Hisd JL . ,4 X-i N 4 ,,isiSai HALL c SLEDG-E, proprietor:: VOL XIII. .A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. TEBMS-'-'"" I'liU AN MM IN ADVANCE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1884. NO. 30. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Vt. II. klTCHlN, V. A. DINX. CorXTY iTTOaSIY, K T C II I X A DISS, ATTORXEYS AT LAW, SCOTLAND NECK, X. C. mur littf (F. M.HISIIEE, K, II. SMITH jr. RAI.F.1I.H, S. I. BCOTLAMIKKIK. N. C. B' ifSDKE k SMITH. Mr F.TI.Itul.cean.l Mr R. H.emllh.Jr,. Conn. M'liirxiu l-aw, have formed a limited iiihcrlil l-ir tin- practice of law In ll.illf.n .uinlv . Mr Hint.. . II! nl t.-l nl tin. f.,nn I 1 1 ii 1 1 In x . r cularlv. m id Mill iiWtt vlll the couiily v, li.-ncii-r l.l- -orvleei. arc r.'iiiicl. iN i hi ly 1 I. I 1 1 A It I) & II V M A .V. AttoriK'VH at l.au, HALIFAX, N. c. illliiT ill Hie Curl II strict niii'iiiii.n given Itl llli .i' 111'" III (III1 irt'i'H!.i, jiiit I.: ly 'J II "I M A S N. II I I, I., Attorney a I law, HALIFAX, N. C. Pmcilci-s lii IMIif.u mi. I iiilJ.ilMiii'(i'iMinili' nml Fi-il.-rttl nml Supreme ci.urtN. aug If. 'j' v. i Amis, Attiirtic) at l.au, O.UiYslll Itii, N ('. Practice- in I ho court iif Nntllijiiiiitiu and ud liiilillii; i-olililli-.., iiIhu in llu- Fciiriul alxl supreme court, join-slf. w Al.Tt li K. 1 A S I K L, Alliiriu'.v at l.au, WELImiN, N r. l'tti-tli-t-. Ill Hiilirti ami adjoining ctniiitlr. S'lei-ul nilcutinii ifivi-u In i-nlli'i iiiiiis in all iaru nl tin- .--lull' ainl iiruiniii rciurin. mailt-. Mi li ly. VV. II A I. L, Attorney at Law, WKI.ININ. X C. S(M-i-lal alli-lllinll ifiu'll tn riilli'i-linliii lllnl n-inil llilu-i iri'liiitl) intuit-. luny I tl'. V LLKN & M till K K, Attorneys at l.iuv, IIA1JKAX, X. -. 1'rtM'lirc In Hie cimiilii' of Hiilif.ix, N-rlliiiinj'(mi, Kilct-niiilif. Tilt 'tint Mitrtiit In tin- Hiii'ivinc I'KUi'l nl III' Mull1 itlii ill the Kt ili'ntl ( niirlh uI Um KiiU'i'li lfiftrirl. ((ilh-i tiuii.- iini'li- in any jKirl ul tin- l.Hr. jtui I ly I) U. J. K .1 II I F. I. l, Sciri'un I It-ill Kl, lliiv tut; KriiitiiM tit)v l tili tl in Wrlilmt. cun ''Mil. tin hitt nilitv iii Sniitli Itrii I; Itiiiltlnii; nt 'II liiiK rc) .t tt lit n HliMMit nil n.li jt)iinl lniim ' 'trt litl iitlciitii'M Kiveu hi nil hr.tiu-litx mI lit -i i. n.?i I'urlifh visilt-ti nt tlu ii limine uli.-n v "ir-.l. July J Ij U i. K. L. 11 V N T K K, Surgeon lhn(Ut Cun Ik- f.iiHil nl hi' f.fl'itv hi KnIlfM. run1 Nilirm t'xtilf n Tr th tine f Ivrtli uIhhi ii IiiiihI. JUIIf .J tf . I'liiiiltf.H Kxlriic- THECREArCUREFDR nam piles 9ymtm nr imiiltir, Hin$ IU limn, utm aI Biht , t-t'iuiu if iit.wrai wxrvcrawlini iImiuI Uwictuiu; ttttriil'Hirtiiir(fUhallcU4. A ft (i! raw lit, MulUKUii m autl fnittliv CUIt,hWitl'l tMNkM i nriiir li Buy Briii I in iU iMilivt KM i fiiuiiiiH,Mrii..4ici id i-ti. tM A twAt,l U Ad44.iH bWAlNh JHH'H,l'Uilti,t- Juup It 1)T TO HlLUfeHk llll: II Kit I II lio OttUuKMtUin ApplUiicv t'n.'t MAGNETIC LUNG PROTECTOR! I'MCKOXLV v. , II117 a iv iiii-rlrw ti IjiiIIih, (it iitli-mi-n ami C'lill-,- drvu wltn weak tiiiiKu; ii f im-timiiiia ur cnnip la vvi'r kmrnn Iht thine Kiinm-iiU arc wtirn. TlivyalauprvTeut and rurv heart dinu-uliUi, I'ulib, ItliruraalUm, .Nt-uraliila. Ilirnat imuIiI. UI,lilliiTla. I iurrh, ami all kiiiiln ilillx-aMi. Will Wear any arrvk fur Oitve yuan. AN wnni uvt r tho umloix'lollilBit. ' t- 1 m i iirr it b iiifdiwa to in- XjJX liVIVlVU, K nbi-tin- aymphinuur Uili nauwoui dlavaM tUat In aiilii( llio llfu ami treiith of only hnaiauy uflhs falrvatauil bvat uf ta fH'ICa. IJIINIT, ailltll aim nn-an-n 111 Ainrnra, huniH auil Fjihtni Wiitl, hat i rt-miUM lu ll.e Mime tii'llr I.iiiik FniKi'Uir.Mlliinliiixrurt' fur ('aurrli, a miihhIv wlili'li eonlaliia Nn UrnuiinK nl tlii'MyaU-ui ami with tit iHiiiliiiiitiiia atn-iimui UaaiiciiKiii la-r. I aimliiiK tlirouuli Uu-ailllriol nritaliw, iniiitl rvMnre 1 tkviulua liealil.y arlliin. Wa ilait- mir i.riti- f-.r Jala AiHailrt at Uiall iitif-lat'iau-lll iif thu 1trii' anki-il I') utUi-n- ft.r rfiut-ilitu uinai u liii h yuti - takt all tin l iiaiiin1., ami t-)-'lall) ln He the il fiinairv iif lha many ihipmih. Mini haa Irii-U ilrntt--. iag tlielr atoaiat-lia nllliniit eilW-t, HOW TO OBTAIN Thla Ap.ll a.imt (1i li) vimr rtriiavlst and ak f.w Ihem. If tuey have mil a.H them, w rite tnthe .r...tiett.ra. en .