1 Wh Wk toft rfr IP .tiiWIlMBISM HALL &c SLEEGE, pkop.iiktoi.s. VOL XIV. -A. NEWSPAPER FOE THE PEOPLE. WKIYPON, N. C, THURSDAY, A I GUST C, 1SS5. TEEMS i:k avm m in aipv.Wi'k. (). 21. imam H Uff 11 EHSI ADYKHTISF.M KN'I'S. I) Trii 1 have just received a ti li t of candies. Iruils, cukes, mils, )u)i:iii:i.M,ii'iiiifM, apples, lemons. ip:ti ri. -ALSO- (JANNKD (JOODS. .lust received a now li nf canned goods mu ll iw Hoof, Chicken, Tongue, Turkey, Hum, Sardines Salmon, I 'caches, Tomatoes, ('"I'M, Peas, Ac. GROCERIES. I receive every Week 11 flesh Klli.ly of Sugar Cured Hams ami Shoulders, , Breakfast Strips, HllttlT, Lard, Sugar, Clloo, Fl.uir, Che,., Crackers, Ami everything else that may 1u-!ciitu1I found in a first-class family grocery store. JA.MKS W. 'piKKCK, jn 1 ly WVIilon, N. (,'. $ HONEY WADE! $ Guot i diTuuri fcu. "SOUTHERN BIVOUAC,", B. F. Avery & Sons, Louisville, Ky. Til H X K W SO 1 ' T IlKlt.N MAHA Z I N K. This niiiL'uiiir ri'iiIaiiiM jn II initial linmln i mm itotaUcn hijkt : Siillllli'ltl lillii-t ft- tirs, hy lil'O. M. hi'Vi'Ml. llM'llr-tolhl' Htnrj- liltTll II' U tlrld. 'I III M' Morti' lll'l' Illosi- toltl Itl til'' llt'Ulo ll,llHll'l, Hint IlllVt' Ninm'thlnu liititv tli-iit h i-.-liiv Hid rt'Nl, Tlir llauU: ui" l-'ninkiiu, l.y lnyv l. . niiLi l r. 'illliyly untplih' hi i'i tin il ul'oiH' ui' tlic in.'M illlHirllllll )illtlr "I III'.' WUV. It l lli'-iilni:lllli li liy I'liCTaviiiijtiiM.rii.'iiil rl.'lmnii', l.i ii' inl MrH url ninl iti'hinil Sr,. l,!. i iiv him p i jtihTi -1 mi lliriT no. if; tin' !' I' rat I J Tit- lciiiu ri-m -I'lili'il in blue, Hint tin- t 'nil ln! mlc in nil At WiM I'.'int It. t iviiu- War. I.v .-iiu..l .!. M Wrinlit, tli'M-rllutt llu- oiillilill rtuirn t- ri-lli liiKiiy nfllir iHi-u uIhi huvt' hiiit'i' I't i'Miiu' tanitiii" It i Oil) "I uiti ri imiiI will 1st' hi'lt ly iml A lU'il-Jn-Mtlfil hiilnily, l-iiti attr.ii tnu mil Jnor MllHT llV MlLUrjTi' l'lH'lll(tM II. A wiiiU'f liai'l, liy M..r Win. iMvi-. ril.. a niiirviin in tn-t Ti'inii't'L' (tint iia.H t vn uunth liriiU'ilitl. t,.iiiriiicnitWnrni'iiL;,l.y I'nul II Hutut', cm. tnliixshiHl skiti'li.-. ui the 'm. -i tiriiiimiriii writ'-r-ul ilir Miiilli, w itli HTM-iia! mi .i-r. i-n:nl i ntintl ttl. f valiniis whii li ).) tmi. li t" illu-iruli- t lit- w.ir I ri. m I Hhtt Hliii'li mlil l.irrh t,. thr im i M (Ui hlirriun war lyrirs iliiituri' niirmliu iil in tin a; UHr. Uilil I-ifi- hi lh SiM-nlicx. i.v Will Wall.nr lhirm v, (mi si,. (, j.iuii. i-r ht' itl I I In l l-r clnimi t'tN iiit'htn.iiK, ahtl tin! iimln-1 i.ikM'iimv Hlviu. Tin' KsctiM' nl licm rnl .fi'hn 11. M'Ttini. if tin flrt i 1'a m tK". ul imin lv I.y Cljii-r .lii-ti.'i' Hint- ilfHTiptivi- ui tin' inilit.iry ojnTuii'iii.. In tin' Nmtli in l.;!iin.l Mvt, Tin- i-M-ajN' (ruin tin' Uii iH'inlriiliiiry nt Ui'tit'Tiil MurpHi uml mhiii' nl In-cuiiinult-, mi t'iiMi' til' rtniiiiiiiH' IntiTi't, iilauui'il Ity t iti'tiiin Hiiii'jt. ami rm riril mit uinli r Inn (H mitnal ilirt'i lnni. , Hit t liis lit' ami I'liiiliitn i ii.'tli'iiiiin WtTf niunt'd ti ittily in tlit YH'tlnv i'"t, jtnil ttnir BAi.ilfiin'H will In- i'HitlituHy iU"" uIk.1 'Hit' t'M'iin' nl (i iit nil Mnru'ini M iiit ri l) Hit1 lllill' ti lllll tiill'Ulttl. 11 lh MlTi' tn si Hull .. war (miiktu will fxritf limn- fap'r liilili'M tlmti Uiim' ! .iiKiici' Hi in?.. Tltf (MK-try uf ttif itumlHT it (iiiitriliiitt'il t' lint -ri'oii ut.'l M 1)., ami is tuily ti. to Hit uiafaiiH' HUtiiilHnl, "StlinmMiinir In n riiniH'tiniiiri'Hmp sH'Tifunn'l cIiarut-ii'ruki'h-lit'H. 1885. THK I'HIUDKI.I'IIIA TI.Ml'.S Aims Ux'ovi-r Hie wlmle t'u'lil -f ithiKn'wivtf J m r imliMii. Nil Milijt'ft In tut) urviit f'ir it In tliniihf iii ti lliiti 'itlv nml ttHln-ul Inns, ami innii' Mi liiHkui tH Hiil at in i'M'iqn iU tiotirc. It lay thv ivurlil inliiilary tn itH mmu, ami t t i u lu n- ii tiyi ul. ninv Im' r-niihl, ali'it to citlit r tin- wiri !-ni.ir nl nil iuiMHiii t'vciil.o aii'l Nt titl tin in I.y lt'lri.ni up ti. Itif laI mnini'iit i.rnliij; t" ns, It In it lirh l nml Hlwirttct I'liri'iitt li' nl tin- Mine nml roMainc Hlllliiil Ih w.irtli kimwihi: I" I'"' liM"')' ' Hit wurltl fur tliuiuwt twi'ttty Ii'itr iituirH. $1.00. TIIK WEKHLY TIMKS $1.00 Zteab. Thr Lirgtul, thf HrlphlcM nd the flr-t A Wew"Picr lor fcverj iiuuieu.ia "TIIK WKKKI-Y TIMKH" ! flirvmme nnn the larjtit mi'l lMntciftlto Fmnlly nfid Jt-iicnd lie" .Hn'riutitlhiu'tlliitl't'iiitintry.Hn(l It In nownf Krul tn nl nulf Mihmrilfrv Ht Cut' lllnrd yinr mid n turint fny Khi-ii with ever)' ''lib of pi. It U lln-hitml iiiMr wlvrt.itrtml nf it t lnw. Itt tllm it to bi' tlni iii'MNH(H'r nt tin1 )M'opl til tho Win )li ctiimlry; Ui n'l every im'ltiueiiUwinl In Joiirtml Itiii, ami to inn ki' it mi cliwii) tlititiill 1'itti urltiti to i-iiii.y itn Ht'fklv vIkMh. ,Wiii,'tvv .Og nw TIH'WIII" limo hMn unn ofthc illtlMt!titlihiK It'" t tin "f "'I'll K WKKKl.Y TIMKs, 1 ami il ik ihw ImiUtttl in tbnl fitHun liy inmty wftlif U'U'iltiK joiirnaU ami (H-riiMltt Hli of tlif I'oiinlr)'' Tin1 iHut writ rn Iroiu Hit nam jmrtiot iMintM oniif Ki truitKlf l'lli wllliHin. timif ihftrt tiiitrlliiititiiw it. itnwrilU'h blxtory ol'tlifwur liiwt'ry MiniiinT, mnl imtkc tin imovr bt-lHlly cMii rtHfnliiK mol inMniilivy t thv vet rrmtwtbolli thv ltlun uitt tin? Uniy. