v5S ,'P T!r 1 -liM Isis! HALL & SLEDGE, imuumsiktoiis. VOL. XIV. .A. NEWSPAPEB ZiTOIR. THE PEOPLE. WELDON,.. C.f THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19. 18S5. TEBMS-t'1111 ANNUM IN ADVASCE.'. ' NO. : 36. 0 . ... . . .., i i . . - 1. NEW ADVHItTISHMKNTiS. stablishsd MONUMENTS, TABLETS. t II I Kit -imi-ii V "( u m i , v:m i; ,,lik. I'crsims desiring i nk in this line nil I'll write fur designs, jtivinjr ag of tliTcuscil ;inil some limit as to price. Ilt-signs and prices uill In' furwartlrd promptly free ill postage. All wurk war ranto! to be K 1 It S T C 1. A ,t S and satisfactory in i-vi rv i!ir(iciilar or Nn Sale, I paying all clung, s. I'll AS M. WALSH. oct '19 ly OPENING" tj -V. . -OF r U O O I) s -AT- M. F. HART'S WASIIINCTilN AVKNI'K. K KNVlfC BJA ii KW.; STOCK H' V Vtilvi'U, ('uiilnui-n-M, Trii-ots, I.ailion' Clolli, llcnrii'tlaii, Flanni-ls, &-., &. . j WHITE GOODS. Lawn, KJginp",lili)vn., Cowuti!, JioiiniiJ Itujt' Wear, Hosiery, Hnusekeipini; (lootln, Dmnottini, Notidtw. &e., At prici-8 l.iwur than thoy liava been known f'.ir yonrs. By, Moil and ChiMreu'i c l o r ii i N (. Tjudiin anJ limit lUnil-ninuV Show nlal'ull axnirtnu-ut of ull kinds of SHOES. JAMKS M HANS' AM' am Ml t iai THK BKST IN TUK MA11KKT. T ilmll mv coodii u low u the l...,i nitiiliv'UM. All I twk n trial. I propow tO maintain in th future the reputation gained in the part of having .-..mil straw, .iv stint. i'i:ri.i;siii li;. ya IIKAIT(iNKS,T(..MI.S.,V.e. lip 7, Pi 1 Fa and Wmte the BEST AND TIIR CnEAKST. M. F.UAKT.Woldoil.N.C. AltV'KUTrsKM .'.NTS. FOR C0UGHS3CR0UP USE TAYLOR'S Mil REMEDY OP SWEET GUM .A. NX) MULLEIN. Tb twaet num. 11 tptbert-t from a tre of ihi mm ii grawltif luai .be "Will iuhiui IB U Houtlirrn Mil ennui its a ulnmUtinit oxpttjinrnni iriwlple that Immmm tkt pblwi nuJuciBi llm cirl j' luurDlaf POub, ud itluu lUet I Sit cbil I t'i l!:row .iff II. f..l'" tuMridraiif In rr.uip at) Lw,jiluj(-r -kIi. .U..11 it,. .! nt:'i (!. !i-.ilm.' n.yrt UKin-1114 pruivi.-lit l:i l.i.i u.nil- .i ili'..!-i ml U,f(u MntilnTi..u', fiifnon'ii IU-kt,Y nr mlii-m! Wi'i.i,itiM llm flntvt 1 . n M ly fur roiK-lJ. Croup Wrii).i.liij.ri.iitf1in.l i.-.-.).'t U.n. au.l -.ii -uUifll-'i m) chill Urdn'M (n H iir rtr-itvl-lf'T il. IMfa. 25c.i?l. WALTER A. TAYLOR. Atlaata. 0. i t.. iiH iin,i,i;itH ill i k;.fiu:itliY ('oiidiaI, f..i I'lsrili-i, )).ultiy HUi t,lllUrU TtlliiB. lutilclJ all tirtilsu, FOR SALE BY BROWN & SIMMONS, i;i,i)os, N. c. uug 211 ly tciitrni COFFINS. fthfJLLlC Cjses, ALL SIZKf'ALL.STVLKS AT LOW PIUCES. OrJi-n. by mail or by t.-l'pr:i-li iruinit : lill. il. A ttiiinl nssnrlniriit nl'i'arli kiml ulav on liaiul ami piiri liasrrs van m-lt-i't to Hilit tllt'lllSt'lVl'H. K. A. (. I TIIIIKLL. w.i.i.m. N.e. "Afl!" PHILADELPHIA SINGti' liirluiliiiv linker. liMtlli-t, ill -t lieium. is nun limn er, mi. I nunil i.niln 1 "i-iif i,ii. et.. T.iniRiti 3 mn. 15 DftYS'',r-.'.t'S lintti Uelorr Pr L".!im( "fHutrt tiiurM tn viaAf Vtit 'Hfr'- 1 hev M' tioiiit- , i Imih fiwl.'f. m llirhi- J ? p 'iisft" pHrrhHr (Vain hi iiml wu- 'III. l,,r nrenlur i.'L.I l C. A. WOOD CO.. teftiimmliik 1 r N. Tenih -. fhlU.!', I, Ull'l III I ha arilif. Iwr imtU- tvtrf nn ikMM iav ' tarn. Htut frvf . by mail, fbr '25 ortifn hi and ufl mir -iiL).tiie til nlaniiiw. Ordvr now. Suai. Nsvilllii. tic. Aiilrm i'llil.AUbl.l'UlA, i'tSPI'A- HELP, YOUR EYES JJY USISB YOl'KUH rKI.KBKATKD I.Ml'ltOVKDI'KlUSeOl'll'Cil.ASSKS, C-I.KAU ANI silKT Tf THK KVK. KTKKXIIIIKH lSU TO WEAK KVKS, F.T Mlo III lliilil, "l"vl. KiiIiIkt anil Ct'llulold Knum'i.. HELP TO" SAVE lt ImyliiK tin- KtvHtciri nurvrnln cvrr ntfrrvH it a COLD IIUNTINU WATCH, ' -. o Fill (TV TO UNK HUNDItKU Ul-UK, Worth nearly double the price. SETS oFTewelry. n.ndiliie di il.-litnHtii11n At. qualit. A (too Mud dilliintut .tyle. uf RINdS, PINK, E.R-RIXn9. Ct'FF RUTTOKg, BTflW, IHll.l.AHK, HimtlKS, HKAt'KI.KTS, 8ILVKII KI1MINH, KOUKS. AC Cl.UCIk, J-LATIilJl'ASTOlia, U K 1'lTCHi KIU. it. IMILEuT.'.v.ViiiN jTS be tir.M fryui onw lu . & uvu inllw Kmtl . . hn.n.iitnUri. - M -.3 At Mia loWt nIM mom, Onlm proniptly aUAUdcd tu. J. W. YOUNC, (aUCOIMHOB TO 1. T. r. k BRO.) I i . I Pevenl)urf,V. mt21y 'i i . i . , . . . flly Ilitul.t lUCTIIKKIVKK. ov Ov.