(ualiiK tbaprne, in letter ai our rek.and they will ix-aeul lo yu" HI..111V i.y man, imiii. otul .tuniii fur tile "New iviutrture ill MiHlleal vulineiil without Medlilne," with thtillaaiiib uf .""""" TilK Jl AtiXKTOX Al'I'l.IANCE (IV. J1K SiaU- sirert, l lilt at.. 111. Nun-. Si.iu one iltillar In lMlaur llallllal ur cur reiiey (la Kiur at our rink) wlllmiieiif li.' untalljr wnin and trv a pair "four Mamu tlc Iiuoli-a, .nd b cimvimd of the powr mldiiif lu our Max- alio Appllamw. Piadtlvt'ly wo sold fet her f RWCDT such AS DISEASE J TEm".ITCa!CnES. PIMHtS. VER YSIPCl AS WPINCWORM ADVERTISEMENTS. Tray 11 m PETERSBURG, VA. MAX I'FACTt KEKS UK EXUISEst, TOIlAt TO, HAY AND COTTOILT presses, -Haw H ilia, firUt Mllla, Mill Imtii, I'lima, max fI .n ly AM) i'M.S'.S VASTISflft. MACHINE. Thin niri-Mni a mtu liiiic nilli whlrh HXI yunla in 'falirle nf any tli'Mriitinli rim la' im-aMirt-il, Iruiu I ', ithin HiikkIiik tn Flumt Silk, ill Iru tlinil live in Inutin, mnl with innrv an-nriii-y than i-nu liv Utiiie , Hi the "Ynnl Stick." A Imy w veu yoan nhl call ihi the wurk. 'I'hiw iiiucIiIiu-h will hihiii he In every iii. l-lmiiM- ami stiireln the Stmtli, unit (-nrH-t and Itn TKini; Maiiiirnelnrera raniiut tin w illimil It. They are ni.ieil fur their Uiiiiitity anil Aeennu y nf Yurk mil '. fur their ('lienpuemi. Munufiu-tiireni hmk tu the future and prtx'tirc righta at uni-e! (IimmIn can tie 1 aoaturcd from the luumaud put in rnlla uf any nun iIht of yartlii. Ti r nf these mni hlncd are now In tticrcuful iihi 1U011 at the'liliii nf Mr. Xouli Wimi and Mr., M. Il . A Winnik, Seullaud Seek, X. ('., and give aT feet tati-nii'timi. Fur further iiiforiniitinu, tfnu eti-., adilrt-M J. ('. WILLIAMS, Inventor mill 1'iiteiitee, St-nlland Xeek, X. t 111 iv 15 Iv will kn eoiislantly tin liniul kvitj it iii:iy 1m1 tlt'Mn-tl in my line. My tiling til Mink i iilwavs IVi'sh lit'causc I oriltT (.ill)- .-ma! 1 iiiaiilitii-s al ii linn' nml i.nlcr fit'iin'iiily . "Wlifii in waul of any nf tint fiiiinwin 'Otitis cull and wc me : GHUI'EIUES. I'utlrr, H mns, CamicJ lltvf, Corned lioof. Ilice. S Iiirkeivl. I'nltoil Mt-als. Klnnr, Sinjiir, CuH'eo, Snit, I'rai-ki rs. Drinl Hwf. CONK ECTIONEUIKS. Ai.les, (Iran irt, licniiins, ltiti-ins. Can dies, 1'ivm-li ant. t 1'biiii, Crysliilizctl Fruits Caki'M uf all tliw riiiliinis, l-'ius, Nuts, l're- TOHACCO.SNTl'F, &i: All Ur anils uf ! taiukiii" Tolwe. (Vw iii'' lol.iu eo, t ma m, t luarcitiw, imuviviii liniiiils nl ' SnurT, J VC. 1'ipoH of i-vi-iy diw- ri'iilinn. ICH CKKA M SALOON. In ri.iiiun'inn will I my oilier luifimv 1 lisivi' liiii-il u p mi fli'j ptnt li Cri'tiiii uloiiii li.r lailii-H IU d !i'iilli'l It'll ii n In day ulid lit all hour dunlin tl) ? neiiMill. ICE, Ice for wl e every day tt retail Irnrn one ouud up. It can be hail' on Sunday from 7 A. M. to I! 1 A. M., und I Vi.m ,r 1'. M. to 7 p.m. It will not Ik- sitj.pliiHl at any oilier liollin I in Sunday. (K tOLINt! DlUNitS. Ice Initio nade, (iiiiger and lwnoii Pop SirHitpurilla, I kr. All them liand. Thanking acknowlcdgi and colii'itin Y FRAr tilings and more iilwityg on the ptildic for their Jihend neiiU of my effort in ylease j a (onlinuaiiei, I nm ours ltospectfullv. IK Y. CLUVERIUS. "LlTTLK UKM ijTOUI X. C. may 22 fta. Weldon, ; WHKX THOU AKT AWAY. Iam thlnklnnfthee and a j Innaly to-nlfht, For when Hum art K"iie, there U nothing leema brlKbt ; I wander about, rarliift nowhere to atay, For home U not home when thou art away. Why la It, 1 wonder, that aoub do entwlli Socloaely In life, aa mine unto thine, That If rifted apart, hut if for a day They aom.w and plue for the other away. Oh.darlliiK, what chana dt thy prem-neo poaaeat That it never ouee ceoaea my being to bleai ; Tin a hallo of love fur brighter than day- Only dimmed In lu hutre, when thou art away, Thou art near, I feel, en near nie to night In aj.irf t and love, If not In my tight, And I could not il.y giaalueaa with loving repay, Were I oilier than happy, wlilbt thou artaway. The rapture of meeting with the loved onet at horn When our pleasure are pant and aa homeward wtf come, For the mIii of our alaatir rtoee o eu repay And we love our home ta-ttcr for being away. Yet ao lonely I fm-l In the quiet nf eve, My mill In Iti IniigliigM'eina only In a-rlcve, Hut lireiilhlng my lhoiiithl In thin love laden lay, I ilrraui thou art near ma and not faraway. li 1 hhiuiheu to night, tYh'-revrr thou am Whether alrteut or prevent thy hnmeiMny heart, Miiy atigelMuf glagiu-NK hover rniitid theu for aye, Togiiunl Iheeand guide thee w hile thou art away. WAS IT FAIR OFHIM? A Story ul' Autiiiini I.ove. It is a lovely day in September. The hli-'lit rays of the sun are tempered by a haze that lies over (he sea, while the air i so calm that the flag at the pier has hung luotiuUiesM the whole morning. At the foot of the il ill's, among the boulders, sits a girl sketching a (;irl who, in her pretty pale-tinted dress, relieved by a bunch of poppies