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: TIIK WKKKl.Y TIMKS" li limlM. papuM, for On.lhillrH-tir. Kvery club of Ml will b en tilled lonneilrteopy. THE TIMES, TIMES BVILOINO. FBIU. n u Pi VfT Ail J HfSV 1.M;T)irilll 1(iu;i;toi i:-ot. TIl.'H' I.ImI'IDKH lldWi-V n('ni ly Ami sw.'ft l)iiinilil, Tlmt i i 'nr, tliunli i f j i ij 1 1 . . in tin. earth, Tlif l.hiD iil'aiiri' sky; N.i I'.vi'i''.'. Iiitml, m.r IVirmMiii. . p.i,., Nor In'iU'lli nl' lim y cn, llitl Mmty lu-ini'irH lirrllitm Tlll'litllC f'nl'jM't- il'.t. II stiiiM tin' jiiilnc.', rli'li ami Kh'Ht, N..r M-i-k-llif .nlly hull, lint i:latii'.' HirniiiJi tin' fitinrt' nri rnwn. thr l.piki'ti wall. It l.l(w,tll), I.um.L' UK' t ly nr, Ami t'hi'iT I In- Intlhivvi'il i ht-rt' rt't tin- tii.tili'. tiltm iir may - Thf hlii.' l'..r.'1'l nit- ti'.i II hnlh a l,ins;uiit' I t llu Mv, liutlli..t wli'.luv ny hi'iir A l k'ii in ii-1. m. i hlm- tH'tut iii'iin-H su.'t t ami ilt ar. Wh.t Imt'-ihit ll'.mir ran Mr ti n rn-ld. Nur.'v. r ht- firpit, Wlilli'liliit' j triir mnl q v Nt'Dhl- Tlii'liliic f'rir-i inr ti"t. D0150TILV. "ll'sSi'Vriily-oiiilit I'ii'ki'tt I'law, ' Riii.l .Miss Diver. "Ami Iiiti' is my dn'i-k. driver I" Miss DiuiiUiy HiviT pvn Iliiiso orders with mi insiiii)itiun of boinjj well up in tlie ways ul' the lnelrepulis; in fact, she tried to speak as if she were in the daily h.il'it ul'eniiy hacks. Ilul her feigned manner dil nit imp.ise upon Cliailie KiiiL'sl"!) ! all. "A lit e U- iiirl IVimi th.i onintry," lie said tu himseir.! ' Never been lu re ill In r life before. She'll lose that I'lilllplexioll before .she has been here, many months." Charlie Kington, he it understood, was not a professional jehu. lie himself was not so very hm' IVoni the rural distriets. It had liee.rme llei , vary to 1 1 i III tn nunc to X. i,i k to take tare of an old uncle who was an invalid, it had also beeonie ne eessary that ho should earn his living. A neighboring livery stable was to be sold at u bargain, and Charlie, had n healthy man's liking for horses. !Si he boiiiit it, paying part of the money down and K'viiij? a inoite for the rest; and he was hero this lnistry February evening because one of his drivercn had sprained a wrist in lifting a heavy trunk, and busi ness was hrik. Dorothy looked al him ns he held upon the hack door for her. and turret ly won dered if this Was the typical Xew York hack driver of whom she bad read and heard so many evil things. His eye was biblit nml clear, his check wore a healthy ulow. and no prince of the blood could have been more ipiietly courteous tbaii was bo. While sliu was still considering these thiiiL'S, the hack flopped. "Scvonty-cinht l'ieket. I'laec, miss," said the driver, jumping down from the box, "I Hi, have we reached it so soon ? cried Dorothy, starting out of u reverie. "(Hi, dear, I forgot to a-k you how miicli the fare would be !" 'lie dollar, miss," sail Kingston, smiling in spite of himself at her evi dent panic. Dorothy drew a sigh of relief. This surely was not the overcharge, she had dreaded. "If you would pleas carry the trunk up -tairs." said she, timidly, half-fearing lest tho Xew York hiiekdriver should cast the baggage, with imprecations, on the pavement, and decline further to servo her. Hut Charlie Kingston did nothing of the sort, lie only said, "Certainly, miss," and went up stairs at once, with tho trunk well balanced on his shoulder. "The fourth flatthis is ijuite right," said Dorothy. "I'm so much obliged to yon, driver !" And she timidly tendered the dollar bill, with a little silver dime. Kingston gave bail the vo'm. "One dollar in my fare," said he, calmly. ' Jiut for your trouble with the trunk, she faltered. lie smiled a little. "It is my busimss to take trouble," said he. "(luuil-even-inir, miss !" And before Dorothy could remonstrate he was gone. "1 never saw such a uiuu buck-drivor in my life," thought she tapped ot the duor. She listened. There was no voice, but there footsteps were inside. "I wonder, she mused, "if Xonnau will ohn tho door himself ?" For Dorothy, be it known, had planned a suipriso for her brotlwr