sppl pjp Igssl if iiinl west '-sjacsu xto SfcSitakiiMi it.. 5 ii HALL s SLE3DC3-E, I'IMh:iktoi;s. VOL. XIV. -A. FBWSPAPBB FOR THE! FEOm-E. WKbDON, N. C, TIH I5SDAY, MAY II, 1S85. TEE-MS-'11" J'KR ANNUM IN ADVANCE. L no. 94' AHYKKTISKMICNTS. iiffiii THE 2 BEST TONIC. 3 Thli medicine, Comblninf Iron with Mire VrgrtaM tnnli-i, quickly and feini.ltii-ly ( irt lltaeriMta I in ii ere if 1 end, .11i..urlit blUMuiiti Fi-viva, At iitmriiHMi, m i' 11 mi n4 Nrumlala. Itttan uiifftiliiiK nmi''y for IHn'tH't of the Kldnrva nail l.tver. U i liivaliirtlilti fnf Distnpt-s peculiar tO Wiimi, and all who li mi noli'iitHry Uvea. I I doe not Injure .! tvi-tli.ciiiiM- lieninttie.rr produce rniiMtllt'iii iilfl'r m mrilifinrn iln, llrnrlchatftiid (.uriCc. i)n.'l.l.tod.Miimiliitfi (lie apiK'tite. nlls H i n!?iiiliitlon of fowl, re-tii-vci ilcartlinrn ni.ii lit Idling, anil sltt'UKlh iii thi' imiK'h' mid net veil. For InUTnilltfiit r'ever", lassitude, Lack 0! Energy, Ac, it ban no e)iiil. Tin' frmilm linn altovt tnulo mark ntid Crnwii'il red liiiL-nuit wrapper, Tiiki- tionlltuL y aaowH cksih il ui., iui.tihoiik, m live, is lyr llflSTETTEuv ..ail. 6 lfTERs In order to mrich the Iilnml, nml lima Impart freeh vigor to tin eiii.-eldcil muttm, Miinulrite flatrtftniT dun-NUmi will Iln; tnttionul invitcruiil, llosirthr'pt Mouiiu-h lttttrra, Whirh, liy infHuiiiK rncrtry into lliu operation of the utomurh, promote, nay, iiwurftt ihorontclidiirislnni ami UMimilnttoa, nnl r.oiiHiqiH'it nutrition. A (tain to n pot toe, vigor and fit-nit. In invunahlv linuxl to follow a co 11 The of tli it ui'Hi-rvi'illy pop ular tonic, liii h in, moreover a 'reliable Itrevi-niiieof inttlarial levers, For auk by all DriifumiH and Dealers Keuctallv oct :tl ly NOTICE. Jiit received nil rutisiniiim-iil llie followinic : 1 : llurn-N -.1 Lime. 1 in Snw Linn intis Col ton U;ii, I 1 J-Vil rf.iil i iiii.lt list r. I V ' " (.in mill wiulfiiM-r. 1 irii " Hull (.in. AUt tute ur Iho sei-Miul IihikI Whkhiis urn llii; rtov ii or ft t m. of 1 1 it y . For Mile clic-iiit. Anlv Id II, il'il..n.N r. J.T. UIKH Ihii 1 Cm PROFESSIONAL CARDS. M. II. kill HIV . A. IHN. rm'siY athikn.:v, ITCH IN IUNX, A TTOltXKYS AT LA iV, SIXITLASI) XIH'K, X. c. mnrlir F. II. BI SBEIi, iiAi.r.iuli. N. c. It. II. SMITH jr. tctn.ASiN: k, s. c. B ' S B K K A SMITH. Mr V. II lliiWf and Mr. H II. Smith. Jr.. Cotui ae..t ill Ijiw , hnf I.tiiu'iI a limited I'liilueihit1 f r llie r.ieliee of Uiw in llnlilux loumy Mr UnlH-e will tttlend the entirts ..1 llulilax. r. ulurl) and nil) u1m vlil llieitniliiy Htu never 1. cervieet are reiiiiiml. in-i hi ly H O M A S N. II 1 1. L, Attorney at Law HALIFAX, N. r. l'nu-tirt in Hulifis and m (joining e Vt'dvral aud Sureinc eourto. niiitieM and aii( tf T W. MASON, Attorney at law, liAKYSIiniii, N.C. Vmclirw in the niiirts (if N.irthiiiiii.li.n nnil til Jwiiiiii). inuutun, wlwi III Iln. tV'U'JHl Hllil SlllifflllP w A LT K It E, DANIEL, Attorney at Law, WKI.DOJf, N. IWtife in Halt fit x and tiilMiiliu: e -untie. SiieeiHl attention vlven totitlleetioiH in all part ot the Uoj aim iiroiiioi rvuini mane. feliK ly. W. H A 1. 1., Attorney nt I. aw, WKLDON, N.r. Hiwrlal atleiilion (rtvonto euHt-'etiiAUt and rvmit tuee muuii) mane, inny i i. M U L L E k MUUHK, Attomeyt at I. aw, HALIFAX, N ('. rrarllw In trio rminlle of Hultfiix, Northampton fclttettitiilH' lltt and Mnrlttl In the Supreme eimrl ol ihp KUWand In the Ketltral fourta of the Kaatrm fMitriet. I'tillwUttfw wadiuaiu' rt olDHimaU' Jan 1 ly i 1 IVs ' E. Hill ELDS, Murgeoh DciitUt Havluf permi band at liiaoffii rmaaetttlT loeat4d lu WYldcm, Ml! tntth Hriek Hnihlftiy Uaiea PiiH-ol hen aburlit ou imfeionl Utial&e Cwfttl attrntlun ttiveii tu all h itram hei of tb in- n'Mlott, I ml. I)"" rartlesvlaited at their hi.mea whR wnni u UUNTKK, 1 . 'r Murgeoii Dentin . v 'f Ctn be (bund at his nfflee In Knflcld. Pnw NUTOi" 0il4 (ia the htlulcu Eitrae- tlna ur Tcclll aiwayi ou uaim. ih a tf rtr f vr mitrt noaey thmi at anvlblnt elie VV 111 lliiiu Ki-ie r tli bi't Mil twV nut BKlnuen uceMd srandlr. Nun I TuraifrM. UUIjrr oo Co., roruaod Vila. v m u fbb4-lr OK TIM: !.! MVK'S SAlil-:. BV Allll I'W iniM-tiN, Tlty wny lie ruiiil, Is Ktun illi, uii'l nivi'ii 111 n I Hilr, U'liiml an.l liniiM' ihj 1 IIU'l 'lllllik.' l.l.ASO 'I'her' nre 110 lltoiiis t Where Miniiiier n-igns Mem) u. tin- wlmlV 1 r;( ; lliy iilli li- iln re! iniiinintiN tin nit III flllll linlli lulu, And mine '.' Alft-, nt Ai'Mtc Iliitl viiltiy wti. ie Atid e1, tlionli uulll lie i. 1-1 I'ulllllH'ltulll. otike. I kre. tin-. Ink. 11 Im ll !. 1. Uivell.e urn I linl ln.1-1;. 