Iljffpi 11 If fe'i Iff fil-Hfi 1 vjl :t.i;.. -A. NBWSPAPEE IPOISj TPIE! PEOPLE. TEBiVLi A N M M IN ADVANC J Inil Ifex Im If f i He f VOL. XIV. .!)'i:i!tisi:ai io.xts. ckleberR' CORDIAL FOR THE BOWELS&CHILDRENTEETHING 11 In THE CURAT LIOUTHKHN Kl!h fcDY r.rth.-l.imrU. Ml II. m lun-L lMtn.liL lilnl rlllnu-iiiin rr- lnw t,.r i.ll Hit r - l.litltltS, AUn-:(.n . U Ik II i..i til 1,1 luck i i.t li 111' 111 llttllll. I ll" w- llJlilir'.lnliltl.-lllll.uti loi'illl'llir, '. l is, (I I Witlter A.Tuylur, All im intitltiT, Iomuk al'1' ' I' l IlllllK. (-llulllil lis.' illl Mil-. S.'llil Klllllll 111 .ul.i.Uii., f r Iti'Mh' Uuuk. Tnylnr' I 'hrroUr." lilllM llll.t M llllt'ltl u il nti-ily r SmvcI in i miuiiH, i r'.iiji, FOR SALE BY BROWN & SIMMONS, UT.U'ON, N. r. au ly teiilrin UOFFIN w, AU SIMS, AI.I,STVI,i:S AT LOW PRICES. Orders li)' in. ill or 1 y telegraph iruiiiil I) lillnl. A jioml ussiirliii. ill til' i'iuIi kind iilwn)-1 nil i:inl anil jinn liasrrs oan M li'i't tu Hiiit tlii'insi'lvr.s. K. a. ittiii:i:u Wi lil.iii. N. C, II ELT YOliU EVES IV y I'sixii Yiii'Nii'i rKi.rm.AiTn l.MI'Um I'.lU'KlilSCOI'ICCI.ASSK: CI.K.VI1 AXIl SUIT 'hi Till' i:VK. KlIII.XtillKX ISiiTCI W'KAK nts, Fur wk hi (iulil. Slnl. linlit.r nml I'lllnliii Krsnu'H. HELP TOSftVE HybiiyiiiK thoprvatiiit Ilatviilii ever nflVnHl n liOM IH'XTINd WATCH, VaryliiR in niiT frum FOKTY Tt OXK HI'N.l;i;i ol.l..l:S Wurth n.'urly ilmiMc Hi uin'. SETS OFJEWELRY- llitiitlriitme in tlt-Hik-n mirl In litu- iiimlily A tin Hints. rui.l.AKf. Iti rns, m; ri:i.iTS, Hil.VKU SI'imiNS. Kntk. ,VI' , 1.1 it KS, I'l.ATKlll AS'HHlS, U K I'lTl'H- OnKm inniiitl HlU'll'll'l It'. j. w. YOUNC, (si ickssiiii tii j. t. v. k mm.) ritiTHiiiiiv, v. f-'ir k WRENN & SON MANI'KWTI HRKS nr KINK CAItliIA(!i:S, lU'UfilKS -iiml- HARNKSS AX'DWIKH.KSAI.K pkai.eks in SADDLERY AND HARNESS. gut. M uul a Union Hlruet. KORFOI.K.VA. MmB.-ram A WOMAN'S WAV. Vi II ! IL' 1 Alal I i' limil,! Mill llliil-lMV, ' il u'irlMi leal n ..I .1., mi l ..Bit .il": .I hiiinl. IVl' llilll ili lli-- STREAM. A STORY BY E. C. CIIAITKK-V. A III Ni II (il' lll'I'K Kl.nH Tils. H' "lil lliU'HV mill liuirnl ami liuzz.'il Willi a iKlsiulltl WilMul Mlitnl lu ill Mir- riiiiiiiinius. (in in.' tnii ill ilii! lull a unmii I fii'liKr laik .-"l 1 o'lt aaiiiM ihr kv; liiwii I'V I In1 mill liuM.-i' a spi'rkli'il Im'Ii ali ln'il iiiilu.-lrii.ii-K, cliakini; up lu'i vmiiiu I riiiiii In n, iimv ami lin n, fin. li- .iVi'lvil II I'l i.-t l,f Si alli'l'nl I'M) II "l ailK. lilaikM.w la) a.-lrcji in ilu1 Min.-hiiu. r litter ul' jii'iiutin iij:s I'lajin' ovi r lur: im,' nr I wo ialiinl-liiiikiiii; iimtis, with llir r:in hitrlvil lu tluiii, i.i,il iiiid. r In i n. ami inaili' lilii'll'i'i'lual iilli'llipls In r, arh ihi' l u Miii'' I', ilia'-v; tin' linmn 1I1T ni' (lilaliki v liillinl tln wlii'il in luiwi is ul' wliitc l.ia.ii, lin n wiili'hril mil nil" a t-trt iiiii, wli i'" a lli.i'k nf e.vw wi r.' wiimiiiiiL'. anil wliiri' fiirllifr two rauui-il ii'.'iii 1.,'V.i wi-ri' liryiiiliiif; tho tiinii whili' llii'ir nun wa.i li. iim grinui'l liy lUhing lor (ii'li li. It was i ;iii I'ul, jirosiic, jia.-loral mi J iliitilitliw. il' tin' li-iins wliiili mail-- up ilio Hi'i iii' i'iiiiIiI liavo tlinn;ilit, tlioy wi.ulil havo ilicli.ivil MiitiT Tr.'iiloii aii'l I'avi.l C.ilial, a.- tiny stoml on tin- mill ln'iil::i', tin- iliiinliiii spirits 1'iitiiins! tlu'ir Pui'ailis:'. "This is the mt lur the I'ai'tory, Mr. Tli litiili," I'aviil was saviiu, i'in.hatiiallv. "tlit; wry lust '1:kv oh the iTivk. We i-an always haw jiliaily of wator hrrc, with iiiaiiaj:i ini'iit. Ami ynii'lrr's the town within ilir.'r-niiaiti'is oi a mile of us, so lhat we c:in buy the cotton nml ship our o uls with little or no exjieiise for haul iiii" Anil the (wo walketl arniiiul, iliseussin eallitslly cull atlvalilai:!' an.l ili -.ulvuilta::,-ol the site. "Yes," Mr. Trcnliiii sail as they cam liaek to the liriilc, "this trikes in,' as the ilaee. Ihlt let us "o huine to ilinner uow: ami I will ask Margaret to eouie out this arteniooii anil say what she thinks ol it.' laviil healil this sjieeeh with slllpri lie liel been ill KililfaX a Weik, illlj hail L'ntti ii the iiuiressiun fnnn Mr. Trenton liinisilt. I lie like Oaviil was a stranirci hi re. ami h.ul no lamitv. Then who w.-i.