f 31 ' r- i i-V 6 1 HALL & SLEDCtE, ii:uI'i,'i;t.i;. TEI-1MS- 8-1'11 l"J-:it ANNUM IN ADVANCI. VOL. XIII. WKLDON, K. C, THUltrfDAV, .JANUARY J, IKSo. NO. 41. 9Sa ffi II 3it$P oaas m wmm Baa k 1 fj) iHk W 1.1 . ML I; . i i-iV I- ! II PROFESSIONALCARD8. W. H. IUTCHIN," W. A. DINN. COl'lfTV ATTOKNKV, JITCHIS 1 D I' N N , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HCOTI.AND NECK, N. C. nnr 13tf r. II. Bl'KBEK, BALIIUH, H. c. H. II. KM ITU Jr. II UTI..N0 NEeS, H. C B faaiK smith. Mr Ml Biwboenn.lMr It II Hintth. Jr., (Vin in at Law, have, funm-d h liniiti'il Mirtiu'rnlili fr tlio ira'lfi nf iuw In ilnlifn i-mmiy. Mr Imlf'i' will attend tlif ntirt l H.ilil.ti, ri-iculurly. ejid will aim visit lltw miiiily luiii-wr Inn tvIi i- ar required. iM't 16 ly jmiuiib uniAN, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N.O. OOca to the Court HoiHo. Strict at Witt lull glren kt alt bran-tuif tbe iirtifi-aidiiu. )aa 12 ly ' HO U Afl N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N.O. Practice In nnllfttx nnl aityiliitng counties and federal and bupri-me cmiru. aug. 2 tf. Attorney at Law GARYfsm'Wi.N.C. Frf lcn In the rourts of Siirthnmntnn and ad jriinlns countlM, alsu in Die 1'V(Icjh1 and sti)r-me oiirts. jmic o ii. A L T B R E. DANIEL, Attorney at Law, WELDON, N. C. frarlirm In Tlalifax mid adtnlnlim countU. Rneolal nllt-nUm Kivt-n tn ciilli-cli'iiiii In all part ot i hp Maw aim iruiupt rciunis inutit.. IVb 17 ly. HALL, Attorney at I-aw, WELIK)X. X.C. flfpclal attt'iitinn iflvon lo cnlk'clioiui and remit tancea prum,tly made. uiay 1 If. M L'LLE.N it MOORE, Attorneya at Law, II ALIFAX, X. V. lYartice In the rnnntlwof Hnlifm, XorthAmvlnn ef thf talt and iti tin Fi-diTal i i-iirtHut ilu yilrrn JMi.'minl4 l lit onil smnni in uic Miiirfint'c plMrirl. rnllH'tit.ii(i umdf in miy j-irt ofilu'uil- jan l if I)'1' J" ' 811 I KI.DH, Surgeon Di'iitlnt ffarlno vrmiin.'ntlv liwiilnl In Wi l.lutl. rail Ih frnnfl at hln (lffice 111 initli'N Urick Ituilditin at nil mil pxcepi when nltM-iit mi iirnit-xhimiHl MiMiuttn rar'ftil Ki.'iitluti irivi-ii to nil linuii littt of ttit n vHni, rarliea vwitcd at tlirir Ihhih'h w In n ill- aln'd. July 12 ly D E. E. L. HUNTER, Hurgcon nenthU Can be found at lii office In Enfield. Pure Nttrotii Oxide-itnf..r the I'alnlt-iw Eitrac- Une of Tet'th always un liaml. June 22 tf A 111! SPRING TRADE 1884. I att lwwlftng and plat-in? on tale at popular pricea iuu inuwoi Fine White Oooda, India Ltnctit, Linen Iwni. BUndardPrlnWat 4 l H'tK.. Wonted, I'oplfn, Luatre, Caahmert a, Uimluig, m-ok Ii (iing hams, ChtM-k Naiimx-ki, Printed Cam brtca, Eiubroidfrlea, LaL-va, and Edgings. jl kicelixe of xotioxs AXl JEWELRY. WtkTT PLATED EAR-DROPS, BEST ENGLISH GARNET EAR-DROFS, BEAUTIFUL BCARK PINS. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT 01 HARDWARE, SUCH AS Carpmten Twit, l'ocht Cutllfry and JTaxori. BOOTS AND SHOES. Wt Grocery rvpartment la alio fumUhed wtft lull, Meat. Urd, Mtdauea, Hyrup, tiuar. CoffM Flftor, Rl4, Butter, rppr, spice, BtarcU, Soap Cora mfil. viBiantMtha Terr beat Tobacco and Oi CHOICE LIQUORS AND GROCERIES. Mr Bar contain, all tb. clioic. ItramlH WinM, Bramliea, Wliiakeys, Beer and mixed Drinks an mad. in 111. Beat manner. Ci gar, Smokinn and Chewing Tobacco. Cull b examine them. FAMILY GROCERIES art cheap and all the best kind, constuutl.v .a hand and .tock continually repl.ni.hed. ft 17 3b 1 W l l ll A II OS I ',. HY EI.I.A HAHAH JOHXSON. (!o ti lilm. Itii'.tiinl l. l him All my iHSMnlutti'mi!i T.-ll hint I In. h':irt 1 liri'iikiiig VVIirn' Intel) tlioti liH.I lain. Oil. ull lilm. tlni'p 11, fl him, Miinriih liu v,-"i,i-i'iin;fl lilt,, yi-nn, He III :lli lluhl mill Hj.!ttiilr, I ill llirtiilil unl 1,'iir.. I'ik-I..)..