111. Iii. Mm limni 1 if 11 Her lire" I lull lout; have ,nv iuvh; , 1 yet limy mu"e, nuil .11 the it-lit- unty Iti'tui u Hli eye. tl Il r.iiiiiliiir iiiiiue And If s.niie nhiidouy iiii-iiinry -limit. I iiwnke, Ifoiiei-nyniii my i-yi-v M1lti te;irunw Mel, I f in ihj Imiirl shmilil -I'liu;; -ui.h- vain ii-nrel, Nny, do not Mum me ! 1 the oU l,xv miLc. An one mIiom-is In old r. niciutH-ri'd iiHk. Willi eveN tluil luiVd u'lnWll ill M'llh ceiifeli li.ii.. The Miim-iliul iK-iiuly nf ihu I'-nj: lout veiirv And hem iiKiiiu the hi.iii; ..f xuintner limoks. Shi If in mi iroultleil dreimu. I con Id nwuku And 1 1 i 1 ihy win 111, Moil KIhm's on my fact', I think llie BMeetnev ..( thy wf iis.nne uraee, Would I. 'iieh ino-onlv fnrllie ul.l love'n wike ! IU)B AND ANXIK. A j-rcat wl.tle ulu -luni; bcliiro lliu late war tlicre was a vuunir man wlm arrinl tlie mail bctwivii MaJi-mi ami Maiam, (li'or"ia. His uauiv was liiniw Lovic. lit; unci! his I'jcs ami ears pri'll)' well, ami never fiiml as lie was nt' u Kiwtl stnry tulil lies. Tu sav "Hull Livie ni) u" was tu ci rt ily to tlm trtitli ul' slalnii.'iil, whii li was furtainlv t liis iTtulit; ami imircovi'i'. ho was hmii'st the day, ami cnuU have liecn eiilriistcd will, iiiituhl pilil (ir uiii'iiunlcil tliai.iotiili Miiralli; yini niuld not liml a lault wil li'ib. .Mentally he was very well fur an eduealed man; hnt lie had one jrroat I'ailinij; (jreat iiartiinlarlv, in the eyes id irelly Annie Wesley, who otherwise. teemed Hub iierfciliuii. lie had allied l.iiitsvlr with a certain elass uf person: who k! vie themselves ''rriK! tliinkcrs.' This theoloj;ieal dill'erenee at last led tu a little iuarrel, ami ISnb tried In pt Annie out uf hie mind, but failed to' do it, and Annie was very miserable, us well lor the Hake of Hull's soul as fur herself lor Ihuuli she had oilers in plenty, nut one not even liih .luhu lirab, who had ever so many ai res of land- roiild be eumiiared lor a iiiuiiu nt in her mind lu Hub, had Hub only held proper senli meuts. So, tlmut;h thev leni apart for a whole mouth, at last one hiLht morning, Mull lode alon', slowly and stupidly f him, he saw, silliii.: uiiilei-a tree, a tilth1 lire in a I. hie dress ili.it he eouldii ins to save hin life. Su ho stoiiped his liorse and called out " Annie, in that you ?'' "les, tii tli, said Annie, showing a pair I wet eyes. 1 eatno here oil purpose to yuu. I've talked in my womanish words, but you talked su mueli beller than that uf eourse it's uf no use; and all the while there is One who talks so plainly to us, ami the words are here; and I've brought them to y.,u and please dear Hob. to read them, and perhaps " She did not finish the sentence, but placed a pretty liil.le in Hub's hand. i ve nail it uuuml very nicely lor yuu and uh ! fur my sake read it it will aeh yuu so much, Hub- so very much ! Rib took the book, l'or a moment li felt annoyed, and uiuch like sneeriut, but Annie was dear to 111 in, so ke kept hi: anger down for her sake thanked her for her present, aud placed it in" the breast pocket of bis coat. "As if I were to be converted like u sinner in a tract !" said Hub, after he hail ridden on a little. ' Hut women are not ipoetod to liavo minds like ours." And out of another pocket he pulled an infidel tract, which a friend, an unbelieving doc tor had loaned him, and fell to read- It was not a very wise thin;;, as the horse left to hiuiself, stumbled over some thing in the road and was lamed; not badly, it seemed, but it forced Hob to dismount and stop at a country stow to examine and bathe llie limb, and be then had to allow the beast tu take his own time afterwards, so that instead of hot. ting briskly into Macon before sundown the yiiuug man found himself belated ou u lonely road hours alter the sun had quite vanished bis horse trowing lamer and his hopes of supper quite gone. "Hang the tract !" growled Hob, "what did I bother with it for ?" And he gave the pajier a toss into a clump of bushes, and then hij mind Went back to Audio Wesley1! Hiblo. , lie felt it. It was safe, lie was somehow better, and be walked idling with kis bridle nyr his arm in quite a melancholy mood. Suddenly a shadow fell aerosa the road and Bob looked np S'traight Ik fore him a man aat .with a blauk mask on his face and a pistol in Via band. -'Haiti" commanded llie individual, ferociously; and Hob halted. "If you arc quiet, you will come to no harm," said the man. I only want your mail bag. I happen to know that it U worth some thing to-night, and I've followed you from the store back yonder. There ain't a soul within hearing and you may as well take it coolly; I am armed, you see; you are not. Hand over the bag." "Never," exclaimed Rib. "The mail bag is in may enru entrusted; I'll guard it as long as I have breath in my body." "That won't be long," with a course c.li. "if yuu don't listen lu reason." Huh. fur reply, mounted his horse and Lt behind the luail-b:t;. 