fi ortn.in, who had come tu .New otk: about a yir sunt' to follow his trade of printer. Jorothy had hingisd to come, too, but, alas, sho was not a uniu, hut a woman ! Hot Uio b'T -tTio'lt'T hid ttinde tho family home w obuuiious to her that hu had iuddonly oonwiivcj the deter mination of coming to New York to live with Norman, thns neforing the (Ionium knot of affairs. "He will he glad to have me keep house for him," she thought; "and I, oh I would go to tho Very top of I'ike's l'eaktoget away from that woman I" So here the was, upon that winter night, rosy, smiling and euger, when the door was open at number Seventy-eight J'icketl riace. , "( )h, Murray- dear N'ormy I" And she lung herself, aubbiug, upon the broad shoulders that then eclipsed the one cheery gaslight. "I I beg jour pardon," faltered a deep Toice, "hot it isn't Norovy I Mr, Diver hasn't come in yet. I urn Itoyal Hrooks--his chiini, you know! You are his sister, 1 suppose; you look exactly like him. I'raysit down by tin; fire and warm yourself; it's very cold," And Dorothy, blushing to the very roots of her hair, obeyed. "Will he be ill soon ?" she stammered. "Yery Hoon now. May I give you n a nip of tea? flatter myself I'm ral her a dabster in the brewing of tea. We take turns in keeping house, we fel lows - N'ormy Diver, Hill lSlaku and me; ami this is my week. We club together nml nut this flat We couldn't stand the boarding house luniness any lonu'cr, you know, Mi.ss Diver." And thus chattering, to relieve her embarrassment, ho bustled around, and presently brought her a cup of very nice tea on a dusty Japanese tray, with two or three fossil biscuits and a slice or two of cold beef. Hefuro she had finished it, Norman himself camo in, fresh and breezy. "Who have you here?" he cried. I I II I '. 1 1. . . n 1... noun i it s imtty t uy, you precious little pussy, how on earth came you here?" iiil i hen Dorothy told her story, in. torrupti d a few minutes later by the ap pearance of the third young printer, Willniigbby llliike, who was equally unazeil and equally disposed to be hospi- !lo to the pretty stranger. "And so," said Dorothy, holding tight on to Norman's hand, "I've come to live with you." You are the dearest little lass in all the world," said Norman, with a puzzled look; "but you ace, it won't work. There's the other follows, jam know. It's share dike in our house keeping all'airs, mid wo haven't any extra room." I could sleep on the sofa, with a rug over mo, and give Miss Pivot my den !" suggested Drunks, eagerly. "Your den is all very well for a rough chap like you," said Hill Hlake, in n su perior way, "but it wouldn't do for n young lady. I'd offer mine, but it is only lighted by a shall, with I'ilkius' baby crying all night, directly below. I'm use to it, but 1 don't think any one else could stand it." "She could stay with Kitty Cliff?" suggested llruoks, suddenly. "The Very idea!" shouted Bill, smit ing his knee. nd Xornian whispered to her that Kitty Cliff was the Jlnm-tr of lirooks ; a bright girl, who lived a few doors down the street. "You'll be sure to liko her, Dotty," said he. "And I can see as much of you as if you were here." Dorothy's lip trembled. "Hut 1 wauled tu surprise you," said she. "I wanted to be your little house keeper, Xoriiiy." ' " 1 "You luve turpriaed me, Dot," said ht. "And next spring, when the lease runs out, I'll give Hlake and llrooks notice to piit, and you shall come to live with me." He walked around with her, n little later, to Miss Cliff. Mi.ss Cliff received them with a smiling welcome. 'Oh, I'll take the very .'bust Jeiiro "nV: her," said she. "I'm so glaiMo have ymr for a room-mate, Miss Diver. And per haps I can get you a place in the store where I try en. Try on!" repeated Dorothy, in some bewilderment. "Jerseys mantles, you know," explained Kitty Cliff. "l''or the custuiueis to judge the effect. 1 know they want another girl at the readyiiuide linen counter, and I think that uiy recommendation would be worth somctluug. i It whs) a !tlin, home-like house, kept by a respectable widow, and Dorothy grew piite cheerful sitting by Kitty Cliff's fire, .pile of the disappointment sbe that night sustained. The rattling ol milkmen's carts over the tones awoke her betimes in the uioriiing, aid she went with Kitty down to the breakfast tublo,J wljcro only Uie farliest hoarders had ns yet made their appear ance. And the first she knew, she was eourtosying to the very hack-diiver of last night, while Kitty was saying : .Miss Diver, this is Mr. Kingston, Mr. Kingston, let mo present you to my friends. Misa Diver, from Si Imharle aouilty.j ' j ' Why,'' ej-icd Hetty, . "its llio'hatk iiian !" ' It's (be lady for Scventy-clght lVkctt I'laec!" said Mr. Kingston. "Hut I am not a htickiii.iu !" "Neither do t live at Sevellty-eii:ht l'iekett l'laci f' aaij 1oetli" kiuahjiigj And then AiHud luuttAil ikplination. in the course of which Charlie and Dor othy became excellent frieuds. Our little heroine succeeded in , obtain ing the vacant situation at the store where Kitty Cliff "tried on," and contrary to Mr. Kingston's prediction, her roses b.oouiedssftlr((;ll at Per at) (hji't CTpira tiou of lln'i. lioitii Vnf : Dollyi was happy, and there is n- tmtie like- hxppi ness. "Well, puss, said Norman to her, us the winter wore itself away, "I gave the fel lows notice to clear out to-day. I shall be all ready fur you tu come and keep house for mo on the first of May. Dorothy blushed vividly. "Oh, Norman!" cried ahe, "I'm so sorry, but "Hut what?" said Norman. "You're not going back to the country ?" "No, not exactly," said Dorothy, "but I'm going to keep house for some one else, I'm engaged to Charlie Kingston." "Hello !" said Norman Diver. "Then the fellows may ns well stay where they are?" "If you don't mind," whispered Doru thy. "Well, you'll have a food husband," said Norman, "and now that his uncle is dead, be ll have a nice little property of his own. After all. pti.-t, it was n clover idea of yours to come to the city.'' "Hut r never dreamed how things were going tn turn out !" said Dorothy. AWi ' K KTT Y F I ti VI t I'M i I !! IS. What Their Duties Are Paid to Trj on Cloaks anil Wraps. Vow the Nrw York Mail ami Kruvw. "There goes a 'figutc,' " said a young lady, referring to a handsome nnd stylish Woman who passed. "A 'figure.' AVIiat is a 'figure?' " "Why, that, woman is n 'figure.' She is to a cloak ami suiting establishment what a model is to a painter. Hy lneaas of her fbrui, style and handsome face many thousands of dollars arc made by tho pro prietor. I am a figure, tis, but unfortu nately I lack the magical ciiinbiuation to make a show figure, viz, beauty of face perfect lorni and superb style. There are in every large cloak and suiting establish ment three different kinds of figures, to wit: the show, the designing and the fitt ing figures. I belong to the fitting figures, beeause my face is not handsoino enough to bo u show. The show figure women remain down stairs und try on cloaks for tho purchasers to see how stylish they arc and to make a selection. The cloak is tried on. The pretty-faced figure, perfect in form and stylish in movement, puts on a cloak and walks round for Mr. Huyor to see and admire, if lie will. Tho great point is the buyer will be absorbed in bulk ing at the pretty face of the figure and 1'ot pay much attention to the cloak, as it appears on exhibition. It freipi 'iitly ball pens that a show figure has simply a pretty face and stylo, without a perleel shape. But a fitting figure who can have any kind of face, must have a perfect form for the cloaks arc all fitted upon her when made and hoi body must bo of beautiful symmetry, so ns to conect and defects in the cut mid make up, The life of a fitting figure is dull and somewhat arduous, The designing figure has nil the designs cut from her shape. Figures got more pay than regular shop girls, beeause it is not everybody who can buast of n perfect shape." " KVI.KS OF III'.AII II. Some Valuable Mit;ircNtlouM .'riim the Philadelphia Heard ol Health. Though ventilation of dwellings is essen tial to the health of the occupants, observe strict cleanliness in your person and elolli hig. I'athe daily, if you have the con venience. If not, wash Ireely with cold Water every day. Change your undergar ments daily, or us fi,,iiently as your eir euinstaiiees will admit. He tuoi-ul, regular in your habits of life, meals, exercise and sloop. Ho careful to dress comfortably for tho season, avoid the night air as nmeh as possible, ami when thus exposed put on an extra garment, and do not go into the night air when in a state uf perspiration. He careful to avoid the use of alcoholic drinks. Do not suppose that their use will prevent the occurrence of disease. On the oilier baud, those who indulge in the custom are always fair subjects for disease. and when aitacked the intemperate are paitieularly in a condition to offer feeble resistance. Live temperate, live regularly, avoid all excesses iu eating crude, raw and indiges tible lood, especially cabbage, salid, cucum bers nnd unripe fruits. A greater safety will bo secured by boiling all water used for drinking purposes. I'urtiike of well cooked beef and mutton, rice well boiled, and avoid pastry aid laxative fruit. Take your meals at regular seasons, neither ab staining too toug