at the neck, ami another in the becoming little sailor hat, makes a fair picture herself. She has a sweet, earnest face, framed by curly dark hair that falls softly on the forehead, which is just now prettily puck ered in the earnestness of her task. By her side, stretched to tho full length of bis tall, athletic figure, reclines, an eiiiiilly lair specimen ot the opposite sex, his thoughts apparently far away, judging from the absent look in tho handsome gray eyes which arc looking out to sea, Suddenly ho rouses himself and push ing his hat buck from his broad white brow, turns lazily upon one elbow, and says, penitently : "I am awfully sorry, Miss Gray; you must think mo a very dull companion am sure, but the fact is that from being alone so much while 1 was abroad I havo acquired a very awkward habit of going into uay-urcnuis without regard to tunc or circumstances : so please accept my hum ble apologies;" he concludes, looking plead ingly into his companion a tace. A soil laugh answers his words, and Dora Gray says gently, without raising her eves : 'Pray don't apologise, Mr. Carleton. am afaid I must plead guilty to the weakness of absent-mindedness myself oc casionally; and at the present moment I was so deeply engrossed lu this dithcult piece i.f sky that I had almost forgotten your pretence. "Oh," savs Frank Carleton, blankly, under his breath, while the girl's low, sweet voice resumes, unconscious of the interruption : "I always think that one of the tests of true friendship is being able to be with a person, and cither talk, think or keep si lence, as loug us you choose, without the expectation of giving oliense. "Tests of true, how much?" asks Frank, lazily, flinging a stone seaward ''Friendship," repeats Dora, steadily, though her color rises a little timidly ut Homotliiii'' in tho tone of the micstinniiiL' voice. "Oh," says Frank, resuming his old at titude, "I suppose you go in for that sort ol thing; most yemng ladies do lor time." "I don't know what you mean by ooing in for that sort ol thing, hut certainly believe that there are such peo ple to lie met with as real, sincere friends in every sense of the word." "Naturally enough, at your age, Miss ("ray; lint pardon mo, when you have lived a little longer you will find people are not always what they seem, nor are their protestations of friendship to be de pended upon. "However old I may live to .Dc, buys 1W.1, "I hots' I shall alway have as mm-li faith in li iy fellow-creatures as 1 have now. and I firmly believe it ixiasihlc to meet with those who will, through riches nm Kverty, good report and evil, be stead lust and unchanging triends, and blush ing at her own earnestness, Dora resumes the brush which she had been neglecting for the last few minutes. Frank smiles under his uiout;u he the eirlish outburst, but turns and looks entvelv eniilluh into the challiiing, shy face, and savs. with a sigh : "Ah, child, you don't know what you tire talking about. Just put it to your- self a moment and tell me, do you think you could bo such a fiicmi if need be?" "I do," is the quiet, earnest answer and soiuethini; in the tmto face makes Frank tako tho Tittle bare hand nearest him into his and kiss it reverently. Then leltin it uo, says gently. "I siipwe, Miss Gray, your theory would not allow friendship between two ol opHisite sex r "Certainly it wou'd," replied Dora. never can understand why the regard which may exist between a man and a woman should not be dictated by a feel ing of true, earnest friendship, and, as sticb, be Ir.tnkly shown lK'lore the world I dure say you think me very Iim.INi the sweet, girlish voice concludes, a lit tl hastily, "my sisters at home have ollt laughed at what they called my 'pei uli notions. There is no re plv for a moment, for Frank is looking earnestly over the sea; then ho turns, with an air of having m ule up his mind to something, mid says, quietly : "Dora, will you be such a friend to me?" "The girl's cheek flushes and she turns to meet the expected smile; but the glance which meets her is (jravo and earnest, and the clear gray eye look honestly into hew. There is a momenlary pause: then she lays her pretty fingers gently into the hand outstretched to meet them, and says, steadily: "I will, .Mr. Carleton, as far is it lies in my power, if you wish it." "I do wish it, says 1-runk, concisely, his hand closing firmly rouud the timid little fingers, over which he bends bis iindsome head before releasing, and upon which he imprints a soft kiss to ratify the contract. Tho Drettv white house, nestlim: amomr the dark firs, which are such an addition to the beauty