'Your life is in danger," warned the liber. "I intend to have those lelters, ami a life isn't worth much lo me. I'm arnest; no fooling ?" and he took de- lilieMe aim at Hob levies breast. Hub was unarmed aud he loved life ally, but he was nu cuward. It was si less to try to overcome the robber He id only his fits rather useless weapons under (he circumstances; bill he "showed 'ht," and as iho robber's uner kindled ic fired. The aim was noud. The little II uf lead lodged in Hub's coat, just here llie heart should have been, and b slavered. lie was shocked rather than hurl, and in that luuiiieiit of excitement lie reinetu- 1 having heard that it was often so in mortal injuries. Probably he had re ceived his death wound, and the robber uld walk olT with the mail-bag, where Hob well knew reposed the money which Herpetic Hick Dorr had sent to take his poor old mother from the almshouse, and thor trusts were in that leather bag the humble hopes and dreams of those who wrote the letters twined around them. The doctor and his infidel tract bad lone Hob l.ovie little good; but ho was honest and kindly yet. ' I'll light while I have a drop of blood ft," he said to himself -'And help may nine and the mail-uag bo saved, even ll 1 lie lie leaped IV.. in his Imrse and sprang upon the highwayman with such vigur that the mall tumbled fl'um bis saddle. Then Huh struggled fur llie pistol, and lining it, knocked the ruffian senseless with the butt end, and sat down ou his mail-bag to keep guard, expecting to die very moment, but praying that help mkht eoiuc before the robber recovered unsciuusiiess. Abuut that time a party of young nu n, who were out oil a Coon hunt, came up with flaring torches, ami a scurc of dogs at (heir heels. They all knew Hub well. mil (he must zealous were for dispatching tlur rubber; but the voice of the majority was fur binding him and carrying him tu (he city, tu meet bis reward at the hands uf justice, and with this parly Hob igreed. lie felt weary and his breast ached, mil he expeeted every moment to feel the faiuluess of death stealing over him; for there was the round hole just over his heart, and the bullet must be somewhere. A few unpleasant misgivings, which proved that his opinions of the future were not so fixed as they might have been troubled him, and he sighed us tin' new-comers questioned him. "The bullet went in here," he said, touching the bole. "1 don't feel any pain, and must be bleeding inwardly if at all, I think." lie unbuttoned his coat cautiously, and out dropied Annie Wesley's Hiblo, with (he bullet deeply imbedded in its cover. The tears came to Hob's eyes and the others started, for he hail been in the habit of boasting of his infidel opiuious and it was odd enough that ho should wear a Hiblo next to his heart. Hut every one was too glad to find him unhurt to care for much else, uud so they gave him three cheers, mid started toward the city wit la (heir prisoner. Hob followed, leading his horse, and keeping his eyes on the mail-bag, ami on the way he thought what he thought inighl be ilivinciH'in the fact that six uiuiilhs after, Annie Wesley found her luver by her side at church, aud heard from his own lips that he had not half so high au upiuiou of his own smartness and that of his doctor friend as formorly, and he believed she was right after all. And so they weie married, and for many years have been living very con tentedly in their cottage ou the outskirts of .Madison. A MOTHKK'M LOVI Si'KtiNUKlt THAN FEMININE NKWS-Hl'N-11 Kit. Ihtroit Vre VfM. Sho cuiue boumiiij; tliroiilt t lit? winc tuiu (Iiair like u raninni bull, wiluuut piimi inUiKiiy, ulliw uVyi' tin," uiul Itnmlit lu r uiuliivlhi dtiwii tin llie t;i bit- with a mi Jit v; irali utul hlimiteil. '1 want you to sUi my pajwr." 