-iliy l,l.,l.r,..l,. iiil I'liln lll..'iiii'liiiiK i yi'J. TMI inirincl ,y Hi; hri' itli. hli ,lrlt lln-iitlii.N .,rili nti iinsiTiTini.' bIhIi, ii" l.i him. ll..v.., n,,,! i,. him All 111! m"KMNill,' .: -. Tfll I). tilth,- iMiirt in lP'iikliiK Wb'-rif hitftv th.ni tninl tutu. THE DOCTOR S CHRISTMAS. Dr. Alexamlir Autluvcr tlimw lfnuwlf iiitu (lie lii nt li. r-i'uvn'J cliiiir bi'I'uro liU nirtiv lint wilh a wuiry hi1i. He wis fliic-l'nkiii-iiiaii nf in,t liamkiiiii'. Ijiit iiublv mill iii;iiilY-iicikin ouu to bi' iruslid furevrr, wilh his bnrail, white brow anil r.ive, clear, gray ej us. 1 1 it li, tut), umler the lull brown buartl, were as fine as a imiiiau's, without lacking in itronfrtli anil firnincMt. Hr. Aniliivpr'if was one of tlione grand, k.imlly natures which Bccm lua-le for lend ers anil com i'ortcra. Hut fate hail lately frowned upon liim. The bank in which the greater part uf his miuj; little fortune was deposited had failed, and ilireellv upon this came the news that some limi ng stock in which ho had invested was worthless, or nearly so. The duetor did not fear poverty himself practice Iron-lit him a comfortable income, for the rich appreciated him us well as the poor but miles away in a distant city there was a lovely girl whom ho had hoped to call wile by I'liristuias time. A girl who. ihough not wealthy herself, had been ex travagantly educated by her uncle, in whose luxurious home she lived. He hail never iiielioned if she knew anything bout work the idea in connection with Maud Kvcrleth was absurd. He must live her up; there was no doubt in his mind about that. He could not n.-k her hare llic late of a poor physician who depended upon lis fees for a living. ii Or. Aniloivr had written her a brave farewell leller inst a in.iuih before time set for their wedding, iiiltiriiiiu her of his altered foi iuues. and relea-sini: her from her cngag nl to him, mid he had ree. i.ed 11,1 .iti-w. r. altlmtigli it wa. uw Clirisllnas Meek. He e.viicl ielie.sl TUol sell f de.i,lali.,n. M.itul li.nl in.: loved him. alter all. The oiliee lire .-aiol.lered lo ashes, and still he sat there, slill ami sad, until from sheer o li.iusrt inn he fell into an uneasy slumber. About midnight he awoke, al ternately burning and shivering, while a dull pain throbbed in his temples; and wiien ins UU'llicIv eatne in the murium: to all him she found h'lu unable to rise from his pillow, fev, ri.U and half de lirious. .'laud Had returned the engagement ring. Dr. Audover received the iiaeka''i in silence, and Mrs. Derby looked ut him with a crestfallen expression. 1 thought you Wuuld be pleased, doc tor. 1 vc come to know Miss Kvcrleth s handwriting. you see, and I supposed she had sent you n Christinas present. The package came two days ago when you were delirious, and I signed the registry card and made hold to send the lady u telegram, notifying her uf your illness. I received a telegram in return stating that Miss hvcrloth would start at once to eomo to you. She w ill probably be here U-tlaj. To-day!" Mr. Andnvur listened to kind Mrs. Derby in bewilderment, What ilid it mean ? Christmas morning came bright and frosty a day after St. Nicholas's own heart and the doctor, a trifle better, al though weak and languid, opened hi: eyes to close them again immediately with a little pang. This was to have been his wedding-day. The landlady, who had been like a mother to him, came in presently, with a very smiling expression upon her broad face. Many of his grateful patients had re membercd him with some little Christ mas token, and Mrs. Derby had plaoed them upon the small stand at his bedside but Dow she held in her hands a small package addressed to him in a familiar, lady's hand and registered in a distant eity. With trembling fingers lie tore off the wrapper of the liny package, and opeiiei a Jeweler s case, lucre upon its bed of porple lay a wide, gold Bnger ring, ex traordinarily wide, the inside of whii was completely covered with fine lettering. And Dr. Andover read there the grand old scriptural words which had arisen in the heart of the girl, who thus proved herself worthy of him, when his lot ten had come to her after many weary days of delay : r.ntreat mc not to leave thee, or U return from following after thee; fur whither thou goest I will go, and where thou lodgest I will lodge; thy penile shall be my people, and thy (Jod my God; where thou diest I will die, and there will I bo buried; the Lord to do so to me mid more also, if aught but death part mc and thee. It was nearly noon when Maud herself came. She had removed her wraps in Mrs. Derby's room, and after a light tap on the sick man's door sha