n p pi, i ; r i j sjji i i -5l i f 4 HALL & SLEDGE, i'kohmktoks. A. NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE. TEIRIMS--00 l'KH AN MM IN ADVANCE. VOL. XIII. WELDOX, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER lS. 18S4. NO. 40: f V, i .1 i PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. H. KITUHS, w. a. pi. tOCKTY TTOtr, J I T C II I X A 1) r K S , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SCOTLAND NKCK, N. C. mar lltf r. H. HIKBCE. Sit-gluS, C. K. II. kMITH Jr. OTLiSUNK H, K. C. B A 8 MIT II. Mr K. H. Hiuliee end Mr. R. II Smllh. Jr., Conn aelors at law. have formed a limited partner-hip for the practice of law in Halifax county. Mr. Buabec will ettrnd the courts of llnllfnl. regularly, and will also villi the county believer his services are required url I ly Q HI Z t A H 1 II V M A S, Attorneys at Law, HALIFAX, N. r. OfTlec In the Court House. Strict attention glren to all branches of the pmlcsslon. J.n la ly T II U si A 8 N. HILL, Attorney at I, aw, HALIFAX, N. I'. Practices in Hsllfsi and a.Joluluj ixiuntiea and Fetleral and Miprcme ci.tirts. aug. tf. II A 8 0 S , Attornry at I,tw, (iARYnrmi, n.c. I'rai tlees in the courts of Northampton and ad joining counties, alto In the Kedcial and Hiprciue courts. June it if. ALTER K li A S I E L, Attorney it I. aw, WKI.IHiN, N. c. rraetleei In llallfai and adjoining counties. Sorciitl slleniv.ii Kiven to collections In all parts of the Mate and prompt returns made, feb IT ly. W. II A 1. L, Attorney at I, aw, WKLlKiX, S. C. Special attention given tn collections and remit tances promptly made. may 1 if. M t I L K N 4 MOOHK, Atttrnrt at raw. Halifax, n. c. rrn tlre In ihe rimiiiin'f llttlifui, Ntrt)iAinptnn. lulctM'wn.l, I'itt Ati'l Mnrtiii hi Iht Huprrme ttMirt of tlip suie ml In ihr hnlt-ml t'ourtu i.fihc J-jottcrn litiirift. CollrcUuii inn It in mr t)flherUU', Jan 1 ly I) It. J. E. 8 II I E I. U 8, Nurgeou Dentist. Uavine Ttcrmancntlv locHted In Weldoll. can la' found at hlaotHi e In 8mlth s Hrlek lluililinil at all Utiles eieepl w hen absent on professional liusiuess. i'areful attention given to all Vrauclic of the pro- o-miuii. j-anies nuieii at tueir noiues wueu ue slred. July 12 ly. It. E. 1,711 I' S T E It, Kurgeon Dentist. Can be found at his office In F.nfli UI. Pure N'ltMiis (Hide tias for the 1'alnless Lilrac ting of Teeth alwaya on hand. June .'J tf SPRING TRADE. 1884. I to receiving and placing on salt at popular prices run lines 01 Fins White Goods, India Linens, Linen Lawni, Standard Prtnia at 6' 4 to Hrts., Worsted, Poplin Lustre, Cashmcrea, Hunting, Scotch Uing hama, t:heck Nansouks, Printed t arn brlci, Embroideries, Ices, and Edgings. A NICE LINK OF NOTIONS AND JEWELRY. HEAVY PLATED EAR DHOIK, BBTTENUUSH GARNET EAR DROPS, K At'TI Fl" L 8t' A R F PINS. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE, SUCH A8 Carprnteri TWi, Vockrt Ciif''ry and Katuri. OOTS AND SHOES. My Grocery Department la also Airntshed wltk risk. UsU, ltd. alolasMa. Mvmp. Mir, ('Am. Flour, Rica, Bullae, rtupw, vplct, xtarcl), aoap and mm aneu. Mr-1 also ksp tha vary beat Tobacco and CI fare. net tmi 1eLdoi1 . C. CHOICE LIQUORS AND GROCERIES. II J Bar conUint all tb cholc Braada ol Wine, Brandira, Whiakeji, Her and miird Drinkl are ntada ia the Beat manner. CI' tart, Smokinc and Chewim Tobacco. Call and eiamina them. FAMILY GROCERIES are cheap and all the beat kinds constantly a kaad and stock coutinually rfflenUhad iprJ7 3m I THIN K or THICK. When crimson mornihc IraiH her rot nf glory, AonMlbe aplendid cbarolicrsuf Hie eat I think of one whose smile Illumes my thway. Kike iuuIh-hiiis o'er the shs-lowed bill toincaft. When full noontide lights every vale am! meadow. And mirth ring, out on evtry ptissiiii: brcese ; I sigh to think we'llslt no more together. Mid scene ns brightand beautiful us these. When night's soft step brills h(iiiler to the wi-ury, And bids the lalsirer he glml iigiiln , To think of nut ; nojoycooie-. tome pl rit, For 1 must ever look fur thee In vain. At morning, noon, and night, my hciiri turns ever To hippy hours I aeiit, so long a", With thee; while years rm I feel, my darling, Those were the Iw-st that 1 luill ever know. THK CIIKISTMAS TKICIC. The cusloui of dit'oratitin" by