- this Margaret. Daiiil ilmulit curiously. ujiiiii whose oiiiuiuii th" loeatinti of lhat factory, it sn'iiieil. wmilil Ji'ii iiil? I'ul loiii: eontacl with str.nii rs maile ll.iviil cautious; so lie akeil no (jitestinii-. .in. I Mr. Tii iiiiin, a iareiilly iinei usi ion- of anMliiiiii reinarkai'le in his last sj , h, went on talking about the faitory: anil ll.iviil. alter a fashinii he hail of rowite.: abs.ihi il in his work, forgot "Martinet, " lor machinery. Ah ! )aviil it is we!l eii,ni!:li on coiilil, it is but just that yon sluiuiil. seiillv: that ill the lllulltlts lo colli'' yolt will so oi'till fillet luaihiu. t'V, !il Mr. Trenton luul i:iiivn yi'iitt; auain he tolil himself prati l'ully, (luring his month's stay in l-'aii'lax. The Sirius hail been early that year, ami his health rev stron ;ier in the uiilil elitiiati1. lie enj. v. il, with hi, husy raetieal niiml, the tii w interest, of tt new enterprise, w hereby ho was waking into new life the hitherto ilnnnanl cnir;ies ol this hitherto ' im li.e.ierel country." Ami Im Icll a wo n Im u I'eelilli; heeollie ileeper within llilll, i'lolll tii i ilaily ci 'iipauiotishi! with the llatuil- tons. Air. tlannltoii nail )riiilualty lost the reticence and coolness of his Hrst man ner anil Hccmeil rather to experience u sense of relief from Mr. Trenton's evident foiiilnesH for his thllllltel. 'If I were tu die," he said to htm onee, ''Mararit would not be friendless, now you nre lu re." And naturally did tho three accept the frit ndly relatioiw between them lhat no one of them had even conceived the losiibility of the idea which had oecuired to the ;ood people of l'aiifax. und from an idea grown iuto au assertion, that, "the rich man was dead iu lovo with Margaret Harailtou." Judith Kdgerton had been the first to mention it to Margaret on the aame after- hum noun I Icy wood had referred to it and her imlipiant. denial ami evident astonish ment had jiiven rise to Judith's hasty warning to lleywood. Hut the absiinlity of such a report was too patent for lur to take notice of it, Miirpirct determined, when she had tliiiiiht ab. ait it, so it was with her frank, l-'ol'.lial tlialili. r tlln-halii .1 that she met Mr, Tu iitiiii when be came the next day. '1 want you to walk with me to see the piaee where We think ol putting the fac tory," Mr. in said. "Cabal 1 1 like the loeaii.,n." "Tin u 1 will, ' Margaret aiiwen d, sinil i"" , "bavini; I'ailh ill 'Cabal' ami you Mllwr lb. in ill in) I, im nib, riii:: tliat I 11.1,1 siw a i'.o'tnry." t is true, .Mr. I lentnii sanl s i.i.iii:, iu bis turn, "but, sum.. bow, 1 b i ll, u to nant a show of approval In, mi ,.i'i, in whaicv. i I nml. rlake." M.iiLMi', t .l. -pise.l herself that at th. se words Judith's ami lleywoiid'ssiiecli"s r. eurr. .l to h r an 1 made lo r feel but ami une inil'i, liable. Mr. Trent'. u had im lh..:i'.:bt of love inakiiii:, hnwever. as was proved by bis sayiiiL'. a lli.y L'.'t over the bills le.ldill',' out lo the roa.l: l lis j;o by I lie olliee and get your I'.itber to eoine with us," a piopusiiiuu to which Margaret a. reed l.adily. and the two walked down ''I'rotit" sir. el logclher. 1 litis aH'iir.Iing gossiping eoiiiinenl for more than one group of i.ll. is on the side walk before the store doors; as well as for iiidus 1. 1 1 HIS billies who Were yet Hot too busy to peep out at the couple front behind win-.loW'-shutters, as they pa.-eil. Mr. Hamil ton's ollieo tlooi was locked llnu they r. .ached it, so they uiiee inure walked down the stieet toeeiti. r. I hi-1 line tumuli: into idc street which coiuiinied itself into a ig lane that led lo the mill. Wh .'li they bad reached the .jate that op. n. d into the mill ptoperty Mr. Trenton stoi. ped ami said us ho lifted the latch: Cabal may he down lure, lie is a line young fellow, and 1 want you lo be a friend to hiin. He is worth being kind to. b ill I introduce him to you ? Margaret hesitated, and the color rose in her lace, as it had a troublesome trick leiiig, whenever she was oinbarassed. She was ashamed ol her prejudice.?, as she had told lleywood, but that did not pre vent the prejudices; and she cmild not nt onee consent to being inadu the social ac quaintance of a workman as she said to h.r-.ll' this Mr. Cabal might be. Mi. Trent, .ii noticed the hesitation, and grew angry at it. "The absurdity of an almost penniless girl's objecting to meeting a man, simply b 'cause he works for his bred," the ii, h dunoeiat thought, indignantly. "Volt