jgaai 'jpL.- HALL &c SLEDG-E, imu)Im:i ktdks. .A. NBWSPAPEB FOB THE PEOPLE. TEBMS-J2-1111 1,,;u ANN I'M IN ADVANCE. VOL. XIII. WEIDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 188.3. NO. 51. A I) V K11TIS KM KNTS. I Will IP - iSIfiii Mw BEST TONIC. ? Thli madlrlne, combining Iron with pure yageiable innlii, quickly and rtmipleirly (area Drsaeiiela, Indlgrailon, Wealine, Impure RlMd. AlaUrUtt bllhtaiH. Kef ere, and Nea ratal . T UUinuolklliiur Hardy fur inuotofttae nlriaeyl aad Liver It li Invaluable fur Mm-am peculiar to Worn, and all who lead wdenUrv llrvt. It dnei not Injure the teeth, cause headache .nr produce constipation--. At Jr..n mr,Vin',. rX Kenrlehesand purifies the IiUhmI, uttnnilaU'B the appetite, aids the aiwlmilatioi. of food, re ltevss Heartburn anil Belching, and Mrcngtb n the muscles and nerves, For Intermittent Fevers, l-aiu.tude, Lack ot Energy, Ac., ft hu no equal. The genuine hu above trtde mark am) roucd red lmeaon wrapper. Take noothei. r imiwr iHiaii il to., amiioat, a Dec. II lyr &ffEBS Tb FlUeat SobjerU For fpTfr and apie, And nmittantii, aro the debilitated, bilinun and nervous. To aunb persoDH, IIoat4'Uer'a Ktmnacb ltittrra ailnrua adequate protection by inert tunnr vital stamina and the rrmatant power of the conntuiuimt. , and by chwaing irrrni- Unties of the liver, stnmarh and boweli Horeorer, it enulicatta malarial enin dianu of an obstinate tyjw and ttanda lone uaequalcU among our national funedle. ot aalc by all Druggists and Dealer! gent tall y. weu. oet ;m ly KTOTIOB. Jus! rm'ivvd on riiiMt;uniciii tlie fullowiinj : l.'rf) Uarn-U ot Lime. 1 4 Sim 1-ummiif. (.'otli'ii (-itih. I to " r'-'cdi-ixiiid t'otideiiwrn. HA " " (iin Hint t 'oiidvnwr. 1 Mi " llnlliilii. AImi one or two MTntid li:uut Wagons and ltu Kirn. tiurMtoiu of Hay. Koranic ibvap. Applvln J.T.tiOUfll.Wuldoii.X.C, iau 1 6m PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. 11. KITIIIIX, W. .1. Ill V OIVNTV ATTitUXV.Y IT ITCIIIX Dl'NN, ATTORXEYS AT LA II', 8COTLAXB XECK, . X. c. timrlsif - v- r. U. II MIX v R II. s.Ml l'll Jr. MA1.MI.H, N. T. M'uTLANl) NKt'K, K. C B l H 11 K E A M I TH. Mr F. II. Hn-W-i-and Mr K II. Smith. Jr., Tomi mI"IiU Uiw.liavr I'oriitt-il liuillud uriiii'llitt r tin1 tirm'tliv of law in HhIH.ix eonntv, bu-lrtf m ill fltiftid tin t'oitrt td'lfNllfNx. n-Kiilarly and will aUu visit Hit' fount) wliL'Uttvcr hisHi-rvirtu rv niiuireu, ovi iu jj rp II DMAS S II ILL. Atturiify at Law. HALIFAX, N T. Practleea in Halifax and adjoining counties and Feiicr anu Miim-nii' eoiint. fp W. HANS, Attorney at Law, (iAitmRJ, N . VMM'tirM In the court of ortliuniilon and ad- olimt i-ounlios, also In the Fedvial mid -upreiue tTttirts.- jutieBH. TV L T t R E. 1 A N 1 F. L, Attorney at Law, WELIK1N, N.C. Pmrttrtw In Itnllftix and adlnlufiur i-ouiitieo. &uilaUviiliuuitivcubivuUu:Uuiiiiii all parti of tltf Suit- and prompt rclm-im madi-. U A 1 1, Attorney at Law, WF.LIKIS, N f. Mpcoial attention niveii-u. C'lliH-tioiii ami remit taiii'ea prumpuy niuue, uiuj i u. M UliLKN 4l MUUKK, Attururya at Law, llI.llUx.li . Vrarllet' III tin1 iii1 lo M lUlilux, NortlimilHoii, Mm'cnmlir, 1'ilt and Mnriiti--In the Hipivim'mtirt uliti NUte anil in the titleritl i ourtu oi in c KnMeni fiittirlf-t. t'uUectioiw iuaU' Iniuij part "ftli Jan I ly I) K. J. ii. h 11 I K I. b ui(;ruit OeulUt. Hid ..Mi.n.nilv liwatixl III Wi'lilntl. CI fouU'Ut hUolli,- luSiutlli lirli-k ItinliJliiit HI nil Muit eitvpl whetmbM'iit mi imili'KM'tliHi iniwiiii-w. i Mri'iiu aiiriiuoii irivt'ii in mi nnui, "i r"-R-N.IOU. r.rlk vwtuil .1 llii'ir liomvo wlii'ii ill' KlrwX. J i JJ U. I. L. Ill M C.H, Murgeuu Iteiill.t. -0111110 unil hU otllM! In Knlleld. Pure Nitrous uililc i: for the I'tlnlcw Kxinc- Uiir of Twta alWHjm on imna. June a It XT1 VT more money th.n UTthlnn ele tiy W lil ltiwii mo'ui'yfiir el" Ww.V mil nv(nu.m mii'iviid er.nil V. None full Twuia fro.. Utuni ) tu, roniMid M.lne, H.lne, fcbfrly I (i(MH)M(iHT, fi'MHliituht and plrMftiiit dream, BiXHliitKht ! My 1 it lie KiK f llonrtM, The sickle mooit slitni'h softly bright, The may day dopiii'lc, And Hpiirrmvsprcwl their ulnln Hit-lit, tioodnlghUiid jilniatmt drviiMtt, youdniKlit ! iioodniglit. mid iilt-amMil dreams, gonduiKtit ! Oh, blent Ik- thy reSHw, May Hiirishino vail those rye mi hrijfht An shdiUM vail the row: M little KIiir. my hciirt "h delight -liondnlylit. n nd plcriniiul drvnniM.KiMKliiljflit ti'XMliiiht. mid pli'timiiH di'taiii, K'hJiiikIiI ! Tlif twilight sniiK lire mi in;, Tlieliilry tales hit vc In li mi Uight To Innd-. H Ih'if ji.y i yuiHitf ; 'ill Seek llll'lll nVl-rcU nf Hull I, (MMttiiiliI,Hiiil plciisntit dn'DiiiM, dnluM. tiiH.dnii.-lii, mid plot-nut tlronms. Koodniijilit : Knlii would I linvr 1 1 power ToLtllictVi'MliHtliildUli lieiubt,- . And loi'1yitt flower, , .i T.i viiioMli, us now. thrr In ks hrinlit fiixHlnfuht. mid iikii.