of the coast, near Sand- come, belongs to Mr. Barrington, and he and his pretty wife are never more pleased than when they can induce as many as possible of their numerous friends to visit them and they are particularly happy in the selection ef their guests, and never tired of devising some pleasant plan of amusement Kavouwood House is almost always gay and lively with pleasant laugh ter and merry chatter. Mrs. Harrington was a Miss (!ray, and Dora is her pet sister, so she often stays at Ravcuswood for months to gether. prank Carleton has only I een down Iroin Jiondoii a lortmglit. He is a rising young barrister, with a good private in come of his own; but this has not pre. vented his over-working himself a little ml he has accepted Oscar Harrington s pressing invitation to recruit his strength in the bracing airof Sandcombo. There arc not so many guests as usual at Ravcuswood House just now, so Dora and Frank have been thrown together it good deal; and Mr. Carleton is too fond of tho society of pretty girls not to think it a very charming arrangement alto gether. 1 he day following tho little talk on the beach there is a larco influx of visitors, but Dora finds, to her satisfaction, that in walks or drives Frank seems ever at her side, as usual. One day she laughingly rcmurks tho fact, but he merely says, quietly : I prelcr Iricnils to aeitiaintiinoes, Dora If you are tired already of our bargain, say so; but it is only natural that, under the circumstances, 1 should choose your society rather than that of any one Ise. So the two wander about together con- tcntolly, though not unnoticed, for many are tho glances and little lnucndoos they have to encounter, much to Doras ex pressed disgust, us she freely discusses the the matter with rrank. "It is toe utterly ridiculous," she sayi angrily, as they were one day walking through the wood; "as if wo were bound to be talking a lot of nonsenso about love just because we are alone together. "Ridiculous, indeed, calmly assorts Frank; "wait until Mr. and Mrs. Right appears, and wo go o(I with them respect ively, then these clever people will see the dilterence ch Dora : Dora's heart gave a sudden jump, but she answers in her usual gentle voice though she is rather silent during the re mainder of tho walk. "1 am expecting Miss liruco down here to-morrow, so I wain all those ol voti gentlemen who still possess that useful nr tide, a heart, to guard it well, for Nell is a fascinating pussy. So stud Jlro. Rarrington tit the lunch con table one day; aud to those who knew tho young lady spoken ol the announce ment appeurs to givo universal satisfac tion "Aud who is Miss llruce?" asks Frank of Dora Gray, by whose side he was sit ting. "One ot the loveliest girls voti ever saw in vourlife." nut in Mr. llairington beforo Dora can reply; "and just your style, old man, I should imagine. Frank Carleton looks at Dora, and re peats, in a low voice meant lor her ear ah .lie: "Just my style. Can my late bo ap- iiroaetntiL' a reailv 1 I vrhaps, is the only reply given m equally low tones. "Do you hope it may be so : I don't quite know," said the yonn man gently. "I nave my menu, you know, )ora. Cut, notwithstanding, .Mr. rrank; ui pears to nml tlie eliarming, lair-niurca girl, who is told off to his care the next evening at dinner very attractive; and when the gentlemen rejoin the ladies he makes his way straight to tho ottoman upon which Miss Uruce is sitting. How swlhsli 1 am, murmers l'ura to herself, as she wait-In Frank's tall, band some figure crossing the room in order to turn over Miss Unices music; and some how everything seems a little dull urn, iin-iiitcrestiiig to 'the girl's mind, aud heartache accompanied her to bed that night liut it is gone by the morrow, and Dora is her own sweet self; and as day go on she resume her nil her tiegleatitl sketching, though by degree she funis how often she is without her luitlilul friend, and she misses this cheerful friend and she misses his cheerful dinner uud gonial luiigh more than she will ocknowl edge. For Frank Carleton's jesting words seem to have come true, and he shows no signs of his evidently a Very tood under standing betweeu them, for it necessitates much low talk and apparent persuasive eloquence on Frank's part; and somehow the Ihoii'ht ot those two will persist obtruding itself on Dora's mind, no mat tor what she is doing. At last matters come to a crisis. Picnic is arranged to be held in sonic woods a few miles inland, and during luncheon on the grass Frank and Nellie are, as usual, together, and the giri is such a merry humiiI that it is evident s' feels