'All right; iiiiulaiiu'," "Stop it right t.fl', too." she n'rUtei!, whatkiiig the table Haiti, for I have wait- el lutij; oiuma lur you to u tin' 'p:iir thing" She quieted down fur a iitom nt. and wo ran our tinker down the list of nunuw, mid wkt'ii we reached htm and raU-hed it out, she said: "There, now, niebho you'll do us yuii ouht to alter this, and nut blight u wo man jest caused she's poor. If some rich folk happen to have a little rod-hetuled, bandy-legged, squint-eyed, wUoesty wunv- ler horn to them, yon puff it up to the skies, and make it out an. ani l; but when poor penple hare a baby you don't say a wold about it, even if it in the s(iiaiYst toed, mibleitt tittle kid that ever kept a woman awake ttt night. That'll whaU the matter, and that's why I stopped my paper." And he dashed out as rapidly aa she came. IT KOINX'T ( OST SIl'CII. 11V IIAKKI.KV ItAUK Kit. I( doesn't cost mueli (o go round tin1 comer after dinner, and ring the door bell of your sick friend. You can say that you missed him from business during the day. learned on inquiry I )iat be wa ill these ihree days, and, of course, had an iuleicst lo know how he was. The mere inquiiy ol itself will be worth more to the caged invalid lliiin his doctor's dos es. To go in and sit with him a hall hour would be worth more. The cherry, healthful air of your presence is about all Ihat is needed, you had better assume thai he is not very sick; bill, if he insists upmi it, yuu had best listen kindly tu his nar ativo uf ills. I say it is worth much to him. Hut it is worth incalculably more to you. l'or, mark you, he will never forget it. He might forget it il yuu loaned him a thous and dollars; but a sick-day's call? Never Never forgotten! That's one ol the ways tu make friends. lt doesn't cost much, when yuu are waiting at a lailwuy juuetinn fur yuur train, to go seek out your acquaintance in the (own. Not that you want to sell lilui any goods, nor tiausaet any other busi ness. Not that yuu "cuusin" fur a dinner or would investigate a customer's credit. No errand but to keep up the acquaintance or renew it. It is the way some blight and big-hearted men have of making and keeping (heir friends. It doesn't cost much to remember the name ami address ol pleasant people who yuu meet erussing the Atlantic, or on some Western stage journey, or in sumo lone hotel. A wise man will preserve such fragments of delightful rchuiuiis w ith his fellows. A fool forgets all about them the next day; he never expects tu encounter them again. Hut he will meet them again be sine of that. Ten tu one be will see llie day when he will w i.-h he had festered the acquaintance when he had no ax grind; for now ho has his ax in hand, a these people could gl ind it fur him. Hut, of course, ho is ashamed to ask. lt doesn't cost much to pay your so cial duties with promptness. Yuu owe (he A'sacall. The li s are ncweoiiieis in your vicinity, and you ought lo call; you intend to call; but week after week passes ami yuu do not call. Other people do th agreeable, and the A s and It's vote othe people "very nice." Meanwhile Mm sulli r by contrast: they vole you rude, selfish unsocial, and what not all of which you do nut deserve; you are simply careles ur lazy, H'tt the day comes when it would bo worth solid silver and gold tu uu to be nu really girnd terms with tli people: ami then it ifl too lute would seem mercenary Ko p yuur neighbors. yuur uwrtiuv? ill nl ciilt lllateil It IS cusy matter. U Uoesit t cost mueli totlo a little nior than ymtr part in "covering up" at night uiv buy. I mean you, the young clerk in the tuie. If you are ready to lend hand at piling back the good alb r clusiug tune; it Yni willingly stay utter liuttrs to help Miuie fellow bebi ml with his tank you share the box ot grapes or apples wnt down from the country home farm, unking mother l express them to the rdtirc rath, r than your boarding place, and knowing lull well that it will be precious few nt' tli in lb. it will go down your own throat y I all this iiuys. Do not iiiiumlerstaud me. It would spoil it all if you calculi ted, seHUhly, ou the profit of it all event uallv for yourself, lint to cultivate the heait-feelinj. that HellUhness is pour cc tuny, and generosity is always legal tender, the wide world over; that is what I mean And it is the small, inexpensive services those that do not cot much which the farthest. It doesn't cost much to do nu errand poi liaps. Inti are to be in town anil can take a bundle. You are to lie near and can Npieeze out ten minute to take message into au olnce. ou go three Mucks out of yuur wav. Yuu think not b- ing of a little trouble: indeed eoiisiderabl trouble cull be safe assumed. To be sure there .mi limit. Sensitive people dislik to be under great obligation foi trraudi Hence it is the little errands, thoscthat d not cost much whit h are most aeceptabl Ktit 1 tt 11 you they make friends fast ami firm auiuiiu people of real heart. Th obliged party multiplies the little by large umltinle; he thinks, "What would he have done if I had only put him to real test? Why, see. lie exerts hiuift ll to do rhi iiial! errand for me were an allair of t lie g lent est itupoitanee I like the fellow!" I undertake to that llu-re is uo surer way ot uniting ii extpiiMle ami strong friendships aiBoiig