are aristocratic I see." he taid. shutting the gate with a bang, and speak ing with a sneer. "I should have remem bered lhat I am in the ,S'ioii. lint you mighliave known T would not iutioduce a man you ought nut to know." lie said the last words half angrily, half reprovingly, losing sight of the fact, which Margaret remembered, that he himself was an acquaintance of scarcely a month's slam ling. The worls and the tone of tin in rousid her quick I; nipi r, and she was about to make a pnui.1 reply instead of the consent she had at first meant to give, when tiny turned a sharp cuive of the hill, and came in view of David Cahal and lleywood Moiitfort in apparently I'a conversation, lleywood saw them, ami came to them, instantly, with a sig nificant smile on his face at sight of Mar garet's companion, that deepened the flush en Margaret's. "Miss Hamilton." he said, with easy asuiaiiee, "allow me to introduce Mr. I'ah d. 1 hope you will join me in por si -cling bun to :it t. nd our Imp (- for Ju dith's sake." sai l 1 l. VlVlo il. solto voce.) i have walked ami talked the whole Way hi! h. r: to gain hi- eons.-nl." There was a inaeliievous twinkle iu Hi yw''s eye that made Margaret see bis pitip.'se lo surprise iilul tease Judith. and ji ining him she smiled brightly (as iiideul women g.'in rally smiled at lley '.iii .1,! ami held out lu r band lo thedilli d 'ni young sn-tug, r with a gneioitsniss which s, t him at ease, and set Mr, Ti- -n-toii to wondering at the cbangeabl. ness of woman. "Mr. Cabal," she Faid, "if you knew how Mr. Moiitfort values both his steps and his eloipieiiee you Wuiild be forced to go to the hop from si r gratitude. Hut possibly you do iml like dancing?" "I don't know whether I do or not," IVivhl with awkvvaid truthful less, -I never .1 inced a st .p in my life. I icver had lime to learn," Marcaiet looked at him, iulerestcl. Lack ol' time was a strange excuse to tier. accustomed, as she was, lo easy indolent Southern ussouialos. The uiau was a nuw type, and his acquaintance might be picas atil, so she said cordially: "It is worth taking time to learn. 1 advise you to come to night ami try." lavid looked down on -his, but rather ungraceful frame, anil glancing up again, said in a tone of frank aniusoai. ill: "Wouldn't I be a figure ou a waxed floor ?" "If it is the waxed floor you dread," she said, smiling iu response to his look, "let we tell you, for your consolation, we never had one, though I believo Mr. Moiitfort, who secretly sighs for such luxuries, docs occasionally have the planks swept with meal to make them smooth." AY EL DON, N. C TIIUlfSDAY, SK PTE MI Kit 17, That. Mi. Cahal. is a taunt at me,'' ex plained lleywood, "because I'm not so young as she is. Now she and her friend. Miss M'lgeiton. think themselves so youthful and so agile lhat they fancy they could dance lightly on a pile of saw-dust." ' Was it Miss Kdgerton I saw ou the bridge with you, yesterday?" asked llavid irrelevantly." "Yes," Margaret said, "why?'' smiling as she a-lo .1. lb c.iuse," says honest llavid with no Irai'e ofa smile, "I think she is quite the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." Score one for ihe Hypsy." whispered II yw'uod, who by this lime is next to Mar garet, and Margaret nods in acquiescence. She is us. .1 to healing Judith com plinieii- le.l ami lias only a passing pang ot morti fied vanity at the way she herself is ,,r gotteu. To alone fur the pang she says wilh extra warmth: "She is, indeed, perfectly lovely and as charming as she is beautiful." Al this point, Mr. Trent. ,n, who is not inter. sled in Miss I'Mgcrton's charms and is cunceincil about the factory, interrupts t hem saying: Miss Margaret you haveti't looked at tile factory site yet." "Ami I am so anxious to sec it," Miss Margaret says, in such a hearty way as to disarm suspicion ur impatience, "though, 1 warn you, 1 will think just w hat you and Mr. Cabal do." The four uf them went ou to the mill and up the stream, David losing his shy ness as he talked of things he understood; an.l Margaret asking questions which, ignorant as they showed her to be of fac tories, yet gave evidence of her great in terest iu the scheme as also uf the clear eoiumuii sense she possessed. When they were returning Margaret saw on the opposite bank a tree laden with tairy-like white blossoms, but so (ar bent over tho