very happy. Dora feels more thun ever the foolish uisiliou into which I or girlish ignorance, has led her rospectin Frank, for more than one remark reaches In r, referring in no flattering terms to his conduct. Hut she defends him on every occasion, and in, such a iweet. uncon scions manner, that suspicion is at once disarmed respecting tho state of her heart. Hut her effort to disscmblo her disap- ointment in Frank's sudden avoidance is loo great to-day, and sho manages, after lun.'hcoii, to steal away entirely alone, iu U d ling to sketch a pretty litUo glade she olt n visited, But when the rxcbM the sjo'. tmroly seats heinself on the bank and gives her sclfuptohcr thoughts, and fiercely ar gues out her own unreasonableness, as she terms it. But the process does not teem to be satisfactory, for presently one or two tears force themselvea from between the closed eyelids, and tho girl gives way to a passionate Hood ot tears. iiy degrees the sobs subside, and the soothing effect ot the toft, warm air and ibdued quiet around begin to bo toil, and, leaning her uncovered head against the hard trunk of a tree, she tails last asleep. So fast, indeed, that the sound of ad vancing footsteps does not make an eye quiver; and when Frank Carleton reaches her ho stands tor a moment looking down at the little figure in its attitude of cure less grace with an (xpresskn upon his tace that is not exactly tuithtul to the memory ol Miss Nellie Bruce. Just then Dora stirs a little, and weary little sob bursts from tho pretty parted lips. This is more thun l'rank can bear, and in a moment he was kneel ing beside her, uud the startled girl is taken tenderly into his arm, while the curly head leans for a moment unconsciously against his breast. "What is it where am If murmurs Dora and looks up so quickly that a soil moustache brushes her cheek. "Oh, Mr. Carleton," she stammers, trying to disen gage herself and blushing deeply at the position in which she hndshersell. " I'ora, darling, says 1 rank, earnestly, "what do those tears meun I I ell me dear?" and he holds her so firmly she can scarcely move. "Nothing'' much, falters the girl blush ing again as she recollects their true cause "At least, nothing I could tell you 1" sho concludes, as Frank's gray eyes look into her s as il to read her very heart. "Now, Dora, he savs, reproachfully, "I thought you and I arj.eo 1 always to tell each other our trouble. Do you call tbut looking upon me as your friend t "But L could not possibly tell you, repeats Dora, succeeding iu drawing her self away, and though her heart beat wildly at the tender look upou the hatil-omo face looking into hers. "How is it you are here?" she asks, to ehango the sub ject, "and where is Nellie?" 1 followed you, child, is tho reply. ignoring her latter iiuestion. 1 intend to know the meaning of these pal. cheeks; I have noticed them for the last two or three days, and I want to find out il there is any reason for them. I'o you know that 1 would give half my hie to know what they did mean?" he says pas- pussionntcly; while Porn a little frightened taltcrs out u timid ".o without looking at him. "Well, I won t tell you yet, he says, more quietly, "but I will let you into a secret that will interest you about Nellie Bruce. What is it child I Are you cold or faint ?" for Dora started and closed her eyes. "Oh, she says, with a smile, "do on Mr. Carleton." "Well," he continues, "it turns out that Miss Nellie was a lew months ago en gaged to one of my most iutimato friends. Harry 'Sylvester, and a rare good fellow he is too, but thty managed to (tuarrel over something and the affair was broken off, though both were as desperately in love as could be. I' happened to hear poor old Hitl s woes at the tunc, and from putting two and two together, and writing a letter or two to Sylvester, I think I havo managed that all will be well again with out any compromise of dignity on cither side. Mrs. Harrington hits asked Harry lown next work, a. id so I told Nellie; lot us liotie wlii-n I hoy meet tliey will see the error of their ways once and for all by, I lorn, how pleased you look; you care to hear about u love altuir alter It isn's that I thought you cared I mean, .ellie eared "Were You jealous?" interrupts Frank passioiiiitcly. "Mora, my own darling, is it possible that you love me alter all?" und he takes the sweet, blushing face betweeu his bund and looks down into it raptur ously. "Do you know, my dear one, I have loved since the first week 1 came here, but you seemed such a sweet, calm little maiden that I despaired of making you eveu think of me, so, darling, may 1 