at n lime nor indulging too fretpicntly. All overloaded stomach is as much to be dreaded as an empty one. Avoid bodily fatigue and mental exhaus tion. Lead a calm and quiet life. Lot all exciting cauaonbe avoided. If you do press or impair the vital forciw it is preju- ui.il to hcuiih. V excitement iii vioi. ui exorcise you inoroase the susceptibility of the system to disease. During the prevalence of cholera do not neglect even the slightest diai'iha'a, no matter how painless, . I'l.ACKU A WlJ'K IN DlNTIIK. Wife "Aren't you getting a little bald, my dear ?" Husband "Yes, but 1 must exieot tl at my time of life." '"Nonsense ! you needn't be bald for ten years yet if you would take proper care of your hair. In justice to me I think you ought to try sonio remedy." "Why in justice to you ?" !' Because if you should become bald I would be placed iu a very false position." i:i:sr iok thi: wuakv. Men speak of rest as one of life's great est blessings. It is sweet when there is no necessily for longer struggle, no desire for the furtherance of some grand aim or attainment, no winds and waves to light against when the glittering prize is just ahead and n iittle more striving would win il. Ts rest sweet, to the old mariner when his steamer is creaking and careening iu midoecaniiiidbergre.it machiiii ry rook ing to and fro under (he death throes of her struggles to out live the raging of the teuis'st that threatens her detnieti,,n '.' After the storm, and wlou Uie port of safety has been reaehoil. rest is desired, and enjoyed as a boon warm from (iod's own hand that was outstretched to rescue, It was the unrest, the ceaseless, untiring toil and energy ami vigilance that saved that precious cargo of immortal souls and costly merchandize, and rest then would have been the precursor ol' ruin nnd death. Host is sweet to the weary watcher when the long vigil is over and the crisis past that threatened llu; life of one we loved. After those eoaseless ministrations of love and duly, I hat were blest of (lod in the restoration of our idol, we feel that we have a sweet and satisfying foretaste of the heavenly rest. In the necessary struggles of life and progress, passave rest is man's greatest foe. To attain to any lofty mental of moral ex cellence, there must be some dross dUlodg meuts an emptying from vessel to vessel, as we do our choicest wines to prevent the nettling upon the lees, as was the case with Moab, who had been at ease from bis youth; and this truth has its general ap plication al tlie present day. Out eternal longings and restless yearn ings after something beyond us is tho re fining power that ennoblus lives. It is this outrcaohing beyond the sensual that imparts this exceptional charm to charac ter, and wields u seorot inilueuce iu the social mid domestic realm. We live iu a land whore there are ene mies to valKpii-h, battles to light, and for tified passes to overleap. It is not a very pleasant thing to be re-tless, hut what operates for our good is seldom very pleas ant. This endless longing and wishing is to show us there is something beyond to which we must attain if we would rest in ici.ee. We soon tile of that sensual desire to rest that grows out of indolence, inglorious inactivity or excess of animal pleasure. It is not the rest the soul is a-liiingerod for. Il is only the dying Christian that is to outer into that rest the soul has wrestled and cried for here. The restless activities are now over; the unattainable reached, and the full and perfect rest that reiuain elh for the people of God entered into forever. llest is the emblem of death; unrest, the great secret of eternal life. si Mii:i; iikinks, so.Hi: aim: NOT. The man who freipieuts the saloons is apt to got things mixed. Xew Orleans Vroyioic. Some people are so mistnkon as to deem it appropriate to drink beer in inuguy weather. Lowell Citi:.n. When the wind is blowing hard through the whiskers of an Illinois man the people over iu the next county wonder where that smell of alchohol comes from. - Louisville ('inuitr;ullillt. Scarcely a day passes that there is not a death chronicled caused by whiskey. How long, oh, how long, will it be when this groat curse to society will become extinct and beer will reign supreme! Kentucky Stuff ('ln-ntiivtt'. "Isn't five-cent whiskey awfully poor?" asked a gentleman of a confirmed bum nier who 1' id ju-t sttirek him for a uickle. "l'oor ? Oh, no, sir. There is no such thing as poor whiskey. Of course some kinds are bettor than others, hut none of it is poor." Danville lirerzr. Stockton Judge (speaking to prisoner;) "You arc drunk." Prisoner: "Yes, Your Honor; but I am obliged lo drink on uccouiit of sick ness." "How long hove you been sick?" "1 haven't been feeling well, Judge, for twenty years." Mnrrii l.: Til It 1. 