grcon plant and flowere in ail wirta of f catiralv, aajs Cliarlcn DuJIcjr W timer in irr' M'Kjadne, id 111 olJ 111 history, ami ul course the use of evergreens ut CliriMiiws needs no explination mr is tiie ciisluin any Ices Cliristimi beeuue it is of im memorial ise among jiaan tuitions. The mistletoe bowtYcr, lnnl a unique jilace. The Celtic people anil the Druiils hoM it in the same veneration that the Unmans did. It was used by tin; Romans ia re- riuui ceremonies, ami it may have been the "golden bough" of the infernal le gions. The Druids gulhcred it against the festival of the winter solstice with great solemnity, the prince of the Ihuid.s cutting ii himself with a golden sickle It was used as a charm against evil spirits and excellent medical properties are as enbeii to it. It was supposed to possess tho power to preserve from poison and tho mystic property of giving fertility Kiting under the mistletoe" may have kad reference to this ancient belief. There was a tradition that the maid who was not kissed under aboiigU of mistletoe at Christinas would not be married during following year. There was once a notion thut its heathen origin should x- clude it from the Curituia8 decorations but this found no favor with the younjj people at any period. On the contrary they took good care that it should be hung and that it should have plenty of berries, for the ceremony under it was not duly performed if a berry was not pluck ed off with each kiss, and ciitieiucntly the supply of berries determined the num ber of kisses. It did not need the Ho- tuuu use of the plant to recommend such n preventive of the (late of oldinaidisni. Some trace the use of gi ei n bush decora tion to the origoual branches of vervain among the Romans. Willi Romaui and lruidi the vervain was u panaceea for every ill, and liny believed, above all, that it ''conciliated hearts which were at variance" another good office of any plant in the Christmas season. The Druids only venerate the mistletoe that grew on the oak, but tke common mistle toe (Viscus album), with its pearly ber ries, is gathered from the hawthorn, the old apple tree, the lime and the Gr, and from other trees. HUSBAND, WIKIC AM)t KICDI- ITOK. WHOSE PROPERTY AUK WKM'INU PltES- KNTS. Are wedding presents the property of the wife or the husband? This curious question has been raised in the English courts. Mme. Mercicr sued Mrs. Williams for a kill of goods to the extent of live thou sand dollars, supplied before the litter's marriage. She recovered judgment and levied on Mrs. Williams' jewels. They were wedding presents and were claimed by tho husband as his property. The case was tried before Lord Chief Justice Coleridge and a jury. He instructed the jury that in law the articles belonged to the husband, aud that accordingly the suit against the wife could not be main tained. An uupeal was taken to tho Divisional Court. Tho judges were equally divided. Then the court of Ap peal was called upon to decide! the iptes tion. It held that both the wedditiL' presents and other valuables owned by Mrs. Williams before tier marriage be came the property of her husband, but that their ownership had been transferred to her by ante-nuptial agreement. This agcement provided that all properly of he wife should be assigned to trustees for turned purposes "except jciv.ds, link ets, ornaments of the person and articles of the like nature." There, it was de clared in the agreement, should belong to her for her separate use. The case waa then eariied to the House of Lords, which has just given its opin ion. It sustains tho decision of the Court of Appeal that the jewels were tho separato property of Mrs. Williams under tho antenuptial agreement. They were therefore liable to seiiure by her. credi tors. The views of the House of Imrda on tho question whether wedding presents become the property of tho husband or belong to the wife do not appenr in the report of tho opinion. The inference is that the House agtces with the Court of Appeal on this point also. Oh, Clara, did you see that Mis Wal ters Was married the other day ? ''Was she, dearie? I hope the wedding was a happy one." ''Oh, I gness it was. She was had a satin train train throe yards long." TK.VIUCO BY HKOOIUIOUXDS. tlVR (11 THK MOST K KM It K A BI.K t ll.KS IN THK C IIHOXUI.Kis It I Ml- FOLLOWING A KOI IILE Ml RKERIR TIIHOl'OII TWO STATES INTO THE SWAMPS OK FLORIDA ANI RACK TO THE M'KNK OF THK TRAIiEDY, WHERE II F. IS AT LAST CAI'Tt'IlEI). .V'l"' '''' ''''' Col. (Mitts, Ga., Dec. !'