entered, Alexander Andover had thought her lovely in her exquisite party and carriage ami home t lilets; but never had she seemed so sweet and gracious and wo manly as now, when in her plain gray traveling costume, her lovely faoe a little pile with weariness and excitement, her mouth tremulous, and her dark eyes glow ing with si. Ii inn li jit she glided in her swilt, noiseless way across the room to his side. "My darling! My owu swoet, true hcarled dulling!" cried the doctor, clasp ing both arms about her and drawing her I'aee down to his own. And presently, after llie first greeting was over, Maud explained; ''Voiir letter was delayed in some way. 1 did not get il until a week ago. You remember the great piece of gold you sent id IVoiii California two years ao? Well, when I got your letter I took that gold to a jeweler and had it made into a rin And then after I received Mrs. Derby's t -legram I made uncle promise to brin uc to yon at ouec. I would have come alone if he had not come with mc, horri ble and unconventional as my fashionable friends would have called me. Why, Alexander, what n silly butter!!)' you must have thought me! Do you think 1 would care for riches without you? And lo you think 1 am good for nothing but to dance the gerniau mid play the piano? sure you, sir." and here she doubled me small, white hand in a thrcatcniii; manner under his very nose, "this hand which you consider so weak and useless an make most delicious bread and pics ,ind cakes can even make beds and sweep and wash dishes. Aunt Alice never neg ated the niost important part of my cd iication, and 1 am sure I shall mako t make a most excellent wile lor a poor man that is, Alexander," and here she lluslied up ulnrioiisly, '-if you will have me." Dr. Andover smothered tbe last word ;ainst his shoulder, and us soon as she mild free herself from his unceremonious iibraces she bee-an anew to coax and wheedl" hiii into some new plan of her own. to whi -h he at first objected, but finally yielded. The result was that at 5 o'eliiek that iii'ienio'.ll M.md Kverlelh was ide Dr. Alexander Audover's wile, and on ! asserted li 'i" iiulliority by taking up in Ii ri. II the duties oi a nurse. t Ii coin's ,i:e.l r., under sueh treatment he re l!y, and every day grew lo ere, l it inure and more the loyalty and oiili of tb" sweet litile woman who had not failed him ill his d.irk hour. ACtT.l'TiNi; Till: i m:ti a- 111.10. That (Tenia! philos ,,,h.-r, Mark Tapley. was Wont to say. un I r adverse circum stances. -Let us be jolly." and we give this advice to our friends of all political parties. Whatever may be the final re sult of the election contest, let us accept it with a resigned feeling, and bury all anry feelings in an exhibition of patriotic love fur our whole country, whoever may sit in the White llousi and whoever tnav rujyat the national capital. The heat and acrimony of debate should now cease, and we should be like brothers who h ive hjeii reconciled over n amily ipiarrel, and w irk for the best in terests of the 1 1 ivemiuent we are called upon to support. No matter what our desires may have been we should accept the inevitable in a contented spirit, and good-naturedly joke over out successes or defeats. Above all, let there be n ) threats of vengeance un becoming a civilized people who have re ceived a noble heritage from the fathers of the Uepublie, and who expect to go down to posterity as citizens of the model nation of the world. When a decision is reached let us wipe out all old animosiiics, and let the future iu a measure take care of itself. When the hour returns from another political struggle, it will be time enough to dun our political armor, and go into battle for victory or d 'fe.it, r .'solved to act in a brave and manly manner whatever may occur. If we believe, with the po 't, that there is a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them as we may. we must do this, and Hud cons. ilal ion in the wisdom of another hard, who says, whatever is, is right. Antii-iriin t'ltltinttttr. (illllVMMi AMI I it Y !.;. A French surgeon h.m published a long dis-erlatiiiii on the beneficial influence of groaning and crying on the nervous