-Hiii .lHiims,yoiuliiiitit. (iHlniulit, uinl pli'HMinl dri'iitiin, ffoiKlnilit, My little KihRof livarls; Tit- yHlow tnr Mtm nut hi sii;lil, Tht fair, voting hkkiu di'jxirlw ; U, L-ni:rv lovoand joy Ukc ilinlit lioHltilh'lit, mid liitty dri'iiniH. liofMliilu'lit. T1IK MODEL Many years ago, in tlic little tnwn of lort, lit (JeniBiiij, wtw Iwu larc 1111- paintetl, tiiTHry-looliiD?; ultl liuu.ws, staiid- i (lirtH-tly iiiHite fatli utlnr: One m tin' huini' 11I' tlu n IliTinaiin Dcssclilotfiiiicl liiummtli'ilaiigliU'r, HiTtlni. The nei'-lilioriii'' dwelliii'- was oieiinieil by one Jai.iies Lainbeit, a iuint.-r liy r ift-w.ii . an Italian by liirlli. very n tirid'- in his niaiiiiiT. His mil v i in.in 111 was a iiimr, lialf-witleil tail, I'aul l.aruni. Niiune Liiew anything nf their ireviuiis histury, unless it tnilit bo Her mann Desselilnrf, ami his lovely tlmi'liler. for Itertlia was his affianeeil briile. About this time eatue news of u great exhibition to be hehl at the neielibnriiii: ity (if Aiilwi-rji, where he who iirmlneeil the finest representation, of the "Heath ami Stifleriiigs of our Saviour," to he ilacej in the eatliedral, should reeeive 11 prize of great value. Iaeiin s Lamturt d, termincd to win the Jirue. ( liwlv lie applied hiliiself to the ak, hut as day by day passed, eaeh one bringing nearer the exhibition, he became utmost disiuiiriiiL', for as vet he had been ble to ereate on the euuvass nw eouute- name he deemed a worthy likeness to our Saviour, llertlia strove to win him from his piojeot. ( )ne day, as she stood by bis side looking down at I'md, us lie sat gaz ing up into lier faee with his beautiful eyes, bis long golden euils falling on eaeh side of a faee of almost womanly sweet ness and nerfcet iiiuoceneo, she suddenly cxelaiiueil, "Take I'aul for a model." Quickly J tuques glaneed at the fueo of the unfortunate, umt wildly exclainiiii''. Why did 1 not think of that myself!" he fell hack in his chair, for the moment motionless. Alter that lie eauie in every day for a moment lo see' her, but always bade tier not tocotiu) W him until hi picturo was finished, for nothing now must disturb hi 111 from his work. IIo daily grew pale and thin, and his wild, tlark eyes burned with 11 strange fire. All avoided him as much as possi ble, and one, more, bold ill in the rest, alleged that MM night, crouchiiiL' under the window, ltd, by curiosity, he heard eries and groans issue from within. l'oor I'aul Luroni was missing, too, and Jaciiio offered a liberal reward to any ouc who would bring him buck. A party Leaded by Hermann Pesseldorl' scoured the adjacent forests mid even diagged the river, but found no trace, save one of tin boy's silk luudkerchicl's, which they found near the river bank. Ilertha, in her anxiety fur her lover, watched his studio window hour by hour. finally, one day he omitted his usual visit to her, and fearing that he might be ill she Ventured to disoU-y his command, ud entering the house softly, she crept to his studio door. Suddenly a low wail, full ofhuuian agony," smote "tier carind then iiiiineili.ilcly following it she heard a wild laugh and the voice of Jaeipies c cluiming:- ' The very cxpn-ssioii ! Oh, a few more such and my work is complete!' Cautiously she lilted herself to her know) and peeped through the key-holi A moment thus, then, with a piercing shriek, she fell back insensible. Jaeipies eamu hastily out, terror itu pmrnsl on his countenance, and locking the door behind him Isire her uway to her homo and laid her on- her cloueh Tenderly he watehed over her until she olK-netl her eym, but never iiguin was she conscious. On the tenth day she died, uml the same night camo the news of Jacipiea tianihert's triumph. Truly, it was a won derful picture, and filled ull who beheld it with we and admiration. It was the "Saviour on the Cross." lllood was streaming from His side, His hands and feet were fearfully laccrutcd by the cruel uails, and His eyes were turned toward hcuven with such a look, of piilcat suffering and agouixed meeting that they drew team from the eyes of all beholders. One singularity, however, to the inhab itants of Hurt, was that the countenance s;cni"d familiar, though at first no one could toll when or where they had aeon one like it. Soon suggestion arose, and was whispered from ear to ear, caus ing the. greatest excitement among the usually quiet villagers. A mob Wits fnrmt'd and umrclu-d to tbc lioust1 nf the artist. Tbc tluors were burnt open, tlm aiui't inentH carefully m-arclu'd, ami wbut witfs their Wmr on bmtliin ojtoii a chiset eoiimictfd with his studio to behold thewtifFened eorpsf of the idiot hoy fall therefrom. Fearful to tell, be had lit erally bfeu crucified. He was found nailed to a mdt1 wooden crone, liis vnmitc naitec wearinj,' the same expression :w that ttf the beautiful picture. No trace of the artist wan to be found, lie had (led, and mils never heard of inure. The indignant populace razed the liuii so to the ground and net fire to the ruinn. N'irg. aii.s. (lirls are of few days anil full chief, and whosoever is deceived of iui lliiToby, is not wise. When the fair young girl ehewcth