. The keen scent of bloodhounds' as they followed a devious cotirso through ibis city and to 11 point about half n mile up the river, attracted the ntlenliou of the people yes terday. A few moments later several horsemen following gave evidence of fa tigue from a long chase. Suddenly the hounds came to a stand, mid a colored woman, babe in unus, stood terrified un able to move. A little way into a clump of bushes was seen 11 colored man who was rceogniied by Sheriff Iiurkctt, of Decatur County and whom one of the horsemen said was Moses Kcatoti, the murdeier of theliodwiu family in Mitchell County. Grasping the shotgun which he had stolen on the night of the murder, Keaton was taking aim, when Sheriff Rurkctt pushed the muzzle of a British bulldog into his his face and Keaton suddenly surrender ed. The story of the chase is one of the most exciting 011 record. On the morn ing of "Wednesday, one week ago, Mr. Alexander Godwin went to the house of of his brother, Stephen (iodwiu, who wa a bachelor and wealthy stock-raiser. All was still inside, and 011 opening the door he found bis brother lying dead on his bed in a pool of blood, with his head crushed and his brains oozing out. Mrs. Gregory, his housekeeper, was lying on another bed in the same room, with a dreadful fracture in her temple, and was otherwise badly mangled. Dick Gregory her son, was found in an adjoining room, lying dead from a similar wound. There were no signs nf robbery about the house Mr. (ioodwiu's trousers were found 011 a chair by his bedside with money in tho pockets. His gun was missing anil his his burse and his buggy were also taken away. Intense excitement followed the discov ery. A local award of $.")0I) was at once offered. Telegrams wen1 sent to the Gov ernor urging that tltu State also offer a reward. A vigorous pursuit was at once determined upon. Thero was but one, clue, mid that was to follow the buggy wheel tracks, which led out along the banks of the Flint River southward. Dr. Kaireloth, who hud been out professionally during the niglil. declared that he hail met a huggy ami that its occupants were Moses Keaton, his wile and child. The pursuing party pushed the chase through swamp ami morass, sometimes having sight of the track, agaiu loosing it, and thus giving the criminal the advantage of time. I "poll reaching Decatur county Sheriff Iturkett joined in the pursuit, and it was decided t bring in the aid of dogs to better keep the scent. On the Georgia line and through Florida to Jackson coun ty the party pushed. Here in a legion of swamp lands, all truce seemed lost, and two days wero spent in an endeavor to regain it. Hope was aliuust abandoned. At last another trail was struck due uorth. It was not long until it was dis covered that it lay not more than half s mile parallel with the downward trip, back through to Georgia ami within DM) yards of the house where the tragedy had been committed and still uorth of ikis until a farm-house was reached, where it was discovered that the fugitives had sold the horse and buggy and were pursuing their flight ou foot. This ttail was fol lowed until the scene just outside of this city brought the officers iu possession of their prey. On tho return trip to Mitchell County with their prisoners, Keaton fully ennfes sed the crime. lie implicated several others and says that robbery was the cause, as iiodwni always kept large rums of moucy on on his pcrsou. He used un axe and raaor in the hortible deed. . noise outsiue gave tun murderers the lUr that they would be caught, when Keaton sought safety iu flight, and hence did not s -cure one cent ol Dooly, only t lis gun for protection and the conveyance for flight. Taking his wife with bitu he proceeded through to Florida, and hoping the better to avoid detection, decided to return north aud reach north Alabama when ho would bo secure. Tho chase was over miles in a straight line and must have been nearer 1,(1(1(1 