fulloy jng d,,. htngimgo of John JUndoIph concerning the Ilible: "1 was raised by a mother, ((rod bloBt wt mo,rVi) who tought me the Christian r,.j,,i() u jtH r.siuireinents. Hut, tt11H! ,,r.w ., .,nnt4; if not tin lull Jcl eouipleU), yet a decided deist. But .. i lMH.a;,. tt nmn j tliii as well as in olu,.r matters, I resolved to examine for myself, und nr-vor pin mv fuith to anoth- cr miln'g (w!Ve So i uught that Bible; t Htiilied over it; I sought and procured those books for and against, aud when my labors were ended J came to this irresistible conclusion: That the Bible is true. It would have been as easy for a mule to have written Sir Isaac Newton's treatise on optics as for uninspired men to have written the Uihle. Wishing Ui explain to a little girl the manner in which a lobster casts his shell when he has outgrown it, tho teacher said: the little one, "wo let out tho tucks. in conversation last evening with an immigrant t ruin Texas we learned that the most fushiouable time for hanging peo- pie down tliero was at sunrise. J his is another strong and weighty 'argument against early rising. Whcro tire your kills?" a society man asked, looking at the bare bands of a poor but deserving editor at a undebilt party "At home in bed," wus tho indignuut reply. "Do you suppose I d bring my children to a party like this.' .. Bella writes: "What is the indepen dent party?" It is tho party who don't owe a cent ami can get money at bank whenever he wants it. He is the kind of mi old party that must of m would like to be. AllVKiniSK.MKNTS. HELP YOUR EYES JJY ISIXli Yiit'Xli'S CELEBRATED IMPROVED PKRISCOPIC GLASSES, CLEAItAXI) SOFT TOTIIH F.YK. STHENUIIEN- INtiTO WEAK EYES, For sale III (iold, Wcel. IliiliU'r ami Cdtiilnld Frainea. HELP TO SAVE HybiiyliiKthf xrcHtcut Hit run In ever offered na GOLD lirXTIXG WATCH, YriryiiiK in price frniu FoltTY TO ONE lll'XIiltEH DOLLARS, Worth nearly double the price, sets oFTewelry Hiiuihmmf In 1climand In flue quality. A thou sand illllerellt styles ol MINUS, PINS. F.Ml -KINi;. ('I FF Ill'THlNS, Sii PS. COLLARS, HI Til INS, rlKAl r.Lrnn, SILVEK SPOONS, FOKKS, AC , CIA KM, PLATED CASTOKrt, ICE PITCH EKH, Ac. At the lowest imsnll'le prices, attended to. Orders promptly J. T. YOUNG & BRO. . Petersburg, Va. net J l y IN THE BOTTOM. 1 hava now 111 stunt ami aut vtU.ia Swu.wl dally tne followiiif fuuu: Hardware, Tinware, Crockery war, 8tov pans, Wooden ware, Hour, Bacon, uira, neat, Tobacco, ClKara. Asaorted 8oaps, Sugar, Lonee, Mail, rum appia vinegar, fcerosena, iiouiiuy. Kief, vnta Apples. I msksa specialty of CONFECTIONERIES. Franca Candles, flalu Candles, Kalslns, Hau, Oranges, lemons, Cream Cheese, Canned itaods, Canned Hcef, Canned Ham, Sardines, Ac. , Fancy Cakea, J hoda and Butter Crackers,, Citron and Currents. II. C. SPIERS, Weldou, K. C. oot illy ADV KRTISK.M KXTS- AYER'S Cherry ' Pectoral. Ko other oomplal t ara so Insidious tn thtlr , attack as those affecting, the throat and lungsi Bona so irltlsd with by the majority ol surfer, an. The ordinary cough or sold, resulting parhapa from a trlUing or uuooutcious s posure, la often but the beginning of a fatal sickness. ATsV'a Cutast ,f tiaaoatfc kt, . well proven its edicney tu a forty years' Sghl with throat aud luiig diseases, aud altoald b takeu Iu all eases without delay. A Terrible Cough Cured. "In Ik.".; I took a aevere oold, whleh affeeUd mv lungs. 