water that tu leach them from either side svemed impossible, which im possibility rather gave impetus to Marga ret's desire as she said impulsively: 'Oh ! huw I do wish 1 had those flow crs !" "Wish for the moon," suggested lley wood, "it is as easy to get." "Hut they are so beautiful," said Mar garet still longingly. So is the moon," Heywouil answered consolingly, and the two walked on togeth er, so engaged iu the light badinage which followed that they did not perceive that David bad fallen behind, "What are you going to du?" Mr. Tivn ton asked, as he saw David turn back. "Duly going up the stream a little way,' David answered. "Dou't be a fool, Cahal," Mr. Trenton said, "and risk being drowned for mans whim. lhat Icllow Montlorl wouldn't do it, for all she likes him well." l''i'oin which it will be seen that Mr Trenton had nut entirely regained his lo. tcmper. "ThereB not much risk," said Paviil laughing, "and if I fall, why, I can swim lie went on hri.-kly 'till he reached shallow place iu the stream wlure a scri. - of rocks made a crossing, and going to t he tree, he climbed out on its frail trunk ami at (he imminent risk of a wetting, if not of the drowning darkly predicted by Mr. Trenton, he gathered great bunches of the waxen blossoms, lleywood and Margaret were standing on the bridge still talking gaily when David came, and putting the bouquet into Margaret's hand, said sim ply: ' I leu1 are your flowers." The simple kindness of the giver, the beauty of the gift, touched Margaret great ly. It was but a tiifle, but, like most sensitive natures, Margaret w;ib peculiarly su-ccptible to trifles; and there was some thing suspiciously like tears in her brown eyes when she looked up in pleased sur-pri-e at David and said: "Did yuu go to all this trouble for lue how can I ever thank you?" "It was no trouble," David said, sur prised himself, and a little embarasscd at her carncstnessy "and it is quite thanks enough to see that ihey please you." This speech, conventional enough sure ly, was yet said iu such evident igiiorauce of convt ntijinality, that Margaret was still further pleased. "As a proof how uiuih they please uic," she said, "1 mean to wear them to night." "And I will expect you to ba there, Mr. Cahal," (she added, as she ami Mr. Tren ton turned to uo. ) "lo see thein and Miss Klgvlloll." "The llow'ers dill wonders for you," HeVWoiid said, as llnvi.l ami he Inn wslk- cd towards the village, though some dis tance behind Mr. Trenton and Margaret. "She is the most appreciative little woim iu the world." "Is she a relative of Mr. Trenton's,"' David asked, still mystified as to their re lationship. "Well no," answered lleywood, laugh, iug heartily; "but to tell you the truth, it seems tu me that he would like to make her one, a very near one." "Oh ! I sec," said David. "She has numbers of aspirants to such relationship hasn't sho?" The teais had so far icon David, that he already had grown to consider admira tion of Miss Hamilton, an entirely lauda ble and nalutal sentiment. "No," lleywood replied, "1 think not. r know of none but (ieorge Bellamy and this man Trenton. She has no fortune you see." T shouldn't think a woman's fortune would make any difference," unworldly David said with a slight ring uf euntempt iu his voice. "The o7. ofit might. " answered world ly-wise lleywoud. and touching bis hat he lisappearetl down a cross street, thinking, with au amused twinkle iu his handsome yes, that it was "a lie between the Cyp-y ml the Daisy as to w hi ll bad Won the Wild Iiishnian." When Margaret got h une she found luilith already there. "I-u't this a line way to treat coin ny T said Judith, meeting her in nun k indignation. Oh! well," said Marg.uvt kis-iug her. my company will toigive me wiu u t diare my flowers with her and tell her the news." Perhaps she may, if' you have any news but where in the world did get the flowers ?" asked Judith, as Marga ret spread tint the large hllll.'ll. Mr. David Cabal, (that's your yiuug Irishman.) gave ihein lo me," Margaret answered. "You don't in 'an to say." cxclaiimd Judith, "that you have met him and talked tu him, ami gotten intimate enough for him to be giving you flowers Thank you for saying it all fur mo," Margaret replied laughing. "Ami Ju.le what do ymi ihink ho had the imperii nonce to say i lie told me to my lace that you are 'quite the must