1 : TIIIMiS. Linos written in a lady's album are wor llit iX a pi.uo in inie lui-iiiiiiy, 1 Three things to admire: intellectual power, dignity and gracefulness, 2 Throe things tu love: courage, gen tleiiess nnd iiffoetioit; 11 Throe things to halo: cruelty, arro gance and ingratitude, I Throe things to delight iu: frank lions, freedom and beauty, 5 Three things to wish for: health friends and a cheerful spirit, tl Three to avoid: idleness, loquacity and flippant jesting. 7 Three things to pray for- faitji, peace agd purity of heart. H Three things tn contend for: honor, country and frienils. 3 Three things tu govern; temper, tongue ana conduct. NOItODV'S t 1111.11. A lady visiting an asylum for the Friendless Orphan Children lately, watched the little one's go through their daily drill superintended by the matron, u firm, honest woman, to whom her duly had evidently became a mechanical task. One little toddler hurt her foot, and llie visitor, who had children of her own, took her on her knee, petted her, made her laugh, and kissed her before she put her down. The other children stared in wonder. "What is the mailer? Docs nobody ever kiss you ?" a-ked the astonished vis itor. "Xo. That isn't the rub s here, ma'am," was the answer. A gi'iiiloinan in the same oily who stopped to buy n newspaper from a wiz ened, shrieking newsboy at the station one morning found they boy following him every day thereafter, with a wistTuI lace, brushing the spots from his clothes, call ing a car for him, ivc. "Do you know me?" asked the gentle man. The wretched little Arab laughed. "No. Hut you called me 'my child' one day. I'd like to do something for you, sir. I thought before that I was nobody's child." Christian men and Women are too apt tu feel when they subsoribe to organized charities, that they have done their duty to the great army of homeless, friendless wail's around them. A toiieb, a kiss, a kind word, may do iiiueh towards saving the nogleoted little one who feel's it is "nolioily s child ; teaching it as no money j possibly can do, that we me all children of one Father. When Christ would heal or help the poor outcast, he did not send him money; but he came close nml tourliril tint. Ml t II HAIfltlKI). Vuftmlit ( .!.. .IAiiV. '! want you to write something in this Hilile," said I.awson Lawrence (colored.) lie was accompanied by an aged "uncle" whose hair was gray when the gray h.iir of our girls w is gol leu in the, sunlight of . youth, and it was for him the Itiblo writ- I ing was intended. "He is one hundred nnd three years old," said Lawsoii, and at this tho reporter was all ears, as usual. In- piiry of I'liele Nero developed, accord ing to his statement, thai he was burn in Trenton district, North Carolina, May 0, 17.S2, and consequently would be Wi years of ago on the !)th of May, 1885. lie said he came to Kufuiihi when Kufuula was Irvington. The Indians wore ch amped about Montgomery, and he bought a pony of them for 85. His present wile, Henry Knngles sister," is fifty years old, he having married her when she was u "gal," us he expressed it. '''his is his ninth wife, and, in rciily to the question as to how many children he had, he said ho had boea accused of having 117, und it was not for him to dispute it. Last year he cultivated twenty acres of bind 1 raised an abundance of peas, corn and potatoes. This year he is cultivating cot ton, lie lives within a quarter of a mile of White l'ond, this county, where ho has been for the past eleven years. He la bors during tho week ami preaches on uiiday, being pastor of the Mount ion Melhoilist church I'm eight years. vocalist of tin: i;o( i. ii.s. Mhivt yvooic.j Tile blll'l'o is a eondelised jackass, lb is a lillle all over except his ems and voice ui i i it .... no lias long nair all over his 0o.lv, lour logs, two oars and one tail. Asa vocalist the burro stands without a rival. He starts off with a low. sweet "ohy bo oby ho haw she h a w In- haw In haw he haw !" and kivps it up uiiill you tremble for his life, and just as you think he will surely stop, or die and get out or misery, be disappoints all your fond expectations hy turning on u little more sound, reversing the action und re tracting all he has just said. A vocal sole rendered by a fully equip ped burro is an experience never to be for gotten. I have seen strong men moved to tears as they listened lo his sweet but melancholy cadence- because tlcy had no bib or battering ram with which to show their appreciation and soothe their pertur bed spiri ts. Tho burro cannot ing