her gum with greater baste and stauiicth her pretty foot, do thou look out. She comcth forth in the evening in low nock and short sleeves; but at morning she lielh ill bed while her mother hustleth. When the sleigh-bell tinkleth, she slandeth at the window and yeiirneth for a beau, nnd when he i-onicth she doeth up his purse. He wrappeth the buffalo robe about her and huggeth her much und stuyeth out heyotid his time, and the livery man addeth four gold dollars to his hill. In the evening he hieth himself away to her father's mansion, lie goeth in and itteth by the lire, and ere he leaveth he poppeth the iiiestiou, und she juiopeth at the chance. When the cock croweth he takelh his ileparture. and when he reniembereib the siuullucss of his salary he kieketh himself and euniiiareth himself to an uss; yea, verily. He gctteth his license and goeth forth on the morning of his wedding day, and cmployeth a lioilly man to do I he job, and when the sun sctteth he liudctli him self a married man. Selah ! The robin llestetll again ami he elotllelll himself iu sack-cloth and ashes and run neth swiftly unto the gate and kuocketh. and telletli the doctor tbut the wife of his bosom travailcth much, und he 111-lictli back a"ain. The old woman propln tietli a boy mid he jiiinpcth up uml down and erueketh his heels lot-ether with iov; the doctor sDcak- tli words nf wisdom und eaiitiotieth him not to rntilv Mora I he returns are all in. The night weareth wearily on. and the young man waxclh impatient; but tbc old ladv siieaketh words ol cheer and iiMiiln- iclll yet again, and be liidclh his time and awaiielh his reward. A cry sniiteth bis ear ami I lie ilium thereof, und he bilelli his lip uml kieketh himself ugaiu as the old woman poketh lu-i head in the ihsir and bringeth tidings of two more uirls. A MOW KTI.K. Perhaps, boys, you would like to know the day of the week on which you were born, if there are a dozen or so of you in the family, your mother can't remember the day, your father don't care, your older sister is sorry you were born at all and don't want to know, your aunt never knew, and your grandmother is dead, and so you must rely on some rule, as follows: Set down the year of your birth less 1, di vide by 1 throwing away remainder, if any), and add to the date; also add the number of days from January 1st to the dat! of birth, divide by 7, and if 0 re unijiM, Sunday is your birthday; if 1, Mon day; '2, Tuesday, and so on. KxAMPl,KSupponit you were born March II, tSTfi, then 1 less would be . ' 1874 Hivide by 4 Add January, Add February, Add March II, ItiS :n llivido by 7)2410 ",l l 2 remainder. This makes Tuesday the day on which you were born. In computing don't forget to give February 2!l days, if your birthday was in leap year, and if the above rule don't work wo will forfeit a last year's al manic. Kr, 0 whose motiou was it that the head of the New York detective I'oiw with detachment uf sergeants guarded Mr. Cleveland's progress to Washington? I there 11 man. woman or child oil earth who wishes to do any bodily harm to the I'residetit-elovt,, kuoninn, thai, if Cleve- luiul eoiilj be k pt ottl of ui chair lien drieks would fill it'.' ftilnint. Well, your parly bred and lilted up nice, pious reformer, who removed Mr tlarfield with the lull knowledge that his act would make Chester A. Arthur J'res ident. Mr. Hendricks has been twiii1 elected to the Vice l'icsideney which is cijual to one elect ioi to the l'tiwideney and this goes to show that he is rather popular with the voters of the diked States. New York IIWi "There is tiolhing impossible to the de terminated spirit," says a philosopher. Kvidently that philosopher never tried to reach up behind his shoulder to get bold of tbc end of a broken suspender. CT,i:Vi:i,AM AN D UKXPKICKS .. An;UKATKI. One Hundred Thousand People Witness the Ceremonies. Wasiiiniivhn, P. ('., March 4. O110 hundred thousand people witnessed to-day the imposing quadrennial ceremo nies of the inauguration of the Chief Mag istrate of the I'uitcd States. The cannon boomed, the city was in holiday attire, and the crowd was well dressed, happy, and contented and accoidcd a very warm re ception to President flrover Cleveland, whose ipiiet demeanor and kindly, placid countenance won the hears of all. The scenes of this great drama of our national life were interesting and impressive, and seemed, perhaps, better founded in com pleteness and accompanied by more en thusiasm than similar events of former years. Democratic and licpiiblican ex hileratiou were about equally apparent and I lie leading incident of the day were united in a pronounced and complete suc cess. The National Democratic Committee some weeks since appointed a general committee of Washington gentlemen to make arrangements for the inauguration ceremonies, and many subcommittees were subsequently selected, consisting of live hundred members, who have per formed their work well. The Congressional Committee com prised a Senator and