-r llii rhvr lliov licrk'Hi li me, l.in nl nnf w(m'v rniMi'il lo tin' fiirtlitrMde'; Tin' irliMin i'1'tlii'ir mniwy i-mIm'm I sit, Hut Uii'lr vnii'in nn- Uiht in (If dflHhine tide. IVu h-'b mh. i, w itli riiiKlfiH nf snunv mm, Ami eyi- tin- PelU-i U f hi-iivin n nwti blliw; ' inr.i'il in the trt iliKlilKTy Bml i'll. Ami the in)f ml-l lili 1 1 fi 1 1 fmin iimrliil vii-w. - ii w nut tin- (Iii'Ih mTiii met him tln-re; Till' iiti'Nfll'lll t-i l v wccniilrt ma set1: l Ivit the ri vit, nvrr liie river, .My iTnllii'r ttjuiilt niliiiK t tvclenliii' ln. liver ill.- rivei thi' i ' itTh-il i 1 1 1 r lli'i liliit l; 1 1 i i f i i irlinu' Miiiui ! Ii" i-n-i'tl iii lie li'i;tlMUin iul' tin- Ii.ii.t'lill ;at: veil III llii' lii'lllle Willi' -1 nsv heryel. ' Ikin IliT i)iliilei llilliilx, lll n il the I'liiiiilniii -ImiL; Ami 1. mI.-m i ! In. Ihrr -M,,!-, f hi rnuiifly ilnrL, i' I II I Ij I olile, iiinl mteln m ; Wln-iv nil il i u riiii'iiii1 ilvi i Hi.' ilv. i, Hie nn-l My i-liililliiiMl lilol l uniting f'.ir mil. I'"n I until- n-iurn In mi (hnw itilel vlinre", lit. i .;-, u uli tin' I immi i'nll iiinl tiue. We In-ill lii lii nl' 111.- f'tlil.-ii im. Aim! .-Mlrll , i:l. itlJI i. lhelli V Hiiil, Aiel h! lli.'V Inivi' i:iii'il rr-'iri nr yi-in'iilii lu-url, I In y r -1 Uh- .n- nn iiml hpi- umie Im aye, i- iniiv iml vim. lei llie ainirl ',i .t 'lm.-, immi "iir t Irlmi lln- unbuilt tin i;i) W. ..lily kn w Hun their :nk l .rij , Mny WriiM ilh o'er llt'i'V nljDMiiy'ttetii S'el soltieivliet'i', I klinW, mi Hie lllli'ell .lnH'e, 1 hey Miileli, nil'l l-n k-H). iiinl umi lui inc. Ami it mill lliiuk. U'li'iillii iiiiM't'tK"til li llH-lutii; ni'er. tui.l IiiM uml h"iv, I sluill uin' duv Mlmel liy I lie Uler eo., A ml 1 1 -l. I'm- l In- mi hi ml of t lie hwtinmm' niir; I sluill itiili-h l'. i' n uleiini itl' (he flniiiin rtiil, I nliull heurilic IhihI rut it ttuiUh lli -Irrtinl. I kIhiII pn- Imiii Mi''lit nilli I In- iHititinmi nle, I n tiio heftt-r allure n' tin- smril laiiil, I hull kituu the li'Ve'l ulm liiueuuix- he rule. A i,il ji.vlullv yeel tin- nieelinu l. Wh- ii iivi'i- the in. 'i, liie i.i-.iei-l'ul river, 'VI ie iitiui'l ..I' i. nlli "lui 11 r.ii n nn'. BURNT ROCK llt'aiitil'ul I'iiiiiu uiiri iiuinl. very pniinl. SllC liill Hill ll.lM' tlliW! ri'Ilf liU-k Vti. iiivliril lihit-k lii'ntv.s iiml :iiuiliiif iiuhc lor nutliinu ! Her numlli nul I'xaellv iii:ill; lui! il v.i- well slujin. iiiid u licit si if sjniki' or lai:uh'i luti rrnvs nl' ilazlini; white teeth heciiiin1 wsilile. She hrnuyht huek the jiliiitfi of her tree ahuiit hel' lirnwsliki' :i crown, ami ilitw ut watrh ni I In r iaiii prai'etully !ty, with lieail ert;rl. Hiiilinjrly ciilleil her "I'rineeKH." Itut l-auiLi ueve loekeij ni prvuil, ami never lunteil her liead uwfty w hen Tanaw khv etl. Slic would ' ttlwayM listen hi him, iimveovei wlicii bu tulketl uliuot (lie Imra tbo natiunttl ilnoee. I'utrlierimnv. if any one tried In tt'iwu Uer liy HM'itkiii ahutit the young mau. hyr theekH would erimMim. hut liur hlrnrj) iuid cutting words Would huoit teach the aii"l:ieiuii speaker lint tn earry I'leawiiitiieM turtlier. The ynuujr men woro ullvmry e-iiviuiia.t''ii. nu- eMpetiidy iilUr j fame l'' Jhiiowit. I hiit the pair were betrnthed. The war came. Tanawo was uhlip.'d to j uin the army, iuid take Iiih way to the h.iimlie. Paium cuneealed her tearH he I'ure (itlieiM, hut ihe wept in seeret, uml nit niie dared to Hk the caiiM1 of her Jiiel' Nuhndy ever kmw huv nIio managed to obtain news of the war hel'ure imylioily elm? in the village. An extv.inrdiiiaiy fuilittic.-M e.niie up'ili her mid she wan ithliu'eil to lean iipmi the uiile,stune at the cntraiiec uf the villaL'e in order to keep heix-lf fnmi falling when I'ulks heptn to talk about (he liN hattleH. I'auna coulil not sleep liny more, and she with often obliged hi leave her lump hitruin at nijilit in order to banish the awful famien that haunted her visinhf H Tanase. covered with Wounds, dejij or about to die. It va while thus alllieted that, on one par ticularly "Jihuiiy ni-lit, -lie had reuiaiued cittiii", mi the eilc of her bed, wtill drensod never BiisptHtod that Koiueboily was piMliiiLr ahull) the huiie, and staring at her window. She did not kmw linw Imuii tiful idieliHiked. with her lari-e eyet piz inir tixi-dly hefure lwr, atid her slendef hanili ihmpid upon, lu i kuc. SinhVnlv tieltiyalv liif)i iwiyfl).i WWi a ny ..I fiijilit the i "ill Kaii.nl til III!' I'll llllil llll'lir.l ll.T ilirirlii'll ill' ill.1 mllllll, with In i i. rtti id.1 ulwiirity. It that she t-nlilil ilistint.lli.