sys tem. He contends that groaning mid crying are the two grand operations by which nature allays anguish, and that he has uniformly observed that those patients who give way to natural feelings more speedily recover than those who suppose that it is unworthy a man to betray such symptoms of cowardice as either to groan or cry. That somo patients often have a great satisfaction iu groaning and that hysterical pitients often experience great relief from crying, are facts which no per son will deiiv. Princess lieatricc is siill without a bus baud. The men who want her are not high enough up in the social scale and the ineu she wauts are way oH iu America editing papers. JUKUINMMC; AXl) i:xi. The progress of dishonesty is not hard to trace. The only safety of character is in resisting the beginning of evil. There are three hundred and sixty degrees in the circle of a cent as well as in the circle of the equator and so is there as much dishonesty in a boy's theft of a cent as in a man's theft of a thousand dollars. Two pictures below will illustrate this. Here is the beginning : A school boy, teu years old, one lovely June day, with roses in full bloom over tbe puareU, and the la borers in the wheat fields, had been sent by hii Uncle John Ui pay a bill at the country store, and there were seventy-live cents left, ami I'uele John did not usk him fur it. At no m this buy stood under the beautiful blue sky, and a great tempta tion came. He said to himself, "Shall I give it back, or shall I wait till he asks lor It ? f he uever asks, that is his lookout. Ifhu does, why I can get it again." I e never gave back the money The ending : Ten years went by; he was a clerk in a bank. A package of bills lay in a drawer, and had not been put in the safe, lie saw them, wrapped them up in his coat and took them home. He is now in a prison cell; but he set his feet that way, when a boy. yours before, when he sold his honesty for seventy-live cents. 1 nat night he sat disgraced, and an open criminal. i.ucle John was long ago dead. The old home was desolate, the mother broken-hearted. The prisoner knew what brought him there. ,S'.7k,o JUfltlll. Tin: IIU'KOHV.NL I' (all!.. Wnm-llc iiV.fc Two little gills in i he community are striving to see which will collect the greater number of hickory nuts. So stroiii; has this rivalry becoiii. i lliat they are it as soon as it is light eu.uili lo see ali i out they go under the Inus to collect wl has fallen during the nihi. ( In ni-jhi last week there was a shower of rain, and I'ley knew many iiuis wrniid fill dutim llie m;;ht; so each one determined to b, up bol'ore the other. One of ih.-in awok at an early luur. and deceive! bv llie luuonli:;ll ipiielly slipped on her cloth' an I made her exit liiiuiei llie door it the yard. h'i .i . n uai was tier surprise to see iier coin panioii. as she supposed standing in yard, "till, yes, ' she said, "vou ihou-hl oil would be ahead of me, but I'll In even with you," The object in the moon light never replied but kept waving its arm. A eeitain chill of li ar catno over the hickory nut girl, ami with the thought that a eliost had made its appearance sh bounded back ill the house and found Inr oiupanion asleep in bed. It was the japouica bu.sh wilh its white Hewers which had frightened her. HAYS OI' MIKTII. A sweet thing in crockerv: The sugar bowl. When a couple tire making love bv moonlight their feeling is one os in-fine- tught bliss. An epigram for the moment: Hats cap the climax of election betting. One of the latest receipes If you step on a dude's boot you are like to make calf's foot jelly. It is seldom that a rich man elopes witha poor girl. The saeiilices in love are all made on the woman's side. It is believed that the principle objec tion to the Mother Hubbard dress in Chi cago is in the fact that attracts public at tention away from the Sunday h.rse races. A young woman has been expelled from a church in New York for aaying that her pastor had kissed her four times when she had only been kissed three times New Yorkers cau't stand wilful exagcra- tion. 1 he teacher in one ol the schools was a little erochely the oilier morning and made the girls stand around