liepresenlalive from each State and Territory. In addition to these the Senate und House each appointed n committee to make arrangements ut the Capitol. An appropriation of ?2,")II0 was voted for ex penses there. The inaugural platform was elected 111 f runt ol the main portico uf the Capitol, and is the largest one yet constructed, being level with the middle lauding of the portico steps and cttcml ing out nearly thirty feet, with semi circu lar trout ami the outer edge protected by a three-foot rail. In the centre is 11 plat form Ixli and one foot light on which the President stood while taking the oath of office uud delivering his iuaugural. The front, closely boarded, was appropriately festooned uud decorated. This morning .Senators Sherman and Itaiisom proceeded to the Arlington Hotel and escorted Mr. Cleveland to the White House. Senator llawley performed the ameolKee for Mr. Hendricks, escorted hi 111 from Williard's Hotel. At 11 o'clock President Altliur.aud the President und t'iec-l'rqbidaiit Were eamrted by the first livisioii of the parade. At the Capitol the doors of the Senate wing ol' the Capitol were opened at ID A. M. to those who ware entitled to-adini.sion, as follows: The diplomatic gallery reserved for the families of the Diplomatic Corps. The families uf the President and the President piu Inn. of the Senate, the President-elect and the V ice-President elect, ami of the cx-l'rueidcnt- occupied seats in the gallery east of the iliiiloiiiatie gallery. The doors of the Senate Chamber were uh-iiiiI at 11 0 clock to those entitled to admission, us follows: The Prcsidcut and the President-elect, who entered the Senate wing by the bronze doors, eaeh uccouipuuicd by a member of the Committee of Arrange ments. The President proceeded direct to the President's room and the President deut cleet to the Viee-I'resideut's room, where they remained until they entered the Senate chamber. Having been iutro duaed by the Committee of Arrangements, lie')' occupied scats reserved for them in front of the presiding officer. The Com mittee of Arrangements look seals on their left. The Yicc-Ptesideut-clit't proceeded to the Yiee-Prfsiileiit's Mom, where he re mained until he entered the Senate t namtier, when- the oath ot ollice was administered to him by the President of the Senate o-o emioeit. The Diplomatic Corps occupied seats 011 the right of Chair. The Chief Justice, the Associate Jus tices ami the ci-Assoeialea of the Supreme Court look scatH 011 the right of the Chair. Heads of incentive department, the re tired generals of the army, the lieutenant general of he army, the admiral of the navy unol onWra uf the army and navy who, by names, have m-cived ihe thanks of Congress occupied scat on the left of the Chair. Ciuvcrnor and ex-governors of States, judges of the Supreme Court of th.i Pis- trict, of the Court of Claims, and of the Court of Commission -rs of Alabama Claims, the ComTiiis,siouers of the District, the assistant secretaries of the executive department, ike Assistant Postuiastci (ieneral, the Solicitor General, the assist ant Attorneys t Ieneral and the Couuuis sioncr of Agriculture were given seats east of the main entrance Members and liiciubrrs-elect of the House of Kcpreseutativea entered the Senate chamber by the main entrance at 11:30 and occupied seats un the right of the Chair, next to the Diplomatic Corps. After the organization of the Senate was completed, those assembled in the Senate chamber proceeded through the rotunda to the platform on the central portico of tbc Capitol, in the following order : The Marshals of the District of Colum bia and the Marshal of the Supreme Court. Kx-I'rusideiits and ex-Yice Presidents. The Supreme Court. The Sergeant at Arms of the Senate. The Committee of Arrangements. The President und the President elect. The Yico President ami the Secretary of the Senate. Members of the Senate. The Diplomatic Corp. Heads of departments. The retired general of the army, the lieuUuiant-generd uf the army, the admi ral of the navy and the officers of the anuy who by uame, have received the thanks of Cougress. Members of the House of Hepresenta- tivo and members-elect, (lovernors and ex-governors of the Stales; officers of the House of Representatives, and others. On reaching the portico the President and President-elect took the seats re served for them, the Chief Justice on their right, and the Segeant-at-Aruis of the Senate on their left, and other dis tinguished guests, above mentioned, occu pied the scats assigned to them. At noon the oalh of office was admin istered to the President-elect by the Chief-Justice, and President Cleveland delivered bis inaugural address. The Ilible used is a small moroeeo-cov- ered, gilt-edged volume, pretty well worn. It is the Ilible which Mr. Cleveland's mother gave hitu when he left home as a young man, and at his special request the Committee of Arrangement had it in readiness for the ceremony. At 1 o'clock on the conclusion of