-b Ta.-.' n tin- I'Vr- Wl'kili i-t'Uii-d tu hrr tin- tiirm tit Tjiiae; anil then idle heard u Vniee calling p'lilly: "1'atina. my dear 1'auiia! eonie out to tue. 1 I'lay thee; 'lis I. Tannse." In a in. nn tilt I'auna lilted the lateh, lui-htil I'l'ilh, iuid lill lieim ir elaxjied in the anus nl' Tana.-e. JSut lie 'il.heil liim away, saving: "What! in il tbon? lit it Hiuie tint) seeking to ninek me ?'l , ' Oust not thou M-e thy rinir. my I'auna? and here, abiiat iny net-It. in the little bleNted image thnu di'l.-tt give uie. I could not liear the Heiaralioii any longer ; 1 wanted to nee if thou hadi-t not forgotten nut, -rtut who gave tlu-e iermiKtioii to leave the unity ? 1 "No one iiiynell'." ".No one? and yet thou art hero? Then auroly the war in over?" ''Altw, no! the war still gut on, but I win away by atealth for love of then," '-b'or love of me." I'auna laughed a Li'.V ft!?!:'-! bofl 'l.wt tbon tiiliev thai it delight ma tu have a ihwrtur for my belrotlied ? (lot bepe 1 Mot (by kyea WTOt loujj u .the auxuial' Jt ' ,' .l "Patina ! is this the kind uf love thou hunt for me. ? Thou wouldnt even m-ml un to my death ?" "(io withersoever it may please thee, but thou omy-Ht feel well awured that 1 will ae.vr lie thy wife; for I otnild nut bill dtxpiac auch a husband a thou, and never will I ettpousc one whom I despise. Tliou Invent anotrter K "Nay, Tanase, I love no man but thee I have passed uiy nights in thinking uf thee; but I never fanoied oven ill ray dreams that I loved a trembling coward." Pauna hid her face iu her hands and wept. ' 't thought, I"" wouldst welcome my return with joy that thou wouliht bide me in thy bouse." "Oh! what shame!" cried the prl. "( 1) ! the hauie of having been betrothed to such a one its thnu ! Listen to whnt 1 tell thee: The Ihiee ( one of the CiHi;i thiaii inoiuitains) rhall burn Imt'nn: ever 1 become thy wife." ; , ' "And 1 swear to thee," cried Tauam "tluiil hall never M-e me ti;raiu until I he woumleit nr deiul." At the same time the two yuiiiuf people were looking into each other's faCit; their furious eyes Hashed ill the jdoiiiu. All siulilciily a red Hjjit hepiu to jii'isiil itself in the .nky above their beads; and looking up. they saw that one of the pcuks of the Hilct'g was all aflame. Vaster and vaster the gUmi became, while it hiih red tire ruse up from the ieak. and Mceiucil to Kpit stars to the sky. The betrothed both re mained petrified with astonishment. The windows of the neighboring houses begun to open, uml men shouted to one another. "The forest is on tire! the mountain n burning." I 'ogs burked; enckscrew. Then I'auna. eah hiug the young man liy the shoulders, pushed hi in violently away from her. exi hiimiug: l,(in!fly! hide yourself at Diiee. iink you want lue to alio of Miami'!" She retired to her bouse, fas tened the door, and blew out the lamp. Willi beating heart she Watehed Taiiuse depart, hiding himself as he went in the shadow of the houses. Then she. looked at the glow in the mountain, which wuh gradually fading out; and she did not an swer her friends who called to liertocome out and see the prodigy. :fc l;ro in that day I'auna wns seldom seen in the public street; her ruddy lips -oiiee so lavish of murry words, ho ipiiek to utter tine reparteen smiled no nmre. She worked in silence, mid often felt ho tired that she hud to sit down beside the foun tain and cool her forehead with water. Sometimes she would look dreamily at the reflection of her face in the clear surface' or would lift her eyes in u stall led gaze at the high summit of the Buceg. All at once a rumor hogun to circulate in the vil luge that Tamise had come buck such a one and such u one had seen him that night by the light of the burning moun tain hud even heard his voice talking with I'auioi. U'hcu s,c ns usked about it, I'auim Would answer : "You know when the mountain wuh burning, our house was dark and silent," hut she trembled us she spuke, and felt the cold sweat rturling out uiion her lace. I'uuiia's mother only shook her head, and said that "our stupid people arc always seeing miracle." Then came the news that a great and awful pattle had leen fought. Thin time I'auna was the lust to hear the news. She rushed to the house, took a shawl wrapped some tuamidign (u sort of pud ding made of corn meal) and replied to her mother, who anxiously impiired where she wuh going: '-I'll be back soon, mamma don't worry about me." Tlu- fii'lil uf battle stri'tebi'il away to ward the Imriztiii viift iniiler the vane cohirliiisiii'.vi of twilight. Tli ni'Uiids ol' dead lay nn the rmiud. Pyiii; bui-.se-. r-ii, vt 'tl and struggled; ittlu-r.-i, wotlndid. were liiniint; here and ill av at random, with their head', to the L'nunJ. Far nil. the nruiy was t-neiimieil about its bivouae lire, tint of hearint: uf the innaim whieh rose from thD field "of "battle. " One erect ligure that of a young woman alone appeared, walking over and among the rows of dead. She bad already been al( through the camp, asking for Tanase, l-'eailessly she approaehrd both friend and enemy, giving both to drink, uml contem plating the dead with pity. Night deep ened and the moon rose to illuminate the horrible plain. Still the girl walked here and there, kneeliir' down beside the wounded, supporting on her breast the liuad. of men about to die, aud ever watching for some glimpse uf herring aud her little image among the frightful heaps of mutilated corpses. She recoiled only once through disgust, on (icrceiviiigtioiuc would! robbing a tlead man, and on hear- g the sound of bones beiug broken iu order to wrench away the gold or jeweled rings. Hut only for a moment she with drew; then she returned to the desMitled corpse and contemplated it with terror. The camp slept, and still I'auna wan dered over the mtKinliht field of buttlu. From time to time alio would call aoflly : "Tanase I Tauaaol" More than once a moaning voice answered her ; hut she Trouli find hrs.-lf hiitwlv tli.snnoiiiiod on stooping over the prostrate form to find that the wounded mau who bugged fur a drink waa not Tan-. Day began to make the sky pale Mid the moon waa growing dim whan I'auna perocircd some thing glitter. On approaching she saw i soldier lyin aenadesa, almost naked; but the Angers of his hand on which a ring glimmered, had otutohod something fast ened to his nook an tightly that it was evident no one had been able to wrench those fingers apart. Pauna recognitcd her ring I "Tanase I" she screamed, and fell beside the vietiui, whose faos waa hardly rcougniiable for the dotted blood that lay upon it. Vat a moment, and her aansea returned she Washed the poor beloved face; and her teun flowed freely whon she taw (hat the two cyea and the now had been uuinli'd by one frightful wouud the blnod begun to flow again. ARsured that Ijerjovet atill lived, Paiina hastened to refresh hii lipn with water, aud bound up the wounds of his face with her apron. A long aigh ciapej from the iipn of the wounded man; and him ring hhnrtclf called by nutim, no noted his hand, and, groping tombed with bin lingers the face of I'auna. "Ah I my little I'uumi" ho gasped in a I most inaudible I on en 'del luc din here T ntn blind; of what further uhc cun I be in this busy world "Xay, nay 1" cried I'.iiiici; '"thou art my beloved betrothed, uml with ttod's aid thou shall Moon become my husband. Itut do not try to speak now, bicdi, sweetheart! hush!" .Many long weeks pitsded while 1'uuna remained waiting bc.