a little live lier than usual. One of the little misses, who had been upbraided, exclaimed to her companion: "Never mind, Cleveland is elected and she'll be turned out!" Two gentlemen are walking up the street engaged iu lively eoiiversittioii. "Since you have some lotion of matrying, said one, "why don't you take Marguerite your sister charming friend? She is an angel." "I don't di.spule that, but she paints." "D, einne now, my dear (J'. honestly, have you ever seen an an;;el tf was not painted?" ' S II". oi.' i: I 'd - Queer, all to' e::e'ie.i)i at iieeause ir y A m'e'son bas h 'i'.:iod he: Mitt at:on of jo ling a body ol lie is, s". jipeu rn l'..'-.l avciiie' I lo her ('he 'ea the o.'iet' efi niog. I doi't K"c anyikoi" tuner about it, re t.i 'iiedhcr ('ha; le. No. o ' coo se you don't. Men never see e iVi'i n . Why, a'l iho girls iu my S'.'i bcloii ; to tV same body ant so do I. You do? what is the name of that body? The Cari"cl-ites, dooD.si ii;i".sTi()s. A muck bed may be a mine nf wealth on any farm if rightly managed in the manure interest. The average period of gestation in a ewe does not vary much from on J hun dred and fifty-two days. Put it down as a rule, that manure ly ing in the yards a year will in one way r other deteriorate one-fourth in value. Iteduce the fenciug; one and one. third billions of dollars is llie. estimate of the cost uf farm fences in ibis counlrv. Il is mil known tint nectar in flowers subserves anv other us than that of al luring in-octs to aid the fertilization of the flowers. A gardener rccointu,1nds sowing oniau seeds ill the (all. Over the beds plane some mulch for protection. K trly onions may be thus secured. A little soda as wed as salt is recom mended to boil with cabbage, and alfeets the flavor agreeable. For one head of cabbage take a pitich of soda equal in bulk to a good-ized pea. Denmark butter makers reckon on wheat, bran, oats an I rape cake as first class butter loud-: barley as second-class food; while pens, i-yc and linseed cake are placed us low as third class, Lovely tidies are made of white muslin; they are li 'iniueil. and iu the center is worked iu silit a suitable picture in out line stitch. If the silk is used which is intended lor this kind of embroidery, it will nut fade or run" tvheti washed, and the tidies are thus rendered servicea ble. Pilackbcrries and raspberries start very early: fall planting is pn (eralile. To pro pau'ate from rool eiitiin-. cut the roots iiiio pi res tiv i or three inches Ion;;, and place a box wilh alternate layers of roots an I n'il. Keep lb: box in the cellar or otliei dry place o tt of reach i f frost. tiill ".crl'lvail in:; v be villi il a'cl Wuii d r 1 1 1 1 iuior ,. 1 lo, lie.- a'l'iiliott of a Clio of el'ate.l e.ieeiiia:; tills ill;lli;i(v is -tiMiii u: !..r a !,' if i,.' ni -li.i.n si.e. ,l inon i-are a!..! in il io -iii.;er cake, but ii'il s- you add Haii'iiii-. of bin r a! uii'lids (!nTi: will be no tlisliiicluess almond ilavol. A delicate di.li lor d sen is in;, le ly j,:u-: if-.- six ripe, i art app! 's; cut tli-n iu lialvi a S:' 11. pill half a peund of .siie .ar il.l i p.m. wiili h i!;'a piat o! water add the jiiiee ul' on 1 eueii and let this bull lllllil it is thie!.. 1 1 1 -1 1 1 : v ill til' apples. I lieuihiy h ive si ninci'e.l until lli y are 1 teu ler lake ih 'iu out drain them in a ! scive and lei lie s.rup boil a few minutes 1 lunger. W in n tli 1 apples and syrup arc botlu 1, put lb" apples carei'iiily into a elass dish and pour th ' syrup over into t In-iii. A litlY OH C. I UI. All women, th world ovci who eipect to become moth rs are curious as to the sex of the null ii n child; and every old e h is a ban lie of unfailing signs and aniens which determine the ipicsiioii out ol- hand without leaing room for doulit. Iu Sicily these signs are as follows among oth T of ilu'iiou niodestv which it is as well to leave in obscurity : If vi.u ddeiily ask an expectant umlher: ' What is llie matter with your hand? an 1 she holds up or turns out tbe palm of h t right hand her child will be a hoy. If she holds up h r left hand or turns up the back of li r right, it will lie a girl. If .he strews salt before the threshold, the sex of the first person who enters in tit the dour determines that of the unborn a man for a boy, u woman for a girl. If she trues to draw water from the well, and throws a lew drops over her shoulder without looking back, the sex of the first person who passes after the performance of this "s'tlilcgio" in like manner deter mines the sex the child. After the first child the line iu which the hair grows at the nape ol' the neck of the proceeding is an unfailing sign nf that which is coining after. If its glows in a peak it pr 'sag ss a hoy. if straight a girl. This is aNo on - ui' the infallible signs in India.