the ceremonies, the members of the Senate, pn-cceded by the Sergeant at-Arms, Vice President, ami the Secretary, returned to the Senate chamber, uud the President, accompanied by the Committee of Ar rangements, proceeded to the Kxeeulive Mansion. The parade was the grand feature of the day uml moved smoothly under the following organization. Chief Marshal Major tieueral Henry W. Slocutn. of New Y'ork; chief of staff. Mivvct llrigadii-r (Ieneral Alb-rt Ordway. I'uited States volunteers; marshal of lirst division, lirevet Major (.ieneral 1!. II. Ayres. I'. S. iiruiy; marshal of second di vision. Major-lien -ral John F. Ilurtranlt. National (tuanl of Penn-ylvauiu; ln:il'-li ,1 of ibir.l division. Major (ieneral 1'ilz luiLih I , Virginia vobiuteei militia; mar shal of fourth division. Mr. Thomas J. laittrell. of Washington. The lirst division consisted of the reg ular army, the marine corps, and the Dis trict militia; the second of the National Guard- of the State of Pcunsyvania, which was represented by 1S4 companies; the third di isioii comprised all the other visi ting militia, while the fourth consisted uf the civic organizations. 1 civil division was organized as follows: T. J. Luttrell, marshal; Mai, K, W. Anderson, chief of; staff', and was di vided into six brigades, us follows: First brigade composed of civic organizations from the Senate of New York, Gen. Ho ratio King, of llrookly, N. Y; secoud bri gade, composed of organizations from Delaware, New Jersey, Ohio, and Illinois, Mr. Henry Wise (iunett; third brigade composed of clubs from Pennsylvania, Hon. J. II. Hopkins; fourth brigade, composed of clubs fiom Maryland, Mr. Spencer Watkius; fifth brigade, composed of Virginia uud District of Columbia clubs, Mr. Benjamin F. Moyd; sixth bri gade, lire detriment and cavalry. Mr. W. A. llulchius. The military turned out 12,00(1 meu the civic organizations 11,000, with brass and cornet bands aggregating !),"i0 men furnishing the music. Gen. Ordway, chief of staff, bad tele graph communication with each division during the live-miles parade by adoption of I he tield telegraph of the signal coi-is. As there were 21,000 men in line this was found to be the safest and most ac cessible way of communicating with the divisions to lie informed of delays or ill terruplioiis to I lie line. The first division, composed of the regular troop and District militia, formed West of Kill street nnd escorted ihe President-elect from the Arlington Hotel the Capitol, Vilicio ho look the oath ol office and delivered his inaugural address while the lronHi passed 011 to ihe North side of Capitol mill halted in rcadimws for the line of march down that side of the Capitol when ihe ceremonies were completed. The remainiug three divisions did not take purl in escorting the Prmi dent to the Capitol, hut proccedis! direct lo the New Jersey, Maryland and Dela ware avenue, east ot the Capitol, where they waited the termination of the cere- m onies. The liue then formed and the parade actually liegun. The route of the prtx'cssion was via the north side of the Capitol to Pennsylvania avenue, to Wash ington Circle, to K street, to Connecticut avenue, to Ithodo Islaud, to Massachu setts avenue, to 14th street where the parade was dismissed. Before the head of the line reached the avenue opposite the Kxeeulive Mansion the President left the line and proceeded to the stand in front of the While House, where he re viewed the parnde, The liue was live miles long and there were military organizations in it from 2il states and the District besides numerous other organizations from every part of the country. All along the line of inarch the side walks were thronged with enthusiastic people while every uvuilable window was filled with sight-seers. Kvery little park on the route was covered with tiers upon tiers of wooden seats, and filled with spec tators. Public ami private buildings were handsomely decorated with bunting, Hags and shields, the War Department loaning nearly a thousand stand of national colors for the occasion. Various trades ami civic oreanizations in the tiarade bore hundreds of brilliant banners and emblems and among the features was u handsomely decorated liberty cur drawn by the mem bers of the Fast Washington Cleveland and Hendricks Club, surmounted by a pretty young lady, representing the God dess of Iiiberly. Two large bells chim-.1 out glad tones as the throngs uiude the air resound with loud cheers, and every moment or two tile booming of cannon drowned the din of the multitude. Ornamental niches were constructed over the entrance gates to the White House grounds, but, in deference to the wishes of President Cleveland, no triumph al arches were erected over the streets us in former years. The gay scene was also further enhanced by decorating lamp post by means of designs painted oil canvass backed by wood, the canvas about ibrce by three feet, representing eoat-nl-arins of the sev eral Slates, i.'uited State shields, Army and Navy