-ide the couch of Tu nase sceiiif; to all bis wauls by night and day. One morning the men of the little village saw two travelers approaching on the ruailu blind man, wrapped in a sol dicr'n elouk, with u cru.i of honur on his breast, and a young girl, who. as she led 1 1 llm by the hand, joyfully said to the pusHcrs by; "This i:i my betrothed, u brave mull- iim yon can see by the decora tion on Ills breast." .'And by that on my face, too," added poor Tauase, with a sigh. Hut never was there such a rousing wedding iu those parts before. Folks came from far and near, and scolded beautiful I 'si una for hav ing taken a blind husband. But she, all bappincHH, only smiled, and answered M am courageous aud strong, and I can work for both of us." As for the mountain they mi w burning that night, the people ever after called it 'The burnt Jtock," aud the hunters who climbed it in pursuit of the chamois swore that they had found the rock chauged into coal. MATRIMONIAL KXPKKIKXCK Hlx Montlis After Marrlngc. "Dearest Iucy, don't you want U grace the ball this evening with your lovely presence? Yon know we received a very polite invitation." "J list as you say, dear William. What ever pleases you pleases inc. I will do whatever you think for the best." "Well, Lucy, stippose wu go that is, if it will afford yuu any pleasure. Don't say you want to go just because 1 sugges ted it. You know I tun ulways happy if you are about." ".lust as you say, dearest. What dress shall I Wear? Shall 1 wear my white satin dress or my bottle grccu merino with head trimmings? You know which is the most becoming to me." " Dear Lucy, you are beautiful in any dress. Just consult your own taste, but l think your white satin dress is very be coining." ' That is just the ono I was going to wear. How happy we will be at the ball. You must promise me, William, darling, that you will nut leave me even for a luiuute. I am so sad uud lonely when you are not about." "What wouldn't I do to please you? I sometimes afraid that our happiness is too great to last." "Don't speak that way, William. It uiakos n cold shiver run over me. Now, 1 will go up-stairs and dress." Lucy disappears. "Tliero llo gi. What an nqgeljc irealuie .be is, lln wretched I .-linil'l be if anything hiipH!iiod to her. My heart tells me 1 will never cease to love her. What a happy man 1 am " SIX VKAIIS I.ATK11. "Why don't Jmi handover that sugar bowl ?" you never put euough sugar in my coffer." "You just shut your mouth, Hill Beas ley. I put euough sugar in the coffee to sweeten a barrel of vinegar. You, Johnny, if you put your fingers in that dish again, I'll make you wish you had never been born, you dirty lii tie brat. "You, Susan, quit that sniffling. Quit it I say." Mrs. Itjailey pounds Susan on the back. "1 don't think you ought to beat that child, but you always were a brute," said .Mr. lleasly. " llill lleasly, I want you to shut your mouth. You just un ml your business." "I'a, Johnny is tearing your ptier." "You little scoundrel. 1 II leach you to tear uiy paper. Take that." Mr. lleasly cuffs Johnny's car. "II, you bully "exclaim Mrs. lleasly, referring to her husband. Come here, Johnny, poor boy. Did he hurt you ? Hure is a lump of sugar fur you." "Lucy, you act like a blamed fisil. You are enough to run any man craiy. Y always insist on having your own way about things." "You eaa have your own way for awhile, for I am going to the skating rink." M rs. lleasly takes her leave. "lord be praised. Now, I'll have a quiet time," sighed the husband. "What a wretched thing it ia to be tied to that woman. If I wu to live with that woman a thousand years, I'd never care toe snap ol my nnger lor nor. What a fool I have been not to have hunted up divorce lawyer long ago." MTKIKIN'OIT RICH. "Have yon called on the lirowtm yet?" she usked as the new minister was about to take Ins leave after making a cull. 'Tmjuftt going," ho replied. It's the third house fnun th corner, I be lieve?" 'Yen third house. They urn very, very nice people, mid I know you'll like 'em." When the minister rang the hell there was some delay hiswcriug it. Meanwhile the Hereon doom permitted hint to hear from the interior. Jlrowu, who wemed to be up stairs, called over the lunM.-n : "Say, Helen, wherein thunder is that old Vest I spoke of?" ' Whoyoii talking to?" demanded a Voice from below. Tu you, of coiirnc ! Ifymi were any sort of wife you'd put thingH where they could be found." "Solomon Hrnwn, don't you cast any on tue. If I duti't know more about house keeping than all the Biounsou earth I'll commit suicide." "You do, eh? What did the pauper Smiths have to keep house on?" 'Solomon, ymi are a vile wretch !" 