--Temple liitr. TIMMis I'd t'l l.l. I'l I'M . 1. The water p over of Nniih Carolina would linn I lo. mill, 0. in spindles, thirteen limes the numb r now in operation in the entire I'niied Stales. . Timothy, lie widely knowu farm grass, grows indi v'uou-ly iu the Alhe iiia.lee section and was first discovi ,vd there. H. John l.awsoii. lip firs! hisioiiau o'.' Norih Carolina, was burned at tli stake by the Tuscar ira linliaus. about IS miles above Xewbein, on the Neusc lliver, 1711. I. The fir.-t book published in Norlh Carolina was ;be "Yellow Jacket," a cole of the Si.ite's law, from the press of James Day is, of Newborn, I7"i-. fi. North Carolina was the first State to declare, as a Stale, for Independence, April VI, 177l'i, at llalil'.i. It takes a touch of adversity to show whether a man is a man at all, just as it n.vds the touch of u frost to bring; out the 'roes. lCSlM i:iATIN; nir. MONTHS 1SY TIlK K I CKI.IiM. Have you tried this iu your school ? If not, try it. During your programme time for general exercises take time for this one : With scbool in order, turn the palm of your left baud iu line parallel with the floor and facing it; with tbe index linger of the right hand, touch the knucklu of tli.' first linger on tbe left band; iu you do this say Jaiiuury; touch the space between the lint and second knuckle and say Feb ruary, touch uexl knuckle uud say March, an I so ou through to last knuckle, when you will have July, then come back to first knuckle and nuy August, mid thus continue until you reach December. Now repeat uud have the pupils follow yuu, per forming the same movements, Itcpcut again and continue until neurly or quite al! can name the months in order. When this is done, call the intention to the school to the fact that every time you touch a knuckle, the mouth mentioned contains ti'Wy-oic days; and that when you touch the space between the knuckles, the month mentioned contains some other number; this other number must be either twrutij-i iyht, tm'iili-itini: or thirty. Usu ally for February it is Iwrntij-nijiit, bui twenty-nine for leap year, and all other mouths mentioned must be thirty. If your school does not get this at one exercise, then you are at fault iu giving it. why xi:okoi:s ake kiack. Surgeon Maj. X. Alcock has contribu ted to Nature an interesting couiniuiiic;. tiou us to why the tropical man i black, iu which ho suggests that as in the lowest animals pigment cells plliccd behind a transparent nerve termination exalt its vibration to the highest pitch, the reverse takes place when, as lu the negro, the pigment-cells are placed ill front of the u i ve terminations, and that the b!.,ek pig tic ut in the skin serves to lesion tlicinteti sii v of the nerve vil.i itions that w.uild h' eaiis d in a nak"d human body by expu--ui to a tropical silo, tint, iu fact, the ieiiteti! plays llie sum-' part a a piece of smoked glass held b 'tween llie Sllll and the ere. ! iiim;s, i Taffy can be Knight, lo ills are not so c.i-iiy I A man up a live and a li'ilguu cannot ajr 'e things dill'erentiv, ticiiuiiie compli itain 1. man below wilh e.al-e I lli V -I'C I'll sties h ive be n r 'vivd. A f years ago fashion -li Aved a disposition to sit d own ou tlieiu alt igeih -r. h i not oa-y t balance cash wilh a hitiil u! of due bills on the other side of t hes -ale. Some one says: "lie who lies down with dogs is sure to get up with fleas on him." This unjust to d igs. There are men so mean that fl'-as would bo glad to leave tlieiu uud go to the dogs. Many people now living remember the time when physical