tine-grained people than scrupulous kind lies in doing small errands. If there anything under the canopy whiih it ditlicult to get done well, as you would tl it yourself, in fact, it is a small errand. Obliging errand-doing is the nap on the tabrie of friendship, lt is only my best friend whom I dare trouble with a lillle errand. There nro hundreds uf people among niy acquaintance whom I am afraid to ask to post a letter or call and get me a morning piper. The delicate tracery of fine etching is in these small oflieea. It ilo 'su't oust much to remember the vitally interesting events in your neighbors life-history. What a ghoulish blunder it is to ask after your friend's wife when she i has het-u in her giuve these teu days!! Nothing, absolutely nothing that you can say next will purge you of cruelty in his mind. And you yourself feel liku a grave robber, lie was your neighbor, and ymi ought tu have renn iuben d. The pretty little reineinbranees ol il wedding day, tixed for your neighbor's house, and yu have (he cards; (he child's name, the fart, that his Hon sailed ou the Anictiea and is now due in (ueculown; or that hU daugb ler went away to school yesterday; or that you heard something tu bis credit this morning. It doc-u't cnM, much after a little schooling uf the mind, but it counts for thousands! I'erliiips, after all, I am wrong. It may be that the sort of thing I have been talking about would cost a great deal of effort iu a man or woman who In ids it un natural. It may be that these minute tokens of good-will are impossible to a mean and selfish nature. They are, how ever, like wild flowers on a fat soil, easily growing even among weeds and along the very borders oi the garden, to the truly generous. It may be that many people could work themselves up to the perform ance uf a huge and costly kindness who add hardly he civil in a railway eat if you had inadvertently taken their scat. n elephant can be pitch-forked until! he 1. 1 nets; but a happy child dances i'tuin Very joy. u paint ever equals the stiu- hiue, No base, bad heart ean bo neat in ti ih kindnesses; he is a very sloven, a bun-'liicj giant. finders attempting to thread needle, while the drops of sweat stand on his puckered brow. Indeed, the unthinking civility which is already done before you are aware of it, the spontaneous, small courtesy that adorn politeness like frosting or silver surfaees, and the vhvlhinie grace of pretty proffers ith ireiileel speech these do bespeak a inline good heart. They give the plow- au a politeness rather than (tie waxed doiiis of the hi i ('hi can generally boast; I hey h ud and added glory to true woman hood, they heaulity lillle chihlreu inure inn their silks and furbelows; they m ike the statesman "magnetic,'' ami tnulorm tin philosopher from a bore to a charin- ctimpiiiiioii; they aie indispensable to the clergyman who would win wayward youth; they make a wehome for the fam- ly phi-ici.in, as ibeir In k often costs a physician many a valuable patron with n.-itive nerves and a larire purse. The lull courtesies of a noble ami sympathiz ig spirit and like the nameless aroma of flowers. Science has never yet explained perlume. Knl s of etiquette have never I compassed tht' thing to uhhh I have iily directed your atti-ntinu - for every one can recognize it, yet none i-aii quite hscribe it. It is a good and a severe test of your natuie, namely: M imi ntsihp inn ntfui ttlli, uiul rmist-tiili jn i t'oi in ;!,( ,',.ls tlnit iluiit rmt inmh w ii at in; ;ot i;y it. Coine tiiiuhty nigh kiliin' fine buck lis mawiiiu', " sui t an old neiiro. Coiuin' long through de woods an'er ole buck he jumped up an' bookeity, kt rly be run off a few yards an' stop still. Come iu one er shtiotin' him, sab." 'Why didn't ymi shout ?'' '-lhdn't hub uiv gun wid me, suh." '"Then li'iw did you cotne in one of shooting him ?" Case, sah, I come in un o takin my gun wit li in'. "Why didn't you take your gun ?" ''lh-ln't hah none, sah." "You an- all old fool.'' "Look heah, tloau 'busc er man dat way when yer am gut no cause. 1 am t ot nu gun, fur a feller dat I wus elbout ter buy one frum, axed me jes' one dol lar ino'u I could pay. So, I come iu one get till' de gun. Kf I hud er j;ot it, I would er tuck it 'long wid me, an' uf I'der had it, I could cr shot de buck easy, sah. S doan come 'rtmn' 'busiu' er man when de fucks is all ergin yer. I hub kuowed folks ter fetch tumble ou tlar 'selves dat way. Kr pussou uughter be kecrl'ul in dis heah worf o' .science an' speekerlatioii. (!ood mawniu, sah. Since yer a acted dis way 1 wouldeiiter gin yer none u' de meat ef I had er killed it. 