'Much obliged, but it's living with you that's done it !" At. this junction the minister was ush ered in, and Mrs. Hrown soon entered the parlor, extended both hands and gayly exclaimed : "Ah! I'm m glad! Solomon and I both wanted to see you so much ! Soh- nion Solly, dear, hurry up aud coine down our new preacher in here !" u i i .. .Ml'l rmioilinil iiiilJU mown, I'.umeu 11 grin on hU luce, and gre.'ted the good j man with : ''Well ! well ! but this ii good uf you ! Wiley and I were just wishing you'd cull. We wnnt to sec if an cfi'urt can't be made to increase the interest in the Thursday evening prayer mcetingn !" FLEETING THOUGHTS. If you waut people tu do right, set the example. If the world owns you a living, pull off your coat mill gi t it. It is easier to forgive another thau it is tu ask forgiveness. Auger is the gust of wind that blows out the light of holiness. Reverence for old ago is necessary to prove that any man is a gentleman. People shiiulil be pious, but piety does not uieaii exclusion from ull pleasure. If you want others to rospeot you treat everybody with politeness aud deference. The man who loves not his church has not religion enough to save more than seventeen souls, The church member who uses the church fur world gain has a through tick et nn the fast mail for shcol. It is evrryboih's duty to dross decent, but it is not not right to dress beyond your means it is not honest. That is right young man, be as dirty and obscene as possible if you want to make people think of you as a hug. The child who respects not the parents who laised him, is too mean and degra ded lot honest pinple to nsso'-iate with him. If you cheat your neighbor every day in lit w ', d m't thin'; It ir I o, lii.n for not having any faith in your long winded prayers. A religion that means only outward show, is worse than no teligion at all. Il (s debasing ho cause of the Lord to the inure otfeotuallv serve th.- tl.-.il iu. If you find fault with other people about the way they do their work, do your own better than they do theirs. If you don't the thing fur you to do is to keep your mouth shut. A tSII.VIM VOU I There is uo s,wer of hive so hard to get nnil keep as a kind voice. A kind hand is deaf and dumb. It may be rough in flesh aud Usui, yet do the work of a soft heart, and do it with a soft touch. But there is no one thing that love so much needs as a swe.tt voice to tell what it tu 'tins and feels; ami it is hard to get ami keep in the right tone. One must start in youth, aud boon the Watch night anil day, at work and play, tti get and keep a voire that shall speak at all times the thoughts of a kind heart. Itut this is the time when a sharp voice ia it tu be got. You often hear boys say words at pltty with a sharp, quick tono as if it were the snap of a whip. When one of them gets veitsl, yon will hear a V.iiwC that SJtlTirJ? 3". if 'I w. mad im ,f a snarl, and a bark. It is often in youth that one gets a Voice aud a tone that is sharp, and it sticks to him through life, and stirs up ill-will and grief, and falls like a drop of gall on the sweet joys of home. Watch it day by day as a pearl of great price, for it will be worth more to you in the days to come than the best pearl hid iu the sea. A kind voioe is to the heart what light is to the eye. It is a light that siuga aa well as bines. Train it to sweet tones now, and it will keep in tone through lite. fcftiu BurrM. The monument erected to the memory of Major Andre by Cyrus W. Field, was blown to pieces by a dynamite cartridge last week. The shock broke windows a mile away. The iron fence around it was also destroyed. An attempt to destroy it was mado six years ago, but tailed. ADVKUT1SKM KNTS. IROK'r Tills 'iK'dlplii", Ci'tnt'lloni! linn Willi pur. vi'in uil li' inn!..,. ,i..l' Uy at"l ciiii'li O'ly 1 tir.'R IIVMtriisln. I.mIIuciI . . hLhi-m, IllllOII't MliHMl.ailllul ill,. loliKUK.I .'t'.'r, uml V'urnlalii Ii ii. an in.lMlliiy o'li.cdy fur HM-ttM! tit tlie Klilni-ls tool l.lver. M , It I illVlll'lll'lltl WIP llWllM'S IHI'llIUf lo Wmti.-ii, iiii'l all "Im Ii inl M il, mint livi'.. ll.lii.- ii'il iiijiirt. Hit' tt t'tli.i iili-r luniliiclii'.nr lil'Kllin ,,.ii,llitltlili "Uf mnl-fiHti lift. lU'liili lii" inn! I'lirillt'S lli..lIMl.Kloullluli'. tlii.ii,,.