beautiful Woman he has ever seen.' " Did he V a-keJ Judith well pleas-.. "Hut pshaw! Meg." she added in a s"C ond, "you mmti! him say it. Which speech spoke volumes for -Miss Kdgerloii's faith in lur friend's allection. "I 'poll my word I didn't." declined .Mar garet solemnly, "lie just 'up and said it. right so,' l as Maiy Anne says.") Then she di tailed minutely to Judith every incident if the afternoon, winding up by saying: "Ami wasn't it nice in him to get me the flowers? Judith, 1 do hupe you wont flirt with him." "Wait 'till I have the chance," says Judith, like a cautious general preparing in case of defeat. "Of course you will have the chance," declared Margaret, whose belief iu the power of Judith's attractions was implicit. "I'.v.rybody falls iu love with on." "Not i rf7io., Meg," said Judith wilh a sigh ami a eeiiousuess ul voice that made Margaret look at her quickly, lln u .-lie put her white cheek against Judith's rich dark one, and asked with the tender Ji redness their friendship warranted. "Is there anybody you icon to fall in love wilh you. sweetheart?" "Sometimes 1 think there might be," Judith answered seriously, as she looked Into the bright lire. "The Wild Iris.lmi.iii for installer," she added presently in lur usual g :y manner. "As if I bell ve you meant me," said M.irg .tvl. - loll you needn't t.-ll me now. Wait 'liii ti -nijii wh -ii we bluw out the IL'.it, ami then veil can t. II iu the dark." (a nioik of laeilit itiug ci.nfid. nee, which possible Vll-s Margaret had seen 1 lae- liee.l.) !lu-h such nuns. 'iise, Meg." said Ju dith laughing, "of course 1 was ouiv king." And "Meg." holding her peace. pushed the file reflectively, und woudired wlio .Jiitlitli could mean. "I wonder," she thought at last, wonder if it con be lleywood, and at the possibility a shade, which the firelight .ii.l not make, darkened tor a moment Miss Hamilton's blight face. TO UK I'llXTIXI EH. ruiin iNdorr i;.vtii. A CoiiilurtorN It rave I'i-;lit A,riiiiiot the C'oHiuroi. aitlrttf lor His U he tu I om i. rroiii ilii;. -,-u Wh- liitiim r.j (ViiuhiL'kir I'V.iZtT, of thu Ihtriiiatitiiial amltiri'at Xtirtluni llailn;itl, (viol tu fight olT di'ath a (Vw luiura in onh-r th;it ho might sco his will; owev innp'. IK; hatl btit'ri shot by a tramp und had ba n taki .1 to Tyler, Texas, in u dyiiii!; enn ditiuti. "lli-lp me fiht b.ick this crujl dvith, buys, until my wile g'-ts lu re," .said (he dyin.L; man, ebei-rily. The doctors bad already told him he could live but n few hourH. Wilh n palm courage he heard the verdict and calh-d all of his wonderful force to Win aid iu I lie -tru-u tu live until hid wife arrived. "Tell nui exciting wturiiw," he wid lo tho boys, around bis bed, "fur I must make this run till Am eonies." And ihe boys did tatili uud tell hi", ntorieK, pour ftllows, when thoir stout hearts were filled wilh sad ren't. The "jH rti'i'y by; th merry v-.L: of thu conductor gtew fitiuter and fainter, but his courage, never faltered. A telegram from bis wile, in answer to one sent to her wuno hutirs before, was brought into the ntnui and read. She was coming on it hpeeial train; the road cleared for her passage, and with light ning speed her train was in..' dis tance. What n raw 1 A young woman in the full flush of love and a new life pitted against tho king of terrors. The news nerved Frazier fur a moment and bis ef forts to keep un were renewed. A little later ftmther tel. gram. "( lid boy," whimpered a brakemnn, "she will bo hero in an hour." 4 'Turn mo ov.r, loyst" he said. li was done. Ho whispered to un at tendant : "Charlie, can Dot run on thin schedule, Good-bye !" H'j was dead. 1SS5. I.I MOD'S NANKING i'i:iii:N k. At'lcr Hclny a I lcin-ittir lie I. est 'dt-iict- in (he Cunt-iTU. Vi, '. ,,,,. Old Ned Daniels cauu, to the city sev eral days ago, for the purpose, he told a friend, of d po.-itiug his mem-y in a place i.r safely. Il- was aliai'l, Ic lard, th it s.iiue of his le-ighl, ,r., knowing thai he h 1 1 money, might rub him. Tln.-e who he.n.l him talk thought licit b at least possessed several hundred dollar. I! a.hing the bank he said to all oilieiul : ' Mister, 1 wants ter 'pusit s.,ni" money ill .li.-In all house. Ken I put $10 ill Inah?" "Oh, y, s, you can put ill any amount." "No, I kain't." " Ves, you call,'' "I says dat 1 kain't fur I hain't got any ei im. nut. Do haw, haw, I got y.