'Tore yer talked dat way I woulder made yer present o' some o' de buck. See whul yer got by it, sah." Arkuusiivv Tiiivrlrr. Tin: it,itY, Two ladies were overheard talking over the fi nee as fulluws: "What is the matter with your baby? I don't bear it cry any more." -I have cured it of bawling." -'lhi you give it soothing syrup with opium iu it?" "No, I deli, I give it any medicine at all. 1 have adopted au entirely different sort plan." ' What is it?" "When it begins to cry I smear the tips i f its little fingers with molasses, and give it a few feathers to hold in one hand. Its attention becomes aroused and it picks off the feathers with llie other hand. The feathers stick to the olhel hand, of cour.v. and the little darling picks them off again. The little angel's mind is thus so complete ly absorbed with the feathers that it for gets to cry." Nt) M ATM IKS IN T1II2HOOM. ltr KATK. rumiN. How the world ever managed tu roll on su many years without matches is a prob- lem How our iihecntry ever had patience, and pT.-'cToraii',c, and "elbow grease," to rub flint and steel together and strike a file on tinder beats our comprehension. Now, what a dreadful tiling it would be to have' no mutches at hand! How nervous the woman is who, alter she has gone to bed for the night, and had a little nap. wakes up and renu mbers that there are no matches in the room! She falls to wondering what she had better do. She knows that a long flight of stairs, and a ilraurdity hall, and a quar ter of an acre of cold, slipp-ry oil-cloth lies between her ami the kitcheu, where the matches are left in a broken stone butter-jar, with a brick on the cover, for fear the mice or the rats or the eat will knock the enter off and set the matches going aud fire the house and bum every body iu their beds some dark uight when the wind is blowing a hurricane, aud the firumeti are holding ti ball and the hy drants nro 'ill frozen solid. She wonders if her feet would be very cold if she should pet up and go down, and if she would bo able tu steer clear of things in the dark ? She wonders if there is any such thing as a ghost? She shivers as she remembers huw very, very dismal it always seems creeping down those stairs in the looiu, and feeling al ways as if somebody or something was following I She draws one cold foot up and lets it glide slowly down the sleeping six feet of manhood beside her. Nothing wakes up a man so quick if hat sort of thing, and one must have bv.;i some time a wife to know just how to do it. llt-r husband turns over with a snort, ami wants to know what she means by freezing him to death; and he remarks, iu ' his most aggravating tone of voice, that he ' does wish a woman Went to bed to sleep, instead of to rant round and pull the bed clothes all off from everybody. Then she ventures to tell him that she can't sleep because there are no matches in llie room. What if she should be taken suddenly ill, or he should have one of his eolic spells, or the bahy should have the croup, or there should be a burglar iu the house, or anything should happen? And she sits up in bed, aud peers round into the gloom, and fancies she hears something in the closet, and tries to re member if she put her diamond ring under l he bureau aud her pocket-book between the beds when ishe retired. What a terrible need she is in for just one little match ! How the need grows as she worries over it ! How she docs wish lie would stop snoring, so that she could listen and make sure; about that noise in the closet ! How slit- does wish she had married a man who could sym pathize with tier in her troubles ! How strange that she should forget to j bring up those mutches I And she regis- ten a vow that if she lives till niuruiii", she will fill llie mutt h i . fe heaping full. Yes, she wi'l ! She ignores the faet that hundreds of peaceful nights have gone by uud she has not thought of matches, because there were plenty in the room. Sho calls her husband heart less because he asks her "what in the dickens she wants of matches;" and so she lies and worries the night away, ami iu the nu ruing wonders whatever did make her so nervous. And she lays the blame to thy cup of tea she drunk, just as well alt must lay the blame for our silly little fright and worries ou anything rather than ou our owu want of reason and t-ounuuu sense. POISON IX KISSINO. In an address delivered before the l'tiea(X. .) medical faculty Dr. I). M. Terry said : Lives are daily sucrificcd and diseases are daily cummuiiieuted by the promiscuous habit of kissing. As a cus tom it should be abandoned among women in their (reelings. In the sacred precincts of the fireside, when