when the varia tions' are taken into account. It is doubt ful if ho will be allowed to roach a trial so outraged are the peplc. Alhanv, Ga.. Dec. 0. When Sheriff Iturkett arrived hero with Moses Keaton and wife, the Mitchell County murder ers, information reached him that they would certainly bo lynched if taken back to the scene of their crimes. In conse quence of this the prisoners have been lodged in jail here to await the action of court. I will acouiit no sins little, since there ia not the least but works the deatlrVif the soul. It is all one whether I bo drowned near the shore or out in the midst of tho sea. SUXIIKAMS. A well-turned ankle has often accom plished a well-turned bead. iove is blind, and often when the girl is rich and blind, it is only a blind. The front steps are deserted now. The season has passed when she stools to con quer. Rounder said his wife is the light-wait champion. She always stays up till he comes home. ''De perfeckshun 6' dis worl' is eber in danger," says Tnele Silas. ''De ripe, apple is de soones' to rot." ' If you love," said a dear creature, "say so; but if you do love me and dou't like to sayso, squeeze my band." A lie travels much faster than it did formerly. The invention of tho telegraph accounts for the increased speed. About the only time a man wishes he were a woman is when ho has to give up his scat to a woman in 11 street car. ''I thought you told me you did'nt use tobacco?" "I don't." "Rut you are puffing a cigar now." "Yes, but that's only a three-center. No tobaoco in it." Some one says : "No thoroughly occu pied man was ever miserable." Ve don't know about that. A flea up the trousers leg can keep a man very busy and very miserable. A Southern waiter told a Roston man at a hotel that in Eastern Texas a white man had married a negro woman. "Was he nut derided?'' asked the llostouian. "He was, sah. Dey ruled him him out of town on u mil." The doctors of a Western town have prepared a list of non-paying patients, uud will refuse to visit any family whose name is on the list. One undertaker and two tombstone dears have advertised their places for sale. loung wite: "l am determined to learn at what hour 111 v husband comes home at nights; yet, do what 1 will, I can not keep awake, and he is always careful not to make a particle of noise. Is ther tiny drug which produces wakefulness?' Old wife: "No need to 'buy drug: Spriukle the floor with tacks." Mrs. Kiff: Dearie, forgot the fgps again, did you ?" Mr. Kill : "No eg. in town, lovely. .Mrs. Mil: My, me! what's the cause of that?" Mr. Kill': Don't know, unless il's because the Dem ocrats have all the roosters." Mrs. Kiff : 'Oh, my, do roosters lay eggs?" .Mr. Kiff: "Naw, but they like to be urotind." The acquaintance of the female mind with the mysteries of commerce tun! fi nance is extensive and paralyzing. " H'by," said a well-to-do young woman, wbe had just received a drygouds bill, -why do they keep 011 sending me this? I know well enough I got those things lust Sum mer, and what's the use of reminding uie? ' A fond father presented bis four year old boy with a trumpet, with which he was greatly infatuated. All day the boy tooted away delightedly, and at bedtime when his graudmotlicr told him to put the trumpet down and say his prayers, the lit tle fellow said : "Oh, no; I'll tell you what let's do, grandma; you pray and I'll keep on blowing." A NEW St HEMIC FOU LOYEUS. From the CharleiUoH (S. C.) Si ut. At a recent weddiug reception in South Curoliua a young lawyer begged leave to offer a new scheme of matrimony, which he believed would be beneficial. He proposes "that one man iu company should be selected president; that the president whould be duly sworn to keep entirely secret all communications that should Iks forwarded to him iu his of ficial department that night, and that each unmarried gentleman or lady should write his or her namo on a piece of paper, and under it the name of the person they wished to marry, then hand it to the pres. ideiit for insKH.'tion, and if any lady aud gentleman had reciprocally chosen each other, tho president was to inform each of the result, ami those who hud not been reciprocal in their choice kept entirely so oret." After the