-r dat time. Wall, now. put dis SID back iu fur safe kecpiu'." The official tuuk tile money and band ing the I'M negro a small book, said : "Hive me your signature." "I ain't gut er ou". boss. J.,-1' Vn at home, I thinks." "Write your name here." "Oh, yes, I ken .hi dat." Alter much labor he wrote his n unc all He was greatly pleased with the performance, and after he went outsi'b he stood for a time, grinning with satisfaction. One of his country acquaintances accosted him: llow're y. r, Mruder Ned?" "Why, bless me, ef dis ain't Hinder l!"y. Whut yor Join' up heuh, man : Oh, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 much. Jes kuuekin' n' cr little. Whut yer doiu' yesself ?' W'y, I'sc got I.! be er man o' big gest sorter portauce. i er oiigbler seed me jes now." "What li, y.r Join' ?" "Writin' fur er bank. Mor'n dat, I put some m nicy in tie bank." "New, look 1i. m1i, man, I thought dat yer dune had more sense dan tint. De fust ting yer knows de bank gwineter he broke, an' er white man gwineter run off wid yer money." Old Ned was troubled. He had heard of bank failures, and now In; regretted lhat he had placed so much confidence iu men who were slr.ingers to hiin, but. re meinbeiing that he could get his money, he went to the bank, and addressing n man who was counting money behind :i network of wire, .said : "I k heuh, y. r g it dat ten dollars yit?" "What 111?" "De money dat I put now." "1 don't know. Come iti li.uli JUS umuiiil some time w hen the bank's open." Ain't de bank open now?" "No." "1 say it is. Wa'n't opeu I couldn't git inbeab." "tin on away, 1 tell you. If you don't go I'll call a policeman." "Oh, I'll go. i!ob er man, au' den want to 'rest him fur it." "Come around to-nioriuw old man." After a sleepless night, Old Ned went to lite bank. The same man whom he bad sen ou ihe previous euliing stood behind the network uf wire, still counting uioiicy. Wall "You sail. I hcali." 1 luivo to wait uiilil tho lunik "honk alieali, ain't it open yit ? 'No." "I 'is heah is the d der-t house 1 eher th-ed. l'!r piKstiu ken git inter hit jes as w II wh nit's idiet vi he ken wlun it's open 1 want dat 5!" How. 'e tired u' fooliu wid dis lnah abii.sli iik lit "t!o, on, old man, and come hack after a while." lTse dun been mvay an' Vse dim eoine liaek arter a while. Vou folks liali dun stole dat 1) an' is now liliin' mi de fato' de lau'. I Hi. yer needn't ter lungh. I'se gwine erway an' stay er few nnnits an' tlen when conies back I wants sat's faekshun." About an hour afterwartU when ho re tunird the bank was pen. "t wains dat $10." "Well, make out a check." "Uow make out er chick ?" ''Here, I'll fix it for you. Now sign your name to this," ho added. ''Hero you are," handing him the $10. "Now go on away and don't como back hero any more,'1 "hat'vieo am ounectsary, Hah. I'll luber come heah orgiu. His heah is too much o' er open an' shet buVuoKH ter suit ni". !Mi aiu't tic same Uiuij.y I put in heah, an' I wouldn't be w'prized ef it wa'n't counterfeit. IMs huiIc uio wid de bankers, Wso I ain't had no peaeo since I so been ruuniu wid em. ( Kid ; man day. Vers foolin wid do wi-mh when yer fooliu' wid me." Hn.K Kim HiKiK-lli vials, "Take care," says ihe llook-lliiyer, "to reatl what you buy, and to buy only what you read." The n. I vice, followed, would mako book-buying a very simple matter in most cases. The ltev. Mr. ThIhihoc preached at St. Knot h's church in ltelfast, Ireland, last Sunday to a lar-e eonreoatioa nuinlier iii" fully 4,(1110. He afterward oddresatd an assemblage, at about 40,000 who could not gain admittance to the church. now to i: at visi:i,v. ilhill -.luiiiiiiil uf il.'.ilth a tinkers tl rale in health, and, with A. very rare exceptions, iu dis use, that h best to bj eaten whi. h ihe npp-tite crav.v or tastt! reiisbes. I'er-oii rarely .ft in the qmli'y of tin food eat al, natures instincts are I In: wis. --t r j il itoi s in (bis r ,;. -.-t. Tii gi '..i s .in f iiii.s. bi f t'luai e o ing a; : tor ' Hati:i!y, ire pen ;, i ll",; in 1 Ir nil ihes, e .me ill . 1 dv-.'aa w hich make o!' hum ill ', t'l' nibli life l b'li'l'. u, a torlur 'j a jiving deal b. Kipi.lily 11;,' ealiug fas! lb stomach, like a bottle I,- in; fill,.,! ibiuiigli a fuuii 'l, is full and ov. rll iwing b 'I'.i'e we kumv it. Hit th - -t important rus in is th-food is swailo.Ved before ti.ue has be -ll allowed to divMe it ill Sllllicielltly small pieces wilh ili" I "ili: lor lik- be in a luiubl rof water ill.