training consisted chiefly in devouring large quantities of half raw beef. Nineiuit of ten believed h alf a century ago that raw beef and strong drink had a tendency to increase a man's strength. Tiie gladiators of the present day, however, live on a very dif ferent diet. Well cooked meat, white bread, a small supply oi vegetable, a plain rice pudding and one or two glasses of port or sherry consiituie th'dinn'r oftlw ui idem athlete. His breakfast and sup. per do not dilfcr widely from those of other people, (.ouiinou sense ideas of diet are beginning to pi"vail iu every cir cle and the men who train for boat races. walking matches anil other athletic sports are not at all behind the times. KVKKY-DAV Itl.KSSIXdS. If one should give me a dish of saud and tell me there were particles of iron in it, I might look wilh my eyes for them, and search for them wiili my clumsy fin gers and be unable to find them; but let me take a magnet and sweep it, and how it would draw to itself the m isl Ilivi-lbl panics by the power of attraction ! 'I'll unthankful heart, Ilk ' my finger in the sand, discovers no mercies; hut let the thankful heart sweet through the day and, as the luagnet huds the iron, so it will find in every hour some heavenly blessings; omv Hie iron in (mils sand u gold. Mirtril. ( 1(1 I.IO'I Sl.i; Till', Din'i.itl.vt n. " V lis' fo' yer sw ar so much, yor ole nigger,'' said Keaeon llopcl'iil White lo I'lofiue old linele Veogenee Smith. "Whj ! aiut yer lik yer brother Jesse? II. pisys n g lai every miietia , an Jon swears so fast dst de cording angel has to writ, tiown a string n' dittos under yer sw'ar wu-.'ds ter keep with tor. Ain't ter 'frsid ;'o' ycrself, nigger?'' '-Non yer leuime he. .Vhat's de dif ference anyhow.' I dean do no harm as' he dean do no good. Jesse he prays as' I sw ar aud we doau nut tier of us (Sean nuthin' by it. Mothar, to three-year-old out for a walk after tea "See the full moon, Mabel!" Mab.l, suffering from satiatioa "Has th. moon had supper too?" AllVFUTISIvMF.NTS. Warren Leland, v'io:.t cvi-ryiKhly knows as i'jo suoeessfol Larast WM Enterprises Of if" it v.MIn n ,icucci' froai . a ' if 'ii .ituuml Cai hi .. ii '.'mlliill tw C ul- )l tlio bilk-am ul ,: ..... ,i. i it- M). . -1. jaO I 1,10 IUU (it Avar's EarssparEo. Bin-' Ayi tl.i Mr. I.ri.AMt It:i rw'Hiinn'tnieJ i'l t VKIAl'Alill.M III V n T P imlfiF , and lifl hn: lu't'tr yet iii-i.nl of iU fail eti't :h r.i'i' v! f"'1. ut y i . a ft ' ''' Mr T.T'.vfi'" fan a'H 1 1 u;ift li,:t 1 iMlw in Hip had fM. i lic 1, :' ' f. . h;.,-iiMve;il.ig n;t ai'.'i:ni n - . " I It nit. Mor 1 1 'I,; (( f.f I !t h.. 'ii. V ; l!i In: rut i f and i-jT ( ,' t ) i-Lii-ti r." I. .ii'n, iiiH. t! life st i, tf ;. 'i;.o li- li'-Tittip. ennr- iv." !, ni. I I'ltfii'i"' ulfpn formed, -t.T'.t fi'i.1 t:tis f.f utremelj ..' -I; :' . r, lr.'H!''.l"lt t UJ i I : ti t:ri, liy.Vr. I. ft asd'h dlrei u ; I lvltli AVU!' S.He-AI'A- , . : h. "-i iiif -un m l irriii-.iic i, . ii, . i-Mi'i'-i, i-i'-i' .-i ti tlm Fuelling, aiwl t, ' x '' t" I i' I'u'li lo mc. , ;.j..a:.u iKTtioiiaily used K UK.' St:il' or li' dun arm Ilim; "d- Otic: aril aarilla .) i. i'f sn ; and, s t!i t, In 1.4 v.'n ld ..11 the . i . . :;ji tiiiDTite . r i : ' r.co iu ngaid y t : : i I'OWCrs of -. lino li.m person ; s i; : :: (A-f-un llottl, f ; v.'.t l.t'.l.lA Hotel, i ft. ! i'l i .1.:l.-1b, New York. -'uusire LtK)t!i-kl;B of th . 1 1! dp quailed rradicatorof n pirti.Vs him tofilvu inquire .iif'jiiiutioD. Hi m a w.i. rnn'ArtET bt Dr. J.O. Aycr & Co., Lowell. Mats. Bold by all Druggists; ?l,iu bottlwfor W. TUTTS PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Th. Or.sttn Medical Triumph of th. Ag.l SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. I.fiiitol appetite. IfuwalacoatWo, 1'ala la tht headi wiilt a dull arnaatlon la th brick pnrt, Tuiu under ibo aboulder lilndr. Fullncaa of lor eattntt with ndla InHlnnilon to exertion of body r mla4, lrrliHhllit yof torn per. Low aplrlta, with a ft'i;liug of tanning neglected aome duty. WeartueiMii DIzy.Idp. Flattering at ( I leu rt. Hoia before the eyea, Headache over tlio right eye, Reatleaaieia. with fllt't'l drenma. Highly colored Urlae, an 4 CONSTIPATION. ' TTTT