appointment of the president communications wen? accord ingly handed up to the chair, and it was learned that twelve young ladies and gen tie m en had made reciprocal choices, but whom they had chosen remained a secret to all but themselves and the president I was passing through the same place I few days airo. and was inhumed that elev en of the twelve matches had been so cmnized, and that the young gentlemen of eight couples of the' eleven had de clared their diffidence was so great that they certainly should not have addressed their respective wiwes wives if the above scheme had not been introduced. It must lie highly gratifying to bald beaded people to learn that a noted Ger man professor baa clet rly demonstrated that baldness is not merely a loss of hair, as is vulgarly supposed, but is a mark of superior intelligence. In short there is so much brain it forces tho hair from the scalp. let this fact console our friends thin afflk-ted. OUT OF THE WII.UICltXESS. HOW AN INDIAN ElllTOR RAISED VP HIS VOICE AND REJOICED. After twenty-four years of weary wait ing watching and praying, victory comes at last. Let us therefurc, rejoice and make merry, for the day of our deliver ance is come. Let the floods clap their hands and the hills rejoice. Sing, shout, yell, whoop, hurrah I Glory in excelsis. Rrings out tho fatted calf; let us eat, lriuk and make merry. Johnny fill up the bowl, and we'll all drink, and shout as we go inarching 'round. Koll the drum, toot tho born, blow a loud blast on the bugle aud awakeu tho screaming fife. Souud the loud bazoo, jingle the merry ringaroes, and thrill tho sweet tintiuu bulations of tho hugag. Sound the luto and harp, the psaltery and the flute. Ring out ye merry bells; ring out tho old, ring in the new; ring, ring, ring. Sing, Jasper, sing, and let all the peo ple shout and sing. Let the. bonfires glare, tho trumpet blare; paint the outer wings and the high way a sanguinary hue. Let the daughters ot Dubois dauco and sing. From Greenland's l'atoka's verdant stand icy mountain to let songs of tri- umph rise. Rejoice and kick up your heels.ye burgh ers; anil you, ye yeomen, yell. Sing unto the Lord 11 new soug; sing, sing, sing. Arise, git there, Kli, and you, Jehosa phat, skip. Behold, now the Lord hath spoken good eoneerniug Democracy; thanks be to Him who hath gotten us the victory. We're git' 11 oiit'u de wilderness, der's no 1110' ribbers fo' to cross. l'lay a loud alarm on tlictumturu, and awaken the dulcet notes of the rub-a-dub. Sound the loud timbrel; play skillfully upon a harp of a thousand strings. Oh, come, let us ratify, jollify, glorify, celebrate, jubilate. Leap for joy, ye old men, and you, yti kids, skedaddle. Gloria in excelsis! Laudato Dominium Yenite cxiiltanius. The year of jubilee has come; return, ye hungry pilgrims home; 11 royal feast is spread. Jasper (Ind.) Timet. WONDERFUL TALE OF A DOG from Ihi Kunmn City .SVrtr. A gentleman of this city owns a dog of reuiarLahle sagacity, one whose instinct is almost worthy the higher name of iutel- cct. lie has been owned ever since he was a puppy liy 11 gentleman who is a member of the Catholic Church, aud who docs not, therefore, have meat brought into the house 011 Friday. This the dog soon discovered, as he did also the fact that the next door neighbor was not an observer of this ancient custom. Every Friday for years the sagacious canine would ignore the fund given him by his master and make a friendly visit to his Protestant neighbor, who never' failed to supply linn wttli meat. 1 licse weekly visits were kept up regularly for years, the dog never failing winter or summer to put in an appearance at the neighbor's on the day his master failed to supply him with meat. Recently tho family own ing tho dog moved to a remote part of the city, but the following Friday, faith ful to his custom in the past, the dog ap peared at the home of his old neighbor aud made bis mute appeal for dinner. He is still a good Catholic dog six days in the week, but every Friday lie turns l'ro- testunt long enough to feast on meat. Most dog stories are unreliable, but the truth of this one is vouched for by relia ble citizens. LUCK. NEARLY EVERYHODY HAS HOME FAITH IN IT. Speaking nf Gov. Cleveland's