- si. i. ul. a- the bits ar. (li s i oi r ill'.' t ll"y dissolved. It has be n s'eil wilh the naked eye that if solid fuud is cut Up ill pieces small as half a pea it digests al most as soon without bcin chew. si at all as if it bad been Well masticated. The best plan, therefore, is for all p.-rsoiis to thus comminute their food; for even if it is w 11 chewed the t'limuiiiiuiion is no in jury, while it is ol very great importance iu case of hurry, forget fulness or bail teeth. Cheerful coiiver.-,aliuii prevenis rapid eating. Frequency It requires about five hours for a common meal tu dissulve and pa-s tint uf tii-; stomach, during which time this r: in is inc ssautly at work, when i' iua!t baye rep is.:, as any other muscle ur set n'i miisel.'s, after such a length of ef- l.'i't. Ilenee persons should not eat with in less than a five hours interval. The heart its 'If is at rest m ire than one third of its time. The brain perishes without repose. Never force fuud on the stninaeh. Iuanlity It is variety which tempts to excess, few will err as to quantity who eat very slowly. SKVKV I5IJM) AVODKKS liiitlv Aini'iot & CH'ted ns the Oriiniil lllinil Tom. .1 fluiitn ( ni:ifittiiio,i. Kur several days pan then! has been a remarkable family of negroes iu Atlanta. Thi'tr name is Williamson, and they came from Wilson county, North Carolina. Th. re are throe brothers and four sisters, all of whom have been totally blind from their birth. Th"y aiv th; children of b!a k parents, who were slaves and ordi- n.ny lit ld h;iud.-. 1'nto them were lorn fourteen children, seven of whom had sight, while seven were blind. Tho blind eliiMrvn were not only hardier and health ier, lau. th' ir mental endowments are su-p-rior to those of their brothers ami As ters who etnild see. They wont to Hal eigh to the State Ill'ind Asylum, und were there Well educated. Kvery one of them developed a remarkable talent for miwe, and on leaving the asylum organized themselves into a concert company, and began to travel through the Souih. Tho oLle.-.l hr.'thir married a smart negro wo rn in, who acts as & guide und business Hiauagi r of the. party. They have been all over the South giving entertainments, which have paid them handsomely. They sin, and play on various instruments with l'e naikal'le skiil. All of theiii have good voiees, which have b-vn well trained. The niot remarkable performance are the exhibitions of their powers of mimicry. They imitate a brass band so perfectly that a person outride the halt iu which they are humming would almost invaria bly h.! deceived. Their imitation of tho organ is equally perfeet. Kach uf the singers makes it peculiar noise, and car ries his or her own part of tho perform ance, and tho combined result is a deep tniifie, very like, to the pealing of a grand organ. These are two of their many tricks. They are constantly adding to their repertoire and perfecting themselves more and mitre in their curious arts. They have educated the sense uf touch to very remarkable degree. Ily feeling id' a person's face and head they can give an accurate description of his or her appear ance, and une of tho sisters claims that sh.' can tell the color of tho hair by touching it. Tho seven will stand with joined hands, and any object ran be placed in the bands of the older brother at tho end of tho line. While lie holds it. he claimed that a magnetic torrent which passes through tho entire lino will enable any one of bis brothers and sinters lo tell what he ha in hand. At any rate, some remarkable guesses of this kiud are made. Says an eminent physician : "A man should not run after he is 10." That de p iids upon circumstances. Must politi cians are willing to run for oflico at any age. Other people, who are wise, will run if they are all if they soo a woman ap proaching with fury in her eye and broomstick iu her hand. Mobilo Jii$ itlrr. Some people toss up their heads and sneer whenever it is intimated that the world in becoming more bulky in the brow; but tho fact cannot be dodged that the small boy of to-day knows a heap muni than his daddy according to his own cstimak'. NO. .'. ADY KKTISKMEXTS. -TH BESTTGNlf , c-niMninj Iron wfr v.. m tni. i in, Hi . ntiit klv anil 1 iir.'n ti-.iri-in, nt.l if i limit l it I inpili'i' III t, .tluiui iM liillaHlid I ' und iNi'iirttltuhi. Ii if an inii'ulintr rfnu.iy for Dincwn" 1 JiiilntV1 it ml I.Urr- lt I.