-in. nl, I. tlie it.iiinllHlii.il t fis,,l, ic lii'Vit, ii' iull urn ami Ht irlOiis. ami -tn-iiKlb-.iis tlie iiiiim -ii" uml iit'i t i For I iil.-riii.tt.-itl l-evt'i. iJWitufU', lJ'l"-, EniTiry. At1., il has no t;u.tial. Tlie is inniii. lilts aluire tliidt' mark and cri'M-i'il o-'i lilit'inii ttrapl'iT. Tiilo- hnntlaic B.4. .ill. til liiiiiwif i ii!:iii il- ti-. luiTtanai, BSi iM.lSlyr buggies: open ami Top Huggics, Klypticnnd Hrew-sti-r side J'-ar Springs, fi.xiu, v iTUOLsn:i;i:i) MANl FAC I l. lllill BY TI1K COLUMBUS BUGGY CO. All Work warranted Twelve Months from dav of PUKCHASE. No cheap work kept on hand Prices as luw as good work dan bo (old for. K. A. CUTIIUELL, W.'.lnn M O PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. H. klTIHIK, . W.A.DINN. . MUTNTY ATTOSSKV, lTi:HIM BUKN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HttJTLANl) KRCK, N. C. mar i:ttr r. II. Bl SUKK, BAI.KIIIH, S. t g f S U K K Ii 1 R. H. SMITH Jr. SCOTLAND NRCB, N. C. Mr K II Hnslss and Mr R It. Stnlllt, Jr., Clot. M'1'in.nl l.iu.ltuv.. Iriu,.il it lointisl iMrttivntloi' l.ir Hie t.K-liri- uf Inn in lltiiilitx fuiinly. Mr. Iinslit. will iiltt'iitl the .-. hi i-LH nl llali tax, riunlariv. uml tt ill iiImi vlail Hie t'ultlity tt lieiii-vta lii.kci viei'. ittv rt'iinmsj. ot'iiu ly Hum .!( S. II I I. I.. Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. r. Pnti-lti'i's in II ilil'ix mi l mlj.iiliinj;i.siuittir41 aud F. O11.1I uml Mi,rt-i,it- i-i,lirls. iu at ir. Vt. M A . O S . Atlurney at l.siv, n.Mtvsmmi, x.c. ( I'nii tltin in tin' tsinrSi i-f Xnrlliiilniaos and ad -iiiiiil! I'tHlunm, also in tlir Ftslt'jal anil Siiirami' airts. . Jtiuu a 11. w A I. i K It K. u A S 1 t L, Attorney at Law, WRI.MiN, K.C l-nti tli'm 111 Hitlirax n.d adi'ilnhiR counties. Sii't iai atk'iiU.in sivvii tni'iilliH-tli'iis In aU parti .it tlir siau- anil i-,,iiiii njitiriw inniii'. It'll 17 ly. - . w r w. 11 a 1. 1., Attorney tt I,aw, WKl.tXIN.N.C. SiKTlal iitlL-utioii Klvunto ctillet-tiutii ftiul remit- IHI It'. I if. 'Ill u in in it, 111117 1 11. M I'l. I. KN St MOOBK, Attorneys at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. PmrtiiH- tu ttt cMintlnof Maltfltx. Nnrtlismnloii. KdinssintlH'. I'll, anil MhtIIii In lit, HtitirvtiH' tsittrl I if suit' ami 111 tin- rtsti-ral t'.airta.irilie KaMt-m Dialriel. talet'limui ntadv lit any -airl uf Ibu 8UU4. jaul ly "jyt, J. K. 8U1KLD8, MMrgeuN lHtiisj HarlttK permanviitly looatwl In WcMtm, an be flmnilathUum-iviii ftanUa'a Brick Building at all tlmtw I'Xfi-irt whon almcnt tut tmifrwlonal bimlm'aa. laWfiil attajntltiii irtr-wi wall lirauvlink of Uto (.hnIihi. Partita viaiWtl at tliclr huuw wht-n da alrad. July 12 ly. JJft. B.L.HUMTKH, 8urjroi OeHtlita Can be ftmud at hit offlce In Enflelit Pure Nltmua Oxide u for tbt PalulMi Extra 0 m lii I Iff 111 D l J U - THE i U BEST TONIil. ? ting or TMtit aiwaya ou una, junt a tf , . , ; ADVERtlHEMENTS." rTHE-ipuC PEMCTRATIIT. GREAT I No crmlf petr '!"im, tulptmr.Bultii'.'ierwrox- , i)UiKlveH. but h ft rum tx.iMHl vtliit-li. It H't In he t i-IDp at lid Ml Atm In, will tiuiu It, ROOTS AND ALL, ' Cft E EN OR DhV. Penfi fl.) lor s(iiii.i IV iii'imioi' to burn 1J luruiw IHi'mall tunip-, Hiit!il"i'tiii y-.iHMiitfi'tt vt money rhewrf'iUy tv (miilfd. HpikI furi.lufts UtHl clrruUr, Ac. : -ilAddrt'hM V P. ft. Fro A Co Vi'imVi-Y).' . . .. 'A tstek lnv ft. JJN VK? VrjV New Carll.l., Ohio. . "SALOONr HAlKUAllTKliS IL A L I A X -:o; F(JK-to:- THE BEST Liquors, ' nw- il,' And everything uf the kind that wanted. of every description made by expert hands of the ...... HE ST MA TE RIALS: fceV-Cigars of every brand. The best Five cent Cigar iu the COUNTKV. Ginger Ale, Samiparilla, Lemon Pop, Snuff and Tobacco all of the best wakes aud to suit ull tastes. 