s FILLS are specially adapted to such rasen, one doao effects audi cband"ofleltn(i.Titonstfnlsh the sufferer. They Increaae the Appetite, and came tbe t'tiilr to Take on Fie ill, ttin tha iitera ta ttit' iionrianitn. biki iy tm ir i onic anion 01 llttstlve OrKana.llejralar Stool, aro i-ri. p ;r. 11 itirrty ..nt.T. TUTTS HAIR DYE. ii hat no or Wbiskf.ki changed to a Glbst Black bv a singlo application of this Dtk. It imparts a natural color, acta Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent l express on receipt of fl. Office, 44 Murray St., Nw York, 7EQETABLS FILLS Serar Health action to the LItot nd rallaTtallhO. Jova htaMtt. fvaly TsgtUsli; HsBrirlag. Mas Uc All Onutt, dee Ih-ly WANAM AKER & BROWN, OAK HALL,, Philadelphia. A lull 11m of ml nniftet of ' ID. great pi.c. foost IIK1 will leo.a wilk J T. EVANS, SAl.KS AGENT, Wddon, N. C. H. B. MSI CI mm sr. HALIFAX, N. G. Keep in stock alw.yi a gold line of Cigars, Tobacco. Snuff. Wines, Whisk.ji liraiidi's. l,".rer lleer, Alea, l'ortr, I'snni-d Goods, Fancy droecriea. ALSO FIRST CUSS RESTIUIUHT. mra u. os hk a .vn bx si Tisrrin WITH THE MOSEY YOU SPtSD. aw. a. DANIEL CO. mrls lj LIVER mm m m mm u m j4"Th Larg-ttt St mtZjr Merchant Tailoring; ftjT VT and Ctothing House AVjr J WANAM AKER M ft H2 A L) V KKTISJjlM i.NTSJ FOUjND! FOR LADIES ONLY. A '- i ' ' '' d l7 licit P'!B;ttMi sad I . t. . u a r i 'ii . i t m . c, . o . , r.6-' '. , .-.I ' "r ' . ' -r f -u H a . I 'K '1 t ''II' e . vt,: t '0 i - t . i i 1 1 o v .1 c';i. M t . i : '1 i i- It) . in - i A'"t..uf in ' u n, I.J.r. w sf'.t., , .',m v p f ., . . -a : ' 1 1 J i e , j, i i . . ' i m '. '(ft ..' ' . .uit-i ti: d ft ) f . . A ! t .in i mi't w uf). f- . 1 If .f ,, .i.:'( .i. v uiiti .'c. . j 'r ,( f e .in 'eyu.i -e ;i j4 , (' p i; i l (, ,i i : on t f J .t- t; u .ied ' u.h cii It is fi A 4nt. 4i. I"; net -i ,j,k 'eh P. . J I : J.ui, At': i i: ir (:. '.mH ie ::f'ie,a ui tii,o i - i i u . .1 a.'d i.?..t'fii t .r ii ' A . .r.i v W.IV i it Per, H. t. J : t i vrrr l t ,i . ii i' i '.I. ti i Bfiion r ( v oj' .it it ' i t .ti luund I. ,o be jtt-1 ik . Il A e u-t a' i'o.i Peir'te l ift I. A fit 4 k. i : ne .r t t e e- t. , ' ' .1 en ':'' '.le. tf' t e f t i , i i b w ..its, f.if o eo i ....-. . .. IW.V o' 7 .'I , V k L .f t.'e .Ii ui ;. otii : .N i d i 1 i it ' rr wi 'd. .'. '. y .y i . a ii . L: :1 of L C t ,4,C : i. ei; t o mu. oi.Jiir ei nC 'ut ki u i.te uuitw. 4 .. f i "j . ; y ii'w i ..iC .j. V. H.'M. Nt : i . . ,: 1 r ,i ("' cti ta . I u ti u . . t i '( ar i. wl- e'r'-is.o t i. A "e.je(" ' p'xii' i lii.'l.r'.Jo it. Ml .it .of Atli i , e i .it . . if -o. jve I' " -t S r-i a(. inc.. ( 'hi ie Aei,, r?y : l'i u"i itut e wr ,oi i )tm iL- .U. 1 ..lU.JtW.'O t.'4i, lltf.HViitl A r i Mii'i i 1'cli V. . J. V. U'i9i9. Of , .'... f . c ebb 'tu n wo me .j M' -i m 't -is'. . ju a ..j of man; yt. ii. Oi .-J. In lUroatReoo'dy Is BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REQU LA'i OR. , e ' imllnl'r h.uSIUiilr Wc - :e . !. K. .t. j i . . i ATo.Cn., Box ae,A;'aaitt,Cs. BlICK SjOIE IN THI BOTTOM. I hare now In tn and aaa MHlrtafl I ly tba following gov : HarlwK.?, Tinware, Proelary ware, Steve ajaajs) WtKKleii ware, Tloar, ktva, liir, Mesa, TdbaiTO.CIgara, ArSMi-ted bVmm, Sagar, Oalee, Pifeh, Pur apple TiaeMf, Kvruseue, lominyt Eiew, Driat I mate a gpedeltf of C0NFKCTI0N11I13. Trenrh rndit., Pltia ikndiea, fUiiim. Patea, Onmfra, Leona, Cream f"st, Cfcnnod oiwlB, Canned twaf, Caaned Sim, Bardiaea, aa. Fancy Oh. feat, tola aaa latter Crmcttp,, ClMaaA ClSNBSl b. c. spms. M4,k.B t II If PEIl IITITI tllSII. I hiTt attablbjhed a KKAL HTATI ilM al the lowa e welbon. n. a. I kav.TIM k.aMta 14fm FOR SALK OR RtRT. AboM aair 0 Am am, Hmm I kanalM ,MO ACHtm OF BgB IK 1ALIFAX C.ltl f.tlAW. nni mi aaalr Ii ftm m IMM. an m laiiif i .il Uaa, mm Mat tea ana UvanuiBf k.i at mf mwm hmbbi,m Im. a au. tiu, mt mm l (mSmwMM Tot mr MMMlai a aaaaMM m4 aata ortkj k. m. nav sy immmmiv. at .rolls.. Ink : . A. CalUa, I w. a. uaaiM, fta, T. T. in, I " I m. I W- HALL. fire msuiuiCEiitn, Ou.iSjMll.ftaiNMa.lwj i 1LI, (. fl KBPSJMOITS m Twtir iim m,m. Kntk Caralla. loaa, In mmSm. m t M fMl MMWBf

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