- imiiti.nMu i'ir li'scnwn ptH'i i. Woiut-ii, itiitl ml Im Irml M'lli'iitHry I 1 1 iIim-im! iti i tiic tUt- lit Ih.cuiiM'lit'Hil lir-Mlin'c 'nii-iiinliill"H.i'T irimmrtltt ItelJlicllt't-ll-'t I'l'lHIt'S llK-lllo.Hl.Ktil: k' Hit' nin'!iii'. iiiiIm Ui" iD-siniilitUi-n ol i Ik-y.-h Mffiill urn nml )'. 1' hiug, an.l nt tiis tm- imisi'li'S iii id nurvt.'!. !'nr hii.'i-io'iM.'Ui I'Vvit. Im .Itude, 1 Em-iti . A:r., it has no ..uuiii. 0m-''n-r Mini.' Iihs ttUtve trwlff mi! ' cr.r.M il n o liii huh nt-xr. Mulct no ml, ....! I" llltlin ft ft . N II' 1 1, 1th, tMl.TJMI-'-' lifp. IK lyr $201 MP Kin" t-t-itli. ji1ji', ami ' i niKil you m ill m-l nr.- u itit'ktit;i tui:'iutl.i oflari" nliit-, lluit w iii ,'lnrt ymi in york Unit will nt -ii'' drills yuit iu ni'Hu'j i'u-UT tiiiin Hiiytliiiut t-lw Id . nit-rl-t'lt. Allnlioiii Hit- WHi,iKXj in itvM-nU ui i''.''. I linx. AittiiL- ryiTywlii'riol fid i-r , of nil list's, lur nil tiit' tinii- orHjuiiv t tm.-only, ' vt1c for iimiI lli'-ir own houii H. F ruimn for ul v-rk-cniiiiitiiliiii'ly mHuri'il, lion'i ilehty. H. li i.i.KVf .V Co., rorlhiiul JlHiiic. W-ft-lT mimnui Becnre Healthy action to the Liver land relieve all bil- $ovm troubles. Iwis-ly I l l Lj rj.un.l nct tvi- In-.'. 11 t-w'.y l-oxot l! ..1- v riL'litiiwitv Hi. mi unvthinif c m1 in IIiIm Worlil. ol'cilln'rM'x Nii.Ti'i'il I'liiui first hour. Tin lr rontl to fort 1 1 in' ih-iih ln'i'mv llo1 wirk:iM, :! soluli ly nun-. At mire atldrL-m., Thi k &(..'-.. Am ih ta, Mui'ne. frh-5-ly POU'.. .... ... HCRSE PMO CATlLfc PCV.Ui ?V 1 V W . I ---- , No 11.'RK will ilte i ( oi.i". Hot, nr Lt'Si) Kit-Art- m-i'. !n ttmi'. l tnit' PiHiiii-tiiwillntiv .i"M i-iil Hrrn' f"! FIK. Ill l.Al'K- m i . WI.J, Knur n piiwii'r will liirrrn llir qnnnmv of mMic unci rn-imi tweniy prr cunt., nml make Oh' butler firm nun nw-i-i. Kdin'n I'tiwilfn Will dir.- nr prr-vrnt nln-nst f?KRT DlHi ck tt wlilrli llorsintiiifl Hillcirc ttijt'cl. rel'l.'S 1'r v. lirHa WILL U1VK Si ! IHFJlOTIuJI. Belli i .t-rywlifre. UAVID I TOV rB.froprieto. For alt- by BUOWN & SIMMONS. nov 29 ly PROFESSIO NAL C AR D S . U. H. kill WIN, W. . Ul.VN. COCMTY ATTORNIY, XT I T u 11 I S 4 DUNN, A T TO IIXKYS AT LAW, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. nmr rar I'. II. Ill lli;K, It. H. MIITH Jr. It.ll.l loll. M. C. St'OTLASli NUt'K , K. G- f S 11 K K di SMITH. Mr F. II. nu-lioc itrxl Mr. R It. Smith, Jr., Conn st lorn nt Ijiw. hrtvr fxriaed il limititl DflrtuurihiD fur thr irti'ti(-n of law in Hah lax rotialy, Mr. tiuHbw win ititeuu iu utmrti ui hiimz. rtBiiny, ainl will also vutl lliocouuvy wneutiver kliiMrTlrM ari' rt-qiiirrd. oct Li ljr 1 0 M A I N. HILL, Attoruey at Law HALIFAX, H.C, I'rnctfr.n in Il -Mfix ami niJniiiinj countiwt and ViliTnl nml tir iuv rji;rt. auf . 31 tf. T W. M A ft i X , Attorney at Law, UAKYJliniU, N.C. rritftlei in llm courli tif Nortlmaintofi an4 wA- ouoii)j eoauik-H, iOki in Hie I-Vilcjul autl Mitrat ourts. juael U. W Al. TKK b. DAM K L, Attorney at Law, WBI.lKiK, N.O. I'mi'tit'ti in 1 1 ul if i ami adjoltMiijjf rouitim. Siirrlul alU'iitioii givrli tt rollcetioiiB it all fiartl of tlif '-.Utlr ami irotnii rrtiirim mini?, li b 17 ly. II A I. 1., Attorney at Law, W KtlHIN, N. C. pwiiil nttcntlmi giveu lo collectitnia and remit tniK it) niiiilly inil. Ir. nmy 1 If. M I I, L t N i MOORE, Attorneys at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Tract ire in llir rountltiof IIhUBix, Nortbampton, i"Mi;it'oinlM'. I'itl nml Mirlin In tlio Nnurumnt?uurt ot llir suite Hint in tin- Fitlrnil CourUoftlte Altera histriei. (.'nlks-oouM mmlr in any hui ofihe titaia, jan l ly I) It. J. K. SUIKLUS, Httrfronn Dfntlat. Hiring permanently located In Weldort, can ta round HtlilBotllrB In HuiiUYB Hrtek lluUdiiif at all thin rxrrpt w lirn alwent n pn ifrMlotml ImMneF. l-an-ful utluntioii jfivi'ii loatl limm lut of the pro fruition. IVrtlw vUiUid at tholr humn when tie Hirvd. July li ly. D" K. L. HUMTKB, Surgeon Deutlat Can he tbuud at hh offlco In InftekL Pure NHrouii Oxide (lanfiir the Palnleai Ixtrac UiiK of Teeth always un hand. June :H If T T "W" m'in n'mer than at anythtn else hjr 111 iHKiiiftaii agciKT ror we o bnnk out. Ikeliuiwri mircvwd andlr. None faiC Tuouiiuea. lUiajcTt Hook to . FotUMil yln. ii 1 1 1 M ii i an a oolJOlr