death has laid its relentless hands on one of its members, the common prac tice of kissing is liable to induce scptiic mia, and thus other precious lives be ex posed to the veuoniuus sting of death. As you ean more easily see the action of drug when given ill a largo dose, so you will sec tuure pointedly the danger arising from kissing by giving an illustration of a inaligiiaut disease. There is no longer any doubt in regard to the iuucubility aud infectiousness of ouusiimption. Il is not an established fact that it is not contagious. When you re member that mure die by its insidious bands than from any other cause, but few families or relatives of families can be exempt from it. This being true, should not hmsous visiting such unfortunate in dividuals to do away with the accustomed mode of greeting by kissing? A disc which has resisted the treatment of the most skilled up to the present day should be prevented if possible. Is human lil' to he sacrificed for the sake of eoul'orm ing to custom ? Change the custuni; and other ways of greeting will be equally popular aud much more sensible and safe. TO II IS CAMJNU. Tiixiim Sifting. Jim Webster was brought up before an Austin Justice of the I'cuee. It was the same old charge that used to bother him iu (ialvestoii. Alter the evidence was all iu, the Judge, with a perplexed look, said : 11 Hut I do not comprehend, Webster, how it was possible for you to Me;il those chickens when they were roosting right under the owner's window, aud there were two vicious dogs in the yard." "Hit wouldn't do yer a bit of good, Jedge, for me splain how I cutclu-d dcui chickens, for yer couldn't do hit ycrself if ver tried hit forty times, and yer infant get yer hide full oh buckshot de Wry fust tiui.: yer put yer leg oher der fence. De bes' way for you ter di, J edge, is fur yer ter buy yer chickens in de market, aud when yer wants to commit any ras cality do hit ou de bench, whar you am at home." WIOCKi: NOT TO STAltT A PA l'EK, In his letter to the amateur journalist, Hubert J. Hiirdette offers sotuo sage ad vice regarding the starting of newspapers. Says: If 1 ,( start a newspaper in a town w here nobody wants a paper; (In here there are already five papers in a two-paper town. ( Ir if a long-primer man try to start a nonpareil paper; ( Ir if he try to run an eight-column paper on a two-column basis; Or if he skins his home advertisers and cuts rates for foreign ads; Or if he start out by giving a throc-do'-lar puff for a ten-cent comb; Or if he starts a paper because ho has failed at everything else; Then indeed hath ho bitten T more than he can masticate, aod h.s paper, beloved by the Uods, will die young aud fresh. COLI FACTS. -'We had a very cold winter,' (ravelling man ton Westerner on said a truiu between Milwaukee and St. Paul. 'Yes," was the response, "purly cold, Colder up here, I guess, (ban it wa ii: yuur State." "I dun't know about ihat it wa so cold along the lake shore that stove lids froitc iu the holes and when a man went to bed at night bo had to break the covers with a club before he could turn then, down to get miller them." 'That's raw I her cool, but it it's not patehin' to what we have up in this coun- tiy. I'll tell you a little experience I had in January. I run a livery stable, and a mountain rough came iu to hire a rig. lt was so cold that I would't let uuything go out, and the cuss got mad arid begun to tear around. I followcrcd him out on the street, and the first thing I kuowed, he had bis pistol out, poiutiu' right at me. I thought 1 was a guncr and ' ncked off bunt twenty feet when he ' .iied away." "Hid he hit you?" "No; and that's the fuuny part of it. The air was I'roae so hard around the ui lu ll c uf the c.uu that the bullet bounced ack and knocked one of of his eyes out, and I had to pay the blamed fool's doc tor's bill to keep him from suin' me fur images." Mi'irhiliit Tnurler. WOUOS OK WISOOM. The more able a man is, if he makes ill use of his abilities, the more dangerous will he be tu the commonwealth. The conqueror is regarded with awe; the wise uau commands our esteem; but il is the benevolent mau that wius tur af fections. Let us begin our heaven on earth; and ing ourselves tempted, let us be pitiful aud considerate and generous in judging others. Avoiu raillery; it oneuils li.ua who la the uhjoct of it; he that indulges this hu mor is the scourge of society, and all (car and avoid him. What a man knows should 6nd ita ex pressiuii iu wuat he does. I he value of siicriur knowledge is chiefly iu that it lends to a performing manhood. Haste and rashness are sturiui and tern- pests, breaking and wrecking