designs, scieuee, art, kc. The pyrotechnic display was brilliant 111 the extreme, upwards of twenty-carloads of material being used. The day firework produced novel effects, and con sisted of bombshells fired from fifty mor tals, ami which exploded high in the air and represented animals of all kinds elephants, deer, oxen, monkeys, tortoises, lishes, dragons, birds und butterflies; houses, ballcotis,' men in boats, comic human figures, umbrellas, prismatic snow flakes, colored hail, flags of all naliotis, storm clouds with lightning, und various colored clouds, flowers, smoke effects, and in fact, almost every conceivable design. Five balloons were scut up and discharged iu mid air. A IMtlNTKIC AN1 Ills TV I'l'.S. Itenjamin F. Taylor, the printer-poet, says: Perhaps there is no department or en terprise whose details are less understood by intelligent people, than the "art pre servative, the achievement of time. Kvery day, their life long, ieople are accustomed to read the newspapers and find fault with its statements, its govern ment, its looks; to plume themselves upon the discovery of some roguish acrobatic type that gets into a frolic and stands on its head, or some waste letter or two in it but of the process by which the newspa per is made, or the myriad of mills and the thousands of pieces necessary to its composition, they know little and gener ally think less. They imagine they dis course of a wonder indeed when they speak of the fair white carpet, woven for thought to walk on, from rags that flut teted on the back of the bepgar on jester day. Hut there is something more wonderful still. When wehsiknt the hundred and fifty-two little boxes, somewhat shaded by the touch of inky fingers, that com pose the printer's "ease," noiseless except the click of the tyjie as. one by one they take their places in the growing line we think we have found a marvel of art. Wc think how many fancies in frag ments there are in those little boxi-s; how many atoms of poetry uml eloquence the printer can make heie and there, if he only had a little chart to work by; how many facts in a small "handful;" how mm h truth in chaos. Now he pi. ks up the scattered elements until he holds iu his hand a stanza of of "Gray's Klegy," or a mouody ou "(rime ull Hiittotiisl up Before." Now he s is " Puppy Missing," uud now "Para dise Lost." He arrays a bride in in "Small Cups," and a sonnent in Nonpa reil: he nnuniiucc the languishing "live" in one sentense trHiisHH.w the word nnd deplores the days that are few and "evil," iu the next. A poor jest ticks its way slowly into the printer's hand, like a clock just run ning down, and a strain uf eloquence marches into line letter by letter. Wc fancy we cau tell the difference by hear ing by the ear, but perhaps not. The tyos lhat told of a wedding yes terday annuuncc a burial to-morrow perhaps the same letters. They urc the elements to make a word of. Those typo are a word with some thing in it as beautiful at spring, as rich as summer, and as imperishable ns autumn flowers frost cannot wilt fruit that shall ripen for all time. As roller skating was not in voguo in the Garden of Eden, wr are still puzzled to accouut for the fall of Adam. EATING 1IIH OWN FLUSH. A CANADIAN NM7.KII WITH llVDKOl'HO IIIA WHIMS AT I'KAVKU MITTEN FIVE YKAKtt AIIO. Uku.kvii.i.k, Out., Fob- 2H. Stephen Clark, living near Consecon. was uttueked with hydrophobia this week, and became so violent that he had to be taken to the Pietuii jail. He was seized with convul sions while engaged iu family prayers, and before neighbors arrived was raving liku a mailman, tearing and ailing his own flesh until he presented a hideous appearance. When he became rational he stated that ha was bitten by 11 mad dog while travelling with a circus iu Car thage iu July, 1HS0. During the lirst four hours his fits were accompanied with barking, growling and imitation of heavy panting. During the intervals the barking of 11 dog would im mediately excite, another fit. .liter being strapped to a bed by seven muscular men he got loose nnd cut his face badly in attempting to shave, lie also pulled off a piece of flesh hanging from a wound on his band and chewed it, being apparently pleased vviih the taste of his own blood. The physicians think the ease one of hy peehotidriue origin, which at first was quite under control. LINCOLN'S ANIX OOTK. Mr. Lincoln was terribly bored by men who fancied that they had some patent I plan for conquering the rebels. Among I them was awest' ru former, who was pa tiently listened to, uud who, wheu he had concluded, asked the opinion of the presi dent upon his plan. "Well," said Mr. Lincoln, "I'll answer by telling you a story. You have heard of Mr. Hanks, of Chicago? He was an immense loafer in his way, in fact, never did anything in his life. One day be got crazy over a great rise in the price of wheat upon which many wheat speculators gained large for tunes. Blank started off one morning to one of the most successful of the wheat speculators, ami with much enthusiasm laid before biui a 'plan' by which he, the said Blank, was certain of becoming in dependently rich. When be bad finished, he asked the opinion of his bearer upon his plan of operation. The reply came as lollows : 'My advice it that you stick to your business f "But," usked Bluuk, 'what is my business?" 