con fess and tell you I fell into your pretty little plan of friendship just to try and see if I could awaken any deeper feeling in that pure little heart." Oh, brink! says Horu, rcproaehlully, lifting her lovely dark eyes to his face, theu dropping them at what she read there, "was that (inito fair ?" "Everything is fair in love and war," replies Frank, fondly kissing the pretty lips softly, with an air of proud possession, "especially when tho stratagem ends in surrender." And Duru leans back her dark head against his shoulder, sighs contentedly and lays nothing. AN IMPORTANT ISSIE. "George," chirruped n pretty girl to the young man who has been keeping compa ny with her for the past year, aud had never plucked up murage enough to pro Hse, George, do you know I am reminded of one of the issues of this campaign every tinio I think of you ?" "No; an? you Clara '"exclaimed the youth, eagerly. "Yes. Can't yon imagine what issue it is, George ?" The foreign policy ? ventured the young man. O. no. Western laud claims? said he, looking down at his feet. Wrong. Try again. Nothing to do with un Independent party ? No, you simpleton. Then I give it up, at lust said he. The main question at present, George, is protection. Do you see? He saw, aud popped the question then and there. "Yes," she said to her escort as they glided around the rink, "I do so love roller skating. While you are sailing arouud your soul seems floating awuy toward Heaven, aud " Just at that moment both of her soula floated away toward Heaven and the rest of her amote the earthly floor with mighty smite. THE STATE EXPOSITION'. FORMALLY OPEXED ON THE SECOND BY GOVERXOR JARYIS, SENATOR HAWLEY AND PRESIDENT PRIMROSE. At ten o'clock Ott, 2nd the State Guard formed a line fronting the Cupiti 1 on Edenton street, and were reviewed by Governor Jams, his staff, and den. llaw ley, There were in line tho following co ui panics: First Brigade. First Regiment, Col. J W. Cotton in command. Company C, Greenville Guards, Capt. I. A. Sugg. Company D, Goldsboro Rifles, (apt. W. T. Hollowell. Company F, Edgecombe Guards, Capt. fl'reys. Company G, Washington Light Infan try, Capt. C. F. Wurreu. Company 1, rosquwtauk nines, v apt. J. E. W.kmI. Third RegimaUt Commanded by Col. J. D. Glenn. Company A, Winston Light Infantry, Capt. S. II. Ninth. Company H, Asheville Light Infuniry; Cant. John liurnurd. Company C, Haywood Grays, Capt. J. li. !S. Mclnloah. Company D, Durham Light Infantry, ( apt. h. J. rarrish. Company I, Reidsville Light Infuniry, ('apt. A. J. hllington. 8F.ro.ND HHKIADK. Gen. M. P. Taylor commanding. Second Regiment Col A. II. Worth C ommauding. Company A, Fayetteville Light Infan try, Capt. A. McKethan. Company B, Lafayette Light Infantry, ('apt. W. S.Cook. Company C, Wilmington Light Infan try, Capt. R. II. Horry. Company E, Shoe Heel Rifles, I'm pi. Wm. Hlaek. Company F, Sampson Light Infantry Capt. W. ii. Faisnti. Fourth Regiment, Company 11, South crn Stars, Capt. C. E. Childs. Company C, Iredell Hlttcs, dipt. A. M. annoy. Company D, Monroo Light Infantry, J. E. W. Austin, Capt. Company I, Polk Rifles, Capt. W. W. Hoyco. Company L, Dallas Light Infantry Cunt. J. M. Templcton. The Hornet's Nest. Riflemen, Char lotte. BRASS HANDS. Second Regiment, Wilmington Cornet Baud. Fourth Regiment, Charlotte Band ; Salem Band, Elizabeth City Band. First Regiment, Monroe Band. Third Regimeut. Asheville Hand, the procession, followed by a large crowd of visitors, proceeded through the dust to the Exposition grounds. There after appropriate ceremonies und tuusie, Governor Jurvis made the address of wo come. Then Senator llawlay sjiok being loudly cheered. Alter Senator llawley's address, the Governor, President Primrose and the company of distinguished gentlemen to! lowed by the audience of ladies and gen tlemcu went through the buildings, and the Exposition was formally opened. HELPING THE KDITOK OUT. A clerical looking gentleman entered an Austin newspaper ofliee yesterday, ami drawing out a concealed document, said to the editor: "I am soliciting lar a high-toned gen (Ionian of rcfutcmcut and intelligence He is sudly iu need of money, but he too proud to let the public know it." "Voti don't say so!" said the editor. with uuiuiatiou. "1 mil hopeful of securing quite a baud some little sum. "You say this unfortunate man is very intelligent, highly cultivated, and all that sort of thing. " 1 hat s just the kind of a man he is. "And too proud to beg." The minister nodded. "My dear friend, 1 appreciate, your deli cacy. You have described lay condition precisely, but I have no idea I had en listed your sympathy