business; hut uimblcncKS is a full, (air wind, blowing with speed to h. h(tvcn. Man creeps into childhood, bounds into youth, sobers into manhood, softens into age, tetters into secoud childhood, and stumbles into the cladle' prepared for all. A man's conscience in his sol tribunal; and he should care no more for that phan tom '-opinion" than he should fear meet. ing a ghost, if he crossed a churchyard at night. If, by instructing a ehihl, you are Texed with it for the want of adroitness, try, if you have never tried beloro, to write with your left hand, and then remember that child is all left hand. "What amused me most at the opera.' said an Arab chief, who had been taken to hear "Faust," "was one of the musicians iu the orchestra, seated a little higher thai the rest, who perfoiined an iuviaibla in trumtut with a stick." ADVERTISEMENTS tt1 n r ti vt ri A' i v i tu n i ; Nil MllKK TKURilHIl Thai InvallMW irt Mr tlun I. truly a trlunibU ( beleulIHe Hk .11. aud no more liiM.liui.bl iMittai Nl) MOKE PAIN I luuillien vt lb wvrld. CVttr IMW.OWM UH III 4-11 uu4 unlr iliurMtifl Hi.- tlui oriaU.r uil lea NO NimK PANUKK! ill the Ilitrual.T or pall). Lrtmtly UiiiilniihrathatiaH- Iiut, Iw.lvr .low an, u laiiil vliiltl, aud la&vM tbm i-riu inw Kim vnr mother in a coutno loathly rkvormblc to miiil twuvt-ry, and Au ttm lia M to ItouULur, cuuful iutia. and other alarulna UOTIIKKOK CHILD. The llruml uf iftviuutoma iueUleut to liav- if U truly wuiiderMetiicaioT ' MOTiiEitnooi) tr.T.'.2ii'uSui r.-.l..- ...it auatiifttl lahnr TrMiuforim-d to HOPE suit JOY. HAKKTV AN PICAS! ran al aa una of tat lira laavliiK appltancaa 4v A Ittic world ty tb dlawtW' llct of modern aricne. , Km. IB uaiurc t in mute It will of eourae Wa. undteratoud that wacafcM publish certificate eon. i-enihif Hit Kan an ir with- out wounding tut delicacy of the writ. VctwatMva) hundred! ofiuch Uatimtv n lata ou Bl, and M Miliar who haa unce uaed It will (ever afaln be without It la M FFKIUNU WOMAN. her utmeoi inmate. A prominent phyaiclan lately remarked to th prouru'ior. mai u ll wereaumtaaioie w mu lie the IrtUn we receive, the "Mothet' rrltit M1B- would ouUt-ll anything on the market. I iiKwt earmwtly entn-at every ft-male ezpeUB:C to he con lined, to uae Mother'a ltlief. Cuplt4 with thli eutroaly I will add that durlwr niMtetrical practice (forty four yean,) 1 Have vaeer known lt to fall to produce a aafe and uiakdeJlT- H. D. H0I.MK3, M. D., A.UntA.0. Kvud fur our Treatlae on "Health and Happu of Woman," mailed free, . lfKAUPIRLD RK.ll!l.TO A'lOt,0a. mm kirn Tin-fare, fe LARGEST STOCK THI Sri V, OF - v BALTIMORE 500 doten 2 and 3 hoops? bucket. J 60 Nest tuba. V 100 doaen wash boards. V The best patent churl in the Market. ' . Old alyle cedar thin. Stole cfcuns. , - - I Stoa jars of all aiaet aid jia. The celebrated Pateit Kin IW Bat ton, w A Half gallon tia buckets 79 mm 1 doien, Oil tank with pump, Ti toils asM ,' al 1.75 per set, Iron stoat shaaahsr sots, -1 I'aper and paper bags. Mate lea. 4 s., If rait jars, Toilet soaps, Bird cafes, KUur m1L,, Mill stands, tc. L. HF.RRINO, Baik St. FsUnUrf, Vs. aug 28 ly . HOME FERTILIZE The Oldest Best and oil RtasJacI Chemical Fertiliser ii ust. . ' GOOD FAHMIvw. iryPlerpe, ar?railltT.I. C. tar jl.uviii fcmiuf la the Keterahurg, IVa.) tiror: Thlaieu fh4 aa a s i ajhsM sni letattb uisMir swu dumm, i acraa in tmm, d aad , or l.inubuhela;t acre r fwiWn, aM a4 mmu Hwii, arijB i ww a swasjB, wnigaiai tiwvw auvtMM mm MJL B 9 u i.u.no oalr what 1 atadc jit IwiU ; beatltsala and maalpulaUd lai niaalf. ajkatl A HtW touada oi butter at k ccata, The " Hoi" CM be aaed aa la tka atUo - - . iixtt The fullowluilaMr. Uiiler't t'Tt tI tjiaSanat Ini I Ukt ftirrAW Meaara. KeU-bu Rd hia Uiier be! Htra. The "Borne Panlllaer" ha Ibr t4a waMawI venoMao well fM taa, that I . Vj aU foiiowlasf order mr Ifttona lur mfmif a e phc.aaMlUUriiatW Biy aa, at eea M m "Hone" t will atate thM 1 atid pmmi- dry aUbitether.hev.H fil.mfra.tVKH(k( in tha furrov at th rake at km mrnam ft M'ri.ulUM UiiWlvaaa) if4 K . ded.aaaMaa tiatial, i laitd aa I hum. platata r 11 the Hntth f ife aM t a 4 nHtiiuj.wid .barbae teaia, hatMM e44 aatlie waaon weto, kept ay mmm avee ad fniltful to the ed. while a all m Z?Zl atinj II to early maturity, pt t -fieiV ton, aa you wllla,iuluieee acwa aataa tt 1 had coaioated. The oalv liihM.Js4i ui ui tiiiiC u mm worn tu tM rvrai Idea Mid the yield aa over l h Knwv. TbtewaaMT 1 heatr kaktaasi mm k acre. 1 ahal. ua ll my turn ata tkta nr, aJ furthiUshbiUBiAuWth4lhnii. ' ibb l an ii nil aai Oram lelitUi T. A. Clerk, Wekfaa w kru., Ml raw., HiUtM at tokeySia VMm.UmJ f J eh. hw-av -rv if is i it