11. J. DAY & CO., Halifax, N, C. ' July 2 tf - . vi - A 1)111' I,' Send six cent lor jaMair. ' xV X I lj JTJ. and rw-eivy frts-, a tsutly bt.xtif iriKMis wlilfti will help you fn nmr. rataitty (luattity titan anytnitts t-lse ill una tvnrlrl. A II I'iUicrwx .ttcewd frtiiu flrat hour. The broad ' niati ki furtuuu utM'iia bt'l'tmi Hie wiirloini. alj- Holtttcly Mire. At once address, Tuck A Co., Austia- u, ualne, f.l-6-ly .MUST CLASH AtlKNT . WANTKD IN THIS COUNTY. To represent opr beautifully illustrated faniilv uiagntine. Special terms nnd per manent engagement given to the right party.. Any smart man or woman who is willing to work and has the ability to push the magazine can secure a splendid pusi- ' tion. Write us at once giving ngc partic ulars of past work nnd territory desired. Address, toTTAUK llEAHTU, Vti., Ikwtou, .Mass. oct-8-lt. Th lnoajt jropnUr WklT lpf tOMnnosj, msjcbantoa.siDciDsytiriDf oistcoTaritM, ia- , Tntlonitid p4lnis'rpubliabard. BTrraam 1 br Uluitritfd wttb pltodid un-avliio. "Tbi pabllotUion frntkha uwt vmltMbl MCHflMdt o( lofurmKtinii wbiob no pnan bold bn withost. Tb popultrit of tbtscixMnrio Amkricaii la neb tbat iu cireulaUiaa Msrlr aqtuU thtrt nl tvll oD9i Mptri i iu cimcomuinea. fric. tjuw Cat. DiKiiuntloUlub. Sold br U BtwMlr. 1'NN 1 CO.. PublUhora. No. asiBroAdiraur. N. T. Htjw IvryTIk Mm AOo. haw IrvAAiLnio, Sltw bAd Thirty :iht yiiars ptK'.-tictt bafortl kri inns, tl Mil Fita. Oii km than On Hun0rflt thou- itl davs paDArtatt II I afaiisu sumluuLiattki fur DIltBIltt I 1 J jCnited bUl-i And lorilin eoTriM. AnunBistatA. Atd U olh-tr pprw for. nrnwutai Trt1s'Ut.rkB. CoBV-riabUL iMOxUiiig U mt-cntort tbeir ntrhU in tb I UnllMi sMMA, IHiassaa, maisjpiia, riBMiirw, (.rmriti nd othfr fnrflrn f'-r.-utitrHi, pr. I 4nad kl ahtrrt totio od on r-aassocablo MrtitaV , ICIUrWAHOn u tu UUtaininj 1-airni. "lie-ar; fully Riven without cbArc. Hnd-b"ln ol Itifne-tnalinsi ataaaA frtaat. PattsXiU obtain ad lhrwb Hunn Co art aotieed ia tb bciafttill Amricm trtw. Th AdTt.ntAn of titirh noii i all unilsintnfMl hw mil MIBtMaA Who Willi tO dia- kUUMiAM. Jtt tifiW, MW VutW , mm J I XT luiirv Hiiiint'y thnu Ht auvtaiiiK i'lw by IT Xi takintcan tyvwr for the bcM uc-"t Uitik mit. Ht-giiintn suuevwl g undlv, Kona fml. ; 'IVrmirr. Hi..btt Hnrtt iv pftrrtatw Mailt '-1 .iXEl'l l)K'a NOTICE. Tho tnuli'Tiifpnil hnvtnir qiiRllflttl u Exwotot ot tin- lui w ill and Utitiuiii'iit of tmily Kli pln'iiSuii, (ItifNw'il, hei-fliy iititliitw nil LaunmnaliHvhigt'laima " HfriihiHl miit sK-.-aiUtiit Uit'xtiiliil thvmiujiiiaitiirw tn'fim' tin- Hit. iny oftvttibor, lNt. 1 Halilki.N.C, V,T. KlUF. ( ,M, Bui.t.nth, iKtv. Kxenitur. 01 faftfl111 P,'W',, l,T VlWaVrVW 11 b mnita pustufre, and toy nail yim will K'-l to iMukaite of kkIb jI'jiH) vahif , lltttt 111 ktHrt yxni in Ttirk that will at otn hnna X yuu hi money liu.wrtf.aii auyihtiiif tlno 1b AuscrT- 1 biix. Affnln waiiyryttiiera,al IU)r Mi, f alUtftw, fur nil tlif linte triijHirv tinii-only, tu work rtiriihalttiflriiwii himiva. Forttinei fur ml work-ertalBw-luit'ly nurtl. lAjft t livlay. 11. 11 a LU.lt A Oo,, ftkrUaiiil IUlu. - nrvsentu with iwrii . HMINlttTHATOk'8 LAkiUSALK. liy virtue ofan order of Halifax duneriot Court " nut ia iu MMMituti imjUawUiita) tttitiiwc la-m-am -iraniintva ny ate n miiiuiumsi-tmmm- 01 ntuitaaM k, UiBM-ley, dtH'Manl, I Hliall on Uth day of November Itwiv, anil at thu oimrt liouae dmir in the town of lUll ia. at puUlc amilloii.tli-a follow lux mil ft4ifc beltdifrliit; to tbe iUUi uftaltl. dovaut'tT, to-wit; 1 iWlrmttiif UiidKihtau-dln t'wuniy ,. whaarwMt aalfl Mowley ftwitird at Ut Uwe ui h rtttawie aikt kM wu aa Mia Utluer tnvt aid toft . Mill 1 1 IR HtMHll lUr llUlltllti ItAlWiH buut UUtJ ltutf drfdand flfty acrtj. itK-luiitug the dwUiux bou t aud tti.iniri';iiani.-t, iH-inu onvt-n il by the ouwrr of tbe alio,-eo4 will lvwildiiibJet thereto. I. At nU iiiw rent Iu Jcuiii Inlitnd in Knam-ke rlvoraml lyliiRtipiHWltt? Mid (Jrtmer tmrt mU tn- J tnHt iMinuina well lottvd, A-ery &iUi tii.id uearly U AiMl 1 unit two hundred and fifty arm. i : Wt-. it 1 Tertne: One third h. balanra In one and ttra . yfarv, lb fnm-liHwr tu (five UtiJt wltli gund hh-u-rlty lrtli dffrrred j) men-ta with ei)it ewr rj inm Intorput from day of tale. Thin nth day of 8etmbt'r Itsbo, K. W. Hhowh. awit-tt-t-d- Aduitmhtrator. JjKHiJTBVILLK SEMINARY Will avrr1 lialaaa efSa, 9, to and t land ia Vtrffluf to tbe firtt hu BoaMIvt 8nd- : tiate wbo.nn ooeameiiceat day, xtirtd hlghett on ila Koil of Honor. Kit partirulan atldrm. tBAtUklt, A. at .Wf afi , : - , f.i , ; Hwr) J'e,Vv Si 1 1 ! "1aj)P

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