so strongly that you would t:ike up a collection. It's all right. Just us soon us you get HI or 815 to gether, bring it iu to me, and I'll give you a receipt for it. God bless you, my noble friend," and he gently pushed the visitor, who expected to tap the editor for II, out into the street, where he, after gazing urouid in a dazed sort of a wuy, kept on in his mission of mercy. "One gtsid turn deserves another, re marked the editor, as he resumed his seat. "That man came to help mo out, uud I helped him out." A MARTY It TO SCIENCE. Miss Carrie J. Welton, the young tour ist who was frozen to death last Tuesday night while decendiug Ixiug ' Peak, Col., was the only child ol J. C. Welton, a weal thy manufacturer who was killed some years ago at his residence, Rose Hill Cot tage, Waterbury, Conn., by the kick of ahorse. 1 he ouly relatives lu this city were her uncles, the Porter Brothers, commission merchants, of No. 78 Worth street, Miss Welton was educated in this city, und was remarkable for her knowledge of natural history and botany. It was to make collections of simc'imcm that she went west last spring. Her mother has been in Europe during the summer and has not yet returned. The body will be sent from Colorado Springs to-day, and will probably arrive at this city ou tho 2nd r 3rd of October. Xctr York Herald. ., . i . sua "What do you think," said Clara, "that horrid Tom Brown prepoted t age last evening. He hummed aud havetl a long time, but fiually spunked up Murage to ask for my hand." "And what did yon say, dear?" Mked Delia. "Say? Why, I told him I couldn't be so cruel as to burden him with a third hand, when he didn't know what to do with the two he already had the awkward booby!" ADVERTISEMENTS. A Marvelous Stork TOLD II TWO LITTlM. FROM THE SGN:";Sr Ot(trm-,' My luitit-r roMp nt ilovr Vt. IU Uft:' Wt-ii m ('"Ht min-i-i r (rout .SoruN i:U, md IV Pi'-in .ii.t Ijtur w.l U.l ) ouwli.it Ayer'a SampariUa haa had In bis earn. 1 think till blood Hunt hare contnluod tha humor tor at lit.t leu yean ; but it did uot rliow, eiuept in tha form of a teroluluui aura ou the wrlit, ualii about fire yean ago. From a tew ipota irhlrh ap peared at that time, It gradually ipraad to as to oovor bin entire body. I aiuro you be was terribly altllcu-il, and an object of pity, when he began uilug your uiedielue. Now, tharo are tew men of hll age who enjoy at g"d beallU la he ha. 1 could eaetly name titty iwreuue who wm Id tcitlfy to the (acta in hta iwse. Win truly, W. M. miAH-a. FROM THE FATHER:;; a duty for me to itata to you the boiiout I bars derived from the um of Ayer s Sarsaparilla. Biz month! ago I wai completely covered with I terrible humor and scrofulous nree. Tha humor earned an Incessant and Intolerable Itching, and the skin araeked so aa to causa the blood to flow in many places whenever I moved. My mlTurliigs wore great, and nj life a burden. 1 commenced the use of th 8ARsrRH.i.a III April last, and htve nsed It regularly since that time. My condition began to Improve at once. The sores ban all healed, and 1 (eel perfectly well In every re;ct being now abl to do a good day'l work, altlioiiah li y-1 of age. Itany Inquire wleit l..n roi:;-'.t uch a aura In my case, and I tell t'icm, as 1 hare lima tried to tell you, Ayci.'s 8.Mi'iri"ii.tA. Glover, Vt., Oct, 81, UH. Yours grateful ly, UUtAM I'lULUM." Atxe'I gfinrintxa. eurai Scrofula ai I nil Scrupulous Complaints, Erjilp. ins, Kt-trir.iit UliiMi im, lilolehei. Son s, Holla, T.imore, and llruptlous of tho Skin. It clears tha blood of all Impu rities, aids dilution, stimulates the action ol tho bowels, and tbua restores vitality and strengthens tha whole system. FBKTAtlD IT Dp. J. C. Ay er 4 Co . , Lowell, Man. Bold by all Druggists; tl. six bottles for at. BAK538X Fresh Dread, Biscuit, Cakes, Crackers, ALWAYS ON HAND. riiiin und French Candies, Fruits, and Nuts ol every description, wholesale and retail. Cakes and Bread to order at SHORT NOTICE. Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff. Orders from a distance tilled promptly. r RICES LOW. E. A. CrriiKEU., Weldoii, X. C. apr 17 ly THE BLATCHLEY pumpi BUY TJHEBESL BLATCHLEY'S TRIPLE ENAMEL PORCELAIN-LINED ou SEAMLESS TUBE . COPPER-LINED pujvip Do no l inrul hi to buy intf tut. ri. t (.-til. "!' Hl.