'I don't know, I'm sure, what it is,1 says the luerchaut, 'but whatever it is I advise you to stick to it!' And now," said Mr. Lincoln, "I mean nothing offensive, for 1 know you mean well, but I Hunt you mm better stick to your business, and leave the war to those who have the responsibility of managing it. Hnr. VfArij Pxm.. OKIVKN MAI). Denirr (Co.) .Vireeit Desmtes. Mrs. William Westall, a lady well known in this city, was to-day udjudged insane. The cause of her iiiKiinity was a peculiar circumstance. She is the wife of an engineer on the South Park Kail road. About ten days ago, during the absi uce of the husband with his train, a gypsy fortune-teller called upon Mrs. Westall, and after repeated entreaties was permitted to tell the lady's fortune. Among the points told by the fortune teller was one to warn Mrs. Westall of the danger her husband was in. She said lhat unless Mr. Westall was imme diately taken from duty on the road he would be killed in an accident that after noon. The gypsy related so many thiugs which Mrs. Westall knew to be true that she believed the story about her husband's impending peril. She made an attempt to roach her husband by telegraph, but failed, and during the uight and the next day she became raving mad and has not recovered. Tne pvpsy cannot be found and her motive can only be guessed at Wcstair friends think that the Wouiau was paid for her work. I1ISI'NM.VKUII:1) lAl GHTI.lt You have daughter, have you not; sir? said minister to an old gentleman with whom lie had formed a casual acquain tance as a feilow-passenger. The old gentleman eHsuycd lo aa au swer, hut the question had strangely af fected him. I beg your pardon, said the minister, gently, il l liuvu thoughtlessly awakened in vour mind r"t'llretions of a iwiuful nature. The world is fnll of sorrow, sir, and perhaiM my quction recalls to your memory a fair, besiitilul girl, whose blos soming young life had withered in its hi, sun. Am I not right ? No, not exactly, replied the old gentle, man, sadly. I have five unmarried daugh ters, uiister, aud the youngest of the lot is 28 years old. A table of interest the dinner table, Abel has turnisl up smuggling diamonds. They will be raising Cain next. A physician says: "If a child dots not thrive on fresh milk, boil it." He doesn't state how long the child should be boiled. Wo should think then would be danger of letting it boil too long. A car load of witter oata, at Richmond wholesale price, for ails by. T. L, EMIT ADYKUTISEMKNTSJ AYER'S PILLS. A large proportion of tba dlMasca wtiUll ansa buuian suffering rawutt from Atraiig UK-tit ol the atmuftch, bowels, and lift. Atftn'a Cathamtic Pills aet dlrtettr apna tli cue organs, and are tapeeiall aeataaitl to cure tba riltw'auaa caused by thai! darai ga in itt, Including Cnnallpatlon. Indicts thin, ll)Brriiaia. JUraiUrlM, Dyaenurf-, and a buat ol o liter auLiuauia, lot ail ol vhich tliuy are a safe, sure, armus. ai.4 pltMtmit remedy. The caUitsive mm of lhf 1'ills by emliivnl pliymeluiiB la regular trae tit'w, shows uitiuUtiikiibly tbe etUmnt.oii In :iiuk tbey are held by tb sitdleal iw.fc it'll. 'i'Ame IMlui are compounded of refrtaMe an tin at 1 es ouly, and ar absolutely fot ttm enamel ox any uiber lujurlou litg rvditui. A SufTerer from Headache writes I 4 'WKlt'a are liiTaluable tome and arc my constant companion, I Itste be a it m'vrre anUVrer from Headache, and tour I'M. 1.1 are lite only tiling I could UA IS) lor ri'lief. One doe will oukkly move mf butvt-la Hini Iron iiiv tittad fiom nalit. Ihe am tlie moat eltecilve and Ihe eavitat 4iyia 1 li.-ive errr (uud. It is a pleasure to me to sc'ak in tlieir rit, sad i alw)S do wuuu oorasioii ollini. w. i- ram, or vr. T.. rir.tt." Fraiiktoi bl., Itiuuiiioiitl.Ya., Juiiv 1, 1IR. "I uav mod AvRB'sTlM-S t ftoiibr leH iiMUnCM 41 ravuuuo.iiilml hr ,i(ihI liitvu ilovtir knowu Uielll to fnll to .i-tilnli1l tin, ilutirnJ retail. W4ontl4iill) k. ik.M on liiiiitl itt our lionie, 4111I priie tliein 4t a ai'iiiant. tft!, .111 r.li0l. iMi.tly limlwrtnat w 011 in si'fcraiA ui.y sr. uitsiukoi.. u. 1. aiiH. Hells, Taut, Jane 17, Ittx, a t , , Tli. Hbv. FasHCIS B. IfAatowe, Trttlng from (fiiutii. (la., aayi: " Kor aotit. ytunj a.t 1 luiv. uoau aubject lo coiiitiiatniif 10111 wliivli, Iu a,tt ot th. ut ut ii'tith riin-a of varloua kilitta, I BUilereiJ livr..iii( liii-oiivuiiiencu, until soma niontha ago I LuKHii takniK AVKH'S PILL. '1 Ley Cu eimiely eorrreuid til. rttiira bvli.t, mimI 'i&vu vuatly luipruvoa luy 440014! Laalliy' 4 AvEB'a Catsubtic Pills eorret IrrafO v larillvi of Ilia bowela, atluiutala Uia ai . tlte and digattton, aud by tliair firotnut an4 thorough nation f W. to 4. airA VlgflC 10 Uat ' wool, yliyaieal awaour. . . 