1 had a trrrihie eough. and pssti-d uliiht alter night a Itlmnl sleep. The uia'tors gave me up. 1 tried AVKU'S Cnklim l'l.c Tnu.vL, ahleh relieved my lungs, luilut'sd sleep, ami atloriled ma the rest iiaeesssry tor Ilie recovery ol my strength. it Ilia eonliMUcd use nf the, J'ttTl'HAL a arma lieiueuie aits elleeted. I am now ftf years old, bale Him hearty, and am sauslled )uur ClIKUNl I'MiiiHAl. anted me. iitniMK K a iii iiiiuni tn." KiHikiughalu, I., duly III, DM. Croup A Mather's Tribute). While In the i'. in.lry hot li li r my Mill buy. three )i m .oltl, a us Oil en III a I.l. i-rt.upt It seemed a II he would tllo In. hi slrnhgu lullou. One of the launly auvtiHe.l the us vt'i cm.i.iit Patron si., a bottle of ' wlneli a as hIuh.'s kept In the home, 'ills was tried iu si. , all and fmiueid doses, and to our ilelliila In less loan luiil au Imut th little pain nl wits brenihttig dii.lly. 'Ibe doe tor tii.l t li.a th 1 in it it lii Torsi. Imd saved no it rhuit's life. Can you wonder at our arnlllii.ieV htnei rul) tours, iii. liun Citnsrv." Ibl West l;xih St.. New York, luy III, pr. "1 have used Avrn's Ciiranr Prtmntt In my lamllv lor severnl veins, ami tlo nol beetlulo to it the li.ost i lleetual remedy for coughs ami ct-ltisaa loive ever tried. A. ,1. 1 UASk." Lake Crystal, Minn,, March 13, -1 suffered for eight years from Itrpnchltlt, and alter trying ittunv remedies with no suo oess, t witscuiud by thu use td Avrn's ctign v l'i: mint. .losrvn Waluk." llyhalla, Mus., April 6, nti. I cannot snv enouidt In praise of Avra's Chmky Pw-roiiAI., believing as 1 do thai but for Its use I should long slttee have died from lung imulilea. K. Buaoiwx." Palestine, Teiaa, April 22, 1S82. No eaae of an affoetlnn ot the throat or lungs exists winch cannot be greatly relieved by th use of Avia's Cm:anv I'ecioral, and It will n tiroes rare when th disease ta not already beyond th control of niedicln. 1'RKi'Aiiru r Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mute Sold by all Druggist. BUTCHLEY PUMP! BUY THEBE$T. ' BLATCHLEY'S TRIPLE IHAMIL ' PORCELAIN-LINED oa SEAMLESS TUBE : COPPER-LINED PUMP Do tint tw ijyiMrtl Into buviiin liifwrlor OtnyiX For mIa by HSo brat tout iu Ut TrtwU. C. G.BLATCHLEY.Manufr. 308 MARKET ST., Phllad'n. Write to lu lor MOM ol iiosuiwt AJtml fi b itHC.IU 9T0 FOR CATALOeifcif. nov ly . .... EU E!T ATI II IRC T- I have established a REAL ESTATE AGENCY la thstowa WELDON, N. C. I have TEN house ta Wetdea FOR SALE OR RENT. About half of Uiein stores, others dwslltufa.SJ t also have about IMMM ACRCJs OF LARD IN HALIFAX COVNTY FOE I A Lit For further particulars, aartie w taking to fcaf - rent caa apply to ate Iu person or by lettor. 1 am now taking up all lands parti ea wish to sell THE aud advertlalag th sasss at my wa sail mm, s- , leas sale Is mad aud tttu I olsarg com session. For my Manclng as a gesUesaaa an a maa worthy to be trusted, I rtfur by peiuihsUua to . kUBllh, Scotland Neck : Dr. J. A. CJllna, BaSall W. A. Daniel, Waldoa, T. W. Haarss, UttlsSsa. ' net 1 tf It. P. SHIRS W- W- II A LL. FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, Can be fouud InUi Roaask Ksws otwa, WELDON, H. 0. REPRESENTS New York Underwriters, of New York Western, of Toronto, Ca4 North Oarollua Hon, of Raleigh, N.C. Will place risks any lolhet 1 1 if 1 1 go low sale rate. .lhyM wam.utBfiucy ;. J