- l.V 111." Uet huuMt. iu tii 'i rfttUt. C. 0."bU ATCHLE Y .Mnnuf'r, 308 MARKET 8T., Phllnct'u. Write to lue for uanieul neai-uat Aacuk fel. 9S ilui ftSTO FOJi CATALOCtfSjf. nov !J ly DISEASE CURED Without Medicine. A Valuable Wwwrvrg far imfyi'n .Viijruef last In the llama Sy.itriH: tAeelrmty ana Magnetitm ulilixeil an never beon for Healing the oV. THE MAiiNETloX APPLIANCE CO.'a MAONETIC KIDNEY BELT! FOR M EN IH WARRANTED TO Ct'RE Or Money Refunded, the following diHcaace without niedlcine: lalti lu the back. aassMs. head or liuihe. nervous drmlily. lumba go, general debility, rheumatism, paralysis, ueural I gia, sciatica, tnaeuae ol inj aiuueys, spinal uiseaaea, torpiti liver, gnut, aennnai emissions, impnu'itcy, asthma, heart dlNcaec, dyaiaMwia, nuiMlpalloti, ery- sipelaa, Indtgcatloii, hernia or rupture, catarrh, ptlea, eplieH.y, ilumo ague, etc. When auv il. liilitv of the tlcncratlv Orcein no- cura. bwtt Vilalltv. lack of Nerve Force and Vigor. VYntiiiia Weakneaa. and all tin Diseases of a per sonal nature, from whatever cause, the continuous st ream of MagnctUm H'nuealing through the rt. mutt 1-calnrc tliein tn a healthy action. Ther la no mlHUlkc alx.lit I limll.liliaucc. To 111 K LA I il KS: Ifyoiiarc amlctcd with lame Hack, weak iicaa nfi he ai.lne, falling of the womb, leiiii.rrhoca, chronic liinaunnatlon and ulceration nfthe womb, Incidental hemorrhage or niMMllug, iMtli.nu, kiipprewteti ami irregular menstruation, UrrcniicM.auil chatureof life, this la the best Appli ance ami Curative Ak'i-ul known. For all forum of Female Hlllleultles it la ttnsiir- Miakcd hv anything la-lore invented, both as a cura tive aireiil and as a imureeof imworand vltallaalion. Price of cither ll-lt Willi Magnetic liisnlca, flu, sentbt' i-xorchS ( . O. P.. and examination allowed. or l.y mail on receipt of price, lu onlerlug send measure of waist, midstsc of sin a. Remittance can be matle In currency, acnt In letier at our risk. The Magneton Oarineuts are adapted tn all aires. are worn over the under clothing, (not next to the taaly like tho many (jalvanle aud Electric Hum bugs advertised so oxttiulvely,) and should he taken on at night. 1 ncy noiu their power forever, and are worn at all seasons ,r the vear. Hrud alami. for the "New lKuatrtiire til Medical treatment Without Medicine," with thousands of tvstiiiuailnls. THK JIAtiNFTtON APPLIANCE CO., 21S Stale street, Chicago, Hi. NoT. Wend on dollar lu postage stamps, or cur rency (In letter at our risk) with ulic ofshoe usually worn, and try a pair nf our Magnetic Ins. ilea, and be convinced of the pow er residing In our other Magnetic Appliances. Positively no cold feet when they are worn, or money refunded. octuiy (.JWiaw.-. V advertisements;. IN THE BOTTOM. I have now In store aud am receiving a' most daily the following goods: Hardware, Tinware, t'rookory ware, Wove ins, Wnntltu ware, Flour, llacnli, idril, sirai, ThImi-co, (Vara, Asnrtcil SsmIw. sugar, t'ollee, Fiah, 1'iiru a..le Vinegar, Keruaciie, lloinliiy, Kiev, lMed Applea. I make a specially nf CONFECTIONERIES. French fandlca, plain I 'audit's. Kaldu, Dates, Oranges, demons, (.'ream Cheeau. Canned (foods, lam. eil Beef, Canned Ham, Sardines, c. Fancy f'akea, Soda and Butter Crackers,, Citron and Currents. II. C. SPIERS, Weldoii. N. C. oetUly HELP YOUlt EYES JJY I'SINU YOTNti'S CELEBRATED IMPROVED PERISCOPIC GLASSE3, CLEAR AND SOFT TO THK EYE, BTRtNOllEN- INUTO WEAK KYKH, For aula In Gold, Steel, Rubber and Celluloid frames. HELP TO SAVE By buying th greatest Bargain aver offered n I GOLD HUNTING WATCH, Varying in price from FORTY TO ONE HUNDRED OI.I.ARH, Worth m-srly double the price. SETS OfTeWELRY. IIiindM.ine In design and In flue quality, A thou sunn itiiicrcui styles tu RINiiS. I'INS, KARHINtiH, Cl'FK lll'TTONS. Hll lis. COLLARS, lll'TTONS, llltACEI.KTH. SILVKIt SPOONS, FORKS, AC. ClAK.slS, PLATED CASTORS, ICE PITCH ERS. At'. At the lowest posall.le prices. Orders promptly BHClHlf u ui. J. T. YOUNC It BRO.. IVU'rxUim. V, nci iy ii ESTATE IIERCI. I havo established I SEAL ESTATE AGENCY II Uitowao WCLDON. N. C. I bavaTKN houses la Weldea FOR SALE OR RENT. About half of Ifceaa stores, otiisrs dweiUac, I aaa lav about 6,000 ACRtW OF LAND IN HALIFAX UOUMTY F0IIAL1 For further parsirlan, qarfe what lag I bay rent aaa apply t la pctaou or by letter. I aa aew laklag up all laada partis wlak to seal and advsrilalag Ik seme at ssy ewa sasaaia, a- leas a salt is made and Suea I laar nnmaslaalsaii For my ssaucing as geutlssusa and a awa, worthy to be trusted, I refer by praaMtoa to X. U Smith, Scotland Neck : Dr. J. A. CeUuaa, W. A. Daniel, Weldon, T. W. Harrle, UlUssou. ont 1 If . P W- W- HALL FIRE IXSURtriCE AGENT, Cau U fciuud in the Koauokt Nwi WILDOH, It, C. REPRESENTS Mew York Underwriters, of New York Western, of Toronto, Canada North Carolina Home, sfBalUih,K.C. WIU place risks .In say uli- (" n hiw saf rate. ,4jrrweni,tiaow iwuawi. wuut T

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