without raising his tail. As his vocal organs limber up his tail ascend', until it is extended in one horizontal straight line, and. from the tip of his lail he is one continuous, hariuoni. oils, exuhaiii wavrt ot1 NtiiMil. I used to think tho burro sang with his tail, but ibis was a mistake. The burro sings wiib bis other end. Hut this I know from experienee: The best way to ride n burro is to hire a cowboy to do it for you. I ill M 1 1 l(l MTATIMTII'M. Hits do Smith took a stroll through the Austin graveyard. When he came out he looked very serious, tiillhooly meeting him asked him what was the matter? "Nothing, only I was thinking that the Austin husbands must light all tho fires in the mornings," "What makes you think that ?" "Well, I sec so many of them are burn ed to death. I noticed on throo or four tumbatoncs; "J'caoe to his ashca," Texas A FAULK. Once upon a time, many hundred years ago, when the world was not us enlighten ed as it now is, and divorce courts had not blossomed into their full beanly and use fullness, their lived a man who bad a wili. Now at times I In' wife wai ob.-iri peiniis, and tlie man was wont to caress her ten derly with a club. O lay she had I n more ag'jravaiing than usual, and llie man, in his zealous desire to perfect her in good Works, beoallle so vigorous with the club that she fell to Ihe floor, mid be thought he had killed her. Fearing llie law. be procured n shoi gun, which, l ing already loaded to the muzzle for tramps, he placed beneath his chin, and, pulling the trigger, all of llie available port ion of his head was blown up against tho ceiling, iu sanguinary frescoes. Tlie explosion roused the woman, and she loiiliwitb arose, and observing tho damage done to the coiling, called for the patrol wagon. The man was permanently dead, but the woman lived to marry again. Miut.vi,: A man has got to be almighty powoi ful smart t get abend of a woman, when she tries. Merchant Tntnllrr, STVXti TO li:.VTH I5Y W'ASI'X. iVc xec tnit'H-rat. Wa-ps killed William I1. Thompson, a laiiii'T living in Alleghany county, Md. While working u corns eld he noticed what he supposed to be bees swarming mound the.-iuaip of an old oak-tree stand- iny iu a fen rner. He approached and lehk atleiiipled to investigate them by striking ih stump with his hoe. Iu an in.-laut the whole nest of wasps, probably ollll or OtM) strong, allacked him. They sellled all over his head and clung to him with remarkable persistency. When ho reached home screaming for help his wife was compelled to beat them off with a broom. He had been stung in a horrible manner. There was searcely a piece of skin as big as a penny on his head which had lint be' U pierced by the wasps' sting, lie bad ju.st had his hair out with u clip per, and the wa-ps found no diiliculty iu gelling in their work all uwr his scalp. Oneoi'them bad Seidell ill his left eye mid stung the eve bail. Ill two hours Thompson's head had swollen lo a mon strous size, his left eye protruding, and he was a terrible spectacle. The uian sufi'cred great agony, and died iu a few hours. A iitii"f mm am r.. The niurriiige of tlcorgo Finley, the historian of iinoiout Greece und for many years correspondent of tho Loudon Tiimn at Athens, was attended by cousideiuble romance. Finlay had become attai lied to a beautiful Armenian girl at Constanti nople, und, us her family would never have consented to her marriage with the young Scotchman, determined to elope with her. A yacht of an Knglish friend w;is to take tho couple to fireeee, and it was ar ranged that she was to be got aboard in a box prepared for the purpose. When the eventful moment cuino the girl became frightened and refused to ullow herself to be placed iu the Ikix. llor sister, a gi- equally lovely, thought it a pity that tbc romantic arrangements should not be taken advantage of, and entered herself the box iu place of her sister. Finlay must have boon considerably surprised when the box was opened in the cabin of the yacht and hot bis sweetheart, but her sister, was roveab d, ilre-scd in uiid-ship-man's uniform. Tho brother of the young lady hai' discovered the ufi'air, and was quickly on board the yacht to demand explanation. Finlay saw only cue course before him. The girl had been compro mised; he wou'd marry her. The brother giving his consent, the marriage took place at once. tilVH lll'.H l-'.UC .M'litxcrc. Woman is now fairly established in the labor market ns the rival of man. Whether this is tho normal order of things is a point doubted by some political economists, but whether it bo so or not, it is likely to re main the older of things practically for generation to come. This being so, it must be accepted, and every fair-minded person must wish lier to have tin equal chuiiee iu the couipctilion. A woman auppoiliiig her inol her and little brothora and sisters is a very common li'etaele; and the fact that Professor Soinelssly regard.