1 .c rurAtiD a '.:. . I ! Dr.J.C.AyertCo.,Low1l,MMta Bold by all brucftiu. ' YOUNO, OLD, AND MIDDLE- All MpMienee Hfco wmWrfaft -benolkial aUecW ol Ayer'8 Sarsaparilla. i (;blblrn with Sore KVe. Kot AbtU. I knra. or anv at Kara, or any acrofuhiu J sjptv llitic taint, may bu aiado beAUtay audsuueuf By its aaa. - . gold try til Dnxgglata ; $1, aU bottle fat Ma Onu-e tc trt aU her $ttf$ Jleaven in her eue. fn every gesture dignity andi loveV Mo It ann-'ared Mother Km. and tune her lair deM'eiidairis, with the oi t til I'oiiniioii M'iie care and pmpei rt'iitinenl. An rma-inous tmaiber of lr naif ,'oinplaiiiu are dtrevlle eaint'd 1 tiMtirnanir or suppression or the Men 'U-rliiitf and unfailing specific. Be. ad IrcUefatui cutv. IKI.I.f bt KM A 1.1 KaUU'l.ATOa. Will Offer It In froB. the iter ie ofa mnat distil. -luiHlmd pliyNiciaii. It la I'oinpiiaed oft tni'iiy nn. nil ingremeuu, wutv nann mi ll nation has never been mrnsasnl Ii is prepared with wipntitlc skill from iiit hiieti mau-rials. It bear the Dstlm imtiiii(-y of Iran,; th, t-crtalnty on I.Ho,'ure nf preparation, beaiityoil in, h -limine anu rviniie c nee paces, ini-j h'Mintony 111 Its fuvor Is genulo. It jiieo'r iHiin Hum lairiy iricu. Tli it will certify that two n 0.0 tiers off rartereeill. (Ia. iy inimcnm, lanuiy. aner naentg sui I'tvd for many yi art from meiutrual ir fKiilurity. and liar tug heftn treated with ut iH iiftit l varioni medical iloi'lor vveroai length completely cured hj ontl "oiuc 01 nr. j. rtnwineiu reoiaie itegn liilor. lift effect In such catM la tmK-i vvomlcrfiil, and well may the remedy btJ - ailed "Woman's Beat Friend. lours Henpei tnillv, JiNFft W.KTKAIfflB, Send for our book on the "Health amd iiapptncss or woman." Malted tree. URADfiKLUKEUl'i.ATOK l(. A Uania, tia. HEALTH RISTOKCD! HOME FERTILIZER The OUe.t Heat aud only Standard Chemical Fertilizer in use. GOOD FARMING. Henry Pieret, of FrankHn Oonntr, W. . ItMM ttic lollowitig farming In tne lVtortblirw. ,'Va Menaenxer: This year 1 badSaarrea ( waeLaa iiirtiUMOMHiMhcU, arrcN In oa(, and mad 00 kitujtl sUclii; t.. acres lu corn and niada itl barrtuE or l,iiiilmi.hcU;IH acrve of cotton, and Bad m tini. wot(blnKltjtwou40()and 4W pMiiidar ueed im titiano ouly what I snade myaell bought C bem tcala and manlpulateat itwiat aajpel, Uul4 yu puuLtUol'liuttcratwcviiu. The "Ilotne" ran be used up to the day of plant Ing. Tbe following la Mr. VUWWl plan of oaauat lug In the ftirrow. itead bis letter below Meafrs. Kvlchutn k Co., Mavaunah. Oa.;-4Law Sir. Tbe" Home r'erttliaer" bas for the past Iwa years done en well for sue, that I eotdtwa ymt tat) following order lor lo tous for 10 y self at the cash price, and l.r Umi ftr uiy auua, pan eatta ud hart time. Aiytiu niay like to kuuw huw I lute Uia "Hmae" I will state thai I sniint Hkt Isigieadtauta dry elitotjuiher, bttvlng puUIiwugreotuiee4 In the furrow at tho ruleif ubout vW Muiahola a rc, aud then auwvd tbe cbeiHieala 041 It umI bd deit.Miue an usual, the htnd and the yng t-oMua planU koI all tlte Mrcugth o( thy omtoN aettd wbll mtling, and iheebemffnla. etc, be'OM4ua- awsiibaa aailir iteNMiii m-tii . fc-j; lvtw arvrB and truiitul totlie end, while at tbe same me stimu lating it to early uiaturlty. 1 ut fha "Hoeae" ton, an you willaee, to about tevea arrea same aa If 1 bad composted. The only diflemuw la 1 Wit tba mitMNltiiKbN'dtmelaUicfhrrow. This wasai? idea awl i lie yield waa over H heavy bsdaa t 9 acres. 1 shall atw It on my rorh alao thai year aal Sat that shall cusapoat it b; the i wula. ISHAfcL ZlttiJIXlt.Br. HtKKY urd, tkaivu ua. Jan'. Mai" 8i'nd for Book with formulae ana Inatructiunf orders aunt hi T. A. Clark, Weldoa ar Brvwa dtCat raway llalifai or to Boy kin earner, Co.,BalL Jan. la-S-M. . NOTICE. By vtrtn. of 4 awlpr doH trltk poww of aal, aveeuleit w Iko viKkmif ua4 4y h, uary u4 Mlauurl K.dary liltwifcof (Uia rebruan UHk. ISM and msmksl in the Keylateri oat, f tlaJliiV countvln Issik ?l II r-urelli. 1 ahall aril 1 iba nlicliiiit lilddar fot eaah on Mmday Ife tnal W f Mnk-Ii liist.llb.tMirlhouaaiaU4liakxtabnow. -Ins dpttrltivO. real o.oite. lo wit : Xhti met of uus4 aitnnted ia HalifMt emioty, knutra sa th. "r-oetala trail" iMMindislny thallmofth. WtlBlHtlnoj ul Wcltkm Ralttoiul, Un I411J4 of afra. Mary W.U. tka hue Sol. VVIIll.ru. and tlra. Mabrlna Krvlniy. ara lainlnron. hmidmland ninety mi. Alxiwil,. day followint, to-wU lh. rd ol alarrh Msa a. th fiuuiUlton of Uie Bald r.ul itary ae4r MallOis -m tie aama term, the flillowlnf Maoit.1 nrotiertT la. ' wll: lltmaa colored atan, om eetiJr ma K4nl- ..i,,, "Kh.AM," OMhlMli aiuhv ouelwo horae W Gaffer watsat and hantan, 4o , yuk' of men 4lid ravrd and ail lilt faruluf lk miutUntiaaU lina. Any mftinaaUoa fonearalua tlita pninarty ,ii k. had by rtfaraaea M Mr r3 ,aryotimr4luruiiyi,Urlua,(1 Hue,,,. HallfM, iiitJUs . KiMBUHliyit i-rua' i'i ,

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