luck, the thought occurs that there tire undoubtedly lucky men mid Uii'iickr ones. OuO of Girard's rules wss never to have any thing to do with an unlucky man. The Rothschilds will not employ a man who has a reputation for ill-luck. Must, peo- pie are believers in luck. History is full of it. Cromwell trusted in Sep'jcmbex 3rd, Napoleon in December 2nd. Many great men have worn trinklcts to give them luck. Many a woman who puts on her stocking wrong side, out rill not change it. Few care to bo one al a table of thirteen. In Russia they d'i not pass the salt. Men hate to do anything impor tant on Friday. Millions believe in the virtues of the hurso shoe. Kruu the most sensible people have little- eon' tidence in the ultimate success ot a. man who has been tho victim of un ext.-aordi uary run of ill luck. A man's i.ntelli- gence and integrity count for nothi ng in the popular estimation when peoplei Lave seen his enterprises fall one after an other, There is a general disposition to I telieve that it is better to be Urn lucky than rich. Ozikit cotton seed for sal by H. F. Sledge Weldou, N. C, atSSets, per bushel. Call early and get a Uargu'i. Dec.. Jl-t THK USE OF FINGER KINGS. While there is a touch of barbarism in wearing rings on the fingers, yet the civ ilized hand has so long been adorned by them, that it would look plain and un finished without its hoops of gold. The ancient Romans wore the ring on the joint just under the nail. The Hebrews wore it on the right hand alone. The Greeks wore their rings on the fourth finger of the left hand, the Gauls and Britons on the third finger of the left hand. In l'liny's time the betrothal ring was an iron hoop, set with a loadstone instead of a gem. The Romans were even greater slave s to fashion than we of the present. They had winter and summer rings, tho weight and color of the rings being adapted to the season. Tho Greeks wore woekly rings, which were charms, and wero al ways intaglios and cameos. Talismanio rings were also iu use among tho Ro mans. Seal rings wero heirlooms and of great value in business transactions. The wed ding ring is of great antiquity. It is common thing to find wives who have been majried a lifetime, yet never had al lowed tho weddiug ring to slip over the finger joint. It is considered unlucky to take it off. To lose it indicates a mis fortune. "As your wedding ring wears 80 wear away your carea." It is only on very old hands that the worn thread of gold is now seen. . IT DIDN'T CONSOLE. .VircAiint Tranter. Mr. Noodle was a great bore to all the girls of his acquaintance, and he knew he had the reputation of being a fool but thought oue girl in particular held to differeut opinion. One evening he was talking to her. "Miss Susie," be said, "you know all the girls think I'm a fool." "Yes, Mr. Noodle, I've heard them say so. "And they think Harry Alderney is one too, dou't thcy? "I've heard them sny so. Mr. No' - die." "Now, Miss Susie, I have every confi deuce in your judgement, and you don't think I'm as big a fool as he is, you?" lo "No, Mr. Noodle, I don't, for Mr. Al dortiey weighs at least two hundred and you are not near as large as that." Noodle picked up his gloves and hat and went out without saying good night to her. ' HE (OliXI'.KS II EU AGAIN. "Johnny, take the broom and go ant and sweep the leaves off tho pavement, mick." "Doggone the leaves! What makes em fall so fast? "The good Lord causes them to fall each year to remind us that the end of our season of life is ever close at handi and that we, too must soon fall. "Well, when they come out agin in the spring what is that to remind us of?" 