- her abnormal, dues not make their broad and butler any cheaper. She is eu lilbsl to at least us much sympathy as a man who supports a wife and children. His charge, it must nlways l remembered, is Voluntary - he look it on himself. Hers was iiivohiht.iry. She could not help responsibilities, he assumed his of his own aeoord. It is, therefore, quite just that she should have an equal chance. Sl'ltll'lTll.U, liKMlNtSl'liNCKsl. Aunt 1'atly llresr me, t'nele Ahum, ef yer doesn t call to lmiul Hanlam gwitie down ter J'rusdom." I'ucle Abrani (with a weakness for Aunt I'alty) Yaas, and does yer 'mem ber dar stood an angel in the way ?" A neat contrivance has just been itiven ted that will dross a woman from shoe to collar, and including paint and powder, iu just four hours. If improvements con tinue, a woman will not be Worth her weight iu salt. i adi;i:tisi;.m kxts. I T II Mi II hi i Ul I I IJI lil VL1 I U ' flifkeiy, nv IT VOM iT (11 U, Vlt-U. LARGEST STOCK THIS SIDE BALTIMORE fj'ill dozen - and 3 hoops? buckets. .lit Nests tubs. 1 'Ml dozen wash boards. The best patent churn in themniket. (lid style cedar churns. Stone churns. Stone jars of all sizes and jugs. The celebrated I'atout Fire Proof Bot tom Half gallon tin buckets 75 cts., per dozen. Oil tank with pump. Tin toilet sets at. 1 .75 per set. Iron stone chamber sots, Paper and paper bigs, Matehes.eio., Fruit jars, Toilet soaps, Uird cages, Floursoives, Lard stands, &c. h. HEIUUNO, C Hank St. Petersburg, Va. aug 28 ly 7ECS7ASLS FILLS 8eon Haalthy action to th Lira idnllevaaU toil ptou troublM. rvtlr fwublti tf a Qilplac Mm 36c All OrtLoMb C:OM. i flfi!.'" l"vl','tfl Kivvu away. Krnd V--l ',UUl f M-i iiL- tHMap', nml by mull "it III K' t lrt-' A pack iinr ot n1"!" olTarRu value, ihai ill NUirl you m ji.rk thai w ill Hi once tiling ymi in iiiniii-y insWr Hum .mythlnn pint' in" A im il ia. AUhIhiuL llie iiiM.ooO iu ini-M'iiU with uuuh liox. ,V:i iiu waiilfil t-yi-ry wht'iv, ol YilluT Bt's, of nil i n't, lor all ihi'liiiif or m win tilik' uuly , U work t'.-r iiMit Uit li own ti'iiu. s. t'uituiK Tor all uork iTHahviliiU'ly luvstirvil. Duii't tlcUy. U. UallkTT $1 Ui., I'otllHiiU Man it". fcb-6-ly PROFESSION AL C A R D S 7" , II. kIKIIlN, COUNTY ATroilNUr, I T C H 1 N & DUNN, A TTUh'MJrs AT LAW, SCOTLAND N'lX'K, N. C. mar l:ttr F. M. lit; MIKE, R, II. fttllTH if. HAI.KH It, S. V. M OTI.AM KKI'K, K. 0. ir S II K K Si SMI T II . Mr F. II. Iliisliee anil Mr, It II .Smith, Jr.. (Vim sel.im Ml irfiw. hiivtj liirnit'tl 11 Unilled strtllenlo l.ir llie tntelieo ol lw m llulibix isiuittr. Ur. ItiiMWc will iitli'litl tilt cnuru ut lUlirsx, rt'culmlr, mid Hill hIm, visit the county whelievorliia servient are Tviii!rvtl. ocl 10 ly T BOIIAS N. II I LI,, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. 0. lYletlces In llaliCix anil adjoining counties and ri'ili-iiil nml si!,iviitr eiaiilH. aug. 2 if. 'jl W. MASON, Attorney at Law, UAltVfUU RtJ, N.C. I'rnHlii hi the coiirU of Noftltntuplon Mid nd loiniiiK l ouiui.-s, ulau Ut liit. Kotit-juil ttiut upi. mu cotirls. Juufir. A 1, T Kit K KAMEI., Attorney at Law, VRI.DON, N. C. rwtiC.'H In IInlilHx nnd ailj'.itiine ooiuitltt. sti il atu iilioii Kivcu Uni.lUH-li..uiu all iwirU of the Stau- and pioiniil retiiniH luuttu. kit 17 ly. HAL L, Attorney at Law, WiSLlJON, N. C. Niwclnl attention irivon (o oollertliau and remit tances iirtmiiitly uiiute. may i ir. M ULLItt s HOOBI, Attorney! at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Pruritic' hi tlm isiuiilliorilali(at, NnrthafUpUin, Flst-ciiiulx', I'll! mnl Miirtui In the Kiiiin-me court nl I In Male rtii,l III tin. Knleral rmirtii iitlii' KAMcrn Duttriel. r.illtH iiniii. iuiuIh in auy istrt ufththuit., Jan I ly I) it. J. s. am klds, Burgeon lleutlat. W -tf"i Hitvliik rnnnnfntly Itwntcd In WeMoit. Mtti 'tiiidttliitli'lnHiiiUh'iHricli HulUniuj at all tlnn-ia tixef )t whttn alwi'iit on pnifrwildHal tmilutm -i refill attention Biven to all Dranelu of llie iro fi'lim. rurttPHViKiU'il nt their home whim de "1ml. July U ly. Purgcoit DeutUU mi n 11 lrflf I IHLII LlV Lit: Cu he ftjuiul at his uOlce In Enfield. Pure Nitrous OitdetiM thr th Painlew Kitrao HiiK of Teeth always uu hand, June 22 tf . ' W T more mtni' that t anvthiiiR cite by If lil ukliifan kmii't for the Ml nulling bonk out. B(-n.inNu.TOijr andly. n..iid f.Oi. TVruu fro. HAu.nt f 'k I'ortV a4 Main ' ;

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