'That's to remind us that if we are good we, like them, will bud out new and bright in paradise." "Yes, but them leaves dou't bud out iu paradise; they're jilt on the same old trees on our pavement. Accordin' to that we ought to bud out agin down here wh'sre wj fall of at." "Hurry on out. Don't stand there and talk so much." "Yes, that's a good way to git out of it." Kentucky Stdte Journal. HIS STOKY W AS SPOILED. Roekiand Coprirr. "I toll you what," airily exclaimed Perkins, as ho sat down to the supper able, "I was in a tight place this after noon. "Yes, I know you were," interrupted his wifo in a clear cold utterances that out like a knife; "I saw you coming out of it." And then it flashed across Perkins' mind that he bad incidentally stepped into a saloon with a friend for the pur pose of cxauiiug a doubtful political state- menc with the aid of a magnifying glass and hit contemplated anecdote slipped from his grasp lice money at a summer resort, while, the sapper was Bushed amid a silence so piofound that be oould plainly hoar a napkin rug drop. !IKtrOOMuD I)K NHiCiF.R." See here, Jim you bypociitical old rascal why did you stop and ask that nigjter for a chew of tobacco for when you had that whole plug I gave you in your coat pocket? AN by, lioss, dut is nultin but a nigger 1 way of dotlgin round de bill. 1 ou see I know'd dat nigger was gwiuo to ax m for 'bucco aud I wasi't gwiuo to tell dat nigger a lie about it for I belongs to de church, I does, and so I ax dat nigger for 'baccoto keep hisa fiotu axis' me for some. Now dat's all, Boss. Didi't you hear him say he didn't have any, aud was just gwiae to ax bo for some? Yahl yah! yah! how I did fool dat uigger! You see, Boss, 'cause you gib mo dat backer I am gwine to gib it away to nobody for dat would be busiu' your confidence." ADVERTISEMENTS. Warren Lei and, .10111 crurytHnly knowt ai iho tuccoMfnl Largest Hotel Enterprises of Amr!ca, sarsl'iat while a pnwnpier from ?;ew'Ynr:. on N v.l:. sloe Bonn around Cat Horn. In lloi va ly I. vs o ciin(iatlon tul'aU If i'ln 1, li 1 lean- si ill. cue ol llw oOlcers ol tin to', 1 U .! tio'i.l uniJelf.i.iiMiii 11"' S ., ol a.i o.)sii:..itn ii scaaa by tlia use 4 Ayer's Sarsapariiia. line then Mr. LELI his recnmmeri.led Avail's SAnaarAtm.i.4 In many similar cases, and ho has never yet beard of Its fall, arc to sltect a radical cure. Bnine years ago one ol Mr. T.rt.iNn's fansi laborers bruised bis I' i'l lo llir ha) Stnt' of bis bloo'l, an ui.lv sc "lulcus svelltDf or lump appeared on I'mlreure l limb. Hor rible Itching nf Hie ':, null tuiiiln and dartinn pa'ns llirnur.li tho lump, insito Ufa almost liiti'l-ra'da. Tha leu In-enma ennr niocilv ml I, nr.,1 rimuing ulcers formed, discharging ureal t 11:111 1 1 H. uf extremely ollriK.i.i ui.iin-r. No trcniiiient of sny avail until lbs man, bv Mr. .i-i.ASn'a lili-ee. tlou, w;is Sllpplle.l Willi Avi-ifs Saiissi-a-IULI.I, lilch nllnyi',1 th pMn and Irritation, lie.iloil tho son s, ri mmed tho iuolllii, and completely rcstorcil ihn limli to use. Air, J.land bus personally lUDd Ayer s Sarsapariiia for TIY'iioir'" -o, tt':'i cut 're success ; and, 1, : r c . ! . , c- ' s tti.it. in J , ,", 1 ' v ' ' -iJ i-' ho vor;d 4 i.'l 1,1 1; 1 ; 1 1 'nr D'.ronlcrs, (..ml, la -... ol' li'i li'inTt t-'alt Itlu-uin, J .in'1, ' ' irvts, and all III various f..: .0 111' L'.'ud di.can-s. We Intro : :r. 1 ::t '. : n'. pcrtn'.ssjju taluvlta 11 tw m.'.y il s;.o f '..t'.:cr ev:.'..'iico iu retard to tho ei.:.aji.;.iia;'y curative powers ot Jlviui's V- .'. ' v 'h;i.'. v lo sea Ii.m person ally rkhcr u( bis nmmuutk Ocean Hotel, 1...HZ lliniii'i.or at llicio;,ular I.cl.;nd Hotel, J,ij..i.i.iy, Holland Mb t.iroets,New lork. ,lr. I.n.tv's cutenslra Lnoaiciljo ot tha jood 1I0110 ly t'ala unequalled cratlicalorof blood poisons enables hlin to giro tuqairorf much valuable information. rinErAitrD by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Man. Sold by ail DruijilU; 11, six bottles (or IS. TUTT'S PILLS ,25 YEARS IN USE.. Tho Greatest Medical Triumph of tho if I 8YMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loaeaf appetite. Uosralaooatlva, t'ala la tb hud, with a dull aenaatlon In tha hack fare, Pain under tha ahoalder blade, Fullness after eating, with adia Inclination to exertion of body armlad. Irritability of temper. Low aplrlta, with a feeling of having noglccted ions duty, Wearlneaa, Dlulncss, Fluttering at tha Heart. Dots before the area, lleadacha Ter the right eye, Keelleeeaess, with Htfi'1 dreame. Highly colored trine, and CONSTIPATION. ' TtJTT'M PIXLS are especially adapted tn sucb cases, 0110 doso effects such a change nf feeling natnnstnniab the sufferer. They Increase the Appetite, and cause tha liody Take oil Flesh, thus the system te nourished. and bytheirTonlc Action on the Itiiteetlve Organs. llcjtiilar Mtoolsaro pjjodueeJHceJlScrajm runs HAIR DYE. Ukat lUnt or WuisatM changed to a Glossy Black by a single application of this DTK. It Imparts n natural color, acta Instantaneously. Kohl by Druggists, or sent by express on receiptor ai. 4 OfTloo, 44 Murray St.. Nw YorkJ 7ZBETABLE FILLS Secure Health action to the Li Tar nd relieve all bU- ious troubles. tartly Tag sUalti Ma OrlsUg. Mm Ut. IU BrtftWs. dec is ly I W AN AM AKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, Philadelphia. A full Ilea ef card ectopias of will ha fenad with J.T.EVANS, SAI.KS AGKNT, Weldon, N. C. nctltO Gw f.Wtl ST. HALIFAX, tl. G. Keep irr stock always a gojd line of Cigars, Tobacco, SiiufT, Wine, Whisk!. IsraiiUieft, liiirger Ueer, Ales, Porter, Canned Goods, Fancy Groceries. ALSO FIRST CUSS RESTAURANT. mrCA LL OS MF. ASD BE Si TIHFIED W1VB THE MOSEY YOU SPEXD. GID. H. DANIEL t CO. BtUl iurn bl V till: TfljFplTht Largest St GZljr Merchant Tailoring- 7 and Clothing; Kouaa ivQjf t In America. 1 1 1 ADVKRTISEMENTSJ . OT ?Oi FRIEND! SO MOKE TEKROR ! This Invaluable prepera lion is truly a irltimpn 01 xlentlflc skill, and no more liieatlinatde benefit !w as ever lHtowed on the imothers uf llw wurld. SO MORK PAIN! e l not only shortens the lime of labor ami lea- St) MOUKDANUKRI iscnsthe luien.lty of rain, I,ul better than all. It greatly diminishes the Han ger to tun 01 notn mniner and rhilil. and leaves in mother in a nindlllna highly favorable lo speedy recovery, ami tar 'caa lia ble to ItisMllng. consul. MOTIIKR OR CHILD. Islons. and nlher alarming The lircadof Isymplonis Incident to un Igerlng and palnflll lalsir. Itstruly wonderful efficacy 111 this respect rnllllea tha MoTusas Kairsn tn be ranked as one of the llfo savlng appliances si van Us, 'the world by the discover lies of modem science. IKroin the nature of lb case It will of course be iiii.Ii iMo.kI that weoaunot publish cortlScatea eon MOTHERHOOD Transformed to HOPE and JOY. BAKF.TY ANHKAMK eerniug thlsKKMtnv with out wounding the delicacy lofthcwnicra. letwenave hundreds of such testimo nials on nie.and no mother w ho lias once used It will ver aimin he without It lu St'HKKRISd WOMAN. jher tliuu of trouble. A prominent physician lately remarked to the proprietor, that If it wen-admissible to make pub lic he letters we receive, the "Mothers' Kricnd would outsell anything on the market. , 1 most ciinully 10 treat every Icinnle exis-cllng Ui lie iiiuflncd, to use Mother's Relief. Coupled with this entreaty 1 will Hdd that during a long obstetrical prariico (forty four years,) I bavo never known It bi fall lo produce a aifo aud quick dcllv ry. , tl. D. HOLMKS, M. P., Atlanta, (is. Send fur our Treatise 011 "Health and Happiness of Woman," mailed free, UtunriiiJi Kuii l.AToa Co., Atlanta, US. BriCK SjorE IN THE BOTTOM. I have turn Iu store and aut rscslrlag slata) dally the following goods: Hsrdware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Iters aaa Wooden ware, Flour. Haroa, Lard, Meat, Tobacco, Cigars, Assorted Soaps, Sugar, t'orlee, Ki.h, Pure apple vinegar, Keniaeiia, Hominy, stive, Dried Apples. I makes specialty of CONFECTIONS 11 11C3. French ('smiles. I'lsin t'siidies, Itsi.iii.. Hal, a. Oranges. Lemons, I'rcsm Cheese, tannc-t t.oods, canned Heef, fanned Ham, Sardines, ae. Fancy Cakes. Soda and Imtnr Cracksn,, CUrse and On mat n. C. SPIERS, Weldea, V. C eel II ly Ell HUM lllllf. 1 hart established a HAL UTATI AaY the tows WELDON, N. 0. 1 have TIN keasea tn Weldon i!i- t rOH SALE 0 RINta j About half of Steta Meres, ethces willSigS 1 aha nave .000 a cum or itn IK MAL1FAX COVITT ftBIAli Far farUar naratilan, earles T toe lag ta baa- rent eaa aeily te Be I r ay leaser. lism taking as all lui aaraei th h g . ant advertising Ska eetsa at mj faaa,si. lest a sale la Be nal Shea I ahsBg etaaansaSeaa ' For air tsaaslng as geaSasaaa and sagas . worthy to be trusted, I rsSsr by lermhaiaa . I , Smith, Scotland Neck : Br. J. A. CsUlas, BalaM ' W. A. Daniel, Wtliea, T. W. arris, t Haiti ta. net I tf a. r. srvatas W- W- HALL. FIRE INSURAXCEUEIT, Can be band la Ik loaaek Mew WILDOI, I. t. Hew TerkUaderlslhifc ef h ew Yean lerth Carelta Hosts, ef Kalalga, ,C. Will In mmm ulktf mm I MMlf I lr ga sua). 2

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